Here are some of my ideas that could be added to the Anarchist Cookbook
Here is an idea to shut off power to a large number of telephone poles before cutting up the wires. Locate a substation. A substation is where the very high voltage of the high tension wires is stepped down for use locally. Substations can usually be found very near high tension wires. Cut down the nearest telephone pole in a direction away from the substation itself pulling the wire with it. This disconnects the wire without touching anything. Do this to enough substations close together and the wires might be dead. It takes time for the transformers on the poles to discharge. Cutting up the wires is important because they can be used as antenna's. If enough wire gets cut up it will be difficult to replace.
The trucks used by electric company's (cherry pickers, etc) are very expensive. When they are using them they leave the engines running because it powers the equipment attached to it. A pellet gun could be used from a somewhat safe distance to puncture the radiator. Five or ten minutes after the radiator is empty, the engine will overheat and sieze making the truck useless. This could also be done to police and fire trucks.
There is a transformer on every few poles all across the country. They can be quite expensive. Shooting a couple holes in them would destroy it. This could also be used on microwave/cell phone towers.
Almost every telephone pole has a grounding rod next to it. I know that coax cable must be continuosly grounded as it goes. There must be a wire extending from the top of the pole to the rod at the base. Cutting this wire may disrupt service.
Create traffic jams in inner city areas by stopping some vehicles and destoying them. Or get some cheap cars get on a highway at rush hour, get next to each other to block the highway, stop and light them on fire. Doing this in areas like downtown Manhattan would create a nightmare traffic jam.
Spray utensils (knives, forks spoons) cups and plates with swamp water or any stagnant water. It can be teeming with bacteria.
Pour acid on the bolts that hold down the towers that hold high tension wires. Or come up with some way to weaken the structure. The next big wind will blow it over.
Destroying the roof of a building is one idea. The roofs of most buildings are weaker than the surrounding walls, and it will do more damage. It would be even better if was raining or snowing. If you can't make a bomb and get it on the roof of a building, get a high powered rifle or pistol and shoot holes in the roof.
Have you ever been to a sporting event and seen them shooting t-shirts into the crowd? Those can be powerful and easily made. Instead of shooting t-shirts rig a piece of non-insulated wire with a couple weights attached. The weights could be hard wooden balls or something. Make the wire long enough to span a couple of high tension lines. Use it to short out high tension lines. The closer you are to a power plant, the more likely you would do damage to the plant itself.
Most places where railroad tracks cross a paved street the rails are at the same height as the pavement. This is done for the cars to cross the rails. The idea is to destroy a small section of the rail where it is the same level as the pavement. It could be easier to hide the damage from people who inspect the tracks. Fill it in with sand or something. The crossings are accessible to anyone and wouldn't attract too much attention. Whatever they use to bring down buildings might eat away enough to work. (World Trade Center) Thermite might work. There are recipes for Thermite in the Anarchist Cookbook 2000 that can be found on this page.
This is an idea to blow a hole in an underground pipeline without digging a hole and not spending too much time at the site. Build a large enough bomb to reach to pipeline with it’s explosion. Bring an extra vehicle (disposible) with you to the site. Preferably a truck. Load the truck with sandbags. At the site, remove some sandbags and place on top of the bomb but not enough prevent the truck from driving over it. Drive the truck over the bomb and leave it. Let the air out of the tires. The idea is that the weight placed on top of the bomb helps to direct the blast downward ensuring it destroys the target. It is the same principle used by construction crews when using dynamite. They have massive steel mats they place over the explosives. Finding the location of pipelines is relatively easy. Here in Massachusetts you simple call 1-800-dig-safe
My Story
Psychiatry is Genocide
Ways to Defeat Synthetic Telepathy
and Neural Implants
Faraday Cage
Faraday Cage. A Faraday cage is any structure that is encased in metal and grounded to earth. The idea is that it shorts any voltage to ground. It is the same idea as coax cable. Coax cable is used for all broadband. The ground is the braided mesh that surrounds the signal carrier inside. It keeps noise off the signal and improves performance. The National Security Agency (which may be the problem in all of this) has it's headquarters at Ft Meade Maryland encased in copper mesh. This is why. Search for NSA and there is a Discovery Channel documentary on it.
Most buildings can be retrofitted to act as a Faraday cage. It may not be as secure as the NSA but good enough. There are a lot of corrugated metal buildings in the country that are used for industrial purposes. If they were sufficiently grounded and a metal roof were added they would make a good Faraday cage. Set up a MASH unit (Mobile Army Surgical Hospital) inside to remove neural implants. A residential house can be made somewhat secure. Aluminum flashing can be put on the floor of the attic, or aluminum screen can be hung in the attic. Metallic paint can be put on the walls.
Noise Generator
Electricity is part of the science of life. All life forms on this planet generate very small electro-magnetic waves that can be picked up by electronic sensors. A Faraday cage can prevent surveillance from the outside but not inside if there are wires that are connected to a utility of some kind. (telephone company, cable or power company) Any wire leaving a building is a highway for surveillance. I have a number of MP3 players that are also an FM radio. The earbuds are the antenna. While the wire is delivering the audio signal to the speakers in the earbuds, it is also sending the recieved signal to the computer (radio). Any unshielded wires in your house, including AC power, could be acting the same. The AC wiring in a house can act like an antenna and pick up and send data to an outside party. The entire electric grid including the telephone poles and all the wires connected could be acting the same. The entire planet could be hooked up to computers acting like HAARP. A huge antenna operating at low frequency and high power. A person's brain gives off about 30 HZ while awake. Steps must be taken to secure the inside if you can't eliminate all utilities. A possible way to defeat the sensors would be to generate a lot of garbage electro-magnetic waves around the people and make it difficult for the sensors to pick up the EMI given off by the people. The people would have to always remain near the generator.
Specific Ideas
1. Spark Generators
Spark transmitters were one of the first Morse Code machines. As radio progressed they were outlawed because they interfered with radio signals. A Jacobs Ladder is a type of spark generator. At high voltages they can interupt everything. The Titanic had a Spark transmitter.
2. Mechanical Generators
Electric motors are notorious for generating noise that interferes with sensitive electronics. All motors have a rotor that must move and be energized at the same time. This is accomplished with a conducting brush that keeps contact with the rotor. It's possible to imitate the noise made by electric motors and then amplify it and broadcast it on an antenna.
3. Electronic Generator
I began experimenting with Texas Instruments MSP430 line of microcontrollers. The Launchpad comes preprogrammed with a software routine that pulses an LED. I theorize you could simply take that pulse, amplify it and put it on an antenna and it might create enough disturbance for one person. It could be made small enough to hang around a person's neck. Another electronic idea is to build a white noise generator, chop up the signal somehow and amplify that.
4. It might be possible to record the noise made by a spark transmitter, make a computer file out of it, then rebroadcast (transmit) it through a cell phone or iPod.
5. Take a spark plug from an internal combustion engine, mount it in a piece of metal to simulate an engine and run it as it would normally be used. It would generate something similar to a Jacob's Ladder or an old fashioned Spark Transmitter.
6. Smarthome sells X10 technology. X10 technology was developed in the 1970's by a company in Scotland. It uses the AC wiring in a house to send control signals to devices connected throughout the house. With a central control panel any light or device can be turned on or off. So it's possible to inject noise onto AC wires.
7. Another method of disabling AC wiring would be to 'tap' the wires like a Morse code key.
8. Filtering is a use of passive componants to eliminate noise. Passive componants consist of capacitors, inductors and resistors. All of these come in voltage ratings high enough for 120 AC. A lowpass filter could be setup near the panel where the wire leaves the building and suppress any frequencies above 60 HZ.
Radio Jamming Equipment
Noise generators prevent signals from being picked up. They could also prevent transmitting. But it might be useful to use the radio spectrum so jamming is more appropriate. In the early days of radar during WWII they discovered the 'microwave hearing effect. It was a clicking noise in the ears of people near the equipment. This technology may be very advanced by now. A possible name is 'electronic brain link'. Jamming is the science of disabling only selected frequencies.
Modern communications are necessary to fight back. Data can be carried along with the normal signal. The human voice creates signals between 200HZ and about 30KHZ. Data could be superimposed on top of the voice. Filtering could prevent this. A low pass filter on a phone line could eliminate everything above 30KHZ. This does not totally solve the problem but it might help. Old style phone modems operate around 28KBPS which might get by, but it would slow the problem down.
General Information
Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...

Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, and it's companion website, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
Beginning of Actual Blog
Dec 31, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
From mid 1991 to mid 1992 I was in a workshop for mentally handicaped people. I got into it through Mass Rehab in Quincy. The workshop was located in the Lotus Development manufacturing facility in Cambridge. I think it was First St which is kinda near the Cambridgeside Galleria. You got off the green line at Lechmere and crossed the street. I don't think it's there anymore. Lotus Development doesn't exist anymore. I got minimum wage which at the time was about $4 an hour, half was paid by Mass Rehab and half by the company running the workshop GBRS (Greater Boston Rehabilitation Services). While there I had a supervisor named Deidre Thomas. She liked to be called DeDe. She was black, thirtyish a little heavy. She had a son either in High School or nearing it who was getting in trouble with the law. She named him Semaj. She told me it was James spelled backwards. ???? He came in one day and he had his name cut into his hair. ?????? Was someone trying to say something about King James and the King James Bible? Another client there took an unusual liking to me. Her name was Michele Urgo. She was about 10 years younger than me and quite attractive. She lived on Beacon St in Brookline, way out near Cleveland Circle. We went to dinner a couple times and some movies. One movie we saw was 'The Commitments' at the South Shore Plaza. The theatre is gone and in fact so is the store that came after. 'The Commitments' was about a group of Irish kids who form a soul group in Dublin. It was OK. The music was pretty good. It wasn't terribly flattering towards the Irish or other ethnic groups. At one point someone said "The Irish are the blacks of Europe, the Dubliners are the blacks of Ireland and the northern Dubliners are the blacks of Dublin". For some reason I never forgot that quote. These things lead me to believe I have been involved in this mess all along and not know it. There is a quote on the last U2 album "How could you stand next to the truth and not see it....". ????? Well this is my splanation. Suffering is a full time job. 'The Condition' (or whatever it's called) (Ironman) is like walking around with a broken arm all the time. The pain is so severe your life is about coping moment to moment whenever you're not having to deal with people. You should get some inner voice from someone (Sabrina maybe) and not when she's dealing with people but alone. You'll get it!! If you don't I can't help you. Why is the Taxi Driver trying to help Jodie Foster? ??? He's psycho!!! "....but my dreams they aren't as empty, as my conscience seems to be....' I don't know how long I should keep this up. I don't know if I'm helping or hurting. I feel I can't listen to anyone else for so many reason's. If you have an implant you won't always do whats in your best interest. If you supervise the people with implants you're a problem. These stories are the only way they can communicate safely. I guess. Sometimes I think everyone who comes to this site gets chased around by these psychos and most people don't last very long. Whenever I agonize over this I leave it up. I don't know what to do. I could use a little help here. I don't want to live anymore. I don't want to go through anymore misery. I'm not living on the streets waiting for my ship to come in. I don't want a ship anymore.
Dec 30, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Today's Brain Farts
brought to you by-
Nute's Boston Baked Beans
"Beans, beans they're good for the heart,..
the more you eat the more you f&*6..."
'Advertising is the only truth to be found in newspapers'
Thomas Jefferson
Whoever said 'A picture is worth a thousand words' was probably related to whoever said 'There's a sucker born every minute'.
Photography is art for people with short attention spans
Photography is news for people with short attentions spans
There is no such thing as political ideology
The democrats and republicans are the political equivilent of the catholics and the protestants.
It's the divide and conquer theory of making money and holding power.
All paper money must return to it's intrinsic value, zero, and that is what the world stage is for!!!
Political speeches are 19th century soundbites
they're as worthless as 20th century soundbites
they make epic some event that was BS in the first place
Western Civilization is one big collective drama queen
"Will you won't you, will you won't you come and join the dance...!"
Dec 29, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
A noise generator idea. This is how I know about BPL (broadband over powerlines). A number of years before my father died I bought him a Christmas present from a company called Smarthome. They're based in California. The present consisted of a small control panel and some smart receptacles that plug into an ordinary wall outlet. The smart receptacles are programed to have an 'address' like computer's on the internet, but it works inside a single family house. The control panel sends a signal on the live AC wiring of the house and can turn on a light or some other device. He never used it. Filtering every device connected in a house is difficult unless it is done at the panel. I don't know if they make filtered circuit breakers or not, but doing it at each outlet is not really feasible. This idea is to make a control panel type device that plugs into a wall outlet and introduces noise on the entire system.
To Mustang Saul,
"Fe Fi Fo Fum,..I hear the engine of a pope slug scum"
Dec 28, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
My take on the 2007 Boston 'Adult Swim' advertising hoax. In 2007 two freaks were prosecuted for placing LED laden printed circuit boards on public property in and around Boston. The Boston Police bomb squad went apesh&6 and spent a couple million dollars removing them. The boards were of a cartoon channel character, named Adult Swim, flipping the bird (the middle finger). It is a reference to a B-52 song 'Private Idaho'. When the two got to court they made a mockery of the situation by insisting everyone talk about hair in the 1970's. Hair (Hare) today gone tomorrow was what they were saying. Hair (Hare) in my opinion is a reference to White Rabbit of Jefferson Airplane. 'Alice (in Wonderland) is an Adultery' by Aleister Crowley. LSD Passionate lady,....give up your vows,... save our city, right now...... Roadhouse Blues - The Doors. Adult Swim is a reference to what 'they' say to the potential 'rabbit'. I don't know who 'they' are and I don't care. 'They' try to goad someone onto running because the rabbit is too old to be living at home. 'Adult Swim' 'You can't be 20 on Suger Mountain.....' Sugar Mountain - Neil Young. In my opinion 'They' can go f*&^ themselves.
Sincerly J Edna Hoover
enemy of Trans fat
You invented phoney freedom,
why is beleiving in it a capital offense for one ethnic group only?
You have to get the proletariat to kill the proletariat
(Seven Days in May)
(the second Austin Powers movie)
"Is it live or is it Memorex"
Dec 27, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Obama is catholic,...
Andrew Breitbart found out,...
and was either murdered,...
or sent to live with Montag and the book people...
You f&64ed it up this time didn't ya Yahwah..
What now Brutus....
It's Yahwah or the highway.....!!!
What happened to Michael Savage on WRKO?
He disappeared in a hurry,
Did he get his radio out?
Can you put it back?
He was funny, sort of!!!
I Am A Nut Job
Pres of Iran
As in I ran...
a rolling stone
wandering jew
C'mon people this is easy...
' really don't want to know how far it's gone...
just leave well enough alone....
Have they done the operation.....
is her hair dead yet?....
ya know the boys in the newsroom got a runnin bet..
get the widow on the set...
eat your dirty laundry....
I'm the slime ozzing out of your TV set....

