Eisenhowers Farewell Address
Jan 17, 1961
On Jan 17, 1961 Eisenhower gave his farewell address where he warns of "a hostile idealogy, global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose and insidious in method". He continues by saying "a prolonged and complex struggle, with liberty the stake". I do not believe he is talking about communism because he points out 2 things he thinks are wrong with America:
  1. The Military Industrial Complex
  2. The consequences of too much government funded research
Toward the end he warns of a "community of dreadful fear and hate". The entire speech can be found on youtube.
Selected Quotes from this Speech
'We face a hostile ideology, global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose, and insidious in method. Unfortunately, the danger it poses promises to be of indefinite duration,....'
'...the burden of a prolonged and complex struggle, with liberty the stake.'
'..a recurring temptatiom to feel that some spectacular and costly action is the miraculous solution to all our current difficulties...'
'In the councils of government we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence whether sought or unsought from the military industrial complex, the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist....'
'In this revolution research has become central, it has also become more formalized costly and complex, a steadily increasing share is done for by or at the direction of the federal government...'
'We must also guard against the possibility that public policy itself could become the captive of a scientific technological elite....'
Neuro Nexus Tech
Daryl R Kipke
MK-Ultra The Controllers
by Martin Cannon
Physical Control Of The Mind
Jose Delgado
We are inventing, designing, building,
paying, fighting and dying towards our own demise.
Don't accept an implant,
if you do you're a slave
The RFID chip
is a cover story
It's a neural implant.
John F Kennedy
April 27, 1961
Waldorf Astoria New York, New York
Roughly 3 months after Eisenhowers Farewell Address and 10 days to 2 weeks after the Bay of Pigs incident Pres Kennedy gave a speech at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City. In it he implies we are at war "technically" but not "officially". This speech may have been one thing that led to his assasination. On August 21, 1959 then Pres Eisenhower issued Executive Order 10834 which allowed yellow fringe around flags in American courtrooms. The meaning of this is debated. I believe it allows for military law. The defendant is at the mercy of the judge. I believe this indicates Eisenhower knew we were at war "technically". This state of war has existed ever since. The vast majority of Americans don't know this. An even larger number, including me, don't know who we are at war with.
Two Quotes from this Speech
'...for we are opposed, around the world, by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covet means to increase it's sphere of influence...'
(about half way in)
..'so man can be what he was born to be, free and independent'
(the very end)
Ways to Defeat Synthetic Telepathy
Neural Implants and
The Microwave Hearing Effect
A personal area network jamming/masking device. A portable device about the size of a pocket radio that produces signals similar to that of a human but at a higher power output and with noise riding on the signals. The human brain produces signals about 30HZ while awake. They currently have sophisticated software that removes unwanted events like heartbeats and voice vibrations from EEG readings so any noise produced should be random unpredictable events that are difficult to filter out. This device could also jam incoming microwave frequencies to stop the microwave hearing effect while outside. Bluetooth technology allows communication between enabled devices over the microwave spectrum at about 100 to 200 ft. The whole technology is on a single chip. It can be programed to do anything you want.
EMI shielding material can be used to make Faraday cages. A faraday cage is an enclosure, like a room or entire building, encased in this material and is then connected to earth ground. The NSA building on the grounds of Ft Meade MD is fully encased in copper. Copper is too expensive for most people but there are lower cost alternatives. The earth is a naturally conducting body that is always at electrical neutral. Any attempt to develop a voltage on a conductor that is connected to it will simply discharge to earth ground. It is not necessary to redo the roof. You could put a layer of material on the attic floor then cover it with another layer of plywood. Quarter inch plywood would not add too much weight. It is also possible to paint the underside of the roof with a metallic paint or attach metal screen. Metallic paint could be applied to all walls.
The power level of a neural implant must be quite small given the size of the implant and the available voltage. Maybe a fraction of a watt. The brain produces very small voltages. Making a mask of EMI material that covers the entire head (eyes, nose, mouth etc) and even the upper part of the body would probably be enough to block all incoming and outgoing signals. The person could then be taken to a Faraday cage facility to have it removed.
A lot of electronic equipment is very expensive. Personal computers etc. It is always a good idea to have it plugged into a surge suppressor. Surge suppressors prevent large spikes from destroying the equipment. A lightning strike for example can destroy everything in a home. Ham radio equipment is also vunerable through the antenna. Ham radio manufacturers make surge suppressors that connect between the antenna and the reciever. It might be possible to blow out an implant by standing near where someone produces a large spike. This could disconnect a lot of people very quickly and make it hard for them to chase everyone around. Another possibility is to just surgically snip off the end instead of trying to remove the whole thing to disconnect a lot of people.
It is possible to use the wiring inside your house as an antenna for a radio thus picking up your signals and carrying them to the outside world. Broadband Over Powerlines is an example of using these wires to carry a lot of data. You should get off the grid completely. If wiring a new house all wires should go through a chase that connects all floors. This makes them accessible and more easily managed. Keep the amount of wiring to a minimum. Solar panels can separate the oxygen and hydrogen in water by electrolysis then recombine it in a fuel cell to produce electricity. Solar panels can also help to heat a house.
Having a stand alone noise generator in the house could also help. Along with Bluetooth technology SDR (Software Defined Radio) is becoming quite sophisticated. A company in California called Ettus Research has a radio that can cover from 0HZ to GHZ for about $600. It operates on a opensource program called the GNU Radio project. It might be possible to program it to produce all the noise you need. Older technology include spark transmitters and white noise generators.
There are two types of noise that get into electrical devices. Common mode and differential noise. A simple explanation is common mode comes from an outside source and differential comes from wire to wire. Crosstalk inside a data communication cable is differential. Noise that got on the cable from an outside source would be common mode. Ferrite cores can help eliminate noise by just clipping it onto the wire. Most houses have all thier power lines located at the panel. It could be possible to put a noise generator at the point and introduce noise into the lines.
Centrally locate all communication wiring in a panel inside the house. This makes it easier to manage. They make filters for telephone lines that will eliminate all frequencies above the audio level which is around 30KHZ. While it is still possible to send data at that speed it slows it down considerably. A shut off switch could be placed on the coax cable to shut it off if necessary. Make a list of all devices with antennas and decide if they are really needed. Make a Faraday cage for each one and put it inside when you don't need it.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, www.philipnute.com and it's companion website www.zsezse.com, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
