Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, www.philipnute.com and it's companion website www.zsezse.com, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
George Orwell
Beginning of Actual Blog
April 29, 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
April 25, 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
This is an idea to expose synthetic telepathy. Pick a well populated county like Norfolk county Massachusetts where I live. Everyone who is in ‘The Universal Mind’ (capable of synthetic telepathy) picks a person at random and begins harassing them with the technology. It creates so much excitement nothing will help to suppress it.
The people at the top can cling to power forever with a 'money as debt, debt as money' system. They can pay whole armies with worthless wood pulp. If they were forced to pay everyone in gold they would be deposed if they got out of hand. Gold has a limited supply. Even if they've been stockpiling the world's gold for a century, if the people at the bottom stopped accepting paper they would have to start spending gold and sooner or later would run out.
I have a new playlist on youtube titled 'Pierre Teilhard de Chardin'. I list them here in the event they don't reach other people's computer the way I intend:
1) Music video - The Doors - Universal Mind.
2) The Phenomenah of Man - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
3) Omega Point - Theory of Time
4) The Omega Man Trailer - A movie starring Charleton Heston about the last surviving man in Los Angeles
5) Music video - The Police - Omegaman
6) The top 5 best scenes from The Exorcist - One of the priests in this movie is modeled after de Chardin
7) The Blair Witch Project - A movie from 1999. Linda BLAIR was the actress who starred in The Exorcist
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was a Jesuit priest who died in 1955. He was also a scientist. I believe he is the one who came up with the idea for 'The Universal Mind'. An application for neural implants designed to drive people to suicide. The 'Auto-Fasci-Mat'.
1) Music video - The Doors - Universal Mind.
2) The Phenomenah of Man - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
3) Omega Point - Theory of Time
4) The Omega Man Trailer - A movie starring Charleton Heston about the last surviving man in Los Angeles
5) Music video - The Police - Omegaman
6) The top 5 best scenes from The Exorcist - One of the priests in this movie is modeled after de Chardin
7) The Blair Witch Project - A movie from 1999. Linda BLAIR was the actress who starred in The Exorcist
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was a Jesuit priest who died in 1955. He was also a scientist. I believe he is the one who came up with the idea for 'The Universal Mind'. An application for neural implants designed to drive people to suicide. The 'Auto-Fasci-Mat'.
Sidenote: I'd walk a mile to throw away a cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee.
April 22, 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Anyone who's lost property or a loved one to this sick system and is waiting for the police to do something has a long long wait. Like forever. I say investigate it yourself, type it into your computer and make as many pdfs as you can afford and distribute them for free. Name names, throw anyone and everyone under the bus. It's the only way to bring this system down and maybe get justice. Information anarchy. If you're worried about someone getting hurt think of it this way. It's war. All's fair in love and war. People are dying anyway. Innocent people. War has refugees destruction and death. Visible war is the incentive to stop it. Invisible war can go on forever.
Where there's smoke there's fire. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. "All men can withstand adversity, but to test a man's character, give him power" Abraham Lincoln. Where there's mind control, there's slavery. Thomas Jefferson, a Freemason and president from the south, was accused of having a child by a slave he owned. Sex seems to be a topic in everything. Something in your soul dies when you start dealing with slaves. I think a good approach to taking down the power's that be could involve sex slaves. I don't actually know if it's true, but breaking up someone's marraige makes a mess of things. They're forced to divide property. (wealth re-distribution) Lawyers end up with a lot of the money (wealth re-distribution) You get even. Thier reputation is destroyed in the eyes of the public. I think a good place to start looking for evidence is Calypso music. (don't ask me why) "Day-O .... Day-o....Daylight come and we wanna go home...."
I am reading a book titled “Proofs of a Conspiracy” by John Robison. It is mentioned in a video on youtube with Charlotte Iserbyte. My copy is a ‘print on demand’ I purchased from Abebooks.com. It mentions pages that don’t exist. Chapter 4 is about the French Revolution. The author pays a lot of attention to the Duke of Orleans and Count Miribeau. I find this interesting because some people beleive the Louisiana Purchase was part of a conspiracy to smuggle French nobilty into America and New Orleans Louisiana is at the mouth of the Missisippi, the river used by Lewis and Clark to Explore the land after it was bought. New Orleans, ??? The Duke of Orleans. ???? The last few pages has some footnotes the first of which reads:
220* Had the good man been spared but a few months his surprise at this neglect would have ceased. For, on the 19th of November 1793 the Archbishop of Paris came to the Bar of The Assembly, accompanied by his Vicar and eleven other Clergyman, who there renounced thier Christianity and thier clerical vows; acknowledging that they had played the villain for many years against thier consciences, teaching what they knew to be a lie, and were now resolved to be honest men. The Vicar indeed had behaved like a true Illuminitus some time before, by running off with another man’s wife and his strong box. None of them however, seem to have attained the higher mysteries, for they were all guilotined not long after.
April 19, 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
This is a collection of ideas for disabling neural implants.
Everyone has seen story's on the news of cops Tasering someone. The company that makes Tasers, makes a personal defense model. Taser C2 Personal Defense Device. It's $399. If you wanted to make sure it got the right area, and you're really desperate, you could wear a hat lined with tin foil and aim it at the head.
A voltage doubler is a type of electronic circuit that takes low voltage DC and creates high voltage DC. It is possible to create 100's of volts from a 1.5 volt DC battery. It does this with a series of capacitors and resistors. Another type of circuit is a Joule Ringer. It is possible to run a 1.8 volt DC LED on a 1.5 volt battery. A car battery is 12 volts DC and capable of a lot of current. You could apply it like the Taser above.
Any off-the-shelf bug zapper uses a similar principle. It plugs into any wall outlet and attracts insects with a light then 'zaps' them with high voltage. You could fuse the AC line at a low rating to make sure you don't get 'connected' to the AC. Again it could be applied like the Taser above.