Roman Polanski ???
Was there actually a Sharon Tate?
Was she pregnant?
Did they actually get murdered????
Did they go to live with Montag and the book people?
Roman Polanski????
They associated him with a sex crime?????
ROMAN Polanski???
and then he got away????
To live in Switzerland????
Somebody wrote 'pig' on the wall????
Why blame Manson????
He had nothing else to do????
Wall St and the Rise of Hitler
a book by
Antony C Sutton
Gulag Archipelago
a book by
Alexandr Solshinitzen
According to Antony C Sutton and Alexandr Solshinitzen (I think) Russia and China fell a very very long time ago. Russia and China are now State Capitalist countries because the west won (no lost) the Cold War.
At the end of the musical Hair the main character boards a plane in the Nevada desert and dies in Vietnam despite the fact he is not in the Army. As he boards the plane he praises God and says something about Manchester England. 'Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow' The two freaks who were prosecuted for the Adult Swim advertising hoax in Boston in 2007. The same people who invented phoney freedom blame the first English settlers to deflect attention from themselves and you assholes buy it.
Did you know that John Boehner (speaker of the house) graduated a Jesuit University and is Catholic? Did you know that Harry Ried (leader of the Senate) is a Morman? And Barack Obama is probably Catholic. So that's 6 of one, half a dozen of another and another 6. THATS 666
"That's a joke son, I made a funny and you're not laughin"
Are you getting the picture I don't give a f*&^ about anything.
Dec 26, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Before they stuff the genie back in the bottle can I get 3 wishes. Can I have 5 minutes to recover from 30 years of bad medical treatment? No. How about 5 minutes to recover from the 10 years I have spent trying to get away from the medical treatment that made me so sick? No. How about 2 in the hat at 2 in the morning? No. Maybe 5 minutes to recover from the intense pain I suffered before I got 30 years of bad medical treatment? No. Is that 15 minutes? My brain is so fried I have trouble. Ask Andy Warhol. Is that my 15 minutes of fame? No. Figures, I got gypped. I don't want to be famous anyway. I think it's a curse, it might save me.
'If I gave you everything that I owned...'
and asked for nothing in return...
would you do the same for me..
as I did for you....
Or would you take me for a ride..
and strip me of everything including my pride..
The spirit is something you can't destroy....

The Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys
' go down in your own way...
Pink Floyd
(Quasimodo at area 51)
It used to be that when you turned off an electrical device it was off. Today, that is no longer the case. Almost everything plugged in is drawing current all the time. Given the reality of Broadband over Power Lines (BPL) technology there is no telling what they are doing. The only way I know of to prevent a device from sending data over the power line is to filter the power line itself. The top link is an 'off the shelf' product that can be inserted into a power line to remove everything from 10KHZ to 1GHZ. The top 3 pictures is a way to use it. Cut the actual power cord, then mount the device into a project box and then wire the cord to the device in the box. The middle link is the catalog I got the AQ Series from. They come in all sizes and power levels. The data sheets for each filter has a schematic for each one. It seems that the more stages a filter has the wider the frequency range. The AQ Series actually states it goes from 10KHZ to 1GHZ. The bottom picture is of a GE DSL filter I took apart and am trying to reverse engineer. I'm not sure if it filters very high frequencies. The bottom link is a Westek catalog. Westek has a filter that it states goes from voice to 200MHZ. It can be bought directly from Westek on thier website. The number is TC-Z100B1.
Dec 25, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Toward the beginning of 'Alice in Wonderland' Alice encounters some elderly English people. One of them comes out of a book and is labeled 'Dodo'. A Dodo bird is an extinct bird. They are all nuts and try to give Alice some advice. "William the Conqueror whose cause was favored by the Pope" There is no England anymore. England was overrun a long time ago. Queen Elizabeth II is more German than English. The name House of Windsor is made up. They were originally the House of Saxe-Coburg but they changed it before WW I because it sounded too German. They simply made up the name Windsor.
I thought I would update people on the measures I am taking to combat the surveillance. The top 3 pictures are of the communications panel I have been working on for about a year. I still don't have the phone lines in the panel but I have them organized above it. I have placed an in-line GE DSL filter on each extension. It is an 'off the shelf' low pass filter used to keep DSL signals off the other lines in a house and still be able to use the internet. I am trying to keep high speed data off the phones. I think I have disabled the Caller ID so I am pretty sure it is working. I know I can't disable everything on the phone or the voice won't work but it will slow any surveillance down. The filter is in-line so it keeps anything generated by the phone that is over the voice frequency from leaving the house. I have done something similar with the alarm system. I can hook up and disconnect the phone line for the alarm as needed. I also wanted to stop high speed signals from leaving the house via the power line. (Broadband Over Powerline - BPL) I moved the AC transformer for the control panel to a shelf next to the outlet.(bottom 6 pictures) I built a box to hold a power line filter and I am now running the transformer through that. This is the same general thing as the DSL filter but for the power line. It is in-line so it will suppress anything over a certain frequency. I made the box big in the event I wanted to add something. The alarm system has motion detectors, smoke detectors and contact switches as well as a panel so I am trying to stop anything communicating with the outside world that I don't want to. Another thing I am doing that si not pictured is to build some aluminum boxes to hold things like cameras, MP3 players etc while not in use.
Dec 24, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
To Save You Mr. Thorn......
Born June 6 6AM (666)....
Roman Research
In the 1980's I attended a club house program funded by The Department of Mental Health called Atlantic House. It was located in Jackson Square in E Weymouth. Two of the staff were very friendly with me, Joe and Ellen LePage. I tried to work and make something of myself during those years despite terrible terrible pain. Looking back it makes no sense what so ever. One of the last jobs I had before going on assistance was at a company called Thayer Scale in Pembroke Mass. I quit the job in Oct 1988 and went back to that company in Aug 1995 and stayed again until Oct 1998. While there the first time I was acquainted with a girl at Atlantic House who worked off and on for a company called Roman Research which was also located in Pembroke. They sold jewelry items through the mail. At least that was my understanding. Several times this girl said to me that she was 'volunteering' her time there for no money. It was a private corporation and I thought that was funny and I told her that. I went back to Thayer Scale company in 1995. I was there only a few months when I was given a new doctor at South Shore Mental Health. She was about 40, blonde semi attractive. Her name was Deborah Silen. She looked something like Valerie Plame of the CIA scandal. She switched me to Risperdal without my asking which is unusual. She left a couple months later and I was given Dr Reiner with whom I stayed until I left in 2003. I bring up the Plame incident as just another cover story by the media. But I have no idea. Whether my life was destroyed for some specific reason, such as the Antichrist, or I'm just a victim they're having difficulty getting rid of I am not co-operating with anyone. You can blow up the friggin world and blame me or completely ignore me I don't care FU FU FU. I can't stop you from doing any of these things. But I'm not helping you with anything. FU FU FU.
'Who was born in a house full of pain...
who was trained not to spit in the fan...
who was told what to do by the man....
who was fitted with color and chains....

