Eisenhowers Farewell Address
Jan 17, 1961
On Jan 17, 1961 Eisenhower gave his farewell address where he warns of "a hostile idealogy, global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose and insidious in method". He continues by saying "a prolonged and complex struggle, with liberty the stake". I do not believe he is talking about communism because he points out 2 things he thinks are wrong with America:
  1. The Military Industrial Complex
  2. The consequences of too much government funded research
Toward the end he warns of a "community of dreadful fear and hate". The entire speech can be found on youtube.
Selected Quotes from this Speech
'We face a hostile ideology, global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose, and insidious in method. Unfortunately, the danger it poses promises to be of indefinite duration,....'
'...the burden of a prolonged and complex struggle, with liberty the stake.'
'..a recurring temptatiom to feel that some spectacular and costly action is the miraculous solution to all our current difficulties...'
'In the councils of government we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence whether sought or unsought from the military industrial complex, the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist....'
'In this revolution research has become central, it has also become more formalized costly and complex, a steadily increasing share is done for by or at the direction of the federal government...'
'We must also guard against the possibility that public policy itself could become the captive of a scientific technological elite....'
Neuro Nexus Tech
Daryl R Kipke
MK-Ultra The Controllers
by Martin Cannon
Physical Control Of The Mind
Jose Delgado
We are inventing, designing, building,
paying, fighting and dying towards our own demise.
Don't accept an implant,
if you do you're a slave
The RFID chip
is a cover story
It's a neural implant.
John F Kennedy
April 27, 1961
Waldorf Astoria New York, New York
Roughly 3 months after Eisenhowers Farewell Address and 10 days to 2 weeks after the Bay of Pigs incident Pres Kennedy gave a speech at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City. In it he implies we are at war "technically" but not "officially". This speech may have been one thing that led to his assasination. On August 21, 1959 then Pres Eisenhower issued Executive Order 10834 which allowed yellow fringe around flags in American courtrooms. The meaning of this is debated. I believe it allows for military law. The defendant is at the mercy of the judge. I believe this indicates Eisenhower knew we were at war "technically". This state of war has existed ever since. The vast majority of Americans don't know this. An even larger number, including me, don't know who we are at war with.
Two Quotes from this Speech
'...for we are opposed, around the world, by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covet means to increase it's sphere of influence...'
(about half way in)
..'so man can be what he was born to be, free and independent'
(the very end)
Ways to Defeat Synthetic Telepathy
Neural Implants and
The Microwave Hearing Effect
A personal area network jamming/masking device. A portable device about the size of a pocket radio that produces signals similar to that of a human but at a higher power output and with noise riding on the signals. The human brain produces signals about 30HZ while awake. They currently have sophisticated software that removes unwanted events like heartbeats and voice vibrations from EEG readings so any noise produced should be random unpredictable events that are difficult to filter out. This device could also jam incoming microwave frequencies to stop the microwave hearing effect while outside. Bluetooth technology allows communication between enabled devices over the microwave spectrum at about 100 to 200 ft. The whole technology is on a single chip. It can be programed to do anything you want.
EMI shielding material can be used to make Faraday cages. A faraday cage is an enclosure, like a room or entire building, encased in this material and is then connected to earth ground. The NSA building on the grounds of Ft Meade MD is fully encased in copper. Copper is too expensive for most people but there are lower cost alternatives. The earth is a naturally conducting body that is always at electrical neutral. Any attempt to develop a voltage on a conductor that is connected to it will simply discharge to earth ground. It is not necessary to redo the roof. You could put a layer of material on the attic floor then cover it with another layer of plywood. Quarter inch plywood would not add too much weight. It is also possible to paint the underside of the roof with a metallic paint or attach metal screen. Metallic paint could be applied to all walls.
The power level of a neural implant must be quite small given the size of the implant and the available voltage. Maybe a fraction of a watt. The brain produces very small voltages. Making a mask of EMI material that covers the entire head (eyes, nose, mouth etc) and even the upper part of the body would probably be enough to block all incoming and outgoing signals. The person could then be taken to a Faraday cage facility to have it removed.
A lot of electronic equipment is very expensive. Personal computers etc. It is always a good idea to have it plugged into a surge suppressor. Surge suppressors prevent large spikes from destroying the equipment. A lightning strike for example can destroy everything in a home. Ham radio equipment is also vunerable through the antenna. Ham radio manufacturers make surge suppressors that connect between the antenna and the reciever. It might be possible to blow out an implant by standing near where someone produces a large spike. This could disconnect a lot of people very quickly and make it hard for them to chase everyone around. Another possibility is to just surgically snip off the end instead of trying to remove the whole thing to disconnect a lot of people.