A Tesla Coil is also a source for high voltage. Touching a large enough Tesla coil might do the trick.
I have seen advertisements for electric fly swatters. Since it's hand held it might just be a voltage doubler circuit. It would come with everything you need if you don't know much about electronics.
This is a collection of ideas for Faraday Cages
Alexander Caldor was a famous artist in the 20th century. He pioneered mobile art. This idea is similar. Make hundreds of small mobiles from small pieces of different types of metal. Bend the metal at right angles to ensure it reflects from all directions. Tape or staple them to the beams in your roof. They will act like chaff dropped from airplanes to confuse RADAR.
Install a lightning rod at a far end of the house for fire safety. This is particularly important if your attic Faraday Cage is grounded to earth. The cage itself could act like a lightning rod and be a fire hazard.
Instead of ripping up the entire floor of the attic cut plywood panels to a small useable size and staple a piece of aluminum to one side. They can be easily installed and moved around.
This is some suggestions for a noise generator
This is some design considerations for a personal area network/home WiFi network noise generator. The average home WiFi set-up is about 5 to 10 Watts. A Bluetooth (personal area network) is about the same. Since it is best to have it running all the time and the goal is to get off the grid it should run on batteries. Two car batteries connected in series will provide 24 VDC and could be recharged with solar panels. You can connect batteries in series but not parallel. Any small device that runs on alkaline batteries has the batteries in series. Most alkaline batteries are 1.5 VDC. So if a device has 3 it needs 4.5 VDC. Rechargable AAA AA or A batteries come in different capacities. 2500mAH, 1500mAH are 2. Two car batteries is series will run something rated at 10 Watts for quite some time. 24 VDC drawing 1 amp will be 24 Watts. So 2 car batteries drawing a half an amp will run at about 10 Watts. Pick a general purpose power BJT (bipolar junction transistor) for an amplifier. A simple 1 transistor amp will do. Design it for 24 VDC. It is illegal to jam the radio frequency spectrum in the United States. But if kept within power limits no one will know.
A vacuum tube is technically a spark generator in a vacuum. It operates at a some what high voltage and produces an electron stream similar to a cathode ray tube. They put it in a vacuum to ‘clean’ up the signal and make it operate at lower voltages. These can still be bought new from audio websites such as SWEETWATER or PARTSEXPRESS. Vacuum tubes are still used for guitar amplifiers. My idea is to break the vacuum on one of these to make the signal ‘noisy’ on purpose then amplify it and put it on a antenna. It would be similar to a spark plug or spark gap transmitter. A Nixie tube is also a vacuum tube. You can buy these assembled and ready to operate with an Arduino module. I was going to see if I could pick up noise from one of these but I haven’t gotton very far with it. I have been experimenting with Texas Instrument MCU's from the MSP 430 line. If your design depends on highly integrated circuits like the MSP or Arduino you put yourself at the mercy of the people who make them. If they find out what you’re doing they could either stop making your component or put something in the chip that gives them control. Your design should be as simple as possible and use the lowest tech available to minimize the possibility of tampering with it. A good engineer knows how to KISS it. KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID If a resistance ever gets going and comes into enough money to operate their own semiconductor manufacturing making single transistors will be far easier than highly integrated MCU’s to start with. And it will be harder to mess with. Basic semiconductor equipment and transistor technology is off patent.
April 18, 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Another Day Another Alice
Today I decided to break up the routine and make some trouble. ????? I decided to go for coffee after dinner, which for me is 4 o’clock. I go by grandma time. ???? Nevermind. I decided to wear a ‘PHILBOARD’ T-shirt. I have some T-shirts with my website on it http://www.philipnute.com Sometimes I walk up and down Rt 18. I call it PHILBOARDING. Pathetic isn’t it. I got to Starbucks and got my probably chickenshitted coffee and proceded to my perch at the mall. I don’t stay at the Starbucks. It’s very small and is difficult to maintain an anti-social attitude. I wasn’t there very long when a somewhat attractive young lady came in with a bright green shirt on. I tried not to stare because it’s not polite. While sitting there I decided to go into Marshalls to see if I could find anything I needed. The chances the Invisible Chickenshit Psychopath Slug Army had already been there are 100% but I went anyway. I hate the pillows I sleep on and found one to try. I went to pay for it and guess what? The checkout girl was the green shirt. The other clerks made sure I got her. Alice (in Wonderland) (is a Drug Fueled) Adultery. Alice, An Adultery by Aleister Crowley
"Police are hiding behind the skirts of little girls…."
Joan Crawford
Blue Oyster Cult
Joan Crawford
Blue Oyster Cult
I am watching movie adaptions of 2 Tennessee Williams plays, The Glass Menagerie and A Streetcar Named Desire. Both are about the decline of old white southern family's. The Glass Menagerie is set in St Louis before WWII and A Sreetcar Named Desire is set in New Orleans after the war. It seems to me they both suffer from the Invisible Chickenshit Psychopath Slug Army. (Catholic priests ???? Catholic police ?????)
