Eisenhowers Farewell Address
Jan 17, 1961
On Jan 17, 1961 Eisenhower gave his farewell address where he warns of "a hostile idealogy, global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose and insidious in method". He continues by saying "a prolonged and complex struggle, with liberty the stake". I do not believe he is talking about communism because he points out 2 things he thinks are wrong with America:
  1. The Military Industrial Complex
  2. The consequences of too much government funded research
Toward the end he warns of a "community of dreadful fear and hate". The entire speech can be found on youtube.
Selected Quotes from this Speech
'We face a hostile ideology, global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose, and insidious in method. Unfortunately, the danger it poses promises to be of indefinite duration,....'
'...the burden of a prolonged and complex struggle, with liberty the stake.'
'..a recurring temptatiom to feel that some spectacular and costly action is the miraculous solution to all our current difficulties...'
'In the councils of government we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence whether sought or unsought from the military industrial complex, the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist....'
'In this revolution research has become central, it has also become more formalized costly and complex, a steadily increasing share is done for by or at the direction of the federal government...'
'We must also guard against the possibility that public policy itself could become the captive of a scientific technological elite....'
Neuro Nexus Tech
Daryl R Kipke
MK-Ultra The Controllers
by Martin Cannon
Physical Control Of The Mind
Jose Delgado
We are inventing, designing, building,
paying, fighting and dying towards our own demise.
Don't accept an implant,
if you do you're a slave
The RFID chip
is a cover story
It's a neural implant.
John F Kennedy
April 27, 1961
Waldorf Astoria New York, New York
Roughly 3 months after Eisenhowers Farewell Address and 10 days to 2 weeks after the Bay of Pigs incident Pres Kennedy gave a speech at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City. In it he implies we are at war "technically" but not "officially". This speech may have been one thing that led to his assasination. On August 21, 1959 then Pres Eisenhower issued Executive Order 10834 which allowed yellow fringe around flags in American courtrooms. The meaning of this is debated. I believe it allows for military law. The defendant is at the mercy of the judge. I believe this indicates Eisenhower knew we were at war "technically". This state of war has existed ever since. The vast majority of Americans don't know this. An even larger number, including me, don't know who we are at war with.
Two Quotes from this Speech
'...for we are opposed, around the world, by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covet means to increase it's sphere of influence...'
(about half way in)
..'so man can be what he was born to be, free and independent'
(the very end)
Ways to Defeat Synthetic Telepathy
Neural Implants and
The Microwave Hearing Effect
A personal area network jamming/masking device. A portable device about the size of a pocket radio that produces signals similar to that of a human but at a higher power output and with noise riding on the signals. The human brain produces signals about 30HZ while awake. They currently have sophisticated software that removes unwanted events like heartbeats and voice vibrations from EEG readings so any noise produced should be random unpredictable events that are difficult to filter out. This device could also jam incoming microwave frequencies to stop the microwave hearing effect while outside. Bluetooth technology allows communication between enabled devices over the microwave spectrum at about 100 to 200 ft. The whole technology is on a single chip. It can be programed to do anything you want.
EMI shielding material can be used to make Faraday cages. A faraday cage is an enclosure, like a room or entire building, encased in this material and is then connected to earth ground. The NSA building on the grounds of Ft Meade MD is fully encased in copper. Copper is too expensive for most people but there are lower cost alternatives. The earth is a naturally conducting body that is always at electrical neutral. Any attempt to develop a voltage on a conductor that is connected to it will simply discharge to earth ground. It is not necessary to redo the roof. You could put a layer of material on the attic floor then cover it with another layer of plywood. Quarter inch plywood would not add too much weight. It is also possible to paint the underside of the roof with a metallic paint or attach metal screen. Metallic paint could be applied to all walls.
The power level of a neural implant must be quite small given the size of the implant and the available voltage. Maybe a fraction of a watt. The brain produces very small voltages. Making a mask of EMI material that covers the entire head (eyes, nose, mouth etc) and even the upper part of the body would probably be enough to block all incoming and outgoing signals. The person could then be taken to a Faraday cage facility to have it removed.
A lot of electronic equipment is very expensive. Personal computers etc. It is always a good idea to have it plugged into a surge suppressor. Surge suppressors prevent large spikes from destroying the equipment. A lightning strike for example can destroy everything in a home. Ham radio equipment is also vunerable through the antenna. Ham radio manufacturers make surge suppressors that connect between the antenna and the reciever. It might be possible to blow out an implant by standing near where someone produces a large spike. This could disconnect a lot of people very quickly and make it hard for them to chase everyone around. Another possibility is to just surgically snip off the end instead of trying to remove the whole thing to disconnect a lot of people.
It is possible to use the wiring inside your house as an antenna for a radio thus picking up your signals and carrying them to the outside world. Broadband Over Powerlines is an example of using these wires to carry a lot of data. You should get off the grid completely. If wiring a new house all wires should go through a chase that connects all floors. This makes them accessible and more easily managed. Keep the amount of wiring to a minimum. Solar panels can separate the oxygen and hydrogen in water by electrolysis then recombine it in a fuel cell to produce electricity. Solar panels can also help to heat a house.
Having a stand alone noise generator in the house could also help. Along with Bluetooth technology SDR (Software Defined Radio) is becoming quite sophisticated. A company in California called Ettus Research has a radio that can cover from 0HZ to GHZ for about $600. It operates on a opensource program called the GNU Radio project. It might be possible to program it to produce all the noise you need. Older technology include spark transmitters and white noise generators.
There are two types of noise that get into electrical devices. Common mode and differential noise. A simple explanation is common mode comes from an outside source and differential comes from wire to wire. Crosstalk inside a data communication cable is differential. Noise that got on the cable from an outside source would be common mode. Ferrite cores can help eliminate noise by just clipping it onto the wire. Most houses have all thier power lines located at the panel. It could be possible to put a noise generator at the point and introduce noise into the lines.
Centrally locate all communication wiring in a panel inside the house. This makes it easier to manage. They make filters for telephone lines that will eliminate all frequencies above the audio level which is around 30KHZ. While it is still possible to send data at that speed it slows it down considerably. A shut off switch could be placed on the coax cable to shut it off if necessary. Make a list of all devices with antennas and decide if they are really needed. Make a Faraday cage for each one and put it inside when you don't need it.
Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...

Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
Is an abortion clinic a place where you can get an implant removed? Is abortion a cover story?
DON'T JOIN THE MILITARY! It's a sure way to wind up with an implant.
It is not enough to just shut off the power, the wires themselves can act as antenna's without power. It is possible for anyone to access them and have a very sensitive radio capable of picking up your electrical impulses. It is possible the entire electric grid is one big HAARP. Here is an idea to shut off power to a large number of telephone poles before cutting up the wires. Locate a substation. A substation is where the very high voltage of the high tension wires is stepped down for use locally. Substations can usually be found very near high tension wires. Cut down the nearest telephone pole in a direction away from the substation itself pulling the wire with it. This disconnects the wire without touching anything. Do this to enough substations close together and the wires might be dead. It takes time for the transformers on the poles to discharge. You could shoot a couple holes in the transformers before cutting down the pole.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, www.philipnute.com and it's companion website www.zsezse.com, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
At the very bottom of this page, on the left side, there are some examples of what I email to direct traffic to this site. I declare this public domain.
Jan 31, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Did Aleister Crowley spend his life fighting Alice in Wonderland?
'She asked me why the singers name was Alice,...
I said listen baby you really wouldn't understand...

