Name That Tune
I can destroy your world in 60 minutes or less. It’s like Name That Tune only I use a computer and an internet connection. Go to ‘youtube’ and type in “U2 The Fly ZooTV” be prepared to pause. When it says “Everything You Know Is Wrong” hit pause. To re-enforce this concept go to ‘youtube’ and type in “Alternative Views George Seldes” and be prepared to pause. Shortly into the video he says “History is a lie agreed upon” and atributes it to Napolean Bonaparte. Next go to ‘youtube’ and type in “1984 full movie”. At the beginning of the version with John Hurt it states ‘Who Controls The Past Controls The Future, Who Controls The Present Controls The Past”. Thats all you need to know. Lets establish a conspiracy. Go to ‘Amazon’ and type in “New World Order by H G Wells” and search in books. You will find a book published in 1940 about global government. Then go to ‘google’ and type in “New World Order by H G Wells free pdf”. It’s free on the internet. Next go to ‘Wikipedia’ and type in “H G Wells”. You will discover he was a well known science fiction writer who died about 1945. He wrote “The Invisible Man”, “The War Of The Worlds” and “The Time Machine” which were all made into movies. “The War Of The Worlds” became very famous in 1939 when Orson Wells (no relation) caused a panic in New Jersey with his radio broadcast of this book. Reading about H G Wells at ‘Wikipedia’ you will discover he was a member of The Fabian Society a socialist organization started in the 1880’s. The stated goal of this group is the slow implementation of a global government. The word ‘fabian’ comes from a Roman general who defeated Hannibal. “Fabian” was a Rock N Roll singer of the late 1950’s. He was proof positive you don’t need any talent to make it in music. Return to ‘youtube’ and type in “Won’t Get Fooled Again” by The Who. Anyone who has listened to Rock N Roll since 1969 when this song came out has heard it a million times. Next go to ‘youtube’ and type in “Everybody Wants To Rule The World” by Tears For Fears. This song came out in 1985 and has been played a million times. At one point he says “Say that you’l never never need it,…one headline why believe it”. Go to ‘youtube’ type in “N W O” by Ministry. One of the best bands nobody has ever heard of. The title speaks for itself. Go to ‘youtube’ type in “The Saints Are Coming” by U2/Green Day. A little obscure but has elements of mind control. They say “No matter how I try I realize there’s no reply”. There’s no point in trying to talk to anyone you believe is under mind control. This includes anyone who has been in the military. Lets go down the mind control road. Go to ‘youtube’ type in “Manchurian Candidate”. Pick the one with Frank Sinatra that came out around 1960 and watch the beginning. Next go to ‘youtube’ and type in ‘Jose Delgado and His Bull Story”. You will get a ten minute video about Jose Delgado and how he stopped a bull in a bull fighting ring with a push button. This happened about 1965. He called his device a ‘Stimociever”. I don’t think Delgado invented the technology, I think it already existed and he was trying to expose it. Go to ‘google’ and type in “Physical Control Of The Mind: Toward A Psycho Social Society” by Jose Manuel DelGado. He wrote this book about 1970. It is not a medical book. It is written for the layman. The beginning covers ethical and moral questions surrounding mind control and mentions someone named Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a Jesuit priest who died in 1955. Chardin was portrayed in the movie “The Exorcist”. Del Gado details 2 types of mind control. One is a chip slipped under the scalp that communicates with the inner ear and the other is Endoscopic Pituitary surgery. The chip under the scalp can just be broken with a hammer if you’re careful and the Pituitary can be disabled with ECT (Electro Convulsive Therapy). Electricity to the head.Lets see what Rock N Roll has to say about voices in the head. Go to ‘youtube’ and look at the following 1. I Don’t Like Mondays by The Boomtown Rats 2. Voices Inside My Head by The Police 3. The Kiss by The Cure This will get you started.
This is a list of documentarys I have watched that I believe are very important in trying to understand how the world 'really' works. It includes 2 fiction movies, George Orwell's '1984' and H G Wells 'Things To Come'. Almost all of these can be downloaded free on either '' or ''.
  1. "9-11 Birds" 2 parts of a video I downloaded while trying to find a copy of Jules and Gedeon Naudets film 9/11 The Commemorative Edition. One part has Donald Rumsfeld talking about trillions missing from the defense budget and the other is about William Cooper. (see note)
  2. "1984" with John Hurt and Richard Burton (fiction) A recent version of Orwell's novel. Many people feel we are living Orwell's dystopia. I am one of them.
  3. "A Crude Awakening" About Peak Oil. Points out 3 places where oil ran dry. Baku, Ajerbaijan, Maracaibo, Venezuela, and McCamey Texas. Every individual oil field runs out so they know it will happen globally sooner or later.
  4. "Freedom to Fascism" by Aaron Russo Aaron Russo made films. He made "Trading Places" with Eddie Murphy. In this documentary he claims there is no law that requires people to pay federal income taxes. He says the required number of states never ratified the amendment. He was an acquantance of one of the Rockefellers and says they want everyone on the planet 'chipped' with an RFID. All your money will be on that chip and if you don't do what they say they turn it off leaving you destitute. "All in all you're just another brick in the wall...."
  5. "Once Again There Will Be Ante Pavelic" a Marbus Presentation Ante Pavelic was the fascist dictator of Yugoslavia during WWII. He oversaw the Jasenovac Death Camp where 850,000 people were killed or converted to Catholicism.
  6. "School Of The America's" narrated by Susan Sarandon The School of the Americas (now called WHINSEC) is located at Fort Benning GA. Critics claim they train police and military from South American countries to terrorize and kill peasants for capitalists.
  7. "Big Bucks, Big Pharma Marketing Disease and Pushing Drugs" An hour long documentary on how drug companies market drugs direct to consumer (DTC) and over charge for them. One example is Prozac. When the patent for Prozac ran out they invented another disease and DTC Prozac under some other name. But it was exactly the same drug.
  8. "The Secret Of Oz with Bill Still" A movie about fiat currency and the fractional reserve banking system.
  9. "Blind Spot" Another documentary about Peak Oil.
  10. "The World According To Bush" by William Karel About George Bush the 43rd president. Many interviewed say Bush is the worst president we have ever had.
  11. "Collapse" with Michael Ruppert About Peak Oil and CIA drug dealing in Los Angeles.
  12. "Crash Course" with Chris Martenson About Peak Oil and the eventual collapse of capitalism when oil runs out and debt can't be re-payed.
  13. "ECHELON - The Most Secret Spy System" from The History Channel ECHELON is a spying operation of the NSA (National Security Agency) The NSA was created after WWII by an agreement with Great Britain. Curiously the only countries ECHELON has bases in are WASP countries. Australia, Great Britain, USA, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa. ????? ECHELON sifts through trillions of phone calls and internet traffic looking for 'terrorists'.
  14. "Eisenhower's Farewell Address" Eisenhower managed to say everything in about 16 minutes. He says: "We face a hostile ideology, global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose and insidious in method. Unhappily the danger it poses promises to be of indefinite duration." ......"a prolonged and complex struggle with liberty the stake.."....."In the councils of government we must guard against the aquisition of unwarranted influence whether sought or unsought by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist, we must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic process's." ......."In this revolution research has become central, it has also become more formalized, costly and complex. A steadily increasing share is done for, by or at the direction of the federal government"...."The solitary inventor has become overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratory's and testing fields."....."We must also gaurd against the possibility that public policy itself could become the captive of a scientific and technological elite"...
  15. "End Game" by Infowars and Alex Jones Starts out about the Bilderberg Group and eventually goes into the banking system and out of control surveillance.
  16. "Jasenovac" A short film with english subtitles about the Jasenovac Death Camp in Fascist Yugoslavia during WWII. Jasenovac was administered by the Ustasha who murdered 850,000. Even Hitler was shocked with thier brutality. Many were forced to convert to Catholicism before being executed. Two books about the camp are "Genocide in Satellite Croatia" by Edmond Paris and "Convert or Die" by Edmond Paris. Americans should read these books before surrendering any more of thier freedoms in the war on terror. FEMA camps have been set up around the country.
  17. "John F Kennedy at the Waldorf Astoria April 1961" About 3 months after Eisenhowers Farewell Address and 2 weeks after the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba Kennedy gave this speech about the medias role in the fight outlined by Eisenhower. He says: "For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarliy on covet means to increase it's sphrere of influence..." ..."no shots have been fired, no borders have been crossed but our enemies are advancing...."...."So man can be what he was born to be, free and independent"
  18. "Jack Kerouac" A short film about Jack Kerouac. Kerouac was a writer from Lowell Mass. His best known book was "On The Road". He was an active member of the beat generation from North Beach in San Francisco in the early 1950's. Studying the history of San Francisco from 1950 to the present is a must for anyone who wants to know what is really going on.
  19. "Loose Change" About the problems with Sept 11.
  20. "Missing Links" About the problems with Sept 11.
  21. "My Alma Mater Is A Moral Cesspool: Fundies, Feddies, Neocons And The University Of Chicago" with Francis A Boyle The University of Chicago has the distinction for 3 events in the 20th century. The study of education (pedagody) They are mostly responsible for the failing public schools and the college and university system that has become just another business. Going to college is a way to saddle the young with debt and employ useless intellectuals who can't do anything else. "Those who can't do, teach, those who can't teach, teach gym" While attending college the psychos that be scope out the young to find more psychos. Western civilization is a case of turds float. Not cream rising to the top. Young people are told that they can't get anywhere without a college education. That may be true but a large percentage won't get anywhere with one. The first nuclear chain reaction was accomplished in the 1940's. It led to the Manhatan Project and atomic weapons. It was the home of Milton Friedman and the Chicago Boys, an economic philosophy used by the Catholic University in Chile after Pinochet took power. "The Murder of Chile" (a book) is sometimes referred to as the other Sept 11. It's proof they're all the same thing. There are just as many psycho WASP's as Catholics. "Religion is a club" "All in all you're just another brick in the wall..."
