Here are some of my ideas that could be added to the Anarchist Cookbook
Here is an idea to shut off power to a large number of telephone poles before cutting up the wires. Locate a substation. A substation is where the very high voltage of the high tension wires is stepped down for use locally. Substations can usually be found very near high tension wires. Cut down the nearest telephone pole in a direction away from the substation itself pulling the wire with it. This disconnects the wire without touching anything. Do this to enough substations close together and the wires might be dead. It takes time for the transformers on the poles to discharge. Cutting up the wires is important because they can be used as antenna's. If enough wire gets cut up it will be difficult to replace.
The trucks used by electric company's (cherry pickers, etc) are very expensive. When they are using them they leave the engines running because it powers the equipment attached to it. A pellet gun could be used from a somewhat safe distance to puncture the radiator. Five or ten minutes after the radiator is empty, the engine will overheat and sieze making the truck useless. This could also be done to police and fire trucks.
There is a transformer on every few poles all across the country. They can be quite expensive. Shooting a couple holes in them would destroy it. This could also be used on microwave/cell phone towers.
Almost every telephone pole has a grounding rod next to it. I know that coax cable must be continuosly grounded as it goes. There must be a wire extending from the top of the pole to the rod at the base. Cutting this wire may disrupt service.
Create traffic jams in inner city areas by stopping some vehicles and destoying them. Or get some cheap cars get on a highway at rush hour, get next to each other to block the highway, stop and light them on fire. Doing this in areas like downtown Manhattan would create a nightmare traffic jam.
Spray utensils (knives, forks spoons) cups and plates with swamp water or any stagnant water. It can be teeming with bacteria.
Pour acid on the bolts that hold down the towers that hold high tension wires. Or come up with some way to weaken the structure. The next big wind will blow it over.
Destroying the roof of a building is one idea. The roofs of most buildings are weaker than the surrounding walls, and it will do more damage. It would be even better if was raining or snowing. If you can't make a bomb and get it on the roof of a building, get a high powered rifle or pistol and shoot holes in the roof.
Have you ever been to a sporting event and seen them shooting t-shirts into the crowd? Those can be powerful and easily made. Instead of shooting t-shirts rig a piece of non-insulated wire with a couple weights attached. The weights could be hard wooden balls or something. Make the wire long enough to span a couple of high tension lines. Use it to short out high tension lines. The closer you are to a power plant, the more likely you would do damage to the plant itself.
Most places where railroad tracks cross a paved street the rails are at the same height as the pavement. This is done for the cars to cross the rails. The idea is to destroy a small section of the rail where it is the same level as the pavement. It could be easier to hide the damage from people who inspect the tracks. Fill it in with sand or something. The crossings are accessible to anyone and wouldn't attract too much attention. Whatever they use to bring down buildings might eat away enough to work. (World Trade Center) Thermite might work. There are recipes for Thermite in the Anarchist Cookbook 2000 that can be found on this page.
This is an idea to blow a hole in an underground pipeline without digging a hole and not spending too much time at the site. Build a large enough bomb to reach to pipeline with it’s explosion. Bring an extra vehicle (disposible) with you to the site. Preferably a truck. Load the truck with sandbags. At the site, remove some sandbags and place on top of the bomb but not enough prevent the truck from driving over it. Drive the truck over the bomb and leave it. Let the air out of the tires. The idea is that the weight placed on top of the bomb helps to direct the blast downward ensuring it destroys the target. It is the same principle used by construction crews when using dynamite. They have massive steel mats they place over the explosives. Finding the location of pipelines is relatively easy. Here in Massachusetts you simple call 1-800-dig-safe
My Story
Psychiatry is Genocide
Ways to Defeat Synthetic Telepathy
and Neural Implants
Faraday Cage
Faraday Cage. A Faraday cage is any structure that is encased in metal and grounded to earth. The idea is that it shorts any voltage to ground. It is the same idea as coax cable. Coax cable is used for all broadband. The ground is the braided mesh that surrounds the signal carrier inside. It keeps noise off the signal and improves performance. The National Security Agency (which may be the problem in all of this) has it's headquarters at Ft Meade Maryland encased in copper mesh. This is why. Search for NSA and there is a Discovery Channel documentary on it.
Most buildings can be retrofitted to act as a Faraday cage. It may not be as secure as the NSA but good enough. There are a lot of corrugated metal buildings in the country that are used for industrial purposes. If they were sufficiently grounded and a metal roof were added they would make a good Faraday cage. Set up a MASH unit (Mobile Army Surgical Hospital) inside to remove neural implants. A residential house can be made somewhat secure. Aluminum flashing can be put on the floor of the attic, or aluminum screen can be hung in the attic. Metallic paint can be put on the walls.
Noise Generator
Electricity is part of the science of life. All life forms on this planet generate very small electro-magnetic waves that can be picked up by electronic sensors. A Faraday cage can prevent surveillance from the outside but not inside if there are wires that are connected to a utility of some kind. (telephone company, cable or power company) Any wire leaving a building is a highway for surveillance. I have a number of MP3 players that are also an FM radio. The earbuds are the antenna. While the wire is delivering the audio signal to the speakers in the earbuds, it is also sending the recieved signal to the computer (radio). Any unshielded wires in your house, including AC power, could be acting the same. The AC wiring in a house can act like an antenna and pick up and send data to an outside party. The entire electric grid including the telephone poles and all the wires connected could be acting the same. The entire planet could be hooked up to computers acting like HAARP. A huge antenna operating at low frequency and high power. A person's brain gives off about 30 HZ while awake. Steps must be taken to secure the inside if you can't eliminate all utilities. A possible way to defeat the sensors would be to generate a lot of garbage electro-magnetic waves around the people and make it difficult for the sensors to pick up the EMI given off by the people. The people would have to always remain near the generator.
Specific Ideas
1. Spark Generators
Spark transmitters were one of the first Morse Code machines. As radio progressed they were outlawed because they interfered with radio signals. A Jacobs Ladder is a type of spark generator. At high voltages they can interupt everything. The Titanic had a Spark transmitter.
2. Mechanical Generators
Electric motors are notorious for generating noise that interferes with sensitive electronics. All motors have a rotor that must move and be energized at the same time. This is accomplished with a conducting brush that keeps contact with the rotor. It's possible to imitate the noise made by electric motors and then amplify it and broadcast it on an antenna.
3. Electronic Generator
I began experimenting with Texas Instruments MSP430 line of microcontrollers. The Launchpad comes preprogrammed with a software routine that pulses an LED. I theorize you could simply take that pulse, amplify it and put it on an antenna and it might create enough disturbance for one person. It could be made small enough to hang around a person's neck. Another electronic idea is to build a white noise generator, chop up the signal somehow and amplify that.
4. It might be possible to record the noise made by a spark transmitter, make a computer file out of it, then rebroadcast (transmit) it through a cell phone or iPod.
5. Take a spark plug from an internal combustion engine, mount it in a piece of metal to simulate an engine and run it as it would normally be used. It would generate something similar to a Jacob's Ladder or an old fashioned Spark Transmitter.
6. Smarthome sells X10 technology. X10 technology was developed in the 1970's by a company in Scotland. It uses the AC wiring in a house to send control signals to devices connected throughout the house. With a central control panel any light or device can be turned on or off. So it's possible to inject noise onto AC wires.
7. Another method of disabling AC wiring would be to 'tap' the wires like a Morse code key.
8. Filtering is a use of passive componants to eliminate noise. Passive componants consist of capacitors, inductors and resistors. All of these come in voltage ratings high enough for 120 AC. A lowpass filter could be setup near the panel where the wire leaves the building and suppress any frequencies above 60 HZ.
Radio Jamming Equipment
Noise generators prevent signals from being picked up. They could also prevent transmitting. But it might be useful to use the radio spectrum so jamming is more appropriate. In the early days of radar during WWII they discovered the 'microwave hearing effect. It was a clicking noise in the ears of people near the equipment. This technology may be very advanced by now. A possible name is 'electronic brain link'. Jamming is the science of disabling only selected frequencies.
Modern communications are necessary to fight back. Data can be carried along with the normal signal. The human voice creates signals between 200HZ and about 30KHZ. Data could be superimposed on top of the voice. Filtering could prevent this. A low pass filter on a phone line could eliminate everything above 30KHZ. This does not totally solve the problem but it might help. Old style phone modems operate around 28KBPS which might get by, but it would slow the problem down.
General Information
Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...

Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, and it's companion website, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
Beginning of Actual Blog
June 30, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
The Surveillance page has been updated with the following:
This post is some ideas on a test setup to develop a synthetic telepathy radio. A very very sensitive antenna is needed and it doesn't have to be able to transmit. My approach is to model the antenna as the secondary of a transformer. It takes advantage of the principles behind transformers but applies them to a radio antenna. The actual radio is the load on the secondary. The construction of the antenna also uses techniques used by audio engineers to move microphone signals long distances with balanced lines. Microphone signals are very small as they come out of the actual mic. They then go to a pre-amp before the actual mixer because they are so small.
Transformers operate on at least two principles that can be used to make the antenna. If you want to step-up the voltage on the secondary you need more turns in the winding than the primary. A transformer works best wound around an iron core or some other ferrous metal. The idea is to make a long piece of ferrite rod from small pieces then wind small gauge magnet wire as many times as possible and have two ends at the bottom. The two ends are connected across a resistor to close the circuit. A very large resistor, say 10 meg ohm, is connected as the load. Any varying emi field will induce a current that can be read across the resistor by a differential amp. So, in effect, the radio is the load for the secondary of the antenna which is acting like a transformer. The output of the differential amp is fed into a USRP SDR and all the signals can be sorted through. To keep the number of signals to a absolute minimum the entire setup should be inside a Faraday cage.
The longest piece of readily available ferrite rod I could find is 7.5 inches long (see above) so it might be necessary to glue or tape together 4 or 5. To get one continuous winding from top to bottom unwind the spool of magent wire so you have about half on each of two spools. then place both spools on a single feeding rod and start the winding at the top by folding wire at half way point. To twist the wire rotate the feeding rod. When you get to the bottom you will have two ends to the winding in one place. The entire assembly can be taped further then inserted into a PVC plumbing pipe and secured at the top with an end cap.
Suggestions for building a Faraday Cage test area. Building something under ground could help but also line the entire room with copper sheet or mesh. The earth itself could help impede emi. The cellar of any home could be retro-fitted.
June 29, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Magic Tit For Tat
Two songs summerize the problem: 'The Wizard' by Uriah Heep and 'The Wizard' by Black Sabbath. The 'wizard' being catholic priests. Other references would be 'The Wizard of Oz', Merlin the Magician in Mark Twains 'A Connecticut Yankee in King Aurthers Court' and possibly 'Harry Potter'. Wizards are famous for magic. Aleister Crowley's organization was a magical order. I'm not quite sure what Aleister Crowley was up to. There is a pamphlet titled 'The Banned Lecture Gilles de Rais to Have Been Delivered to the Oxford University Poetic Society' by Aleister Crowley. I typed my copy into my computer and made a PDF (see below) In it Mr Crowley says Joan of Arc was considered a common slut up until the 19th century. Her image changed when the public began to think of her as a virgin, the catholic church made her a saint. Is this sort of thing the 'magic' performed by Aleister Crowley? Were they responsible for changing her image? Did they have anything to do with Sir Thomas More? The speech semi-implies the media helped manipulate WWII into happening.
Gimme Shelter is a 1970 documentary film directed by Albert and David Maysles and Charlotte Zwerin chronicling the last weeks of The Rolling Stones 1969 US tour which culminated in the disastrous Altamont Free Concert. The film is named after “Gimme Shelter”, the lead track from the group’s 1969 album Let It Bleed. The film was screened at the 1971 Cannes Film Festival, but was not entered into the main competition. The action then turns on the concert itself at the Altamont Speedway, the security for which was provided by the Hells Angels (armed with pool cues). As the day progresses, with drug-taking and drinking by the Angels and members of the audience, the mood turns ugly. Fights break out during performances by The Flying Burrito Brothers and Jefferson Airplane; Grace Slick pleads with the crowd to settle down. When Mick Jagger arrives to the grounds via helicopter, he is punched in the face by an unruly fan while making his way to his trailer. At one point Jefferson Airplane lead male singer Marty Balin is knocked out by a Hells Angel; Paul Kantner attempts to confront “the people who hit my lead singer” in response (“Hey, man, I’d like to mention that the Hells Angels just smashed Marty Balin in the face and knocked him out for a bit. I’d like to thank you for that!”). He and Slick tell one of the Angels on stage that violence isn’t what the event is about, to which the clearly intoxicated biker replies, “You’re talking to my people. Let me tell you what’s happenin’: You are what happenin’!” Slick herself warns the Angels after they continue hitting people: “You don’t hassle with anybody in particular. You gotta keep your bodies off each other unless you intend love. People get weird, and you need people like the Angels to keep people in line. But the Angels also– You know, you don’t bust people in the head for nothing. So both sides are fucking up temporarily; let’s not keep fucking up!!!” Jerry Garcia and Phil Lesh arrive, but The Grateful Dead opt not to play after learning of the incident with Balin from Santana drummer Michael Shrieve. (Santana and Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young also performed at the concert but are not shown in the movie). By the time The Stones hit the stage, it was evening, and the crowd was especially restless. The Stones opened with “Jumpin’ Jack Flash”, and are also shown performing “Sympathy for the Devil”, as the tension continues to build. It is during the next song, “Under My Thumb”, that a member of the audience, 18 year old Meredith Hunter, attempted, with other crowd members, to force his way onto the stage, and as a result is struck by the Hells Angels members guarding the band. He is then seen to draw a revolver before being subdued by Hells Angel Alan Passaro, and is killed by at least six stab wounds. Baird Bryant, one of the many cameramen in the film, caught Meredith Hunter’s stabbing on film.[2] The film sequence clearly shows the silhouette of a handgun in the black teenager’s hand against the dress of his white girlfriend, Patty Bredahoff, as Passaro enters from the right, grabs and raises the gun hand, turns Hunter around and stabs him at least twice in the back before pushing Hunter off camera. Amongst the camera operators for Altamont was a young George Lucas, who later went on to become a successful film director. At the concert, Lucas’s camera jammed after shooting about 100 feet (30 m) of film. None of his footage was incorporated into the final cut.
June 18, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
MK-Ultra The Controllers
by Martin Cannon
Advanced Neural Implants and Control
by Daryl R Kipke DARPA
Is your life becoming an endless stream of seemingly timed events? Are the people involved lying or avoiding the issue? Do they want you to accept an implant? DON'T ACCEPT AN IMPLANT!!! You are dealing with Scientology, a killing machine. Some people are being controlled and some are doing the controlling. You can't tell the players without a scorecard and there is no scorecard because most people don't know there's a game. If too many did, it wouldn't exist. It's purpose is to prolong the value of the dollar by limiting the number of people who can get a loan at a bank. Believe it!!!! It makes more for the rich and less for the poor. If you are an electronics or computer engineer, or you know one, see the 'SURVEILLANCE' page for suggestions.
Note. The microwave hearing effect and neural implants can look very similar. But it MIGHT be that the people being controlled have a neural implant and the people doing the controlling are only using the microwave hearing effect.
If everyone on earth got up some day and tried to shoot dead someone who works for the catholic church, the world would be safe for humanity by noon.
CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS War is it's own greatest deterrent. Invisible war (secret fascism) never ends.
When I was a kid it was always fun to receive a chain letter. I don't exactly remember what the purpose was, it might have varied. When you got one you were supposed to copy it and send it to ten or more of your friends or ten anonymous people. The letter could go on for months and reach thousands of people. Today it could be done with email. The file's below are what I have been sending for the past few months. My email doesn't last very long, they shut it off. So if you would like to be free like me send one of the files below to ten anonymous people. The idea is to drive people to my website. Or your website if you want. I declare everything on this website (including all inventions) as public domain. Anyone can reproduce it in it's entirety anywhere without my permission.
When I send email anonymously this is what I do. I go to a search engine,,,,, and type in a word, any word, and then go down the list until my email stops. When I go to a page I look for the 'Contact' link. There is always someboby's email. Today, for example I went to and typed the word 'program'. In the event some people don't know how to use the computer's 'clipboard' I will try to explain. The 'clipboard' is a space in the computer's working memory that can be used to store text or other data that you use over and over. When you click on one of the links below it should open in a seperate browser tab. With that tab active go to the 'EDIT' menu of the browser program and pick 'SELECT ALL'. Everything in that tab should be highlighted. Then go to the 'EDIT' menu and pick 'COPY'. That text is now on the clipboard and can be used over and over without typing it again and again. When you click on the link for someones email you insert the curser into the body of the email and go to the 'EDIT' menu for the email program and pick 'PASTE'. All the text is automatically inserted into the email. You can send the email without a subject.
Where is King James I of England buried? I know here in Massachusetts there is a catholic cemetery associated with each church. You must be catholic to be buried in a catholic cemetery. Is King James in a catholic cemetery? Was everyone around him growing up catholic? For anyone who doesn’t understand the significance I will try to explain. King James I of England produced the King James Bible (KJV) telling everyone he was a protestant. The KJV is mandatory in every Protestant church even to this day. If King James were actually a Catholic it would prove the theory that the Pope divided the church on purpose to make money and hold power. That every war since the Hundred Years War was waged for that purpose. The rich and powerful fund and supply both sides. For protestants who may not know, the catholic church uses the Roman Vulgate version of the bible. Until the 1960's all catholic mass's were said in Latin. Latin was the language spoken during the Roman Empire. Almost every word in every European language can be traced back to a Latin word. Toward the end of the movie 'The da Vinci Code' the main characters are in Scotland digging something up in a church. The Monarchy of Roses. The Alabama Crimson Tide.
'Go Ask Alice' is a book by James Jennings. It is a proven fraud. It came out in the early 1970's as a way to cover-up the situation in San Francisco and explain Jefferson Airplanes song 'White Rabbit'. It was also made into a TV movie.
June 17, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Why I think the NSA doesn't need to physically tap everyone's communications and why it's probably impossible. Asssuming the NSA is responsible for Synthetic Telepathy they don't need a physical connection to pick up very very small voltages from very long distances. Most people's email go through an unshielded wire somewhere along the way, so it's electro-magnetic emmissions are available to be picked up and in fact are at a higher power level than human emmissions. I would be safe guessing 50% of all email is local. That is travel, say only 25 miles. No one could possibly tap all that wiring and get away with it. However fiber optics do not give off EMF and would require a physical tap. Fiber optics also carry more data.
The FBI and CIA
(Fat Bottom Intercourse agency and the Criminal Insane Agency)
"Us and Them......."
"And after all we're only ordinary men,..."

