Solution Suggestions
Sources of Surveillance
1. ECHELON - A United States federal government program run by the National Security Agency (NSA) based at Ft Meade Maryland. It has bases around the world but for some reason they are only in the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom. Canada, South Africa and New Zealand. These are all predominately English speaking Protestant countries. Evidence the Pope is involved. Every installation has massive computers and antennas that sort through billions of cell phone and Wi-Fi transmissions and who knows what else.
2. Satellites - There are hundreds of satellite systems that are owned and operated by both the federal government of this country and others and also by private corporations. Three private networks I am aware of are: Iridium, Inmarsat and GlobalStar. They are capable of picking up minute amounts of all kinds of phenomena such as electrical, heat, light, etc using what is referred to as remote sensing. There are literally books of bibliographies on remote sensing.
3. Cell Phone Towers - Cell phones became a reality in the 1980's. There is no reason to believe they don't employ the same remote sensing technology used by satellites. Every square inch of this country is covered by more than one network.
4. The Entire Electric Grid - The North American electric grid is the largest machine ever built. It could be acting as an antenna. This includes antennas operated by ordinary radio and TV stations. They could hook up a computer to it anywhere and begin sifting through EMI it picks up. Broadband Over Powerlines (BPL) is a technology that has existed for years. It uses the electric grid to deliver cable TV short distances. They say it's very susceptable to noise but who knows, maybe they've overcome the problem. If revolution occurs all large computer installations shoud be destroyed or permanantly turned off. There is no telling what they're doing. This would also destroy electronic money, another control device.
5. Stand-Alone Techniques (microphones, cameras, vibration sensors etc) Similar technology such as cell phone and satellite remote sensing could be applied to small portable devices. Someone next door could be listening to everything you say or even think by aiming something at your house.
6. People with Neural Implants - Someone could be communicating with these people from a control room somewhere or maybe they're aware of your thoughts without any go between. Either way they're a problem.
Disabling Satelittes
1. Satelittes run on solar voltaic arrays. It might be possible to destroy the solar cells with a high power LASER based on the ground.
2. Satelittes are useless if you can't communicate with them. Establish a connection then turn up the power and try to destroy the circuitry associated with the antenna.
3. Find a satelitte dish destroy a satelitte dish.
Defeating Surveillance
1. A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving. The NSA building is copper, but aluminum has the best reflective property's of any metal. Aluminum flashing can be bought at any construction supply (Home Depot, Lowes). Attach it to one side of some plywood panels and place the panels on the floor of the attic. There are companies that sell and install metal roofs. This might defeat satelitte surveillance but not cell phone towers. If a satelitte can pick up EMI at 10,000 miles cell phone towers can do the same. Cell phone systems are on the ground and would be capable of snooping through the walls not the roof. To defeat this, the whole house would have to covered with aluminum. They used to sell aluminum siding, I don't know if they still do.
2. It might be possible to eavesdrop on a dwelling through the grounding rod. Which is to say any dwelling. This, in fact, could neutralize the Faraday Cage. This is only a guess. In the event it is true, this idea might help. Introduce noise onto the grounding rod or cage intentionally. This idea is mechanical. Attach a small metal rod to a motor. Rig the assembly to continuesly tap on the grounding rod.
3. Neural implants probably operate on microwaves given the small size. Getting an implant out of someone is tricky. You would have to stop the implant from communicating, get them to a facility that is fully protected from surveillance and they might have to stay there a while. EMI shielding could help cut off communication. They make EMI absorbant material that looks something like a SCUBA diving wet suit. A person could be covered from head to toe with this and brought to a facility that is a faraday cage. A faraday cage is an entire building encased in copper or aluminum and grounded to earth. This would be a faraday cage walking into a faraday cage. Or maybe some sort of aluminum helmet could be made.