At the very bottom of this page, on the left side, there are some examples of what I email to direct traffic to this site. I declare this public domain.
Dec 30, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
One of the problems with this country is we intellectualize revolution so nothing ever changes.
Dec 29, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
'If I look hard enough into the setting sun, my love will laugh with me before the morning comes....'
Paint it Black
The Rolling Stones
The American Hippie and the European Jew are the same thing. Both were created with a broken thermometer.
Dec 28, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
There are people on this planet, and there's more than one franchise in every city and town in this country, who manipulate the uninformed and poor into fighting and killing each other. It's been going on for centuries. It's done for the benefit of the people at the top. Sometimes the poor grab power and try to force people to get along. Which is worse, forcing people or manipulating. If you didn't have one there wouldn't be the other. The bible is all about getting along, brotherhood, what's right, what's wrong, kind of a manual of life. Then it gets to the end and it falls off a cliff. There are as many interpretations of The Book of Revelations as there are people. It's gooble-d-gook. If you think about it in context with the existence and development of the oligarchy collective, it's pretty convenient. Just as the numbers and collective education of the mass's begins to overwhem it, it's time for god to blow it all up.
I went for my usual walk today. While out, I decided to make the donut shop my last stop. As I walked in 7 or 8 very young girls walked in ahead of me. I think it's school vacation week. For most people this would be a coincidence, for me, not so. This sort of thing has happened numerous times with the kids in the neighborhood and in particular the girl next door. Question. Who's the bigger maggot, me or the people who put young children in harms way?
If this goes the way it should, the peace loving, people loving people will be running this planet. If this happens I am in favor of creating 'Romanist Ghetto's'. Put the people who perpetrate and pass on this culture in isolated area's and keep them there until it's bred out of them. I don't care if it takes 200 years.
If everything you see on the TV is a lie, and the radio and magazines and whatever, is it safe to assume synchronicity (synthetic telepathy, electronic brain link, microwave hearing effect) is also a lie?
I am working on a electronic model of the noise generator. It uses solid state componants like the Wave Bubble (see right hand content). I am having trouble understanding how antenna's work. I came across a explanation recently that helped. An antenna is a transformer where the primary is a transmission line and the secondary is free space. This set me thinking (don't ask me how I got here). I decided it's not really necessary to have an antenna. All you have to do is generate a signal that mimics brain waves and pass it through a long conductor on the PCB and it will transmit enough. Since the electrical signals of the body are of extremely low power this is advantagous. You could design circuits that mimic brain waves, the heart and whatever else in very low power and carry it around on your person and maybe whatever is trying to pick up the real signals would have difficulty distiguishing the two.
Dec 27, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
'God wants Celtics.....'
What God Wants Pt 1
Roger Waters
'God said to Abraham, kill me a son...'
Highway 61 Revisited
Bob Dylan
'Father McKenzie works on the words of a sermon that no one will hear...'
Eleanor Rigby
The Beatles
'Two beetles were walking down the street, they saw Father Mulligan...'
Titicut Follies
Frederick Wiseman
'Jesus built my car, it's a love affair mainly Jesus....'
Jesus Built My Hotrod
If your god actually exists you'll all pay in as cowardly and nasty a manner as your victims.
People might ask 'Why are you still sending email after 4 years?'. It eats up resources. They spend time, money and manpower going after anyone who visits my website. It's like the ending to the Beatles song 'A Day in the Life' "Ten thousand holes in Blackburn Lancashire, and though the holes were rather small, they had to count them all...."Enough people might hold out long enough to form a resistance. A lot of collateral damage is done.
'You're only immortal for a limited time....'
Dec 26, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I searched for 'STD'
I think people should just start carrying concealed weapons and not worry about permits. No better way to keep government people honest. If enough people do it all at once, what are they going to do? If they try, respond as a group. Come up with some responses that eat up a lot of manpower and resources.
Right now old men and oil companies are in control. If they run out of oil they'll have nothing to control people with. Well maybe. Does all that fiber optic cable terminate in Dubai?
Dec 25, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Dec 24, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
'Us and them, and after all they're ordinary men...'
Us and Them
Pink Floyd
'No man born with a livin soul, workin for the clampdown....'
The Clash
'Goodbye all you neo-nazi's, I hope they give you Auschwitz.....'
Mr MacPhisto
U2 ZooTV Live from Sydney DVD
Where does the slug food chain end?
How many layers are there?
Who's at the top?
A Guess About Scientology
Scientology is a group of people with neural implants doing what they can to fight back. They invented, or have access to, synthetic telepathy. Synthetic telepathy is the science of electronically sensing the electrical activity of the human body and brain. They use it to harass people into making problems to publicize their plight. It gives them a voice. People with implants are slaves, silenced by the implant. They made up a goofy religion because one of the major religions is responsible for their have an implant.
Dec 22, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Evolution is Over
You don't have to be a genius to make it in Western 'Civilization'. All you need is some insight into what's going on, no morals or ethics and maybe a little talent and you can become a member of the oligarchy collective. The problem is there have to be some people who are acting of their own free will, some 'Men in Black'. If these people are all catholic, or all protestant or jewish or whatever it's a big problem. If they are a little of everything not so bad, I guess. A religious, or race or ethnic civil war is stupid. Another trench successfully dug by the Jesuits. It would be very sad if it were unavoidable because the people at the top would get away again.
Use the Illusion
I don't know if this works but I thought I would pass it on. When dealing with these people use the illusion. 'What was the condition, to rule and control, the media sells it, and you live the role' Figure out what BS they're working on and screw it up. For example if you think they beleive Elvis is dead, convince them he's not. Get 'The Men in Black' to come and erase them. They will 'drop the bombs in the harbor' (a scene from Catch-22) as much as possible but they are trying to save themselves and do what they're told (listening to the voices in thier heads). If the poop ever hits the fan over this, I think the first thing that should go is any large computer installations or electronic equipment.
'...our great computer's fill the hallowed halls...'
The Temples of Syrinx
Dec 21, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Vapor trails and the problem. A number of times I have been in my mothers car and just after she turns on the AC or heat I begin to feel sick. I have ordered ink for my printer over the internet and just after I put it in it stinks up the house. Someone might ask 'Are you interested in knowing who and what the problem is?'. No, if it were legal and legitimate they wouldn't be going through all this.
Mr Crowley, Did You Talk to the Dead?
Eleanor Rigby
The Beatles

