Solar Power Heating and Energy System
This is a solar power heating and energy system thats employs photo voltaic panels, hydrogen fuel cell technology and automobile rear window defogger technology. Photo voltaic panels are built into or placed on the roof. Energy generated during the day is used to separate water into hydrogen and oxygen by electrolosis. Hydrogen and oxygen is recombined at night and during cloudy periods with a fuel cell to produce electricity. Automobile rear window technology is used to clear snow from panels during the winter. Hot water is produced where it is needed by electricity instead of storing it in a tank. This also reduces the amount of plumbing needed.
The heaters above could also be used to preheat conventional furnaces or some other heat source. This approach could be used to get people to buy the panels and system while improvements are made to the electronics.
Part of the problem with solar panels is they won't work with snow covering them. My idea is to apply the automobile rear window defogger to a solar panel to melt snow. Rear window defoggers use electricity to melt ice and snow.
Solar technology is very expensive. Photo voltaic panels produce DC voltage. It must be converted to AC using solid state electronics. This is where it gets expensive. The VCR (video cassette recorder) was the precursor to the DVD player. When it first came out in the 1970's they cost $500. It took 7 or 8 years to reduce the price by improving the manufacture of the unit and componants. This is how capitalism is supposed to work. Competition drives the price lower. Personal computers have gone the same route. So have many other things. There is no reason the electronics associated with solar energy can't do the same. Another one of my ideas accomplishes this. See below.
Two Improved PCB Processes
These two ideas are possible replacements for the old way of manufacturing blank printed circuit boards. I sent these ideas to Intel in Santa Clara, CA in Aug 2005. (hurricane Katrina)
The old way of making blank printed circuit boards require alot of chemicals and machinery. Chemicals include acids, electroplating solutions and photoresist. The processes include photography, ultraviolet light, etching with acids, drilling holes, and electroplating. It's dirty, time consuming and inexact. Componants must be added later with different machines. Many of the chemicals are oil based. It is very labor intensive. Companies some times employ hundreds of people to inspect the boards for shorts and opens.
The top three pictures are examples. The top picture is an artwork. The artwork must be converted to a photo negative. A blank board with a thin layer of copper is then covered with photo-resist. The negative is placed on top exposed to ultra-violet light etc. The second picture is a board without the componants and the third with.
The bottom five pictures are my ideas. In one idea a cutting bit cuts the connections. Connections are passed from bottom to top by inserting and soldering wire. The other idea is to spread a conductive substance around with a computer. The advantages are many. Faster manufacturing time, less cost, fewer chemicals and more exact. R and D can be sped up.
Methane Silo
Every check that goes out the door at the end of the month is another link in the ball and chain of our system. Reducing energy costs for small businesses and small business owners would do more to help the economy than one tax cut bill for ExxonMobil. It would help to break up these big companies. It used to be that people understood that being your boss was much better than working for a big company. There is no crime in owning a small ice cream shop or shoe factory. The fact that a large factory would require a lot of these is actually a plus. It would help ensure the business stays small.
Methane Silo. Methane is a naturally occuring gas produced by the decay of organic material such as animal waste or plants. It is a fossil fuel like oil propane or butane. It can be used to produce mechanical or electrical power. It's chemical formula is CH4. One atom of carbon and 4 atoms of hydrogen. Like any gas it is best transported by pipeline or used where it is produced. Some attempts to harness methane involve laying out plant material in large sealed buildings and collecting it as the material decays. (see picture below) One problem with this is the material must be turned over every so often to help the material decay. As the material decays it gives off less and less methane. A methane silo eliminates the need to do this. A methane silo works as any silo by gravity. The material is fed into the top and comes out the bottom. The difference is a methane silo would have long tubes of screen inside the silo to help expose the material to the air to help it decay and give off methane. This eliminates the need to turn it.
a horizontal methane collection building
a vertical farm silo
Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...

Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, and it's companion website, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
Beginning of Actual Blog
March 31, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
MK-Ultra The Controllers
by Martin Cannon
Advanced Neural Implants and Control
by Daryl R Kipke DARPA
Adolph and the MCA
Lenny Bruce
March 30, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
MK-Ultra The Controllers
by Martin Cannon
Advanced Neural Implants and Control
by Daryl R Kipke DARPA
The Dollfuss File
Engelbert Dollfuss was an Austrian Christian Social and Patriotic Front statesman. Serving previously as Minister for Forests and Agriculture, he ascended to Federal Chancellor of Austria in 1932 in the midst of a crisis for the conservative government. In early 1933, he shut down parliament, banned the Austrian Nazi party and assumed dictatorial powers. Suppressing the Socialist movement in February 1934, he cemented the rule of “austrofascism” through the authoritarian First of May Constitution. Dollfuss was assassinated as part of a failed coup attempt by Nazi agents in 1934. His successor Kurt Schuschnigg maintained his regime until Adolf Hitler's annexing of Austria in 1938. Dollfuss modeled Austrofascism after Italian fascism juxtaposed to Catholic corporatism and anti-secularism, dropping Austrian pretences of reunification with Germany as long as the Nazi Party remained in power. In August 1933, Mussolini's government issued a guarantee of Austrian independence. Dollfuss also exchanged 'Secret Letters' with Benito Mussolini about ways to guarantee Austrian independence. Mussolini was interested in Austria forming a buffer zone against Nazi Germany. Dollfuss always stressed the similarity of the regimes of Hitler in Germany and Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union, and was convinced that Austrofascism and Italian fascism could counter totalitarian national socialism and communism in Europe. Dollfuss's opposition to Hitler, along with other's in Europe, may have prompted him to investigate Hitler's background. The Dollfuss file is often cited as the source for identifying Hitler's true name as Adolph Shickelgruber. '...and Lenny Bruce is not afraid....'
March 29, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
MK-Ultra The Controllers
by Martin Cannon
Advanced Neural Implants and Control
by Daryl R Kipke DARPA
If everyone on earth got up some day and tried to shoot dead someone who works for the catholic church, the world would be safe for humanity by noon.
CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS War is it's own greatest deterrent. Invisible war (secret fascism) never ends.
When I was a kid it was always fun to receive a chain letter. I don't exactly remember what the purpose was, it might have varied. When you got one you were supposed to copy it and send it to ten or more of your friends or ten anonymous people. The letter could go on for months and reach thousands of people. Today it could be done with email. The file below is what I have been sending for the past few months. My email doesn't last very long, they shut it off. So if you would like to be free like me send one of the files below to ten anonymous people. The idea is to drive people to my website. Or your website if you want. I declare everything on this website (including all inventions) as public domain. Anyone can reproduce it in it's entirety anywhere without my permission.
The arch nemesis
Agent 86 and
TV series Get Smart
Rebellion is packaged
Religion is a club
Nobody move and nobody gets hurt
Rock N Roll is entertainment
Flash’s across the screen on U2's ZooTV Live from Sydney
Edward Lorenz
RIP April 2008
CHAOS theory
A Butterfly Can Flap It’s Wing’s In The Amazon And Cause A Typhon On The Other Side Of The World
(Papillon a movie starring Dustin Hoffman, papillon-butterfly in french literature)
March 27, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
MK-Ultra The Controllers
by Martin Cannon
Advanced Neural Implants and Control
by Daryl R Kipke DARPA
Pyramid Schemes and Secret Societies
On April 27, 1961 then Pres Kennedy gave a speech at the Wasldorf Astoria titled "The President and The Press". It came about 3 months after Eisenhowers Farewell Speech in which he warned of the military industrial complex and a week to ten days after the Bay of Pigs incident. He warns Americans of secret societies and a global conspiracy. I believe 3 of those secret societies are : The Freemasons, The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovahs Witness's) and The Order of Skull and Bones. I believe they were all started by, or benefit the same people. Exactly who those people are isn't known, that's why they're secret societies. I believe they all operate as pyramid schemes, that is, the people at the bottom think one thing and the people at the top think another. This is how they get the people at the bottom to do things they normally wouldn't.
The Freemasons had their beginning in Scotland in the 1700's. There are 33 levels to Freemasonry. A 33rd degree freemason is the highest level. These are the people who understand that, at the top, they're all the same thing. A few years ago I visited the grave of my grandfather. I had never been there. It is across the street from the New Bedford Vocational Technical High School. I had always been told there was no headstone, but there was one. My mother said it was placed there a few years before. It had a freemason symbol on it. I did not know my grandfather was a freemason, but I did know my grandmother was an Eastern Star, a womens branch. I don't know if there had to be a male member to be admitted to the Eastern Star. Like Philip Pirrup of Charles Dickens "Great Expectations" I believe I had an anonymous benefactor who put me on 'Easy St'. Someone spotted me as a 'jew' and my life was 'fated' like the song goes. (Behind Blue Eyes) You have to get the proletariat to kill the proletariat. The people at the bottom of the freemasons may have thought they were doing something to fight the evil capitalist system, but the people at the top knew the truth. What exactly that truth is I don't know. The same people are responsible for everything, my being 'jewed' and the subsequent cover-up. Old systems die hard.
The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (Jehovahs Witness's) were started by Charles Taze Russell sometime in the 1800's. He may have been related to the Russell's who started 'The Order of the Skull and Bones". Like Freemasonry it's a pyramid scheme. The people at the bottom think it's religious, and the people at the top think otherwise. I believe they are responsible for 'rolling stones', or wandering jews. Thier MO (modis operandi) follows Homer's 'The Iliad and The Odyssey". This is how the people at the top hide the truth from the people at the bottom. (religion is the opium of the mass's - Joseph Stalin) They harass someone until they 'run' and then play out 'The Odyssey'. The 'rolling stone' runs into the same set of characters each time. Whoever ends up with the 'rolling stones' property is the truly guilty party.
