Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, www.philipnute.com and it's companion website www.zsezse.com, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
George Orwell
Beginning of Actual Blog
June 29, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Who visited George Bush in May 2007? Queen Elizabeth II. Who visited George Bush in April 2008? Pope Benedict XVI. Who were 2 people Obama visited in his first year in office? Queen Elizabeth II and Pope Benedict XVI. It's little things like this that prove there is no 500 year old war between England and the Papacy. The Rothchilds are the wealthiest family in the world. They've owned most of the London Stock Exchange since Napolean lost the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. The Rothchilds are Jewish. There must be some simple logic or basic historical fact that would prove they answer to the Pope. They're all the same thing. They play the people at the bottom for suckers.
War Is A Racket
Smedley Butler
Smedley Butler
Jesus Is A Racket
(cuz I just know it is)
(cuz I just know it is)
The Prince
June 28, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
A couple days ago I started going through the list of “Index Of Forbidden Books” online. There were about 4,300 books listed and I didn’t get very far. One book I noted was “Bounaparte in Italia”. I didn’t get the author. I’m assuming it’s about Napolean Bonaparte the dictator of France from 1800 to 1815 and the man responsible for the Napoleonic Wars. Napolean was born on Corsica an island in the Mediteranean that is closer to Italy than to France. The island was a part of France during the French Revolution and most of Napoleans reign, but for most of it’s history up to that point, it was ruled by Italians. France did not rule Corsica until 1769 when Napolean was born. Napolean was more Italian than French. George Seldes quotes Napolean as saying “History is a lie agreed upon”, but I don’t know where he got that quote. The index online is just a list of books it’s not the books themselves. I wonder how many books on the list concern history. I wonder how many are about Napolean. George Orwell states in his novel “1984”, “Who controls the past, controls the future. Who controls the present, controls the past.” It’s the same general concept as Seldes. Art tries to lift the veil of Western Civilization and the theatrical arts were the first. Gilles de Rais put on a play “The Mystery Of The Seige Of Orleans” in the 1430’s. He almost spent himself into bankruptcy. Shakespeare can be divided into 2 basic catagories. History and fiction. The inspiration for his history plays came from “The Holinshed Chronicles”. A history of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland written by several people between 1530 and 1560. His fiction plays were based on ancient Roman poets. Ovid’s “Metamorphoses” was one. The Renassaince in Europe began around 1400. Renassaince is French for ‘rebirth’. I always believed it was a rebirth of the arts. Maybe it means a rebirth of revolution. By the year 1500 the revolution took the form of the Protestant Reformation. This ultimately failed. Maybe they turned to history, then theatre. And still we suffer.
Someone has been in my computers for the umteenth millionth time!!!!
Please Do Not Use The Microwave (but that’s all I have)
"Be obscene,…be be obscene..."
"Be obscene,…baby…and not heard..."
"Jesus is a mobscene,....."
"I know it isn’t your scene..."
"It’s better than a sex scene..."
Marilyn Manson
"Be obscene,…baby…and not heard..."
"Jesus is a mobscene,....."
"I know it isn’t your scene..."
"It’s better than a sex scene..."
Marilyn Manson
June 22, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Index Of Forbidden Books
Western Civilization is a lie. To discover the truth you must lift the veil. This is not easy. One place is any art, literature, painting, music, movies etc, that's worth a dam. If you know what to look for it's all the same thing. Looking at the history of art since the Renaissance can help. If this is too hard I have another idea, The Index Of Forbidden Books. This list was begun in 1559 during the Counter Reformation and stopped in 1966. I figure if it's listed it should be mandatory reading for everyone.
Another forgotten gem of information is "Fox's Book Of Martyr's"
June 21, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I have been listening to The Beatles. I have never understood the song "Strawberry Fields Forever". Today I had an idea. If you mix orange paint with yellow paint you get red. Since they're building a one world government with a one world religion the red represents one. The world will be a farm of small red fruits forever. But then I mixed some orange and yellow and it didn't work, so back to the drawing board.
