Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
Is an abortion clinic a place where you can get an implant removed? Is abortion a cover story?
DON'T JOIN THE MILITARY! It's a sure way to wind up with an implant.
It is not enough to just shut off the power, the wires themselves can act as antenna's without power. It is possible for anyone to access them and have a very sensitive radio capable of picking up your electrical impulses. It is possible the entire electric grid is one big HAARP. Here is an idea to shut off power to a large number of telephone poles before cutting up the wires. Locate a substation. A substation is where the very high voltage of the high tension wires is stepped down for use locally. Substations can usually be found very near high tension wires. Cut down the nearest telephone pole in a direction away from the substation itself pulling the wire with it. This disconnects the wire without touching anything. Do this to enough substations close together and the wires might be dead. It takes time for the transformers on the poles to discharge. You could shoot a couple holes in the transformers before cutting down the pole.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, www.philipnute.com and it's companion website www.zsezse.com, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
At the very bottom of this page, on the left side, there are some examples of what I email to direct traffic to this site. I declare this public domain.
June 30, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I have been doing some reading on the Federal Reserve. One item is the original Federal Reserve Act of 1913 that created the bank. The banking system is made up of two kinds of banks. Central banks and member, or commercial banks. Central banks do not accept deposits from the general public. They accept only deposits from the commercial banks and the government. Central banks have the authority to manipulate the currency. Commercial banks accept deposits from the general public. They are required to answer in certain ways to the central banks as a way of regulating the industry. The commercial banks, however, are allowed to own stock in the central banks. There has been a lot of consolidation in the banking industry since 1913 like a lot of other industries. Would knowing who owns the countries biggest banks reveal who owns the Federal Reserve?
A Road to Awakening
Most people in the United States, and much of the rest of the world, live in a dream where life is a bowl of cherries. They accept without question the endless fairy tale served up by the main stream media. But for many life is a bowl of pits, and it's getting worse. Those living the dream will discover one day and they too will be living the nightmare.
If you're living the nightmare you would want to convince the other half this is so, and in the process save both. Your first and main obstacle is the main stream media. A voice so loud it drowns out all others. Television, and to a lesser extent movies and radio are the greatest weapon ever invented by man. To get past it, you must get the hypnotised to question their reality and do their own investigation. The internet could save the masses.
To do that you must provide some evidence that their lives or security are in danger. To do it right you should have several things. Fortunately much has been done in the last 50 years or so by people who were living the nightmare. Here, I try to provide some starting blocks with what I know. One of the first things to know is "Everything you know is wrong". This is not a free world and you can't say that. The truth wears a veil in western civilization. Proving things is difficult and dangerous.
One of the first problems discovered was the banking system. The central banking system is a scam. It is mathematically impossible for the United States federal government to get out of debt. In the central banking system, money is debt and debt is money. If there was no debt, there would be no money. If there is too much debt, there is too much money. The people who collect the debt are the only people with the real game. Everyone else is just spinning their wheels. And an even more absurd fact is they don't deserve a penny of what they collect because they didn't put up any collateral. The system creates money out of thin air and they collect both the principle and interest. The documentary 'The Zeitgeist Movie' cites a Minnesota case where a man stopped the bank from taking his house by proving the bank voided the contract because it didn't put up any collateral. It created the money out of thin air. Bankruptcy and inflation are unavoidable. When someone, or a country, goes bankrupt they take property in exchange and don't deserve it. The banking system will either conquer the world by bankruptcy or crash from a mountain of debt. One of the first people to document this was Thomas Paine in his book "The Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance". He also wrote "Common Sense" a pamphlet used to start the American Revolution.
With the truth about the banking system you could convince a lot of people their world is in danger. Everyone needs money. Despite what people say, they always vote their wallet before any idea or principle. Unfortunately the elections are a joke too. Freedoms an illusion, film at eleven. A second place to look is history. Napolean said once "History is a lie agreed upon". One of the first places to start is the history of the banking system. Why didn't I know this? The Bank of England was the first central bank. It was founded in 1694 by William of Orange, the king of England. It was a response to two revolutions that took place in England in the 17th century, one of which succeeded in toppling the king. He was executed. The second didn't succeed. It is a bottomless bank account used to buy whatever is needed to hold power. They can manipulate the currency and wage war against it's own citizens. In the decades following the turn of the 18th century they developed a political system called 'Oligarchical Collectivism'. They will share power and access to the banking system with anyone who will be as ruthless and greedy as they are. Below is a paragraph taken from George Orwell's book '1984':
'In accordance with principles it does not matter if the war is real or whether victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous. The essential act of modern warfare is the destruction of human production and labor. A hierarchial society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. In principle the war is planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against it's own subjects and it's object is not victory but to keep the very structure of society intact.'
A second place to look is the English Reformation. Religion is an important part of how oligarchical collectivism works. Stalin once said 'Religion is the opium of the mass's'. Like everything else in western civilization it is run for and by the rich. I do not have a problem with religions or religious people. My problem is with their organization. I do not endorse Islam, but in Islam every mosque stands alone. It is not part of a massive organization. After a muslim cleric learns his theology he goes to a mosque and has no boss outside of that. The people who go to church on Sunday are not the problem, it's the people who run the church's. And the bigger they are the bigger the problem. When looking at the English Reformation the idea is to prove that the church divided itself to form two groups that the kings could pit against each other to satisfy Orwell's 'Theory of Oligarchical Collectivism'.
Significant questions are:
Why was Henry VIII obsessed with having a son? Two of his daughters, Mary I and Elizabeth I, held the throne anyway. Did England abandon Salic Law 100 years earlier? Why was James VI of Scotland (also James I of England) brought up a protestant if his mother, Mary Queen of Scots, was born and died a catholic? Why did James I produce the King James Bible? Why did he leave out the Apocraphyl Books? Why was Elizabeth I called 'The Virgin Queen'? Was this intentional so the throne could go to James I? Thomas More is both a saint in the catholic church and a sir for the British Empire. He was executed in the Henry VIII affair. He wrote a book about utopia. In fact I think he coined the phrase utopia. The United States is an invention of the Catholic Church and the monarchs of Europe. Does the concept of a utopia have anything to do with the Trojan War thing? Is America the utopia he talked about? Was it made up to keep the mass's happy so they wouldn't actually revolt?
Why was Henry VIII obsessed with having a son? Two of his daughters, Mary I and Elizabeth I, held the throne anyway. Did England abandon Salic Law 100 years earlier? Why was James VI of Scotland (also James I of England) brought up a protestant if his mother, Mary Queen of Scots, was born and died a catholic? Why did James I produce the King James Bible? Why did he leave out the Apocraphyl Books? Why was Elizabeth I called 'The Virgin Queen'? Was this intentional so the throne could go to James I? Thomas More is both a saint in the catholic church and a sir for the British Empire. He was executed in the Henry VIII affair. He wrote a book about utopia. In fact I think he coined the phrase utopia. The United States is an invention of the Catholic Church and the monarchs of Europe. Does the concept of a utopia have anything to do with the Trojan War thing? Is America the utopia he talked about? Was it made up to keep the mass's happy so they wouldn't actually revolt?
Another place is the controversy surrounding Joan of Arc and Gilles de Rais. Joan of Arc was considered a whore up to the 20th century. Then she was made a saint. Why? Gilles de Rais fought alongside her but is still demonized as a monster. Why? Gilles is considered the first 'bluebeard'. What is a bluebeard? Was Quasimodo of 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame' a bluebeard?
A fourth place is the Spanish Civil War of the 1930's. George Orwell fought for a time on the side of the republicans against the fascists. He wrote about his experience in the book "Homage to Catalonia". When he got to the front he recieved little or no training. All the people he fought with had the same amount of training. He had no uniform. His rifle was 30 years old, his unit had one machine gun for every 50 men. Most of the injuries suffered by his unit were caused by their own equipment. After several months of fighting he got 3 days in Barcelona. While there fighting broke out. After it ended government troops arrived. The same government he was fighting for. They had new uniforms, were trained and had one machine gun for every 10 men. When he discovered this he was forced to flee the country.
World War I was a slaughter on both sides. In about 4 years of fighting no real progress was made by anyone, yet millions of men died. No one really knows why it was fought. George Seldes was a reporter at the time. He was considered a muchracker, someone who didn't go along with the pack. He covered the end of the war and called it a complete sham. A hero of that war, Smedley Butler, later wrote a book "War is a Racket".
There are a lot of questions surrounding Benjamin Disraeli and the current state of Israel. Disraeli was an Englishman who lived in the 1800's. He was British Prime Minister twice. Many believe he is responsible for the situation in Israel.
My take on Israel. The Allies (also known as everyone involved) during WWII didn't liberate the Nazi concentration camps but instead relocated them to Palestine and called it Israel. The Zeitgeist Movie points out that 100 million people in the United States are convinced the end times are here. They are all waiting to be raptured into heaven. The movie "Ring of Power" says the same thing. They add that the battle of Armageddon will take place in Isreal. Why did they leave the Apocraphyl Books out of the King James Version of the bible? I ask only because the word 'apocraphyl' and 'apolcalypse' may be derived from the same word.
Thomas Paine, who wrote the pamphlet 'Common Sense', came to America just before the revolution. Common Sense was read in pubs and churches before the war and was instrumental in getting the war started. In it he criticizes the English form of government. He points out that any government with 3 houses (not to be confused with 3 branches) can be easily controlled if anyone controls two. The English government can always be controlled with the House of Lords and the Monarchy. The House of Commons is powerless and only gives the illusion of freedom. The people who fought the revolution fully expected to go back to their lives and governments as they were when the war was over. The Federal government was an afterthought. The justification for it was made years later by the Federalist Papers. How quickly people forget. All anyone needs is a handful of senators and the president and they control the government. We only have the illusion of freedom.
Studying the history of the Jesuits might also help. The Jesuits were formed at the time of The Reformation. They are unofficially the Popes army. The military wing of the catholic church. The only time they were suppressed, but not eliminated, was from July 1773 to around 1825. In December 1773 The Boston Tea Party took place. Does this seem too coincidental? Did we fight a revolution and liberate ourselves from ourselves? Did we create our own false utopia? The Jesuits use guerrilla tactics. According to Sun Tzu, a chinese military strategist 'You cannot win a war against guerrilla tactics'. Investigating the relationship between Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a Jesuit priest, and the beginnings of The Church of Scientology is a very good place.
Ignatius of Loyola was born 1491 and died July 31, 1556. He is the founder of The Society of Jesus or commonly known as the Jesuits. They are considered the Popes army and are responsible for the activities of the counter-reformation. He is a saint in the Catholic Church.
Jean Joseph Marie Amiot was born Feb 1718 and died October 9 1793. He was a Jesuit missionary in China. He was the first to translate 'The Art of War' a treatise by a Chinese military strategist known as Sun Tzu. In this book Sun Tzu states 'It is impossible to win a war against guerrila tactics'.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was born May 1, 1881 and died April 10, 1955. He was a French philosopher and Jesuit priest who trained as a paleontologist and geologist and took part in the discovery of Peking Man. He originated the idea of the Omega Point. Did he have anything to do with the beginnings of Scientology? Teilhard and his work have a continuing presence in the arts and culture. He inspired a number of characters in literary works. References range from occasional quotations, an auto mechanic quotes Teilhard in Philip K. Dick's A Scanner Darkly, to serving as the philosophical underpinning of the plot, as Teilhard's work does in Julian May's 1987–94 Galactic Milieu Series. Teilhard also plays a major role in Annie Dillard's 1999 For the Time Being. Characters based on Teilhard appear in several novels, including Jean Telemond in Morris West's The Shoes of the Fisherman (mentioned by name and quoted by Oskar Werner playing Fr. Telemond in the movie version of the novel) and Father Lankester Merrin in William Peter Blatty's The Exorcist. In Dan Simmons' 1989–97 Hyperion Cantos, Teilhard de Chardin has been canonized a saint in the far future. His work inspires the anthropologist priest character, Paul Duré. When Duré becomes Pope, he takes Teilhard I as his regnal name.
Aside from the obvious wars reported in newspapers the powers that be manage to get us to fight mythical wars. The Trojan War was supposedly fought between Greece and Troy. It was fought over a woman. Helen of Troy. The war was fought for ten years outside the walls of Troy before the Greeks won. Homer's 'The Iliad and the Odyssey' chronicles the war. Aleister Crowley, a writer and cultist, wrote a book "Alice (in Wonderland) is an Adultery". 'Alice in Wonderland' is a parallel story to 'The Iliad and the Odyssey'. It is roughly the same thing. One side or the other in the mythical war sends one of it's young girls on an mission of adultery to lure a male away from home to destroy his life and possibly hers. She is sometimes convinced 'all that glitters is gold'. The adultery causes division among the sides, like Greece and Troy, and makes for further hostilities. It's all a setup. The people in charge of it all just want to make trouble for the people at the bottom.
As I said before "the truth wears a veil in western civilization'. Fiction is non-fiction and non-fiction is fiction. Aside from 'Alice in Wonderland' some revealing novels are: Gulivers Travels- Written in 1730 it is a glimpse into how the oligarchy collective works. Others are 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame', The Grapes of Wrath' and "Tom Sawyer'. Anything by Shakespear.
The central banking system is an economic tool for holding power. But it is just a piece of a larger body of knowledge on economics that is used. This knowledge was outlined in The Scottish Enlightenment of the 1700's. The main work was Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations". It is the manual for economic domination used today all over the world. It is mathematically impossible for the United Sates Federal government to ever get out of debt. Or any other country with a central bank, which is every country on earth. The really absurd thing is the people collecting the debt don't deserve anything. They didn't put up a penny of collateral. 'The Zeitgeist Movie' cites a Minnesota case where a man stopped the bank from foreclosing on his house by proving the bank created the money out of thin air.
Ultimitely, it's a question of slavery. The modern world is the wage slave system. In the wage slave system the slave himself is responsible for his own housing and food. All system's of slavery are designed to overproduce. The excess is sold by the owner so he/she can live in luxury. All system's of slavery benefit only a few. Poverty and/or primitive culture is the natural state of the world. The wage slave system has driven mankind and the entire planet to the edge and it is not sustainable. Slave system's naturally overproduce all life sustaining products so populations run out of control. They eat up land and resources. At some point those two dynamics collide and everyone suffers, including the slave owners. The global elite require drastic measures to remain in power, and they are working towards this. DON'T ACCEPT AN IMPLANT!
Who's winning the battle to implement communism, the proletariat or the bourgeois? I believe communism is the end result of capitalism. It is being implemented through fabianism. Fabianism is a strategy of slow and steady progress. There is a Fabian Society dedicated to socialism. H G Wells was a member. He wrote a book titled "New World Order". I believe that communism and socialism don't exist. They are political ideology's designed to keep the mass's busy while the banking system takes over the world. The true end result is 'Times New Roman'. We will be back to a Ceasar. Karl Marx outlined 10 things needed to implement communism. I list them below and try to point out the ones I think are already in place.
Capitalism=Communism=Fabianism=Times New Roman. 'Nothing changes New Years Day.... The history of the white caucasion, or western civilization, is a history of the struggle with Rome. The Muslim world is an example of a culture that is somewhat successful at defeating it. The Pilgrims here in New England is another, but is in the final stages of being destroyed. 'There is a house in New Orleans.... The term Islamo-Fascism does not make sense. The Muslims are not as money happy as Europeans. We are in the Middle East because we are at war with Islam. No one shall deviate. Israel was put there on purpose to make trouble. It is possible Benjamin Disraeli is responsible.
1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents to land for public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all right to inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6.Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands: and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal obligation of all to work.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries: gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.
10. Free education for all children. Abolition of child factory labor in it's present form. Combination of education with industrial production.
At the end of the 19th century we went through 'The Gilded Age'. The rich enjoyed life as never before. Everyone wanted a monopoly on something. Someone would corner the market on something then charge whatever they wanted. Flour, sugar, coffee etc. They called them trusts. The mansions in Newport RI were built with this money. Teddy Roosevelt passed the Sherman Anti-Trust Act to break up the trusts and lower prices for everyone. They later passed an income tax law that was also supposed to help. Maybe it did maybe it didn't. It now funds endless wars and it's wasteful industry's. As Orwell pointed out, war is meant to keep the poor on it's knees. It also funds the welfare state. The welfare state does not help the poor. It gives them just enough to get by and not pick up a gun. It stops them from building something for themselves. It gives corporate welfare to take away opportunity for them. Give a man a fish, feed him for a day, teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime. The income tax now works for the rich.
Inheritance is overtaxed now, but it is hurting small corporations more than large.
This one I don't understand.
We have centralization of the credit, but it is in private hands. The Federal Reserve is a privately owned bank. The word 'Federal' is decieving. It is owned by private individuals who we can never get out of debt to. And they don't deserve a penny.
The Interstate Highway system surreptitiously centralizes the transport system. People don't realize it doesn't have to be built that way. It gives too much power to the government. In the old west people would vie for a railroad stop in thier town. It would bring people and commerce. If the trains stopped the town would die. I often call the interstate highway system 'Automobile Railroads'. They should be built as surface roads. Anyone with land that abutts the road should have access. This would provide infinite economic opportunity for people.
I don't know what this is for. Leave waste land waste land. Stop building suburbs. Each city should be as self supporting as possible. Global trade slowly makes us interdependant as nations. (World Trade is a 9-1-1) If they ever come out of the closet we will all discover that our basic needs come from a foreign country. No one here will know how to raise cattle etc. People will surrender very quickly.
I have no problem requiring anyone who can work to work. But it is better they employ themselves and build and acquire wealth. This would lead to satisfying Marx's first condition for communism to end up in the hands of the poor. But at that point why bother?
I think the suburbinization of America should be reversed. It wastes land. It makes the population even more dependant on the controlled transport and communication structure.
Free education through High School is OK. But a High School education should be enough. It is entirely too complicated, expensive and difficult to make a living in this country. No child labor.
I have some thoughts on inflation. All 3 Zeitgeist movies bring it up as a concern in a money as debt, debt as money system. So I'm trying to understand. Inflation is when the value of a currency goes down and it requires more of the same currency to buy an item over a short period of time. The price of the item goes up. I was born in 1957. For the first ten years of my life a candy bar was a nickel. You could get 6 for a quarter. Not little candy bars, the big ones. My parents grew up in the 1930's. They have talked about going to the store with a dime for bread and milk. So thats kinda the same thing. Thirty years apart, not much had changed. After 1967 and beyond it really got out of control. A candy bar was a dollar in the 1970's. Why. When Gerald Ford took office after Nixon he had the WIN campaign. Whip Inflation Now. Everyone was supposed to wear a WIN button. People thought he was a dope. What really causes inflation? Lets take strawberries as an example. In a capitalist society if the price of strawberries got out of control the free market is supposed to fill the void and stabilze the price. So if it was too expensive to ship them from California local growers would step in. Why isn't this happening? This is my best guess. In a society where money is debt and debt is money, if there were no debt there would be no money. The opposite is also true. If there is too much debt there is too much money, thus reducing it's buying power. Anyone can go into a bank get a loan and expand the money supply. So no one really has control of the value of the currency. If too many loans are being written the value of the currency goes down. The government does not own the Federal Reserve. It goes to the bank just like everyone else. If the government borrows money willy nilly inflation would be out of control. Like back in the 70's. Why did the government start borrowing money like that? In Eisenhowers Farewell Speech he says:
In this revolution research has become central, it has also become more formalized, costly and complex. A steadily increasing share is done for by or at the direction of the federal government. ...
He continues:
A government contract becomes a substitute for intellectual curiosity...
He says later.
We must also guard against the equal and opposite danger that public policy itself could become the captive of a scientific technological elite..
Has someone been holding the government hostage since the 1960's? How much control have they had since then. Who is doing it? A conclusion could be drawn that the only way to control the value of the currency is control the number of people who go into banks. This becomes even more important if you needed to cover up out of control government spending. Inflation has largely been under control since the 1980's. Is this what Scientology is for?
In this revolution research has become central, it has also become more formalized, costly and complex. A steadily increasing share is done for by or at the direction of the federal government. ...
He continues:
A government contract becomes a substitute for intellectual curiosity...
He says later.
We must also guard against the equal and opposite danger that public policy itself could become the captive of a scientific technological elite..
Has someone been holding the government hostage since the 1960's? How much control have they had since then. Who is doing it? A conclusion could be drawn that the only way to control the value of the currency is control the number of people who go into banks. This becomes even more important if you needed to cover up out of control government spending. Inflation has largely been under control since the 1980's. Is this what Scientology is for?
As capitalism progresses to communism through fabianism the poor and destitute class keeps getting bigger and must be dealt with. Karl Marx called them the 'proletariat'. Here is an example of how the proletariat gets bigger. Adam Smith who wrote 'The Wealth of Nations. called this phenomenah 'the invisible hand'. I don't recall his exact example so I'll use one of my inventions. One of my inventions (on the invention page) replaces the old method of making PCB's. Printed circuit boards. With the old method a lot of shorts and opens are made because the process is very inexact. Shorts and opens are electronic terms for the board don't work. Companies hire a lot of people to test and inspect the boards to get them to work. My invention would produce boards with less defects so companies would hire fewer of those people and the proletariat gets bigger. Whoever is screwing with me is solving the problem of the proletariat for the rich. I suspect it is Scientology. This is why psychiatry is genocide. This is why they want to control the population.