The 'Order Of The Skull And Bones' is a fraternity situated at Yale University in Connecticutt. It's founder and the founder of the Jehovahs Witness's may be related. Connecticutt is part of the tri-state area that includes New York (Empire State). The members of Skull and Bones may not actively participate in the activities of the Freemasons and Jehovahs Witness's but are aware of what they are and how they operate. They may help the people who do run those organizations and keep them in the dark at the same time. Another layer of the pyramid. No one in the Freemasons or Jehovahs Witness's would ever know the truth about The Order of Skull and Bones. Separating the various secret societies themselves helps to ensure secrecy. I tend to go off on the Catholic Church a lot. I believe ultimately this is where the secret societies end. Who shot John F Kennedy and why? The Kennedy's might have been a very carefully crafted lie to throw people off. They do this sort of thing. They probably had no clue. To listen to some of Kennedy's speech's he seems like a very nice person. The America I thought I was living in until a few years ago.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable"
John F Kennedy
"Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely"
Lord Acton
"All men can withstand adversity but to test a mans character give him power"
Abraham Lincoln
I understand the concept that power corrupts. Thomas Paine described the phenomena in his book "Common Sense". I think 50 or 60 little tyrannies run by people who aren't experts at it is an infinitely better situation than 1 global tyranny run by people who have been perfecting the art for 2000 years.
This is what happens when the human race perfects the power game.
Pick a religion, any religion, and apply it to the system.
When the western ancient world met the eastern ancient world.
Claudius Ptolemy
March 26, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
If everyone on earth got up some day and tried to shoot dead someone who works for the catholic church, the world would be safe for humanity by noon.
CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS War is it's own greatest deterrent. Invisible war (secret fascism) never ends.
When I was a kid it was always fun to receive a chain letter. I don't exactly remember what the purpose was, it might have varied. When you got one you were supposed to copy it and send it to ten or more of your friends or ten anonymous people. The letter could go on for months and reach thousands of people. Today it could be done with email. The file below is what I have been sending for the past few months. My email doesn't last very long, they shut it off. So if you would like to be free like me send one of the files below to ten anonymous people. The idea is to drive people to my website. Or your website if you want. I declare everything on this website (including all inventions) as public domain. Anyone can reproduce it in it's entirety anywhere without my permission.
The arch nemesis
Agent 86 and
TV series Get Smart
Rebellion is packaged
Religion is a club
Nobody move and nobody gets hurt
Rock N Roll is entertainment
Flash’s across the screen on U2's ZooTV Live from Sydney
Edward Lorenz
RIP April 2008
CHAOS theory
A Butterfly Can Flap It’s Wing’s In The Amazon And Cause A Typhon On The Other Side Of The World
(Papillon a movie starring Dustin Hoffman, papillon-butterfly in french literature)
I’ve seen videos where people put Mentos or Fizzies or Alka-Seltzer in an open 2 liter of Coke and it explodes. Soda, not diet, when it dries makes a sticky mess that is impossible to clean up. The sugar and caramel in Coke can render any machine useless if it is just poured into it and allowed to dry. My idea is for a Mentos bomb. No need to carry around a 2 liter bottle you can pick one up when you get close to the target, but have an extra cap. Glue a Mento, or whatever is used, to the inside of the cap but leave enough room for it to be put on a bottle so it is very tight. When you get to the target and have a fresh bottle, remove the cap and replace with the one you have glued. Throw at target.
Massachusetts has a bottle deposit law. You can get a nickel for every can or bottle you return. They don’t charge the nickel for every type of drink. Bottled water, for instance, isn’t returnable. The bottles are scattered all over the place. The process for returning is automated. The machines read the barcode on the bottle or can inserted into the machine and decides whether or not to give back the nickel. Not all machines take every bottle. If a store doesn’t sell liquor it won’t accept the bottles. Here’s the scam. Collect bottles that don’t have a deposit and place a sticker with a barcode that the machines will take and get a nickel. Barcode stickers can be printed on any PC.
Arnold Swarzenegger made a movie in the early 1980's titled 'The Running Man'. It was set in Los Angeles in the year 2017 after America collapsed. The basic premise of the movie is that 'The Running Man' is a game show. The contestant is hunted and killed and it is then aired weekly. The show is very popular among the cops. Another star of the movie was Richard Dawson. He played the game show host. He started his career as Newkirk on the 60's show 'Hogans Heroes'. After that he was the original host of the game show 'Family Fued'. His career ended in a storm of controversy. I don't know what it was about. The producer and director was Paul Michael Glaser. He starred in the 1970's TV series 'Starsky and Hutch'. It was a TV cop show. His wife Elizabeth Glaser died of AIDS. She contracted the disease from a transfusion. She was a media darling for years. Another star of 'Hogans Heroes' was Bob Crane. He played Hogan. After that show ended he got involved in pornography and was murdered after an affair with someone elses wife. His murder was a topic of controversy for many years.
MK-Ultra The Controllers
by Martin Cannon
Advanced Neural Implants and Control
by Daryl R Kipke DARPA
Geheimnis Tibet
In the 1930's the German Nazi's went to Tibet to look for the roots of Aryanism. They made a film titled "Geheimnis Tibet". I think they were trying to say that Western Civilization was roughly the same as Tibet in the way it is governed. Both have a hopelessly entrenched oligarchy supported by a religion. The Dalai Lama in the case of Tibet and Christianity in Western Civilization. Both are examples of the cruelty that occurs on the part of the power elite towards the people at the bottom. I believe by the time the film was made the Germans realized the church was partly responsible for the war and it was complete BS.
March 25, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
"Death is a Career Move"
I don't care what's next,
all I know is what I'm leaving behind,
maimed, tortured and tormented from the cradle to the grave by the germ race.
This is some ideas for fighting back or just causing trouble. Both involve knocking out the electric grid and trying to create a blackout. Everyone should have the largest room air conditioner possible. A window unit. Pick one of the hottest days of the year and blast it full tilt in a room it can't possibly cool making it work at it's absolute maximum. The idea is to overload the electric grid. If you don't want the electric bill, and who does, spend someone else's money. The pictures below are high power resistors. This idea is to make a dummy load and plug it in somewhere to just use power. These could be connected directly across the 120 AC. Mount it in an enclosure with a standard AC plug. Plug it in somewhere that you won't have to pay the bill. Suggestions on size. Most normal AC outlets are 10 amps 15 amps or 20 amps. Don't make it above 10 amps or it might just blow the breaker. Keeping it under 5 amps would probably be best. 25 ohms, 2000 watts or larger. At the very least you cost the owner of the outlet money.
The picture below is a substation. The rippled thing you see on top of the item in the center is an insulator. There are also some a little to the left. These are usually made of some type of glass or ceramic and can be broken by a high powered rifle. I don't know exactly what damage you would do. Some substations have a control box that has circuits in them. It too could be shot up with a rifle.
MK-Ultra The Controllers
by Martin Cannon
Advanced Neural Implants and Control
by Daryl R Kipke DARPA
If everyone on earth got up some day and tried to shoot dead someone who works for the catholic church, the world would be safe for humanity by noon.
CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS War is it's own greatest deterrent. Invisible war (secret fascism) never ends.
When I was a kid it was always fun to receive a chain letter. I don't exactly remember what the purpose was, it might have varied. When you got one you were supposed to copy it and send it to ten or more of your friends or ten anonymous people. The letter could go on for months and reach thousands of people. Today it could be done with email. The file below is what I have been sending for the past few months. My email doesn't last very long, they shut it off. So if you would like to be free like me send one of the files below to ten anonymous people. The idea is to drive people to my website. Or your website if you want. I declare everything on this website (including all inventions) as public domain. Anyone can reproduce it in it's entirety anywhere without my permission.
The arch nemesis
Agent 86 and
TV series Get Smart
Rebellion is packaged
Religion is a club
Nobody move and nobody gets hurt
Rock N Roll is entertainment
Flash’s across the screen on U2's ZooTV Live from Sydney
Edward Lorenz
RIP April 2008
CHAOS theory
A Butterfly Can Flap It’s Wing’s In The Amazon And Cause A Typhon On The Other Side Of The World
(Papillon a movie starring Dustin Hoffman, papillon-butterfly in french literature)
I’ve seen videos where people put Mentos or Fizzies or Alka-Seltzer in an open 2 liter of Coke and it explodes. Soda, not diet, when it dries makes a sticky mess that is impossible to clean up. The sugar and caramel in Coke can render any machine useless if it is just poured into it and allowed to dry. My idea is for a Mentos bomb. No need to carry around a 2 liter bottle you can pick one up when you get close to the target, but have an extra cap. Glue a Mento, or whatever is used, to the inside of the cap but leave enough room for it to be put on a bottle so it is very tight. When you get to the target and have a fresh bottle, remove the cap and replace with the one you have glued. Throw at target.
Massachusetts has a bottle deposit law. You can get a nickel for every can or bottle you return. They don’t charge the nickel for every type of drink. Bottled water, for instance, isn’t returnable. The bottles are scattered all over the place. The process for returning is automated. The machines read the barcode on the bottle or can inserted into the machine and decides whether or not to give back the nickel. Not all machines take every bottle. If a store doesn’t sell liquor it won’t accept the bottles. Here’s the scam. Collect bottles that don’t have a deposit and place a sticker with a barcode that the machines will take and get a nickel. Barcode stickers can be printed on any PC.
