Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, www.philipnute.com and it's companion website www.zsezse.com, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
George Orwell
Beginning of Actual Blog
June 25, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I am a conspiracy theorist. A better word might be deception. I believe the world is not run by the people at the bottom through democracy and voting. It is run by the people at the top with the banking system, the media, and religion. The banking system and the media are relatively new but religion is an old method dating back to ancient Egypt. I think thats where it began. The goal of the deception is to rule the world without the masses knowing. In the past 10 to 15 years the deception has become harder to maintain. I believe in 2007 the people at the top tried a new deception, The Zeitgeist Movement. The Zeitgeist Movement consisted of 3 movies, The Zeitgeist Movie, Zeitgeist Addendum amd Zeitgeist Moving Forward. They proposed a global government based on resources and without currency. The first part of the first movie exposed Christianity as a lie. They presented evidence to prove that it is based on astronomical occurances. They published a booklet titled 'The Zeitgeist Sourcebook' with the evidence. I think the people who produced the movies are the same people who already run everything. The point of this post is that the religious people who have run everything since the time of Christ exposed thier own religion as fake.
I have been reading about the Popes of the Counter-Reformation. They spanned roughly 1530 AD to 1610 AD. One of them was Gregory XIII. He reformed the calendar to ensure Easter would be celebrated on the correct day. This caused a lot of controversy at the time. Many Protestants refused to accept the change saying it was the work of the anti-christ. Somehow this ended up involving Galileo and other astronomers like Kepler and Copernicus. The method they devised to calculate the date for Easter was very complicated. I don't think any of it makes any sense. Why don't they decide at the beginning of each year when to celebrate Easter? Very simple. I think the whole thing was a cover story. I think that by the time the calendar was reformed the Protestants who were fighting the Roman church had figured out the whole thing was BS based on astronomy. The church was trying to cover this up while going after the leaders of the Protestants.
I recently re-watched a copy of 'The Scarlet Letter' by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The book was written around 1850 but is set in 1640 Massachusetts. It centers on a woman named Hester Prinn who becomes pregnant while not having a husband. She is forced to wear a red letter "A" on her blouse at all times. It turns out that the man who sentenced her to this was the father of the child. He is also the preacher for the town. The secret is kept for 5 or 6 years until the 2 decide to leave and start over. At the end the preachers guilt forces him to confess and then he dies. Just before he dies he reveals a scar on his chest he had carved. A letter "A". I think this story is about what happened to the Protestant Reformation. I think Hawthorne is saying the Protestants 'threw in the towel' and joined the Roman church in wanting to rule the world. I think Free Masonry is a lie to get Protestants to co-operate. It needs to be a secret society because average people wouldn't go along with the truth. It's another way to get the people at the bottom to kill the people at the bottom for the benefit of the people at the top.
June 23, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
This post is an attempt to understand the need for the Apolcalypse. I figure there are 2 types of reasons: logistical and psycho-social. I have 2 logistical reasons. 1. Because of the population, it is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain a system that is blatantly unfair, and a lie, and get away with it. 2. Every so often this system needs a mass genocide to eliminate the people who had thier property stolen and they can't get rid of quietly. It has to be done out in the open, so it has to be explained some way. The psycho-social reasons are related to progressivism. Conservatives like to lampoon liberals for thier progressive policies but I think progressivism can be found in every facet of Western Civilization including conservatism. For whatever reason Western Civilization can't sit still. Beginning around the year 1500 AD Western Civilization began exploring and settling the entire world. There is a never ending spirit of exploration and there is no where left to explore. Many people believe space exploration is impossible because of dangerous radiation levels beyond earth's atmosphere, so there's nothing left. In the 1960's corporate America, aided by Madison Ave, sold the idea of 'Progress'. Contributing to 'Progress' was a kind of rallying cry/marching order. Inventing computers, building rockets etc. Liberals have social progress like civil rights and gay rights. Capitalism has a sort of progress in improving the modes of production and squeezing every penny out of a business with the patent office. They have run out of places to steer the ship of state known as the SS Human Race.
Israel is a ghetto. Pope Paul IV. cum nimis absurdum (Because It Is Absurd) DUH Of course it is! Expecting someone who destroyed your family, stole your business, stole your house and chased your children out of town to grant you human rights and treat you fairly is absurd.
Rhetoric/oratory is bullshit. It's the art of bullshit. You can't join them to beat them. They'll laugh you off the stage. The argument is the victory. Speech's are 19 th century soundbites. Speech's are Roman soundbites. Speech's bite. My blogs are angry rants designed to help me understand my enemy. Cousin 'It'. Not to help anyone else.
(a lure)(Jesus is a fish'er of men)(he wants a 'King For A Day') I have been reading about the Popes of the Counter-Reformation in my encyclopedia. They are: Paul III, Julius III, Marcellus II, Paul IV, Pius IV, Pius V, Gregory XIII, Innocent IX and Clement VIII. I know that the Gregorian calendar has some significance but I don't know what. The Gregorian Calendar was adopted by Pope Gregory XIII in his papal bull 'inter gravissimas' ("In The Gravest Concern") on February 24, 1582. Protestant controlled country's at the time refused to adopt it saying it was the sign of the anti-christ. Russia did not adopt it until 1918. Three Zeitgeist (Z ???) movies came out starting in 2007. The first movie claimed that much of Christianity is based on astrological occurances as are many religions. A free Zeitgeist sourcebook pdf can be found on the internet that gives facts. I have always thought the Zeitgeist people were the same people who run everything now. They wanted to hand over control to some global authority and call it a resource based economy. Did the church expose it's own fraud? Two astronomers that hailed the new calendar were Johannes Kepler and Tycho Brahe. Other astronomers involved were Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo and Sir Isaac Newton. The ancient astronomer Claudius Ptolomy is also mentioned. The Juilian calendar was adopted by Julius Ceasar in 40 BC. He was advised by Alexandrian astronomer Sosigenes. Sosigenes used the Egyptian solar calendar.
Contradiction is balance.
It's all harassment.
a Shmoo
It's all harassment.
a Shmoo
June 21, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Fuck You And Jesus Too
I am an atheist. I am an atheist for no other reason than I am reasonably certain the religious people of this world destroyed my life and continue to do so. And I don't care If I ever actually know who did it. You can take your Jesus and stick em where your God comes out. You can take Allah and stick em where Jesus comes out. No Yahwah, no highway, comprende'. Hindu this honey (up and down hand motion about the waist area). I am a one man hell bound hand cart. I'm dyin where I stand. I'm dyin where I belong. I'm dyin where 'it' destroyed my life and 'it' might take responsibility. I don't want this to get better. There's only so much you can do to a person over 60 years before nothing will help. Isolation makes most people go crazy, I'm the complete opposite. Too much contact with people will make me crazy. You're fucked if you think I'm gonna start talkin. If you won't follow someone because thier atheist you're makin my day in the best way. All donations are gratefully accepted and considered completely anonymous, but I know all anyone gets is the shaft shoved further. I don't care about the fags. I don't care about the straights. I don't care about anyone in-between. "It' can collectively go fuck itself. My breathin is gettin even. I don't care what I say. I'll say anything to make trouble.
Can't miss what you never had, can't want what you have no concept of. (ie satisfaction, peace, contentment, pleasure, joy, excitement, a good day, a pleasant dream etc etc etc) Take a number.
Israel is a ghetto.
Ban military assault rifles and only the military will have assault rifles.
"In the councils of government, we must gaurd against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, WHETHER SOUGHT OR UNSOUGHT (??? mind control ???) by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist, we must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic process's. .....In this revolution research has become central, it has also become more formalized costly and complex, a steadily increasing share is done for, by or at the direction of the federal government...."
Dwight D Eisenhower
Farewell Address
January 1961
"In the councils of government, we must gaurd against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, WHETHER SOUGHT OR UNSOUGHT (??? mind control ???) by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist, we must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic process's. .....In this revolution research has become central, it has also become more formalized costly and complex, a steadily increasing share is done for, by or at the direction of the federal government...."
