Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, www.philipnute.com and it's companion website www.zsezse.com, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
George Orwell
Beginning of Actual Blog
June 1, 2019
Philip Nute
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
When I was young I learned this interesting fact of how some tribes in Africa catch monkeys. They find a tree thats hollow at the bottom and has a small opening. Not too big not too small. They place a pile of peanuts in the tree so they can be seen from the opening. Then they hide in bushs nearby. Monkeys come along and grab for the peanuts but they can't get their hand out of the tree as long as their hand is closed. It won't fit through the opening. If they let go of the peanuts they go free. The hunter grabs the monkey as quickly as possible. This has something to do with the patent office.
Socialism equals capitalism minus monopoly. When ever a human settlement reaches a certain number of people (I'll say 1000 arbitrarily) a dynamic happens: job specialization. That is, every member of that settlement can't produce every thing he or she needs. Some people make shoes, others bake bread etc. At that time the settlement must decide how to distribute the product to everyone. I think there are at least 2 known systems. One is a monetary system and the other is some type of communal arrangement where every person who contributes is entitled to share the produce. Free trade, communism. Fascism could be defined as "Screw you I got mine there isn't too much for everyone". capitalism is a rallying cry. It's people playing monopoly with funny money. The people at the top are not concerned with the welfare of everyone. Socialism is somewhere in between. I see no reason why small sections of every city couldn't be set up as communes to receive people displaced by free trade.
My stupidvision is currently reporting several sex scandals. The 'real problem' likes sex crimes. I don't know why. In Chicago someone named R. Kelly has been accused by dozens of women. This one has gone on for years but never gets to court. Harvey Weinstein in Los Angeles is some sort of movie mogul. In Massachusetts we have Kevin Spacey. He's accused of groping someone in a bar on Nantucket. I wonder sometimes if someone is just trying to say something they would never put on TV. Yesterday they aired a quote from a Kevin Spacey movie titled "The Usual Suspects". It went "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled off was convincing people he didn't exist". Noam Chompsky lives on Nantucket (I think). He wrote the book "Manufactured Consent" about the media in America. (just sayin)
June 6, 2019
Philip Nute
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Avro Manhattan (most of this I copied from Wikipedia)
Avro Manhattan born April 6, 1914 to American and Swiss Dutch parents of Jewish extraction, Manhattan was originally known as "Teofilo Lucifero Gardini" in his early days in Italy. Before his exile, Manhattan was known to spend his summers at the home of the artist, Paolo Troubetzkoy.
Known books by Manhattan
The Rumbling of the Apocalypse (1934)
Towards the New Italy (Preface by H.G. Wells) (1943)
Latin America and the Vatican (1946)
The Catholic Church Against the Twentieth Century (1947; 2nd edition 1950)
The Vatican in Asia (1948)
Religion in Russia (1949)
Vatican in World Politics (1949)
Catholic Imperialism and World Freedom (1952; 2nd edition 1959)
Terror Over Yugoslavia, the Threat to Europe (1953)
The Dollar and the Vatican (1956)
Vatican Imperialism in the Twentieth Century (1965)
The Vatican-Moscow-Washington Alliance (1982)
The Vatican Billions (1983)
Catholic Terror in Ireland (1988)
Vietnan... Why Did We Go? The Shocking Story of the Catholic "Church's" Role in Starting the Vietnam War (1984)
Murder in the Vatican' American Russian and Papal Plots(1985)
The Vatican's Holocaust (1986)
The Dollar and the Vatican (1988)
The Rumbling of the Apocalypse (1934)
Towards the New Italy (Preface by H.G. Wells) (1943)
Latin America and the Vatican (1946)
The Catholic Church Against the Twentieth Century (1947; 2nd edition 1950)
The Vatican in Asia (1948)
Religion in Russia (1949)
Vatican in World Politics (1949)
Catholic Imperialism and World Freedom (1952; 2nd edition 1959)
Terror Over Yugoslavia, the Threat to Europe (1953)
The Dollar and the Vatican (1956)
Vatican Imperialism in the Twentieth Century (1965)
The Vatican-Moscow-Washington Alliance (1982)
The Vatican Billions (1983)
Catholic Terror in Ireland (1988)
Vietnan... Why Did We Go? The Shocking Story of the Catholic "Church's" Role in Starting the Vietnam War (1984)
Murder in the Vatican' American Russian and Papal Plots(1985)
The Vatican's Holocaust (1986)
The Dollar and the Vatican (1988)
"Everybody wants to rule the world..."
