Below is an extensive list of references about the microwave hearing effect I took from 2 short papers I have. One name that keeps popping up is James C Lin Wayne State University. He published a book in the 1970’s titled “The Microwave Hearing Effect And It’s Applications”. I looked this up on Amazon but they wanted $300 so I didn’t buy it.
  1. Becker RO, Selden G. The body electric: Electromagnetism and the foundation of life. New York: Quill William Morrow; 1985, p 319-320.
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  13. Bennett MB, Blackstock DT. Parametric array in air. J Acoust Soc Am 1975;57(3):562-8.
  14. Yoneyama M, Fujimoto J-I, Kawamo Y, Sasabe S. The audio spotlight: An application of non-linear interaction of sound waves to a new type of loudspeaker design. J Acoust Soc Am 1983;73(5):1532-6.
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  17. Pompei FJ. The use of airborne ultrasonics for generating audible sound beams. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 1999;47(9):726-31.
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  21. Moon B-C, Kim M-J, Ha K-L, Kim C-D. Radiation characteristics improvement of flexural type vibrator for parametric sound source in air. Japan Journal of Applied Physics 2002;41:3458-9.
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  27. Lowrey A. Apparatus and method of broadcasting audible sound using ultrasonic sound as a carrier. US patent # 6052336, 2000 Apr 18.
  28. Norris EG. Acoustic heterodyne device and method. US patent # 5889870, 1999 Mar 20.
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  47. Lin JC. Auditory perception of pulsed microwave radiation, chapter 12. In: Gandhi OP, editor. Biological effects and medical applications of electromagnetic energy. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall; 1990, p 278-318.
  48. Chou C-K, Guy AW, Galambos R. Auditory perception of radio-frequency electromagnetic fields. J Acoust Soc Am 1982;71(6):1321-34.
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  51. Frey AH, Messenger R. Human perception of illumination with pulsed ultra-high-frequency electromagnetic energy. Science 1973;181:356-8.
  52. Frey AH. Human auditory system response to modulated electromagnetic energy. J Applied Physiol 1962;17(4):689-92. Available at
  53. Presman AS. Electromagnetic fields and life. New York: Plenum Press; 1970, p 266. Presman refers to Cazzimalli’s radiofrequency hallucination observations citing: Cazzamalli F. Di novo appararto radio-electro rivelatore del fenomeni electromagnetici radianto del cervello umano. L’Energio Electrica 1941;18: 28. Another English reference to this Italian work accessed 3/8/05 is at
  54. Roschmann P. Human auditory system response to pulsed radiofrequency energy in RF coils for magnetic resonance at 2.4 to 170 MHz. Magn Reson Med 1991;21:197-215.
  55. Puranen L, Jokela K. Radiation hazards assessment of pulsed microwave radars. J Microwave Power Electromagn Energy 1996;31(3):165-77.
  56. Hermann DM, Hossmann K-A. Neurological effects of microwave exposure related to mobile communication. J Neurol Sci 1997;152:1-14.
  57. Lai H. Neurological effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation. In: Lin JC, editor. Advances in electromagnetic fields in living systems, vol 1. New York: Plenum Press; 1994, p 27-80.
  58. Elder JA, Chou CK. Auditory responses to pulsed radiofrequency energy. Bioelectromagnetics 2003;Suppl 8:S162-S173.
  59. McMurtrey JJ. Recording microwave hearing effects: Literature review and case report of an affiant to recording remote harassment. 2005. [Online] [Cited 2008 Jan 3] Available from URL:
  60. Justesen DR. Microwaves and behavior. Am Psychologist 1975;392(Mar):391-401. Available also from: URL:
  61. Sharp JC, Grove HM, Gandhi OP. Generation of acoustic signals by pulsed microwave energy. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Technique 1974;May:583-4.
  62. Oskar KJ. Effects of low power microwaves on the local cerebral blood flow of conscious rats. Army Mobility Equipment Command Report # AD-A090426, 1980. Available from NASA Technical Reports. Abstract available from: URL:
  63. Final report on biotechnology research requirements for aeronautical systems through the year 2000: Proceedings of biotechnology research requirements study session, 4-8 January 1982, vol. II. Prepared by Southwest Research Institute for the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. San Antonio: Southwest Research Institute July 30, 1982; p 182-3.
  64. Frey AH. Some effects on human subjects of ultra-high-frequency radiation. Am J Med Electronics 1963;2:28-31.
  65. Guy AW, Chou C-K. Effects of high-intensity microwave pulse exposure of rat brain. Radio Science 1982;17(5S): 169S-178S.
  66. Lin JC. Microwave auditory effects and applications. Springfield Ill: Thomas; 1978, p 176, p 49-50.
  67. United States Senate: Surveillance technology, 1976: policy and implications, an analysis and compendium of materials: a staff report of the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights of the Committee of the Judiciary. Ninety-fourth Congress, second session 1976, p 1280.
  68. Brunkan WB. Hearing system. US patent # 4877027, 1989 Oct 31.
  69. Frey AH. Behavioral biophysics. Psychol Bull 1965;63(5):322-37.
  70. Leyser R. [Microwave hearing device uses modulated microwave pulses for providing induced sound warning directly within head of deaf person.] Federal Republic of Germany patent # DE10222439, 2003 Dec 11. Abstract available from: URL: DB=EPODOC&IDX=DE10222439&F=0 Original German Document available from: URL: DB=EPODOC&IDX=DE10222439&F=128&QPN=DE10222439 English translation available from: URL: English translation is also available from the author, and Walter Madlinger at
  71. Thijs VMJ, Thijs-Jamin A, Thijis AV. Hearing aid based on microwaves. World Intellectual Property Organization Patent # WO 93/10730, 1993 June 10. Summary available at [ DB=EPODOC&IDX=WO9310730&F=0]
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  73. Olsen RG, Hammer WC. Evidence for microwave-induced acoustical resonances in biological materials. J Microw Power 1981;16(3 & 4):264-9.
  74. Olsen RG, Lin JC. Microwave pulse-induced acoustic resonances in spherical head models. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Technique 1981;MTT-29(10):1114-7.
  75. Lin JC. The microwave auditory phenomenon. Proceedings of the IEEE 1980;68(1):67-73.
  76. Tyazhelov VV, Tigranian RE, Khizhniak EO, Akoev IO. Some peculiarities of auditory sensations evoked by pulsed microwave fields. Radio Science 1979;14 Supp:259-63.
  77. Lebovitz RM, Seaman RL. Microwave hearing: The response of single auditory neurons in the cat to pulsed microwave radiation. Radio Science 1977;12(Suppl.):229-36.
  78. Seaman RL, Lebovitz RM. Auditory unit responses to single-pulse and twin-pulse microwave stimuli. Hear Res 1987;26:105-16.
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  81. Bennett WR. Radio frequency hearing: Electrostrictive detection and bone conduction. J Acoust Soc Am 1998;103(4): 2111-16.
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  93. Directed energy people receive awards. Office of Public Affairs, Air Force Research Laboratory. Kirtland AFB, NM. News release 2002 April 25, DE Release #2002-17.
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Microwave Hearing – abstracts, references
In no special order:
  • Auditory system response to RF energy. A.H. Frey, Aerospace Medecine, vol. 32, pp. 1140-1142, 1961.
  • Human Auditory System Response to Modulated Electromagnetic Frey, Allan. J. Appl. Physiol. 17(4): 689-692. 1962.
  • Hearing Sensations in Electric Fields. Sommer, H.C. & von Gierke, H.E. Aerospace Medicine, pp 834-839, Sept. 1964.
  • Microwave hearing: Evidence for thermacoustic auditory stimulation by pulsed microwaves. K.R. Foster and E.D. Finch. Science, vol. 185, pp. 256-258, 1974.
  • Detection of weak electromagnetic radiation by the mammalian vestibulocochlear apparatus. Lebovitz R.M. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 247:182-193; 1975.
  • Microwave Auditory Effects and Applications. James C. Lin; Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, IL, 1978; 221 pp. Auditory perception of radio-frequency electromagnetic fields. Chou, C.K.; Guy, A.W.; Galambos, R. J Acoust Soc Am vol. 71(6), pp. 1321-1334, 1982.
