Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, www.philipnute.com and it's companion website www.zsezse.com, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
George Orwell
Beginning of Actual Blog
July 31, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Back in the summer of 2008 the FBI in Boston went after a couple black politicians. They both lost their jobs and went to prison. (I think) The FBI have tried other ways of using race. Charles Manson believed the next war in America would be a race war. It's like the FBI don't get it. They're trying to use the old method of pitting two groups at the bottom and they don't understand secret fascism and Robocops. The new method is Scientology and the Thought Police. No need for blowing everything up.
I have been trying to understand a line from The Doors song 'The WASP Texas Radio and the Big Beat'. The line goes "This is the land where the Pharoah died" Who is the Pharoah? Catholic priests? Is Scientology an 'oops' created by the secret fascists (NWO) which was manipulated into existance by the Pharoah? Is the technology of secret fascism so good capitalism can't be collapsed? Has the Pharoah lost control? Daniel Webster was trained to do flips and jumps and now they can't stop him? Even if they do what happens then?
July 30, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Everything You Know Is Wrong
(an ammendable version 11th draft add all you want)
(an ammendable version 11th draft add all you want)
July 29, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County
Mark Twain
Mark Twain
This story was one of the first things ever written by Mark Twain. It was published around 1865. Mark Twain was a Freemason. A 33rd degree mason, I think. I think the story shows Twain knew well in advance what the future held for America. The frogs name is Daniel Webster, a famous Massachusetts Senator, who was one of the first conservatives. He gets taught to jump and do flips and beat any frog put up against him. "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain" At the end a stranger comes into town and loads D'nel with shot so he can't jump and Smiley loses the bet. The NWO was supposed to fail like Royal Absolutism before it, capitalism was doomed to fail. The Greeks were going to be thrown under the bus with the Trojans. 'War is coming......I can feel it in the air..."
Why are you saying these things? BECAUSE I DON'T CARE!!!!
July 28, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
"Capt Walker didn't come home,..."
"his unborn child will never know him..."
"Beleive him missing with a number of men..."
"don't expect to see him again..."
From the beginning of the Rock Opera "Tommy" by The Who
"his unborn child will never know him..."
"Beleive him missing with a number of men..."
"don't expect to see him again..."
From the beginning of the Rock Opera "Tommy" by The Who
This is the opening scene of the movie 'The Omen',
It's June 6 at 6 AM (666). Mr Thorn is speeding through the streets of Rome in a cab trying to get to the hospital. His wife is expecting. He gets to the hospital where he is met by a priest. The priest says:
"I'm sorry Mr Thorn, he breathed for a short time,....then no more....."
It's June 6 at 6 AM (666). Mr Thorn is speeding through the streets of Rome in a cab trying to get to the hospital. His wife is expecting. He gets to the hospital where he is met by a priest. The priest says:
"I'm sorry Mr Thorn, he breathed for a short time,....then no more....."
Selected Quotes From The Movie "Apolcalypse Now"
"When I was a member of Special Forces..."
"we went to a village and innoculated all the children for polio.."
"After we left a villager came running...."
"and said something had happened....."
"They had come and hacked off the arms of everyone we gave a shot"
"we went to a village and innoculated all the children for polio.."
"After we left a villager came running...."
"and said something had happened....."
"They had come and hacked off the arms of everyone we gave a shot"
"Horror and moral terror are your best friends..."
I don't care what anyone on the stupidvision says, or any doctors and nurses you may know personally, given the scope of the surveillance and the problem of neural implants, nobody can guarantee the integrity of anything that passes through their hands that is intended for use in someones body. Period.
The Hollow Men
T.S. Elliot
T.S. Elliot
Mistah Kurtz-he dead
A penny for the Old Guy
A penny for the Old Guy
We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats' feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats' feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar
Shape without form, shade without colour,
Paralysed force, gesture without motion;
Paralysed force, gesture without motion;
Those who have crossed
With direct eyes, to death's other Kingdom
Remember us-if at all-not as lost
Violent souls, but only
As the hollow men
The stuffed men.
With direct eyes, to death's other Kingdom
Remember us-if at all-not as lost
Violent souls, but only
As the hollow men
The stuffed men.
Eyes I dare not meet in dreams
In death's dream kingdom
These do not appear:
There, the eyes are
Sunlight on a broken column
There, is a tree swinging
And voices are
In the wind's singing
More distant and more solemn
Than a fading star.
In death's dream kingdom
These do not appear:
There, the eyes are
Sunlight on a broken column
There, is a tree swinging
And voices are
In the wind's singing
More distant and more solemn
Than a fading star.
Let me be no nearer
In death's dream kingdom
Let me also wear
Such deliberate disguises
Rat's coat, crowskin, crossed staves
In a field
Behaving as the wind behaves
No nearer-
In death's dream kingdom
Let me also wear
Such deliberate disguises
Rat's coat, crowskin, crossed staves
In a field
Behaving as the wind behaves
No nearer-
Not that final meeting
In the twilight kingdom
In the twilight kingdom
This is the dead land
This is cactus land
Here the stone images
Are raised, here they receive
The supplication of a dead man's hand
Under the twinkle of a fading star.
This is cactus land
Here the stone images
Are raised, here they receive
The supplication of a dead man's hand
Under the twinkle of a fading star.
Is it like this
In death's other kingdom
Waking alone
At the hour when we are
Trembling with tenderness
Lips that would kiss
Form prayers to broken stone.
In death's other kingdom
Waking alone
At the hour when we are
Trembling with tenderness
Lips that would kiss
Form prayers to broken stone.
The eyes are not here
There are no eyes here
In this valley of dying stars
In this hollow valley
This broken jaw of our lost kingdoms
There are no eyes here
In this valley of dying stars
In this hollow valley
This broken jaw of our lost kingdoms
In this last of meeting places
We grope together
And avoid speech
Gathered on this beach of the tumid river
We grope together
And avoid speech
Gathered on this beach of the tumid river
Sightless, unless
The eyes reappear
As the perpetual star
Multifoliate rose
Of death's twilight kingdom
The hope only
Of empty men.
The eyes reappear
As the perpetual star
Multifoliate rose
Of death's twilight kingdom
The hope only
Of empty men.
Here we go round the prickly pear
Prickly pear prickly pear
Here we go round the prickly pear
At five o'clock in the morning.
Prickly pear prickly pear
Here we go round the prickly pear
At five o'clock in the morning.
Between the idea
And the reality
Between the motion
And the act
Falls the Shadow
For Thine is the Kingdom
And the reality
Between the motion
And the act
Falls the Shadow
For Thine is the Kingdom
Between the conception
And the creation
Between the emotion
And the response
Falls the Shadow
Life is very long
And the creation
Between the emotion
And the response
Falls the Shadow
Life is very long
Between the desire
And the spasm
Between the potency
And the existence
Between the essence
And the descent
Falls the Shadow
For Thine is the Kingdom
And the spasm
Between the potency
And the existence
Between the essence
And the descent
Falls the Shadow
For Thine is the Kingdom
For Thine is
Life is
For Thine is the
Life is
For Thine is the
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
July 27, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Disclaimer: Despite the fact I don't have time to read everything I download, I have Winston of "1984" at work in my life so everything you read here should be taken with a grain of salt. You are expected to do your own research.
Five words can be used when someone is confronted with the reality of "1984" "Everything You Know Is Wrong". When confronted with "1984" a person has 2 choices: go right and join the secret fascists or go left and try to fight them. I have chosen to fight and I think remaining silent doesn't help and plays into their hands. So if you want to inform everyone and let them decide for themselves where do you begin? Tell them "Everything You Know Is Wrong". Then you are going to need evidence to convince them. I have broken down the evidence into 6 catagory's. I go through them in order of 'most convincing' to 'least convincing'.
The first are things in the present that are happening right now that would convince anyone beyond any doubt everything they know is wrong. These are crimes the elite are commiting every day and are covering up. There are millions of people alive who are witness's to the crimes and can testify. They remain quiet for several reasons. Neural implants, fear to name two. Loosen their lips and the world will change. A short list is:
- Psychiatry is Genocide
- Israel is a Concentration Camp. I beleive the Nazi concentration camps were not liberated but moved to Israel. After WWII the elite were confident enough in their surveillance and control to move it and lie about it in the media. (In honor of Helen Thomas who shot her mouth off once, and once was too many) This problem continues to this day.
- The Surveillance is Total and Complete as in "1984"
- There are Millions of People Worldwide with Neural Implants Scientology is an organization of people with implants. If millions of people lost their implants very quickly, it would become an avalanche. Several ideas can be found on the 'Surveillance' page.
The second catagory are things that leave real evidence but don't prove conclusively anything is wrong. Investigating these things would help:
- FEMA Camps HR 645 is the bill passed in Congress that authorizes the building of FEMA Camps. Emergency Centers Establishment Act
- The School of the Americas
- Blackwater
The third catagory is historical evidence. Napolean was quoted as saying "History is a lie agreed upon". George Orwell said "He who controls the past, controls the future, he who controls the present, controls the past". Here are 5 problems I, and others, have come up with:
- James I of England was the son of Mary Queen of Scots. Mary was born a Catholic and she died a Catholic. James I called himself a Protestant. He is credited with the King James Version of the bible which is used in every Protestant church to this day. The Catholic church uses the Roman Vulgate. A very good argument could be made that the Pope is responsible for the King James Version and then declared as heretic and worthy of death anyone who uses it.