April 16, 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
The Crisis In Ukraine
In the past few months my stupidvision has had reports of a crisis in the former Soviet Bloc country of Ukraine. Vladimir Putin invaded the Crimea, a part of Ukraine and annexed it. Now there is trouble in Eastern Ukraine. They're starting to make Putin into a villain. Like pretty much everything else I believe it's The World Stage. It's a manufactured crisis to start a war, as George Orwell said, to keep the structure of society intact. It keeps the same people in charge that have always been in charge. If you look at the (supposed) happenings of the last few years, some could be deemed strategic. Libya was the first country to fall into chaos. Libya has large developed oil fields that are accessible only from the Mediteranean Sea. It's virtually impossible to reach those fields from anywhere else but the Mediteranean. That oil could fuel Europe for quite some time. It seems like thier 'circling the wagons'. George Bush's 'Axis of Evil' has been collapsing. Syria went first. If necessary the syrian civil war could be used for 'Armageddon' to get rid of Israel. The dictator of North Korea has changed. The new one is a little friendlier with the west. This brings me to trying to prove the existance of The World Stage by drawing comparisons to 3 events in world history. The alleged execution of the French Nobility during The French Revolution of 1790, the dissappearance of Csar Nicholas and his family after The Bolshevik Revolution and the Vatican Ratlines. Some people believe Charles Dickens book 'A Tale Of Two Cities' is actually trying to expose the fact that most of the French Aristocrats were smuggled into America by Napolean after he sold the Louisiana Purchase to Thomas Jefferson. I have a copy of a movie made in the 1930's that has a biliography at the beginning. One book listed is 'Journal of the Occurances at the Temple' by M Clery. Antony C Sutton was a writer and researcher who died recently. He wrote several books about Wall St and it's funding of certain events in the 20th century. One book is 'Wall St and The Bolshevik Revolution'. Another book is 'Wall St and the Rise of Hitler'. During the 1970's the media liked to talk about the dissappearance of Csar Nicholas's daughter Anastasia. Many people believed she was still alive. Was the whole thing a similar deal as the French? After WWII the Vatican smuggled former Nazi's into South America and eventually the United States with an organization called Odessa. It was also called the Vatican Ratlines. Conclusion. The same people run Russia today as have always run Russia. As have always run everything.
April 12, 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I have a new playlist on youtube titled '3:33'. I list them here in the event they don't reach other people's computer the way I intend:
1) A music video 'Breathe' by U2 on the 360 DVD. I'm not sure if this is the right video. Somewhere on this DVD he goes "3:33 when the numbers fell off the clock face..."This is what I think is going on. Since the surveillance is total and complete they know exactly when a person 'gives up'. Either a helicopter, ambulance or police show up to take you away. Im not quite sure where they take you. There are people who think it's related to the CIA's MK Ultra mind control program. You get 'chipped' with a neural implant. The media uses stories of Alien Abduction to cover it up. Search the internet for 'MK Ultra The Controllers' by Martin Cannon. Cannon links alien abduction to neural implants and the CIA. Why do artists use 3:33? One guess is it's half of 666, the sign of the devil. There is no 66 minutes past 6.
2) A music video "One Eyed One Horned Flying Purple People Eater" A goofy song from the 1960's or 50's. The Catholic Church is sometimes referred to as The Lavender Mob. Lavender being purple.
3) A music video for "25 or 6 to 4" by Chicago. Chicago released their first album just after the Chicago riots during the 1968 Denmocratic Convention in Chicago. This song is off their second album. It was their only progressive Rock N Roll hit. They went more Top 40 after this. When I was young people believed it had something to do with heroin use. They recently admitted it was a time in the morning. 3:33 is about 25 or 26 minutes before 4 o'clock. 25 or 6 to 4 "Sitting CROSS legged on the floor..."
4) A music video for "Planet Clair" by the B-52's. "She drove a Plymouth Satelite....Some say she's from Mars, or one of the seven stars that shine bright at 3:30 in the morning"Plymouth was/is ?? a GM brand of car. They used to make a model Satelite.
5) A book reading about Mind Control
6) A TV show about 'Alien Abductions"
7) A music video for "Mothers of the Dissappeared" by U2.
8) A short video about "The Mothers of the Dissappeared". They were a group of mothers from Argentina who tried for years to find their children who were abducted and killed by the Argentine government in the 1970's. Some were picked up by helicopters flown out to sea as far as possible then dropped. "WATERBOARDING" ???? (nobody needs to waterboard for information) The affair is sometimes reffered to as 'The Dirty War'
9) A short documentary on Pope Francis and Argentina's Dirty War
10) Another documentary on the corruption in the Vatican
11) A movie trailer for 'The Odessa File". Odessa is an organization started by the Pope to smuggle former Nazi SS members to South America.
12) A short documentary on Odessa.
13) A news piece on The Vatican Ratlines. Another name for Odessa.
14) The full movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" A movie from 1979 or 1980. The opening scene has some of the main characters in a junk yard in Mexico where a group of WWII Hellcat fighter planes have been discovered completely intact. The planes, with their pilots, were lost just after WWII on a mission into the Bermuda Triangle. The first plane they check has the number 33 on the side.
1) A music video 'Breathe' by U2 on the 360 DVD. I'm not sure if this is the right video. Somewhere on this DVD he goes "3:33 when the numbers fell off the clock face..."This is what I think is going on. Since the surveillance is total and complete they know exactly when a person 'gives up'. Either a helicopter, ambulance or police show up to take you away. Im not quite sure where they take you. There are people who think it's related to the CIA's MK Ultra mind control program. You get 'chipped' with a neural implant. The media uses stories of Alien Abduction to cover it up. Search the internet for 'MK Ultra The Controllers' by Martin Cannon. Cannon links alien abduction to neural implants and the CIA. Why do artists use 3:33? One guess is it's half of 666, the sign of the devil. There is no 66 minutes past 6.
2) A music video "One Eyed One Horned Flying Purple People Eater" A goofy song from the 1960's or 50's. The Catholic Church is sometimes referred to as The Lavender Mob. Lavender being purple.
3) A music video for "25 or 6 to 4" by Chicago. Chicago released their first album just after the Chicago riots during the 1968 Denmocratic Convention in Chicago. This song is off their second album. It was their only progressive Rock N Roll hit. They went more Top 40 after this. When I was young people believed it had something to do with heroin use. They recently admitted it was a time in the morning. 3:33 is about 25 or 26 minutes before 4 o'clock. 25 or 6 to 4 "Sitting CROSS legged on the floor..."