  22. "NASA Remote Sensing" A very short film about Remote Sensing. The technology behind satellites.
  23. "A Noble Lie" An award winning documentary about the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. Like the Sept 11 and the World Trade Center the bombing of the Alfred P Murrah Federal building in 1995 is full of inconsistancies and explainations that make no sense. They present evidence that the type of bomb the FBI said was used could not have done the damage caused. An officer, Terrance Yeakey, was tortued and murdered when he kept investigating. The only TV station in Oklahoma City that wouldn't accept the official line was silenced by it's corporate boss's. This whole thing could have been an Aleister Crowley. Like Rodney King, Officer Yeakey was a black (souled ??? me ???) man surrounded by cops getting the crap beat out of him. Alfred P Murruh sounds very like Edward R Morrow a very famous TV reporter. Timothy McVeigh, a disgruntled (catholic ??) veteran was convicted and executed. (but was he guilty?) McVeigh hated the ATF because of what they did to the Branch Davidians in Waco TX in 1993 on the same day April 19. This may be unrelated, Michael Sullivan was the U.S. Attorney for Boston in 2006. Bush wanted to appoint him head of the ATF but Sen Larry Craig blocked the appointment. (???? I think) Craig was later run out of the Senate when he plead guilty to sex charges in a bathroom in Minneapolis MN in Aug 2008. ??? Larry Craig was from Idaho. Sen Frank Church was from Idaho. The Church Committee is the only investigation into the CIA that you can't get any information about.
  24. "Oil Smoke And Mirrors" Another Peak Oil documentary. Has some interesting statistics. Eighty percent of the oil produced comes from fields discovered before 1970. We are using 3 times more than we are discovering. Despite (supposedly) having the worlds largest reserves Saudi Arabia is looking offshore for additional fields. The standard of living for the average Saudi has decreased dramatically in the last 10 years and the country is ripe for revolution.
  25. "Operation Ratline" Pts 1,2 and 3 by ABC News After WWII ended many Nazi's were smuggled out of Europe through South America. This has come to be known as Operation Ratline. At least 3, and maybe 4, were involved. The Vatican, the OSS (pre CIA) and Odessa. And maybe the KGB. The Vatican issued passports and gave money to many ex-Nazi's. Odessa was an organization of former Nazi's helping Nazi's. There are many books about Ratline. One is 'Unholy Trinity'. My copy has a quote at the very beginning from a British diplomat to the Vatican. In effect it says "When considering the actions of the Vatican one must think in terms of centuries". ???
  26. "Orwell Rolls In His Grave" About 2 hrs of how the media is controlled by big business and they control us.
  27. "The Power Of Nightmares, The Rise Of The Politics Of Fear" by BBC Presents the idea that politicians have switched from selling people a better world to protecting people from terror. It connects the media to politicians.
  28. "Ring Of Power" pts 1 and 2 by Amenstop Productions A six hour long documentary that claims Sept 11 was a lie and tries to build a case that the entire planet is ruled by the ancestors of the Phaoroh's of Egypt. Interesting.
  29. "Lies Agreed Upon - George Seldes And The American Press" Pts 1,2 and 3 by Alternative Views George Seldes was an American muckraker. He focused on the media. At the beginning he attributes a quote to Napolean "History is a lie agreed upon".
  30. "Frontline May 15 2007 - Spying On The Home Front" KPBS San Diego Presents evidence that the NSA is spying on everyone. A lawsuit was filed in San Francisco in 2008 ?? by the Electronic Frontier Foundation that accused AT&T of allowing the NSA to siphon off all internet traffic and sift through it. The NSA put a large splitter in RM 641A (my SSN ???) and was using some software from NARUS.
  31. "The Money Masters" by Bill Still Three hour documentary about the Federal Reserve and fractional reserve banking. Explains how the amount of currency in circulation is controlled by the international bankers through the money as debt, debt as money system and how they use it to create a phoney boom and bust market. The Great Depression of the 1930's was completely manufactured and maintained by keeping the amount of currency in circulation too low. Many of the Peak Oil documentary's I have believe the global debt that is piling up from this system will contribute to the eventual collapse. I think it was Francois Voltaire who said "All fiat currency's must return to thier intrinsic value: zero". I don't think thats necessarily true. The British pound was the first fiat currency established in 1694 and it has never completely collapsed. It has suffered from inflation but it is still afloat. Many point to the amount of derivatives being traded an public markets. Derivatives are financial instruments made up completely of debt. I think this can be a strategy. They can start a corporation to buy all this debt saying it is a debt recovery company. Then they say it didn't work and let the company go bankrupt and "Poof,...look Ma no debt..". They made the zero's up and they can just erase them. The factor they can't stop is the end of fossil fuels. And maybe the truth about the world and the future for most and global 'chipping' of people.
  32. "The New American Century" A film about the people at the top of the Neocons. Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Perle and (someone else) Thier connection to the religious right and the University of Chicago. Leo Strauss was the inventor of Neocon philosophy. If you have synthetic telepathy you can easily determine how psycho someone is and put that person on the fast track to the White House.
  33. "The Secret Government" with Bill Moyers About the Iran-Contra affair during the Reagan administration. Includes other scandals.
  34. "Things To Come By H G Wells (1936)" fiction Predicts an 'Orwellian dystopia' before Orwell. H.G. Wells was a member of the Fabian Society whose stated mission is the gradual implementation og gloabl socialism. He also wrote political books, one of which is titled "The New World Order".
  35. "Geheimnis Tibet" Schafer Expedition 1938/39 An expedition paid for by Heinrich Himler, the head of the SS, to Tibet to look for the origins of Aryanism. If you know what most people do about Himler and the Nazi's that fact makes no sense. Aryanism was supposed to be a racist ideology that revovled around blue eyed Nordic types. Why would Himler think it started in Tibet?
  36. "Waco: The Rules Of Engagement" About the Branch Davidians who died in Waco TX on April 19 1993 at the hands of the ATF and FBI. The standoff began on Feb 28 1993 when they tried to enforce a warrant to look for guns. Most of the Davidians died 2 months later. More than a hundred. An Aleister Crowley??? This is going to happen to America as a whole??? The WASP's will die in a holocaust???? The police, FBI will do the killing????
  37. "What I've Learned About US Foreign Policy" A collection of known illegal CIA operations overseas. Iran, Guatemala, Panama, Operation Gladio, seran gas in Laos to name a few.
  38. "The Zeitgeist Movie" The first of 3 movies made by the same people. This one is divided into 3 sections. Religion, Sept 11 and a proposal for the future. The proposal for the future is where they lost me. They want to create a world wide system based on resource management by scientists and the elite. This leads me to think it's the same people trying to cling to power. The human race needs to develop a system where most of what it produces is made from renewable sources. As long as we depend on finite resources we will answer to the people who own them. Since I think this is BS the part about religion is actually the global elite exposing religion as a lie. It's the church admitting Jesus is a lie.
  39. "Zeitgeist: Addendum This one is mostly about the banking system.
  40. "Zeitgeist Moving Forward" The last Zeitgeist makes a very good case for the idea that capitalism is doomed. Planned obsolesence, waste and an infinite growth paradigm will all converge to collpase the global economy. They say the GDP of America is heavily dependant of health care. So sick people are good for business. (see Big Bucks Big Pharma above) The health care system in America is a death system like Hitlers final solution and we are all paying through the nose for it and asking for more. It is thoroughly broken. Someone said once "If you think health care is expensive now, wait until it's free". Everyone is trying to get $20,000 worth of services for $1000. It's a pyramid scheme doomed to fail.
Conclusion. We're headed for an apolcalypse but it's completely manmade. The media is a MAJOR LEAGUE PROBLEM. Anything they say is either a lie or completely useless. It is designed to entertain and distract people from concentrating on the real problems facing the world. The banking system is a blank check for the global elite to cling to power. It's a scam they can bilk forever. We are running out of oil and when we do there is going to be hell to pay. We live in a total surveillance society that is anything but free. Anyone who discovers this gets 'chipped' and sent after anyone else who finds out. The Auto-Fasci-Mat. Capitalism is doomed for many reasons more than the lack of fossil fuels. Over population will add misery on top of misery when the oil runs out.
Solution Suggestions
Sources of Surveillance
1. ECHELON - A United States federal government program run by the National Security Agency (NSA) based at Ft Meade Maryland. It has bases around the world but for some reason they are only in the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom. Canada, South Africa and New Zealand. These are all predominately English speaking Protestant countries. Evidence the Pope is involved. Every installation has massive computers and antennas that sort through billions of cell phone and Wi-Fi transmissions and who knows what else.
2. Satellites - There are hundreds of satellite systems that are owned and operated by both the federal government of this country and others and also by private corporations. Three private networks I am aware of are: Iridium, Inmarsat and GlobalStar. They are capable of picking up minute amounts of all kinds of phenomena such as electrical, heat, light, etc using what is referred to as remote sensing. There are literally books of bibliographies on remote sensing.
3. Cell Phone Towers - Cell phones became a reality in the 1980's. There is no reason to believe they don't employ the same remote sensing technology used by satellites. Every square inch of this country is covered by more than one network.
