Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
Is an abortion clinic a place where you can get an implant removed? Is abortion a cover story?
DON'T JOIN THE MILITARY! It's a sure way to wind up with an implant.
It is not enough to just shut off the power, the wires themselves can act as antenna's without power. It is possible for anyone to access them and have a very sensitive radio capable of picking up your electrical impulses. It is possible the entire electric grid is one big HAARP. Here is an idea to shut off power to a large number of telephone poles before cutting up the wires. Locate a substation. A substation is where the very high voltage of the high tension wires is stepped down for use locally. Substations can usually be found very near high tension wires. Cut down the nearest telephone pole in a direction away from the substation itself pulling the wire with it. This disconnects the wire without touching anything. Do this to enough substations close together and the wires might be dead. It takes time for the transformers on the poles to discharge. You could shoot a couple holes in the transformers before cutting down the pole.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, www.philipnute.com and it's companion website www.zsezse.com, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
At the very bottom of this page, on the left side, there are some examples of what I email to direct traffic to this site. I declare this public domain.
Feb 29, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
When a lowly arravite's opinion becomes worth something....
'Mrs Brown you've got a lovely daughter...'
You can't use the world stage to do anything to destroy the world stage.
If the doors of perception were cleansed, man would see things as they truly are, infinite.
If the final curtain came down on the world stage, the doors of perception would cleanse themselves. There are millions of people in this country who work in mental hospitals who have stories to tell but are afraid to say anything. On The Turning Away-Pink Floyd This country is a pressure cooker. Sometimes it's better to let it explode.
If the final curtain came down on the world stage, the doors of perception would cleanse themselves. There are millions of people in this country who work in mental hospitals who have stories to tell but are afraid to say anything. On The Turning Away-Pink Floyd This country is a pressure cooker. Sometimes it's better to let it explode.
I have found another theme in literature. At the end of each of these is a trial:
Pink Floyd's The Wall
Alice in Wonderland (the Whoopi Goldberg movie)
A Man For All Seasons (with Charleton Heston)
My take is if they can't get you to run or make your own situation worse (Face Up or You Better Back Down) they come up with a trial and convince you were at fault.
Pink Floyd's The Wall
Alice in Wonderland (the Whoopi Goldberg movie)
A Man For All Seasons (with Charleton Heston)
My take is if they can't get you to run or make your own situation worse (Face Up or You Better Back Down) they come up with a trial and convince you were at fault.
This is a relatively binine idea for creating havoc. Destroy all the telecommunication equipment that services Washington DC.
The BRIC. I have heard of somehing they call the BRIC. Brazil, Russia, India, China. Is this a hegemony designed to replace the American?
Feb 28, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I said a few days ago I wouldn't be surprised if Ahmadenijad, President of Iran, was just one of the boys on the world stage. I also wouldn't be surprised if Henry VIII was too. The English Reformation has provided centuries of fun for the f%$#2heads at the bottom. George Orwell believed war was designed to maintain a heirarchal society. It wastes resources and labor making the weapons. It kills a lot of people at the bottom. It destroys a lot of buildings, bridges etc that must be rebuilt. This wastes time money labor. It creates a lot of refugees who will spend years rebuilding thier lives. The people at the bottom lose property. If a society (culture or country) stagnates the poor might acquire and accumulate wealth and property. This creates financial freedom for millions. Financial freedom could lead to political and intellectual freedom. This is a threat to the people at the top. No one gets to be at the top unless they agree on how things are run. India is a very old culture. It has a different way of maintaining it's class structure. It is called 'the cast system'. You are born into a caste and never get out. Many people believe western culture is based on India. There was a book published in the late 1800's (I don't know the title) that caused quite a stir. It made the case that Jesus spent much of his youth in India.
Some thoughts on being 'blue' or sometimes refered to as 'jew'. Western civilization 'culture' centers around making 'jews'. The second someone is effectively destroyed it is the job of this 'culture' to torture and torment that person till death. Over the centuries they have come up with various ways to demonize the 'blue'. One way in the past was to call them 'jews' or Shylocks. People who were obsessed with money. But if you think about it, it makes sense. When someone is 'blue' they can't get along socially and they have trouble performing at work. So coming up with an easy way to live makes sense. A financial instrument or intellectual property. They would not have to go to work everyday and try to get along and perform. Thier money comes to them and they are the boss. Other ways are to call them communists or faggots. Todays specialty is psychiatric patient. Regardless of the label the idea is to lie to them, marginalize them and destroy them. If they were armed with the truth, they would better know how to function socially and wouldn't bother people so much. Other people would know how to treat them and know what to expect. There would be less friction. But since society (the culture) is responsible for thier condition this will never happen. My life is a lie until the day I die or you will get a call from Alice at the South Boston Savings and Loan.
Youtube or Internet Searches:
Scientology RPF
The Rwandan Genocide and the Catholic Church
Scientology RPF
The Rwandan Genocide and the Catholic Church
Electrical Noise: Fundamentals and Sources
M Gupta
M Gupta
Feb 27, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
![shot noise generator](http://www.philipnute.com/images/noise1.jpg)
Is the above circuit a basic shot noise generator?
Feb 26, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I have been reading some Aleister Crowley. One book is a banned lecture about Gilles de Rais. He was supposed to give this speech Monday Feb 3, 1930. The speech has something to do with revising history to suit ones purpose. Gilles de Rais is someone who fought alongside Joan of Arc in the early 1400's. He was eventually convicted of hundreds of child murders and met the same fate as Joan of Arc. The speech contends there could not have been that many children in the area he lived that dissapeared. He also makes the point that during Shakespears time Joan of Arc was considered a whore and a slut. It wasn't until 1907 she was made a saint. The church re-invented Joan to suit it's need. But not Gilles de Rais. Joan of Arc was fighting the English for the French. Shakespear was English. I'm not sure if he was biased. The church demonized Gilles as a satanist as they did Aleister Crowley. George Orwell begins the novel '1984' with the saying "He who controls the past, controls the future. He who controls the present, controls the past. He should have said "He who controls the surveillence controls everything". He also talks about how the church calls all 'jews' communists and bolsheviks. My point is there is no such thing as communism. There are only two sides on the planet. Thems with and thems without. The surveillence controls everything. Communism is the end result of capitalism. People who think they are fighting for communism are simply being kept busy by the people who control everything. The other book is 'Liber al Vel Legis' or 'The Book of the Law'. Aleister Crowley was accused of 'talking to the dead'. People like me'. I think this idea was not original to Mr Crowley. Capt Ahab anyone? Alice in Wonderland? The first chapter has the saying "Do what thou wilst will be the whole of the law'. To me this could have two meanings. Either it is the constitution of the people who create people like me or it is what 'The Man in The Box' is supposed to do. I am the man in the box. You are only immortal for a limited time. The second chapter is about creating the man in the box. The man in the box is designed to draw attention to the plight of the dead. Bring publicity. The dead have no other voice. The entire book has Alice themes. Alice is an adultery.
Education, education, education
Do what you can to avoid Winston
'Remember what the doormouse said,..
Feed your head,..
Feed your head...'
Jefferson Airplane
Do what you can to avoid Winston
'Remember what the doormouse said,..
Feed your head,..
Feed your head...'
Jefferson Airplane
I left Naples for a no-good tramp,..
Now mamas dead...
The Godfather Pt 2
Now mamas dead...
The Godfather Pt 2
'If her daddy's rich...
take her out for a meal,..
if her daddy's poor,..
just do as you feel..
(go fish)
take her out for a meal,..
if her daddy's poor,..
just do as you feel..
(go fish)
I am also watching the movies 'The Godfather' and 'The Godfather Part 2'. 'The Godfather' is about a ficticious Italian crime family. It is an incite into the workings of an Italian crime family. The plot centers around the families attempt to stay out of the drug business, a business they consider beneath them. They also want to go 'legit' by muscleing into the gambling business in Las Vegas. 'The Godfather Part 2' is about how they take control of Las Vegas. A certain senator from Nevada gets caught with a dead prostitute. He becomes a pawn. There is a radio talk show host (Michael Savage WRKO 680) who refers to Sen Harry Reid of Nevada as 'Whorehouse Harry'. Truth is stranger than fiction I guess. Sloshenhos-Fiv.
I have also been watching a documentary on Joe Vellaci. Joe Vellaci testified before congress in Sept 1963 about his involvement in the Mafia. The beginning of the documentary has Joe killing an inmate in the exercise yard of a prison in Georgia. He thinks the inmate is about to kill him so he picks up a large piece of lead pipe and kills first. Is this standard operating procedure? Leaving large pieces of lead pipe in areas where psychopathic criminals are allowed to move around freely? Only if you are the FBI looking for a witness probably. This whole thing is a whitewash. He testifies before congress laughing and saying stupid things. The documentary extols the virtues and power of TV to expose and stop organized crime. (up and down hand motion about the waist area) The mafia didn't go legit. The government is BS. TV is a weapon. They didn't need crime anymore they had total surveillence. The FBI and CIA are as guilty as they are.
Feb 24, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Just a friendly reminder Sat March 17, 2012 is International St Paddy Whack Day. I urge people to 'jew' someone who desperately deserves it. Turnabout is fair play.
Does mercury do more damage when inhaled or injected not ingested?
Here is a guess as to the next Act in the world stage. Since every war has to end with a mass killing of innocents, Iran and the United States go to war. Since the American military is somewhat weakened, Iran kills a massive number. The psychos that be have a reason for the complete destruction of the American military. (it wouldn't surprise me one bit if Ahmadinajad was just one of the boys)
Food items in my house purchased at BJ's that I know to be bad:
Wellsley Farms Center Cut Bacon
Frosted Flakes
All were new factory sealed when they entered the house.
