Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, www.philipnute.com and it's companion website www.zsezse.com, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
George Orwell
Beginning of Actual Blog
Jan 31, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
I've often heard the motto of some construction workers is "don't kill the job". Bilk it for all it's worth. Most of the construction workers in this country have been through the military like the police and firefighters and probably have neural implants. Another one of the reasons nuclear energy never got off the ground here in the US is that it is really, really expensive to build a plant. Here, and some other countries, the actual reactor must be in a containment building in the event of an accident. The building must be able to withstand the force of a large jet crashing into it. These buildings can be very expensive. Whenever they tried to build these there were always cost overrruns. Often it was worse than 'The Big Dig' in Boston. Looking back, I wonder if this was no accident. The Russians didn't build containment buildings and this is why Chernobyl was so bad.
In a conventional war, if there is such a thing, the sides spread disinformation. Today it's better to spread the truth. Orwell's Revenge. Find a crime committed by these people and investigate and publish an account. Throw everyone under the bus. Everyone's involved anyway. CHAOS Is wasting resources a strategy for someone? They can pull the banking scam forever as long as they hold all the cards. Did those with implants turn to the wasting of resources when they realized this? Are they trying to hasten the collapse of the modern world?
Advice to Dustin Hoffman in the movie 'The Graduate'
Advice to Dustin Hoffman in the movie 'The Graduate'
'Then he made his name in Hollywood..
to set the white man free...
Hynm 43
Jethro Tull
to set the white man free...
Hynm 43
Jethro Tull
'Welcome to the Hotel California...
you can check out any time you like...
but you can never leave.....
Hotel California
The Eagles
you can check out any time you like...
but you can never leave.....
Hotel California
The Eagles
Jan 30, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
In the 1970's and 80's there were widespread protests over nuclear power plants. The reasons given were nuclear plants were unsafe and could lead to an environmental disaster. I wonder if that was the real reason. Nuclear power could be a long term solution to the end of oil at least to keep the lights on. Maybe these people had neural implants and saw it as a never ending nightmare. Maybe they thought turning the power off would solve their problem. I wonder why they stopped. Did they give up? Are too many people tied to the grid? It is hopeless? I wonder why my problem hasn't improved in over 5 years. Sometimes I think I just make the problem worse. Sometimes I don't.
Religion is a club,...
Death is a career move,...
Nobody move and nobody gets hurt...
U2 - The Fly from ZooTV Live from Sydney DVD
Religion is a club,...
Death is a career move,...
Nobody move and nobody gets hurt...
U2 - The Fly from ZooTV Live from Sydney DVD
This is a couple guess's as to the purpose and activities of Freemasonry. Freemasonry is 'credited' with the American Revolution and capitalism. Knowing what I know now I wouldn't take credit for it. Freemasonry is a Pyramid (Ponzi) scheme where most of the membership is at the bottom and doesn't know what is actually going on. They contribute large amounts of money but don't really know where it goes or what gets done with it. I think (I'm not sure) groups like the Shriners of Philadelphia waste a lot of money on frivilous things and are often criticized for it. If you think about it this helps with inflation. It removes currency from the market and if the books get cooked wherever it goes they can literally burn it to keep the dollar stable. To keep the people at the bottom happy they have to feel they are doing something constructive. They leave historical clues in an attempt to fight the evil capitalism and Romanism which they consider responsible for it.. 'Roman' Polanski was the only survivor of the Tate Lo Bianca murders. He was then associated with a sex crime and allowed to escape to Switzerland. The book 'Great Expectations' by Charles Dickens has some erie similarities to my life. The main character is Philip Pirrup (Pip). As a very young man he gets an unknown benefactor who pays for him to live lavishly in London and study. Later he is expected to help this person escape the law. My family lived on Webb St in Weymouth when I was first born. Soon after I was born we moved to Easy St in South Weymouth where we have been ever since. They might have spotted me as a 'jew' when I was very very young and tried to leave clues. It would not have been too difficult to approach a builder named Brown in 1957 Weymouth and ask him to name one of his streets Easy St and sell a house to Mr Nute. Maybe Brown was a Freemason. Freemasonry is at least 250 years old. They either have a really bad track record or there's something fishy going on. I think it's a Ponzi scheme.
Dwindling resources. The banking system is not the only economic cliff capitalism is facing. Technically it's not a cliff. The banking system can go on forever as long as the wool is pulled over the sheeples eyes. You can make something out of nothing forever. They won't 'collapse' anything until they're good and ready and they get away with it. The banking system is the cornerstone of the capitalist system. A system that is creating a host of other problems. Overpopulation being one. Which contributes to dwindling resources. Peak oil is the concept where we have reached the peak amount that can be produced. It involves a number of factors. Rising demand, ability to move it around (get it to market), producing it. People beleive American oil production peaked in 1970. In the next ten years we drilled at least twice the number of wells as were drilled in the previous 20 years and production declined. We were forced to seek oil overseas. That was 30 years ago. No significant oil deposits have been discovered in those 30 years and worldwide demand has sky rocketed. In 1970 we were the only real consumer of oil. Now the entire world is hooked. Getting it to market involves tanker terminals that take up space and are very expensive. Most of our coastline is now exspensive trophy homes for rich people. Where are they going to put it. NIMBY Not In My Back Yard. Oil exploration techniques, like everything else, have become very high tech. They have these large trucks that send sonar signals into the ground and send back detailed information about whats down there. But there have been no significant finds in decades. What they do find is harder and harder to get out of the ground and is a lower quality oil. Oil is not the only problem. Any resource on the periodic table could be a problem. We have found all kinds of uses for silver other than a precsious metal. The United States mint stopped making all silver coins in 1965 because of the scarcity of silver. Every quarter and dime made since then is mostly copper and nickel. We are heavily dependant on steel. Steel is made from iron. Geologists have become very skilled at knowing what to look for when seeking any specific element. NASA began using LANDSAT satelites to map the entire planet in the early 1980's. My guess is there are people at NASA who have a very complete inventory of what is left and where it is and the news is not good.
Jan 28, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Martin Luther KING
The names have been changed to screw the guilty
Maybe he should have called himself Pope John Paul Henry VIII
The names have been changed to screw the guilty
Maybe he should have called himself Pope John Paul Henry VIII
'Stayin alive.....'
Staying Alive
The Bee Gees
(from the movie Saturday Night Fever)
Staying Alive
The Bee Gees
(from the movie Saturday Night Fever)
'I lay tracks for troubadors,..
who get killed before they reach Bombay...'
Sympathy for the Devil
The Rolling Stones
who get killed before they reach Bombay...'
Sympathy for the Devil
The Rolling Stones
Jan 27, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Osiris in Wonderland
The Invisible Chickenshit Psychopath Slug Army specializes in manipulation and murder to get their target and not pay the price. These are all guess’s. They play the same scam over and over. It often follows the chapters of The Egyptian Book of the Dead. They pair up a ‘dead’ (jew, gypsy, hippie) girl with a ‘dead’ (jew, gypsy, hippie) boy for an adultery. The whole thing is fueled by drugs supplied by the government. The longer you take the drugs the longer your ‘shadow’ gets. (Stairway to Heaven – Led Zeppelin) The taller your ‘shadow’ the more brain damage. The more brain damage someone gets the harder it is to resist. In the end the person volunteers for the noose or is pulled in to some BS Egyptian religious ceremony. Either way the guilty go free. The ending to 'Alice in Wonderland' has the Nave of Hearts on trial. "The Queen of Hearts, she made some tarts all on a summer's day, The Nave of Hearts he stole the tarts and took them quite away." And he's found guilty. One of the last versions of The Egyptian Book of the Dead has Osiris having his 'heart weighed against a feather' by a god in the underworld. The entire Book of The Dead is about Osiris's journey through the underworld after he dies.
Alice (in Wonderland) is a (drug fueled) Adultery and the CIA is probably behind it.
Tempest - a violent wind, a raging storm.
Fugit - root of the word fugitive.
Fugit - root of the word fugitive.