The Beatles album "Yellow Submarine" is without question the worst Rock N Roll album ever released. It's a lemon. And I think that's what they were trying to say. There is one so so song and then the rest of it isn't even good classical music. It's just violins and cellos going up and down. When it was first released many people wanted their money back. The movie, however isn't that bad. The Attack of The Blue Meanies
"She Came In Through The Bathroom Window" off of Abbey Road is one of my collections of Police songs. It is similar to Alfred Hitchcock's "Notorious". (I think thats the one) The police send someone in to do 'undercover' work while hanging some charge over their head. Then they say "she could steal but she could not rob..." I think they mean the name Robert. Meaning she couldn't help Bob because he's under mind control. Bob's a cop. The last thing before the song "Her Majesty" says "And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make". You get 'Juded' when you know the truth, when they "Turn you on..." So you can't love anyone either. Hannah Arendt said it differently. "The world found nothing sacred in the abstract nakedness of simply being human. The real horror began when the SS took over the administration of the camps. The SS knew that to control a large population you get the victim to volunteer for the noose." From "The Dangers Of Obedience And The Banality Of Evil"
The last song on Sgt Pepper is "A Day In The Life". At the end they say "10,000 holes in Blackburn Lancashire,...although the holes were rather small, .....they had to count them all,....now they now how many holes it's takes to fill the Albert Hall.....I'd love to turn you on...."Albert Hall is a famous concert venue. I think it's in Blackburn Lancashire. So everyone who attends a concert leaves with a little hole. A little reason to get 'juded' and get chased around by the church (mind controlled police). In the Hindu Caste system shit rolls downhill. The Catholic church is a nation without borders and it is structured like the Hindu Caste system.
The last album The Beatles released was "Let It Be". Self explanatory. Six months after they broke up they released "Hey Jude". Listen to the words carefully. They never played together again.
June 20, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Tupac spelled backwards is caput a latin word for head. German is Kaputt for not working or dead. English is Kaput for broken as in engine is kaput.
June 19, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
The global elite are always waging a perpetual genocide. It has come to be known as "The Psychic War". To understand why, you must understand a basic principle of capitalism. Capitalism is always displacing people. For example if someone in a factory invents a process or machine that replaces human labor, the people who perform that task are let go. They might become homeless, hungry and desperate. If the numbers of these people build up they might organize and overthrow the people at the top, so the elite must stay ahead of the ‘problem’. It is all driven by the greed and avarice of the rich and powerful.
"The Psychic War" has only been waged since about 1950. The old method of controlling the number of these people was war. George Orwell understood this concept very well. In his novel ‘1984’ the main character Winston is given a copy of the new Newspeak dictionary by an Inner Party member. The Inner Party member gives it to him secretly. When Winston begins reading he discovers a book within a book. The other book is titled "The Theory And Practice Of Oligarchical Collectivism" by Emmanual Goldstein. Goldstein is the leader of the revolution and the book is the cause of it. He reads the part that explains the purpose for war "In accordance with principle it does not matter if the war is real or not or whether victory is possible. The war is meant only to be continuous. The essential act of war is the destruction of human labor and production. It is designed to keep society on it’s knees and on the edge of starvation. A heirarchal society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. The war is waged by the ruling class on it’s own citizens to keep the very structure of society intact." This is from a movie version with John Hurt and Richard Burton.
To get the people at the bottom to kill each other they invent different religions, ethnicities, political party’s etc. Never let a division die, it can always be used to pit one group against another. Black, white, Southern, Northern, Protestant, Catholic etc. The media is an integral part of the system for this reason. A simple phrase to remember how Western Civilization works is “You Have To Get The Proletariat To Kill The Proletariat For The Benefit Of The Bourgeous”. This is the reason that “Everything You Know Is Wrong” and the media is responsible for keeping that way. It’s the divide and conquer theory of making money and holding power.
"The Psychic War" is a replacement for conventional war. Over time the elite have run out of ways to destroy whole continents. So they have turned to science. They have had to capitulate to the desires of the Proletariat by providing the illusion of freedom. But that’s what it is. An Illusion. But thats what it has always been. Two other factors are driving the need for a total surveillance/mind control world. Overpopulation and the depletion of natural resources. Overpopulation is putting pressure on resources. If you own the resources you control the society. As resources run out, the control of the elite is threatened. The total surveillance/mind control system will replace the control the owning of resources gives the people at the top. A society that depends on renewable and recyclable resources cannot be controlled by a few people.
Capitalism is doomed. There is not a single stock on any stock exchange on this planet that is not totally dependent on fossil fuels for it’s very existence. As fossil fuels run out so does capitalism. In fact there are probably only a handful of business’s, corporation or otherwise, that don’t depend on fossil fuels. The fact that the people at the top are not talking about this is evidence of their plans. Their plans don’t include you.
In the future I think that large portions of inner city’s should be set aside as communes to absorb people displaced by capitalism instead of a genocide. The communes would produce and consume as much of their needs as possible. They could contract their labor to capitalists if they wanted to. I don’t think it’s a good idea to try to force communism on everyone all at once. It would cause a civil war that would destroy too much and this would be counter productive and in the end one or both sides would borrow money from fiat currency bankers and the elite would prevail.