It is possible to use the wiring inside your house as an antenna for a radio thus picking up your signals and carrying them to the outside world. Broadband Over Powerlines is an example of using these wires to carry a lot of data. You should get off the grid completely. If wiring a new house all wires should go through a chase that connects all floors. This makes them accessible and more easily managed. Keep the amount of wiring to a minimum. Solar panels can separate the oxygen and hydrogen in water by electrolysis then recombine it in a fuel cell to produce electricity. Solar panels can also help to heat a house.
Having a stand alone noise generator in the house could also help. Along with Bluetooth technology SDR (Software Defined Radio) is becoming quite sophisticated. A company in California called Ettus Research has a radio that can cover from 0HZ to GHZ for about $600. It operates on a opensource program called the GNU Radio project. It might be possible to program it to produce all the noise you need. Older technology include spark transmitters and white noise generators.
There are two types of noise that get into electrical devices. Common mode and differential noise. A simple explanation is common mode comes from an outside source and differential comes from wire to wire. Crosstalk inside a data communication cable is differential. Noise that got on the cable from an outside source would be common mode. Ferrite cores can help eliminate noise by just clipping it onto the wire. Most houses have all thier power lines located at the panel. It could be possible to put a noise generator at the point and introduce noise into the lines.
Centrally locate all communication wiring in a panel inside the house. This makes it easier to manage. They make filters for telephone lines that will eliminate all frequencies above the audio level which is around 30KHZ. While it is still possible to send data at that speed it slows it down considerably. A shut off switch could be placed on the coax cable to shut it off if necessary. Make a list of all devices with antennas and decide if they are really needed. Make a Faraday cage for each one and put it inside when you don't need it.
Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...

Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, www.philipnute.com and it's companion website www.zsezse.com, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
Beginning of Actual Blog
Aug 31, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
The Bilderberger
The main character in the movie 'Hair' is named Berger. At the end he dies in Vietnam after getting on a plane in Nevada.
"Right now pigs are becoming lunch.."
(flash's across the screen during Van Halen's video for 'Right Now')
She Came In Through The Bathroom Window
When I was young there were 2 or 3 girls everyone wanted to go steady with. That's what we called it 'go steady'. One of those girls was Janet Pascalucci. She was catholic (duh). I met her through some of the other catholic kids in the neighborhood. She attended St Francis through the eigth grade then went on to catholic high school. Not all catholic kids did that. Her father, supposedly, had a lot of money. He did construction. They lived on Pine St in a big house set back from the road with a gate. Two of the kids I hung around with were Alan Wingate and Bill Flavin. Both of whom were kinda the neighborhood tuff's that were really big into dealing drugs. Bill Flavin lived in my neighborhood and I knew him all my life. The Wingates lived in a neighborhood near Columbian Square. Alan's mother worked for Pascalucci as his secretary. He had given her this really expensive ashtray that was supposed to be worth $500 or some thing ridiculous like that. Someone would steal it every so often and there was a big to-do about it. "She came in through the bathroom window, protected by a silver spoon...." Bill was really into dealing so he knew all the cops. One day in junior high we were outside and Greenwood walked by (I think he was both a cop and a teacher) and said "Hey Bill hows business..? and without waiting for an answer he said "... got it's up's and down's I bet..." "..she came in through the bathroom window...." Bill and I did a lot of strange things. One day he convinced me to go to South Shore Hospital with him after school. I don't remember what the excuse was but we ended up sneaking into the morgue. ???? Bill and Janet ended up dating at one point and I thought that made no sense whatsoever. Talk about worlds apart. "...she came in through the bathroom window..." One day we went to the Knights of Columbus Hall in Columbian Square to watch her in a dance class. There were two or three of us. I don't know why they invited me. "...she came in through the bathroom window...." I was in a Rock band as a kid called Tyme. Bill had a band called Onyx. We had both stopped playing by High School. While in High School Bill talked me into doing a gig at Janet's house for some special occasion. It was going to be full of Catholic High kids. I was warned ahead of time they were very nasty. I think that comes with getting away with crimes against humanity century after century. Bill almost got beat up.
If you're PROTECTED by the silver spoon the police sent you there.