March 23, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
MK-Ultra The Controllers
by Martin Cannon
Advanced Neural Implants and Control
by Daryl R Kipke DARPA
March 21, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
MK-Ultra The Controllers
by Martin Cannon
Advanced Neural Implants and Control
by Daryl R Kipke DARPA
I Kings
Parallels between the last 500 years and the period from 700BC to 1AD as described in the Old Testament of the bible as I Kings. King David was old and dying so he was given a young virgin to comfort him. They never had sex. David had at least 2 wives and sons with those wives who could assume the throne. He ultimately left his kingdom to Soloman a son he had with Bathsheba. Another son by another wife attempted to take the throne by taking the virgin. Soloman had him killed. Soloman was considered very wise, he ruled for many years. He built Solomans Temple and Israel was at the height of it's power. As his rule progressed he drifted from God and came to worship false God's. Israel broke into two kingdoms because of Soloman's rule. Solomans descendents were despotic because they were not worshiping the right God. This included Ahab. Elijah was a prophet at the time. The last 500 years. Henry VIII married his brothers wife. The church allowed it because it was beleived Henry VII had never had sex with her. Henry VIII later wanted a divorce because she never bore him a son. He married and executed 5 wives before he died. The church broke in 2 and rulers became despotic. (Louis XIII, Bloody Mary) Chaos and hedonism reigned. And does to this day so the goal is to restore Solomans Temple. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Those who do learn from history can repeat it on purpose. (even if it's a BS story from the bible)
March 20, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
If everyone on earth got up some day and tried to shoot dead someone who works for the catholic church, the world would be safe for humanity by noon.
CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS War is it's own greatest deterrent. Invisible war (secret fascism) never ends.
When I was a kid it was always fun to receive a chain letter. I don't exactly remember what the purpose was, it might have varied. When you got one you were supposed to copy it and send it to ten or more of your friends or ten anonymous people. The letter could go on for months and reach thousands of people. Today it could be done with email. The file below is what I have been sending for the past few months. My email doesn't last very long, they shut it off. So if you would like to be free like me send one of the files below to ten anonymous people. The idea is to drive people to my website. Or your website if you want. I declare everything on this website (including all inventions) as public domain. Anyone can reproduce it in it's entirety anywhere without my permission.
The arch nemesis
Agent 86 and
TV series Get Smart
Rebellion is packaged
Religion is a club
Nobody move and nobody gets hurt
Rock N Roll is entertainment
Flash’s across the screen on U2's ZooTV Live from Sydney
Edward Lorenz
RIP April 2008
CHAOS theory
A Butterfly Can Flap It’s Wing’s In The Amazon And Cause A Typhon On The Other Side Of The World
(Papillon a movie starring Dustin Hoffman, papillon-butterfly in french literature)
I’ve seen videos where people put Mentos or Fizzies or Alka-Seltzer in an open 2 liter of Coke and it explodes. Soda, not diet, when it dries makes a sticky mess that is impossible to clean up. The sugar and caramel in Coke can render any machine useless if it is just poured into it and allowed to dry. My idea is for a Mentos bomb. No need to carry around a 2 liter bottle you can pick one up when you get close to the target, but have an extra cap. Glue a Mento, or whatever is used, to the inside of the cap but leave enough room for it to be put on a bottle so it is very tight. When you get to the target and have a fresh bottle, remove the cap and replace with the one you have glued. Throw at target.
Massachusetts has a bottle deposit law. You can get a nickel for every can or bottle you return. They don’t charge the nickel for every type of drink. Bottled water, for instance, isn’t returnable. The bottles are scattered all over the place. The process for returning is automated. The machines read the barcode on the bottle or can inserted into the machine and decides whether or not to give back the nickel. Not all machines take every bottle. If a store doesn’t sell liquor it won’t accept the bottles. Here’s the scam. Collect bottles that don’t have a deposit and place a sticker with a barcode that the machines will take and get a nickel. Barcode stickers can be printed on any PC.
"Let's face it, you can't talk him outta anything'
Billions for defense, not a penny for tribute
'Or would you take me for a ride....'
You know where I am, ALL THE TIME
Always helps to put a face on something. Let's count the number of references to 'rolling stones' in Rock N Roll. (which is probably a reference in itself)
I discovered yesterday the Faraday Cage I built around the Wi-Fi wasn't working. My solution is to replace the existing router with a router that does not have Wi-Fi. They still make them. If I need Wi-Fi for any reason I bought a stand alone access point that can be plugged into the router when needed. Most of the time I will leave it un-plugged.
The image below is a microwave tower. I think. Some of the tower's I have actually seen have a large disc assembly. It would be fairly easy to disable one of these with a high powered rifle.
MK-Ultra The Controllers
by Martin Cannon
Advanced Neural Implants and Control
by Daryl R Kipke DARPA
Pythagoras, Neopythagoreanism, Apeiron and The Amalgest
These are horses
This is a male horse
(I think)
This is a female horse
(I think)
Sometimes the male horses get a little too much gidyup in thier gedalong so they cut off thier n^%s.
They call it a gelding
(I think)
You can't do this to humans
(or at least you are not supposed to)
This is what the chickenshit cookbook could be used for.
(no one will ever know)
Was Claudius Ptolemy a real person? Or was it a pseudonym? Like Martin Luther King? He changed his name to screw the guilty. Is the word 'amalgest' derived from the same word as 'amalgam', a word for a mercury dental filling? Would it be a person who uses mercury for something? The ending to Moby Dick has Ishmael the only survivor. He floats on a coffin until 'The Rachael' rescues him.
March 19, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
'Who was born in a house full of pain.....'
Who was fitted with color and chains(pain)....
Who was ground down in the end..........

Pink Floyd
they live without hope...........'

Scarecrow-a not so friendly reminder for everyone else to show up on Sunday and work hard all week. Why would they 'fit him with color and chains'(pain)? So he doesn't know he's a scarecrow. Makes it all that more scary and helps to cover it up. Why should I 'hit the road'? I'm a scarecrow at home, I'm a scarecrow on the road. I'm semi-comfortable at home I won't be on the road. Why should I make my own situation worse? Doesn't that help my enemy? My life is ruined any which way. If I stay here I can sort of get back at them.
Is there a connection between Elijah, Jehohvah (Witness's), Capt Ahab, Moby Dick, Skull and Bones and 'The Odyssey' by Homer? My dictionary defines:
Elijah-a Hebrew prophet of the 9th century BC who according to the account in I Kings championed the worship of Jehohvah as against Baal.
Jehohvah-a false reading (mock) (as Yehohvah) of Heb (Yahweh)
Jehohvahs Witness-a member of a group that witness by distributing literature and by personal evangelism to beliefs in the theocratic rule of God, the sinfulness of organized religion and governments and an imminent millennium.
In the movie version of 'Moby Dick' a dishevled old man warns Ishmael of Capt Ahab and Elijah.
Was Claudius Ptolemy a real person?
MK-Ultra The Controllers
by Martin Cannon
Advanced Neural Implants and Control
by Daryl R Kipke DARPA
If everyone on earth got up some day and tried to shoot dead someone who works for the catholic church, the world would be safe for humanity by noon.
CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS War is it's own greatest deterrent. Invisible war (secret fascism) never ends.
When I was a kid it was always fun to receive a chain letter. I don't exactly remember what the purpose was, it might have varied. When you got one you were supposed to copy it and send it to ten or more of your friends or ten anonymous people. The letter could go on for months and reach thousands of people. Today it could be done with email. The file below is what I have been sending for the past few months. My email doesn't last very long, they shut it off. So if you would like to be free like me send one of the files below to ten anonymous people. The idea is to drive people to my website. Or your website if you want. I declare everything on this website (including all inventions) as public domain. Anyone can reproduce it in it's entirety anywhere without my permission.
The arch nemesis
Agent 86 and
TV series Get Smart
Rebellion is packaged
Religion is a club
Nobody move and nobody gets hurt
Rock N Roll is entertainment
Flash’s across the screen on U2's ZooTV Live from Sydney
Edward Lorenz
RIP April 2008
CHAOS theory
A Butterfly Can Flap It’s Wing’s In The Amazon And Cause A Typhon On The Other Side Of The World
(Papillon a movie starring Dustin Hoffman, papillon-butterfly in french literature)
I’ve seen videos where people put Mentos or Fizzies or Alka-Seltzer in an open 2 liter of Coke and it explodes. Soda, not diet, when it dries makes a sticky mess that is impossible to clean up. The sugar and caramel in Coke can render any machine useless if it is just poured into it and allowed to dry. My idea is for a Mentos bomb. No need to carry around a 2 liter bottle you can pick one up when you get close to the target, but have an extra cap. Glue a Mento, or whatever is used, to the inside of the cap but leave enough room for it to be put on a bottle so it is very tight. When you get to the target and have a fresh bottle, remove the cap and replace with the one you have glued. Throw at target.
Massachusetts has a bottle deposit law. You can get a nickel for every can or bottle you return. They don’t charge the nickel for every type of drink. Bottled water, for instance, isn’t returnable. The bottles are scattered all over the place. The process for returning is automated. The machines read the barcode on the bottle or can inserted into the machine and decides whether or not to give back the nickel. Not all machines take every bottle. If a store doesn’t sell liquor it won’t accept the bottles. Here’s the scam. Collect bottles that don’t have a deposit and place a sticker with a barcode that the machines will take and get a nickel. Barcode stickers can be printed on any PC.
A Rolling Stone is a Wandering Jew
Wobble Wobble Wobble The Earth is Shaped Like a Football
'And Lenny Bruce is not afraid....'
