Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, www.philipnute.com and it's companion website www.zsezse.com, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
George Orwell
Beginning of Actual Blog
August 30, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
If the Protestant Reformation (revolution – rebellion) was actually started by the people at the bottom then the people who were at the top sold out a long time ago. I think it’s more probable that the whole thing was orchestrated by the Pope. It was divide and conquer. Protestants today are filled with religion like the jews in Jerusalem at the time of the destruction of the second temple. It’s astrology. They put too much faith in God and don’t make themselves “busy with the art of war” (Moses Maimonides). I find it very suspicious that ultimitely it came down to a disgruntled Catholic Priest named Luther who nailed his complaints to the door of his church and then someone else printed and distributed them. Because everyone had a printing press at that time. You could buy one in the alley between Homer’s Rug Emporium and the 12th Street Pub from a guy named Rocko. (SHHHH don’t tell anyone) And you could say whatever you wanted, just like today. No one ever fought for freedom of speech. Free Dum Free Dum. Instead of dying in a fire or hanging from a noose, like many who took up Protestantism, Martin Luther married, had kids, and died happy. Two of the first books ever printed were The Gutenberg Bible and the Malleus Malificarum. (that’s a hint people) Why did they make the English reformation worse than the others? Well for one thing, never let a division die. Two, England is an island and this helps to contain the rebellion. In the future they were going to have to actually provide the peasants with freedum so the English had to win. ?????
August 26, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I do not have a philosophy, ideology or theology. I have an objective. To be free from the Nazi maggot cunt hole, chickenshit, surveillance, god control, mind control, lying, thieving, murdering, forced drug system. I get out of bed every day and work toward achieving the objective. The first battle that must be won is the information war. Overcoming the fact that everything everyone knows is wrong.
The other day I saw someone with a sign that read “Impeach Obama Stop WWIII”. The Psychic War is WWIII. People are dying anyway. I figure there are 3 types of war. Controlled-invisible, controlled-visible, and out of control-visible. What we have here is controlled-visible. The only reason WWIII would be waged is to get rid of everyone who knows the truth and wants to change things. You will never get millions of people to square off against millions of people without at least 2 large political power structures forcing them to do it. It’s not normal. War happens but in small doses and reason usually prevails. WWIII would be waged to keep the same people owning and running everything.
For much of the 20th century scientists searched for “The Missing Link”. A skeleton that would prove the theory of evolution. In the 1960’s someone named Leaky found a skeleton in a Kenyan gorge and named it “Lucy” after John Lennon’s song “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds”. The scientific name was ‘australiopithecus afracanis’. Two other skeletons made news in the 20th century. Piltdown Man and Peking Man. Piltdown Man was eventually proven to be a fraud. Peking Man was lost during WWII> One person had a hand in both controversies. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. He was a Jesuit priest and paleontologist. I find this suspicious. The church did not approve of many of his views and his books were not published until after his death in 1955. He believed religion would merge with science as did James Frazer who wrote “The Golden Bough” a book mentioned in the movie “Apolcalypse Now”. Teilhards thought influenced many who attended Vatican II. I think Scientolgy is proof of these views. I think Scientology is an invention of the Catholic Church if not the future and I think it has been planned for the last 200 years.
Mary Mary quite contrary
How does your church expand
With mercury poisoning Zombie men
And Alice in Wonderland
How does your church expand
With mercury poisoning Zombie men
And Alice in Wonderland
August 22, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I can destroy your world in 60 minutes or less. It’s like Name That Tune only I use a computer and an internet connection. Go to ‘youtube’ and type in “U2 The Fly ZooTV” be prepared to pause. When it says “Everything You Know Is Wrong” hit pause. To re-enforce this concept go to ‘youtube’ and type in “Alternative Views George Seldes” and be prepared to pause. Shortly into the video he says “History is a lie agreed upon” and atributes it to Napolean Bonaparte. Next go to ‘youtube’ and type in “1984 full movie”. At the beginning of the version with John Hurt it states ‘Who Controls The Past Controls The Future, Who Controls The Present Controls The Past”. Thats all you need to know. Lets establish a conspiracy. Go to ‘Amazon’ and type in “New World Order by H G Wells” and search in books. You will find a book published in 1940 about global government. Then go to ‘google’ and type in “New World Order by H G Wells free pdf”. It’s free on the internet. Next go to ‘Wikipedia’ and type in “H G Wells”. You will discover he was a well known science fiction writer who died about 1945. He wrote “The Invisible Man”, “The War Of The Worlds” and “The Time Machine” which were all made into movies. “The War Of The Worlds” became very famous in 1939 when Orson Wells (no relation) caused a panic in New Jersey with his radio broadcast of this book. Reading about H G Wells at ‘Wikipedia’ you will discover he was a member of The Fabian Society a socialist organization started in the 1880’s. The stated goal of this group is the slow implementation of a global government. The word ‘fabian’ comes from a Roman general who defeated Hannibal. “Fabian” was a Rock N Roll singer of the late 1950’s. He was proof positive you don’t need any talent to make it in music. Return to ‘youtube’ and type in “Won’t Get Fooled Again” by The Who. Anyone who has listened to Rock N Roll since 1969 when this song came out has heard it a million times. Next go to ‘youtube’ and type in “Everybody Wants To Rule The World” by Tears For Fears. This song came out in 1985 and has been played a million times. At one point he says “Say that you’l never never need it,…one headline why believe it”. Go to ‘youtube’ type in “N W O” by Ministry. One of the best bands nobody has ever heard of. The title speaks for itself. Go to ‘youtube’ type in “The Saints Are Coming” by U2/Green Day. A little obscure but has elements of mind control. They say “No matter how I try I realize there’s no reply”. There’s no point in trying to talk to anyone you believe is under mind control. This includes anyone who has been in the military. Lets go down the mind control road. Go to ‘youtube’ type in “Manchurian Candidate”. Pick the one with Frank Sinatra that came out around 1960 and watch the beginning. Next go to ‘youtube’ and type in ‘Jose Delgado and His Bull Story”. You will get a ten minute video about Jose Delgado and how he stopped a bull in a bull fighting ring with a push button. This happened about 1965. He called his device a ‘Stimociever”. I don’t think Delgado invented the technology, I think it already existed and he was trying to expose it. Go to ‘google’ and type in “Physical Control Of The Mind: Toward A Psycho Social Society” by Jose Manuel DelGado. He wrote this book about 1970. It is not a medical book. It is written for the layman. The beginning covers ethical and moral questions surrounding mind control and mentions someone named Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a Jesuit priest who died in 1955. Chardin was portrayed in the movie “The Exorcist”. Del Gado details 2 types of mind control. One is a chip slipped under the scalp that communicates with the inner ear and the other is Endoscopic Pituitary surgery. The chip under the scalp can just be broken with a hammer if you’re careful and the Pituitary can be disabled with ECT (Electro Convulsive Therapy). Electricity to the head.Lets see what Rock N Roll has to say about voices in the head. Go to ‘youtube’ and look at the following 1. I Don’t Like Mondays by The Boomtown Rats 2. Voices Inside My Head by The Police 3. The Kiss by The Cure This will get you started.