4. Any wire entering or leaving a building and connected to a utility (electric, cable, phone) is a highway for someone to snoop. Any house has thousands of feet of wire. A large building has miles and it can all be used for transfering data. Broadband Over Powerlines (BPL) is a technology that uses the AC wiring in a building for delivering the same data as the coax cable. It only works for a couple of miles because of it's susceptibility to noise. Telephone wiring could also be used without a person's knowledge. A Westek Z 100 filter removes all frequencies above audio (30khz). It would slow down any high speed snooping. Anything plugged into a wall outlet in your house could be snooping. This includes Wi-Fi and Bluetooth devices. The wiring itself could be a problem. As a rule the bigger the antenna, the more sensitive it is. So the wiring in your house could be a very sensitive antenna capable of picking up your personal emissions. There are at least 2 ways to defeat some of these problems. Filtering and injecting noise onto the wires. Filtering can be accomplished with basic componants such as capacitors, inductors and resistors. All must be high power. Injecting noise onto the wires can be accomplished with X10 technology. This was developed in the 1970's and is used to turn on or turn off devices using the AC wiring as control wiring. It consists of a small AC transformer that steps down the voltage creates a DC voltage for the signal then puts the signal back on the AC coming in. They make shielded AC wire. It works like coax cable. It has all the conductors surrounded by aluminum foil that is grounded. It operates on the same principle as a Faraday Cage. It keeps out all signals and keeps all signals in.
5. This may sound crazy but "Where does an 800 lb gorilla sit"? If you have 500,000 heavily armed soldiers in a small area all the surveillance in the world is useless. Take control of the countryside. Establish some lines. This is where the enemy is, this is where the enemy isn't. Control the country from the countryside. Stop people from moving around. Don't try to rule the urban areas. If someone is identified as the enemy restrict them to an urban area. Try to get everyone on the same page. Overcoming the fact that "Everything You Know Is Wrong" (and that means everyone) is the biggest problem. One way to do this might be to take over a couple hospitals with as big a force as necessary to neutralize local police along with the surrounding area, then force everyone in the area to have an X-ray and have everyone watch as people are dis-connected. This could also be a recruiting tool. Leave behind literature that gets people asking questions. Feel free to use anything on my websites. Reward people with property taken during the revolution instead of relying on banks.
Noise Generators
1. Spark Generators - Spark generators were one of the first Morse Code machines. They were invented by Nikola Tesla before the end of the 19th century. The Titanic carried a spark transmitter (generator). As radio progressed they were outlawed because they interfered with the entire radio spectrum. A Jacobs Ladder is a type of spark generator. At high voltages they can interupt everything. I mounted a standard spark plug from an internal combustion engine in a piece of metal to simulate an engine. To create the spark I used a standard ignition coil with a Velleman kit. The Velleman kit (K2543) comes with everything needed, but it has to be assembled.
2. Mechanical Generators - Electric motors are notorious for generating noise that interfere with sensitive electronics. All motors have a rotor that must move and be energized at the same time. This is accomplished with a conducting brush that keeps contact with the rotor. The idea is to rotate a metal brush on metal and conduct electricity through it to create noise. Then amplify the noise and put it on an antenna.
3. Electronic Generator - I began experimenting with Texas Instruments MSP430 line of microcontrollers. The Launchpad comes preprogrammed with a software routine that pulses an LED. I theorize you could simply take that pulse, amplify it and put it on an antenna and it might create enough disturbance for one person. It could be made small enough to hang around a person's neck. The MSP could also be programmed to generate random digital signals out of almost any output. You could generate many random signals mix them together and create digital noise. The outputs could be programmed for different frequencies. Another electronic idea is to build a white noise generator, chop up the signal somehow and amplify that. Different metals have different conducting properties. It might be possible to make your own componant to chop up signals by passing the current through different metals. You could pass the signal through a piece of pig iron and see if it makes a lot of noise. To overcome the limitations of microwave antennas you pass the final signal through a long conductor on the PCB. This is the opposite of what designers do. They must meet standards set by the Federal Communication Commission for EMI.
4. It might be possible to record the noise made by a spark transmitter, make a computer file out of it, then rebroadcast (transmit) it through a cell phone or iPod. It's effectiveness might be limited to the microwave spectrum because of the size of the antenna.