More thoughts on inflation. How the proletariat gets bigger was revealed by Karl Marx in 'The Communist Manifesto' in 1848. The rich are always improving the modes of production to cut costs and increase profits. The patent office is the incentive. If this is happening as it should why are prices going up? This is something I don't understand about solar cells and solar electricity. If this is working as it should the cost of solar should have gone down a long time ago. But it may be that the oil industry is stopping it. I talked about the strawberries. Question, does the government pay people with farm land to not grow anything? Why? Does this keep prices high? Does this keep certain people in business? Does this force global trade? How bad is the mind control problem?
Despite an ugly highway cutting through the middle, downtown Boston had a lot of small business's. Pizza joints, bars and other things. Haymarket was an open air market where there was all manner of stuff. Now, after the Big Dig it is just strip mall America in big buildings. Kenmore Square is near the same. Channel 7 used to be the CBS affiliate here in Boston. Channel 4 was the NBC. About ten years ago they swapped, kinda without notice. I am not exactly sure what this has to do with anything. Back in the 1970's there was a court fight for the license for Channel 7. (I'm pretty sure) Someone just went into court and said the owners of Channel 7 were not running the station in the best interest of the public as defined by the FCC, I'm pretty sure they won.
There is too much wealth property and power in the hands of too few people. Mutual funds became very popular in the 1980's. One type of fund is an index fund. The idea is to buy every stock on a particular index, say the S & P 500, and hold it for a long period. Historically the markets gain value over long periods. I believe that idea stops working if there isn't enough stocks openly traded among individual investors. This is made worse when there aren't enough small investors. I talked about how I thought downtown Boston was strip mall America in big buildings. All those small investors are gone. The entire market can be controlled by a very few people. It only looks like we all own it. If there is too large a percentage of stocks just sitting waiting and another large percentage in the hands of the very rich it will never move.
Alice Through the Looking Glass
a sequel
a sequel
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865.
Is Romeo and Juliet similar to Alice and Helen of Troy?
Magwitch's convict ship
"This is the end,..
my only friend..
the blue bus.."
My life is a lie until the day I die or you will get a call from Alice at the South Boston Savings and Loan
(because society did this to me and no one will ever admit it)
Why does Western 'Civilization' carry on a perpetual genocide?
My best guess is it solves the problem of the proletariat for the rich and powerful.
First they created secret freedom (in secret of course) then they made secret freedom illegal (in secret of course) and they made it a capital offense and no one knew about it
If you have to have a false utopia (USA) and you still need your murder and mayhem fix what would be better than a phony war. Genius Homer!!! (I mean Holmes)
All this is designed to keep slavery going and keep the kings king and pope pope.
"To be or not to be,
that is the question,..
whether tis nobler in the heart
to be the victim or be the victimizer"
Hamlet - After visiting the GHOST of his father
His father had been given the juice of henbane (chickenshit oyster recipe #45) resulting (in my humble opinion) a pain prison
"This is the end,..
my only friend..
the blue bus.."
My life is a lie until the day I die or you will get a call from Alice at the South Boston Savings and Loan
(because society did this to me and no one will ever admit it)
Why does Western 'Civilization' carry on a perpetual genocide?
My best guess is it solves the problem of the proletariat for the rich and powerful.
First they created secret freedom (in secret of course) then they made secret freedom illegal (in secret of course) and they made it a capital offense and no one knew about it
If you have to have a false utopia (USA) and you still need your murder and mayhem fix what would be better than a phony war. Genius Homer!!! (I mean Holmes)
All this is designed to keep slavery going and keep the kings king and pope pope.
"To be or not to be,
that is the question,..
whether tis nobler in the heart
to be the victim or be the victimizer"
Hamlet - After visiting the GHOST of his father
His father had been given the juice of henbane (chickenshit oyster recipe #45) resulting (in my humble opinion) a pain prison
June 29, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Anyone who thinks torturing, tormenting and killing the White Anglo Saxon (protestants) is a solution to thier problems or any of the world's problems is a germ. They deserve this treatment more than me. All you're doing is solving the proletariat problem for the rich. Was it Yogi Berra who said "It's Deja Vu all over again"? I think I've been through this before. Back in the 1960's. What's that 45 years? It's a kind forgiving God. Ya, up and down hand motion about the waist area. When I didn't get going back then I got a pain prison for my troubles. ???? And still it persists. You are a sickness. When the power of love overcomes the love of power we will know peace-James Marshall Hendrix
'She came in through the bathroom window,..
protected by a silver spoon...
(Notorious by Alfred Hitchcock)
(Cops and Queers.....)
(I haven't had this much fun since Pompeii...
The Blue Meanies)
(this is the end......back of the blue bus)
'She said she'd always been a dancer..
worked at fifteen clubs a day...
she thought I knew the answer..
well I did but I could not say..
(neural implant???)
'So I quit the police department..
got myself a steady job..
she tried to help me..
she could steal but she could not rob..
protected by a silver spoon...
(Notorious by Alfred Hitchcock)
(Cops and Queers.....)
(I haven't had this much fun since Pompeii...
The Blue Meanies)
(this is the end......back of the blue bus)
'She said she'd always been a dancer..
worked at fifteen clubs a day...
she thought I knew the answer..
well I did but I could not say..
(neural implant???)
'So I quit the police department..
got myself a steady job..
she tried to help me..
she could steal but she could not rob..
"You could have gone home whenever you like"
"Just click your heels and say"
"There's no place like home"
"There's no place like home"
(this whole thing is a con)
(this whole thing is a con)
"Just click your heels and say"
"There's no place like home"
"There's no place like home"
(this whole thing is a con)
(this whole thing is a con)
I think I'll take another pain prison just to show how COMPLETELY insane you are!!!
Chickenshit (oyster) Recipe 1
Mustard Gas
'Mean Mr Mustard shaves in the dark.....
Mock Turtle (Alice in Wonderland)
What are tarts made of?
(Estella is a heartless cruel tart incapable of love}
Pepper mostly!!!!
Mustard Gas
'Mean Mr Mustard shaves in the dark.....
Mock Turtle (Alice in Wonderland)
What are tarts made of?
(Estella is a heartless cruel tart incapable of love}
Pepper mostly!!!!
Invention. Instead of making large long panels of photo voltaic cells, make short narrow ones. Most photo voltaic modules are 4 or 5 inches by 2 or 3 inches. A large panel is made up of multiple rows connected in series or paralell. I am not sure which. The larger the panel, the more cells the more power the more expense. My idea would be make one row a couple feet long. (this is a guess and might not work) Place one row on top of another with a layer of light carrying material between and the underside of the upper layer a reflective material. The advantages are this:
1. If one panel goes bad it can be replaced at a lesser expense
2. Panels are arranged on the roof horizontally with a small space between to allow water to drip. This would be useful in the winter to keep snow and ice from building up.
1. If one panel goes bad it can be replaced at a lesser expense
2. Panels are arranged on the roof horizontally with a small space between to allow water to drip. This would be useful in the winter to keep snow and ice from building up.
June 28, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
If somebody somewhere took over a small area, say Western Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island and got everyone they suspected of having an implant to the hospital and had it removed, it would help to convince a lot of people.
Prediction: The Isabella Stewart Gardner Heist will be solved. The media is a diversion for the masses. "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain" Whitey Bulger was captured in Santa Monica. I was fixated on Santa Monica at the time. He was in the 'Diversion Protection Program' I mean 'Witness Protection Program'. Come on, honestly, what don't they know?
'Alice in Wonderland' is a series of fictional vignettes used to describe subversive activities of certain elements of western civilization. It often involves a girl who is 'jewed' and unable to make it in the world. The only one I'm sure I've been through recently is 'The Hooka Smoking Caterpiller'. I was going to a day treatment facility in Quincy center in 2002. I was sitting at a table with two other guys when they deciced to do a little dope deal. They did it right in front of me but ignored me at the same time. Later I informed staff. This of course is a pigeon. One of them I never saw again, the other continued to attend. The idea here is to make me feel guilty about what happpened to the one that didn't return. It must have been after that I had a small car accident on the way home. I had to call AAA. When they came I had a little problem paying for it. Another attempt to make me feel guilty. I'm sure whatever I tried to do to make up for the guilt I was only going to get in deeper. This is how Alice works. The Just-Us system.
'She came in through the bathroom window,..
protected by a silver spoon...
(Notorious by Alfred Hitchcock)
'She said she'd always been a dancer..
worked at fifteen clubs a day...
she thought I knew the answer..
well I did but I could not say..
(neural implant???)
'So I quit the police department..
got myself a steady job..
she tried to help me..
she could sleal but she could not rob..
protected by a silver spoon...
(Notorious by Alfred Hitchcock)
'She said she'd always been a dancer..
worked at fifteen clubs a day...
she thought I knew the answer..
well I did but I could not say..
(neural implant???)
'So I quit the police department..
got myself a steady job..
she tried to help me..
she could sleal but she could not rob..
Alice Through the Looking Glass
a sequel
a sequel
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865.
Is Romeo and Juliet similar to Alice and Helen of Troy?
June 27, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Three similar things. At the very beginning of my version of Shakespear's "MacBeth" three witches are walking along the beach. They stop, dig a hole and bury, an arm, a noose and a dagger. (tree-kill??) They say 'When the battles lost and the battles won'. In the book 'Alice in Wonderland' Alice sits down with the Mad Hatter for tea. The doormouse tells the story of three sisters who live in a well. Alice asks 'What do they live on?". The doormouse reply's 'Treekill'. (treekill?) At the very end of Jefferson Alirplanes 'White Rabbit' "...remember, what the doormouse said feed your head, feed your head...". In the 1990's (I think) there was a story here in Boston about someone from Weymouth who was tied to a tree in Florida somewhere and murdered. The entire thing was videotaped. The people responsible were convicted.
The people who own and run this planet don't give a crap about ANY of the problems thier system is creating. Killing me just keeps the morons at the bottom busy and the people at the top, at the top. I ain't voluteering for anything. It's gonna look like just what it is.
My mother was born in Dallas Tx. She lived in Waco and Houston before meeting my father and moving north. She has told the story of how they met a couple times. She was introduced at some type of formal get together hosted by a local woman in Houston. My father had joined the Air Corps and was training in Texas. I can see thier little minds working. Lets introduce some local catholics to them dam yankees and maybe they'll move north after the war. Well it worked. So, the protestants chase the catholics out of Oklahoma and the catholics chase the protestants out of Boston. They murder and maim, steal each other's property and say it's a war. Really dumb question. Are you killing enough to solve the problem of the proletariat? Thats all you're doing you know. The really troublesome jews wind up in a camp, I mean Isreal, until they voluteer for the noose or until Armageddon comes. The richer you are the closer to the truth you get. It solves the problem of the proletariat. Maybe there is no Armageddon. Like Orwell said "it does not matter whether the war is real or victory is possible. It is meant only to be continuous". Nobody at the top gives a crap about that religion. It's a sickness and you're all germs. Jesus is a mOBSCENE.
There's only one way this is going to end. Someone is going to finish it right here in Weymouth. It's going to look like murder because it is murder. It's going to look like genocide because it is genocide. It's going to look heinous, vial and disgusting because it is heinous vial and disgusting. It' s going to look like the product of pimple squeezing's because it is the product of pimple squeezing's.
Rule of Thumb. If whatever premise or train of thought you are working on begins to play out in your life it is wrong.
June 26, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Invention. The top two pictures below are of an electronic probe. This particular type grabs on to the wire and pierces the insulation and makes contact with the conductor inside. This way you can take a measurement without cutting the wire. This probe is small and won't handle much current. The bottom picture is the idea. Set two of these in high voltage wires, a ground and a plus or two different voltages, then connect the them together with a remote controlled short. It might destroy any equipment connected to that line.
June 25, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Prescott Bush - b May 15, 1895 d Oct 8, 1972 Was the father of George H W Bush (41st president) and the grandfather of George W Bush (43rd president). Bush was one of seven directors (including W. Averell Harriman) of the Union Banking Corporation, an investment bank that operated as a clearing house for many assets and enterprises held by German steel magnate Fritz Thyssen. In July 1942 the bank was suspected of holding gold on behalf of Nazi leaders. A subsequent government investigation disproved those allegations, but confirmed the Thyssens' control, and in October 1942 the United States seized the bank under the Trading with the Enemy Act and held the assets for the duration of World War II. According to the journalist Joe Conason Bush's involvement with UBC was purely commercial and that he was not a Nazi sympathizer. The Anti-Defamation League and historian Herbert Parmet agreed with that assessment.
Demolition Man
The Police
The Police
Wrecking Ball
Bruce Springsteen
Bruce Springsteen
You cannot be famous as a (real) rolling stone.
"Hair (hare) today, gone tomorrow"
A statement made by the two guys charged with the Boston 2007 Adult Swim (Your Own Private Idaho) incident outside the courthouse in Cambridge Mass.
In the book 'Great Expectations' by Charled Dickens Pip goes to see the lawyer after the convict returns from Australia. The lawyer directs Pip to the window where a mass hanging is taking place. The lawyer says "that sort of thing goes on all the time"
Fascism is the 20th century word for Romanism
Dawg, Dawg, Dawg
'For Whom The Bell Tolls' a novel by Ernest Hemingway
Err A Parent
My father used to call me 'The Mistake'
I never knew why.
Loonie Tunes
Bugs Bunny
Bugs is an old word for crazy
Bugsy Seigel
Thats All Folks
"Oranges and Lemons say the bells of St Clemons,
You owe me five farthings say the Bells of St Martin"
A poem briefly mentioned in George Orwells novel '1984'
recited by the children of London as people were being led to thier execution
"Live and Let Die"
A song by Paul McCartney and Wings (post Beatle days) for a James Bond movie.
If a total surveillence secret fascist society is what people want you know where I am. I am not leaving.
"I took the money, I spiked your drink" Until The End Of The World - U2 (Chickenshit Cookbook)
I say chickenshit soup for everyone
A statement made by the two guys charged with the Boston 2007 Adult Swim (Your Own Private Idaho) incident outside the courthouse in Cambridge Mass.
In the book 'Great Expectations' by Charled Dickens Pip goes to see the lawyer after the convict returns from Australia. The lawyer directs Pip to the window where a mass hanging is taking place. The lawyer says "that sort of thing goes on all the time"
Fascism is the 20th century word for Romanism
Dawg, Dawg, Dawg
'For Whom The Bell Tolls' a novel by Ernest Hemingway
Err A Parent
My father used to call me 'The Mistake'
I never knew why.
Loonie Tunes
Bugs Bunny
Bugs is an old word for crazy
Bugsy Seigel
Thats All Folks
"Oranges and Lemons say the bells of St Clemons,
You owe me five farthings say the Bells of St Martin"
A poem briefly mentioned in George Orwells novel '1984'
recited by the children of London as people were being led to thier execution
"Live and Let Die"
A song by Paul McCartney and Wings (post Beatle days) for a James Bond movie.
If a total surveillence secret fascist society is what people want you know where I am. I am not leaving.
"I took the money, I spiked your drink" Until The End Of The World - U2 (Chickenshit Cookbook)
I say chickenshit soup for everyone
June 24, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I have heard people say they always need an enemy to unite the people and to give them a common purpose. Al Qaida is the current enemy. Communism and the Red scare was the previous. Was Protestantism one of the first?
If you want to flush out the enemy don't you have to draw thier fire.
I just finnished watching a version of 'Great Expectations' by Charles Dickens. Estella is just another Alice. So, we can add her name to the list. Alice, Dorothy, Esmerelda, Estella, Helen and Juliet. (I did that alphabetically I haven't lost enough grey cells yet) Miss Haversham dies a similar death as the Wicked Witch of the West in 'The Wizard of Oz'. Follow the yellow brick road, All that glitters is gold. After the convict shows up again in England Pip is at the lawyers office and they hang a group of people outside the window. Dawg Dawg Dawg. Romanism in a nutshell. It's a sickness and they're all germs. This is all designed to solve the problem of the proletariat for the rich and fit in with the rule of law. If some of them die along the way, this is not a problem. The only good pleb is a dead pleb.
Another idea for fighting back. Next time it snows disable the plow equipment with the pellet gun and radiator trick. Then attack government buildings.
I sometimes feel a drift that people think I don't give enough to others. Here is sort of an explanation. My father was on my case from day one. He never stopped. He complained I didn't voluteer enough for jobs around the house. This is how it was until he died. Once he was gone I was more than happy to do things. The moral of the story is 'You catch more flies with honey'. I tend to think this is a basic difference between the protestants and catholics. The protestants wait for you to walk in the door, the catholics (I think) are forced. On a different note, religion teach's charity and giving and poverty and the evils of money. They use as an example the very people who benefit from that teaching. Religion in general keeps the same people in power century after century. I don't want to be saved by Jesus. I suspect he made my life a living hell. It's like Neville Chamberlain and Hitler. Or Capt Ahab and St Elmos fire. I only have a problem with war if it is another BS world stage event pitting the people at the bottom against each other. If it is targeted at the right people and honestly makes a change. Well.
June 23, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I am still watching 'Great Expectations' by Charles Dickens. I have decided Pip was 'jewed' (mercury poisoned, chickenshit cookbook) very early in his life. His parents are gone. The convict ship (the blue meanies) are symbolism of how they are his people. Pip will always be Pip because brain damage is irreversible. Once a jew always a jew. Pip must join them or help them one day. Miss Haversham (have-a-sham relationship) gets wind of Pip's 'jewnish' and sets him up with an Alice. Miss Haversham trains future Alice's for rich people. The scene where Pip fights another boy in the courtyard is similar to Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee in 'Alice in Wonderland'. Two 'jewed' boys (knuckleheads) fighting over an Alice. This is the whole point. All this does is solve the problem of the proletariat for the rich. The only good plebian is a dead plebian. I say chickenshit soup for everyone. One person destroyed for the rich is worth destroying everyone. It's like the ending to 'Moby Dick'. Only Ismael lives.
A methane silo is a silo used to extract methane from decaying plant material. Current methods of extracting methane involve laying out the plant material in long horizontal buildings. The material must be turned over occassionly to help speed decay. A methane silo eliminates the need to do this. Long tubes of wire or screen are placed vertically inside the silo to speed decay. The material can be cycled through like any other silo using gravity.
Discretion is the better part of valor
He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day
He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day
Why did the Mormans go all the way to Utah so early in the settling of the west? To ensure no one who follows deviates from the norm? To ensure they don't get a repeat of that New England situation?
Benjamin Disraeli was not just Prime Minister, he was also a writer. Two of his books were 'Sybil' and 'Coningsby'.
June 22, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I have been watching a version of 'Great Expectations' by Charles Dickens on youtube. The main character is named Philip Pirrip and calls himself Pip. He is alone, with no parents. He is being manipulated, or recruited, by people in trouble (convicts) He is brought to a crazy rich lady, could be queen, Miss Haversham. Could be have-a-sham, as in the relationship she wants Pip to have with a charge of hers named Estella (Alice) The relationship is designed to stop Pip from helping the convicts. Miss Haversham is nuts, obsessed with religion. DUH This could be symbolism of the fight between the catholic church and the queen of England. The church is responsible for the convicts.
'Sometimes it seems to me,...
like I'm just being used...
Pink Floyd
like I'm just being used...
Pink Floyd
'Hanging on in quiet desperation,...
Is the English way..
Pink Floyd
Is the English way..
Pink Floyd
'In a big country,...
dreams stay with you..
like a lovers voice...
across a mountainside..
Big Country
dreams stay with you..
like a lovers voice...
across a mountainside..
Big Country
I think I'll move on to 'Moby Dick'
Did former West Virginia Senator, and Klansman, Robert Byrd spend hours and hours talking about the history of the Roman Empire on the floor of the US Senate?
Is the name F-22 Raptor (the Rapture) a joke?
Bullit the Blue Sky - U2
Bullit the Blue Sky - U2
I live on Easy St
It ain't so Easy on Easy St
It's off of King Philip and Mason
Pip Pip Pip Pip
My grandfather was a FreeMASON
I did not know that
Once upon a time in a land far far away
The English named an Indian chief King Philip
Soon after they went to war
Couple indians and maybe a pilgrim got hurt
Pip Pip Pip Pip
You know you're desperate when you call artillery on your own position and it hit's home and wipes out the entire company and your relatives are happy and laughin
Did anyone really die on 9/11?
The think machine
who would do such a thing
the desperate?
Can I get me some artillery?
How bout an F-22 Raptor?
Is that a joke? (Raptor)
You made a funny and I'm not laughin'
It ain't so Easy on Easy St
It's off of King Philip and Mason
Pip Pip Pip Pip
My grandfather was a FreeMASON
I did not know that
Once upon a time in a land far far away
The English named an Indian chief King Philip
Soon after they went to war
Couple indians and maybe a pilgrim got hurt
Pip Pip Pip Pip
You know you're desperate when you call artillery on your own position and it hit's home and wipes out the entire company and your relatives are happy and laughin
Did anyone really die on 9/11?
The think machine
who would do such a thing
the desperate?
Can I get me some artillery?
How bout an F-22 Raptor?
Is that a joke? (Raptor)
You made a funny and I'm not laughin'
'Who was born in a house full of pain...
who was only a stranger at home..
who was trained not to spit in the fan..
Pink Floyd
who was only a stranger at home..
who was trained not to spit in the fan..
