Here are some of my ideas that could be added to the Anarchist Cookbook
Here is an idea to shut off power to a large number of telephone poles before cutting up the wires. Locate a substation. A substation is where the very high voltage of the high tension wires is stepped down for use locally. Substations can usually be found very near high tension wires. Cut down the nearest telephone pole in a direction away from the substation itself pulling the wire with it. This disconnects the wire without touching anything. Do this to enough substations close together and the wires might be dead. It takes time for the transformers on the poles to discharge. Cutting up the wires is important because they can be used as antenna's. If enough wire gets cut up it will be difficult to replace.
The trucks used by electric company's (cherry pickers, etc) are very expensive. When they are using them they leave the engines running because it powers the equipment attached to it. A pellet gun could be used from a somewhat safe distance to puncture the radiator. Five or ten minutes after the radiator is empty, the engine will overheat and sieze making the truck useless. This could also be done to police and fire trucks.
There is a transformer on every few poles all across the country. They can be quite expensive. Shooting a couple holes in them would destroy it. This could also be used on microwave/cell phone towers.
Almost every telephone pole has a grounding rod next to it. I know that coax cable must be continuosly grounded as it goes. There must be a wire extending from the top of the pole to the rod at the base. Cutting this wire may disrupt service.
Create traffic jams in inner city areas by stopping some vehicles and destoying them. Or get some cheap cars get on a highway at rush hour, get next to each other to block the highway, stop and light them on fire. Doing this in areas like downtown Manhattan would create a nightmare traffic jam.
Spray utensils (knives, forks spoons) cups and plates with swamp water or any stagnant water. It can be teeming with bacteria.
Pour acid on the bolts that hold down the towers that hold high tension wires. Or come up with some way to weaken the structure. The next big wind will blow it over.
Destroying the roof of a building is one idea. The roofs of most buildings are weaker than the surrounding walls, and it will do more damage. It would be even better if was raining or snowing. If you can't make a bomb and get it on the roof of a building, get a high powered rifle or pistol and shoot holes in the roof.
Have you ever been to a sporting event and seen them shooting t-shirts into the crowd? Those can be powerful and easily made. Instead of shooting t-shirts rig a piece of non-insulated wire with a couple weights attached. The weights could be hard wooden balls or something. Make the wire long enough to span a couple of high tension lines. Use it to short out high tension lines. The closer you are to a power plant, the more likely you would do damage to the plant itself.
Most places where railroad tracks cross a paved street the rails are at the same height as the pavement. This is done for the cars to cross the rails. The idea is to destroy a small section of the rail where it is the same level as the pavement. It could be easier to hide the damage from people who inspect the tracks. Fill it in with sand or something. The crossings are accessible to anyone and wouldn't attract too much attention. Whatever they use to bring down buildings might eat away enough to work. (World Trade Center) Thermite might work. There are recipes for Thermite in the Anarchist Cookbook 2000 that can be found on this page.
This is an idea to blow a hole in an underground pipeline without digging a hole and not spending too much time at the site. Build a large enough bomb to reach to pipeline with it’s explosion. Bring an extra vehicle (disposible) with you to the site. Preferably a truck. Load the truck with sandbags. At the site, remove some sandbags and place on top of the bomb but not enough prevent the truck from driving over it. Drive the truck over the bomb and leave it. Let the air out of the tires. The idea is that the weight placed on top of the bomb helps to direct the blast downward ensuring it destroys the target. It is the same principle used by construction crews when using dynamite. They have massive steel mats they place over the explosives. Finding the location of pipelines is relatively easy. Here in Massachusetts you simple call 1-800-dig-safe
My Story
Psychiatry is Genocide
Ways to Defeat Synthetic Telepathy
and Neural Implants
Faraday Cage
Faraday Cage. A Faraday cage is any structure that is encased in metal and grounded to earth. The idea is that it shorts any voltage to ground. It is the same idea as coax cable. Coax cable is used for all broadband. The ground is the braided mesh that surrounds the signal carrier inside. It keeps noise off the signal and improves performance. The National Security Agency (which may be the problem in all of this) has it's headquarters at Ft Meade Maryland encased in copper mesh. This is why. Search for NSA and there is a Discovery Channel documentary on it.