5. Bluetooth is a technology that allows Personal Area Networks using microwaves. You can transmit and recieve signals up to 150 ft away. Anyone can develop applications for Bluetooth. Development kits can be bought online at supply houses such as Mouser or Digi-Key.
6. Android is an open source platform for cell phones and MP3 players. Anyone can develop applications for an Android based device. The software is free. Google "Android Software Development Kit". Many Android devices have an antenna that can be programed. It could be used to broadcast noise or some other jamming signal.
1. Jamming is a technology as old as radio. Jamming is aimed at the reciever not the transmitter. The idea is to prevent the reciever from picking up the signal. A couple of methods can be used. Over power the transmitted signal with a higher wattage signal similar to the one trying to be recieved or just broadcast noise of many frequencies and of very high wattage. A satelitte can be considered a reciever if it is trying to pick up your brain transmissions. Carrying around a device that transmits noise at frequencies the same as your brain at higher power levels could stop synthetic telepathy. The power levels of your brain can be easily overcome by a device with a 9 volt battery. It might be possible to program an Android device to do this.
Neural Implants
1. Reading the book "Physical Control Of The Mind" (a free pdf can be found on the DOCUMENTS page) by Jose Manuel DelGado there are at least 2 methods for controlling the mind. A small chip (RFID) can be placed under the scalp without drilling a hole in the bone and an actual implant can be inserted into the pituitary through the nose with a procedure called Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery. The RFID chip can be powered by the AC wires all around us by by picking up the EMI like a transformer. The chip itself acts like the secondary of a transformer. The RFID can communicate with the person by the microwave hearing effect. The RFID can communicate with the outside world with a small antenna probably on some microwave frequency coming out of a satelitte or cell phone system. It might work like any phone system. Each chip has a specific phone number or address. To disable it, all one has to do is locate it under the scalp and break it with a hammer. "Instant Karma"
2. Disabling a neural implant is a little more complicated. In the movie "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest" the main character, R P McMurphy, has to under go ECT (electro-convulsive therapy) as punishment. ECT is used by some doctors to treat depression. Electrodes are placed on the temples and voltage is applied to the head. Since a neural implant is so small this would be like hitting a TV with lightning. It would "fry it". Another way would be to expose the head to a massive high power pulse of EMI and try to destroy small componants on the chip. A general idea for a pulse generator can be found on the DOCUMENTS page.
Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...

Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, and it's companion website, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
Beginning of Actual Blog
April 22, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I am re-reading my copy of "The Secret History of the Jesuits" by Edmond Paris. I am trying to do it as fast as I can because even the paperbacks I own change. (Espresso Book machine anyone) ( I think I've lost my computer software Encyclopedia Britannica, but I digress) I am looking for something on the Inquisition in Goa. The first few chapters deal with Europe between 1540 and about 1800. The Jesuits always turned to some kind of subversion or conspiracy. A favorite tactic is converting the people at the top and getting them to persecute. Everywhere they were successful the country eventually suffered from decadence. England is the only country they were never successful at all. This subsequently became true for America Australia Canada and New Zealand. (Mary had a little lamb, it's fleece was white as snow) I don't think this is an accident. I think they purposely left the English Protestants to use them for future wars. This led to the "Alice in Wonderland" phenomena because they had to come up with something else to kill people with. Other books by Edmond Paris are "The Vatican Against Europe"(see DOCUMENTS page) and "Genocide in Satellite Croatia"(see Amazon)
I am always wondering about the significance of India. I have come to the conclusion it's a lot of things. 1.The Inquisition at Goa Started by Francis Xavier around 1550 just after arriving in Goa. 2.The Untouchables Mahatma Ghandhi called them "God's children". They are the 'juded' of India. 3.The Swastika Originated in India well before the birth of Christ. It is still present as a symbol used by religions. 4. The Dalai Lama A tradition started right after the journey of Marco Polo. I believe Polo was sent to China by the Pope to bring down the Mongol Empire from within with the chickenshit system. Tibet is a "juded" dumping ground for China like Israel is a "juded" dumping ground for Europe and America. 5. Zoroaster was a prophet in Persia (now Iran) well before the birth of Christ. His philosophy is very anti-nomad or Gypsy. Evidence the rolling stone thing has existed for centuries. The word 'gypsy' is derived from the word Egypt. 6. Geheimnis Tibet A movie made by Ernst Shaeffer at the request of Heinrich Himler just before the outbreak of WWII. It tries to find the origins of Aryanism in Tibet. Which makes no sense to me. The word 'Geheimnis' roughly translates to 'ghost' or 'zombie' (I think). Aside from the fact I don't care and all my information keeps changing you should do your own research and not take anyones word at face value.