Be My Lover
Alice Cooper
'I'm the man in the box...
Man in the Box
Alice in Chains
'Jesus just left Chicago, and he's bound for New Orleans...
Jesus Just Left Chicago
ZZ Top
'There is a house in New Orleans,...
House of the Rising Sun
The Animals
My take on the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. Three million years ago a presence showed up on earth and gave man tools. Man quickly learned to use tools to kill for his survival. Kill man. Three million years later the presence returns. This time it teaches man's tools to kill. Kill man. Scientology is automated fascism. All fascism does is solve the problem of too many people for the people who already have too much and are responsible for the problem. Who stared this? Did Vatican II have anything to do with it? Is Scientology designed to act in a similar capacity as the Jesuits?
People like Samuel Morse and Alexander Graham Bell do things to help people. Other people see those things and say "I can kill people with that", for reasons known only to the great beyond. And so began the saga of Alice in Wonderland, then The Wizard of Oz then Catch-22. Prior to the Protestant Reformation people were required to attend church. There were penalties if you didn't. Protestantism was voluntary for the most part. Gee, freedom. Older churches have had to adjust to make thier church look like a warm and fuzzy teddy bear. But nothing has changed.
Is Israel the equivilent to San Francisco of the 1960's. Are the settlers on the west bank American mercury victims? Is the BS armageddon designed to get rid of them?
Jan 30, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
God wants half dead socially cut-off people. Half get into the Fat Bottom Intercourse agency or the Criminal Insane Agency the other half gets to be the victims. It's fun and games for the whole family.
Jan 29, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I believe the 'hippies' of the 1960's were in fact 'jews'. People destroyed by the rich for money and power. They were then lured to San Francisco and systematically eliminated by our high tech secret fascist government. I wonder if Isreal is full of the same people and the Armageddon they want is another way to get rid of them.
Why was there an inquisition in Goa, India?
'The dudes had envied him for so long,..
his mind was his own,
but the man lived alone....

Curtis Mayfield
(nothing to envy here trust me. "If There's A Hell Below We're All Gonna Go" that's his best song that nobody knows about, and very true. he also wrote a song N.W.O but I can't find it)
I have seen at least 2 reports recently of preparations for a biological attack in the media. One was at Rush University Hospital in Chicago and the other at Weymouth's South Shore Hospital. Here are a couple guess's as to what the scam is. (cause it's always a scam) They declare a biological attack and order hundreds of thousands of people to the hospital. But instead of getting de contaminated they all wind up with an implant. The other is they have "spaceman" convince everyone with an implant there is an attack under way and they all show up at the hospital. They then convince everyone else they had thier implant removed but they actually didn't.
GOD Gold - Oil - Drugs
'At some point, I was advised I had the right to remain silent,
....but I didn't have the ability...

I got Thrown Out of a Bar
Ron White
Blue Collar Comedy Tour
Jan 28, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Another wild guess. The making of 'jews' is an ongoing thing for the rich and powerful. Every 40 or 50 years they need a war to clean up the mess. The wars of the last 200 years or so have never totally solved the problem. The population is out of control, we are running out of resources and they are running out of excuses to make war. Maybe they need a really, really big one. I am nothing special other than a 'jew' they can't get rid of. This happens. I'll may turn into Moses II: The Return of That F7^%$in Guy. This is how prophets are made. (profits HA HA HA ) Maybe they made a couple thousand like me in the 50's and 60's and I'm the last one standing.
'Mr Crowley, what went on in your head.....'
Oh Mr Crowley, did you talk to the dead....'

Mr Crowley
Ozzy Osbourne
(Aleister Crowley was famous at the beginning of the 20th century for being the Wickedest Man on Earth. He is a favorite of Rock N Roller's including The Beatles)
'Who was fitted with color and chains...
Who was broken by trained personel....'

Pink Floyd
'If we share this nightmare.....'
We can dream Spiritus Mundi....'

Synchronicity I
The Police
(Spiritus Mundi is a term for the second coming)
The Elizabethan Age, Lord Chamberlains Men and The Globe Theatre
All the worlds a stage. The Elizabethan Age took place during the reign of Elizabeth I of England. She was the last of the Tudors. She is sometimes called "The Virgin Queen'. She died childless. William Shakespear wrote during her reign. His plays were performed by Lord Chamberlains Men at The Globe Theatre. Many people believe Shakespear never really existed. Does this all seem scripted? How far does the need for power go? What do you call collective insanity? What happens when you can't pin it on a single person? I knew a kleptomaniac once. Whenever she was around and things started dissapearing the staff would check her pockets. She was elderly and incurable. Some people are beyond rehabilitation.
The papers I have read on The Microwave Hearing Effect indicate it only works at a certain power level. But if it is to be done on a large scale it would require a lot of power. There are at least 2 ways to accomplish this. 1. Use individual Wi-Fi hotspots inside buildings. This would require a central computer or something to co-ordinate everything. 2. Microwave towers or cell phone equipment. These installations are higher power and could handle large numbers of people and would work outside.
The above picture is a microwave tower. They can be found all over the country. These could be responsoble for the Microwave Hearing Effect. I know the location of at least one. It's on Rt 18 in Abington next to the Lowe's across the street from Cape Cod Lumber. Cell phones also work on microwaves (I think) Most of that equipment is hidden in buildings. The taller the better. Ironically much of it was installed in church steeples because people thought they were ugly.
Artists have been trying to say something for at least 50 years and nobody is listening. Two songs about this are: The Static Age by Green Day and The Radio Song by REM.
Jan 27, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Mary Queen of Scots was born a catholic. She died a catholic. She was the mother of King James VI of Scotland, who would be King James I of England at the death of Elizabeth I. He was the first of The House of Stuart. Elizabeth I was the last of the House of Tudor. He was taken from his mother at 13 months and never saw her again. He was raised a protestant. He was made King James VI of Scotland at 13 months so he was too young to rule. When this happens a regent is appointed who exercises power until the king is old enough to assume power. James VI had at least 4 regents who died mysteriously. As soon as he assumed the throne of England he commissioned the King James Version of the bible. Does this seem deliberately provocative? The church whether catholic or protestant has been side by side with every king, queen or president through the centuries as we have gotton to where we are. They cannot be exonerated.
'The wind cries Mary.....'
The Wind Cries Mary
Jimi Hendrix
'The Saints are coming.....'
The Saints are Coming
U2/Green Day
Recorded after Hurricane Katrina
(saints for the most part are specific to the catholic religion)
'I (ceasar) will be with you again.....'
New Years Day
This is my best explanation as to why people like me think nasty things all the time. If you have a mild cold you are probably irritable and grumpy and don't feel like socializing. Everyday ordinary things get on your nerves. Your friends can be bothersome. Mercury poisoning is a mild cold that never goes away, only you don't have any physical symptoms. Aside from that, of course my 'Love is in Vain'. Everybody I run into and everything that happens to me is orchestrated by the mad power junkie psychopaths who run the world.
My father hated unions. Like everything else he never explained. The only reference in Rock N Roll that I know of is The Police Synchronicity II where he says 'He walks unhindered through the picket lines, and doesn't think to wonder why...' Like everything else the laws regarding unions were made by the same people who run everything else. Unions have long been suspected of being controlled by the mafia. Pinkie ring thugs. 'god wants organized crime...' Jimmy Hoffa could be in any grave in any cemetary in the country. When we were kids we would joke the local funeral parlor was having a "2 for 1" sale. The casket was going to be extra heavy.
If there are 100 million people in this country with implants it's all over. If it's all over it's all over, lets get the show on the road. If there is a chance you're better hearing it from someone like me then the people behind it. Any port in a storm. Its gonna get ugly one way or another.
"Flattery will get you no where"
'I was defeated you won the war....'
Jan 26, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Femme Fatale's and Oliver Cromwell's
The problem with this world is that the people who rule do so behind a wall of lies
As I walk around Weymouth I am presented with a never ending parade of attractive women. I refer to it (to myself) as 'dangling the meat'. Two girls seem to be repeat offenders. One at a local coffee shop and another at a grocery store. One day I left the store after making my purchases and I sat on a bench just inside the door. The offender then left as though she was leaving for the day. It was 11:19 in the morning. I thought that to myself and about 5 minutes later she returned. "Doc I don't want to fly anymore." "Why." "It's dangerous." At the very end of Catch-22 Yasarian is offered a trip back to the states. But he has to go on tour in the media and say nice things about the army. He then goes into his dream sequence about the new guy Snowden. I'm not sure what the Sweden thing is about. If you get to Sweden you sit it out. The problem isn't the Catch-22'ers, it's the pig diarhea who put them in harms way. Prior to Hugh Hefner's 'sexual revolution' pre marital sex was an absolute no no. It's proof of the media's complicity. Thing's were better that way.
'You showed me your thing,...
why did you do it baby....'

