Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, www.philipnute.com and it's companion website www.zsezse.com, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
George Orwell
Beginning of Actual Blog
Feb 27, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
"Spring has sprung"
"The grass is growin"
"Phil has his nasty back"
"All is right with the world"
"The grass is growin"
"Phil has his nasty back"
"All is right with the world"
Hey I waited about 15 minutes for the wood chipper and nobody showed. Whats up with that? signed Francis McDormand
Over the weekend I downloaded a free copy of Charlie Chaplins movie "The Great Dictator". I watched it before but I wanted to again. You can download all kinds of free stuff from archive.org or vimeo.com. "The Great Dictator" was made in 1940 and is a major slap in the face of Adolph Hitler. It is not, however, your average Hollywood WWII propaganda. It might have been one reason Chaplin was suspected of being a communist. At the beginning Chaplin is assigned to an artillery crew. They're trying to hit Notre Dame. Instead they destroy an outhouse. Then he's told to "..join Sgt Blue..." Then Paulette Goddard says "We're both absent minded..". They were 'jews' (juded) living in a Ghetto. They want to go to Osterlich to be free (an ostrich buries it's head in the sand) The Dictator is from Tomania. (Too many people) The Dictator commands the Order of the Double Cross (stabbed in the back) Everything You Know Is Wrong, Art Reflects Life, If You Know What To Look For It's All The Same Thing. To any absent minded assholes who think they are building a better world by killing other people at the bottom I say you're a MORON. You are perpetuating the very system you think you are fighting. After you kill off all us English Pigdogs you will have an eternity of aliens from outer space to deal with. There is no utopia. War is part of the system. Why does the Pope tolerate Voodoo? Because they're all the same thing at the top. Why does the Pope tolerate Evangelical Lutheranism in Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Iceland? Because they're all the same thing at the top. Why does the Pope not tolerate English Anglican? My guess is it's similar to Leo Strauss Neo Con ideology. They give you an enemy to unite and occupy you. Slight of hand. Divide and conquer. You have to get the Proletariat to kill the Proletariat for the benefit of the Bourgousie. You need the co-operation of some of the Proletariat. You need gladiators and lions.
"Jesus tell me a story..."
"The one about eternity..."
"And how it's all gonna be..."
Wake Up Dead Man
"The one about eternity..."
"And how it's all gonna be..."
Wake Up Dead Man
I bought the book "Twilight In The Desert" by Matt Simmons. It's one of the more popular books about Peak Oil. I haven't got very far reading it. I have a number of problems with Peak Oil. The first is that despite the fact that many people believe we haved peaked the price of gas here in the United States has not risen very much. The fact that many nations around the world are trying to build a society modeled after ours adds to my suspicion. Demand would be climbing as supply decreases. Why wouldn't the price go up? Second is the official story of how oil came to be. Oil is a finite resource but it was created from organic material that built up over millions of years. Organic material is everywhere even in the oceans so why is there not oil pretty much everywhere? Power is the real prize. Resources keep people in power. The use of oil has run the population of the planet out of control. This fact is a threat to the powerful. Why not lie about how much oil there is and where it can be found to keep power? This leads me to number three. Why is most of the oil in the middle east? This seems to be very convenient for the people who like to make war and pit people against one another based on religion. It's even more suspicious that most of that oil has to pass through a very narrow strait (Strait of Hormuz). The global economy could be shut down very easily by anyone controlling that waterway. I think that the capitol of the New World Order is Dubai Abu Dhabi which is right next that the waterway. Since global food production has become heavily dependant on oil massive de-population could be accomplished by shutting it down and thus preserving the elites power. There's plenty oil left so they will be around for another millenia. Matt Simmons was murdered during the BP oil spill in 2010. HMMM Or was he? Slight of hand? Misdirection? Four. Alternatives to oil do exist. They're far from perfect but why not do more to develop them? The PC industry wasn't seemless for 30 years, any alternatives to oil would be the same. Why aren't the people in power doing something? Five. Whoever has all this surveillance is running everything. Period, end of story. There's your culprit. I only have suspicions. Oil is secondary to the surveillance. So I'll quote George Orwell "Who controls the past controls the future, WHO CONTROLS THE PRESENT controls the past"
Feb 24, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Whats left of the Freemasonry Hall in Quincy Mass
I got out of bed today and decided to try and attain Most Wanted Status with the PC Police. But I actually think this I’m not just saying it. I want to find a toy store that still sells marbles and send a bag to Caitlyn Jenner with a note that says:
Dear Caitlyn Jenner,
I found your marbles. Please don’t lose them again, they’re expensive and hard to find.