Gilles de Rais
Today's brain meanderings. "There's something rotton in Denmark" is a famous line from Shakespears play "Hamlet". The play is very similar to the "real life" situation surrounding Henry VIII of England. It was written just after Henry died. Hamlet's father is king of Denmark. He is "murdered" in his garden by his brother with the juice of henbane. (Ironman???) He then marries his brother's wife to become king. All the main characters then die after going to England. I read last night that Denmark is predominately Protestant. (Along with Sweden Catch-22???) Is this what's rotton in Denmark? Why does the Pope tolerate Denmark but not England? The Anglo-Saxons originally came from southeastern Germany. A long way from England. They left Germany after the fall of Rome around 400 AD and invaded England. They killed all the men and took the women for thier own. Is this the never ending revenge? Dresden is a city in Saxony, the part of Germany they left. It was the site of one of the worst atrocities of WWII. David Irving has spent his life writing about it. It is mentioned in Kurt Vonneguts book and movie "Slaughterhouse-five". What was the range of the B-17? Could it have reached Dresden from England and returned without refueling? What was the longest range British bomber? What was it's range? In flight refueling was not invented then and I don't think they refuel bombers. Guernica is a small town in Spain. It was the site of an atrocity during the Spanish Civil War. It is the subject of a famous painting by Pablo Picasso. The Germans bombed Guernica despite the fact it was in the hands of the Nationalists. The Germans were fighting for the Nationalists. The targets were supposed to be a small factory and a bridge but both were completely missed and the town was destroyed. The excuse was Guernica was very near the front and they didn't want it to fall into the hands of the enemy. While studying the fall of the Roman Republic I discovered there were 2 Triumvirates with 3 generals each time. I find this suspicious. Maybe they didn't kill enough people who wanted to keep the republic so they had to do it again. From the fall of the Republic to the founding of the Bank of England Europe was constantly at war. I'll go out on a limb and say there were always multiple combatants. For some reason they like the number's seven and three. The number seven is a lucky number in Western Civilization. (WTC building 7 fell despite not being hit) I found as many wars as I could and added them up. 1. The French and Indian Wars Part of a larger conflict known as The Seven Years War to decide who would dominate North America. It had the French British and some Colonials. 2. The Seven Years War Prussia Hanover Great Britain. Also included France Austria Saxony Switzerland and Russia at times. 3. War of 1812 England France America 4. The Napoleonic Wars. France vs a long series of coalitions that numbered seven. Waged over 23 years it ended the original objective of the French Revolution, the rule of the people. 5. South African Wars British Boers Africaners 6. WWI Austria-Hungary Turkey and Germany vs the Allies. 7. WWII Germany Japan and Italy vs the Allies 8. Russian Revolution The red Army vs the White Army vs the non-Bolsheviks 9. Present day The Axis of Evil North Korea Iran and Syria vs everybody else. Johahn Wolfgang Von Goethe is qouted as saying "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free". I have always wondered how he knew. He wrote the definitive book about the character Faust. He fought for the monarchists against France during the Napoleonic Wars, so I guess he was one of them. A Faust.