August 17, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Israel is a ghetto.
I am a conspiracy theorist. When you have spent 9 years on the recieving end of illegal surveillance it’s easy to become one. The conspiracy is The New World Order. The New World Order is a global Fascist/Romanist government being implemented by the global elite (sometimes referred to as the Illuminati, Bourgeous or The Oligarch Collective) The New World Order is the end result of capitalism. Capitalism is slowly conquering the world with the money as debt banking system and commercial code. Examples proving the conspiracy are the EU (European Union), the SPP (Security and Prosperity Partnership), NAFTA, the European currency-Euro and the African Union. I believe the capital of the New World Order in Dubai, Adu Dabi. It sits at the mouth of the Straits of Hormuz where most of the worlds oil pass’s through. Any nation that doesn’t go along can be blackmailed with oil. Some of the conspirators are members of The Fabian Society. The Fabian Society was started in the 1880’s and it’s goal is the slow and gradual implementation of global socialism. There are many active Fabianists in European governments. A well known Fabianist from the past was H G Wells. He wrote a book published in 1940 titled “The New World Order”. He also wrote “The War Of The Worlds”, “The Invisible Man” and “The Time Machine’. The ‘money as debt’ banking system was started in 1694 with the founding of the Bank of England. It is a bottomless bank account where money is created out of debt. It’s a form a alchemy where something of value is made from nothing. It can fund global war when the elite need to cling to power. It can buy anything with real value with worthless wood pulp whenever necessary. Global trade is an excuse to surrender political power. This is outlined in “The Wealth Of Nations’ by Adam Smith. Until a few years ago the New World Order was a secondary conspiracy. A sort of conspiracy within a conspiracy. It was never supposed to become a reality. The real victor would have been whoever has all the surveillance. The Pope. The Pope, however, has lost the element of surprise.
I am aware of 3 problems that concern everyone alive today. The vast majority of people are completely unaware of them. The evidence I have that they exist is circumstantial.
The first problem is what I call the ‘Auto-Fasci-Mat’. It is the endless chain of people under mind control trying to get other people under mind control. It’s like a snowball going downhill. This problem started in the 1950’s. I have been dealing with the problem for at least 8 years but proving it to others is a major problem so I have only circumstantial evidence. One movie and 2 Rock N Roll records. The movie is “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” and the albums are Pink Floyds “Dark Side of the Moon” and “The Wall”. The movie has people turning into aliens after being put into a coccoon. The song “Brain Damage/Eclipse on ‘Dark Side of the Moon” says “You raise the blade, you make the change, you re-arrange me till I’m sane”. In “The Wall” the main character ends up in a mental hospital then becomes a leader of a Fascist group. Mind control is accomplished in at least 2 ways. I got this information from the book “Physical Control Of The Mind: Toward A More Psycho-Social Society” by Jose Manuel Del Gado. Sub-cutaneous surgery and Endo-Scopic Pituitary surgery. Sub-cutaneous surgery is when they slip a chip (some refer to as RFID) under the scalp. It is so small it can operate on the electro-magnetic energy all around us. It communicates with the inner ear by the microwave hearing effect. A satellite can communicate with the RFID chip and the chip communicates with the person. Endo-scopic Pituitary surgery inserts a neural implant into the Pituitary gland through the nose. The Pituitary gland is responsible for hormones. A person can be made very aggressive by way of microwave communication. Jose Manuel del Gado demonstrated mind control in 1965 by inserting a “Stimociever” into a bull and stopping the bull with a pushbutton in a bull fighting ring in Spain. A video of this can be found on ‘youtube’. To get another person ‘plugged-in’ the mind controlled begin to harass the target without actually breaking the law. This socially isolates the person. Most people can’t take being isolated very long and will comply. Other methods are offering money or demonstrating power over the police or the money in the targets bank accounts. Thats how bad the problem has become. There are ways to ‘un-plug’ a person but it’s dangerous for a lot of reasons. TASERing someone in the head is like a bolt of lightning hitting a TV. It might be possble to just break the RFID chip with a hammer if you’re careful. Another method is to expose the entire head to a high wattage pulse of electro-magnetic energy. Other evidence is ‘The Manchurian Candidate” with Frank Sinatra, “I Don’t Like Mondays” by The Boomtown Rats, “Voices In My Head” by The Police and “The Kiss” by The Cure.
The second problem is Peak Oil. Peak Oil is a concept first introduced by Marion King Hubbert in the 1950’s. Hubbert was a scientist who worked for Shell Oil. He predicted US oil production would peak in the 1970’s and then decline and never recover. He was right. He also predicted global oil production would peak soon after then never recover and when this happens the human race is in for a disaster of biblical proportions. Man has become hopelessly dependent on oil for everything. Especially food. Hubbert pointed out that the global population has gone from about 1 billion when oil was first used to about 7 billion today. In the year 1900 maybe 70 percent of the population knew something about taking care of animals and growing food. Today it’s more like 10 percent because of mechanization and agri-business. The people who own and run this world know about the problem and want the disaster to de-populate the planet. If fact they have been throwing away much of the oil to speed up the process. Oil is only 1 of the resources the human race is having a problem with. One man who has been speaking up is Michael Ruppert. His book “Collapse” is a good place to start learning about the problem.
The last problem is the Rapture or Tribulation. There are 100 million people in the United States that believe we are approaching The End Times. They believe that God is coming to judge the human race and they will be ‘raptured’ into heaven. They believe the final battle of Armegeddon is about to take place in Isreal. This fits in with the collapse of oil and the disaster that will ensue. Global de-population. The same people that are behind the oil problem are behind this.
August 13, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
The Zeitgeist Movement
I am a conspiracy theorist. A better word might be deception theorist. I believe the world is not run by the people at the bottom through democracy and voting. It is run by the people at the top with the banking system, the media, and religion. The banking system and the media are relatively new but religion is an old method dating back to ancient Egypt. I think that's where it began. The goal of the deception is to rule the world without the people at the bottom knowing. In the past 10 to 15 years the deception has become harder to maintain. I believe in 2007 the people at the top tried a new deception, The Zeitgeist Movement. The Zeitgeist Movement consisted of 3 movies, The Zeitgeist Movie, Zeitgeist Addendum and Zeitgeist Moving Forward. They proposed a global government based on resources and without currency. The first part of the first movie exposed Christianity as a lie. They presented evidence to prove that it is based on astronomical occurrences. They published a booklet titled 'The Zeitgeist Sourcebook' with the evidence. I think the people who produced the movies are the same people who already run everything. The point of this post is that the religious people who have run everything since the time of Christ exposed their own religion as fake.
