Eisenhowers Farewell Address
Jan 17, 1961
On Jan 17, 1961 Eisenhower gave his farewell address where he warns of "a hostile idealogy, global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose and insidious in method". He continues by saying "a prolonged and complex struggle, with liberty the stake". I do not believe he is talking about communism because he points out 2 things he thinks are wrong with America:
  1. The Military Industrial Complex
  2. The consequences of too much government funded research
Toward the end he warns of a "community of dreadful fear and hate". The entire speech can be found on youtube.
Selected Quotes from this Speech
'We face a hostile ideology, global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose, and insidious in method. Unfortunately, the danger it poses promises to be of indefinite duration,....'
'...the burden of a prolonged and complex struggle, with liberty the stake.'
'..a recurring temptatiom to feel that some spectacular and costly action is the miraculous solution to all our current difficulties...'
'In the councils of government we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence whether sought or unsought from the military industrial complex, the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist....'
'In this revolution research has become central, it has also become more formalized costly and complex, a steadily increasing share is done for by or at the direction of the federal government...'
'We must also guard against the possibility that public policy itself could become the captive of a scientific technological elite....'
Neuro Nexus Tech
Daryl R Kipke
MK-Ultra The Controllers
by Martin Cannon
Physical Control Of The Mind
Jose Delgado
We are inventing, designing, building,
paying, fighting and dying towards our own demise.
Don't accept an implant,
if you do you're a slave
The RFID chip
is a cover story
It's a neural implant.
John F Kennedy
April 27, 1961
Waldorf Astoria New York, New York
Roughly 3 months after Eisenhowers Farewell Address and 10 days to 2 weeks after the Bay of Pigs incident Pres Kennedy gave a speech at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City. In it he implies we are at war "technically" but not "officially". This speech may have been one thing that led to his assasination. On August 21, 1959 then Pres Eisenhower issued Executive Order 10834 which allowed yellow fringe around flags in American courtrooms. The meaning of this is debated. I believe it allows for military law. The defendant is at the mercy of the judge. I believe this indicates Eisenhower knew we were at war "technically". This state of war has existed ever since. The vast majority of Americans don't know this. An even larger number, including me, don't know who we are at war with.
Two Quotes from this Speech
'...for we are opposed, around the world, by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covet means to increase it's sphere of influence...'
(about half way in)
..'so man can be what he was born to be, free and independent'
(the very end)
Ways to Defeat Synthetic Telepathy
Neural Implants and
The Microwave Hearing Effect
A personal area network jamming/masking device. A portable device about the size of a pocket radio that produces signals similar to that of a human but at a higher power output and with noise riding on the signals. The human brain produces signals about 30HZ while awake. They currently have sophisticated software that removes unwanted events like heartbeats and voice vibrations from EEG readings so any noise produced should be random unpredictable events that are difficult to filter out. This device could also jam incoming microwave frequencies to stop the microwave hearing effect while outside. Bluetooth technology allows communication between enabled devices over the microwave spectrum at about 100 to 200 ft. The whole technology is on a single chip. It can be programed to do anything you want.
EMI shielding material can be used to make Faraday cages. A faraday cage is an enclosure, like a room or entire building, encased in this material and is then connected to earth ground. The NSA building on the grounds of Ft Meade MD is fully encased in copper. Copper is too expensive for most people but there are lower cost alternatives. The earth is a naturally conducting body that is always at electrical neutral. Any attempt to develop a voltage on a conductor that is connected to it will simply discharge to earth ground. It is not necessary to redo the roof. You could put a layer of material on the attic floor then cover it with another layer of plywood. Quarter inch plywood would not add too much weight. It is also possible to paint the underside of the roof with a metallic paint or attach metal screen. Metallic paint could be applied to all walls.
The power level of a neural implant must be quite small given the size of the implant and the available voltage. Maybe a fraction of a watt. The brain produces very small voltages. Making a mask of EMI material that covers the entire head (eyes, nose, mouth etc) and even the upper part of the body would probably be enough to block all incoming and outgoing signals. The person could then be taken to a Faraday cage facility to have it removed.
A lot of electronic equipment is very expensive. Personal computers etc. It is always a good idea to have it plugged into a surge suppressor. Surge suppressors prevent large spikes from destroying the equipment. A lightning strike for example can destroy everything in a home. Ham radio equipment is also vunerable through the antenna. Ham radio manufacturers make surge suppressors that connect between the antenna and the reciever. It might be possible to blow out an implant by standing near where someone produces a large spike. This could disconnect a lot of people very quickly and make it hard for them to chase everyone around. Another possibility is to just surgically snip off the end instead of trying to remove the whole thing to disconnect a lot of people.
It is possible to use the wiring inside your house as an antenna for a radio thus picking up your signals and carrying them to the outside world. Broadband Over Powerlines is an example of using these wires to carry a lot of data. You should get off the grid completely. If wiring a new house all wires should go through a chase that connects all floors. This makes them accessible and more easily managed. Keep the amount of wiring to a minimum. Solar panels can separate the oxygen and hydrogen in water by electrolysis then recombine it in a fuel cell to produce electricity. Solar panels can also help to heat a house.