4. The Entire Electric Grid - The North American electric grid is the largest machine ever built. It could be acting as an antenna. This includes antennas operated by ordinary radio and TV stations. They could hook up a computer to it anywhere and begin sifting through EMI it picks up. Broadband Over Powerlines (BPL) is a technology that has existed for years. It uses the electric grid to deliver cable TV short distances. They say it's very susceptable to noise but who knows, maybe they've overcome the problem. If revolution occurs all large computer installations shoud be destroyed or permanantly turned off. There is no telling what they're doing. This would also destroy electronic money, another control device.
5. Stand-Alone Techniques (microphones, cameras, vibration sensors etc) Similar technology such as cell phone and satellite remote sensing could be applied to small portable devices. Someone next door could be listening to everything you say or even think by aiming something at your house.
6. People with Neural Implants - Someone could be communicating with these people from a control room somewhere or maybe they're aware of your thoughts without any go between. Either way they're a problem.
Disabling Satelittes
1. Satelittes run on solar voltaic arrays. It might be possible to destroy the solar cells with a high power LASER based on the ground.
2. Satelittes are useless if you can't communicate with them. Establish a connection then turn up the power and try to destroy the circuitry associated with the antenna.
3. Find a satelitte dish destroy a satelitte dish.
Defeating Surveillance
1. A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving. The NSA building is copper, but aluminum has the best reflective property's of any metal. Aluminum flashing can be bought at any construction supply (Home Depot, Lowes). Attach it to one side of some plywood panels and place the panels on the floor of the attic. There are companies that sell and install metal roofs. This might defeat satelitte surveillance but not cell phone towers. If a satelitte can pick up EMI at 10,000 miles cell phone towers can do the same. Cell phone systems are on the ground and would be capable of snooping through the walls not the roof. To defeat this, the whole house would have to covered with aluminum. They used to sell aluminum siding, I don't know if they still do.
2. It might be possible to eavesdrop on a dwelling through the grounding rod. Which is to say any dwelling. This, in fact, could neutralize the Faraday Cage. This is only a guess. In the event it is true, this idea might help. Introduce noise onto the grounding rod or cage intentionally. This idea is mechanical. Attach a small metal rod to a motor. Rig the assembly to continuesly tap on the grounding rod.
3. Neural implants probably operate on microwaves given the small size. Getting an implant out of someone is tricky. You would have to stop the implant from communicating, get them to a facility that is fully protected from surveillance and they might have to stay there a while. EMI shielding could help cut off communication. They make EMI absorbant material that looks something like a SCUBA diving wet suit. A person could be covered from head to toe with this and brought to a facility that is a faraday cage. A faraday cage is an entire building encased in copper or aluminum and grounded to earth. This would be a faraday cage walking into a faraday cage. Or maybe some sort of aluminum helmet could be made.
4. Any wire entering or leaving a building and connected to a utility (electric, cable, phone) is a highway for someone to snoop. Any house has thousands of feet of wire. A large building has miles and it can all be used for transfering data. Broadband Over Powerlines (BPL) is a technology that uses the AC wiring in a building for delivering the same data as the coax cable. It only works for a couple of miles because of it's susceptibility to noise. Telephone wiring could also be used without a person's knowledge. A Westek Z 100 filter removes all frequencies above audio (30khz). It would slow down any high speed snooping. Anything plugged into a wall outlet in your house could be snooping. This includes Wi-Fi and Bluetooth devices. The wiring itself could be a problem. As a rule the bigger the antenna, the more sensitive it is. So the wiring in your house could be a very sensitive antenna capable of picking up your personal emissions. There are at least 2 ways to defeat some of these problems. Filtering and injecting noise onto the wires. Filtering can be accomplished with basic componants such as capacitors, inductors and resistors. All must be high power. Injecting noise onto the wires can be accomplished with X10 technology. This was developed in the 1970's and is used to turn on or turn off devices using the AC wiring as control wiring. It consists of a small AC transformer that steps down the voltage creates a DC voltage for the signal then puts the signal back on the AC coming in. They make shielded AC wire. It works like coax cable. It has all the conductors surrounded by aluminum foil that is grounded. It operates on the same principle as a Faraday Cage. It keeps out all signals and keeps all signals in.
5. This may sound crazy but "Where does an 800 lb gorilla sit"? If you have 500,000 heavily armed soldiers in a small area all the surveillance in the world is useless. Take control of the countryside. Establish some lines. This is where the enemy is, this is where the enemy isn't. Control the country from the countryside. Stop people from moving around. Don't try to rule the urban areas. If someone is identified as the enemy restrict them to an urban area. Try to get everyone on the same page. Overcoming the fact that "Everything You Know Is Wrong" (and that means everyone) is the biggest problem. One way to do this might be to take over a couple hospitals with as big a force as necessary to neutralize local police along with the surrounding area, then force everyone in the area to have an X-ray and have everyone watch as people are dis-connected. This could also be a recruiting tool. Leave behind literature that gets people asking questions. Feel free to use anything on my websites. Reward people with property taken during the revolution instead of relying on banks.
Noise Generators
1. Spark Generators - Spark generators were one of the first Morse Code machines. They were invented by Nikola Tesla before the end of the 19th century. The Titanic carried a spark transmitter (generator). As radio progressed they were outlawed because they interfered with the entire radio spectrum. A Jacobs Ladder is a type of spark generator. At high voltages they can interupt everything. I mounted a standard spark plug from an internal combustion engine in a piece of metal to simulate an engine. To create the spark I used a standard ignition coil with a Velleman kit. The Velleman kit (K2543) comes with everything needed, but it has to be assembled.
2. Mechanical Generators - Electric motors are notorious for generating noise that interfere with sensitive electronics. All motors have a rotor that must move and be energized at the same time. This is accomplished with a conducting brush that keeps contact with the rotor. The idea is to rotate a metal brush on metal and conduct electricity through it to create noise. Then amplify the noise and put it on an antenna.
3. Electronic Generator - I began experimenting with Texas Instruments MSP430 line of microcontrollers. The Launchpad comes preprogrammed with a software routine that pulses an LED. I theorize you could simply take that pulse, amplify it and put it on an antenna and it might create enough disturbance for one person. It could be made small enough to hang around a person's neck. The MSP could also be programmed to generate random digital signals out of almost any output. You could generate many random signals mix them together and create digital noise. The outputs could be programmed for different frequencies. Another electronic idea is to build a white noise generator, chop up the signal somehow and amplify that. Different metals have different conducting properties. It might be possible to make your own componant to chop up signals by passing the current through different metals. You could pass the signal through a piece of pig iron and see if it makes a lot of noise. To overcome the limitations of microwave antennas you pass the final signal through a long conductor on the PCB. This is the opposite of what designers do. They must meet standards set by the Federal Communication Commission for EMI.
4. It might be possible to record the noise made by a spark transmitter, make a computer file out of it, then rebroadcast (transmit) it through a cell phone or iPod. It's effectiveness might be limited to the microwave spectrum because of the size of the antenna.
5. Bluetooth is a technology that allows Personal Area Networks using microwaves. You can transmit and recieve signals up to 150 ft away. Anyone can develop applications for Bluetooth. Development kits can be bought online at supply houses such as Mouser or Digi-Key.
6. Android is an open source platform for cell phones and MP3 players. Anyone can develop applications for an Android based device. The software is free. Google "Android Software Development Kit". Many Android devices have an antenna that can be programed. It could be used to broadcast noise or some other jamming signal.
1. Jamming is a technology as old as radio. Jamming is aimed at the reciever not the transmitter. The idea is to prevent the reciever from picking up the signal. A couple of methods can be used. Over power the transmitted signal with a higher wattage signal similar to the one trying to be recieved or just broadcast noise of many frequencies and of very high wattage. A satelitte can be considered a reciever if it is trying to pick up your brain transmissions. Carrying around a device that transmits noise at frequencies the same as your brain at higher power levels could stop synthetic telepathy. The power levels of your brain can be easily overcome by a device with a 9 volt battery. It might be possible to program an Android device to do this.
Neural Implants
1. Reading the book "Physical Control Of The Mind" (a free pdf can be found on the DOCUMENTS page) by Jose Manuel DelGado there are at least 2 methods for controlling the mind. A small chip (RFID) can be placed under the scalp without drilling a hole in the bone and an actual implant can be inserted into the pituitary through the nose with a procedure called Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery. The RFID chip can be powered by the AC wires all around us by by picking up the EMI like a transformer. The chip itself acts like the secondary of a transformer. The RFID can communicate with the person by the microwave hearing effect. The RFID can communicate with the outside world with a small antenna probably on some microwave frequency coming out of a satelitte or cell phone system. It might work like any phone system. Each chip has a specific phone number or address. To disable it, all one has to do is locate it under the scalp and break it with a hammer. "Instant Karma"
2. Disabling a neural implant is a little more complicated. In the movie "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest" the main character, R P McMurphy, has to under go ECT (electro-convulsive therapy) as punishment. ECT is used by some doctors to treat depression. Electrodes are placed on the temples and voltage is applied to the head. Since a neural implant is so small this would be like hitting a TV with lightning. It would "fry it". Another way would be to expose the head to a massive high power pulse of EMI and try to destroy small componants on the chip. A general idea for a pulse generator can be found on the DOCUMENTS page.
Eisenhowers Farewell Address
Jan 17, 1961
On Jan 17, 1961 Eisenhower gave his farewell address where he warns of "a hostile idealogy, global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose and insidious in method". He continues by saying "a prolonged and complex struggle, with liberty the stake". I do not believe he is talking about communism because he points out 2 things he thinks are wrong with America:
  1. The Military Industrial Complex
  2. The consequences of too much government funded research
Toward the end he warns of a "community of dreadful fear and hate". The entire speech can be found on youtube.