It's The End Of The World As We Know It
The Zodiac Killer was never caught. The Catholic Church only recently forgave Galileo for his opposing the church. Galileo proposed the theory that the earth revolved around the sun instead of the sun revolving around the earth. Or did he? Who adopted the Tropical Zodiac? The Romans? Isn't this what Galileo was proposing?
March 18, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
The 'Summer of Love' was genocide.
ROMAN Polanski was accused of a sex crime and allowed to escape to Europe.
The Zodiac killer was never caught.
MK-Ultra The Controllers
by Martin Cannon
Advanced Neural Implants and Control
by Daryl R Kipke DARPA
Phil's Really Bad Math or The Scottish Endarkenment
1 crazy king
(King Ptolemy)
(Claudius Ptolemy)
A lot of knowledge about slavery
Completely out of control ego
A money as debt, debt as money monetary system
The Patent Office
(Adam Smith's 'The Invisible Hand')
(or the carrot and stick)
Some Scarecrows
(what would you do with a brain if you had one?)
(for the little people cause they ain't gonna get nothin)
(aka The English Pig Dog)
(whipping boys)
One F-et up world
In regards to my question about the Zodiac Killer. The Catholic Church only recently forgave Galileo for his opposing the church. Galileo proposed the theory that the earth revolved around the sun instead of the sun revolving around the earth. Or did he? Who adopted the Tropical Zodiac? The Romans? Isn't this what Galileo was proposing?
March 17, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
I declare March 17, 2013 as International St Paddy Whack Day. If everyone on earth got up that day and tried to shoot dead someone who works for the catholic church, the world would be safe for humanity by noon.
CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS War is it's own greatest deterrent. Invisible war (secret fascism) never ends.
When I was a kid it was always fun to receive a chain letter. I don't exactly remember what the purpose was, it might have varied. When you got one you were supposed to copy it and send it to ten or more of your friends or ten anonymous people. The letter could go on for months and reach thousands of people. Today it could be done with email. The file below is what I have been sending for the past few months. My email doesn't last very long, they shut it off. So if you would like to be free like me send one of the files below to ten anonymous people. The idea is to drive people to my website. Or your website if you want. I declare everything on this website (including all inventions) as public domain. Anyone can reproduce it in it's entirety anywhere without my permission.
The arch nemesis
Agent 86 and
TV series Get Smart
Rebellion is packaged
Religion is a club
Nobody move and nobody gets hurt
Rock N Roll is entertainment
Flash’s across the screen on U2's ZooTV Live from Sydney
Edward Lorenz
RIP April 2008
CHAOS theory
A Butterfly Can Flap It’s Wing’s In The Amazon And Cause A Typhon On The Other Side Of The World
(Papillon a movie starring Dustin Hoffman, papillon-butterfly in french literature)
I’ve seen videos where people put Mentos or Fizzies or Alka-Seltzer in an open 2 liter of Coke and it explodes. Soda, not diet, when it dries makes a sticky mess that is impossible to clean up. The sugar and caramel in Coke can render any machine useless if it is just poured into it and allowed to dry. My idea is for a Mentos bomb. No need to carry around a 2 liter bottle you can pick one up when you get close to the target, but have an extra cap. Glue a Mento, or whatever is used, to the inside of the cap but leave enough room for it to be put on a bottle so it is very tight. When you get to the target and have a fresh bottle, remove the cap and replace with the one you have glued. Throw at target.
Massachusetts has a bottle deposit law. You can get a nickel for every can or bottle you return. They don’t charge the nickel for every type of drink. Bottled water, for instance, isn’t returnable. The bottles are scattered all over the place. The process for returning is automated. The machines read the barcode on the bottle or can inserted into the machine and decides whether or not to give back the nickel. Not all machines take every bottle. If a store doesn’t sell liquor it won’t accept the bottles. Here’s the scam. Collect bottles that don’t have a deposit and place a sticker with a barcode that the machines will take and get a nickel. Barcode stickers can be printed on any PC.
MK-Ultra The Controllers
by Martin Cannon
Advanced Neural Implants and Control
by Daryl R Kipke DARPA
March 16, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
This post should be taken with more than just a grain of salt. In fact everything on this website should. When you have Winston of 1984 fame at work in your life information is a problem. I do what I can to separate the wheat from the chaff but it's virtually impossible. Winston ocassionally picks a theme to convince me of the real problem. Lately it has had a black theme. The local Starbuck's has been having an 'Ode to Chocolate' event. A new black manager or clerk or whatever she is has appeared. Hi Jamalia. My mother has found an old drawing of a black panther she did in the 5th grade, she wants to frame it and hang it up. Today the CPAC meeting had some black neurosurgeon named Ben Carson speaking when I tuned in. Blah blah blah You get the picture. Cotton Mather (according to my info) played an important role in the Salem Witch trials of 1692. He was a preacher who was also a prolific writer. He began writing about witchcraft just before the trials and corresponded with the judges giving them advice. He continued writing after the trials until he died in the 1700's. Some of the information I have was he advocated the use of inoculations for smallpox in Boston during an outbreak. He used data he got from someone in Africa. So according to him the practice of innoculating for disease began in Africa. Some have suggested the source of my problems are related to mercury in innoculations. This, I guess is the connection they want me to make. The Africans are responsible for my problems. Or mercury. ( save you Mr Thorn {in my side} and so Christ will forgive me...) Maybe mercury was responsible for 'the possessions' of the witch's of Salem. Maybe European witch hunts were all mercury related. Like Gilles de Rais and Joan (John?) of Arc. Does this MO (motis operandi) sound familiar? Chickenshit someone so they can't make a living, run them out of town and steal the dead man's gold. Same sh&6 different century.
I declare March 17, 2013 as International St Paddy Whack Day. If everyone on earth got up that day and tried to shoot dead someone who works for the catholic church, the world would be safe for humanity by noon.
CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS War is it's own greatest deterrent. Invisible war (secret fascism) never ends.
When I was a kid it was always fun to receive a chain letter. I don't exactly remember what the purpose was, it might have varied. When you got one you were supposed to copy it and send it to ten or more of your friends or ten anonymous people. The letter could go on for months and reach thousands of people. Today it could be done with email. The file below is what I have been sending for the past few months. My email doesn't last very long, they shut it off. So if you would like to be free like me send one of the files below to ten anonymous people. The idea is to drive people to my website. Or your website if you want. I declare everything on this website (including all inventions) as public domain. Anyone can reproduce it in it's entirety anywhere without my permission.
The arch nemesis
Agent 86 and
TV series Get Smart
Rebellion is packaged
Religion is a club
Nobody move and nobody gets hurt
Rock N Roll is entertainment
Flash’s across the screen on U2's ZooTV Live from Sydney
Edward Lorenz
RIP April 2008
CHAOS theory
A Butterfly Can Flap It’s Wing’s In The Amazon And Cause A Typhon On The Other Side Of The World
(Papillon a movie starring Dustin Hoffman, papillon-butterfly in french literature)
I’ve seen videos where people put Mentos or Fizzies or Alka-Seltzer in an open 2 liter of Coke and it explodes. Soda, not diet, when it dries makes a sticky mess that is impossible to clean up. The sugar and caramel in Coke can render any machine useless if it is just poured into it and allowed to dry. My idea is for a Mentos bomb. No need to carry around a 2 liter bottle you can pick one up when you get close to the target, but have an extra cap. Glue a Mento, or whatever is used, to the inside of the cap but leave enough room for it to be put on a bottle so it is very tight. When you get to the target and have a fresh bottle, remove the cap and replace with the one you have glued. Throw at target.
Massachusetts has a bottle deposit law. You can get a nickel for every can or bottle you return. They don’t charge the nickel for every type of drink. Bottled water, for instance, isn’t returnable. The bottles are scattered all over the place. The process for returning is automated. The machines read the barcode on the bottle or can inserted into the machine and decides whether or not to give back the nickel. Not all machines take every bottle. If a store doesn’t sell liquor it won’t accept the bottles. Here’s the scam. Collect bottles that don’t have a deposit and place a sticker with a barcode that the machines will take and get a nickel. Barcode stickers can be printed on any PC.
MK-Ultra The Controllers
by Martin Cannon
Advanced Neural Implants and Control
by Daryl R Kipke DARPA
March 15, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Don't Taze Me Bro......
This post is some thoughts on Homer's 'The Iliad and The Odyssey' and how it relates to my current situation. 'The Iliad' is the first of two books by 'Homer'. It chronicles the ten year battle between the Greeks and Trojans at the base of the walls of Troy. It represents the struggle to get a 'rolling stone' rolling. (a March Hare leaves in March when the weather improves) 'The Odyssey' is a chronicle of what happens after he leaves. Odysseus is the 'rolling stone'. First he runs into a Cyclops (Polyphemus). He defeats the cyclops and escapes the island. Next he meets Aeolus, the god of the winds. Aeolus gives him all the wind he has except the one that will bring him home successfully. The winds bring him home but one of Odysseus's men opens the windbag and all are returned to their wandering. This means 'the rolling stone' tried to return home after one adventure but someone told his family what happened and they start treating Odysseus like he's crazy. No one like's to be treated that way, so Odysseus leaves again. He then runs into Circe, a witch who he stays with for 5 years believing it's only 5 days. This scenario plays out in real life. (religion is the opium of the mass's {Stalin}) The Jehovahs Witness's are behind it. The Jehovahs Witness's are the Mock Turtle in 'Alice in Wonderland'. 'Mock' because the people behind them are making fools of them. The people behind them are the 'real' religion. But in my opinion just another layer of BS. He who's ass is covered the most is the guiltiest. Who winds up with the 'dead mans gold'? Mellissa - The Allman Brothers Band
March 14, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
'You know I saw Miss LUCY,...