Van Morrison
'Gloria, if I had anything...'
'Why do you build me up...
Why Do Build Me Up, Buttercup
The Foundations
'And how could I ever refuse...
I fell like I win when I lose....

The $1,000,000 Question. Do all these girls have implants? Do all the Rock N Roller's have implants? I can't beleive there are that many hate filled lying thieving homicidal genocidal psychopaths in the world. I have trouble believing they do it for religious reasons.
I recently re-watched the original Zeitgeist Movie from 2007. (see link below) They claim 100 million people in the United States believe the end of the world is very near. Do all these people have neural implants? Judging from the number I run into (I think) just walking around South Weymouth it wouldn't suprise me.
'Don't you know you are a shooting star...'
Shooting Star
Bad Company
'And how could I ever refuse,...
I feel like I win when I lose...

'How could you build me up, Buttercup....'
Build Me Up, Buttercup
The Foundations
'Tonight, I'm gonna see some Rock N Roll...'
The Marshall Plan
Blue Oyster Cult
Marshall is a popular brand of amplifier. This song uses a riff from 'Smoke on the Water' a song by Deep Purple that has the line 'a funky card was runnin in and out pullin kids out of the ground'. Kid was a slang term for an amplifier.
'Oh by the way, which one's pink....'
Have a Cigar
Pink Floyd
Was Oliver Crowell just another Napolean type?
Tortured and tormented from the cradle to the grave by the humans race for reasons known only to them. If I have to suffer everyday all day so do you. I'm not volunteering for any more and I'm not gonna make it easy. If secret fascism is what you want and Phil has to go get it over with.
If they say something like 'if you don't take this implant, we will take your house and job and everything else' it's not true. The opposite is probably true. Once you take the implant you are a slave and will just sign it over. Or maybe it's both. Depending on how much money you have access to you can hold out longer by not taking an implant.
Jan 25, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
The Rolling Stone Strategy. If they're busy with food, clothing and shelter they can't make any trouble. I say turn about is fair play.
Jan 24, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
You know the world is f&^%#ed when one person, armed with the truth, can create global unrest (I think ???) and never leave the house. I'm just taking a page from 'The Odyssey'. Or am I not allowed? Silly mortal.
Some curious English history. There were 6 monarchs of the House of Tudor. Mary I (also known as Bloody Mary) was one. She tried to return England to Catholicism but failed. She was succeeded by Elizabeth I who was the last Tudor. She returned England to protestantism. Under her the arts flourished. William Shakespear was the most notable. Elizabeth I died in 1603 and the House of Stuart began with James I. James I was also James VI of Scotland the son of Mary I (also known as Mary Queen of Scots). Mary Queen of Scots was a catholic. One of the first things James I did as ruler of England was to produce the King James Bible, a protestant bible. He was brought up protestant despite his mother being catholic. ???????
Some observations on George Orwells 'Homage to Catalonia'. George Orwell fought briefly in the Spanish Civil War in the 1930's. He wrote 'Homage to Catalonia' about his experiences. He later said it influenced his writing for the rest of his life. This includes 'Animal Farm' and '1984'. When Orwell got to the front he was issued a rifle that was 30 years old. He noticed everyone else also had an old rifle. There was only one machine gun for every 50 people. Most people had no uniform. They were givin little or no training. They grenades they had worked only once in a while. Most of the casualties in his unit were from bad equipment. After 3 months at the front he got 3 days in Barcelona. While in Barcelona, fighting broke out. After the fighting stopped government troops showed up. The same government he was fighting for. They all had new uniforms and rifles They had one machine gun for every 10 men. They were well trained and young.
"History is a lie agreed upon"
Napolean Bonoparte
Was Oliver Cromwell an early Napolean type?
'And how could I ever refuse,
I feel like I win when I lose....'

Questions. James I of England was responsible for the King James version of the bible. He became king in 1603 with the death of Elizabeth I, the last Tudor. He was from the House of Stuart of Scotland. He was the son of Mary I (also known as Mary Queen of Scots who was pro-catholic).
Jan 23, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
For a man to solve his insanity, he must solve his aloneness. A quote I found in a Peter Breggin book somewhere.
Did they make a movie about a man deserted on an island somewhere?
Man is a social animal.
He must have the company of others or he goes nuts.
Hate is not normal.
If he hates he is outcast and goes crazy.
It is against his self interest to not get along.
War is not normal.
No one goes to war unless they are forced to.
Man does not need organized religion to keep him inline.
Nature does it for him.
So what is organized religion for?
Organized religion is a tool of the psycho killer rich ghouls.
But look at the way you think Mr Phil?
It's the magic of mercury Mr Moron.
I'm one of those damnable unchristened babies.
See what happens when you don't go to church?
What would you do with a brain if you had one?
Fascism does nothing but solve the problem of too many people for the people who already have too much and are responsible for the problem.
I would like to declare March 17, 2012 as International St Paddy Whack Day. I urge people to jew someone who desperately deserves it.
No man born with a livin soul workin for the clampdown.
Heaven is a place on earth,
Belinda Carlyle
I think hell is too, and they are both created and managed by the same people.
Gabby Giffords resigning her congressional seat to concentrate on recovery. ??????
There is no Gabby Giffords.
I said something disparaging about Kathy Lee Giffords and Rachael Ray (at the time not knowing anything about Marilyn Manson which also may be a lie, or the Stanford Prison Experiment) so they tried to make me feel guilty.
Is this what they call Catholic guilt?
I have lost count of these incidents.
I can stay in Weymouth and people get hurt and victimized and suffer or I can take an implant go on Catch-22 missions people get hurt and victimized and suffer. So whats the difference? If secret fascism is what people want and Phil has to go get it over with.
Jan 21, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
The two links below are some of the very early research on the microwave hearing effect by Allan Frey. In the event they don't reach anybody else's computer the way they reached mine you can search for the exact title of the link. Use any or all search engines for differing results. Google, Yahoo, Ask, Scroogle.org, Bing are the ones I use. I will try to summerize what I get out of it. My research into antenna's and radio has taught me this. The lower the frequency you wish to transmit, the larger the antenna (in physical size) you need. The reason given for this is an antenna operates best at a certain fraction of the actual wave. At extremely low frequencies the actual wave could be hundreds of meters long, while high frequencies are only a fraction of a meter. The HAARP project in Alaska is a massive size and is supposedly transmitting extremely low frequencies. So that would make sense. Things like Wi-Fi would have very small antenna's because the actual wave is very short. The first paper below, published in 1962, theorizes the power density needed to produce the effect is only 275mw/cm2. That is extremely small and makes sense. If it were too high, it would cook everyone and everything near it. Like a microwave oven. Microwaves are classified as 300MHZ to 300GHZ. Electromagnetic radiation above 300GHZ becomes light. More specifically infrared light. The first paper achieves the effect at 425MHZ and 1,310MHZ. A possible solution is to shut off any Wi-Fi devices. A way to shut off a device and not destroy it is to place a tin foil hat over the antenna. A neural implant DOES NOT solve the problem. This is a completely different problem. Another problem is I don't have an implant or hear voices but I am all but certain my thoughts are being read (sensed) by some sort of electronic equipment. If someone is 'out of the blue and into the black' they have an implant and can't come back. (scientology - I think) Mind control is how they have kept the genocide secret.
Jan 20, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Jan 19, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
The Collected Works of Aleister Crowley 1875 - 1947 Foyer-UK, Society For The PropagationOf Religious Truth
Book of Lies
Aleister Crowley
Art in America
Aleister Crowley
In the event the music videos on the home page don't reach anybody else's computer the way they reach mine here is a list with some lines from the songs.
'...meet the new boss,...
same as the old boss.....'