Dwight D Eisenhower
Farewell Address
January 1961
June 15, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Plaintiff #1. Did you ever see those gag gifts where a hand grenade is mounted on a small piece of wood and the pin has a tag with a number on it?. The board has a saying "Complaint Dept: Take A Number" I know no Ahab ever got his day in court and never will. All donations are gratefully accepted and considered completely anonymous. I ain't seen a whole lot else happen, like a criminal proceeding. Billions for defense, not a penny for tribute.
E Plurbus Unum. Out of many one. Did you ever see the back of the Mercury dime? It's a sheath with many rods and an axe head. This is a Fascist symbol. Roughly translated it means that many rods are harder to break than one. Musolini used it for Fascist Italy. It can be seen on the walls behind the podium in either the US House of Representatives or the Senate. (I don't know which) I hate people who wave the flag and talk about freedom and justice and the American way and they know full well this is Fascism.
Today I got a cup of coffee and went to sit by the water. While I was looking at the boats in the marina I started thinking about the song 'Low Sparks Of High Heeled Boys' by Traffic. He says "The percent that you're paying is too high priced, while your living beyond all your means....." See, all the boats were pleasure boats. Going to sea used to be a job. Fascism is necessary because there isn't too much for everyone.
I recently read the book "The Life Of An American Jew In Racist Marxist Israel" by Jack Bernstein. He was apparently assassinated by the Israeli MOSSAD after writing this. He states Menachem Begin was responsible for a massacre of Palestinians in 1948 and a couple more in the years after. Begin was later involved with Jimmy Carter and signed a peace agreement with Anwar Sadat who was later assassinated. Bernstein also fingers Golda Meir for atrocities. He says something about The Layon Affair. When I typed it into youtube it came up The Lavon Affair. I'm not sure what it was about. The copy of the book was redacted. (I refuse to pay for the internet anymore, because I refuse to pay for censorship)
I recently re-watched my copy of "Moby Dick" with Gregory Peck. Ahab stands on the deck of the Pequod for 7 days and 7 nights staring at the horizon. Starbuck says something like 'He sleeps standing up his obsession is not normal". mercurialis perennis-Dogs Mercury- ("...thump.........thump........thump...........I am Ironman.........") "To live or not to live that is the question..Whether tis nobler in the heart to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune"
I have been reading about the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). (you can Google that I don't remember the website) They are volunteers who have joined with the Palestinians to resist Israeli Defense Forces. They have had a couple people killed who were not Palestinians. Thier website has a lot of incriminating articles.
Last night I re-watched half of the documentary "Ring of Power". It's 6 hours long. Here are some books it mentions: Blowback by Christopher Simpson, The Secret War Against The Jews, The Big White Lie by Michael Levine, I Paid Hitler by Frytz Thyson. They claim the Illuminati is responsible for the world. I think it's the same as the Oligarch Collective. They say the Illuminati spelled out thier plan for the world in 2 books, The Protocols of Zion and Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike. And they include the bible. They say Adam Weishaupt started the Illuminati and then it was run by Guissepe Mazzini. The word Mafia is an acronym that contains the first letter of the last name of 5 families that were running the Illuminati in the 1800's. Mazzini is the first letter. They say the Hippies peace symbol of the 1960's is actually is some sort of satanic symbol on Nazi SS graves and Timothy Leary was working with the CIA to popularize drug use. Drugs are a major money maker and power control tool controlled by the Illuminati. This is why our troops currently guard opium crops in Afghanistan instead on destroying them. They say someone named David Sassoon helped the British conquer China with opium in the 1800's.
June 13, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Do Wop Hairdo (greaseball)
Pelagianism - rejected arguments of those who claimed they sinned because of human weakness. He insisted God made human beings free to chose between good and evil and that sin is a voluntary act committed by a person against God's will.
Augustine - bishop of Hippo asserted that human beings could not attain righteousness by thier own efforts and were totally dependent upon the grace of God. (religion is a self-fulfilling theology [philosophy]) See what happens when you don't go to church and put drachma's in the plate?
Pelagianism is a heresy because it can't be used to whip the peasants into a homicidal frenzy. One day he was Ceasar, the next he was Pope, if you can't beat them, pretend to join them. The Catholic church replaced the Roman coliseums. The Pope rescued the Christians from the gladiators and lions only to get them to kill each other. Guido's a genius. An evil genius, but a genius.
A parallel could be drawn between the invasion of Britian by the Anglo-Saxons after the fall of Rome around 400 AD and the founding of Massachusetts around 1620 AD. Both were trying to get away from the tyranny of Rome. Capitalism is what you get when you try to get away from the loving embrace of the Poopey. Nothing will ever change. Name me a time and place in the history of Western Civilization when something different was allowed to take root. Between 400 AD and 1066 AD Rome used the Vikings numerous times to invade Britian. Why? England was already a Catholic country. The English are credited with the invention of the parliamentary system of government. This would be the problem. "No Friend Of Democracy" is a book by Edith Moore. (it can be found on the cd in the pdfs folder) The Catholic church was outlawed in Massachusetts prior to the American Revolution. The American Revolution was a coup de ta for the Oligarch Collective. (I'm trying to be fair today, GOD only knows why!!)
To all the Catholic priest bum buddies and the Fat Bottom Intercourse Agency. Get a wife and get a life and stop fucking with everyone elses. I don't give a fuck about the chain of the prostitution and neither should you. Fifty dead in an Orlando FL shooting!!! ???? Why can't you shoot me?? What is the problem?? You're not making any sense!! EXACTLY!! I don't know why it's expected or why anyone thinks I care. GUILT IS NOT OF GOD!!! You're hiding amongst mental patients for food and shelter!! That's dirty pool. Exactly!! And you know all about that!! "Horror and moral terror are your friends,..if they are not they are enemies to be feared.." Col Kurtz "Burning down the house..." What house!!!! Who cares!!!! If I'm not here in ten minutes I'm not missing anything.
The Do Wop music genre was an ethnic slur.
Sha Na Na
Sha Na Na
June 12, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Last night I was reading about Mary Shelley's novel 'Frankenstein" in my encyclopedia. The book was first published about 1820. I think the monster is a fictional character that represents whoever is the current holder of "The Ark Of The Covenant". More specifically whoever is the worlds military and economic power. Today that would be the United States. For most of the 20th century it was Germany. In the 19th century it was England and France. The mad scientist is a character that represents the church. He created the monster. At the end of the book the monster kills the scientist. I think this view is shared by whoever wrote "The Rocky Horror Picture Show". The transvestite is the mad scientist. At one point he says "Lets go up to the lab, and see whats on the slab". Whats on the slab is a blue eyed blonde haired man that looks very very Nordic. Or Aryan. The full title of the novel says soemthing about Prometheus. (I'm not sure what) Prometheus was a Greek god. He was the subject of some book titled "Prometheus Bound". Mary Shelleys husband Percy Shelley wrote a poem titled "Prometheus Unbound". Thats when my information ran out.
I don't believe in an all out religious war. It will satisfy Orwell's theory that the war is waged by the ruling class on it's own citizens to keep the very structure of society intact. It will kill a lot of victims, perpetrators and destroy a lot of evidence.