Pink Floyd
'I'm not the only one...
starin at the sun..
happy to go blind..
Staring at the Sun
(there I go quoting them catholics again)
starin at the sun..
happy to go blind..
Staring at the Sun
(there I go quoting them catholics again)
Did anyone die Sept 11, 2001? Would you find them if you searched the Social Security Death Index?
June 21, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Really dumb question of the day. Weymouth recently got a brand new police station with all the whistles and bells. (along with alot of other goodies) Is all this surveillence equipment in there?
You have tortured and tormented me from the time I came into this world to prove to everyone else you can, and get away with it (what would you do with a brain if you had one?). Why do you need to break me to finnish it? Sooner or later you will discover my breathing does you more harm than me and it will behove you to get it over with. Like Knute the polar bear, publicity comes to him.
The catholic church, supposedly, stopped the Inquisition around 1825. By 1860 they lost all thier political power and were from then on a spiritual organization only. By 1900 the people who would suspect the catholic church of genocide was dwindling, so no one would suspect them of mass surviellence. It would be just like these people to spend 200 years whitewashing the reputation of the church so when the 'you know what' hits the fan everyone runs to the real church. The American Inquisition is the Spanish Inquisition with the rule of law.
If it is true that pretty much everything on TV, radio, newspapers etc is a lie, distortion or just useless, could it be assumed synchronicity is the same?
I have been re-watching 'Alice in Wonderland'. At the beginning Alice (aka Esmerelda, Helen, Juliet) is expected to sing to a group of people in an English garden. The significance might be she is being sent on a mission to learn something about life. She is reluctant to go. When she goes down the rabbit hole the first thing she sees is a really big garden. The door to enter the garden is very small so she drinks a potion to make herself small. Like the beginning of Led Zeppelin's 'Stairway to Heaven' "There's a lady who thinks all that glitters is gold". Alice wants to enter the garden to be rich. She takes drugs and does things that are not good for her to get there. She gets 'small' like the song "our shadows grow taller than our souls". Long term use of illegal drugs will cause brain damage. Brain damage is almost always irreversible. Once the grey cells are gone they don't come back. "I don't like the drugs, but the drugs like me" Thanks a lot assholes. Why don't I do more to avoid it? Like what? "You Can Knock At Any Door, But Wherever You Go You Know They've Been There Before" "I have become Comfortably Numb" It's a sickness and you're all germs. Right Now Oysters Are Being Robbed Of Thier Sole Possession. In the end Alice is a victim like everyone else. The Montagues and the Capulets fued for another 300 years.
Benjamin Disraeli was the prime minister of England twice in the 1800's. Some believe the things he did have resulted in the situation we now have in the middle east. (Disraeli Gears and album by the rock band Cream in the 1960's) "England can never begin again"
H G Wells was a science fiction writer of the late 1800's and early 1900's. He was also a member of the Fabian Society. (Fabian was an early Rock N Roll singer?) The Fabian Society is a British socialist movement that believes in implementing it's agenda by very slow and steady progress. It is named for a famous Roman general who fought Hannibal. Wells also wrote a book "The New World Order'
The New World Order
by H.G. Wells
by H.G. Wells
Socialism and the Great State
by H. G. Wells
by H. G. Wells
June 20, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Were the people who died in Hitler's concentration camps the proletariat?
Toward the end of either 'Alice in Wonderland' or 'Through the Looking Glass' there is a scene with a walrus and a carpenter eating oysters. Is the walrus the catholic church? Is the carpenter the protestant church? Koo Koo Ka Choo
I like to think oysters transend national bounderies.
Right now oysters are being robbed of thier sole possession.
Right now oysters are being robbed of thier sole possession.
June 19, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
This post is another clarification of one of my inventions. Many people today have wood stoves in thier house to lower heating bills. I believe you cannot run water through it and send it through the furnace to preheat what goes through the house. It's illegal. It can also be dangerous. If the thermostat is not calling for heat and the water is left standing in the pipes connected to the stove it will boil and eventually burst. This is a possible answer. If the stove is on the first floor, (top picture) you can use gravity. The bottom is is a very bad attempt at representing the idea but try anyway. I used a trash bag and a bucket but the real thing would be a closed metal container and a rubber bladder. If the thermostat is not calling the rubber bladder fills with the water that would be heated. When it calls, a small air compressor, attached to the metal tank, fills the tank with air pushing the water out of the bladder into the pipes and then into the stove. The water picks up the heat and then goes through the furnace and is distributed through the house. When it is finnished the bladder fills again.This is one example of how to use fire to heat a home. In the early days of central heat they burned coal. Going through the patent office you might find other ideas.
"When the great economic collapse comes, it'll be right across the board....'
Pink Floyd
Live at Pompeii
Released in theatres in 1974
available on DVD
(central banking is a ponzi scheme)
Pink Floyd
Live at Pompeii
Released in theatres in 1974
available on DVD
(central banking is a ponzi scheme)
Mercury people. A 'jew' is a person destroyed for the rich probably by the church. Psychiatry is genocide. It is made to look as though it were religious or ethnic so if things get out of hand the two sides can be pitted against each other. But the problem is rich vs poor. All it does is solve the problem of the proletariat for the people who already have too much. The proletariat is the unskilled unemployed labor pool that capitalism creates when the rich improve the modes of production to squeeze profits.
Is Scientology a replacement for Christianity? Have they done this sort of thing before? Why do all 3 Zeitgeist movies say Christianity is an ancient sun cult. How would they know? Is this how it was presented to the masses before they were allowed to have bibles? Did the Reformation do something similar to what is happening now?
Edie Sedgwick
mercury girl
Chased out of Boston by the creepin' crud
If there's anything left of her family they're in Israel, I mean a concentration camp, I mean Israel
Dawg, dawg, dawg
They don't think right ya know
mercury girl
Chased out of Boston by the creepin' crud
If there's anything left of her family they're in Israel, I mean a concentration camp, I mean Israel
Dawg, dawg, dawg
They don't think right ya know
Andy Warhol movies
Poor Little Rich Girl
and others
Poor Little Rich Girl
and others
For Whom The Bell Tolls
In "The Godfather Pt 2" an actual jew is denied entry into Israel. Does this happen in real life?
June 18, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
The two pictures below are of the back window of a Toyota sedan. I took them to show the rear de-fogger/de-icer. The de-icer is made up of the brown lines extending across the length of the window. The second picture is a close-up. The de-icer works by sending electric current through those lines to create heat. The heat melts any ice or snow that builds up. I think some de-icer's can be bought off the shelf at auto parts stores. My idea is to use these on the underside of photo voltaic panels to keep ice and snow off them.
Everybody wants a check. Everybody wants a check every month. If capitalism was working properly the cost of manufacturing photo voltaic panels and the associated electronics that go with them would be very affordable now. The rich would have improved the modes of production like Marx said. But they don't want that. If they did you would be partially free and they would lose some power. Financial freedom leads to real freedom. They want you writing as many checks as possible every month. It does not make sense for the people at the bottom to turn to some Hitler or Washington to lead them to freedom. The people at the bottom could free themselves if they each did it individually. But as of 2012 the surviellence and the misconceptions about life and the world we live in make this very hard. Chasing me out of my home doesn't solve anyone's problem.
This is one of my inventions I have on the inventions page. I thought I would do a text version in case it wasn't very clear what I meant.
These top two pictures are of an old style electric stove. The element is some kind of metal that glows red when it is hot. I don't know what kind of metal it is. The second picture from the bottom is only a representation, I wrapped a piece of white wire to show what I mean. The idea is to wrap the metal around a piece of pipe, connect it directly to a solar photo voltaic panel on the roof and then put the pipe in line with the water inlet of your furnace to preheat the water and save money. (bottom picture) The two pictures directly beneath here are of a 50 Watt resistor. I think this one is ceramic. This one is 350 Ohms. It is hollow to help dissapate heat. Another idea would be to use this type of ceramic instead of the metal. I thought it would be possible to encase some kind of wire in the ceramic and then surround the pipe to help it conduct and heat it up.
Alice Through the Looking Glass
a sequel
a sequel
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865.
Is Romeo and Juliet similar to Alice and Helen of Troy?
June 17, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Is there any reason a situation like mine couldn't be wholly manufactured somewhere else by people who want to spread the word?
Listen very carefully to what they say in the background of "The Irresponsible Hate Anthem" by Marilyn Manson.
In "The Godfather Pt 2" why does an actual jew get denied entry into Israel?
Alice Through the Looking Glass
a sequel
a sequel
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865.
Is Romeo and Juliet similar to Alice and Helen of Troy?
I have been trying to teach myself Actionscript. (The Espresso Book Machine) Actionscript is a computer programming language that makes dynamic web pages. Things that will move around. (The Espresso Book Machine) As usual the little children slugs KONY 2012 have been throwing roadblocks at me. I bought a couple used books on Amazon either late last week or early this week I don't remember (The Espresso Book Machine) I am not quite sure about the exact sequence of events. I am not sure if the book arrived like this or it happened after. (The Espresso Book Machine) On either Friday or Saturday I went for my morning walk and decided to start out with Abbey Road by The Beatles. I always listen to music. (The Espresso Book Machine) The book arrived that day. I am not sure if I left it unattended. In one of the very first chapters there was an example using The Beatles Abbey Road as the data. (The Espresso Book Machine) This is why you should not buy Kindles or electronic newspapers, it only compounds the problem of Winston. A question might be "why don't you talk about or confront people outside of this website about these things?". The answer is that would be just what they want. It's a sure way to wind up back in the hospital getting drugs shoved down my throat. This is all crazy you know. It is better to act cool and try to get others to find out what is going on. How many people have been slamed into the hospital by the police in the last 5 decades because they told someone thier thoughts were being read by others. Millions is my guess. Yasarian at the beginning of the movie Catch-22. All they're doing is solving the problem of the proletariat for the people who already have too much.
Really dumb questions of the day. All 3 Zeitgeist movies provide evidence that christianity is a copy of an ancient sun cult. How would they know that? Is that how it was presented to the people before they were allowed to have bibles? What does the word 'reformation' mean? Who was responsible for it?
June 16, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
The actual date the Roman Empire ended is debated. Some could say it never ended. At least in spirit. Romanism? Rome was a brutal culture everyone hated. At least if you were poor. The possibility was ever present for winding up lion food in a coliseum. If you were rich, no problem. You went along with it, because it kept you rich. The coliseums were a fear factor. They also served to rid the state of burdensome people who could not make it in society. Or people who opposed the empire. Christians, political opponants whatever. If you were poor and any where near normal you wanted to get as far away from Rome as possible. Rome was a militaristic culture that depended ecomonically on it's military. It's military was always looking for something to conquer. Some argue Rome's ability to govern the area it held was part of the reason it failed. It might also be that people ran out of places to run and were forced to stand and fight taxing the military even further. Rome eventually capitulated. One day he was Ceasar, the next he was Pope. These are three reasons for a perpetual genocide. Fear, ideology, and getting rid of those who can not make it. The more affluent a society becomes the harder it is for many people to make it. The world has run out of room for this culture. Somehow, someway, Romanism has to be put on trial and the guilty pay. I'm not exactly sure how.
Really dumb questions of the day. All 3 Zeitgeist movies provide evidence that christianity is a copy of an ancient sun cult. How would they know that? Is that how it was presented to the people before they were allowed to have bibles? What does the word 'reformation' mean? Who was responsible for it?
I got up this morning and turned the TV on, per usual, and was flipping through the channels and somewhere there was a story about radios. In the story they said "the radio stays". I'm probably just making stuff up. Later I thought to myself 'yea and so does everything else'. Billions for defense, not a penny for tribute
If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him
One day he was Ceasar
The next he was Pope
If you can't beat them,
pretend to join them
Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to decieve
For most people they lies run out in a couple days,
These people get thier own Guinness Book of World Records
One thing I do know is, there's a lot of ruins in Mesopotamia
A 'jew' is a person destroyed for the rich probably by the church. All it does is solve the problem of the proletariat for the people who already have too much.
If the doors of perception were cleansed, man would see things as they truly are, infinite.
If the final curtain came down on the world stage, the doors of perception would cleanse themselves.
(two bits please)
No Moolah for you
They're the moolah nazi's
That's a joke son, I made a funny and you're not laughin'
It could be argued Easy Rider only died spiritually because they went for the bucks.
There are two things I can always go back to, my suffering and my father's dissappearance,
these things cannot be forgivin
"my love is vengeance"
If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him
One day he was Ceasar
The next he was Pope
If you can't beat them,
pretend to join them
Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to decieve
For most people they lies run out in a couple days,
These people get thier own Guinness Book of World Records
One thing I do know is, there's a lot of ruins in Mesopotamia
A 'jew' is a person destroyed for the rich probably by the church. All it does is solve the problem of the proletariat for the people who already have too much.
If the doors of perception were cleansed, man would see things as they truly are, infinite.
If the final curtain came down on the world stage, the doors of perception would cleanse themselves.
(two bits please)
No Moolah for you
They're the moolah nazi's
That's a joke son, I made a funny and you're not laughin'
It could be argued Easy Rider only died spiritually because they went for the bucks.
There are two things I can always go back to, my suffering and my father's dissappearance,
these things cannot be forgivin
"my love is vengeance"
June 15, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I had my second verbal contact with the PIG-Lice today. I feel honored. Or I would if I could feel something. It was kinda the same thing as last time. I was on my morning constitutional, and I decided to change my route a little. (and how did they know by the way) I went through the NEW High School and had my camera around my neck. The PIG-Lice came by, after a really nice black mercedes ???, and said "What are you doing?" I said I was out for a walk. She asked if I was taking pictures of the kids. I said no. Just then I was presented with an opportunity to take a picture of a very very lovely Alice in short short short shorts. I declined. Aside from the obvious reason she was walking with two menacing Pigs Fascii. The last time it was the the kid next door who goes to the local catholic school. She is 8 or 9 years old. My comment which the PIG-Lice objected to was I wondered who was the bigger creep, me or the people who put small children in harms way. As I proceeded with my walk I observed someone unloading Port-O-Potties. I keep saying to myself "I am waiting for the pig diarhea to seep through the floor of the outhouse. Was someone trying to say something? (there is a short spoken section of Civil War by Guns N Roses - is this the creepin crud?) You shoud stop with the Port-O-Potties stuff it makes me think I am winning. The expense is a dead give away. But then again when Money is debt blah blah blah. (it's probably government stimulus) I have said in the past I thought Israel is a concentration camp. I have watched the Protestant TV ministry's ask for money to ship jews over there. My guess is they know what is going on. A 'jew' is someone destroyed for the rich probably by the church to take thier property or other reasons. No one at the bottom is immune.
Jesus is a mOBSCENE
Rebellion is packaged
I pick on the catholics too much
Gee, that sucks
How does it feel to suck
Rebellion is packaged
I pick on the catholics too much
Gee, that sucks
How does it feel to suck
A Road to Awakening
Most people in the United States, and much of the rest of the world, live in a dream where life is a bowl of cherries. They accept without question the endless fairy tale served up by the main stream media. But for many life is a bowl of pits, and it's getting worse. Those living the dream will discover one day and they too will be living the nightmare.
If you're living the nightmare you would want to convince the other half this is so, and in the process save both. Your first and main obstacle is the main stream media. A voice so loud it drowns out all others. Television, and to a lesser extent movies and radio are the greatest weapon ever invented by man. To get past it, you must get the hypnotised to question their reality and do their own investigation. The internet could save the masses.
To do that you must provide some evidence that their lives or security are in danger. To do it right you should have several things. Fortunately much has been done in the last 50 years or so by people who were living the nightmare. Here, I try to provide some starting blocks with what I know. One of the first things to know is "Everything you know is wrong". This is not a free world and you can't say that. The truth wears a veil in western civilization. Proving things is difficult and dangerous.
One of the first problems discovered was the banking system. The central banking system is a scam. It is mathematically impossible for the United States federal government to get out of debt. In the central banking system, money is debt and debt is money. If there was no debt, there would be no money. If there is too much debt, there is too much money. The people who collect the debt are the only people with the real game. Everyone else is just spinning their wheels. And an even more absurd fact is they don't deserve a penny of what they collect because they didn't put up any collateral. The system creates money out of thin air and they collect both the principle and interest. The documentary 'The Zeitgeist Movie' cites a Minnesota case where a man stopped the bank from taking his house by proving the bank voided the contract because it didn't put up any collateral. It created the money out of thin air. Bankruptcy and inflation are unavoidable. When someone, or a country, goes bankrupt they take property in exchange and don't deserve it. The banking system will either conquer the world by bankruptcy or crash from a mountain of debt. One of the first people to document this was Thomas Paine in his book "The Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance". He also wrote "Common Sense" a pamphlet used to start the American Revolution.
With the truth about the banking system you could convince a lot of people their world is in danger. Everyone needs money. Despite what people say, they always vote their wallet before any idea or principle. Unfortunately the elections are a joke too. Freedoms an illusion, film at eleven. A second place to look is history. Napolean said once "History is a lie agreed upon". One of the first places to start is the history of the banking system. Why didn't I know this? The Bank of England was the first central bank. It was founded in 1694 by William of Orange, the king of England. It was a response to two revolutions that took place in England in the 17th century, one of which succeeded in toppling the king. He was executed. The second didn't succeed. It is a bottomless bank account used to buy whatever is needed to hold power. They can manipulate the currency and wage war against it's own citizens. In the decades following the turn of the 18th century they developed a political system called 'Oligarchical Collectivism'. They will share power and access to the banking system with anyone who will be as ruthless and greedy as they are. Below is a paragraph taken from George Orwell's book '1984':
'In accordance with principles it does not matter if the war is real or whether victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous. The essential act of modern warfare is the destruction of human production and labor. A hierarchial society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. In principle the war is planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against it's own subjects and it's object is not victory but to keep the very structure of society intact.'
A second place to look is the English Reformation. Religion is an important part of how oligarchical collectivism works. Stalin once said 'Religion is the opium of the mass's'. Like everything else in western civilization it is run for and by the rich. I do not have a problem with religions or religious people. My problem is with their organization. I do not endorse Islam, but in Islam every mosque stands alone. It is not part of a massive organization. After a muslim cleric learns his theology he goes to a mosque and has no boss outside of that. The people who go to church on Sunday are not the problem, it's the people who run the church's. And the bigger they are the bigger the problem. When looking at the English Reformation the idea is to prove that the church divided itself to form two groups that the kings could pit against each other to satisfy Orwell's 'Theory of Oligarchical Collectivism'.
Significant questions are:
Why was Henry VIII obsessed with having a son? Two of his daughters, Mary I and Elizabeth I, held the throne anyway. Did England abandon Salic Law 100 years earlier? Why was James VI of Scotland (also James I of England) brought up a protestant if his mother, Mary Queen of Scots, was born and died a catholic? Why did James I produce the King James Bible? Why did he leave out the Apocraphyl Books? Why was Elizabeth I called 'The Virgin Queen'? Was this intentional so the throne could go to James I? Thomas More is both a saint in the catholic church and a sir for the British Empire. He was executed in the Henry VIII affair. He wrote a book about utopia. In fact I think he coined the phrase utopia. The United States is an invention of the Catholic Church and the monarchs of Europe. Does the concept of a utopia have anything to do with the Trojan War thing? Is America the utopia he talked about? Was it made up to keep the mass's happy so they wouldn't actually revolt?
Why was Henry VIII obsessed with having a son? Two of his daughters, Mary I and Elizabeth I, held the throne anyway. Did England abandon Salic Law 100 years earlier? Why was James VI of Scotland (also James I of England) brought up a protestant if his mother, Mary Queen of Scots, was born and died a catholic? Why did James I produce the King James Bible? Why did he leave out the Apocraphyl Books? Why was Elizabeth I called 'The Virgin Queen'? Was this intentional so the throne could go to James I? Thomas More is both a saint in the catholic church and a sir for the British Empire. He was executed in the Henry VIII affair. He wrote a book about utopia. In fact I think he coined the phrase utopia. The United States is an invention of the Catholic Church and the monarchs of Europe. Does the concept of a utopia have anything to do with the Trojan War thing? Is America the utopia he talked about? Was it made up to keep the mass's happy so they wouldn't actually revolt?
Another place is the controversy surrounding Joan of Arc and Gilles de Rais. Joan of Arc was considered a whore up to the 20th century. Then she was made a saint. Why? Gilles de Rais fought alongside her but is still demonized as a monster. Why? Gilles is considered the first 'bluebeard'. What is a bluebeard? Was Quasimodo of 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame' a bluebeard?
A fourth place is the Spanish Civil War of the 1930's. George Orwell fought for a time on the side of the republicans against the fascists. He wrote about his experience in the book "Homage to Catalonia". When he got to the front he recieved little or no training. All the people he fought with had the same amount of training. He had no uniform. His rifle was 30 years old, his unit had one machine gun for every 50 men. Most of the injuries suffered by his unit were caused by their own equipment. After several months of fighting he got 3 days in Barcelona. While there fighting broke out. After it ended government troops arrived. The same government he was fighting for. They had new uniforms, were trained and had one machine gun for every 10 men. When he discovered this he was forced to flee the country.
World War I was a slaughter on both sides. In about 4 years of fighting no real progress was made by anyone, yet millions of men died. No one really knows why it was fought. George Seldes was a reporter at the time. He was considered a muchracker, someone who didn't go along with the pack. He covered the end of the war and called it a complete sham. A hero of that war, Smedley Butler, later wrote a book "War is a Racket".
