Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, www.philipnute.com and it's companion website www.zsezse.com, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
George Orwell
Beginning of Actual Blog
Feb 24, 2019
Philip Nute
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
The other day I was looking for information on solar voltaic cells on youtube. I came up with a video that said the reason cells don't produce much current is reflection. Most of the light reflects and doesn't penetrate the cell. They had some patent on a process that makes the surface an angle. I figure it would help to make them larger instead of smaller. Each diode would only produce 0.7 volts but the current would increase if you could get the light to penetrate farther. If you could get it to go all the way through you could put a reflective surface so it then goes back through the PN material. Instead of making the whole thing on a silica substrate it could be made just like a regular PCB board. The board could have all N type connected to one side and all P type to the other. Some of the copper could be polished and left underneath each diode to reflect it back through. To get the light to penetrate farther, atomic sized pieces of glass could be included in each type of material. The entire could be made much larger. You might be able to make each diode as a discrete component as they usually are.This is an observation about the Aurora Beaurealis and St Elmos fire. Both are thought to be a concentration of electrons. Both are some form of natural light. Since electrons are negatively charged and like polarities repel maybe when the electrons are very close to each other and concentrated they begin to vibrate because they are trying to repel each other. Producing light.I have been thinking about making my own solar panel with discrete components. While doing this I came up with this idea. Office buildings are almost exclusively lit with fluorescent lights. Why not recycle that light by putting some solar voltaic panels inside the space and connected to the main panel. Or some of the equipment could have batteries that charge while the lights are on.
Feb 19, 2019
Philip Nute
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I finally read the encyclopedia article for anarchy. I had nothing to do today. I was very surprised how long it was. The actual article is anarchism. If you can accept the idea that war is used to maintain the power of a religious hierarchy, I think it's safe to say that anarchism was just as responsible for WWI and WWII as was Fascism and Communism. Anarchism has its roots in the English Civil Wars of the 1600s. In America it goes back to Henry David Thoreau and Lysander Spooner. By the mid 19 th century it was focusing on labor unions. This might help to explain the Papal Bull Rerum Novarum in the 1890's where the Pope embraced labor unions. Probably to undermine them. Just before the Spanish Civil War of the 1930's there were 2 million anarchists in labor unions in Spain. Apparently Spain really went for anarchy. After the war it was all but gone. By the 1950's labor unions in America were run by pinkie ring thugs who put horse heads in the beds of people who wouldn't co-operate. (The Godfather)
Joke For The Day
This guy goes into a doctors office and says
“Doc, I'm sure I have cancer, you gotta help me!
”Doctor shows him into an examination office and says:
“Get undressed and get up on the table, I'll be right back”
Doctor leaves the room. About fives minutes later a cat opens the door and walks around the table 3 or 4 times, then sits for a minute in front of the man. Then opens the door and leaves. About five minutes later a dog comes in and walks around the table 3 or 4 times and leaves the room. About 5 minutes after that the doctor comes back and says:“Great news, you don't have cancer, stop worrying”
The man says:
“But doc you didn't do anything!!
”The doctor says:
“No no no you just had a cat scan and a pet scan and they both came back negative
”The moral of the story: I think the 'thing' has invented itself into a real pickle
This guy goes into a doctors office and says
“Doc, I'm sure I have cancer, you gotta help me!
”Doctor shows him into an examination office and says:
“Get undressed and get up on the table, I'll be right back”
Doctor leaves the room. About fives minutes later a cat opens the door and walks around the table 3 or 4 times, then sits for a minute in front of the man. Then opens the door and leaves. About five minutes later a dog comes in and walks around the table 3 or 4 times and leaves the room. About 5 minutes after that the doctor comes back and says:“Great news, you don't have cancer, stop worrying”
The man says:
“But doc you didn't do anything!!
”The doctor says:
“No no no you just had a cat scan and a pet scan and they both came back negative
”The moral of the story: I think the 'thing' has invented itself into a real pickle
My brother is a certified public accountant (CPA). Hes 8 years older than me. He began his working life before I graduated high school in 1975. In the beginning he worked for a company named Peat Marwick Mitchell in Boston. In late 1979 or early 1980 he was passed up for a promotion so he changed jobs. He started working for a company named MCI Communications in Washington DC. He moved to Herndon VA and was the comptroller (I think?). He stayed 3 or 4 years before moving back to Boston and starting a new job. At the time MCI was a rising star on the New York Stock Exchange. It was successfully challenging ATT for phone service. Cell phone I think? MCI got started by supplying microwave communications for truck drivers along Interstate highways. (I think) They eventually sold out to some other company. I came to the conclusion a long time ago my problems have followed me and some people around me all my life. Just sayin.