June 11, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I have been researching satellites. "Do You Wanna Wear The Daddy Pants?" is a scene from one of the Austin Powers movies. (I think it's the second one) He lays out his plan to take over the world. He's going to place a LASER on the moon and aim it at Washington DC. Electromagnetic waves become light after a certain frequency. He calls it "The Alan Parsons Project". The Alan Parsons Project is a progressive rock band from 1982. They wrote a song titled "Eye In The Sky". "I am the eye in the sky,...looking at you,....I can read your mind,....." I thought I would try to present evidence that it is possible to pick up the electrical activity of the human brain with a satelite and then instruct people on the ground to harass someone. There are about a dozen different types of satellites. Some have camera's to take pictures others pick up infrared light and some pick up electromagnetic waves (radio waves). Spy satellites are designed for electromagnetic waves among other things. The CIA's KH Hexagon series are the US version. Luigi Galvani is considered the father of Electrophysiology, the medical discipline that studies the electrical activity of the human body. He proved that life on earth involves electricity in every part of the body with an experiment with a frog in the 1790's. When a doctor orders an EKG they measure the electrical activity of the heart. An EEG measures the brain. They have had these technologies since the early 20th century. I read somewhere the voltage level of the brain is about 10 microvolts. Thats very very small. It's .00001 volts. A communication satellite is designed to pick up cell phones or GPS devices from space. A typical cell phone or GPS device operates on a 3 volt battery. Sometimes even less. A satellite picks up thousands at the same time from hundreds of miles above the earth. You would have to amplify 10 microvolts by a factor of 300,000 to get it to 3 volts. You couldn't amplify the brain but it could pick up that small a voltage then amplify it. Operational amplifiers were invented in the 1960's. Op amps are used in everything. If you study electronics in college you would have an entire semester studying them. The theorectical gain of an op amp is infinity. You program it with a couple resistors to get a gain of say 100. So, 2 op amps with a gain of 100 and one with a gain of 30 placed in series would amplify a 10 microvolt signal to 3 volts. Thats an analog solution, todays computers can sift through and amplify hundreds of signals simutaneously. I bought a book quite some time ago titled 'Modern Communications Jamming: Principles and Techniques" Second Edition by Richard A. Poisel. He deals extensively with how to filter noise and amplify the important signals. Almost any electrical noise, or signal, is predictable in some way, so it can be described with a math equation. Any computer can be programmed to execute, or operate on, a math equation and filter out the noise. Once you've amplified the signal and described it with a math equation it must be fed into the computer. This is where an analog to digital converter (A/D) comes in. An A/D is an integrated circuit that takes an analog signal and turns it into a stream of digital information. This signal can then be fed into a computer and operated on by software. A/D's were first introduced in the 1960's. Today they are very sophisticated. They are available to hobbyists to use in what are called Micro Controller Units (MCU). The 'Arduino' is a cheap hobbyist version. It comes with a software program that installs on any Windows PC. The MCU's don't have the A/D but they do have D/A (digital to analog). You can program the Arduino to output a sine wave or some other analog signal. An A/D could be bought and connected to the MCU. Most major semiconductor manufacturers make MCU's. Texas Instruments has the MSP-430 line. They sell what they call the 'Launchpad' for $5. It comes with everything you need to program the MSP-430 including a copy of Code Composer Studio, the software necessary to program it with a Windows PC. Ham radio is also becoming computer based. A Software Defined Radio (SDR) can be bought on the internet for about $500. It is basically an A/D converter with an antenna for an input and a USB output for a Windows computer. The antenna will pick up analog signals and the A/D will feed it into the computer. Personal computers can be programmed with what are called Integrated Development Environments (IDE) or Software Development Kits (SDK). Same thing. Free IDE's can be downloaded at eclipse.org for pretty much any language. Java C# C+ etc. Microsoft has a free IDE called Visual Studio Express. They update it every couple years. The retail version is about $2000. An older version can be found on ebay for much less. It's safe to say the National Security Administrations ECHELON installations are billion dollar software defined radios. There are companies that sell products that use brain waves. Emotiv is one. Fisher Scientific sells lab equipment and educational products to schools and university's. One product is called 'Neulog'. It's a simulated EEG machine. It might be possible to modify the head gear from one of these and use it with an SDR. You could develop software using your own brain waves. 'The Brain and the Computer" is a book by John von Neumann. I found this on Wikipedia today. He is quoted as saying something like 'Any one who tries to design a truly random digital circuit is commiting a sin" OK. Whatever. I guess I should watch what I say and do. Someone might be out to get me.
Contradiction Is Balance. I wonder about the harassment much of the time. Sometimes it's designed to really hurt and other times it's seems like it's supposed to help. Is this intentional? Is this some concept by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin? Is it in his writings somewhere? Does he describe it while talking about the Noosphere?
I have been rewatching some of my movies. Catch-22 and Apolcalypse Now. In Catch-22 there are 2 officers that run the squadron. Kathcart and someone else. They are always wearing bomber jackets. Both have a patch that looks similar to the symbol for the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits). In Apolcalypse Now when someone tries to contact the boat by radio they say 'PBR Streetgang this is Almighty do you read me Streetgang?' So the radio handle for the boat is 'Streetgang' and for the home base it's 'Almighty'. In both movies the 'streetgang' wasn't really commited to the cause.
Atlantic House has been under construction for a couple of months. Just like the house on Easy St in Weymouth and Shattuck Hospital. I have always wondered if they put some spy device in the walls on Easy St. One of the first things Atlantic House got was a new fire alarm. It went from a wired box to a wireless box.
"The world found nothing sacred in the abstract nakedness of simply being human.."From 'The Dangers Of Obedience And The Banality Of Evil" by Hannah Arendt Talking about inmates in Hitlers camps. (and it's made worse when someones pushing the issue)
June 2, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Last night after dinner I decided to turn on my computer to see if I could make some trouble. I had been thinking about reading a book on the 'reduced files' cd titled 'Foreign Conspiracires Against All The Liberties of the United States The Numbers of Brutus" by Samuel F B Morse. Thinking about something ahead of time is not a good idea because they can get to the information. I think this happened. Most of the time I try to do things spur of the moment. Morse was later credited with inventing the telegraph. The very first thing ever transmitted was "What Hath God Wrought". I have always thought that was a funny thing to say. I read part of it anyway to see if I could find something somewhere else. The first time I read it he blamed the Jesuits. (edit) At the beginning of the current copy he blames the conspiracy on the St Leopold Foundation from Austria. OK. So I looked up St Leopold in the encyclopedia and there was none. Leopold however was one of the last Holy Roman Emperors. Leopold II reigned from 1790 to 1792. The last Holy Roman Emperor was Francis I (Pope Francis ?????). I have never really understood what the Holy Roman Emperor was. Some of the entries in the encyclopedia say he is elected. By who? What is his function? Charlemagne was one of the first Emperors. He reunited much of Europe around the year 700 AD. He was then crowned the Holy Roman Emperor by the pope. What did the Pope have to do with it? Why didn't Charlemagne trash Rome and get rid of the Pope? Charlemagne was one of the first Monarchs to emerge in Europe after the fall of the Roman Empire. I have sometimes said "One day he was Ceasar, the next he was Pope, if you can't beat them pretend to join them". But when this exactly happened I don't know. The power structure of western civilization began to get blurred about that time and it has increased over the centuries. About the time of the Protestant Reformation I believe they invented the Oligarch Collective to let in what peasants had managed to elevate themselves. It's possible the St Leopold Foundation thing was supposed to divert attention from St John Leonardi the founder of C.C D. But that information was still in my enclopedia. I don't know. Oh by the way. I ordered a cd by Canned Heat over the internet. When it came there were 18 songs listed for one of them (it's a 2 cd). When you play it, it has 20. The other lists 23 but has 25. I'm guessing the whole thing is BS. This has happened numerous times.
I believe the powers that be use war to cling to power. They try to kill as many people as possible that want change.This is what the International Brigades were for in the Spanish Civil War of the 1930's. This is what the bombing of Dresden was for.The Vietnam War was waged to eliminate the people radicalized by SDS in the early 1960's. Why did Nixon invade Cambodia at the end of the war? I think he chased people who wanted change into Cambodia then bombed them. What is the point of bombing jungle? I think this included people who were reported as POW-MIA. A way to prove this might be to compare the number of POW-MIA's in WWII to the number from Vietnam and make a percentage of the total number of people who served. I bet Vietnam was a very large percentage. I think Pol Pot was used to finish the job and explain it away.
Is this a real plant?
Dog's Mercury
mercurialis perennis
Dog's Mercury
mercurialis perennis
I think the Nurmberg trials were a case of Nazi's putting Nazi's on trial. I think this explains why people like Aleister Crowley, David Irving and Ezra Pound sympathized with them. The major Nazi's were executed by people who were just as guilty.