Won't Get Fooled Again
The Who
'There is no political solution,..
to our troubled evolution.....'

Spirits in the Material World
The Police
'If you act as you think,...
the missing link, Synchronicity,
If we share this nightmare,..
we can dream Spiritus Mundi...'

Synchronicity I
The Police
(reference to synthetic telepathy)
'I am the eye in the sky,...
I can cheat you blind.....'

Eye in the Sky
The Alan Parsons Project
(reference to synthetic telepathy also mentioned in 'Austin Powers II')
'Many miles away,..
something crawls from the slime...'
At the bottom of a dark..
Scottish Lake...

Synchronicity II
The Police
(reference to Scottish Enlightenment)
'Every artist is a canabal,..
every poet is a thief.....'

The Fly
(the truth flashs across the screen)
'Bullit the blue sky....
Bullit the Blue Sky
'Sometimes you can't,
make it on your own.....'

Sun King
The Cult
(a clue as to who is behind this and the truth about who they are)
'Here comes the Sun King...
Sun King
The Beatles
(a clue as to who is behind this and the truth about who they are)
'.like a rolling stone,...
Dig It
The Beatles
(an early reference to 'rolling stones'-people who get chased from thier homes and who's behind it)
'No way for a man to live..
(a reference to a rolling stone)
'..of a run away American dream...'
Born to Run
Bruce Springsteen
(a reference to a rolling stone)
'...Jesus built my car....'
Jesus Built My Hotrod
(a reference to a rolling stone)
'..connect the goddamn dots....'
(a refernce to the lying media)
'...but you don't know where he's at...
'...what god wants...
god gets god help us all.....'

What God Wants Pt 1
Roger Waters
(a reference as to who is behind all this)
'...just because you're paranoid...
don't mean thier not after you.....'

Territorial Pissing
(a reference to the paranoia spread through the media)
'...neurosurgeons scream for more...
at paranoias poison door....'

21st Century Schizoid Man
King Crimson
(a reference to the paranoia spread through the media)
'...the low spark of high heeled boys...'
The Low Spark of High Heeled Boys
(a reference to being jew'd with mercury)
'...the day the music died...
American Pie
Don McClean
Jan 18, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Noise Generator
Electricity is part of the science of life. All life forms on this planet generate very small electro-magnetic waves that can be picked up be electronic sensors. A possible way to defeat the sensors would be to generate a lot of garbage electro-magnetic waves around the people and make it difficult for the sensors to pick up the EMI given off by the people. The people would have to always remain near the generator.
Specific Ideas
1. Spark Generators
Spark generators were one of the first Morse Code machines. As radio progressed they were outlawed because they interfered with radio signals. A Jacobs Ladder is a type of spark generator. At high voltages they can interupt everything.
2. Mechanical Generators
The first video below is my idea. The inspiration for the idea was a simple DC or AC motor. Electric motors are notorious for generating noise that interferes with sensitive electronics. All motors have a rotor that must move and be energized at the same time. This is accomplished with a conducting brush that keeps contact with the rotor. The idea is to rotate a metal brush on metal and conduct electricity through it to create noise. Then amplify the noise on an antenna.
3. Electronic Generator
I began experimenting with Texas Instruments MSP430 line of microcontrollers. The Launchpad comes preprogrammed with a software routine that pulses an LED. I theorize you could simply take that pulse, amplify it and put it on an antenna and it might create enough disturbance for one person. It could be made small enough to hang around a person's neck. Another electronic idea is to build a white noise generator, chop up the signal somehow and amplify that.
4. It might be possible to record the noise made by a spark transmitter, make a computer file out of it, then rebroadcast (transmit) it through a cell phone or iPod.
The United States is a high tech fascist police state dictatorship where most people think it is a free country.
China is a high tech fascist police state dictatorship where most people think it is communist.
The New World Order fixes this.
Everybody is gonna know what they are.
'..they decide, and the shotgun sings the song....
Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss....'

Wont Get Fooled Again
The Who
'Say that you'll never, never need it,...
One headline why beleive it....'