Selected Quotes from this Speech
'We face a hostile ideology, global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose, and insidious in method. Unfortunately, the danger it poses promises to be of indefinite duration,....'
'...the burden of a prolonged and complex struggle, with liberty the stake.'
'..a recurring temptatiom to feel that some spectacular and costly action is the miraculous solution to all our current difficulties...'
'In the councils of government we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence whether sought or unsought from the military industrial complex, the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist....'
'In this revolution research has become central, it has also become more formalized costly and complex, a steadily increasing share is done for by or at the direction of the federal government...'
'We must also guard against the possibility that public policy itself could become the captive of a scientific technological elite....'
Neuro Nexus Tech
Daryl R Kipke
MK-Ultra The Controllers
by Martin Cannon
Physical Control Of The Mind
Jose Delgado
We are inventing, designing, building,
paying, fighting and dying towards our own demise.
Don't accept an implant,
if you do you're a slave
The RFID chip
is a cover story
It's a neural implant.
John F Kennedy
April 27, 1961
Waldorf Astoria New York, New York
Roughly 3 months after Eisenhowers Farewell Address and 10 days to 2 weeks after the Bay of Pigs incident Pres Kennedy gave a speech at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City. In it he implies we are at war "technically" but not "officially". This speech may have been one thing that led to his assasination. On August 21, 1959 then Pres Eisenhower issued Executive Order 10834 which allowed yellow fringe around flags in American courtrooms. The meaning of this is debated. I believe it allows for military law. The defendant is at the mercy of the judge. I believe this indicates Eisenhower knew we were at war "technically". This state of war has existed ever since. The vast majority of Americans don't know this. An even larger number, including me, don't know who we are at war with.
Two Quotes from this Speech
'...for we are opposed, around the world, by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covet means to increase it's sphere of influence...'
(about half way in)
..'so man can be what he was born to be, free and independent'
(the very end)
Ways to Defeat Synthetic Telepathy
Neural Implants and
The Microwave Hearing Effect
A personal area network jamming/masking device. A portable device about the size of a pocket radio that produces signals similar to that of a human but at a higher power output and with noise riding on the signals. The human brain produces signals about 30HZ while awake. They currently have sophisticated software that removes unwanted events like heartbeats and voice vibrations from EEG readings so any noise produced should be random unpredictable events that are difficult to filter out. This device could also jam incoming microwave frequencies to stop the microwave hearing effect while outside. Bluetooth technology allows communication between enabled devices over the microwave spectrum at about 100 to 200 ft. The whole technology is on a single chip. It can be programed to do anything you want.
EMI shielding material can be used to make Faraday cages. A faraday cage is an enclosure, like a room or entire building, encased in this material and is then connected to earth ground. The NSA building on the grounds of Ft Meade MD is fully encased in copper. Copper is too expensive for most people but there are lower cost alternatives. The earth is a naturally conducting body that is always at electrical neutral. Any attempt to develop a voltage on a conductor that is connected to it will simply discharge to earth ground. It is not necessary to redo the roof. You could put a layer of material on the attic floor then cover it with another layer of plywood. Quarter inch plywood would not add too much weight. It is also possible to paint the underside of the roof with a metallic paint or attach metal screen. Metallic paint could be applied to all walls.
The power level of a neural implant must be quite small given the size of the implant and the available voltage. Maybe a fraction of a watt. The brain produces very small voltages. Making a mask of EMI material that covers the entire head (eyes, nose, mouth etc) and even the upper part of the body would probably be enough to block all incoming and outgoing signals. The person could then be taken to a Faraday cage facility to have it removed.
A lot of electronic equipment is very expensive. Personal computers etc. It is always a good idea to have it plugged into a surge suppressor. Surge suppressors prevent large spikes from destroying the equipment. A lightning strike for example can destroy everything in a home. Ham radio equipment is also vunerable through the antenna. Ham radio manufacturers make surge suppressors that connect between the antenna and the reciever. It might be possible to blow out an implant by standing near where someone produces a large spike. This could disconnect a lot of people very quickly and make it hard for them to chase everyone around. Another possibility is to just surgically snip off the end instead of trying to remove the whole thing to disconnect a lot of people.
It is possible to use the wiring inside your house as an antenna for a radio thus picking up your signals and carrying them to the outside world. Broadband Over Powerlines is an example of using these wires to carry a lot of data. You should get off the grid completely. If wiring a new house all wires should go through a chase that connects all floors. This makes them accessible and more easily managed. Keep the amount of wiring to a minimum. Solar panels can separate the oxygen and hydrogen in water by electrolysis then recombine it in a fuel cell to produce electricity. Solar panels can also help to heat a house.
Having a stand alone noise generator in the house could also help. Along with Bluetooth technology SDR (Software Defined Radio) is becoming quite sophisticated. A company in California called Ettus Research has a radio that can cover from 0HZ to GHZ for about $600. It operates on a opensource program called the GNU Radio project. It might be possible to program it to produce all the noise you need. Older technology include spark transmitters and white noise generators.
There are two types of noise that get into electrical devices. Common mode and differential noise. A simple explanation is common mode comes from an outside source and differential comes from wire to wire. Crosstalk inside a data communication cable is differential. Noise that got on the cable from an outside source would be common mode. Ferrite cores can help eliminate noise by just clipping it onto the wire. Most houses have all thier power lines located at the panel. It could be possible to put a noise generator at the point and introduce noise into the lines.
Centrally locate all communication wiring in a panel inside the house. This makes it easier to manage. They make filters for telephone lines that will eliminate all frequencies above the audio level which is around 30KHZ. While it is still possible to send data at that speed it slows it down considerably. A shut off switch could be placed on the coax cable to shut it off if necessary. Make a list of all devices with antennas and decide if they are really needed. Make a Faraday cage for each one and put it inside when you don't need it.
Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...

Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, and it's companion website, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
Beginning of Actual Blog
April 25, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Vivisection for the vivisected
People who torture
Shouldn't live in glass houses of pain
I'm waiting for 'it' to get it over with
As long as I'm suffering
All around me shall suffer
If I'm not here in ten minutes
I'm not missing anything
Speaker Ryan wants to wait it out
Well two can play that game
My long term goal is
The temporary destruction of Oliver's Army
People in this country don't join the military
To fight for someone elses property
I think this is why they had
To create the illusion of freedom in 1776
Olivers Army is here to stay Elvis Costello
April 23, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I have been trying to understand inflation and economics. My encyclopedia has 4 theory's that explain inflation. I don't totally understand them. The first is the quantity theory proposed by David Hume in the 1700's.
The quantity theory. The first of these and the oldest is the view that the level of prices is determined by the quantity of money. The ratio of the stock of money that people want to hold to the value of the transactions they perform each year (or the inverse of this ratio, called the velocity of circulation) is supposed, in the simplest version of this view, to be fixed by such factors as the frequency of wage payments, the structure of the economy, and saving and shopping habits. So long as these remain constant, the price level will be directly proportional to the supply of money and inversely proportional to the physical volume of production. This is the celebrated quantity theory, going back at least as far as David Hume in the 18th century. But the theory assumes that productive capacity is fully employed, or nearly so. Because, in fact, the extent to which productive capacity is used varies a great deal—indeed, sometimes more than the level of prices—the quantity theory fell into disfavour between World Wars I and II, when the level of activity provided more reasons for anxiety than did the long-run movement of prices.
In a refined version, the quantity theory was revived by Milton Friedman and other University of Chicago economists in the 1950s and '60s. Their basic contentions were that short-period changes of the money supply are, in fact, followed (after a varying interval) by changes in money income and that the velocity of circulation, though it fluctuates to some extent with the money supply, tends to be fairly stable, especially over long periods. From this, they concluded that the money supply, while not a reliable instrument for controlling short-term movements in the economy, can be effective in controlling longer term movements of the price level and that the prescription for stable prices is to increase the money supply regularly at a rate equal to that at which the economy is estimated to be expanding.
Against this, it has been argued that in highly developed economies the supply of money varies largely with the demand for it and that the authorities have little power to vary the supply through purely monetary controls. The correlations observed by this so-called Chicago school between money supply and money income are attributed by their critics to variations in the demand for money to spend, which elicit partial responses from supply and are followed after an interval by corresponding changes in money income. The relative stability of the velocity of circulation is attributed by them to the facility with which the supply of money accommodates itself to demand; they argue that insofar as supply may be restricted in the face of rising demand, velocity will increase, or (what really amounts to the same thing) new sources of credit, such as trade credit, will be exploited.
The Keynesian theory. The second basic approach is represented by J.M. Keynes's theory of income determination. The key to it is the assumption that consumers tend to spend a fixed proportion of any increases they receive in their incomes. For any level of national income, therefore, there is a gap of a predictable size between income and consumption expenditure, and to establish and maintain that level of national income it is only necessary to fix expenditure on all nonconsumption goods and services at such a level as to fill the gap. Apart from government outlays, the main constituent of this nonconsumption expenditure is private investment. Keynes supposed investment to be fairly sensitive to the rate of interest. The latter, in turn, he supposed to be negatively related, up to a point, to the stocks of “idle” money in existence—in effect, positively related to the velocity of circulation of money. He held, moreover, that there is a floor below which long-term interest rates will not fall, however low the velocity of circulation. These relationships between interest and idle money (or the velocity of circulation) have been pretty well supported empirically.