Us and Them
Pink Floyd
"No man born with a livin soul......."
"Workin for the clampdown,..."

The Clash
"Like a rolling stone......."
"Like the FBI and the CIA,..."

Dig It
The Beatles
"I don't give a f&^% about the FBI......."
"I don't give a f*&^ about the CIA,..."

Chewin George Lucas's Chocolate
The Butthole Surfers
Massachusetts is having a special election in a couple weeks to fill John Kerry's Senate seat. Ya John Kerry is gone and should be forgotton. He won't be replaced by anyone worth a dam. Ed Markey has been in Washington for 37 years and I'm sure he knows how it works. (see below) Gabriel Gomez is a rich cocksucker from Cohasset and an ex-Navy seal. Like every Navy seal (aka FBI agent) he probably gets it. You don't get anything in this country unless you go along.
"For murder is the sport of the elected......."
Murder by Numbers
The Police
"We were flying along......."
"And hit something in the air,..."

(critical analysis: Somebody hit a member of the ego squadron, a star, celebrity, rich person, aristocrat, cost them money or generally just got in their way, and they sicked the clampdown on them) DOA is a hospital term for Dead On Arrival
"A star falls......."
"A phone call,..."
"It joins all,...

Synchronicity I
The Police
(same as above)
"The Beautiful People......."
"It's all relative to the size of your steeple,..."