Down along the tracks....
She lost her home and family....
And she won't be coming back..."

Long Train Running
The Doobie Brothers
I declare March 17, 2013 as International St Paddy Whack Day. If everyone on earth got up that day and tried to shoot dead someone who works for the catholic church, the world would be safe for humanity by noon.
CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS War is it's own greatest deterrent. Invisible war (secret fascism) never ends.
When I was a kid it was always fun to receive a chain letter. I don't exactly remember what the purpose was, it might have varied. When you got one you were supposed to copy it and send it to ten or more of your friends or ten anonymous people. The letter could go on for months and reach thousands of people. Today it could be done with email. The file below is what I have been sending for the past few months. My email doesn't last very long, they shut it off. So if you would like to be free like me send one of the files below to ten anonymous people. The idea is to drive people to my website. Or your website if you want. I declare everything on this website (including all inventions) as public domain. Anyone can reproduce it in it's entirety anywhere without my permission.
The arch nemesis
Agent 86 and
TV series Get Smart
Rebellion is packaged
Religion is a club
Nobody move and nobody gets hurt
Rock N Roll is entertainment
Flash’s across the screen on U2's ZooTV Live from Sydney
Edward Lorenz
RIP April 2008
CHAOS theory
A Butterfly Can Flap It’s Wing’s In The Amazon And Cause A Typhon On The Other Side Of The World
(Papillon a movie starring Dustin Hoffman, papillon-butterfly in french literature)
I’ve seen videos where people put Mentos or Fizzies or Alka-Seltzer in an open 2 liter of Coke and it explodes. Soda, not diet, when it dries makes a sticky mess that is impossible to clean up. The sugar and caramel in Coke can render any machine useless if it is just poured into it and allowed to dry. My idea is for a Mentos bomb. No need to carry around a 2 liter bottle you can pick one up when you get close to the target, but have an extra cap. Glue a Mento, or whatever is used, to the inside of the cap but leave enough room for it to be put on a bottle so it is very tight. When you get to the target and have a fresh bottle, remove the cap and replace with the one you have glued. Throw at target.
Massachusetts has a bottle deposit law. You can get a nickel for every can or bottle you return. They don’t charge the nickel for every type of drink. Bottled water, for instance, isn’t returnable. The bottles are scattered all over the place. The process for returning is automated. The machines read the barcode on the bottle or can inserted into the machine and decides whether or not to give back the nickel. Not all machines take every bottle. If a store doesn’t sell liquor it won’t accept the bottles. Here’s the scam. Collect bottles that don’t have a deposit and place a sticker with a barcode that the machines will take and get a nickel. Barcode stickers can be printed on any PC.
In the event the above playlist doesn't reach anyone as intended, I will list each video:
University of Florida Student Tasered at Kerry Rally
Jehovah's Witness Gravesite of Charles Taze Russell
A Jehovahs
Jehovahs Witness's Scary Facts
The Posieden Adventure Trailer from 1972
Michael John Travolta Dancing
Tales of Brave Ulysses by Cream
The Odyssey Full Movie
Antony C Sutton An Introduction to Skull and Bones
Which came first, the Mock Turtle or the Tortoise?
"We called him the Tortoise caused he Taught Us"
Which came first, the history of witchcraft in New England or "Don't Taze Me Bro"?
Is John Kerry Catholic?
Is George Bush Episcopal?
Are they both Skull and Bones?
March 13, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
The Sun King
(Let Them Eat Cake)
In the event the above playlist doesn't reach anyone as intended, I will list each video:
Show Biz Kids by Steely Dan
The Beautiful People by Marilyn Manson
Synchronicity I by The Police
(a star falls, a phone call)
Sympathy for the Devil by The Rolling Stones
The Manchurian Candidate
'They want to have a war,...
to keep their factories...'
'They want to have a war...
to keep us on our knees....
they want to have a war...
to stop the spyin JAPANESE...
they want to have a war...
to stop industrial disease...

Industrial Disease
Dire Straits
'In praise of the oriental view,...
The sheriff and his buddies..
with the SAMURAI sword....'

China Grove
The Doobie Bros
The only recommendation made by 'The Zeitgeist Movie' was 'don't join the military".
March 12, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
I declare March 17, 2013 as International St Paddy Whack Day. If everyone on earth got up that day and tried to shoot dead someone who works for the catholic church, the world would be safe for humanity by noon.
CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS War is it's own greatest deterrent. Invisible war (secret fascism) never ends.
When I was a kid it was always fun to receive a chain letter. I don't exactly remember what the purpose was, it might have varied. When you got one you were supposed to copy it and send it to ten or more of your friends or ten anonymous people. The letter could go on for months and reach thousands of people. Today it could be done with email. The file below is what I have been sending for the past few months. My email doesn't last very long, they shut it off. So if you would like to be free like me send one of the files below to ten anonymous people. The idea is to drive people to my website. Or your website if you want. I declare everything on this website (including all inventions) as public domain. Anyone can reproduce it in it's entirety anywhere without my permission.
The arch nemesis
Agent 86 and
TV series Get Smart
Rebellion is packaged
Religion is a club
Nobody move and nobody gets hurt
Rock N Roll is entertainment
Flash’s across the screen on U2's ZooTV Live from Sydney
Edward Lorenz
RIP April 2008
CHAOS theory
A Butterfly Can Flap It’s Wing’s In The Amazon And Cause A Typhon On The Other Side Of The World
(Papillon a movie starring Dustin Hoffman, papillon-butterfly in french literature)
I’ve seen videos where people put Mentos or Fizzies or Alka-Seltzer in an open 2 liter of Coke and it explodes. Soda, not diet, when it dries makes a sticky mess that is impossible to clean up. The sugar and caramel in Coke can render any machine useless if it is just poured into it and allowed to dry. My idea is for a Mentos bomb. No need to carry around a 2 liter bottle you can pick one up when you get close to the target, but have an extra cap. Glue a Mento, or whatever is used, to the inside of the cap but leave enough room for it to be put on a bottle so it is very tight. When you get to the target and have a fresh bottle, remove the cap and replace with the one you have glued. Throw at target.
Massachusetts has a bottle deposit law. You can get a nickel for every can or bottle you return. They don’t charge the nickel for every type of drink. Bottled water, for instance, isn’t returnable. The bottles are scattered all over the place. The process for returning is automated. The machines read the barcode on the bottle or can inserted into the machine and decides whether or not to give back the nickel. Not all machines take every bottle. If a store doesn’t sell liquor it won’t accept the bottles. Here’s the scam. Collect bottles that don’t have a deposit and place a sticker with a barcode that the machines will take and get a nickel. Barcode stickers can be printed on any PC.
I'm sorry sir, you can't return the Bailey's Irish Cream without a reciept...
I refuse to engage, or even acknowledge, an enemy that uses surveillance and brain damage behind peoples back
A History of Witchcraft in New England
Coton Mather
Dreamworks, Pixar and The Birth of a Nation
When I was young people sometimes went to the movies just to see the stunts. People were amazed, how did they do that or how did they get that shot. Hollywood stuntmen could as famous as stars. Now everything is done with computers. But it's not just movies anymore. It's out of control. Here are some examples:
1. This happened either just before my father died in 2008 or right after. I ordered some Argentium silver from a company in New Mexico called Rio Grande. It was shipped DHL and had to be signed for. I knew what time it was supposed to arrive so I stayed home and watched TV. I was watching 'The Colbert Report' on Comedy Central. He was talking about some charity he was raising money for. The door bell rang, it was DHL. I signed for the package when I got back to the TV Colbert was signing some big check for the charity. This is a typical example of how the harassment is co-ordinated.
2. This happened a week or so ago. I opened the windows in my room for some fresh air and air out the room. When I went downstairs I turned on the TV. The 'View' with Babs Wawa was on. Elizabeth Hasselbeck had on a blouse that was a print of windows.
'God is in the TV,....'
Rock is Dead
Marilyn Manson
'Connect the God damn dots,....'
'You really don't want to know,....'
How far it's gone...
Just leave well enough alone....

Dirty Laundry
Don Henley
'I'm the slime oozzing out of your TV,....'
I'm the Slime
Frank Zappa
'We are the priests,....'
Of the Temples of Syrinx...
Our great computers....
Fill the hallowed halls....

The Temples of Syrinx
My all time favorite album art:
Dark Side of the Spoon
"I will be GOD"
March 11, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
I declare March 17, 2013 as International St Paddy Whack Day. If everyone on earth got up that day and tried to shoot dead someone who works for the catholic church, the world would be safe for humanity by noon.
CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS War is it's own greatest deterrent. Invisible war (secret fascism) never ends.
When I was a kid it was always fun to receive a chain letter. I don't exactly remember what the purpose was, it might have varied. When you got one you were supposed to copy it and send it to ten or more of your friends or ten anonymous people. The letter could go on for months and reach thousands of people. Today it could be done with email. The file below is what I have been sending for the past few months. My email doesn't last very long, they shut it off. So if you would like to be free like me send one of the files below to ten anonymous people. The idea is to drive people to my website. Or your website if you want. I declare everything on this website (including all inventions) as public domain. Anyone can reproduce it in it's entirety anywhere without my permission.