Ah, look at all the lonely people
Ah, look at all the lonely people
Eleanor Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been,
Lives in a dream
Waits at the window
Wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door,
Who is it for,
All the lonely people where do they all come from
All the lonely people where do they all belong
Father McKenzie writing the words of a sermon that no one will here
No one comes near
Look at him working
Darning his socks in the night when there's nobody there
What does he care
All the lonely people where do they all come from
All the lonely people where do they all belong
Ah, look at all the lonely people
Ah, look at all the lonely people
Eleanor Rigby died in the church and was buried along with her name
Nobody came
Father McKenzie wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave
No one was saved
All the lonely people where do they all come from
All the lonely people where do they all belong
'In a world of persecution burning in it's greed...'
The Moody Blues
'There's a millionaire above you, and you're under his suspicion...'
I've Had Enough The Who
'Shayla, worked in a factory, she wasn't history, she's just a number...'
There are people who beleive that Scientology's E-Meter is a crock of s#@!. I think it's a cover story. When I go out I often wonder who in the room, or whatever, has an implant and is aware of what I think. Sometimes I think they are there for just that purpose. Scientology (people with implants [the thought police]) set up the next problem. If I start thinking about where I will go next they have the problem ready when I get there. I beleive this is auditing.
When I was in Pembroke Hospital in late 2004 there was a girl named Sara. She would run down the hall, slam into the door and demand to be let out. This went on all day. Each time the staff on duty spent 5 or 10 minutes convincing her to go back to her room. When I began blogging about all this I mentioned her. When I did, there were stories on the TV about some local funeral homes and cematoria that were raided and shut down by the police for keeping bad records and losing bodies. There were also stories of military casualites being mixed up with animal remains at crematoria. Recently I posted something about the 'Adult Swim' incident that took place here in Boston in 2007. Two people were arrested for placing these electronic boards on buildings that advertised some show on the cartoon network. After a court appearance they did nothing but talk about hair styles. Right after I did that a Worcestor firefighter died and there were stories of Iran getting an American drone aircraft, and more military body parts in landfills. Are these all cover stories for the secret genocide that goes on in this country? Is Area 51 a cover story? Is ECOMCON in the movie 'Seven Days in May' just that, a con? Where do people end up?
Western 'Civilization' has more uses for the people it boogers than Carter has little pills.
Dec 20, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
NWO Titanic
And the TV stayed on
In this mornings 7:30AM post I wondered if all anyone needed to pick up someones inner voice was a very sensitive antenna and a radio capable of tuning to the frequency. The first wideband loop antennas were built in the 1930's. Was this technology already in use when George Orwell wrote '1984'?
Back in the 1990's there was a company called Global Crossing. It was part of the dot com bubble. They strung under water fiber optic cable to all continents despite the fact we were only using 3 or 4% of what fiber optic cable capacity had already been built. The TV made it out to be a complete waste of money. The people who owned the company made millions when it went bankrupt. The government made a half assed attempt to go after them. This is an extremely powerful network. Does all that cable terminate in Dubai?
Synthetic Telepathy. Can you hook up a horn antenna to a SDR-IQ and pick up someones inner voice at close range without any special software?
Dec 19, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
It's Monday morning, the slug smegma is on duty.
I built the computer I work on. I have nothing to do and all day to do it. At first it worked fine. Slowly but surely the slug smegma got to it. One problem was the network adapter didn't exactly work right. There was a light on all the time on the modem downstairs. The network icon in the tray on my computer was very slow to connect to the internet. I fixed this over the weekend. Mostly by accident. This morning as I sit here, on the internet, the tray icon still hasn't connected. If people feel this website is overly nasty and disgusting, too bad. This is the type of masochistic crap I have put up with all for at least 7 years. I figure turnabout is fair play. If you don't like my rampage, FO. I'll stop when I damm well feel like it.
Dec 18, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
In one of the Dec 14 posts I talked about the electrician who spent a couple days wiring a fan in the attic. I suspected he left something behind. I learned later about BPL, broadband over power lines. They can use power lines to transmit and receive data. I came up with an idea that might help, but I don't know. The picture below is a snap-on ferrite bead. They come in all sizes. They are supposed to filter any high frequencies on the line they are attached to.
This will never become Aldous Huxley's 'A Brave New World'. If it does it won't last long. The people who love power like the population in general to be poor and uneducated. This makes them easily controllable. They will take the 'savage area's' when it is safe. There is either middle ground or no ground. Balance as Eisenhower put it. Western 'Civilization' is built on people getting 'boogered'. In the end 'Moby Dick' is probably the only solution.
Illusions, general and specific, and war are meant only to be maintained.
If you want me in Hotel California you can haul my ass out there. Me and tinkerbell (my life story) are gonna arrive intact and together. All donations are gratefully accepted, but don't expect as much as a thank you note in the snail mail.
Take your f$$@in pearl and stick it where your sun king comes out.
Mustang Saul
Saul has hutzpuh
He's mostly mashuganah
Goodbye all you neo-nazi's, I hope they give you Auschwitz
ol-i-gar-chy [ol-i-gahr-kee]
noun, plural -chies.
1. a form of government in which all power is vested in a few persons or in a dominant class or clique; government by the few.
2. a state or organization so ruled.
3. the persons or class so ruling.