4) A music video for "Planet Clair" by the B-52's. "She drove a Plymouth Satelite....Some say she's from Mars, or one of the seven stars that shine bright at 3:30 in the morning"Plymouth was/is ?? a GM brand of car. They used to make a model Satelite.
5) A book reading about Mind Control
6) A TV show about 'Alien Abductions"
7) A music video for "Mothers of the Dissappeared" by U2.
8) A short video about "The Mothers of the Dissappeared". They were a group of mothers from Argentina who tried for years to find their children who were abducted and killed by the Argentine government in the 1970's. Some were picked up by helicopters flown out to sea as far as possible then dropped. "WATERBOARDING" ???? (nobody needs to waterboard for information) The affair is sometimes reffered to as 'The Dirty War'
9) A short documentary on Pope Francis and Argentina's Dirty War
10) Another documentary on the corruption in the Vatican
11) A movie trailer for 'The Odessa File". Odessa is an organization started by the Pope to smuggle former Nazi SS members to South America.
12) A short documentary on Odessa.
13) A news piece on The Vatican Ratlines. Another name for Odessa.
14) The full movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" A movie from 1979 or 1980. The opening scene has some of the main characters in a junk yard in Mexico where a group of WWII Hellcat fighter planes have been discovered completely intact. The planes, with their pilots, were lost just after WWII on a mission into the Bermuda Triangle. The first plane they check has the number 33 on the side.
April 9, 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I have a new playlist on youtube titled 'The Heart of the Matter'. I list them here in the event they don't reach other people's computer the way I intend:
1) The "Money" Speech from the movie 'Network'. Howard Beale (Peter Finch) is given a talking to by Ned Beatty in the movie "Network". "You have meddled with the primal forces of nature Mr Beale,... and you will atone...." I found a quote from Francois Voltaire that goes "All fiat currency's must return to their intrinsic value, zero". I don't know if he actually said this but it seems to make sense to me. A 'fiat' currency is a money as debt debt as money currency such as the dollar. Inflation is built into the system and is constantly watering down it's value. Sooner or later it has to be collapsed and wiped out. I found that quote at the Mises Institute. (I think) In my opinion the dollar is reaching the end of it's life. This is why psychiatry is genocide. It's prolonging the value by limiting the number of people that can get a loan at a bank and thus expand the money supply. To help with the collapse the people at the top draw lines to keep the people at the bottom fighting and killing each other. Once a line is drawn they never get rid of it. Did you ever wonder why no one has ever won the battle between Protestants and Catholics. Because they don't want it solved. The British Empire was the major power for most of the 19th century. Why did the Queen (or King) allow Catholics into countries like Canada, Australia the United States etc if they were fighting? Why didn't they just issue an order "Kill all Catholic preists' on site and seize all the property? Because they don't want to.
2) You Have No Rights by George Carlin. A comedy bit by George Carlin explaining the truth about America. "Freedom's an illusion, film at eleven"
3) A music video of Pink Floyd's 'Money'. Not the greatest Rock song of all time but one of the most true. It all comes down to Money. The album 'Dark Side Of The Moon' was released in 1973. While it is not called a Rock Opera exposes a little bit of everything. Psychiatry is genocide '..got to keep the Loonies on the path...."
4) The song 'Money' from Caberet starring liza Minelli and Joel Grey.
5) Zeitgeist The Movie from 2007. The entire first Zeitgeist movie from 2007 where George Carlin gives his views on religion. Views I think are very true.
6) Another speech from the movie 'Network'
7) Another speech from the movie 'Network'
8) Peter Finch posthumously wins the Best Actor award for the movie 'Network'
1) The "Money" Speech from the movie 'Network'. Howard Beale (Peter Finch) is given a talking to by Ned Beatty in the movie "Network". "You have meddled with the primal forces of nature Mr Beale,... and you will atone...." I found a quote from Francois Voltaire that goes "All fiat currency's must return to their intrinsic value, zero". I don't know if he actually said this but it seems to make sense to me. A 'fiat' currency is a money as debt debt as money currency such as the dollar. Inflation is built into the system and is constantly watering down it's value. Sooner or later it has to be collapsed and wiped out. I found that quote at the Mises Institute. (I think) In my opinion the dollar is reaching the end of it's life. This is why psychiatry is genocide. It's prolonging the value by limiting the number of people that can get a loan at a bank and thus expand the money supply. To help with the collapse the people at the top draw lines to keep the people at the bottom fighting and killing each other. Once a line is drawn they never get rid of it. Did you ever wonder why no one has ever won the battle between Protestants and Catholics. Because they don't want it solved. The British Empire was the major power for most of the 19th century. Why did the Queen (or King) allow Catholics into countries like Canada, Australia the United States etc if they were fighting? Why didn't they just issue an order "Kill all Catholic preists' on site and seize all the property? Because they don't want to.
2) You Have No Rights by George Carlin. A comedy bit by George Carlin explaining the truth about America. "Freedom's an illusion, film at eleven"
3) A music video of Pink Floyd's 'Money'. Not the greatest Rock song of all time but one of the most true. It all comes down to Money. The album 'Dark Side Of The Moon' was released in 1973. While it is not called a Rock Opera exposes a little bit of everything. Psychiatry is genocide '..got to keep the Loonies on the path...."
4) The song 'Money' from Caberet starring liza Minelli and Joel Grey.
5) Zeitgeist The Movie from 2007. The entire first Zeitgeist movie from 2007 where George Carlin gives his views on religion. Views I think are very true.