There are a lot of questions surrounding Benjamin Disraeli and the current state of Israel. Disraeli was an Englishman who lived in the 1800's. He was British Prime Minister twice. Many believe he is responsible for the situation in Israel.
My take on Israel. The Allies (also known as everyone involved) during WWII didn't liberate the Nazi concentration camps but instead relocated them to Palestine and called it Israel. The Zeitgeist Movie points out that 100 million people in the United States are convinced the end times are here. They are all waiting to be raptured into heaven. The movie "Ring of Power" says the same thing. They add that the battle of Armageddon will take place in Isreal. Why did they leave the Apocraphyl Books out of the King James Version of the bible? I ask only because the word 'apocraphyl' and 'apolcalypse' may be derived from the same word.
Thomas Paine, who wrote the pamphlet 'Common Sense', came to America just before the revolution. Common Sense was read in pubs and churches before the war and was instrumental in getting the war started. In it he criticizes the English form of government. He points out that any government with 3 houses (not to be confused with 3 branches) can be easily controlled if anyone controls two. The English government can always be controlled with the House of Lords and the Monarchy. The House of Commons is powerless and only gives the illusion of freedom. The people who fought the revolution fully expected to go back to their lives and governments as they were when the war was over. The Federal government was an afterthought. The justification for it was made years later by the Federalist Papers. How quickly people forget. All anyone needs is a handful of senators and the president and they control the government. We only have the illusion of freedom.
Studying the history of the Jesuits might also help. The Jesuits were formed at the time of The Reformation. They are unofficially the Popes army. The military wing of the catholic church. The only time they were suppressed, but not eliminated, was from July 1773 to around 1825. In December 1773 The Boston Tea Party took place. Does this seem too coincidental? Did we fight a revolution and liberate ourselves from ourselves? Did we create our own false utopia? The Jesuits use guerrilla tactics. According to Sun Tzu, a chinese military strategist 'You cannot win a war against guerrilla tactics'. Investigating the relationship between Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a Jesuit priest, and the beginnings of The Church of Scientology is a very good place.
Ignatius of Loyola was born 1491 and died July 31, 1556. He is the founder of The Society of Jesus or commonly known as the Jesuits. They are considered the Popes army and are responsible for the activities of the counter-reformation. He is a saint in the Catholic Church.
Jean Joseph Marie Amiot was born Feb 1718 and died October 9 1793. He was a Jesuit missionary in China. He was the first to translate 'The Art of War' a treatise by a Chinese military strategist known as Sun Tzu. In this book Sun Tzu states 'It is impossible to win a war against guerrila tactics'.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was born May 1, 1881 and died April 10, 1955. He was a French philosopher and Jesuit priest who trained as a paleontologist and geologist and took part in the discovery of Peking Man. He originated the idea of the Omega Point. Did he have anything to do with the beginnings of Scientology? Teilhard and his work have a continuing presence in the arts and culture. He inspired a number of characters in literary works. References range from occasional quotations, an auto mechanic quotes Teilhard in Philip K. Dick's A Scanner Darkly, to serving as the philosophical underpinning of the plot, as Teilhard's work does in Julian May's 1987–94 Galactic Milieu Series. Teilhard also plays a major role in Annie Dillard's 1999 For the Time Being. Characters based on Teilhard appear in several novels, including Jean Telemond in Morris West's The Shoes of the Fisherman (mentioned by name and quoted by Oskar Werner playing Fr. Telemond in the movie version of the novel) and Father Lankester Merrin in William Peter Blatty's The Exorcist. In Dan Simmons' 1989–97 Hyperion Cantos, Teilhard de Chardin has been canonized a saint in the far future. His work inspires the anthropologist priest character, Paul Duré. When Duré becomes Pope, he takes Teilhard I as his regnal name.
Aside from the obvious wars reported in newspapers the powers that be manage to get us to fight mythical wars. The Trojan War was supposedly fought between Greece and Troy. It was fought over a woman. Helen of Troy. The war was fought for ten years outside the walls of Troy before the Greeks won. Homer's 'The Iliad and the Odyssey' chronicles the war. Aleister Crowley, a writer and cultist, wrote a book "Alice (in Wonderland) is an Adultery". 'Alice in Wonderland' is a parallel story to 'The Iliad and the Odyssey'. It is roughly the same thing. One side or the other in the mythical war sends one of it's young girls on an mission of adultery to lure a male away from home to destroy his life and possibly hers. She is sometimes convinced 'all that glitters is gold'. The adultery causes division among the sides, like Greece and Troy, and makes for further hostilities. It's all a setup. The people in charge of it all just want to make trouble for the people at the bottom.
As I said before "the truth wears a veil in western civilization'. Fiction is non-fiction and non-fiction is fiction. Aside from 'Alice in Wonderland' some revealing novels are: Gulivers Travels- Written in 1730 it is a glimpse into how the oligarchy collective works. Others are 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame', The Grapes of Wrath' and "Tom Sawyer'. Anything by Shakespear.
The central banking system is an economic tool for holding power. But it is just a piece of a larger body of knowledge on economics that is used. This knowledge was outlined in The Scottish Enlightenment of the 1700's. The main work was Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations". It is the manual for economic domination used today all over the world. It is mathematically impossible for the United Sates Federal government to ever get out of debt. Or any other country with a central bank, which is every country on earth. The really absurd thing is the people collecting the debt don't deserve anything. They didn't put up a penny of collateral. 'The Zeitgeist Movie' cites a Minnesota case where a man stopped the bank from foreclosing on his house by proving the bank created the money out of thin air.
Ultimitely, it's a question of slavery. The modern world is the wage slave system. In the wage slave system the slave himself is responsible for his own housing and food. All system's of slavery are designed to overproduce. The excess is sold by the owner so he/she can live in luxury. All system's of slavery benefit only a few. Poverty and/or primitive culture is the natural state of the world. The wage slave system has driven mankind and the entire planet to the edge and it is not sustainable. Slave system's naturally overproduce all life sustaining products so populations run out of control. They eat up land and resources. At some point those two dynamics collide and everyone suffers, including the slave owners. The global elite require drastic measures to remain in power, and they are working towards this. DON'T ACCEPT AN IMPLANT!
Who's winning the battle to implement communism, the proletariat or the bourgeois? I believe communism is the end result of capitalism. It is being implemented through fabianism. Fabianism is a strategy of slow and steady progress. There is a Fabian Society dedicated to socialism. H G Wells was a member. He wrote a book titled "New World Order". I believe that communism and socialism don't exist. They are political ideology's designed to keep the mass's busy while the banking system takes over the world. The true end result is 'Times New Roman'. We will be back to a Ceasar. Karl Marx outlined 10 things needed to implement communism. I list them below and try to point out the ones I think are already in place.
Capitalism=Communism=Fabianism=Times New Roman. 'Nothing changes New Years Day.... The history of the white caucasion, or western civilization, is a history of the struggle with Rome. The Muslim world is an example of a culture that is somewhat successful at defeating it. The Pilgrims here in New England is another, but is in the final stages of being destroyed. 'There is a house in New Orleans.... The term Islamo-Fascism does not make sense. The Muslims are not as money happy as Europeans. We are in the Middle East because we are at war with Islam. No one shall deviate. Israel was put there on purpose to make trouble. It is possible Benjamin Disraeli is responsible.
1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents to land for public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all right to inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6.Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands: and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal obligation of all to work.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries: gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.
10. Free education for all children. Abolition of child factory labor in it's present form. Combination of education with industrial production.
At the end of the 19th century we went through 'The Gilded Age'. The rich enjoyed life as never before. Everyone wanted a monopoly on something. Someone would corner the market on something then charge whatever they wanted. Flour, sugar, coffee etc. They called them trusts. The mansions in Newport RI were built with this money. Teddy Roosevelt passed the Sherman Anti-Trust Act to break up the trusts and lower prices for everyone. They later passed an income tax law that was also supposed to help. Maybe it did maybe it didn't. It now funds endless wars and it's wasteful industry's. As Orwell pointed out, war is meant to keep the poor on it's knees. It also funds the welfare state. The welfare state does not help the poor. It gives them just enough to get by and not pick up a gun. It stops them from building something for themselves. It gives corporate welfare to take away opportunity for them. Give a man a fish, feed him for a day, teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime. The income tax now works for the rich.
Inheritance is overtaxed now, but it is hurting small corporations more than large.
This one I don't understand.
We have centralization of the credit, but it is in private hands. The Federal Reserve is a privately owned bank. The word 'Federal' is decieving. It is owned by private individuals who we can never get out of debt to. And they don't deserve a penny.
The Interstate Highway system surreptitiously centralizes the transport system. People don't realize it doesn't have to be built that way. It gives too much power to the government. In the old west people would vie for a railroad stop in thier town. It would bring people and commerce. If the trains stopped the town would die. I often call the interstate highway system 'Automobile Railroads'. They should be built as surface roads. Anyone with land that abutts the road should have access. This would provide infinite economic opportunity for people.
I don't know what this is for. Leave waste land waste land. Stop building suburbs. Each city should be as self supporting as possible. Global trade slowly makes us interdependant as nations. (World Trade is a 9-1-1) If they ever come out of the closet we will all discover that our basic needs come from a foreign country. No one here will know how to raise cattle etc. People will surrender very quickly.
I have no problem requiring anyone who can work to work. But it is better they employ themselves and build and acquire wealth. This would lead to satisfying Marx's first condition for communism to end up in the hands of the poor. But at that point why bother?
I think the suburbinization of America should be reversed. It wastes land. It makes the population even more dependant on the controlled transport and communication structure.
Free education through High School is OK. But a High School education should be enough. It is entirely too complicated, expensive and difficult to make a living in this country. No child labor.
I have some thoughts on inflation. All 3 Zeitgeist movies bring it up as a concern in a money as debt, debt as money system. So I'm trying to understand. Inflation is when the value of a currency goes down and it requires more of the same currency to buy an item over a short period of time. The price of the item goes up. I was born in 1957. For the first ten years of my life a candy bar was a nickel. You could get 6 for a quarter. Not little candy bars, the big ones. My parents grew up in the 1930's. They have talked about going to the store with a dime for bread and milk. So thats kinda the same thing. Thirty years apart, not much had changed. After 1967 and beyond it really got out of control. A candy bar was a dollar in the 1970's. Why. When Gerald Ford took office after Nixon he had the WIN campaign. Whip Inflation Now. Everyone was supposed to wear a WIN button. People thought he was a dope. What really causes inflation? Lets take strawberries as an example. In a capitalist society if the price of strawberries got out of control the free market is supposed to fill the void and stabilze the price. So if it was too expensive to ship them from California local growers would step in. Why isn't this happening? This is my best guess. In a society where money is debt and debt is money, if there were no debt there would be no money. The opposite is also true. If there is too much debt there is too much money, thus reducing it's buying power. Anyone can go into a bank get a loan and expand the money supply. So no one really has control of the value of the currency. If too many loans are being written the value of the currency goes down. The government does not own the Federal Reserve. It goes to the bank just like everyone else. If the government borrows money willy nilly inflation would be out of control. Like back in the 70's. Why did the government start borrowing money like that? In Eisenhowers Farewell Speech he says:
In this revolution research has become central, it has also become more formalized, costly and complex. A steadily increasing share is done for by or at the direction of the federal government. ...
He continues:
A government contract becomes a substitute for intellectual curiosity...
He says later.
We must also guard against the equal and opposite danger that public policy itself could become the captive of a scientific technological elite..
Has someone been holding the government hostage since the 1960's? How much control have they had since then. Who is doing it? A conclusion could be drawn that the only way to control the value of the currency is control the number of people who go into banks. This becomes even more important if you needed to cover up out of control government spending. Inflation has largely been under control since the 1980's. Is this what Scientology is for?
In this revolution research has become central, it has also become more formalized, costly and complex. A steadily increasing share is done for by or at the direction of the federal government. ...
He continues:
A government contract becomes a substitute for intellectual curiosity...
He says later.
We must also guard against the equal and opposite danger that public policy itself could become the captive of a scientific technological elite..
Has someone been holding the government hostage since the 1960's? How much control have they had since then. Who is doing it? A conclusion could be drawn that the only way to control the value of the currency is control the number of people who go into banks. This becomes even more important if you needed to cover up out of control government spending. Inflation has largely been under control since the 1980's. Is this what Scientology is for?
As capitalism progresses to communism through fabianism the poor and destitute class keeps getting bigger and must be dealt with. Karl Marx called them the 'proletariat'. Here is an example of how the proletariat gets bigger. Adam Smith who wrote 'The Wealth of Nations. called this phenomenah 'the invisible hand'. I don't recall his exact example so I'll use one of my inventions. One of my inventions (on the invention page) replaces the old method of making PCB's. Printed circuit boards. With the old method a lot of shorts and opens are made because the process is very inexact. Shorts and opens are electronic terms for the board don't work. Companies hire a lot of people to test and inspect the boards to get them to work. My invention would produce boards with less defects so companies would hire fewer of those people and the proletariat gets bigger. Whoever is screwing with me is solving the problem of the proletariat for the rich. I suspect it is Scientology. This is why psychiatry is genocide. This is why they want to control the population.
More thoughts on inflation. How the proletariat gets bigger was revealed by Karl Marx in 'The Communist Manifesto' in 1848. The rich are always improving the modes of production to cut costs and increase profits. The patent office is the incentive. If this is happening as it should why are prices going up? This is something I don't understand about solar cells and solar electricity. If this is working as it should the cost of solar should have gone down a long time ago. But it may be that the oil industry is stopping it. I talked about the strawberries. Question, does the government pay people with farm land to not grow anything? Why? Does this keep prices high? Does this keep certain people in business? Does this force global trade? How bad is the mind control problem?
Despite an ugly highway cutting through the middle, downtown Boston had a lot of small business's. Pizza joints, bars and other things. Haymarket was an open air market where there was all manner of stuff. Now, after the Big Dig it is just strip mall America in big buildings. Kenmore Square is near the same. Channel 7 used to be the CBS affiliate here in Boston. Channel 4 was the NBC. About ten years ago they swapped, kinda without notice. I am not exactly sure what this has to do with anything. Back in the 1970's there was a court fight for the license for Channel 7. (I'm pretty sure) Someone just went into court and said the owners of Channel 7 were not running the station in the best interest of the public as defined by the FCC, I'm pretty sure they won.
There is too much wealth property and power in the hands of too few people. Mutual funds became very popular in the 1980's. One type of fund is an index fund. The idea is to buy every stock on a particular index, say the S & P 500, and hold it for a long period. Historically the markets gain value over long periods. I believe that idea stops working if there isn't enough stocks openly traded among individual investors. This is made worse when there aren't enough small investors. I talked about how I thought downtown Boston was strip mall America in big buildings. All those small investors are gone. The entire market can be controlled by a very few people. It only looks like we all own it. If there is too large a percentage of stocks just sitting waiting and another large percentage in the hands of the very rich it will never move.
Alice Through the Looking Glass
a sequel
a sequel
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865.
Is Romeo and Juliet similar to Alice and Helen of Troy?
June 14, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Klueless Klucks Klan. The second incarnation of the Klueless Klucks Klan of the early 20th century was very anti-catholic. Part of it's mission was to stop catholic subversion. How times have changed. You are not only working on the wrong end of the snake you are working on the wrong snake all together, you morons.
Two quotes from the movie 'Easy Rider'
"If god did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him"
"Wealth only closes a man's reputation and determines it as good or bad"
"Luke, come over to the dark side"
There are at least two things that cannot be disputed. I suffered terribly for at least 25 years. Possibly more. My father is missing and I now believe his life was destroyed behind his back. So there's much more to this.
I went for coffee this morning, per usual, and the blonde roast for the day was 'Indivisible'. So, of coarse my Bugs Bunny dittee machine was workin on the way home so here goes:
'I pledge alliegance to the flogging of that as*8%le Phil, (who I don't even know) one God under nation, indivisible with Just-Us for us and not you...."
'I pledge alliegance to the flogging of that as*8%le Phil, (who I don't even know) one God under nation, indivisible with Just-Us for us and not you...."
The game of monopoly is over and no one is quite sure who won. The global economic and political system is broken and it's not going to fix itself. Here is some more evidence. Were the AFL-CIO and the Teamsters hundreds and hundreds of seperate unions at one time? More consolidation. And now we return to Quasimodo. Are 'The Bells of Notre Dame' and a scarecrow the same thing? Quasimodo is controlled by an alchemist who is in trouble with the church but has his lab in the church. The alchemist, named Master Frollo, is trying to make gold out of nothing. (????? money as debt and debt as money maybe???) The King, dressed as a pauper, (a familiar theme) comes to visit the alchemist in the church to see what he has to offer. Esmerelda (aka Alice) is eventually hanged for a murder she didn't commit. Quasimodo dies of heartache at her grave. (Romeo and Juliet)
At the end of the day, it all comes down to:
'Money, get back,..
I'm alright Jack,..
keep your hands off my stack..
Pink Floyd
I'm alright Jack,..
keep your hands off my stack..
Pink Floyd
Might as well shoot me goin up Columbian. Lets see how long secret Fascism lasts when it's no longer secret.
Alice Through the Looking Glass
a sequel
a sequel
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865.
Is Romeo and Juliet similar to Alice and Helen of Troy?
Some curious coincidences. In the movie 'The Trial' by Frank Kafka and starring Anthony Perkins, Perkins dies in a secluded area at the very end. He is killed by a complete stranger. At the end of the movie 'Easy Rider' both of the main characters die in a secluded area, killed by perfect strangers. At the end of the book 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame' Quasimodo dies on top of Esmerelda's grave in the middle of a secluded cemetery.
'If you walk away,.
I will follow...'
I Will Follow
I will follow...'
I Will Follow
'Shayla works in a factory..
she isn't history,
she's just a number..
she isn't history,
she's just a number..
'God said to Abraham,
kill me a son....
Highway 61
Bob Dylan
kill me a son....
Highway 61
Bob Dylan
'Mr Crowley, what went on in your head..
Oh Mr Crowley, did you talk with the dead..
Mr Crowley
Ozzy Osbourne
Oh Mr Crowley, did you talk with the dead..
Mr Crowley
Ozzy Osbourne
'Imagine a boot stamped on a human face...forever'
A fictional interview with George Orwell
A fictional interview with George Orwell
'Or maybe the real plan is a coliseum'
June 13, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I have been re-watching my copy of 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame'. It reminds me of something that happened 8 or 9 years ago. I went to The Glastonbury Abbey in Hingham for something, I don't remember what, and there were signs on the lawns of the houses surrounding it that said 'Dear Abbey No Bells'.
Thomas More was born Feb 7, 1478 and died July 6, 1535. He was Lord Chancellor for England during the reign of Henry VIII. He wrote a book 'Utopia' which described an island nation with a perfect political system. He was executed for treason during the Henry VIII affair. He is both a sir for the British Empire and a saint for the Catholic Church. He was not made a saint until 1935. Is America the utopia he talked about? Was America designed to keep the mass's happy and not revolt? Is this why More was executed?
Ignatius of Loyola was born 1491 and died July 31, 1556. He is the founder of The Society of Jesus or commonly known as the Jesuits. They are considered the Popes army and are responsible for the activities of counter-reformation. He is a saint in the Catholic Church.
Jean Joseph Marie Amiot was born Feb 1718 and died October 9 1793. He was a Jesuit missionary in China. He was the first to translate 'The Art of War' a treatise by a Chinese military strategist known as Sun Tzu.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was born May 1, 1881 and died April 10, 1955. He was a French philosopher and Jesuit priest who trained as a paleontologist and geologist and took part in the discovery of Peking Man. He originated the idea of the Omega Point. Did he have anything to do with the beginnings of Scientology? Teilhard and his work have a continuing presence in the arts and culture. He inspired a number of characters in literary works. References range from occasional quotations, an auto mechanic quotes Teilhard in Philip K. Dick's A Scanner Darkly, to serving as the philosophical underpinning of the plot, as Teilhard's work does in Julian May's 1987–94 Galactic Milieu Series. Teilhard also plays a major role in Annie Dillard's 1999 For the Time Being. Characters based on Teilhard appear in several novels, including Jean Telemond in Morris West's The Shoes of the Fisherman (mentioned by name and quoted by Oskar Werner playing Fr. Telemond in the movie version of the novel) and Father Lankester Merrin in William Peter Blatty's The Exorcist. In Dan Simmons' 1989–97 Hyperion Cantos, Teilhard de Chardin has been canonized a saint in the far future. His work inspires the anthropologist priest character, Paul Duré. When Duré becomes Pope, he takes Teilhard I as his regnal name.
Alice Through the Looking Glass
a sequel
a sequel
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865.
Is Romeo and Juliet similar to Alice and Helen of Troy?
June 12, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely, and makes for arrogance personified.
The people of Weymouth had talked about improvements for decades. Rt 18 needed widening, some of the schools were a mess a lot of the intersections needed upgrading. Columbian Square in South Weymouth has always been a difficult intersection to get through. Plans were drawn up a few years ago. The creepin' crud and the central planning commies are one in the same. I am not leaving. There is nothing for me here nevermind anywhere else. If I actually started wanting things it would be new behavior. Suffering is a full time job you know. I'm sorry am I complaining. No I'm not sorry GFY. Why don't you have your little Quasi ceremony in Columbian Square when it's finnished. You can keep me in Brigdewater until you're ready. It's a real vacation. (Titicut Follies anyone?) Or maybe a coliseum is the real plan.