col-lec-tive [kuh-lek-tiv]
1. formed by collection.
2. forming a whole; combined: the collective assets of a corporation and its subsidiaries.
3. of or characteristic of a group of individuals taken together: the collective wishes of the membership.
4. organized according to the principles of collectivism: a collective farm.
5. collective noun.
6. a collective body; aggregate.
7. a business, farm, etc., jointly owned and operated by the members of a group.
8. a unit of organization or the organization in a collectivist system.

Faus-ti-an [fou-stee-uhn]
1. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Faust: a Faustian novel.
2. sacrificing spiritual values for power, knowledge, or material gain: a Faustian pact with the Devil.
3. characterized by spiritual dissatisfaction or torment.
4. possessed with a hunger for knowledge or mastery.

Malignant Narcissism
Has been described as "an extreme form of antisocial personality disorder that is manifest in a person who is pathologically grandiose, lacking in conscience and behavioral regulation, and with characteristic demonstrations of joyful cruelty and sadism"
I beleive the oligarchy collective was developed over time by the rulers of Europe as a response to the Renaissance.
There is no fixing this country, it was invented by the wrong people.
Dec 17, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
This is something I've learned about the government/media complex and it's use of illusion/cover stories. The number of sex scandals is directly proportional to the number of home runs someone is hitting. We currently have the Penn St and the Syracuse stories.
Alaska and Hawaii
A year or so after my father died what was left of my family, not including me, went on a cruise to Alaska. I thought this was a funny place to go. I asked my mother why there?. She gave some story about saying to my brother how she had always wanted to go. This was news to me. I'm an outcast but I would have known that. In the Pearljam song 'Dissident' there is a line '..escape is never a safe plan...' There's something going on with the whole Alaska Hawaii thing. I thought the song 'Cry/Electric Co by U2 was about someone with Ironman syndrome ..despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage... I suppose it could be interpreted that way. I think it is also about someone with an implant. (Kunta Kinte not happy in America) Another line from it goes ..I can't stop trying to get back.... Here in lies the problem with this situation. What we have here is a wall hitting a wall. I am not trying to get back to anything. Torture and torment, same S%$% different day, in my life. You can't miss what you never had. There are too many videos on this page and it slows down the loading so here is some homework. Wonderwall - Oasis / Indifference - Pearljam
Dec 16, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Cover Story
People might ask 'Why do you walk around if it risks your life and the lives of others?'. I never know if when I wake up everyone around here who has an implant wakes up and thinks I'm dead. 'Spaceman say everybody look down, it's all in your mind' The Killers So when I walk around it screws things up if those people see me. Aside from the fact 'Death is a Career Move' Also, I never know if this website is up or been hijacked. They have my passwords. I have no secrets. This is why I put the passwords up on the site a couple of times. There is no point in keeping them a secret. www.philipnute.com - www.justhost.com - user - philipn3 - pass - 2p1m3c7r7r10g / www.zsezse.com - www.lunarpages.com - user - zsezse0 - pass - 2p1m3c7r7r10g
'What was the condition to rule and control,
The media sells it and you live the role..

Crazy Train
Ozzy Osbourne
Who Ran? IRan? Past tense?
'Storm maker say it ain't so bad,
Dream Maker gonna make you mad,
Spaceman say everybody look down,
It's all in your mind.

The Killers
In the movie 'Men in Black' the main characters have a small hand held device that incapacitates the aliens. Would it be possible to get some of these?
Dec 15, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
My family and I have lived around and had catholic friends all our lives. (as well as be some, though not practicing) Tim down the street was as close to a best friend as I ever had did the first 8 years of school at St Francis. Francis across the street I beleive was catholic. My parents best friends who have left the state I think (but am not sure) were catholic. In 'The Odyssey' the gods instigate wars between the humans for various reasons. It has to be this way because if allowed to do so people would get along just fine. I think Jim Morrison was right 'this is the land where the Pharoah died' and died and died and died. How many times can this happen before certain people realize it doesn't work in this country. I don't care AT ALL about someone's religion. It's not the religion itself that is the problem it's the people who run them.
When I was a kid polio was the disease du jour. I very vaguely remember being told I had to get a shot and I started screaming and cryin. We had to go to South Junior High (which is gone now) and line up. When I got mine it was a little cup of something, not a shot. I was very happy. A couple years later my father bought the company he worked for and moved it into the cellar. This was about 1960. He began to have trouble with money. My parents kept a facade, I learned only recently they were dealing with the govenment. Something about a Ponzi scheme and Uncle Aurther. (Ponzi scheme, they have no imagination with crimes or names) My middle name is Aurther. Sidenote. My father began to drink some. At the dinner table he would get verbally abusive. I would get really upset. He would start calling me 'the mistake'. For many years I thought this meant one thing, now I beleive it is something related to the polio thing. This is only a guess. (or maybe my father got some BS excuse)
In the few years that my father has been gone, I have wondered a lot about his 'light'. He had trouble getting along most of the time. I could elaborate a lot but I won't. When did this happen, and who did it? Someone's 'light' has a lot to do with their ability to be understanding and tolerant. Did he mouth off to the wrong person and I paid? Was it after or before he lost his light?
For the Record:
My mother - baptised - catholic
My brother - baptised - catholic
My older sister - baptised - catholic
My younger sister - baptised - Not at all - RIP
My father - baptised - protestant ??? - RIP
Me - baptised - Not at all - TBD
My grandfather - baptised - protestant ??? RIP
'A fire burns today, of blasphemy and genocide....'
(go fish)
Dec 14, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
The woman who lived across the street got sick and died suddenly in early 2006. I have always been suspicious of this. Her name was Francis Connoly. The people who are there now moved in in Aug 2007. My father had his heart bypass in Nov 2007. He didn't return. In between Aug and Nov we were standing in the front yard together and he pointed at the house and said 'where do those people go during the day?'. The power cables and TV cables for our house and that house are both connected to the same pole. There is also a green junction box that I beleive is for the cable. There are others in the neighborhood. On Dec 9 I told the story of the electrician who wired the new bathroom in Sept 2008. If there is a gadget of some sort in the wall and it was communicating via BPL all you would need is the IP address of the module and you could pick up the info.
I just watched a short piece on the stupidvision about Mitt Romney flip flopping and lying. Duh. He's part of the oligarchy collective. It's a prerequisite. He was born into the oligarchy collective. The oligarchy collective itself is a lie, the only way it can be maintained is with lies. The better you are at them the higher up you go. Some members of the military are for Ron Paul. He has spent most of his adult life in congress. My guess is he's no different. He's a non-venomous snake instead of a venomous one. Regardless, true to the way our 'founding fathers' designed the country, the power is too spread out for a good man to do anything.
Malignant Narcissism
has been described as "an extreme form of antisocial personality disorder that is manifest in a person who is pathologically grandiose, lacking in conscience and behavioral regulation, and with characteristic demonstrations of joyful cruelty and sadism"
Dec 13, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Questions. If Eastern Massachusetts is mostly catholic, and the catholic church is behind this, why are they using it here? I am convinced Google has synthetic telepathy, and youtube. Google was started by Sergei Brin who I beleive is a Russian national. There are also many many foreighners in this country who are involved with high tech. Do the Russians already have it? The Chinese? Three movies from the very early 60's make reference to a global communist conspiracy: Dr Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, Seven Days in May and The Manchurian Candidate. George Orwell talked about Oligarchy Collectivism in the 1940's. How long has this been the norm? Was the Cold War BS? Why? Was it an excuse for a massive military buildup and as Eisenhower warned, too much military research? Are they going to cut off the oil and put the hammer down? Is there a new religion to go along with all the surveillence power and control? Is it Scientology? Is this what was produced with Vatican II? Is that heresy?
I am currently reading 'The Secret History of the Jesuits' by Edmond Paris. America is not 'The Great Satan'. 'The Great Satan' is in America. It seems the jesuits have been thrown out of every country on this planet at least once with the exception of the United States. I find this fact curious. The jesuits were 'suppressed' in the catholic church in July 1773. The Boston Tea Party took place in Dec 1773. I now beleive we fought a revolution and liberated ourselves from ourselves. This black pope, white pope thing is just another divide and conquer.
There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on my website, but when Winston, of George Orwell's '1984', is at work in your life it is unavoidable.
Dec 12, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
'Hung up my guns,
Along the way,
A trick of the trade
Oh by the way