The arch nemesis
Agent 86 and
TV series Get Smart
Rebellion is packaged
Religion is a club
Nobody move and nobody gets hurt
Rock N Roll is entertainment
Flash’s across the screen on U2's ZooTV Live from Sydney
Edward Lorenz
RIP April 2008
CHAOS theory
A Butterfly Can Flap It’s Wing’s In The Amazon And Cause A Typhon On The Other Side Of The World
(Papillon a movie starring Dustin Hoffman, papillon-butterfly in french literature)
I’ve seen videos where people put Mentos or Fizzies or Alka-Seltzer in an open 2 liter of Coke and it explodes. Soda, not diet, when it dries makes a sticky mess that is impossible to clean up. The sugar and caramel in Coke can render any machine useless if it is just poured into it and allowed to dry. My idea is for a Mentos bomb. No need to carry around a 2 liter bottle you can pick one up when you get close to the target, but have an extra cap. Glue a Mento, or whatever is used, to the inside of the cap but leave enough room for it to be put on a bottle so it is very tight. When you get to the target and have a fresh bottle, remove the cap and replace with the one you have glued. Throw at target.
Massachusetts has a bottle deposit law. You can get a nickel for every can or bottle you return. They don’t charge the nickel for every type of drink. Bottled water, for instance, isn’t returnable. The bottles are scattered all over the place. The process for returning is automated. The machines read the barcode on the bottle or can inserted into the machine and decides whether or not to give back the nickel. Not all machines take every bottle. If a store doesn’t sell liquor it won’t accept the bottles. Here’s the scam. Collect bottles that don’t have a deposit and place a sticker with a barcode that the machines will take and get a nickel. Barcode stickers can be printed on any PC.
I would like to add this movie to the list for yesterday's link "All Along the Prince Tower"
"Michael" a movie starring John Travolta from 1996
I will explain my characterization of the Ku Klux Klan as the Klueless Klucks Klan. (but not because I actually give a s^5&) Klueless. The original Ku Klux Klan was all but dead and forgotton by the turn of the 20th century. In 1915 Hollywood released it's first big blockbuster movie "The Birth of a Nation". It was about the Civil War. It could have been called "The Birth of the Media Manipulation Age". It has been credited with reviving the klan. The second Klan was dedicated to stopping catholic subversion. It's more likely the whole thing was catholic subversion. Klueless. Klucks. It doesn't get any more chicken when the 'bayonette' is surveillance and brain damage behind peoples backs. Talk about the bravery of being out of range. The guards at Auschwitz look like angels compared to you. Klucks. It's the proletariat disposal service. You have to get the proletariat to kill the proletariat because it's really nasty work and the rich don't want to do it. Aside from the fact there aren't enough rich to get much done. The Klueless Klucks Klan, go f%^4 yourself. My life is completely destroyed. It was never gonna end any different.
March 10, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
In the event the above playlist doesn't reach anyone as intended, I will list each video:
A documentary on The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
'The Prince and the Pauper' pt 1 by Mark Twain
'The Odyssey' by Homer complete movie
'The Poseiden Adventure' movie trailer from 1972
The 'Major Major' scene from Catch-22
'All Along the Watchtower' by Jimi Hendrix
'Driven Out' by The Fixx
March 9, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
I declare March 17, 2013 as International St Paddy Whack Day. If everyone on earth got up that day and tried to shoot dead someone who works for the catholic church, the world would be safe for humanity by noon.
CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS War is it's own greatest deterrent. Invisible war (secret fascism) never ends.
When I was a kid it was always fun to receive a chain letter. I don't exactly remember what the purpose was, it might have varied. When you got one you were supposed to copy it and send it to ten or more of your friends or ten anonymous people. The letter could go on for months and reach thousands of people. Today it could be done with email. The file below is what I have been sending for the past few months. My email doesn't last very long, they shut it off. So if you would like to be free like me send one of the files below to ten anonymous people. The idea is to drive people to my website. Or your website if you want. I declare everything on this website (including all inventions) as public domain. Anyone can reproduce it in it's entirety anywhere without my permission.
The arch nemesis
Agent 86 and
TV series Get Smart
Rebellion is packaged
Religion is a club
Nobody move and nobody gets hurt
Rock N Roll is entertainment
Flash’s across the screen on U2's ZooTV Live from Sydney
Edward Lorenz
RIP April 2008
CHAOS theory
A Butterfly Can Flap It’s Wing’s In The Amazon And Cause A Typhon On The Other Side Of The World
(Papillon a movie starring Dustin Hoffman, papillon-butterfly in french literature)
I’ve seen videos where people put Mentos or Fizzies or Alka-Seltzer in an open 2 liter of Coke and it explodes. Soda, not diet, when it dries makes a sticky mess that is impossible to clean up. The sugar and caramel in Coke can render any machine useless if it is just poured into it and allowed to dry. My idea is for a Mentos bomb. No need to carry around a 2 liter bottle you can pick one up when you get close to the target, but have an extra cap. Glue a Mento, or whatever is used, to the inside of the cap but leave enough room for it to be put on a bottle so it is very tight. When you get to the target and have a fresh bottle, remove the cap and replace with the one you have glued. Throw at target.
Massachusetts has a bottle deposit law. You can get a nickel for every can or bottle you return. They don’t charge the nickel for every type of drink. Bottled water, for instance, isn’t returnable. The bottles are scattered all over the place. The process for returning is automated. The machines read the barcode on the bottle or can inserted into the machine and decides whether or not to give back the nickel. Not all machines take every bottle. If a store doesn’t sell liquor it won’t accept the bottles. Here’s the scam. Collect bottles that don’t have a deposit and place a sticker with a barcode that the machines will take and get a nickel. Barcode stickers can be printed on any PC.
The same people are responsible for everything.
"The Age of Aquarius,......Aquarius..."
Feb 15, 1957 South Shore Hospital Weymouth Massachusetts
Happy Birthday To me, Happy Birthday to me....
(see also 'The Zeitgeist Movie')
"Who was born in a house full of pain,...
Who was fitted with color and chains....
Who was ground down in the end,...."

"To save you Mr Thorn (in my side)"
And so Christ will forgive me..."
(cause I did a bad thing and it's worse than two 'Hail Mary's')
from the movie 'The Omen'
"These two beetles were walking down the street,...
They saw Father Mulligan....
He had a broken arm....."
(cause he did a bad thing)
The beginning of 'Titicut Follies' a documentary by Frederick Wiseman
Is mercury poisoning and circumcision the 'sex crime' of catholic priests that the media reports as sex crimes?
"There's no dark side of the moon a matter of's all dark...."
Dark Side of the Moon - Pink Floyd
Let's go for the ultimate crime......Let's go for the end of time.....Let's Go - Ministry
My websites are designed to draw people in and push them away at the same time. And apparrantly they don't work. But I'm crazy so I do the same thing over and over and expect a different result. Technically, mercy does not require any action on the part of the victim. And it won't. I think you can find that in the byblee somewhere. I don't know I've never read it and never will. The longer you put it off the worse you make yourself look. You know where I am ALL THE TIME!!!
The Proletariat Disposal Service
Last week, supposedly (could be a setup everything else in my life is), Rand Paul filibustered the nomination of John Brennan as CIA chief. He was helped by Marco Rubio. ??? Rubio quoted the movie "The Godfather" with this quote that didn't make it to the movie:
"A lawyer with a briefcase can do more damage than a hundred men with guns"
So now I'll translate that into proletariat.
"A lawyer with a briefcase (can cover up our crimes with a BS lawsuit) just as well as a BS war"
"Newspaper taxi's appear on the shore...
waiting to take you away...
climb in the back with your head..
in the clouds and you're gone...
Lucy (you damn dirty ape..) in the Sky With Diamonds

Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds
The Beatles
"Ape Freedom...."
"When your livin with apes man...
it's hard to be clean.."

The Beautiful People
Marilyn Manson
"There's room at the top...
they're telling you still..."
But first you must learn...
how to smile as you kill..."
Working Class Hero
John Lennon
Louis XIV (or XIII I don't know which) of France was called the Sun King. He built an incredible palace outside Paris. By the time of the French Revolution the French elite were all nuts. This can happen when you have nothing to do and all day to it and you're filthy rich. "Here comes the Sun King..." The Beatles "Sun King baby.... The Cult Did the Catholic church turn the reformation around in France with 'The Sun King'? Is that what's happening here in America? Is this the purpose of capitalism? If it could be assumed the catholic church is responsible for Scientology did they do this in the past? Mormans? The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society? Why did the Mormans go all the way to Utah to escape persecution? It wasn't going to remain an island forever. My guess is they wanted North America completely settled as quickly as possible and the Mormans were supposed to hold the territory for Jesus and keep it that way and make it look Protestant at the same time.
It has been shown that men work best in groups, and it will be shown, go mad in groups and come to thier senses one at a time
Insanity is a perfectly sane reaction to an insane world
Insanity is contagious. If you don't believe me spend a couple weeks locked on a psycho ward.
Everything's relative, there is no such thing as normal
Smiling faces mean clear conscionces (spellung is mi best subgect)
The same people are responsible for everything, and it ain't the dogs
March 7, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
I declare March 17, 2013 as International St Paddy Whack Day. If everyone on earth got up that day and tried to shoot dead someone who works for the catholic church, the world would be safe for humanity by noon.
CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS War is it's own greatest deterrent. Invisible war (secret fascism) never ends.
When I was a kid it was always fun to receive a chain letter. I don't exactly remember what the purpose was, it might have varied. When you got one you were supposed to copy it and send it to ten or more of your friends or ten anonymous people. The letter could go on for months and reach thousands of people. Today it could be done with email. The file below is what I have been sending for the past few months. My email doesn't last very long, they shut it off. So if you would like to be free like me send one of the files below to ten anonymous people. The idea is to drive people to my website. Or your website if you want. I declare everything on this website (including all inventions) as public domain. Anyone can reproduce it in it's entirety anywhere without my permission.