Everybody Wants To Rule The World
Tears For Fears
(what he should have said is it's the same people all the time but the illiteration wouldn't have worked)
Everybody Wants To Rule The World
Tears For Fears
(what he should have said is it's the same people all the time but the illiteration wouldn't have worked)
Bide your time till something touches it off!!! Maggot filth. You don't have the courage of your convictions. Oh I'm sorry your convictions are "Money...get back...I'm alright Jack keep your hands off my stack......" "One of these days I'm gonna cut you into little pieces..." (thats the universal mind talking) Doesn't take a genius to come up with some solutions. Outlaw prosthletizing. No longer recognize the soverieghty of the Vatican. Have the Italian government take the Vatican and arrest the lot of them for something. Take away some of thier property. Would the American government allow the Soviet Union to own as much property in America during the Cold War as the Vatican does today? Kick them out of the UN. It's like a mold that gets into your house.
I thought this was interesting. (below) I copied it from the Encyclopedia Britannica. I was looking for information on Mexican haciendas, a form of European social order similar to feudalism. It was in the article on North America. Feudalism is what Orwell refers to as "heirarchal society".
The policies of the colonizers
Spanish policy
Colonial policies strongly affected the evolving human patterns of North America. It often is stated that Spanish interests centred around God and goldthe Christianizing of the Indians and quick wealth from precious metalsbut this is an overstatement. The Spanish also were deeply involved in the land, which they developed into huge haciendas (estates) that were worked by tenants or by direct labour in the form of serfs or peons. As a result of this policy, few European settlers were drawn to the lands ruled by Spain, although it did introduce a competent entrepreneurial and professional group into North Americamine owners and operators, proprietors of the haciendas, merchants, administrators, and priests but few members of the middle and working classes. Little manufacturing was established; and, even though towns were important, they functioned mainly as centres for trade and services. Descendants of the Spanish remain as an elite class in the area colonized by their ancestors.
French policy
The policy of France was much the same, even though the physical conditions of their territories prevented creation of large estates or mining operations. The first Frenchmen on the continent were mostly entrepreneurs interested in the lucrative fur trade who hired Indians to collect and carry furs from the hinterland to the French trading posts. The French opposed, sometimes forcefully, extensive European agricultural settlement. The royal government, however, believed it essential to have a strong European population base in its new holdings. Consequently, it gave large seigneuries, or grants, to landed proprietors who promised to bring in settlers, clear the forest, and develop the country. The seigneurs arrived with the traditional French ideas of tenant farming, a system under which the seigneury was divided into small parcels, each paying rent for the land. Like the Spanish, few of the French wished to live in the New World under Old World conditions. As a consequence, when the British took over from the French in Canada in 1763, there were only about 80,000 French settlers in Acadia and Quebec, whereas the British on the continent then numbered between 2,000,000 and 3,000,000. The French, however, had been there for more than 150 years; and, since their language, religion, school system, and laws were tolerated by the British, the French Canadians were able to retain their identity. The people of French origin now account for about one-fourth of Canadas population and are firmly entrenched in the province of Quebec, with sizable communities in New Brunswick and Ontario and smaller outliers in the western provinces. They form a distinctly Latin element within the Anglo-American realm, and, indeed, many Qubcois yearn for an independent French-speaking nation based in Quebec.
British policy
British policy promoted, with considerable success, the large-scale settlement of its colonies in North America by freemen seeking land of their own, businessmen trying to found new enterprises, mill owners, craftsmen, professionals, and workers eager to make the most of their own skills, as well as political and religious refugees and landlords intent upon exploiting their grants. The British colonies, therefore, attracted many settlers from the British Isles (including the Irish) with a wide range of competence. The British also opened their colonies to non-British Europeans, notably the Dutch and Swedes and such religious minorities as the French Huguenots and the Mennonites and other dissenting groups from Germany. Under the Hanoverian regime in Britain, many German mercenaries also were settled. In the 19th century the British opened the Canadian west to Germans, Scandinavians, Ukrainians, and Poles on a large scale and later accepted Chinese, East Indians, and other settlers.
U.S. policy
The newly independent United States continued and expanded British colonial immigration policy. Provisions for landownership were even more generous, andespecially after the Southern plantation system and chattel slavery were abolishedopportunities for capitalist manufacturing and trade increased dramatically. The nation welcomed virtually all immigrants from Europe in the belief that the United States would become, at least for whites, the melting pot of the world and thus in a sense develop what the historian Frederick Jackson Turner called a new race of men. A major influx did not materialize until the 1830s, when massive numbers of British, Irish, and Germans began entering, to be joined after the Civil War by streams of Scandinavians and then groups from eastern and southern Europe and the Russian Empire; in addition, small numbers came from the Middle East, China, and Japan.