I have been reading about the Popes of the Counter-Reformation. They spanned roughly 1530 AD to 1610 AD. One of them was Gregory XIII. He reformed the calendar to ensure Easter would be celebrated on the correct day. This caused a lot of controversy at the time. Many Protestants refused to accept the change saying it was the work of the anti-christ. Somehow this ended up involving Galileo and other astronomers like Kepler and Copernicus. The method they devised to calculate the date for Easter was very complicated. I don't think any of it makes any sense. Why don't they decide at the beginning of each year when to celebrate Easter? Very simple. I think the whole thing was a cover story. I think that by the time the calendar was reformed the Protestants who were fighting the Roman church had figured out the whole thing was BS based on astronomy. The church was trying to cover this up while going after the leaders of the Protestants.
I recently re-watched a copy of 'The Scarlet Letter' by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The book was written around 1850 but is set in 1640 Massachusetts. It centers on a woman named Hester Prinn who becomes pregnant while not having a husband. She is forced to wear a red letter "A" on her blouse at all times. It turns out that the man who sentenced her to this was the father of the child. He is also the preacher for the town. The secret is kept for 5 or 6 years until the 2 decide to leave and start over. At the end the preachers guilt forces him to confess and then he dies. Just before he dies he reveals a scar on his chest he had carved. A letter "A". I think this story is about what happened to the Protestant Reformation. I think Hawthorne is saying the Protestants 'threw in the towel' and joined the Roman church in wanting to rule the world. I think Free Masonry is a lie to get Protestants to co-operate. It needs to be a secret society because average people wouldn't go along with the truth. It's another way to get the people at the bottom to kill the people at the bottom for the benefit of the people at the top.
The Zeitgeist Sourcebook is a free pdf that can be downloaded over the internet. It contains all the evidence used in the movie.
This post is an attempt to understand the need for the Apolcalypse. I figure there are 2 types of reasons: logistical and psycho-social. I have 2 logistical reasons. 1. Because of the population, it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain a system that is blatantly unfair, and a lie, and get away with it. 2. Every so often this system needs a mass genocide to eliminate the people who had thier property stolen and they can't get rid of quietly. It has to be done out in the open, so it has to be explained some way. The psycho-social reasons are related to progressivism. Conservatives like to lampoon liberals for thier progressive policies but I think progressivism can be found in every facet of Western Civilization including conservatism. For whatever reason Western Civilization can't sit still. Beginning around the year 1500 AD Western Civilization began exploring and settling the entire world. There is a never ending spirit of exploration and there is no where left to explore. Many people believe space exploration is impossible because of dangerous radiation levels beyond earth's atmosphere, so there's nothing left. In the 1960's corporate America, aided by Madison Ave, sold the idea of 'Progress'. Contributing to 'Progress' was a kind of rallying cry/marching order. Inventing computers, building rockets etc. Liberals have social progress like civil rights and gay rights. Capitalism has a sort of progress in improving the modes of production and squeezing every penny out of a business with the patent office. They have run out of places to steer the ship of state known as the SS Human Race.
(a lure)(Jesus is a fish'er of men)(he wants a 'King For A Day') I have been reading about the Popes of the Counter-Reformation in my encyclopedia. They are: Paul III, Julius III, Marcellus II, Paul IV, Pius IV, Pius V, Gregory XIII, Innocent IX and Clement VIII. I know that the Gregorian calendar has some significance but I don't know what. The Gregorian Calendar was adopted by Pope Gregory XIII in his papal bull 'inter gravissimas' ("In The Gravest Concern") on February 24, 1582. Protestant controlled country's at the time refused to adopt it saying it was the sign of the anti-christ. Russia did not adopt it until 1918. Three Zeitgeist (Z ???) movies came out starting in 2007. The first movie claimed that much of Christianity is based on astrological occurances as are many religions. A free Zeitgeist sourcebook pdf can be found on the internet that gives facts. I have always thought the Zeitgeist people were the same people who run everything now. They wanted to hand over control to some global authority and call it a resource based economy. Did the church expose it's own fraud? Two astronomers that hailed the new calendar were Johannes Kepler and Tycho Brahe. Other astronomers involved were Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo and Sir Isaac Newton. The ancient astronomer Claudius Ptolomy is also mentioned. The Juilian calendar was adopted by Julius Ceasar in 40 BC. He was advised by Alexandrian astronomer Sosigenes. Sosigenes used the Egyptian solar calendar. Contradiction is balance.
I am an atheist. I am an atheist for no other reason than I am reasonably certain the religious people of this world destroyed my life and continue to do so. And I don't care If I ever actually know who did it. You can take your Jesus and stick em where your God comes out. You can take Allah and stick em where Jesus comes out. No Yahwah, no highway, comprende'. Hindu this honey (up and down hand motion about the waist area). I am a one man hell bound hand cart. I'm dyin where I stand. I'm dyin where I belong. I'm dyin where 'it' destroyed my life and 'it' might take responsibility. I don't want this to get better. There's only so much you can do to a person over 60 years before nothing will help. Isolation makes most people go crazy, I'm the complete opposite. Too much contact with people will make me crazy. You're fucked if you think I'm gonna start talkin. If you won't follow someone because thier atheist you're makin my day in the best way. All donations are gratefully accepted and considered completely anonymous, but I know all anyone gets is the shaft shoved further. I don't care about the fags. I don't care about the straights. I don't care about anyone in-between. "It' can collectively go fuck itself. My breathin is gettin even. I don't care what I say. I'll say anything to make trouble.
August 9, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
The Zeitgeist Movement
In my last post I tried to say something about the Zeitgeist Movement and astronomy in Christianity. I will try some more. When Julius Caesar (JC ?? Jesus Christ) seized power in 43 BC he reformed the Roman calendar. (what else did he reform ?? religion ??? JC ??) The calendar the Romans used was off by quite a bit. The vernal equinox, the beginning of spring, was off by 100 days or so. The measurement of time is important for a lot of reasons. Planting crops, harvesting, etc. The ancients measured time by observing the heavens. They knew that the stars were the same at about the same time of year. They knew approximately how long the year was but the calendar they used didn't reflect this. Caesar consulted an Egyptian astronomer for the answer. (what else did he get?) The result was the Julian Calendar named after Julius Caesar. It wasn't perfect either. By the time of the Counter-Reformation the calendar was off again by about 10 days. Pope Gregory XIII introduced the Gregorian Calendar. The Protestants considered this a sign of the Anti-Christ but I don't know why. The Ancients also knew that the pattern of stars changed a little from year to year. They called this the Procession of the Equinox's. The Procession took either 2500 years or 25,000 I don't know which. They didn't know exactly why these things happened. They later discovered that the earth revolved around the sun for to make a year and the sun revolves around some other body inside the Milky Way galaxy to make a full Procession of Equinox's. We are very close to entering a new Equinox. The Age Of Aquarius. I'm not exactly sure how this all ties together I'm just presenting what I know. When they finally established the second as the smallest measurement of time the calendar became very precise and no longer needed updating. Another measure introduced by the Counter-Reformation Popes was the Index Of Forbidden Books. It was abolished by Pope Paul VI in 1966. I figure they didn't need it anymore because they have everyone under mind control. If someone reads a book they're not supposed to they just erase them with the next pass of the satellite. There was also a list of forbidden authors. When I was in Bridgewater State Hospital (JAIL!!!! ASSHOLES THANX FOR NOTHIN) I went to the library a lot. One author I read was Edgar Allen Poe. Mr Poe could not have been on the Popes Christmas list. He knows who's been naughty and nice, and the problem has compounded exponentially since 1840. Poe didn't write anything that wasn't controversial. One story that I thought was of real interest was "Never Bet The Devil With Your Head". A line from the story is "....everyone knows you beat a dog from right to left.....". ?????? I think the whole story is about a dog. How does someone attain dog status? Never mind I don't really want to know. What's the problem with people reading books?