Notorious Alfred Hitchcock
Marrakesh Express
Crosby Stills Nash
Looking at the world through the sunset in your eyes
Traveling the train through clear Moroccan skies
Ducks and pigs and chickens call
Animal carpet wall to wall
American ladies five-foot tall in blue
Sweeping cobwebs from the edges of my mind
Had to get away to see what we could find
Hope the days that lie ahead
Bring us back to where they've led
Listen not to what's been said to you
Wouldn't you know we're riding on the Marrakesh Express
Wouldn't you know we're riding on the Marrakesh Express
They're taking me to Marrakesh
All aboard the train, all aboard the train
I've been saving all my money just to take you there
I smell the garden in your hair
Take the train from Casablanca going south
Blowing smoke rings from the corners of my mouth
Colored cottons hang in the air
Charming cobras in the square
Striped djellebas we can wear at home Well, let me hear you now
Wouldn't you know we're riding on the Marrakesh Express
Wouldn't you know we're riding on the Marrakesh Express
They're taking me to Marrakesh
Wouldn't you know we're riding on the Marrakesh Express
Wouldn't you know we're riding on the Marrakesh Express
They're taking me to Marrakesh
All on board the train, all on board the train
All on board
Humphrey Bogart
"Of all the gin joints in all the world, she walks into mine..."
"I remember the day the Germans marched into Paris..."
"Yea,...the Germans wore grey, you wore blue..."
"Play it again Sam,..you did it for him, you can do it for me.."
(..don't Bogart that joint my friend...)
I'm from the new show-me state of Massachusetts, show me some tanks rolling down Rt 18
Aug 30, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Aug 29, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Post war Spain 1939 - 1975. The Second Spanish republic was anti catholic church. Many wanted to do away with the church altoghter. When the war ended in 1939 many of those people were executed in camps set up by Franco. Spain remained a catholic country. The camps operated well into Franco's reign. Would a detailed study of the prisoner lists reveal a wide range of nationalities? If they can get away with Israel and Area 51 for 60 years why not death camps in Spain?
The Secret History of the Jesuits
Edmond Paris
The Vatican Against Europe
Edmond Paris
(english translations are hard to come by)
Genocide in Satellite Croatia
Edmond Paris
Convert or Die
Edmond Paris
The Sabbra and Shatila massacres took place in Lebenon in the early 1980's. The story was that the Israeli's were pursuing Palestinians, under the command of Yasser Arafat, into Lebenon. My guess is they were pursuing 'settlers' or prisoners of the concentration camp known as Israel. The Marine barracks explosion in 1983 was a way to cover up the bodies that returned to America.
Aug 25, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Two more generals to research:
Augusto Pinochet
Juan Peron
"Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead"
Chevy Chase
Saturday Night Live
(Franco a 'jew' like Hitler??)
Some General Questions About The Generals In General
Napoleon was more Italian than French. He was no ladies man. He did marry but spent most of his time at war. Known cohorts reported back that he liked it 'Fast and Furious'. He didn't want the lady hanging around.
Washington was a 33rd degree Freemason. He had no children. In fact this was one reason he was picked. The other founding fathers wanted to ensure that no dynasty was founded. Thomas Paine had made the observation that 'monarchy was the folly of the ancients'.
Hitler didn't marry until just before he died. He had no children. (I think)
Franco is new to my research. All I really know is the joke that Chevy Chase told on Saturday Night Live over and over again. I never understood what he meant.
If you don't end Secret Fascism, or someone doesn't end it for you, you are going to need a ten story block house fortress police station in every neighborhood in this country. Maybe 2 or 3 in some. Do you know what Secret Fascism does? It creates an unstable political environment. Unstable political environments have a tendency to drive hard working imaginative entrepeneurs out of the country. When they leave they take thier tax's with them and thus throw people out of work. More people who need assistance and less money to pay them. More people who need things will ultimately require more police that will eat up more tax's. More Secret Fascism will drive more people,.... Well as you can see it's a never ending cycle. "Let it be,...Let it Be,...ya there will be an answer ,...Let It Be....."
In response to my missing paragraph on the Jasenovac concentration camp I am going to start a new series titled "The Modern Crimes of the Catholic Church". I have these 3 topics:
The Jasenovac Prison Camp
Post War Spain 1939 - 1975
The Mothers of the Disappeared
"Joan Crawford has risen from the grave...." In case you don't get that, I beleive my mother has a neural implant. An implant she got at South Shore Hospital. Joan Crawford was a movie star that was the subject of a movie made in the 1980's titled "Mommy Dearest". Joan Crawford had a daughter Christina whom she was not very nice to.
My Jasenovac Disappeared
(how do these things happen?)
"Joan Crawford has risen from the grave...."
Aug 24, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
MOVE ME!!!!!!!
Why is it that every time the peasants start talking revolution the catholic church starts a new secret society? (Jesuits, Freemasons, Opus Dei) Allright I'll be nice today but I don't feel like it's my job. Nobody ever got anywhere in this world being nice to people. Nobody ever changed the world being nice to people. (I don't care about either) Stop being reasonable, it's not normal. (this is only my opinion) If you want to start looking for people with neural implants check everyone who has been in the US military in the last 60 years. Which would include every police officer and fire fighter in this country.