I'm 59 years old. I have spent a lot of time sitting in front of a TV. I did that because I was in excruciating pain. For most of that time I thought it was mental illness but I have now spent another 14 years dealing with the invisible pig vomit so I now believe it was not an accident or an act of nature. If you apply the process of elimination to that you conclude that somebody did that to me. In all that time I never once watched a documentary about people who volunteered for Auschwitz. I'm not either. I will spend my eternity being maimed tortured and tormented behind my back by the invisible pig vomit. You started it, you finish it. You know the world is really fucked when the welfare bums go fascist. I know I know I'm a welfare bum too but I'm not a fascist. I'm about to go completely delusional. If in fact I'm the anti-Christ I know they don't need the physical body. They can hire all the actors they need to play me. All they need is the story they created during my lifetime. I do not want to go down in history as a mass murderer either as an anti-Christ or freedom crusader. So I'll never co-operate. At least I'll die with a clear conscience. I would like to see this disgusting system put on trial from coast to coast and ended once and for all.
In 1184 Pope Lucius III began the Inquisition. The Inquisition was strengthened by the 4th Lateran Council in 1215. It was not present everywhere and there was no central authority. Pope Gregory IX appointed judges who were Dominican and Franciscan friars. After 1248 there was a handbook that adopted common procedures. In 1252 Pope Innocent IV started torturing people. The Inquisition was supposedly abolished in the 1800's. An Inquisition for the Papal states and part of Italy was begun in 1542 and later named the Congregation of the Holy Roman and Universal Inquisition or the Holy Office. In 1965 the Holy Office was renamed the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith by Pope Paul VI. 1965???? Does the Inquisition still exist? The Papal States?? C.C.D.??? Was someone trying to point me here??? Confraternity of the Christian Doctrine.????
I saw a video yesterday that said the Saudis were going to sell their oil company and invest it elsewhere.
I don't know if this is true or not.
Sell something once, why sell it again
The Global Political Ramifications of the Fossil Fuel Industry
I don't know
I don't care
The Global Political Ramifications of Solar Voltaic Cells and Methane
I don't know
I don't care
You can heat a house with solar voltaic panels (see INVENTIONS page I think??)
I don't care what I say
Retrofit an oil furnace for methane
Retrofit a gas furnace for methane
Make them interchangable
Don't just go away
Go away mad
Another satisfied customer
I don't care what I say
You're crazy
Insanity is a perfectly normal reaction to a completely insane world
Insanity is contagious
If you don't believe me spend a couple weeks locked on a psycho ward
The first step in getting better is admitting you have a problem
Everyone wants a check
Everyone wants a check every month
Everyone wants a check every month from everyone
The fewer checks you send every month the easier life is
"No country was ever drunk when wine was cheap" Thomas Jefferson
When the livin's easy so are the people
"The government that governs best governs least"Henry Thoreau
The world would run itself if it weren't for people trying to run it
End secret fascism and everybody's life gets easier and safer
Stop building the New World Order and everybody's life gets easier and safer
Stop meddling in other people's elections, and everybody's life gets easier and safer
Yankee go home
And stay home
"Everybody wants to rule the world"
He should have said "Its the same people all the time" but the illiteration doesn't work
"I went down that river as a kid..there was a gardenia's gone now"
Apolcalypse Now, and I mean right now!!!!!
"My city was gone..way to go Ohio.."
Chrissy Hynde and The Pretenders
"They paved Paradise, put up a parking lot"
I don't care what I say
"Where do we go..Sweet child o Mine.."
I don't know
I don't care
If I have to say something
Instead of anything goes it's shit happens
"If the doors of perception were cleansed, man would see things as they truely are..infinite"
Define infinte
Well,...not defineable
The problem is people whose God is conspiracy money power lying theft murder and mayhem
Key word being conspiracy
Political ideology, religion and intellectualism is astrology because people stop focusing on the key word
Conspiracy is the lowest form of human behavior
I don't care what I say
"Horror and moral terror are your friends"
I don't want any friends
I am an equal opportunity person
I hate everybody
I have been thinking a lot about a solid state electronic noise generator that would work as well as the Tesla spark transmitter. I know as a technician different metals conduct electricity in different ways. A cold solder joint can do really funny things to a signal. Question of the day. Is it possible to make an alloy that would purposely distort a signal applied to it? A circuit for the idea is to build a sine wave oscillator that runs about 100 HZ. It would be about 3 volts to 0.5 volts peak to peak. Feed this signal into a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) that runs in the microwave range across a wide span. The 100 HZ signal would constantly sweep the VCO back and forth. Put this signal on an antenna made of the alloy.