June 1, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I can destroy your world in 60 minutes or less. It's like Name That Tune only I use a computer and an internet connection. Go to 'youtube' and type in "U2 The Fly ZooTV" be prepared to pause. When it says "Everything You Know Is Wrong" hit pause. To re-enforce this concept go to 'youtube' and type in "Alternative Views George Seldes" and be prepared to pause. Shortly into the video he says "History is a lie agreed upon" and atributes it to Napolean Bonaparte. Next go to 'youtube' and type in "1984 full movie". At the beginning of the version with John Hurt it states 'Who Controls The Past Controls The Future, Who Controls The Present Controls The Past". Thats all you need to know. Lets establish a conspiracy. Go to 'Amazon' and type in "New World Order by H G Wells" and search in books. You will find a book published in 1940 about global government. Then go to 'google' and type in "New World Order by H G Wells free pdf". It's free on the internet. Next go to 'Wikipedia' and type in "H G Wells". You will discover he was a well known science fiction writer who died about 1945. He wrote "The Invisible Man", "The War Of The Worlds" and "The Time Machine" which were all made into movies. "The War Of The Worlds" became very famous in 1939 when Orson Wells (no relation) caused a panic in New Jersey with his radio broadcast of this book. Reading about H G Wells at 'Wikipedia' you will discover he was a member of The Fabian Society a socialist organization started in the 1880's. The stated goal of this group is the slow implementation of a global government. The word 'fabian' comes from a Roman general who defeated Hannibal. "Fabian" was a Rock N Roll singer of the late 1950's. He was proof positive you don't need any talent to make it in music. Return to 'youtube' and type in "Won't Get Fooled Again" by The Who. Anyone who has listened to Rock N Roll since 1969 when this song came out has heard it a million times. Next go to 'youtube' and type in "Everybody Wants To Rule The World" by Tears For Fears. This song came out in 1985 and has been played a million times. At one point he says "Say that you'l never never need it,...one headline why believe it". Go to 'youtube' type in "N W O" by Ministry. One of the best bands nobody has ever heard of. The title speaks for itself. Go to 'youtube' type in "The Saints Are Coming" by U2/Green Day. A little obscure but has elements of mind control. They say "No matter how I try I realize there's no reply". There's no point in trying to talk to anyone you believe is under mind control. This includes anyone who has been in the military. Lets go down the mind control road. Go to 'youtube' type in "Manchurian Candidate". Pick the one with Frank Sinatra that came out around 1960 and watch the beginning. Next go to 'youtube' and type in 'Jose Delgado and His Bull Story". You will get a ten minute video about Jose Delgado and how he stopped a bull in a bull fighting ring with a push button. This happened about 1965. He called his device a 'Stimociever". I don't think Delgado invented the technology, I think it already existed and he was trying to expose it. Go to 'google' and type in "Physical Control Of The Mind: Toward A Psycho Social Society" by Jose Manuel DelGado. He wrote this book about 1970. It is not a medical book. It is written for the layman. The beginning covers ethical and moral questions surrounding mind control and mentions someone named Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a Jesuit priest who died in 1955. Chardin was portrayed in the movie "The Exorcist". Del Gado details 2 types of mind control. One is a chip slipped under the scalp that communicates with the inner ear and the other is Endoscopic Pituitary surgery. The chip under the scalp can just be broken with a hammer if you're careful and the Pituitary can be disabled with ECT (Electro Convulsive Therapy). Electricity to the head.Lets see what Rock N Roll has to say about voices in the head. Go to 'youtube' and look at the following 1. I Don't Like Mondays by The Boomtown Rats 2. Voices Inside My Head by The Police 3. The Kiss by The Cure This will get you started.
Organized gang stalking. At the end of the movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark" the Germans look inside the Ark of the Covenant and God kills them all. The Ark is then lost in an American warehouse. This is my interpretation. An "Ark" is a vessel or ship. It can be moved from one place to another. A "covenant" is an agreement or contract. So, the Ark of the Covenant is a moving agreement with God. For most of the 20th century the Germans were in possession of the Ark. Unknown to most Germans. The Germans looked inside the Ark when they made the movie "Geheimnis Tibet". They discovered what I call the chickenshit system. God then caused WWII and passed the Ark to America. (God is Fascist ya know) If you want to look inside the Ark (and who wouldn't) read the pdf "Everything You Know Is Wrong" in the mystuff folder on the cd.Curiosity killed the cat. Unless there's a lot of them. Kitty Kitty Kitty
Eye Of The Tiger
Eye Of The Tiger
"Francis Farmer Will Get Her Revenge On The City Of Seattle" is a song by Grunge band Nirvana. She'll get revenge like George the guy being taunted in his cell in the movie "Titcutt Follies". It's a God thang.
Today's Illogical Conclusions
I don't need no teacher, I figured it out all by my little onesies sittin at my poohta
I don't need no teacher, I figured it out all by my little onesies sittin at my poohta
When the check clears you can commence fucking off
I have a personality only a mother can love. "I'm a problem child,....even my mother hates me.."
My cd/dvd writer stopped working, I gotta remember to give a shit
For your IN-FOR-MA-CION Bridgewater State Hospital had no internet service. I didn't get to use the internet at Shattuck until Sept 2015. So I went without for 1 year and 4 months. I DON'T CARE. It's your move!!! IT.
I have been reading "Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psycho-Social Society" by Jose Manuel Delgado. It's the copy I have hosted on this website on the 'Documents' page. There are a lot of typo's in the first few chapters and the text keep changing every time I download it but I'm reading it anyway. The beginning deals with philosophical, ethical and historical issues. He mentions Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and his concepts of Noosphere and the Omega Point. Noosphere or Noose Sphere or Noose Digital Fortress (see novel by Dan Brown). Omega Point or Omega Man by The Police "..always talking to my self..", or "The Omega Man" starring Charleton Heston. One of the characters in the movie "The Exorcist" was modeled after de Chardin. The technology begins in Chapter 10. He points out that you do not have to insert anything into the brain to take advantage of the microwave hearing effect. They can slip a chip under the skin of the scalp and power it by picking up the EMI from the AC wires all around us, or the H.A.A.R.P facilities. The chip has a small coil that acts like the secondary of a transformer. The microwave hearing effect requires very low power microwaves to have a person hear voices. If the chip is close enough to the ears it is possible. There are videos on youtube about RFID chips being inserted into people. The other way to control people is through the pituitary. It is accessible through the nose by Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery. The pituitary is associated with the endocrine system which controls hormones. A person could be made very aggressive if the right hormone is released. "..the silicon chip inside her head was switched to overload.." I Don't Like Mondays by The Boomtown Rats. I am also reading something by Nick Begich about mind control. I found it on the hard drive of my laptop. He states there is evidence many Iraqi soldiers surrendered when they began to hear voices. Were all Iraqi soldiers chipped? I guess when the script for the world stage says your time is up it's up. Saddam was hanged live on the internet. Or was he? Maybe he's on a beach some where sipping Daiquiri's with Hitler's children.
This might sound crazy but if you could locate the chip under the scalp and it's up against bone you could break it by tapping it very lightly with a hammer.
As it's written:
Mary Mary quite contrary
How does your garden grow
With silver bells, cockle shells
And pretty maids all in a row
Mary Mary quite contrary
How does your garden grow
With silver bells, cockle shells
And pretty maids all in a row
What it means:
Mary Mary quite contrary
How does your church expand
With mercury poisoning Zombie men
And 'Alice in Wonderland'
Mary Mary quite contrary
How does your church expand
With mercury poisoning Zombie men
And 'Alice in Wonderland'
My 3 wishes for the genie:
1. My health
2. My freedom
3. The first 59 years of my
1. My health
2. My freedom
3. The first 59 years of my
There are 2 ways to disable a neural implant in place. One is to get current flowing through the head by applying voltage. This frys the chip. Another is to expose the head to a high wattage pulse of electromagnetic energy to destroy any circuitry connected to the antenna.
Devices already exist that apply voltage to the head. Psychiatrists use Electro-convulsive therapy, ECT, for some mental illness's. ECT was dramatized in the movie "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest". "..a little dab il do ya.." Ernest Hemingway had ECT to help him with depression. He said it ruined his life. What did he mean? Did Scientology begin harassing him again? A Taser could be used also. The company that sells them has a model designed for the general public. It's about $400. I don't know if either of these work.