...the followers of Goldstein cannot organize because of the thought police....
from '1984' starring John Hurt
from '1984' starring John Hurt
Aleister Crowley was a member of The Golden Dawn
Jan 26, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Jan 25, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
My thoughts on women being allowed to fight in combat. Anyone who wants to go to war is crazy, but if you're crazy you're expendable. It's a Catch-22. 'We can't have crazy people deciding if they're crazy or not now can we..' This is a basic of Romanism 101. Militarize the populace. This is Romanism applied to the politically progressive America where we are all free from the darkness of the past. In old movies and TV shows Germans were villified for being militaristic. They prided themselves on having a scar received in battle or duel. A scar on the face was a badge of honor. Now it's being applied to America. Same sUy8 different continent. "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain"
'When you own the information, you can bend it all you want...' Waiting For The World To Change - John Mayer To win a conventional war first you have to get one started. To get one started you have to win the information war. To win the information war you have to overwhelm the system with the truth. If you know something, pass it along as quickly as possible. If a million people know something in 24 hrs and 20 million in 48 hrs it overwhelms the system. They spent 30 years 'putting the genie' back in the bottle that got out in the 1960's. They systematically eliminated the Hippies who knew too much. Communications in that era were not as they are today. Today it is much easier to pass on information. When I hear someone say 'delete your facebook account' I say 'what for?'. I use the complete lack of privacy and total surveillance against itself in an effort to get my privacy back. There is no such thing as bad publicity. There is no such thing as bad controversy. There is no such thing as bad communication channels. If posting something on facebook draws one more person in that's good. Trying to keep secrets in the age of total surveillance plays into the hands of the enemy. It's hopeless.
Jan 24, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Counter Surveillance
Any electric or electronic device could be used for surveillance. I define an electric device as anything that runs on electricity that does not have advanced electronics such as integrated circuits and other componants. An older kitchen range or toaster would be an example. An electronic device is any device that does have IC's and other parts. The surveillance could be wireless or hard wired. Wireless technology is obvious to everybody since radios have been around for decades. Hard wired surveillance is relatively new since advanced integrated circuits are only a few decades old. Hard wired surveillance can make use of any wire that runs through a dwelling and is connected to a telephone pole or underground cable to communicate with the outside world. This is not so obvious to people. As a rule of thumb, the larger an antenna is the more sensitive it is. So all the wiring in a dwelling is a potential antenna. Wireless surveillance can make use of this to receive signals (brain waves) and then transmit using it's antenna. A hands free phone for example. The same could be said for hard wired surveillance. All the wiring in the house can pick up signals and some device connected to the AC power, etc could be communicating with the outside world via the wires themselves.
Here are two examples of how voltages are additive showing how the wiring in a dwelling can be used. Every telephone number in your house is a separate circuit. If you have more than one extension for that number each extension is a parallel circuit. One extension can be used for one call at a time. If you want to use the line for internet service you can't use it for a regular call. To get around this telecom companies invented DSL service. Digital Subscriber Line and invented a filter device that keeps the data from appearing on other extensions. So you could have a regular call on one extension and be on the internet on another extension as long as there is a filter to remove the data 'noise' from the regular call. The point being both the data and the voice will appear on the line at the same time, so the signals are additive. Two different devices are putting data on one parallel circuit and all the signals are appearing at each node of the circuit. The same works for X10 technology. X10 technology makes use of the AC power wiring of the house to transmit data to plugged in receivers. Like the 'address' system of the internet. All AC wiring in a house is parallel. Each individual breaker is a parallel circuit. So any data transmitted by an X10 device appears at all nodes.
I have spent the past few weeks investigating ways to defeat hard wired surveillance using BPL (Broadband Over Power Lines) and X10 technology and have come up with some suggestions. Electronic manufacturers make filters for all kinds of applications. They can be used to defeat some of the problems. An understanding of what they are originally designed for is necessary to use them and I will try to boil it down to a few sentences. Most of them are designed to remove unwanted noise from lines and equipment so that it runs properly and meets FCC standards. Noise is catagorized as common-mode or differential-mode. Common-mode is defined as any signal that can be measured from hot to earth ground or neutral to earth ground. You cannot develop a voltage at earth ground since it is zero at all times. But both the hot lead and the neutral lead can vary above or below. The longer the run of wire the more likely it will pick up some type of unwanted signal (noise). Common-mode could also be described as any voltage picked up as radiation from an outside source. Differential-mode is noise from an actual device. Like feedback or the DSL example. It is an additive problem. Filtering for both is necessary but differential is more important. Common-mode 'data' would be a problem if there were two long runs of wire and one had data but was filtered and was very close to a wire that is not filtered and that wire was 'picking' it up as radiated. This is less likely but possible. Filtering for differential-mode is in fact 'in-circuit' and is what we are actually trying to do.
There are two basic types of filters, active and passive. Active filters use componants like op-amps and transistors and require a power source for those componants. Passive filters use only resistors, capacitors and inductors. These componants don't need a separate power supply but act upon the voltage itself as if it were part of the circuit. Other distinctions are they can be designed for AC or DC applications or high voltage or low voltage. I spent a lot of time reading a TE Connectivity (Corcom) catalog trying to understand the various types. One thing I discovered is that any filter used for medical applications only is usually only for differential-mode. In-circuit. There must be something in building codes or the National Electric code or in the way they build medical facilities that eliminates the need for common-mode filters. Some medical filters have common-mode componants but very few. If a manufacturer doesn't specifically say a device is for differential-mode you can tell by looking at the schematic. If the componants connect from hot to neutral it is for differential-mode. If they connect from hot or neutral to earth ground it is for common-mode.
Advanced electronics like DVD players, radios etc are a bigger problem because they have advanced IC's. There are two types of these that could have two solutions. Some of these devices have a plug that goes right into the wall and others have a small DC power supply or AC step down transformer that can be separated from the actual device. The former requires the filtering of the AC at the plug and the latter can be filtered between the device and separate power supply. With the separate power supply lower voltage AC or DC filters can be inserted before the device. Manufacturers make pre-assembled low voltage DC filters that can go between.
A spectrum analyser is a device that is useful for both detecting the problem and troubleshooting your solution. It displays a 2 dimensional graph of all frequencies in a domain. A domain is where the measurement is taken, wireless or conducted, radiated or additive. Spectrum analysers use to be very expensive and a separate piece of equipment. Since the advance of digital electronics even the cheapest oscilloscope comes with some sort of spectrum capability. They can analyse both radiated (wireless) energy and conducted (in-circuit). Placing oscilloscope probes into live AC circuits is dangerous for both the operator and the equipment and I don't recommend it. I recently purchased an Extech AC line separator that goes between an AC outlet and a piece of equipment so measurements can be taken with a clamp meter and no live wires are involved. There is also a clamp scope probe by Hantek. Hantek CC650 AC/DC current clamp. I recommend this instead of inserting anything into live AC circuits. Wi-Spy is a stand alone wireless spectrum analyser.
Roman Research
In George Orwell's novel '1984' Winston's girlfriend works in the pornography dept. and gives lectures on the progress being made toward the suppresion of the human sex orgasm. We're well past 1984. In 1995 I was given a new Dr named Deborah Silen. She switched me to a new drug called 'Risperdal'. She left soon after. The day I started Risperdal I started having trouble with what sex I did have. (nothing came out) After I stopped the drug a few years later the problem cleared up. Sex has always been a permanent source of frustration in my life. No available nice girl would have anything to do with me since I was so sick. (and apparently having ecclesiastical problems as well) After Risperdal I don't feel anything. I mean nothing. No sex drive or any other emotion. They can close down Winstons girlfriends department and give them something else to do. About the end of 2007 I began looking for information about Risperdal on the internet. I found a study from some university in Albany NY that reads "Risperdal Irreversibly Binds to and Inhibits the H5HT Serotonin Receptor". You can type that into Google and get a copy. I don't know if the H5HT Serotonin Receptor is associated with the sex drive but it might. At the time I didn't understand the scope of the surveillance problem and thought I was getting away with something. Someone might have just fed it to me or it's phoney. What I do know is I have no sex drive and I blame it on Risperdal. I can hold out here forever.