The following 14 abstracts are from the NASA Center for AeroSpace Information (CASI) Technical Report Server — Search page:
  1. TITLE: The microwave auditory phenomenon
    Authors: Lin, J. C. (Wayne State University)
    Journal Title: IEEE, Proceedings, vol. 68, Jan. 1980, p. 67-73.
    Navy-NSF-supported research.
    Published: Jan 01, 1980
    Abstract: The paper examines electrophysiological activity produced by exposing the brains of laboratory animals to rectangular pulses of microwave energy. These results suggest that a microwave auditory phenomenon is evoked by a mechanism similar to conventional sound reception, and that the primary interaction site is peripheral to the cochlea. It is shown that the peak pressure due to thermal expansion is greater than the radiation pressure or electrostriction, and that the induced sound frequency is only a function of the size and acoustic property of the brain. Several suggestions were made for future research in microwave auditory effect and its health implications.
  2. TITLE: Sensation and perception of microwave energy
    Authors: Michaelson, S. M. (Rochester Univ.)
    Presented at the 7th Intern. Conf. on Environ. Toxicity: Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Nonionizing Radiation, Rochester, N. Y., 5 Jun. 1974
    Sponsored by AEC and Dept. of Navy
    Abstract: Sensing or perception of microwave/radiofrequency energy is accomplished through various mechanisms. In mammals, the main phenomena of sensation or perception are those of thermal sensations and, in selected cases, audition. Thermal sensation is accomplished by stimulation of thermosensitive nerve endings in the skin. Although some investigators believe that hearing or audition is evidence of direct nerve stimulation, the most recent data show this phenomena to be due to electromechanically induced vibrations in tissue and normal reception in the cochlea of the ear.
  3. TITLE: On microwave-induced hearing sensation
    Authors: Lin, J. C. (Wayne State University)
    Journal Title: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. MTT-25, July 1977, p. 605-613. p. 605-613
    Abstract: When a human subject is exposed to pulsed microwave radiation, an audible sound occurs which appears to originate from within or immediately behind the head. Laboratory studies have also indicated that evoked auditory activities may be recorded from cats, chinchillas, and guinea pigs. Using a spherical model of the head, this paper analyzes a process by which microwave energy may cause the observed effect. The problem is formulated in terms of thermoelasticity theory in which the absorbed microwave energy represents the volume heat source which depends on both space and time. The inhomogeneous thermoelastic motion equation is solved for the acoustic wave parameters under stress-free surface conditions using boundary value technique and Duhamel’s theorem. Numerical results show that the predicted frequencies of vibration and threshold pressure amplitude agree reasonably well with experimental findings.
  4. TITLE: Absorption of millimeter waves by human beings and its biological implications
    Authors: Gandhi, O. P. – Riazi, A. (Utah, University)
    Journal Title: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (ISSN 0018-9480), vol. MTT-34, Feb. 1986, p. 228-235.
    USAF-supported research.
    Abstract: Aspects of the biological implications of millimeter wave radiation for human beings are discussed. The power densities likely to be encountered close to radiators in the 30-300 GHz frequency band are examined. The millimeter wave absorption efficiency of the human body with and without clothing is described, and the possibility of 90-95 percent coupling efficiency with clothing acting as an impedance matching transformer is addressed. The possibility of very high rates of energy deposition in the skin due to submillimeter depths of penetration is considered. The potential effect of millimeter wave absorption on human eyes, with particular emphasis on the cornea, in which high rates of energy deposition are encountered, are discussed. Hearing sensations produced by millimeter waves and thermal sensations by millimeter wave irradiation are addressed.
  5. TITLE: Electrophysiological effects of electromagnetic fields on animals
    Authors: Guy, A. W. (Washington Univ.) – Lin, J. C. (Washington Univ.) – Chou, C. K. (Washington Univ.)
    Presented at the 7th Rochester Intern. Conf. on Environ. Toxicity, Rochester, NY Jun. 1974
    Abstract: The report shows that the conduction and transmission latencies and amplitudes of evoked potentials in both the CNS of anesthetized cats, isolated nerves of cats, and ganglia of rabbits are affected by CW microwaves in a manner very similar to that of localized conduction heat. Temperature rises are always associated with any observable changes of the measured characteristics in the nervous tissues exposed to CW irradiation. Electrophysiological studies on cats indicate that pulsed microwaves interact with mammalian auditory systems in a manner similar to that of conventional acoustic perception. A possible mechanism of microwave interaction is the acoustic energy release from rapid thermal expansion due to power absorption in the gross structure of the head.
  6. TITLE: Investigation of the characteristics of auditory effects stimulated by microwaves using a spherical model
    Authors: Shorokhov, V. V. – Tigranian, R. E. – Mashkin, P. V. (AN SSSR)
    Journal Title: Biofizika (ISSN 0006-3029), vol. 31, July-Aug. 1986, p. 695-700. In Russian.
    Abstract: The features of sound waves excited by microwave impulses (at 915 and 2375 MHz) were studied, using spherical flasks filled with ethanol or 0.1 M NaCl in water as models of the human head. A piezoceramic transducer was used to register mechanical oscillations of the flask’s surface. The results suggest that the auditory effects of microwaves are caused by stimulation of mechanical oscillations in the liquid (or the head tissues) by electromagnetic energy, followed by the bone-effected transfer of the absorbed energy to the auditory organs.
  7. TITLE: Auditory perception of radio-frequency electromagnetic fields
    Authors: Chou, C.-K. – Guy, A. W. (Washington, University) – Galambos, R. (California, University)
    Journal Title: Acoustical Society of America, Journal, vol. 71, June 1982, p. 1321-1334. U.S. Department of Education
    Abstract: Absorption of pulsed microwave energy can produce an auditory sensation in human beings with normal hearing. The phenomenon manifests itself as a clicking, buzzing, or hissing sound depending on the modulatory characteristics of the microwaves. While the energy absorbed and the resulting increment of temperature per pulse at the threshold of perception are small, most investigators of the phenomenon believe that it is caused by thermoelastic expansion. In this paper, literature that describes psychological, behavioral, and physiological observations as well as physical measurements pertinent to the microwave-hearing phenomenon is reviewed.
  8. TITLE: Microwave induced acoustic effects in mammalian auditory systems
    Authors: Guy, A. W. (Washington Univ.) – Chou, C. K. (Washington Univ.)
    Journal Title: AGARD Radiation Hazards – Page: 17 p, Aug 01, 1975
    Abstract: Pulsed microwave fields with incident energy densities of 20 to 40 micro Joule per sq cm per pulse will produce responses in the auditory system of man and animals similar to those produced by auditory stimuli. Recent studies indicate that the responses may be originated from high frequency vibrations induced in the head of the exposed subject by a transient thermal expansion of tissue due to the rapid absorption of the pulsed microwave energy.
  9. TITLE: Effects of electromagnetic fields on the nervous system
    Authors: Chou, C. K. (Washington Univ.) – Guy, A. W. (Washington Univ.)
    Published: Aug 01, 1975
    Abstract: Contents: Electromagnetic Field-Biomaterial Interaction and Methods of Measurement; Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Isolated Nerves and Superior Cervical Ganglia: Design of Waveguide Apparatus, and Calculation of Specific Absorption Rate; Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Muscle Contraction; Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Auditory System: Effect of Noise Masking on Threshold of Evoked Auditory Responses, Microwave-induced Cochlear Microphonics in Guinea Pigs.
  10. TITLE: Theoretical calculation of frequencies and thresholds of microwave-induced auditory signals
    Authors: Lin, J. C. (Wayne State University)
    (International Union of Radio Science, Annual Meeting, Amherst, Mass., Oct. 11-15, 1976.) Radio Science, vol. 12, Nov.-Dec. 1977, Supplement, p. 237-242.
    Abstract: Previously developed thermoelastic models of microwave-induced auditory sensations are applied to calculate the frequency and amplitude of the acoustic signals that are generated in human beings and laboratory animals. Graphs of computed displacement and pressure as a function of time are presented for several species.