Check My Brain
Alice in Chains
But once you have your celeb it might really have an impact.
Dec 11, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
Man is nothing without god
God is nothing without man
War is meant only to be sustained
Or another war is inevitable
If my thinking bothers you
You hit the road
I didn't accept an implant
'Alvin Tostig (aryan) had a son today...'
Elton John
'Goodbye all you neo-nazi's, I hope they give you Auschwitz...'
Mr McPhisto
U2 ZooTV Live from Syndney DVD
'Two beetles were walking down the street
They saw father Mulligan
He had a broken arm
One beetle asked
How did you break your arm?
Father replied I fell in the bathtub
They continued on
One beetle asked Whats a bathtub
The other replied
How do I know I'm not catholic
A joke told at the very beginning of Titicut Follies
'...the lights of masochists....'
Jesus of Suburbia
Green Day
The mental hostpitals in this country are ethnic cleansing american style. It's no vacation. If you manage to get to the middle of Titicut Follies the gaurds taunt a prisoner named Jim. The mental hospitals are no better. I suffered with one particularly nasty old grandma social worker named Karen Weeks in McClean Southeast in 2008.
I am watching a version of 'The Odyssey' with Armand Assante. I am at the point where Posieden say's 'without god man is nothing'. I think it depends on one's definition of the words 'man' and 'nothing'. The almighty god is a living man who just plays war and plays god. If by 'man' someone only looked at the big picture, ie a species, I guess you could come to that conclusion. If on the other hand you mean an individual it's hard to imagine him being nothing. Man as a species wouldn't have all this stuff produced by the wage slave system if there weren't people who played god. So in thier minds he would be nothing. An individual man in his world is not nothing. We are approaching the end of the class struggle thanks to the people who play god. I think this is another reason they can't pull the trigger. The rich and the poor are like an old bickering couple that has been married for 70 yrs. They might split up but it wouldn't last long. The gods are nothing without man.
Dec 10, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
In 'The Odyssey' Odysseus travels from island to island running into Greek gods trying to get home. In the movie 'Midnight Cowboy' with Jon Voight and Dustin Hoffman Voight's character meets with a stranger from time to time who try's to preach to him.
'Father McKenzie works on the words of a sermon that no one will here....
what does he care.....
all the lonely people...'

Eleanor Rigby
The Beatles
Welcome to George Orwell's '1984', where the only thing perfect is the thought police.
'The night and Jesuits always return...'
There is a quote from Eisenhower's Farewell Address that goes:

'We must avoid the impulse to live only for today, plundering for our own ease and convenience the precious resources of tomorrow....'
'Right now, old men and oil companies are in control..'
Dick Cheney's old company, Halliburton, moved to Dubai quite some time ago.
Dec 9, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
My life is one of extremes. I have gone from so much pain I couldn't do anything good or bad about it to feeling nothing and getting the same results. If anyone knows someone in the yellow coward secret fascist pig diarrhea R & D department they should explain a little hopelessness and despair goes a long way to getting one off this planet. You started this and you're gonna finnish it. Two in the hat while I'm sleeping would be the polite thing (notice I said polite and not human)
Is Dubai the capital of the New World Order? It sits at the mouth of the Straits of Hormuz where most of our oil travels through. They can shut it off and choke us. They wasted a lot of money building these islands. But when it's a fiat currency, you can spend all you want and have other's pay for it.
Addendum to this morning's post: Snaking a new wire is a waste of time for a job that small. He literally spent a couple days. I located the wire and wanted to find out if it was a dummy wire. It goes through the cielling in the cellar and up through the walls in the basement cellar. It powers a fan controller in the upstairs bathroom that has an electronic timer. It is live in the upstairs bathroom and if you shut it off the fan doesn't work. A couple months later we put in a new panel. He put that circuit on a special breaker that protects electronics. I think this wire is a waste of time and money. This is what he might of done. He wired whatever gadget he left in parallel and secured it to the wire and snake it along with the wire. He never physically attached it to the wall.
Several months after my father died my mother redid the upstairs bathroom. It was original to the house and the house was built in 1958. It needed it, but I thought it was kinda funny. When the electrician came it seemed like he spent forever wiring a fan that exhausts through the attic. He strung a new wire from the cellar all the way to the attic. I posted a video once about BPL (broadband over power lines), they can use regular power lines for data. I have often wondered if he hid something in the wall and it is communicating over the new wire. When I was in the hospital in the summer of 2008, I noticed something funny. I was in McClean Southeast on the grounds of the Brockton VA. It is in building 7 which is all the way in the back. If someone tried to run it is a long way from the gate. The VA is patroled by VA police. Any local cops must get thier permission to come onto the property. There were antennas spaced 25 ft apart going all the way around the perimeter of the roof. Some had a coax cable coming down the face of the brick on the outside of the building. At one point I was put in an isolation room. I thought I heard someone rustling around in the next room. As I investigated I came to believe there was a void in the wall next to the isolation room.
Dec 8, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
At the very end of the movie Hair the main character boards an Army plane in the Nevada desert and ends up dying in Vietnam. He is not in the Army. I believe Area 51 is a death camp. This movie was written in 1965. There are numerous references to the Nevada desert. The second Austin Powers movie. This system is the American solution to the proletariat.
Was this calculated? Did they want riots? Is this an attempt at a 9/11? Is this Scientology?
I've been thinking about Santa Claus a lot lately. If this whole thing works out like it should a lot of people might......well, you know. He's making a list and checking it twice, he already knows who's naughty and nice. You can take the implant out of the nasty cop, but you can't take the nasty cop out of the nasty cop.
Dec 7, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I have been thinking some about Homer's 'The Iliad and The Odyssey". Some say it is the foundation for literature in Western Civilization. I studied it a little in high school but with what I know now about what is going on it takes on new meaning. The first thing is how 'the gods' instigate fighting between the humans. 'The night and Jesuits always return....'(from George Orwell's Homage to Catalonia) The church is about as democratic as western culture got until the new world was discovered. The pope is technically not hereditary and is elected. Technically. I will never get past the religious issue. This way they can hide the real issue. Economic. Jesus is a middle man or even a full partner. I have no choices. The thought police are perfect. They can poison me whenever they want. They can shoot me whenever they want. I will not agree to an implant. If they force it on me I will take the heart attack (or whatever). This brings me to the question 'if I am doing more harm than good, why not?'. What do they want? My response is 'how does it feel to want?'. All I want is my ticket out of here. I've had all I want from the third asylum from the sun. Suicide is not an option (I could site a couple songs, but I won't) What don't they know. If I tried while my mother is gone I am sure I will have made a phone call in a stupor. (NOT) Here is an example of the poisoning thing. At some point I said something that really got a reaction. I don't remember what it was. That night or the next night I made some sphaghetti with ingredients that had been opened and I had used before. I got sick as a dog. There was something on 'The Colbert Report' about wax a quack or something. (I can't really explain that) Some people in Weymouth may be losing thier jobs or thier houses or worse. Here is my reasoning. War is hell. There is a lot of death destruction and refugees. These are the incentives to stop it. The sunshine people don't go to war unless they are forced. Anyone who wanted to be on the beach on D-Day is certifiable.
When some Europeans first came to North America they wanted to escape religious and political oppression. There was 3000 miles of water between them and their oppressor and 3000 miles of land and resources to the west. This was a threat. It was necessary to settle it as fast as possible, and then wipe out any idea of freedom before it got out of hand. That was 200 some odd years ago. These people are crazy. How much is power worth? Apparently destroying everything for everyone. In my opinion it has become a bridge too far. All they are doing is killing people. They lost the battle of the numbers 100 years ago. This has never been a free country. 'None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free' Johahnn Wolfgang Von Goethe 1749 - 1832 We fought a revolution and liberated ourselves from ourselves. Instead of freedom, we got capitalism.
During WWII the Japanese were known as "The House of the Rising Sun". I believe (but do not know) the people in this country who were trying to break free of Orwell's '1984, ie the hippies, began to identify with the Japanese. Some may have begun using the term. One of the first references is Eric Burden and the Animals "The House of the Rising Sun". At the very end of the video for Van Halen's 'Right Now' there are these words 'right now is not the fault of the Japanese'. By the year 2000 when the song below came out they had largely been defeated.
Dec 6, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Some members of the FBI called Hoover J Edna. Kennedy was asked once why he didn't fire him, he replied 'You don't fire god'. Someone should investigate the background of some of the people who have run the FBI and see if they were associated with the Society of Jesus.
Rich people have had their ass's covered by synthetic telepathy since at least the 1950's. Jesus is a middle man.
In the book 'Alice in Wonderland' every other sentence out of the Queen's mouth is 'off with thier heads'. The book was written in the 1860's.
In the movie version I have of 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame' the king of France masquerades as a commoner. At one point he goes into a dungeon to get some information from a prisoner. The prisoner is in a bird cage type cell hanging from the ceilling. The man in the cage tells the king he has been there for 14 years. The king lies to him, gets his information and walks away without batting an eye. The book was written in the 1840's and set in the 1400's.
Dec 5, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
This post goes on the assumption the information I'm getting is true. #Occupy Boston. Rebellion is packaged. Here is how I know. The # sign is associated with something I was doing on my computer quite some time ago. I have never posted or verbalized this. Here in Boston there are controversies over a sink and a tent. The tent may have something to do with yesterday's post. The sink is something I have been working on in the basement for a week or so. My mother is the only other person who knew something. These people are listening to the voices in their heads. I am going to do the American thing, and never yield to tyranny.
I have been sitting at this computer for 4 years sending email. I assume a lot of people know I am here. Why do I have to leave here for anything? Why hasn't someone contacted me? Do you require my co-operation? How does it feel to require?