Wellsley Farms Center Cut Bacon
Frosted Flakes
All were new factory sealed when they entered the house.
King James VI of Scotland became King James I of England upon the death of Queen Elizabeth I. King James I believed in Royal Absolutism. The Divine Right of Kings. He commissioned the King James Bible. A central theme in the KJV bible is 'Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God'. Why would a king who believed in Absolutism put his name on a publication with that as a theme? Was he setting up the world stage? War is a Racket-Smedley Butler 'The purpose of war is the destruction of human production and labor. It keeps the masses on the edge of starvation and helps to perpetuate a heirarchal society. It keeps the people at the top the people at the top and the people at the bottom the people at the bottom.'
Like Capt Bligh in "Mutiny on the Bounty" the oligarchy collective rules with fear. The oligarchy is made up of the royals, the higher-ups in the church and what psychos have been promoted from the bottom. This is a complete duh but I don't appreciate being a scarecrow. I don't care who it is or what they want (if in fact someone wants something) I won't do it. If you think I'm just continuing my job as a scarecrow, whatever. Same s4#2 different day. Feeling nothing and being a scarecrow is easier than the rest of my life. If I am actually harming the oligarchy, well you know where I am.
I have been watching a version of '1984' by George Orwell. It has John Hurt and Richard Burton in it. At about 1 hr and 5 min Winston is given a copy of the new Newspeak dictionary. The pages come apart and inside is this book 'The Theory And Practice Of Oligarchical Collectivism by Emmanuel Goldstein'. He later reads this passage:
'In accordance with principles it does not matter if the war is real or whether victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous. The essential act of modern warfare is the destruction of human production and labor. A hierarchial society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. In principle the war is planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against it's own subjects and it's object is not victory but to keep the very structure of society intact.'
The last half hour or so has Winston being tortured by the same person who gave him the book. They eventually get to Rm 101 where Winston gives in. He now says he believes in the resistance and the war. He commits no more thought crimes.
'In accordance with principles it does not matter if the war is real or whether victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous. The essential act of modern warfare is the destruction of human production and labor. A hierarchial society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. In principle the war is planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against it's own subjects and it's object is not victory but to keep the very structure of society intact.'
The last half hour or so has Winston being tortured by the same person who gave him the book. They eventually get to Rm 101 where Winston gives in. He now says he believes in the resistance and the war. He commits no more thought crimes.
I made the post below on Jan 27. As it say's at the top of this page 'I insinuate you investigate'. I have Winston of Orwells '1984' at work in my life so this is as far as I can get. The insinuation here is that the catholic church was responsible for the King James Bible. You must investigate the background of the various regents and others who raised James VI.
Mary Queen of Scots was born a catholic. She died a catholic. She was the mother of King James VI of Scotland, who would be King James I of England at the death of Elizabeth I. He was the first of The House of Stuart. Elizabeth I was the last of the House of Tudor. He was taken from his mother at 13 months and never saw her again. He was raised a protestant. He was made King James VI of Scotland at 13 months so he was too young to rule. When this happens a regent is appointed who exercises power until the king is old enough to assume power. James VI had at least 4 regents who died mysteriously. As soon as he assumed the throne of England he commissioned the King James Version of the bible. Does this seem deliberately provocative? The church whether catholic or protestant has been side by side with every king, queen or president through the centuries as we have gotton to where we are. They cannot be exonerated.
The Elizabethan Age, Lord Chamberlains Men and The Globe Theatre
All the worlds a stage. The Elizabethan Age took place during the reign of Elizabeth I of England. She was the last of the Tudors. She is sometimes called "The Virgin Queen'. She died childless. William Shakespear wrote during her reign. His plays were performed by Lord Chamberlains Men at The Globe Theatre. Many people believe Shakespear never really existed. Does this all seem scripted? How far does the need for power go? What do you call collective insanity? What happens when you can't pin it on a single person? I knew a kleptomaniac once. Whenever she was around and things started dissapearing the staff would check her pockets. She was elderly and incurable. Some people are beyond rehabilitation.
An Appeal To The American Republic
Aleister Crowley
Aleister Crowley
Slaughterhouse Five
'Sloshenhose Fiv'
I'm not sure if that's right or not
'Sloshenhose Fiv'
'Remember you're number'
Did they leave out the one?
'Sloshenhose Fiv'
(area 51)(auschwitz 51)
'Where the streets have no name...
and when you go...
I go there with you..
it's all I can do....
Where the Streets Have No Name
'Sloshenhose Fiv'
I'm not sure if that's right or not
'Sloshenhose Fiv'
'Remember you're number'
Did they leave out the one?
'Sloshenhose Fiv'
(area 51)(auschwitz 51)
'Where the streets have no name...
and when you go...
I go there with you..
it's all I can do....
Where the Streets Have No Name
Feb 23, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
King James VI of Scotland became King James I of England upon the death of Queen Elizabeth I. King James I believed in Royal Absolutism. The Divine Right of Kings. He commissioned the King James Bible. A central theme in the KJV bible is 'Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God'. Why would a king who believed in Absolutism put his name on a publication with that as a theme? Was he setting up the world stage? War is a Racket-Smedley Butler 'The purpose of war is the destruction of human production and labor. It keeps the masses on the edge of starvation and helps to perpetuate a heirarchal society. It keeps the people at the top the people at the top and the people at the bottom the people at the bottom.'
Like Capt Bligh in "Mutiny on the Bounty" the oligarchy collective rules with fear. The oligarchy is made up of the royals, the higher-ups in the church and what psychos have been promoted from the bottom. This is a complete duh but I don't appreciate being a scarecrow. I don't care who it is or what they want (if in fact someone wants something) I won't do it. If you think I'm just continuing my job as a scarecrow, whatever. Same s4#2 different day. Feeling nothing and being a scarecrow is easier than the rest of my life. If I am actually harming the oligarchy, well you know where I am.
Feb 22, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Some suggestions for getting things started. Create massive traffic jams in the large cities. New York, Boston, Worcester, Buffalo, Philadelphia. Hijack cell phone equipment in rural areas and TV/radio towers and pump out electric noise. If enough noise is pumped out over a large enough area it will shut down everything. Military aircraft, commercial aircraft two-way communications. Get people to hospitals.
Am I making you crazy boobie
Gee that sucks
For you
Tell someone who gives a s&^54
Gee that sucks
For you
Tell someone who gives a s&^54
'Be obscene, be be obscene
Be obscene baby
But not heard
Marilyn Manson
Be obscene baby
But not heard
Marilyn Manson
'The monkey in the corner wrote the lesson in his book...'
What God Wants Pt 1
Roger Waters
What God Wants Pt 1
Roger Waters
Feb 21, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Some thoughts on 'Apolcalypse Now'. I have a copy that has two versions. The original 1979 and one called 2001: Redux. I have been watching the Redux. On the second disc as they go up river they run into some French who refuse to leave. This makes no sense what so ever because the French left in the 1950's. The French claim the Americans created the Viet Cong and then helped them defeat the French at Dien Bien Phu. They continue up river. They come to a crazy place where a surrealistic battle is going on. Nobody seems to know who the enemy is or where the front lines are. Everyone who is fighting is black. This was before Los Angelos had it's gang problem. Capt Willard keeps asking people where the CO is. Someone tells him he is in the concrete bunker they call Beverly Hills. Capt Willard can't find it. He asks another soldier, who says 'yea I know whos in charge' and justs walks away. The inference being 'yea, whitey is in charge'. Capt Willard gives up and returns to the boat. Nobody can make movies like this anymore. Not that it did any good anyway. You wanna know why, because Disney owns Warner Bros who owns Paramount who owns Universal who owns Loews Theatres who owns Showcase Theatres who owns every other fricken theatre who owns Comcast who owns HBO etc. By the time I was a teenager the revolution of the 60's had become the sex. drugs and roch n roll of the 70's. I caught only the tail end aside from the fact I was too sick. We were always waiting for the next tour. One band that refused to play Boston was Black Sabbath. I never understood this. Still don't. They used to call Boston 'The Cradle of Liberty'. I guess now it's the 'Cradle of Tyranny'. More likely it was BS all along.
For some people life is like Vince Lombardi "Winning is everything". For others it's like 'The City of New Orleans', "penny a point, ain't no one keepin score". It's sad one has to be ruled by the other.
Adolph Hitler went to 'jail' for the beer hall thing. Some believe jail for Mr Hitler was a luxurious compound some where in Germany surrounded by people who groomed him for power. They believe he did not write 'Mein Kampf'. After the war he was rescued and lived out his life. Is this true. If you want anything from me other than economic, cultural or social armageddon get yourself another Adolph. I would rather die a martyr to mans inhumanity to man than do anything you want.
I have been watching a version of '1984' by George Orwell. It has John Hurt and Richard Burton in it. At about 1 hr and 5 min Winston is given a copy of the new Newspeak dictionary. The pages come apart and inside is this book 'The Theory And Practice Of Oligarchical Collectivism by Emmanuel Goldstein'. He later reads this passage:
'In accordance with principles it does not matter if the war is real or whether victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous. The essential act of modern warfare is the destruction of human production and labor. A hierarchial society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. In principle the war is planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against it's own subjects and it's object is not victory but to keep the very structure of society intact.'
The last half hour or so has Winston being tortured by the same person who gave him the book. They eventually get to Rm 101 where Winston gives in. He now says he believes in the resistance and the war. He commits no more thought crimes.
Feb 20, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
The laws governing unions were made by the same people who are the problem, are all unions filled with these people? The police, firefighters? Is this what Affirmative Action was supposed to combat? If you have an implant or access to The Microwave Hearing Effect can you cheat on the civil service exam?
Some people believe that certain elements funded and supplied both sides during WW II. Was this also true for the Korean and Vietnam Wars?