Having a stand alone noise generator in the house could also help. Along with Bluetooth technology SDR (Software Defined Radio) is becoming quite sophisticated. A company in California called Ettus Research has a radio that can cover from 0HZ to GHZ for about $600. It operates on a opensource program called the GNU Radio project. It might be possible to program it to produce all the noise you need. Older technology include spark transmitters and white noise generators.
There are two types of noise that get into electrical devices. Common mode and differential noise. A simple explanation is common mode comes from an outside source and differential comes from wire to wire. Crosstalk inside a data communication cable is differential. Noise that got on the cable from an outside source would be common mode. Ferrite cores can help eliminate noise by just clipping it onto the wire. Most houses have all thier power lines located at the panel. It could be possible to put a noise generator at the point and introduce noise into the lines.
Centrally locate all communication wiring in a panel inside the house. This makes it easier to manage. They make filters for telephone lines that will eliminate all frequencies above the audio level which is around 30KHZ. While it is still possible to send data at that speed it slows it down considerably. A shut off switch could be placed on the coax cable to shut it off if necessary. Make a list of all devices with antennas and decide if they are really needed. Make a Faraday cage for each one and put it inside when you don't need it.
Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...

Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, www.philipnute.com and it's companion website www.zsezse.com, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
Beginning of Actual Blog
April 30, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
India China and Tibet are 3 Asian countries each with thousands of years of history. Tibet is between China and India in the Himalaya mountans. It was ruled by a theocracy, a government based on religion, until the Chinese invaded in 1950. The Nazi's went to Tibet in 1937 looking for the roots of Aryanism and made a movie titled "Geheimnis Tibet". India comprises most of the land south of Tibet. It has a very strict caste, or class, system. There are 5 class's with the top class being Brahmin priests. It is impossible for someone to leave a class during their lifetime. The bottom class are sometimes referred to as "The Untouchables" or "Pariah". They are considered outcast's and do the most menial jobs. Mahatma Ghandi called them 'the children of God'.
April 28, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
'Go Ask Alice' is a book by James Jennings. It is a proven fraud. It came out in the early 1970's as a way to cover-up the situation in San Francisco and explain Jefferson Airplanes song 'White Rabbit'. It was also made into a TV movie.
Stairway to Heaven
Led Zeppelin
with an analysis
There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven.
When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for.
Ooh, ooh, and she's buying a stairway to heaven.
There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
In a tree by the brook, there's a songbird who sings,
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven.
Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it makes me wonder.
There's a feeling I get when I look to the west,
And my spirit is crying for leaving.
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees,
And the voices of those who stand looking.
Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it really makes me wonder.
And it's whispered that soon if we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason.
And a new day will dawn for those who stand long
And the forests will echo with laughter.
If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now,
It's just a spring clean for the May queen.
Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on.
And it makes me wonder.
Your head is humming and it won't go, in case you don't know,
The piper's calling you to join him,
Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind.
And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul.
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold.
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last.
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll.
And she's buying a stairway to heaven.
This is about trying to get someone to leave home. To become a rolling stone. One of the ploys used is Alice, of Wonderland. (Hester Prynne of Scarlet Letter etc) Alice is enticed by the thought of money. Sometimes when a target (yours truly) is really stubborn they gain a small amount of fame, so "all that glitters is gold". Alice is an adultery most of the time. Celebrities get whatever they want so "with a word she can get what she came for". Like Alice shes doesn't really want to go so she needs some encouragement. They either take her to a former Alice (or someone who lies) or spook her with Synthetic Telepathy. "In a tree by a brook there's a songbird who sings" Going west is a theme repeated all the time. Alice may put the thought in the head of the target or something. "There's a feeling I get when I look to the west" Indians and apes have something to do with it. Someone somewhere wants to bring down western civilization. Maybe all the former targets are Scientology, and maybe the 'Alice's'. Neural implants have to make one crazy. "In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees" (Indian smoke signals?) People who are being targeted are also pipers for the people who can't speak (Scientology). An Alice is a way of destroying the piper. ('Rooster' - Alice in Chains is a piper) The last verse is about what happens to a rolling stone. "Our shadows grow taller than our souls" They slowly but surely get you with drugs and brain damage keeps getting worse. Oysters? Oysters are a recurring theme. Toward the end of Alice in Wonderland a Walrus and Carpenter eat oysters. If you lose one Alice there is always another to pick up where she left off. "There walks a lady we all know" AND SHES BUYING A STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN Alice never lives because it is a crime from beginning to end.
April 23, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Where is King James I of England buried? I know here in Massachusetts there is a catholic cemetery associated with each church. You must be catholic to be buried in a catholic cemetery. Is King James in a catholic cemetery? Was everyone around him growing up catholic? For anyone who doesn’t understand the significance I will try to explain. King James I of England produced the King James Bible (KJV) telling everyone he was a protestant. The KJV is mandatory in every Protestant church even to this day. If King James were actually a Catholic it would prove the theory that the Pope divided the church on purpose to make money and hold power. That every war since the Hundred Years War was waged for that purpose. The rich and powerful fund and supply both sides. For protestants who may not know, the catholic church uses the Roman Vulgate version of the bible. Until the 1960's all catholic mass's were said in Latin. Latin was the language spoken during the Roman Empire. Almost every word in every European language can be traced back to a Latin word. Toward the end of the movie 'The da Vinci Code' the main characters are in Scotland digging something up in a church. The Monarchy of Roses. The Alabama Crimson Tide.