Everybody Wants to Rule The World
Tears for Fears
Sometime around Thanksgiving I was listening to WRKO. He was telling a story about a Thanksgiving he had as a young man. He went out and got drunk the night before. He wasn't married and had no children at the time. When he got home Thanksgiving day he decided to cook himself a turkey. He got the turkey in the oven and passed out from being drunk. He woke up the next day and the turkey had been fried to a crisp. Moral of the story. If they get to try this again they need to ease up on the flouride.
'Where have all the riots gone.....'
On some Green Day album somewhere
If anyone has sent me money or mail, I never recieved any of it.
Jan 17, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I have been sending email for over 4 years. I believe my plight has been known worldwide for some time before that. I refer to Knut the polar bear at some zoo in Germany who was a media darling as far back as 2005. His trainer I believe died mysteriously in 2007. So thats 7 years. I assume millions know I am here. Still no one has contacted me and the harassment continues. There is no underground or book people (Fahrenhiet 451) and there is no Death is Life. I know what it feels like to be treated not just as less than human but not human at all. This is your life Phil Nute. Now I'm expected to voluteer for the end. Your f&^4in dreamin. In an effort to return the 'your not human favor' I will never even acknowledge your (my enemy) presense on this planet. I will never acknowledge to anyone this problem exists except for here to taunt you. Since I don't know who's who or what's what and the surveillence is 100% and total. I am alone.
Today's harassment by the little children slugs. I ordered 3 cd's by The Kinks. Most of the songs on all 3 are completely original and have nothing to do with The Kinks.
The 'Divide and Conquer Theory'
First there were the Jews (not to be confused with being jew'd)
Then there were the Christians
Then there were the Muslims
Then there were the Protestants and Catholics
Then there were the Sunni's and Shite's
Then there were the democrats and republicans
People of all backgrounds, religions, ethnicity get along just fine, they require an agitator to fight and kill each other. This is what Homer's 'The Odyssey' is all about. The 'Gods' (whoever they are) pit the mortals against each other.
'Power is all that money buys....'
Bastille Day
When money is debt and debt is money you can buy all the power there is or ever will be.
Jan 16, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
We had painters in the house all last week. By Saturday I had a lot of laundry. When I started my first load it leaked all over the floor. My mother rushed out to get a new washer/dryer. They came today. When it leaked it also ruined the rug. On Sunday she went to Wal-Mart for a prescription so she also got a rug. When she got the rug home she didn't like it so she offered it to me for my room. I'm using it at my computer. I saw the reciept this morning from Wal-Mart and the rug wasn't on it. All it had was the prescription. The rug was in a Wal-Mart bag too big for just a RX. We have all kinds of new stuff in the house.
'They give you this, and you pay for that,....
Hey Hey My My
Neil Young
International St Paddy Whack Day
Never have so many suffered so much for so long at the hands of so few. I declare March 17, 2012 as International St Paddy Whack Day. I urge people to 'jew' someone who desperately deserves it.
Jan 15, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I don't know if the videos I post get to other people's computer's as they do mine. A couple day's ago I posted a video from youtube where someone searched the Social Security Death Index for New York, Sept 11 and 12 2001. The total did not rise any higher than any other day. He also did New Jersey. He concluded no one died on Sept 11, 2001 at the World Trade Center. There are pictures of the rescue teams at the Pentagon standing next to pieces of aircraft that aren't bigger they they are. Many of the pictures prove no plane hit the Pentagon. Here is my explanation. "Spaceman say everybody look down, it's all in your mind" Spaceman The Killers Somewhere in the first Zeitgeist movie Arron Russo warns people 'don't join the military'. The unsaid is 'you'll wind up with a neural implant'.
A old cartoon from the 50's keeps popping up in my suggestions at youtube. It warns people about the dangers of the various 'ism's' and extols the virtues of capitalism. Socialism, communism, fascism bad. Capitalism good. I think capitalism is communism in disguise. I saw something today on the PBS station here in Boston about how the income of the 1% of the population has risen 256% since 1979 and the middle class has dissapeared. Communism won't come about through some armed struggle. It will come as a supprise as the fiat central banking system buys up the planet and leaves nothing for anyone else. The same people who run capitalism will run communism.
Some 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' observations. Jasenovac was one of the worst concentration camps of WWII. It was located in Yugoslavia. The people of Eastern Europe, Yugoslavia, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria etc have a history of resisting these people much like Americans and the English. The original 'Frankenstein' was set in this part of Europe. Dr Frank n Furter is a transvestite because like anyone who resists he got jew'd. His monster is an aryan. Queen Elizabeth II is not related to the Tudor's. Technically the Tudor dynasty ended in 1607. She is from the house of Saxe - Coburg and more German than English. The name 'House of Windsor' was made up during WWI because of anti-german sentiment. The Rothchilds banking family are also of German descent.
Jan 14, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Today's Harassment by the Little Children Slugs
We have had painters in the house for the last week. We were anticipating them for months. A couple of weeks ago my mother bought a new set of hoses for the washing machine and wanted them installed after the painters had finished. I had a lot of laundry to do. This morning I left the house at about 8:30 AM and returned about 9:30AM. When I returned my mother said she had finished her laundry (2 loads) and the machine was free. An hour and a half isn't enough time for one load. She also had the dishwasher running. She left for the bank and the store and I began my laundry. I put the new hoses in beforehand. The machine didn't stop filling and spilled all over the floor and downstairs. It couldn't have been the hoses. I think they messed with the switch that stops it from filling and my mother didn't do any laundry.
I am currently watching 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show'. I have said in the past I think there are people on this planet who know entirely too much about making money and holding power and manipulating people and societies to do it. Eisenhower warned in his farewell address the consequences of the military industrial complex extended even to the spiritual. The 'Rocky Horror Picture Show' is a Frankenstein rip off. Only this time Dr Frank N Furter is a transvestite and creates an 'Aryan' humanoid. Did you know the actual book 'Frankenstein' was written in 1820? Way ahead of it's time. This country is now full of psycho, masochistic fascist pigs at the bottom and greedy psycho killers assholes at the top. Just what the dr ordered.
Jan 12, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Due to the unfortunate presense of Winston of George Orwell's '1984' in my life I have decided to label all videos and downloads as best I can in the event they don't reach anybody else as they originally reached my computer.
The download at the top is a book about Romanism.
The top video is the movie trailer for 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show'. It was released in 1975 and starts with the hit song 'Let's Do The Time Warp Again'. I had ordered a copy of the movie a couple weeks ago.
The second video is a song by Ministry off the Rio Grande Blood album. It has the line 'strip away the fabric of 1000yrs of livin'.
The third video is a news report from a couple days ago about an Iranian scientist being murdered by a bomb placed by a motor cyclist.
The last video is a link to a local news story about a couple who died in a 'murder-suicide' here in Boston at the site of an old castle.
Jan 10, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Tom Sawyer, Tam O'Shanter Observations
Tom Sawyer is a worthless no good. Tam O'Shanter is a worthless no good. Tom Sawyer hangs around with the wrong people. Tam O'Shanter hangs around with the wrong people. Tom Sawyer gets in trouble with the wrong people. Tam O'Shanter gets in trouble with the wrong people. Tom Sawyer makes bad decisions. Tam O'Shanter makes bad decisions.
I have seen videos that blame an ingredient in vaccines called Thimerisol for autism. Thimerisol is mercury based. If it's a vaccine it's not autism, it's poisoning. (gettin jew'd) It was probably no accident. In the poem 'Tam O'Shanter' by Robert Burns one of the victims in hell with the wizard's and witch's is unchristened babies. I'm just sayin that's all. Some people take thier religion entirely too serious. I sometimes think the only solution to this is the ending to 'Moby Dick' where Ishmael is the only survivor. For the millions and millions of damnable unchristened babies.
'All men can withstand adversity, but to test a man's character, give him power'
Abraham Lincoln
If things go as it should there are millions of 'Sgt Schultz's' who have worked and lived where the mafia operates. One clue as to who is guilty is to watch who leaves the country first.
Jan 8, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Tam O'Shanter and Tom Sawyer
These two poems were written by Robert Burns, a Scottish poet, in the 1700's. He was a contributor to the Scottish Enlightenment that included Adam Smith who wrote 'The Wealth of Nations'.
Tam O'Shanter
a poem by Robert Burns
When peddler fellows leave the street,
And thirsty neighbours neighbours meet,
As market-days are wearing late,
And people begin to take the gate (leave);
While we sit drinking at the ale,
And getting full (drunk) and mighty happy,
We think not on the long Scots miles,
The bogs, pools, breaches and stiles,
That lie between us and our home,
Where sits our sulky, sullen wife,
Gathering her forehead like a gathering storm,
Nursing her anger to keep it warm.
This truth found honest Tam O Shanter,
As he from Ayr one night did canter:
(Old Ayr, where never a town surpasses,
For honest men and lovely girls.)
O Tam, had you but been so wise,
As taken your own wife Kate's advice!
She told you well you was a good-for-nothing,
A chattering, blustering, drunken babbler;
That from November till October,
Each market-day you were not sober;
That each meal-grinding with the miller,
You sat as long as you had silver (money);
That every horse was shod a shoe on,
The smith and you got roaring drunk on;
That at the Lord's house, even on Sunday,
You drank with Kirkton Jean till Monday.
She prophesied, that, late or soon,
You would be found deep drowned in Doon,
Or caught with warlocks (male witches) in the dark
By Alloway's old haunted church.
Ah! gentle ladies, it makes me weep,
To think how many counsels sweet,
How many lengthened, sage advises
The husband from the wife despises.
But to our tale:- One market-night,
Tam had got planted uncommonly right,
Fast by a fireplace blazing finely,
With foaming new ale, that drank divinely;
And at his elbow, Cobbler Johnie,
His ancient, trusty, thirsty crony:
Tam loved him like a very brother;
They had been drunk for weeks to-gether;
The night drove on with songs and noise;
And always the ale was growing better:
The landlady and Tam grew gracious
With secret favours, sweet and precious:
The Cobbler told his queerest stories;
The landlord's laugh was ready chorus:
The storm outside might roar and rustle,
Tam did not mind the storm a whistle.
Care, mad to see a man so happy,
Even drowned himself among the ale.
As bees fly home with lodes of treasure,
The minutes winged their way with pleasure:
Kings may be blest but Tam was glorious,
Over all the ills of life victorious!
But pleasures are like poppies spread:
You seize the flower, it's bloom is shed;
Or like the snow falls in the river,
A moment white-then melts for ever;
Or like the Borealis (Northern Lights), race,
That flit before you can point their place;
Or like the rainbow's lovely form
Vanishing amid the storm.
No man can tether time or tide;
The hour approaches Tam must ride:
That hour, of night's black arch the key-stone
That dreary hour Tam mounts his beast in;
And such a night he takes the road in,
As never poor sinner was abroad in.
The wind blew as it would have blown its last;
The rattling showers rose on the blast;
The speedy gleams the darkness swallowed;
Loud, deep, and long the thunder bellowed:
That night, a child might understand,
The Devil had business on his hand.
Well mounted on his grey mare Meg,
A better never lifted leg,
Tam spanked on through puddle and mire,
Despising wind, and rain, and fire;
Now holding fast his good blue bonnet,
Now crooning over some old Scots sonnet,
Now glowering round with prudent cares,
Lest ghosts catch him unawares:
Church-Alloway was drawing near,
Where ghosts and owls nightly cry.
By this time he was across the ford,
Where in the snow the peddler smothered;
And past the birches (trees) and big stone,
Where drunken Charlie broke his neck-bone;
And through the gorse, and by the pile of stones,
Where hunters found the murdered child;
And near the thorn, above the well,
Where Mungo's mother hanged herself.
Before him the river Doon pours all his floods;
The doubling storm roars through the woods;
The lightnings flash from pole to pole;
Near and more near the thunders role:
When, glimmering through the groaning trees,
Church-Alloway seemed in a blaze,
Through every crack the beams were glancing,
And loud resounding mirth and dancing.
Inspiring, bold John Barleycorn (whisky)!
What dangers you can make us scorn!
With ale, we fear no evil;
With whisky, we will face the Devil!
The ale so foamed in Tammie's head,
Fair play, he cared no devils a farthing (coin).
But Maggie stood, right sore astonished,
Untill, by the heel and hand admonished,
She ventured forward on the light;
And, wow! Tam saw a wondrous sight!
Wizards and witches in a dance:
No cotillion, brand new from France,
But hornpipes, jigs, strathspeys, and reels,
Put life and mettle in their heels.
A window seat in the east,
There sat the Old Devil, in shape of beast;
A shaggy dog, black, grim, and large,
To give them music was his charge:
He screwed the bagpipes and made them squeal,
Till roof and rafters all did ring.
Coffins stood around, like open cupboards,
That showed the dead in their last dresses;
And, by some devilish magic device,
Each in its cold hand held a light:
By which heroic Tam was able
To note upon the holy table,
A murderer's bones, in gallows-irons;
Two span-long, little, unchristened children;
A thief new-cut from a gallows rope-
With his last gasp his mouth did gape (open);
Five tomahawks with blood red-rusted;
Five scimitars with murder crusted;
A garter which a babe had strangled;
A knife a father's throat had mangled-
Whom his own son of life bereft-
The grey hairs still stuck to the heft;
With more of horrible and awful,
Which even to name would be unlawful.
Three lawyers' tongues, turned inside out,
With lies seamed like a beggar's cloth;
Three Priests' hearts, rotten, black as muck (wet earth),
Lay stinking , vile, in every corner.
As Tammie glowered, amazed, and curious,
The mirth and fun grew fast and furious;
The piper loud and louder blew,
The dancers quick and quicker flew,
They reeled, they set, they crossed, they grasped hand
Till every old woman sweated and steamed,
And cast her rags to the work,
And tripped at it in her under-shirt!
Now Tam, O Tam! had they been young women,
All plump and strapping in their teens!
Their under-shirts, instead of greasy flannel,
Been snow-white seventeen hundred linen!-
These trousers of mine, my only pair,
That once were plush, of good blue hair,
I would have given them off my buttocks
For one amorous look of the lovely maidens!
But withered woman, old and wizened,
Ancient hags would wean a foal,
Leaping and flinging on a cudgel (walking stick),
I wonder did not turn thy stomach!
But Tam knew what was what full well:
There was one comely wench and choice,
That night enlisted in the company,
Long after known on Carrick shore
(For many an animal to death she shot,
And perished many a lovely boat,
And drank both much whisky and beer,
And kept the country-side in fear.)
Her short shift, of Paisley course cloth,
That as a young girl she had worn,
In length though very scanty (short),
It was her best, and she was proud.
Ah! little knew your reverend grandmother,
That under-vest she bought for her little Nannie,
With two pound Scots (it was all her riches),
Would ever (have) graced a dance of witches!
But here my Musing her winging must stop,
Such flights as far beyond her power:
To sing how Nannie leaped and kicked
(A supple old horse she was and strong);
And how Tam stood like one bewitched,
And thought his very eyes enriched;
Even Satan glowered, and fidgeted full fondly,
And jerked and blew with might and main;
Till first ane caper, then another,
Tam lost his reason all together,
And roars out: 'Well done, short-shift!'
And in an instant all was dark;
And scarcely had he Maggie rallied,
When out the hellish legion sallied.
As bees buzz out with angry fret,
When plundering hoards assail their hive;
As open hare's mortal foes,
When, pop! she starts before their nose;
As eager runs the market crowd,
When 'Catch the thief!' resounds aloud:
So Maggie runs, the witches follow,
With many an unearthly screech and cry.
Ah, Tam! Ah, Tam! you will get thy rights!
In hell they will roast thee like a herring!
In vain your Kate awaits your coming!
Kate soon will be a woeful woman!
Now, do your speedy utmost, Meg,
And win the key-stone of the brig;
There, at them you your tail may toss,
A running stream they dare not cross!
But before the key-stone she could make,
The fiend a tail she had to shake;
For Nannie, far before the rest,
Hard upon noble Maggie pressed,
And flew at Tam with furious aim;
But little was she Maggie's mettle!
One spring brought off her master whole,
But left behind her own grey tail:
The old woman clutched her by the rump,
And left poor Maggie scarce a stump.
Now, who this tale of truth shall read,
Every man, and mother's son, take heed:
Whenever to drink you are inclined,
Or short shifts run in your mind,
Think! you may buy the joys over (too) dear:
Remember Tam O Shanter's mare.
To a Mouse
Robert Burns
Small, sleek, cowering, timorous beast,
O, what a panic is in your breast!
You need not start away so hasty
With hurrying scamper!
I would be loath to run and chase you,
With murdering plough-staff.
I'm truly sorry man's dominion
Has broken Nature's social union,
And justifies that ill opinion
Which makes thee startle
At me, thy poor, earth born companion
And fellow mortal!
I doubt not, sometimes, but you may steal;
What then? Poor beast, you must live!
An odd ear in twenty-four sheaves
Is a small request;
I will get a blessing with what is left,
And never miss it.
Your small house, too, in ruin!
It's feeble walls the winds are scattering!
And nothing now, to build a new one,
Of coarse grass green!
And bleak December's winds coming,
Both bitter and keen!
You saw the fields laid bare and wasted,
And weary winter coming fast,
And cozy here, beneath the blast,
You thought to dwell,
Till crash! the cruel plough past
Out through your cell.
That small bit heap of leaves and stubble,
Has cost you many a weary nibble!
Now you are turned out, for all your trouble,
Without house or holding,
To endure the winter's sleety dribble,
And hoar-frost cold.
But Mouse, you are not alone,
In proving foresight may be vain:
The best laid schemes of mice and men
Go often askew,
And leaves us nothing but grief and pain,
For promised joy!
Still you are blest, compared with me!
The present only touches you:
But oh! I backward cast my eye,
On prospects dreary!
And forward, though I cannot see,
I guess and fear!
'And what you say about his company,
is what you say about society...'