- Napolean Bonaparte was more Italian than French. He was born on the island of Corsica which is very near Italy. He advanced very rapidly in rank during the French Revolution. This was no accident as was much associated with the French Revolution. The French court under Louis XIV was manipulated into it's decadence by a policy of Royal Absolutism. There is a book titled "Journal of the Occurrances at the Temple" by M Clery that documents this. Charles Dickens novel "A Tale of Two Cities" is based on this account.
- Adolph Hitler was another Napolean. His real name was Adolph Shicklegruber as exposed in The Dolphus File.
- Antony C Sutton was an English writer and researcher. He documented how Wall St funded Hitler and The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Much of the equipment used in Vietnam against Americans was produced in Russia using this equipment.
- Chang Hai Shek and Mao Tsa Dung fought for 50 years in the early 20th century. When it was over all they accomplished was destroying 5000 years of Chinese culture. Chang was kidnapped by Mao at one point and then released. ???? China was left a much more western nation.
- Prescott Bush was the father of one president and the grandfather of another. He was a member of Yales 'Skull & Bones'. He had an interest in the Union Bank which was liquidated when it was discovered it helped fund Hitler. It was documented in the book 'I Paid Hitler' by Fritz Thyssen. Antony C Sutton also wrote about the Bush's. He was linked to a Fascist plot to overthrow Franklin D Roosevelt. They tried to hire Smedley Butler, a decorated marine.
The fourth catagory is the actual system that we live under that keep the elite in power.
- The banking system, money is debt and debt is money. Another name is the fractional reserve system. This is a bottomless bank account for the elite to buy anything they need to hold power. It has it's problems. Anyone who gets a loan at a bank expands the money supply. As this happens the value of the currency goes down. Also every dollar created comes with interest and this causes inflation which further devalues the currency. Psychiatry is genocide because it helps to control inflation and regulate the currency by limiting the number of people who can get a loan at a bank. But all fiat currency's must come to an end so war is designed to wipe the slate clean and when all is said and done the same people who were in power before the war are in power after. However the elite have run out of ways to make global war, so this is also a reason psychiatry is genocide. A good movie to learn about the banking system is "The Money Masters". A book would be 'The Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance' by Thomas Paine who also wrote 'Common Sense' and was a factor in the American Revolution. Regulating the value of the currency and controlling inflation are not the only reasons for a perpetual genocide. Nor is psychiatry the only method. I am not a communist but I have read and understand Karl Marx and 'The Communist Manifesto'. Marx points out how capitalism is breaking down old relationships of superiors to subordinates and changing them to cash payment. A person at the bottom sells his labor for money. He becomes just another commodity. At the same time capitalism is constantly changing the 'modes of production' to squeeze out profit and take the jobs of the people at the bottom and have them done by machine. Benjamin Franklin once said 'Necessity is the mother of invention', capitalism makes money the mother of invention. Marx predicted correctly that over time the number of low skilled people at the bottom would increase dramatically until they simply overthrew the people at the top. He called this group 'The Proletariat'. The rich have been aware of this problem all along and deal with it by killing them. Another method for killing the poor is Scientology. I call it the 'Auto-Fasci-Mat'. Scientology is made up mostly of people under mind control who act against their own will and their own groups interest. They are the Proletariat killing the Proletariat.
Famous quotes on the banking system:
"All fiat currency's must return to their intrinsic value, zero
Francois Voltaire
"The financial system, has been turned over to The Federal Reserve Board. That board administers the finance system by authority of a purely profiteering group. The system is private conducted for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from the use of other peoples money"
Charles A Lindberg (father of Lucky Lindberg)
"We have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board. This evil institution has impoverished the people of the United States and practically bankrupted our government. It has done this through the corrupt practises of the money vultures who control it."
Louis T McFadden
"Most Americans have no real understanding of the operation of the international money lenders. The accounts of the Federal Reserve system have never been audited. It operates outside of the control of congress and manipulates the credit of the United States."
Sen Barry Goldwater R-AZ
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
Thomas Jefferson
"It’s taken almost two centuries for bankers to pull the wool over Americans’ eyes, but today you and I are working for intrinsically worthless paper that can be created by bureaucrats created without sweat, without creative ability, without work, without anything but a decision by the Federal Reserve. This is the disease at the base of today’s monetary system. And like a cancer, it will spread until the system ultimately falls apart. This is the tragedy of the great lie. The great lie is that fiat paper represents a store of value, money of lasting wealth."
Richard Russell
"I sincerely believe ... that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity under the name of funding is but swindling futurity on a large scale"
Thomas Jefferson
"In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. ...
This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold.
Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process.
It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists'
antagonism toward the gold standard." - The media is a bread and circus designed to keep people distracted.
- The Babylonian commercial laws favor those who understand how it works and go along.
Alan Greenspan
"You have to choose [as a voter] between trusting to the natural stability of gold and the natural stability of the honesty and intelligence of the members of the Government. And, with due respect for these gentlemen, I advise you, as long as the Capitalist system lasts, to vote for gold."
George Bernard Shaw
The fifth is art. Most English literature and French, German etc is a veiled attempt to expose the truth. Movies and music also.
- Literature
- Mark Twain
- Jonathon Swift
- Charles Dickens
- Louis Carrol
- Ernest Hemingway
- F Scott Fitzgerald
- George Orwell
- Aldous Huxley
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- Movies
- Apolcalypse Now
- Catch-22
- The Deer Hunter
- Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
- Midnight Cowboy
- Slaughterhouse-Five
- A Clockwork Orange
- The Illustrated Man
- Harvey
- Logans Run
- The Insider
- The Trial
- Blade Runner
- 1984
- Animal Farm
- Gullivers Travels
- The Hunchback of Notre Dame
- The Dictator
- Network
- Music
- Alice Cooper
- Alice in Chains
- The Allman Bros
- The Animals
- The B-52's
- The Beatles
- Black Sabbath
- Blind Faith
- Blue Oyster Cult
- Bob Dylan
- Bob Marley
- Bruce Springsteen
- Butthole Surfers
- The Clash
- Cream
- Creedence Clearwater Revival
- Crosby Stills Nash Young
- The Cult
- The Cure
- David Bowie
- Deep Purple
- Dire Straits
- The Doobie Bros
- The Doors
- The Eagles
- Elton John
- Edgar Winters White Trash
- Eric Clapton
- The Fixx
- Fleetwood Mac
- Emerson Lake Palmer
- Foo Fighters
- Frank Zappa
- Glen Frey
- Grand Funk Railroad
- Grateful Dead
- Green Day
- Guns N Roses
- Humble Pie
- Iggy Pop
- J Geils Band
- Johnny Winter
- Jefferson Airplane
- John Lennon
- The James Gang
- Jethro Tull
- Jimi Hendrix
- The Killers
- The Kinks
- Led Zeppelin
- Marylin Manson
- Mountain
- MC5
- Metallica
- Nine Inch Nails
- Nirvana
- No Doubt
- Ozzy Osbourne
- Oasis
- Peter Frampton
- Pearljam
- The Police
- Pink Floyd
- Queen
- Rage Against the Machine
- The Rolling Stones
- Traffic
- Ten Years After
- Uriah Heep
- U2
- The Who
- The Yardbirds
- Yes
- ZZ Top
- Visual Arts
- Pablo Picasso
- Salvador Dali
- Andy Warhol
The sixth is where things get weird. There are people who are fully aware of the problem and want to expose it and also know they have no voice in the media what so ever. They may also be controlled by neural implants. They stage events to get a story in the media. The events have hidden clues. I beleive this practice began with Aleister Crowley when he bought Boleskine House in Scotland near what is now Loch Ness. He was trying to draw attention to The Scottish Enlightenment which is where capitlaism was invented. Other story's are:
- U.S.S. Liberty attacked by Israel in 1967. If Lyndon Johnson was completely informed of what was happening or even actively involved it tells me no president has had control since Kennedy. Johnson withdrew from the 1968 election in February or March very unexpectedly. It left the door open for Robert Kennedy who was shot in June. The convention in Chicago was the scene of riots. One candidate had widespread support (I forget who) but the party nominated Hubert Humphrey (Johnson's vice president) despite the fact he didn't even run. Humphrey lost big to Nixon. Nixon was run out of office by the media despite a rather socialist agenda. It's obvious to me EVERYONE is under constant and complete surveillance. I have come to beleive Ronald Reagan was a complete boob. He knew nothing. This is why the media loves him so much. Reagan, supposedly died of Alzheimers. Alzheimers can look just like the effects caused by long term use of anti-psychotic medication. "..got to keep the loonies on the path...." There were reports in the media that Nancy Reagan was seeing an astrologer and getting medication. She launched a drug awareness campaign titled "Just Say No". My guess is the pills wound up in Dutch's cereal. He should have stuck with making movies with chimps.