Dear Caitlyn Jenner,
I found your marbles. Please don’t lose them again, they’re expensive and hard to find.
P.S. I think Progressivism and the Ancient Egyptian Priesthood System have reached their logical conclusion and it’s a good thing the Apolcalypse is right around the corner. Liberalism IS a mental disorder. It’s caused by brain damage. Conservatism IS a sickness. It’s caused by brain damage.
(There is no such thing as bad publicity)
Feb 23, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
"And Lenny Bruce is not afraid...."
It's The End Of The World As We Know It
It's The End Of The World As We Know It
REM was the name of a Rock N Roll band that was active for 30 years. It also stands for Rapid Eye Movement. (REM) REM is a state of sleep that is characterized by certain criteria. I don't know what they are. There are different states of sleep. Some light some deep. Point being, if you are under constant surveillance they know when you are in deep sleep and are less likely to wake up. Despite my best efforts to secure my MP3 players my ear buds continue to make me sick. (the past fews days,---really nasty) I keep my players with me AT ALL TIMES. I also keep my wallet and keys and USB thumb drives with me. The only time they could possibly get at them is while I'm asleep. This is a collection of things I have tried. The top picture is the door to my room. I came up with this over the weekend. I tied 4 cans together with metal wire. I taped them to a piece of wood using Duck tape. It's kind of sticky on the outside and helps to keep it balanced. I taped the cans toward the end of the piece of wood so the other end would touch the door. This stops the wire from getting caught on the door knob. When the knob is turned the wood forces it off the knob and onto the floor. I also bought a automobile mat to jam the door shut. I also have a book end. The second picture is something I bought at Wal-Mart. I decided not to go with this for a couple reasons. I don't own the door and can't make alterations. It has to be screwed into the wood. If you had a car Slim Jim or just a thin stiff piece of metal you could push the device up from the other side if there is enough space between the door and the floor. The third picture is a metal box left by the last person who had the room. He kept his medications in it. I put all my stuff in and put it under my mattress when I sleep. When ever I have my computers on I start to get sick. I figure they put something on a fan or something. The last picture is a HEPA filter. It cost about $100. The filters are replaceable. I put it next to the computer when it's on.
"I'm flying,...I'm flying..."
Who Was In My Room Last Night?
Butthole Surfers
Who Was In My Room Last Night?
Butthole Surfers
Lenny Bruce comedy bits can be bought on CD. Some of the ones I have are:
Interview With Dr Sholem Stein - Calypso music, Israel, fiat currency etc.
Adolph and The MCA - Mien K(C)ampf Arises Hitler and Shickelgruber
The March Of High Fidelity - HFN High Fi Nuts
Psychopathia Sexualis - "I'm in love with a horse from Dallas"
Religions Inc - ????
Interview With Dr Sholem Stein - Calypso music, Israel, fiat currency etc.
Adolph and The MCA - Mien K(C)ampf Arises Hitler and Shickelgruber
The March Of High Fidelity - HFN High Fi Nuts
Psychopathia Sexualis - "I'm in love with a horse from Dallas"
Religions Inc - ????
Feb 14, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I wonder how many telegrams from the Civil War still exist. And I wonder if studying them could prove if someone, or someones, was intercepting them and re-wording or not passing them on at all. The specialty of the wizard is manipulating and going undetected. A book that is interesting from that era is "Fifty Years In The Church Of Rome" by Charles Chiniquiy. Chiniquiy was a Jesuit priest who either was sued, or sued, the Catholic church and was represented by Abraham Lincoln. Another is "Washington In The Lap Of Rome" by E Dewey Fulton (name ???) Fulton points out that the land that comprises Washington DC was once owned by Roman Catholic Bishop John Carrol. He donated the land to George Washington after the revolution for the purpose of building the city. Washington was a Freemason. I think, I don't know, that one of the original objectives of Freemasonry was the destruction of the Catholic Church. This would prove the church has run Freemasonry from the beginning. In my endless search for information to do damage I ran across something about someone named Nicholas Bonneville. He was an associate of Thomas Paine who wrote the pamphlet "Common Sense" among other things. Bonneville supposedly wrote a book accusing Jesuits of trying to put Templar symbols into Freemasonry. I couldn't find a copy but it would prove the same. Templars are sworn enemies of the church. Did you know the Freemasonry hall in Quincy Mass burned down a few years ago? It is still sitting in ruins across the street from city hall. Maryland was a mostly Catholic colony. MARY land. "Mother Mary come to me speaking words of wisdom Let It Be....." I don't think so Scooter. "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free" Johann Wolfgang von Goethe I have a book titled "The Secret History Of The Jesuits" by Edmond Paris. He states there are over 6000 books about the Jesuits. If the police won't stop enforcing the "Chickenshit 2 sets of rules for different groups of people" system because, according to them, if they do they will suffer the chickenshit I say people should apply the Rock and a Hard Place strategy. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. Turnabout's fair play.