Napolean is in high heels....'
(go fish)
This is something that leads me to oligarchical collectivism. I have said in the past I thought all the police and firefighters in this country were catholic. I thought they were cheating on civil service exams with synthetic telepathy. I said I thought the Pope controlled Isreal. If what is happening to me makes you question your reality and you come to the conclusion everything you know is wrong and you begin questioning the official accounts of 9/11, who ran in the buildings as they were coming down? Another observation. Just after 9/11 they held a concert for New York City. All the police and firefighters got front row seats. They were laughing and smiling and having a great time. ?????
At first I thought this song was about someone who had mercury poisoning who was constantly annoyed by the EMI that is everywhere. Now I think it's about someone who has a neural implant.
'Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage...'
Death is a career move
I have wondered a lot about the ending to all this. This is Scenario 45. Rockefeller owns the entire north shore of the Great Lakes and builds a 10,000 room mansion. Trump owns Cuba and builds a 15,000 room mansion. All the Jonny Clampdowns (and their decendants forever and ever) are fitted with dark sunglasses and trained in the fine arts of silver polishing and making French sauces.
Dec 4, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Dec 3, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Death is a career move
For some it's a reward
Dec 2, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I just finnished George Orwell's 'Homage to Catalonia'. The only line that sticks out is:

'The night and Jesuits always return...'
What is waterboarding? With synthetic telepathy what do we need it for? In some of the accounts of what happened in South America in the 60's, 70's and 80's, the police would pick up the person they wanted in a helicopter, take them as far out to sea as possible and drop them. Is this waterboarding? When you watch CNN or Fox you are seeing the right wing of the oligarchy argue with the left wing of the oligarchy. If there is someone from South Africa and someone from India, it's the South African wing of the oligarchy arguing with the India wing.
The world has become one big Palace of Versailles without walls, full of crazy psycho killer rich people.
I am currently reading 'Homage to Catalonia' by George Orwell. He said later in his life that the experience fighting the Spanish Civil war innfluenced his writing for the rest of his life. In the beginning he details the ridiculous training and equipment used by the rebels. The Waffen SS were the opposite. You need to be highly trained 'elite' soldiers armed to the teeth to kill innocent women, children and the elderly. Sometimes the rebels didn't know who was in charge. When the orders came was Hitler on the other end of the phone? I'm sorry, that's not nice. You have to have some imagination when getting rid of the proletariat. (don't accept an implant, if you do, you are screwed)
Nov 30, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I have tried several times to describe the pain associated with what I call 'Ironman Syndrome'. At one point I said I thought the soliloquey 'To Be Or Not To Be' from Shakespear's Hamlet was about it. I related to that somehow. It would be a question you might ask yourself if you could. You need someone to speak for you. The pain is so bad you are unable to do anything good or bad for yourself. This includes killing yourself. I sometimes compare it to having a broken arm. The bone sticking out and everything. 24/7/365 For 25 years. You're delirious, confused, you're probably not making any sense. But with a broken arm the problem is obvious. An examination by a doctor would reveal this. Similar problems would be the same. You might have a temperature, or high blood pressure, etc. With this sickness there is only one symptom, intense pain. Today it is diagnosed as psychiatric. Sabrina, who I met at Day Treatment in 2002, was someone I related to. From a distance. Whenever we had a group where we watched TV she would usually sit in front of me. I always sat in the back row. Every 15 minutes or so she was dipping into her pills, looking for relief. This is how it is. It is a 9-1-1 emergency all the time. You are beyond helping yourself and apparentlly beyond anyone elses help.
For anyone who knows what is going on tonight:
My mouth is my rampage
If you don't like it TOO BAD
I am going to get an act of mercy as the last thing you do to me on the friggin planet
Death is a career move
For some it is a reward
But I'm gonna make as much trouble as I can on the way out
'If you act as you think,
the missing link, Synchronicity...'