Tom Sawyer
Background for this post: in early 2008 when the SHTF Nancy Pelosi and George Bush got chummy enough to get an EMERGENCY tax refund rushed through congress. I listen to right wing radio (the republican noise machine) a lot. One host I listen to is in San Francisco, Nancy Pelosi's district. San Francisco gives money to the homeless. The host conplains it attracts the bums to the city and ruins it. He hates Ms Pelosi for her liberal views. The truth is probably they both understand those people (they were jew'd and can't make a living) This is the essence of the oligarchy collective and it's BS 2 party system. The people who got jew'd probably had their property stolen by the people who did the jew'in and now they provide a convenient talking point for the BS political debate. Rush - Tom Sawyer.
I think Ron Paul is Washington's 'get out of jail' free card.
Jan 7, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Background for this post: in early 2008 when the SHTF Nancy Pelosi and George Bush got chummy enough to get an EMERGENCY tax refund rushed through congress. I listen to right wing radio (the republican noise machine) a lot. One host I listen to is in San Francisco, Nancy Pelosi's district. San Francisco gives money to the homeless. The host conplains it attracts the bums to the city and ruins it. He hates Ms Pelosi for her liberal views. The truth is probably they both understand those people (they were jew'd and can't make a living) This is the essence of the oligarchy collective and it's BS 2 party system. The people who got jew'd probably had their property stolen by the people who did the jew'in and now they provide a convenient talking point for the BS political debate. Rush - Tom Sawyer.
I think Ron Paul is Washington's get out of jail free card.
Catch-22 Observation. At the beginning and end of the movie Nateley's whore knifes Yasarian. Conclusion- the god whore's are all back-stabbers, liar's thieves and murderers. The true jews. Romanism in a nutshell.
Jan 6, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
American Express, don't leave home without it. Anger, can't start a revolution without it. Henry David Thoreau and the Transendentalists put forth the idea of civil disobedience when trying to change or deal with the powers that be. Peaceful, political protest. I beleive the record of history has shown that this approach doesn't work against the oligarchy collective. Take India for example. Mahatma Ghandi successfully defeated the British in the 1940's with it, but he was assasinated. He may have understood the problem as the oligarchy collective. But once he was gone the people of India understood it as the British. The oligarchy collective is a lie. It operates behind a curtain. If you don't know it's there it's going to get you. India, at one point, left The British Commonwealth of Nations. I beleive it is now back in the organization. It's voluntary you know. The endless dribble that comes from the stupidvision keeps the sheeple hypnotised. Life is now a big bowl of cherries with no pits. I not only think it's good to piss everyone off it's necessary. Contribute to the revolution effort, piss off your neighbor.
Catch-22 Observation. There is a scene where Doc ask's Yasarian to lay in bed and talk to a dead soldiers family because they came all the way from New York to see him before he died. Yasarian agrees. When I was in the hospital in the summer of 2008 a meeting was set up with my family, me and the doctors. Without my permission. Everyone at the meeting knew what was happening except me, at the time. In the middle of the Pink Floyd song 'Us and Them' a voice says '..I'm only gonna kill ya, ya dig it, a short sharp shock and they'll never do it again....'. At the end of the Pink Floyd song 'Brain Damage' he say's '...and if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear, you shout and no one seems to hear...'. The afternoon I was commited for 6 mos they showed everyone a video on shock treatment. A couple scenes later Yasarian is in surgery. A person who clearly doesn't belong in the OR leans over and says '...Yasarian, we've got your friend...'. The Peace Corps and Hostages. One of my nephews joined the Peace Corp right after college. He is in South Africa. The Peace Corp was started by John F Kennedy. I have never been totally convinced he was a good guy. Some days I'm this way, some days I'm that way. I have a speech on the home page that seems like he is a good guy, but I have never been convinced it is real. My nephew was baptised a catholic. More things that make no sense.
If you're on the inside of this whole thing, that is have a neural implant or access to synthetic telepathy, microwave hearing effect, electronic brain link or whatever it's called, and you take a civil service exam, can you be fed the answers during the exam?
The American hippie, the European jew, all gays and probably all jews are the same thing. All were created with a broken thermometer. Once you've been jew'd as I call it, your life is a lie, because after all it is a crime. Jesus saves, or else, but he outta know because he is the one doin the jew'n. I sometimes think the only solution to people who sneak around behind people's back and kill and maim generation after generation for power and money and think or pretend to have the high moral ground at the same time is the ending to Moby Dick. Ismael is the only survivor. Everybody gets jew'd.
'Oh Mr Crowley, what went on in your head?....,
Oh Mr Crowley, did you talk to the dead?....'