Aug 23, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Dig It/Let It Be
The Beatles
Like a rolling stone
Like a rolling stone
Like the FBI and the CIA
And the BBC--BB King
And Doris Day
Matt Busby
Dig it, dig it, dig it...
[That was 'Can You Dig It' by Georgie Wood. And now we'd like to do 'Hark, The Angels Come'.]
When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be
And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be
Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be
And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree
There will be an answer, let it be
For though they may be parted, there is still a chance that they will see
There will be an answer, let it be
Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
There will be an answer, let it be
Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be
Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be...
"This is a song Charles Manson stole from The Beatles,....we're stealing it back...."
Rattle and Hum
"Ahh ....what happened between the recording of The Joshua Tree album and the tour,.....and the writing of the new songs,........"
"Ahh well,....
I don't know...."

Rattle and Hum
"...they want you to play Jesus,..."
"And go down on one knee....."
"But they'll want their money back..."
"If you're alive at 33......"

Hold Me Thrill Me Kiss Me Kill Me
Popmart from Mexico City
(and that's another thing, why is the last old school progressive Rock N Roll band from Ireland?)
(War is not the answer??? You mean like regular war right out in the open, because you might actually lose,..you have no problem with invisible war)
If the goal is to have a world united under one god and create a 'Utopia', I don't think it will ever happen. One reason is killing is in their blood. They like it. Another reason is it keeps their currency afloat.
Aug 22, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
This is how I know there is a rootkit on my computer. None of this is conclusive but I thought I would say it anyway. I started watching youtube within the last half hour. I have been having trouble with my youtube page for months. The first problem with it today was that the favorites catagory was not at the top of the list when I went to add a new video to the list. In fact it wasn't there at all. At the top of the list was 'Psychiatry Is Genocide'. I typed in 'Talking Back To Prozac' in the search and no matter how many different pages I went to that remained. Even with the 'Philip DeFranco' page. I went to take a picture of the list and it wouldn't load. (third picture from the top) I knew someone was 'tapping' the line when a video I was watching flickered suddenly and the person began talking about coffee, my drug of choice. It was a video with Dr Peter Breggin. The bottom picture is what I do when I want to work off-line. I disconnect it altogether. I don't trust the 'Work Offline' option in any browser. This is what I put up with everyday all day. This has been going on for at least 6 years.
A couple days ago I proposed a small device that could be placed between your computer and a wired network that would randomly generate a IP address number for every request made by your computer. I know that like everything electronic it has problems. It is made worse by the reality of the little children slugs. Either last year or the year before I started to build a computer with the hard drive mounted so I could take it with me when not using the computer. I abandoned the project because of the little children slugs. Even that doesn’t solve the problem because there are such things as rootkits for BIOS. I know also computer hardware can be built so there is no physical access to a chip if the designer wants to. The little children slugs would have to replace your motherboard. If all of this is done on a massive scale I’m sure they can’t keep up.
A River Runs Through It
"Ole man river,......"
"He just keeps rolling along....."

Paul Robeson
"Oh great ocean....."
Oh great sea....."

If you think you're going to just wait me out,....I got nothing to do and all day to do it, I got no where to go and all day to get there. On what day has my life been settled and I had a sense of safety and well being? It's a trick question. Never. Making you look like the dog vomit you are, has become my life's work. Making you break down the door, or run me down is my goal. My life is at Ruinus Maximus. There's nothing for me in Weymouth never mind Hotel California. Raped all day every day. Have you noticed I've been raping myself, stuffing it right back in your face? FU FU FU Pig Diarhea germs.
Aug 21, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
"Will you won't you, will you won't you, come and join the dance......." (the Mock Turtle - Alice in Wonderland) NO. Go f&^% yourself!!! I will not allow an unseen unidentified enemy chase me from my legal residence where I belong and always will belong!!! If I did the enemy (maggot puke) is in complete control of the situation. A situation they made. I call them maggot puke because I do not and never will acknowledge them as any type of life form. If people find most of this website dehumanizing, insulting and degrading then I am doing it right. This is how 'the suit of lies' feels for anyone 'forced' to wear it. FU!!! You're coming through the front door!!!!
This is what I have learned about the Spanish Civil War of the 1930's. The war itself began in 1936, but the events leading up to it started around 1931. The Spanish monarchy fell in 1931 and was replaced by the Second Spanish Republic. At the time Spain was politically fractured, there were many different groups vying for control. The Second Spanish Republic was very left leaning and hostile to the Catholic Church. Many people on the left wanted to do away with the church all together. In the five years between the start of the republic and the outbreak of war a couple things happened. Germany and Italy had become right wing fascist country's and had built up their military. An organization called Opus Dei had been started in Spain by a Catholic priest. Opus Dei was then and is now a right wing organization. When the war started both Italy and Germany had sent troops to Spain to aid strongman Franco seize power which he held until he died in the 1970's. In the end the church was left intact. George Orwell fought for a time in Catalonia. After the war he made the observation that '....war is designed to keep the structure of society intact....'. What he probably meant was the church.