The chief importance of the Keynesian approach and various elaborations of it is that they provide a framework in which governments can endeavour to manage the level of activity in the economy by varying their own expenditures and receipts or by influencing the level of private investment. This has been a principal basis of policy in many industrialized countries in recent decades. Difficulties in practice have sprung from uncertainty about, or changes in, the underlying quantitative relationships and the existence of uncertain time lags in their operation, which make it hard to deal effectively with unforeseen contingencies. The uncertainty and weakness of the relation between interest rates and private investment are another source of difficulty. Many economists believe, however, that the approach has led to better control over short-term changes in employment and real income.
In the form in which it has just been stated, however, the Keynesian approach does not offer much insight into movements of the price level. The simplest variant of it that will do so is based on the view that inflation arises entirely from attempts to buy more goods and services than can be supplied—i.e., more than can be produced at the “full employment” level of activity. If, for example, government expenditure is higher than the difference between production and consumption at the level corresponding to full employment, there is an “inflationary gap.” The market process closes this gap by a bidding up of prices to the point at which the difference between income and consumption, in money terms, is big enough to accommodate the government expenditure. (In an economy open to foreign trade, the gap may be closed wholly or in part by the creation of an import surplus). The theory fails to account for the experience in the decades after World War II of continuous inflation in conditions that do not suggest the existence of an inflationary gap.
The “cost–push” theory. A third approach in the analysis of inflation assumes that prices of goods are basically determined by their costs, whereas supplies of money are responsive to demand. In these circumstances, increasing costs may create an inflationary pressure that becomes continuous through the operation of the “price-wage spiral.” The supposition is that wage earners and profit receivers (neglecting for the moment other groups in the economy) aspire to incomes that add up to more than the total value of their production at full employment. One or both groups must, therefore, be dissatisfied at any given time. The wage earners, if dissatisfied, demand wage increases. These are conceded (at least in part) by employers in the course of the bargaining process, initially at the expense of profits. Later, employers increase prices to reflect their higher costs, and, while this restores profits, it also reduces wage earners' real incomes, sowing the seeds of a further round of wage demands. If the supply of money were fixed, this process would lead to increasing monetary stringency; it would become increasingly difficult to finance increases in wages and purchases of goods the prices of which had just been raised or, indeed, to finance production and distribution generally—though, as noted earlier, there are some circumstances in which the velocity of circulation can rise drastically and make a limited money stock go a long way. In practice, money supply responds to demand, partly because monetary authorities do not wish to see the dislocation of capital markets that would follow if monetary stringency produced very large rises in rates of interest.
In the 1960s there was much discussion of a relation named after the British economist A.W. Phillips (though in a rudimentary form it can be traced to earlier writers), whereby the rate of increase of wages was shown to vary negatively with the level of unemployment. This can be interpreted as signifying that the price-wage spiral proceeds more rapidly at high levels of economic activity than at low levels. The empirical evidence for the “Phillips curve” was not entirely satisfactory, and the hopes that had been excited in some quarters that a higher but still politically tolerable level of unemployment would reduce or end inflation were shaken by the rapid wage inflation that occurred during the severe recessions in later decades.
The structural theory. The fourth basic approach to the inflationary process is not entirely independent of some of those just discussed; its distinguishing feature is its emphasis on structural maladjustment in the economy. One version of it depends upon the simple proposition that resistance to reductions of money wages is so strong that they hardly ever take place. If this is so, then all adjustments of wages to take account of relative changes in the supply of, and demand for, labour in different industries or occupations have to be accomplished through the absolute raising of all wages except those of the group of workers whose market position is weakest. The rate of wage inflation as a whole is then seen as proportional to the rate of structural change in the economy.
Another version, held to be appropriate to some developing countries, focuses on the gap between imports and exports. Imports tend to increase faster in those countries (because of the rising demand for manufactured goods) than the ability of the traditional exporting industries to pay for them. Difficulty is experienced in substituting home manufactures for imports, partly because home markets are often too small to support the required industries and partly because the development of manufacturing itself requires extensive imports of machinery and structural materials. Consequently, there is a continuous downward pressure on the international value of the country's currency; this is felt in a continuous upward pressure on the country's internal prices.
Alternatively, inflation in such countries may result from social and political pressures to provide employment for the overflow into the towns of a rapidly growing rural population; since there is a shortage of savings, this leads to excessive creation of new credit in one way or another and thus to a straightforward “demand-pull” inflation. The chronic inflationary tendencies in some Latin American countries have been attributed to mechanisms of these kinds.
APA Style: inflation. (2010). Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica.
As a technician and pseudo-engineer I know that when you want to solve a math equation you need to know as many variables as possible to get the variable you don't know. It is virtually impossible to get an unknown factor with more than one unknown. For example Ohm's Law states that Voltage Equals Current Multiplied By Resistance. If you have two of the factors you can determine the third. If you only have one you're screwed. To analyse the problem I will keep only one variable at a time. When you have too many variables and unknown quantities it is virtually impossble to predict something. Economics has nothing but unknown factors and unpredictable variables. Every product and business has it's own set. When you add the supply and demand laws as they apply to currency the problem compounds beyond anyone ability to solve it.
I have decided to analyse the problem with a hypothetical closed system. The system could represent the world as a whole.
I will use 4 factors picked at random. I will keep 3 factors the same and vary the third. The 4 factors are: number of business's, amount of currency in circulation, population and finite resources.
The first factor I will vary is population. The other 3 remain fixed. As the population grows the need for produced goods increases. Increase in demand. Prices will rise until the supply increases. If the amount of currency in circulation never increases a dollar at the beginning might buy 10 loaves of bread and 10 bottles of wine. At a later date a dollar might buy 100 loaves of bread and 100 bottles of wine. It appears as though deflation has occurred. If people didn't want to buy 100 loaves of bread and 100 bottles of wine the currency would have to be broken into smaller pieces. Quarters, nickels etc.
(I didn't finish this)
In general the laws of supply and demand apply to everything. The value of everything in the system is determined by this. The problem starts when the laws of supply and demand are applied to the means of exchange (currency) itself. This introduces too many factors that cannot be determined easily. The true value of any commodity can never be determined. I think the answer is to come up with a system where the currency self-regulates and is not made into a separate business (banking). The amount of currency in circulation must be fluid. But what is the best way to accomplish this?
The current system is: debt is money and money is debt. If there were no debt there would be no money and if there were no money there would be no debt. My system is: if there is no production there would be no money and if there were no money there would be no production.
I call it commodity currency or one-time-notes. Producers in any system will have the authority to print currency. When a farmer harvests his crop he can print one-time-notes to pay employees. The employees take the notes to stores to pay for things. The store can add up the days receipts and make a number in thier books and then destroy the notes. He can then print notes based on the number in his book. No notes are printed unless they are backed by some real property. Money is not created and managed by people. The supply increases and decreases automatically. As long as a system is producing something there will be currency in circulation.
Another way to do this is to issue a credit card sized note made from plastic with a chip in it. The employee gets their pay on the chip. They use the card at any store but the value of thier balance is stored on the chip itself not in the banks computer. The 'chip reader' at a retail store does not communicate with a bank computer but reduces the card balance as the week goes on. The person manages the amount on thier own card.
There are 3 types of business's. Agriculture, manufacturing and service. Service includes retail, law, medical, accounting. These business's technically don't produce anything they are consumers. They are consumers that must make a profit. Agriculture and manufacturing must figure them into thier profit margin. They cannot print one-time-notes but must print notes against what they earn. The government is a consumer. A necessary evil.
Instead of banks there would be safe deposit companies. People who earn and save could purchase valuables to keep and borrow against. Put notes on the credit card chip. Every week or so everyone must settle and transfer the valuables to each other and destroy the notes.
In the future as much as possible must be free of monthly payments. Electricity, phone service and cable TV for example. This reduces everybody's cost of living. Durable goods such as washing machines, automobiles, furniture must be made to last for as long as possible. This also reduces everyones cost of living because they don't have to buy them over and over. Second and third shifts in factories and stores must be eliminated so people don't hoard jobs and take opportunity from others. This would allow everyone to work.
Planned obsolecense must be stopped. Nothing should be wasted and as much recycling as possible should occur. I laugh when I hear rich people complain about paying taxes to pay people for make work jobs. Planned obsolesence is make work for rich people. As time goes on as much as possible must be made from renewable sources. It was George Washington Carver who came up with about 100 products made from peanuts. He single handed created the peanut crop in the South. Where there's a will, there's a way. Necessity is the mother of invention. This stops the system from depending on finite resources such as tin, coal etc.
People need to go back to warehousing things and using middlemen. One of the first jobs I had was at the Jordan Marsh warehouse in Squatum. We unloaded a lot of trucks from a company named Stone. I think they called this type of company a consolidator. A retailer would have all thier inventory sent to Stone. It wasn't sent to Jordan Marsh until there was enough to justify the cost of a truck. This is how small stores in small towns could keep shelves full at low cost.
I haven't completely worked this out. Feel free to expand or do whatever you want with this. Coming up with a new monetary system could take years. The personal computer industry wasn't seamless for 30 years. In 1975 no one even knew why anyone would need a PC. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
In the 1980's Massachusetts got rid of the old banking laws. They did not allow out of state banks or international banks. Banks were not allowed to cross county lines. This kept the size of banks small. Local people put thier money in local banks and it was re-invested in the local community. Deposits earned about 5% or more. The bank had to be careful not to lose money.
In the 1980's the mutual fund industry took off. Most people put thier money in mutual funds to earn more than could be earned in a bank. The problem as I see it is that this concentrated the power and made it so everyone has a fiduciary responsibility to each other. Retired people couldn't undue the investment. People will throw someone under the bus rather than help someone survive.