  11. TITLE: Quantitation of microwave biological effects
    Authors: Chou, C. K. (Washington Univ.) – Guy, A. W. (Washington Univ.)
    Journal Title: Bur. of Radiol. Health Symp. on Biol. Effects and Meas. of Radio Freq./Microwaves – Page: p 81-103
    Abstract: While emphasizing dosimetry and instrumentation, we have been able to demonstrate that the effects of acute exposure to CW microwaves on some of the electrophysiological properties of the nervous system are thermal in nature. Studies on the microwave auditory effect have provided strong evidence that the mechanism of microwave hearing is electromechanical in nature. Development of a chronic exposure system and carbon EEG electrodes will provide a means for other researchers in pursuing the studies of biological effects of low level chronic exposure of microwaves. In this reported research, the quantitation of microwave biological effects is stressed so that extrapolation to humans is possible.
  12. TITLE: Vestibulo-cochlear single unit responses to microwave radiation
    Authors: Lebovitz, R. M. (Texas Univ. Health Science Center) – Seaman, R. L. (Texas Univ. Health Science Center)
    Journal Title: Bur. Radiol. Health Symp. on Biol. Effects and Meas. of Radio Freq./Microwaves – Page 314-333
    Abstract: The influence of microwave radiation (MWR) on functional neuronal properties was examined, and the effects of continuous wave MWR on units of the vestibular system were studied. The threshold for this effect appeared to be above the current standards for safe exposure; above a level for significant intracranial thermogenesis. The response of single auditory units to pulse modulated MWR were studied. Pulse parameters rather than average power density appeared to be the independent variable for this effect and responses were observed at pulse energy densities of 4 mvon J/g and lower. Overall, the response of a given single auditory unit to pulsed MWR was similar to its response to traditional acoustic click stimuli.
  13. TITLE: Auditory unit responses to single-pulse and twin-pulse microwave stimuli.
    Authors: Seaman RL; Lebovitz RM
    Source: Hear Res; VOL 26, ISS 1, 1987, P105-16
    Abstract: Responses of units in the cat cochlear nucleus to single microwave pulses with different durations and to twin microwave pulses with different interpulse delays are used to study microwave hearing. Inferred threshold specific absorption rate is less than 6 mW/g; inferred threshold specific absorption, less than 0.5 microJ/g. The existence of responses from units with characteristic frequencies (CFs) from 931 Hz to 25.5 kHz is not consistent with a primary role for head resonance in microwave hearing. Patterns of response amplitude have a periodicity of 1/CF and are fully explained by frequency content of the pulse stimulus and signal processing of the auditory system. For pulses shorter than about 0.24/CF, it is shown that response amplitude is predictably proportional to pulse energy.
  14. TITLE: Effects of low power microwaves on the local cerebral blood flow of conscious rats
    Authors: Oscar, K. J. (Army Mobility Equipment Command)
    Published: Jun 01, 1980 Corporate Source: Army Mobility Equipment Command (Fort Belvoir, VA, United States)
    Abstract: A decoy and deception concept presently being considered is to remotely create the perception of noise in the heads of personnel by exposing them to low power, pulsed microwaves. When people are illuminated with properly modulated low power microwaves the sensation is reported as a buzzing, clicking, or hissing which seems to originate (regardless of the person’s position in the field) within or just behind the head. The phenomena occurs at average power densities as low as microwatts per square centimeter with carrier frequencies from 0.4 to 3.0 GHz. By proper choice of pulse characteristics, intelligible speech may be created. Before this technique may be extended and used for military applications, an understanding of the basic principles must be developed. Such an understanding is not only required to optimize the use of the concept for camouflage, decoy and deception operations but is required to properly assess safety factors of such microwave exposure.
  • TITLE: Radiation hazard assessment of pulsed microwave radars.
    Authors: Puranen L; Jokela K; Finnish Centre for Radiation and Nuclear Safety, Helsinki, Finland.
    Source: J Microw Power Electromagn Energy, 31(3):165-77 1996
    Abstract: Observed biological effects of pulsed microwave radiation are reviewed and the exposure standards for microwave radiation are summarized. The review indicates that the microwave auditory effect is the only well-established specific effect in realistic exposure situations. The threshold for the effect depends on the energy density per pulse and may be as low as 20 mJ/m2 for people with low hearing threshold. Energy densitylimits have been included in the most recent exposure for measurements of pulse power densities around scanning radar antennas is described, and a simple new model for the calculation of power density in the main beam of radar antennas is presented. In the near field measured values differed from the calculated values by 2-3 dB.
    Communicating Via the Microwave Auditory Effect
    An innovative and revolutionary technology is described that offers a means of low-probability-of-intercept Radio frequency (RF) communications. The feasibility of the concept has been established using both a low intensity laboratory system and a high power RF transmitter. Numerous military applications exist in areas of search and rescue, security and special operations.
    Awarding Agency: Department of Defense
    SBIR Contract Number: F41624-95-C-9007
    Title: Communicating Via the Microwave Auditory Effect
    Principal Investigator: Mr. Brian Kohn
    Company Name:
    Science & Engineering Assoc, Inc.
    6100 Uptown Blvd NE
    Albuquerque, NM 87110
    Telephone Number: 505-884-2300
    Business Representative:
    Project Period:
    Project Amount: $739,995
    Research Category: Monitoring/Analytical
    United States Patent: 4,858,612 ; Aug. 22, 1989
    Inventors: Stocklin; Philip L.
    ABSTRACT: A method and apparatus for simulation of hearing in mammals by introduction of a plurality of microwaves into the region of the auditory cortex is shown and described. A microphone is used to transform sound signals into electrical signals which are in turn analyzed and processed to provide controls for generating a plurality of microwave signals at different frequencies. The multifrequency microwaves are then applied to the brain in the region of the auditory cortex. By this method sounds are perceived by the mammal which are representative of the original sound received by the microphone.
  • from:
    The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave.
    by Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier
    On Aug. 22, 1989, Phillip L. Stocklin, P.O. Box 2111, Satellite Beach, FL took out a patent — which is Patent Number 4,858,612 which is a device that can be placed in the auditory cortex of the brain. This device allows the following process: someone speaks into a microphone, the microphone then has its sounds coded into microwave, which are sent to the receiver in the brain and the receiver device will transform the microwaves back so that the person’s mind hears the original sounds. In other words, a person with this device in their head will hear whatever the programmers send via microwave signals.
    1. Field at the Invention
    This invention relates to devices for aiding at hearing in mammals. The invention is based upon the perception at sounds which is experienced in the brain when the brain is subjected to certain microwave radiation signals.
    2. Description ot the Prior Art
    In prior art hearing devices for human beings, it is well known to amplify sounds to be heard and to apply the amplified sound signal to the ear at the person wearing the hearing aid. Hearing devices of this type are however limited to hearing disfunctions where there is no damage to the auditory nerve or to the auditory cortex. In the prior art, if there is damage to the auditory cortex or the auditory nerve, it cannot be corrected by the use ot a hearing aid. During World War II, individuals in the radiation path of certain radar installations observed clicks and buzzing sounds in response to the microwave radiation. It was through this early observation that it became known to the art that microwaves could cause a direct perception at sound within a human brain.
    These buzzing or clicking sounds however were not meaningful and were not perception of sounds which could otherwise be heard by the receiver. This type of microwave radiation was not representative of any intelligible sound to be perceived. In such radar installations, there was never a sound which was generated which resulted in subsequent generation of microwave signals representative of that sound. Since the early perception of buzzing and clicking. further research has been conducted into the micro-wave reaction of the brain. In an article entitled Possible Microwave Mechanisms of the Mammalian Nervous System” by Philip L Stocklin and Brain F. Stocklin, published in the TIT Journal of Life Sciences. Tower International Technomedical Institute. Inc. P.O. Box 4594, Philadelphia. Pa. (1979) there is disclosed a hypothesis that the mammalian brain generates and uses electro magnetic waves in the lower microwave frequency region as an integral part of the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous systems. This analysis is based primarily upon the potential energy of a protein integral in the neural membrane. In an article by W. Bise entitled “Low Power Radio-Frequency and Microwave Effects On Human Electro- encephalogram and Behavior,” Physiol. Chemistry Phys. 10. 387 (1978), it is reported that there are significant effects upon the alert human EEG during radiation by low intensity cw microwave electromagnetic energy. Bise observed significant repeatable EEG effects tar a subject during radiation at specific microwave frequencies.