A high watt pulse of electromagnetic energy can be produced from a small amount of parts, many of which can be found in household devices. You need a step-up transformer, 2 capacitors, 2 resistors, a diode bridge, a switch, a piece of aluminum and a piece of solid wire for an antenna. The step-up transformer will take 120 AC from a wall outlet and create a higher level of AC, say 750 volts AC. The 750 volts is fed through the diode bridge to create full wave rectification. One of the capacitors and one of the resistors is then connected from the 750 volts to ground to make DC voltage. Then connect the other capacitor, resistor and switch in series with each other but in parallel with the other resistor and capacitor. The capacitor should be connected to the 750 volts, the resistor in the middle and the switch will have one end connected to ground. The antenna will be connected between the capacitor and the resistor and surrounded by the aluminum on 3 sides plus the top and bottom. The aluminum will reflect the pulse toward the person and help concentrate the energy. When the switch is thrown the antenna point will instantly go to 750 volts because the capacitor is a short. The capacitor will then charge and the antenna point will return to zero. The frequency of the pulse is determined by the formula T=RC. This design has problems but I am just trying to communicate an idea.
This is an idea to develop synthetic telepathy. It's possible that different parts of the brain produce different electric signals. So you have to sense all of them at the same time and then sort through them and pick out the ones you need without making a physical connection. Bend a piece of plastic to fit over the head like a set of headphones. Wrap some ferrite cores with magnet wire them fix them to the plastic to make a loop antenna that fit over the head. Feed that antenna into a software defined radio, or pre-amp first, then develop software on a personal computer that picks through everything it picks up and displays them separately. A way to develop the software without the headset would be this. Build circuits that output a square wave, a triangle wave, a sine wave and some sort of transient wave. Combine all circuits on one test point and feed that into a SDR with an ordinary oscilloscope probe. Get the computer to separate and display them.
When buying a SDR frequency response is an important consideration. The wider the response the more versatile. Ettus Research has some of the best SDR's. You probably wouldn't need one for synthetic telepathy but if you were working on noise generators a spectrum analyzer that covers the entire radio spectrum is important. Some SDR's come with spectrum analyzer software.
This is an idea to develop a noise generator. Build a white noise generator and feed that into an amplifier. Feed the amplifier into an antenna. Instead of an antenna made from a good conductor of electricity experiment with bad conductors to see if they will break up the signal naturally. As a technician I have seen metals do funny things to electricity. Try steel, or iron or nickel or any alloy.
If people with neural implants don't know they have it, or they can't do anything about it, or they get erased every night when the satellite goes over head, (spaceman say everybody look down, it's all in your mind...) this is an idea. Build a restaurant with nothing but booths. Put a jukebox in every booth that discharges a pulse of EMI when a certain song is played. Invite the target to dinner.
The Communist Manifesto states that communists want to abolish religion. I don't think this is possible. Religion is a natural part of human societies. It helps explain the world around him and helps him to cope with daily life. The problem with religion is it can be used by men for power and money. This is another reason they call Islam the religion of peace. There is no Pope or Dalai Lama in Islam. An Iman learns his theology and is assigned to a mosque and his power goes no further. Protestant churches are similar but not entirely. My problem is I need a religion to explain the religion and cope with what it has done to me. Most of my life I said I was a white Anglo-Saxon protestant who was never baptized and never went to church. Some years ago I began describing my self as an agnostic. Then I turned to atheism and now I am leaning towards Satanism. I have a mind to tattoo 666 on my neck to get the goddamn fuckin human race to go away. I suspect, I don't know, that when someone is ready to submit to Scientology they get brought before a catholic priest. They know when you're sincere, they know everything. I wonder if this is how Buddhism, Hinduism and Voodoo works. I am reasonably sure there is some connection between India, Tibet and Christianity and I think this is it. They are all run by the Pope. There is a book titled "The Unknown Life Of Jesus" by Nicholas Notovich. It's about Jesus travels to Tibet. Other books include "Isis Unveiled" by Helena Blavatsky and "The Secret Doctrine" by Helena Blavatsky. At the very end of Charles Dicken's novel "David Copperfield" Copperfield discovers the source of his problem was a creepy law clerk named Uriah Heep. There is a book titled "Inquisition at Goa". Goa is a city in India. It's about someone who is brought before a catholic inquisition in the 17th century. Why was there a catholic inquisition in India in the 17th century. Hienrich Himmler sent a film crew to Tibet to search for the roots of Aryanism, which makes no sense. Is Tibet a 'jewed' dumping ground for China?
The Bourne Identity or The Born Identity or My Born Identity or The Rolling Stone Identity
If someone else should acquire synthetic telepathy, mind control and thought insertion here is what I think they should do. Go from town to town and demonstrate it to local people. Kidnap some Jesuit priests and expose them to synthetic telepathy and find out how that organization works. Publish books about what you find.
Some of this information I got from a computer software version of the Encyclopedia Britannica in the article on Marco Polo and some I remember from High School. I post it here because the minute I begin investigating something the information dries up.
1. The threat of the Mongol Empire had loomed for years in Europe before the travels of Marco Polo.
2. Prior to Ghengis Khan the Mongols were a nomadic people, mostly illiterate and had no knowledge of statecraft. They were skilled horseman and soldiers.
3. Ghengis Khan conquered large amounts of territory in Asia but didn't know how to govern.
4. Marco Polo's family had been in China for decades trading before Marco Polo himself went to China.
5. Kublai Khan requested of the Pope a hundred intelligent men, "acquainted with The Seven Arts".
6. Marco Polo was given diplomatic papers by Teologi ???? in Acre before leaving for China. Just days after leaving Theologi ???? was named Pope Gregory X despite not being in the priesthood. Marco Polo then returned and got diplomatic papers from Gregory X and set out again.
7. Marco Polo spent 17 years in the court of Kublai Khan.
8. The tradition of the Dalai Lama was started about 100 years after Marco Polo.
9. One of Kublai Khan's descendants was made the Dalai Lama.
10. Xanadu was made famous in a poem by William Taylor Collridge.
My Adddress's
Born Feb 1957 - Sept 1958
Philip Nute
Webb St
Weymouth, Mass
Born Feb 1957 - Sept 1958
Philip Nute
Webb St
Weymouth, Mass
Sept 1958 - May 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Mass 02190-1104
(very near a Zack's Pizza I went to all the time)
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Mass 02190-1104
(very near a Zack's Pizza I went to all the time)
May 2014 - Jan 2015
Philip Nute
Bridgewater State Hospital
20 Administration Rd
Bridgewater Mass
Philip Nute
Bridgewater State Hospital
20 Administration Rd
Bridgewater Mass
Jan 2015 - Nov 2015
Philip Nute
Lemuel Shattuck Hospital
170 Morton St
Boston Mass 02130
Philip Nute
Lemuel Shattuck Hospital
170 Morton St
Boston Mass 02130
Dec 2015 - current
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Mass 02368
(very near a Zack's Pizza)
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Mass 02368
(very near a Zack's Pizza)
The French Revolution was an example of a properly functioning society. The people at the bottom got fed up with conditions created by the rich and so stormed the Bastille and toppled the government. The revolution turned to chaos which allowed the rise of Napolean who restored order. The American Revolution is an example of a BS world stage event. It provided the illusion of freedom to stop the class struggle. Proving this is probably impossible but the existence of Scientology should make people question what they know. Scientology is mind control with neural implants. It is designed to stop the class struggle. The class struggle was defined by Karl Marx as the fight between the Proletariat and the Bourgeous. The people at the top are always displacing the people at the bottom with their greed and avarice. The rich must always do something with these people or they turn to revolution. War has been used in the past couple centuries to deal with the problem. The rich fund and supply both sides and when it's over they make money building the country again. While the Proletariat builds up, they supply drugs to weaken people and make them less likely to fight. Scientology is a replacement for war. Along with drugs religion is an instrument of control. The rich want people to think god controls everything not men. Religion is a prison for the mind. The modern world is what happens when man perfects the power game. It is what happens when the people at the top and the way they think never turns over. There is no cure for man's inhumanity to man. There is no cure for the concept of hegemony. It's a yin and yang kinda thing. It gets a little better, it gets a little worse. It gets a little better, it gets a little worse.
If it can be assumed everything you see on TV is either a lie, distortion or the truth is omitted and the same can be said of radio, why wouldn't synchronicity be the same? I doubt anyone is getting me thoughts in real time 24/7/365. If they were everyone would be crazy in 15 minutes.