When I say concentrate the power I mean that fewer and fewer people have control over the stock market. If a large percentage of all individual stock doesn't trade outside of institutions the concept of a free market stops working. There might be 1,000 mutual fund companies. Maybe they have 100 funds each. Each fund has maybe 10 managers. But those managers will do what the boss says. An enormous amount of stock is in these funds controlled by a few people. A lot of stock trades are performed by computer. ???
This system could be tried in the countryside first. I don't know if it's even possible in urban areas. In the future I think large parts of the cities should be set aside for communes. People would produce what they need and imports could be kept to a minimun. They could pool thier labor and contract it a manufacturer. The commune could be a buffer for times when the free market system falters somehow. Displaced people would be absorbed into the commune instead of being homeless and hungry.
The money as debt, fractional reserve system makes something out of nothing. The modern world has been built on worthless wood pulp and slight of hand. It's alchemy. Making something out of nothing can be useful. It should be incorporated into the commodity system somehow.
Usury should either be outlawed or heavliy regulated. Maybe it should only be used by the government, that way it's controlled by the people. Henry VIII introduced laws regarding usury. Look up what he did.
Phil's Axioms of Business
1. I think it was Shakespeare who said : Neither a borrower or lender be.." Both of these activities are a highway for someone to take your business. "There's a millions ways to skin a cat" If you want a monopoly or rule the world you have to be willing to do anything to put someone out of business. You must always be wary of these people. If you want to expand your business save the money.
2. Never go into partnership or sell stock to others. Own everything outright. Never have a fiduciary responsibility to others.
3. Diversify. Always look for ways to avoid having one customer or too much business with too few people.
4. Have more coming in than going out.
I recently watched a version of H.G. Wells novel "The Island Of Dr Moreau". The actual title was "The Island Of Lost Souls". It was from the 1930's and starred Bela Lugosi. The novel is about a crazy scientist who uses vivisection to create men out of animals. Vivisection is defined as surgical procedure that could be painful. Psychological vivisection is defined as: minute or pitiless criticism. (Encyclopedia Brittanica) Psychological torture. Isolating someone socially could be considered torture. Very few people can survive without contact with others. I hate people and try to keep it to a minimun. I think it was Richard Nixon who said "Trust but verify". He was talking about the Russians. My motto is "Hate everybody but don't start nothin". (but I digress) I think Dr Moreau represents God people trying to force thier religion on others. Vivisection, though could be intended to create diamonds. (so to speak) Creating high class people out of low class people. Or use them as whipping boys to force entire societies to produce more and create a better world. Or just money for the people who own and run everything. Dr Moreau wants to get his name in the history books and be rich and famous. Not the noblest reason for inficting pain on someone.
You people are a sub-ethnic group of Ted Bundy serial killer psychopaths. You put the 'path' in psychopath. HA HA HA Whats even better is you think you have the high moral ground with everything you say and do.
This is a test. This is a test of the Phil may be right system. This is only a test. If everyone isn't aware of, and probably sick of, the statement directly above this paragraph, it's proof that synchronicity is either a complete lie, censored, someone is on a 7 second delay button or doesn't work the way I think it does. That little ditty has been going through my brain a hundred times a day for a week now. My favorite weapons are your lies and harassment. Well it proves it to me, I guess. If I could confirm it??? But who cares. Talk about it amongst yourselves??
April 12, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Recently I tried to get the words to 'The Immigrant Song' by Led Zeppelin. The little children slugs on the internet switch would'nt give them to me and this really pissed me off. I wanted to write something about immigration so now I will. I never know if they do these things to motivate me to fight back or if they actually hate me. I don't care either way. I don't give a shit. I don't give a shit because it's too much work. And I don't believe in speech's because there's too much give a shit in them. And a funny thing happened on the way to the forum, they hauled my keester to the salt mines because they didn't like anything I had to say.
As a conspiracy theorist I am always looking for evidence the global elite are up to something. I think too much, and illegal, immigration is proof. I got this idea from 'The Immigrant Song' and a book titled "Imminent Dangers To The Free Institutions Of The United States Through Foreign Immigration And The Presnt State Of The Naturalization Laws" (anonymous Published in 1835 The New York Journal Of Commerce) I have tried to come up with some basic reasons why they want it this way.
The first reason is economic. The elite want the best and the brightest to work for the high tech companies. These people are let in legally. They become dependent on the system because they get rich. They support the system for the same reason. They also want a bottomless pool of unskilled workers who will take what they get and not complain or ask for a lot of benefits. Unskilled Americans expect too much and are prone to rebellion. The elite don't like unions.
I believe the elite are commiting genocide on lower class, and middle class Americans. Immigrants are let in to cover this up. I believe psychiatry is genocide. I think the health care system in general is the American Auschwitz and Americans are paying through the nose for the priviledge. It isn't just that Americans are educated I think any country that has a fractional reserve banking system must carry on a perpetual genocide to control inflation. If everyone in a country with this banking system were allowed to get credit for a car loan, home loan or whatever, the value of the currency would be zero very quickly. Non-Accelerating Inflationary Rate of Unemployment ?????
First generation immigrants don't have a stake in thier adopted country. They will always have a sense of alienation. They are less likely to fight for someone of the same economic class who is experiencing a problem. They are used to despotism and accept it as the norm instead of standing up for thier rights. Slowly but surely the America that respects each other and the law is replaced by people who will put up with being walked all over by people in power.
Low class illegal immigrants are usually criminals. They add to the lawlessness. They justify a militarized police state. Sooner or later the police will become a problem if they aren't already. Mind-controlled mind fuck thought police. ???? China is a high tech secret fascist police state where everyone thinks it's a communist country. America is a high tech secret fascist police state where everyone thinks it's a free country. The New World Order fixes this. Everyone is going to know what they are. When that happens global depopulation will begin.
The book mentioned above calls it a fight between monarchist despotism and enlightened republicanism. Absolute control by the moneyied elite and control for and by the people. The book only talks about America but it was written in 1835. The problem of immigration is happening everywhere. If the elite are building a one world government they would want the entire population to think and act alike. They want to erase national identities. They would want a one world religion. Scientology maybe?
April 10, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Locomotives - I recently went back to Weymouth for a day and did my old protest march route. I dropped cd's and dvd's all day. I did this in the event anyone who knew what was going on had been lied to about what became of me. My favorite weapons are your lies and harassment. As of this post I've done it twice. There have been reports on my radio that the MBTA has some bad locomotives. Trains are a recurring theme in music and literature. I think artists use trains to describe revolutionaries who 'hit the road'. A 'locomotive' would be a leader. Or maybe better decribed as a 'public pretender'. Someone who pretends to be a revolutionary. "Out of my brain on the 5:15,....." - 5:15 - The Who - Quadrophenia - 1973 'Quadrophenia' was supposed to be The Who's second rock opera. 'Tommy' being the first. Every song on the album fits into a theme. Like the acts and scenes of a play. Pink Floyd's 'The Wall' was also a rock opera. More recently Green Day's '21st Century Breakdown'. At some point in 'Quadrophenia' the main character hits the road on a train. At the very end of the movie version of 'Farenheit 451' the main character, Montag, goes to live with 'the book people' who live in abandoned trains memorizing old books to keep them alive. 'Public pretenders' main purpose is to stop rebelion. Bad locomotives. I think this idea dates back to Shakespeare's 'Julius Ceasar'. "The fault dear Brutus, lies not in the stars but in ourselves,....." Brutus is conned by 'public pretenders' and the whole thing ends in disaster.
Butterfly stuff. Butterflies are also a theme. Edward Lorenz died in April 2008. I had never heard of him until I heard his obituary on the news. He was a professor at M.I.T. in Cambridge. He invented 'chaos theory' as it was applied to meteorology. He believed a butterfly could flap it's wings in the Amazon and cause a hurricane in China. I, possibly, being the butterfly. ???? The French word for butterfly is 'papilon'. 'Papilon' was a movie starring Dustin Hoffman and Steve McQueen. It's about a couple of Frenchman who were convicted of crimes in France then sentenced to the French Penal Colony in South America called Devils Island. I think it was in French Guiana. (spelling ??) While there they are employed catching butterflies to be used to make ink for the printing of currency. If you think about it for a minute no one could possibly catch enough butterflies to make enough ink for any countries currency. I'm not sure if this is related. One of the more famous convicts at Devils Island was Capt Dreyfus of the Dreyfus Affair. The Dreyfus Affair occured at the very end of the 19th century and was controversial up until WWI. Capt Dreyfus was convicted of treason or something. His trial seriously divided France and led to the repeal of Napoleons 1801 Concordat with the Vatican that restored the church after the French Revolution. France adopted a policy of separation of chuch and state.
"The ringing of the division bell had begun,.."
High Hopes
Pink Floyd
April 5, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
This is a collection of possibly connected evidence. ???
phoenix - in ancient Egypt and in classical antiquity, a fabulous bird associated with the worship of the sun. The Egyptian phoenix was said to be as large as an eagle, with brilliant scarlet and gold plumage and a melodious cry. Only one phoenix existed at any time, and it was very long-lived—no ancient authority gave it a life span of less than 500 years. As its end approached, the phoenix fashioned a nest of aromatic boughs and spices, set it on fire, and was consumed in the flames. From the pyre miraculously sprang a new phoenix, which, after embalming its father's ashes in an egg of myrrh, flew with the ashes to Heliopolis (“City of the Sun”) in Egypt, where it deposited them on the altar in the temple of the Egyptian god of the sun, Re. A variant of the story made the dying phoenix fly to Heliopolis and immolate itself in the altar fire, from which the young phoenix then rose. (MLA Style: "phoenix." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica Ultimate Reference Suite. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, 2010.)