The organizations below have existed for at least 8 years. Why has nothing changed? I have 2 guess’s. The first is that the people at the top are on board with the whole thing and the second is the same people are under mind control. All these websites say nothing about the surveillance/mind control problem.
We Are Change
We Are Change CT
We Are Change CT
Over the weekend I found a free copy of the movie “Vanishing Point” on Youtube. I currently have it at the top of My Feature List. “Vanishing Point” is the movie I bought on Bluray that I can’t watch because the player I bought doesn’t work. The movie stars Barry Newman as an ex-cop who delivers cars from one city to another. In the movie he goes crazy. At the end he kills himself by driving into bulldozers parked on the highway. During the movie he is chased by police and made into a celebrity by a DJ played by Cleavon Little. At one point the cops complain Little has information about what the cops are doing and thats illegal. But the cops also say that having a transistor radio in their car is also illegal. ??? They say Little never says anything to give himself away. Then later Little is literally talking to Newman like it’s a regular conversation. ??? Through the radio??? At this point in the movie their is a naked blonde girl riding around on a motorcycle. ????
June 12, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Over the weekend I tried to get a free pdf copy of “The Diary Of Anne Frank”. I’m pretty sure what I downloaded was not right. It might be a case of another day of censorship or there is something in that book they don’t want people to know. I was supposed to read that book in High School but I didn’t. Anne Frank was a teenage Jewish girl who hid from the Nazi’s for 2 years before being caught and sent to a camp where she died. She kept a diary while in hiding. Also, I wanted to know who said “They came for the jews,…but I was not a Jew so I said nothing. They came for the gypsies, but I was not a gypsy so I said nothing…” The information I got was it was said by a German Lutheran minister named Martin Niemoller who spent 4 years in a camp for opposing Hitler. It was phrased differently. I wonder if compiling a list of books by survivors of the camps would expose the truth. The ‘truth’ as I believe it is the people who died in the camps were not necessarily Jews but ‘juded’ people. Walking Zombies Walking Dead. Mercury Poisoned. The Jews at the top of the jewish religion know this and willingly accept scapegoat status. Hitlers camps were not closed but moved to Israel after the war. The ‘settlements’ on the west bank are concentration camps. If you go to youtube and search for “Israel Is An Apartied State” you get information that is shocking. Israel is a dumping ground for the ‘juded’ of Europe and America. Tibet is a dumping ground for the ‘juded’ of China. etc etc. The planet is a ‘gangsta paradise’. They don’t care what religion you follow as long you you accept one. You can be a ‘playa’ (gangsta) if you go along. If you study the body of work by The Beatles with the ‘missing information’ (missing links) being provided by me you too can come to this conclusion. The last song released by The Beatles was ‘Hey Jude”. If you listen carefully to the words it makes sense. You study the body of work in chronological order. The last album was ‘Let It Be’. The songs “Dig It/Let it Be” say everything. A book of interest might be “The Life Of An American Jew In Racist Marxist Israel”. I forget who wrote it but people believe he was assassinated by the CIA.
June 9, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
On Monday I said I didn’t learn much watching “The Occult History Of The Third Reich” but I’ve thought about it and changed my mind. The documentary says that some high up Nazi’s followed a religion written about by Helena Blavatsky. Blavatsky started the Theosophical Society. The religion had something to do with Priest Kings. I’ve never read anything by Blavatsky but I wonder if she wrote about a fictional history/religion that mirrored reality as a way to expose the truth. Like Claudius Ptolemy wrote fictional science (not science fiction) People do it this way because ‘you can’t say that’ Danger Will Robinson The documentary also points out that mental patients were the first group the Nazi’s exterminated. They killed about 100,000 before the war even started. But maybe they’ll never come out of the closet and you have nothing to worry about. “I got mine screw you” the rallying cry of Fascists.
"May the force be with you" As in 'force these people to see themselves for what they are'. Dracula can't stand to see himself in a mirror. "You’re a sacrificial suicide,…..like a dog that's been sodomized….." East Jesus Nowhere – Green Day (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin) OU812
I'm a Pope Slug and I'm OK,…..I sleeps all night and I kills all day.....
songs with 'New Religion' in them
"And the cops of the New Religion..."
East Jesus Nowhere
Green Day
East Jesus Nowhere
Green Day
"Amended his decision to the New Religion.."
Success Story
The Who
Success Story
The Who
Why don’t you form a group to save the world. Oh you did !!! It’s the 'Lets Get Rid Of Phil Group'.
"Everybody thinks I give a shit..."