April 22, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
kill, kill kill, more for me and less for you
no rolling stone shall go un-rolled
no 'jew' shall go un-murdered
you fight till you destroy them
or they destroy you
billions for defense not a penny for tribute
"or would you take me for a ride...."
Taquamata - "Let's face it, you can't talk him outta anything..."
original sin - the ultimate power grab
all human love is learned and must be approved
"Be reasonable, so we don't have to.."
"We have ways of making you love..."
"Winston, how many fingers am I holding up?"
kill kill kill more for me and less for you
they want a war
but not right now
they don't like the way the sides are stacking up
they don't want to be one of them
the more you love the more we shove...(shaft)
God invented man because he was disappointed in the monkey
man invented god so he could treat others like monkeys
(G)GOD (Girls) Gold Oil Drugs
Known ex-jesuits who have written books critical of the society:
  • Charles Chiniquy - 50 Years in The Church of Rome
  • Dr Alberto Rivera - Escape From a Catholic Convent
Other books of interest:
  • The Diary of Anne Frank
  • The Secret History of the Jesuits - Edmond Paris
  • The Vatican Against Europe - Edmond Paris
  • Les Jesuites - Adolphe Michel
  • Pie XII et le IIIe Reich - Saul Friedlander
April 21, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
MK-Ultra The Controllers
by Martin Cannon
Advanced Neural Implants and Control
by Daryl R Kipke DARPA
Is your life becoming an endless stream of seemingly timed events? Are the people involved lying or avoiding the issue? Do they want you to accept an implant? DON'T ACCEPT AN IMPLANT!!! You are dealing with Scientology, a killing machine. Some people are being controlled and some are doing the controlling. You can't tell the players without a scorecard and there is no scorecard because most people don't know there's a game. If too many did, it wouldn't exist. It's purpose is to prolong the value of the dollar by limiting the number of people who can get a loan at a bank. Believe it!!!! It makes more for the rich and less for the poor. If you are an electronics or computer engineer, or you know one, see the 'SURVEILLANCE' page for suggestions.
Note. The microwave hearing effect and neural implants can look very similar. But it MIGHT be that the people being controlled have a neural implant and the people doing the controlling are only using the microwave hearing effect.
April 19, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Is your life becoming an endless stream of seemingly timed events? Are the people involved lying or avoiding the issue? Do they want you to accept an implant? DON'T ACCEPT AN IMPLANT!!! You are dealing with Scientology, a killing machine. Some people are being controlled and some are doing the controlling. You can't tell the players without a scorecard and there is no scorecard because most people don't know there's a game. If too many did, it wouldn't exist. It's purpose is to prolong the value of the dollar by limiting the number of people who can get a loan at a bank. Believe it!!!! It makes more for the rich and less for the poor. If you are an electronics or computer engineer, or you know one, see the 'SURVEILLANCE' page for suggestions.
Note. The microwave hearing effect and neural implants can look very similar. But it MIGHT be that the people being controlled have a neural implant and the people doing the controlling are only using the microwave hearing effect.
If everyone on earth got up some day and tried to shoot dead someone who works for the catholic church, the world would be safe for humanity by noon.
CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS War is it's own greatest deterrent. Invisible war (secret fascism) never ends.
When I was a kid it was always fun to receive a chain letter. I don't exactly remember what the purpose was, it might have varied. When you got one you were supposed to copy it and send it to ten or more of your friends or ten anonymous people. The letter could go on for months and reach thousands of people. Today it could be done with email. The file's below are what I have been sending for the past few months. My email doesn't last very long, they shut it off. So if you would like to be free like me send one of the files below to ten anonymous people. The idea is to drive people to my website. Or your website if you want. I declare everything on this website (including all inventions) as public domain. Anyone can reproduce it in it's entirety anywhere without my permission.
When I send email anonymously this is what I do. I go to a search engine, google.com, ask.com, yahoo.com, bing.com, and type in a word, any word, and then go down the list until my email stops. When I go to a page I look for the 'Contact' link. There is always someboby's email. Today, for example I went to google.com and typed the word 'program'. In the event some people don't know how to use the computer's 'clipboard' I will try to explain. The 'clipboard' is a space in the computer's working memory that can be used to store text or other data that you use over and over. When you click on one of the links below it should open in a seperate browser tab. With that tab active go to the 'EDIT' menu of the browser program and pick 'SELECT ALL'. Everything in that tab should be highlighted. Then go to the 'EDIT' menu and pick 'COPY'. That text is now on the clipboard and can be used over and over without typing it again and again. When you click on the link for someones email you insert the curser into the body of the email and go to the 'EDIT' menu for the email program and pick 'PASTE'. All the text is automatically inserted into the email. You can send the email without a subject.
April 18, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
To the UTUBETROLLPOLICE whom I suspect are the Invisible Chickenshit (Coward) Psychopath Slug Army
Note. The microwave hearing effect and neural implants can look very similar. But it MIGHT be that the people being controlled have a neural implant and the people doing the controlling are only using the microwave hearing effect.