August 7, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Take A Number 1,2,3,4..........45,327
I live at 45 Cross St Randolph Mass. It's a group home for mentally ill people. My room is on the second floor all the way in the back. It has no heating elements but it wasn't that bad this winter. The door to the attic is at the end of the hall. Whenever I'm in my room I hear sounds coming from the attic. I wonder if it's the police. ???? I think people come in my room at night while I'm asleep. I put my wallet on the nightstand. A few weeks ago it was missing money the next morning. The next day I got a survey from the Dept Of Mental Health with a $5 bill enclosed. Recently I found a metal box that had belonged to the last person in the room so I put my wallet and valuables in the box and then put the box under the mattress. One of my prize possessions is my ipod. I have it in a leather folio. I have been noticing lately it's looking kinda tired. I put it under the mattress one night last week and when I woke up the magnets that keep the cover closed had been removed. All you really get is dinner. Everything else you buy. While in Bridgewater my mother sold the house in Weymouth . My stuff was put in storage. when I got out I went there to see what was left. Some of what I had accounted for never reached Cross St. For many years I had been collecting stamps and coins figuring I could use them after my parents were gone to help pay for things. I had maybe $6000 worth of collectables. Much of it is gone. This is a sampling of the shit that has been done in the last 14 years. I am an un-person in the land of the free and home of the brave and a non-human on the third asylum from the sun. Sincerely FU
August 5, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I lived in Weymouth most of my life. Weymouth was governed by a town meeting style government until just recently. When they switched to a mayor, the first mayor was someone named Madden. I think he was the former fire chief. When I started having my problems they elected a new mayor named Sue Kay. One of the first things she tried to do was get rid of the police chief. I had this figured as a ruse. It was designed to draw me in, then stab me in the back. The first book ever printed was the bible in about 1455 AD. The Gutenberg Bible. One of the next books was the “Malleus Mallificarum” (spelling???) or more commonly known as the “witch’s hammer’. It was the set of rules used to prosecute witch’s. I think witchcraft is a ruse. It is designed to root out heresy. The people who say they are witch’s are actually priests and nuns. (“Dolly Dagger, her love’s so strong gonna make you stagger…..”) Charles Manson is still in jail for the murder of Sharon Tate. I think that whole affair stinks of Scientology and Aleister Crowley. “ROMAN” ??? Polanski was the only survivor. ???? I think the police (ROBOCOPS ????) did it trying to say something. People who can’t say anything because of mind control. I think this is true of the Zodiac killer too. Charles Manson believed that a race war would be waged in the future. He was trying to start one. ??????? This is also true about the Rodney King affair. ????/ And possibly O J Simpson. Racism is the American contribution to the divide and conquer theory of making money and holding power. "Washington in the Lap of Rome" is a book by Justin Fuller. In 1888, a Baptist preacher named Justin Dewey Fulton published a scathing critique of Roman Catholicism in America in which he wrote "Romanism is the dominant power in the Capitol of the United States." He accused the Roman Catholic Church of some of the most egregious crimes, including the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. His book reveals a once deep-seated sentiment in America against Roman Catholicism by some who sought to make Catholics scapegoats for many of America's ills. Few people are aware that the District of Columbia was originally Roman Catholic Bishop John Carroll's estate, practically donated to Pres. Washington. It was originally called "New Rome" and the branch of the Potomac River was called the "Tiber", for its namesake in Rome, Italy. The Vatican is a mirror image of Federal Mall in D.C. The obelisk of St. Peter's and the obelisk known as the Washington Monument are pagan symbols of the Mystery religions of Egyptian/Babylonian paganism
August 3, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
For the last 2 weeks I have been trying to find a lawyer in Quincy Center. No luck. Everywhere I go it seems as though someone is there ahead of me. ?????? I want to suit for false arrest and false imprisonment. I don't think there were any charges actually filed in Quincy District Court. I had the same judge (Minehan) in both Quincy and Bridgewater and I don't think you can serve as a judge in 2 county's at the same time.
This happened quite some time ago. I went into Boston for the day and planned to take the bus home. I got the 225 out of Quincy Center to Columbian Square South Weymouth. Every third (or second ???) 225 bus goes to Columbian Square. I was pretty sure I had the right bus but it didn't go where I wanted. I figured later the bus driver must have been 'plugged in'.
"And I can't find my way home.."
Can't Find My Way Home
Blind Faith
Can't Find My Way Home
Blind Faith
"You're a long way from home..."
'Can't sleep at night...."
'Pick up your telephone...."
"Something ain't right...."
"That's evil....."
(we had a phone union strike recently,...my guess is the phones don't work for some. And I know the internet in censored.)
'Can't sleep at night...."
'Pick up your telephone...."
"Something ain't right...."
"That's evil....."
(we had a phone union strike recently,...my guess is the phones don't work for some. And I know the internet in censored.)
August 1, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
The Global Catholic Inquisition
If you are a regular reader of my blog you know I'm being harassed on a daily basis by numerous people. It has been called 'Gang Stalking' by some. I have been aware of the problem since 2007 but now I believe it started right after I was born in 1957. One of the first things I realized in 2007 was there is no point in trying to talk to anyone involved in the harassment. They are either under mind control or crazy or living in fear of what thier masters would do if they broke ranks. My blogs and websites are how I fight back. I look for information on the internet to make trouble for them. I don't have any real concrete evidence. This post is a collection of what evidence I have. My ultimate conclusion is it's Scientology. Scientologists use mind control, surveillance and voice-to-skull technology to harass people. Scientology IS the Catholic church. The people who run the Catholic church have abandoned thier traditional theology in favor of this science based religion. It's heresy. How do they get people to go along and keep it quiet? Mind control. Like millions of people in Europe for centuries, they have no choice. Do they like it? I don't know. It would seem unlikely to me, but who knows.