- The Free concert at the Altamont Speedway in 1969
- The Rajneeshpurem movement in Oregon in the 1980's
- The Sept 11 Attacks
- The Station Nightclub Fire in Rhode Island in 2003
- Serial Killers: Zodiac Killer, Charles Manson, The Night Stalker, Unabomber and The Hillside Strangler. Most serial killers are an excuse for a cover story. The Zodiac Killer however is a planted story. They are trying to draw attention to Claudius Ptolomy an astrologer who lived in 100AD. The name is possibly a pseudonym like George Orwell's real name was Eric Blair. He wrote a book titled either "The Almagest" or "The Amalgest". People beleive it's fictional science attempting to expose the way the world works. He 'invented' the 'Tropical Zodiac' at a time when 'The Sidereal Zodiac' was already well known and accepted as truth. It's a sly way of saying Western Civilization is a self-centered, egocentric copy of the way the Eastern world works. Anyone who charts time by the 'Tropical Zodiac' will be off 1/4 of a day every year. This does not happen with the 'Sidereal Zodiac'. The 'Sidereal Zodiac' was invented in what is today India, another clue as to where the structure of society comes from. Western Civilization is patterned after the Caste System of India where priests are at the top and military people come second. Knowing his calculations were off, Ptolomy spent considerable time trying to explain the movements of the planet Mercury. ??? Mercury is the planet closest to the sun. ???? The Rajneeshpurem movement in Oregon is also a reference to this.
- Rodney King Beating
- The Relocation of the London Bridge to Lake Havasu Arizona The London Bridge was an old bridge that spanned the Thames. It was made famous by the song "London Bridge is Falling Down". (a reference to the end of America???) It needed replacing in the late 1960's. It was purchased by the owner of McCulloch Chain Saw, dismantled and brought to Lake Havasu Arizona and re-assembled as a tourist attraction. I'm not sure who's responsible for this, McCulloch might have been manipulated and didn't know anything. Arizona is a topic that comes up all the time. It is the state of Barry Goldwater who was the republican nominee for president in 1964 against Lyndon Johnson. Goldwater gave a memorable speech at the convention in San Francisco where he said "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice" Goldwater was defeated by Johnson. But if Johnson was responsible for the USS Liberty attack he was fighting just as hard as Goldwater. ?????
(8th draft)
Disclaimer: Despite the fact I don't have time to read everything I download, I have Winston of "1984" at work in my life so everything you read here should be taken with a grain of salt. You are expected to do your own research.
Five words can be used when someone is confronted with the reality of "1984" "Everything You Know Is Wrong". When confronted with "1984" a person has 2 choices: go right and join the secret fascists or go left and try to fight them. I have chosen to fight and I think remaining silent doesn't help and plays into their hands. So if you want to inform everyone and let them decide for themselves where do you begin? Tell them "Everything You Know Is Wrong". Then you are going to need evidence to convince them. I have broken down the evidence into 6 catagory's. I go through them in order of 'most convincing' to 'least convincing'.
The first are things in the present that are happening right now that would convince anyone beyond any doubt everything they know is wrong. These are crimes the elite are commiting every day and are covering up. There are millions of people alive who are witness's to the crimes and can testify. They remain quiet for several reasons. Neural implants, fear to name two. Loosen their lips and the world will change. A short list is:
- Psychiatry is Genocide
- Israel is a Concentration Camp. I beleive the Nazi concentration camps were not liberated but moved to Israel. After WWII the elite were confident enough in their surveillance and control to move it and lie about it in the media. (In honor of Helen Thomas who shot her mouth off once, and once was too many) This problem continues to this day.
- The Surveillance is Total and Complete as in "1984"
- There are Millions of People Worldwide with Neural Implants If millions of people lost their implants very quickly, it would become an avalanche. Several ideas can be found on the 'Surveillance' page.
The second catagory are things that leave real evidence but don't prove conclusively anything is wrong. Investigating these things would help:
- FEMA Camps HR 645 is the bill passed in Congress that authorizes the building of FEMA Camps. Emergency Centers Establishment Act
- The School of the Americas
- Blackwater
The third catagory is historical evidence. Napolean was quoted as saying "History is a lie agreed upon". George Orwell said "He who controls the past, controls the future, he who controls the present, controls the past". Here are 5 problems I, and others, have come up with:
- James I of England was the son of Mary Queen of Scots. Mary was born a Catholic and she died a Catholic. James I called himself a Protestant. He is credited with the King James Version of the bible which is used in every Protestant church to this day. The Catholic church uses the Roman Vulgate. A very good argument could be made that the Pope is responsible for the King James Version and then declared as heretic and worthy of death anyone who uses it.
- Napolean Bonaparte was more Italian than French. He was born on the island of Corsica which is very near Italy. He advanced very rapidly in rank during the French Revolution. This was no accident as was much associated with the French Revolution. The French court under Louis XIV was manipulated into it's decadence by a policy of Royal Absolutism. There is a book titled "Journal of the Occurrances at the Temple" by M Clery that documents this. Charles Dickens novel "A Tale of Two Cities" is based on this account.
- Adolph Hitler was another Napolean. His real name was Adolph Shicklegruber as exposed in The Dolphus File.
- Antony C Sutton was an English writer and researcher. He documented how Wall St funded Hitler and The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Much of the equipment used in Vietnam against Americans was produced in Russia using this equipment.
- Chang Hai Shek and Mao Tsa Dung fought for 50 years in the early 20th century. When it was over all they accomplished was destroying 5000 years of Chinese culture. Chang was kidnapped by Mao at one point and then released. ???? China was left a much more western nation.
- Prescott Bush was the father of one president and the grandfather of another. He was a member of Yales 'Skull & Bones'. He had an interest in the Union Bank which was liquidated when it was discovered it helped fund Hitler. It was documented in the book 'I Paid Hitler' by Fritz Thyssen. Antony C Sutton also wrote about the Bush's. He was linked to a Fascist plot to overthrow Franklin D Roosevelt. They tried to hire Smedley Butler, a decorated marine.
The fourth catagory is the actual system that we live under that keep the elite in power.
- The banking system, money is debt and debt is money. Another name is the fractional reserve system. This is a bottomless bank account for the elite to buy anything they need to hold power. It has it's problems. Anyone who gets a loan at a bank expands the money supply. As this happens the value of the currency goes down. Also every dollar created comes with interest and this causes inflation which further devalues the currency. Psychiatry is genocide because it helps to control inflation and regulate the currency by limiting the number of people who can get a loan at a bank. But all fiat currency's must come to an end so war is designed to wipe the slate clean and when all is said and done the same people who were in power before the war are in power after. However the elite have run out of ways to make global war, so this is also a reason psychiatry is genocide. A good movie to learn about the banking system is "The Money Masters".
Famous quotes on the banking system:
"All fiat currency's must return to their intrinsic value, zero
Francois Voltaire
"The financial system, has been turned over to The Federal Reserve Board. That board administers the finance system by authority of a purely profiteering group. The system is private conducted for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from the use of other peoples money"
Charles A Lindberg (father of Lucky Lindberg)
"We have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board. This evil institution has impoverished the people of the United States and practically bankrupted our government. It has done this through the corrupt practises of the money vultures who control it."
Louis T McFadden - The media is a bread and circus designed to keep people distracted.
- The Babylonian commercial laws favor those who understand how it works and go along.
The fifth is art. Most English literature and French, German etc is a veiled attempt to expose the truth. Movies and music also.
- Mark Twain
- Jonathon Swift
- Charles Dickens
- Louis Carrol
- Ernest Hemingway
- F Scott Fitzgerald
- George Orwell
- Aldous Huxley
- Apolcalypse Now
- Catch-22
- The Deer Hunter
- Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
- Midnight Cowboy
- Slaughterhouse-Five
- A Clockwork Orange
- The Illustrated Man
- Harvey
- Logans Run
- The Insider
- The Trial
- Blade Runner
- 1984
- Animal Farm
- Gullivers Travels
- The Hunchback of Notre Dame
- The Dictator
- Alice Cooper
- Alice in Chains
- The Allman Bros
- The Animals
- The B-52's
- The Beatles
- Black Sabbath
- Blind Faith
- Blue Oyster Cult
- Bob Dylan
- Bob Marley
- Bruce Springsteen
- Butthole Surfers
- The Clash
- Cream
- Creedence Clearwater Revival
- Crosby Stills Nash Young
- The Cult
- The Cure
- David Bowie
- Deep Purple
- Dire Straits
- The Doobie Bros
- The Doors
- The Eagles
- Elton John
- Edgar Winters White Trash
- Eric Clapton
- The Fixx
- Fleetwood Mac
- Emerson Lake Palmer
- Foo Fighters
- Frank Zappa
- Glen Frey
- Grand Funk Railroad
- Grateful Dead
- Green Day
- Guns N Roses
- Humble Pie
- Iggy Pop
- J Geils Band
- Johnny Winter
- Jefferson Airplane
- John Lennon
- The James Gang
- Jethro Tull
- Jimi Hendrix
- The Killers
- The Kinks
- Led Zeppelin
- Marylin Manson
- Mountain
- MC5
- Metallica
- Nine Inch Nails
- Nirvana
- No Doubt
- Ozzy Osbourne
- Oasis
- Peter Frampton
- Pearljam
- The Police
- Pink Floyd
- Queen
- Rage Against the Machine
- The Rolling Stones
- Traffic
- Ten Years After
- Uriah Heep
- U2
- The Who
- The Yardbirds
- Yes
- ZZ Top
The sixth is where things get weird. There are people who are fully aware of the problem and want to expose it and also know they have no voice in the media what so ever. They may also be controlled by neural implants. They stage events to get a story in the media. The events have hidden clues. I beleive this practice began with Aleister Crowley when he bought Boleskine House in Scotland near what is now Loch Ness. He was trying to draw attention to The Scottish Enlightenment which is where capitlaism was invented. Other story's are:
- U.S.S. Liberty attacked by Israel in 1967. If Lyndon Johnson was completely informed of what was happening or even actively involved it tells me no president has had control since Kennedy. Johnson withdrew from the 1968 election in February or March very unexpectedly. It left the door open for Robert Kennedy who was shot in June. The convention in Chicago was the scene of riots. One candidate had widespread support (I forget who) but the party nominated Hubert Humphrey (Johnson's vice president) despite the fact he didn't even run. Humphrey lost big to Nixon. Nixon was run out of office by the media despite a rather socialist agenda. It's obvious to me EVERYONE is under constant and complete surveillance. I have come to beleive Ronald Reagan was a complete boob. He knew nothing. This is why the media loves him so much. Reagan, supposedly died of Alzheimers. Alzheimers can look just like the effects caused by long term use of anti-psychotic medication. "..got to keep the loonies on the path...." There were reports in the media that Nancy Reagan was seeing an astrologer and getting medication. She launched a drug awareness campaign titled "Just Say No". My guess is the pills wound up in Dutch's cereal. He should have stuck with making movies with chimps.