The Beautiful People
Marilyn Manson
(every member of Marilyn Manson adopts a name made up from a celebrity and a serial killer Marilyn (Monroe) (Charles) Manson)
June 30, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Here are some of my ideas that could be added to the Anarchist Cookbook
The key to globalization is making us inter-dependent as nations. America does not manufacture anything anymore. (thank you Bill Clinton and MFN) A country that does not manufacture anything is vunerable. A couple examples would be machine tools and food. Machine tools are basic metal fabricating equipment like lathes, drill press's etc. A more technical term is CNC machine. You can't make guns, ammo or pretty much anything absolutely essential to warfare without them. Food can also be a weapon. If we import any basic ingredient necessary all they have to do is shut down the ports. We have been losing small farms in this country for decades. Most of our food production is in a few hands. Much of the rest of it is overseas. The idea is to get a jump on them and shut down ports and canals to force ourselves to reverse this trend. "Necessity is the mother of invention" Sink a ship or two at the entrance to a harbor to block it. Shut down the Panama and Suez canals.
This is an idea for using an IED (improvised explosive device) more effectively. An IED is a remotely controlled device designed to get the lead vehicle of a convoy. It could be triggered by someone with binoculars far away or by some kind of laser that is broken by the wheel of the truck. The idea is to use multiple IED's planted say 50 ft apart. The first device explodes as mentioned but the rest go off from vibration. So when the first one goes they all go and many vehicles are destroyed at the same time.
Here is an idea to shut off power to a large number of telephone poles before cutting up the wires. Locate a substation. A substation is where the very high voltage of the high tension wires is stepped down for use locally. Substations can usually be found very near high tension wires. Cut down the nearest telephone pole in a direction away from the substation itself pulling the wire with it. This disconnects the wire without touching anything. Do this to enough substations close together and the wires might be dead. It takes time for the transformers on the poles to discharge.
The trucks used by electric company's (cherry pickers, etc) are very expensive. When they are using them they leave the engines running because it powers the equipment attached to it. A pellet gun could be used from a somewhat safe distance to puncture the radiator. Five or ten minutes after the radiator is empty, the engine will overheat and sieze making the truck useless. This could also be done to police and fire trucks.
There is a transformer on every few poles all across the country. They can be quite expensive. Shooting a couple holes in them would destroy it. This could also be used on microwave/cell phone towers.
Almost every telephone pole has a grounding rod next to it. I know that coax cable must be continuisly grounded as it goes. There must be a wire extending from the top of the pole to the rod at the base. Cutting this wire may disrupt service.
Create traffic jams in inner city areas by stopping some vehicles and destoying them. Or get some cheap cars get on a highway at rush hour, get next to each other to block the highway, stop and light them on fire. Doing this in areas like downtown Manhattan would create a nightmare traffic jam.
Spray utensils (knives, forks spoons) cups and plates with swamp water or any stagnant water. It can be teeming with bacteria.
Pour acid on the bolts that hold down the towers that hold high tension wires. Or come up with some way to weaken the structure. The next big wind will blow it over.
Destroying the roof of a building is one idea. The roofs of most buildings are weaker than the surrounding walls, and it will do more damage. It would be even better if was raining or snowing. If you can't make a bomb and get it on the roof of a building, get a high powered rifle or pistol and shoot holes in the roof.
Have you ever been to a sporting event and seen them shooting t-shirts into the crowd? Those can be powerful and easily made. Instead of shooting t-shirts rig a piece of non-insulated wire with a couple weights attached. The weights could be hard wooden balls or something. Make the wire long enough to span a couple of high tension lines. Use it to short out high tension lines. The closer you are to a power plant, the more likely you would do damage to the plant itself.
Most places where railroad tracks cross a paved street the rails are at the same height as the pavement. This is done for the cars to cross the rails. The idea is to destroy a small section of the rail where it is the same level as the pavement. It could be easier to hide the damage from people who inspect the tracks. Fill it in with sand or something. The crossings are accessible to anyone and wouldn't attract too much attention. Whatever they use to bring down buildings might eat away enough to work. (World Trade Center)
This is an idea to blow a hole in an underground pipeline without digging a hole and not spending too much time at the site. Build a large enough bomb to reach to pipeline with it’s explosion. Bring an extra vehicle (disposible) with you to the site. Preferably a truck. Load the truck with sandbags. At the site, remove some sandbags and place on top of the bomb but not enough prevent the truck from driving over it. Drive the truck over the bomb and leave it. Let the air out of the tires. The idea is that the weight placed on top of the bomb helps to direct the blast downward ensuring it destroys the target. It is the same principle used by construction crews when using dynamite. They have massive steel mats they place over the explosives. Finding the location of pipelines is relatively easy. Here in Massachusetts you simple call 1-800-dig-safe
Tesla Spark Transmitter
Some thoughts on a Tesla Spark Transmitter. To shut down much of the surveillance and the communications for things like helicopters, tanks and even ground troops you would need to jam the entire radio frequency spectrum from DC to 300 GHZ. Doing this would help to level the playing field for a civilian led rebellion. If you haven't figured it out yet, doing this with solid state componants isn't easy. I'm not even sure if it's possible. I'm not even sure a Tesla Spark Transmitter works but it's worth a shot. Trying a Tesla Spark Transmitter has a number of advantages. It requires only a few parts and certainly jams a significant portion of the spectrum, if not the whole thing. It can be easily be built for high wattage.
June 15, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
One day last week, I was minding my own business when this lady, from 'Matrix Healthcare', came to the door to check up on my mother. (Matrix, ????) The story was mom's health insurance sent her to ask some questions. She was from Carlyle Mass a small farming community next to Concord Mass. (Concord ??? conquered ??? this is something that keeps coming up a lot ...... in the early 70's it was the Concord SST owned by British France Airways, a couple years ago a cruise ship 'Concord' sank off the coast of Italy ??? I don't know) I now return you to the original purpose for this post. I had watched videos on youtube about the Carlyle Group and it's conflict of interest with the first Gulf War, so someone knew that. Back in the 1980's my parents lost a good piece of change on some real estate investment called Carlyle. This is the thing. The whole thing could be a setup to get me to beleive I'm 'The Chosen One' or something. Get me to 'flip out'. The minute I bring it up to someone it'll be crazy and I get my ass slammed in a hospital and drugged to death. It's crazy. The germ race can't get any lower. We have reached rock bottom. I do think private equity is a problem. Blackstone was a Wall St IPO darling ten years ago. It was going to take Chrysler private or something and everyone was Gaga over it. There is too much wealth property and power in the hands of too few people.
Application for Patent
No: Numero Uno
The World Stage
filed by
Henry VIII - King of England
The Pope
A method and apparatus for making money and holding power
Lie like hell to the fuc&6rtds at the bottom to make money and have a lot of stuff, you have to get the proletariat to kill the proletariat.
Environmental Impact Study (not performed)
'Alice in Wonderland' was first published in 1865. In one of the first chapters 'The English' are portrayed as a 'DoDo' bird, an extinct species. That was 150 years ago. Are they extinct? Are the Americans? Between say 1700 and 1900 AD the British were the worlds superpower. They ruled the seas and the land. All the king or queen had to do was issue an order 'kill all Catholic priests on site'. Priests were armed with dress's and cross's. HMMMMM. When the Pope and King of France wanted to get rid of the Knights Templar all it took was an order and a couple months. It would have been that simple all along. It still is. They don't want to get rid of the English or American English. They want the proletariat to kill the proletariat. Party on dude.
Ethnic Cleansing American Style
July 4, 1776 was a coup de ta for the Pope. It gave ‘freedom’ to the wrong people. The freedom to do whatever they wanted to the people who were already here. Europeans began conquering and settling S America around 1500 AD. The Indians who were there had a much more advanced civilization than the Indians in N America. They had a road system and some buildings that were permanent. N America, for the most part, was wilderness. A scary place for Europeans who were used to a level of civilization. This might have been one of the reasons the church made the English Reformation so bad. They were trying to motivate people to colonize N America. I am reminded of some quote by a founding father that ended like “………your grandchildren will find themselves homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” I don’t know who said it. Capitalism, freedom and democracy are different things. I sometimes think of the monkey and the jar of peanuts. The monkey puts his hand in the jar to get the peanuts out but can’t get his hand out as long as he hangs on to the peanuts. He can have the peanuts ????? (well, not really) or he can have his freedom. Americans can have capitalism (money) or they can be free. Starbucks are a problem.
June 13, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
'The Rachael' might have saved me if I had been more willing to go along with the way things are run and my niece had gone to the Naval Academy. Her name is Rachael. ?????
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sleep?
a novel by
Philip K Dick
Unicorns were the only animal not saved by Noah
'I might make you feel.....'
'But I can't make you think,.....'