I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Oral Roberts, Billy Graham, Jimmy Swaggert and the rest of them were just as guilty as the Pope. My problem with the Catholic church is it like Wal-Mart, Burger King and McDonalds all in one. It has a long history of torture and murder.
An Appeal to the American Republic
Aleister Crowley
Aleister Crowley
The Banned Lecture (Gilles de Rais)
Aleister Crowley
Aleister Crowley
Bibliography of the Works of Aleister Crowley
G J Yorke
G J Yorke
Feb 19, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
In my world you are innocent until proven guilty but a suspect until proven otherwise. Trust no one.
The result of slavery is overproduction. But this is the goal. The excess is sold by the slave/land owner for profit. This gives him or her power and prestige. The modern world, capitalism, is the wage slave system. It is the pinnicle of systems of slavery. In older systems the slave/land owner was responsible for the slaves feeding and housing. In wage slavery the slave is responsible for these things. With capitalism overproduction extends to intellectual property. Ben Franklin was quoted 'necessity is the mother of invention'. With capitalism 'money is the mother of invention'. An alternative to a slave system is a communal system. The members of the society work only to maintain the society. They do not work to overproduce. Overproduction is limited so as be able to trade for the things they can not produce.
Capitalism consists of at least 4 things. The patent office, the stock market, the commercial laws and the money as debt, debt as money banking system. All these things were invented by the royalty of europe in the 1600's as a way to hold power. They saw the growing numbers and collective education of the masses as a threat. They knew then as they know now they would have to share some power with people who elevated themselves as time progressed. The political system is 'Oligarchical Collectivism'. The oligarchy collective runs the world stage for it's own pleasure. For everyone else it's three hots a cot and a bag of peanuts.
The oligarchy collective consists of at least three groups. The old royalty of europe, the bourgeous, rich people who elevated themselves from the masses, and the higher ups in the church. Whenever anyone butts heads with the oligarchy they deal with the church. If it was about power and presitige the rest of the masses might revolt. Religion is something people accept willingly. Most people won't fight the church, they see it as harmless. The world stage and the oligarchy must be hidden or the people won't fight thier wars.
This system cannot continue forever. If the entire world is governed by it 'who buys the excess?. A second reason is the central banking system. By it's very nature it is mathematically impossible for anyone to get out of debt. The bankers are the only ones who have the real game. (see home page 'The Money Masters' and 'Zeitgeist Addendum') Bankruptcy and failure are built into the system so the oligarchy always ends up with more and more property. Slowly but surely the banking system is conquering the world by buying it up or taking it in bankruptcy.
Some of the people at the bottom know this and have either been sold the idea of communism to solve the problem or are OK with it and are working for them. But communism is in fact the end result of capitalism. Slow and steady wins the race. Fabianism. But you get three hots and a cot now and thats what you'll get later. The blank check central banking system has bought total surveillence. It's the end of the class struggle. Game, set match rich people. 'Imagine a boot stamped on a human face forever'-George Orwell
It is not possible to share this knowledge with all our 'elected officials' and get away with it. So the oligarchy invented the BS New World Order to keep them occupied. The New World Order is a smokescreen. The real threat is the oligarchy and thier banking system.
The movie 'THX 1138' is a vision of a dystopic future. While some themes relate to problems we already have it is also saying something about human societies in general. This is what happens when a society or culture has perfected it's existence and it's perpetuation. This is what happens when power is hopelessly entrenched. I believe just educating yourself isn't enough. It must come to armed struggle or nothing will change. They have taken it this far, they will keep going.
I am still watching 'Slaughterhouse Five'. Toward the end the main character 'Pilgrim' is captured by the Germans during WW II and then sent to Dresden just before the bombing. Was the bombing of Dresden the same sort of thing as the invasion of Cambodia? Were they trying to get rid of as many people as possible who knew too much? Was Hiroshima and Nagasaki the same? Did the American presidents knowingly commit these crimes? Or were they being manipulated with wireless technology?
'My love is vengence,..
that's never free....
Behind Blue Eyes
The Who
that's never free....
Behind Blue Eyes
The Who
Why I believe Rick Santorum is winning the republican nomination. They need someone, and thier administration, in the White House who doesn't know what is going on. That makes them easier to manipulate. Americans love a cinderella story. Purple Haze
"Flattery will get you no where"
'And how could I ever refuse,...
I feel like I win when I lose...'
I feel like I win when I lose...'
I am currently watching two movies. 'THX 1138' and Slaughterhouse Five'. They have the same themes as the other movies I have been watching. 'THX 1138' has a theme of a dystopia. The main character takes the wrong pills and has unapproved sex then gets chased around by robot cops. A futuristic Alice in Wonderland. At the end he makes it to the surface and is greeted by the sun. 'Slaughterhouse Five' has the theme that Americans are responsible for WW II like 'Tommy' by The Who and 'The Wall' by Pink Floyd. The main character is named 'Pilgrim'. He doesn't function socially. People make fun of him and pick on him. He lives in a fantasy world.
I made the post below on Jan 27. As it say's at the top of this page 'I insinuate you investigate'. I have Winston of Orwells '1984' at work in my life so this is as far as I can get. The insinuation here is that the catholic church was responsible for the King James Bible. You must investigate the background of the various regents and others who raised James VI.
Mary Queen of Scots was born a catholic. She died a catholic. She was the mother of King James VI of Scotland, who would be King James I of England at the death of Elizabeth I. He was the first of The House of Stuart. Elizabeth I was the last of the House of Tudor. He was taken from his mother at 13 months and never saw her again. He was raised a protestant. He was made King James VI of Scotland at 13 months so he was too young to rule. When this happens a regent is appointed who exercises power until the king is old enough to assume power. James VI had at least 4 regents who died mysteriously. As soon as he assumed the throne of England he commissioned the King James Version of the bible. Does this seem deliberately provocative? The church whether catholic or protestant has been side by side with every king, queen or president through the centuries as we have gotton to where we are. They cannot be exonerated.
The Elizabethan Age, Lord Chamberlains Men and The Globe Theatre
All the worlds a stage. The Elizabethan Age took place during the reign of Elizabeth I of England. She was the last of the Tudors. She is sometimes called "The Virgin Queen'. She died childless. William Shakespear wrote during her reign. His plays were performed by Lord Chamberlains Men at The Globe Theatre. Many people believe Shakespear never really existed. Does this all seem scripted? How far does the need for power go? What do you call collective insanity? What happens when you can't pin it on a single person? I knew a kleptomaniac once. Whenever she was around and things started dissapearing the staff would check her pockets. She was elderly and incurable. Some people are beyond rehabilitation.
An Appeal To The American Republic
Aleister Crowley
Aleister Crowley
Topics for Investigation
Pol Pot and the Catholic church
Juan Peron and the Catholic church
Idi Amin and the Catholic church
Mao Zedong and the Catholic church
The Rwandan Genocide and the Catholic church
Augusto Pinochet and the Catholic church
Adolph Hitler and the Catholic church
Josef Stalin and the Catholic church
Vladimir Lenin and the Catholic church
Ho Chi Minh and the Catholic church
Tojo and the Catholic church
Kim Jong Il and the Catholic church
Tito and the Catholic church
Ceausescu and the Catholic church
Pol Pot and the Catholic church
Juan Peron and the Catholic church
Idi Amin and the Catholic church
Mao Zedong and the Catholic church
The Rwandan Genocide and the Catholic church
Augusto Pinochet and the Catholic church
Adolph Hitler and the Catholic church
Josef Stalin and the Catholic church
Vladimir Lenin and the Catholic church
Ho Chi Minh and the Catholic church
Tojo and the Catholic church
Kim Jong Il and the Catholic church
Tito and the Catholic church
Ceausescu and the Catholic church
Feb 18, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
In almost every country where there was an Inquisition there is a museum dedicated to it. They display all the various torture devices. So NASA and synthetic telepathy should come as no surprise.
Feb 17, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Topics for Investigation
Pol Pot and the Catholic church
Juan Peron and the Catholic church
Idi Amin and the Catholic church
Mao Zedong and the Catholic church
The Rwandan Genocide and the Catholic church
Augusto Pinochet and the Catholic church
Adolph Hitler and the Catholic church
Josef Stalin and the Catholic church
Vladimir Lenin and the Catholic church
Ho Chi Minh and the Catholic church
Tojo and the Catholic church
Kim Jong Il and the Catholic church
Tito and the Catholic church
Ceausescu and the Catholic church
Pol Pot and the Catholic church
Juan Peron and the Catholic church
Idi Amin and the Catholic church
Mao Zedong and the Catholic church
The Rwandan Genocide and the Catholic church
Augusto Pinochet and the Catholic church
Adolph Hitler and the Catholic church
Josef Stalin and the Catholic church
Vladimir Lenin and the Catholic church
Ho Chi Minh and the Catholic church
Tojo and the Catholic church
Kim Jong Il and the Catholic church
Tito and the Catholic church
Ceausescu and the Catholic church
There is nothing noble in chasing someone out of thier home and breaking up families.
I just watched a documentary on Pol Pot. It said he out maneuvered the world. Pol Pot did not out maneuver the world. Pol Pot was made to look like he out maneuvered the world. There was a force behind him. That force had synthetic telepathy. That force has been behind most if not all the phoney revolutionaries of the last 250 years. Including Hitler.
I am currently watching 2 movies. 'Mutiny on the Bounty' with Marlon Brando and 'The Illustrated Man' with Rod Stieger and Clare Bloom.
I am once again having problems with the food in the house. In fact it is a constant problem. Things tend to go bad after they get opened. My mother is co-operating for some reason. The orange juice is the latest problem.
'..and the ones that mother gives you,
don't do anything at all,..
Go ask Alice..