Most buildings can be retrofitted to act as a Faraday cage. It may not be as secure as the NSA but good enough. There are a lot of corrugated metal buildings in the country that are used for industrial purposes. If they were sufficiently grounded and a metal roof were added they would make a good Faraday cage. Set up a MASH unit (Mobile Army Surgical Hospital) inside to remove neural implants. A residential house can be made somewhat secure. Aluminum flashing can be put on the floor of the attic, or aluminum screen can be hung in the attic. Metallic paint can be put on the walls.
Noise Generator
Electricity is part of the science of life. All life forms on this planet generate very small electro-magnetic waves that can be picked up by electronic sensors. A Faraday cage can prevent surveillance from the outside but not inside if there are wires that are connected to a utility of some kind. (telephone company, cable or power company) Any wire leaving a building is a highway for surveillance. I have a number of MP3 players that are also an FM radio. The earbuds are the antenna. While the wire is delivering the audio signal to the speakers in the earbuds, it is also sending the recieved signal to the computer (radio). Any unshielded wires in your house, including AC power, could be acting the same. The AC wiring in a house can act like an antenna and pick up and send data to an outside party. The entire electric grid including the telephone poles and all the wires connected could be acting the same. The entire planet could be hooked up to computers acting like HAARP. A huge antenna operating at low frequency and high power. A person's brain gives off about 30 HZ while awake. Steps must be taken to secure the inside if you can't eliminate all utilities. A possible way to defeat the sensors would be to generate a lot of garbage electro-magnetic waves around the people and make it difficult for the sensors to pick up the EMI given off by the people. The people would have to always remain near the generator.
Specific Ideas
1. Spark Generators
Spark transmitters were one of the first Morse Code machines. As radio progressed they were outlawed because they interfered with radio signals. A Jacobs Ladder is a type of spark generator. At high voltages they can interupt everything. The Titanic had a Spark transmitter.
2. Mechanical Generators
Electric motors are notorious for generating noise that interferes with sensitive electronics. All motors have a rotor that must move and be energized at the same time. This is accomplished with a conducting brush that keeps contact with the rotor. It's possible to imitate the noise made by electric motors and then amplify it and broadcast it on an antenna.
3. Electronic Generator
I began experimenting with Texas Instruments MSP430 line of microcontrollers. The Launchpad comes preprogrammed with a software routine that pulses an LED. I theorize you could simply take that pulse, amplify it and put it on an antenna and it might create enough disturbance for one person. It could be made small enough to hang around a person's neck. Another electronic idea is to build a white noise generator, chop up the signal somehow and amplify that.
4. It might be possible to record the noise made by a spark transmitter, make a computer file out of it, then rebroadcast (transmit) it through a cell phone or iPod.
5. Take a spark plug from an internal combustion engine, mount it in a piece of metal to simulate an engine and run it as it would normally be used. It would generate something similar to a Jacob's Ladder or an old fashioned Spark Transmitter.
6. Smarthome sells X10 technology. X10 technology was developed in the 1970's by a company in Scotland. It uses the AC wiring in a house to send control signals to devices connected throughout the house. With a central control panel any light or device can be turned on or off. So it's possible to inject noise onto AC wires.
7. Another method of disabling AC wiring would be to 'tap' the wires like a Morse code key.
8. Filtering is a use of passive componants to eliminate noise. Passive componants consist of capacitors, inductors and resistors. All of these come in voltage ratings high enough for 120 AC. A lowpass filter could be setup near the panel where the wire leaves the building and suppress any frequencies above 60 HZ.
Radio Jamming Equipment
Noise generators prevent signals from being picked up. They could also prevent transmitting. But it might be useful to use the radio spectrum so jamming is more appropriate. In the early days of radar during WWII they discovered the 'microwave hearing effect. It was a clicking noise in the ears of people near the equipment. This technology may be very advanced by now. A possible name is 'electronic brain link'. Jamming is the science of disabling only selected frequencies.
Modern communications are necessary to fight back. Data can be carried along with the normal signal. The human voice creates signals between 200HZ and about 30KHZ. Data could be superimposed on top of the voice. Filtering could prevent this. A low pass filter on a phone line could eliminate everything above 30KHZ. This does not totally solve the problem but it might help. Old style phone modems operate around 28KBPS which might get by, but it would slow the problem down.