6) Another speech from the movie 'Network'
7) Another speech from the movie 'Network'
8) Peter Finch posthumously wins the Best Actor award for the movie 'Network'
Psychiatry is Genocide
(because there isn't 'too much' for everyone)
(because there isn't 'too much' for everyone)
They disguise and justify it with the politics of prevention. You can be deemed a threat to society and be locked up and forced to take medication. Medication they know is poison. Technically you have the right of Habeas Corpus. You cannot be locked up for a long period of time without charges. They get you into a hospital by chickenshitting you behind your back until you are physically weak and crazy from surveillance and drugs and then lock you up and shove more drugs down your throat. The drugs make you even weaker and eventually you stop resisting. While in the hospital you are fitted with ‘The Suit of Lies’. An absolutely inhuman treatment where you are told and convinced you are what they want and not what you are. You’re a mental patient, or a queer, or whatever. I figure turnabout is fair play. Not that being fair is important. Come up with little ways that treat them in just as a dehumanizing manner. Piss people off in little subtle ways and then don’t recognize their anger. Piss everyone off and then don’t recognize it. Have you ever been locked in a cramped and confined space where someone is making constant trouble. Insanity is contagious. You’ll be out in no time. Of course they have Bungalows reserved. “Back of the Roadhouse we got some bungalows,…..and that’s for the people who like to go down slow….” Roadhouse Blues The Doors. But it can be applied at home too. Anger is the best telephone. Bad news goes around the world in the morning while good news is putting it’s pants on. Piss off the whole neighborhood and refuse to acknowledge their presence on the planet. I used to treat people the way I want to be treated but it never worked. So now I treat others the way I get treated. “Right now there’s a mad man walking the streets of the town where you live” They ought to know, it’s no accident.
April 4, 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Is Obama Catholic? I know the media makes up cover story's to distract the public from the truth. Is being a 'Muslim' code for being Catholic? Is the whole Obama birth certificate controversy about his being Catholic. Is his pastor Rev Wright (as in I'm RIGHT and you're wrong) a cover story for his real pastor Father Michael Pflegar of St Sabina's? Was his mother Catholic? His father? How many people know Vice President Joe Biden is Catholic? How many Catholic vice Presidents have we had? Why doesn't the media make a bigger deal of this? How many people know House Speaker John Boehner is Catholic? How many people know his predecessor Nancy Pelosi is Catholic? How many people know Senate Majority leader Harry Ried is Morman? A very suspect religion with very suspicious origins. Like Scientology. How many people know Secretary of State John Kerry is Catholic? So the line of succession is Catholic, Catholic, Morman, Catholic.
Where there's smoke there's fire. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. "All men can withstand adversity, but to test a man's character, give him power" Abraham Lincoln. Where there's mind control, there's slavery. Thomas Jefferson, a Freemason and president from the south, was accused of having a child by a slave he owned. Sex seems to be a topic in everything. Something in your soul dies when you start dealing with slaves. I think a good approach to taking down the power's that be could involve sex slaves. I don't actually know if it's true, but breaking up someone's marraige makes a mess of things. They're forced to divide property. (wealth re-distribution) Lawyers end up with a lot of the money (wealth re-distribution) You get even. Thier reputation is destroyed in the eyes of the public. I think a good place to start looking for evidence is Calypso music. (don't ask me why) "Day-O .... Day-o....Daylight come and we wanna go home...."
The Mishnah (twerking?)
Maimonides Reader
Isadore Twersky
Isadore Twersky
'And Lenny Bruce is not afraid....'
It's The End Of The World As We Know It
It's The End Of The World As We Know It
April 1, 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
The Weymouth Starbucks aka The Local "Electric Ladyland" (Jimi Hendrix)
Some people may ask "Why do you go to Starbucks if you think it's full of people who hate you?" It's an act of defiance. Of disobediance. I get the sneaking suspicion I'm expected to cower in the corner and go crazy from isolation. Well FU. Godzilla is a mutant life form. I can't avoid getting 'chickenshitted' no matter what so I volunteer there just to get in somebody's face.
"Fire woman, you're to blame..."
"Fire woman, you're to blame..."
Fire Woman
The Cult
"Fire woman, you're to blame..."
Fire Woman
The Cult
"Some of those who use forces,..."
"Are the ones who burn cross's..."
Killing in the Name
Rage Against The Machine
(forces being, synthetic telepathy, microwave hearing effect, neural implants)
"Are the ones who burn cross's..."
Killing in the Name
Rage Against The Machine
(forces being, synthetic telepathy, microwave hearing effect, neural implants)
"Alice in Wonderland" was first published in 1865 well before any of this technology
When I walk up to Starbucks I pass a lot of old houses on Columbian St. Last summer the house pictured below changed hands. There was an estate sale one weekend and the house was sold the next. ??? Not long after the granite sign with the name 'OLOHAN' showed up. Everyone understands my suspicians about the catholic church. "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain" The 'Emerald City' is code for the Emerald Isle. "He was the wizard of a thousand kings...." Uriah Heep That explains the 'HAN' in Olohan. So now I'll explain Olu. The last time I was in the hospital was the summer of 2008. I was in McClean Southeast on the grounds of the Brockton Veterans Administration Hospital on Rt 123 in Brockton Massachusetts. There were 2 black mental health workers who spoke with very thick African accents. I'm pretty sure it was African. There names were Ben and Olo. Olo being his first name. I know Olu was aware of my every thought. I won't explain how, it was an incident between us. (kinda like Leah aka Electric Lady Land) Thus the name 'OLOHAN'.
The Weymouth Starbucks is in front of a small shopping plaza named 'The Pleasant Shops'. There was a local grocery store in the mall for years named 'Jonny's Foodmaster'. Last fall it closed suddenly and it was announced a 'Whole Foods' market was taking it's place. They have spent almost 6 months taking it apart and getting the store ready. Which seems like a lot of time. There is a Walgreens across the street that took only a couple months to build. Building and all. But for some reason this existing store is dragging on and on. Whole Foods is an upscale type store and doesn't really make sense in S Weymouth. I think it's dig at me because I don't like rich people.