Antony C Sutton was a writer and researcher who wrote books exposing the global elite. He wrote what is considered the definitive book on Skull and Bones. There are numerous video interviews on youtube. He also wrote "Wall St And The Bolshevik Revolution", "Wall St And The Rise Of Hitler" and something about F.D.R. In my reading about Sutton I think I came across something that said he had edited a journal or newsletter that had the word 'Phoenix' in the title but I can't find that statement now. I would like some copies of that if they exist. I do however have a couple copies of a "Phoenix Journal" by Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn. One titled "Taking Off The Blindfold" ISBN 1-56935-038-8 Phoenix Source Publishers Las Vegas NV April 1994 and "Butterflies, Mind Control - The Razors Edge It's All In The Came" by the same person ISBN 1-56935-052-3 October 1994 Phoenix Source Publishers Las Vegas NV Not that long ago I found a book on Amazon titled "Phoenix Rising: The Rise And Fall Of The American Republic" by Donald Lett. I did not buy it because it was $800. I discovered recently the ISBN was fake. ??? (I think ??) At the beginning of the first Zeitgeist movie that came out in 2007 they discuss certain astrological events that are about to occur. They involve the procession of the equinoxes and the age of Aquarius. Supposedly we are about to enter the age of Aquarius. (they don't make this connection I do) Scientology is being introduced to coincide with the new age. Aquarius. Scientology is the new Phoenix. The American Republic was created specifically for this purpose. Scientology IS THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. After 2000 years they are abandoning Jesus for something else. ??? Planning for this was done at both Vatican I and II. Both journals can be found on the cd/dvd, if they work. When I burn a cd/dvd I use Cyberlinks Power2Go 8. Before I even put a cd/dvd in the tray the software says "Space Used: 19 MB". That seems like a lot. I wonder if someone got some sort of spyware on it (CIA/FBI) I recently discovered the Post Office has a stamp honoring a Hindu ritual that involves a necklace of light. ??? I discovered this by looking in the current catalog of available stamps. I wonder if 'they' are on to them. (CIA/FBI) I bet I didn't give it away, it had already occured if they ran the cd/dvd.
"Let the sunshine,..."
"Let the sunshine in,..."
"The sun shine in,...."

The Age Of Aquarius
The 5th Dimension
A book cited many times by many people:
"Tragedy And Hope" by Carrol Quigley
In the musical "Hair" the main character, Berger, dies at Area 51?
April 2, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
This is my circumstantial hearsay evidence to support my hypothetical conclusion.
At the beginning of the book "Unholy Trinity' they quote a British diplomat who was assigned to the Vatican. I don't remember exactly what the quote was but it went something like this. If you want to understand the actions of the Vatican you must think in terms of centuries.
In the 1790's an Italian scientist named Luigi Galvani performed an experiment on a frog that proved electricity was involved in the movement of muscles. He is credited with the founding of electrophysiology.
Edgar Allen Poe wrote a short story titled "Never Ber The Devil With Your Head". The main character is Toby Dammitt. He is treated like a dog. At the end of the story he dies because he hit a wire he didn't see.
David (electro magnetic) Copper (field) is a novel by Charles Dickens. Copperfield goes from situation to situation and wherever he goes the people in his life die mysteriously or act very strangely. At the end he discovers all his problems were caused by a creepy law clerk named Uriah Heep. (Uriah Heep is also the name of a Rock N Roll band)
At the end of the movie 'Apolcalypse Now' Capt Willard is in with Col Kurtz. They pan around the room and show a book titled 'The Golden Bough'. The book was published around 1920. It theorizes that mans religions will eventually incorporate science.
"I could not foresee this thing happening to you,.."
Paint It Black
The Rolling Stones
There used to be a running joke about buying the Brooklyn Bridge. I never understood it.
Scientology IS the Catholic Church. It's heresy.
Question of the Day
If it can be assumed that pretty much everything you see on TV is either a lie, distortion, completely useless or omitted and the newspapers, magazines, books, internet (not so much) are the same why wouldn’t synchronicity also be censored for the benefit of the bourgousie?
In the movie “Apolcalypse Now” Col Kurtz tells a story of a time when he was in the special forces. They innoculated young children with a vaccine. That vaccine is how someone (me) attains dog status. This is the bat that bites Cujo and one of the characters in Hunter S Thompsons “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas”. A bat is a bloodsucker. This creates a Scarecrow (me), a message to everyone else to show up for work and produce money for rich people. (bloodsuckers) Since ‘dogs’ are created very young (Tommy – The Who) they don’t undertsand what the problem is. Well this is where Alice comes in (Sweet Jane – Lou Reed) Sometimes, however, the bloodsuckers send in the 7th cannon fodder to ‘fix’ the situation. (bloody Mary) I don’t need no Alice. I figured it out all by my little onesies at my puter. “I got my pencil,…..give me something to write on ..” Hot For Teacher Van Halen The longer I hang on the more likely I get even with the people who benefit from and are responsible for the destruction of my life. Oddly enough this is true for about maybe 80% of the planet. When Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dums rattle (me) gets broken they come up with a BS war to turn the whole thing around. That won’t happen till I’m gone.
So now I’d like to continue my discussion of anarchy. Anarchists don’t run for office because accepting responsibility is a highway for manipulation. This is the general idea behind the town meeting form of government. There’s no one person you can go to to ‘get something done’. I think when Alphonso XIII (or whatever his number was) abdicated the fix was already in because anarchist don’t run for office. The people that were ‘elected’ had already been picked by Alphonso to throw the people under the bus. I think, like Anarchists, the best thing to do is design other systems, as well as the political, in such a way as to not allow anyone to control it. (see some of my inventions ie the relay communications system) Also the commodity currency (I haven’t thought much about either) Its your job.
My favorite weapons are your lies and harassment.
Special Note. When I burn a CD or DVD on my main computer I use Cyberlink PowerToGo8. Before I even put a CD or DVD in the drive the software says “Space Used: 19MB” at the bottom. This seems excessive. I wonder if there is some sort of surveillance virus or something.
April 1, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
At the very beginning of "Alice in Wonderland" Alice is in a sewer with a bunch of old crazy Englishman. One of them gets up to give a speech and begins "William the Conqueror whose cause was favored by the Pope,.....". Is Alice Catholic? Is she bred to do what she does? "A Tree Grows In Brooklyn" is a book by Betty Smith. Is the 'tree' on the grounds of a convent? Do all 'Alices' come from the same place? Enquiring mind wants to know but doesn't really give a shit!! "Oh Oh Oh Jamies cryin,......" - Van Halen There is no song about Rebeka. I think??? Rebeka of not so sunny brook farm. "Do you have a coat hanger? I've locked myself out of my car?" Roe v Wade "Thats when I knew she fucking hates me...." "She's waiting,....for another love,...." Eric Clapton My stupidvision is reporting that some old perv from Tennessee ran off with an under age girl he stalked for years. signed People Who Fight With Pressure Cookers
Rudolph the Randolph reindeer...had a very shiny gun,.....and if you ever see it.....he'll shoot you in the face,..... signed People Who Fight With Pressure Cookers
Why don't you set up similar situations somewhere else and pretend they are real??? signed People Who Fight With Pressure Cookers
The Boston Marathon Bombing was a distraction signed People Who Fight With Pressure Cookers
Wal-Mart - Cheap Stuff Cheap (If you use this I want money) signed People Who Fight With Pressure Cookers
I can not possibly count the numbers of times this has happened. When I approach a traffic light and begin to cross the street without pushing the pedestrian button the second I am in front of a car the light turns green. Like everything else traffic lights are computerized. Whenever an emergency vehicle gets near a light they can wirelessly change the light so they can go through. If you hear them coming you can see a small light at the top of the pole begin to flash. This tells you it's about to happen. If an emergency vehicle can do it anyone can. Did you read the post about my UPS (uninterruptable power supply)? They say the cameras on the light are local and not available by wireless but HMMMM. Big Brother IS watching you. And You And You And You And You And Big Brother is the Pope and HE'S CRAZY!!!!
signed People Who Fight With Pressure Cookers
March 31, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
On Feb 20 I proposed my idea for EMI absorbant material. I have come up with a couple other ideas for it. I have re-posted the Feb 20 below then presented the new ideas. EMI absorbant material could be used in an apartment that you don't own. You might not have access to the earth ground or someone could mess with it.
I have been thinking about electro-magnetic absorbant material. (EMI) I watched “The Graduate” over the weekend. It has the Simon and Garfunkel song “The Sound Of Silence”. They play it when he’s in the SCUBA gear. (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus) Supposedly the HAARP facility in Alaska is for communicating with submarines. All this makes me think. A tin foil hat won’t work because it isn’t connected to earth ground. Without that connection only the reflectance properties of the metal would apply. Reflectance is only a fraction of what it encounters. Some sort of EMI absorbant material would be better. They do make it. I don’t know how it works. This is my version. (see picture below) Come up with some way to spin millions of micro sized bare silver wire into a resistive material. Each piece of wire would act as the schematic below. A current (I) would be induced and then burnt as heat by the resistor. If necessary 2 (or more) layers could be made for different frequency ranges. The top layer for microwave communication and the bottom layer for the frequencies produced by the human brain.
The top 2 pictures involve the first idea. It's a sort of home brew EMI absorbant. Get some 1/4 watt resistors and wrap the ends around the body of the resistor (top picture). This creates the equivilent circuit shown. Current is induced in the coil and burned as heat in the resistor. Another method would be to wrap some 30 gauge or 32 gauge wire, if they make it, around the resistor instead of the 2 ends. Then glue them to a substrate to cover the entire surface. (second picture) Paste the substrate to the ceilings and walls.