This is how mental hospitals work in America: hunger, boredom, sleep deprivation, psychology, pills, lies, rumors, misinformation and discharge plans. The idea is to harass you into assaulting someone and get committed and make your situation worse.
Bash Jean, there was someone in Bridgewater I didn't really like. His name was Jean. He was kinda rude and annoying. Really wasn't a big deal. Some people called him Turtle because he sort of looked like a teenage mutant ninja turtle. Someone named Bash Jean showed up here at Shattuck. Was I supposed to "bash jean"?.
Roman Bylinkun - as in buy Abraham Lincoln or bye bye Abraham Lincoln. ???? My room mate. I am being discharged on Dec 1 to a home in Randolph Mass. Am I bunking with a Manchurian Candidate?
Unicorns did not refuse to get on board, they were hunted to extinction for fun and profit.
I have a new playlist on youtube. B.I.S. Bank for International Settlements. I'm not exactly sure what it is so this is my guess. It controls all the worlds central banks. It was set up in the 1920's or 30's. It is controlled by the Knights of Malta who are controlled by the Pope. I put 4 random videos about each in the playlist. "Alls I got is this red guitar three chords and the truth,...alls...I got is this red guitar,..the rest is up to you.."
"Give me control of a nation's currency, and I care not who makes it's law's"
"It is well enough that the people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution by tomorrow morning"
Henry Ford
Henry Ford
You may be asking, how does someone become a dog? Well my guess is as good as yours but this is what I know. I think a catholic priest does something to you right after you're born. It's a message to everyone else to co-operate. My only evidence is what's happening to me and a few movies. At the very beginning of the movie "The Omen" Mr Thorn(in my side) is racing through the streets of Rome trying to get to the hospital where his wife is giving birth. A voice in the background say's "I'm sorry Mr Thorn(in my side) he breathed for a short time, then no more" When he gets to the hospital he is met by a catholic priest who tells him his son died in childbirth. He also tells him that if he would like to spare his wife the pain of losing a child he has another child that needs a home. Mr Thorn(in my side) agrees and doesn't tell his wife. They name the child Damien. He is possessed. A cuckoo bird is a very strange species of bird specific to Europe. The female invades another birds nest, not of the sane species, and kicks out any chicks or eggs and then lays her egg. The other bird raises the chick as if it were it's own. This has something to do with the movie "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest", but I don't know what. Cujo is a crazy St Bernard.
A hundred people died in The Station night club fire watching the band Great White. The club was partially owned by 2 former reporters from channel 7 in Boston. This happened before I was aware of my problem. Everyone is expendable in the psychic war. The movie "Jaws" is about a great white shark in the waters off Massachusetts. A 'great white' has some meaning for the psychos running this insanity.
There are people on this planet who put the cow in coward and the more in moron and think they have it going on but all they really have is the bravery of being out of range. Signed great white whale bait
I think if a million people know something in 24 hours it overwhelms the system. Start your own website and email people to direct them to it or direct them to mine. "..some times a conscience can be a pest.."
I put my name and address in every post because in the 7 or 8 years this has been going on I have received about 3 emails from 1 person. When I accused him of being a cop on the internet the emails stopped. So that's 3 emails, no visits no snail mail no phone calls or email from anyone else. If the thought police are stopping anyone trying to visit me it causes more trouble. See 'Digital Fortress' a novel by Dan Brown or 'The Dome' (a TV show I think)
If people with neural implants don't know they have them and/or they do not have the freewill to do anything about it, this is an idea. Build a restaurant with only booths. Put a jukebox in every booth. Put a high wattage pulse generator in every jukebox. The pulse generator must be strong enough to destroy a small antenna. Have the pulse go off when a certain song is played. Invite the target to dinner and have them sit next to the jukebox.
I believe the Paris attacks and the downing of the Russian airliner were psyops and/or cover stories. Why would a relatively weak military organization from a poor country fighting wars on multiple fronts attack 2 rich powerful countries not currently involved in any of the wars? From a military strategy point of view it makes no sense. I think the powers that be want a BS world stage war in America to stop the spread of that evil liberalism and can no longer use the American military to carry on the Popes war on Islam, so they need to get 2 other countries involved. Or maybe they need to speed the whole thing up for the same reason. Why do they call Islam the religion of peace? Is it because Islam doesn't practice the mercury poisoning (jewing) of people who don't conform? Was Muhammed the last person who got anywhere with this system?
This post is 100% guess's. The Carlyle Group is a private equity firm, that is it is not traded on any stock exchange. It is entirely held by private individuals. All companies owned by the group are not traded on any stock exchange. They are entirely owned by Carlyle. Carlyle owns only defense industries. It owns a significant percentage of the military industrial complex. The people who own the company run the United States government. The only reason we went to war in Iraq was to make these people money. They never get arrested or investigated because most of the police and FBI are under mind control. Anyone who goes into the military gets a neural implant.
This is why I don't worry about going outside or going where I want. Just after Thanksgiving 2007 my father went to Tufts New England Medical for a triple bypass. My mother and brother visited him everyday. One day they came home and said the doctors were refusing him water. I thought this was funny. When I finally went to visit I started to make a stink about it. My brother ushered me out of the room and asked me to go outside. When he joined me he said it was part of the deal they made. ?????? In the next 4 months he was shuffled from ER to nursing home and back again. He stopped eating soon after the operation. He died March 31, 2008 mostly because he starved himself.
"You have the right not to be killed.."
"Murder is a crime.."
Know Your Rights
The Clash
"Murder is a crime.."
Know Your Rights
The Clash
"I am so All American.."
"Sell you suicide.."
Irresponsible Hate Anthem
Marilyn Manson
"Sell you suicide.."
Irresponsible Hate Anthem
Marilyn Manson
"The real horror began when the SS took over administration of the camps. The SS men knew that to control a large population you get the victim to volunteer for the noose."
The Dangers of Obedience and the Banality of Evil
Hannah Arendt
The Dangers of Obedience and the Banality of Evil
Hannah Arendt
FU assholes. I can hang on till the cows come home. And grow old and die. And the cows cows. And the cows cows cows. You need me to shutup someones going to jail. FU Assholes
My father died March 31, 2008. I was picked up by the Weymouth police May 15, 2008. I then spent 3 months battling a human radio in McClean Southeast on the grounds of the Brockton VA. I got home on Aug 7. My mother had already hired someone to remodel the bathroom upstairs. I thought this was odd so soon after dad died. She didn't do a lot of planning. I have always suspected the electrician hid something in the wall. He spent an entire week rewiring the fan. In the past month workman have been installing these small white fixtures throughout the hospital. They are hooked up to a network cable. They were supposed to improve the WiFi but it didn't. Do these devices communicate with NASA in Houston or a Scientology building in Clearwater FL or Riverside county CA? Did they need more capacity to keep tabs on everyone? Did Synchronicity get worse after they were installed?
"There's room at the top.."
"They're telling you still.."
"But first you must learn.."
"How to smile as you kill.."
"If you want to be, like the folks on the hill.."
Working Class Hero
John Lennon
"They're telling you still.."
"But first you must learn.."
"How to smile as you kill.."
"If you want to be, like the folks on the hill.."
Working Class Hero
John Lennon
"A star falls.."
"A phone call..."
"It joins all.."
Synchronicity I
The Police
"A phone call..."
"It joins all.."
Synchronicity I
The Police
"The beautiful people.."
"The beautiful people..."
"It's all relative against the size of your steeple..."
The Beautiful People
Marilyn Manson
"The beautiful people..."
"It's all relative against the size of your steeple..."
The Beautiful People
Marilyn Manson
"Live and let die..."
Paul McCartney
Paul McCartney
This is a list of things that could get you into a Roman coliseum facing gladiators or lions. 1. You disagreed with the way things were run. 2. You were a Christian. 3. You were a slave that was too old or too sick to work. 4. You didn't perform your job correctly. 5. You cost a rich person some money. 6. You had something a rich person wanted and didn't want to sell it. Christianity spread to the point where Caesar couldn't ignore it, so, one day he was Caesar, the next he was Pope, if you can't beat them pretend to join them. The Catholic church was a replacement for the coliseums. That's what it is today that's what it always was. Today the population is overwhelming the system, if fact if they hadn't provided the illusion of freedom 200 years ago it would have already done so. If all they want is for me to bend over for Jesus (hit the road) why does Scientology do the harassing? Because Scientology is the Catholic church. What do you call that? Heresy. (can you say Voodoo?)