Yesterday I told the story of the thermostat in the cellar and the oil spill insurance and suggested the problem could be someone very near aiming something at the house. I found a device in a Cyberguys catalog that could prove this. It's very expensive so I'm just passing the info along. It's called wi-Spy spectrum analyser. Item #'s 120-0223 and 120-0222 in thier current catalog. It's a very small analyser that works only in the microwave range. The people next door, clossest to my room moved in 8 or 9 years ago. They had a new born baby when they arrived and an older son. I didn't see him much and don't know what he looks like. When this whole thing started to get out of control I saw him a lot and it was obvious to me he was 'plugged in'. (was aware of my thoughts or had some type of communication) His looks changed from time to time, he always had the military crew cut hair but sometimes he gained and lost weight very quickly. He had a different car every month. I started calling him Sgt Psycho to myself. I hadn't seen a Sgt Psycho for about 6 months back in Dec, and when I started thinking about that he re-appeared. His car was gone but now there is one there all the time. A couple years ago they had an addition built on the house. They had it done in the middle of the winter. I wonder if something was buried in the construction and is now being operated remotely. The thermostat in the cellar would be difficult to hit from across the street. It faces next door. The one for the upstairs faces across the street. This is the same for the alarm panel. The alarm panel is metal but is not grounded in any way so it can't act as a Faraday cage and the thermostat has a plastic case.
Jan 23, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Moses and the Exodus of the ‘jews’ from Ancient Egypt is roughly the same thing as the invasion of San Francisco by the Hippies in 1966 and 1967. The American Hippie is the American version of the same problem. If they can’t turn your brain to mush with real drugs they turn it to mush with religion. Or maybe, once they’ve turned your brain to mush with some type of concoction they make it worse with religion. Other versions of the Hippie are Gypsies and Vampires, from Eastern Europe. Vampires are fictionalized and not real, Gypsies may actually exist. Eastern Europe spent most of the last 1000 years as Eastern Orthodox Christians which may be a clue as to who is responsible. Times Square in New York was an armpit of sex shops drugs and violence in the 1970?s and 80?s. It should be noted they don’t purposely build areas like that and how it got that way would be interesting to investigate. Today it has an M&M store. That is a store dedicated to a type of candy. I believe Scientology is how it got cleaned up. Mind control. Yugoslavia was one of the last communist Eastern Bloc countries to fall. It happened in the 1990?s. When it did war broke out and it lasted for quite some time. The United States got involved and it ended soon after. Did they use mind control? Did the memory of the Jasenovac concentration camp contribute to the war? Was there actually a schism between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox that lasted 1000 years? Did it end in the near past? Does anyone else find that suspicious? How does the Egyptian Book of the Dead fit in to all this? Is circumcision and mercury poisoning the ‘sex’ crime of catholic priests? Is the media covering it up? Is this the connection to Egypt? What does the Egyptian Book of the Dead have to do with it? Is this how they mark people as ‘slaves’?
My mother has been repeating something with an 'oil' theme the past couple weeks. She keeps saying she sees the little white indicator on the oil tank going down very fast. Concerned about the cost or something. Then she says 'well it's winter'. That started a couple weeks ago. Now she keeps bringing up oil spill insurance. Our oil dealer, Alvin Hollis (I think everyone who works there has been through the military, ie, has an implant) wanted her to sign some paper for oil spill insurance. Per usual I read all kinds of things into this. I'm crazy you know. It could just be the purveyors of paranoia, or a signal that someone wants me to warn people, on this website, about an impending oil spill media distraction (2010 BP oil spill and Matt Simmons murder), or a warning that it is my next disaster courtesy of the Invisible Chickenshit Psychopath Slug Army (secret fascism is the ideology of pig diarhea germs) or they're setting me up to slam my ass in the hospital etc etc. Anyway, today I was walking by the thermostat in the cellar and I heard it call for heat. (Ted Williams anyone?) I ignored that for some reason and later I got another reminder so I investigated. I did not know the thermostat in the cellar was on. I thought it was off. It also had a low battery condition. Of all the potential reasons for this the one that concerns me most is the one where the thermostat turned on exactly when I was within hearing range. I have told the story of the low battery signal on the alarm system despite the fact the telephone line was disconnected. There is a person on youtube called marsboy683 (Marshall Gregory Thomas) who has a very long video on the MK Ultra CIA mind control program. I found this persons video's quite some time ago. He believes people are aiming a microwave device to do these sorts of things. This would fit in with Orwells theory that Winston is in the neighborhood. BPL (broadband over power lines) is only good for a couple miles. Maybe someone was trying to be a good guy and tell me it was on. ???? Marshall Gregory Thomas now has a video about clairvoyance on his youtube page. I told the story on Jan 9 (this month) about my experience in McClean Southeast where I beleived thoughts were placed into my head. I included a patent for a device that would do this. This is something that could be done by a microwave 'gun' nearby. In the past month or so I have getting the feeling most of my 'huntch's' have been fed to me. The surveillance is complete and no one is getting away with anything so it's possible. I don't really know what this oil spill thing is about. (Ted Williams was very aware of his surroundings. Pinball Wizard)
Jan 22, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Is circumcision and mercury poisoning the ‘sex’ crime of catholic priests? Is the media covering it up? Is this the connection to Egypt? What does the Egyptian Book of the Dead have to do with it? Is this how they mark people as ‘slaves’?
I have been investigating medical options for mercury poisoning. I have discovered a major source of mercury is amalgam tooth fillings. When I was a kid in the 1960's I had a lot of cavities. And I mean a lot. The dentist said it was caused by the sugar in soft drinks. My dentist's name was Dr Philip Brackett. He died quite some time ago. The amalgam is mixed by a dental assistant or the dentist just before using it. I wonder now if the assistant or Dr got a call from someone before I showed up asking 'could you make Phil's mix a little strong?'. What don't they know? I have some of the symptoms they describe. Cold hands, grumpy, irritable, inability to concentrate, lack of motivation. These things are a permanent fixture in my life. I remember as a kid they warned people against eating Swordfish and other types of fish.
Jan 21, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
The top 2 paragraphs are re-posted from earlier this month.
Surveillance/technical observation. I recently put DSL filters on all the telephone extensions in the house. I am trying to stop high speed data. Each telephone extension on a given number is a parallel circuit. If you have a DSL modem on one extension then the data appears on every extension. If you have five extensions you would need 4 DSL filters to keep the noise/data off the phones. The AC wiring in every house is exactly the same, all circuits are in parallel. So, if the coffee pot is sending information somewhere it appears on every circuit and is available to everything connected. BPL (broadband over powerlines) is only good for a couple miles because of it's susceptability to noise. Since it's available to every circuit it is appearing at the power supply for the cable modem, and could be picked up and transmitted by the coax. Instead of a couple miles it could be in China at the speed of light, and I mean literally, if that is where the Global Crossing fiber optic network is now being managed from.
The first job I had in electronics was with a company named Pyrotector. They made smoke detectors, both military and commercial. It was wholely owned by Grinnell Fire Protection Systems of RI. It was located in the old Hingham shipyard. It and the shipyard are gone. They did business with a company in RI called Cherry Semiconductor. Cherry Semiconductor manufactured made to order IC's. If you hade a circuit that was proprietary to your company and you wanted it miniaturized they would do it. This is how I know just because a chip is marked one thing it could be another. I worked there in the mid 1980's and technology has advanced by leaps and bounds since.