General Information
June 30, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Lets see. They built Hoover Dam to fill Lake Meade to build Las Vegas to have Area 51 to accept psychiatric patients they planned for a hundred years. OK. The London Bridge Spirit of 76 is requiring some unusual solutions.
I have seen documentaries that suggest The Knights Templar were gay. I have seen similar things about the Freemasons. Is the Fat Bottom Intercourse Agency appropriately named?
June 29, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
"The history book on the shelf, is always repeating itself....."
Is there any argument about who is in control here?
Is America a capitalist paradise?
Is China a capatalist paradise?
'Z' A movie from 1969.
It's da fault of da Greece.
No, no, no
It's Philips fault.
And on the 8th day Philip said,
Oops my bad,
And blew it up.
Who knew, not Phil
Everything you know is wrong
Religion is a club
Rebellion is packaged
Nobody move and nobody gets hurt
Rock N roll is entertainment
Service not included
Is anyone out there?
Is anyone seeing this?
If not
I am available to be shot
wherever I am 24/7/365
No appointment necessary.
June 28, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Matter cannot be created or destroyed. It can be transformed into energy. How can a small amount of matter cover a large surface area with energy for generations? Was 'The Manhatan Project' actually synthetic telepathy?
June 28, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
In defense of Michelle Bachman, I'm not sure about Bill Clinton, they're assholes. And thats a compliment because you have to be a life form not just to have an asshole but be one. If you went into politics to do good and help people more power to you. Its sad our country is run run by this Life Form?
June 27, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Brutus Shemp
"I did not come here to bury Ceasar.....
You do it,...
He's over there...
And hurry up, he's makin a mess."
I'm gonna make me a T-shirt-
We all live in a yellow Coliseum,
Yellow Coliseum, yellow Coliseum.
Don't let this happen to you,
Good luck
June 27, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Chaos Theory
There is no such thing as bad chaos
Regular chaos-Rioting
Intellectual chaos-?????
Informational chaos-Interweb stuff ?????
Anger chaos
Anger is not illegal
What you do with it can be
You have made your bed, now lie in it
What goes around, comes around
Youres' is comin around
The vulture culture has run out of room for its rolling stones
I guess all good things must come to an end
Or, all bad things must come to an end
Well, I guess all things must end
Sooner or later I will have done enough damage that it would be better (cheaper) to just get rid of me.
June 26, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
"The marching band refused to yield, the day the music died...."
American Pie
Don McLean
"Yeeeeaaaaaa, meet the new boss, same as the old boss....."
Won't Get Fooled Again
The Who
"Say that you'll never never need it, one headline why believe it......"
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
"The Saints are coming, the saints are coming......"
The Saints are Coming
U2/Green Day
"Here comes the sun king......."
Here Comes the Sun King
The Beatles
"The best laid plans of mice and men go often askew...."
A line from
'To a Mouse'
A poem by
Robert Burns
A contributor to the Scottish Enlightenment 1795
June 26, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Whats up with Sweden?
At the end of Catch-22 one man gets away by making it to Sweden.
Why is Wikileaks in Sweden?
In the 70s if you wanted a sex change operation you went to Sweden.
In the 70s many Rock N Roll stars got blood transfusions in Sweden when they had done to much heroin.
Some progressive Rock bands make reference to a 70s Pop group ABBA. ?????? They were from Sweden.
The population is completely out of control.
You lost the numbers battle 100 years ago.
How many times can the knowledge of this whole thing get out of control and you put the genie back in the bottle?
June 25, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Ideas for Fighting Back
1. Destroying the roof of a defense industry plant or government building is one idea. The roofs of most buildings are weaker than the surrounding walls. and it will do more damage. It would be even better if was raining or snowing.
2. There is a copy of what I email on some of my sites. Feel free to send it to anyone you want.
3. Destroy government vehicles. This takes away their communication and ability to move around. If you pass a vehicle unattented light it on fire or put holes in the radiator. Radiator's are usually very soft metal and can be punctured with a simple jack knife.
4. If fires get started break hydrants in the area to lower water pressure so it can't be fought.
5. Invade the homes of those you know are truly guilty. Break up the kitchen and bathrooms. Destroy the furnace. Make the house unlivable. Make them rolling stones so they can't fight back.
6.Start fires or put bombs in sewer holes in inner city areas. They contain utilities like electricity and communications.