Feb 11, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I have been thinking about the science of light. I read somewhere that light is a particle, but the Wikipedia page talks about the wave-particle duality. This is the way I look at it. Atoms are the smallest building blocks in the universe. The periodic table contains all the known different atoms. An atom consists of a nucleus and electrons. The nucleus has both protons and neurons in different numbers. Electrons revolve around the nucleus. The number of electrons per atom depends on the substance. Electrons are not permanantly bound to the nucleus. They can drift from nucleus to nucleus. Electrons, neutrons and protons are particles. When electrons move from nucleus to nucleus they create electro-magnetic radiation (EMR). The 2 types of radiation are particles and waves.
Fire gives off light. Fire is a chemical reaction. Technically the sun is fire. You can't power the secondary of a transformer with fire, so this would suggest that light is a particle.
There is no such thing as a DC transformer. (DC - direct current) I don't know if there is such a thing as DC EMR. It's possible EMR only occurs in AC circuits. In a fire the particle is being thrown off very quickly and so resembles DC. In deep space there are no molecules of any kind so there are no nucleus's for electrons to bind to. When the particles get to the atmosphere they encounter oxygen, nitrogen etc. To create EMR they would have to be vibrating somehow.
I figure there are 3 possibilities for powering an RFID chip. RFID chips are not exposed to light so they have to be powered by some sort of EMR. The AC EMR given off by the wires all around us, some sort of naturally generated EMR or the tiny voltages produced by the brain itself. If it's the AC all around us it has to have a secondary coil like a transformer. Nikola Tesla said he discovered what he called Terrestrial Stationary Waves (TSW). Was this some kind of natural EMR? Can you power the secondary of a transformer with it? The brain itself produces tiny voltages. They are varying in nature and could power the secondary of a transformer. Maybe the RFID is not just inserted under the skin but is actually in the brain and making contact to pick up the voltage. I don't know.
Can you make coils out of semi-conductor material? Can you make a solar panel of tiny coils to increase the current? Can you combine coils and PN junctions?
Over the weekend I re-watched "Loose Change" and Missing Links". "Loose Change" is mostly about the problems with Sept 11. "Missing Links" is the same but from a different viewpoint. At the beginning they thank investigators from the NSA, CIA and FBI who are still loyal to America. Thier missing links are events that took place in the recent past that lead to the conclusion Sept 11 was committed by the Israeli Mossad. The Israeli CIA. The first event is Operation Susannah which occured in 1954 in the Middle East. Then the attack on the USS Liberty during the Arab-Israeli War in 1967. They mention Operation Gladio but don't say too much. Most of the film is about Americans who hold dual citizenship, both American and Israeli. Most of these people are aassociated with Neocon ideology. Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle etc. One person in particular is Michael Chertoff. Chertoff was put in charge of the Department of Homeland Security under George Bush (43). Chertoff has a liason in every police dept in the country. He is in charge of FEMA and the camps set up all across the country. (Jasenovac??) He runs the NSA. (ECHELON ??) They mentions something called 'Zoomcopters' ???? 9-11 birds ??? They blame the worlds problems on Jews and a Zionist conspiracy. But I think they're all the same thing. They all know how it works. Jews, Christians, Muslims etc. It's a gangsta paradise! Ever hear the expression 'Beyond the pale'. The 'pale' was the Eastern Orthodox equivilent of a ghetto. If you were 'beyond the pale' you were outside the ghetto. Did you know there was a Muslim SS division operating with the Ustashe in Yugoslavia during WWII? They helped with Jasenovac. The Grand Mufti helped establish Israel. The Judenrat were Jews who helped run the Ghettos set up by Hitler.
"Homeland Security could kill us all..."