Question: Why do some manufacturers get away with eliminating the third prong on the AC plug to their equipment? The third prong connects directly to earth ground. I believe the National Electric Code now mandates all AC wall outlets have the third prong. This was not always so because my house still has some 2 prong outlets. It is a safety feature. All metal parts in the device must be connected to earth ground to prevent the metal from becoming 'live' electrically. This way no one would ever be electrocuted by a short. Also, if the outer case were metal it would act as a Faraday cage if connected to earth ground. If, however the outer case were plastic it wouldn't be possible to become 'live' because plastic doesn't conduct. So anything that has a plastic case and isn't grounded in any way to earth ground could be doing anything, including sending information somewhere. One project I'm working on is to connect a Corcom AC line filter in series with the telecommunication equipment in the cellar. I placed it in the cord of a extension cord with multiple outlets. I tried testing it by seeing if it would suppress the signal from a X10 device I have. It did not work, but it's possible the X10 signal wasn't fast enough to be over the low pass cutoff. All the telecommunication equipment in this house has 2 prong plugs and are in plastic housings. The data I'm trying to suppress might be above the cutoff.
From the movie 'The Graduate' starring Dustin Hoffman
From the movie 'The Graduate' starring Dustin Hoffman
Jan 20, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Walgreens, Walgreens, Walgreens...
This post relates to a half gallon of Garelick Farms 2% Reduced Fat Milk I bought at a Walgreens at 969 Main St in Weymouth this morning. I was thinking last night I wanted a gallon of milk when I went out this morning because I had been drinking all of my mothers milk. (HA HA HA) FU I was hoping I would get lucky. I didn't, it's tainted with something. Hypothetical situation. Let's say I'm out walking and I decide to get a cup of coffee at Mary Lou's instead of Starbucks. Maybe I'm 5 minutes away. The second I decide a Scientologist is sent to Mary Lou's to give the clerk something to put in my coffee. Or maybe a Scientologist is working behind the counter and a communique is sent via the speed of light from some control room. Why don't the local police use this incident to arrest the Scientologist and bring them to the hospital to have any implants removed? Answer: the cops manage Magwitch's convict ship (see "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens) They're PIGs.
..just as every cop is a criminal...
and all the sinners saints....
Sympathy for the Devil
Rolling Stones
and all the sinners saints....
Sympathy for the Devil
Rolling Stones
'..cops and queers,..,.
we're all stars now,.. in the dope show...
The Dope Show
Marilyn Manson
we're all stars now,.. in the dope show...
The Dope Show
Marilyn Manson
'Go ahead and hate your neighbor..
go ahead and cheat a friend..
do it in the name of heaven...
you can justify it in the end..
you won't hear any trumpets blowing..
come the judgement day..
on the bloody morning after...
One tin soldier rides away...
The Legend of Billy Jack
go ahead and cheat a friend..
do it in the name of heaven...
you can justify it in the end..
you won't hear any trumpets blowing..
come the judgement day..
on the bloody morning after...
One tin soldier rides away...
The Legend of Billy Jack
'God save the Queen,...
she made you a moron...
a potential H-bomb...
God Save The Queen
The Sex Pistols
she made you a moron...
a potential H-bomb...
God Save The Queen
The Sex Pistols
"You live in a police state, your government is evil"
Woody Allen in the movie 'Sleeper'
Woody Allen in the movie 'Sleeper'
'It is impossible to win a war against guerilla tactics'
Sun Tzu
author of
The Art of War
Sun Tzu
author of
The Art of War
The Jesuits have been at it for about 400 years. So maybe it could be said: It is impossible to win a war with guerilla tactics. All you're doing is ruining the experience of this planet for countless billions.
Jan 19, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Is circumcision and mercury poisoning the 'sex crime' of catholic priests? Is this the connection between the church and Ancient Egypt? The Egyptian Book of the Dead.
Some well known designations for the mercury poisoned are: jews, hippies, gypsies, gay, vampire. Once a jew always a jew. Brain damage is irreversible. Chelation with DMSA can have benefits but it is dangerous and should be done by a doctor. The government and the church will never allow it. Whoever has synthetic telepathy runs everything. You will always wear the 'suit of lies'. I say turnabout is fair play, everyone gets chickenshitted. At the end of 'Moby Dick' Ismael is the only survivor. Starbuck insists they go after the whale anyway because it's worth money and everyone perishs except Ismael.
I am watching the movie 'Sleeper' by Woody Allen. (....he travels time for the future of mankind....) Ironman - Black Sabbath There is a scene where the artists get together for a party. One of them has a large swastika on his chest. The John Lennon song "Instant Karma" is indicative of the problem. There is no such thing. The poisoned always want to believe it can be fixed. Brain damage is irreversible. The Pied Piper of Hamelin
My thoughts on the second amendment. Anything that has 2 legs and language skills needs protection from anything that has 2 legs and language skills. If one has a gun they all should.
Jan 18, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Proof they're all the same thing and/or the Russians were conquered long before the Bolshevik Revolution. According to an encyclopedia I have a schism broke the church in 2 around the year 1054AD. It created the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches. It involved Pope Leo IX and Michael Cerularius. The Eastern Orthodox came to dominate Eastern Europe (Hungary,(gypsies) Romania,(vampires) Serbia, (Jasenovac) etc and Russia) When the Jesuits were suppressed in July 1773 two monarchs at the time let the Jesuits stay. Russia and Prussia. The Prussian king was protestant and the Russian Queen was Orthodox. The Jesuits were not reinstated until after the Napoleanic Wars. Around 1815 or 1820. So had it not been for these two monarchs the Jesuits might not have survived. Ironically, or maybe not so, the 1000 year old schism was repaired in 1964 when Paul VI and Athenagores met in Jerusalem. ?????? (pay no attention to that man behind the curtain) ???? Whoever has synthetic telepathy runs everything.
This is a lot of unconnected events that might be of use to someone??? The Randy Weaver Ruby Ridge standoff took place in Aug 1992. In Feb 1993 the first World Trade center bombing occured. In April 1993 the Waco standoff took place. In April 1995 the Oklahoma City bombing. And in April 1999 Columbine High School. One FBI or ATF agent was killed at Ruby Ridge. He was from Quincy Mass. People in Idaho like guns, which is OK with me. Anyone who is nominated for ATF chief has to be confirmed by the senate. The ATF is responsible for enforcing federal gun laws. There has been no ATF chief since 2006. So no one has been enforcing federal gun laws. My problem with the government began to get out of control in the summer of 2007. Or at least that is when I became aware of it. At that time Michael Sullivan was the US Attorney in Boston for George Bush who is from Texas. Michael Sullivan was nominated for ATF chief at that time. Sen Larry Craig of Idaho blocked the appointment. Larry Craig's reputation got run through a bathroom in Minneapolis in Aug 2007. Michael Sullivan did not become ATF chief. The ATF is blamed by some for the Waco disaster. Charles Manson believed that the next war in the United States would be a race war between blacks and whites. In the year following 2007 Michael Sullivan went after two black Boston politicians. They used to call Boston the Cradle of Liberty and now I think it should be called the Cradle of Tyranny. Adolph Hitler was born and died in April. Some in this country believe he should have won WWII. I'm a nasty piece of shit. I hate everybody.
I have been trying to understand the meaning of the Mock Turtle in 'Alice in Wonderland'. I think it could represent The New World Order. Fabianism. "Slow and Steady Wins the Race" (the tortoise and the hare) It's 'Mock' because it's not real. The New World Order was invented to keep our 'elected' officials busy while their banking system bought up the world.
Jan 17, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Are Catholic Schools Really Better?
All I ever hear on the radio is ‘Catholic schools good, public schools bad’. Who is behind this? Who wants charter schools? Are public schools really that bad? Do Catholic schools teach Charles Dickens? George Orwell? The people who wrote the laws regarding unions are the same people behind everything else. Are unions the problem? Does anyone know the curriculum for Catholic schools 1 through 12? Who is actually behind the dumbing down of America?
Jan 16, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
I Cost Starbucks $2.07
As a Christmas present I got a mug that’s good for a free cup of coffee at Starbucks for the entire month of January. Of course the first two weeks of coffee was tainted with something so now I just walk up there and throw it away. After two weeks I was pretty sick and today it snowed so the walkin was tough. You don’t suppose someone was going to try to hit me. NaHH. Just in case I walked on the sidewalk. I know I know I said you could run me over but someone has to be held responsible. Or you can just think I lied. I lie. I cheat. Isn’t that awful. Sometimes I lie and cheat. It's the Caucus Race (caucasion race) Alice in Wonderland 'Everybody cheats...' It’s really selfish, don’t you think? But isn’t that the order of the day in the capitalist system? Better luck next time!!!