Your assignment today kiddies is a 500 word essay on the central theme of these 2 works: the short film 'An Andalusian Dog' by Salvador Dali and 'Psychopathia Sexualis' a comedy skit by Lenny Bruce. As soon as you are finished tear it up and throw it away because nobody cares.
Here are my thoughts. When someone gets 'jewed' (hippie, gypsy) they're unable to function socially and can't make a living but the poison (or whatever it is) leaves the person's sex drive intact so they resort to pretty much anything to satisfy it.
Aug 18, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
I get the sneaking suspicion that my websites and/or accounts are being censored so here are my user names and passwords:
is hosted at
user: philipn3
pass: 2p1m3c7r7r10g
is hosted at
user: zsezse0
pass: 2p1m3c7r7r10g
My WordPress account
user: philipnute
pass: 2p1m3c7r7r10g
My Youtube account
user: zsezse14741@gmail.com
pass: 2p1m3c7r7r10g
My Blogspot account
user: zsezse14741@gmail.com
pass: 2p1m3c7r7r10g
Everything You Know Is Wrong – Draft 28
click here
Revisionist History
I am currently reading “Steal This Computer Book 4.0? by Wallace Wang from No Starch Press and “The Destruction of Dresden” by David Irving. The Irving book is mentioned in the movie “Slaughterhouse-Five” by Kurt Vonnegut. Orwell said “He who controls the past, controls the future, and he who controls the present controls the past”. Who benefits from changing the past? Any book is suspect because for all anyone knows the writer could have been followed around and fed bad information. If you think that’s crazy consider the collective mentality of the people who decided to go down the ’1984' road in the first place. Anyway, for some reason I believe there are people who blame Americans for the bombing of Germany. You have to get the Proletariat to kill the Proletariat so once one group causes pain to another it can be used to return the favor with a little revision so two groups will kill each other who don’t really have a gripe for the benefit of a third group who did the revision. The Irving book is mostly about the British “Area Bombing” policy not the American though American bombers were involved. At the time of the bombing Dresden was being evacuated because of reports of Soviet atrocities as they were approaching the city. However. the population of Dresden was 3 times what it normally was because many Allied POW’s had been brought there. I think the future goal of journalism should be to find incidents of revision, find out who did it and who benefited. Who wound up with the money and property. Todays revising is much simpler. You program some drones then you cause an incident. For instance. I was walking to Starbucks one day this week and there were some white people picketing the Liberty Travel across the street. The signs read “Liberty Travel Has Racist Hiring Practices”. White men complaining about racism? Did the local police tell some local blacks that I’m a racist?
Aug 17, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Aug 16, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
I Have Good News And Bad News
The bad news is there are satelites in orbit today that were launched in the 1960's that are still operational. Electronic technology has been improved a lot since then so today's satelites could still be working 100 years from now. And they are accessible from anywhere in the world. But, I will not submit.
I don't have any good news I was just yankin your crank.
"Horror and moral terror are your best friends"
Aug 14, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
MK-Ultra The Controllers
by Martin Cannon
Advanced Neural Implants and Control
by Daryl R Kipke DARPA
Is your life becoming an endless stream of seemingly timed events? Are the people involved lying or avoiding the issue? Do they want you to accept an implant? DON'T ACCEPT AN IMPLANT!!! You are dealing with Scientology, a killing machine. Some people are being controlled and some are doing the controlling. You can't tell the players without a scorecard and there is no scorecard because most people don't know there's a game. If too many did, it wouldn't exist. It's purpose is to prolong the value of the dollar by limiting the number of people who can get a loan at a bank. Believe it!!!! It makes more for the rich and less for the poor. If you are an electronics or computer engineer, or you know one, see the 'SURVEILLANCE' page for suggestions.
Note. The microwave hearing effect and neural implants can look very similar. But it MIGHT be that the people being controlled have a neural implant and the people doing the controlling are only using the microwave hearing effect.
If everyone on earth got up some day and tried to shoot dead someone who works for the catholic church, the world would be safe for humanity by noon.
CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS War is it's own greatest deterrent. Invisible war (secret fascism) never ends.
When I was a kid it was always fun to receive a chain letter. I don't exactly remember what the purpose was, it might have varied. When you got one you were supposed to copy it and send it to ten or more of your friends or ten anonymous people. The letter could go on for months and reach thousands of people. Today it could be done with email. The file's below are what I have been sending for the past few months. My email doesn't last very long, they shut it off. So if you would like to be free like me send one of the files below to ten anonymous people. The idea is to drive people to my website. Or your website if you want. I declare everything on this website (including all inventions) as public domain. Anyone can reproduce it in it's entirety anywhere without my permission.