21st Century Breakdown
Green Day
21st Century Breakdown
Green Day
"And after all....."
"You're my WONDERwall...."
("Alice in WONDERland")
"You're my WONDERwall...."
("Alice in WONDERland")
"There's a tugboat...."
"Down by the river...."
"Don't cha know..."
Mack The Knife
Bobby Darrin
(apparently there's a difference of opinion as to the purpose for the phenomena)
"Down by the river...."
"Don't cha know..."
Mack The Knife
Bobby Darrin
(apparently there's a difference of opinion as to the purpose for the phenomena)
Feb 9, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I have been thinking about Digital Video Recorders (DVR) lately. This afternoon I wanted to find some information on building my own. Do-It-Yourself. I went to ask.com, I don't trust Google, and typed in "Homemade Digital Video Recorder free pdf". I got a lot of manuals for various brands and 1 website that had some general info. Quick like a bunny I "Copy" ied the address to the Clipboard and found a free 'webpage to PDF converter'. Then I "Paste" ed the Clipboard into the URL box and got a copy. Whoever came up with the Clipboard, Copy and Paste was a genius. If I don't do this I won't get that website again. I could say what happened to ask.com in the 10 minutes I was sitting there but I won't.
All I can do is think about these things and pass on my thoughts. If ask.com changed in 10 minutes my ability to build and hack around with this is completely hopeless. Foot on throat, gun in face, and/or get even. Objective A and/or A-1. I get out of bed every day and work toward the objective(s). Most of the time it's all the same. "If you want to know what the future or the world is Winston,....imagine a boot stamped on a human face,..forever.." 1984 - George Orwell
The website I got the pdf for was ezwatch.com. They describe 3 types of systems: Analog, IP and HD-SDI. Analog was the cheapest and can probably be bought at walmart.com. Camera resolution was low. They connected to a DVR via coax cable. IP used a network based DVR. They connect with Cat5 through your network. HD-SDI was considered the best and most expensive. Camara's could be high resolution and record full video. It needed a large hard drive. Camera's connect with coax.
DVR's come in 4 types: Standalone DVR, PC based DVR, PCI Capture card and a Standalone HD-SDI. The PCI Capture Card inserts into your PC and transforms it into a DVR. Comes with software I assume. This would be for someone who really wants to hack around.
This is what I would do for a homemade DVR. (I'm not sure how much of this is possible, I come up with these ideas and write something very quickly) To conceal it I want to fit the entire thing into a full tower desktop computer case. The computer I use all the time. I want it to be completely independant including power supply and fan if needed. The desktop would not have to be on all the time. I want to fit the DVR, except the camera, into the 5.25 inch bay. I want it to be electrically isolated from the desktop but grounded to earth ground. I want to fit it into an aluminum enclosure and hold it to the desktop case with rubber grommets to isolate it. Ground the aluminum enclosure to earth ground for a Faraday Cage. My desktop case is not aluminum. Most of it is made of plastic. You can buy aluminum desktop cases from sites like newegg.com or cdw.com. When you connect the power supply it is automatically connected to earth ground because of National Electric Code. It's possible the metal 5.25 inch cage is grounded to earth through the power supply.
The CPU would be an ITX or mini-ITX motherboard. Server motherboards are designed to be on all the time. Go to ebay and try to find an old blade server. Older motherboards probably don't have on-board WiFi, this would help with keeping it secure. I would try to find something that had USB and SATA and maybe VGA or DVI. I had a laptop that blew up on me and I know the hard drive would fit into a 5.25 inch bay. I would have to come up with some way to connect it to SATA. Smaller motherboards don't require as much power and if I don't hook up too much to the mobo the power supply doesn't have to be that big. I would not have a mouse or keyboard all the time so this would help. I might be able to get away with some generic PS from a general supply house and put my own connectors on it. A normal PC power supply won't fit into the 5.25 bay.
The mobo has to have at least 2 USB. One for a camera and one for communicating with the DVR. My desktop computer has 2 USB in the front. I might be able to disconnect one and route it to the DVR for communicating. The camera would be a pinhole I could hide in the case somewhere. My case has one side that is see-through. Some cases have more than one see-through side. An aluminum case wouldn't have this so maybe I could fit it into a panel in the 5.25 inch bay if I bought one. Connect it through the other USB.