I have come up with a general idea for a simple noise generator. I do not have a final circuit but have included a block diagram. (below) I am currently building on the idea that the problem is "in-house" and is being carried out of the house on either the AC line or telephone or coax. It might be possible to build this and inject it into the AC line similar to X10 technology. Yesterday I took apart an old X10 controller to see how it worked. There is a small module that feeds back into the line. It looked like it had a small transformer and a couple transistors. The block diagram below starts out with a MSP430. Anyone will do but the more outputs the better. Program the MSP430 to randomly toggle as many general purpose outputs as possible. Feed those outputs into a buffer circuit to seperate the MSP from the mixer circuit. Design a general purpose mixer circuit that mixes (adds) all the random digital data to make "digital" noise. I found a simple unity mixer in 'The Encyclopedia of Electronic Circuits Vol 4' page 335. A mixer, or adder, uses the same idea as the X10. It adds one signal to another. The idea is to add a lot of random digital signals and get "digital" noise. Feed the "digital" noise into an amplifier to increase voltage. Then put the signal through a switching circuit to randomly change voltage and power level. Then inject into the AC line.
Jan 15, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
I found the old X10 controller I gave to my father. I took it apart and took some pictures of the inside. I also found some information on the basic workings of X10 technology. I post this thinking someone could alter the technology somehow to put noise onto the AC line to prevent it being used for data. Just like the phone lines, if you put noise into one outlet in the house it will appear at all of them. The only way to remove it is to filter each AC circuit. If you are going to purchase these things, be aware it could come pre-loaded with some type of surveillance.
Riddle for the Day
If you put Satan and a vampire in a room full of mirrors, would anyone make it out? If so, who?
Clues. A vampire is a dead person (jew, zombie, gypsy etc) that is a bloodsucker (usury, can’t make a living, social security, etc) that doesn’t like their own image. Satan is the person responsible for the condition of the vampire.
Jan 14, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Jan 13, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
It has been quite some time since I posted a link to mystory.pdf so I thought I would tell it again. I'm not sure if what I link to actually arrives at other people's computers as I intended or if anyone see's this website so I thought I would type it again. I will try to keep a timeline starting around Aug 1995.
I stopped seeing psychiatrists around 2005. I had been seeing psychiatrists since my 18th birthday in 1975. I had taken medication since 1978 when I was hospitalized in what was then Glenside Hospital in the Jamaica Plain section of Boston. I did not go back to the hospital until 2004. I spent roughly 24 years on medication. Unlike most people I was on just one. Prolixin. And it was always a very small dose. I was someone who half believed in it and half didn't. I always had one foot in the system and one foot out. I tried for many years to make a living and didn't get anywhere.
In Aug 1995 I returned to an employer I had worked for in the 1980's. I eventually stayed 3 years before I quit. In Nov 1995 I was given a new doctor by my health care provider South Shore Mental Health. Her name was Deborah Silen. She was white, fortyish semi-attractive. Without my asking she switched me to a new medication called Risperdal. Like a dummy I went along. Risperdal is one of a new group of drugs called atypical anti-psychotics. It was a complete disaster. My condition went from bad to worse. Dr Silen only stayed for a couple months. I was then assigned to Dr Reiner who ran the clinic and I stayed with him until I left in 2003. Why I went along and continued for many years isn't the purpose of this post, suffice it to say I was very very sick. I am trying to prove psychiatry is genocide and speak for some of the people I met there.
My first hospitalization after 1978 occured in early 2004. I was sent to Pembroke Hospital in Pembroke. Not much really happened. I was put back on Prolixin by the dr. My second hospitalization was also at Pembroke and it's a completely different story. It occured in Nov 2004. While there I ran into a girl named Stephanie. She looked 10 or 11 years old and had these really crazy looking eyes. Despite spending all that time in the mental health system I had never seen a person like that. There was a childrens ward in the same building but for some reason she was on an adult psychotic ward. She was unco-operative and very angry. I think, I'm not sure, her aunt visited her. I often wonder what became of her.
Another person I ran into that time was a girl they called Sara. She spent all day complaining trying to get out. She would run down the hall, slam into the door and demand to be let out. The staff would convince her to return to her room and 5 minutes later she was doing it again. When I first began blogging I mentioned her. This is going to come out crazy, like the TV is talking to me or something but this is the only way I get information. If you call it that. Right after I mentioned her there were reports in the media about the body parts of wounded soldiers winding up in landfills for dead pets and animals. There were also reports about the Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhose Island State police raiding and shutting down crematoria for not keeping good records. The implication I took away was that some of the people who worked for the 'Clampdown' (soldiers) were also disposed of in the hospitals as well as the victims. The idea that all the victims go through Area 51 really doesn't hold water. Or maybe it does, I don't know. The only proof I have that there is even a problem is my story. At the time I didn't understand the role of music. In the song 'Dogs of War' by Pink Floyd he says "Discovery is to be disowned,...hard cash is flesh and bone...." This would fit in with the idea that Scientology is the Auto-Fasci-Mat. Stephanies eyes were crazy and that is hard to fake.
My next hospitalization was Aug 2005 at Arbor Fuller in Attleboro. This one was less eventful. I did begin to see one thing that kept popping up. Every ward in every hospital has at least one hospital bed. A hospital bed has a steel frame with wheels. The sides come up and the back can be raised or lowered. All the other beds are a wooden frame and a plastic mattress. I was put in the hospital bed. This happened again later and right after I got there they had a Dr come up and give me a physical like I'm not expected to make it. Arbor had one person who was commited by the court. I think his name was Rich. He was a real handful, constanly mouthing off and being disrespectful. One day when we went to lunch they made us stay an extra hour or so. When we returned to the ward he had been restrained and medicated against his will. He had been commited for another 6 mos and he didn't like it.
The next 2 hospitalizations were at Carney in the Dorchester section of Boston. Carney is owned and operated by the Catholic Church and the same crap goes on there as in all hospitals. The first time was Jan 2006. I had tried suicide. The details of this are that the therapist I had was completely responsible. It was a willful attempt on my life. But whatever, same s76@ different day for me. This is where I ran into the hospital bed again. While there I ran into another crazy eyed person. He was a very heavy set young black man named Keith. I think. He looked 25 or 30 I guess. Nobody talked to him, he was really out of it. I felt like saying something to the doctor like "change his meds or something" but I didn't. The second time at Carney was June or July 2006. This time I ran into a very very pretty young black girl. She had it goin on. Girls like that don't end up in the mental health system. If they do they don't stay long. I don't remember her name. She was in the hospital bed. The bed thing I didn't figure out for quite some time. The staff was always kinda rude to her making her stay in her room. There was also a black man named Roger. Older than the girl but not that much older. He had issues. One day he started hittin on the girl in the cafeteria. She couldn't hold a conversation and he lost interest. I thought to myself 'that don't make sense'.
The last 2 were at McClean Southeast on the grounds of the Brockton VA. The first was uneventful. The second was when I put up with the human radio harassment. There's too much to go over. I put a link below to the old mystory.pdf
My Story
"Got to keep the loonie's on the path"
"Got to keep the loonie's on the path"
Freedom Works Both Ways
Washington in the Lap of Rome
Justin Dewey Fulton
Justin Dewey Fulton
The Jesuits and Their Strategy to Destroy Britain
Arthur Noble
(I don't know if this is a real book or not)
Arthur Noble
(I don't know if this is a real book or not)
'The Irish been coming here for years...
thinkin that they own the place...
got the airport city hall...
concrete asphalt.....
they even got the police...'
New York
thinkin that they own the place...
got the airport city hall...
concrete asphalt.....
they even got the police...'