I think my internet is censored. Every youtube video I look at has "=false" as the last 6 characters displayed in the address bar of the browser. I think this is true for everyone. My video counts never change.
Faust - a fictional or literary character used to represent someone who is being "let in" to the Oligarch Collective
Necromancer - an intermediary between a dead, zombie, juded or mercury poisoned person and the Oligarch Collective. Used to bring down "the wall". Because "walls" can be a real problem. Like moss.
Faust first appeared about the year 1500 around the time of the beginning of the Renaissance. "Renaissance" is a French word for rebirth. It can mean the end of the Dark Ages or the rediscovery of classic culture. The Dark Ages had begun around the time of the fall of the Roman Empire. At the same time the mass's of Europe began to educate themselves and break free of being peasants. They were responsible for the Protestant Reformation. This was a threat to the powers that be and needed to be dealt with to cling to power. It was a similar situation as occurred between 1000 AD and 1100 AD when the Kings and Queens began to threaten the authority of the Pope. This problem was dealt with by the Gregorian Reform. To deal with the new threat the church convened the Council of Trent, the longest council ever held. I believe it created the Oligarch Collective to "let in" some of the mass's to cling to power. The Protestant Reformation has never been totally eliminated. You don't get anywhere in this world unless you agree to the way things are run.
Akenhaton was an Egyptian king who lived about 1500 BC. He is famous for trying to re-invent the Egyptian religion. After he died the Egyptians reverted back to their old religion. Mithraism began in Persia around the same time. It is based on the Rig Veda which is central to Hinduism. Zoroaster lived about 1000 BC. He was a Persian who, like Akenhaton, introduced monotheism as opposed to polytheism. Mithraism died out in Persia soon after Zoroaster. When Alexander the Great conquered Persia around 300 BC he brought Mithraism back to the Greco-Roman world. Some Roman emperors were still worshiping Mithra as late as 300 AD. The point is, like America, the ancient world had all types of religions in every country. The powers that be tolerated some and didn't tolerate others. I think the tolerated the ones that kept them in power and didn't tolerate the ones that were a threat to them. Akenhaton is proof they will just invent a religion for their own purposes. I think there are problems with the science behind Akenhaton. He is sometimes called Ahmenhotep I. His son was Tutunkamen. King Tut's tomb was the only tomb discovered completely intact. I find this suspicious. Someone might have been trying to say something.
The transistor was invented about 1948. It is a PN junction of silicon. They can put millions of transistors on a single chip. When they first started doing this they called it Small Scale Integration (SSI). Soon after they introduced Large Scale Integration (LSI) after that came Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI). Today they can pack billions of PN junctions in a square inch. An Intel Pentium CPU for example. A solar voltiac cell is made up of PN junctions that convert light to electricity. Question of the day. Have they ever applied VLSI technology to the making of solar voltaic cells? Would this make them more sensitive? Doing this would challenge the power of the oil industry. Maybe thats why it never happened.
Aleister Crowley rented a house near Rome sometime in the 1920's. He supposedly had sex orgies and had animal sacrifices and all manner of debauchery took place. The Italian government through him out of the country. Crowley spent his life staging stunts to use the media for his own purposes. What was he trying to say here? “The Banquet of Chesnuts took place around the time of the Reformation, 1500 AD. The Pope and many high church officials had a orgy with young boys and girls. The Bohemian Grove is a club for the rich and powerful based in San Francisco. They own a piece of land covered with redwoods just outside San Francisco. Every year they have a party and walk around naked and get drunk. They have a ceremony called "The Cremation of Care" where they burn a large owl statue. The "House of Bang-Bang" is a villa owned by one of the British Royal family. They have orgies and wild parties.