White Rabbit
Jefferson Airplane
don't do anything at all,..
Go ask Alice..
White Rabbit
Jefferson Airplane
'.Invisible drugstores and long distance calls,.
Hallowed laughter in marbled halls..
Can't stop what has begun,.
Signed sealed they deliver oblivion...'
Dogs of War
Pink Floyd
Hallowed laughter in marbled halls..
Can't stop what has begun,.
Signed sealed they deliver oblivion...'
Dogs of War
Pink Floyd
I made the post below on Jan 27. As it say's at the top of this page 'I insinuate you investigate'. I have Winston of Orwells '1984' at work in my life so this is as far as I can get. The insinuation here is that the catholic church was responsible for the King James Bible. You must investigate the background of the various regents and others who raised James VI.
Mary Queen of Scots was born a catholic. She died a catholic. She was the mother of King James VI of Scotland, who would be King James I of England at the death of Elizabeth I. He was the first of The House of Stuart. Elizabeth I was the last of the House of Tudor. He was taken from his mother at 13 months and never saw her again. He was raised a protestant. He was made King James VI of Scotland at 13 months so he was too young to rule. When this happens a regent is appointed who exercises power until the king is old enough to assume power. James VI had at least 4 regents who died mysteriously. As soon as he assumed the throne of England he commissioned the King James Version of the bible. Does this seem deliberately provocative? The church whether catholic or protestant has been side by side with every king, queen or president through the centuries as we have gotton to where we are. They cannot be exonerated.
The Elizabethan Age, Lord Chamberlains Men and The Globe Theatre
All the worlds a stage. The Elizabethan Age took place during the reign of Elizabeth I of England. She was the last of the Tudors. She is sometimes called "The Virgin Queen'. She died childless. William Shakespear wrote during her reign. His plays were performed by Lord Chamberlains Men at The Globe Theatre. Many people believe Shakespear never really existed. Does this all seem scripted? How far does the need for power go? What do you call collective insanity? What happens when you can't pin it on a single person? I knew a kleptomaniac once. Whenever she was around and things started dissapearing the staff would check her pockets. She was elderly and incurable. Some people are beyond rehabilitation.
An Appeal To The American Republic
Aleister Crowley
Aleister Crowley
'And if you go,.
Chasing rabbits, and you know,..
you're going to fall,..
Tell them a hooka - smoking
caterpiller gave you the call...'
White Rabbit
Jefferson Airplane
(a reference to Alice in Wonderland)
Chasing rabbits, and you know,..
you're going to fall,..
Tell them a hooka - smoking
caterpiller gave you the call...'
White Rabbit
Jefferson Airplane
(a reference to Alice in Wonderland)
Alice is an adultery. Then a murder. This is not a free country. It never has been.
'I had a dream,...there was a snail.....crawling across the edge....of a razor blade....'Col Kurtz in 'Apolcalypse Now'
Feb 16, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Just a friendly reminder Sat March 17, 2012 is International St Paddy Whack Day. I urge people to 'jew' someone who desperately deserves it.
Does mercury do more damage when inhaled or injected not ingested?
I saw a news report, last year maybe, that said it would take 1 1/2 to 2 years to bring home everyone in the middle east. I thought 'what'. When we left Vietnam I'm prety sure it only took 6 mos or so. What was the troop strength in Vietnam when we left? Did most come home by commercial airliner? Is there any way to verify the number that returned? Did they line some up on the Cambodian border and bomb them? Given what I (we?) suspect about at least two of the 'Go Wests' it would be par for the course.
I don't have a problem with people who are religious. Under stress I have been known to imbibe. But I believe an ideology of being passive works against the people at the bottom.
The catholic church is an enormous pyramid. It employs or takes care of millions of people in this country. People are smart enough not to bite the hand that feeds them. The bigger the pyramid gets, the more out of control it gets. I believe that church will never function as just a religious organization. Large corporations are like smaller pyramids. Something happened in Seattle in the 1990's that sent the psychos that be scurrying to put a couple up. The grunge sound. Three companys got moved there. Microsoft, Amazon and Starbucks. How many people in Seattle now work for those companys? Where does Bill Gates go on Sunday? Where does Howard Schultz go on Sunday? Where does Jeff Bezos go on Sunday?
I spent the last couple days re-watching the movie 'Apolcalypse Now' from 1979. Most of the movie is completely implausible. It's not just a war movie, they were trying to say something. I know things about world events of the 1960's and 70's so it makes me wonder about the truth of what I know. Did a very, very large number of US soldiers try to desert into Cambodia? Were they trying to escape thier neural implants? Did they know about synthetic telepathy? Is this why Nixon invaded Cambodia? Did Nixon have control? Was he being manipulated with synthetic telepathy like possibly Kennedy, Eisenhower and Johnson? Were the Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot a mop up operation? Did we lose more than 50,000 in Vietnam?
Feb 15, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I sometimes wonder to myself 'When did the imaginary state of grace begin?'. My answer is usually 'one day he was Ceasar, the next he was Pope'. If you can't beat them, pretend to join them.
I just finnished 'Apolcalyspe Now'. Toward the very end they show the cover of a book titled 'Golden Bough'. There probably is no book. 'It's the way to succeed and the way to suck eggs'. My life is ruined past present and future and I'm too f^%$3d up to make a decision. You can drag my ass to the Hall of the Mountain King or you can just shoot me. If that's what everybody wants, whatever. At some point on a U2 DVD it flashes 'Guilt is not of God'. I'm not exactly sure what this means. If people think the church is the good guy in all this I beg to differ. It would be just like these people to spend 200 years making the church into a warm and fuzzy Teddy Bear. If something goes wrong they have people run to the church. Another 150 years go by and 'Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain'. The truth about the church is more like 6 or 700 years past. And probably the root cause of the problem. Two hundred years is chump change. Another U2 tidbit. They do a version of Dylan's "All Along the Watchtower' on Rattle and Hum. Talking about a televangelist he say's 'My gods not short of cash mister'. My response is 'cause he already has it all'. Tuesday for U2 maybe. I don't know.
Purple Haze
The Lavender Mob
Charles Manson
Whitney Houston
The Lavender Mob
Charles Manson
Whitney Houston
Charles Manson is Innocent
I am re-watching the movie 'Apolcalypse Now' from 1979. The main character played by Martin Sheen is sent to kill Col Kurtz(me) a renegade military man operating illegally in Cambodia. He is transported on a small boat to get up river. One of the crew is a world famous surfer. Part way he runs into Robert Duvall who tells him he will never get past a certain area because of too much enemy. Robert Duvall is an avid surfer and is willing to take Sheen because he likes the famous surfer and the waves on that part of the river are good surfing. They destroy and kill the people in the village and Duvall can't wait to go surfing. While in the village a USO show comes with Playboy bunnies and does a show. Hotel California (The Eagles) '..they stab it with thier steely knives but they just can't kill the beast...' California Uber Alles (The Dead Kennedy's) '..it's the suede denin secret police, they have come for your uncool niece....'
A bunch of 4-star general clowns are going to give the whole thing away..
Goodbye Cruel World
Col Kurtz
A bunch of 4-star general clowns are going to give the whole thing away..
Goodbye Cruel World
Col Kurtz
Alice is an adultery. This is not a free country. It never has been.
Feb 14, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Alice is an Adultery
I am watching a version of Alice in Wonderland. It was written in the 1860's. It is a fantasy but it is about homicide and genocide. Each homicide starts with an adulteress affair. It is fueled by alcohol and drugs. Each affair is a murder in a long running genocide of the original English who settled North America. It has some roots in religion. Other references are 'A Farewell to Arms' by Ernest Hemingway, 'Tommy' by The Who and 'The Wall' by Pink Floyd.
'Tell them a hooka - smoking
caterpiller gave you the call...'
White Rabbit
Jefferson Airplane
caterpiller gave you the call...'
White Rabbit
Jefferson Airplane
Is there a significant difference between Australia and New Zealand? Is one Protestant and the other Catholic?
Feb 13, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Would it be possible to hijack a cell phone tower or TV/radio tower and get it to spit out a lot of electrical noise to cover any military operation in the area?
Genocide American Style
I am watching the movie 'A Farewell to Arms' with Gary Cooper. I think the title 'A Farewell to Arms' is a play on words. It's love in vain. At the end the girl dies, meaning he can no longer love. It's the same thing as 'Tommy' by The Who and 'The Wall' by Pink Floyd. In my case I never got a chance.
'There is a house in New Orleans....'
'Good morning America how are ya, say don't you know me I'm you're native son......
Back in the 1980's I attended a place that was paid for by the Department of Mental Health. At one time there was a staff named Giovanna. She was from Italy and very proud of it. For reasons I didn't understand at the time she warmed up to me. She let it slip through someone else she had a friend for me to have sex with. ????? I didn't pursue it. This is the deal. I am not in the business of explaining myself. I don't go around expecting others to explain themselves so I don't, but I will make an exception this time though I think people already get it. I had a bumper sticker as a kid that said 'Sex And Nausea Make Strange Bedfellows'. Aside from the fact no self respecting woman would have anything to do with me. There is always one thing I can always say is indisputable and that is I suffered like a dog for 30 years. The 10 or so years prior were no cake walk either. And now the last 10. I have come to the obvious conclusion it was no accident and not an act of nature. The longer you put it off the more damage I will do. It's a sickness, and you are all germs.
Feb 12, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I am watching the movie 'A Farewell to Arms' with Gary Cooper. 'A Farewell to Arms' is a book written by Ernest Hemingway. G-L-O-R-I-A In the movie an Italian officer meddles in a romance between an American and a nurse. She eventually dies. (somebody has to)
Why did the people of New England always insist on King James Version only. Was it supposed to be a reminder to future generations that King James was catholic? That you are wrong. Were the two English revolutions of the 1600's fueled by this fact? Have you people checked your mercury level?