Pink Floyd
"To save you Mr Thorn,
and so Christ will forgive me.."
The Priest to Gregory Peck at the beginning of the movie "The Omen"
It's sex abuse ya know..... FU FU
whoever has synthetic telepathy is responsible for everything
(sarcasm alert) Samuel Finley Breeze Morse invented the telegraph around 1845. A few years earlier he published a book titled "Foriegn Conspiracies Against The Liberties Of The United States: The Numbers Of Brutus". It was a scathing indictment of the Jesuits. Thirty years or so later Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. A Jesuit bought the first telephone and used it as a bug in Bell's lab.
In the 1970's and 80's people talked a lot about the mystery's in The Bermuda Triangle. The Bermuda Triangle is an area off the east coast of the United States. It's mostly ocean but what islands there are belong to the United Kingdom. (the bahama mama) Is this an old exile for 'jews'? Like an Israel gone by? Was Alexander Hamilton from here? What can Calypso music tell anyone. Is there a death and rebirth theme in Scientology? (implant) Do they put this theme in every religion they make up? Is this the connection to Egypt?
Dec 23, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Catalyst - A medium or intermediary used to affect change. An ingrediant added to a process necessary for the process to occur. In the chemical process of electrolysis salt is added to water to help separate the oxygen and hydrogen. In Western Civilization a 'jew' is a catalyst for change. There is always an ethnic group 'on the outs' to help get the people at the bottom to kill each other. A 'jew' can be any group targeted by the elite for the purposes of holding power.
The Bermuda Triangle of the Bahama Mama (Queen Elizabeth II) and Peter Benchley's 'The Deep'. Things disappear into the Bermuda Triangle and are never heard from again. Jesus died was buried and rose again after 3 days. (YA) 'When you get to heaven, you'll wish you were in hell...' Wormboy - Marilyn Manson This stuff works on stupid people, but thats what education is for and education is what drugs are supposed to destroy. (Alice in Wonderland) They're all the same thing. The minute you turn to anyone who is anyone you have turned to the enemy unless they know you have switched sides. (Luke I am your father, come over to the dark side) If you believe in someone there will always be an enemy. If the Pope is your hero there will be a Black Pope, White Pope fight and so on and so on. They have to know you have switched sides (and what don't they know). Benjamin Disraeli is considered most responsible for the situation in Israel. He was the Prime Minister of England in the 1800's. The Pope is mostly responsible for Scientology. Or thats how it looks. They all knew what was going on and contributed. The situation in Nevada and Lake Havasu is the kind of stuff they pull to make it appear there are 2 sides and get the f&^4heads at the bottom kill each other. My guess is the whole Henry VIII thing was staged for the benefit of the sheeple. Henry wanted his own 'Sun King' which is something the uneducated people of the day would believe. Both the kings and the church are responsible for the split evidenced by Scientology. They use religion to control the sheeple and the church is an partner. They don't care about any dogma. All paper currency must return to it's intrinsic value. Zero. They need to have a reasonable excuse to get it going. Religion is an old favorite.
Dec 22, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Obama is a Catholic
Rev Jeremiah Wright (Michael Pfleger) is a right wing (catholic priest) protestant preacher who is Barach Obama's religious (catholic) adviser. That would make Obama catholic. Eisenhower allowed Alaska and Hawaii into the union. Are both of those states safe havens for when the shit hits the fan. My mother tried to escape to Alaska. A long time DJ at WBCN is now living in Hawaii.
By 1820 the catholic church had ended it's Inquisition. In almost every country where it went on, there is a museum dedicated to the devices they used to torture and kill people. By 1860 the Pope had lost all his political power. Just after the American Civil war they convened Vatican I. Publically the reason for it was so the church could redefine itself as a spiritual institution only. The book 'Alice in Wonderland' was published in 1865. Did they finalize the 'Alice in Wonderland' genocide at Vatican I? Is this what they do at those things? The lives of Joan of Arc, Sir Thomas More, Gilles de Rais and others were forgotton by the 1860's. Why did someone drag up those controversies again? Was it Aleister Crowley and the occultists? Were they trying to expose the 'Alice in Wonderland' genocide? Vatican II was convened about 1960, around the same time Scientology made it's appearance. Is Scientology the genocide they came up with at Vatican II? Why do they do these things?
Go Ask Alice
Baker and Taylor
(Some books have been proven as frauds)
Some believe the book 'Go Ask Alice' and the movie were an attempt to explain away the 'Alice' activities going on in San Francisco in the late 60's and the song 'White Rabbit' by Jefferson Airplane.
'Go Ask Alice.....
I think she'll know....'

White Rabbit
Jefferson Airplane
Dec 21, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Phil in the Blank or Blank the Phil
Chances there is a Gabby Giffords from Arizona.
________ .
Chances there was a Hurricane Sandy.
________ .
Chances there is a Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Ct.
________ .
Chances there is a Shiri Spear weather girl on Fox 25 in Boston.
________ .
Chances Phil is gonna take off with an LSD girl from the Weymouth Starbucks.
_______ .
Chances Phil gives a F%$# about any of this.
_______ .
OK now add up your answers and if it totals more than zero you FLUNK.
'That graven image you know who,...
and his plastic crucifix...
He's got him fixed....

My God
Jethro Tull
(and they're off -- Mustang bullet Saul is in the lead---
the V-Man has a Mustang SHHHHH I'm not supposed to post anything else about him)
'If you walk away....
I will follow....

I Will Follow
I have been imagining my next contact with the Pig-Lice. (pope slug Pig-Lice) I'm out walking and I pull one of MY chickenshit stunts to get back at the germ race and they stop me:
Pig-Lice: I want you to stop doing that,..
Me: Doing what?
Pig-Lice; You know,..
Me: No, I don't....
(I refuse to acknowledge them as human and do whatever I can to de-humanize them)
Pig-Lice: Well, you know...
Me: No, what are you talking about?
Pig-Lice: People know you're crazy and you're scaring them...
Me: I may be crazy but I'm far saner than you will ever be, most of my problems are physical caused by you. Your insanity comes naturally.
Pig-Lice: Look I'm telling you to stop.
(I hesitate for a very long time to screw with him)
Pig-Lice: You understand?
Me: No officer I don't.
(commentary-Ironman kills the people he once saved-because he finds out they're lying thieving chickenshit psychopath killers who have been fu9&56ing with him)
'They want you to play Jesus,...
and go down on one knee,...
but they'll want thier money back...
if you're alive at 33....
You're a headache in a suitcase..
you're a star.....
You were stealing from thieves
and you got caught...

Hold Me Thrill Me Kiss Me Kill Me
'Catching halos on the moon.....
In the heat of the night the animals scream....
Fall fall fall fall....

The Hanging Garden
The Cure
(waterboarding 3:33)
'When I die I'm going to the place..
that's the best...

Spirit in the Sky
Norman Greenbaum
'When you get to heaven,...
you'll wish you were in hell,...'

Marilyn Manson
The Boston police strike of 1919
I have said in the past that the federal government can never get out of debt because of the 'money as debt, debt as money' central banking system. But that's not totally true. Any section of the economy could pay off all it's debts but the dollar itself will never break even. So the government could pay off all it's debts or say New England could but because every dollar created comes with interest it will never break even. Since every country on earth uses this system it is impossible for everyone to get out of debt.
All paper money must return to it's intrinsic value.
Ludwig von Mises
'When the great economic collapse happens, it will be right across the board, I mean I don't think Rock N Roll will go first......
Pink Floyd
Live From Pompeii DVD
My Youtube has a short video on this
Dec 20, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
The PMRC Hearings
Below are some excerpt's from a video titled : Hannah Arendt "The Dangers of Obedience"
..the world found nothing sacred in the abstract nakedness of being human. Every event had the finality of a last judgement passed neither by god nor the devil but by some unredeemably stupid fatality. The real horror began when the SS took over the administration of the camps. The old spontaneous beastiality gave way to an absolute systematic destruction of human bodies calculated to destroy human dignity. Hell in the most literal sense was embodied in the camps perfected by the Nazi's in which the whole of life was systematically organized for the greatest possible torment. The triumph of the SS demands that the tortured victim allow himself to be led to the noose without protesting. That he abandon himself to the point where he ceases to affirm his identity. It is not gratuitasly out of sheer sadism that the SS men desire this defeat. THEY KNOW THAT THE SYSTEM THAT SUCCEEDS IN DESTROYING IT'S VICTIM BEFORE HE MOUNTS THE SCAFFOLD IS THE BEST FOR KEEPING A WHOLE PEOPLE IN SLAVERY. ......
In order to fight totalitarianism one need understand only one thing, totalitarianism is the most radical breakdown of the whole structure of morality. The commands and prohibitions that translate the fundamental idea of freedom and justice into social relationships and institutions. Thus the common ground upon which lawlessness can be erected and from which fear springs is the impotence that men feel who are already radically isolated.
These laws have nothing to do with reason or permanance. Rather they are laws of movement. Nature and history are transformed by the soil that supports human life into gigantic forces whose movements race through humanity dragging every individual willy nilly with them, either riding a top the triumphant car or crushed under it's wheel. From the elimination of harmful or supperflous individuals the result of historical movements rises like the phoenix from it's own ashes. Humans being's thrown into the process of nature or history can only be the executioners or victims of it's inherant law. In a state of terror they must be prepared equally well for the role of victim or executioner.