    Results at theoretical analysis of the physics ot brain tissue and the brain/skull cavity, combined with experimentally-determined electromagnetic properties at mammalian brain tissue, indicate the physical necessity for the existence of electromagnetic standing waves. called modes in the living mammalian brain. The made characteristics rnay be determined by two geometric properties at the brain: these are the cephalic index at the brain (its shape in prolate spheroidal coordinates) and the semifocal distance of the brain (a measure of its size). It was concluded that estimation ot brain cephalic index and semifocal distance using external skull measurements on subjects permits estimation of the subjects characteristic mode frequencies, which in turn will permit a mode by mode treatment at the data to simulate hearing.
    This invention provides for sound perception by individuals who have impaired hearing resulting tram ear damage, auditory nerve damage, and damage to the auditory cortex. This invention provides for simulation of microwave radiation which is normally produced by the auditory cortex. The simulated brain waves are introduced into the region at the auditory cortex and provide for perceived sounds on the part at the subject.
    Final Report USAFSAM-TR-87-3 (June 1987)
    Contents: AUDITORY EFFECTS (Large – 84 KB)
    Humans near some types of pulsed radar systems have perceived individual pulses of RFR as audible clicks (without use of electronic receptors). This phenomenon, first investigated by Frey (1961), attracted much interest because it has been cited often as evidence that nonthermal effects can occur and because an initial hypothesis was that a possible mechanism for perception is direct stimulation of the central nervous system by RFR.
    Cain, C.A. and W.J. Rissman
    MAMMALIAN AUDITORY RESPONSES TO 3.0 GHz MICROWAVE PULSES IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 288-293 (1978)
    Chou, C.-K., R. Galambos, A.W. Guy, and R.H. Lovely
    J. Microwave Power, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 361-367 (1975)
    Chou, C.-K., A.W. Guy, and R. Galambos
    Radio Sci., Vol. 12, No. 6S, pp. 221-227 (1977)
    Chou, C.-K. and R. Galambos
    J. Microwave Power, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 321-326 (1979)
    Chou, C.-K. and A.W. Guy
    J. Microwave Power, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 399-404 (1979a)
    Chou, C.-K., and A.W. Guy
    Radio Sci., Vol. 14, No. 6S, pp. 193-197 (1979b)
    Chou, C.-K., A.W. Guy, K.R. Foster, R. Galambos, and D.R. Justesen
    Science, Vol. 209, pp. 1143-1144 (5 Sept 1980a)
    Chou, C.-K., K.-C. Yee, and A.W. Guy
    Bioelectromagnetics, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 323-326 (1985a)
    Foster, K.R. and E.D. Finch
    Science, Vol. 185, pp. 256-258 (19 July 1974)
    Frey, A.H.
    Aerospace Med., Vol. 32, pp. 1140-1142 (1961)
    Frey, A.H.
    J. Appl. Physiol., Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 689-692 (1962)
    Frey, A.H.
    J. Appl. Physiol., Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 984-988 (1967)
    Frey, A.H. and R. Messenger, Jr.
    Science, Vol. 181, pp. 356-358 (27 July 1973)
    Frey, A.H. and E. Coren
    Science, Vol. 206, pp. 232-234 (12 Oct 1979)
    Frey, A.H. and E. Coren
    Science, Vol. 209, pp. 1144-1145 (5 Sept 1980)
    Guy, A.W.
    IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 205-214
    Guy, A.W., C.-K. Chou, J.C. Lin, and D. Christensen
    Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., Vol 247, pp. 194-218 (1975b)
    Guy, A.W., J. Wallace, and J. McDougall
    Radio Sci., Vol. 14, No. 6S, pp. 63-74 (1979)
    Johnson, C.C. and A.W. Guy
    Proc. IEEE, Vol. 60, No. 6, pp. 692-718 (1972)
    Lebovitz, R.M. and R.L. Seaman
    Radio Sci., Vol. 12, No. 6S, pp. 229-236 (1977)
    Lin, J.C.
    J. Microwave Power, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 77-81 (1976a)
    Lin, J.C.
    J. Microwave Power, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 295-298 (1976b)
    Lin, J.C.
    IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. 25, No. 7, pp. 605-613 (1977a)
    Lin, J.C.
    IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. 25, No. 7, pp. 938-943 (1977b)
    Lin, J.C.
    Radio Sci., Vol. 12, No. 6S, pp. 237-242 (1977c)
    Lin, J.C.
    Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, IL, p. 108 (1978)
    Lin, J.C., R.J. Meltzer, and F.K. Redding
    J. Microwave Power, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 291-296 (1979b)
    Olsen, R.G. and W.C. Hammer
    Bioelectromagnetics, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 45-54 (1980)
    Olsen, R.G. and W.C. Hammer
    J. Microwave Power, Vol. 16, Nos. 3 & 4, pp. 263-269 (1981)
    Olsen, R.G. and J.C. Lin
    IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. 29, No. 10, pp. 1114-1117
    Olsen, R.G. and J.C. Lin
    IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 289-294 (1983)
    Sharp, J.C., H.M. Grove, and O.P. Gandhi
    IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 583-584
    Taylor, E.M. and B.T. Ashleman
    Brain Res., Vol. 74, pp. 201-208 (1974)
    Tyazhelov, V.V., R.E. Tigranian, E.O. Khizhniak, and I.G. Akoev
    Radio Sci., Vol. 14, No. 6S, pp. 259-263 (1979)
    White, R.M.
    J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 34, No. 12, pp. 3559-3567 (1963)
    Wilson, B.S., J.M. Zook, W.T. Joines, and J.H. Casseday
    Brain Res., Vol. 187, pp. 291-306 (1980)
    Air Force Research Laboratory, AL/OE-TR-1996-0035, 30 June 1994
    3.1 THE RFR-AUDITORY EFFECT e13.html#3.1
    From a variety of studies of the RFR-auditory effect in humans, [Frey (1961, 1962), White (1963), Frey and Messenger (1973), Foster and Finch (1974), Sharp et al. (1974), Guy et al. (1975b), Lin (1977c), Cain and Rissman (1978)], considerable understanding has been achieved about the interaction mechanisms that give rise to the effect. The book by Lin (1978) presents detailed discussions of the various mechanisms that had been proposed for the effect, and the experimental evidence that supports the theory that the effect is due to induction thermoelastic waves by RFR pulses at a boundary between tissues of dissimilar dielectric properties within the head, with propagation of the waves to the auditory system. Noteworthy are the findings of several studies that persons with specific hearing impairments are unable to perceive RFR pulses; the finding of Foster and Finch (1974) that the effect does not occur in water at 4_C, where its thermal expansion coefficient is zero; and the peak-energy-density and peak-power-density thresholds for perception determined by Guy et al. (1975b) and Cain and Rissman (1978). [A peak power density of 300 mW/cm_ is taken as the nominal perception threshold for humans of RFR pulses 10 ¦s or longer.] However, the subsequent unusual findings of Tyazhelov et al. (1979) may indicate that specific aspects of the phenomenon are worth further study. On the other hand, it is noteworthy that Cain and Rissman (1978) had exposed human volunteers to pulses of 3.0-GHz RFR at peak power densities as high as 2,500 mW/cm_ with no apparent ill effects. Thus, it is unlikely that persons perceiving RFR pulses would be affected adversely.