New York
Was it illegal for the Catholic Church to own property in America prior to the revolution? Did the Revolution correct this? The Jesuits were suppressed in the church, for the only time, in mid July 1773. The Boston Tea Party took place in Dec 1773. Is this a co-incidence? If you're like me, you're not going to leave your home unless you're dragged kicking and screaming. The Irish came here in droves in the 1840's during the Great Irish potatoe famine. Do you blame me? Do you blame the British? Do you blame the church? None or all? Do you want to live in peace with your fellow man? Do you need a starting gun? Like ....ready set ..go or something? Spreading the public power around with the government works only if the private power is distributed the same. Who brought the Babylonian Commercial laws to America?
Jan 12, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
'Religion is the opium of the masses' Josef Stalin (pre-opium days of course) For the divide and conquer theory to work you must have at least 2 sides. The powers that be supply a national, religious or ethnic identity to one side and then supply an enemy. The 'jew' is one of the original enemies of Europeans. It may go as far back as Ancient Egypt. To make a 'jew' the powers circumcise and mercury poison the boys. I think. I'm not sure. It marks them as a slave, makes it difficult for them to function socially and less likely to have children. I have been watching Shakespeare's 'The Merchant of Venice'. The main character is Shylock, a jew. (could be SHY person LOCKed up, see Power Windows Rush) The 'jews' of Venice were confined to a ghetto that was locked at night and gaurded by Christians. Thier only way to make a living is to loan money at interest. Usury. In the end Shylock gets screwed one more time. Whether 'jew', Islamo-Fascist Al-Qaeda, the Red Scare, or Hitler they are all produced by the powers that be. The 'jew' being one of the original. All of the societies problems are blamed on the jew. It also justifies thier religious philosophy. They being the keepers of man's goodness and morality. Without god you will sin forever. I am also watching David Copperfield by Charles Dickens. (could be COPPER conductor in an electromagnetic FIELD, really!!! plan that far ahead. but then again Hoover Dam 1930's Las Vegas 1940's Area 51 1950's) If you were the leader of an ancient and crazy organization and you were looking for a science to call your own and you specialized in secrecy, manipulation and your whole ideology centered around an invisble man in the sky that ruled and was responsible for everything what would that science be!!? Electricity. David Copperfield is the main character. From the very beginning the people and circumstances in his life are constantly changing. He readily embraces everyone who enters his life and adapts to whatever circumstances arise. But everyone who enters his life is either crazy or goes crazy and dies. (sounds like Damien in the movie 'The Omen') He finally discovers much of his life was manipulated by someone called Uriah Heep. I don't care if I'm helping or hurting. I don't care if I'm doing exactly as expected or I'm making trouble. When you're finished or fed up just run me over or something.
The 'Eyes' Have It
'See the stone set in your eyes,..
see the thorn twist in your side,...
With or Without You
see the thorn twist in your side,...
With or Without You
'...and now there's a look in your eyes,..
like black holes in the sky,,,,,'
Shine On You Crazy Diamond
Pink Floyd
like black holes in the sky,,,,,'
Shine On You Crazy Diamond
Pink Floyd
'Fade my eyes,..
Can you sew them shut...
Jesus Christ....
Man in the Box
Alice in Chains
Can you sew them shut...
Jesus Christ....
Man in the Box
Alice in Chains
If David Copperfield married Claudia Schiffer and they had a child, it would have Copperfield eyes and Schiffer brains.
Psychiatry is genocide
(among other things)
'This is your brain,......this is your brain on drugs........get the picture...'
You have to get the proletariat to kill the proletariat...
Psychiatry is genocide
(among other things)
'This is your brain,......this is your brain on drugs........get the picture...'
You have to get the proletariat to kill the proletariat...
When I was in Pembroke Hospital for the second time in 2004 I met a girl named Stephanie. She had really crazy eyes. I had never seen someone like that even though I spent almost 30 years in the mental health system. She looked only 10 or 11 years old but was on an adult psychiatric ward despite the fact there was a childrens ward in the same building.
Jan 11, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
The Dollfuss File
The Great Dictator
Charlie Chaplin
Charlie Chaplin
The Dollfuss File
I Paid Hitler
Fritz Thyssen
Fritz Thyssen
Wall St and the Rise of Hitler
Antony C Sutton
Antony C Sutton
Wall St and the Bolshevik Revolution
Antony C Sutton
Antony C Sutton
Fritz Thyssen
on Wikipedia
on Wikipedia
Antony C Sutton
on Wikipedia
on Wikipedia
Engelbert Dollfuss
on Wikipedia
on Wikipedia
Jan 10, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
I would like to preface this by saying I saw a video on youtube.com that stated 'no one died on Sept 11 2001'. They had gone through the Social Security Death Index for that day and a number of days afterwards and couldn't find anyone that had been reported dead.
What was someone trying to say?
World Trade is a 9-1-1?
Was the whole thing staged like the Boston Adult Swim advertising hoax? "Hair (hare) Today, Gone Tomorrow"
I have seen videos that suggest no plane went down in Shankville PA. Why?
There was a lot of press about how that plane went down. The passengers got together and rushed the cockpit saying "Let's Roll". They printed T-Shirts and made a big deal about it. "Let's Roll" HMMMMM Like a rolling stone! Like a wandering jew? Like the I ran's? Hair (Hare) Today Gone Tomorrow?? You get the Shank??? In SHANKSVILLE? (aka The Shaft) ???
No plane hit the Pentagon?
The movie "Catch-22" has a scene called 'Major Major' with Bob Newhart. He is in his office having a ridiculous conversation with a Sgt. The Sgt turns around and has a band-aid on his neck. Suggesting an implant? A later scene has Yasarian in bed with his new Italian girlfriend. He's say's "You're perfect". She replies "No I'm not" And shows him the back of her neck. He say's "how'd you get that?" and she say's "air raid". He say's "German?" she say's "No American" Suggesting an implant?
The very end of 'The Zeitgeist Movie' the narrator warns "don't join the military!" Suggesting this is where you get one?
Roman Polanski was the only survivor of the Tate-LaBianca murders in Los Angelos in 1969. ROMAN Polanski? He was later associated with a sex crime and allowed to escape to Switzerland? ROMAN Polanski? Sex crime?
Rodney KING got the crap beat out of him in HOTEL CALIFORNIA in 1991? What was that about? "You can check out any time you like but you can never leave" It started riots a couple years later when the cops got off. I don't actually get this one.
OJ Simpson killed his ex and a friend??? I don't get this one either. Was someone getting desperate?
Did "World Trade is a 9-1-1" backfire? Did they want to get sent to Afghanistan and Iraq?
Almost every firefighter and policeman in this country has gone through the military. In fact I think it's a requirement. Did the powers that be turn thier backs on them? Assuming some did die on Sept 11. Or are they themselves responsible?
Maybe I'm just crazy.
Is this all a conveniant way to lie about it? A way to cover your tracks in case you get caught.
What was someone trying to say?
World Trade is a 9-1-1?
Was the whole thing staged like the Boston Adult Swim advertising hoax? "Hair (hare) Today, Gone Tomorrow"
I have seen videos that suggest no plane went down in Shankville PA. Why?
There was a lot of press about how that plane went down. The passengers got together and rushed the cockpit saying "Let's Roll". They printed T-Shirts and made a big deal about it. "Let's Roll" HMMMMM Like a rolling stone! Like a wandering jew? Like the I ran's? Hair (Hare) Today Gone Tomorrow?? You get the Shank??? In SHANKSVILLE? (aka The Shaft) ???
No plane hit the Pentagon?
The movie "Catch-22" has a scene called 'Major Major' with Bob Newhart. He is in his office having a ridiculous conversation with a Sgt. The Sgt turns around and has a band-aid on his neck. Suggesting an implant? A later scene has Yasarian in bed with his new Italian girlfriend. He's say's "You're perfect". She replies "No I'm not" And shows him the back of her neck. He say's "how'd you get that?" and she say's "air raid". He say's "German?" she say's "No American" Suggesting an implant?