It is kill or be killed. Maim or be maimed. Phoney Beatlemania has bitten the dust.
'I am so All-American sell you suicide...'
The Irresponsible Hate Anthem
Marilyn Manson
If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have radio technology to drive people to suicide.
Dec 19, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Was Napolean Bonaparte more Italian than French? Was Corsica under Italian rule at the time? Why was his first exile on Elba, which is even closer to Italy than Corsica? Why did Christopher Columbus, an Italian, discover the New World for the Spanish? Why was America named for Amerigo Vespucci?
Sir Thomas More lived from the late 1400's to the mid 1500's. He was executed in the Henry VIII affair. He attained a fairly high position in the kings court so he was a sir before he died. He was not beautified by the Catholic Church until 1886 and was not made a Saint until 1935. Joan of Arc lived at the beginning of the 1400's. She was burned at the stake for witchcraft at about 20 years of age. She was not made a saint until 1905. During Shakespear's time she was considered a whore. Gilles de Rais fought along side Joan of Arc and eventually served as the Marshall of France for a time. He was eventually executed for sexually abusing and murdering hundreds of small children. He is considered the first Bluebeard (Shylock, Rolling Stone, Wandering Jew, Puss N Boots). Why were the controversies surrounding Thomas More and Joan of Arc brought up again after so many years? Who is responsible for that? Aleister Crowley and the occultists? Why did the church react the way they did? The catholic church is historically against any parlimentary or representative government. (No Friend of Democracy by Edith Moore) In fact they hate sharing power with anyone. I believe they have reluctantly shared power with some of the rulers in Europe but reluctantly. If they decide not to go along they get what Henry VIII and Louis XIII got. But then again maybe they're all the same thing.
Lake Havasu "London Bridge is Falling Down"
Lake Havasu is downstream from Hoover Dam on the Colorado River between California and Arizona. About 1970 the owner of the McCulloch chainsaw company bought the London Bridge and shipped it piece by piece to Arizona and reassembled it at Lake Havasu. So, let's see. They built Hoover Dam in the 1930's to fill Lake Meade to have water to build Las Vegas in the 1940's to act as a distraction/attraction for the death camp/colliseum in the desert north of Las Vegas they built in the 1950's because some people want to be free from the Pope. OK. And I'm crazy. Thou Shall Not Kill. HHMMMM. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!!!
Dec 18, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
George Orwell was quoted as saying "In an age of universal deceit, telling the truth is an act of revolution". When he uses the word 'age' he means several hundred years. Anyone who tries to expose the truth behind the throne has to disguise it. 'Alice in Wonderland' by Lewis Carol for example. I, on the other hand, have nothing to win and nothing to lose. My life has not just been destroyed but made a living nightmare since I arrived. I am the iceberg for the NWO Western Civilization. Everyone gets an instant dip in the North Atlantic and it's sink or swim. I don't care if Western Civilization goes on or not. I beleive Aleister Crowley was no different from Lewis Carol. But instead of writing a couple novels he used his entire life as a media figure to leave a record of the evidence. Early in his career as an 'occultist' he purchased Boleskine House in Scotland to perform some type of difficult ritual. Boleskine House is near Loch Ness which is famous for the Loch Ness Monster. Here, he might have been trying to call attention to The Scottish Enlightenment aka capitalism. The media called him 'The Wickedest Man in the World'. He marketed himself as 'The Great Beast 666', but what he meant was he was exposing the great beast of capitalism. The mountain of lies the psycho-power elite rule behind. One clue he left behind, as did many others, is a connection to Egypt. I'm not sure what this is symbolic of but it pops up every where.
Dec 17, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
The following topics have been added to the Home page for investigation:
The Federal Reserve
The Federal Reserve is the central bank of the United States of America. It is a 'Money as Debt, Debt as Money' system that provides a bottomless bank account for the rich and powerful to maintain thier status. The application of interest in this system makes it mathematically impossible for the American people, or any one else who uses this system to get out of debt. Every dollar created comes with interest, so the money to repay the debt doesn't exist.
Geheimnis Tibet
Geheimnis Tibet was a movie made by the German Nazi's 2 or 3 years before the outbreak of WWII. A German film maker, supported by Hitler's own men, went to Tibet to search for the roots of Aryanism. This makes no sense as the people of Tibet are more Asian in origin. What were the Nazi's trying to say?
IG Farben
An investigation of IG Farben proves George Orwell's treatise on war as defined in his fictional book "The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism". IG Farben and Rockefeller's Standard Oil, among others, supplied and funded both sides in WWII. Prescott Bush, the father and grandfather of two presidents, was accused of helping.
Jasenovac was a concentration camp during WWII located in what would become Yugoslavia after the war. It was the scene of some of the worst atrocities of the war. Members of the Catholic church openly participated in the killings. Some of those people were later honored by the church and thier guilt was covered up.
The Microwave Hearing Effect
The microwave hearing effect was discovered during WWII in the early days of Radar. The technicians who worked at Radar sites reported a clicking noise in their ears while working near the equipment. The phenomena is now used intentionally to drive people crazy with voices. Combined with synthetic telepathy and neural implants it is a mind control technique. You don't need an implant to hear things that aren't there. This technique could be used to convince people to accept an implant and once they do they're finished.
Vatican Ratlines
Vatican Ratlines is a term used to describe the Pope's role in smuggling high ranking Nazi's out of Europe after WWII. Many were given passports by the Vatican and allowed to travel to Argentina. After staying in Argentina for a short time some were brought to the US and worked on the CIA's MK Ultra mind control program.
The following topic was removed from the Home page because of the difficulty proving it's existance:
Weather Control
Dec 14, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Every Time They Need A Distraction.......
Sports in the age of mind control is BS. Since I have become aware of the problem I have wondered how The Boston Celtics won all those championships in the 1960's. Red Auerbach was a magician. No. Red Auerbach had a wizard. Since the year 2000 The Patriots have won 3, the Red Sox have won 2, and the Bruins and Celtics 1 each. When the psychos that be need some extra distraction in a given area this is what they do. Even without mind control it’s BS. They can make up some reason for a team to have financial problems and have that team trade thier best players to wherever they want. It’s BS.
'You really don't want to know how far it's gone....
Dirty Laundry
Don Henley
'I'm the slime oozing out of your TV set....
I'm the Slime
Frank Zappa
'Police stop my crime again...