The arch nemesis
Agent 86 and
TV series Get Smart
Rebellion is packaged
Religion is a club
Nobody move and nobody gets hurt
Rock N Roll is entertainment
Flash’s across the screen on U2's ZooTV Live from Sydney
Edward Lorenz
RIP April 2008
CHAOS theory
A Butterfly Can Flap It’s Wing’s In The Amazon And Cause A Typhon On The Other Side Of The World
(Papillon a movie starring Dustin Hoffman, papillon-butterfly in french literature)
I’ve seen videos where people put Mentos or Fizzies or Alka-Seltzer in an open 2 liter of Coke and it explodes. Soda, not diet, when it dries makes a sticky mess that is impossible to clean up. The sugar and caramel in Coke can render any machine useless if it is just poured into it and allowed to dry. My idea is for a Mentos bomb. No need to carry around a 2 liter bottle you can pick one up when you get close to the target, but have an extra cap. Glue a Mento, or whatever is used, to the inside of the cap but leave enough room for it to be put on a bottle so it is very tight. When you get to the target and have a fresh bottle, remove the cap and replace with the one you have glued. Throw at target.
Massachusetts has a bottle deposit law. You can get a nickel for every can or bottle you return. They don’t charge the nickel for every type of drink. Bottled water, for instance, isn’t returnable. The bottles are scattered all over the place. The process for returning is automated. The machines read the barcode on the bottle or can inserted into the machine and decides whether or not to give back the nickel. Not all machines take every bottle. If a store doesn’t sell liquor it won’t accept the bottles. Here’s the scam. Collect bottles that don’t have a deposit and place a sticker with a barcode that the machines will take and get a nickel. Barcode stickers can be printed on any PC.
The planet has reached it’s maximum f^%#ed up potential
Slavery is the cause
Capitalism is a very sophisticated system of slavery
This should be kept in mind whenever reading anything associated with the Scottish Enlightenment
Every once in a while the overseer would chase a slave off the plantation on purpose just to bring him back in chains and beat him to tell the others they’re not producing enough cotton. (I’m not saying this is a rolling stone, right now there are just too many slaves) It works for both sides (if there are two sides) “Mama’s got a squeeze box, daddy never sleeps at night….”
"Good lord I feel like I'm dy'in...."
Whipping Post
The Allman Bros Band
the message of the Georgia Guidestones
(the last statistic I saw had the catholic church at 1.5 billion members. I hope someone made a math error)
I pick on the catholics too much, f&^%%in sue me!!!
Stone Mountain Georgia
"Everybody must get stoned......"
Hezbollah is a religious organization that has a significant presence in Lebanon. They provide services the government doesn't. They also undermine any freely elected government. So they create stability on one hand and instability on the other. The Vatican is the same thing here in America. Is the Vatican a sovereign nation? Assuming communism was real, would the United States have allowed Russia to own as much property as the catholic church does and have as much influence? The Jesuits were suppressed in the catholic church beginning in July 1773. The Boston Tea Party took place in Dec 1773. Does this seem too coincidental? Was the catholic church outlawed from owning property in Massachusetts prior to the revolution? Was allowing it to own property the real reason for the war?
March 6, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
I declare March 17, 2013 as International St Paddy Whack Day. If everyone on earth got up that day and tried to shoot dead someone who works for the catholic church, the world would be safe for humanity by noon.
CHAOS CHAOS CHAOS War is it's own greatest deterrent. Invisible war (secret fascism) never ends.
When I was a kid it was always fun to receive a chain letter. I don't exactly remember what the purpose was, it might have varied. When you got one you were supposed to copy it and send it to ten or more of your friends or ten anonymous people. The letter could go on for months and reach thousands of people. Today it could be done with email. The file below is what I have been sending for the past few months. My email doesn't last very long, they shut it off. So if you would like to be free like me send one of the files below to ten anonymous people. The idea is to drive people to my website. Or your website if you want. I declare everything on this website (including all inventions) as public domain. Anyone can reproduce it in it's entirety anywhere without my permission.
The arch nemesis
Agent 86 and
TV series Get Smart
Rebellion is packaged
Religion is a club
Nobody move and nobody gets hurt
Rock N Roll is entertainment
Flash’s across the screen on U2's ZooTV Live from Sydney
Edward Lorenz
RIP April 2008
CHAOS theory
A Butterfly Can Flap It’s Wing’s In The Amazon And Cause A Typhon On The Other Side Of The World
(Papillon a movie starring Dustin Hoffman, papillon-butterfly in french literature)
I’ve seen videos where people put Mentos or Fizzies or Alka-Seltzer in an open 2 liter of Coke and it explodes. Soda, not diet, when it dries makes a sticky mess that is impossible to clean up. The sugar and caramel in Coke can render any machine useless if it is just poured into it and allowed to dry. My idea is for a Mentos bomb. No need to carry around a 2 liter bottle you can pick one up when you get close to the target, but have an extra cap. Glue a Mento, or whatever is used, to the inside of the cap but leave enough room for it to be put on a bottle so it is very tight. When you get to the target and have a fresh bottle, remove the cap and replace with the one you have glued. Throw at target.
Massachusetts has a bottle deposit law. You can get a nickel for every can or bottle you return. They don’t charge the nickel for every type of drink. Bottled water, for instance, isn’t returnable. The bottles are scattered all over the place. The process for returning is automated. The machines read the barcode on the bottle or can inserted into the machine and decides whether or not to give back the nickel. Not all machines take every bottle. If a store doesn’t sell liquor it won’t accept the bottles. Here’s the scam. Collect bottles that don’t have a deposit and place a sticker with a barcode that the machines will take and get a nickel. Barcode stickers can be printed on any PC.
March 5, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
H.M.S. Beagle
Inherit the Wind
(cause that's all you're gonna get)
Piltdown Man settled the controversy whether man walked upright before he had a developed brain instead of vice versa.
It was a forgery.
Is the evolution controversy another attempt to publicize the plight of the "Rolling Stone"?
LSD - Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds
Why Pulaski, I mean Dayton, Tennessee?
A message for the Aryan Nation and the Klueless Klucks Klan (KKK) Do you have a string of pizza parlors? Do you have a 50 million dollar stock portfolio? Do you and most of your friends call Sing Sing or San Quentin home? Then you are fighting to preserve the very system that has a GOD (damn) boot stamped on your face.
The Birth of a Nation (1915)
The first real big Hollywood blockbuster.
The birth of the media manipulation age.
Per usual the people at the bottom had no clue what the people at the top are doing.
The Surveillance page has been updated
March 3, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
(LUCY) in the Sky With Diamonds LSD
The identity of the Piltdown forger remains unknown, but suspects have included Dawson, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Arthur Keith, Martin A. C. Hinton, Horace de Vere Cole and Arthur Conan Doyle. Teilhard had travelled to regions of Africa where one of the anomalous finds originated, and resided in the Wealden area from the date of the earliest finds. Hinton left a trunk in storage at the Natural History Museum in London that in 1970 was found to contain animal bones and teeth carved and stained in a manner similar to the carving and staining on the Piltdown finds. Phillip Tobias implicated Arthur Keith by detailing the history of the investigation of the hoax, dismissing other theories, and listing inconsistencies in Keith's statements and actions. Other investigations suggest the hoax involved accomplices rather than a single forger. The focus on Charles Dawson as the main forger is supported by the accumulation of evidence regarding other archaeological hoaxes he perpetrated in the decade or two prior to the Piltdown discovery. Archaeologist Miles Russell of Bournemouth University analyzed Dawson's antiquarian collection and determined at least 38 were fakes. Among these were the teeth of a reptile/mammal hybrid, Plagiaulax dawsoni, "found" in 1891 (and whose teeth had been filed down in the same way that the teeth of Piltdown man would be some 20 years later), the so-called "shadow figures" on the walls of Hastings Castle, a unique hafted stone axe, the Bexhill boat (a hybrid seafaring vessel), the Pevensey bricks (allegedly the latest datable "finds" from Roman Britain), the contents of the Lavant Caves (a fraudulent "flint mine"), the Beauport Park "Roman" statuette (a hybrid iron object), the Bulverhythe Hammer (shaped with an iron knife in the same way as the Piltdown elephant bone implement would later be), a fraudulent "Chinese" bronze vase, the Brighton "Toad in the Hole" (a toad entombed within a flint nodule), the English Channel sea serpent, the Uckfield Horseshoe (another hybrid iron object) and the Lewes Prick Spur. Of his antiquarian publications, most demonstrate evidence of plagiarism or at least naive referencing. Russell wrote: "Piltdown was not a 'one-off' hoax, more the culmination of a life's work." In addition, Harry Morris, an acquaintaince of Dawson, had come into possession of one of the flints obtained by Dawson at the Piltdown gravel pit. He suspected that it had been artificially aged—"stained by C. Dawson with intent to defraud." He remained deeply suspicious of Dawson for many years to come, though he never sought to publicly discredit him.
Peking Man. Most of the study on these fossils was done by Davidson Black until his death in 1934. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin took over until Franz Weidenreich replaced him and studied the fossils until he left China in 1941. The original fossils disappeared in 1941 during World War II, but excellent casts and descriptions remain.
Lucy is the common name of AL 288-1, several hundred pieces of bone representing about 40% of the skeleton of an individual Australopithecus afarensis. In paleoanthropology, usually only fossil fragments were found, and only rarely were skulls or ribs uncovered intact; thus this discovery was an astounding feat, that provided an overwhelming amount of scientific evidence. It was discovered in 1974 at Hadar in the Awash Valley of Ethiopia's Afar Depression. Lucy is estimated to have lived 3.2 million years ago, and is either directly ancestral to humans, or evolutionarily close to our ancestor, hence it is classified as a hominin. The skeleton shows evidence of small skull capacity akin to that of apes and of bipedal upright walk akin to that of humans, supporting the debated view that bipedalism preceded increase in brain size in human evolution.