Why do they say 'When in Rome do as the Romans' when Rome insists on Rome everywhere? Does anyone have a choice?
In the movie 'The Manchurian Candidate" the assasin is dressed as a catholic priest. Just sayin.
Sidenote. If it's electronic it can be messed with, period. No exceptions. The term 'internet security' is an oxy moron. No such animal. Never will be. You will never work within any of this technology to defeat it. You need a very, very, very large area completely void of wires and technology to begin to sort things out. Preferably the entire countryside. Cutting of the cities is impossible and would create too much trouble. They would use that as a political advantage.
"To Serve and Protect The Us in the Just-Us System"
"To Serve and Protect The Us in the Just-Us System"
Alice Through the Looking Glass
a sequel
a sequel
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865.
Is Romeo and Juliet similar to Alice and Helen of Troy?
(King for a day)
(King for a day)
Dawg, dawg, dawg
Sen Robert Byrd on the floor of the US Senate when speaking about the Michael Vick dogfighting case
Sen Robert Byrd on the floor of the US Senate when speaking about the Michael Vick dogfighting case
Do What Thou Wilst Will Be The Whole Of The Law
If there 'ain't a dime's worth of difference between the democrats and republicans' then no one can affect any change at the ballot box. If you can't change anything at the ballot box, then there is no political solution. If there is no political solution there is no peaceful solution.
'Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable'
John F Kennedy
John F Kennedy
'The night and Jesuits always return'
June 11, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Idea. The trucks used by electric company's (cherry pickers, etc) are very expensive. When they are using them they leave the engines running because it powers the equipment attached to it. A pellet gun could be used from a somewhat safe distance to puncture the radiator. Five or ten minutes after the radiator is empty the engine will overheat and sieze making the truck useless.
June 10, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Can of Bull?
Who has to wear the veil?
(I'm sorry that was too JC)
Pay no attention to that sentence above here.
Here is something else I know about the chickenshit outfit.
When the odds are even or a little the other way
everybody sees thier real feathers.
Who has to wear the veil?
(I'm sorry that was too JC)
Pay no attention to that sentence above here.
Here is something else I know about the chickenshit outfit.
When the odds are even or a little the other way
everybody sees thier real feathers.
For anyone who thinks this problem originated in Russia or China as a way for the Communists to win, why are those countries now State Capitalism?
Deacon Blues
Steely Dan
Here we have the San Francisco reference,
the god reference
the southern reference
the end reference
the blue reference
the rolling stone reference
all in one.
Can all these people be wrong?
Steely Dan
Here we have the San Francisco reference,
the god reference
the southern reference
the end reference
the blue reference
the rolling stone reference
all in one.
Can all these people be wrong?
Here is another theory about the butterfly thing. If you were at the front of a major battle during wartime and you were having the time of your life killing and maiming, you're superior would probably section 8 you and send you to the loonie bin. It's not normal to kill perfect strangers for no reason. The very fact we (the sunshine people) have smiled and curtsied our way right into hell is more evidence.
The world has run out of room and pateince for this GODdam culture. Which is probably what the Megalodon is for.
Alice Through the Looking Glass
a sequel
a sequel
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865.
Is Romeo and Juliet similar to Alice and Helen of Troy?
A proposal to limit the use of the radio spectrum. I would like to propose that the radio spectrum be limited to a very narrow band of frequencies below the microwave. Why. The use of the spectrum could be centralized like the cable industry used to be, and should be now. Every town and city should have it's own cable and transmission facility. Allowing what they want or don't want. If it is limited to a very narrow band anyone could check if there are transmissions that don't belong. Everybody could jam thier own transmissions without interfering with those that are allowed. How I know this can be done. Anyone can access a wi-fi spot and look at any video or talk to someone over the microwave band right now. So a very narrow band is being used to carry everything. Everything is also being carried on the coax that goes into every house. The technology already exists.
These are horses
This is a male horse
(I think)
(I think)
This is a female horse
(I think)
Sometimes the male horses get a little too much gidyup in thier gedalong so they cut off thier n^%s.
They call it a gelding
(I think)
You can't do this to humans
(or at least you are not supposed to)
This is what the chickenshit cookbook could be used for.
(no one will ever know)
(I think)
Sometimes the male horses get a little too much gidyup in thier gedalong so they cut off thier n^%s.
They call it a gelding
(I think)
You can't do this to humans
(or at least you are not supposed to)
This is what the chickenshit cookbook could be used for.
(no one will ever know)
Yesterday I was at home thinking about my situation, because I have nothing else to do, when for some reason I began questioning why my life was destroyed. Then I heard the sound of a bird crowing. Like it was flying by the window. The sound was supposed to remind me I am a 'scarecrow'. This could be an example of the microwave hearing effect. It boggles the mind to think there is some creep at a desk in a control room aware of my every thought trying to get me to commit suicide. Sometimes I think the whole thing is automated. As I click through videos on youtube my thoughts can play out in real time. 'Science insusceptable, yet nothing is invincible...sub atomic pause...
Is a 'Puss N Boots' and a 'Starbuck' the same thing?
The Godfather and The Godfather Part II
The story of a crime family
The truth wears a veil in western civilization
The story of a crime family
The truth wears a veil in western civilization
It's a Megaladon
Did Pierre Teilhard de Chardin have anything to do with the beginnings of Scientology.
The Omega Point or The New Improved Divide and Conquer.
If we were all aware of each others thoughts we would all be fighting amongst ourselves.
If we were all aware of each others thoughts we would all be fighting amongst ourselves.
June 9, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Alice Through the Looking Glass
a sequel
a sequel
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865.
Is Romeo and Juliet similar to Alice and Helen of Troy?
A Road to Awakening
Most people in the United States, and much of the rest of the world, live in a dream where life is a bowl of cherries. They accept without question the endless fairy tale served up by the main stream media. But for many life is a bowl of pits, and it's getting worse. Those living the dream will discover one day and they too will be living the nightmare.
If you're living the nightmare you would want to convince the other half this is so, and in the process save both. Your first and main obstacle is the main stream media. A voice so loud it drowns out all others. Television, and to a lesser extent movies and radio are the greatest weapon ever invented by man. To get past it, you must get the hypnotised to question their reality and do their own investigation. The internet could save the masses.
To do that you must provide some evidence that their lives or security are in danger. To do it right you should have several things. Fortunately much has been done in the last 50 years or so by people who were living the nightmare. Here, I try to provide some starting blocks with what I know. One of the first things to know is "Everything you know is wrong". This is not a free world and you can't say that. The truth wears a veil in western civilization. Proving things is difficult and dangerous.
One of the first problems discovered was the banking system. The central banking system is a scam. It is mathematically impossible for the United States federal government to get out of debt. In the central banking system, money is debt and debt is money. If there was no debt, there would be no money. If there is too much debt, there is too much money. The people who collect the debt are the only people with the real game. Everyone else is just spinning their wheels. And an even more absurd fact is they don't deserve a penny of what they collect because they didn't put up any collateral. The system creates money out of thin air and they collect both the principle and interest. The documentary 'The Zeitgeist Movie' cites a Minnesota case where a man stopped the bank from taking his house by proving the bank voided the contract because it didn't put up any collateral. It created the money out of thin air. Bankruptcy and inflation are unavoidable. When someone, or a country, goes bankrupt they take property in exchange and don't deserve it. The banking system will either conquer the world by bankruptcy or crash from a mountain of debt. One of the first people to document this was Thomas Paine in his book "The Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance". He also wrote "Common Sense" a pamphlet used to start the American Revolution.
With the truth about the banking system you could convince a lot of people their world is in danger. Everyone needs money. Despite what people say, they always vote their wallet before any idea or principle. Unfortunately the elections are a joke too. Freedoms an illusion, film at eleven. A second place to look is history. Napolean said once "History is a lie agreed upon". One of the first places to start is the history of the banking system. Why didn't I know this? The Bank of England was the first central bank. It was founded in 1694 by William of Orange, the king of England. It was a response to two revolutions that took place in England in the 17th century, one of which succeeded in toppling the king. He was executed. The second didn't succeed. It is a bottomless bank account used to buy whatever is needed to hold power. They can manipulate the currency and wage war against it's own citizens. In the decades following the turn of the 18th century they developed a political system called 'Oligarchical Collectivism'. They will share power and access to the banking system with anyone who will be as ruthless and greedy as they are. Below is a paragraph taken from George Orwell's book '1984':
'In accordance with principles it does not matter if the war is real or whether victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous. The essential act of modern warfare is the destruction of human production and labor. A hierarchial society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. In principle the war is planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against it's own subjects and it's object is not victory but to keep the very structure of society intact.'
A second place to look is the English Reformation. Religion is an important part of how oligarchical collectivism works. Stalin once said 'Religion is the opium of the mass's'. Like everything else in western civilization it is run for and by the rich. I do not have a problem with religions or religious people. My problem is with their organization. I do not endorse Islam, but in Islam every mosque stands alone. It is not part of a massive organization. After a muslim cleric learns his theology he goes to a mosque and has no boss outside of that. The people who go to church on Sunday are not the problem, it's the people who run the church's. And the bigger they are the bigger the problem. When looking at the English Reformation the idea is to prove that the church divided itself to form two groups that the kings could pit against each other to satisfy Orwell's 'Theory of Oligarchical Collectivism'.
Significant questions are:
Why was Henry VIII obsessed with having a son? Two of his daughters, Mary I and Elizabeth I, held the throne anyway. Did England abandon Salic Law 100 years earlier? Why was James VI of Scotland (also James I of England) brought up a protestant if his mother, Mary Queen of Scots, was born and died a catholic? Why did James I produce the King James Bible? Why did he leave out the Apocraphyl Books? Why was Elizabeth I called 'The Virgin Queen'? Was this intentional so the throne could go to James I? Thomas More is both a saint in the catholic church and a sir for the British Empire. He was executed in the Henry VIII affair. He wrote a book about utopia. In fact I think he coined the phrase utopia. The United States is an invention of the Catholic Church and the monarchs of Europe. Does the concept of a utopia have anything to do with the Trojan War thing? Is America the utopia he talked about? Was it made up to keep the mass's happy so they wouldn't actually revolt?
Why was Henry VIII obsessed with having a son? Two of his daughters, Mary I and Elizabeth I, held the throne anyway. Did England abandon Salic Law 100 years earlier? Why was James VI of Scotland (also James I of England) brought up a protestant if his mother, Mary Queen of Scots, was born and died a catholic? Why did James I produce the King James Bible? Why did he leave out the Apocraphyl Books? Why was Elizabeth I called 'The Virgin Queen'? Was this intentional so the throne could go to James I? Thomas More is both a saint in the catholic church and a sir for the British Empire. He was executed in the Henry VIII affair. He wrote a book about utopia. In fact I think he coined the phrase utopia. The United States is an invention of the Catholic Church and the monarchs of Europe. Does the concept of a utopia have anything to do with the Trojan War thing? Is America the utopia he talked about? Was it made up to keep the mass's happy so they wouldn't actually revolt?
Another place is the controversy surrounding Joan of Arc and Gilles de Rais. Joan of Arc was considered a whore up to the 20th century. Then she was made a saint. Why? Gilles de Rais fought alongside her but is still demonized as a monster. Why? Gilles is considered the first 'bluebeard'. What is a bluebeard? Was Quasimodo of 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame' a bluebeard?
A fourth place is the Spanish Civil War of the 1930's. George Orwell fought for a time on the side of the republicans against the fascists. He wrote about his experience in the book "Homage to Catalonia". When he got to the front he recieved little or no training. All the people he fought with had the same amount of training. He had no uniform. His rifle was 30 years old, his unit had one machine gun for every 50 men. Most of the injuries suffered by his unit were caused by their own equipment. After several months of fighting he got 3 days in Barcelona. While there fighting broke out. After it ended government troops arrived. The same government he was fighting for. They had new uniforms, were trained and had one machine gun for every 10 men. When he discovered this he was forced to flee the country.
World War I was a slaughter on both sides. In about 4 years of fighting no real progress was made by anyone, yet millions of men died. No one really knows why it was fought. George Seldes was a reporter at the time. He was considered a muchracker, someone who didn't go along with the pack. He covered the end of the war and called it a complete sham. A hero of that war, Smedley Butler, later wrote a book "War is a Racket".
There are a lot of questions surrounding Benjamin Disraeli and the current state of Israel. Disraeli was an Englishman who lived in the 1800's. He was British Prime Minister twice. Many believe he is responsible for the situation in Israel.
My take on Israel. The Allies (also known as everyone involved) during WWII didn't liberate the Nazi concentration camps but instead relocated them to Palestine and called it Israel. The Zeitgeist Movie points out that 100 million people in the United States are convinced the end times are here. They are all waiting to be raptured into heaven. The movie "Ring of Power" says the same thing. They add that the battle of Armageddon will take place in Isreal. Why did they leave the Apocraphyl Books out of the King James Version of the bible? I ask only because the word 'apocraphyl' and 'apolcalypse' may be derived from the same word.
Thomas Paine, who wrote the pamphlet 'Common Sense', came to America just before the revolution. Common Sense was read in pubs and churches before the war and was instrumental in getting the war started. In it he criticizes the English form of government. He points out that any government with 3 houses (not to be confused with 3 branches) can be easily controlled if anyone controls two. The English government can always be controlled with the House of Lords and the Monarchy. The House of Commons is powerless and only gives the illusion of freedom. The people who fought the revolution fully expected to go back to their lives and governments as they were when the war was over. The Federal government was an afterthought. The justification for it was made years later by the Federalist Papers. How quickly people forget. All anyone needs is a handful of senators and the president and they control the government. We only have the illusion of freedom.
Studying the history of the Jesuits might also help. The Jesuits were formed at the time of The Reformation. They are unofficially the Popes army. The military wing of the catholic church. The only time they were suppressed, but not eliminated, was from July 1773 to around 1825. In December 1773 The Boston Tea Party took place. Does this seem too coincidental? Did we fight a revolution and liberate ourselves from ourselves? Did we create our own false utopia? The Jesuits use guerrilla tactics. According to Sun Tzu, a chinese military strategist 'You cannot win a war against guerrilla tactics'. Investigating the relationship between Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a Jesuit priest, and the beginnings of The Church of Scientology is a very good place.
Aside from the obvious wars reported in newspapers the powers that be manage to get us to fight mythical wars. The Trojan War was supposedly fought between Greece and Troy. It was fought over a woman. Helen of Troy. The war was fought for ten years outside the walls of Troy before the Greeks won. Homer's 'The Iliad and the Odyssey' chronicles the war. Aleister Crowley, a writer and cultist, wrote a book "Alice (in Wonderland) is an Adultery". 'Alice in Wonderland' is a parallel story to 'The Iliad and the Odyssey'. It is roughly the same thing. One side or the other in the mythical war sends one of it's young girls on an mission of adultery to lure a male away from home to destroy his life and possibly hers. She is sometimes convinced 'all that glitters is gold'. The adultery causes division among the sides, like Greece and Troy, and makes for further hostilities. It's all a setup. The people in charge of it all just want to make trouble for the people at the bottom.
As I said before "the truth wears a veil in western civilization'. Fiction is non-fiction and non-fiction is fiction. Aside from 'Alice in Wonderland' some revealing novels are: Gulivers Travels- Written in 1730 it is a glimpse into how the oligarchy collective works. Others are 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame', The Grapes of Wrath' and "Tom Sawyer'. Anything by Shakespear.
The central banking system is an economic tool for holding power. But it is just a piece of a larger body of knowledge on economics that is used. This knowledge was outlined in The Scottish Enlightenment of the 1700's. The main work was Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations". It is the manual for economic domination used today all over the world. It is mathematically impossible for the United Sates Federal government to ever get out of debt. Or any other country with a central bank, which is every country on earth. The really absurd thing is the people collecting the debt don't deserve anything. They didn't put up a penny of collateral. 'The Zeitgeist Movie' cites a Minnesota case where a man stopped the bank from foreclosing on his house by proving the bank created the money out of thin air.
Ultimitely, it's a question of slavery. The modern world is the wage slave system. In the wage slave system the slave himself is responsible for his own housing and food. All system's of slavery are designed to overproduce. The excess is sold by the owner so he/she can live in luxury. All system's of slavery benefit only a few. Poverty and/or primitive culture is the natural state of the world. The wage slave system has driven mankind and the entire planet to the edge and it is not sustainable. Slave system's naturally overproduce all life sustaining products so populations run out of control. They eat up land and resources. At some point those two dynamics collide and everyone suffers, including the slave owners. The global elite require drastic measures to remain in power, and they are working towards this. DON'T ACCEPT AN IMPLANT!
Who's winning the battle to implement communism, the proletariat or the bourgeois? I believe communism is the end result of capitalism. It is being implemented through fabianism. Fabianism is a strategy of slow and steady progress. There is a Fabian Society dedicated to socialism. H G Wells was a member. He wrote a book titled "New World Order". I believe that communism and socialism don't exist. They are political ideology's designed to keep the mass's busy while the banking system takes over the world. The true end result is 'Times New Roman'. We will be back to a Ceasar. Karl Marx outlined 10 things needed to implement communism. I list them below and try to point out the ones I think are already in place.
Capitalism=Communism=Fabianism=Times New Roman. 'Nothing changes New Years Day.... The history of the white caucasion, or western civilization, is a history of the struggle with Rome. The Muslim world is an example of a culture that is somewhat successful at defeating it. The Pilgrims here in New England is another, but is in the final stages of being destroyed. 'There is a house in New Orleans.... The term Islamo-Fascism does not make sense. The Muslims are not as money happy as Europeans. We are in the Middle East because we are at war with Islam. No one shall deviate. Israel was put there on purpose to make trouble. It is possible Benjamin Disraeli is responsible.
1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents to land for public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all right to inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6.Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands: and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal obligation of all to work.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries: gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.
10. Free education for all children. Abolition of child factory labor in it's present form. Combination of education with industrial production.
At the end of the 19th century we went through 'The Gilded Age'. The rich enjoyed life as never before. Everyone wanted a monopoly on something. Someone would corner the market on something then charge whatever they wanted. Flour, sugar, coffee etc. They called them trusts. The mansions in Newport RI were built with this money. Teddy Roosevelt passed the Sherman Anti-Trust Act to break up the trusts and lower prices for everyone. They later passed an income tax law that was also supposed to help. Maybe it did maybe it didn't. It now funds endless wars and it's wasteful industry's. As Orwell pointed out, war is meant to keep the poor on it's knees. It also funds the welfare state. The welfare state does not help the poor. It gives them just enough to get by and not pick up a gun. It stops them from building something for themselves. It gives corporate welfare to take away opportunity for them. Give a man a fish, feed him for a day, teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime. The income tax now works for the rich.
Inheritance is overtaxed now, but it is hurting small corporations more than large.
This one I don't understand.
We have centralization of the credit, but it is in private hands. The Federal Reserve is a privately owned bank. The word 'Federal' is decieving. It is owned by private individuals who we can never get out of debt to. And they don't deserve a penny.
The Interstate Highway system surreptitiously centralizes the transport system. People don't realize it doesn't have to be built that way. It gives too much power to the government. In the old west people would vie for a railroad stop in thier town. It would bring people and commerce. If the trains stopped the town would die. I often call the interstate highway system 'Automobile Railroads'. They should be built as surface roads. Anyone with land that abutts the road should have access. This would provide infinite economic opportunity for people.
I don't know what this is for. Leave waste land waste land. Stop building suburbs. Each city should be as self supporting as possible. Global trade slowly makes us interdependant as nations. (World Trade is a 9-1-1) If they ever come out of the closet we will all discover that our basic needs come from a foreign country. No one here will know how to raise cattle etc. People will surrender very quickly.
I have no problem requiring anyone who can work to work. But it is better they employ themselves and build and acquire wealth. This would lead to satisfying Marx's first condition for communism to end up in the hands of the poor. But at that point why bother?
I think the suburbinization of America should be reversed. It wastes land. It makes the population even more dependant on the controlled transport and communication structure.
Free education through High School is OK. But a High School education should be enough. It is entirely too complicated, expensive and difficult to make a living in this country. No child labor.
I have some thoughts on inflation. All 3 Zeitgeist movies bring it up as a concern in a money as debt, debt as money system. So I'm trying to understand. Inflation is when the value of a currency goes down and it requires more of the same currency to buy an item over a short period of time. The price of the item goes up. I was born in 1957. For the first ten years of my life a candy bar was a nickel. You could get 6 for a quarter. Not little candy bars, the big ones. My parents grew up in the 1930's. They have talked about going to the store with a dime for bread and milk. So thats kinda the same thing. Thirty years apart, not much had changed. After 1967 and beyond it really got out of control. A candy bar was a dollar in the 1970's. Why. When Gerald Ford took office after Nixon he had the WIN campaign. Whip Inflation Now. Everyone was supposed to wear a WIN button. People thought he was a dope. What really causes inflation? Lets take strawberries as an example. In a capitalist society if the price of strawberries got out of control the free market is supposed to fill the void and stabilze the price. So if it was too expensive to ship them from California local growers would step in. Why isn't this happening? This is my best guess. In a society where money is debt and debt is money, if there were no debt there would be no money. The opposite is also true. If there is too much debt there is too much money, thus reducing it's buying power. Anyone can go into a bank get a loan and expand the money supply. So no one really has control of the value of the currency. If too many loans are being written the value of the currency goes down. The government does not own the Federal Reserve. It goes to the bank just like everyone else. If the government borrows money willy nilly inflation would be out of control. Like back in the 70's. Why did the government start borrowing money like that? In Eisenhowers Farewell Speech he says:
In this revolution research has become central, it has also become more formalized, costly and complex. A steadily increasing share is done for by or at the direction of the federal government. ...