A decline n immigration from northwestern Europe and concerns over the problems of assimilating so many people from other areas prompted the passage in the 1920s of legislation restricting immigration. Since 1970, however, there has again been a liberalization in immigration policy and a striking change in the demographic makeup of the new immigrants, with large numbers now coming from Latin America, the West Indies, and East and South Asia; significant numbers also come from Europe, Canada, and the Middle East. The number of documented (legal) and undocumented (illegal) immigrants may approach 1 million per year, the great majority of whom are destined for urban centres. In total, somewhat more than 50 million people have migrated to the United States in the span of two centuries, which far outnumbers population movements to any other part of the world.
(It's not the slavery behind us anyone needs to worry about) "Lets do the time warp again...."
This is what the encyclopedia has on hacienda.
in Spanish America, a large landed estate, one of the traditional institutions of rural life. Originating in the colonial period, the hacienda survived in many places late into the 20th century. Labourers, ordinarily Indians, who worked for hacendados (landowners) were theoretically free wage earners, but in practice their employers were able to bind them to the land, especially by keeping them in an indebted state; by the 19th century probably up to a half of the rural population of Mexico was thus entangled in the peonage system. The counterparts of the hacienda in the Ro de la Plata (Argentina and Uruguay) region and in Brazil are the estancia and the fazenda, respectively. Hacendados constituted a squirarchy, in whose hands were the reins of local government. In Bolivia until 1952, hacendados had retained many of the privileges inherited from colonial times, and the same has been true in 20th-century Ecuador. In Mexico many of the great estates were broken up as a result of the Mexican Revolution of 1911.
"Sixteen tons and what do you get .....another day older and deeper in dept...."
Man does not live in balance with nature when he has a banking system that makes something out of nothing. Capitalism minus Monopoly equals Socialism. A banking system could be set up where every city and town has its own. Each city or town could print currency equal to $50,000 per year per citizen based on a yearly census. This would creat not too much not too little and help man live in balance.
signed Sister Creosote Is Back
June 13, 2019
Philip Nute
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
G. Wells was a famous writer of fiction such as "War Of The Worlds", "The Invisible Man", "The Time Machine" and "The Island Of Dr Moreau". He was also a member of the Fabian Society and wrote extensively about politics. Some of his books are:
The Great State (1912)
The War and Socialism (1915)
What is Coming? (1916)
Socialism and the Scientific Motive (1923)
The Way the World is Going (1928)
The Open Conspiracy (a.k.a. What Are We To Do With Our Lives?) (1928)
The Science of Life (1930) with Julian S. Huxley and G. P. Wells
After Democracy (1932)
The Fate of Homo Sapiens (a.k.a. The Fate of Man) (1939)
The New World Order (1939)
The War and Socialism (1915)
What is Coming? (1916)
Socialism and the Scientific Motive (1923)
The Way the World is Going (1928)
The Open Conspiracy (a.k.a. What Are We To Do With Our Lives?) (1928)
The Science of Life (1930) with Julian S. Huxley and G. P. Wells
After Democracy (1932)
The Fate of Homo Sapiens (a.k.a. The Fate of Man) (1939)
The New World Order (1939)
Viktor Novak (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Viktor Novak (4 February 1889, Donja Stubica 1 January 1977, Belgrade), was a Yugoslav historian, professor at the University of Belgrade and full member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU), and a corresponding member of the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts (JAZU).
Viktor Novak (4 February 1889, Donja Stubica 1 January 1977, Belgrade), was a Yugoslav historian, professor at the University of Belgrade and full member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU), and a corresponding member of the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts (JAZU).
While working at the University of Zagreb, Novak, an ethnic Croat, was frequently attacked by Croatian nationalists for his balanced approach to the history of South Slavs and for his pan-Slavic Yugoslavist persuasion. From 1920 to 1924 he held the chair of Auxiliary Sciences of History at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb. Novak left his position there in 1924 to go to the University of Belgrade. Viktor Novak dedicated many years to the extensive research of clericalism and extreme nationalism among Roman Catholic Croats in Croatia, Slavonia and Dalmatia. He did extensive research on the cultural and political foundations of the Yugoslav movement in the nineteenth century (with works on key persons such as Josip Juraj Strossmayer, Franjo Racki, and Natko Nodilo), as well as on the relations between the reformer of the Serbian alphabet Vuk Stefanovic Karadic and members of the Croatian Illyrian movement.