7. Cut down telephone poles in rural areas. This cuts off utilities and can help to spread the word. It is necessary that everyone be on the same page.
8. Putting sugar or something in perps gas tanks and oil tanks sometimes does real damage.
9. I see no problem poisoning or half poisoning some of them. Make them zombies.
10. No race war. Don't fight amongst ourselves. This satisfies the divide and conquer theory of government. If it lasts too long, and it probably will, someone will have to borrow money. The cycle continues.
11. If you know something pass it on as quickly as possible. If a million people know something in 24hrs it defeats the system.
12. If you can't make a bomb and get it on the roof of a building, get a high powered rifle or pistol and shoot holes in the roof.
13. Pour acid on the bolts that hold down the towers that hold high tension wires. Or come up with some way to weaken the structure. The next big wind will blow it over.
a picture of a sazall tool
14. The above picture is a sawzall. This one is battery powered. With a hacksaw blade this can be used to take down high tension towers.
Instructions. See picture below. Make cuts through each steel beam. Dont go all the way through. Start on one side finnish on the other.
a picture of a high tension tower
fuel tanks
15.The above picture is a fuel tank/gas depot. These can be found all over the country. Some of these might not have roofs. It may be possible to ignite them with a flare gun or just toss a flare into it.
16. If everyone who knows enough about programming computers sent crap thru their wi-fi it would keep the NSA, FBI, Homeland Security and whoever else is eavesdropping busy.
17. Every gas station in the country has underground gas tanks. When a truck makes a delivery it removes a cap on the tank to attach the hose. What if you stole the tank cap and threw it away just to make trouble.
18. Destroy the vehicles used by utility companies to work on the wires. They are called cherry pickers and are very expensive and will be difficult to replace.
19. Create traffic jams in inner city areas by stopping some vehicles and destoying them. Get some cheap cars get on a highway at rush hour, get next to each other to block the highway, stop and light them on fire.
20. Spray thier utensils (knives, forks spoons) cups and plates with swamp water or any stagnant water. It can be teaming with bacteria.
June 24, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Questions Questions Questions
Are there multiple levels of Santa?
Where does the Santa food chain stop?
Is it like 4.Santa Helpers 3.Santa Helpers 2. Santa 1. Semi Evolved Bacteria Reindeer ?
Like monkey see monkey do, but thats dangerous so monkey gets babboon to do it?
Where are the semi evolved bacteria reindeer?
Whoever has synchronicity is running things.
At what level are the plugged in 'lizard people' catch-22ers?
Are they the bottom feeders?
Is there more than one level of them?
These are the questions that try my soul.
Stay tuned, same bat time, same bat channel.
June 24, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Instructions for using Sawzall
See picture below. Make cuts through each steel beam. Dont go all the way through. Start on one side finnish on the other.
detail of high tension tower
June 24, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Santa Claus DELIVERS the toys. Hes not the problem. He is a plugged-in 'lizard people' forced on Catch-22 missions. If you ever get the semi-evolved bacteria reindeer behind him, call me. (but I can't be reached)
Special Note: Sgt Psycho (next door) is a plugged-in 'lizard people' Santa Claus on Catch-22 missions. He is acting against his will. He is not supposed to go to jail or get hurt, though that may happen. The bacteria behind him are the problem. The 'lizard people' will not hurt you unless you try to hurt them. This is how it works. You are expected to make your own situation worse. But you should also do everything possible not to make yourself vunerable. Some suggestions; 1.Don't leave the area where you are known. 2. Move around only during daylight hours. 3. When you move around stay in sight of witnesses.
June 24, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Tam O'Shanter was a poem written by 18th century writer Robert Burns. He was a contributor to the Scottish Enlightenment. In George Orwells novel 'Animal Farm' the dogs work for the pigs who run the farm. Their job is to chase people out of town and kill them for the pigs. Snowball was chased out and killed then the pigs called him a traitor. This is a Tam O;Shanter or rolling stone in todays world. For anyone in the know it is suicide to leave Weymouth or any other town. If this system is ever going to change I believe people must stand their ground.
June 23, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
The human race will give up the fossil fuel habit when they are FORCED to.
There is NO solution,
To our troubled evolution,
Have no faith in constitution,
There is no bloody revolution.
They should have ceded power a long time ago
Everything they do is geared to maintaining the status quo,
There is no solution.