The 'Suit of Lies'
This is some advice on how to deal with the 'Suit of Lies'. The 'Suit of Lies' is applied to someone who has been destroyed (jewed) and marked for elimination. 'With or without you, ....I can't live...' It is mostly used in the mental hospital but can be used before as a means to commit someone to the hospital. People have the right to Habeas Corpus, which is the right not to be held for long periods of time without formal charges, but they can be committed to a mental hospital for 1 year. The 'Suit of Lies' and harassment is stepped up to get a person to 'go off' and get themselves in deeper. If you commit a crime in the hospital they have a reason to keep you even longer. There are ways of getting out. 'Back of the Roadhouse we got some bungalows.....' Here are two techniques I used. It's kinda like turnabout, treating the other person in just as de-humanizing a fashion. I would go along with a conversation for a couple sentences to let them know I am making sense and string them along, and then say something really nasty out of context. Then I would not respond to a couple questions. Sit in silence. Sometimes I would answer out of turn. They would ask a question and I would wait till the next question to answer the first one. Sometimes I would say something really nasty. You have to go along enough so they understand you are not crazy. Sometimes having lucid conversations with the mental health workers helps. They just report back to the psychotrist.
This is some instructions on how to use this website. I sometimes quote songs from Rock N Roll. When I do it's 4 or more lines of text to the left of the page. Here is an example:
'The kid in the corner looked at the priest...'
What God Wants Pt 1
Roger Waters
The top line is italicized and is a line from the song. Sometimes I have more than one line of italicized. The next line is the name of the song. The next is the artist and the last is the approximate date it was released. Any of these songs can be found free of charge on by typing in the song title and artist.
Dec 13, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
In an attempt to prove out of control surveillance. (this one's kinda weak I think) As I go about my day I often see people with cell phones in public. I guess everybody does these days. When I see them I say to myself 'get off the phone' or something to that effect. I don't have a cell phone. Aside from the fact 'I can't be reached' (HA HA) I don't want to be reached. It's an infernal machine. Either yesterday or today the news in the morning had a Chinses girl being tased by Pig-Lice in some NH mall for trying to buy too many iPhones. She didn't speak English. ???? (Phil news) ??? Today I went to Burger King in Weymouth with my mother and there was a Chinese man talking on his cell phone the entire time. He didn't speak English. I often wonder (and figure there's no point asking) who is getting WPHIL in Project Bluebeam. The Pig-Lice or the people they put in harms way. Who's Scientology and who isn't. You can get rid of me and it won't solve anyone's problem. They'll just beam The Best of WPHIL into everyone and say 'well now it's that guy over there'. Or they'll beam that guy into everyone. I am not aiming anything at anyone. I am not responsible for aiming anything at me and I didn't accept an implant (if you need one). Sometimes I think we're all in the same boat, sometime's I feel it's not my cross to bear sometimes the situation just infuriates me. Anger is probably the only thing I do feel, but 5 minutes alone and I'm back to an endless stream of random thoughts, unless I get a good chickenshitting and then it's the drug. Anyway I'm not sure this really proves anything, but a number of people were sent to Burger King prior to my arrival.
Does Your Dog Bite?
Boston Dynamics - Big Dog -The Same People Are Responsible For Everything When I was 10 or 11 years old I was invited to join a Rock N Roll band. I wasn't really interested but I did it anyway. I bought a used bass and amplifier from my sisters boyfriend. We called ourselves 'Tyme' but the kids called us Grand Funk Jr because we played a lot of Grand Funk. I was really bad and really sick and we quit a few years later. By 1980 I was involved in the mental health system. Someone got me into the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) Heating and Air Conditioning program. This was well before I was on any assistance of any kind. I finished the program and got a job at a company called "Allied Heating and Air Conditioning" in Waltham. It was a little 'hole in the wall' near Waltham center. He had a contract with something called 'Studio 81' on Newbury St in Boston. It was a recording studio owned by the rock band The Cars who were quite big at the time. We kept going in there to fix stuff but it never seemed to get fixed. I only lasted 3 or 4 months with that company. Soon after I started going to this clubhouse payed for by the Dept of Mental Health called Atlantic House. There were two staff that were married. Joe and Ellen Lepage. They took an unusual interest in me. Ellen was a fanatic born-again christian and Joe had been in jail when she married him. Ellen said she was an ex-catholic. Joe kept telling this same joke over and over. It was a scene from 'The Pink Panther' where Peter Sellers pets a dog and the dog bites him. He had asked beforehand if the dog bites. ????? Joe and Ellen lived very near Columbian square where I have always lived. Was Ellen still a Catholic? Was someone trying to distance themselves from my life? By 1990 I had pretty much stopped going to Atlantic House. Ellen's oldest son was arrested in Egypt around that time for prothletising. He spent some time in jail. I read this in the local paper. I am not leaving Weymouth. You have destroyed my life and now you want my co-operation (or something) FU If I'm not dead when I leave or afterwards I'll be right back as soon as I'm able. If I don't have a place to live I'll walk till I drop. FU All I got left is dying and I'm not going to make it easy. FU
'The kid in the corner looked at the priest...'
What God Wants Pt 1
Roger Waters
'Liar Liar never gonna let you in...'
'I was in the kitchen,..'
Seamus (shame us) the dog was outside....

Pink Floyd
Dec 11, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
The Holinshed Chronicles is a history of England Ireland and Scotland written about 1550AD. It began as a history of all countries known at the time but was shortened to these three. William Shakespear is believed to have used this book to write the play ‘MacBeth’. ‘MacBeth’ is a glimpse into the secretive and manipulative nature of the power behind Western Civilization. It begins with a scene of 3 witch’s on a beach predicting the future. They predict MacBeth will win a battle and expose the Thane of Cawdor as a traitor. MacBeth is given the title of Thane of Cawdor. Eventually everything the witch’s predict comes true. “Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain”
Of what denomination was Oliver Cromwell?
Of what denomination was Charles I?
The Irish Catholics of the day supported the Royalists. ????
I have compiled a list of reasons of why this is happening and made some basic comments.
1. Ethnic Cleansing. People can be taught to hate and feel that they are superior to others. Sometimes it occurs naturally. If it is intentional the reasons are many but it comes down to power and money. You have to get the proletariat to kill the proletariat so the rich can have more. This can be difficult to do in the OK Corral.
2. Population Control. Any system of slavery overproduces everything and leads to overpopulation. To control the population you have to get the proletariat to kill the proletariat. I think at this point this is futile. The rich lost the battle of the numbers 100 years ago. If you believe what comes out of the stupidvision they aren't keeping up with the birthrate.
3. Wanna Start A War. According to George Orwell 'war keeps the structure of society intact', so the rich stay the rich and the poor stay the poor. The killing, destruction and fear keep the mass's distracted and busy while it is going on and busy rebuilding afterward. This is especially useful at times when the poor are blaming the rich.
4. Get Out Of Implant Situation. I believe mass mind control is already a reality and has been for quite some time. It may be the future for the rich to maintain thier status. If you are under mind control you probably want out. Nobody likes slavery who is a slave. If you are under mind control you have to come up with ways to get your message through while being controlled. Cornering and harassing 'a dog' like me would be a way to do that.
5. Collapse Capitalism. Capitalism is a very sophisticated form of slavery. It is overproducing everything and making a mess of the planet. It cannot continue forever. There are people for it and against it that know it must end and are trying to speed it along.
6. Capitalism Going Forward. Some people may be trying to save capitalism by having total control. Mind control and mass depopulation are thier agenda.
7. Romanism Continues. Romanism is an ancient ethnic identity/system/culture. It is characterized by brutal tyranny, greed, avarice, lust and is the bane of man's existence. Lucifer. Ancient Rome, for the most part, was a system of slavery. If you were a slave you were expendible. Use you up and get rid of you as quick as possible. It required quite an effort to become a citizen of Rome. They insured your loyalty long before it happened.
8. Oligarchy Collective Business As Usual. The term 'oligarchy collective' was first used by George Orwell to describe the political elite in his novel '1984'. Capitalism is a modern sophisticated form of slavery, the oligarchy collective is a modern form of Romanism. Or they are one in the same.
Dec 10, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day.
(I made my point)
Works of
Lewis Carrol
The Principles of Parliamentary Representation (1884)
La Guida di Bragia, a Ballad Opera for the Marionette Theatre (around 1850)
A Tangled Tale
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865)
Rhyme? And Reason? (also published as Phantasmagoria)
Pillow Problems
Sylvie and Bruno
Sylvie and Bruno Concluded
The Hunting of the Snark (1876)
Three Sunsets and Other Poems
Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There (includes "Jabberwocky" and "The Walrus and the Carpenter") (1871)
What the Tortoise Said to Achilles
Works by
Aldous Huxley
Crome Yellow (1921)
Antic Hay (1923)
Those Barren Leaves (1925)
Point Counter Point (1928)
Brave New World (1932)
Eyeless in Gaza (1936)
After Many a Summer (1939)
Time Must Have a Stop (1944)
Ape and Essence (1948)
The Genius and the Goddess (1955)
Island (1962)
Short stories
"Happily Ever After"
"Eupompus Gave Splendour to Art by Numbers"
"The Bookshop"
"The Death of Lully"
"Sir Hercules"
"The Gioconda Smile"
"The Tillotson Banquet"
"Green Tunnels"
"Nuns at Luncheon"
"Little Mexican"
"Hubert and Minnie"
"The Portrait"
"Young Archimedes"
"Half Holiday"
"The Monocle"
"Fairy Godmother"
"The Rest Cure"
"The Claxtons"
"After the Fireworks"
"Jacob's Hands: A Fable" (published 1997) co-written with Christopher Isherwood
Short story collections
Limbo (1920)
Mortal Coils (1922)
Little Mexican (US title: Young Archimedes) (1924)
Two or Three Graces (1926)
Brief Candles (1930)
Collected Short Stories (1957)
The Burning Wheel (1916)
Jonah (1917)
The Defeat of Youth (1918)
Leda (1920)
Arabia Infelix (1929)
The Cicadias and Other Poems (1931)
Collected Poetry (1971)
Pride and Prejudice (1940)
Madame Curie (uncredited, 1943)
Jane Eyre (1944)
A Woman's Vengeance (1947)
Prelude to Fame (1950)
Alice in Wonderland (uncredited, 1951)
The Perennial Philosophy (1945) Grey Eminence (1941)
The Devils of Loudun (1952)
The Discovery (based on Frances Sheridan) (1924)
The World of Light (1931)
The Gioconda Smile (play version, also known as Mortal Coils) (1948)
The Genius and the Goddess (play version, with Betty Wendel) (1957)
The Ambassador of Captripedia (1965)
Now More Than Ever (1997)
Other books
The Art of Seeing (1942)
Selected Letters (2007)
'Do yourself a favor,..
educate your mind...