The very end of 'The Zeitgeist Movie' the narrator warns "don't join the military!" Suggesting this is where you get one?
Roman Polanski was the only survivor of the Tate-LaBianca murders in Los Angelos in 1969. ROMAN Polanski? He was later associated with a sex crime and allowed to escape to Switzerland? ROMAN Polanski? Sex crime?
Rodney KING got the crap beat out of him in HOTEL CALIFORNIA in 1991? What was that about? "You can check out any time you like but you can never leave" It started riots a couple years later when the cops got off. I don't actually get this one.
OJ Simpson killed his ex and a friend??? I don't get this one either. Was someone getting desperate?
Did "World Trade is a 9-1-1" backfire? Did they want to get sent to Afghanistan and Iraq?
Almost every firefighter and policeman in this country has gone through the military. In fact I think it's a requirement. Did the powers that be turn thier backs on them? Assuming some did die on Sept 11. Or are they themselves responsible?
Maybe I'm just crazy.
Is this all a conveniant way to lie about it? A way to cover your tracks in case you get caught.
The Invisible Chickenshit Psychopath Slug Army
The British conquered China with the opium trade.
The British were conquered by who knows what. (see title)
Heroin is produced from opium. Opium is produced from the poppy.
After the United States conquered Afghanistan in 2002 the production of opium skyrocketed.
“Alice in Wonderland” is a drug fueled adultery, and the CIA is probably behind it.
“Alice in Wonderland” was first published in 1865.
“…everyone here is crazy…..” The Mad Hatter’s tea party. Hat’s used to be manufactured with mercury. Thus the term ‘mad as a hatter’. Mercury is how to make a ‘jew’.
G.O.D. Gold Oil Drugs from ‘The Ring of Power’ a movie available on youtube.com.
The 1960's were a turbulent time in America. The Vietnam war and civil rights created political and social unrest. The Summer of Love took place in San Francisco. I believe it was a genocide by Romanist psychopaths against some of the more gentle people who they despise. By the 1970's revolution had become ‘Sex, Drugs and Rock N Roll’. Drugs permeated everything in America. The 70's eventually became ‘Disco’. Dance This Mess Around.
The late 1980's and early 1990's had some sort of incident in Seattle. A pariah dog maybe??? It turned into the Rock N Roll Grunge movement. (is anyone seeing a pattern here?) The late 1990's and early 2000's saw the Seattle, King county Washington area saturated by crystal meth. (is anyone seeing a pattern here?)
Mercury poisoning is how a ‘jew’ is made. (is anyone seeing a pattern here?)
“Poppies,….Poppies,……Poppies….” Dorothy falls asleep just before reaching Oz. L Frank Baum wrote the Oz books in the early 20th century.
Today my mother went to Trucchi’s Supermarket in Abington. (or at least that’s what she told me) They have ‘Wacky Wednesday’ every Wednesday. She came home with some cinnamon buns that were tainted with something. She keeps telling me about some Christmas present she hasn’t recieved yet. It is supposed to come in the mail. It’s some kind of ‘powder’.
Jan 9, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
This paragraph relates to this mornings post. When I was growing up WBCN was the station everyone listened to. It was alternative and anti-establishment. It started around 1967 or 8. I stopped listening around 1991 when it went new music only and they pushed all the old jocks out. Charles Laquidara went to Hawaii ??? Ken Shelton disappeared and eventually they had Howard Stern on in the morning. Howard Stern was about as low as a jock can get. My favourite DJ was Mark Parenteau who did afternoons till 7PM. After the format changed he bummed around Boston radio for a couple years then went to Washington DC. He eventually wound up in prison on sex charges. After I got out of the hospital in 2008 the problem of surveillance and harassment did not end. Just before Christmas my mother and I went to the Hanover Mall in Hanover. We got coffee and were sitting on a bench drinking it. This very young girl kept walking in front of us. She went by 5 or 6 times. I was saying to myself "boy, she's a walking fool', I wonder if she's lost". Just then a Hanover cop appeared near by looking like something was wrong. My mother said "let's get out of here". So we did. I have often thought it was some sort of setup. I mentioned this on the internet a couple days later when I did there were all kinds of cover stories. A bomb or something went off at the Arsenal Mall in Watertown and we had a massive ice storm that knocked out electricity for weeks. Sex is a favourite crime to pin on people. Sex offenders in jail are the lowest of the low. If a memory was inserted into a small person they have more difficulty determining it's validity than older people. Law's also protect children in court. Whatever I do to fight these people, no matter how low or cheap, I am always leaps and bounds above them. I have just finished watching a version of Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice". Shylock has a 3D person to hate and try to get revenge. He gets cheated one more time at the end but at least he see's and knows his enemy. You don't add up to a puddle of pig diarhea germs. (I apologize to pig diarhea germs) If moral authority counts for anything 10 times of you will die in 5 minutes right out in the open as you have killed behind everyone's back for decades.
I was hospitalized in the summer of 2008. The Weymouth Police picked me up at my house on Easy St. All I did was send a couple emails to my former provider South Shore Mental Health. There were no threats in the email. It was the same email I had sent to all the newspapers in Nov 2007. I was hoping to create dissention among the employees. I was sent to McClean Southeast on the grounds of the Brockton Veterans Administration Hospital on Rt 123. It is affiliated with McClean Hospital in Belmont Massachusetts. Supposedly the best psychiatric hospital in the world. Thats like saying if every other hospital is a toilet, that one is a bedai. It is also affiliated with Harvard University. "Pahk yah cah in Hahvahd yahd, where there are more horses ass's than there are horses". I was there two or three weeks when I decided to sign a 3 day letter. It gives the hospital 3 days to let me go or take me to court and commit me. They decided to commit me. By this time I was given a room to myself. Usually you have one or two room mates. During the hearing they sat two male employees just to my left in case I went off. One of them was named Mike. He was one of the charge nurses. I didn't go off. The judge spoke so softly no one could hear I had to ask after it was all over. I got six months and was ordered to take thier suicide pills. A couple days after, I got up and started my day by sitting in a chair. I began having a long train of angry thoughts about the hearing. It went on for a couple minutes. This was just before the shift change in the morning. Suddenly, Mike poked his head in the door and said "Morning Phil" and broke the train of thought. I didn't go off. This happened again toward the end of my stay. I had come to really hate my social worker. She was an elderly woman who was real good at screwing with your head. An old pro. Every day we had to meet with the social worker in a group with all thier clients. Again I had a long train of angry thoughts about her when she suddenly appeared. I didn't go off. I believe both of these incidents are examples of Reverse Synthetic Telepathy, the ability to electronically insert thoughts into a person's head. I included a patent below.
Psychiatry is Genocide
Dark Side of the Moon
an album by
Pink Floyd
Dark Side of the Moon
an album by
Pink Floyd
Jan 8, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Jan 7, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
I have re-written much of the Home page.
Jan 6, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
I found the Smarthome controller I bought for my father. It's still in the original packaging. Here is my thought for the day. I wonder if it's possible to program or jerry-mander it so it spits out random numbers continuously and then plug it into a socket and screw up any potential information.
Jan 5, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Surveillance/technical observation. I recently put DSL filters on all the telephone extensions in the house. I am trying to stop high speed data. Each telephone extension on a given number is a parallel circuit. If you have a DSL modem on one extension then the data appears on every extension. If you have five extensions you would need 4 DSL filters to keep the noise/data off the phones. The AC wiring in every house is exactly the same, all circuits are in parallel. So, if the coffee pot is sending information somewhere it appears on every circuit and is available to everything connected. BPL (broadband over powerlines) is only good for a couple miles because of it's susceptability to noise. Since it's available to every circuit it is appearing at the power supply for the cable modem, and could be picked up and transmitted by the coax. Instead of a couple miles it could be in China at the speed of light, and I mean literally, if that is where the Global Crossing fiber optic network is now being managed from.