I have been tortured by the human race from the day I got here. Now you think I'm gonna walk off into the sunset like 'I love you man' so everyone else can have cheap Twinkies.
Either finnish me off, FO or send me back to the unforgiven.
If the followers of the Sun King think they will 'be as one' when this is finnished. Think again. Chances are very good you have been drinking flouridated water your entire lives. Your as F6^%$3 up as everyone else.
June 23, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
"Z " A movie from 1969.
"Everything you know is wrong "
"Rebellion is packaged "
"Religion is a club "
"Rock N Roll is entertainment "
"Celebrity is a job "
"Service not included "
"It could never happen here "
June 22, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Wherever freedom tries to take hold these people show up and take over leaving behind a capitalist paradise. San Francisco 1960s, Seattle 1990s and probably Boston 1776.
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely beleive they are free..."
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Former Pres Bush (number 2) tried to appoint then US Attorney for Boston, ???????? Sullivan, to head up the ATF. Then Idaho Sen Larry Craig blocked the appointment. Sen Craig was then run through a bathroom in Minnesota. Why?
Why is the ATF sending guns to Mexico? Is this a retreating action? Are they planning to re-invade the US?
June 14, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
a fuel tank
The above picture is a fuel tank/gas depot. These can be found all over the country. Some of these might not have roofs. It may be possible to ignite them with a flare gun or just toss a flare into it.
a sawzall tool
The above picture is a sawzall. This one is battery powered. With a hacksaw blade this can be used to take down high tension towers.
If everyone who knows enough about programming computers sent crap thru their wi-fi it would keep the NSA, FBI, Homeland Security and whoever else is eavesdropping busy. Every gas station in the country has underground gas tanks. When a truck makes a delivery it removes a cap on the tank to attach the hose. What if you stole the tank cap and threw it away just to make trouble.
June 14, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Why is it
"...the rhetoric of failure" ?
June 13, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
There is no political solution.
There is no peaceful solution.
There is no solution by management, figuratively or literally.
Thomas Paine was an Englishman who came to America just before the revolution. He wrote the pamphlet “Common Sense” which was instrumental in getting the war started. In it he called monarchy the folly of the ancients. He also criticized the English Parliament system by pointing out that the rich and powerful only needed control of the king and the House of Lords to maintain control. The House of Commons was powerless and only gave the appearance of freedom. After the war the new United States was run under the Articles of Confederation. At least 8 people were the head of the government. We then adopted the US constitution and set up a government similar to the English Parliament. All anyone needs is to control the president and a handful of senators to control the political process.
As a native New Englander I have heard praise for the New England form of government known as town meeting. In the 1970?s politicians began holding town meeting type political events. A local politician, and one time speaker of the house, Tip O’Neil once said “all politics is local”.
If one considers the “Bull Story” of Dr Jose Del Gado in the mid 1960?s as the beginning of neural implants the possibility they are now very advanced is possible. Semiconductors have advanced greatly since the 1970?s. Just look at computers. Rock N Roll has eluded to them since the 1970?s. There is no way of knowing how many people are controlled by them today. This is one reason there is no political solution. When they get to the voting booth they can be made to vote against their will.
I do not have an implant. This may be one reason I am in this situation. I know my thoughts are being read. Synthetic telepathy is a reality now and probably has been for decades. At the very least it is in the cell phone system which became widespread in the 1980?s. At least in this country no one can conspire against the government. Ask anyone who worked for ACORN. There is no peaceful solution. There is no solution by management.
The people behind this will never relinquish power. It’s all they ever wanted. They invented the central banking system for this reason and it works. They have too much blood on their hands. They have taken too much property illegally. Power is all that money buys.
If it were possible to gain control of the house, senate and presidency all this technology could be used to intimidate the elected officials and interfere with the political process. The threat of having a life like mine will get someone to do anything.
I believe the United States government has to be overthrown by violent means. The problem people need to be isolated. A new government needs to be set up with Thomas Paines observations in mind.
If your at paranoias poison door or you just don’t want to live with this, don’t waste your dying. Commit an act of revolution. Given human radios and satellites just shutting down the communication/electric grid won’t solve everything, but it is a start. The journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step.