Do Yourself a Favor
Edgar Winters White Trash
'Remember what the dormouse said....
Feed your head,,
Feed your head...

White Rabbit
Jefferson Airplane
Dec 9, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Nobody chooses the Matrix, the Matrix chooses them.
For Whom The Bell Tolls - a novel by Ernest Hemingway
Scientology is the Auto-Fasci-Mat and nobody is immune (I think)
It's like that movie 'The Invasion of The Body Snatchers'
Despite what the stupidvision says the catholic church never stopped killing people.
The American Inquisition is the Spanish Inquisition with the rule of law.
Really dumb question of the day: Are we trapped in Afghanistan?
In George Orwell's book '1984' Winston is given a copy of the new 'Newspeak' manual by someone he thinks is his friend. As he begins to read he discovers a book within the book. That book is 'The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism' by Emanuel Goldstein. He reads a passage,..
...........In accordance with principles it does not matter if the war is real or whether victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous. The essential act of modern warfare is the destruction of human production and labor. A hierarchial society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. In principle the war is planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against it's own subjects and it's object is not victory but to keep the very structure of society intact.
After 5 or 6 years of blowing stuff up and killing each other the same people will be in charge as in the beginning. Of course they aren't guilty of anything. "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain" Somewhere in either 'Alice in Wonderland' or 'Alice Through the Looking Glass' is something about a bee's nest. I don't know where. I think they covered you in honey and skipped town.
Afghanistan, where empire's die...
(again and again and again)
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
Those who do learn from history can repeat it on purpose.
"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain"
'Where's Bin Laden where's Bin Laden....
Khyber Pass
If I ever wind up in charge of anything, (I know thats REALLY dreaming) I would do it from some place like East BumF%$# South Dakota...
So, you think I should make myself available to people who eat, drink, sleep and breathe conspiracy....
'Will you won't you,...
Will you won't you...
Come and join the dance...

The Lobster Quadrille
from the book
'Alice in Wonderland'
Dec 8, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Why did Jackie O call the Kennedy White House 'Camelot'?
Is it a reference to the Mark Twain book 'A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court'?
Did they make a broadway musical titled 'Camelot' about it?
Did it star Robert Goulet?
Did Jackie later express regret for calling it that?
Was Kennedy the 'Connecticut Yankee' or 'King Arthurs Court'?
Dec 7, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Project Bluebeam got ya down boobie,..
take a 'go fu75 yourself pill'..
and you hit the road!!
'One of these days....
I'm going to cut you into little pieces....

One Of These Days
Pink Floyd
'..cause my thoughts are inside out....
The Kiss
The Cure
'A cop knelt and kissed the feet of a priest...
and the queer threw up at the site of that...

Five Years
David Bowie
Dec 6, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
If you think about the relationship between the catholic church and the OK Corral (USA or Sir Thomas More's 'Utopia') it makes sense. One day he was Ceasar, the next he was Pope, if you can't beat them pretend to join them. They had already hidden behind religion for centuries. When the number and education level of the mass's began to overwhelm them they invented the political equivilent after the New World was discovered.
This is a book I can believe in
(please see the book page for books on Romanism)
The Age of Reason
Thomas Paine
A Rolling Stone is a Wandering Jew
'And Lenny Bruce is not afraid....'
It's The End Of The World As We Know It
Dec 4, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
St Augustine's Limbo aka anathema - Anathema is a lifelong affliction. It's like mental retardation only it's someone else's mental retardation.
'I was taken to a place,....'
The Hall of the Mountain King,...

Spill the Wine
Eric Burden and War
'The kid in the corner looked at the priest...'
and fingered his pale blue Japanese guitar...

What God Wants Pt 1
Roger Waters
'I rode a tank in the generals rank,....'
when the blitzkrieg raged and the bodies stank...