- The Free concert at the Altamont Speedway in 1969
- The Rajneeshpurem movement in Oregon in the 1980's
- The Sept 11 Attacks
- The Station Nightclub Fire in Rhode Island in 2003
- Serial Killers: Zodiac Killer, Charles Manson, The Night Stalker, Unabomber and The Hillside Strangler. Most serial killers are an excuse for a cover story. The Zodiac Killer however is a planted story. They are trying to draw attention to Claudius Ptolomy an astrologer who lived in 100AD. He wrote a book titled either "The Almagest" or "The Amalgest". People beleive it's fictional science attempting to expose the way the world works. He 'invented' the 'Tropical Zodiac' at a time when 'The Sidereal Zodiac' was already well known and accepted as truth. It's a sly way of saying Western Civilization is a self-centered, egocentric copy of the way the Eastern world works. Anyone who charts time by the 'Tropical Zodiac' will be off 1/4 of a day every year. This does not happen with the 'Sidereal Zodiac'. The 'Sidereal Zodiac' was invented in what is today India, another clue as to where the structure of society comes from. Western Civilization is patterned after the Caste System of India where priests are at the top and military people come second. Knowing his calculations were off, Ptolomy spent considerable time trying to explain the movements of the planet Mercury. ??? Mercury is the planet closest to the sun. ???? The Rajneeshpurem movement in Oregon is also a reference to this.
- Rodney King Beating
- The Relocation of the London Bridge to Lake Havasu Arizona The London Bridge was an old bridge that spanned the Thames. It was made famous by the song "London Bridge is Falling Down". (a reference to the end of America???) It needed replacing in the late 1960's. It was purchased by the owner of McCulloch Chain Saw, dismantled and brought to Lake Havasu Arizona and re-assembled as a tourist attraction. I'm not sure who's responsible for this, McCulloch might have been manipulated and didn't know anything. Arizona is a topic that comes up all the time. It is the state of Barry Goldwater who was the republican nominee for president in 1964 against Lyndon Johnson. Goldwater gave a memorable speech at the convention in San Francisco where he said "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice" Goldwater was defeated by Johnson. But if Johnson was responsible for the USS Liberty attack he was fighting just as hard as Goldwater. ?????
(7th draft)
July 23, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Selected Quotes From The Movie "Apolcalypse Now"
"I love the smell of Napalm in the morning....."
"..........smells like..........victory...."
"..........smells like..........victory...."
"..you know son,....."
"some day,.....this war's gonna end...."
"some day,.....this war's gonna end...."
"When I was a member of Special Forces..."
"we went to a village and innoculated all the children for polio.."
"After we left a villager came running...."
"and said something had happened....."
"They had come and hacked off the arms of everyone we gave a shot"
"we went to a village and innoculated all the children for polio.."
"After we left a villager came running...."
"and said something had happened....."
"They had come and hacked off the arms of everyone we gave a shot"
"You are an errand boy......"
"sent by grocery clerks...."
"to collect a bill......"
"sent by grocery clerks...."
"to collect a bill......"
"Horror and moral terror are your best friends..."
I don't care what anyone on the stupidvision says, or any doctors and nurses you may know personally, given the scope of the surveillance and the problem of neural implants, nobody can guarantee the integrity of anything that passes through their hands that is intended for use in someones body. Period.
July 22, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
"No Irish need apply" "No Irish need apply" Need some cheese with that wine. Got an issue get a tissue. Is there a difference between hate for another ethnic group and exterminating them? Would you be here if our ancestors thought the way you do? Maybe our ancestors understood things the way they actually are. Did anyone put out "No Slavs need apply"? "No Germans need apply" How about "No Italians need apply" "Anthony Anthony" "Wednesday is Prince Spaghetti day" "A hundred years, a hundred years......" The Cure "Damn you Moby Dick" And since you brought up genocide, is there any doubt who's in charge here and has been all along? That would make "who" responsible for The Irish Potato Famine?
Indiana Jones and The Last Crudsade I know it's fiction but I'll try anything to prove my point. INDIANa Jones. It's the indians vs the Pilgrims. That's what the arrow through the hat means. (see Mass Turnpike logo and Steve Martin stand up) Jones is a very Scottish name. As in Scottish Enlightenment. Smith and Jones are very Scottish and the most common names in America. Like 'more Chins than a Chinese phone book" The Last Crusade HHMMMMM Israel, they knew they were gonna get caught. I think there were 3 Indiana Jones movies. i don't know.
The USS Liberty was attacked by Israel in 1965. Is this BS history stuff? Like the concert at Altamont?
Israel is an Apartied State (concentration camp)
I have been trying to understand the significance of the album 'Disraeli Gears' by Cream. There is a documentary, that can be found on youtube, titled 'Guns, Germs and Steel.' It was made by some professor on the west coast. He spent 30 years trying to answer a simple question posed to him by someone in New Guinea. The question was 'Why you white men have so much cargo, and we New Guineans so little?' By 'cargo' he meant things like helicopters, ships cameras etc. If you walk down Fifth Ave in New York City every skyscraper is 'cargo'. The island of New Guinea is an under developed country. The last stone age people who knew nothing of the modern world were discovered there in the 1930's. Many people dispute this person's findings as do I. He attributes the success of Western Civilization to the invention of steel and guns and the use of germs in warfare. While that may be true, where did that 'cargo' come from? He does admit Western Civilization as we know it today began between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in what is today Iraq. But he tries to argue the difference between that geographic area and New Guinea and the intelligence of the people themselves is the cause. I believe the problem is slavery. The people in ancient Iraq invented sophisticated systems of slavery, where a few benefitted from the labor of many. Over the centuries and millenia their systems of slavery have become more and more sophisticated. Today we have capitalism, where the banking system can make 'cargo' out of thin air and the slave themselves are responsible for their own housing and food. To keep this system alive they must keep society divided somehow so they can pit the bottom vs the bottom to keep the structure of society intact. By 'keep the structure of society intact' I mean keep a system of slavery. The wool has to pulled over the average slaves eyes for this to continue. If too many see the truth war breaks out. As capitalism progressed into the 19th century politics began to replace old relationships. Karl Marx pointed this out in 'The Communist Manifesto.' Politics has come to dominate the globe. The relationship between Benjamin Disraeli and William Gladstone is beleived by many to be the place where modern politcs was defined. Disraeli was a conservative and Gladstone a liberal. There is a movie titled 'Clash of the Titans' which is all about the relationship. Any division is a good division.
When the political world began in the late 1700's it was less defined than it is now. There were multiple party's with varying platforms. Today, for the most part, everything is patterned after the relationship between Disraeli and Gladstone. The conservaives are the businessmen and money people who love capitalism. The liberals are humanitarian and fight for the working class. But it's smoke and mirrors meant to keep the slaves distracted. The real power is the banking system and slave holders. This is why Israel is an apartied state, concentration camp. This is where they send people who oppose them and want to change the world. I will never join the God sluts and whores and show up at some hospital to impart this type of miserable life on another person. I would rather die a million deaths or live my entire life over again just as it was before I do anything to continue this psycho system or do this to someone else. I'm just a whipping boy meant to get more out of slaves. In honor of Helen Thomas who shot her mouth off once. And once is too many, except for me because that's all I do.
July 21, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
I have finished re-watching my copy of 'Apolcalypse Now'. At the very end Col. Kurtz tells a story from his days in the Special Forces. They went into an enemy village and innoculated all the children for polio. After they left something happened that made them turn around and go back. The villagers had hacked off the arms of all the children they had given a shot. He remembered looking at a pile of little arms. I don't care what anyone on the stupidvision says or any doctors or nurses in general, given the scope of the surveillance and the problem of neural implants nobody can guarantee the integrity of anything that passes through their hands that is intended for use in someones body. Period. End of conversation.