Syncronicity I
The Police
Here are some idea's on how to turn an existing house into a faraday cage. Install EMI absorbant material in the floor joists of the attic. You might have to remove some of the insulation if there is any. Paint the underside of the roof with metalic paint. If this does'nt solve the problem take an inventory of the antennas in the house and place a tin foil cap over them.
Nov 29, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
There is a quote from Eisenhower's Farewell Address that goes:

'We must avoid the impulse to live only for today, plundering for our own ease and convenience the precious resources of tomorrow....'
It is not just oil we our wasting. There are limited amounts of iron ore, copper and many others. For anyone who believes they were never going to come out of the closet ask yourself this: Why are we throwing this away and not developing green renewable technology? In the 70's there was a lot of concern over pollution. When they got thier headline we were going to be out of alot of things, and others were going to be useless.
I got mine, screw you
Rallying cry of the fascists
It's the 'survival of the sickest'
Morally and ethically, not physically
Evolution is over
Nov 27, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Slavery results in overproduction. This is the goal. The excess is sold for a profit by the owner. Capitalism is the ultimate system of overproduction. While there is no answer for people who insist on taking too much, ending capitalism would help.
We currently have a family member who is not long for this world. (aside from me maybe) The topic of autopsy came up. Here are my wishes. I don't owe anything to this planet..... I want to be whole in my hole. I would like the middle finger of my right hand prominently positioned upward. My relatives have the choice of these two epitaphs:
Here Lies Phil
He Thought He Was Free
Little Did He Know
Plagued By The Jesus Society
The Bearers of God
The Seekers of Truth
No No No
The Worlds Worst Cowards
The Scum of The Earth
When I was in the 6th grade I did a report on entertainment in the Roman Empire. I remember there were chariot races saunas,and gladiator matches. There were coliseums in almost every major city with matches to the death. It wasn't just Christians who died, but also the poor, affirmed and anybody who was a burden on society. Also political opponents and enemies.
'Fearlessly the idiot faced the crowd, smiling....'
Pink Floyd
Edie Sedgwick was the child of Francis Sedgwick. He was old Yankee money from Massachusetts. Edie hung around with Andy Warhol in the 1960's. She was the subject of a lot of gossip.
'There is a house in New Orleans, they call the Rising Sun.....'
Since the Kennedy's grew up here in New England, and so did their parents, a lot of Yankee probably rubbed off on them. I grew up here and exhibit some Christian thinking, though I have never been to church.
'There is a house in New Orleans, they call the Rising Sun.....'
I'm sure there are people, way down on the pyramid, who think there are two sides in all this. Idiots is a better word. They think it's religious or ethnic in some way. If the British Empire wanted to wipe out the Catholic Church they could have done it a long time ago. The Empire for the most part has ruled the seas and is armed to the teeth. The church doesn't even carry knives. When they wanted to get rid of The Knights Templar it took them a couple months. And they were armed. If the British and Americans won the second world war, how did this problem get transferred to America so quickly after the war? Who visited George Bush in 2007? The Queen. Who visited George Bush in 2008? The Pope. Who did Obama visit in 2009? The Pope and the Queen. We live under oligarchical collectivism.
I was guilty of multiple thought crimes without knowing it or knowing the thought police existed. I did not pick this fight. I did not have a problem with the federal government until I discovered it had a problem with me. Like so many other people I know I was buying the BS that comes out of the TV. I am '..like a child crossing an eight lane highway on a voyage of discovery...' (somewhere on the last U2 album).'...land of make believe, and it don't believe in me...' (Jesus of Suburbia Green Day). Out of some twisted sense of responsibilty I feel obligated to finnish it. This is my rampage, if you don't like it you know where I am.
If the people in the military, or former, are insulted, that's tough. You special or something? Everyone is a victim. I hate to break this to you but you're not defending anyone's freedom. You're secretly building a communist prison planet.
'...a vision of the future,...imagine a boot stamped on a human face forever...'
George Orwell
Man's inhumanity to man is one thing, but why perfect it like this?
Psychiatry is Genocide
"..got to keep the loonies on the path..."
Brain Damage/Eclipse
Pink Floyd
They knew the central banking system was doomed to fail the day it was invented.
The Age of Reason was the last book Thomas Paine wrote. Why do so many people who get caught up in this end up turning their backs on religion?
Jesus Saves
Or Else!
(he outta know he's the one making the trouble)
Thomas Paine, who wrote the pamphlet 'Common Sense', came to America just before the revolution. Common Sense was read in pubs and churches before the war and was instrumental in getting the war started. In it he criticizes the English form of government. He points out that any government with 3 houses (not to be confused with 3 branches) can be easily controlled if anyone controls two. The English government can always be controlled with the House of Lords and the Monarchy. The House of Commons is powerless and only gives the illusion of freedom. The people who fought the revolution fully expected to go back to their lives and governments as they were when the war was over. The Federal government was an afterthought. The justification for it was made years later by the Federalist Papers. How quickly people forget. All anyone needs is a handful of senators and the president and they control the government. We only have the illusion of freedom. Always have. I have concluded we fought a revolution and liberated ourselves from ourselves. The thing that came out of the Virginia Swamps (see The WASP (Texas Radio and the Big Beat) by the Doors) has probably owned the government since. As usual they covered their tracks before they made them by using the Yankee's instead of their own.
'Everything you know is wrong,
Religion is a club,
Rebellion is packaged
Celebrity is a job,
Rock N Roll is entertainment
Service not included
Nobody move and nobody gets hurt
It could never happen here
Watch more TV