This idea is more complicated and would require building some kind of manufacturing equipment. I think you could look up patents on how screen for windows and doors is made and copy that. The idea is to make screen that is half nylon and half alumimun. All the nylon would go one way, either horizontal or vertical, and the aluminum the other way. Every 6 inches or so connect a resistor across 2 of the aluminum strands. Keep each pair of aluminum strands seperate from each other. The patent office could be used for all kinds of ways to fight back.
This idea expands the necklace that jams your personal emissions. Come up with a circuit that produces an artificial audio/voice signal. ?? Combine amplitude and frequency modulation in combination with some oscillators ???, then use a voice scrambler circuit to make noise. Put that signal on the necklace.
March 28, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
This is a list of events that happen to me every day or have happened in the past. Most of this I can't prove and writing this down could get me locked up and medicated. I'm convinced we live in a total surveillance world. The world of George Orwell's Big Brother and Big Brother is the Pope. It's possible that this is all automated. I'm being followed by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) computer. It's also possible there is a control room somewhere with a person watching a screen and making decisions. NASA or Scientology in Houston, Clearwater Florida or Riverside County California are possibilities.
During the summer of 2008 I was committed in a mental hospital in Brockton Mass. The Weymouth Mass police came to where I was living and made me get into an ambulance with no arrest or search warrant or crime having been committed. I spent 3 months in McClean Southeast on the grounds of the Brockton VA hospital. I was becoming aware of the problem at the time but this stay absolutely convinced me. I was subjected to synthetic telepathy for the entire time I was there. Synthetic telepathy is the ability to read a persons mind with electronics. As a living creature on planet earth almost every part of your body produces electrical impulses and these impulses can be sensed electronically and reconstructed by a computer. This includes your brain. Whatever was going on in my brain at any given time was playing out in the hallway in the person of Keith Bradshaw. Mr Bradshaw was either under mind control or getting instructions via the microwave hearing effect. I had never met him prior to the stay and haven't seen him since. The whole thing followed the song 'Brain Damage/Eclipse' by Pink Floyd from the album "Dark Side Of The Moon". Questions. What happened to Keith Bradshaw? Was that his real name? Did he end up in Area 51? Is Area 51 a death camp? Did he die on a JANET flight? Is it like what happened to golfer Payne Stewart? Was the Payne Stewart incident an 'Aleister Crowley'?
One day my mother and brother visited me at McClean. While sitting in the common area I asked them to call the Weymouth police and tell them I was there. I didn't even finish the sentence when my brothers cell phone rang. I don't know who was calling but they left soon after. Cell phones are wireless. Duh. When you're not using it, it could be listening and you don't know it. It says it's off, but is it?
During the committment hearing I sat at a table with my lawyer. Directly to my left were 2 of the male attendants. I guess they were for security in case I blew up. A few days later I was getting ready for breakfast and the day shift was arriving. I was in my room seated. I began having a long train of thoughts about the hearing that were making me very angry. Just then one of the attendants stuck his head in and said "Hi Phil!!". Breaking the train of thought and startling me. I think the thoughts were being inserted remotely. There are known patents on technology that does this.
In the 6 years spanning 2008 to 2014 I made a daily trip to the Starbucks in Weymouth. Right next to the Starbucks was a Jonny's Foodmaster grocery store. I went in every so often for various things. From 2008 to the present much of what I eat and drink has something in it that makes me sick in some way. A lot of the food in the house was bad in that way. When my mother went on vacation I would try to replace what I knew to be bad. Once I went into the Jonny's Foodmaster and looked around at random for things to replace. I had about $20 to spend. When I got to the checkout I was pretty sure I has spent the whole $20. I had a package of Sweet Italian Sausage. The checkout girl ran it through but it didn't come up on the reciept and the bill was only about $15. I don't remember exactly how I proved it but it did prove that I was followed remotely from the meat freezer to the checkout and somehow they messed with the computer so the sausage didn't show on the reciept. This sort of thing has happened numerous times since.
One day on my walk to Starbucks I wanted to prove that it was something electronic I was carrying that allowed people to follow me and know what I was thinking. When I left the house I had no electronic devices at all. I left my credit cards, MP3 players, keys to my mothers car, everything. I went to a convenience store and bought a couple items and walked to a cemetary to eat them. I bought a bottle of chocolate milk. When I opened it, it was sealed in a certain way. The plastic label extended over the top and the top was attached at the bottom. There was no seal inside the top. I then went to different convenience store and bought the same thing. When I got home I discovered it was sealed on the inside. Someone had to have known I was headed to that store and known what I was going to buy. These things have happened since.
This has happened so many times it's impossible to count. I approach an intersection while walking. The intersection has a traffic light. When I cross with the light but not having pushed the pedestrian button the second I am in front of the first car in line, the light turns green. Traffic lights like everything else today are computerized and wireless. Emergency vehicles can stop all traffic when they approach wirelessly. A light on the top of the pole will begin to flash. If you hear an ambulance, fire truck or police near you can look up at the over head pole and see it. Busy intersections are also monitored with camera's. I don't know if they're wireless or not. If they are, they can be located and comprimised remotely by anyone. In fact any wireless camera anywhere can be located and used remotely. If you're NASA or Scientology you can watch someone wherever they go all day with satellites. Big Brother Is Watching You. War Is Peace. Ignorance Is Strength. Freedom Is Slavery.
You can't trust your own senses. The 5 human senses are: taste, sight, hearing, touch and smell. All have electrical impulses. I have seen articles about research into reading the impulses from someones eyes then reconstructing them with a computer. So, it's entirely possible your eyes are cameras that can be used against you. You other senses can be used to create hallucinations to drive you crazy.
I have some general knowledge of electronics. I have a test setup in my room and hack around with stuff. Not long ago I spent a Sunday working on a noise circuit. When I got to the end of the day I was expecting an amplified noise signal but instead got a perfect sine wave. When I checked it again it had turned to a digital pulse. Again I checked and it went back to a sine wave. I was convinced someone was messing with my oscilloscope remotely. I have most of my equipment plugged into an Uninteruptable Power Supply. (UPS) Occasionally it clicks for no reason but seems to be timed to certain things I'm thinking. ????? It has happened so many times that's the conclusion I came to. Someone is watching me all the time. This kind of thing happens in other ways. Automobile horns for example. I have this thing where one beep means yes and multiple means no. (at least 2) I can't believe there is someone sitting in a car waiting for me to think something they can respond to at all times. It can happen in the middle of the night. It's either the microwave hearing effect or someone is accessing a nearby car horn remotely. I had a similar problem with falling trees after my father had died. It's not possible that many trees could fall in the same area without a chain saw.
My father had a heart bypass just after Thanksgiving 2007. I was left to blow the driveway when it snowed. My father always did this. He liked that sort of thing. The first time I did it I had trouble getting the snow blower started. The new neighbor across the street came over and in one pull got it started. They moved in during the summer of 2007 and I had suspected something was wrong from the beginning. Her father visited a couple of times. He was the one who helped. I now wonder if he was a priest or something and I wonder if someone was stopping the engine from starting remotely so he could help. Not long after that he followed me half way to Starbucks like he wanted to talk. I ignored him because I didn't like him.
My conclusion is this. If it's wireless it can be accessed remotely and used for surveillance or harassment. It can be done with satellites anywhere in the world from anywhere in the world. If it's in an enclosure that is not metal and grounded to earth it can be messed with but not necessarily used for it's intended purpose. This means any electronics in a plastic enclosure which is pretty much everything. I am a conspiracy theorist. This is logical considering the surveillance. I believe the global elite, the people Orwell called the Oligarch Collective, are building a New World Order. I also believe the capital of the New World Order is Dubai, Abu Dabi. During the 1990's a company called Global Crossing strung fiber optic cable to every continent despite the fact we were only using 3% of the fiber optic capacity that had already been built. The company went bankrupt when the dot com bubble burst and the directors walked away millionaires. That network is extremely powerful. It is probably capable of putting a single show on a single TV anywhere in the world. I wonder if it terminates in Dubai. The truth about the New World Order is that the people who are building it don't know that the Pope will end up in charge.
If you have cable TV you can order a movie with On Demand. So they can put a single movie on a single TV and nobody else will see it. I'm convinced they can read my thoughts. I'm also convinced they can send a TV show to whatever TV I'm watching that is tailored specifically to whatever I'm thinking at that moment. In real time. This is why the Global Crossing network is important.
I think a lot of people have been harassed with this technology and many people run. Like they're going to get away from it or something. After they run they realize the phones don't work and there is no way to get back. I have a documentary made by PBS titled "Frontline May 2007 Spying On The Home Front". They claim the NSA has a spitter that siphons off everything that goes through the cable in San Francisco. A lawsuit was filed by The Electronic Frontier Foundation.
I say satellites but construction seems to follow or precede me wherever I go. I wonder if someone is placing some device in the building but it doesn't explain everything. My father died March 31 2008 just before I was put in McClean. By the time I got out in August my mother had already hired someone to renovate the upstairs bathroom. It seemed odd to me that she did it that quickly. The electrician spent a full week doing the wiring. I have always wondered if he hid something in the wall. When I arrived at Lemuel Shattuck Hospital in Jan 2015 I learned there was free WiFi. It didn't work that well. They came in Oct to fix it but what they didn't. They put 3 white rectangular boxes about 8 inches by 10 inches in the halls. A similar device was installed at Atlantic House in Quincy in 2016. The group home I am in at Cross St in Randolph could have had something installed before I arrived.