Rolling Stones Gather No Moss
(cause moss don't grow on dead stuff)
(cause moss don't grow on dead stuff)
The Weymouth Starbucks is in the same mall as the new Whole Foods (old Jonny Foodmaster). It's the local "Electric Ladyland". (thanks Jimi Hendrix)
Alice (in Wonderland) is a (drug fueled) Adultery
Calypso Music
Why is travel to Cuba still prohibited? Is it a 'jew' exile area like Israel? The Bay of 'PIGS'? An invasion where all invaders died? (".....Right now pigs are becoming lunch...") Why do we still hold Guantanamo Bay? Obama can't close it because it's not what most people think it is? We 'hold' 'Muslim' terrorists?
MK-Ultra The Controllers
by Martin Cannon
by Martin Cannon
Advanced Neural Implants and Control
by Daryl R Kipke DARPA
by Daryl R Kipke DARPA
Is your life becoming an endless stream of seemingly timed events? Are the people involved lying or avoiding the issue? Do they want you to accept an implant? DON'T ACCEPT AN IMPLANT!!! You are dealing with Scientology, a killing machine. Some people are being controlled and some are doing the controlling. You can't tell the players without a scorecard and there is no scorecard because most people don't know there's a game. If too many did, it wouldn't exist. It's purpose is to prolong the value of the dollar by limiting the number of people who can get a loan at a bank. Believe it!!!! It makes more for the rich and less for the poor. If you are an electronics or computer engineer, or you know one, see the 'SURVEILLANCE' page for suggestions.
Note. The microwave hearing effect and neural implants can look very similar. But it MIGHT be that the people being controlled have a neural implant and the people doing the controlling are only using the microwave hearing effect.
If everyone on earth got up some day and tried to shoot dead someone who works for the catholic church, the world would be safe for humanity by noon.
When I was a kid it was always fun to receive a chain letter. I don't exactly remember what the purpose was, it might have varied. When you got one you were supposed to copy it and send it to ten or more of your friends or ten anonymous people. The letter could go on for months and reach thousands of people. Today it could be done with email. The file's below are what I have been sending for the past few months. My email doesn't last very long, they shut it off. So if you would like to be free like me send one of the files below to ten anonymous people. The idea is to drive people to my website. Or your website if you want. I declare everything on this website (including all inventions) as public domain. Anyone can reproduce it in it's entirety anywhere without my permission.
When I send email anonymously this is what I do. I go to a search engine, google.com, ask.com, yahoo.com, bing.com, and type in a word, any word, and then go down the list until my email stops. When I go to a page I look for the 'Contact' link. There is always someboby's email. Today, for example I went to google.com and typed the word 'program'. In the event some people don't know how to use the computer's 'clipboard' I will try to explain. The 'clipboard' is a space in the computer's working memory that can be used to store text or other data that you use over and over. When you click on one of the links below it should open in a seperate browser tab. With that tab active go to the 'EDIT' menu of the browser program and pick 'SELECT ALL'. Everything in that tab should be highlighted. Then go to the 'EDIT' menu and pick 'COPY'. That text is now on the clipboard and can be used over and over without typing it again and again. When you click on the link for someones email you insert the curser into the body of the email and go to the 'EDIT' menu for the email program and pick 'PASTE'. All the text is automatically inserted into the email. You can send the email without a subject.
Selected Quotes From The Movie "Apolcalypse Now"
"When I was a member of Special Forces..."
"we went to a village and innoculated all the children for polio.."
"After we left a villager came running...."
"and said something had happened....."
"They had come and hacked off the arms of everyone we gave a shot"
"we went to a village and innoculated all the children for polio.."
"After we left a villager came running...."
"and said something had happened....."
"They had come and hacked off the arms of everyone we gave a shot"
"Horror and moral terror are your best friends..."
I don't care what anyone on the stupidvision says, or any doctors and nurses you may know personally, given the scope of the surveillance and the problem of neural implants, nobody can guarantee the integrity of anything that passes through their hands that is intended for use in someones body. Period.
This is an idea for destroying a long column of military vehicles. Everyone has seen pictures on TV of Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) going off in Iraq or Afghanistan. It's usually the first vehicle in a long line. The device is detonated remotely by radio or wire. Instead of just one bomb bury a long line of bombs 10 feet apart. The first bomb is detonated by radio or wire and the rest detonate by vibration. The vibration of the first explosion sets off the rest.
This is a explanation of how a 'Red Shirt Day' would work. It's a way to spread the word. Everybody wears a red shirt with nothing on it. People who don't know anything would be curious and approach someone and ask. Have a very short paragraph to explain. Here is an example.
Have you heard of the New World Order? You can go to any online bookstore and type in 'New World Order by H G Wells' and you will find a book published in the 1930's. Did you know Rock N Roll is a parallel universe. Music has been the only real voice of the people for decades because this is not a free country and never has been. H G Wells was a member of The Fabian Society formed in the 1880's. Fabian was a Rock N Roll singer of the late 1950's.
Then just leave them hanging because there's no point in organizing. The 'pigshit' will be inside any opposition the minute it forms.
Have you heard of the New World Order? You can go to any online bookstore and type in 'New World Order by H G Wells' and you will find a book published in the 1930's. Did you know Rock N Roll is a parallel universe. Music has been the only real voice of the people for decades because this is not a free country and never has been. H G Wells was a member of The Fabian Society formed in the 1880's. Fabian was a Rock N Roll singer of the late 1950's.
Then just leave them hanging because there's no point in organizing. The 'pigshit' will be inside any opposition the minute it forms.
Mar 28, 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
The Mishnah (twerking?)
Maimonides Reader
Isadore Twersky
Isadore Twersky
'And Lenny Bruce is not afraid....'