Mommy's New Choppers
My stupidvision has been reporting that there was a bomb attack during the Boston Marathon on Monday. Remember now all stupidvisions are not alike. Three people died and hundreds were injured. Anyway, all day today it has been saying the FBI were focusing on two white men in their 20's who were wearing white baseball caps and they were going to have a press conference. Meanwhile back at the pizza parlor. Mommy has got some new dentures. She's been waiting for them for a couple months. She got them today and was anxious to try them out on a pizza so we went to Papa Ginos at Pooles Corner in South Weymouth. Everything was going OK, no denture incidents, when these 3 guys walked in. Two were in there 20's and had white baseball caps. The other had a black one. I think, or maybe none. During the test drive of Mommy's new teeth she casually mentioned, after the 2 showed up, that someone had told her they saw 2 Weymouth Piglice officers at the scene in Copley Square. I'm happy to report Mommy's dentures passed the test. Unfortunately I don't buy anything about the 2 dopes in caps. When I got home the stupidvision was all abuzz over the press conference and the details about the 2 white guys. There was a number to call if you had info I think it was 1-800-I DON'T GIVE A FUCK. Or the whole thing is a complete sham and I call the Weymouth Piglice and they say "what bombing?" and I get my ass slammed in the hospital and shot full of drugs cause I'm crazy. Or it's "Phil you're my hero.." "Newspaper taxi's appear on the shore....." Meanhile back in the states. Blue Thunder a movie starring Roy Schieder. This happens a lot. In fact it happened just as I sat down to type this. Whenever things get a little emotional, and I mean little or maybe it's the drugs I don't like, a helicopter goes overhead. HMMMMMM. I have been slowly coming up with pet names for the local Piglice. There is one small girl officer who always has her hair in a ponytail. I think I'm going to call her Princess Skid Mark. Of special note. 'He won the lottery, when he was born, took his mothers white breast to his tongue.....Police stopped my crime again .....(WMA Pearljam) Point being nobody gets away with anything in George Orwells "1984". The "thought police" are on the case long before it ever becomes one. If there actually was a bombing it WAS THE POLICE!!!
Is your life becoming an endless stream of seemingly timed events? Are the people involved lying or avoiding the issue? Do they want you to accept an implant? DON'T ACCEPT AN IMPLANT!!! You are dealing with Scientology, a killing machine. Some people are being controlled and some are doing the controlling. You can't tell the players without a scorecard and there is no scorecard because most people don't know there's a game. If too many did, it wouldn't exist. It's purpose is to prolong the value of the dollar by limiting the number of people who can get a loan at a bank. Believe it!!!! It makes more for the rich and less for the poor. If you are an electronics or computer engineer, or you know one, see the 'SURVEILLANCE' page for suggestions.
The Proletariat Disposal Service
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
A house of ill repute is a place where lady’s of the evening ply their trade. They turn on a red light to let people know they are open for business. Many cities have red light districts where vices are rampant. The Scarlet Letter is a book written by Nathanial Hawthorne. It is about Hester Prynne a woman who had an adulterous affair and is forced to wear a scarlet letter as her punishment. Scarlet O’Hara is the main character in the movie ‘Gone With The Wind’. (frankly my dear…..I don’t give a dam) The Alabama Crimson Tide. The New England area often gets red tide in the summer. ????? ‘Alice (in Wonderland) is an Adultery’ is a book by Aleister Crowley. Magdeline Laundry’s. Electric Ladyland is an album by Jimi Hendrix released in 1970. (the concept has gone high tech)
"Wait a minute, my key won't unlock the door....."
Red House
Jimi Hendrix
"Roxanne, you don't have to put on the red light....."
The Police
"To make a mess and fuck all the rest....."
So What
April 17, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
If everyone on earth got up some day and tried to shoot dead someone who works for the catholic church, the world would be safe for humanity by noon.
CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS War is it's own greatest deterrent. Invisible war (secret fascism) never ends.
When I was a kid it was always fun to receive a chain letter. I don't exactly remember what the purpose was, it might have varied. When you got one you were supposed to copy it and send it to ten or more of your friends or ten anonymous people. The letter could go on for months and reach thousands of people. Today it could be done with email. The file's below are what I have been sending for the past few months. My email doesn't last very long, they shut it off. So if you would like to be free like me send one of the files below to ten anonymous people. The idea is to drive people to my website. Or your website if you want. I declare everything on this website (including all inventions) as public domain. Anyone can reproduce it in it's entirety anywhere without my permission.
April 16, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Takes two to tango on the world stage, if someone doesn’t want to play it ruins the game. If someone manages to gain control of N America thumb your nose at ‘them’ (whoever they are) If they don’t go away here’s a relatively low risk plan. Grab some ships just outside of each major port (worldwide if possible). Sink them in the harbors and make them unusable. The country’s affected will have no choice but to reverse the global dependency of globalism. (necessity is the mother of invention) I am not a communist. I do not believe in collectivism. I believe future wars should be paid for with the property of the tyrants. It could also help re-distribute the wealth. Kill two birds with one stone.