Thick as a Brick
Jethro Tull
The Society for the Propagation of Religious Truth
Alice is an Adultery
a book by
Aleister Crowley
(published by The Society for the Propagation of Religious Truth)
"Mr Crowley....."
"uncovering things that were sacred...."

Mr Crowley
Ozzy Osbourne
The name 'Rachael' comes up a lot. At the very end of 'Moby Dick' The Rachael, out of New Bedford, picks up Ishmael. In the movie 'The Blade Runner' Rachael is a Nexus 6 replicant who helps the blade runner.
'Give the children what they need..'
Kill your God..'
Kill your God..
Kill your TV..

The Astonishing Panorama of the Endtimes
Marilyn Manson
Banned Lecture
on Gilles de Rais
by Aleister Crowley
June 12, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Eisenhower's Farewell Speech
On Jan 17, 1961 Pres Eisenhower ended his public life with a farewell speech from the White House. In it he warns America about what he calls 'The Military Industrial Complex'. He also hints at a couple other problems. Toward the beginning of the speech he says:
"We face a hostile ideology, global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose and insidious in method. Unhappily the danger it poses promises to be of indefinite duration."
It would be very easy to interprete this as meaning 'communism', but he goes on to cite 2 problems he see's with America not the Soviet Union. It's obvious he see's the problem as being inside the United States. It may be communism, it may be fascism. This ideology, in my opinion, includes Scientology, a new religion that in fact is mind control. I beleive Scientology is what he refers to when he says:
"...the burden of a prolonged and complex struggle, with liberty the stake...."
The 2 problems he points out as being most important are America's growing dependance on it's arm's industry and too much government funded research. At the time of the speech he says there are approximately 3.5 million people involved in the arm's industry. That was 1961, the number is probably much higher today. America is either a shopping mall or a gun store. The second problem he brings up is too much government funded research. He says:
'In this revolution research has become central, it has also become more formalized costly and complex, a steadily increasing share is done for by or at the direction of the federal government...'
He warns:
'...a government contract becomes a substitute for intellectual curiosity...'
DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is one organization that he was warning about. The two links below are an example of what he meant.
Advanced Neural Implants and Control
by Daryl R Kipke DARPA
Neuro Nexus Tech
Daryl R Kipke
June 11, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
The Carlyle Group
There are at least 3 types of business's in the United States. They are:
  • Sole Proprietorship. A sole proprietorship is the simplest and most common structure chosen to start a business. It is an unincorporated business owned and run by one individual with no distinction between the business and you, the owner. You are entitled to all profits and are responsible for all your business’s debts, losses and liabilities.
  • Partnership. A partnership is a single business where two or more people share ownership. Each partner contributes to all aspects of the business, including money, property, labor or skill. In return, each partner shares in the profits and losses of the business.
  • Corporation. A corporation is an independent legal entity owned by shareholders. This means that the corporation itself, not the shareholders that own it, is held legally liable for the actions and debts the business incurs. Corporations are more complex than other business structures because they tend to have costly administrative fees and complex tax and legal requirements. Because of these issues, corporations are generally suggested for established, larger companies with multiple employees.
There are sub-catagories within each but for the most part there are 3. As you can see a corporation is held legally responsible not the shareholders. All corporations are not traded on a stock exchange. It is possible to have a corporation worth hundreds of billions of dollars and be owned by so few people it doesn't trade on any stock exchange but as a corporation the owners are not legally responsible. These business's are sometimes called private equity firms or funds. The super rich pool thier money and buy whole companies and take them private. The Carlyle Group is one such fund. The Carlyle Group specializes in defense industries. It began in the 1980's under Ronald Reagan. There are videos on youtube critical of Carlyle and it's conflict of interest with regard to the first Gulf war and it's owners. One of the first companies it bought and took private was Fairchild Areospace a maker of satelites. It now owns a number of billion dollar defense companies. There is no telling how much of the American economy is owned this way, but this is where the concentration of wealth is the greatest. This is why the supreme court decision that says corporations are people too is ludicrous. The people behind The Carlyle Group will never be held responsible for the wars they create.
Edward SNOWDEN is the NSA whistleblower. SNOWDEN was the kid who died on Yasarian's plane in the movie 'Catch-22'. ?????
June 10, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
(N)o (S)uch (A)gency
CNN is reporting that a NSA whistleblower has come forward. End secret fascism and we won't need the NSA or the new Utah Data Center. In the event the link below doesn't reach anyone's computer as intended I will list the videos:
1. CNN report about Edward Snowden a NSA whistleblower
2. An Oprah interview with NSA general Michael Aquino and his involvement in the Temple of Set/Church of Satan
3. A video about Michael Aquino and satelite mind control
4. A segment from Monarch: The New Phoenix Program by Marshall Gregory Thomas focusing on the NSA
5. A scene from the movie 'Good Will Hunting' starring Matt Damon interviewing for a job at the NSA
6. Part 1 of 4 of a Discovery Channel documentary on the NSA. The first part reveals the NSA headquarters at Ft Meade Maryland is encased in copper mesh, making it a Faraday cage.
7. Another part of the Discovery Channel documentary
8. A 45 minute documentary on ECHELON, a global eavesdropping program run by the NSA. ECHELON facilities are characterized by large geodesic domes. Geodesic domes were first designed by Buckminster Fuller. I think they're antenna's.
9. NSA's new Data Facility in Utah
10. NSA's new Data Facility in Utah
11. NSA's new Data Facility in Utah
June 9, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
I Blame Valerie Plame
"Hey Kids! What time is it?.....It's lets's be nasty and disgusting time.." Do I think I'm something special or a 'chosen one' or something? No. I'm the one who's getting away. So far. The Auto-Fasci-Mat (Scientology) came a callin and went away empty casket. Anyone who gets weak enough is a candidate. (see the last third of Eisenhower's Farewell Speech on the HOME page he say's something like '...that the weak be allowed at the table......') Nobody choses the Matrix, it choses them. I didn't ask for Risperdal. Which is unusual, because most doctors won't switch someone without them asking. I had been given a new doctor. She was fortyish , white, blonde, semi-attractive. Her name was not Valerie Plame but she looked a lot like her. HHMMMMM Her name as I understood was Deborah Silen. She only stayed a couple months. Risperdal was a disaster for me immediately. I began having certain symptoms related to sex that I complained about that went in one ear and out the other. I eventually went to a urologist associated with South Shore Hospital and he didn't do anything either. I eventually had to change providers and request being removed from Risperdal. You might as well stop parading 'Alice's' in front of me cause I don't give a f&*% anymore. I was sick before Risperdal and now it's really bad. There is a scene in George Orwell's '1984' where some proletariats are listening to a presentation about the eradication of the orgasm and how it will be a great leap forward. EUREKA!!! Give no more presentations. Look no further. If you can't envision my middle finger you're a sicker man than I GoDDa Amit! DUH
'The Wall was too high as you can see...'
'No matter how he tried he could not break free,...'
'And the worms ate into his brain....'