It's The End Of The World As We Know It
It's The End Of The World As We Know It
The following is a transcript of a comedy bit by Lenny Bruce titled "Interview With Dr Sholem Stein". There are 2 characters: an interviewer (not identified) and Dr Sholem Stein (Lenny Bruce).
INTERVIEWER: This is Henry Jacobs with another program of music and folk tales. Today in our general series of programs dealing with the origins of music we're gonna discuss the origins of Calypso with a rather well known Hebrew scholar Dr Sholem Stein from the City College of New York. Dr Stein has just returned from a trip throughout the Caribbean where he's been collecting the examples of Calypso you'll be hearing in the background. Well Dr Stein I understand that you feel that there at one time seems to be a very significant Hebraic influence in the Calypso music of the West Indies, is that so?
DR SHOLEM STEIN: That's very true Mr Jacobs as you know the story of The Wandering Jew and we find the Hebraic characters scattered throughout history and even as far as Nassau in the Bahama's
INTERVIEWER: Well now you pointed out, in the lyrics of this tune we're hearing right now regarding tomatoes
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Tomatoes yes
INTERVIEWER: We might listen to the words for a moment then you could comment on some of the content as you were doing earlier.
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Yes I would be glad to do that Mr Jacobs. Let me find the ...I have it here ahh the tomatoes,...Ah now I will read it for you....don't mind if I read,...Way down south were banana's grow,..Ants are stepping on elephants toes.....Elephant jump with tears in his eyes,.. He said why don't you mash someone your own size,..Now Mr Jacobs,..this seems like an innocent rather innocent verse but comparing it with the Mishnah are you familiar with the Mishnah? One of the 7 books of Moses yes It's the third book. Theres a similar thing there,...it doesn't refer to banana's of course banana's were unknown in Jerusalem in Old Testament times,..ya know banana's. Plantains.
INTERVIEWER: A symbol here.
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Well banana's you see and plantains similar football like, ah the cosmos ...you see the cosmos you know what I mean?
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Scientific authorities today who have shown us with unerring accuracy that the world is,, ...the earth that is as we know it is not so much shaped like ah it's more like a football. And ahhh it seems to be maintaining it's balance that way,...Going on and on through the ages ,,,
INTERVIEWER: Dr Stein I understand that one of your areas of secondary interest is the field of political science
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Yes yes political science..
INTERVIEWER: The picture in Palestine has been of particular interest...
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Did you see that picture?
INTERVIEWER: No Dr I meant the picture the general ...
DR SHOLEM STEIN: I see the general picture in Palestine.
INTERVIEWER: Well now you ..
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Very menacing yes,..It's frought with great danger for the entire world. Do you realize that Israel is the tipping point of the Near East and if that falls the British Empire, the Suez Canal consequently the Panama Canal in fact all canals, international trade will be affected and the British Pound Sterling will go down that will bring the value of gold up and the ratio will be thrown off and will create reflections even in the Ruble, the Yen yes it's a very profound subject. Economics, interesting.
INTERVIEWER: Well do you think there will be any interest in Palestine in your findings?
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Well, I'm trying to interest Yasha Haifits. Ya know Yasha Haifits has a fine voice I wonder if you know that. He commenced his career on the lower east Side as a Kantor and we're trying to get him to sing in the town hall some Calypso melodies, accompanying himself on the guitar. He's a wonderful guitarist.
INTERVIEWER: Well this relationship, can you musicalogically state the Calypso we're hearing one of the Hebrew Folk songs.
DR SHOLEM STEIN: As I say they all have there base in the Mishnah of course. You could trace that back um hum
INTERVIEWER: You have traced it back.
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Oh yes yes Of course it's a very deep profound subject to go into now I would suggest that you ah recommend to your audience that they read my forthcoming book titled "Bahama Mama". Of course it ah ...Bahama Mama it refers to the mother myth of the Bahamian Indians you see and how thier matriarchal society you see the connections with the subject at hand. And it goes very deep. Very profound and has international complications on the financial world as well, as well just any place.
INTERVIEWER: Well I understand you've been giving a series before this trip to the West Indies a series of lectures at the new school.
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Yes I've been giving the lectures at the new school for some time now and they've met with varied comment from the audience when the people came at all.
INTERVIEWER: Well I understand you had some theories on the psychoanalytical affect of music.
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Yes of course we all know that music is related to the psyche. For example what does the word psyche mean? It means the soul soul. and ah ... What was the question?
INTERVIEWER: The psychoanalytic?
DR SHOLEM STEIN: The Bahama Music.
INTERVIEWER: Or music in general.
DR SHOLEM STEIN: The Bahama Mama,...My forthcoming book goes into that subject.
INTERVIEWER:Well I suggest we listen to some....
DR SHOLEM STEIN: That's very true Mr Jacobs as you know the story of The Wandering Jew and we find the Hebraic characters scattered throughout history and even as far as Nassau in the Bahama's
INTERVIEWER: Well now you pointed out, in the lyrics of this tune we're hearing right now regarding tomatoes
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Tomatoes yes
INTERVIEWER: We might listen to the words for a moment then you could comment on some of the content as you were doing earlier.
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Yes I would be glad to do that Mr Jacobs. Let me find the ...I have it here ahh the tomatoes,...Ah now I will read it for you....don't mind if I read,...Way down south were banana's grow,..Ants are stepping on elephants toes.....Elephant jump with tears in his eyes,.. He said why don't you mash someone your own size,..Now Mr Jacobs,..this seems like an innocent rather innocent verse but comparing it with the Mishnah are you familiar with the Mishnah? One of the 7 books of Moses yes It's the third book. Theres a similar thing there,...it doesn't refer to banana's of course banana's were unknown in Jerusalem in Old Testament times,..ya know banana's. Plantains.
INTERVIEWER: A symbol here.
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Well banana's you see and plantains similar football like, ah the cosmos ...you see the cosmos you know what I mean?