At the very end of the book "Alice in Wonderland" the Knave of Hearts is put on trial. He is a somewhat new character at the end. He is accused of stealing tarts. The word tart used to be a slang term for a loose woman or a woman with a bad reputation. I think the inference is he was messing around with Alice. Alice needed drugs to make her tall or small to get her through it because she didn't really want to be there. She hates the Knave. After the trial she goes home. The fate of the Knave is not known.
Franz Kafka was a writer in the early 20th century. One of his best books is "The Trial". A good movie version was made in the 1950's and starred Anthony Perkins who also played Norman Bates in Alfred Hitchcocks "Psycho". In the beginning of 'The Trial" Perkins is renting a room from someone and leading a normal life. One day the police show up and start asking questions. Perkins does not know why and the police don't explain. The rest of the movie is about Perkins attempt to find out whats happening. Everything he does and everyone he talks to gets him nowhere. One scene has him in a room full of other people with the problem and they can't explain. At the end he tries to run and is murdered by a complete stranger.
The Knave of Hearts or Anthony Perkins character is sometimes described as a 'dog'. Other terms are: wandering jew, rolling stone, gypsy, roma, scarecrow, whipping boy, rabbit, white rabbit among others. These are all people who's lives were destroyed right after birth and are expected to wander. They were destroyed by a vaccine or some other drug that stunts thier emotional growth. Some end up diagnosed as autistic or mentally ill. The drug is ordered by a Catholic priest for numerous reasons. One may simply be the parents didn't go to a Catholic church or attend church at all. I think this is my reason. I was never baptised and I've never been to church. The church calls it St Augustines Limbo. A couple movies support my theory.
'The Omen" was released about 1976. It stars Gregory Peck and Lee Remick. At the very beginning Peck is racing through the streets of Rome trying to get to the hospital were his wife (Remick) is about to give birth. In the backgroung there is a voice that says " I'm sorry Mr Thorn, he breathed for a short time then no more. The child is dead." It's a Catholic hospital. When he gets there he is met by a priest who tells him the baby died and if he wants to spare his wife the pain he had another child who's mother died and needs a home. Peck agrees and never tells his wife. They name the child Damien. He is possessed. Every so often this dog shows up for no reason. They show a dog growling then somebody dies. My interpretation of this is, everytime someone sees the dog for what it is, someone dies. Even a Catholic priest. When I say 'see it for what it is' I mean they know it is not an accident and they know why it was done. It turns out Damien is the anti-christ.
When I was in High School my teachers showed the same movie again and again. It was titled "The Mephisto Waltz". It came out around 1970 and starred Alan Alda and Jacqueline Bissett. It wasn't the greatest movie and I could never understand why they showed it over and over. It's about an aging concert pianist who's dying of cancer. Bissett's character knows that his first wife was killed by a 'dog'. She later researches the event at a library and finds a newspaper article with a picture of the dog hanging from a bridge. The movie is about how Alda and Bissett 'trade souls' with the dying man and Alda becomes a great pianist.
I believe the rock opera "Tommy" by The Who is about a wandering jew. It first came out in 1967 and they performed it at Woodstock. The beginning goes "Capt Walker didn't come home,...his unborn child will never know him.....believe him missing with a number of men,.....don't expect to see him again....". Later he says 'Just as the gypsy queen must do.....you're going to hit the road....". I think the end is Tommy in a half way house.
Not that long ago I posted a play list on my youtube channel titled "Messages To Phil". You can find my youtube channel by searching for Philip Nute on the youtube home page. I believe that certain events that occured in the last 10 to 15 years were attempts by people to tell me something about the problem. I'm sure most people think that would make me completely crazy but if you know about the surveillance problem it's might be possible. The United States government is being held hostage by Scientology with all this technology.
The first message was the Michael Vick dog fighting case. Sen Robert Byrd of West Virginia stood on the floor of the US Senate and said 'Dawg Dawg Dawg died........Barbaric". I know this sounds crazy, but if the goverment is being held hostage what are you going to do? In the early 1990's Sen Byrd spent 30 hours on the floor of the Senate going over the history of the Roman Empire. I have always thought that was a funny thing to do. All 30 hours can be found on youtube.
In 2007 Turner Broadcasting (I Think??) paid 2 unemployed people to put up these LED printed circuit boards all over Boston. It was a promotion for a cartoon called Aqua Teen Hunger Force or Adult Swin (I don't remember). The police went nuts saying it was a bomb scare. The people who put them up were arrested. When they appeared in court they had a press conference. It was bizarre. One of them said "Hair (as in hare or rabbit like "Alice in Wonderland") today, gone tomorrow". The boards was one of the cartoon characters giving the middle finger. I believe someone tries to goad you into running by saying you're a baby and you should grow up. So the message is "Fuck You Adult Swim".
The last one is the incident with Idaho Senator Larry Craig. Craig was arrested in Minnesota for propositioning someone in a bathroom. He pled guilty just to clear up and charge and keep it quiet. When the press found out he was forced out of the senate. I think this was about the phoney trial at the end of the run. He said he was sorry he pled guilty and he should have fought the charge.
The phoney trial may be a religous inquisition. The Catholic church has never stopped killing people. Not long ago I was researching the Counter-Reformation with my computer software encyclopedia. While doing that I read the biography of Pope Paul VI. Paul VI served from about 1963 to 1978. There was still an office in the Vatican associated with the Inquisition. I think it was called The Holy Office of the Congregation of the Faith. I'm not sure. Pope Paul renamed it something else in 1966. Why was there still an Inquisition in 1966 and why did he just rename it? Is this the "trial' you get when you run? Like Larry Craig "don't plead guilty".
I believe the source of the 'Alices' is The Confraternity of the Christian Doctrine (C.C.D.) and/or The Knights of Columbus. C.C.D. is a Catholic youth organization. It supposedly teaches Catholic values to young people. It was started during the Counter-Reformation by John Leonardi. His views were so militant he had to guarded by the popes men. He was later made a saint. I figure you get to be a saint if you kill millions of people or come up with some method for killing people. Other examples are St Francis Xavier (The Inquisition at Goa) and Cardinal Stepinac (The Jasenovac Prison Camp). The Knights of Columbus are a organization of businessmen started in Connecticutt in the 1880's.
Ditty For The Day. When the last of the oil rears it's ugly head, the living will envy the dead.
The human race has become heavily dependent on fossil fuels. Fossil fuels took millions of years to form and once they're gone, they're gone. The more we use the quicker the end is. The production of fossil fuels will decline in the very near future and never recover. When this happens the human race is in for a global tragedy. One major problem is food. The use of fossil fuels had made for cheap abundant food. It has helped the global population to reach 7 billion people. We have gone from about 1 billion in 1850 when oil was first used to 7 billion today. Oil has led to mechanization of agriculture. Fewer and fewer people produce more and more food. As the population has grown fewer people have knowledge of how to grow food and take care of animals. As the oil runs out, the food stops and people won't know what to do. I think this was planned. It was mentioned by Eisenhower in his Farewell Speech. The global elite want depopulation. This is outlined on The Georgia Guidestones. A dystopia is the opposite of a utopia. A utopia is a perfect society. Hollywood produces a lot of movies about future dystopia's. "1984", "Soylent Green", "Escape From New York", "Logans Run" to name a few. There's no point in making movies about a future utopia.