All batteries are DC, Direct current. They call it DC but it's the voltage that doesn't really change. It does not vary until the battery is exhausted. Batteries work because of the atomic interaction of 2 different metals. Certain pairs of metals work better than others. Because of the difference in atomic makeup when the metals are in close contact some electrons from one metal drift to the other. This is current. The 2 metals are not physically touching but when a circuit is connected across the metals current flows because the 2 have different atomic structure. A rechargeable battery simply reverses the process. A PN junction must have the 2 types of silica just like a battery has 2 metals to set up an electric field and promote the flow of electrons. It's the atomic difference in the 2 types that create current. A PN junction will only flow in one direction this is why a voltaic cell is DC. But it is created by a varying energy source, Light, This might sound crazy because in the past I have said that you could produce more current by making more PN junctions but maybe the secret is to make them bigger and got the light to penetrate all the way through they would produce more current.
The aurora borealis occurs at dawn in the Arctic Circle. Scientists believe it results from electrons building up in the atmosphere and reacting with the magnetic flux produced by the earth. The electrons can come from water or some radiation from space.
St Elmo's fire is a phenomena that happens in storms on ships at sea or planes flying through bad weather. The surfaces of the craft will glow like a light bulb. Scientists also believe it's atomic in nature. Electrons carried by water in the storm deposit on the craft. There is no St Elmo.
Lightning occurs when a negatively charged cloud comes in contact with a positively charged cloud.
I think we are either at or near critical mass. Critical mass is the point where the number of people under mind control is difficult to hide from the people not under mind control and who don't know it is happening. The world is unstable. It could go either way. This is how I know it's possible. Something like this has happened to me at least once a week for the past 10 years. This specific example may not have occurred. Lets say I'm still living in Weymouth. I walked to the Starbucks in front of the Pleasant Shops mall to get out of the house. On a whim I decide to take the bus to Quincy Center. It's only a five minute walk to get the bus near the hospital. It's Tuesday morning and there is no traffic on Rt 18. The bus is early and I might not make it in time. The 'thing' wants me to go to Quincy because there are all kinds of ways to mess with me, so before anyone can say Rumplestilscan Rt 18 is jammed with traffic. The bus is forced to wait and I go to Quincy. An incident that actually happened involved the Catholic Church in South Weymouth, St Francis. I walked by one day unexpectedly and the place was absolutely jammed. I mean there were people sitting in folding chairs on the steps with the doors open. I'm pretty sure it wasn't a wedding. I was like “Yea the last time that happened they all had a gun pointed at them'. St Francis seats about 1000 people.
Feb 15, 2019
Philip Nute
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
A Phoenix is a mythical bird that lives for hundreds of years, then destroys itself in a fire. From the fire a new Phoenix rises and lives for hundreds of years. The legend of a Phoenix began in Ancient Egypt. It's possible we are seeing the birth of a new Phoenix. But like everything else it's completely man made. I think it could be argued that feudalism was a Phoenix. Feudalism replaced the Western part of the Roman empire around 400 AD. It was invented from the ground up by the Romans starting with Constantine I who also embraced Christianity. Constantinople was the capitol of the Eastern Roman Empire. It was named for Constantine I. Today it is know as Istanbul. The Eastern Roman Empire was also known as the Byzantine Empire. It officially ended with the fall of Acre in 1453 AD. The end of the Roman Empire saw the rise of what George Orwell called Oligarchical Collectivism. I think this too is a Phoenix and is about to be replaced.
To understand the need for feudalism you have to look at the big picture. At the time the population of Europe was growing. The area surrounding Rome contained mostly barbaric tribes. The area to the east had been civilized for centuries. The barbarians were extremely hostile to Rome. It was Alaric I, a Goth, who eventually sacked Rome in 410 AD. Feudalism was a sort of organized anarchy. But only the people at the top agreed to it and fully understood how it worked. To successfully conquer the area someone would have had to unify everybody somehow. This would have required a massive power structure. If everyone agrees, not just the people at the top, it might work without one. A basic education for everyone is necessary. Before the American Civil War it was illegal in some states to teach a slave to read and write. Before the Protestant Reformation only priests could own a bible. Only they knew what was in it. It was Orwell who said “A hierarchal society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance”. An area of lawlessness is useful when part of your culture involves Rolling Stones. It gives them a place to run. The Western part of the empire could be considered the New World until the New World was discovered.