Hamas is a muslim organization in Lebanon. They provide so many services like nursing homes, schools etc they can undermine any freely elected government. The catholic church in America is the same. They probably employ more people in it's schools, universities, hospitals etc than they do in thier churches.
I made the post below on Jan 27. As it say's at the top of this page 'I insinuate you investigate'. I have Winston of Orwells '1984' at work in my life so this is as far as I can get. The insinuation here is that the catholic church was responsible for the King James Bible. You must investigate the background of the various regents and others who raised James VI.
Mary Queen of Scots was born a catholic. She died a catholic. She was the mother of King James VI of Scotland, who would be King James I of England at the death of Elizabeth I. He was the first of The House of Stuart. Elizabeth I was the last of the House of Tudor. He was taken from his mother at 13 months and never saw her again. He was raised a protestant. He was made King James VI of Scotland at 13 months so he was too young to rule. When this happens a regent is appointed who exercises power until the king is old enough to assume power. James VI had at least 4 regents who died mysteriously. As soon as he assumed the throne of England he commissioned the King James Version of the bible. Does this seem deliberately provocative? The church whether catholic or protestant has been side by side with every king, queen or president through the centuries as we have gotton to where we are. They cannot be exonerated.
The Elizabethan Age, Lord Chamberlains Men and The Globe Theatre
All the worlds a stage. The Elizabethan Age took place during the reign of Elizabeth I of England. She was the last of the Tudors. She is sometimes called "The Virgin Queen'. She died childless. William Shakespear wrote during her reign. His plays were performed by Lord Chamberlains Men at The Globe Theatre. Many people believe Shakespear never really existed. Does this all seem scripted? How far does the need for power go? What do you call collective insanity? What happens when you can't pin it on a single person? I knew a kleptomaniac once. Whenever she was around and things started dissapearing the staff would check her pockets. She was elderly and incurable. Some people are beyond rehabilitation.
An Appeal To The American Republic
Aleister Crowley
Aleister Crowley
Feb 11, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
California Uber Alles
I am currently watching 'The Grapes of Wrath' with Henry Fonda. How many times have they pulled this 'go west' thing? Horace Greeley 'Go West Young Man'. The San Francisco Gold Rush of the 1850's. The Okkies of the Dust Bowl in the 1930's. The flower children of the summer of love in 1967. Thats four. No wonder they need implants, they're running out of BS ways to get people to leave home.
Are the troops coming home? I don't know what side they are on, whether they are all on one, mixed or on the wrong page like everyone else but it's like this. Where do 300,000 heavily armed men sit? Brainmapping or no brainmapping pretty much anywhere they want. Why don't they surround that toilet on the Potomac and give them weekend passes and keep them on thier meds?
The last real job I had was a company called Thayer Scale on Rt 139 in Pembroke Massachusetts. I was there from Aug 1995 to Oct 1998. It was my second time there. I was there from May 1987 to Oct 1988. A lot of the same people were there. One person everyone knew but I didn't was named Peter Cirico. Looking back I think the people there knew something was wrong. It had to do with me but I didn't know. Peter Cirico went off endlessly on Gerry Adams and Sinn Fien. He hated them. Right now here in Boston there is some kind of controversy about interviews with victims of 'The Troubles' in Northern Ireland. The interviews are in a library at Boston College.
'That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solus decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy'
John F Kennedy - Waldorf Astoria April 1961 (see home page)
Last Seinfeld - No Soup Nazis For You
John F Kennedy - Waldorf Astoria April 1961 (see home page)
Last Seinfeld - No Soup Nazis For You
I made the post below on Jan 27. As it say's at the top of this page 'I insinuate you investigate'. I have Winston of Orwells '1984' at work in my life so this is as far as I can get. The insinuation here is that the catholic church was responsible for the King James Bible. You must investigate the background of the various regents and others who raised James VI.
Mary Queen of Scots was born a catholic. She died a catholic. She was the mother of King James VI of Scotland, who would be King James I of England at the death of Elizabeth I. He was the first of The House of Stuart. Elizabeth I was the last of the House of Tudor. He was taken from his mother at 13 months and never saw her again. He was raised a protestant. He was made King James VI of Scotland at 13 months so he was too young to rule. When this happens a regent is appointed who exercises power until the king is old enough to assume power. James VI had at least 4 regents who died mysteriously. As soon as he assumed the throne of England he commissioned the King James Version of the bible. Does this seem deliberately provocative? The church whether catholic or protestant has been side by side with every king, queen or president through the centuries as we have gotton to where we are. They cannot be exonerated.
The Elizabethan Age, Lord Chamberlains Men and The Globe Theatre
All the worlds a stage. The Elizabethan Age took place during the reign of Elizabeth I of England. She was the last of the Tudors. She is sometimes called "The Virgin Queen'. She died childless. William Shakespear wrote during her reign. His plays were performed by Lord Chamberlains Men at The Globe Theatre. Many people believe Shakespear never really existed. Does this all seem scripted? How far does the need for power go? What do you call collective insanity? What happens when you can't pin it on a single person? I knew a kleptomaniac once. Whenever she was around and things started dissapearing the staff would check her pockets. She was elderly and incurable. Some people are beyond rehabilitation.
An Appeal To The American Republic
Aleister Crowley
Aleister Crowley
Feb 10, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Slip Kid - The Who
U2 - Bullit the Blue Sky
are kinda the same thing
'And we run....run.. and we run.....into...the arms..of ......America..
U2 - Bullit the Blue Sky
are kinda the same thing
'And we run....run.. and we run.....into...the arms..of ......America..
Just a friendly reminder Sat March 17 is International St Paddy Whack Day, jew someone who desperately deserves it
Neither a borrower or lender be
Feb 9, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I made the post below on Jan 27. As it say's at the top of this page 'I insinuate you investigate'. I have Winston of Orwells '1984' at work in my life so this is as far as I can get. The insinuation here is that the catholic church was responsible for the King James Bible. You must investigate the background of the various regents and others who raised James VI.
Mary Queen of Scots was born a catholic. She died a catholic. She was the mother of King James VI of Scotland, who would be King James I of England at the death of Elizabeth I. He was the first of The House of Stuart. Elizabeth I was the last of the House of Tudor. He was taken from his mother at 13 months and never saw her again. He was raised a protestant. He was made King James VI of Scotland at 13 months so he was too young to rule. When this happens a regent is appointed who exercises power until the king is old enough to assume power. James VI had at least 4 regents who died mysteriously. As soon as he assumed the throne of England he commissioned the King James Version of the bible. Does this seem deliberately provocative? The church whether catholic or protestant has been side by side with every king, queen or president through the centuries as we have gotton to where we are. They cannot be exonerated.
The Elizabethan Age, Lord Chamberlains Men and The Globe Theatre
All the worlds a stage. The Elizabethan Age took place during the reign of Elizabeth I of England. She was the last of the Tudors. She is sometimes called "The Virgin Queen'. She died childless. William Shakespear wrote during her reign. His plays were performed by Lord Chamberlains Men at The Globe Theatre. Many people believe Shakespear never really existed. Does this all seem scripted? How far does the need for power go? What do you call collective insanity? What happens when you can't pin it on a single person? I knew a kleptomaniac once. Whenever she was around and things started dissapearing the staff would check her pockets. She was elderly and incurable. Some people are beyond rehabilitation.
An Appeal To The American Republic
Aleister Crowley
Aleister Crowley
Ways to Defeat Synthetic Telepathy
and Neural Implants
and Neural Implants
Faraday Cage
The top video is of a Faraday Cage. The idea is that it shorts any voltage to ground. It is the same idea as coax cable. (see picture below) Coax cable is used for all broadband. The ground is the braided mesh that surrounds the signal carrier inside. It keeps noise off the signal and improves performance. The National Security Agency (which may be the problem in all of this) has it's headquarters at Ft Meade Maryland encased in copper mesh. This is why. Search youtube.com for NSA and there is a Discovery channel documentary on it. I believe the Iranians have this technology and this is why Washington is banging the war drum at them.
Another idea might be to invent a metal-based paint that can be grounded. Paint the inside walls of buildings.
There are a lot of corrugated metal buildings in the country that are used for industrial purposes. If they were sufficiently grounded and a metal roof were added they would make a good Faraday cage. Set up a MASH unit (Mobile Army Surgical Hospital) inside to remove neural implants.
Noise Generator
Electricity is part of the science of life. All life forms on this planet generate very small electro-magnetic waves that can be picked up be electronic sensors. A possible way to defeat the sensors would be to generate a lot of garbage electro-magnetic waves around the people and make it difficult for the sensors to pick up the EMI given off by the people. The people would have to always remain near the generator.
Specific Ideas
1. Spark Generators
Spark generators were one of the first Morse Code machines. As radio progressed they were outlawed because they interfered with radio signals. A Jacobs Ladder is a type of spark generator. At high voltages they can interupt everything.
2. Mechanical Generators
The first video below is my idea. The inspiration for the idea was a simple DC or AC motor. Electric motors are notorious for generating noise that interferes with sensitive electronics. All motors have a rotor that must move and be energized at the same time. This is accomplished with a conducting brush that keeps contact with the rotor. The idea is to rotate a metal brush on metal and conduct electricity through it to create noise. Then amplify the noise on an antenna.
3. Electronic Generator
I began experimenting with Texas Instruments MSP430 line of microcontrollers. The Launchpad comes preprogrammed with a software routine that pulses an LED. I theorize you could simply take that pulse, amplify it and put it on an antenna and it might create enough disturbance for one person. It could be made small enough to hang around a person's neck. Another electronic idea is to build a white noise generator, chop up the signal somehow and amplify that.