I attend Atlantic House in Quincy during the week. It was first called The Rainbow Club. It began in July 1980 in Weymouth. It was in a store front in Jackson Square. It moved to Quincy around 1990. I first went in August 1980. There were 2 staff people who worked there from about 1980 to 1990 named Ellen and Joe LePage. They were very friendly with me. Ellen was an ex-catholic who was a devout born again christian. She met Joe while he was in prison. He was doing life for a robbery where someone was killed. Joe kept telling me the same thing over and over. It was a scene from one of The Pink Panther movies. (maybe the 3rd one) Inspector Closseau goes into a hotel and goes up to the desk. A dog is at his feet barking. He asks the clerk behind the desk 'Does your dog bite?". The man says "No". Closseau bends over to pet the dog and gets bitten. Closseau says "I thought you said you're dog doesn't bite?" The man replies "That is not my dog". I can't tell you how many times he said that. ????? After I left one of Ellens sons from a previous marraige spent time in an Egyptian prison for prothletizing. ???? There were articles in The Patriot Ledger.
"Let's do the time warp again..."
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
"We is stone,...immaculate...."
The WASP Texas Radio and the Big Beat
The Doors
The WASP Texas Radio and the Big Beat
The Doors
"If you want to know what the future of the world is Winston, imagine a boot stamped on a human face forever"
George Orwell
George Orwell
Genocide in Satellite Croatia
Edmond Paris
Edmond Paris
The Vatican Against Europe
Edmond Paris
Edmond Paris
July 9, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
This post is my response to the police officers shot in Dallas. If in fact it happened, which in my world is no guarantee. Racism is the American contribution to the divide and conquer theory of making money and holding power. Never let a division die, it can always be used to pit the Proletariat against the Proletariat for the benefit of the Bourgeous. This is why some people are still fighting the Civil War. I think the Black Lives Matter movement is a cover story for the perpetual genocide of black "souled" people. The people who killed the police have fallen into the trap laid by the global elite. They're being manipulated or are under mind control. The global elite (Illuminati or Oligarch Collective) don't care about them or the police. Kill a few police die themselves or wind up in jail. They don't care. I was in Shattuck Hospital from Jan 2015 to Dec 2015. Most of the people who worked there were black. I suspected someone was speading rumors I was racist. It's a guess. I'm also guessing if you trace the source of the rumors you would find a law enforcement agency, because racism is the American contribution to the divide and conquer theory of making money and holding power. I am not a nice person. Aside from the lack of the physical capacity anyone who gets thier ass beat everyday all day for 60 years has no reason. I defy anyone to read this entire blog and all the files on my websites and find anything racist. No one has pure thoughts 24/7/365 for thier entire life. Anyone who does or tries is a saint, which I think fits into the plan. ("....If we share this nightmare we can dream Spiritus Mundi...." Synchronicity I - The Police - 1983) I think the Global elite (Illuminati, Oligarch Collective) is made up of the people who run the church, the old monarchs of Europe and the rich. I have tried over the years to separate the pope from the catholics and the catholic religion but I have not always been successful. I am no fan of the police. This system existed long before the harnessing of electricity or the invention of the transistor. There have always been enough young toughs willing to take money to f#$k over the peasants. (Ignatius Loyola for one) I have had only 2 real encounters with the police. In May 2014 I was arrested and sent to Bridgewater State Hospital. In Jan 2015 I was transferred to Lemuel Shattuck Hospital. The charges weren't cleared up until Sept 2015. I was brought to Quincy District Court at least twice. Once I had $7 when I arrived. I didn't have it after I got back to Shattuck. In Feb or March of 1978 I totalled my car in Upstate New York near Albany. I was handcuffed and searched. I had $200 in cash. I never saw it again. I am of the belief this is a perk of the job. In the 1980's there was a controversy the papers called 'Testalying'. The police often lied or embelished the truth on the witness stand to get a conviction. I don't know what they get out of this. I do not know if the police actually hear voices. I figure there's no point asking. Maybe they use the microwave hearing effect without any implant and the idea is to hook up the perpetrator. (Proletariat) ('...and once you're gone,...you can't come back,....when you're out of the blue and into the black....." Hey Hey My My - Neil Young) I do not think the Police should be militarized. If it has to be that way I think the citizenry should be equally armed. Guns, guns, guns and more guns. And ammunition. Plenty of ammunition. Praise the lord and pass the ammunition. I don't believe in just having gun shows I think we should have gun give aways. Come back a few days a later with the ammo just to be safe. If the global elite are planning a collapse anf the police didn't know about it, it's proof positive they don't give a crap about anybody. The survival of anyone not an elite is not guaranteed. Maybe they are under mind control. It was Mao Tse Tung that said "Political power comes at the end of a rifle". Well, lesson for the day, don't stick neural implants in the noses of the monkeys with the M-16's. When we were kids we had an expression we used when someone said they were going to make us do something. "You and what army?" "Actions speak louder than words, words speak louder than thoughts" "Sticks and stones may break my bones but being a fuckin asshole really isn't a felony" "A penny for your thoughts, (over priced in any age)" "It's the thought that counts" ?????
Idea 1. Somewhere on the cd is an idea I call Pulse Generator. The idea is to expose someone with an implant to a high frequency, high wattage pulse of electromagnetic energy to destroy small componants on the implant. I don't know if it works. If it does it might be possible to create a chemical 'bomb' version. Connect the 'bomb' to the primary of a transformer and have the secondary electronic componants that would generate a pulse. Get the device into a large computer room and set it off remotely. There has to be a control room somewhere. Maybe there are control rooms in every city. Maybe they're owned by Scientology.
Idea 2. This idea I proposed a long time ago. When I did the TV reported there was a fire in a manhole outside the Registry of Motor Vehicle building in downtown Boston. (there's no proof it actually happened) Electrical service comes into large buildings from the street. The wires can be accessed through manholes. Often there are multiple lines with different voltages. The idea is to short say a 10,000 volt line to a 1,000 volt line and create a surge to destroy anything connected to it. They make small electronic probes that pierce the insulation of a wire to access the copper and allow a measurement of the voltage. You don't have to cut the wire or have a terminal for access. The idea is to fashion a probe for a very thick wire and use 2, one for the 10,000 volt line and one for the 1,000 volt line. Connect a remote controlled switch between the 2 that will short them together.
Idea 3. The ability to manufacture semiconductors would be very useful. I'm guessing it takes a lot of chemicals that they won't sell to anyone who opposes them. If photo-voltaic cells that are as highly integrated as an Intel CPU would increase current and sensitivity this would be very helpful. Every desktop computer has a cd/dvd writer. It uses a LASER to write the data. A cd/dvd is a piece of shiny metal covered with an opaque plastic. The LASER burns a hole in the plastic to create a digital one. When the cd is played a light reflects off the metal and is picked up by a sensor. This makes a one or 5 volts. A digital zero is made when there is no reflection. As the cd/dvd spins a continuous stream of digital information is created. It might be possible to burn semiconductors with LASER's not chemicals. I don't know.