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Scientific authorities today who have shown us with unerring accuracy that the world is,, ...the earth that is as we know it is not so much shaped like ah it's more like a football. And ahhh it seems to be maintaining it's balance that way,...Going on and on through the ages ,,,
INTERVIEWER: Dr Stein I understand that one of your areas of secondary interest is the field of political science
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Yes yes political science..
INTERVIEWER: The picture in Palestine has been of particular interest...
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Did you see that picture?
INTERVIEWER: No Dr I meant the picture the general ...
DR SHOLEM STEIN: I see the general picture in Palestine.
INTERVIEWER: Well now you ..
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Very menacing yes,..It's frought with great danger for the entire world. Do you realize that Israel is the tipping point of the Near East and if that falls the British Empire, the Suez Canal consequently the Panama Canal in fact all canals, international trade will be affected and the British Pound Sterling will go down that will bring the value of gold up and the ratio will be thrown off and will create reflections even in the Ruble, the Yen yes it's a very profound subject. Economics, interesting.
INTERVIEWER: Well do you think there will be any interest in Palestine in your findings?
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Well, I'm trying to interest Yasha Haifits. Ya know Yasha Haifits has a fine voice I wonder if you know that. He commenced his career on the lower east Side as a Kantor and we're trying to get him to sing in the town hall some Calypso melodies, accompanying himself on the guitar. He's a wonderful guitarist.
INTERVIEWER: Well this relationship, can you musicalogically state the Calypso we're hearing one of the Hebrew Folk songs.
DR SHOLEM STEIN: As I say they all have there base in the Mishnah of course. You could trace that back um hum
INTERVIEWER: You have traced it back.
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Oh yes yes Of course it's a very deep profound subject to go into now I would suggest that you ah recommend to your audience that they read my forthcoming book titled "Bahama Mama". Of course it ah ...Bahama Mama it refers to the mother myth of the Bahamian Indians you see and how thier matriarchal society you see the connections with the subject at hand. And it goes very deep. Very profound and has international complications on the financial world as well, as well just any place.
INTERVIEWER: Well I understand you've been giving a series before this trip to the West Indies a series of lectures at the new school.
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Yes I've been giving the lectures at the new school for some time now and they've met with varied comment from the audience when the people came at all.
INTERVIEWER: Well I understand you had some theories on the psychoanalytical affect of music.
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Yes of course we all know that music is related to the psyche. For example what does the word psyche mean? It means the soul soul. and ah ... What was the question?
INTERVIEWER: The psychoanalytic?
DR SHOLEM STEIN: The Bahama Music.
INTERVIEWER: Or music in general.
DR SHOLEM STEIN: The Bahama Mama,...My forthcoming book goes into that subject.
INTERVIEWER:Well I suggest we listen to some....
The first things this brings up are The Mishnah and The Wandering Jew. The Mishnah is supposed to be from the Old Testament, one of the 7 books of Moses. But there are no books of Moses in the Old Testament or the New. I believe he's referring to Moses Maimonides. Maimonides was born in Spain in the 12th or 13th century. He left at a young age because of religious persecution. He traveled to Morocco then Egypt and Palestine. He is considered a great Jewish writer. Some of the information I've managed to collect on the Mishnah says that it's a Jewish law book. I know the word 'mish' is Yiddish or Hebrew. I know 2 other words that are related: mishuganah (spelling?) and mishegas (spelling?). The first means 'crazy' or 'lunatic'. The second was used by the DJ's on WBCN in Boston for many years as the name of a game they played. I don't know what it means but everything BCN did was nuts.
He then goes into the problem of Israel and Palestine and how if it falls the pound sterling and global economics will be affected. ????? Why? Once you're confronted with the reality of "1984" you can begin to question the problem in Israel. I believe Israel is a concentration camp. The Allies (including Hitler) of WWII did not liberate the Nazi concentration camps but instead moved them to Israel. They were confident enough in the surveillance and cover stories created by the media as not to worry about getting away with it right under people noses. What are the camps for? Poor houses? Work houses? Arbeit Mach Frei. "Oranges and lemons say the Bells of St Clemons...."
He goes into Calypso music and the Bahama Mama. If the Blues was a precurser to Rock N Roll, Calpypso was a precurser to the Blues. The Bahama Mama is Queen Elizabeth II or Victoria or Mary. He says she's a 'myth', that is she's no different from anyone else at the top. They're all the same. Some may believe she and the English are the good guys but they're all the same. It's very possible Henry VIII was aware why the English Reformation was as bad as it was. It's a divide and conquer. A permanant split in the church designed to keep the people at the bottom killing the people at the bottom. Why England? It's an island. It was easier to contain the lies.
Something happened in the Bahama's with tomatoes. Something really bad. Calypso dancers put fruit on thier heads. A lot of the songs are about fruit. Day-O. When I first tried bringing this up someone must have said something to my mother and she slipped into to a conversation at some time '...those were some expensive tomatoes...." This was a couple years ago.
Mar 27, 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Convert or Die
Edmond Paris
Edmond Paris
Genocide in Satelite Croatia
Edmond Paris
Edmond Paris
No Friend of Democracy
by Edith Moore
by Edith Moore
Wall St and the Rise of Hitler
Antony C Sutton
Antony C Sutton
Wall St and the Bolshevik Revolution
Antony C Sutton
Antony C Sutton
Adolph and the MCA
Lenny Bruce
Lenny Bruce
Vatican Ratlines
From George Orwell's novel 1984,
‘.....In accordance with principles it does not matter if the war is real or whether victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous. The essential act of modern warfare is the destruction of human production and labor. A hierarchial society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. In principle the war is planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against it’s own subjects and it’s object is not victory but to keep the very structure of society intact.....’
Hitler's Pope
John Cornwall
John Cornwall
La Popessa
Paul I Murphy
Paul I Murphy