In Belgrade Novak's writings represented a strict Yugoslav unitary concept. During the January 6 Dictatorship, Novak wrote his Antologija jugoslovenske misli i narodnog jedinstva (Anthology of Yugoslav Consciousness and National Unity). According to historian Ivan Muic, the work was an attempt to justify a newly conceived myth of a three-tribed nation and its ostensible united national consciousness which dates to the sixth century. Novak would write: The future generations, freed of atavistic woes, with the aid of conscious national education, can bear in their hearts one great and holy idea, which will safeguard the people from external and internal enemies. That idea is the Yugoslav idea alone. In Belgrade Novak was a member of the Yugoslav Cultural Club and wrote in its unofficial journal Vidici. Novak would write in Serbian ekavian while working in Belgrade.
Novak authored Magnum Tempus, Magnum Sacerdos and Magnum Crimen (The Great Crime a half-century of clericalism in Croatia), a trilogy about the Roman Catholic Church in Yugoslavia and its relation to the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, the Roman Curia, and the Croatian clerical nationalism including Ustashe supporters and World War II. From 1929 to 1959, he was a professor of Yugoslav history at the University of Belgrade. The Vatican Curia placed Magnum Crimen on their list of banned books Index librorum prohibitorum and named Viktor Novak "an enemy of Catholic Church"
As an ardent Yugoslav patriot and anti-fascist activist, Viktor Novak was during the Second World War arrested and spent some time in the Nazi detention camp at Banjica, near Belgrade.
After the Second World War, Novak continued teaching Yugoslav history and methodology of history at the Belgrade University. He was later elected to membership of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU; corresponding member in 1948 and full member in 1961) and was made head of the Department for Social Sciences of the Academy (196669). Novak was among founders and first director of the History Institute of SANU (Istorijski institut SANU) from 1947 to 1954. He was also praised for his books on Latin paleography, which are considered to be seminal works on the subject in Serbian historiography.
Magnum Crimen, which is considered the main source of first-hand accounts of close relations between Croatian clericalism and pro-Nazi Croatian Ustashas, that led to the genocide against the Serbs, Jews and Roma in the 194145 Independent State of Croatia, was first published in 1948, and again in an abridged version in 1960 in Sarajevo. The 1948 edition, reprinted several times in Belgrade after 1986, was highly acclaimed as a masterpiece left in oblivion.
The English edition of his magnum opus Magnum Crimen was completed eventually in 2011 and published in two volumes on more than 1,300 pages, with two chapters that were omitted from the first edition in 1948, due to the communist censorship.
Viktor Novak was decorated with the Order of St. Sava bestowed by the Serbian Orthodox Church.
Selected works
Novak, Viktor (2011). Magnum Crimen: Half a Century of Clericalism in Croatia. 1. Jagodina: Gambit.
Novak, Viktor (2011). Magnum Crimen: Half a Century of Clericalism in Croatia. 2. Jagodina: Gambit.
Novak, Viktor (2011). Magnum Crimen: Half a Century of Clericalism in Croatia. 1. Jagodina: Gambit.
Novak, Viktor (2011). Magnum Crimen: Half a Century of Clericalism in Croatia. 2. Jagodina: Gambit.
Edmond Paris also wrote books criticizing the church. Two of his books are: "The Vatican Against Europe" and "Genocide In Satellite Croatia".
When I was a kid I had a tropical fish tank. I grew up after they started putting flouride in the water. The instructions that came with it said to fill it completely with water then wait 48 to 72 hours before putting any fish in. Oil and water don't mix. This is true for many chemicals. The reason for waiting was that many chemicals harmful to the fish would separate and escape into the atmosphere. You were supposed to do this every time you added water. Fill a gallon jug then leave the cap off for 48 to 72 hours before adding it to the tank. My reason for bringing this up is this. Carbonated beverages must have the top on or they will go flat. I bought some nasty Shaws brand soda today and I am trying to see if leaving the cap off will help.
In the past I have have said that any art, literature, music, movies or poetry produced by Western Civilization since the Protestant Reformation thats worth a damn is all about the same thing. Exactly what that is isn't easy to say. I'll start with Michael Savage who says "Liberalism is mental disorder". Too much chickenshit over too long a period of time. (see above) The best movies made in the 1960's 70's and 80's are mostly about pathetic people who can't get along and are sex craved. This is a short list: "Midnight Cowboy", "Scarecrow", "Five Easy Pieces", "The Last Picture Show", "The Last Detail", etc etc etc.
You can't miss what you never had. You cant want what you have no concept of. Maybe they should pass out samples when you're 5 or 6 or until you're 12. Thirty years of Ironman, 17 years of being chased around by Psychotology and 15 years of not growing up. All I got is reasons for getting even.