Another way to shut down global trade would be to attack land based transportation and communications. Many freight railroads cross public roads, so the rails are accessible. Using a small amount of thermite on the rails might damage them enough to render them usless. Highway bridges could be brought down the same way. Communication wiring could be brought down with the electric grid. Harbors could be blocked by bringing down bridges that span them. (if any exist)
Richard Kuklinski - The Iceman - Sodium Cyanide
This is some ideas for fighting back or just causing trouble. Both involve knocking out the electric grid and trying to create a blackout. Everyone should have the largest room air conditioner possible. A window unit. Pick one of the hottest days of the year and blast it full tilt in a room it can't possibly cool making it work at it's absolute maximum. The idea is to overload the electric grid. If you don't want the electric bill, and who does, spend someone else's money. The pictures below are high power resistors. This idea is to make a dummy load and plug it in somewhere to just use power. These could be connected directly across the 120 AC. Mount it in an enclosure with a standard AC plug. Plug it in somewhere that you won't have to pay the bill. Suggestions on size. Most normal AC outlets are 10 amps 15 amps or 20 amps. Don't make it above 10 amps or it might just blow the breaker. Keeping it under 5 amps would probably be best. 25 ohms, 2000 watts or larger. At the very least you cost the owner of the outlet money.
The picture below is a substation. The rippled thing you see on top of the item in the center is an insulator. There are also some a little to the left. These are usually made of some type of glass or ceramic and can be broken by a high powered rifle. I don't know exactly what damage you would do. Some substations have a control box that has circuits in them. It too could be shot up with a rifle.
The Rolling Stone Treatment Do you have a ‘Romanist’ you want out of your life? Give them the ‘Rolling Stone’ treatment. Burn down their house, destroy their cars etc. Keep them busy with food clothing and shelter.
Here is a suggestion to help things along if it starts to get messy. Most power plants operate on some type of fuel that burns to make steam. Natural gas, trash, coal etc. The temperature has to monitored and regulated. Take over the plant at gunpoint and proceed to the control room and, at gunpoint, order the operators to turn the heat up and run the equipment so hard it destroys it. The equipment is extremely expensive and could take years to replace. I would not suggest doing this in urban areas because it would cut off too many people too quickly. You could move people from the rural areas to urban by saving the power plants.
If real chaos breaks out, DON’T BURN LIBRAYS. Information is the enemy of the elite. If you come across a library, copy as many books as possible, digitize them and pass them on any way possible. If a million people know something in 24 hrs it overloads the system and defeats the system. Break into Freemason Halls, take all the documentation possible and do the same. Any paperwork anywhere. The truth is the enemy of these people. The Nazis burned books. Do the opposite. (Fahrenheit 451)
Problem - Reaction - Solution
well then
Don't react
Globalization is making us interdependant as nations.
April 15, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Explosions during The Boston Marathon. People hurt. That's what my stupidvision is reporting. If this is true, here is my reason. They want a way to explain a police perimeter around the city of Boston.
Yesterday I proposed the idea that the powers that be are replacing traditional Christianity with Scientology. Some people (Zeitgeist) believe they time these things to the solar calendar. I think they do it whenever the need arises. The Renaissance was the last time and now because of the advance of science and the growing population they're doing it again.
If any city should descend into chaos here are some suggestions to handle it. Don't try to stop it. Surround the city and cut off all access to and from it and let it burn out. 'They' use chaos to hold power. After it dies out don't try to occupy the city. It ties up resources and most popular revolutionaries don't know how to run a large city. Destroy all bridges and completely cut the city off. Use things like rivers and the such as obstacles for people to leave. Supply the city only with the basics. The idea here is to clear out the countryside of conspirators and run the country from there. The country will also be easier to get rid of all this surveillance.
April 14, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
A reason why The United States of America is the 'Utopia' described by Sir Thomas More. It stopped the peasants from revolting because they thought they had won. Some questions that might help prove it: If the founding fathers understood the dangers of the 'money as debt, debt as money' system, why did they use it to fund the revolution? Why did they sign a peace treaty with Britain a year and a half later if the British had already left? Why did they form the federal government when it went against most of the reasons the war was fought? (see 'Common Sense' by Thomas Paine) Why did they wait 8 years? Why were the Jesuits suppressed in the Catholic Church just months before The Boston Tea Party?
"You know I saw Miss Lucy....
Down along the tracks....
She lost her home and family....
And she won't be coming back...."
Without Love....."

Long Train Runnin
The Doobie Brothers
Without Love...
if you don't love the poopy..
you'll end up like Miss Lucy...)
We have ways of making you love.....
HA HA HA thats a joke son....
I sometimes think The Doobie Brothers were forced to change their tune at gunpoint (Jesus is Just Alright ??????)
When I was a kid it was always fun to receive a chain letter. I don't exactly remember what the purpose was, it might have varied. When you got one you were supposed to copy it and send it to ten or more of your friends or ten anonymous people. The letter could go on for months and reach thousands of people. Today it could be done with email. The file's below are what I have been sending for the past few months. My email doesn't last very long, they shut it off. So if you would like to be free like me send one of the files below to ten anonymous people. The idea is to drive people to my website. Or your website if you want. I declare everything on this website (including all inventions) as public domain. Anyone can reproduce it in it's entirety anywhere without my permission.
If it's safe to assume the powers that be are replacing traditional Christianity with Scientology have they done this in the past? (Phaorah Akhenaten 1350-1336BC) Did they do this around 1250-1300AD? Was this the real reason for the hundred years war? Can evidence of this be found in The Zeitgeist Sourcebook?