Idea 4. I recently bought the book 'The Computer And The Brain' by John von Neumann. The book was published shortly after his death in 1957. The book attempts to compare the human brain to man made computers. I have always known there are comparisons between the human body and the personal computer that I will describe. Input/Output- a keyboard, monitor, printer or speakers and the five senses ie taste, hearing, sight, smell and touch. Central Processing Unit (CPU)-the microprocessor ie Intel Pentium or AMD and human brain are both capable of math operations and logic. Permanent Memory-a hard drive or USB thumb drive and the human brain can store information permanently. Working Memory-RAM or random access memory and the human brain can operate on information while awake and then forget it. Dr von Neumann tries to compare the actual electrical impulses of the brain to streams of digital information. In digital information there are 2 states. On and off (1 or 0). A stream of digital information is just on or off's. The basic building block of the nervous system is the neuron. It's operation involves electrical, chemical and mechanical actions. Dendrites recieve stimulation that is transferred to the neuron which in turn sends it through an axon and it travels from neuron to neuron through synapses. A stream of stimulation would be a train of impulses. The lack of an impulse is zero and the presense of an impulse is a one. In computers the maximun voltage level is between 2 and 5 volts DC depending on the semiconductors used. Different neurons have different maximun levels. Each computer has a maximum pulse width for one pulse. Each neuron has it's own maximum width. Different parts of the brain create streams of information with a maximum voltage level and maximum frequency. (see top picture)
I make jewelry and do photography. When I lived in Weymouth I was working on a project pictured below. I made a long piece of Viking weave and attached an electrical connector to it. I was going to make a circuit that simulated the brain and connect it to the necklace so it acted as an antenna. The circuit would fit in my pocket. Radio jamming is aimed at the reciever. For instance if you wanted to jam an AM signal you would transmit a similar signal and over power the other transmitter. The human brain is the transmitter. The satellite is the reciever. If the power level of the important brain signal was 10 micro watts you would design a signal similar to the brain at 100 micro watts. (see bottom picture)
July 4, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
On May 11, 2014, after 6 years of illegal surveillance, I had an altercation with a neighbor. It was a mother's day present, though even she has abandoned me. Along with the rest of my family. I don't care by the way. I spent 8 mos in Bridgewater State Hospital charged with 6 offenses. Assault and Battery on a Police Officer, Assault and Battery on a Person Over 60 (felony), Resisting Arrest, Abusing a Police Animal, Disorderly Conduct and (one more I can't remember). The police threw the book at me despite the fact I had never been arrested. If convicted of everything I could have gotten 10 years in prison. The felony was the real problem. When I got to Bridgewater I was declared incompetant to stand trial and committed for 6 mos. I was forced to take medication. I was transferred to Lemuel Shattuck Hospital in Jan 2015 after they committed my for another year. They could have held me for 5 years without a trial by just declaring me incompetant. They call this the half-max. It's half of whatever the total sentence would be. While in Bridgewater I began directing people to my websites that were still up at the time. I think this is why I was transferred to Shattuck. I believe it was false arrest and false imprisonment. I wonder if there are any records at Quincy District Court at all. I was held in Shattuck until Dec 2015. At some point, and I don't know why, the felony was dropped and the half-max was reduced to 15 mos. Everything was dropped in Sept 2015 because I did the half-max. Below is some things I wrote in Bridgewater.
June 4, 2014--I was informed Sunday by my mother that she has taken a Restraining Order out against me. I called her and technically violated it. She got the order on Friday May 30 and I called on Sunday June 2. Bridgewater did not tell me about it until Tuesday. It was good for a week. I have never been a threat to my mother and there was no need for it. She has been befriended by a woman Weymouth police officer who convinced her to do it. Can you say 'rolling stone'? "When the law get ready, you got to move..."The Rolling Stones
June 12, 2014--This is about what happened May 11, 2014. I have been under surveillance for at least 6 years. 24/7/365 Illegal surveillance. I don't really know why or who. I suspect some of the new neighbors on the street are involved. Proving it is probably impossible. That being said I believe some of the events leading up to the incident on the 11th were not a co-incidence. It was a setup, entrapment. Sunday May 11, 2014 my mother offered to buy me a clam plate at the Hingham Lobster Pound for dinner. She wanted a lobster roll from D'Angelos so we stopped at the one in front of Lowes on Rt 3A in Weymouth and then continued on to Hingham. We ate in the parking lot that overlooks Hingham harbor a little further down Rt 3A. The people responsible for the surveillance know at least 2 things. I always put out the trash and recycle on Sunday after dinner and I sometimes express my opinion of the police and others by spitting when I see them. I don't give them the finger. That would be openly provocative and possible cause problems. When we got home I immediately rolled one of the barrels to the curb. One of the new neighbors was driving up the street at that exact moment. I expressed my opinion. He parked in front of his house and then came charging at me repeating "Do you have a problem?" instigating the confrontation. Six years of surveillance and I had had enough. How did they know I was ready for a fight? Surveillance? Synthetic telepathy? I wonder sometimes about the local Police at the bottom but they never did anything but add to the problem. While in Bridgewater a woman Weymouth police officer showed my mother how to file a restraining order. I was in Bridgewater for at least 60 days. The R.O. lasted for only 7. What was it for?
June 18, 2014--Entrapment--In law it is when the police create a situation in order to entice a person to commit a crime when they ordinarily would not have done so.
con't--Justifiable--Even homicide can be justifiable if the defendent was also a victim.
con't--I have recieved the police reports filed the day of the incident. Three people reported I spit and gave the finger at the victim. I spit but did not give the finger. It is possible the person identifying himself as the victims father is actually a Weymouth police officer. After I was handcuffed he was standing by with a Weymouth police badge in his belt. He was already at the scene before the incident. I don't think it was a coincidence the victim was driving up the street just as we came home. I think the whole thing was a setup.
June 27, 2014--I was informed last week that my mother is selling the house on Easy St. We have lived there for over 50 years. I believe my mother is under mind control and this should be stopped. It is possible she already got rid of the house in Aug 2008. After I got out of McClean Southeast she began talking to a lawyer named Gorfinkle from Braintree and made changes to my fathers trust. I wonder if she signed away the house and everything my father saved while under mind control. She is now in an assisted living facility on Grove St in Braintree. I wonder who's paying the bill. The land the house sits on is possibly sub-dividable. It could be given a separate deed and have something built on it. I wonder if there are thousands of people across the country who have lost their homes the same way in the last 60 years. It might be possible to sue the church into bankruptcy and off this continent forever.