Hey You
The Wall
Pink Floyd
June 7, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
In case you didn't know I stole this mornings post from a Catholic Encyclopedia website. Sue me ('you're only immortal for a limited time.....') Are all these 'legends' based on the same phenomena? (mercury) In the event the link below doesn't arrive at anyone elses computer as it arrived at mine the legends are:
Germanic Heroic Saga
Legends of Charlemagne
Geneviève (Genovefa) of Brabant
Arthur (Artus)
Tristan and Isolde
Lohengrin, the Knight of the Swan
Robert the Devil
The Wandering Jew
The Flying Dutchman
William Tell
Confucius say "you're confused"
'well then stop giving me drugs'
Western Civilization is like a vacuum cleaner, it picks up a little from the Hindus, a little from the Chinese, it makes up some itself and the result is man knowing entirely too much about making money and holding power and manipulating people and society's to do it.
The Wandering Jew - Given To Fly
This legend has been widely popular ever since its first appearance in a German chap-book of 1602. There it is told as follows: When Jesus bore his Cross to Calvary, he passed the house of a cobbler, Ahasuerus by name, who had been one of the rabble to shout, "Crucify him." Sinking beneath his burden, Jesus stopped to rest at the threshold of the cobbler, but was driven away with the words; "Go where thou belongest." Thereupon Our Lord gazed sternly at Ahasuerus and said: "I will stand here and rest, but thou shalt go on until the last day." And since then the Jew has been roaming restlessly over the earth.
The first literary record of such a doomed wanderer is found in the "Flores Historiarum", a chronicle of Roger of Wendover, a monk of St. Albans (d. 1237). The account there given was incorporated with some slight amplifications into the "Historia Major" of Matthew Paris (d. 1259). The story is told on the authority of an Armenian bishop who visited England in 1228 and had personally known the doomed man. According to this version, Cartaphilus, a doorkeeper at Pilate's mansion, saw Jesus as he was led forth to be crucified and struck him contemptuously, crying at the same time: "Go Jesus, go faster, why dost thou linger?" Whereupon Jesus replied: "I go, but thou shalt wait till I come." And so the offender has not been able to die, but still waits for the coming of Christ. He is leading a quiet, saintly life. Whenever he reaches the age of a hundred years he is miraculously restored to the age of thirty. Since his conversion to Christianity his name is Joseph. A similar version, also on the authority of the Armenian bishop, is given by the Flemish chronicler, Philippe Mousket, Bishop of Tournai (about 1243). No doubt, this version is the basis for the story given in the chap-books.
Now the legend is surely not the invention of the Armenian bishop, as has been sometimes claimed. It was well known in Italy during the thirteenth century and must have existed long before that. According to the astrologer Guido Bonatti, who is mentioned by Dante (Inf., xx, 118), the wanderer passed through Forli in 1267. Philip of Novara, a famous jurist, in his "Livre de Forme de Plait" (c. 1250), refers to a certain Jehan Boute Dieu as one proverbially long-lived. Now Philip resided for a long time in Jerusalem and Cyprus; this, together with the fact that the account in the English chronicles also localizes Cartaphilus in Armenia, seems to point to an Oriental origin for the legend. Probably it was part of a local cycle that sprang up in Jerusalem in connexion with the Passion, and was brought to Europe by crusaders or pilgrims. A legend of a surviving witness of the Crucifixion, who is represented as the victim of a curse, was certainly current in Jerusalem, and is repeatedly referred to in accounts of travels to the Holy Land. The name of the accursed wanderer is generally given as Joannes Buttadeus, in Italian as Bottadio, which evidently means "God-smiter". An old Italian legend knows of a similar punishment inflicted on the soldier who struck Christ before the High Priest (John 18:22), and later on this soldier was identified with Malchus whose ear was cut off by Peter. This legend was furthermore confused, it seems, with one current about St. John, to whom tradition ascribed immortality on the basis of a passage in John 21:20 sqq. The names Johannes and Cartaphilus (karta philos "much beloved"), given to the wanderer, lend some colour to this theory.
But, whatever its origin, the legend owes its fame and popularity to the above-mentioned German chap-book, which appeared anonymously in 1602 under the title: "Kurtze Beschreibung und Erzehlung von einem Juden mit Namen Ahasverus", etc. There the story is related on the authority of a Lutheran clergyman, Paulus von Eitzen (d. 1598), who claimed to have met the Jew in person in Hamburg in 1542, and to have heard the story from Ahasuerus himself. In a later edition of 1603, "Wunderbarlicher Bericht von Einem Juden Ahasver", etc., where the anonymous author assumes the pen-name of Chrysostomus Dudulæus Westphalus, the meeting is assigned to the year 1547, and in an appendix the fate of the Jew is made the subject of an exhortation to the Christian reader.
The legend at once sprang into popular favour, and numerous editions followed. From Germany it spread to Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, and especially to France, where it has enjoyed a great vogue up to the present. The best-known French version is the "Histoire admirable d'un Juif Errant" dating from the seventeenth century. Here a tragic touch is added by the recital of the dangers which the Jew courts in the vain hope of ending his misery in death. Stories of the actual appearance of the Jew also began to be common, many of them, no doubt, traceable to impostors who played the rôle with success. Of such a one we have a well authenticated record from Italy in 1415.
Various names are given to the Wandering Jew in different countries. The English chronicles call him Cartaphilus. The Italian form is Bottadio and this corresponds to Boudedeo in Brittany and Bedeus in Saxon Transylvania. In Belgium he is known as Isaac Laquedem, probably a name of Hebrew origin. In Spain his name has undergone the significant change to Juan Espera-en-Dios (John Trust-in-God). Why the German version calls him Ahasverus is not clear. This name is familiar from the Old Testament (Esther 1:1) as the surname of a Persian monarch (written Assuerus in Catholic versions). It is to be noted that the original wanderer was not necessarily a Jew; Cartaphilus, the door-keeper in Pilate's mansion, must have been a Roman.
The Omen
a movie starring
Gregory Peck
Lee Remick
(mercury poisoning?)
The opening scene. June 6 6AM 666 Mr Thorn is racing through the streets of Rome trying to get to the hospital. His wife is expecting. He gets to the hospital and is met by a priest. The priest says:
'I'm sorry Mr Thorn,....'
'He breathed for a short time......'
'Then no more.......'
June 6, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
June 5, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Scientology: The Auto-Fasci-Mat
I believe Scientology is an organization of mind-control victims who harass and intimidate others to get them under mind-control. Once you're under mind-control you're gone for good. Death becomes a career move. Like the line from Neil Youngs song 'Hey Hey My My' goes 'and once you're gone you can't come back, when you're out of the blue and into the black'. I also believe Scientology was started by the Catholic Church like the Mormans. Many of the people who developed mind-control techniques were ex-Nazi's smuggled into the US through Argentina by the Vatican. They then worked for the CIA's MK Ultra program. Mind-control is used by the government in conjunction with drugs to control and then eliminate large numbers of people. Why? The government is crazy and power drunk. Another reason is it regulates the value of the dollar. By limiting the number of people who can get a loan at a bank they control the value of the currency. People begin getting drugged the minute they arrive in this world. Flouride in water and untolled chemicals in food as additives make it easy to have developed some kind of mental 'issue' by the time you're 30 years of age. This is why psychiatry is genocide. Kill kill kill more for me and less for you.
The Wandering Jew
Eugene Sue
June 4, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
The Grapes of Wrath
a novel by
John Steinbeck
'The Grapes of Wrath' tells the story of poor farmers in Oklahoma during the Dust Bowl of the 1930's and how they sold their land for pennies and were lured to California by handbills promising jobs. Many were met by police who killed them. The jobs were non-existant. Did someone bomb the federal building in Oklahoma City in 1995 to publicize this? Did the government just kill them and use Timothy McVeigh as a way to make themselves look like the victims? Were the poor farmers protestant and the new owners catholic? Was this a battle in 'The Trojan War'? Was the Dust Bowl an accident? Did it have anything to do with the completion of Hoover Dam and the filling of Lake Meade?
June 3, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Is Cain Able?
Here's my problem with Africa
For the most part China was a closed society from 1945 to 1975. When people finally got a look at China we considered it 'backwards' as we do anything else that isn't just like us. Well, maybe not Africa. In the roughly 30 years since 1975 we haved turned China into a capitalist paradise. Thanks Bill Clinton and MFN (most favored nation). We have had access to Africa all along. We don't consider that backwards. Or do we? Maybe we like it that way.
Are black people allowed to be priests in the Morman religion? Do they consider them Cain?
Jimi Hendrix said something about Cain (1983....A Merman I should Turn To Be..) (..he travels time for the future of mankind....) (.....loneliness is a part we possess to give or take away forever....) Tinkerbell's Kill
Why did Michael Jackson turn white? Did he know something?
Michael Plfeger is a fl^%3in liar.
Is the UN prosecuting people for their part in the Rwandan Genocide of the 1990's? Are they protestant ministers or catholic priests?
'They want to have war to keep their factories..'
They want to have a war to keep us on our knees..'
They want to have a war to stop the spyin Japanese..
They want to have a war to stop Industrial Disease..