This is the opening scene of the movie 'The Omen',
It's June 6 at 6 AM (666). Mr Thorn is speeding through the streets of Rome in a cab trying to get to the hospital. His wife is expecting. He gets to the hospital where he is met by a priest. The priest says:
"I'm sorry Mr Thorn, he breathed for a short time,....then no more....."
It's June 6 at 6 AM (666). Mr Thorn is speeding through the streets of Rome in a cab trying to get to the hospital. His wife is expecting. He gets to the hospital where he is met by a priest. The priest says:
"I'm sorry Mr Thorn, he breathed for a short time,....then no more....."
I have been re-watching my copy of 'Apolcalypse Now'. At one point Col Kurtz says to the assassin "..you are an errand boy,...sent by grocery clerks to collect a bill..."
"Oranges and Lemons, say the Bells of St Clemons"
"You owe me five FARTHINGS, say the Bells of St Martin"
"Here comes a candle to light you to bed"
"Here comes a chopper to chop off your head"
A poem briefly mentioned in George Orwell's novel "1984", and recited by the children of London in the 1700's as people were being led to thier execution.
"You owe me five FARTHINGS, say the Bells of St Martin"
"Here comes a candle to light you to bed"
"Here comes a chopper to chop off your head"
A poem briefly mentioned in George Orwell's novel "1984", and recited by the children of London in the 1700's as people were being led to thier execution.
A farthing was an English coin. It was discontinued in 1965. It was worth 1 quarter of 1 penny. So 5 farthings is 1 and a quarter penny. Maybe a lot of money when it was first introduced in 1700. ???? YOU ARE A SICKNESS
The Hollow Men
T.S. Elliot
T.S. Elliot
Mistah Kurtz-he dead
A penny for the Old Guy
A penny for the Old Guy
We are the hollow men
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats' feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar
We are the stuffed men
Leaning together
Headpiece filled with straw. Alas!
Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
Or rats' feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar
Shape without form, shade without colour,
Paralysed force, gesture without motion;
Paralysed force, gesture without motion;
Those who have crossed
With direct eyes, to death's other Kingdom
Remember us-if at all-not as lost
Violent souls, but only
As the hollow men
The stuffed men.
With direct eyes, to death's other Kingdom
Remember us-if at all-not as lost
Violent souls, but only
As the hollow men
The stuffed men.
Eyes I dare not meet in dreams
In death's dream kingdom
These do not appear:
There, the eyes are
Sunlight on a broken column
There, is a tree swinging
And voices are
In the wind's singing
More distant and more solemn
Than a fading star.
In death's dream kingdom
These do not appear:
There, the eyes are
Sunlight on a broken column
There, is a tree swinging
And voices are
In the wind's singing
More distant and more solemn
Than a fading star.
Let me be no nearer
In death's dream kingdom
Let me also wear
Such deliberate disguises
Rat's coat, crowskin, crossed staves
In a field
Behaving as the wind behaves
No nearer-
In death's dream kingdom
Let me also wear
Such deliberate disguises
Rat's coat, crowskin, crossed staves
In a field
Behaving as the wind behaves
No nearer-
Not that final meeting
In the twilight kingdom
In the twilight kingdom
This is the dead land
This is cactus land
Here the stone images
Are raised, here they receive
The supplication of a dead man's hand
Under the twinkle of a fading star.
This is cactus land
Here the stone images
Are raised, here they receive
The supplication of a dead man's hand
Under the twinkle of a fading star.
Is it like this
In death's other kingdom
Waking alone
At the hour when we are
Trembling with tenderness
Lips that would kiss
Form prayers to broken stone.
In death's other kingdom
Waking alone
At the hour when we are
Trembling with tenderness
Lips that would kiss
Form prayers to broken stone.
The eyes are not here
There are no eyes here
In this valley of dying stars
In this hollow valley
This broken jaw of our lost kingdoms
There are no eyes here
In this valley of dying stars
In this hollow valley
This broken jaw of our lost kingdoms
In this last of meeting places
We grope together
And avoid speech
Gathered on this beach of the tumid river
We grope together
And avoid speech
Gathered on this beach of the tumid river
Sightless, unless
The eyes reappear
As the perpetual star
Multifoliate rose
Of death's twilight kingdom
The hope only
Of empty men.
The eyes reappear
As the perpetual star
Multifoliate rose
Of death's twilight kingdom
The hope only
Of empty men.
Here we go round the prickly pear
Prickly pear prickly pear
Here we go round the prickly pear
At five o'clock in the morning.
Prickly pear prickly pear
Here we go round the prickly pear
At five o'clock in the morning.
Between the idea
And the reality
Between the motion
And the act
Falls the Shadow
For Thine is the Kingdom
And the reality
Between the motion
And the act
Falls the Shadow
For Thine is the Kingdom
Between the conception
And the creation
Between the emotion
And the response
Falls the Shadow
Life is very long
And the creation
Between the emotion
And the response
Falls the Shadow
Life is very long
Between the desire
And the spasm
Between the potency
And the existence
Between the essence
And the descent
Falls the Shadow
For Thine is the Kingdom
And the spasm
Between the potency
And the existence
Between the essence
And the descent
Falls the Shadow
For Thine is the Kingdom
For Thine is
Life is
For Thine is the
Life is
For Thine is the
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
July 19, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
"Every fiat currency must return to it's intrinsic value, zero."
The value of the dollar has been kept afloat by a perpetual genocide in the mental hospitals for at least the last 50 years. When the dollar collapses, and it has to at some point, the war can be between 2 groups who didn't benefit or those who did and those who didn't. The former satisfies Orwell's theory that war is designed to keep the structure of society intact, the latter has possibilities to change the world for the better. Either way, war is inevitable. I didn't make this system.
"War is coming,......"
"I can feel it in the air....."
War is Coming
"I can feel it in the air....."
War is Coming
"...some peanut butter,..."
"To last a couple of days......"
Life During Wartime
The Talking Heads
"To last a couple of days......"
Life During Wartime
The Talking Heads
July 16, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
I have very serious doubts that anyone will ever blow anything up with nuclear weapons. I have doubts anyone has ever blown anything up with nuclear weapons. I doubt they exist. Most of the people at the bottom think the fight is protestant vs catholic. No matter who runs everything, if it's one group over another, you can't throw a rock on this planet without hitting one. If they blow up any city in N America they kill their own. If the sides are actually the top vs the bottom, for the top to win they would have to kill at least 6.5 billion and in the process destroy the use of the planet for everyone. It's suicide. What ever happens going forward has to be a lie or honest change. I have real doubts as to the existance of nuclear weapons. How is it they can get that size an explosion in such a small package? I think it's BS, designed to scare people into an arms race to come up with weapons to dominate. (synthetic telepathy, microwave hearing effect, neural implants) How could they keep that a secret for so long? Like everything else, mind control. There were hundreds of police and firefighters on the grounds of the Pentagon the day of the 9-11 attacks and were walking among the obvious scant wreckage. There are no pictures of plane wreckage. "Spaceman say everybody look down, it's all in your mind..." An EEPROM was a very early form of erasable memory like a USB thumb drive. (Electrically Erasable Programable Read Only Memory) Todays USB thumb drives hold giga bits of information on a microscopic piece of silicon small enough to be put on a neural implant. "Spaceman say everybody look down, it's all in your mind..." The original EEPROM was small enough to be put on a neural implant.
The Weymouth Starbucks aka The Local "Electric Ladyland"
Some people may ask "Why do you go to Starbucks if you think it's full of people who hate you?" It's an act of defiance. Of disobediance. I get the sneaking suspicion I'm expected to cower in the corner and go crazy from isolation. Well FU. Godzilla is a mutant life form. I can't avoid getting 'chickenshitted' no matter what so I vonluteer there just to get in somebody's face.
"Fire woman, you're to blame..."
"Fire woman, you're to blame..."
Fire Woman
The Cult
"Fire woman, you're to blame..."
Fire Woman
The Cult
"Some of those who use forces,..."
"Are the ones who burn cross's..."
Killing in the Name
Rage Against The Machine
(forces being, synthetic telepathy, microwave hearing effect, neural implants)
"Are the ones who burn cross's..."
Killing in the Name
Rage Against The Machine
(forces being, synthetic telepathy, microwave hearing effect, neural implants)
"Alice in Wonderland" was first published in 1865 well before any of this technology
Pyramus and Thisbe
Pyramus and Thisbe is an old Babylonian story about young lovers whose parents won't allow to marry because of an ancient fued. It has been cited as the basis for Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummers Night Dream and West Side Story. My mother has catholic roots and my father protestant. Today, aside from me, the only surviving members of my family were baptised catholic. My mother was born in Texas. She lived in Waco and Dallas before Houston where she graduated High School. Lamar High School I think. She was invited to some womans home to meet young men who were training somewhere nearby. This is where she met my father. I sometimes wonder about the background of this woman. Was she catholic, was she protestant? Did she work for the government? Was she trying to kill 2 birds with one stone? Get rid of a catholic, and cause trouble for a yankee?
I have been watching a documentary on PBS about the HUAC (House Un American Activities Committee). Dalton Trumbo, who wrote the screenplay for "Papilon", was blacklisted as a commie. His daughter had nothing but trouble in the public schools. (Harper Valley PTA) My take on the situation. Dalton Trumbo was blacklisted as being a commie by the commies. Dalton Trumbo was doing his best fighting back to expose the global communist conspiracy and so was blacklisted as such. (pay no attention to that man behind the curtain) The Harper Valley PTA was being manipulated by the global communist conspiracy.