"Risperdal Irreversibly Binds to and Inhibits the H5HT Serotonin Receptor" and the US federal government has approved it for bi-polar in children. In a society where money is debt and debt is money too many people results in too much currency in circulation. Too much currency causes inflation. Because every bank in the country expands the money supply with every loan it grants under the fractional reserve system, a perpetual genocide or wars is necessary to regulate the value of the currency. philipnute com
"It is well enough that the people of the nation don't understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution by tomorrow morning"
Henry Ford
June 13, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
New Idea
idea 53
June 11, 2011
"Risperdal Irreversibly Binds to and Inhibits the H5HT Serotonin Receptor" and the US federal government has approved it for bi-polar in children. In a society where money is debt and debt is money too many people results in too much currency in circulation. Too much currency causes inflation. A perpetual genocide is necessary to regulate the value of the currency. Because of the fractional reserve system any loan granted by any bank expands the money supply without regard for an increase in supply or demand for goods and services. No matter what anyone does, including all governments around the world they can never pay off the interest. It is a global Ponzi scheme designed to slowly conquer the world by buying it up and taking it in bankruptcies. philipnute com
One definition of fascism. If you can't make it in a society, that society gets to make it on you. Explanation. The people who own and run the mental health system make more on the people who are trapped in it than those people will ever be paid. If you put forty quarters (10 years) into your social security, which is rare for anyone in the system, you might make $1000 a month. Thats $12,000 a year. One years treatment with the drug Clozaril is over $10.000. Most patients are on two or three drugs. Add housing, drs visits, therapists and maybe some kind of day program and you see what I mean.
June 10, 2011
In the summer of 2010 I spent some time running network cable to the downstairs. I had my own cable for quite some time but Comcast took it away in early 2009. I was using wireless and didn't like it. While running the cable my left thumb began popping. Every time I bend it at the joint it pops. It continues to this day.
Every time I change the ink cartridges in my printer the stinks up the whole house. My solution is to put them in, print a couple things, remove them and put them on the window sill and close the window and leave them for a whlie. Questions. Are chemtrails a cover story for vapors? Is it a by-product of the Age of Paranoia? (the law of unintended consequences) The purveyors of paranoia thank you.
I am slowly coming to believe the United States of America has never been a free country.
(Freedoms an illusion, film at eleven)
Here are some of my reasons and evidence,
There were 8 "presidents" of this country before the constitution was adopted. Historians don't consider them presidents and they have been completly forgoton. They ran the country under the articles confederation which were adopted around the time of the revolution and then replaced by the constitution.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was famous German writer of that period. He was quoted once as saying "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free". I don't know in what context he said this, but I believe he was talking about America.
Thomas Paine wrote the pamphlet "Common Sense" just before the revolution. It was read widely through out the colonies ans was a major factor in getting the revolution started. In it he criticizes the English Parlaiment system by saying all anyone needs to do is control the monarchy and the house of lords to control the political process. The House of Commons is powerless. Why did we set up a government just like that with the constitution? All they need is to control the president and a handful of senators to control the political process.
This illusion of freedom was created to satisfy the masses thirst for change, and maintain the status quo.
They used it to invent capitalism. To make money and usher in the science age to build a high tech prison.
"Power is all that money buys"
It seems to me to be very conveniant that the Jesuits were suppressed in the Catholic Church in July 1773 and the Boston Tea Party took place in December 1773.
There is no political solution
There is no peaceful solution
There is no solution by management
No one has the ability to conspire
Platos idea of a city of philosophers ruled by philosophers might work. But what we have is a city of scientists, mathemeticians and enginneers ruled by the same old, same old in a prison designed by the scientists, mathemeticians and engineers.
June 2, 2011
Beginning in early 2008 very strange things began happening with the TV. I got up one day and went to the front door to see how cold it was. I wanted to go for a walk. I sat down to have breakfast. I turned on the TV. Immediately there was a scene with several famous actors. One was playing a mental patient the rest were all doctors. The patient was seated in a room with all the drs. The patient kept complaining he wasn't allowed to walk by himself. The Drs kept telling him he could. he kept insisting he wasn't. I was expecting a package from DHL that had to be signed for. I was watching The Colbert Report on Comedy Central. The bell rang I signed for the package. At the same time Colbert was signing a big check for money he had raised for the troops in Iraq. I started wondering how this was done. Cable companies can already deliver a single movie to a single TV pretty much anywhere. I was already thinking Dubai was the capital of the New World Order. I began wondering if this could be done on a global scale. Back in the 1990's during the dotcom bubble there was a company called Global Crossing. They strung fiber optic cable to all continents despite the fact we were only using 3 or 4 % of what had already been built. The company went bankrupt and the government made a half assed attempt to get the people. If there is a network powerful enough to do that, that is it.