He continues:
A government contract becomes a substitute for intellectual curiosity...
He says later.
We must also guard against the equal and opposite danger that public policy itself could become the captive of a scientific technological elite..
Has someone been holding the government hostage since the 1960's? How much control have they had since then. Who is doing it? A conclusion could be drawn that the only way to control the value of the currency is control the number of people who go into banks. This becomes even more important if you needed to cover up out of control government spending. Inflation has largely been under control since the 1980's. Is this what Scientology is for?
In this revolution research has become central, it has also become more formalized, costly and complex. A steadily increasing share is done for by or at the direction of the federal government. ...
He continues:
A government contract becomes a substitute for intellectual curiosity...
He says later.
We must also guard against the equal and opposite danger that public policy itself could become the captive of a scientific technological elite..
Has someone been holding the government hostage since the 1960's? How much control have they had since then. Who is doing it? A conclusion could be drawn that the only way to control the value of the currency is control the number of people who go into banks. This becomes even more important if you needed to cover up out of control government spending. Inflation has largely been under control since the 1980's. Is this what Scientology is for?
As capitalism progresses to communism through fabianism the poor and destitute class keeps getting bigger and must be dealt with. Karl Marx called them the 'proletariat'. Here is an example of how the proletariat gets bigger. Adam Smith who wrote 'The Wealth of Nations. called this phenomenah 'the invisible hand'. I don't recall his exact example so I'll use one of my inventions. One of my inventions (on the invention page) replaces the old method of making PCB's. Printed circuit boards. With the old method a lot of shorts and opens are made because the process is very inexact. Shorts and opens are electronic terms for the board don't work. Companies hire a lot of people to test and inspect the boards to get them to work. My invention would produce boards with less defects so companies would hire fewer of those people and the proletariat gets bigger. Whoever is screwing with me is solving the problem of the proletariat for the rich. I suspect it is Scientology. This is why psychiatry is genocide. This is why they want to control the population.
More thoughts on inflation. How the proletariat gets bigger was revealed by Karl Marx in 'The Communist Manifesto' in 1848. The rich are always improving the modes of production to cut costs and increase profits. The patent office is the incentive. If this is happening as it should why are prices going up? This is something I don't understand about solar cells and solar electricity. If this is working as it should the cost of solar should have gone down a long time ago. But it may be that the oil industry is stopping it. I talked about the strawberries. Question, does the government pay people with farm land to not grow anything? Why? Does this keep prices high? Does this keep certain people in business? Does this force global trade? How bad is the mind control problem?
Despite an ugly highway cutting through the middle, downtown Boston had a lot of small business's. Pizza joints, bars and other things. Haymarket was an open air market where there was all manner of stuff. Now, after the Big Dig it is just strip mall America in big buildings. Kenmore Square is near the same. Channel 7 used to be the CBS affiliate here in Boston. Channel 4 was the NBC. About ten years ago they swapped, kinda without notice. I am not exactly sure what this has to do with anything. Back in the 1970's there was a court fight for the license for Channel 7. (I'm pretty sure) Someone just went into court and said the owners of Channel 7 were not running the station in the best interest of the public as defined by the FCC, I'm pretty sure they won.
There is too much wealth property and power in the hands of too few people. Mutual funds became very popular in the 1980's. One type of fund is an index fund. The idea is to buy every stock on a particular index, say the S & P 500, and hold it for a long period. Historically the markets gain value over long periods. I believe that idea stops working if there isn't enough stocks openly traded among individual investors. This is made worse when there aren't enough small investors. I talked about how I thought downtown Boston was strip mall America in big buildings. All those small investors are gone. The entire market can be controlled by a very few people. It only looks like we all own it. If there is too large a percentage of stocks just sitting waiting and another large percentage in the hands of the very rich it will never move. I think for America it's all over but the shooting. It all depends on what the sides are, black vs white, rich vs poor, protestant vs catholic or maybe earthling vs alien. I think it's rich vs poor. In ancient times if the news was really bad they killed the messenger. You can shoot me now. I'm not playing some Hitler, second coming or anti-christ thing (if that is what is expected).
Why do you need the scream of the butterfly?
Never let them see you sweat!
You've bought my mouth till you get it over with. I know dam well this ends only one way. It's the only justice I'll ever get.
Never let them see you sweat!
You've bought my mouth till you get it over with. I know dam well this ends only one way. It's the only justice I'll ever get.
June 8, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
More thoughts on inflation. On June 3 I gave my understanding of how the proletariat gets bigger. This was revealed by Karl Marx in The Communist Manifesto in 1848. The rich are always improving the modes of production to cut costs and increase profits. The patent office is the incentive. If this is happening as it should why are prices going up? This is something I don't understand about solar cells and solar electricity. If this is working as it should the cost of solar should have gone down a long time ago. But it may be that the oil industry is stopping it. At 4:30 today I talked about the strawberries. Question, does the government pay people with farm land to not grow anything? Why? Does this keep prices high? Does this keep certain people in business? Does this force global trade? How bad is the mind control problem?
I have some thoughts on inflation. All 3 Zeitgeist movies bring it up as a concern in a money as debt, debt as money system. So I'm trying to understand. Inflation is when the value of a currency goes down and it requires more of the same currency to buy an item over a short period of time. The price of the item goes up. I was born in 1957. For the first ten years of my life a candy bar was a nickel. You could get 6 for a quarter. Not little candy bars, the big ones. My parents grew up in the 1930's. They have talked about going to the store with a dime for bread and milk. So thats kinda the same thing. Thirty years apart, not much had changed. After 1967 and beyond it really got out of control. A candy bar was a dollar in the 1970's. Why. When Gerald Ford took office after Nixon he had the WIN campaign. Whip Inflation Now. Everyone was supposed to wear a WIN button. People thought he was a dope. What really causes inflation? Lets take strawberries as an example. In a capitalist society if the price of strawberries got out of control the free market is supposed to fill the void and stabilze the price. So if it was too expensive to ship them from California local growers would step in. Why isn't this happening? This is my best guess. In a society where money is debt and debt is money, if there were no debt there would be no money. The opposite is also true. If there is too much debt there is too much money, thus reducing it's buying power. Anyone can go into a bank get a loan and expand the money supply. So no one really has control of the value of the currency. If too many loans are being written the value of the currency goes down. The government does not own the Federal Reserve. It goes to the bank just like everyone else. If the government borrows money willy nilly inflation would be out of control. Like back in the 70's. Why did the government start borrowing money like that? In Eisenhowers Farewell Speech he says:
In this revolution research has become central, it has also become more formalized, costly and complex. A steadily increasing share is done for by or at the direction of the federal government. ...
He continues:
A government contract becomes a substitute for intellectual curiosity...
He says later.
We must also guard against the equal and opposite danger that public policy itself could become the captive of a scientific technological elite..
Has someone been holding the government hostage since the 1960's? How much control have they had since then. Who is doing it? A conclusion could be drawn that the only way to control the value of the currency is control the number of people who go into banks. This becomes even more important if you needed to cover up out of control government spending. Inflation has largely been under control since the 1980's. Is this what Scientology is for?
In this revolution research has become central, it has also become more formalized, costly and complex. A steadily increasing share is done for by or at the direction of the federal government. ...
He continues:
A government contract becomes a substitute for intellectual curiosity...
He says later.
We must also guard against the equal and opposite danger that public policy itself could become the captive of a scientific technological elite..
Has someone been holding the government hostage since the 1960's? How much control have they had since then. Who is doing it? A conclusion could be drawn that the only way to control the value of the currency is control the number of people who go into banks. This becomes even more important if you needed to cover up out of control government spending. Inflation has largely been under control since the 1980's. Is this what Scientology is for?
Mormanism - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Well I know saints, for the most part, are exclusive to the catholic church. The protestants churches use them but don't create them. Any religion that is thriving in this country has to be in cahoots with whoever runs it. The main stream media spent a lot of time making the Kennedy's acceptable to America and associating them with Massachusetts. This is where FREEDOM began, ya know. JFK had boyish good looks. Mitt Romney. Ditto on all accounts. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.
I bought 2 items at Wal-Mart in the Hanover Mall yesterday. Both were unopened on the shelf. They both make me sick. They are some Rold Gold Pretzel Sticks and some Cheez-it's. The total surveillence, chickenshit, slug attack maggot diarhea outfit wins again. DUH. I am going to put them at the curb on Monday. The bag will be marked with a piece of black duct tape. I know bringing them to the PO-lice is useless. The only face to face verbal contact I have had with the PO-lice in the last 4 years is when they came to me to complain about something on my website. I don't have a membership in the human race never mind a citizenship in America. (don't do nothing to help - I don't care anymore and I mean that)
'You can checkout any time you like..
but you can never leave...
Hotel California
The Eagles
but you can never leave...
Hotel California
The Eagles
'I am so All-American,..
sell you suicide...
Irresponsible Hate Anthem
Marilyn Manson
sell you suicide...
Irresponsible Hate Anthem
Marilyn Manson
"The real horror began when the SS took over the administration of the camps..."
Hannah Arendt
Hannah Arendt
The Creepin' Crud - This is what my father called the dirt in the house.
"Oranges and lemons, say the bells of St Clemons"
"You owe me five farthings say the bells of St Martin"
"You owe me five farthings say the bells of St Martin"
A 'jew'
If this was legal and legitimate you could have come to me and tried to settle it a long time ago'
If this was legal and legitimate you could have come to me and tried to settle it a long time ago'
'What would you do with a brain if you had one'
'The song of liberty is the thing that strangles me...'
Somewhere on Green Day's 21st Century Breakdown
Somewhere on Green Day's 21st Century Breakdown
'I believe in freedom...'
'There is a house in New Orleans...'
The House of the Rising Sun
The Animals
The House of the Rising Sun
The Animals
If my life is any indication of the cruelty these people are capable of, I'm pretty sure you don't want to be ruled by them.
Alice Through the Looking Glass
a sequel
a sequel
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865.
Is Romeo and Juliet similar to Alice and Helen of Troy?
Reasons Why The Stock Market Never Goes Anywhere
There is too much wealth property and power in the hands of too few people. Mutual funds became very popular in the 1980's. One type of fund is an index fund. The idea is to buy every stock on a particular index, say the S & P 500, and hold it for a long period. Historically the markets gain value over long periods. I believe that idea stops working if there isn't enough stocks openly traded among individual investors. This is made worse when there aren't enough small investors. Yesterday I talked about how I thought downtown Boston was strip mall America in big buildings. All those small investors are gone. The entire market can be controlled by a very few people. It only looks like we all own it. If there is too large a percentage of stocks just sitting waiting and another large percentage in the hands of the very rich it will never move. I think for America it's all over but the shooting. It all depends on what the sides are, black vs white, rich vs poor, protestant vs catholic or maybe earthling vs alien. I think it's rich vs poor. In ancient times if the news was really bad they killed the messenger. You can shoot me now. I'm not playing some Hitler, second coming or anti-christ thing (if that is what is expected).
June 7, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
From Gilles de Rais to Phil Nute, how many bluebeards have gotton away in the 700 years they have been keeping track:
Your choices are:
1. Zero
2. Nada
3. Zip
4. Zilch
5. The Big Donut
(does Emily Dickenson count?)
Your choices are:
1. Zero
2. Nada
3. Zip
4. Zilch
5. The Big Donut
(does Emily Dickenson count?)
(bullshit)(Quasi had no clue)
(bullshit)(Quasi had no clue)
Evidence the Chickenshit Outfit Has No Clothes
No Line On The Horizon
Black Gives Way To Blue
Alice in Chains
Clockwork Angels
Black Gives Way To Blue
Alice in Chains
Clockwork Angels
"Rock N Roll is entertainment,
Service not included"
Service not included"
People who remain civil in the face of tyranny are morons.
Some evidence of the central planning commies (fabians). (how'd they do that) Despite an ugly highway cutting through the middle, downtown Boston had a lot of small business's. Pizza joints, bars and other things. Haymarket was an open air market where there was all manner of stuff. Now, after the Big Dig it is just strip mall America in big buildings. Kenmore Square is near the same. Channel 7 used to be the CBS affiliate here in Boston. Channel 4 was the NBC. About ten years ago they swapped, kinda without notice. I am not exactly sure what this has to do with anything. Back in the 1970's there was a court fight for the license for Channel 7. (I'm pretty sure) Someone just went into court and said the owners of Channel 7 were not running the station in the best interest of the public as defined by the FCC, I'm pretty sure they won. When I heard the news I said something to my father and he said 'there's dems with and there's dems without'. Implying the whole thing was BS.
Some ideas on rebuilding the interstate highway system, if it ever happens. While rebuilding it they should put a series of tunnels underneath. The tunnels don't have to be exspensive. They could preform a piece of concrete and lay it down as they go, putting the highway on top. The tunnels could carry the trains. Trains are a scar on the landscape, require accommodation for whatever they cross and are generally ugly. They could be nationalized. The tunnels could also hold utilities such as natural gas and communications. These could also be nationalized. These types of business's are best kept in the hands of the people.
I heard something on the radio a couple days ago about a couple of the local politicians. They were very angry about how thier fathers were treated when they were growing up. One of thier fathers lost an arm or leg, I don't remember which in an industrial accident and couldn't work. This left the family destitute. I bet if they did some homework they would discover there were people of my ancestry who worked along side thier fathers who could tell similar stories. This is what happens when one group gets exclusive priviledges.
Here are some ideas to stop people from getting exclusive priviledges. Rewrite the state constitutions to eliminate the senate. Have only one elected legislative body. Break up the big cities to take away power from the mayors. Brooklyn, for example, used to be a city. There are parts of Boston that were thier own municipality. To help people economically, clean up the big cities and make them more livable. An example. If you had two identical job offers, same money, responsibilities etc but one was in a dirty nasty moldy old basement and the other was in a nice new high rise, which one would you take? Taking care in the design of a city is important. Adding a little art is a good idea. Here in Boston we just spent 15 years and 15 billion dollars taking down an ugly highway that cut through the middle of downtown. It was like a thirty story toilet in Copley Square. (truth is it didn't help much they made a mess of the roads leading to it all they did was move it a mile south) There is more economic opportunity in densely populated areas. If the central planning commies would leave people alone they would make thier own jobs.
Alice Through the Looking Glass
a sequel
a sequel
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865.
Is Romeo and Juliet similar to Alice and Helen of Troy?
Did Pierre Teilhard de Chardin have anything to do with the beginnings of Scientology.
The Omega Point or The New Improved Divide and Conquer.
If we were all aware of each others thoughts we would all be fighting amongst ourselves.
If we were all aware of each others thoughts we would all be fighting amongst ourselves.
'The Irish been comin here for years..
thinkin that they own the place..
got the airport city hall
concrete asphalt
they even got the police...
New York
thinkin that they own the place..
got the airport city hall
concrete asphalt
they even got the police...
New York
'The Saints are comin..
The Saints are comin
The Saints Are Comin
U2/Green Day
The Saints are comin
The Saints Are Comin
U2/Green Day
'The New York Times said God is Dead
Alvin Tostig (aryan)
had a son today..
Elton John
Alvin Tostig (aryan)
had a son today..
Elton John
'And the winds of Thor
are blowin cold...
No Quarter
Led Zeppelin
are blowin cold...
No Quarter
Led Zeppelin
'Liar Liar never gonna let you in...
'Just as every cop is a criminal..
and all the sinners saints..
as heads is tails..
call me lucifer
cause I'm in need of some restraint...
Sympathy for the Devil
The Rolling Stones
and all the sinners saints..
as heads is tails..
call me lucifer
cause I'm in need of some restraint...
Sympathy for the Devil
The Rolling Stones
June 6, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
The planet has a fever!!! Caused by people who are using chickenshit tactics to conquer the world.
My mouth is my rampage, if you don't like it you should have fucked off a long time ago!
Did Pierre Teilhard de Chardin have anything to do with the beginnings of Scientology.
Alice Through the Looking Glass
a sequel
a sequel
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865.
Is Romeo and Juliet similar to Alice and Helen of Troy?
Capitalism=Communism=Fabianism=Times New Roman. 'Nothing changes New Years Day.... The history of the white caucasion, or western civilization, is a history of the struggle with Rome. The Muslim world is an example of a culture that is somewhat successful at defeating it. The Pilgrims here in New England is another, but is in the final stages of being destroyed. 'There is a house in New Orleans.... The term Islamo-Fascism does not make sense. The Muslims are not as money happy as Europeans. We are in the Middle East because we are at war with Islam. No one shall deviate. Israel was put there on purpose to make trouble. It is possible Benjamin Disraeli is responsible.
An English Lady was sitting with Winston Churchill and said 'If I were your wife I would put poison in your coffee', to which Churchill replied 'And if I were your husband I would drink it'.
Was Josef Stalin catholic?
Is Putin catholic?
Who died in the Ukranian Famine?
Is Putin catholic?
Who died in the Ukranian Famine?
There are two types of political system: tyrrany and oppression and something a little better.
'All men can withstand adversity, but to test a man's character give him power'
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely
Psychiatry is Genocide
Brain Damage/Eclipse
Pink Floyd
Why Go
With or Without You
Just One Fix
Brain Damage/Eclipse
Pink Floyd
Why Go
With or Without You
Just One Fix
June 5, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Alice Through the Looking Glass
a sequel
a sequel
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865.
Is Romeo and Juliet similar to Alice and Helen of Troy?
America is a melting pot, and there are people who are always stirring it. The people who stir the melting pot of America are the pimple squeezings of the human race.
A quote from George Orwells book 'Homage to Catalonia'
"The night and Jesuits always return"
"The night and Jesuits always return"
You require my co-operation for the 'suit of lies'. How does it feel to require? You are all completely screwed.
'He's a little bit afraid of dyin,..
he's a lot more afraid of your lyin,...'
The Weapon
he's a lot more afraid of your lyin,...'
The Weapon
'The world found nothing sacred in the nakedness of just being human'
(this could never happen to you)
'Nothing changes New Years Day...
(this could never happen to you)
'Nothing changes New Years Day...
June 4, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Question of the day should you decide to accept it. Did Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (a Jesuit) have anything to do with the beginnings of Scientology?
Alice Through the Looking Glass
a sequel
a sequel
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865.
Is Romeo and Juliet similar to Alice and Helen of Troy?
June 3, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Lemme splain somethin. I am not voluteering for anything. I am going to make my death as miserable for everyone else as my entire life has been for me. And it WILL be provided by the same pimple squeezings who did that to me alive. You are the pimple squeezings of the human race and the patient is dying of acne. (THE PLANET HAS A FEVER) I would like to take this opportunity to apply my years of psychiatry to your insanity. Why do you need to hear the scream of the butterfly? My guess is it takes a completely different animal to torture and torment another behind thier back for 55+ years and then kill it without some motivation. I mean there is passion, money etc. But a complete stranger, or in this case an entire ethnic group, and not take credit or let them know you are there, you know I mean just kill and torment is a psychosis not of the human race. So you have to have some motivation. The victim has to provide a reason. Maybe it's the HUMMAN in you. Then again maybe the scope of your arrogance has rendered you an alien.
Mustang Saul
Mustang Saul. Saul has hutzpah, he's mostly mashuginah. Who's the a^^%4he about money here. Times Square in New York City was an armpit of porno, drugs and thieves in the 1960's and 70's. Today it has an M&M store. Thats right a store dedicated to a candy. I got this little jewel of information from a recent episode of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Remember now the truth wears a veil in western civilization so this is in fact a good place to look for news. I believe Times Square was cleaned up with Scientology. Mind control. I'll try to explain this a little. As capitalism progresses to communism through fabianism the poor and destitute class keeps getting bigger and must be dealt with. Karl Marx called them the 'proletariat'. Here is an example of how the proletariat gets bigger. Adam Smith who wrote 'The Wealth of Nations. called this phenomenah 'the invisible hand'. I don't recall his exact example so I'll use one of my inventions. One of my inventions (on the invention page) replaces the old method of making PCB's. Printed circuit boards. With the old method a lot of shorts and opens are made because the process is very inexact. Shorts and opens are electronic terms for the board don't work. Companies hire a lot of people to test and inspect the boards to get them to work. My invention would produce boards with less defects so companies would hire fewer of those people and the proletariat gets bigger. Whoever is screwing with me is solving the problem of the proletariat for the rich. I suspect it is Scientology. This is why psychiatry is genocide. This is why they want to control the population.
Alice Through the Looking Glass
a sequel
a sequel
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865.
Is Romeo and Juliet similar to Alice and Helen of Troy?
I had one uncle and one aunt. My mother had a sister and my father had a brother. They're both dead now. My uncle had 3 kids, two boys and a girl. The youngest was a boy, Mark. The last I heard he had been involved with loan sharks and had disappeared. No one had heard from him in years. I sometimes wonder if this has something to do with the last one born.