"But don't give yourself away.."
Cheap Trick
(don't accept an implant, if you do it's 666. "And once you're gone you can't come back, when you're out of the blue and into the black..." "You lock the door and throw away the key and there's someone in my head but it's not me..")
"But don't give yourself away.."
Cheap Trick
(don't accept an implant, if you do it's 666. "And once you're gone you can't come back, when you're out of the blue and into the black..." "You lock the door and throw away the key and there's someone in my head but it's not me..")
I changed the videos on my Feature list on youtube, they are:
A 30 minute documentary titled "Al Qaeda Doesn't Exist"
A five hour movie titled "Ring of Power" The first hour deals with the problems surrounding 9/11. One thing that may not be there is the fact that 6 of the hijackers were still alive 1 year later.
A video about the death of Osama Bin Laden
A video about the deaths of Seal Team 6
A Music video "Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)" by Jimi Hendrix
A video about the death of Osama Bin Laden
A video about the deaths of Seal Team 6
A Music video "Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)" by Jimi Hendrix
Genocide in Satellite Croatia
Edmond Paris
(a book you can buy on Amazon - you can read the synopsis if you like)
Edmond Paris
(a book you can buy on Amazon - you can read the synopsis if you like)
Convert or Die
Edmond Paris
(a book you can buy on Amazon - you can read the synopsis if like)
Edmond Paris
(a book you can buy on Amazon - you can read the synopsis if like)
New World Order
H G Wells
(a book you can buy on Amazon - you can read the synopsis if you like)
H G Wells
(a book you can buy on Amazon - you can read the synopsis if you like)
I have new videos on my Feature Playlist on Youtube
they are:
A documentary, Jasenovac the Cruelest Death Camp of All
A music video, "Red Sector A" by Rush
A video about Glen Becks flip flop on Fema camps
A music video, "What God Wants Pt1" by Roger Waters
A video about The Georgia Guidestones (reduce global population to 500 million)
A documentary, Jasenovac the Cruelest Death Camp of All
A music video, "Red Sector A" by Rush
A video about Glen Becks flip flop on Fema camps
A music video, "What God Wants Pt1" by Roger Waters
A video about The Georgia Guidestones (reduce global population to 500 million)
I have a new playlist on Youtube titled "The River" (I don't know what the river is)
Videos are:
"Tom Sawyer" by Rush
"Dam That River" by Alice in Chains
A clip from the movie "A River Runs Through It"
Videos are:
"Tom Sawyer" by Rush
"Dam That River" by Alice in Chains
A clip from the movie "A River Runs Through It"
These are some videos that may or may not be in my Favorites
A video about "Big Dog" by Boston Dynamics
"Machine Head" by Bush
"Highway Star" by Deep Purple (off the "Machine Head" album)
A video about "Big Dog" by Boston Dynamics
"Machine Head" by Bush
"Highway Star" by Deep Purple (off the "Machine Head" album)
"War is Coming" by War
"Trouble Every Day" by Frank Zappa
"Life During Wartime" by The Talking Heads
"War: The Process" by The Cult
"Trouble Every Day" by Frank Zappa
"Life During Wartime" by The Talking Heads
"War: The Process" by The Cult
"Dirty Laundry" by Don Henley
"I'm The Slime" by Frank Zappa
"Amused to Death" by Roger Waters
"The Astonishing Panorama of the Endtimes" by Marilyn Manson
"I'm The Slime" by Frank Zappa
"Amused to Death" by Roger Waters
"The Astonishing Panorama of the Endtimes" by Marilyn Manson
"The WASP Texas Radio and the Big Beat" by The Doors (The WASP NASA and Synthetic Telepathy)
"I'm Watching Me Fall" by The Cure (released about the year 2000, the Japanese will not be down for breakfast, Wooden Ships)
"Wooden Ships" by Crosby Stills Nash
"I'm Watching Me Fall" by The Cure (released about the year 2000, the Japanese will not be down for breakfast, Wooden Ships)
"Wooden Ships" by Crosby Stills Nash
These are some things I wrote while in Bridgewater State Hospital between May 2014 and Jan 2015
Oct 20, 2014 - The correctional officers have removed the only readily accessible clock at the front door. It's been missing for 4 or 5 weeks. It's now difficult to know what time it is. This is the second unit I have been on where this occured. First it was B-1 and now A-2. I don't know what it's for but there are a couple songs about it. "Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is" by Chicago and "Time Stand Still" by Rush.
Sept 7, 2014-It Only Works in One Ear Every cable or DSL modem has an address specific to it. Like 121 Main St or a telephone number. Each telephone number reachs only one phone. It's called the MAC ID. If you change modems you have to call the cable company and give them the new number. A neural implant may work the same way. Each person has thier own specific number.
Aug 25, 2014- "Walden" In the 1970's or 80's one of the members of the rock band 'The Eagles' raised money to preserve land around Walden Pond in Concord or Lexington, Mass. The pond is most famous for the book 'Walden' by Henry David Thoreau. He also wrote the book 'Civil Disobediance'. He lived in a one room shack on the property most of his life. He belonged to a literary group know as transendentalism. Nathaniel Hawthorne also belonged to the group. He wrote the book 'The Scarlet Letter'.
con't-"The Diary of Anne Frank" Anne Frank was a jew who died in one of Hitlers camps. Before being sent there she lived with her entire family for 3 years in an attic. During that time she kept a diary that is now very famous. This is similar to my situation.
con'tp-Luigi Galvani is considered the father of electrophysiology. He experimented with frogs in the 1790's and proved most living tissue moves by electricity.
Aug 10, 2014-On Aug 6, 2014 I submitted a greivance in Bridgewater State Hospital. I requested to be released based on evidence my commitment hearing was phoney. Since May 12, 2014 I have appeared in court 3 times. Twice in Quincy District Court and once in Bridgewater inside court. The same judge presided in all 3 hearings. I'm pretty sure you can't hold judgeships in more than one county at a time. The judge was a woman named Minihan. I believe the charges in Quincy are fake or my commitment is fake or both. Quincy District Court is in Norfolk county and Bridgewater is in Plymouth.
July 12, 2014-Conjecture-to surmise, to guess, to arrive at a conclusion without concrete evidence. "The Murders in the Rue Morgue" is a short story by Edgar Allen Poe. The main characters are trying to solve a mystery without much evidence. It is similar to the problem I face everyday with these writings.
June 27, 2014-I was informed last week that my mother is selling the house on Easy St. We have lived there for over 50 years. I believe my mother is under mind control and this should be stopped. It is possible she already got rid of the house in Aug 2008. After I got out of McClean Southeast she began talking to a lawyer named Gorfinkle from Braintree and made changes to my fathers trust. I wonder if she signed away the house and everything my father saved while under mind control. She is now in an assisted living facility on Grove St in Braintree. I wonder who's paying the bill. The land the house sits on is possibly sub-dividable. It could be given a separate deed and have something built on it. I wonder if there are thousands of people across the country who have lost their homes the same way in the last 60 years. It might be possible to sue the church into bankruptcy and off this continent forever.
June 18, 2014-Entrapment-In law it is when the police create a situation in order to entice a person to commit a crime when they ordinarily would not have done so.
con't-Justifiable-Even homicide can be justifiable if the defendent was also a victim.
con't-I have recieved the police reports filed the day of the incident. Three people reported I spit and gave the finger at the victim. I spit but did not give the finger. It is possible the person identifying himself as the victims father is actually a Weymouth police officer. After I was handcuffed he was standing by with a Weymouth police badge in his belt. He was already at the scene before the incident. I don't think it was a coincidence the victim was driving up the street just as we came home. I think the whole thing was a setup.