4. It might be possible to record the noise made by a spark transmitter, make a computer file out of it, then rebroadcast (transmit) it through a cell phone or iPod.
1. Spark Generators
Spark generators were one of the first Morse Code machines. As radio progressed they were outlawed because they interfered with radio signals. A Jacobs Ladder is a type of spark generator. At high voltages they can interupt everything.
2. Mechanical Generators
The first video below is my idea. The inspiration for the idea was a simple DC or AC motor. Electric motors are notorious for generating noise that interferes with sensitive electronics. All motors have a rotor that must move and be energized at the same time. This is accomplished with a conducting brush that keeps contact with the rotor. The idea is to rotate a metal brush on metal and conduct electricity through it to create noise. Then amplify the noise on an antenna.
3. Electronic Generator
I began experimenting with Texas Instruments MSP430 line of microcontrollers. The Launchpad comes preprogrammed with a software routine that pulses an LED. I theorize you could simply take that pulse, amplify it and put it on an antenna and it might create enough disturbance for one person. It could be made small enough to hang around a person's neck. Another electronic idea is to build a white noise generator, chop up the signal somehow and amplify that.
4. It might be possible to record the noise made by a spark transmitter, make a computer file out of it, then rebroadcast (transmit) it through a cell phone or iPod.
Radio Jamming Equipment
Noise generators prevent signals from being picked up. They could also prevent transmitting. But it might be useful to use the radio spectrum so jamming is more appropriate. In the early days of radar during WWII they discovered the 'microwave hearing effect. It was a clicking noise in the ears of people near the equipment. This technology may be very advanced by now. A possible name is 'electronic brain link'. Jamming is the science of disabling only selected frequencies.
Modern communications are necessary to fight back. Data can be carried along with the normal signal. The human voice creates signals between 200HZ and about 30KHZ. Data could be superimposed on top of the voice. Filtering could prevent this. A low pass filter on a phone line could eliminate everything above 30KHZ. This does not totally solve the problem but it might help. Old style phone modems operate around 28KBPS which might get by, but it would slow the problem down.
Todays Strategy Tip: Face Up or You Better Back Down Hit the Target - Rush
Most of the people in prison may not be innocent but thier crimes were presented to them. We used to call this entrapment. As I sit here now I am planning to leave the house soon. I am expecting numerous opportunities to hit the target and or attempts to spook me as I walk around South Weymouth. This requires boots on the ground on thier part. This costs money. The trick is not to let them pick the time. If you get worked up calm down somehow. After you leave make decisions spur of the moment.
Nothing makes people angrier than not validating thier anger
Survivorlist Communities
If like minded people owned every square inch of a town and owed nothing to any banks they could set thier own tax rate and make thier lives easier. They would only have state and federal mandates if any to pay for. Here in Massachusetts the property tax rate is 2 1/2 %. But thats up to 2 1/2 %. They could make it 1 quarter of one percent if they wanted. Which would make the town very cheap.
In the book 'Moby Dick' Capt Ahab puts out St Elmos fire. All were amazed. I say f7*6 it. Make it worse. Serves you right. Nothing makes people angrier than not validating thier anger. Are there people who work full time for the Auto-Fasci-Mat? Are they affiliated with a certain organization? If so I have come up with a name for them. The Peanut People. They get 3 hots and a cot and a bag a peanuts a day and everyone else is living high on the hog.
'It's just a step from the sublime to the ridiculous'
Napolean, as he was retreating from Russia
Napolean, as he was retreating from Russia
'What hath God wrought'
Samuel Finley Breese Morse, the first thing ever transmitted over a wire
Samuel Finley Breese Morse, the first thing ever transmitted over a wire
Murphy's Law
'If it can go wrong it will'
Phil's Axiom
'And it did'
'If it can go wrong it will'
Phil's Axiom
'And it did'
Feb 8, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
An ego is a terrible thing to deflate
'Have they done the operation,..
is her hair dead yet,..
ya know the boys in the newsroom,...
have a running bet...
Dirty Laundry
is her hair dead yet,..
ya know the boys in the newsroom,...
have a running bet...
Dirty Laundry
'I'm sorry Dave, but you can't have that information...
HAL 9000
2001: A Space Odyssey
HAL 9000
2001: A Space Odyssey
'Dave's not here,..'
No, it's me Dave let me in...
Dave's not here...
I got the stuff, it's me Dave let me in...
Dave's not here....
No I'm Dave..
Cheech and Chong
No, it's me Dave let me in...
Dave's not here...
I got the stuff, it's me Dave let me in...
Dave's not here....
No I'm Dave..
Cheech and Chong
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Those who learn from history can repeat it on purpose.
'The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism' is a fictional book about the political system we live under that no one knows about. I believe that includes Pres Kennedy and Eisenhower. Neither knew it existed until they got there. That was 50 years ago. "A prolonged and complex struggle, with liberty the stake" If I give up and start co-operating they begin to put the genie back in the bottle. They might spend 50 years at it. They're crazy like that. I get some job in the media and the whole thing gets white washed. I beleive I am in a position to expose a hideous despicable weapon worse than TV. Aside from the fact I just don't care anymore. And it's like why should I start singing for my supper after what I have already been through.
Feb 7, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Thanks for the freebie I guess.
Anger can't start a revolution without it.
Like Howie Carr says
Bad news goes around the world in the morning while good news is putting it's pants on.
No pain No gain
Nothing ventured nothing gained
You have to be willing to risk something
Gen Larry Fine
Anger can't start a revolution without it.
Like Howie Carr says
Bad news goes around the world in the morning while good news is putting it's pants on.
No pain No gain
Nothing ventured nothing gained
You have to be willing to risk something
Gen Larry Fine
This problem has never existed in this country as 'that jewish menace that lurked in the woods'. The people here have always accepted psychiatry or the 'gay' thing. What does Aleister Crowley say about 'look for a weakness advance the cause'. Anyone know? This is why you can never be engaged with argument.
I made the post below on Jan 27. As it say's at the top of this page 'I insinuate you investigate'. I have Winston of Orwells '1984' at work in my life so this is as far as I can get. The insinuation here is that the catholic church was responsible for the King James Bible. You must investigate the background of the various regents and others who raised James VI.
Mary Queen of Scots was born a catholic. She died a catholic. She was the mother of King James VI of Scotland, who would be King James I of England at the death of Elizabeth I. He was the first of The House of Stuart. Elizabeth I was the last of the House of Tudor. He was taken from his mother at 13 months and never saw her again. He was raised a protestant. He was made King James VI of Scotland at 13 months so he was too young to rule. When this happens a regent is appointed who exercises power until the king is old enough to assume power. James VI had at least 4 regents who died mysteriously. As soon as he assumed the throne of England he commissioned the King James Version of the bible. Does this seem deliberately provocative? The church whether catholic or protestant has been side by side with every king, queen or president through the centuries as we have gotton to where we are. They cannot be exonerated.
The end justifies the means
'Just as every cop is a criminal...'
and all the sinners saints..
as heads is tails
Call me Lucifer
cause I'm in need of some restraint...'
Sympathy for the Devil
The Rolling Stones
and all the sinners saints..
as heads is tails
Call me Lucifer
cause I'm in need of some restraint...'
Sympathy for the Devil
The Rolling Stones
There are at least six symptoms to psychosis. 1. Inability to tell right from wrong. 2. Inability to feel compassion. 3. Inability to feel empathy. 4 Inability to feel sympathy. 5. Delusions. 6. Hallucinations. You all have at least 4. Numbers 1,2,3 and 4. I think the depth of your psychosis is directly proportional to the length of your conspiracies. And this seems to be a collective problem. You are all incurable. Please jump off a bridge. Thank You.
A guy walks into a doctors office and raises his hand in the air and says "Doc it's hurts when I do this". Doctor says "don't do that" and sends him a bill for $50.
'Silence is the enemy.....
(case in point)
'The monkey in the corner, wrote the lesson in his book,...'
(case in point)
'The monkey in the corner, wrote the lesson in his book,...'
The movie 'Jaws' put forth the idea that sharks can smell fear. This is another reason you shutup and never engage them.
I am in posession of a book titled 'The Banned Lecture Gilles de Rais to have been delivered before the Oxford University Poetry Society by Aleister Crowley on the Evening of Monday February 3 1930'
I can't show any respect for a culture or anyone in that culture, they will turn into Santa Claus as sure as I'm sitting here. Santa Claus delivers the toys, the reindeer fly him around. Why must they always have a go between. Perpetuate the god myth? It's illegal. Is that a message? Do What Thou Wilst Will Be The Whole Of The Law. This is the constitution the 'pigs' of George Orwells 'Animal Farm' honor. Everyone else gets that other one.
Capt Bligh: MISTER CHRISTIAN,....front and center.
Capt Bligh: What is your full name..
A Christian: A Christian sir my family calls me uncle auntie
Capt Bligh: What is your full name..
A Christian: A Christian sir my family calls me uncle auntie
Feb 6, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
When I was a kid I had an aquarium for tropical fish. Tropical fish are very small and are sensitive to chemicals. I owned this after they began flouridating the water. I was told to fill large bottles of water and let them stand exposed to the open air for 48 hrs and all the chemicals would leetch out. For some reason I think very very few chemicals combine permanently with water. The chemicals may have already killed the bacteria but they might return if it is left too long.
Part of the northern coast of France is called Normandy. It is named for the Normans who were basically Vikings. They were very skilled warriors. They conquered England at the Battle of Hastings in 1066. They were employed by the Pope on many of the first crusades. They may in fact have been the Knights Templar. Norman (ayran) Greenbomb - Spirit in the Sky
Fascist Pig Diarhea
Madman Across The Water - Elton John
Fascist Pig Diarhea
Madman Across The Water - Elton John
'Have you heard the news, the dogs are dead....'