A good engineer knows how to KISS it. Keep It Simple Stupid. Don't over design or over engineer. I am an anarchist. I think the problem with the world is people with power. The way to fix it is to have a long period, and I mean a hundred years or so, of anarchy. The problem with anarchy is that it makes no sense to create a large power structure to force people to accept a system that doesn't believe in large power structures. You have to convince people it's best for everyone and get them to co-operate. Right now the world is like Germany after the war. Germany needed to be purged of the Nazi's. This is not an easy job.
Henry David Thoreau was a writer involved with the transcendentalists. He lived in a small shack on Walden Pond in Concord Massachusetts. He wrote an essay titled “Civil Disobedience” that has been cited by such people as Gandhi and Martin Luther King. These people believed the only way to change things is peaceful protest. It has to be a peaceful because blowing things up and killing each other isn't normal. If it was it would have started in this country a long time ago. War is a tool of the elite to cling to power. There's a reason they call it revolution. It's a revolving door. No one in their right mind wants to be responsible for the deaths of millions. It can make a fella look bad.
I think anarchy could be defined as the absolute minimum of organization needed to maintain order. Or the absolute minimum amount, and complexity, of instruments of power needed to maintain order. A short list of instruments of power is: the monetary system, infrastructure and ideas. If you look at the two examples of change above, feudalism and oligarchical collectivism, neither required violence. The people at the top simply adjusted things to their needs. I see no reason why the people at the bottom can't do the same.
A long time ago I made a list of things that are used to control people. I couldn't find it in time for this post. It included communication systems. roads, bridges, money supply etc. I think the idea is to keep these things to minimum or design them so they're free or beyond anyone's control. On the INVENTIONS page of this website I propose a relay cell phone system that works like walkie talkies No one could control it and it would be free.
I have been looking for information on solar voltaic cells. I can never seem to find what I want on the internet so I have to think for myself. Recently I wanted to know how the PN junction is oriented in relation to the light. I thought this might help me understand how they work. I figure there are possibilities. 1. Both the N type and P type material is exposed at the same time. 2. Only the P type is exposed. 3. Only the N type is exposed. I think 1 is the best answer. Einstein proposed the idea that light is an energy packet composed of both an EMI wave and a particle, probably a photon. A voltaic cell works because the energy penetrates the silicon. It will absorb light which moves the electron in the silicon. Light could move electrons in any substance depending on it's ability to absorb the light. Most metals reflect light they don't absorb it. My first question is: Is there a conductive material other than silica that absorbs light better. Or can silica be modified to better absorb light? Why does it have to be both P and N type material? To have current you must have a difference in potential (voltage). There must be a strong line of demarcation. Like a capacitor. A capacitor must have a dielectric to separate one side from the other. The electrons in the diode are being moved by AC energy. A diode only conducts in one direction, this is why the voltage comes out as DC. If silver or gold would absorb light it could be used. But it doesn't.
Feb 9, 2019
Philip Nute
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Jesuits are an order of Catholic priest like the Dominicans, Franciscans, Benedictine and others. The Jesuit order was started by Ignatius Loyola around the time of the Protestant Reformation in the 1500's. The stated mission of the Jesuits is to reverse the Reformation and unify the church. By any means necessary! Many people consider them the military wing of the Catholic church. Like other orders they have built university's around the world. Boston College is a Jesuit school. The English are the only Europeans that have never had significant numbers of people returned to the Catholic church. This includes America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Ironically these are the only countries with NSA ECHELON facilities. Or maybe it's not so ironic. Right now there are millions of people in America who believe the Apolcalypse is very near. The end of the world. They are waiting to be Raptured into heaven. I believe there are millions of people under mind control in America. I believe someone can just flip a switch and cause the type of chaos religious people would interpret as the Apolcalypse. Recently Congress passed a law that authorized FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) to build camps all across the country. There are videos on youtube showing massive stock piles of plastic grave liners that will hold about five bodies. (Jesse Ventura – Conspiracy Theory) Other videos say that inside the camps are guillotines. So if someone causes a major catastrophe, people volunteer for a FEMA camp and get their head cut off. Nostradamus began predicting the end of the world when he lived about the same time as Loyola. But I'm not sure what that means.
Feb 5, 2019
Philip Nute
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Eat get sick and be miserable today, live to fight another day.
“I came here to chew bubble gum and kick ass,....................................and I'm all out of bubble gum........” Nada - They Live (“Just because you're paranoid......don't mean they're not after you....” ------- “Some of them want to use you......some of them want to be used by you.......” “They give you this but you pay for that...........”) They Who?“I'm clear,....are you clear.?” Holly to Nada in “They Live” (Scientology??)