  • from:
    Mind Control
    By Harry V. Martin and David Caul
    From the Napa Sentinel, Napa, CA, USA
    Thirty years ago, Allen Frey discovered that microwaves of 300 to 3000 megahertz could be “heard” by people, even if they were deaf, if pulsed at a certain rate. Appearing to be originating just in back of the head, the sound boomed, clicked, hissed or buzzed, depending upon the frequency. Later research has shown that the perception of the waves take place just in front of the ears. The microwaves causes pressure waves in the brain tissue, and this phenomenon vibrates the sound receptors in the inner ear through the bone structure. Some microwaves are capable of directly stimulating the nerve cells of the auditory pathways. This has been confirmed with experiments with rats, in which the sound registers 120 decibels, which is equal to the volume of a nearby jet during takeoff.
    David G. Guyatt Freelance Writer/Researcher
    Synopsis prepared for the ICRC Symposium
    February 1996
    Drs Joseph Sharp and Allen Frey experimented with microwaves seeking to transmit spoken words directly into the audio cortex via a pulsed-microwave analog of the speaker’s sound vibration. Indeed, Frey’s work in this field, dating back to 1960 gave rise to the so called “Frey effect” which is now more commonly referred to as “microwave hearing.”19 Within the Pentagon this ability is now known as “Artificial Telepathy”.20 Adey and others have compiled an entire library of frequencies and pulsation rates which can effect the mind and nervous system.
    In this connection the work of Dr. James Lin of Wayne State University should be noted. Lin has written a book entitled “Microwave Auditory Effects & Applications” in which he states “The capability of communicating directly with humans by pulsed microwaves is obviously not limited to the field of therapeutic medicine.”
    Refer to Dr. Robert Becker who has stated “Such a device has obvious applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with “voices” or deliver undetected instructions to a programmed assassin.” In 1974 Dr J F Scapitz filed a plan to explore the interaction of radio signals and hypnosis. He stated that “In this investigation it will be shown that the spoken word of the hypnotists may be conveyed by modulate electromagnetic energy directly into the subconscious parts of the human brain — i.e. without employing any technical devices for receiving or transcoding the messages and without the person exposed to such influence having a chance to control the information input consciously.” Schapitz’ work was funded by the DoD. Despite FOIA filings his work has never been made available. Also it is interesting to note the date of 1974, which almost exactly mirror’s the period when the USSR commenced its own programme that resulted in “Acoustic Psycho-correction technology.”
  • Microwaves and Behavior
    Dr. Don R. Justesen
    American Psychologist, Journal of the American Psychological Association, Volume 30, March 1975, Number 3
    Page 396:
    The demonstration of sonic transduction of microwave energy by materials lacking in water LESSENS the likelihood that a thermohydraulic principle is operating in human perception of the energy. Nonetheless, some form of thermoacoustic transduction probably underlies perception. If so, it is clear that simple heating is NOT a sufficient basis for the Frey effect; the requirement for pulsing of radiations appears to implicate a thermodynamic principle. Frey and Messenger (1973) and Guy, Chou, Lin, and Christensen (1975) confirmed that a microwave pulse with a slow rise time is INeffective in producing an auditory response; only if the rise time is SHORT, resulting in effect in a square wave with respect to the leading edge of the envelope of radiated radio-frequency energy, does the auditory response occur.
Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...

Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, and it's companion website, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
Beginning of Actual Blog
Feb 28, 2018
Philip Nute
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Bluetooth Jamming Device
I have only one issue that concerns me. Global slavery. I believe global slavery is being implemented with advanced wireless communications, surveillance (including synthetic telepathy) and mind control. The advanced wireless communications and mind control must operate on microwaves. Mind control requires either a RFID chip slipped under the scalp or a neural implant inserted through the nose. They are both so small the only way they could communicate with the outside world is by microwaves. The size of the antenna used to transmit must be very small. Communication with a person is possible without any inserted electronics by way of the microwave hearing effect. This effect was discovered during WWII and investigated afterward by Dr Ross Adey and Alen Frey. All 3 operate on microwaves. Two can both transmit and receive and one, the hearing effect, can recieve.
Bluetooth is a word used by electronics manufacturers to describe a device that both transmits and recieves and has a very short range. Anything that transmits must not interfere with other devices. Anything that's sold as Bluetooth must meet a specification laid out by the Federal Communications Commission. I believe, I'm not sure, a Bluetooth device will not work beyond 10 feet. It is very low power. It is possible that someone is already manufacturing a device that will jam all microwaves within 10 feet of the device. If a person carried this around with them the voices might stop.
Cell phones also operate on microwaves. Phones that use Android can be programmed by anyone who wants to create a video game. Google provides a software development kit (SDK) for free. Anyone can download and use it. I think it's possible to program an old, or new, cell phone to operate as a Bluetooth jamming device. If it meets the Bluetooth specification it's probably legal.
Alice in Wonderland and Dead Beat Dads
The novel “Alice in Wonderland” was first published in the 1860's. I believe the novel is about a phenomena that actually happens. It is perpetrated by the same people responsible for global slavery. The global elite. When they target someone they convince a woman to seduce the person then lead them out of town. The girl is not always willing and is convinced by harassing her just like the target. I think you could ask any 100 women at random this question. Have you ever been approached by a police officer or person in authority to seduce and get someone out of town? I bet a significant percentage will say 'yes'. I think the 'Me Too Movement' is a cover story right now for this. When this is successful, sometimes a unwanted child comes into the world. To take care of these children many innocent men are forced to pay child support for children that aren't thiers. In the past 25 to 30 years talk radio has complained constantly about this.
I have been informed that I am moving to 28/29 ??? Christopher Rd in Randolph on Thursday March 1 2018.
I know what I am. I’m a Scarecrow. A message to everyone else to show up on Sunday and work hard all week. In the days of physical slavery the overseer would pick out a slave and beat them to make everyone else work harder. In the debt slave era ‘…the crows are laughin’…..’ Ya know why? Because they all have their Budweiser and their Monday Night Football and their La-Z-Boy chairs and nobody gives a fuck. I know I have no legitimate standing in the pig vomit race and FYI, I DON’T WANT IT ANYMORE. FUCK YOU AND JESUS TOO!!!!
Since the argument is the victory, God is an endlessly useful tool. When all else fails fall back on religion.
Feb 26, 2018
Philip Nute
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
This is some thoughts on anti-aircraft technology. RADAR was developed in the 1930’s to pick up aircraft from the ground. RADAR sends a very high power microwave signal into the air and then picks up anything that bounces off an airplane. RADAR can be picked up by the aircraft and steps can be taken to neutralize the RADAR equipment. Great strides have been made in electronics since the 1930’s. There are now transducers for almost any type of phenomena. Light, vibration, heat, etc etc. Many of these are used in satellites. If they can be used to sense something on the ground from that far away why not from the ground to the air. If an anti-aircraft installation was based on sensing technology instead of RADAR it would be harder for the enemy to pick up and destroy. The installation could be small and portable. Two transducers that could be used are infrared C.C.D. (charge coupled device) and vibration. Airplanes, including helicopters and drones, produce heat and vibration. A C.C.D. is used in almost every digital camera. An infrared C.C.D. could be attached to a high power wide angle lens and monitored with a computer screen. A separate vibration sensor could be used to guide any missile used to take down the airplane. A directed beam of microwaves might be used to scramble the avionics of the plane.
NASA Remote Sensing Tutorial pdf
Feb 20, 2018
Philip Nute
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I am currently in housing associated with the Massachusetts Department Of Mental Health. They want to move me to a new place in Randolph and a situation I’m not happy with. (see last post) I listen to talk radio a lot. Mostly WRKO 680 in Boston. I know that a popular subject of talk radio is the fact that a lot of men are forced to pay child support for children the courts know are not theirs. If people know more about the surveillance and corruption problem in America maybe a study of the cases in a small area would prove a larger pattern of conspiracy and who’s behind it.
"Got me accused of children....."
Third Degree
West Bruce and Laing
Feb 19, 2018
Philip Nute
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
They want me to move back to Randolph. On Friday I went to look at it. I don’t like it and don’t want to go. It’s a duplex at 28/29 Christopher Rd. An odd and even number on the same side of the street. ???? I would be moving into 28. They said the rooms were as large as Patten Ave but they’re much smaller. They said I would have 2 men as room mates but instead it’s one girl. I got railroaded once why not twice. It’s a long way from any transportation. There is no furniture accept a bed.