'Have you heard the news, the dogs are dead....'
'Put some bleachers up in the sun
and have it on Highway 61....'
Highway 61 Revisited
Bob Dylan
and have it on Highway 61....'
Highway 61 Revisited
Bob Dylan
Gilles de Rais
was best buddies with
Joan of Arc
was best buddies with
Joan of Arc
This is a story I have told a couple times but I will tell it again. I believe they can both read (sense) the electrical activity of the brain but they can insert things. A kind of two way wireless operation. I was in the hospital in the summer of 2008. I was commited for 6 mos. At the hearing two male employees sat just to my left. They had no real reason for being there other than security. One was named Mike. He was the charge nurse for the day shift. A few days after I was commited I was sitting in my room just before breakfast. I began having a long train of thought about the hearing and getting very angry. Perfectly normal I guess. Suddenly Mike poked his head in the door and goes 'Hi Phil'. They either knew how angry I was getting or it was inserted. This happened again just before I was released with a social worker I really hated. She was a real genius masochist with the psychology. Yesterday I went for my walk. I got to the high school and sat on the bench for a minute. I began having a train of thought about somebody running me over with thier car. Of course this has become my goal in life and I think about it often so it's normal. For me I guess. I walked out of the entrance toward home and there was evidence of an accident not far up Park Ave. Is this kind of stuff supposed to make me go off? Why do you expect me to make the situation worse? Why must it look like my fault? Somewhere in that shell of a body you know this is wrong. A human lurks. Why doesn't Alice operate right out in the open?
A Comparison of 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show' and 'Tommy' by The Who and 'The Wall' by Pink Floyd
Both film versions of 'Tommy' and 'The Wall' begin with scenes of WWI. I sometimes wonder if there are people who blame the USA for the two world wars. In 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show' the main character is Dr Frank N Furter an obvious reference to Dr Frankinstein. I believe he is a metaphor for the United States. But the fact he is so queer implies he is being manipulated. I believe the American Revolution is BS. Did you know the original book 'Dr Frankinstein' was published in 1820. Way ahead of it's time. "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely beleive they are free" - Johan Wolfgang von Goethe
Either last spring or the spring before I wanted to get out of the house. I walked up to the Stop & Shop in Braintree and was going to eat and walk up and down. At one point a person dressed head to toe in green spandex ran by me. If he was trying to be a little green man he failed because he was at least 6 ft tall. His face was covered and everything. Aliens from outer space fit into this thing somehow. It might be some kind of fascist con. It might have something to do with waterboarding. Spirit in the Sky - Norman Greenbaum
Feb 5, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I hate everybody, no exceptions. If I got what I wanted in this whole thing I would buy a house as close to the Canadian border in either Maine, New Hampshire or Vermont, put a picture of my middle finger at the end of the driveway and never speak to a living soul again. But since I'm 0 for 3 with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness don't get your hopes up either. Or maybe I should just say hope because I don't feel anything. Is a UFO another type of 'Rolling Stone' BS? Do you approach people and convince them the aliens are thier friends? I don't want to speak to aliens either. I don't believe they exist. Maybe it's some sort of BS fascist con. Madman Across The Water Elton is english. We are enemies till death do us part. I wouldn't sit down with you to accept a surrender. Modern warfare is BS.
A Comparison of 'Tommy' By The Who and 'The Wall' By Pink Floyd
I confess I'm an unbaptised white anglo-saxon (might have been protestant) baby thats such a threat to the world. Both 'Tommy' and 'The Wall' have images of war. Both film versions begin with scenes of WWI. Makes me tend to believe thier is some sort of revenge thing here. My point is you are working on the wrong end of the snake and the problem seems to keep getting worse. (capitalism that is) As the hero in each gets older they have trouble functioning. 'Tommy' tries to be a preacher or saint or savior or something and no one listens. He winds up in a half way house. 'The Wall' tries Rock N Roll and gets the same result. It's the Marshall Plan. Both have the mercury problem, that is they can't see themselves and bother people. They go on with life not realizing they annoy people. He didn't notice that the light had changed.
Robert Byrd was struggling with something.
Michael Vick (yaa)
Throw the black guy under the bus
Is this real?
Michael Vick (yaa)
Throw the black guy under the bus
Is this real?
Some people believe FDR turned this country around after the banksters trashed it. The truth is he just continued the problem. The country was ripe for revolution. The handouts stopped it. The same thing could be said for Lyndon Johnsons Great Society in the 60's. Again the country was ready for revolution and welfare stopped. If people started blowing up welfare offices 'you know who' would step in. Between the government and the church they have managed to stop the class struggle. If people were cold hungry and homeless it would happen again.
Problem #117 with this country. Our movers and shakers are that literally and not figuratively. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun - Pink Floyd Someone once described flying airplanes as endless hours of boredom sandwiched between 15 munutes of sheer terror. I don't know when this thing took off but I sense we are about to come in for a landing. Why do we even need a public dialogue? It sells potato chips. Advertisements are the only truth to be found in newspapers - Thomas Jefferson
Mercury Girls
Eleanor Rigby
The Beatles
The Beatles
She's Not There
The Zombies
The Zombies
Cross Eyed Mary
Jethro Tull
Jethro Tull
Edie Ciao Baby
The Cult
The Cult
Feb 4, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
In the movie "Charly" based on the book 'Flowers for Algernon' Charly eventually kinda man handles his pretty teacher. He then buys a motorcycle and goes nuts. In Pink Floyd's 'The Wall' the song 'Young Lust' has the hero going nuts with a girl. He then winds up in the hospital. When he says 'rubber bands on my sneakers' this is standard in a hospital. They take your laces in case of suicide. It's the Marshall Plan. There is a scene in Godfather II where some crazy act is played in front of an audience. Was the Michael Vick thing actually dogfighting? It's a sickness and you are all germs. "Have you heard the news, the dogs are dead"
This was in the not too distant past. I was having trouble with a certain bodily function. It had been a couple days. I woke up about 3 AM and Poof! I was like 'Thank You!!'
'Science insusceptable,...'
yet nothing is invincible....'
Synchronicity I
The Police
yet nothing is invincible....'
Synchronicity I
The Police
'That's alright we told you what to dream....
Welcome to the Machine
Pink Floyd
Welcome to the Machine
Pink Floyd
Robert Byrd is struggling with something
Electronics can do a lot of things. A single integrated circuit can do a lot of things. A single integrated circuit fits on the end of an implant. You could take an implant out of a person, they say they had no control and they didn't. On the other hand you could take an implant out of a person, they say they had no control and they actually did.
There is no point in being fair and just with people who think being fair and just is a weakness. Shoot first, ask questions later.
'I'm truly sorry man's dominion,
has broken natures social union
and justifies that ill opinion,
But you are not alone
in proving foresight in vain,
For the best laid plans
of mice and men go often askew.
To a Mouse
Robert Burns
Scottish Enlightenment
has broken natures social union
and justifies that ill opinion,
But you are not alone
in proving foresight in vain,
For the best laid plans
of mice and men go often askew.
To a Mouse
Robert Burns
Scottish Enlightenment
'Oranges and lemons say the bells of St Clemons
You owe me five farthings say the bells of St Martins
A poem recited by the children of London as people were led to thier execution. Briefly mentioned in George Orwell's novel "1984".
You owe me five farthings say the bells of St Martins
A poem recited by the children of London as people were led to thier execution. Briefly mentioned in George Orwell's novel "1984".
'Mr Crowley, what went on in your head,
Mr Crowley, did you talk to the dead...
Mr Crowley
Ozzy Osbourne
Mr Crowley, did you talk to the dead...
Mr Crowley
Ozzy Osbourne
Feb 3, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
My life is a lie till the day I die or you will get a call from Alice at the South Boston Savings and Loan.
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then they win."
Mahatma Ghandi
Mahatma Ghandi
Seems like Mustang Saul has lots of shiny new cars. Whats a Caddy go for these days. Two Hyrem's and a Saul. Just askin. I was watching some videos of Sen Robert Byrd on youtube last night. He spent hours sometimes on the floor of the senate talking about Roman History. Could be footprints in the peanut butter or a figment of someones imagination. It seemed like he was struggling with something. He was the Grand Dragon of the Ku Klucks Chickens as a youth. Thats thier highest dragon you know, it don't get no higher. He supposedly quit. It's a sickness, and your all germs. Yea as I walk through the valley of death, I am comforted by the knowledge you are all stuck here with the Jesuits AND Scientology now. Who's Next
'Southern Man better keep your head,..
don't forget what your good book said..
Southern Man
Neil Young
don't forget what your good book said..
Southern Man
Neil Young
Feb 2, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
New World Order - Act 4587 Scene 1269784
Pulaski Tennessee 1865
General For Us : I don't like Yankees
Private Parts : I'm with ya for us
Sargent Psycho : No you're with Capt Cant you're too big for for us.
General For Us : I want our women back
Private Parts : I sorry for us dem yankees took my dress.
Pulaski Tennessee 1865
General For Us : I don't like Yankees
Private Parts : I'm with ya for us
Sargent Psycho : No you're with Capt Cant you're too big for for us.
General For Us : I want our women back
Private Parts : I sorry for us dem yankees took my dress.
I'm having a southern day
'Take me with ya Jesus....'