All mobo's run on an operating system. Ubuntu is free and they have a server version. You can make an ISO image and boot from a USB thumb drive. I could connect the mobo to some monitor while I install the operating system then never connect it again. To retreive the pictures I would use my smart phone through the USB on the front. The password would be both the MAC ID and a randomly generated PW from an APP. You couldn't get into the DVR without that phone.
To get power to the DVR I would install a dummy USB panel in the back that looks like a PCI bus USB add-on. The wire would plug into the wall and look like an ordinary USB on the other end. I think they make security enclosures for the back PCI panel area. This could help to conceal it and keep it secure.
When I was a kid I watched a lot of TV. There used to be a lot of private investigator and undercover cop shows. Whenever they wanted to get into a place illegally they needed a key. They would make up an excuse and get a hold of the key for a short time and make an impression in clay or Play-Doh and get the key back to the person. Then they would get a blank key and slowly file it by hand and use trial and error until it worked. Blank keys can be found in any hardware store. Several months ago I got a key to my door because I thought someone was entering my room when I was out. My computer was having problems and it seemed like someone was spraying cleaner or something on my bed. After I did this staff put a copy of my key marked 'Phil" on the household set. On Monday Jan 30 I got up to take a shower at 6:00 AM. First I plugged in one of my tablets and turned off the overhead light and turned on the one on the desk. When I got out of the shower the overhead light was back on and the desk was off. The user name for the tablet had been changed. My bed SUCKS. It makes me sick and I can't wash things enough. The problem returns almost immediately.
Feb 6, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
This is a couple ideas to defeat surveillance or unwanted intrusion by human robots. The first is a random password generator. If you are aware of how complete the surveillance is (synthetic telepathy) you know there is no point in trying to keep passwords secret. You can generate a random password for your computer. From Windows desktop go to the Control Panel. Pick User Accounts. Create a password for each account. Open Notepad and simply type a lot of random numbers and try not to look at them as you do it. Copy the number to the Clipboard. Print a hard copy of the Notepad document and try not to look at it. Keep it with you until you log on to your computer again. During the process of creating the password Paste the Clipboard into the appropriate place. Try not to look at it. Next time you turn the compuiter on you will need the number on the printed copy. At one time there was a free software program that generated a random password. I think it was at synthetictelepathy.net or .com. I don't know if it worked.
A Digital Video Recorder (DVR) is a separate piece of hardware that records a picture every few seconds or minutes depending on how you set it. They use them in convenience stores for the police. You can buy a camera that connects via USB. Some may also be wireless but I wouldn't go down that road. If you want to retreive the pictures you connect a computer. This is where a random password generator helps.
Jan 25, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
In the past few weeks I have been gathering together all my documentary's and organizing them on my hard drive. I have been leaving them on public computers. There are 5 folders with 38 documentary's and 2 fiction movies. They fit on 5 DVD's as data files. I have also been burning hard copies and leaving them in random places.
- "9-11 Birds" 2 parts of a video I downloaded while trying to find a copy of Jules and Gedeon Naudets film 9/11 The Commemorative Edition. One part has Donald Rumsfeld talking about trillions missing from the defense budget and the other is about William Cooper. (see note)
- "1984" with John Hurt and Richard Burton (fiction) A recent version of Orwell's novel. Many people feel we are living Orwell's dystopia. I am one of them.
- "A Crude Awakening" About Peak Oil. Points out 3 places where oil ran dry. Baku, Ajerbaijan, Maracaibo, Venezuela, and McCamey Texas. Every individual oil field runs out so they know it will happen globally sooner or later.
- "Freedom to Fascism" by Aaron Russo Aaron Russo made films. He made "Trading Places" with Eddie Murphy. In this documentary he claims there is no law that requires people to pay federal income taxes. He says the required number of states never ratified the amendment. He was an acquantance of one of the Rockefellers and says they want everyone on the planet 'chipped' with an RFID. All your money will be on that chip and if you don't do what they say they turn it off leaving you destitute. "All in all you're just another brick in the wall...."
- "Once Again There Will Be Ante Pavelic" a Marbus Presentation Ante Pavelic was the fascist dictator of Yugoslavia during WWII. He oversaw the Jasenovac Death Camp where 850,000 people were killed or converted to Catholicism.
- "School Of The America's" narrated by Susan Sarandon The School of the Americas (now called WHINSEC) is located at Fort Benning GA. Critics claim they train police and military from South American countries to terrorize and kill peasants for capitalists.