Questions. What is one consequence of widespread corruption and injustice? (secret genocide) Causes political instability. People with money do not invest in countries on the short timer list. This leaves only government jobs or service jobs. Government people live off taxes but if rich people leave, taxes begin to dry up. Government people are a parasite that eventually kills the host.
Feb 16, 2018
Philip Nute
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Today I went to South Shore Plaza. While there I got a really nasty cup of Starbucks coffee. Really nasty chickenshit. I think it was crystal meth or something. Since my mouth is my rampage, as it has always been, While drinking it I worked up a really nasty mouth poop. I does my best thunkin while I’m fucked up. Thank you SOOOO Much!!!! Well the first problem was I left my apartment at 9 AM to catch the MBTA 236 bus in Braintree that was supposed to leave Quincy Center at 9:40 AM. It was going to take me 1/2 an hour to get to the bus stop. Well apparently the 9:40 was cancelled so I stood there till 11:00. I was just about to walk the rest of the way, BECAUSE NOTHING WAS GOING TO STOP ME, and the bus came. (imagine that,…..”Waiting For The Bus” by ZZ Top just before “Jesus Just Left Chicago” by ZZ Top on the same album) (I’ll get to the Chicago thing in a minute) On board was my favorite shadow (like My Favorite Martian NOTTT) “They” send this person to the mall everytime I go. This time I refused to even speak to ‘it’. (Only The Shadow Knows) i was already too pissed off. The reason I have been going to the mall is to replace a screwdriver. SOMEBODY broke one of mine!!! Real easy to break a screwdriver. DUUHH. It’s a Craftsman so it’s guaranteed for life. Everytime I have gone the shelves are pretty much empty. Imagine that a tool store with no tools. I’ve gone 4 or 5 times now. I finally found a $6 set at Target. Someone must have been sick of my going. It actually went through the register at $6. The price of almost everything I buy is subject to change at the last moment. Just ask the manager at the Weymouth Shaw’s. I hit the $50 mark everytime. I decided to get something to eat since all the food in my apartment is chickenshitted. Funny how this happens after I buy it and get it home. I’m not saying someone is entering illegally, but oh well yes I am. For some reason the MBTA 238 bus no longer goes all the way to Quincy Center. You have to get off at Quincy Adams and take the Red Line the rest of the way. I hope no one is trying to make some one feel guilty about this. ????? I got nothing to do and all day to do it and no where to go and all day to get there. When I got to Quincy Center I got another Starbucks just to be an asshole. Sleep is over rated.
I have been contemplating picking apart the 2013 Boston Marathon Bombing to see if it’s bullshit. Everything else is. I might try this weekend. Since they’re way ahead of me ALL THE TIME it’s probably hopeless so this is some reading that you can do to see how absolutely corrupt the Boston FBI office is. “The Brothers Bulger” by Howie Carr. Whitey Bulger and his brother ran Massachusetts for decades. Practically everything they did was corrupt. Look into the murder of some hood named Degan. (spelling) The FBI sent 6 people to prison knowing all along they were innocent. They all spent at least 30 years in Walpole.
"I was born in Chicago...."
"In nineteen hundred and forty one...."
"My father told me..."
"Son you better get a gun..."
Born In Chicago
Paul Butterfield Blues Band
( I think this whole ‘West Side Story’ thing has been going on in every major American city since at least the turn of the last century….. [The Area 51 Frantic Caller]) genocide
This is my list of stuff associated with the University of Chicago. It was founded in 1890 with a grant from John D Rockefeller at a time when he wasn’t very rich. (I think) It quickly became a center for world events. One of it’s first innovations was pedagogy. The art of education. The university pioneered this discipline. It could be said it is responsible for the ‘Dumbing Down Of America’. It was the site of the first nuclear chain reaction. The people responsible eventually built the first atomic bomb. It was the home for Milton Friedman and his Chicago Boys. They advocated an economic strategy of ‘shock treatment’ used by Augusto Pinochet in Chile. Sometimes referred to as the other Sept 11 or ‘The Murder Of Chile’. Pinochet executed thousands in a liberal purge in the 1970’s helped by the Catholic University of Santiago. Friedman later admitted that the reason for the Great Depression of the 1930’s was a lack of currency in circulation and the problem could have been fixed very quickly if the political will existed. It was the home of Leo Strauss who laid out the foundation for todays NeoCon ideology. It was run for many years by some one named Robert Hutchins who helped publish “The Great Books Of The Western World” along with Encyclopedia Britannica.
Feb 15, 2018
Philip Nute
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
The Carlyle Group, Halliburton and Kellogg Brown Root
I think the idea that capitalism is doomed is written in stone. This system can not go on forever. I think the people at the top know this and have thrown up their hands in surrender. I think some of them discover this fact on their climb up the ladder of success and if they stop to consider trying to stop it they say “Take the money and run”. It doesn’t absolve anyone of anything but it helps me understand. They realize it’s not just hopeless but dangerous to fight. In my case I have nothing to lose by shooting my mouth off. But how do you prove it to people? I think a lot of people have gone down this road and written books. I bring some up here.
The Carlyle Group is a private equity firm that deals mostly with defense companies. A good book about it is “The Iron Triangle” by Dan Briody. The Carlyle Group was started in the mid 1980’s. Today it is one of the largest defense contractors in the world. Private equity means that it is mostly owned privately, not traded on any stock exchange. The people who own it and work for it are a who’s who of former government officials. Both Bush’s as well as political leaders from almost every country. They make millions on wars they start. Conflict of interest on a global scale. In fact government officials regularly go in and out of private and public jobs for no other reason than to make money. We are all governed by psychopaths and the political situation is hopeless.
Halliburton is one of the largest oil services companies in the world. It is not an oil company it sells things to oil companies. In 2005 it moved it’s global headquarters from Houston, TX to Dubai, Abu Dabi on the Arabian peninsula. Dick Cheney, the former vice president, was it’s CEO. Halliburton was awarded billions in no bid contracts while Cheney was in office. Some basic research can show how billions were wasted. One subsidiary of Halliburton is Kellogg Brown and Root. Some contractors who go to Iraq or Afghanistan refer to it as Kill Bag Replace. Many people go to these countries to make money and never return. I think, I’m not sure, that more contractors have died in the Middle East than all military casualties combined. No one does anything.
"Collapse", and "Crossing The Rubicon" are 2 books by Michael Ruppert. Ruppert was a Los Angeles police officer in the early 1970’s. He was approached by the CIA to help smuggle drugs into the country and he refused. He spent the rest of his life writing about it. He came to understand how capitalism is doomed. This is what “Collapse” is about. Later he wrote “Crossing The Rubicon”. A reference to the end of the Roman Republic. The book is an encyclopedia of evidence to the crimes of the global elite. Numerous references to numerous books about crime after crime after crime. Where is the main stream media? CIA drug smuggling, overthrowing foreign governments, wars etc etc.
Many of the problems facing capitalism are potentially fixable but the 800 lb gorilla in the room is the fact that oil is a finite resource. They’re not making anymore. Some people believe oil is abiotic, that is, it regenerates itself through some sort of biological process. Amoeba’s are asexual, they reproduce without 2 different sexes. Certain viruses and bacteria divide without any sexes. Everyone agrees that oil was created by deposits of living material and was then cooked by the pressure of tons of rock on top of it. I think once the oil is gone it’s gone. We have gone through millions of years of evolution in 150 years and in the process have exploded the population and shifted the production of food to oil driven machinery and it is a disaster. Every individual oil field loses pressure and becomes economically worthless and is abandoned. After they are abandoned they don’t regenerate. This will happen to every field eventually and there will be no oil. Oil drives every stock on every stock exchange. They may be able to keep the banking system going but not the oil wells. There may be more left than is reported but how much? If everything else is a lie why wouldn’t they lie about that? I think it’s suspicious that most of what they say is left is in the Arab world. An excuse for war!!! Another money making opportunity. I think Dubai Abu Dabi is the capital of the New World Order. It sits at the mouth of the Persian Gulf and the Straits of Hormuz where all that oil is. They can shut off the flow of oil and force people to co-operate. Massive depopulation is necessary to keep this system going if that’s the plan. My vote is that everybody gets an equal shot at survival. Everybody into the pool. I think the people who ran this into the ground and benefited from it shouldn’t wind up with it when the smoke clears. And this system should not survive. Enough is enough.