July 12, 2014--Conjecture-to surmise, to guess, to arrive at a conclusion without concrete evidence. "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" is a short story by Edgar Allen Poe. The main characters are trying to solve a mystery without much evidence. It is similar to the problem I face everyday with these writings.
Aug 10, 2014--On Aug 6, 2014 I submitted a greivance in Bridgewater State Hospital. I requested to be released based on evidence my commitment hearing was phoney. Since May 12, 2014 I have appeared in court 3 times. Twice in Quincy District Court and once in Bridgewater inside court. The same judge presided in all 3 hearings. I'm pretty sure you can't hold judgeships in more than one county at a time. The judge was a woman named Minihan. I believe the charges in Quincy are fake or my commitment is fake or both. Quincy District Court is in Norfolk county and Bridgewater is in Plymouth.
Aug 25, 2014--"Walden" In the 1970's or 80's one of the members of the rock band 'The Eagles' raised money to preserve land around Walden Pond in Concord or Lexington, Mass. The pond is most famous for the book 'Walden' by Henry David Thoreau. He also wrote the book 'Civil Disobediance'. He lived in a one room shack on the property most of his life. He belonged to a literary group know as transendentalism. Nathaniel Hawthorne also belonged to the group. He wrote the book 'The Scarlet Letter'.
con't--"The Diary of Anne Frank" Anne Frank was a jew who died in one of Hitlers camps. Before being sent there she lived with her entire family for 3 years in an attic. During that time she kept a diary that is now very famous. This is similar to my situation.
con't--Luigi Galvani is considered the father of electrophysiology. He experimented with frogs in the 1790's and proved most living tissue moves by electricity.
Sept 7, 2014--It Only Works in One Ear Every cable or DSL modem has an address specific to it. Like 121 Main St or a telephone number. Each telephone number reachs only one phone. It's called the MAC ID. If you change modems you have to call the cable company and give them the new number. A neural implant may work the same way. Each person has thier own specific number.
Oct 20, 2014--The correctional officers have removed the only readily accessible clock at the front door. It's been missing for 4 or 5 weeks. It's now difficult to know what time it is. This is the second unit I have been on where this occured. First it was B-1 and now A-2. I don't know what it's for but there are a couple songs about it. "Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is" by Chicago and "Time Stand Still" by Rush.
I am not a nice person. I have no reason to be. You shouldn't give a crap about me but this story should concern you. You may be asking "Do you feel unwanted?". Yes, but I don't want to be wanted. 'It' is going to finish it where it does the most damage. Home Sweet Home. What we've got here is a wall hitting a wall, because walls and moss can become a real problem.
July 3, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I recently discovered the Roman historian Titus Flavius Josephus. I found him watching the documentary "The Ring Of Power". The book "Josephus: The Essential Writings" is mentioned. Josephus lived from about 37 AD to 100 AD. He was born Jewish in Judea and fought in the First Jewish-Roman War which resulted in the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 AD. All of the civilizations around the Mediteranean and from the Tigris and Euphrates valley have contributed to modern civilization but Rome was the last before Christ and was one of the more successful. Almost all emperors were patrons of the arts and subsidized historical accounts. Almost all European languages have their roots in Latin, the language of Rome. Rome is also one of the best documented so I decided to make a list of Roman historians, authors and poets in chronological order.
Quintus Fabius Pictor - lived about 200 BC - One of the very first Roman historians whose works are lost but who is metioned by later Roman historians Polybius, Dionysius of Halicarnassus and Livy.
Polybius - lived 200 BC to 118 BC - A greek who wrote a history of Rome. Cited by many later historians.
Marcus Tullius Cicero - lived 106 BC to 43 BC - He lived during the time of Caesar and the civil War that followed his death. He was an aristocrat who wanted to preserve the republic. His books are about political ideology, philosophy and letters he wrote to others. His life is well documented and provides a historical record of the times.
Titus Pomponius Atticus - lived 110 BC to 32 BC - He also lived during the time of Caesar and was an aristocrat. He wrote "Liber Annalis" (Yearly Accounts) published in 47 BC. It contained important dates in history mostly of Rome.
Dionysius of Halicarnassus - lived about 20 BC - A greek whose "Roman Antiquities" treats Rome for it's beginnings to the first Punic War.
Publius Vergilius Maro (Virgil) - lived 70 BC to 19 BC - Poet best known for the "Aeneid" which tells the story of Rome's legendary founder and proclaims the Roman mission to civilize under devine guidance.
Quintus Horatius Flaccus - lived 65 BC to 8 BC - Poet and military officer who lived in Caesars time. Best known for "Odes" and "Epistles".
Titus Livius - lived 59 BC to 17 AD - Wrote a complete history of Rome from 386 BC to 9 BC.
Publius Ovidius Naso (Ovid) - lived 43 Bc to 17 AD - A poet most noted for "Ars Amatoria"and "Metamorphoses". Exiled.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca (Seneca the Younger) - lived 4 BC to 65 AD - Philosopher statesman and writer. He was the son of Seneca the Younger a famous teacher of rhetoric.
Marcus Annaeus Lucanus (Lucan) - lived 39 AD to 65 AD - Roman poet and republican patriot who the "Bellum Civile" (Pharsalia). Pharsalia is about the struggle between Caesar and Pompey who he favors. Commited suicide because of treason.
Publius or Gaius Cornelius Tacitus - lived 56 AD to 120 AD - Among his works are "Germania" about the Germanic tribes and "Historiae" (Histories) concerning the Roman Empire from AD 69 to 96 and the latter "Annals" dealing with the period of the empire from AD 14 to 68.
Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundis (Pliny the Younger) - lived 62 AD to 113 AD - son of Pliny the Elder was a Roman author and administrator who left a collection of private letters. In the compsition "Historiae' he described the eruption of Vesuvius.
Gauis Suetonius Tranquillus - lived 69 AD to 122 AD - Wrote "The 12 Caesars" a definitive history of the first 12 Roman Emperors.
Historia Augusta (Augustan History) is a book of unkown author that covers Roman Emperors from Hadrian to Numerian (117 Ad to 284 AD).
The Statue of Liberty - Libertas, in Roman religion, female personification of liberty and personal freedom. Libertas was given a temple on the Aventine Hill about 238 BC. (This is not the same as the temple of Jupiter Libertas restored by the emperor Augustus.) After the statesman and orator Cicero's exile (58 BC), his political opponent the tribune Publius Clodius Pulcher built a small shrine to Libertas on the site of Cicero's house on the Palatine Hill; by consecrating the property to a goddess, Clodius was rendering it uninhabitable. A statue of Libertas was set up in the Forum. The Trojan War was fought outside the walls of Troy for 10 years before the Greeks came up with a plan. The created a large statue of a horse to present to the Trojans and then they hid to convince the Trojans the war was over. They hid inside the horse and waited for the Trojans to wheel it into the city. When night fell they came out and killed everyone to win the war. Freedom is a Trojan horse.