Mr Crowley
Ozzy Osbourne
Catch-22 observations. In the Major Major scene with Bob Newhart the Sgt he is talking to has a band aid in the shape of a cross on his neck. When Yasarian is lying in bed with his new Italian girlfriend she shows him a scar on her neck. She says she got it during an American air raid. I beleive these are references to neural implants. This movie was made around 1970. In one of the Zietgiest movies Aaron Russo warns people 'Don't join the military'.
'...the burden of a prolonged and complex struggle, with liberty the stake.'
Eisenhower's Farewell Address
Advanced Neural Implants and Control
by Daryl R Kipke DARPA
Neuro Nexus Tech
Daryl R Kipke
Jan 5, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
The Europeans who originally settled New England were trying to get away from the oppressive powers of Europe. Our ancestors understood the problem better than we do today. This is what the stupidvision is for. In the 1800's the Irish began to show up. People would put out signs saying 'No Irish Need Apply'. Or something like that. It wasn't neccesarily because they were Irish, they brought with them the problem. Romanism. Up until the time Kennedy was elected people were very afraid of electing a Catholic president. This is why. I bought a new MP3 player over Christmas. I am already having problems. I have already lost a 64GB iPod Touch worth $400 to the pig diarhea. The little children sneak around behind your back and commit slug attacks. I beleive they come into this house and do whatever they want when I am not home and my mother also. My problem with these puddles of pig diarhea is 55 years old and counting (behind my back I might add) If it were legal and legitimate they could just come up to me and try to work it out. Calling these people assholes would give them life form status. So you can't. You have to be a life form not just to have an asshole but to be one. My mouth is my rampage, if you don't like it TOO BAD. FU
Abraham Lincoln was a proponant of government built infrastructure. This is something I beleive he was wrong about. I think if it can't be built and operated by the market then it shouldn't be built. In days prior to capitalism some roads and bridges were built by private citizens who charged a toll.
Rick Santorum. Another senator who probably had his seat handed to him. As Thomas Paine indirectly pointed out in 'Common Sense' all they need is the president and a handful of senators and they control the government. What makes me beleive anyone who is a member of Skull and Bones knows this? Another secret society. Though this one doesn't have a large number of people at the bottom who don't know the truth about the organization.
Jan 4, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Illuminati Pyramid
The above symbol is on the back of every dollar. Some Catch-22 observations. Early in the movie Jon Voight's character holds up an egg and say's "There are enough chickens on Malta to provide eggs.....". The people behind this whole thing don't want anyone to know who they are. They get other people to do the dirty work and usually lie to them about it. The Knights of Malta are all chickens. Later on Bob Newhart appears as Major Major. He repeats the theme about how princes and kings would masquerade and mingle among his subjects. This is repeated in Mark Twain's "The Prince and the Pauper" and Bob Dylan's "All Along the Watchtower". The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovah's Witness's) is another secret society like the Freemasons and Morman's??. When people engage a stranger very aggressively the stranger may say things they normally wouldn't to someone they just met. But like all secret societies the people at the bottom may know very little about the top of their organization. I believe the picture of the pyramid with the eye is a representation of how all secret societies operate. The truth is known only to the few at the top.
Wireless Phone
Snap on Ferrite Bead
I am concerned about the wireless phones in the house. Any antenna, or electrical device in general, that is powered on all the time could be doing something. The top picture is one of at least 3 in the house. The bottom picture is a snap-on ferrite bead I installed. Ferrite is a semi magnetic material that can suppress electromagnetic radiation by converting it to heat thus removing the signals from the line it is snapped onto. Most ferrites will remove signals between 30MHZ and 100MHZ. This isn't really good enough for the problem but I put one on the lines anyway. The human voice is capable of frequencies up to around 30KHZ (I think) Human hearing is about the same. A dogs hearing is much better, around 60KHZ. A computer telephone modem is around the same, this is why it is so slow. Ideally I would like to remove anything above 50KHZ. I may not completely eliminate the problem but I could slow down the transfer of data and cause problems. I don't know if these kinds of filters exist. In the 'Manchurian Candidate' the assasin gets his instructions by phone sometimes. (ET phone home) My mother gets calls at seemingly very opertune times. I wonder if her memory banks are being dumped of all information for the last 24 hours and she is getting instructions for the next 24 hours. It's Scientology auditing her. (If I ever get picked up, this website alone will get me commited permanently)
Jan 3, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Jan 2, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Sometimes I think the only solution to this is the ending to Moby Dick, everybody gets 'jewed'.
Observation: Whenever I buy a software program and it involves typing the default font is always Times New Roman. Is this a joke?
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
Goerge Orwell
'Oranges and lemons say the bells of St Clemons'
'You owe me five farthings, say the bells of St Martins'
'Here comes a candle to light you to bed'
'Here comes a chopper to chop off your head'
A poem briefly mentioned in George Orwell's '1984'
In 'The Communist Manifesto' by Karl Marx, he theorizes the future of capitalism. He predicts two great social classes. The Proletariat and the Bourgeous. The Bourgeous are the rich who own everything, the Proletariat are the poor unskilled labor force. Because the rich are always squeezing a dollar out of thier businesses they are always putting the Proletariat out of work. He calls it improving the modes of production. Thus the proletariat is always growing in numbers. He predicts one day they will rise up and overthrow thier masters. This is the real reason psychiatry is genocide. They're trying to stop it. Oligarchical Collectivism, as pointed out by George Orwell, is the political system we live under. It's the democans and the republicrats. There is no left, there is no right. It's the BS world stage.
Jan 1, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Is the NYSE Euronext headquartered in Dubai? Has it ever been headquartered in Dubai?
'Murder by number, 1 2 3
It's as easy as learning your a b c's....'