April 13, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
"In case of Keith Moon, break glass"
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
"Have you ever been to Electric Ladyland....."
Electric Ladyland
Jimi Hendrix
(ease up Jimah)
"I'm not the only one...
staring at the sun..
happy to go blind.."

Staring at the Sun
David Copperfield. COPPER FIELD A copper wire in an electric field. ("what would you do with a brain if you had one?") A not so friendly reminder for everyone else to show up on Sunday and work hard all week---to build a prison for the power psychos. The Great Beast 666 Aleister Crowley David Copperfield is a novel written by Charles Dickens and first published in 1850. Thats right 1850. It's kinda about a black dog who goes from situation to situation (rolling stone) and ruins everybody's life that's around him. Toward the end of the book he discovers the source of his problem was someone named Uriah Heep (also a Rock band of the 1970's "The Wizard" "Easy Livin") In the movie Catch-22 there is a scene Major Major. It has Bob Newhart and someone else. The other guy turns around at one point and has a band-aid on his neck (implant??) Bob Newhart says "Did you know that in medievel times Kings and Queens would masquerade as peasants and mingle among them to spy?" The other guy says "no". The entire book "The Prince and the Pauper" by Mark Twain is about that subject. Point being someone, or someone's, knew well before the harnessing of electricity it had potential for spying. Aleister Crowley and the Occultists probably knew and may have been the true reason for the 2 world wars.
"It's not the size of the dog in the fight,
it's the size of the psycho in the dog"
(you think maybe I should carry a knife or gun??)
That would be like an open invitation
cause what don't you know
You could blame it on me.
Once a snake in the grass always a snake in the grass
You had a chance today
(Stella Tella)
You put the kids down front and the adults in the field
You put the 'cow' in coward
When you find your balls call me!!!
There were a couple under the bleachers
See I found them
Why do I have to do everything?
Cardinal O'Malley has been appointed to a special board (or bored) to make recommendations to Pope Francis for improving the church (holding on to power)
(that's what my stupidvision said)
How psycho can you go???
If you put Satan and a Vampire in a room full of mirrors, would anyone make it out?
Once a snake .....blah blah blah
When Oliver Cromwell toppled the English throne he declared himself Lord Protector of the Commonwealth. Was the Joan of Arc Gilles de Rais affair a revolution? Did Gilles de Rais declare himself Marshall of France? For anyone who thinks being Catholic keeps you safe here is a question: Are the 'Mothers of the Dissappeared' in Argentina Catholic?
April 12, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Was the Joan of Arc Gilles de Rais thing a revolution? Did they succeed in toppling the king of France and destroying the church? Did they create the position Marshall of France as a replacement? Was this part of the reason for the Hundred Years War? Was this history the reasons for WWI and WWII? Were the occultists responsible? The assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand is a pretty cheap reason for a war.
Claudius Ptolemy
Secret fascism is the end of the line for the mercury boogering, brain damage, Romanist power holding system.
Thomas Paine pointed out that the longer a family, or families, hold power the crazier they become.
Psycho is as psycho does, and does, and does, and does century after century millenia after millenia.
Michael Vick was convicted of dawg fighting,
(throw the black guy under the bus and take his money)
Dawg, dawg, dawg dawg died - Sen Robert Byrd on the floor of the senate.
Too Many Ways To Die - The Fools
April 11, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Was Smedley Butler approached about over throwing the Federal government to get rid of Franklin Delano Roosevelt? This would imply Roosevelt was a good guy. A man of the people and an enemy of the rich. So why did Roosevelt stockpile our gold at Ft Knox? Here is my guess. It kept the gold within our borders. If he had not done that it would have wound up in a foriegn bank. Rothchild maybe? And we would really be broke. The Marshall Plan (Gilles de Rais was the Marshall of France for a short time) Is this Freemason stuff? A historical clue?
April 10, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
'Have you ever been to Electriclady Land...."
Electriclady Land
Jimi Hendrix
(plugged in (implant) and run with a joystick)
'Winchester Cathedral you're bringing me down...."
Winchester Cathedral
New Vaudeville Band
(Winchester is a very English place)
(London Bridge is Falling Down.....)
'Death to the girl at the end of the serenade...."
Green Day
Lady L - a novel by Romain Gary and a movie starring Paul Newman
'Father McKenzie wiping his shoes...."
as he walks from the grave
no one was saved.....

Elinor Rigby
The Beatles
'Her name was Mcgill...."
and she called herself (L)il...
but every one knew her as Nancy....

Rocky Raccoon
The Beatles
(L)eapin (L)eah where'd you go? (Oscar Pistorius (pissed off at us) killed his girlfriend) for more information contact the girls at the Weymouth Starbucks they won't tell you a thing they're listening to the voices in their heads
The Wizard
'Meet the new boss...
same as the old boss....'

Won't Get Fooled Again
The Who
'I'll be with you again....'
New Years Day
(the best bass line in Rock N Roll and the best guitar work)
'Say that you'll never never need it....
one headline why believe it...