- "Big Bucks, Big Pharma Marketing Disease and Pushing Drugs" An hour long documentary on how drug companies market drugs direct to consumer (DTC) and over charge for them. One example is Prozac. When the patent for Prozac ran out they invented another disease and DTC Prozac under some other name. But it was exactly the same drug.
- "The Secret Of Oz with Bill Still" A movie about fiat currency and the fractional reserve banking system.
- "Blind Spot" Another documentary about Peak Oil.
- "The World According To Bush" by William Karel About George Bush the 43rd president. Many interviewed say Bush is the worst president we have ever had.
- "Collapse" with Michael Ruppert About Peak Oil and CIA drug dealing in Los Angeles.
- "Crash Course" with Chris Martenson About Peak Oil and the eventual collapse of capitalism when oil runs out and debt can't be re-payed.
- "ECHELON - The Most Secret Spy System" from The History Channel ECHELON is a spying operation of the NSA (National Security Agency) The NSA was created after WWII by an agreement with Great Britain. Curiously the only countries ECHELON has bases in are WASP countries. Australia, Great Britain, USA, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa. ????? ECHELON sifts through trillions of phone calls and internet traffic looking for 'terrorists'.
- "Eisenhower's Farewell Address" Eisenhower managed to say everything in about 16 minutes. He says: "We face a hostile ideology, global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose and insidious in method. Unhappily the danger it poses promises to be of indefinite duration." ......"a prolonged and complex struggle with liberty the stake.."....."In the councils of government we must guard against the aquisition of unwarranted influence whether sought or unsought by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist, we must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic process's." ......."In this revolution research has become central, it has also become more formalized, costly and complex. A steadily increasing share is done for, by or at the direction of the federal government"...."The solitary inventor has become overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratory's and testing fields."....."We must also gaurd against the possibility that public policy itself could become the captive of a scientific and technological elite"...
- "End Game" by Infowars and Alex Jones Starts out about the Bilderberg Group and eventually goes into the banking system and out of control surveillance.
- "Jasenovac" A short film with english subtitles about the Jasenovac Death Camp in Fascist Yugoslavia during WWII. Jasenovac was administered by the Ustasha who murdered 850,000. Even Hitler was shocked with thier brutality. Many were forced to convert to Catholicism before being executed. Two books about the camp are "Genocide in Satellite Croatia" by Edmond Paris and "Convert or Die" by Edmond Paris. Americans should read these books before surrendering any more of thier freedoms in the war on terror. FEMA camps have been set up around the country.
- "John F Kennedy at the Waldorf Astoria April 1961" About 3 months after Eisenhowers Farewell Address and 2 weeks after the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba Kennedy gave this speech about the medias role in the fight outlined by Eisenhower. He says: "For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarliy on covet means to increase it's sphrere of influence..." ..."no shots have been fired, no borders have been crossed but our enemies are advancing...."...."So man can be what he was born to be, free and independent"
- "Jack Kerouac" A short film about Jack Kerouac. Kerouac was a writer from Lowell Mass. His best known book was "On The Road". He was an active member of the beat generation from North Beach in San Francisco in the early 1950's. Studying the history of San Francisco from 1950 to the present is a must for anyone who wants to know what is really going on.
- "Loose Change" About the problems with Sept 11.
- "Missing Links" About the problems with Sept 11.
- "My Alma Mater Is A Moral Cesspool: Fundies, Feddies, Neocons And The University Of Chicago" with Francis A Boyle The University of Chicago has the distinction for 3 events in the 20th century. The study of education (pedagody) They are mostly responsible for the failing public schools and the college and university system that has become just another business. Going to college is a way to saddle the young with debt and employ useless intellectuals who can't do anything else. "Those who can't do, teach, those who can't teach, teach gym" While attending college the psychos that be scope out the young to find more psychos. Western civilization is a case of turds float. Not cream rising to the top. Young people are told that they can't get anywhere without a college education. That may be true but a large percentage won't get anywhere with one. The first nuclear chain reaction was accomplished in the 1940's. It led to the Manhatan Project and atomic weapons. It was the home of Milton Friedman and the Chicago Boys, an economic philosophy used by the Catholic University in Chile after Pinochet took power. "The Murder of Chile" (a book) is sometimes referred to as the other Sept 11. It's proof they're all the same thing. There are just as many psycho WASP's as Catholics. "Religion is a club" "All in all you're just another brick in the wall..."