Murder by Number
The Police
'There's room at the top, they're telling you still,
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill.....'

Working Class Hero
John Lennon
'The beautiful people,...
It's all relative to the size of your steeple...'

The Beautiful People
Marilyn Manson
Dec 30, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
One of the problems with this country is we intellectualize revolution so nothing ever changes.
Dec 28, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
There are people on this planet, and there's more than one franchise in every city and town in this country, who manipulate the uninformed and poor into fighting and killing each other. It's been going on for centuries. It's done for the benefit of the people at the top. Sometimes the poor grab power and try to force people to get along. Which is worse, forcing people or manipulating. If you didn't have one there wouldn't be the other. The bible is all about getting along, brotherhood, what's right, what's wrong, kind of a manual of life. Then it gets to the end and it falls off a cliff. There are as many interpretations of The Book of Revelations as there are people. It's gooble-d-gook. If you think about it in context with the existence and development of the oligarchy collective, it's pretty convenient. Just as the numbers and collective education of the mass's begins to overwhem it, it's time for god to blow it all up.
I went for my usual walk today. While out, I decided to make the donut shop my last stop. As I walked in 7 or 8 very young girls walked in ahead of me. I think it's school vacation week. For most people this would be a coincidence, for me, not so. This sort of thing has happened numerous times with the kids in the neighborhood and in particular the girl next door. Question. Who's the bigger maggot, me or the people who put young children in harms way?
If this goes the way it should, the peace loving, people loving people will be running this planet. If this happens I am in favor of creating 'Romanist Ghetto's'. Put the people who perpetrate and pass on this culture in isolated area's and keep them there until it's bred out of them. I don't care if it takes 200 years.
If everything you see on the TV is a lie, and the radio and magazines and whatever, is it safe to assume synchronicity (synthetic telepathy, electronic brain link, microwave hearing effect) is also a lie?
I am working on a electronic model of the noise generator. It uses solid state componants like the Wave Bubble (see right hand content). I am having trouble understanding how antenna's work. I came across a explanation recently that helped. An antenna is a transformer where the primary is a transmission line and the secondary is free space. This set me thinking (don't ask me how I got here). I decided it's not really necessary to have an antenna. All you have to do is generate a signal that mimics brain waves and pass it through a long conductor on the PCB and it will transmit enough. Since the electrical signals of the body are of extremely low power this is advantagous. You could design circuits that mimic brain waves, the heart and whatever else in very low power and carry it around on your person and maybe whatever is trying to pick up the real signals would have difficulty distiguishing the two.