Robert Oppenheimer is credited with inventing the atomic bomb. Before dropping it on Hiroshima he tested one. He called the test “Trinity”. The trinity is a central concept in Christianity. After obliterating Hiroshima and Nagasaki they went back to testing bombs. The next few tests were called “Operation Crossroads”. The term ‘crossroads’ has been used by many, many people to refer to the phenomena of rolling stones. Later Oppenheimer was interviewed and he began quoting from some Hindu text "...and now I have become death...."
"Soon I discovered this Rock thing was true.."
"Jesus is the devil..."
"Suddenly I fell in love with the world..."
"And realized all I could do was..."
"Dinga ling long..."
“My danga long ling long..."

Jesus Built My Hotrod
Feb 14, 2018
Philip Nute
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I have been watching movies by Roman Polanski. Yesterday I watched ‘Rosemary’s Baby’. It was released in 1968 the year before the Manson murders. Sometimes when I watch movies I pick out other media that’s mentioned. This movie mentioned something called ‘The Fantastics’ and a book ‘Stories For Boys’ by someone named Hutchins. I know there is a song on the first U2 album ‘Stories For Boys’. That song also mentions the book ‘Picture Of Dorian Grey’. When I went looking for ‘Stories For Boys’ all I came up with was a collection published by Encyclopedia Britainnica ‘Great Books Of The Western World’ in 54 volumes. It was first printed in 1952 and released again in 1990 in 60 volumes. It has works by most of the great writers but not exactly their most famous work. Maybe there’s some sort of secret knowledge it them. Then again maybe it’s misdirection. ‘They’ were way ahead of me.
I have been reading about Leonard Bernstein. He had something to do with the play ‘West Side Story’. I re-watched this recently. I think ‘West Side Story’, ‘A Tree Grows In Brooklyn’ and ‘The Great Gatsby’ are all about the same thing. Bernstein was born in Lawrence Massachusetts and became America’s first great conductor. He is mentioned in one of the Austin Power movies along with Elvis Costello. I want to watch ‘MASS A Theatre Piece For Singers Players And Dancers’. It was commissioned by Jacqueline Kennedy. It has something to do with religion.
Feb 12, 2018
Philip Nute
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I recently bought the DVD for the movie “Chinatown”. I have a number of reasons. They used to show this a lot on free TV after it first came out. It was nominated for numerous Academy Awards and it was made by Roman Polanski before he left the country. The plot centers around a private detective named Geddes. It is set in 1930’s Los Angeles. Most of the time Geddes follows people who are suspected of cheating on their spouses. This time it gets complicated. Someone from the water department is dumping water at a time when Los Angeles is going through a drought. Someone wants a dam built that is not needed. The real reason for the dam is so it can provide water for farmland north of the city. Someone is buying up the land cheap under assumed names. Once the dam is built the land will be worth much more. It’s discovered at the end the person behind the scam is named Cross. ??? He owns the police and pretty much everything else. My brain has a tendency to work in terms of genocide. When you have been dealing with ‘the problem’ as long as I have it’s normal. I believe someone is engineering Armageddon. The end of the world. If someone wanted to kill a lot of people very quickly they could cut off the water supply and food to city’s. Right now a large percentage of America’s food is grown in California. Monsanto is doing whatever it can to destroy what’s left of family farmers outside of California with GMO’s. If someone cut off the water to Southern California and the valley’s they could kill a lot of people. In the early 1980’s Massachusetts set up the Massachusetts Water Resource Authority. (MWRA) They hooked up all of Eastern Massachusetts to one water supply and sewer system. They could do the same here. I wonder if this is true everywhere. (The Area 51 Frantic Caller) Some circumstantial hearsay evidence. Not long ago (maybe 4 or 5 years) one of the California Senators (Boxer or Fienstein) stopped legislation that would have provided more water to California farmers. Somewhere in California or Arizona a person was prevented from collecting the water that fell on the roof because the state said they didn’t own it. ???? California is a depository for people under mind control. ??? I think. ??? Destroy the evidence????
"In the morning you go gunning..."
"For the man who stole your water.."

Do It Again
Steely Dan
"California rest in peace..."
"Simultaneous release..."

Dani California
Red Hot Chili Peppers
"Check my brain..."
Check My Brain
Alice In Chains
"Welcome to the Hotel California.."
Hotel California
The Eagles
Radio Kaos
a concept album by Roger Waters
"He was born a pauper to a pawn..."
Elton John
(China holds most of America’s debt. So we are the pauper and China is the pawn. Did it come true? Levon spelled backwards is novel as in English Literature Novel or something that is novel or unique)
I do not exist. I do not run anything. I am not responsible for any of this. Co-operation is surrender. I think people like Judah Macabee co-operated by trying to help someone. He lost because he allowed himself to be manipulated and defined by the ‘thing’. I am not creating this situation why should I answer for it or explain any of it? I do not ever want to exist. I do not want to run anything. I will never accept any responsibility. If they blow it all up how many Catholics go with it? They don’t care about anybody.
Feb 7, 2018
Philip Nute
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
A couple weeks ago I received a letter saying my assurance wireless phone was being canceled because I didn't re-apply in time. The group home in Randolph got the phone for me and I didn't really care but I'm pretty sure I didn't get a letter with the application. Today I got a notice from Mass Health that they're cancelling my coverage because I didn't supply certain information. They say they requested it back in Nov 2017. I'm pretty sure I got no letter. I guess my Social Security is next. When I first got to Braintree I ordered a TPM (Trusted Platform Module) from Amazon and it didn't arrive for months despite the fact Amazon said it was delivered. I think the house is withholding my mail. Last week I was informed I was being moved to Christopher Rd in Randolph. I spent part of this week packing. I think maybe they wanted me to do it because I am about to become homeless.
Addendum - High Wattage Pulse Generator - The main body would be one piece of glass. Holes would be left in each chamber, discharge, pulse and charging, to make it hollow. A one inch thick wall is created between each chamber. A hole is drilled from the charging chamber to the pulse chamber and from the pulse chamber to the discharge chamber through the one inch wall. A hole is drilled from the outside into the hole between each chamber for a valve that is controlled by a coil. Ion charged gas passes through from one chamber to the other by activating the coils. A pumping station chamber is on the bottom. One method of re-charging the device is a piston controlled by a coil, or gear. As it goes back and forth the 2 valves open and close. (see picture) The other method is placing an electronically controlled bellows in the discharge and charging chambers.
You could build a bellows that expands with a coil like a relay. It could be wireless or wired. Place the bellows in each container (discharge and charging). Put the valves and pulse container on top.
This is an observation about batteries. A battery works by building up a voltage with more electrons on the positive side than the negative. A battery is DC (direct current) because the electrons are stationary, not moving. A battery is discharged when the electrons have deposited on the negative side. A rechargeable battery works by building up the positive again. The electrons are not gone. Matter can not be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed. In this case it performed work by movement. The work was performed by the various transducers along their path from positive to negative. When using a chemical/mechanical high wattage pulse generator to re-charge a cars battery you should produce mostly voltage, not current. The voltage will attract the electrons back to the positive.
Feb 5, 2018
Philip Nute
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Rock N Roll Is A Secret Society
If you lived in a world where it was dangerous to believe in something that threatened the people in power wouldn’t you want to keep it a secret? I think this is the basic motivation for secret societies. Gnosticism was the first of the clubs. Gnosticism began around 200 AD. The word gnostic can be interpreted as secret. The word esoteric is similar. There is a whole category Western Esotericism. Esotericism is any society where there is secret knowledge specific to it’s members. Some examples are: Rosicrucianism, Hermetism, the Theosophical Society and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Freemasonry is considered a secret society but it’s possible the very power elite are the members. Rock N Roll is a secret society. I think they all use the same imagery/symbolism to describe the world we live in. They do this because it’s the only way to get the word out and keep breathing. Music is a tool of the elite to distract and entertain. So they are allowed to do it.