Mercury Girls
Crossed Eyed Mary
Jethro Tull
Edie Ciao Baby
The Cult
She's Not There
The Zombies
Crossed Eyed Mary
Jethro Tull
Edie Ciao Baby
The Cult
She's Not There
The Zombies
With one breath, with one flow
You will know
You will know
A sleep trance, a dream dance
A shaped romance
A shaped romance
A connecting principle
Linked to the invisible
Almost imperceptible
Something inexpressible
Science insusceptible
Logic so inflexible
Causally connectable
Yet nothing is invincible
Linked to the invisible
Almost imperceptible
Something inexpressible
Science insusceptible
Logic so inflexible
Causally connectable
Yet nothing is invincible
If we share this nightmare
Then we can dream
Spiritus mundi
Then we can dream
Spiritus mundi
If you act as you think
The missing link
The missing link
We know you, they know me
A star fall, a phone call
It joins all
It joins all
It's so deep, it's so wide
You're inside
You're inside
Effect without cause
Sub-atomic laws, scientific pause
Sub-atomic laws, scientific pause
June 2, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
My parents used to hire this local man, Mr Reed, to paint the house. I'm sure he had nothing to do with the song 'In Memeory of Elizabeth Reed' by The Almond Bros other than similar ancestry. That song was written well before this incident. He spoke with a very bad lisp. He was very hard to understand. In the summer of 1982 he was hired to paint. My parents asked him if I could work with him and could he pay me. I have always thought this was odd. One night after he finished he returned. I was alone. He came to the back of the house and was obviously drunk. He asked to come in and could he have another drink. I didn't really want to but I let him in and gave him something. He took a piece of paper and wrote the word 'jew' on it and kept pointing at me. Did someone put him up to this? Did someone put my parents up the the request he pay me?
'It seems to you,...
the thing to do,
is isolate the winner..
a jew in his heart thinks everyone is a killer...
Pink Floyd
the thing to do,
is isolate the winner..
a jew in his heart thinks everyone is a killer...
Pink Floyd
Idea. The trucks used by electric company's (cherry pickers, etc) are very expensive. When they are using them they leave the engines running because it powers the equipment attached to it. A pellet gun could be used from a somewhat safe distance to puncture the radiator. Five or ten minutes after the radiator is empty the engine will overheat and sieze making the truck useless.
'You cannot defeat guerilla tactics"
Sun Tzu
(Chickenshit Tactics)
Sun Tzu
(Chickenshit Tactics)
Brain damage and the management of its after affects are the foundation of western civilization.
"The world found nothing sacred in the nakedness of just being human"
Hannah Arendt
Hannah Arendt
If moral authority counts for anything you are all screwed.
Once a chickenshit outfit, always a chicenkshit outfit.
Fight fire with fire.
"Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one."
June 1, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Alice Through the Looking Glass
a sequel
a sequel
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865.
There is no such thing as bad controversy.
In a world of cell phones, the internet and everything else six degrees of separation doesn't last six minutes.
Bad news goes around the world in the morning while good news is putting it's pants on.
'Be obscene, be be obscene,..
be obscene baby and not heard....
Marilyn Manson
be obscene baby and not heard....
Marilyn Manson
May 31, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
A Road to Awakening
Most people in the United States, and much of the rest of the world, live in a dream where life is a bowl of cherries. They accept without question the endless fairy tale served up by the main stream media. But for many life is a bowl of pits, and it's getting worse. Those living the dream will discover one day and they too will be living the nightmare.
If you're living the nightmare you would want to convince the other half this is so, and in the process save both. Your first and main obstacle is the main stream media. A voice so loud it drowns out all others. Television, and to a lesser extent movies and radio are the greatest weapon ever invented by man. To get past it, you must get the hypnotised to question their reality and do their own investigation. The internet could save the masses.
To do that you must provide some evidence that their lives or security are in danger. To do it right you should have several things. Fortunately much has been done in the last 50 years or so by people who were living the nightmare. Here, I try to provide some starting blocks with what I know. One of the first things to know is "Everything you know is wrong". This is not a free world and you can't say that. The truth wears a veil in western civilization. Proving things is difficult and dangerous.
One of the first problems discovered was the banking system. The central banking system is a scam. It is mathematically impossible for the United States federal government to get out of debt. In the central banking system, money is debt and debt is money. If there was no debt, there would be no money. If there is too much debt, there is too much money. The people who collect the debt are the only people with the real game. Everyone else is just spinning their wheels. And an even more absurd fact is they don't deserve a penny of what they collect because they didn't put up any collateral. The system creates money out of thin air and they collect both the principle and interest. The documentary 'The Zeitgeist Movie' cites a Minnesota case where a man stopped the bank from taking his house by proving the bank voided the contract because it didn't put up any collateral. It created the money out of thin air. Bankruptcy and inflation are unavoidable. When someone, or a country, goes bankrupt they take property in exchange and don't deserve it. The banking system will either conquer the world by bankruptcy or crash from a mountain of debt. One of the first people to document this was Thomas Paine in his book "The Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance". He also wrote "Common Sense" a pamphlet used to start the American Revolution.
With the truth about the banking system you could convince a lot of people their world is in danger. Everyone needs money. Despite what people say, they always vote their wallet before any idea or principle. Unfortunately the elections are a joke too. Freedoms an illusion, film at eleven. A second place to look is history. Napolean said once "History is a lie agreed upon". One of the first places to start is the history of the banking system. Why didn't I know this? The Bank of England was the first central bank. It was founded in 1694 by William of Orange, the king of England. It was a response to two revolutions that took place in England in the 17th century, one of which succeeded in toppling the king. He was executed. The second didn't. It is a bottomless bank account used to buy whatever is needed to hold power. They can manipulate the currency and wage war against it's own citizens. In the decades following the turn of the 18th century they developed a political system called 'Oligarchical Collectivism'. They will share power and access to the banking system with anyone who will be as ruthless and greedy as they are. Below is a paragraph taken from George Orwell's book '1984':
'In accordance with principles it does not matter if the war is real or whether victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous. The essential act of modern warfare is the destruction of human production and labor. A hierarchial society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. In principle the war is planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against it's own subjects and it's object is not victory but to keep the very structure of society intact.'
A second place to look is the English Reformation. Religion is an important part of how oligarchical collectivism works. Stalin once said 'Religion is the opium of the mass's'. Like everything else in western civilization it is run for and by the rich. I do not have a problem with religions or religious people. My problem is with their organization. I do not endorse Islam, but in Islam every mosque stands alone. It is not part of a massive organization. After a muslim cleric learns his theology he goes to a mosque and has no boss outside of that. The people who go to church on Sunday are not the problem, it's the people who run the church's. And the bigger they are the bigger the problem. When looking at the English Reformation the idea is to prove that the church divided itself to form two groups that the kings could pit against each other to satisfy Orwell's 'Theory of Oligarchical Collectivism'.
Significant questions are:
Why was Henry VIII obsessed with having a son? Two of his daughters, Mary I and Elizabeth I, held the throne anyway. Did England abandon Salic Law 100 years earlier? Why was James VI of Scotland (also James I of England) brought up a protestant if his mother, Mary Queen of Scots, was born and died a catholic? Why did James I produce the King James Bible? Why did he leave out the Apocraphyl Books? Why was Elizabeth I called 'The Virgin Queen'? Was this intentional so the throne could go to James I? Thomas More is both a saint in the catholic church and a sir for the British Empire. He was executed in the Henry VIII affair. He wrote a book about utopia. In fact I think he coined the phrase utopia. The United States is an invention of the Catholic Church and the monarchs of Europe. Does the concept of a utopia have anything to do with the Trojan War thing? Is America the utopia he talked about? Was it made up to keep the mass's happy so they wouldn't actually revolt?
Why was Henry VIII obsessed with having a son? Two of his daughters, Mary I and Elizabeth I, held the throne anyway. Did England abandon Salic Law 100 years earlier? Why was James VI of Scotland (also James I of England) brought up a protestant if his mother, Mary Queen of Scots, was born and died a catholic? Why did James I produce the King James Bible? Why did he leave out the Apocraphyl Books? Why was Elizabeth I called 'The Virgin Queen'? Was this intentional so the throne could go to James I? Thomas More is both a saint in the catholic church and a sir for the British Empire. He was executed in the Henry VIII affair. He wrote a book about utopia. In fact I think he coined the phrase utopia. The United States is an invention of the Catholic Church and the monarchs of Europe. Does the concept of a utopia have anything to do with the Trojan War thing? Is America the utopia he talked about? Was it made up to keep the mass's happy so they wouldn't actually revolt?
Another place is the controversy surrounding Joan of Arc and Gilles de Rais. Joan of Arc was considered a whore up to the 20th century. Then she was made a saint. Why? Gilles de Rais fought alongside her but is still demonized as a monster. Why? Gilles is considered the first 'bluebeard'. What is a bluebeard?
A fourth place is the Spanish Civil War of the 1930's. George Orwell fought for a time on the side of the republicans against the fascists. He wrote about his experience in the book "Homage to Catalonia". When he got to the front he recieved little or no training. All the people he fought with had the same amount of training. He had no uniform. His rifle was 30 years old, his unit had one machine gun for every 50 men. Most of the injuries suffered by his unit were caused by their own equipment. After several months of fighting he got 3 days in Barcelona. While there fighting broke out. After it ended government troops arrived. The same government he was fighting for. They had new uniforms, were trained and had one machine gun for every 10 men. When he discovered this he was forced to flee the country.
World War I was a slaughter on both sides. In about 4 years of fighting no real progress was made by anyone, yet millions of men died. No one really knows why it was fought. George Seldes was a reporter at the time. He was considered a muchracker, someone who didn't go along with the pack. He covered the end of the war and called it a complete sham. A hero of that war, Smedley Butler, later wrote a book "War is a Racket".
There are a lot of questions surrounding Benjamin Disraeli and the current state of Israel. Disraeli was an Englishman who lived in the 1800's. He was British Prime Minister twice. Many believe he is responsible for the situation in Israel.
My take on Israel. The Allies (also known as everyone involved) during WWII didn't liberate the Nazi concentration camps but instead relocated them to Palestine and called it Israel. The Zeitgeist Movie points out that 100 million people in the United States are convinced the end times are here. They are all waiting to be raptured into heaven. The movie "Ring of Power" says the same thing. They add that the battle of Armageddon will take place in Isreal. Why did they leave the Apocraphyl Books out of the King James Version of the bible? I ask only because the word 'apocraphyl' and 'apolcalypse' may be derived from the same word.
Thomas Paine, who wrote the pamphlet 'Common Sense', came to America just before the revolution. Common Sense was read in pubs and churches before the war and was instrumental in getting the war started. In it he criticizes the English form of government. He points out that any government with 3 houses (not to be confused with 3 branches) can be easily controlled if anyone controls two. The English government can always be controlled with the House of Lords and the Monarchy. The House of Commons is powerless and only gives the illusion of freedom. The people who fought the revolution fully expected to go back to their lives and governments as they were when the war was over. The Federal government was an afterthought. The justification for it was made years later by the Federalist Papers. How quickly people forget. All anyone needs is a handful of senators and the president and they control the government. We only have the illusion of freedom.
Studying the history of the Jesuits might also help. The Jesuits were formed at the time of The Reformation. They are unofficially the Popes army. The military wing of the catholic church. The only time they were suppressed, but not eliminated, was from July 1773 to around 1825. In December 1773 The Boston Tea Party took place. Does this seem too coincidental? Did we fight a revolution and liberate ourselves from ourselves? Did we create our own false utopia? The Jesuits use guerrilla tactics. According to Sun Tzu, a chinese military strategist 'You cannot win a war against guerrilla tactics'.
Aside from the obvious wars reported in newspapers the powers that be manage to get us to fight mythical wars. The Trojan War was supposedly fought between Greece and Troy. It was fought over a woman. Helen of Troy. The war was fought for ten years outside the walls of Troy before the Greeks won. Homer's 'The Iliad and the Odyssey' chronicles the war. Aleister Crowley, a writer and cultist, wrote a book "Alice (in Wonderland) is an Adultery". 'Alice in Wonderland' is a parallel story to 'The Iliad and the Odyssey'. It is roughly the same thing. One side or the other in the mythical war sends one of it's young girls on an mission of adultery to lure a male away from home to destroy his life and possibly hers. She is sometimes convinced 'all that glitters is gold'. The adultery causes division among the sides, like Greece and Troy, and makes for further hostilities. It's all a setup. The people in charge of it all just want to make trouble for the people at the bottom.
As I said before "the truth wears a veil in western civilization'. Fiction is non-fiction and non-fiction is fiction. Aside from 'Alice in Wonderland' some revealing novels are: Gulivers Travels- Written in 1730 it is a glimpse into how the oligarchy collective works. Others are 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame', The Grapes of Wrath' and "Tom Sawyer'. Anything by Shakespear.
The central banking system is an economic tool for holding power. But it is just a piece of a larger body of knowledge on economics that is used. This knowledge was outlined in The Scottish Enlightenment of the 1700's. The main work was Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations". It is the manual for economic domination used today all over the world. It is mathematically impossible for the United Sates Federal government to ever get out of debt. Or any other country with a central bank, which is every country on earth. The really absurd thing is the people collecting the debt don't deserve anything. They didn't put up a penny of collateral. 'The Zeitgeist Movie' cites a Minnesota case where a man stopped the bank from foreclosing on his house by proving the bank created the money out of thin air.
Ultimitely, it's a question of slavery. The modern world is the wage slave system. In the wage slave system the slave himself is responsible for his own housing and food. All system's of slavery are designed to overproduce. The excess is sold by the owner so he/she can live in luxury. All system's of slavery benefit only a few. Poverty and/or primitive culture is the natural state of the world. The wage slave system has driven mankind and the entire planet to the edge and it is not sustainable. Slave system's naturally overproduce all life sustaining products so populations run out of control. They eat up land and resources. At some point those two dynamics collide and everyone suffers, including the slave owners. The global elite require drastic measures to remain in power, and they are working towards this. DON'T ACCEPT AN IMPLANT!
Who's winning the battle to implement communism, the proletariat or the bourgeois? I believe communism is the end result of capitalism. It is being implemented through fabianism. Fabianism is a strategy of slow and steady progress. There is a Fabian Society dedicated to socialism. H G Wells was a member. He wrote a book titled "New World Order". I believe that communism and socialism don't exist. They are political ideology's designed to keep the mass's busy while the banking system takes over the world. The true end result is 'Times New Roman'. We will be back to a Ceasar. Karl Marx outlined 10 things needed to implement communism. I list them below and try to point out the ones I think are already in place.
1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents to land for public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all right to inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6.Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands: and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal obligation of all to work.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries: gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.
10. Free education for all children. Abolition of child factory labor in it's present form. Combination of education with industrial production.
At the end of the 19th century we went through 'The Gilded Age'. The rich enjoyed life as never before. Everyone wanted a monopoly on something. Someone would corner the market on something then charge whatever they wanted. Flour, sugar, coffee etc. They called them trusts. The mansions in Newport RI were built with this money. Teddy Roosevelt passed the Sherman Anti-Trust Act to break up the trusts and lower prices for everyone. They later passed an income tax law that was also supposed to help. Maybe it did maybe it didn't. It now funds endless wars and it's wasteful industry's. As Orwell pointed out, war is meant to keep the poor on it's knees. It also funds the welfare state. The welfare state does not help the poor. It gives them just enough to get by and not pick up a gun. It stops them from building something for themselves. It gives corporate welfare to take away opportunity for them. Give a man a fish, feed him for a day, teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime. The income tax now works for the rich.
Inheritance is overtaxed now, but it is hurting small corporations more than large.
This one I don't understand.
We have centralization of the credit, but it is in private hands. The Federal Reserve is a privately owned bank. The word 'Federal' is decieving. It is owned by private individuals who we can never get out of debt to. And they don't deserve a penny.
The Interstate Highway system surreptitiously centralizes the transport system. People don't realize it doesn't have to be built that way. It gives too much power to the government. In the old west people would vie for a railroad stop in thier town. It would bring people and commerce. If the trains stopped the town would die. I often call the interstate highway system 'Automobile Railroads'. They should be built as surface roads. Anyone with land that abutts the road should have access. This would provide infinite economic opportunity for people.
I don't know what this is for. Leave waste land waste land. Stop building suburbs. Each city should be as self supporting as possible. Global trade slowly makes us interdependant as nations. (World Trade is a 9-1-1) If they ever come out of the closet we will all discover that our basic needs come from a foreign country. No one here will know how to raise cattle etc. People will surrender very quickly.
I have no problem requiring anyone who can work to work. But it is better they employ themselves and build and acquire wealth. This would lead to satisfying Marx's first condition for communism to end up in the hands of the poor. But at that point why bother?
I think the suburbinization of America should be reversed. It wastes land. It makes the population even more dependant on the controlled transport and communication structure.
Free education through High School is OK. But a High School education should be enough. It is entirely too complicated, expensive and difficult to make a living in this country. No child labor.
Alice Through the Looking Glass
a sequel
a sequel
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865.
May 28, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Matter can neither be created or destroyed. All the matter there is or ever will be has already been created. Matter can be transformed. Energy or work is performed when it is. For example, gasoline is burned in a truck. Work is performed when goods are moved from one place to another. The nuclear power industry uses enriched uranium to turn water into steam and uses the steam to turn a generator. It is enriched uranium. They can't just dig it up, form it into a cylinder and use it. It requires a lot of electricity to enrich uranium. So if the natural laws of physics are being adhered to the nuclear electric industry is losing money. Is this why they created the Tennessee Valley Authority? Does cheap government electricity keep the nuclear industry afloat? '..feeding the public with yellowcake...' Yellowcake - Ministry Capitalism is not sustainable. Anyone, who thinks the right way, can walk into a bank with an idea to make a couple hundred million can get a loan. Say penicillin for example. Anyone who walks in with an idea that will kill 40 million people can also get a loan. The people who own and run this system don't care about the people at the bottom. They have been partying like it's 1999 since 1699. But they know it is not sustainable. (devils advocate) The things they are doing aren't enough to keep the party going. They are losing the numbers battle.
May 27, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I'm Back!!! George Orwell. Rm 101. Winston and the rats. Phil and crystal meth. OOOOOOH. I'm scared. I don't like the drugs, but the drugs like me. Did Howard Shultz approve this. Starbucks has a reputation to uphold.
'Go ahead and hate your neighbor,..'
Go ahead and cheat a friend..
Do it in the name of heaven,..
You can justify it in the end..
You won't hear any trumpets blowin come the judgement day..
On the bloody morning after..
One tin soldier rides away...
The Legend of Billy Jack
Go ahead and cheat a friend..
Do it in the name of heaven,..
You can justify it in the end..
You won't hear any trumpets blowin come the judgement day..
On the bloody morning after..
One tin soldier rides away...
The Legend of Billy Jack
Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
Is an abortion clinic a place where you can get an implant removed? Is abortion a cover story?
DON'T JOIN THE MILITARY! It's a sure way to wind up with an implant.
Do What Thou Whilst Will Be The Whole Of The Law Or Anything Goes
May 26, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
This is how I know 'Hotel California' is everywhere. In the song song he says '..waiter please bring me my wine, we haven't had that spirit here since 1969...'. Whenever I go to the liquor store they either don't have what I want or whatever I buy is no good. I get the desired effect if I drink it, but it also makes me sick in some way. I always know when I get the bad stuff because the bottles or cans don't charge a deposit. The machine rejects them when I take them back.
'You can knock at any door,...
but wherever you go you,..
know they've been there before....
Dogs of War
Pink Floyd
but wherever you go you,..
know they've been there before....
Dogs of War
Pink Floyd
Psychiatry is Genocide
In early 1996 I was given a new doctor. Her name was Deborah Silen. She was fortyish, white blonde hair. I was still at South Shore Mental Health at 460 Quincy Ave in Quincy. She immediately switched me to a new medication. Risperdal. This is not normal. They don't usually switch someone unless they are having problems. My problems started afterwards.
There is a short video on youtube of a fictional interview with George Orwell entitled – A Final Warning. In it Orwell warns:
In the future there will be no emotion,.......the sex instinct will be erradicated, we shall abolish the orgasm.....
Well the future is here. My sex instinct was somewhat intact when I was still on Prolixin. Just after I was put on Risperdal I began having problems that persist today despite no medication for going on 5 years. Shortly after being put on Risperdal I began having problems ejaculating. Nothing came out. I complained to Dr Reiner at South Shore Mental Health but it was in one ear and out the other. I went to a urologist associated with South Shore Hospital but he did nothing. After I went off Risperdal the something came out again but I could really care less about sex. This continues to this day. I may have become 'comfortably numb' with Prolixin now it's completely hopeless. All I got left is dying and I am going to make as much trouble as humanly possible on the way out the door. It is also the one thing I could use a little help with. That old saying 'justice delayed is justice denied' applys here. My only justice is making you pig diarhea take responsibility.
In the future there will be no emotion,.......the sex instinct will be erradicated, we shall abolish the orgasm.....