When I send email anonymously this is what I do. I go to a search engine, google.com, ask.com, yahoo.com, bing.com, and type in a word, any word, and then go down the list until my email stops. When I go to a page I look for the 'Contact' link. There is always someboby's email. Today, for example I went to google.com and typed the word 'program'. In the event some people don't know how to use the computer's 'clipboard' I will try to explain. The 'clipboard' is a space in the computer's working memory that can be used to store text or other data that you use over and over. When you click on one of the links below it should open in a seperate browser tab. With that tab active go to the 'EDIT' menu of the browser program and pick 'SELECT ALL'. Everything in that tab should be highlighted. Then go to the 'EDIT' menu and pick 'COPY'. That text is now on the clipboard and can be used over and over without typing it again and again. When you click on the link for someones email you insert the curser into the body of the email and go to the 'EDIT' menu for the email program and pick 'PASTE'. All the text is automatically inserted into the email. You can send the email without a subject.
Selected Quotes From The Movie "Apolcalypse Now"
"When I was a member of Special Forces..."
"we went to a village and innoculated all the children for polio.."
"After we left a villager came running...."
"and said something had happened....."
"They had come and hacked off the arms of everyone we gave a shot"
"Horror and moral terror are your best friends..."
I don't care what anyone on the stupidvision says, or any doctors and nurses you may know personally, given the scope of the surveillance and the problem of neural implants, nobody can guarantee the integrity of anything that passes through their hands that is intended for use in someones body. Period.
Aug 11, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Area 51
Slaughterhouse-Five is based on a novel by Kurt Vonnegut. The main character is named Billy. He becomes a prisoner of war during WWII and is sent to Dresden after the bombing. Some of the other prisoners pick on him and make fun of him. They call him 'Pilgrim' and give him clothes that don't fit. Later Billy becomes an Optometrist and leads a suburban life in the Northeast USA. He becomes convinced he communicates with UFO's and knows exactly when he will die and who will do it. He has dream sequences where he is on another planet having sex with a Hollywood starlet named Montana Wildhack. They have a child together.
Aug 10, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
The first Ku Klux Klan was started in Pulaski Tenn. just after the Civil War. (Ruby Red Dress - Helen Reddy) By the turn of the 20th century it had all but died. The 2nd Klan started around the beginning of WWI. I believe it was given a big boost by Hollywoods first big blockbuster 'The Birth of a Nation' by D W Griffith. It was a 3 hour long epic about two families during the Civil War and the Ku Klux Klan. Had this movie not come out, I believe the Klan and Jim Crow would have properly died completely. The second Klan was also very anti-catholic. It was dedicated to stopping what it termed 'catholic subversion'. How times have changed.
'Jesus just left Chicago,...
and he's bound for New Orleans....'

Jesus Just Left Chicago
ZZ Top
(ZZ Top is from Houston,...NASA - Texas Radio and The Big Beat - Whenever I see pictures of Mission Control all the people have military haircuts Apollo "13" had a lot of trouble getting back to earth???? Misdirection?? a history clue??? Some people believe no one ever walked on the moon Man on the Moon by REM)
Capitalism like Royal Absolutism is supposed to fail someday. Aside from the fact it turns everyone into crazy money monkeys there are certain factors that make it inevitable. One is the life cycle of the dollar can't go on forever. Even with Scientology (what I sometimes call the 'Auto-Fasci-Mat' ...and once you're gone,...you can't come back when you're out of the blue and into the black...." it will come to an end. The other is Peak Oil. Capitalism has made the entire human race dependent on fossil fuels and we are running out. Matt Simmons believed the decline would be steady over the next 30 years. If you think my political agitating is bad I have some bad news. War is coming one way or another. War is how the people who run this system wipe the slate of all the debt and remain in power. So one way or another we are all screwed. But how do you get a war started in the "...the land where the Pharoah died.....", the land where all the problems of the European peasantry were solved with one revolution. It's June 6 6AM someone in the Vatican throws a switch and runs a software routine, boom boom boom '....and we run into the arms of America......"Bullit the Blue Sky - U2. But then again maybe there are other possibilities. A movie titled 'The Ring of Power' says 100 million Americans believe the end of the world is coming and are waiting to be Raptured into heaven. ???? (".....for the loading had begun......" Helpless - Crosby Stils Nash and Young 1970) Maybe Scientology is directed at a specific ethnic or religious group. WASP Some spaceships are going to come and take them away. These are the possibilities that try my soul.