July 14, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Is This Phil News?
When I walk up to Starbucks I pass a lot of old houses on Columbian St. Last summer the house pictured below changed hands. There was an estate sale one weekend and the house was sold the next. ??? Not long after the granite sign with the name 'OLOHAN' showed up. Everyone understands my suspicians about the catholic church. "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain" The 'Emerald City' is code for the Emerald Isle. "He was the wizard of a thousand kings...." Uriah Heep That explains the 'HAN' in Olohan. So now I'll explain Olu. The last time I was in the hospital was the summer of 2008. I was in McClean Southeast on the grounds of the Brockton Veterans Administration Hospital on Rt 123 in Brockton Massachusetts. There were 2 black mental health workers who spoke with very thick African accents. I'm pretty sure it was African. There names were Ben and Olo. Olo being his first name. I know Olu was aware of my every thought. I won't explain how, it was an incident between us. (kinda like Leah aka Electric Lady Land) Thus the name 'OLOHAN'.
The Weymouth Starbucks is in front of a small shopping plaza named 'The Pleasant Shops'. There was a local grocery store in the mall for years named 'Jonny's Foodmaster'. Last fall it closed suddenly and it was announced a 'Whole Foods' market was taking it's place. They have spent almost 6 months taking it apart and getting the store ready. Which seems like a lot of time. There is a Walgreens across the street that took only a couple months to build. Building and all. But for some reason this existing store is dragging on and on. Whole Foods is an upscale type store and doesn't really make sense in S Weymouth. I think it's dig at me because I don't like rich people.
Rolling Stones Gather No Moss
(cause moss don't grow on dead stuff)
(cause moss don't grow on dead stuff)
The Weymouth Starbucks is in the same mall as the new Whole Foods (old Jonny Foodmaster). It's the local "Electric Ladyland". (thanks Jimi Hendrix)

Is this Phil news?

Hi, Shannon!!
Boy, you got big in a hurry!
FDA leaving you alone now sweetie!!!
Enquiring mind wants to know but doesn't really give a s&^2
How's Sorboni Banergi
Is that her real name?
Is she having the same problem?
Boy, you got big in a hurry!
FDA leaving you alone now sweetie!!!
Enquiring mind wants to know but doesn't really give a s&^2
How's Sorboni Banergi
Is that her real name?
Is she having the same problem?
Who the hell is Lindsey Lohan and why would anyone care?
'Thirty days in the hole....
'Thirty days in the hole....
(the Federal Dating Administration)
Why did Marilyn Monroe marry Arthur Miller?????
Do Jesuits go through some kind of intense brainwashing?
(the Federal Dating Administration)
Why did Marilyn Monroe marry Arthur Miller?????
Do Jesuits go through some kind of intense brainwashing?
Alice (in Wonderland) is a (drug fueled) Adultery
July 12, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
The Orange Machine Runs Like A Clock
"Oranges and Lemons, say the Bells of St Clemons"
"You owe me five farthings, say the Bells of St Martin"
"Here comes a candle to light you to bed"
"Here comes a chopper to chop off your head"
A poem briefly mentioned in George Orwell's novel "1984", and recited by the children of London in the 1700's as people were being led to thier execution.
"You owe me five farthings, say the Bells of St Martin"
"Here comes a candle to light you to bed"
"Here comes a chopper to chop off your head"
A poem briefly mentioned in George Orwell's novel "1984", and recited by the children of London in the 1700's as people were being led to thier execution.
I am re-watching my copy of "A Clockwork Orange" based on the novel by Stanley Kubrick. The movie follows a gang of four youths in a futuristic, and surrealistic dystopia. The characters are presented as Irish but live in an English country. They hang around in a "Milk" bar where the milk is spiked with something. The words "MOLOKO VELLECET" are written all over the walls of the bar. An early scene has them in an abandoned theatre fighting another gang dressed as Nazi's. The Nazi's are about to rape a young woman and the "Milk Gang" stops it when they come in. To me this represents a sort of changing of the guard. The Nazi's uniforms are all tattered and they themselves are all beat up. The "Milk Gang" are new looking and they win the fight. The 'theatre' represents "The World Stage". The leader of the gang is eventually arrested for murder and sent to prison.
A Jimi Hendrix
"Electric Ladyland"
Is Leah from the Weymouth Starbucks OK?
I worry,
don't that make no sense whatsoever.
"Electric Ladyland"
Is Leah from the Weymouth Starbucks OK?
I worry,
don't that make no sense whatsoever.
"Fire woman, you're to blame..."
"Fire woman, you're to blame..."
Fire Woman
The Cult
"Fire woman, you're to blame..."
Fire Woman
The Cult
July 11, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
The Scottish Enlightenment was an intellectual movement of the 1700?s AD. It has been credited with inventing capitalism. Adam Smith’s book “The Wealth of Nations” is considered the beginning of capitalism. The Scottish Enlightenment is a curious mix of human nature, human psychology and economics. Even Adam Smith’ first work was psychology related. There are at least 3 examples of mass murder/genocide that was committed in the twentieth century: The Dust Bowl in Oklahoma in the 1930?s, The Summer of Love in the 1960?s and Hitlers Final Solution. There have to be millions of people here in the northeast who have first hand knowledge of what happened in the 1960? but nothing ever comes of it. There have to be millions of people who work in mental hospitals who never say anything. But the same morons end up in Washington election after election. Any successful criminal plans his crime as best they can, but I mean really. Did someone spend an entire century planning future crimes? To do this time and time again you have to know just what you can get away with and how to manage the aftermath. The emergence of Scottish Rite Freemasonry was at the exact time of The Scottish Enlightenment. I have seen videos characterizing Freemasons as gay. (Monty Pythons Architech Sketch – the secret Freemason handshake (sodomy)) I know Catholic priests lean toward being gay. I know Nicholas Bonneville accused Jesuits of trying to put Templar symbols into Freemasonry literature to throw people off. I know Washington was a 33rd degree Freemason but had no children.
In the last 4 or 5 years I have done a lot of research into a wide variety of subjects. One being The Reformation that began around the year 1400 AD in Europe. The Reformation was a continent wide uprising against the Catholic church and the kings and queens of Europe. It involved hundreds if not thousands of people over many many years. One of the first things that occurred was someone translated a Greek version of the bible into English so it could be studied by scholars. Then the printing press was invented and it was distributed to thousands of people. A hundred or so years into the uprising came a disgruntled catholic priest named Martin Luther who nailed a list of 95 thesis to the door of his parish somewhere in Germany. He suddenly became the center of attention. His 95 thesis was published, supposedly without his permission, and he spent the rest of his life fighting heresy charges. I’m not sure if he ever officially left the catholic church or was thrown out but he died of old age having married and had children. Everyone else who took part in the Reformation was pushed aside and written out of history, for the most part, or burned at the stake. Does this seem too coincidental? A hundred years after Martin Luther the King James Version of the bible became the focus of the struggle. My point is this: Martin Luther was an agent of the catholic church and helped steer the controversy into the hands of the Pope so he could dictate how it would be remembered. By the time of King James the Pope was running the show completely.
July 9, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Three Cover Stories
Aaron Hernandez, Trayvon Martin and Whitey Bulger are cover stories. Cover stories were exposed in the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. Today I re-watched my copy of the movie “The Insider”. “The Insider” is about Jeffery Wigand and the CBS TV magazine “60 Minutes”. Jeffery Wigand was a scientist for a tobacco company who exposed how they add carcinogenic chemicals to the tobacco to speed up the delivery of nicotine and help keep people hooked. The chemicals also cause cancer. Toward the end as the story is breaking the news about the Unabomber over shadows the story about Jeffery Wigand. This is a classic cover story. The story about the Unabomber went on for weeks as the FBI sent robots into his little cabin in Montana looking for booby traps. I am a survived abortion. I believe I was ‘aborted’ by whoever is winning. (whoever runs 1984, the Pope) I was ‘aborted’ because my father is from Protestant roots and my mother from Catholic. The play ‘West Side Story’ has sometimes been compared to Shakespeares ‘Romeo and Juliet’. It could also be a look at the ‘Invisible War’ or ‘Trojan War’ that rages here in America. The Utopian Solution. ‘West Side Story’ is set in 1950?s New York City. It focuses on two street gangs, the Sharks and the Jets. The Sharks are immigrant catholic Puerto Ricans and the Jets are protestant white anglo Americans. The song ‘Officer Krupke’ is what happened to me and millions of others here in the Northeast. It was also documented by Frederick Wiseman in the movie ‘Titicut Follies’, a movie that was banned in Massachusetts for decades. You have to get the proletariat to kill the proletariat. King James I of England is credited with commissioning the King James Version of the bible. He did this around 1610 AD. The King James Version is standard issue in protestant churches to this day. The Catholic church uses the Roman Vulgate and still said mass in Latin as late as the 1960?s when few people understood Latin fluently. Before King James I was king of England he was King James VI of Scotland. His mother was Mary Queen of Scots. She was born a catholic and died a catholic. James was taken from her at 13 months and never saw her again. She abdicated the throne because of scandal and James was made King at 13 months. When someone is that young the country is ruled by regents. Since his mother was in jail and awaiting trial she had no say in who became James regents. Before James was old enough to rule alone he went through a number of regents. Many died mysteriously. He became King of Scotland 15 or 20 years before becoming King of England. The point is someone raised James as a protestant or he lied his entire life about his religion. A very good case could be made that the Pope is responsible for the King James Version of the bible and then declared as heretic and worthy of death anyone who uses it. You have to get the Proletariat to kill the Proletariat.