Sympathy for the Devil
The Rolling Stones
I understand the Queen is having a baby. Is it the Pope's baby?
Who do you meet when you go to the hall of the mountain king?
While out walking this past month I have passed a car with a older man in it with the door of the car open. This has happened several times. ??????
Out Of Control Surveillance
Despite what anyone says, they don't want to end the welfare system in this country. If they did the rich would lose some of what they have in one of two ways. Either give some back, or lose it in a revolution. The welfare state gives just enough to the displaced to keep a gun out of thier hands. But the welfare state isn't satisfying the greed and avarice of the rich or solving the problem of the proletariat so a perpetual genocide is carried on. Hitler called it Fascism but here in America it's secret Fascism probably disguised as religious for the people who do it. Secret Fascism requires technology. They have at least 3 techniques they're using: 1-the microwave hearing effect 2-Neural Implants or neuroradio and 3-synthetic telepathy.
The microwave hearing effect was discovered during WWII by radar technicians who were experiencing clicking noises when working on the equipment. The microwave spectrum is from 300MHZ to 300GHZ. Anything above 300GHZ is light. This technology is everywhere and is capable of creating endless chaos and confusion. It could convince perfectly normal people they are crazy by giving them 'voices'. It could manipulate any situation to the advantage of the user. When I first began experiencing the surveillance state I would 'think' to myself a question or statement and expect a 'cough' for a no and a 'sneeze' for a yes from the person I live with. This happens quite a bit but I never see the person when it does. When I am out walking I here train whistles and car horns 'on que' a lot like they are responding in the affirmative. You could be having a conversation with someone right next to you and they could change some answers from the other person. I don't know if it is even possible to jam a portion of the radio spectrum that large. I seriously doubt this technology is being used from space. I think it would require too high a power level near the person they are using it on to be used from there. This is one reason why I think the whole power grid must be turned off and possibly torn down. You will never work within this technology and get rid of it at the same time.
There is some actual evidence that neural implant technology exists. It's physical presence can't be hidden in something else like a cell phone tower and maybe every once in a while they lose one. Dr Jose DelGado stopped a bull in Spain around 1965 with an implant. There is video of this on youtube. It could be possible to communicate with implants from space. They may not require anything in the microwave spectrum. They could operate as low as 100KHZ. A person with an implant might be aware of another person's every thought like the thought police in George Orwells book '1984'. They could be doing things against thier will. Shutting off the power grid wouldn't solve this problem but might help expose the people who have one. If you are working in a large enough area without power and still being spyed on the people around you would be the obvious culprit.
Synthetic telepathy is the ability to sense the electrical impulses of the human brain and reconstruct them into useable information. It's reading a persons mind electronically. The thought police. I am under constant surveillance. Wherever I go my intent preceeds me. Even when I am alone and have told no one where I am going. This is how I know. Proving this is next to impossible and has probably been used to send millions of people to mental hospitals as 'crazy'. ...the paper holds thier folded faces to the floor..Brain Damage Pink Floyd This technology requires a sensor or antenna to pick up the electrical impulses of the target. I think it is possible the entire electric grid could be used as a sensor. It is capable of two way communication as an antenna. Brain signals are at very low frequencies. 30HZ. Which is about half the frequency of the electric grid. I am not quite sure if that's important but these are more reasons to tear down the electric grid.
Dec 2, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Statute of Limitations - A period of time that begins with the commission of a crime to the point where a state or government will no longer prosecute.
Attempted Murder or Assault With Intent To Murder - Massachusetts 25 years - (2003)
Aiding and Abetting - ???? Depends on the Crime??? Grand Theft Auto maybe 10 years. (1980)
Drug Possesion - Drug Dealing - Drug Use - Maybe 5 years (1980)
'All crimes are paid,....'
God Save The Queen
The Sex Pistols
It's 10:30AM I'm leaving for Starbucks in Weymouth, you can have the chickenshitted coffee ready when I get there. It takes me about 20 minutes. (like you didn't know) You can come by and keep chickenshitting the new mattress and the old La Z Boy. (which has apparantly been like that since I got it 2 years ago) I slept on the floor last night (as if you didn't know) You have all the beer and vodka anyone could want. You have sports on at least channel year round. Most of you probably have 5 bedroom homes with two car garages and you threw it all away masterbating your hate. I betcha the father fuckigans are responsible for all of it and laughing themselves silly in Russia (like they did last time)
The Invisible Chickenshit Psychopath Slug Army
L Frank Baum
Oz works
Main: List of Oz books
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900)
The Marvelous Land of Oz (1904)
Queer Visitors from the Marvelous Land of Oz (1905, comic strip depicting 27 stories)
The Woggle-Bug Book (1905)
Ozma of Oz (1907)
Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz (1908)
The Road to Oz (1909)
The Emerald City of Oz (1910)
The Patchwork Girl of Oz (1913)
Little Wizard Stories of Oz (1913, collection of 6 short stories)
Tik-Tok of Oz (1914)
The Scarecrow of Oz (1915)
Rinkitink in Oz (1916)
The Lost Princess of Oz (1917)
The Tin Woodman of Oz (1918)
The Magic of Oz (1919, posthumously published)
Glinda of Oz (1920, posthumously published)
The Royal Book of Oz (1921, posthumous attribution—entirely the work of Ruth Plumly Thompson)
Dec 1, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Is This Phil News?
What's Britney Spears doing these days?
Crazy gurl
shavin her head like that,..
I likes crazy gurls from the FDA..
And Paris Hilton...
and daddy's got money,
'Thirty days in the hole.....'
'Welcome to the Hotel California...
Hotel California
The Eagles
'Check my brain,...
Check My Brain
Alice in Chains
I get a lot of indirect messages, or maybe they could be called invitations, to come here and do this or that. They're indirect because I don't speak to anyone. I get them from the radio or TV or something. (which is crazy and a reason to haul my ass to the funny farm) Some say things like 'you don't give enough' or 'help this needy person' or something to that effect. This is what they do to push the issue. They know I suffer from a physical problem and they will never treat it accordingly. They will always sidestep it and somehow make it my fault.
'Will you won't you,...
Will you won't you...
Come and join the dance...

The Lobster Quadrille
from the book
'Alice in Wonderland'
NO. I refuse to implicate or exonerate with association of any kind. I will however do it by throwing anyone under the bus at any time. I hate everyone. I hate GOD whores. I hate GOD sluts. I have no associations or affilliations what so ever no matter what anyone says. I can't control what other people say about me or do to me. I don't even care. I do the same to them. I have not joined any church, mosque political party etc. I am alone and prefer it that way. It's the germ race and there ain't a dimes worth of difference between the bacteria and the virus's.
'They want to force my hand,...
Last Of My Kind
Alice in Chains
A Literary Comparison To Prove In-Grained Hereditary Psychosis
The Malleus Malificarum was published about 1470 AD. The Guttenberg Bible was the first book published, The Malleus was second. Latent tendencies always prevail. The Malleus Malificarum, or more commonly called 'The Witch Hammer, was used to persecute witch's. No one really knows how many people were executed after being tried with this book. There are museums dedicated to the torture devices in almost every country where The Spanish Inquisition took place.
Alices Adventures in Wonderland was published about 1865. This is more a victims account. Imagine someone burning at the stake. Each chapter is a technique for torture disguised as fantasy. These people are pretty scary so you would disguise too. The American Inquisition is The Spanish Inquisition with the rule of law. We've come a long way baby, but it's clearly a struggle.
'One thing I do know,...
there's a lot of ruins in Mesopotamia

In an attempt to prove the existence of out of control surveillance. I like to make bacon and eggs in the morning. I use the grease from the bacon to oil the pan for the eggs. So I always do the bacon first. Until very very recently I was getting a lot of grease. Now I am getting practically none. The grease I do get is being absorbed by the eggs and they now stick to the pan. I don't discuss these things with my mother. Your mission if you decide to accept it, find out if this is no accident and how they know that and what they did.
Nov 30, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I have one literary and two movie (possibly literary) references to that scary dreaded hunted White Anglo Saxon Protestant that is such a threat to you. The first is in the book 'Alice Through The Looking Glass' written about 1870. There is a WASP rabbit shadow that Alice bumps into. The first movie is 'The Great Gatsby' of about 1970. The book was written in and set in the 1920's but I haven't read it so I'm not sure if it is the same. Jay Gatsby, the main character, is a WASP who is having 'issues' and dies young by manipulation. The second movie is 'Slaughterhouse-Five' which came out about 1970. The book was written in the 1950's. (I think) Billy, or Pilgrim, is a WASP who isn't that bright and believes he will die at the hands of UFO's. So this is about a hundred years of this psychosis. And you think I'm a jew who wants 'a pound of flesh'. (Mustang Saul) Is there anyone in your pod (I use that word because I don't know what you call more than one psycho) who actually remembers what the problem is. It appears to me this problem could go back to Henry VIII around 1500 AD. Once you create a perfectly good boogie man identity why get rid of it. (Watch out Islam assholes) Thank You and Fuck You
'It doesn't matter if we all die,.,..'
One Hundred Years
The Cure
'Chase the restless gringo through the fields,....
die, die die,....

The Cisco Kid
Chickenshit Strategy #177
'Oh Bla Di Oh Bla Da
life goes on,.....'

Oh Bla Di Oh Bla Da
The Beatles
Tyranny will always prevail because tyrants will do whatever it takes for power.
OK, then whats with the OK Corral and 'The Creepin Crud' strategy?
'Imagine a boot stamped on a human face, forever'
George Orwell
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
(Phil's been at the email again)
Nov 28, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
The book 'A Tale of Two Cities' by Charles Dickens is set during the first French Revolution. The basic story is this. An English commoner, also a drunken lawyer, falls in love with a young lady who is married to a French aristocrat. The French aristocracy is being executed by the thousands in the Revolution. ???? He travels to France with the young lady to get her husband out of the Bastille. He substitutes himself for her husband when he visits him. He goes to the gallows. Did this happen to most of the French royalty? In one of Mark Twains books, I don't know which one, the Dauphin is spotted in North America. The Dauphin is the french equivilent of the Prince of Wales, which is the next in-line for the throne. Mark Twain was a Freemason. He was born well after the French Revolution. Thomas Jefferson bought the Louisiana Purchase from Napolean after he took power. Jefferson was a Freemason. Did he help smuggle the French royalty out of France? How could Alexis de Tocqueville be descended from French Royalty after the Revolution if they all died?
Who do you meet when you go to 'The Hall of The Mountain King'? Spill the Wine - Eric Burden and War, among others.