Aug 8, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 is the law that created the banking system we live under today. It has been called 'The Creature from Jekyll Island'. I think thats the name of a book. It created two types of banks. Commercial banks and reserve banks. Commercial banks are the banks the general public uses everyday. They take deposits and give loans. The reserve banks only accept deposits from the commercial banks. It's a method for controlling the money supply. Reserve banks are given a certain territory. I think there are 10 regions. They are a monopoly in each region and the Federal Reserve is a monopoly as a whole. For some reason the Sherman Anti-Trust laws don't apply. Commercial banks can own stock in the reserve banks. In the hundred years since the start of the bank there has been a lot of consolidation in the banking industry like every other industry. Finding out who owns the largest banks in this country would probably uncover who runs everything.
Movies music and books where there is a trial at the end or the main character dies. Cool Hand Luke, The Great Gatsby, The Trial, Alice in Wonderland, The Wall by Pink Floyd, The WASP Behind the Wall of Sleep by Black Sabbath. Calling you people assholes is an insult to orifices that extrude excrement. Maimed tortured and tormented from the cradle to the grave for any number of possible reasons!!!! And now you want me to volunteer for the end. (up and down hand motion about the waist area) Time to pay the Piper. Someones gonna have to bite the bullet. You know where I am ALL THE TIME!! The longer you wait, the more damage I do. TA TA
Aug 7, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Claudius Ptolemy Music Analysis
Claudius Ptolemy also wrote a book on music. I don't know if it's about the science or mechanics of music or about Pied Pipers as they are used by the elite so I will only comment on the latter. Pied Pipers are artists. Most artists have their heart in the right place. The elite hire them to lure the 'rats' (hippies, gypsies, jews etc) out of town. Or out of this world as the case is now. When it comes time to pay them they get screwed because only the crazy, psycho's get money because money is power.
Aug 6, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
The Hanging Garden
The Cure
Creatures kissing in the rain,
Shapeless in the dark again,
In the hanging garden please don't speak,
In the hanging garden no one sleeps,
In the hanging garden,
In the hanging garden,
Catching halos on the moon,
Gives my hands the shapes of angels,
In the heat of the night the animals scream,
In the heat of the night walking into a dream,
Fall fall fall fall into the wall,
Jump jump out of time
Fall fall fall fall out of the sky
Cover my face as the animals cry,
In the hanging garden
In the hanging garden
Creatures kissing in the rain
Shapeless in the dark again
In the hanging garden change the past
In the hanging garden wearing frozen masks
Fall fall fall fall into the walls
Jump jump out of time
Fall fall fall fall out of the sky
Cover my face as the animals die,
In the hanging garden
In the hanging garden
As the animlals die
Cover my face as the animals die
In the hanging garden
In the hanging garden
In the hanging garden
I have two possibilities for this song. Back in the 1970's and 1980's when Argentina and Chile were being taken over the police would pick up whoever they wanted in a helicopter fly as far out to sea as they could then drop the person. There is a book titlted "The Murder of Chile" that documents it's take over. In Argentina a group formed called "The Mothers of the Disappeared". It could be related to the "3:33" that keeps coming up. If your in an isolated area they pick you up. The media covers it with stories about UFO's. "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" "Twenty Five or Six to Four" The other possibility is it's a place of torture where you can make amends. Area 51 maybe. There is a museum in almost every country, where there was an Inquisition, dedicated to the devices used to torture people. So he says "In the hanging garden, change the past"
"Capt Walker didn't come home,..."
"his unborn child will never know him..."
"Beleive him missing with a number of men..."
"don't expect to see him again..."

From the beginning of the Rock Opera "Tommy" by The Who
This is the opening scene of the movie 'The Omen',
It's June 6 at 6 AM (666). Mr Thorn is speeding through the streets of Rome in a cab trying to get to the hospital. His wife is expecting. He gets to the hospital where he is met by a priest. The priest says:
"I'm sorry Mr Thorn, he breathed for a short time,....then no more....."
Selected Quotes From The Movie "Apolcalypse Now"
"When I was a member of Special Forces..."
"we went to a village and innoculated all the children for polio.."
"After we left a villager came running...."
"and said something had happened....."
"They had come and hacked off the arms of everyone we gave a shot"
"Horror and moral terror are your best friends..."
I don't care what anyone on the stupidvision says, or any doctors and nurses you may know personally, given the scope of the surveillance and the problem of neural implants, nobody can guarantee the integrity of anything that passes through their hands that is intended for use in someones body. Period.
Aug 1, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Weymouth Starbucks
The Weymouth Starbucks aka The Local "Electric Ladyland" (Jimi Hendrix)
Some people may ask "Why do you go to Starbucks if you think it's full of people who hate you?" It's an act of defiance. Of disobediance. I get the sneaking suspicion I'm expected to cower in the corner and go crazy from isolation. Well FU. Godzilla is a mutant life form. I can't avoid getting 'chickenshitted' no matter what so I volunteer there just to get in somebody's face.