Did Hillary Clinton do legal work for the Black Panther Party in the 1960's?
Was she a spy?
Why did Jackie O call the Kennedy White House Camelot?
Is this a reference to "A Connecticutt Yankee in the Court of King Arther" by Mark Twain?
Spectrum Health Systems
Spectrum Psycho Systems
Rt 18 across the street from South Shore Hospital
Obama at Nobel Prize "War is sometimes necessary"
I got you psychos by the (I think you have balls) and I ain't lettin go
Never should have created the imaginary state of grace
"First they ignore you,
Then they laugh at you,
Then they fight you,
Then they win"
Mahatma Ghandi
Well first of all, these people have megolomania in every cell and strand of DNA in their bodies
If they had ever ignored me I would have some period of my life I might of been happy or enjoyed.
No 2 I think they laugh all the time because their psycho drunk with power
3 The fact I was 50 or so years old before I discovered you were fighting me and I didn't start this is further evidence of your insectness.
4 Whether you win or not who cares!!!
(it should be noted Ghandi died long before I was even born)
Does the name MARTIN LUTHER King seem funny?
Is that his real name?
What caused the Summer of Love in 1967?
What caused the panic in Detroit in 1968?
Is Synchronicity responsible for most of the historical events of the last half century?
Who's doing this?
Do all roads lead to Rome?
Do all roads lead to Rome, London and Washington DC?
Waterboarding? What for!! Synthetic telepathy.
Synchronicity (or brainmapping or whatever it's called) doesn't go just one way. They can insert thoughts as well as remove them. Here is how I know but I understand this is no proof. This happened the last time I was in the hospital. (for a full account see mystory pdf) One morning after my hearing I was sitting in my room waiting for breakfast. I began to have a long train of angry thoughts about the hearing. There were 2 male staff at the hearing sitting just to my left. Probably in case I went off. I didn't. The judge whispered the verdict so low no one could hear him. I was the only one didn't know when it was over. Anyway just as the train of thought came to an end one of the staff poked his head in and said “mornin Phil”. Was that train of thought put in my head. Was I supposed to go off. As the weeks went on I made up a little synopsis of how the hospitals work. Hunger, boredom, sleep deprivation, psychology, pills, lies, rumors, misinformation, discharge plans The idea is to get you to go off and get yourself in deeper. Before being discharged it happened again with the social worker I hated so much.
In Aug 2005 I sent some drawings for 2 improved PCB processes to Intel Inc in Santa Clara CA. (See ideas page) Did this have anything to do with Hurricane Katrina?
Who visited Bush at The White House in May of 2007?
The Queen
Who visited Bush at The White House in April 2008?
The Pope
Who did Obama visit in Europe in his first year in office?
The Queen and the Pope
This past fall I wanted to get out of the house for a while. My mother was going to her physical therapy so I asked to be dropped off at the Stop and Shop up the street. It was a dreary drizzly day. I bought a couple things and then started walking up and down the mall for some exercise. At one point a man dressed from head to toe, and I mean completely including his face, in a lime green spandex suit walked by in front of me. If he was supposed to be a little green man he missed by a mile. He was as tall as me and I'm 6 ft. What was I supposed to do? Confront him? Call the police? Report a UFO to the Army? Is this part of the "fascism"? Is this how they get people to take an implant? (see Roger Waters- What God Wants Pt 1-the alien comic lied)
John Lennon:
"The Army ruined Elvis"
The Army ruins everyone
Suicide is a personal decision. If you can't take the lonelyness and isolation anymore then I guess it's OK. I don't think it should be done for someone else. I think it doesn't help anyone and is not an act of love. The longer you can hang on the more damage you do. I can hang on forever. This is easier than the rest of my life. Feeling nothing is easier than intense pain. You might ask "Don't you miss good times?". No, you can't miss what you never had.
Who shot Ciara Durkin, a soldier in Iraq, the night I went to the JFK building in Boston and the Quincy police station?