Well the future is here. My sex instinct was somewhat intact when I was still on Prolixin. Just after I was put on Risperdal I began having problems that persist today despite no medication for going on 5 years. Shortly after being put on Risperdal I began having problems ejaculating. Nothing came out. I complained to Dr Reiner at South Shore Mental Health but it was in one ear and out the other. I went to a urologist associated with South Shore Hospital but he did nothing. After I went off Risperdal the something came out again but I could really care less about sex. This continues to this day. I may have become 'comfortably numb' with Prolixin now it's completely hopeless. All I got left is dying and I am going to make as much trouble as humanly possible on the way out the door. It is also the one thing I could use a little help with. That old saying 'justice delayed is justice denied' applys here. My only justice is making you pig diarhea take responsibility.
Between 2004 and 2007 I had a series of hospitalizations. I was in Pembroke Hospital twice. The second time there was a very young girl named Stephanie. She looked 10 or 11 years old. She had these really crazy eyes. Despite being in the mental health system for 30 years I had never seen someone like this. I thought it was odd she was on an adult psychotic ward when there was a childrens ward in the building.
Songs with crazy eyes
With or Without You - U2
Man in the Box - Alice in Chains
Shine on you Crazy Diamond - Pink Floyd
With or Without You - U2
Man in the Box - Alice in Chains
Shine on you Crazy Diamond - Pink Floyd
Alice Through the Looking Glass
a sequel
a sequel
Sadly, International St Paddy Whack Day has passed, but I believe people should celebrate it year round by making zombies all the time.
'No man born with a livin' soul,..
workin for the Clampdown.....
The Clash
workin for the Clampdown.....
The Clash
Does mercury do more damage when inhaled or injected not ingested?
Would it be possible to hijack a cell phone tower or TV/radio tower and get it to spit out a lot of electrical noise to cover any military operation in the area?
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865.
Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
Is an abortion clinic a place where you can get an implant removed? Is abortion a cover story?
DON'T JOIN THE MILITARY! It's a sure way to wind up with an implant.
May 25, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
At the beginning of the third Zeitgeist movie, Zeitgeist: Moving Forward, the narrator tells the story of how he spent a summer learning to play monopoly with his grandmother. He was determined to be the best monopoly player there is and beat his grandmother. At the end of the summer he learned it all goes back in the box. This is what Armageddon is all about.
The health care system in the United States is half savior and half Auschwitz. And everyone is paying through the nose for the priviledge. By the year 2008 the total debt of the United States federal government was about 4 trillion dollars. At the same time we annually spent about 3.5 trillion on health care. When Bill Clinton first took office the lame stream media made Hillary look like a genius on health care. They made a big deal of the fact a First Lady was taking the lead on a major issue. She later won (was handed) a senate seat. Some in Washington favor universal health care paid for by the federal government but it would bankrupt the country the second it is signed. I think Hillary was supposed to get elected, pass health care, bankrupt the government and everyone skips town. They plan that far ahead. They're crazy you know. I mentioned this on my blog back in 2008. When Obama got elected he passed a stimulus bill that did the same thing. I wonder if the stimulus is a crock of you know what. I get a lot of misinformation. South Shore Hospital is the local hospital here in Weymouth. It used to be a non-profit community hospital. I believe now it is a for profit hospital. Another local hospital, Quincy Medical, was losing money in the 1970's and 80's. (Oh the horror) The local noisepaper (rag) The Putrid Loser, The Patriot Ledger, made a big deal of the fact there were empty beds. Does this problem worry the Catholic church in it's hospitals? Just askin. Not I think Quincy Medical is for profit. How long do people last in assited living centers? Not long I bet. And the pay every cent they ever earned.
Is Dubai the capital of The New World Order (Times New Roman)? Or a bunker for the end of the modern world? Certainly plenty of oil on hand or to shutoff. Dick Cheney's old company Halliburton moved it's international headquarters there a few years ago. The NYSE was purchased by a company there.
Whoever has synthetic telepathy runs everything. Who is it? How long have they had it?
The FBI and The Catholic Church
a book by
Steve Rosswurm
a book by
Steve Rosswurm
A Road to Awakening
Most people in the United States, and much of the rest of the world, live in a dream where life is a bowl of cherries. They accept without question the endless fairy tale served up by the main stream media. But for many life is a bowl of pits, and it's getting worse. Those living the dream will discover one day and they too will be living the nightmare.
If you're living the nightmare you would want to convince the other half this is so, and in the process save both. Your first and main obstacle is the main stream media. A voice so loud it drowns out all others. Television, and to a lesser extent movies and radio are the greatest weapon ever invented by man. To get past it, you must get the hypnotised to question their reality and do their own investigation. The internet could save the masses.
To do that you must provide some evidence that their lives or security are in danger. To do it right you should have several things. Fortunately much has been done in the last 50 years or so by people who were living the nightmare. Here, I try to provide some starting blocks with what I know. One of the first things to know is "Everything you know is wrong". This is not a free world and you can't say that. The truth wears a veil in western civilization. Proving things is difficult and dangerous.
One of the first problems discovered was the banking system. The central banking system is a scam. It is mathematically impossible for the United States federal government to get out of debt. In the central banking system, money is debt and debt is money. If there was no debt, there would be no money. If there is too much debt, there is too much money. The people who collect the debt are the only people with the real game. Everyone else is just spinning their wheels. And an even more absurd fact is they don't deserve a penny of what they collect because they didn't put up any collateral. The system creates money out of thin air and they collect both the principle and interest. The documentary 'The Zeitgeist Movie' cites a Minnesota case where a man stopped the bank from taking his house by proving the bank voided the contract because it didn't put up any collateral. It created the money out of thin air. Bankruptcy and inflation are unavoidable. When someone, or a country, goes bankrupt they take property in exchange and don't deserve it. The banking system will either conquer the world by bankruptcy or crash from a mountain of debt. One of the first people to document this was Thomas Paine in his book "The Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance". He also wrote "Common Sense" a pamphlet used to start the American Revolution.
With the truth about the banking system you could convince a lot of people their world is in danger. Everyone needs money. Despite what people say, they always vote their wallet before any idea or principle. Unfortunately the elections are a joke too. Freedoms an illusion, film at eleven. A second place to look is history. Napolean said once "History is a lie agreed upon". One of the first places to start is the history of the banking system. Why didn't I know this? The Bank of England was the first central bank. It was founded in 1694 by William of Orange, the king of England. It was a response to two revolutions that took place in England in the 17th century, one of which succeeded in toppling the king. He was executed. The second didn't. It is a bottomless bank account used to buy whatever is needed to hold power. They can manipulate the currency and wage war against it's own citizens. In the decades following the turn of the 18th century they developed a political system called 'Oligarchical Collectivism'. They will share power and access to the banking system with anyone who will be as ruthless and greedy as they are. Below is a paragraph taken from George Orwell's book '1984':
'In accordance with principles it does not matter if the war is real or whether victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous. The essential act of modern warfare is the destruction of human production and labor. A hierarchial society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. In principle the war is planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against it's own subjects and it's object is not victory but to keep the very structure of society intact.'
A second place to look is the English Reformation. Religion is an important part of how oligarchical collectivism works. Stalin once said 'Religion is the opium of the mass's'. Like everything else in western civilization it is run for and by the rich. I do not have a problem with religions or religious people. My problem is with their organization. I do not endorse Islam, but in Islam every mosque stands alone. It is not part of a massive organization. After a muslim cleric learns his theology he goes to a mosque and has no boss outside of that. The people who go to church on Sunday are not the problem, it's the people who run the church's. And the bigger they are the bigger the problem. When looking at the English Reformation the idea is to prove that the church divided itself to form two groups that the kings could pit against each other to satisfy Orwell's 'Theory of Oligarchical Collectivism'.
Significant questions are:
Why was Henry VIII obsessed with having a son? Two of his daughters, Mary I and Elizabeth I, held the throne anyway. Did England abandon Salic Law 100 years earlier? Why was James VI of Scotland (also James I of England) brought up a protestant if his mother, Mary Queen of Scots, was born and died a catholic? Why did James I produce the King James Bible? Why did he leave out the Apocraphyl Books? Why was Elizabeth I called 'The Virgin Queen'? Was this intentional so the throne could go to James I? Thomas More is both a saint in the catholic church and a sir for the British Empire. He was executed in the Henry VIII affair. He wrote a book about utopia. In fact I think he coined the phrase utopia. Does the concept of a utopia have anything to do with the Trojan War thing?
Why was Henry VIII obsessed with having a son? Two of his daughters, Mary I and Elizabeth I, held the throne anyway. Did England abandon Salic Law 100 years earlier? Why was James VI of Scotland (also James I of England) brought up a protestant if his mother, Mary Queen of Scots, was born and died a catholic? Why did James I produce the King James Bible? Why did he leave out the Apocraphyl Books? Why was Elizabeth I called 'The Virgin Queen'? Was this intentional so the throne could go to James I? Thomas More is both a saint in the catholic church and a sir for the British Empire. He was executed in the Henry VIII affair. He wrote a book about utopia. In fact I think he coined the phrase utopia. Does the concept of a utopia have anything to do with the Trojan War thing?
Another place is the controversy surrounding Joan of Arc and Gilles de Rais. Joan of Arc was considered a whore up to the 20th century. Then she was made a saint. Why? Gilles de Rais fought alongside her but is still demonized as a monster. Why? Gilles is considered the first 'bluebeard'. What is a bluebeard?
A fourth place is the Spanish Civil War of the 1930's. George Orwell fought for a time on the side of the republicans against the fascists. He wrote about his experience in the book "Homage to Catalonia". When he got to the front he recieved little or no training. All the people he fought with had the same amount of training. He had no uniform. His rifle was 30 years old, his unit had one machine gun for every 50 men. Most of the injuries suffered by his unit were caused by their own equipment. After several months of fighting he got 3 days in Barcelona. While there fighting broke out. After it ended government troops arrived. The same government he was fighting for. They had new uniforms, were trained and had one machine gun for every 10 men. When he discovered this he was forced to flee the country.
World War I was a slaughter on both sides. In about 4 years of fighting no real progress was made by anyone, yet millions of men died. No one really knows why it was fought. George Seldes was a reporter at the time. He was considered a muchracker, someone who didn't go along with the pack. He covered the end of the war and called it a complete sham. A hero of that war, Smedley Butler, later wrote a book "War is a Racket".
There are a lot of questions surrounding Benjamin Disraeli and the current state of Israel. Disraeli was an Englishman who lived in the 1800's. He was British Prime Minister twice. Many believe he is responsible for the situation in Israel.
My take on Israel. The Allies (also known as everyone involved) during WWII didn't liberate the Nazi concentration camps but instead relocated them to Palestine and called it Israel. The Zeitgeist Movie points out that 100 million people in the United States are convinced the end times are here. They are all waiting to be raptured into heaven. The movie "Ring of Power" says the same thing. They add that the battle of Armageddon will take place in Isreal. Why did they leave the Apocraphyl Books out of the King James Version of the bible? I ask only because the word 'apocraphyl' and 'apolcalypse' may be derived from the same word.
Aside from the obvious wars reported in newspapers the powers that be manage to get us to fight mythical wars. The Trojan War was supposedly fought between Greece and Troy. It was fought over a woman. Helen of Troy. The war was fought for ten years outside the walls of Troy before the Greeks won. Homer's 'The Iliad and the Odyssey' chronicles the war. Aleister Crowley, a writer and cultist, wrote a book "Alice (in Wonderland) is an Adultery". 'Alice in Wonderland' is a parallel story to 'The Iliad and the Odyssey'. It is roughly the same thing. One side or the other in the mythical war sends one of it's young girls on an mission of adultery to lure a male away from home to destroy his life and possibly hers. She is sometimes convinced 'all that glitters is gold'. The adultery causes division among the sides, like Greece and Troy, and makes for further hostilities. It's all a setup. The people in charge of it all just want to make trouble for the people at the bottom.
As I said before "the truth wears a veil in western civilization'. Fiction is non-fiction and non-fiction is fiction. Aside from 'Alice in Wonderland' some revealing novels are: Gulivers Travels- Written in 1730 it is a glimpse into how the oligarchy collective works. Others are 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame', The Grapes of Wrath' and "Tom Sawyer'. Anything by Shakespear.
The central banking system is an economic tool for holding power. But it is just a piece of a larger body of knowledge on economics that is used. This knowledge was outlined in The Scottish Enlightenment of the 1700's. The main work was Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations". It is the manual for economic domination used today all over the world.
Ultimitely, it's a question of slavery. The modern world is the wage slave system. In the wage slave system the slave himself is responsible for his own housing and food. All system's of slavery are designed to overproduce. The excess is sold by the owner so he/she can live in luxury. All system's of slavery benefit only a few. Poverty and/or primitive culture is the natural state of the world. The wage slave system has driven mankind and the entire planet to the edge and it is not sustainable. Slave system's naturally overproduce all life sustaining products so populations run out of control. They eat up land and resources. At some point those two dynamics collide and everyone suffers, including the slave owners. The global elite require drastic measures to remain in power, and they are working towards this. DON'T ACCEPT AN IMPLANT!
May 24, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Thomas More is both a saint in the catholic church and a sir for the British Empire. He was executed in the Henry VIII affair. He wrote a book about utopia. In fact I think he coined the phrase utopia. Does the concept of a utopia have anything to do with the Trojan War thing?
The Chickenshit Cookbook
Why doesn't someone get hold of a disgruntled member of the chickenshit outfit and get all the recipes for making people 'jews' and publish it so everyone can get in on the fun.
Polly Klaus was a young girl murdered a few decades ago. The state of California convicted and executed someone by the name of Davis. At his sentencing he was allowed to say something. During his statement he said something like '..her (Polly) last words were "just don't do me like Daady"..'. This is how I have come to feel about the whole goddam planet.
This is something I know about synthetic telepathy that you may not. Anytime they can get my money they are happy to oblige. All I have to do is think about a trip to Wal-Mart and my mother makes the suggestion without any other action on my part. This is how I know it has nothing to do with Jesus. But I wonder how they get the people in the neighborhood to co-operate.
'Go ahead and hate your neighbor,..'
Go ahead and cheat a friend..
Do it in the name of heaven,..
You can justify it in the end..
You won't hear any trumpets blowin come the judgement day..
On the bloody morning after..
One tin soldier rides away...
The Legend of Billy Jack
Go ahead and cheat a friend..
Do it in the name of heaven,..
You can justify it in the end..
You won't hear any trumpets blowin come the judgement day..
On the bloody morning after..
One tin soldier rides away...
The Legend of Billy Jack
'I am so All-American...'
sell you suicide,...
I am totalitarian,..
I got abortions in my eyes..
Irresponsible Hate Anthem
Marilyn Manson
sell you suicide,...
I am totalitarian,..
I got abortions in my eyes..
Irresponsible Hate Anthem
Marilyn Manson
Alice Through the Looking Glass
a sequel
a sequel
Sadly, International St Paddy Whack Day has passed, but I believe people should celebrate it year round by making zombies all the time.
'No man born with a livin' soul,..
workin for the Clampdown.....
The Clash
workin for the Clampdown.....
The Clash
Does mercury do more damage when inhaled or injected not ingested?
Would it be possible to hijack a cell phone tower or TV/radio tower and get it to spit out a lot of electrical noise to cover any military operation in the area?
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865.
Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
Is an abortion clinic a place where you can get an implant removed? Is abortion a cover story?
DON'T JOIN THE MILITARY! It's a sure way to wind up with an implant.
May 23, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
There is a video on youtube that is a biography of the life of Alexis de Tocqueville. It is a course being taught by some English professor at Oxford or Cambridge or somewhere. It's an hour long. Alexis de Tocqueville was a french writer born in the early 1800's. He came from the french aristocracy. His parents were uprooted by the french revolution. He traveled to America in about 1825 and wrote a book 'Democracy in America'. I am not exactly sure what the significance of the book is, I haven't read it. I have trouble reading and comprehending. In the video, at about 9:30 the professor states 'de Tocqueville was born and raised catholic, he was in a library one day and read a book and realized that the church was a crock of s^^%#'. He never went to church again. The professor was reading from de Tocqueville's diaries. Does anyone know the name of that book? Some people might ask 'Why do you go after the church so much'? I believe the church is responsible for much of the tyrrany of western civilization. The people at the bottom victimize themselves and the people at the top are laughing all the way to the bank. Adultery, gambling war are and still are standard operating procedure for the rich and monarchs of Europe. They do everything in excess they tell us not to do. Having said that, is there anyone out there who might think they are working on the wrong end of the snake? The church is responsible for St Augustine's Limbo, ensuring anathema and general oppression. There is a quote from one of the Zeitgeist movies that goes 'They must find it difficult, those who have accepted authority as the truth and not truth as the authority'. I'm not quite sure who they mean. The police or people who work for the church.
General Observation. I bought something recently on ebay. I thought it was nice and it was cheap. It shipped out of NY city. Soon after I was standing in line at Starbucks and the person in front of me had a T-shirt that said "Sorry Thanks From New York City". I keep thinking about this and connecting the two which is a problem of course. I bought a similar item again and when it arrived this guy went by the house on a small motor scooter. I have seen this person in the neighborhood and keep associating him with the resistance. (I don't actually know if there is a resistance or not, if there is they should stay away from me) But I keep thinking this, which is a problem of course. Truth is he is probably under mind control and being sent into harms way by the Pig Diarhea (chickenshit outfit). Here is how I know. No one who is truly part of any resistance would be part of the daily play that goes on in my life.
My thoughts on unions. The laws and regulations that govern unions were made by the same people who are responsible for everything else. Unions are about as democratic as everything else. Which is to say not at all. They are as easily controlled as every other institution in America. They are run by pinkie ring thugs. You have to be an insider before you knock on the door. Thier pension funds are now tied up in the stock market one way or another, like everybody elses money. This is a conflict of interest.
A message to the Chinese. If you want your country back you should let freedom of speech reign. What happens afterward is a case of "What happens in China stays in China". The Chinese, like everyone else, are entitled to self-determination.
Alice Through the Looking Glass
a sequel
a sequel
Sadly, International St Paddy Whack Day has passed, but I believe people should celebrate it year round by making zombies all the time.
'No man born with a livin' soul,..
workin for the Clampdown.....
The Clash
workin for the Clampdown.....
The Clash
Does mercury do more damage when inhaled or injected not ingested?
Would it be possible to hijack a cell phone tower or TV/radio tower and get it to spit out a lot of electrical noise to cover any military operation in the area?
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865.
Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
Is an abortion clinic a place where you can get an implant removed? Is abortion a cover story?
DON'T JOIN THE MILITARY! It's a sure way to wind up with an implant.
Ironmen I Have Known
Francis Diotti
Beth Grojean
Chris Grojean
Larry Patenaude
Sabrina ??????
I think it's a BS excuse to make a scarecrow and get rid of a useless eater. Consider the source. Would Confucius come up with the concept of original sin? In the year 70BC a slave named Spartacus led a slave revolt. When it was all over the Romans cruxified 10,000 people on the roads surrounding Rome. In almost every country where there was an Inquisition there is a museum dedicated to the devices they used to torture people. Anyone who wants to give these people carte blanche needs to have thier head examined. HA HA (after it's cut off)
Capitalism is not sustainable. How do you kill 6.5 billion people and not yourselves in the process? This problem would require 100 years of preparation.
My mouth is my rampage, if you don't like it you should have FO'd off a long time ago!!!!
May 22, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
'One heart, one love...
let's get together and feel alright....
Bob Marley and The Whalers
let's get together and feel alright....
Bob Marley and The Whalers
'Let my love open the door...
Pete Townshend
Pete Townshend
I suffered for 25 years
Is that worth going to church?
Is that worth going to church?
I know others who suffered just as bad
Is that worth going to church?
Is that worth going to church?
My father is gone
Is that worth going to church?
Is that worth going to church?
I now suspect his life was destroyed behind his back
Is that worth going to church?
Is that worth going to church?
My mothers life was destroyed in the process
Is that worth going to church?
Is that worth going to church?
People in the neighborhood have been uprooted
Is that worth going to church?
Is that worth going to church?
'Nothing changes New Years Day....
New Years Day
New Years Day
'Meet the new boss...
Same as the old boss....
Won't get fooled again
The Who
Same as the old boss....
Won't get fooled again
The Who
'The day the music died...
American Pie
Don McClean
American Pie
Don McClean
'Say that you'll never never need it
One headline why believe it....
Everybody Wants to Ruke the World
Tears for Fears
One headline why believe it....
Everybody Wants to Ruke the World
Tears for Fears
'Attention all planets of the solar federation...
'Attention all planets of the solar federation...
'Attention all planets of the solar federation...
'We have assumed control
'We have assumed control
'We have assumed control...'
Temples of Syrinx
'Attention all planets of the solar federation...
'Attention all planets of the solar federation...
'We have assumed control
'We have assumed control
'We have assumed control...'
Temples of Syrinx
Alice Through the Looking Glass
a sequel
a sequel
Sadly, International St Paddy Whack Day has passed, but I believe people should celebrate it year round by making zombies all the time.
'No man born with a livin' soul,..
workin for the Clampdown.....
The Clash
workin for the Clampdown.....
The Clash
Does mercury do more damage when inhaled or injected not ingested?
Would it be possible to hijack a cell phone tower or TV/radio tower and get it to spit out a lot of electrical noise to cover any military operation in the area?
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865.
Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
Is an abortion clinic a place where you can get an implant removed? Is abortion a cover story?
DON'T JOIN THE MILITARY! It's a sure way to wind up with an implant.