Industrial Disease
Dire Straits
They want a war but not right now, they don't like the way the sides are stacking up, they don't want to be one of them.
'Give the children what they need..'
Kill your God..'
Kill your God..
Kill your TV..

The Astonishing Panorama of the Endtimes
Marilyn Manson
'Southern Man better keep your head...'
Southern Man
Neil Young
Do I think I'm reaching anyone with this? No. Most people don't care if a few plebians drop off the earth. The coliseum was never wanting for spectators.
June 2, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Are Hindu/Indian women forced to be very sub-serviant? Is this what Gloria Steinham and Womens Lib was all about? (bra-burning)
'Teach them Monopoly...
and not to sing in the rain....'

Thick as a Brick
Jethro Tull
('thick' is an old slang word for 'dumb' or 'stupid', so if you were 'thick as a brick' you were kinda stupid)
(downtown Boston is nothing but strip mall America in big buildings)
(what now Einstein??? the very beginning of 'Zeitgeist 3: Moving Forward)
A couple examples of how always having an adversary is important????. The slavery problem in America could have been solved with the revolution. Instead it created 80+ years of political, social and economic strife and ultimately a war. The Treaty of Versaille officially ended WWI. It blamed the whole thing on Germany and forced them to pay reparations forever. It led to a decade of economic conditions that allowed Hitler to rise to power and cause WWII. They always want an argument going. It's like the Liliputians in Gullivers Travels arguing over which end of the egg to eat first. 'Which came first, the chicken or the egg?' 'Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain, argue amongst yourselves'
June 1, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Why is Tibet still a closed society?
Nikolaj Aleksandrovic( Notovic(, known as Nicolas Notovitch (born 1858) was a Russian aristocrat, Cossack officer, spy and journalist. Notovitch is known for his 1887 book claiming that during his unknown years, Jesus left Galilee for India and studied with Buddhists and Hindus there before returning to Judea. Notovitch's claim was based on a document he said he had seen at the Hemis Monastery while he stayed there, but later confessed to having fabricated his evidence. Modern scholars view Notovitch's accounts of the travels of Jesus to India a hoax which includes major inconsistencies.
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky 12 August 1831 – 8 May 1891 was a Russian-German occultist. In 1875, Blavatsky and Henry Steel Olcott established a research and publishing institute called the Theosophical Society. Blavatsky defined Theosophy as "the archaic Wisdom-Religion, the esoteric doctrine once known in every ancient country having claims to civilization." One of the main purposes of the Theosophical Society was “to form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of Humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or color”. Blavatsky saw herself as a missionary of this ancient knowledge. Blavatsky's extensive research into the many different spiritual traditions of the world led to the publication of what is now considered her magnum opus, The Secret Doctrine, which collates and organizes the essence of these teachings into a comprehensive synthesis. Blavatsky's other works include Isis Unveiled, The Key to Theosophy and The Voice of the Silence. Blavatsky is a leading name in the New Age Movement. The Theosophical Society had a major influence on Buddhist modernism and Hindu reform movements, and the spread of those modernised versions in the west. Along with H. S. Olcott and Anagarika Dharmapala, Blavatsky was instrumental in the Western transmission and revival of Theravada Buddhism.
Colonel Henry Steel Olcott (August 2, 1832 – February 17, 1907) was an American military officer, journalist, lawyer and the co-founder and first President of the Theosophical Society. Olcott was the first well-known American of European ancestry to make a formal conversion to Buddhism. His subsequent actions as president of the Theosophical Society helped create a renaissance in the study of Buddhism. Olcott is considered a Buddhist modernist for his efforts in interpreting Buddhism through a Westernized lens. Olcott was a major revivalist of Buddhism in Sri Lanka and he is still honored in Sri Lanka for these efforts. Olcott has been called by Sri Lankans "one of the heroes in the struggle of our independence and a pioneer of the present religious, national and cultural revival".
The 14th Dalai Lama (religious name: Tenzin Gyatso, shortened from Jetsun Jamphel Ngawang Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso, born Lhamo Dondrub, 6 July 1935) is the 14th and current Dalai Lama, as well as the longest lived incumbent. Dalai Lamas are the head monks of the Gelugpa lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989, and is also well known for his lifelong advocacy for Tibetans inside and outside Tibet. The Dalai Lama was born in Taktser, Qinghai (also known to Tibetans as Amdo), and was selected as the rebirth of the 13th Dalai Lama two years later, although he was only formally recognized as the 14th Dalai Lama on 17 November 1950, at the age of 15. The Gelug school's government administered an area roughly corresponding to the Tibet Autonomous Region just as the nascent People's Republic of China wished to assert central control over it. There is a dispute over whether the respective governments reached an agreement for a joint Chinese-Tibetan administration. During the 1959 Tibetan uprising, which China regards as an uprising of feudal landlords, the Dalai Lama, who regards the uprising as an expression of widespread discontent, fled to India, where he denounced the People's Republic and established a Tibetan government in exile. He has since traveled the world, advocating for the welfare of Tibetans, teaching Tibetan Buddhism and talking about the importance of compassion as the source of a happy life. Around the world, institutions face pressure from China not to accept him. He has spoken about the environment, economics, women's rights, non-violence, interfaith dialog, physics, astronomy, reproductive health, sexuality along with various Mahayana and Vajrayana topics.
The Reichsführer-SS Himmler was attempting to avail himself of the reputation of Ernst Schäfer for Nazi propaganda and asked about his future plans. Ernst Schäfer responded he wanted to lead another expedition to Tibet. Ernst Schäfer wished his expedition to be under the patronage of the cultural department of the foreign affairs or of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft ("German Research Foundation") as indicated by his requests. Himmler was fascinated by Asian mysticism and therefore wished to send such an expedition under the auspices of the SS Ahnenerbe (SS Ancestral Heritage Society), and desired that Schäfer perform research based on Hans Hörbiger’s pseudo-scientific theory of “Glacial Cosmogony” promoted by the Ahnenerbe. Schäfer had scientific objectives, and he therefore refused to include Edmund Kiss, an adept of this theory, in his team, and requested 12 conditions to obtain scientific freedom. Wolfram Sievers from the Ahnenerbe therefore expressed criticism concerning the objectives of the expedition, so that Ahnenerbe would not sponsor it. Himmler accepted the expedition to be organized on the condition that all its members become SS. In order to succeed in his expedition, Schäfer had to compromise. In Geheimnis Tibet, Schäfer himself states that the primary objective for the expedition was the creation of a complete scientific record of Tibet, through a synthesis of geology, botany, zoology, and ethnology, referred to in the German science of the day as "holism."