Everybody Wants To Rule The World
Tears For Fears
Society for the Propagation of Religious Truth
Why did Edward VIII abdicate? Was it really over Wallace Simpson? Did he know the truth about Adolph Shickelgruber? Did he object to WWII? Would that be in the Dollfuss file? Did the Occultists drive this controversy?
April 8, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
You know, neural implants and the microwave hearing effect can look and seem like the same thing. But one is probably more controlling (implants) and fatal, than the other. ('Some of those who work forces are the ones who burn cross's...')(Rage Against The Machine) If the Klueless Klucks Klan joined forces with this crew it didn't do itself any favors with respect to it's image.('Some of those who work forces are the ones who burn cross's...')(Rage Against The Machine) I would be shocked stunned and amazed and probably have that massive coronary everyone's praying for if someone came up to me and said "I'm a member in good standing of The Invisible Chickenshit (Coward) Psychopath Slug Army and I'm proud of it. ('Some of those who work forces are the ones who burn cross's...')(Rage Against The Machine)
References to wizards in English literature
1. Merlin - A Connecticutt Yankee in King Arthurs Court by Mark Twain
2. The Wizard of Oz - L Frank Baum
There wouldn't be anything in the 'Harry Potter' books that would be revealing about Western Civilization would there? That wouldn't be good. Millions and millions of kids read those books. You could get an entire generation on the right page.
L Frank Baum
Oz works
Main: List of Oz books
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900)
The Marvelous Land of Oz (1904)
Queer Visitors from the Marvelous Land of Oz (1905, comic strip depicting 27 stories)
The Woggle-Bug Book (1905)
Ozma of Oz (1907)
Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz (1908)
The Road to Oz (1909)
The Emerald City of Oz (1910)
The Patchwork Girl of Oz (1913)
Little Wizard Stories of Oz (1913, collection of 6 short stories)
Tik-Tok of Oz (1914)
The Scarecrow of Oz (1915)
Rinkitink in Oz (1916)
The Lost Princess of Oz (1917)
The Tin Woodman of Oz (1918)
The Magic of Oz (1919, posthumously published)
Glinda of Oz (1920, posthumously published)
The Royal Book of Oz (1921, posthumous attribution—entirely the work of Ruth Plumly Thompson)
The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism
Naomi Klein
I have been watching a documentary titled 'China: A Century of Revolution' on youtube.com. Chang Hai Shek and Mao Tsa Tung waged war on each other for almost 50 years and wiped out 5000 years of Chinese culture. My guess is they were both World Stage actors and it was complete BS. Though millions died. It was designed to Westernize China and destroy their culture like Ewen Cameron at the Allen Memorial Institute who shocked people out of their memories for the CIA's MK Ultra program. This is how crazy these people are. So if that's BS and we can assume WWII was BS on account of The Dollfuss File revealing Adolph' s real last name was Shickelgruber and the French Revolution was BS how can we prove the American Revolution is a lie. Why did we sign a peace treaty with the British almost 2 years after they left? Who cares? Hit the road. Don't call us we'll call you. Why did we form a federal government 8 years after the war? They completely forgot the messege taught by Thomas Paine.
April 7, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
The Deer Hunter
The Running Man
movies about the same thing
'The bullit screamed to me from somewhere.....'
Alice in Chains
'And you've not been hit oh by flying lead....'
Child in Time
Deep Purple
Quasimodo (for those who think life's a bowl of cherries)
Quasimodo was the main character in the novel 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame'. He was a retard who was allowed to live in the bell tower at The Cathedral of Notre Dame. He fell in love with the beautiful gypsy girl Esmerelda. He was made 'King for a Day' at the Festival of Fools where is was beaten and tortured to death.
'Go down in your own way.....'
Pink Floyd
King for a Day
Green Day
For the Lover at Heart We Have...
'Back of the roadhouse we got some bungalows...'
Roadhouse Blues
The Doors
The Marshall Plan
'Johnny wakes up dreamin'......'
The Marshall Plan
Blue Oyster Cult
'Don't you know you are a shooting star...'
Shooting Star
Bad Company
Welcome to the Roman Empire, abandon all hope ye who enter...
Too Many Ways to Die
The Fools
April 6, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
A slave whipping boy
"What would you do with a brain if you had one"
The Scottish Enlightenment
The Great Beast 666 - Aleister Crowley
A not so friendly reminder for everyone else to show up on Sunday and work hard all week
An Irish Mic (maggot infested cunt)
My mouth is my rampage, if you don't like it you should have FO'd Off or finished it off a long time ago. I've givin you plenty of opportunity, but once a coward always a coward. It has to look like it was an accident.
April 5, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Joan (John???) of Arc was the Maid of Orleans. She helped drive the British from France in the very early 1400's. She was burned at the stake at the age of 19. She was considered by many a whore and a slut until the 20th century when the Catholic Church made her a saint. This is evidenced by Shakespears writing. Why was she made a saint? Was this controversy driven by Aleister Crowley and The Occultists? Was this the churchs response? Gilles de Rais fought along side Joan of Arc and was briefly made the Marshall of France. He is considered the first Bluebeard. Is a 'Bluebeard' a 'jew'? Someone who has been poisoned with mercury? Was Gilles a 'Puss N Boots' character? (just another innovative way to dispose of a 'jew')(...'don't you know you are a shooting star......')(The Marshall Plan - Blue Oyster Cult) (Marshall used to be a widely used brand of amplifier for Rock N Roll) Thomas More lived about a hundred years after Joan and Gilles. He wasn't made a saint until 1935. He was executed in the Henry VIII affair. Is this the same situation as Joan Of Arc? Did The Occultists drive this controversy? Thomas More wrote a book titled 'Utopia'. He coined the phrase utopia. Is Utopia the same thing the Nazi's were in search of in Tibet? Atlantis? Is this part of what they were trying to say? Point to the controversy surrounding Thomas More? What do they teach in Catholic Schools? America will be a Utopia once they get rid of these monkeys? You have to get the proletariat to kill the proletariat.