June 18, 2019
Philip Nute
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I think people enter my room when I'm not there. I also think they enter when I am there sometimes. They can monitor when a person is in deep R.E.M. and ensure they dont wake up. They can make sure you had some good food during the day and would be more likely to remain asleep. Mechanical locks are useless. Any mechanical lock can be picked very easily. Protecting yourself with a digital video recorder (DVR) might help but they will know where it is and any passwords you use to protect the pictures. This is an idea to help with that. It's a USB thumb drive with a program that generates a different random password every time it's used. The end of the drive is irregular like a key so it will fit into only one lock. If the size of the electronic memory is extremely limited it would prevent any viruses or malware getting on it.
Powering the lock could be done a couple ways. Most doors are exposed to daylight during the day so a small voltaic cell could be used. If the size of any electronics in the lock were kept to a minimum a battery could be used in the USB itself. Maybe it too could be powered by a voltaic cell.
The picture below is the method I currently use while I am home. I put a stick under the door knob and stick some cans hung from wire in the door. They do make electronic door alarms but anything electronic can be messed with. This probably includes this idea but theres no harm trying to come up with something. I think if someone tried they could up with a 2 or 3 tier mechanical lock and combine it with a USB stick.
A multiple tier lock is pictured below. There are 3 irregular edges that act as keys. Each tier turns the lock 90 degrees. Each tier has a separate random password. Both the edge and password must be exact. A plate would cover the next tier to prevent a lock pick. If each filiment (I'm not sure if thats what it's called) were housed in a separate square housing an ordinary lock pick wouldnt work. If fact might help with locks already being used.
Using a random password generator on a computer is much more difficult. If someone does get in they can leave viruses or something. You then use your computer to talk to some one else and their computer gets hacked. My attempts to secure my computers have been a failure. I build the desktops I use.I always buy a motherboard without wifi but who really knows. The last 2 I built I used Lian-Li all aluminum cases so when its grounded to earth it acts like a Faraday Cage. The last room I had before this one had a problem with the ground at the panel. I think someone prepared the way before I got there. I dont feel comfortabe going into panels. I think they can get in over any USB connection. They can zero in on the wire and input anything they want. If you have a driver for a wifi card or device they can access it through any USB wire hooked up. Most laptops come with built in wifi capability that can't be physically removed. When I had cable I put an RJ45 female to female connector inline so I could physically disconnect the computer from the internet.
Time to pay the piper.
Blowbacks a bitch.
"Don't pay the ferryman....dont even fix a price.....dont pay the ferryman...until he gets you to the other side"
This is a further explanation of the ideas presented in "Name That Tune" for disconnecting someone from RFID and neural implants. It would make sense if the RFID was located under the scalp equidistant between the 2 ears. This way it could communicate with either ear. In the book "Microwave Hearing Effect And Applications" by James C Lin he points out it takes an extremely small power level to effect communication. An RFID could be powered by the EMI all around us and then convert any data sent by satellite to audible microwave. The idea in "Name That Tune" is to locate the chip under the scalp by just feeling for it with your fingers. Then place a piece of wood, or any hard object, on it then hit the object with a hammer to break the chip.
To disconnect someone from a neural implant is a little more dangerous. If you dont have $500 for a TASER this might work. Cut a lamp cord to a length of about 12 inches. Solder an electrode to each wire. Hot and neutral. Find a wall outlet that is as high as your head. When you do this you are going to fall down. Thats the idea. When you fall down you will automatically disconnect yourself from the AC so you wont get hooked and electrocute yourself. Ive been "hooked" on AC before and it's not fun. The electrodes will act like an ECT machine. Like Jack Nicholson in "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest" "a little dab il do ya...". Put some conductive fluid on your temples. DONT DO THIS ALONE JUST TO BE EXTRA SAFE!!
June 24, 2019
Philip Nute
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I am learning about Simon Magus. He was an early Gnostic. I found his name while studying about the early church. Gnosticism was a heresy before the Nicene Creed along with Arianism and Pelagianism and others. The church never fought Gnosticism. I wonder why. According to the encyclopedia Britannica church doctrine was developed in response to Gnosticism. This includes dualism. The word gnostic means secret. A Gnostic had secret knowledge. I bet that knowledge was the truth. This is why the church never went after them. Simon Magus was called a magician. But I think thats what the church is. Priests never abandoned magic as religion developed into myth and mysticism. Now priests have incorporated science. The problem is getting worse.Magus wrote something titled "Pistus Sophia".