Jesus Just Left Chicago
ZZ Top
Jesus Just Left Chicago
ZZ Top
There are at least 3 references in Rock N Roll to the fact you can't commit suicide. The Killers - Spaceman, The Police - Synchronicity II and somewhere on The Who's Quadrophenia. With all this surviellence it's very true. I could down a bottle of aspirin and they know. I would probably (Ha Ha) dial 9-1-1 in a stupor and the fire department will break down the door. I did this in Jan 2006 and my parents returned unexpectedly. This is a guess but they blamed my father for picking me up off the floor. Where in the bible does it say god broke men on a regular basis for any reason. Consider the collective mentality of the people that have spent 150 years doing this. Really, you know. They want to get your goat. They want your co-operation to destroy yourself. There is always 1 thing I know for sure that is real and I'm pretty sure it wasn't an accident and it wasn't an act of nature. Does anyone ever wonder why so many 'Ironman' hang around year after year and not finnish it off. The pain is so bad you can't do anything good or bad for yourself. It's like walking around with a broken arm all your life. You have to have someone's help. I spent 30 years like that. I have now spent at least 10 years dealing with this. My first 10 years were no picnic. We are mortal enemies till death do us part. As soon as I know who it is. You're not going to get my goat. I don't have one. You need to come up and introduce yourself and say blah blah this is who I am and this is what it is all about. And then I'm going to completely ignore you like your crazy. Because you are. (ku klucks chickens) Sorry Freudian slip.
'A hundred years....
Da Da da da....
A hundred years...
DaDa dada da..
A hundred years
I must fight...
The Cure
Somewhere on the Trilogy DVD's
Da Da da da....
A hundred years...
DaDa dada da..
A hundred years
I must fight...
The Cure
Somewhere on the Trilogy DVD's
A few days ago I asked the question: Why was there an inquisition in Goa India? To the best of my knowledge the inquisition was a catholic institution and no catholic power ever ruled India.
'Alls I got is this red guitar,...
Three chords and the truth,..
Alls I got is this red guitar,..
The rest is up to you,..
All Along the Watchtower
From Rattle and Hum
Three chords and the truth,..
Alls I got is this red guitar,..
The rest is up to you,..
All Along the Watchtower
From Rattle and Hum
'Alls I got is this homemade computer,
some software skills and the truth...
Alls I got is this homemade computer,..
the rest is up to you...
some software skills and the truth...
Alls I got is this homemade computer,..
the rest is up to you...
'My eyes have seen the glory
of the coming of the lord
He was bombing down the highway
in a 57 Ford
He had one hand on the throttle
and the other on a bottle
of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer
I would rather have a bottle in front of me
than a frontal lobotomy
of the coming of the lord
He was bombing down the highway
in a 57 Ford
He had one hand on the throttle
and the other on a bottle
of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer
I would rather have a bottle in front of me
than a frontal lobotomy
Two groups that first came to New England were the Pilgrams and the Puritans. There were differences but I'm not sure what they were. Here is a guess. The Pilgrams were escaping the problems in Europe and had no 'legal authority' to be here. The Puritans were granted a charter by the king of England. The Virginia colony was also sponsored by the king. Thomas Paine points out in 'Common Sense' that monarchy is the folly of the ancients. Whenever there was a popular uprising the leader was then made king. He is usually benevolent and makes reform. His children grow up in a house of power and privilage. They usually turn despotic. The idea, supposedly, of America was to avoid this problem. It might have been better if Thomas Paine led the Army, but then again maybe not. The people who rule us today went crazy 6000 years ago. They are the kings and queens of the kings and queens.
'It came out of the Virginia swamp, cool and narrow, with a backbeat thats hard to follow....'
The WASP Texas Radio and the Big Beat
The Doors
The WASP Texas Radio and the Big Beat
The Doors
'I'm the man in the box,
rolling in my shit,
won't you come and save me,..
He who tries,...
Will be wasted...
Jesus Christ,..
Deny your maker...
Man in the Box
Alice in Chains
rolling in my shit,
won't you come and save me,..
He who tries,...
Will be wasted...
Jesus Christ,..
Deny your maker...
Man in the Box
Alice in Chains
I believe the saints are coming. But I am not the man behind the curtain. It's just another act in the play. The result of slavery is over production. But this is the goal. The excess is sold by the land/slave holder for a profit. This gives that person power. Power can be intoxicating. This is world trade. We live in the wage slave world. In the past the owner of the slave was responsible for the slaves food and housing. In the wage slave world the slave is responsible. I sometimes compare over population to the buffalo on the Plains of North America. If it rains a lot in the spring there is plenty of grass and the buffalo thrive. If it happens year after year the buffalo population increases. The wage slave system has man out of whack with nature. We are approaching a time where we can go back to the natural rythym of things or allow a tiny minority to run the planet like a cattle farm. This is fascism. When every corner of the earth has some slave company, world trade stops working.
Feb 1, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I believe the saints are coming.
For the record.
I am not the man behind the curtain. I will not implicate or exonerate anyone with association. Period. A while ago I asked the question "Why has no one contacted me?". The truth is I don't want anyone to contact me and if anyone does I won't speak to them. No one knows who who or whats what and the surviellence is 100% and total. So there is no point. I throw everybody under the bus figuring the bus won't handle it sooner or later. I am just the messenger.
For the record.
I am not the man behind the curtain. I will not implicate or exonerate anyone with association. Period. A while ago I asked the question "Why has no one contacted me?". The truth is I don't want anyone to contact me and if anyone does I won't speak to them. No one knows who who or whats what and the surviellence is 100% and total. So there is no point. I throw everybody under the bus figuring the bus won't handle it sooner or later. I am just the messenger.
A joke we told as kids. How can you tell if an elephant has been in your refrigerator. There are footprints in the peanut butter. Back in the 70's and 80's the gays here in Boston fought a long legal battle for the right to march in the annual St Patricks Day parade in South Boston. I ate a pizza my mother brought home yesterday about an hour ago. I am now feeling sick. You know it's like this. In all the excitement I can't remember if I bought the regular pizza or the tainted one. Given that this is the worlds most deadly pizza, a Stop & Shop pepperoni you have to ask yourself one question. Do I feel lucky. You know in all the excitement I forgot myself. Why did they make the Dirty Harry movies after the Summer of Love? Were they sticking it in our face? You people don't have a religion you have a sickness. My mouth is my rampage, if you don't like it FO!!!
Silence is the Enemy. (case in point) It only works if they get your goat. There'll probably never be a headline or a 'meet the new boss...' slow and steady wins the race. Fabianism. They'll off me and what ever other 'jews' they've made including whats in Israel and everyone else will be on a different page. (Homage to Catalonia) There's no telling what the rest of the world thinks right now. America will have an old fashioned revival caused by the evils of money and capitalism, meanwhile Russia is now a capitalist country and China is pretty much capitalist. Or this is all thier fault and it's payback. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain. And in the end there won't be a scratch in the dent of the surface of the worlds problems.
God wants half-dead socially cut-off people
God IS half-dead socially cut-off people
It's the chain of the prostitution
'Sometimes you can't make it on your own,....'
Jesus saves, Or else
He outta know, he's the one making the trouble
(in regards to the warm and fuzzy teddy bear, didn't I already try that in Jan 2006)
Silence is the Enemy (case in point)
Sooner or later I will have done so much damage in the minds of millions it will behove someone (I use the term someone in reference to the pig diahrea) to just get it over with. And it's kinda the one thing I could use a little help with.
I've gotton to the point where I'm breathing just to spite people.
'Or would you take me for a ride, and strip me of everything including my pride....'
Well I think we know the answer to that question.
God IS half-dead socially cut-off people
It's the chain of the prostitution
'Sometimes you can't make it on your own,....'
Jesus saves, Or else
He outta know, he's the one making the trouble
(in regards to the warm and fuzzy teddy bear, didn't I already try that in Jan 2006)
Silence is the Enemy (case in point)
Sooner or later I will have done so much damage in the minds of millions it will behove someone (I use the term someone in reference to the pig diahrea) to just get it over with. And it's kinda the one thing I could use a little help with.
I've gotton to the point where I'm breathing just to spite people.
'Or would you take me for a ride, and strip me of everything including my pride....'
Well I think we know the answer to that question.
Jan 31, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Did Aleister Crowley spend his life fighting Alice in Wonderland?
'She asked me why the singers name was Alice,...
I said listen baby you really wouldn't understand...
Be My Lover
Alice Cooper
I said listen baby you really wouldn't understand...
Be My Lover
Alice Cooper
'I'm the man in the box...
Man in the Box
Alice in Chains
Man in the Box
Alice in Chains
'Jesus just left Chicago, and he's bound for New Orleans...
Jesus Just Left Chicago
ZZ Top
Jesus Just Left Chicago
ZZ Top
'There is a house in New Orleans,...
House of the Rising Sun
The Animals
House of the Rising Sun
The Animals
My take on the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. Three million years ago a presence showed up on earth and gave man tools. Man quickly learned to use tools to kill for his survival. Kill man. Three million years later the presence returns. This time it teaches man's tools to kill. Kill man. Scientology is automated fascism. All fascism does is solve the problem of too many people for the people who already have too much and are responsible for the problem. Who stared this? Did Vatican II have anything to do with it? Is Scientology designed to act in a similar capacity as the Jesuits?
People like Samuel Morse and Alexander Graham Bell do things to help people. Other people see those things and say "I can kill people with that", for reasons known only to the great beyond. And so began the saga of Alice in Wonderland, then The Wizard of Oz then Catch-22. Prior to the Protestant Reformation people were required to attend church. There were penalties if you didn't. Protestantism was voluntary for the most part. Gee, freedom. Older churches have had to adjust to make thier church look like a warm and fuzzy teddy bear. But nothing has changed.
Is Israel the equivilent to San Francisco of the 1960's. Are the settlers on the west bank American mercury victims? Is the BS armageddon designed to get rid of them?
Jan 30, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
God wants half dead socially cut-off people. Half get into the Fat Bottom Intercourse agency or the Criminal Insane Agency the other half gets to be the victims. It's fun and games for the whole family.