I think some people believe synthetic telepathy is satellite based. This may be true. I wonder how they reached that conclusion. Blackouts? We used to have regular interruption’s in the electric service. In Nov 1965 we had a really nasty one. I wonder if the problem persists when the AC is off. This would lead people to think it’s satellite based. This is an alternate explanation. If I took an antenna and placed it on the desk in front of me I could use it to pick up both AM and FM transmissions among other things. The point being, that piece of wire is picking up any EMI in it’s reach. It depends on the electronics connected to it as to what is useful. As a rule the longer the piece of wire the more sensitive an antenna is. The entire electric grid has to be the longest piece of wire, period. Even when the AC is off the wires are still in the walls and capable of acting as an antenna. Someone could build a computer the size of a tractor trailer, power it with a portable generator and hook it up to the grid and start sifting through the EMI. It might need some way to locate it’s target. GPS. ??? I’m guessing today’s electric grid is monitored by massive main frame computers like everything else. Maybe they’re all talking to each other and sending info somewhere. I think it would be possible to build a Chemical/Mechanical High Wattage Pulse Generator (see above) put it in a truck and blow it off near power stations or wherever the computer rooms are. Maybe hide it in something like a copy machine and get it in the building. I think it might be possible to secure a building by injecting noise onto the AC wiring using X10 technology.
The picture above is an X10 controller. It uses the AC wiring in a home to send data to turn on or turn off devices. The controller is in the back. The 3 devices in the front plug into an AC outlet or lamp and can be turned on remotely with the controller. I think similar technology can be used to inject noise onto the wiring. You could generate noise at the power level and frequency or frequencies of the human mind and inject on the wiring.
The schematic above generates shot noise at very low power. The human mind is also very low power. You could build several of these to generate multiple signals. You could separate each of the 3 into 3 more and phase shift each of those and then combine all of them with a mixer. Mixer circuits are used in general audio applications to combine microphones to come out of one set of speakers. Once you have combined everything put it on the AC. I don’t know what the frequencies of the human mind are. Maybe you could come up with some kind of trial and error system to figure it out.
Feb 4, 2018
Philip Nute
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
We have been having a lot of interruptions in the cable service. I had no internet for a couple weekends. There has been no TV or phone. Last weekend despite the fact we had no TV I did have the internet. Am I being censored? When I log on to VFClient Windows says one thing when I click on the icon and the bubble message says another.
Feb 3, 2018
Philip Nute
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I have been wondering about synthetic telepathy. As I always do. I think some people believe it is satellite based. This may be true. I wonder how they reached that conclusion. Blackouts. We used to have regular interuption’s in the electric service. In Nov 1965 we had a really nasty one. I wonder if the problem persists when the AC is off. This would lead people to think it’s satellite based. This is an alternate explanation. If I took an antenna and placed it on the desk in front of me I could use it to pick up both AM and FM transmissions among other things. The point being, that piece of wire is picking any EMI in it’s reach. It depends on the electronics connected to it as to what is useful. As a rule the longer the piece of wire the more sensitive it is. The entire electric grid has to be the longest piece of wire, period. Even when the AC is off the wires are still in the walls and capable of acting as an antenna. Someone could build a computer the size of a tractor trailer, power it with a generator and hook it up to the grid and start sifting through the EMI. It might need some way to locate it’s target. GPS. ??? I’m guessing todays electric grid is monitored by massive main frame computers like everything else. Maybe they’re all talking to each other and sending info somewhere. I think it would be possible to build a Chemical/Mechanical High Wattage Pulse Generator (see above) put it in a truck and blow it off near power stations or wherever the computer rooms are. Maybe hide it in something like a copy machine and get it in the building.
Rock N Roll is like a secret society. They know things other people don’t. They make up imagery or symbolism to tell people. Holyweed – we take invisible tragedy, turn it into incomprehensible fantasy which in turn creates ooddles and ooddles of cash. My current dilemma is ‘Jane’. Why do Rock bands do ‘Jane’. This morning I made a new playlist on youtube titled ‘Jane (1969 – ????)’ this is whats in it. (approximately) In case it doesn’t reach your computers as I intend. Videos about Andy Warhol. Warhol was involved with The Velvet Underground which has the first reference as best as I know. An interview with Lou Reed who was in the Velvet Underground. The song ‘Sweet Jane’ by the Velvet Underground. The song ‘Jane’ by Jefferson Starship. (about 1978) The song ‘Jane Says’ by Janes Addiction. (about 1988) I’m gonna start a musical ensemble and call it ‘Janes Addiction’ and see if anyone gets it. (I don’t) The song ‘Been Caught Stealing’ Janes Addiction. ???? The song ‘Last Dance With Mary Jane’ by Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers.????
Feb 2, 2018
Philip Nute
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I recently figured out one of the important things about Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Chardin was both a Catholic priest and paleontologist. A trained paleontologist. He had a degree. These are polar opposites. The church is creationist and paleontology is the study of evolution. Isn’t this heresy? I think you could explain away syncretic religion as not being heresy because it’s dealing with heretics, but not this. It would be even worse (???) if he got his degree at a catholic university. Chardin was involved in Piltdown Man. Piltdown Man was a ‘missing link’ set of bones discovered in England in the 1920’s. It was later proven a hoax and Chardin was partially responsible. What was that for?
"He started in dealing with slaves..."
"And something inside of him died..."

Tangled Up In Blue
Bob Dylan
Some people compare the modern world to Ancient Babylon. Sometimes called the Whore of Babylon. America at the center.Babylon enslaved the jews. I think any society, culture or country that condones or uses slaves is predisposed to decadence and corruption and will eventually fall because of it. I think the same could be said of any people who use the ‘chickenshit’ system of spreading thier culture and acquiring property. It’s immoral and unjust. It spreads like cancer. If the fish is rotton at the head sooner or later the whole thing stinks. The immoral have a tendency to gravitate towards the immoral and vice versa. Birds of a feather………. I think this is why the Pope took the side of the Confederacy during the American Civil War.
"I’m beating a dead horse and you’re beating a dead dog" "What we’ve got here is a wall hitting a wall" It’s your move!!! Always has been,….always will be…!!! FU FU FU
Feb 1, 2018
Philip Nute
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I’ve been trying to answer this question all day. If you knew a book would be written about you after you die, what would you like the title to be?
My answer is "I Fucked The Pope Up The Ass (In A Manner Of Speaking) And Got Away With It"
The Patriots are in the Super Bowl AGAIN!!! YEAHHH!!! ???? What? I hate to burst your bubble (OK actually I love it) but in a world of mind control, advanced wireless communications and out of control surveillance why would anyone pay $12,000 for a ticket? How easy would it be to affect the outcome? You could just talk in the ear of someone at a critical time and break their concentration. EH! How many players are actually in charge of their own faculties? I have yet to figure out the why’s and hows of Doug Fluties ‘Hail Mary’ on Thanksgiving Day 1984. ???? What was someone trying to do or say??? The idea that Red Auerbach was some kind of genius is ludacris. The owners are all spoiled rich kids who sold out generations ago. They know which city is in need of a distraction and can build up a team as necessary. I’m gonna go looking for 3 pictures and I’m not sure I’m going to find them so I list them here: The Massachusetts Turnpike Authority logo, Steve Martin with an arrow through his head and Lance (LBJ ??) in the movie ‘Apolcalypse Now’ with an arrow through his head.
SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE — Episode 5 — Pictured: Steve Martin during the monologue (Photo by NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images)
This is some thoughts on helicopters. Automobile tires must be balanced or the car will vibrate violently. They spin so fast that even the smallest difference in weight will cause this. Helicopter blades are the same. They must be perfectly balanced. A way to take down a helicopter might be to damage 1 or 2 of the blades and throw them out of balance. If the blades hit something while in flight it might damage it and throw it out of balance. You could hang a piece of steel from chaff and have the helicopter fly into it.