June 12, 2014-This is about what happened May 11, 2014. I have been under surveillance for at least 6 years. 24/7/365 Illegal surveillance. I don't really know why or who. I suspect some of the new neighbors on the street are involved. Proving it is probably impossible. That being said I believe some of the events leading up to the incident on the 11th were not a co-incidence. It was a setup, entrapment. Sunday May 11, 2014 my mother offered to buy me a clam plate at the Hingham Lobster Pound for dinner. She wanted a lobster roll from D'Angelos so we stopped at the one in front of Lowes on Rt 3A in Weymouth and then continued on to Hingham. We ate in the parking lot that overlooks Hingham harbor a little further down Rt 3A. The people responsible for the surveillance know at least 2 things. I always put out the trash and recycle on Sunday after dinner and I sometimes express my opinion of the police and others by spitting when I see them. I don't give them the finger. That would be openly provocative and possible cause problems. When we got home I immediately rolled one of the barrels to the curb. One of the new neighbors was driving up the street at that exact moment. I expressed my opinion. He parked in front of his house and then came charging at me repeating "Do you have a problem?" instigating the confrontation. Six years of surveillance and I had had enough. How did they know I was ready for a fight? Surveillance? Synthetic telepathy? I wonder sometimes about the local Police at the bottom but they never did anything but add to the problem. While in Bridgewater a woman Weymouth police officer showed my mother how to file a restraining order. I was in Bridgewater for at least 60 days. The R.O. lasted for only 7. What was it for?
June 4, 2014-I was informed Sunday by my mother that she has taken a Restraining Order out against me. I called her and technically violated it. She got the order on Friday May 30 and I called on Sunday June 2. Bridgewater did not tell me about it until Tuesday. It was good for a week. I have never been a threat to my mother and there was no need for it. She has been befriended by a woman Weymouth police officer who convinced her to do it. Can you say 'rolling stone'? "When the law get ready, you got to move.." The Rolling Stones
Everything on this blog is a guess. Whatever was going through my head that day. Friday I blogged about the dog phenomena. I found a reference to a dog in a short story written by Edgar Allen Poe titled "Never Bet The Devil With Your Head". He died about 1840, well before the age of electricity. Another guess is I'm a scarecrow. (What would you do with a brain if you had one) Someone who was 'jewed' at birth by the catholic church then harassed from the cradle to the grave as a message to everyone else to co-operate or else. Like a whipping boy on a slave plantation. People like me who chose to run are called 'rolling stones' or 'wandering jews'. They are trying to redeem themselves in the eyes of the church by doing their bidding. A book about wandering jews is "Pilgrims Progress" by John Bunyon published about 1680. The original wandering jew was Cartaphilas. He taunted Jesus as he carried the cross through the streets of Jerusalem. He was sentenced to wander the earth until the second coming.
For the past couple years every time the generals from the Pentagon are testifying before Congress or being interviewed by the media they're wearing Civil War era uniforms. ????????
"Like a rolling stone.."
"Like a rolling stone.."
"Like the FBI.."
"And the CIA..."
"And the BBC.."
Dig It
The Beatles
(the song just before "Let It Be" on the CD)
"Like a rolling stone.."
"Like the FBI.."
"And the CIA..."
"And the BBC.."
Dig It
The Beatles
(the song just before "Let It Be" on the CD)
"Hey Jude, don't make it bad.."
"Take a sad song, and make it better.."
Hey Jude
The Beatles
(the last song released by The Beatles 6 months after they broke up and the release of "Let It Be")
"Take a sad song, and make it better.."
Hey Jude
The Beatles
(the last song released by The Beatles 6 months after they broke up and the release of "Let It Be")
Mary Mary Quite Contrary
How Does Your Church Expand
With Mercury Poisoning, Zombie Men
And "Alice in Wonderland"
How Does Your Church Expand
With Mercury Poisoning, Zombie Men
And "Alice in Wonderland"
Philip Nute
Lemuel Shattuck Hospital
170 Morton St
Boston MA 02130
Lemuel Shattuck Hospital
170 Morton St
Boston MA 02130
People with neural implants can't explain anything, so we have the 'dog phenomena'. They pick someone who they know doesn't have an implant and harass them to get their message through. Silence = Death. This has been going on for at least 60 years. There are clues in the movies and music released if you know what to look for. "Cool Hand Luke" was a 'dog'. Col Kurtz from 'Apolcalypse Now' was a 'dog'. 'I Can't Explain' by The Who. 'Black Dog' by Led Zeppelin. 'Man in the Box' by Alice in Chains. A band call Radiohead. 'Electric Ladyland' an album by Jimi Hendrix. 'Radio Kaos' an album by Roger Waters. 'Spaceman' by The Killers. 'I Don't Like Mondays' by The Boomtown Rats. There are thousands of clues. The mind control, MK Ultra surveilence system is a replacement for war. The powers that be have run out of reasons to destroy whole continents to remain in power. It's genocide for money. As Orwell said in '1984' "The war is waged by the ruling class on it's own citizens to keep the structure of society intact".
Everyone's expendable in the psychic war
Col. Kurtz and Cool Hand Luke will not be down for breakfast
At the end of every investigation, all fingers point to Rome
"If we share this nightmare.."
"We can dream Spiritus Mundi.."
"If you act as you think.."
"The missing link.."
Synchronicity I
The Police
"We can dream Spiritus Mundi.."
"If you act as you think.."
"The missing link.."
Synchronicity I
The Police
Yesterday some of us got to go on a walk around Jamaica Pond. As I was waiting I began hoping there was a Starbucks near so I could get a cup of coffee. Then I walked out into the hall. A staff was looking at his cell phone and said the word Starbucks. It didn't seem like a coincidence. Is there an app for cell phones that taps into synthetic telepathy technology? Where did he get it? He should be careful who he's dealing with, they might be "Public Pretenders". People who say their revolutionary's but are actually hired by the enemy. The cops or FBI.
New England is currently experiencing a heroin epidemic. I read somewhere 80% of the worlds opium is produced in Afghanistan. We have 65,000 to 70,000 troops there now, how is it getting by them? The Taliban all but wiped out opium production when they ruled now our troops are told to guard the crop. Drugs are used to suppress revolution. My wild guess is the US military is bringing it into the country unknowingly and the CIA and FBI are destributing it. When the 1967 Summer of Love turned into revolution the country was flooded by all kinds of drugs. Sex, drugs and Rock N Roll stopped any real change. Something happened in Seattle in the late 1980's and spawned the Grunge Rock craze. Seattle then had a meth epidemic that lasted a decade. It's the same M.O. everytime. There are a lot of people here in Massachusetts that know what's going on so the legislature legalized marijuana. Let's make stoner's out of everyone. If the local cop's want to know where the drugs are coming from investigate the FBI. There is a book titled 'Dark Alliance' by someone at the San Jose Mercury News that documents the CIA's involvement in the crack cocaine epidemic in Los Angeles in the 1980's. I think the same things going on here.
A movie reference. Dorothy, the cowardly lion, tin man and the scarecrow come to a large field and see the Emerald City (Emerald Isle). They start running to get there as fast as possible but fall asleep because the field is full of poppy's.
The Pope is in America. "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain"
On mothers day 2014 I had an altercation with a neighbor and was arrested by the Weymouth police. I was charged with assault and battery, disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, assault to commit a felony, assault and battery on a police officer and mistreating a police animal. I was declared incompetent to stand trial and sent to Bridgewater State Hospital. I spent 8 months there and was was transferred to Lemuel Shattuck Hospital in Boston in January and I am still here. The charges have now been dropped and I am awaiting housing because my mother sold the house. I have reason to believe the whole was phoney. The first judge I saw the day after was named Moriarty. A woman. A month or so later I was brought back to Quincy District court and saw the same judge. I was committed to Bridgewater for 6 months in July. I saw the same judge, Moriarty. I'm pretty sure you can't hold judgeships in 2 counties at the same time. Quincy District court is in Norfolk county and Bridgewater is in Plymouth county. They were separate legal issues so i think the hearings were not real. After I complained about this to guards at Bridgewater I got a different judge for a second commitment hearing in January of 2015. On Friday Sept 11 I went back to Quincy court and the judge dismissed everything. It was a different judge. The only bright spot is I'm not on any medication.