The Fly
from ZooTV Live in Sydney
To a Mouse
Robert Burns
Burns was a contributor to the Scottish Enlightenment of the 1700's. This poem contains the famous line 'The best laid schemes of mice and men go often askew'.
Small, sleek, cowering, timorous beast,
O, what a panic is in your breast!
You need not start away so hasty
With hurrying scamper!
I would be loath to run and chase you,
With murdering plough-staff.
I'm truly sorry man's dominion
Has broken Nature's social union,
And justifies that ill opinion
Which makes thee startle
At me, thy poor, earth born companion
And fellow mortal!
I doubt not, sometimes, but you may steal;
What then? Poor beast, you must live!
An odd ear in twenty-four sheaves
Is a small request;
I will get a blessing with what is left,
And never miss it.
Your small house, too, in ruin!
It's feeble walls the winds are scattering!
And nothing now, to build a new one,
Of coarse grass green!
And bleak December's winds coming,
Both bitter and keen!
You saw the fields laid bare and wasted,
And weary winter coming fast,
And cozy here, beneath the blast,
You thought to dwell,
Till crash! the cruel plough past
Out through your cell.
That small bit heap of leaves and stubble,
Has cost you many a weary nibble!
Now you are turned out, for all your trouble,
Without house or holding,
To endure the winter's sleety dribble,
And hoar-frost cold.
But Mouse, you are not alone,
In proving foresight may be vain:
The best laid schemes of mice and men
Go often askew,
And leaves us nothing but grief and pain,
For promised joy!
Still you are blest, compared with me!
The present only touches you:
But oh! I backward cast my eye,
On prospects dreary!
And forward, though I cannot see,
I guess and fear!
The elections are a joke
The media is a joke
The stock market is a joke
The justice system is a joke
Freedoms an illusion, film at eleven
How many people who voted had implants?
So lets see, I can stay here in Weymouth and put up with the torture and cause pain and suffering or try suicide (I think) and be forced to do what they want, which is probably accept an implant and go on missions. I'll be on the road being tortured and causing pain and suffering and probably very uncomfortable. Six of one half a dozen of another. But since I'm special and I got my celeb maybe they'll give me something to do in their BS media and I'll get alot of money to make me look bad. I've had my fill of the humans on the third asylum from the sun. I think I'll die right here where it does the most damage.
There are no good choices in this. Every day you are presented with a dozen forks in the road and they are all bad.
'When you come to a fork in the road, take it.'
Yogi Berra
'There are many here among us, who feel that life is but a joke...'
All Along the Watchtower
Jimi Hendrix
Nov 25, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
A lot of funny clues in these movies:
The Manchurian Candidate
1. At the end the assassin dresses up as a priest
Seven Days in May
1. The mystery base is ECOMCON - Could be COMmunist CONspiracy
2. When the man goes looking for the base it is in the desert at the end of an unmarked dirt road. When he travels there he is stopped by a helicopter. Area 51 in Nevada is in the desert. You go out an unmarked dirt road named Groom Lake Rd. If you pass a certain point you are arrested by what they call 'camo dudes' who patrol the property in SUV's. They are Wackenhut rent-a-cops. Later in the film someone spys where the president was going Blue Lake. The play 'Hair' was written in 1965 not long after this movie was released. At the very end the main character boards an Army plane in the Nevada desert and dies in Vietnam, but he is not in the Army.
3. The presidents name is Lyman - could be LYING MAN
There is a local TV program called 'Chronicle' on channel 5. Many, many, many years ago they did a story about how the West end of Boston was changing. It was set in a run down rooming house. The place was really nasty and the people were all very poor. There was one bathroom per floor. One floor had the saying 'please don't piss on the seat' written on the wall. The West end of Boston today is just like the rest of Eastern Massachusttes. Upscale and very expensive. I wonder where those people are today. Scientology is a mind controlled killing machine that makes this all possible. It goes on right under everybodies nose in the land of the free and the home of the brave where the lies are so thick nothing can cut through them.
Nov 24, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
There are people on this planet who know entirely too much about making money and holding power and manipulating people and societies to do it.
They spent a hundred years or so doing this to Germany.
Elton John
Levon wears his war wound like a crown
He calls his child Jesus
'Cause he likes the name
And he sends him to the finest schools in town

Levon, Levon likes his money
He makes a lot they say
Spends his days counting
In a garage by the motorway

He was born a pauper to a pawn on a Christmas day
When the New York Times said God is dead
And the war's begun
Alvin Tostig has a son today

And he shall be Levon
And he shall be a good man
And he shall be Levon
In tradition with the family plan
And he shall be Levon
And he shall be a good man
He shall be Levon

Levon sells cartoon balloons in town
His family business thrives
Jesus blows up balloons all day
Sits on the porch swing watching them fly

And Jesus, he wants to go to Venus
Leaving Levon far behind
Take a balloon and go sailing
While Levon Levon slowly dies
A Quote from Eisenhowers Farewell Address

'...we have been compelled to build a permanent armament industry of vast proportion......this conjucntion of an immense military and a large arms industry is new in the American experience, the total influence, economic, social even spiritual can be felt in every city and town, every statehouse, every office of the federal government...
'...the Greeks invented gayness...'
Denial is not a river in Egypt
If these people had an ounce of humanity and half a brain they would have walked away a hundred years ago and let the lies become reality. But it's all about the game. They're like a quarterback that can't hang it up.
On Catholic confession. The information may not be admissable in court, but I bet they talk about it amongst themselves and it goes up the chain of command.
'..Prince's kept the view...'
All Along the Watchtower
Jimi Hendrix
Homage to Catalonia
by George Orwell
Email Suggestions
The Federal Reserve is the central bank of the United States. They control the currency known as the dollar. It is privately held by a small group of people. It is not owned by the government or the American people. In the central banking system, money is debt and debt is money. If there was no debt there would be no money. To create money, the federal government borrows money from the Federal Reserve by issuing bonds. It goes into debt. The bonds must be paid back, with interest. Since this is how money is created, where is the money to pay the interest? It doesn't exist. The government must borrow again to pay the interest. It is a never ending cycle of debt where an absurdly small number of people profit. And it's a scam. The American people don't owe them this. Now if every country on earth has a central, bank how does anyone get out of debt. Answer: they don't. The central banking system is slowly conquering the world by purchasing it through bankruptcy. (see the movies, The Money Masters and Zeitgeist II Addendum) www.philipnute.com
"Risperdal Irreversibly Binds to and Inhibits the H5HT Serotonin Receptor" and the US federal government has approved it for bi-polar in children. In a society where money is debt and debt is money too many people results in too much currency in circulation. Too much currency causes inflation. A perpetual genocide and wars are necessary to regulate the value of the currency. philipnute com or zsezse.com
philipnute com or zsezse com