China is a high tech totalitarian fascist police state dictatorship where most people believe it is a communist country.
The United States is a high tech totalitarian fascist police state where most people believe it is a free country.
The New World Order fixes this problem
"God save the Queen, her fascist regime...."
Part of the reason they make people like me is to have an excuse to hire more police and beef up the military.
Careful With That Axe Eugene
The End
Riders on the Storm
Psycho Killer
Beginning in early 2008 very strange things began happening with the TV. I got up one day and went to the front door to see how cold it was. I wanted to go for a walk. I sat down to have breakfast. I turned on the TV. Immediately there was a scene with several famous actors. One was playing a mental patient the rest were all doctors. The patient was seated in a room with all the drs. The patient kept complaining he wasn't allowed to walk by himself. The Drs kept telling him he could. he kept insisting he wasn't. I was expecting a package from DHL that had to be signed for. I was watching The Colbert Report on Comedy Central. The bell rang I signed for the package. At the same time Colbert was signing a big check for money he had raised for the troops in Iraq. I started wondering how this was done. Cable companies can already deliver a single movie to a single TV pretty much anywhere. I was already thinking Dubai was the capital of the New World Order. I began wondering if this could be done on a global scale. Back in the 1990's during the dotcom bubble there was a company called Global Crossing. They strung fiber optic cable to all continents despite the fact we were only using 3 or 4 % of what had already been built. The company went bankrupt and the government made a half assed attempt to get the people. If there is a network powerful enough to do that, that is it.
If this is religious and there are two sides, how do you stop a war where 80% of the people involved don't know it is going on? How do you stop any war without widespread devastation and suffering?
In all my years of watching TV I never saw anyone volunteer for Auschwitz. In movies like "Logans Run" they keep what happens to people a secret. Because no one would volunteer.
If everyone agress Phil has to go "Whats the problem?'. In Argentina it got to where the police just grabbed who they wanted took them to a public place and machine gunned them. I ain't volunteering for anything and I think this does more good.
UFO's are the next psychiatry. Another way to kill the people at the bottom who can't make it in this world.
In ancient Rome the coliseum was both a way to control the population and provided entertainment. The New World Order might bring this back.
Psychiatry is genocide. People are figuring that out. UFO's fix this problem.
The Scottish Enlightenment took place during the 1700's. A major contributor was Adam Smith. He is considered the father of capitalism. In his book "The Wealth of Nations" he describes "the invisible hand". A concept where inventions come to replace people. As Karl Marx put it the constant improving of the modes of production would steadily increase the size of the unskilled labor force or proletariat. A large proletariat is a threat to the rich. Lack of proper food and shelter would bring political unrest. The rich devise ways of shrinking the proletariat through wars famines etc. As the decades have past the rich have run out of ways to do these things. This is one possible reason psychiatry is genocide. People who voluteer to die are only making the price of twinkies more affordable for those left behind. It is not an act of love.
Are the regular police and the thought police the same? Are they willing or are they brain damaged and plugged in?
It's a funny thing. I don't feel anyhting anymore. I can't even appreciate the seriousness of this situation.
Movies of Interest:
The Running Man
Logans Run
Apolcalypse Now
The Deer Hunter
A Brave New World
Midnight Cowboy
Catch 22
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
The Mephisto Waltz
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Alice in Wonderland
Wizard of Oz
The Matrix
It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick and perverted society
Secret Fascism: The ideology of cowards
(and thats a compliment because you have to be a life form to be a coward)
Curiosity killed the cat
Or the 21st century equivilent
Surveilence made the reptile angry
Common Sense was a pamphlet written by Thomas Paine. It was instrumental in the Revolutionary War. In it he criticized the English form of government. He argued that it could always be controlled. They would always have the monarchy and the House of Lords. The House of Commons was powerless and only gave the illusion of freedom. If we ever overcome brainmapping this problem is still there. Nothing is going to change by itself. The problem of wealth concentration is going to keep getting worse. There is no political solution.
June 1, 2011
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
General Stuff to Piss People Off
Why did the Clintons vacation on Marthas Vineyard/Nantucket every year of Bill's Presidency?
So the Southern hate mongers can hob nob with the Catholic hate mongers.
"...itsy bitsy spider....."
Napolean, Hitler, Clinton-The 3 Stooges