La Popessa
Paul Murphy
A book about Sister Pascalina. She was a nun who accompanied Pope Pius XII most of his life. Pope Pius XII died in 1958. After his death she was thrown out of the Vatican. She helped write this book. I don't know what is in it, but Nature hath no fury as a woman scorned”.
Hitler's Pope
John Cornwell
A book about Pius XII who reigned from 1939 to 1958. He was from a wealthy Italian family considered part of the black nobility. The author was given access to Vatican records and the Vatican wasn’t happy with the book.
The Vatican Against Europe
Edmond Paris
A book about the Vaticans role in both WWI and WWII. A copy can be found on the DOCUMENTS page.
War is a Racket
Smedley Butler
A book about the life of the Marines most decorated soldier by the author himself.
The Iron Triangle
Dan Briody
A book about The Carlyle Group, a private equity firm that specializes in defense industry's. They have been accused of bribing every politician on the planet. "War Is A Racket" and all the politicians profit from it.
I have been thinking some about the microwave hearing effect. I found some information on early RADAR in my computer software Encyclopedia Britannica. I don't know how it got there because I thought I had looked at this before. My encyclopedia is like every thing else, it changes daily. Any way, the SCR-268 was the first US version of RADAR. It operated at 205 MHZ. All RADAR up until the 1950's worked in the VHF range which is from about 300 MHZ and below. This is not microwave. Microwave goes from 300 MHZ to about 30 GHZ. People operating RADAR reported a clicking in the ears. I figure it must have been the reflected signal not the transmitted. The transmitted would have "fryed" the person if they were standing near it. Reflected signals come back at pico watts or maybe a little higher. That is very very small. That would confirm some of Dr Allen Frey's work with the effect and would explain how an RFID chip works. It could be powered by the AC all around us and work because it requires very very small wattage. I'm not sure if this is true but everything in this world has a resonant frequency. There was a bridge built in the Northwest called the Tacoma narrows or Tapanzee (I forget) that when it opened it began swaying so violently they had to close it. Eventually it broke apart and fell. They think it had something to do with the resonant frequency of the bridge itself. The inner ear may have a resonant frequency in the microwave range. The inner ear is made up of a number of parts. It converts vibration to electric signals. It operates from about 30 HZ to about 30,000 HZ of audio vibration. Maybe the effect bypass's some part early in the process and uses the resonant frequency of some other part downstream. Can you simply reproduce the exact signal produced by all the parts of the ear and transmit it somewhere near the ear and have it picked up by the brain just the same?
Japan was an isolated counrty up until about 1800 AD. It had developed a very unique culture mostly because it was an island nation and had never been conquered. In 1853 the United States sent Commodore Perry to force the Japanese to trade and open her doors. They reluctantly agreed. I think the Japanese should have been left alone. Nations have the right to self determination. I think the Vietnanmese should have been allowed to be communist if they wanted. I think the Sandanista's should have been left alone. Power to the people. By the way there has never been a rank of "Commodore" in the US Navy.
This is some literary evidence to suggest the "Alice Adultery" phenomena is not recent.I think Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" is a basic example. The play "Pyramus and Thisbe" is put on by some of the characters in Shakespeare's play "A Midsummer's Night Dream". It is derived either from a story in the bible or came from ancient Babylon. I think it is mentioned in Bob Dylan's song "All Along The Watchtower". He say's "A wild cat did growl"..two riders were approaching...and the wind began to howl...". Shakespeare was a Tudor propagandist. The story of Helen of Troy by Homer is also the same. The exact origin of "The Illiad and The Odyssey" is not known.
Possible origins of Luke Skywalker or Luke's Wall Marcus Annaeus Lucanus writer of the Bellum civile. Republic of Lucca - one of the last Papal states. Luke, a writer of some of the New Testament, not a jew or Christian but possibly an atheist.