Jan 3, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
The first job I had in electronics was with a company named Pyrotector. They made smoke detectors, both military and commercial. It was wholely owned by Grinnell Fire Protection Systems of RI. It was located in the old Hingham shipyard. It and the shipyard are gone. They did business with a company in RI called Cherry Semiconductor. Cherry Semiconductor manufactured made to order IC's. If you hade a circuit that was proprietary to your company and you wanted it miniaturized they would do it. This is how I know just because a chip is marked one thing it could be another. I worked there in the mid 1980's and technology has advanced by leaps and bounds since.
This post concerns X10 and/or BPL (broadband over powerlines). My mother has brought home numerous items that have been tainted with something. I have purchased items in local stores like this. ('Alice in Wonderland' is a drug fueled adultery and the CIA is probably behind it) '......Coka Cola execution.....' They are in original packaging. The point is, my enemy has access to sophisticated manufacturing equipment that can both replicate a products packaging and produce an altered product that looks and tastes very similar. Integrated circuits have thousands of componants in each IC. They are designed by engineers on large powerful computers. Much of the process is automated. So an IC can be marked as one type but there is no telling what is actually inside or what it's doing. My mother and father gave up coffee 15 or so years ago. I was the only coffee drinker in the house for many years. A year or so ago my mother brought home a Keurig coffee maker (see below). These are very expensive and might have electronics. Anything that plugs into a wall outlet could be acting as a bug and sending information somewhere.
Jan 2, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
In an effort to combat and counter the surveillance problem I have been trying to straighten out and centrally locate all the wiring in the house. This includes an alarm system that is monitored by a local company named Atlas Alarm. While I was doing this we had a low battery problem with the alarm panel. For reasons I won't go into I believe this was a part of the daily harassment I put up with. Either the alarm company or Comcast or someone else was managing to set off the low battery signal. We have only one telephone number for the house and the alarm connects to Atlas through the phone. The phone goes through Comcast. One of the first things I did to try to solve the problem was disconnect the phone line. It worked temporarilly but it started again. So I was forced to open the alarm panel and disconnect the battery. My mother shelled out about $35 for a new battery at Radio Shack. So if the phone line was disconnected how did they communicate with the panel? Two possibilities. They could have done it wirelessly or through the power line. The panel itself is a metal box and may be acting as a Faraday cage making wireless communication difficult. If they did it through the power line X10 technology might be the culprit. To combat this I have placed an in-line power line filter before the transformer. It does the same thing as the GE DSL filter I put on each phone extension but for the AC power.
Jan 1, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Rome began as a monarchy well before the birth of Christ. The monarchy became despotic and was replaced by a republic. As time went on the republic depended more and more on it's military for it's social, cultural and economic survival. It could be argued Julius Ceasar was the last ruler of the republic. There are people who beleive the initials JC stand for both Julius Ceasar and Jesus Christ. ????? Ceasar and Christ lived about the same time. At the very same time Cleopatra was the ruler of Egypt. She was descended from the Ptolomy Kings who were Greek in origin and started after Alexander the Great. Cleopatra spoke Greek. The archiological evidence from the time of the Ptolomy Kings is in Greek and it's helps them decifer hyroglphics. The Roman republic really got into trouble when Cleopatra visited Rome and then married a Roman thus uniting the two countries. The republic fell soon after and established the Roman Empire. It was the Roman Emperors that were really crazy. The Roman empire supposedly lasted until about 400 AD when Constantine declared himself Pope. So, it could be argued the Egyptian Ptolomy Kings conquered Rome and were ruling behind the scenes. It's a kind of 'Alice in Wonderland' theme, or Helen of Troy. "Foreign Conspiracies Against The Liberties Of The United States: The Numbers Of Brutus" a book by Samuel Finley Breeze Morse
Dec 31, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
From mid 1991 to mid 1992 I was in a workshop for mentally handicaped people. I got into it through Mass Rehab in Quincy. The workshop was located in the Lotus Development manufacturing facility in Cambridge. I think it was First St which is kinda near the Cambridgeside Galleria. You got off the green line at Lechmere and crossed the street. I don't think it's there anymore. Lotus Development doesn't exist anymore. I got minimum wage which at the time was about $4 an hour, half was paid by Mass Rehab and half by the company running the workshop GBRS (Greater Boston Rehabilitation Services). While there I had a supervisor named Deidre Thomas. She liked to be called DeDe. She was black, thirtyish a little heavy. She had a son either in High School or nearing it who was getting in trouble with the law. She named him Semaj. She told me it was James spelled backwards. ???? He came in one day and he had his name cut into his hair. ?????? Was someone trying to say something about King James and the King James Bible? Another client there took an unusual liking to me. Her name was Michele Urgo. She was about 10 years younger than me and quite attractive. She lived on Beacon St in Brookline, way out near Cleveland Circle. We went to dinner a couple times and some movies. One movie we saw was 'The Commitments' at the South Shore Plaza. The theatre is gone and in fact so is the store that came after. 'The Commitments' was about a group of Irish kids who form a soul group in Dublin. It was OK. The music was pretty good. It wasn't terribly flattering towards the Irish or other ethnic groups. At one point someone said "The Irish are the blacks of Europe, the Dubliners are the blacks of Ireland and the northern Dubliners are the blacks of Dublin". For some reason I never forgot that quote. These things lead me to believe I have been involved in this mess all along and not know it. There is a quote on the last U2 album "How could you stand next to the truth and not see it....". ????? Well this is my splanation. Suffering is a full time job. 'The Condition' (or whatever it's called) (Ironman) is like walking around with a broken arm all the time. The pain is so severe your life is about coping moment to moment whenever you're not having to deal with people. You should get some inner voice from someone (Sabrina maybe) and not when she's dealing with people but alone. You'll get it!! If you don't I can't help you. Why is the Taxi Driver trying to help Jodie Foster? ??? He's psycho!!! "....but my dreams they aren't as empty, as my conscience seems to be....' I don't know how long I should keep this up. I don't know if I'm helping or hurting. I feel I can't listen to anyone else for so many reason's. If you have an implant you won't always do whats in your best interest. If you supervise the people with implants you're a problem. These stories are the only way they can communicate safely. I guess. Sometimes I think everyone who comes to this site gets chased around by these psychos and most people don't last very long. Whenever I agonize over this I leave it up. I don't know what to do. I could use a little help here. I don't want to live anymore. I don't want to go through anymore misery. I'm not living on the streets waiting for my ship to come in. I don't want a ship anymore.
Dec 30, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Today's Brain Farts
brought to you by-
Nute's Boston Baked Beans
"Beans, beans they're good for the heart,..
the more you eat the more you f&*6..."
'Advertising is the only truth to be found in newspapers'
Thomas Jefferson
Whoever said 'A picture is worth a thousand words' was probably related to whoever said 'There's a sucker born every minute'.
Photography is art for people with short attention spans
Photography is news for people with short attentions spans
There is no such thing as political ideology
The democrats and republicans are the political equivilent of the catholics and the protestants.
It's the divide and conquer theory of making money and holding power.
All paper money must return to it's intrinsic value, zero, and that is what the world stage is for!!!
Political speeches are 19th century soundbites
they're as worthless as 20th century soundbites
they make epic some event that was BS in the first place
Western Civilization is one big collective drama queen
"Will you won't you, will you won't you come and join the dance...!"
brought to you by-
Nute's Boston Baked Beans
"Beans, beans they're good for the heart,..
the more you eat the more you f&*6..."
'Advertising is the only truth to be found in newspapers'
Thomas Jefferson
Whoever said 'A picture is worth a thousand words' was probably related to whoever said 'There's a sucker born every minute'.
Photography is art for people with short attention spans
Photography is news for people with short attentions spans
There is no such thing as political ideology
The democrats and republicans are the political equivilent of the catholics and the protestants.
It's the divide and conquer theory of making money and holding power.
All paper money must return to it's intrinsic value, zero, and that is what the world stage is for!!!
Political speeches are 19th century soundbites
they're as worthless as 20th century soundbites
they make epic some event that was BS in the first place
Western Civilization is one big collective drama queen
"Will you won't you, will you won't you come and join the dance...!"