"Fire woman, you're to blame..."
"Fire woman, you're to blame..."

Fire Woman
The Cult
"Some of those who use forces,..."
"Are the ones who burn cross's..."

Killing in the Name
Rage Against The Machine
(forces being, synthetic telepathy, microwave hearing effect, neural implants)
"Alice in Wonderland" was first published in 1865 well before any of this technology
When I walk up to Starbucks I pass a lot of old houses on Columbian St. Last summer the house pictured below changed hands. There was an estate sale one weekend and the house was sold the next. ??? Not long after the granite sign with the name 'OLOHAN' showed up. Everyone understands my suspicians about the catholic church. "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain" The 'Emerald City' is code for the Emerald Isle. "He was the wizard of a thousand kings...." Uriah Heep That explains the 'HAN' in Olohan. So now I'll explain Olu. The last time I was in the hospital was the summer of 2008. I was in McClean Southeast on the grounds of the Brockton Veterans Administration Hospital on Rt 123 in Brockton Massachusetts. There were 2 black mental health workers who spoke with very thick African accents. I'm pretty sure it was African. There names were Ben and Olo. Olo being his first name. I know Olu was aware of my every thought. I won't explain how, it was an incident between us. (kinda like Leah aka Electric Lady Land) Thus the name 'OLOHAN'.
The Weymouth Starbucks is in front of a small shopping plaza named 'The Pleasant Shops'. There was a local grocery store in the mall for years named 'Jonny's Foodmaster'. Last fall it closed suddenly and it was announced a 'Whole Foods' market was taking it's place. They have spent almost 6 months taking it apart and getting the store ready. Which seems like a lot of time. There is a Walgreens across the street that took only a couple months to build. Building and all. But for some reason this existing store is dragging on and on. Whole Foods is an upscale type store and doesn't really make sense in S Weymouth. I think it's dig at me because I don't like rich people.
Rolling Stones Gather No Moss
(cause moss don't grow on dead stuff)
The Weymouth Starbucks is in the same mall as the new Whole Foods (old Jonny Foodmaster). It's the local "Electric Ladyland". (thanks Jimi Hendrix)
Is this Phil news?
Hi, Shannon!!
Boy, you got big in a hurry!
FDA leaving you alone now sweetie!!!
Enquiring mind wants to know but doesn't really give a s&^2
How's Sorboni Banergi
Is that her real name?
Is she having the same problem?
Who the hell is Lindsey Lohan and why would anyone care?
'Thirty days in the hole....
(the Federal Dating Administration)
Why did Marilyn Monroe marry Arthur Miller?????
Do Jesuits go through some kind of intense brainwashing?
Alice (in Wonderland) is a (drug fueled) Adultery
Everything You Know Is Wrong
(an ammendable version 13th draft add all you want)
July 31, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Back in the summer of 2008 the FBI in Boston went after a couple black politicians. They both lost their jobs and went to prison. (I think) The FBI have tried other ways of using race. Charles Manson believed the next war in America would be a race war. It's like the FBI don't get it. They're trying to use the old method of pitting two groups at the bottom and they don't understand secret fascism and Robocops. The new method is Scientology and the Thought Police. No need for blowing everything up.
I have been trying to understand a line from The Doors song 'The WASP Texas Radio and the Big Beat'. The line goes "This is the land where the Pharoah died" Who is the Pharoah? Catholic priests? Is Scientology an 'oops' created by the secret fascists (NWO) which was manipulated into existance by the Pharoah? Is the technology of secret fascism so good capitalism can't be collapsed? Has the Pharoah lost control? Daniel Webster was trained to do flips and jumps and now they can't stop him? Even if they do what happens then?
July 30, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Everything You Know Is Wrong
(an ammendable version 11th draft add all you want)
July 29, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County
Mark Twain
This story was one of the first things ever written by Mark Twain. It was published around 1865. Mark Twain was a Freemason. A 33rd degree mason, I think. I think the story shows Twain knew well in advance what the future held for America. The frogs name is Daniel Webster, a famous Massachusetts Senator, who was one of the first conservatives. He gets taught to jump and do flips and beat any frog put up against him. "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain" At the end a stranger comes into town and loads D'nel with shot so he can't jump and Smiley loses the bet. The NWO was supposed to fail like Royal Absolutism before it, capitalism was doomed to fail. The Greeks were going to be thrown under the bus with the Trojans. 'War is coming......I can feel it in the air..."
Why are you saying these things? BECAUSE I DON'T CARE!!!!