July 8, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
This post is a couple ideas for an individual anti-synthetic telepathy device. The top picture is a close-up of one of the ideas. It consists of a silver necklace that acts as an antenna and a small portable device that emits a signal or signals that mimic the brain or silent voice thus making it difficult for someone to pick up the actual brain waves or silent voice. I know from research that human brain waves are about 30HZ while a person is awake. They go as high as 40HZ if someone is excited or under stress and as low as 10HZ while asleep. I don't know much about the make-up of silent voice signals. I do know the human voice is roughly between 20HZ and 30,000HZ. The other idea would be a hat made of EMI absorbant material. It might be possible to combine the 2 ideas and have a screen mesh hat that is connected to an electronic device. Like introducing noise onto a Faraday Cage. Even if the technology is so advanced it can filter the mimic signal from the real one, if they were forced to do this for millions and millions of people it would eat up precious computing power.

July 7, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
I was listening to the radio either last night or the night before and whoever was on said something about the "VOLTS and quits", talking about economic data. The VOLTS was some kind of anagram and the Quits were the number of people who quit their job or something. I'm very paranoid, with a little help from my friends, so I interpret these sorts of things as talking to me. They (????) would like me to shutup and stop inventing things to bring down 1984. Did you ever see the Blue Collar Comedy Tour and Ron White's "I Got Thrown Out Of A Bar In New York City"? Somewhere it goes ".....at that point,.... I was advised I had the right to remain silent.........but I didn't have the ability....." My mouth is my rampage, if you don't like it, finish it.
Rajneesh founded the Rajneesh Foundation International, and is one of the most controversial of modern gurus. In 1981 he was deported from Oregon under a bevy of serious criminal charges associated with his ashram, or spiritual community. His recent death did little to stem his influence in Europe or America.
In 1981 Rajneesh's cult purchased a dilapidated ranch in Oregon, U.S., which became the site of Rajneeshpuram, a community of several thousand orange-robed disciples. Rajneesh was widely criticized by outsiders for his private security force and his ostentatious display of wealth. By 1985 many of his most trusted aides had abandoned the movement, which was under investigation for multiple felonies including arson, attempted murder, drug smuggling, and vote fraud in the nearby town of Antelope. In 1985 Rajneesh pleaded guilty to immigration fraud and was deported from the United States. He was refused entry by 21 countries before returning to Pune, where his ashram soon grew to 15,000 members. In later years he took the Buddhist title Osho and altered his teaching on unrestricted sexual activity because of his growing concern over AIDS.
Was this an attempt to leave historical clues? Orange suits? (red as in communist?) Why was it Hindu, India in nature?
Kick Out The Jams - MC5
Conor Clapton d. March 21, 1991
Stevie Ray Vaughn d. Aug 27, 1990
Conor Clapton d. March 21, 1991
Stevie Ray Vaughn d. Aug 27, 1990
July 6, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Religion is the Opium of the Masses
According to both the first "Zeitgeist Movie" and the movie "Ring of Power" there are hundreds of millions of people in the United States and elsewhere who believe the 'End Times' or Apolcalypse is very near and they're all waiting to be 'raptured' into heaven. They believe the final battle will occur somewhere in Israel. I don't believe in these sorts of things and when I see them I look for reasonable and practical explanations as to why. One of the first things I say is 'this is not an accident' and who is behind it? Well, whoever it is must have control over Israel. I round up the usual suspects and say the Pope and the Queen of England know about and are actively working toward this BS Apolcalypse. So, that would mean the Pope controls Israel. How did this situation come about? There are people who believe Benjamin Disraeli is responsible for the historical events that have resulted in the current situation in Israel. Disraeli was the British Prime Minister back in the 1800's. He wrote a number of books. ('Disraeli Gears' an album by Cream) If this is so, none of the poor or middle class American English or English are responsible for it. They are as in the dark as the morons who blame them for their situation. The rich thank you assholes.
James I of England was the first of the House of Stuart. He was James VI of Scotland before he became king of England. His mother was Mary Queen of Scots. She was born and died a catholic. James was taken from her at 13 months and made king of Scotland at 13 months after Mary was forced to abdicate because of scandal. He never saw her again. The kingdom was run by regents until James was old enough to rule. They were also responsible for his upbringing. James was a Protestant and the minute he became King of England, years after being King of Scotland and ruling without regents, he commissioned the King James Version of the bible which is standard issue in Protestant churches to this day. The catholic church declares as heretics anyone outside of that church and advocates killing them. Is it possible that the Pope is in fact responsible for James being protestant? Is this a classic case of 'divide and conquer'? Where is King James buried? A catholic cemetary or protestant?
The Fabian Society adopts as its strategy 'slow and steady' progress. The Fabian society has had many famous writers and politicians. HG Wells wrote a book "The New World Order". He was a member. Is this society just a way to keep our 'elected' officials occupied while the Apolcalyse takes shape? Or do they know about it?
July 4, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Computer Hacking Tip #2
I have downloaded the source files for the GNU software defined radio a couple times hoping I could do something with them, the little children slugs keep sabotaging whatever I do and I'm f*&6ed up on this drug or that drug anyway. At least once the files I downloaded kept screwing up my CD burner. I discovered the file names were too long for Windows to handle. The limit for file names is either 64 or 128 characters I don't know which. Every CD that had those files was useless. Breaking into peoples (police) computers remotely is risky and against the law but if it's done from a one horse town from an anonymous connection you might get away with it. It might be possible to just put a file with a name that is too long just to muck things up.
I Declare July "Computer Hacking Month"
The Giant Book of Computer Viruses
Mark Ludwig
Hacking: The Art of Exploitation
Jon Erickson
The Giant Book of Computer Viruses
Mark Ludwig
Hacking: The Art of Exploitation
Jon Erickson
When "Computer Hacking" began it wasn't about stealing millions of credit card numbers it was more about revolution and anarchy. People tried to get a virus on a hard drive and design it to 'go off' at a later date to disguise who started it. It was supposed to replicate in secret. Viruses can be designed to do all kinds of damage. Tracing where viruses got started and fixing them has become easy. But suppose it was done on a small scale. "All police are paranoid' They make people paranoid so it's only natural they're paranoid. Send an anonymous video on a cd saying it's a crimetip. When they play it have it put a virus on their computers. Or find some sneaky way to get a virus on a CD that gets passed around inside the police station. It gives them something to do besides going to the donut shop.
July 3, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Transmaniacon MC
a song by
Blue Oyster Cult
(trans mania con (job) MC)
a song by
Blue Oyster Cult
(trans mania con (job) MC)

My father flew 35 missions as a navigator on a B-17 over Europe toward the end of WWII. He never spoke about it until after he retired. He was contacted by his pilot and the whole crew got together a number of times. I think they're all dead now. I have a mountain of books and newsletters about the 303rd Bomb Group. They're all marked as "The Hell's Angels". I think this is revisionist history.
Gimme Shelter is a 1970 documentary film directed by Albert and David Maysles and Charlotte Zwerin chronicling the last weeks of The Rolling Stones 1969 US tour which culminated in the disastrous Altamont Free Concert. The film is named after “Gimme Shelter”, the lead track from the group’s 1969 album Let It Bleed. The film was screened at the 1971 Cannes Film Festival, but was not entered into the main competition.
The action then turns on the concert itself at the Altamont Speedway, the security for which was provided by the Hells Angels (armed with pool cues). As the day progresses, with drug-taking and drinking by the Angels and members of the audience, the mood turns ugly. Fights break out during performances by The Flying Burrito Brothers and Jefferson Airplane; Grace Slick pleads with the crowd to settle down. When Mick Jagger arrives to the grounds via helicopter, he is punched in the face by an unruly fan while making his way to his trailer.
At one point Jefferson Airplane lead male singer Marty Balin is knocked out by a Hells Angel; Paul Kantner attempts to confront “the people who hit my lead singer” in response (“Hey, man, I’d like to mention that the Hells Angels just smashed Marty Balin in the face and knocked him out for a bit. I’d like to thank you for that!”). He and Slick tell one of the Angels on stage that violence isn’t what the event is about, to which the clearly intoxicated biker replies, “You’re talking to my people. Let me tell you what’s happenin’: You are what happenin’!” Slick herself warns the Angels after they continue hitting people: “You don’t hassle with anybody in particular. You gotta keep your bodies off each other unless you intend love. People get weird, and you need people like the Angels to keep people in line. But the Angels also– You know, you don’t bust people in the head for nothing. So both sides are fucking up temporarily; let’s not keep fucking up!!!” Jerry Garcia and Phil Lesh arrive, but The Grateful Dead opt not to play after learning of the incident with Balin from Santana drummer Michael Shrieve. (Santana and Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young also performed at the concert but are not shown in the movie).