Everybody Wants To Rule The World
Tears For Fears
Everybody Wants To Rule The World
Tears For Fears
signed It's A Sickness And You’re All Germs
June 5, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
On Saturday I went to the library. I took out 3 documentaries. “The History Of The Occult And The Third Reich”, “OutFoxed: Rupert Murdochs War On Journalism” and “Frontline: February 27 2007 Newswar Special Series”. Didn’t learn anything about the Nazi’s. The other 2 are about what some have termed “The Government Media Complex”. Journalism in this country has become completely worthless. In fact it’s part of the problem. I think in a world of total surveillance, mind control, government media complex and secret censorship everyone must be a citizen journalist. You can’t turn to anyone unless you trust them implicitly. In any one persons life this would only be a handful of people. If you discover the fact that there is something seriously wrong with the world you have to investigate it yourself.
P.S. Sunday I did some laundry. The laundry is in the basement. You have to ask for the key every time you want to go down there. Staff gives you the house set which also has a spare key marked “Phil” on them. When I went to get things out of the dryer I locked my room. When I was in the basement I had the house set with me. I think someone went into my room. Conclusion. Someone has a key to my room that isn’t authorized. I am not going to complain to staff because I figure they don’t care.
June 2, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I had a real bright idea this morning while on my morning coffee run. Though some people may not think it’s so bright, they want to blow this planet up and start over. I figure the minute I come up with these things someone else has it so I just spit it out on the internet. Coal is mostly carbon. Carbon is an element on the periodic table. We are running out of coal. I have in the past proposed a methane silo for collecting methane and distributing it for heating homes. Methane is CH4. One atom of carbon and 4 atoms of hydrogen. Suppose someone came up with a process to strip the hydrogen from methane and leave just carbon. Then combine the carbon with some sort of bio-material and you would create synthetic coal. ?????
May 31, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I am always looking for ways to defeat synthetic telepathy. The ability to read a persons mind electronically. In the past I have proposed a necklace that acts as an antenna. The necklace is attached to a pocket sized device that can be carried around. The device produces a signal that is very close to whatever 'synthetic telepathy' is sensing and puts that signal on the antenna to make it difficult to 'pick up' the actual signal. I don't know what they're picking up so I don't know what to design. Last night I wanted to find a image of sub vocal speech, or as some call it 'silent talk'. When you're alone you talk to yourself. This produces small signals. This may be what they're picking up. It may be very close to actual speech. I found an open source project called HTK. They use what are called Hidden Markov Models (HMM) for speech recognition software. They have a free book if you register. I think you could mimic the signal with a small number of discrete analog parts and use the necklace as an antenna. I couldn't get an image but it might be possible to generate one with a throat microphone. Throat microphones can be bought on Amazon. Connect it somehow to an oscilloscope. Below is a picture of a long piece of Viking weave I made with an electrical connector on one end. NASA had a program to investigate 'silent talk' quite some time ago. You can Google 'NASA silent talk' and get the article.
I eventually got an image of speech. (see below) I thought I would try to design a circuit to mimic that. The first thing is to design a VCO (voltage controlled oscillator) and vary the frequency with an avalanche noise circuit. A VCO will output a sine wave with a frequency that depends on a voltage applied to an input. VCO's can be purchased off the shelf but I will try to design my own. That output will be attenuated, or not amplified, and fed into a BJT transistor. The output of the transistor will be an amplified version of the input. The base of the BJT will also connect to another BJT that will ground the base, effectively shutting the transistor off, and be driven by another avalanche noise circuit. This alters the output to mimic a typical audio signal. (see block diagram)
There are different types of transistor oscillators. Tuned Collector, Colpitts, Hartley, Phase Shift, Wien Bridge and Crystal. Many can be built with a minimum of parts. They can be made a VCO with a varactor. A varactor is a diode that changes it's capacitance when the voltage across it changes. (Cv in circuit below) The idea is to drive the varactor with an avalanche diode noise circuit. (next picture)
Hammond Mfg is the most popular company for enclosures. I believe they make an EMI enclosure made of EMI absorbent but if they don't you can line the entire cavity with EMI absorbent material.
I think it's possible to make a random digital generator out of an avalanche noise circuit. You could feed the output into a op amp comparator with hysteresis.
The picture below is a cable splitter. If you have cable TV in your house and it’s on more than one set you have one of these. It ‘splits’ the signal so it can be used by more than one TV. On May 15 2007 the San Diego PBS station (KPBS) did a Frontline story titled “Spying On The Home Front”. In it they cited a case in San Francisco where AT&T had allowed the NSA to install a NARUS STA 6400 splitter in an internet room and it was siphoning off everything. It’s possible it’s the same thing only the size of a refrigerator. I wonder if there is a NARUS splitter in every communication building in this country. If so destroy it. Then turn the communication building into a Faraday cage to prevent wireless intrusion.