I say let the truth come out and the chips fall where they may.I'm always looking for ways to prove that the “Alice In Wonderland” phenomena is real. I recently watched the movie “Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?” starring Bette Davis. In it she sings a song titled “I've Written A Letter To Daddy”. The movie was made in 1962 but the beginning is set in very early 20 th century. 'Baby Jane' was a star in Vaudeville. Snail mail letters were the most used form of communication. People used to save letters so I wonder if there are stacks of old mail through out the country from “Alice's” writing home. I have been hacking away at this computer for more than 10 years and in all that time I have not received one letter, email, phone call or visit in person from anyone about whats going on. I sometimes wonder if the Post Office has an entire warehouse of mail or if they just destroy it. Like letters to Santa. Is there a special 'dead lettter's' file at every post office? How do you get on that list? I think it was someone very famous who said “Never write when you can speak, never speak when you can nod, never nod when you can wink”. The movie also stars Joan Crawford who was later accused of abusing an adopted daughter. The relationship was the subject of the movie “Mommy Dearest”.
"Junkies down in Brooklyn are going crazy..."
"Laughing just like hungry dogs in the street..."
"Police are hiding behind the skirts of little girls.."
"Their eyes have turned the color of frozen meat..."
"Joan Crawford has risen from the grave..."
Joan Crawford
Blue Oyster Cult
Have we reached the 100 th monkey? (“Collapse” with Michael Ruppert) If so, can I go now?
"Laughing just like hungry dogs in the street..."
"Police are hiding behind the skirts of little girls.."
"Their eyes have turned the color of frozen meat..."
"Joan Crawford has risen from the grave..."
Joan Crawford
Blue Oyster Cult
Have we reached the 100 th monkey? (“Collapse” with Michael Ruppert) If so, can I go now?
Feb 2, 2019
Philip Nute
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
The rod for the High Wattage Pulse Generator could be made of neodymium. Rare Earth Magnet. When the gas 'jogs' the electrons it will create 'Eddy Waves'. The natural magnetism of the magnet would be added to the Eddy Waves and increase the power out. You could hook up multiple current transformers for separate circuits.This is an idea to increase the usefulness of solar voltaic panels. If it's possible to increase the current by adding to the total number of PN junctions with very large scale integration it might also make the panel too sensitive. Under direct sunlight it might burn up from too much current. To limit the current under direct sunlight you could add an auto darkening glass on top of the panel. The default for the glass is totally dark. It would be controlled by a light sensor. In cloudy conditions the sensor would allow all light to pass. Under total sunlight it would restrict the light so it doesn't burn up. While this doesn't increase the maximum power it would extend it over many more days. At the same time you could add wires inside the glass that would warm it up under snow conditions and melt the snow as it falls like an automobile de-froster.
This is an idea to increase the usefulness of solar voltaic panels. If it’s possible to increase the current by adding to the total number of PN junctions with very large scale integration it might also make the panel too sensitive. Under direct sunlight it might burn up from too much current. To limit the current under direct sunlight you could add an auto darkening glass on top of the panel. The default for the glass is totally dark. It would be controlled by a light sensor. In cloudy conditions the sensor would allow all light to pass. Under total sunlight it would restrict the light so it doesn’t burn up. While this doesn’t increase the maximum power it would extend it over many more days. At the same time you could add wires inside the glass that would warm it up under snow conditions and melt the snow as it falls like an automobile de-froster.
Today I watched “Nicholas And Alexandra” starring Michael Jayston. It’s about Tsar Nicholas and his wife from the time of the birth of their son to when they were executed by the Bolsheviks. There is one very very small scene where Alexandra get stuck in an elevator. In the past week my stupidvision reported something very similar that happened in New York. A woman, an immigrant, was trapped in an elevator for 3 days before being rescued. These sorts of things happen to me all the time. I tend to read things into them because I’m paranoid. "Just because you’re paranoid,....don’t mean their not after you..." Nirvana All I can figure about this is that Alexandra was German. She was disliked by many Russians. Nicholas admired England and it’s constitutional monarchy and wanted to model Russia after them. At that time England had a similar problem with a German. (German’s) They changed their name from Saxe Coburg Gotha, which is German, to Windsor because of the war. (WWI) I smell the manipulators. ???? But I don’t know what it means. Afterward I was going to read “Wall St And The Bolshevik Revolution” by Antony C Sutton but I didn’t.
(Free copies of Antony Sutton’s books can be downloaded from Google books. Another book about the causes of WWI and WWII is “The Vatican Against Europe” by Edmond Paris. Free photo copies can be downloaded from the ‘DOCUMENTS’ page of www philipnute wordpress com . In 3 parts.)