April 3, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I believe that part of the strategy of the elite is globalization makes us all interdependent as nations. Today, America is just a shopping mall. It isn't just that China holds most of our debt, they have most of our manufacturing. This is not a good situation if you want to be free. If the government is in on the problem and they come out of the closet we would need manufacturing to fight back.
'It's the counter-revolution.....
at the counter of a store.......
people buy what they want....
and borrow for a little more....'

The movie ‘Logans Run’ was released in the late 1970?s. It starred Farrah Fawcett and Michael York. It was about a futuristic society where no one is allowed to live past the age of 30. Some people try to run and are chased by people who’s job it is to kill them. This is a familiar theme in movies about the future. Familiar because it’s all too real. In the central banking system money is debt and debt is money. Someone once said ‘..if there were no debt there would be no money and if there were no money there would be no debt…’. Every person that walks into a bank and signs a loan expands the money supply. Car loan, mortgage, personal loan etc. Every loan the bank makes comes with interest. So where does the money come from to pay the interest? Technically it doesn’t exist. This is what causes inflation. Inflation is not the rising prices of goods and services, rather it’s the lowering of the value of the currency because there is simply too much of it. What would be a good way to help control inflation and prolong the value of the currency? Limit the number of people who could walk into a bank and get a loan. A way to accomplish that would be to make a lot of people a high risk to the bank. Mental patients for example. This is why psychiatry is genocide. This is why they put flouride in the water. Psychiatry is genocide because it regulate’s the value of the dollar. (Titicut Follies) The central banking system is a bottomless bank account for the people who own and run it to acquire and maintain power. The system is obviously unfair and unjust and occasionally things get out of hand. This is what war is for. It helps to maintain the heirarchal structure of society. When applying the status of ‘mental patient’ it is best to draw some arbitrary ethnic or religious line so if the need arises the war can pit one group against the other. When all is said and done the same people who were in charge at the beginning are in charge at the end.
Logans Run
A movie made in 1977
starring Farrah Fawcett and Michael York
Boston’s airport is named ‘Logan International Airport’ ??????
Lake Havasu AZ now has the famous London bridge
"London bridge is falling down, falling down...."
“Passionate lady....
give up your vows......
save our city right now...."

Roadhouse Blues
The Doors
"Bring back the Boston Rag....."
The Boston Rag
Steely Dan
April 2, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
All of these links are potential examples of the crap information I get everyday all day and why the disclaimer at the top of the page should be kept in mind when reading anything found here.
April 1, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
The arch nemesis
Agent 86 and
TV series Get Smart
Rebellion is packaged
Religion is a club
Nobody move and nobody gets hurt
Rock N Roll is entertainment
Flash’s across the screen on U2's ZooTV Live from Sydney
Edward Lorenz
RIP April 2008
CHAOS theory
A Butterfly Can Flap It’s Wing’s In The Amazon And Cause A Typhon On The Other Side Of The World
(Papillon a movie starring Dustin Hoffman, papillon-butterfly in french literature)
No one seems to know who owns the Federal Reserve. It might be helpful to know. The Federal Reserve was set up with The Federal Reserve Act of 1913. This act created two types of banks, central banks and commercial banks. Both are privitely held companies independent of the government. Commercial banks accept deposits from the general public and other institutions including the government. Central banks accept and manage deposits from the commercial banks. They do not do any business with the general public. Like all corporations both types have stock that can be owned. The act allowed the commercial banks to own stock in the central banks. I'm not sure if the reverse is true. At the time the act was passed there were thousands of banks, but a lot of consolidation has occured since. A lot of banks have gone out of business. If someone wanted to know who owns the Federal Reserve it might be helpful to know who owns the countries biggest commercial banks.
Royal Capitalism
(pay no attention to that man behind the curtain)
The French Revolution of the 1790's was the result of 100 years of a policy known as Royal Absolutism. It began with Louis XIII and continued into Louis XIV who was known as the 'Sun King'. Ultimately the selfishness and complete disregard for the welfare of the French people led to the uprising. The revolution turned to chaos. Order was eventually restored by Napolean Bonaparte who became a military dictator. Napolean made war on the entire European continent and eventually N. Africa. In 1815 he was defeated at the battle of Waterloo and exiled to St Helena where he lived for another 5 years. While there he wrote journals.
"History is a lie agreed upon"
Napolean Bonaparte
References to wizards in English literature
1. Merlin - A Connecticutt Yankee in King Arthurs Court by Mark Twain
2. The Wizard of Oz - L Frank Baum
A Journal of Occurances at the Temple
M Clery