By the time The Stones hit the stage, it was evening, and the crowd was especially restless. The Stones opened with “Jumpin’ Jack Flash”, and are also shown performing “Sympathy for the Devil”, as the tension continues to build. It is during the next song, “Under My Thumb”, that a member of the audience, 18 year old Meredith Hunter, attempted, with other crowd members, to force his way onto the stage, and as a result is struck by the Hells Angels members guarding the band. He is then seen to draw a revolver before being subdued by Hells Angel Alan Passaro, and is killed by at least six stab wounds.
Baird Bryant, one of the many cameramen in the film, caught Meredith Hunter’s stabbing on film.[2] The film sequence clearly shows the silhouette of a handgun in the black teenager’s hand against the dress of his white girlfriend, Patty Bredahoff, as Passaro enters from the right, grabs and raises the gun hand, turns Hunter around and stabs him at least twice in the back before pushing Hunter off camera. Amongst the camera operators for Altamont was a young George Lucas, who later went on to become a successful film director. At the concert, Lucas’s camera jammed after shooting about 100 feet (30 m) of film. None of his footage was incorporated into the final cut.
Somewhere in the movie 'Charly' starring Cliff Robertson Charly assaults his attractive mental health worker and she rebuffs him. He then goes on a rampage with a biker gang. ????
GOD (gold, oil, drugs)
Why did Roosevelt take away peoples gold? Why is it still sitting in Ft Knox?
Why did Roosevelt take away peoples gold? Why is it still sitting in Ft Knox?
Oklahoma - "There's oil in them thar plains"
The Grapes of Wrath
a novel by
John Steinbeck
Oklahoma - "There's oil in them thar plains"
The Grapes of Wrath
a novel by
John Steinbeck
Dark Alliance
an expose by
Gary Webb
"Welcome to the Hotel California"
Dark Alliance
an expose by
Gary Webb
"Welcome to the Hotel California"
If Roosevelt was of a Protestant denomination, and the Catholics now own Oklahoma, and anyone can enter the CIA or FBI, then Jesus is a psycho killer power and money slut.
July 2, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494

In the summer of 1980 my parents were interviewed by someone at The Boston Globe who was doing a story on the economy and life on Easy St. It was front page Saturday November 8 1980. Ironically it was the same day Steve McQueen died. ??????
July 1, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Blackmail – threats of extortion esp. of public exposure or criminal prosecution
(college rates go up, ya have to get creative!!)
Blackmail – threats of extortion esp. of public exposure or criminal prosecution
(college rates go up, ya have to get creative!!)
Rerum Novarrum - "Strength Through Unity" - Unions - Fascism - A bundle of rods is harder to break the a single rod - "Buddy can you spare a dime...." - The Mercury Dime was minted from 1916 to 1945 - "Sixteen tons,...and what do you get......" The New England Compounding Center - Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in the 1870's, a Jesuit bought the first telephone and used it as a bug in Bell's Lab and the problem has been compounding ever since
You have to get the proletariat to kill the proletariat. Rerum Novarrum was an encyclical written in the 1890's. It was supposed to define the church's role in the new industrial world. So, the new divide and conquer would be the working class blue collar unions vs those nasty English pig-dogs and their evil banking system that's trying to conquer the world. (NWO) By the turn of the 20th century much of the old divisions had run their course, such is the nature of Utopia where everything's OK all the time. The church needed to know what the Magic Society's were up to so they invented Synthetic Telepathy.
June 30, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
The Surveillance page has been updated with the following:
This post is some ideas on a test setup to develop a synthetic telepathy radio. A very very sensitive antenna is needed and it doesn't have to be able to transmit. My approach is to model the antenna as the secondary of a transformer. It takes advantage of the principles behind transformers but applies them to a radio antenna. The actual radio is the load on the secondary. The construction of the antenna also uses techniques used by audio engineers to move microphone signals long distances with balanced lines. Microphone signals are very small as they come out of the actual mic. They then go to a pre-amp before the actual mixer because they are so small.

Transformers operate on at least two principles that can be used to make the antenna. If you want to step-up the voltage on the secondary you need more turns in the winding than the primary. A transformer works best wound around an iron core or some other ferrous metal. The idea is to make a long piece of ferrite rod from small pieces then wind small gauge magnet wire as many times as possible and have two ends at the bottom. The two ends are connected across a resistor to close the circuit. A very large resistor, say 10 meg ohm, is connected as the load. Any varying emi field will induce a current that can be read across the resistor by a differential amp. So, in effect, the radio is the load for the secondary of the antenna which is acting like a transformer. The output of the differential amp is fed into a USRP SDR and all the signals can be sorted through. To keep the number of signals to a absolute minimum the entire setup should be inside a Faraday cage.

The longest piece of readily available ferrite rod I could find is 7.5 inches long (see above) so it might be necessary to glue or tape together 4 or 5. To get one continuous winding from top to bottom unwind the spool of magent wire so you have about half on each of two spools. then place both spools on a single feeding rod and start the winding at the top by folding wire at half way point. To twist the wire rotate the feeding rod. When you get to the bottom you will have two ends to the winding in one place. The entire assembly can be taped further then inserted into a PVC plumbing pipe and secured at the top with an end cap.

Suggestions for building a Faraday Cage test area. Building something under ground could help but also line the entire room with copper sheet or mesh. The earth itself could help impede emi. The cellar of any home could be retro-fitted.
June 29, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Magic Tit For Tat
Two songs summerize the problem: 'The Wizard' by Uriah Heep and 'The Wizard' by Black Sabbath. The 'wizard' being catholic priests. Other references would be 'The Wizard of Oz', Merlin the Magician in Mark Twains 'A Connecticut Yankee in King Aurthers Court' and possibly 'Harry Potter'. Wizards are famous for magic. Aleister Crowley's organization was a magical order. I'm not quite sure what Aleister Crowley was up to. There is a pamphlet titled 'The Banned Lecture Gilles de Rais to Have Been Delivered to the Oxford University Poetic Society' by Aleister Crowley. I typed my copy into my computer and made a PDF (see below) In it Mr Crowley says Joan of Arc was considered a common slut up until the 19th century. Her image changed when the public began to think of her as a virgin, the catholic church made her a saint. Is this sort of thing the 'magic' performed by Aleister Crowley? Were they responsible for changing her image? Did they have anything to do with Sir Thomas More? The speech semi-implies the media helped manipulate WWII into happening.
Gimme Shelter is a 1970 documentary film directed by Albert and David Maysles and Charlotte Zwerin chronicling the last weeks of The Rolling Stones 1969 US tour which culminated in the disastrous Altamont Free Concert. The film is named after “Gimme Shelter”, the lead track from the group’s 1969 album Let It Bleed. The film was screened at the 1971 Cannes Film Festival, but was not entered into the main competition.
The action then turns on the concert itself at the Altamont Speedway, the security for which was provided by the Hells Angels (armed with pool cues). As the day progresses, with drug-taking and drinking by the Angels and members of the audience, the mood turns ugly. Fights break out during performances by The Flying Burrito Brothers and Jefferson Airplane; Grace Slick pleads with the crowd to settle down. When Mick Jagger arrives to the grounds via helicopter, he is punched in the face by an unruly fan while making his way to his trailer.
At one point Jefferson Airplane lead male singer Marty Balin is knocked out by a Hells Angel; Paul Kantner attempts to confront “the people who hit my lead singer” in response (“Hey, man, I’d like to mention that the Hells Angels just smashed Marty Balin in the face and knocked him out for a bit. I’d like to thank you for that!”). He and Slick tell one of the Angels on stage that violence isn’t what the event is about, to which the clearly intoxicated biker replies, “You’re talking to my people. Let me tell you what’s happenin’: You are what happenin’!” Slick herself warns the Angels after they continue hitting people: “You don’t hassle with anybody in particular. You gotta keep your bodies off each other unless you intend love. People get weird, and you need people like the Angels to keep people in line. But the Angels also– You know, you don’t bust people in the head for nothing. So both sides are fucking up temporarily; let’s not keep fucking up!!!” Jerry Garcia and Phil Lesh arrive, but The Grateful Dead opt not to play after learning of the incident with Balin from Santana drummer Michael Shrieve. (Santana and Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young also performed at the concert but are not shown in the movie).
By the time The Stones hit the stage, it was evening, and the crowd was especially restless. The Stones opened with “Jumpin’ Jack Flash”, and are also shown performing “Sympathy for the Devil”, as the tension continues to build. It is during the next song, “Under My Thumb”, that a member of the audience, 18 year old Meredith Hunter, attempted, with other crowd members, to force his way onto the stage, and as a result is struck by the Hells Angels members guarding the band. He is then seen to draw a revolver before being subdued by Hells Angel Alan Passaro, and is killed by at least six stab wounds.
Baird Bryant, one of the many cameramen in the film, caught Meredith Hunter’s stabbing on film.[2] The film sequence clearly shows the silhouette of a handgun in the black teenager’s hand against the dress of his white girlfriend, Patty Bredahoff, as Passaro enters from the right, grabs and raises the gun hand, turns Hunter around and stabs him at least twice in the back before pushing Hunter off camera. Amongst the camera operators for Altamont was a young George Lucas, who later went on to become a successful film director. At the concert, Lucas’s camera jammed after shooting about 100 feet (30 m) of film. None of his footage was incorporated into the final cut.