The Thule Society, originally the Study Group for Germanic Antiquity, was a German occultist and völkisch group in Munich, named after a mythical northern country from Greek legend. The Society is notable chiefly as the organization that sponsored the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP), which was later reorganized by Adolf Hitler into the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP or Nazi Party). According to Hitler biographer Ian Kershaw, the organization's "membership list...reads like a Who's Who of early Nazi sympathizers and leading figures in Munich", including Rudolf Hess, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Julius Lehmann, Gottfried Feder, Dietrich Eckart and Karl Harrer. However, Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, an expert on the Thule Society, finds that while Hans Frank and Rudolf Hess had been Thule members, other leading Nazis had only been guests of the Thule or entirely unconnected with it. There is no evidence that Hitler ever attended the Thule Society.
Claudius Ptolemy, Klaudios Ptolemaios; Latin: Claudius Ptolemaeus; c. AD 90 – c. AD 168) was a Greco-Roman writer of Alexandria, known as a mathematician, astronomer, geographer, astrologer, and poet of a single epigram in the Greek Anthology. He lived in the city of Alexandria in the Roman province of Egypt, wrote in Greek, and held Roman citizenship. Beyond that, few reliable details of his life are known. His birthplace has been given as Ptolemais Hermiou in the Thebaid in an uncorroborated statement by the 14th century astronomer Theodore Meliteniotes. This is very late, however, and there is no other reason to suppose that he ever lived anywhere else than Alexandria, where he died around AD 168. Ptolemy was the author of several scientific treatises, at least three of which were of continuing importance to later Islamic and European science. The first is the astronomical treatise now known as the Almagest (in Greek, "The Great Treatise", "Mathematical Treatise". The second is the Geography, which is a thorough discussion of the geographic knowledge of the Greco-Roman world. The third is the astrological treatise known sometimes in Greek as the Apotelesmatika, more commonly in Greek as the Tetrabiblos, and in Latin as the Quadripartitum (or four books) in which he attempted to adapt horoscopic astrology to the Aristotelian natural philosophy of his day.
Swami Vivekananda (12 January 1863 – 4 July 1902), was an Indian Hindu monk. He was a key figure in the introduction of Indian philosophies of Vedanta and Yoga to the western world and was credited with raising interfaith awareness, bringing Hinduism to the status of a major world religion in the late 19th century. He was a major force in the revival of Hinduism in India and contributed to the notion of nationalism in colonial India. He was the chief disciple of the 19th century saint Ramakrishna and the founder of the Ramakrishna Math and the Ramakrishna Mission. He is perhaps best known for his inspiring speech beginning with "Sisters and Brothers of America" through which he introduced Hinduism at the Parliament of the World's Religions in Chicago in 1893. Born into an aristocratic Bengali family of Calcutta, Vivekananda showed an inclination towards spirituality. He was influenced by his guru Ramakrishna from whom he learnt that all living beings were an embodiment of the divine self and hence, service to God could be rendered by service to mankind. After the death of his guru, Vivekananda toured the Indian subcontinent extensively and acquired a first-hand knowledge of the conditions that prevailed in British India. He later travelled to the United States to represent India as a delegate in the 1893 Parliament of World Religions. He conducted hundreds of public and private lectures and classes, disseminating tenets of Hindu philosophy in the United States, England and Europe. In India, Vivekananda is regarded as a patriotic saint and his birthday is celebrated as the National Youth Day.
May 31, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
I was just watching some program on PBS about how congressional districts get drawn. In general they were complaining about how if it’s left to the states the districts are drawn to favor the party in power. At one point they were on a porch somewhere and the host said “…we should have had that bloody mary…” ( talking about a drink????) Then they choose Baltimore as an example. In a short couple of blocks they went through 3 districts. What were the people in those districts doing without that political power would get them. As I watched not much changed between the short walk through 3 districts. It’s like “Where’s the source of the Nile?” Whats the core issue? Are you just arguing over who has the power? Or what? Where does the river begin? You want to argue over being fair? It’s my experience you walk all over anyone who tries to be fair. Here in Massachusetts what is it you don’t have? You have the police, firefighters construction unions etc etc. Why do you need to steal my families property make us homeless and probably kill us? You are all power drunk. You are lying thieving murdering psychopaths. Power corrupts, (any power) absolute power corrupts absolutely ( and makes for arrogance personified) If someone could solve that age old question "Which came first the chicken or the egg?" and it was proved conclusively it was the chicken someone (and I don't mean me cause I don't give a f&*( anymore) should take the chicken aside and say "ya know listen up OK, ya gotta knock it off cause you're f*&&in it up OK. You're causin global warming! It's 'The Utopia Solution'. Nobody at the top gives a crap about the people at the bottom. If you wipe out one ethnicity, race, etc they'll just come up with another one. It's a pyramid thing. The people at the top know how 'The Utopia Solution' works and the people at the bottom don't.
'Footprints dressed in red.....'
'And the wind whispers Mary.....'

The Wind Cries Mary
Jimi Hendrix
Why did Jackie O marry Onassis?
Was she trying to say something?
Did she trade a Trojan for a Greek?
Or a Greek for a Greek?
Why did she call the Kennedy White House 'Camelot'?
"Prick your finger it is done...."
"The moon has now eclipsed the sun...."

Antichrist Superstar
Marilyn Manson
(what is this moon sun thing?)
I Love You, Alice B Toklas
(it's a movie)
If something is Tok Less what is it less?
You don't have to smoke it (hash brownies)
"What are tarts made of?.........pepper mostly...."
So 'Alice' be tok less...
(she doesn't know it's happening)
Thank You Dunkin Donuts and the ICPSA I'm dead for the day