- "NASA Remote Sensing" A very short film about Remote Sensing. The technology behind satellites.
- "A Noble Lie" An award winning documentary about the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. Like the Sept 11 and the World Trade Center the bombing of the Alfred P Murrah Federal building in 1995 is full of inconsistancies and explainations that make no sense. They present evidence that the type of bomb the FBI said was used could not have done the damage caused. An officer, Terrance Yeakey, was tortued and murdered when he kept investigating. The only TV station in Oklahoma City that wouldn't accept the official line was silenced by it's corporate boss's. This whole thing could have been an Aleister Crowley. Like Rodney King, Officer Yeakey was a black (souled ??? me ???) man surrounded by cops getting the crap beat out of him. Alfred P Murruh sounds very like Edward R Morrow a very famous TV reporter. Timothy McVeigh, a disgruntled (catholic ??) veteran was convicted and executed. (but was he guilty?) McVeigh hated the ATF because of what they did to the Branch Davidians in Waco TX in 1993 on the same day April 19. This may be unrelated, Michael Sullivan was the U.S. Attorney for Boston in 2006. Bush wanted to appoint him head of the ATF but Sen Larry Craig blocked the appointment. (???? I think) Craig was later run out of the Senate when he plead guilty to sex charges in a bathroom in Minneapolis MN in Aug 2008. ??? Larry Craig was from Idaho. Sen Frank Church was from Idaho. The Church Committee is the only investigation into the CIA that you can't get any information about.
- "Oil Smoke And Mirrors" Another Peak Oil documentary. Has some interesting statistics. Eighty percent of the oil produced comes from fields discovered before 1970. We are using 3 times more than we are discovering. Despite (supposedly) having the worlds largest reserves Saudi Arabia is looking offshore for additional fields. The standard of living for the average Saudi has decreased dramatically in the last 10 years and the country is ripe for revolution.
- "Operation Ratline" Pts 1,2 and 3 by ABC News After WWII ended many Nazi's were smuggled out of Europe through South America. This has come to be known as Operation Ratline. At least 3, and maybe 4, were involved. The Vatican, the OSS (pre CIA) and Odessa. And maybe the KGB. The Vatican issued passports and gave money to many ex-Nazi's. Odessa was an organization of former Nazi's helping Nazi's. There are many books about Ratline. One is 'Unholy Trinity'. My copy has a quote at the very beginning from a British diplomat to the Vatican. In effect it says "When considering the actions of the Vatican one must think in terms of centuries". ???
- "Orwell Rolls In His Grave" About 2 hrs of how the media is controlled by big business and they control us.
- "The Power Of Nightmares, The Rise Of The Politics Of Fear" by BBC Presents the idea that politicians have switched from selling people a better world to protecting people from terror. It connects the media to politicians.
- "Ring Of Power" pts 1 and 2 by Amenstop Productions A six hour long documentary that claims Sept 11 was a lie and tries to build a case that the entire planet is ruled by the ancestors of the Phaoroh's of Egypt. Interesting.
- "Lies Agreed Upon - George Seldes And The American Press" Pts 1,2 and 3 by Alternative Views George Seldes was an American muckraker. He focused on the media. At the beginning he attributes a quote to Napolean "History is a lie agreed upon".
- "Frontline May 15 2007 - Spying On The Home Front" KPBS San Diego Presents evidence that the NSA is spying on everyone. A lawsuit was filed in San Francisco in 2008 ?? by the Electronic Frontier Foundation that accused AT&T of allowing the NSA to siphon off all internet traffic and sift through it. The NSA put a large splitter in RM 641A (my SSN ???) and was using some software from NARUS.
- "The Money Masters" by Bill Still Three hour documentary about the Federal Reserve and fractional reserve banking. Explains how the amount of currency in circulation is controlled by the international bankers through the money as debt, debt as money system and how they use it to create a phoney boom and bust market. The Great Depression of the 1930's was completely manufactured and maintained by keeping the amount of currency in circulation too low. Many of the Peak Oil documentary's I have believe the global debt that is piling up from this system will contribute to the eventual collapse. I think it was Francois Voltaire who said "All fiat currency's must return to thier intrinsic value: zero". I don't think thats necessarily true. The British pound was the first fiat currency established in 1694 and it has never completely collapsed. It has suffered from inflation but it is still afloat. Many point to the amount of derivatives being traded an public markets. Derivatives are financial instruments made up completely of debt. I think this can be a strategy. They can start a corporation to buy all this debt saying it is a debt recovery company. Then they say it didn't work and let the company go bankrupt and "Poof,...look Ma no debt..". They made the zero's up and they can just erase them. The factor they can't stop is the end of fossil fuels. And maybe the truth about the world and the future for most and global 'chipping' of people.
- "The New American Century" A film about the people at the top of the Neocons. Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Perle and (someone else) Thier connection to the religious right and the University of Chicago. Leo Strauss was the inventor of Neocon philosophy. If you have synthetic telepathy you can easily determine how psycho someone is and put that person on the fast track to the White House.
- "The Secret Government" with Bill Moyers About the Iran-Contra affair during the Reagan administration. Includes other scandals.
- "Things To Come By H G Wells (1936)" fiction Predicts an 'Orwellian dystopia' before Orwell. H.G. Wells was a member of the Fabian Society whose stated mission is the gradual implementation og gloabl socialism. He also wrote political books, one of which is titled "The New World Order".
- "Geheimnis Tibet" Schafer Expedition 1938/39 An expedition paid for by Heinrich Himler, the head of the SS, to Tibet to look for the origins of Aryanism. If you know what most people do about Himler and the Nazi's that fact makes no sense. Aryanism was supposed to be a racist ideology that revovled around blue eyed Nordic types. Why would Himler think it started in Tibet?
- "Waco: The Rules Of Engagement" About the Branch Davidians who died in Waco TX on April 19 1993 at the hands of the ATF and FBI. The standoff began on Feb 28 1993 when they tried to enforce a warrant to look for guns. Most of the Davidians died 2 months later. More than a hundred. An Aleister Crowley??? This is going to happen to America as a whole??? The WASP's will die in a holocaust???? The police, FBI will do the killing????
- "What I've Learned About US Foreign Policy" A collection of known illegal CIA operations overseas. Iran, Guatemala, Panama, Operation Gladio, seran gas in Laos to name a few.
- "The Zeitgeist Movie" The first of 3 movies made by the same people. This one is divided into 3 sections. Religion, Sept 11 and a proposal for the future. The proposal for the future is where they lost me. They want to create a world wide system based on resource management by scientists and the elite. This leads me to think it's the same people trying to cling to power. The human race needs to develop a system where most of what it produces is made from renewable sources. As long as we depend on finite resources we will answer to the people who own them. Since I think this is BS the part about religion is actually the global elite exposing religion as a lie. It's the church admitting Jesus is a lie.
- "Zeitgeist: Addendum This one is mostly about the banking system.
- "Zeitgeist Moving Forward" The last Zeitgeist makes a very good case for the idea that capitalism is doomed. Planned obsolesence, waste and an infinite growth paradigm will all converge to collpase the global economy. They say the GDP of America is heavily dependant of health care. So sick people are good for business. (see Big Bucks Big Pharma above) The health care system in America is a death system like Hitlers final solution and we are all paying through the nose for it and asking for more. It is thoroughly broken. Someone said once "If you think health care is expensive now, wait until it's free". Everyone is trying to get $20,000 worth of services for $1000. It's a pyramid scheme doomed to fail.
Conclusion. We're headed for an apolcalypse but it's completely manmade. The media is a MAJOR LEAGUE PROBLEM. Anything they say is either a lie or completely useless. It is designed to entertain and distract people from concentrating on the real problems facing the world. The banking system is a blank check for the global elite to cling to power. It's a scam they can bilk forever. We are running out of oil and when we do there is going to be hell to pay. We live in a total surveillance society that is anything but free. Anyone who discovers this gets 'chipped' and sent after anyone else who finds out. The Auto-Fasci-Mat. Capitalism is doomed for many reasons more than the lack of fossil fuels. Over population will add misery on top of misery when the oil runs out.
Note: It is very possible that a lot of this information was 'fed' to me by people on the graveyard shift 'dropping the bombs in the harbor' (scene from Catch-22) I have been watching "Blade Runner" with Harrison Ford. The Nexus 6 replicants were given memory's by the Tyrell Corp. "More Human Than Human"
This is an addendum to Jan 17. This could be used to fund revolutionary causes. Gold can be found in many electronic parts. The contacts of IC holders for example. It might be possible to use the vibrating crucible idea to get small amounts of gold. Silver is also used. Someone should compile a list of industrial uses of gold and come up with ways to recover it.