The Scopes Trial, formally known as The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes and commonly referred to as the Scopes Monkey Trial, was a famous American legal case in 1925 in which a high school teacher, John Scopes, was accused of violating Tennessee's Butler Act, which made it unlawful to teach evolution in any state-funded school. The trial was deliberately staged in order to attract publicity to the small town of Dayton, Tennessee, where it was held. Scopes was unsure whether he had ever actually taught evolution, but he purposefully incriminated himself so that the case could have a defendant. Scopes was found guilty and fined $100, but the verdict was overturned on a technicality. The trial served its purpose of drawing intense national publicity, as national reporters flocked to Dayton to cover the big-name lawyers who had agreed to represent each side. William Jennings Bryan, three-time presidential candidate for the Democrats, argued for the prosecution, while Clarence Darrow, the famed defense attorney, spoke for Scopes. The trial set modernists, who said evolution was consistent with religion, against fundamentalists who said the word of God as revealed in the Bible took priority over all human knowledge. The case was thus seen as both a theological contest and a trial on the veracity of modern science regarding the creation-evolution controversy. The trial is perhaps best known today for serving as the inspiration for the play, and later the movie, Inherit the Wind, both of which were critical successes.
What is the controversy over the origin of man about?
Why was it brought up again in the 1960's with 'Lucy'?
How did Pierre Teilhard de Chardin happen to play a major role in both Piltdown Man and Peking Man?
If George Orwell wrote '1984' in 1948, was synthetic telepathy (thought police) already being used?
Is it an idea of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin"
What does his 'Omega Point' have to do with it?
Does any of this help date it beginning?
In the 1970's people would cheer when the price of oil went down.
It meant lower gas prices.
Today people cheer when the price of oil goes up.
People make more money on the commodity.
But the price of gas is pretty much the same.
The more things change,
the less sense it makes.
"He who controls the past,
Controls the future,
He who controls the present,
Controls the past."
March 2, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
I have been re-reading a book titled 'The Secret History of the Jesuits' by Edmond Paris. He also wrote a book 'The Vatican Against Europe'. The foreword has a lot of interesting information. He states that as of the mid 19th century there were at least 6000 books written on the Jesuits. He tells the story of a Japanese writer who commented on the strange white men who arrived in his country in the 1600's. The meloncholy look on his face. 'It's the chain of the prostitution' Why do these people have so much say in how the world is run but take a vow of poverty and give it to other people? 'What's it all about Alfie...' The book also has accounts for many countries the jesuit were in. One such account was a South American country. The minute they arrived they enslaved the local indian population to overproduce and worship Jesus. For some reason they were forced to leave after a couple hundred years and the indians just went back to the way they were before the jesuits arrived. Some people theorize if the fractional reserve banking system were to end much of the world would do the same. This is what happens when you force production. Overproduction. Slavery. The modern world has been, and continues to be built, with slavery. Slavery has led to out of control population. The people who own and run this world don't care, be them liberal or conservative. If they did they wouldn't oppose change. If the fractional reserve slavery system were to end most of the problems would correct themselves.
'They want to have a war,...
to keep their factories...'
'They want to have a war...
to keep us on our knees....
they want to have a war...
to stop the spyin Japanese...
they want to have a war...
to stop industrial disease...

Industrial Disease
Dire Straits
You're not making any sense!!!
(given the amount of drugs, voluntary and involuntary, I don't know why it's expected)
'I don't like the drugs,...
but the drugs like me...'

I Don't Like The Drugs
Marilyn Manson
'Purple Haze all in my brain...'
Purple Haze
Jimi Hendrix
'And the ones that mother gives you,...'
White Rabbit
Jefferson Airplane
General Observation. In George Orwell's book '1984' the main character is Winston. He works in an office altering news item's as they are presented to him by a machine. This happens to me every day. At the very beginning of the movie version of '1984' I have, there is this slogan:
He who controls the past controls the future,
He who controls the present, controls the past.
You can dig into any accepted accounts of recent history and make trouble.
"In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution"
I’ve seen videos where people put Mentos or Fizzies or Alka-Seltzer in an open 2 liter of Coke and it explodes. Soda, not diet, when it dries makes a sticky mess that is impossible to clean up. The sugar and caramel in Coke can render any machine useless if it is just poured into it and allowed to dry. My idea is for a Mentos bomb. No need to carry around a 2 liter bottle you can pick one up when you get close to the target, but have an extra cap. Glue a Mento, or whatever is used, to the inside of the cap but leave enough room for it to be put on a bottle so it is very tight. When you get to the target and have a fresh bottle, remove the cap and replace with the one you have glued. Throw at target.
Massachusetts has a bottle deposit law. You can get a nickel for every can or bottle you return. They don’t charge the nickel for every type of drink. Bottled water, for instance, isn’t returnable. The bottles are scattered all over the place. The process for returning is automated. The machines read the barcode on the bottle or can inserted into the machine and decides whether or not to give back the nickel. Not all machines take every bottle. If a store doesn’t sell liquor it won’t accept the bottles. Here’s the scam. Collect bottles that don’t have a deposit and place a sticker with a barcode that the machines will take and get a nickel. Barcode stickers can be printed on any PC.
Feb 28, 2013
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104>br /> 781-335-0494
Highway 61 Revisited
Questions. After someone decides to run (like the March Hare in 'Alice in Wonderland') is there a standard set of characters they run into? The characters in 'The Odyssey' by Homer and 'The Holy Grail' by Monty Python has a lot of similarities. There is a cyclops, and a large group of young amorous women etc.
My thoughts on 'The Communist Manifesto' by Karl Marx. Marx never really explains what communism is in terms of a political alternative to capitalism. Both the Russians and Chinese tried it but exactly what was it? It's possible both Russia and China were already controlled by these people when they were Communist. Did 'they' want to discredit communism? People in America are all conditioned to run for the gun closet at the mere mention of the word. It doesn't hurt to read the book. In my opinion, all Marx does is observe the social and economic conditions created by the first fifty years of capitalism and projects into the future. He predicts an ever increasing unskilled labor force caused by the rich improving the modes of production. Adam Smith, in his book 'The Wealth of Nations' called this phenomena 'the invisible hand'. A new invention replaces a job held by a worker. The owner of the factory increases their profit at the expense of that worker. That worker drops into the proletariat. He describes how all social connections of the past are destroyed by money. All relationships are eventually boiled down to money and at some point the proletariat becomes so large it overwhelms the rich and takes over. He doesn't really describe how it works.
In case you haven't heard yet, this is not a free country. It never has been. The American Revolution was a coup de tat. We were more free before the revolution than after. Instead of freedom we got capitalism which is economic slavery. The powers that be spent 200 years inventing BS wars while science came up with an even better prison. That better prison is George Orwell's '1984'. Surveillance, manipulation and cover-up by the media as a means to dispose of the riff raff the rich don't want. The rest of this document describes some of the surveillance and offers some solutions. It begins with a basic description of electricity.
Electricity is part of the science of life. All life forms on this planet generate very small electro-magnetic waves that can be picked up by electronic sensors. A basic understanding of electricity will help to understand the problem. Electricity is the moving of electrons (current) in a conductor (copper wire) by a difference in potential (voltage). Electrons are a basic building block of the atom. The atom is the smallest building block for all matter in the universe. An atom consists of neutrons, protons and electrons. Electrons revolve around the nucleus, or center, and are not bound permanantly to it. They can be made to move from one nucleus to another. Electrons are negatively charged. When a large number of electrons builds up in a small area a difference in potential (voltage) exists. A battery is 'charged' when there is a build-up of electrons.
Electronics could be described as the manipulation of electricity to perform some type of work. There are 3 very basic elements used in electronics that don't require silicon. Resistors, capacitors and inductors. Elements made with silicon are called integrated circuits. Integrated circuits are mostly transistors. Transistors are a kind of switch, an action that cannot be performed by the 3 basic elements. Resistors are devices that limit the flow of current. Capacitors store energy in an electric field and inductors store energy in a magnetic field.
To perform a job or do some type of work the electronics usually convert some physical quantity in the real world to electricity. To do this a transducer is required. There are many types of transducers, some work on pressure others light or temperature. An example would be your TV remote. You push a button and the electronics generates a light signal that gets picked up by the TV and the TV then changes the channel or whatever. An antenna on a radio would be a type of transducer. It picks up electromagnetic radiation and the electronics convert it to sound.
When current flows in a conductor it generates electromagnetic waves, sometimes called 'eddy currents'. Electromagnetic waves are the science behind radio and synthetic telepathy. Synthetic telepathy is one of the major problems associated with todays society. With todays advanced electronics even the minute radiation of the human brain can be picked up by transducers and interpreted with electronics. This is the science behind George Orwell's thought police.
Aside from the known ways to ease drop on someone, microphones, cameras etc, there are at least three new techniques used to oppress people they don't tell anyone about. Synthetic telepathy, the microwave hearing effect and neural implants. Synthetic telepathy, as mentioned above, is the ability to read a person's mind by picking up the tiny electromagnetic signals produced by the brain and interpreting them with electronics. The microwave hearing effect was discovered during WWII by radar operators when they experienced a clicking noise in the ears when near the equipment. It can be used to put voices in someones ear and drive them crazy. It's like a telephone system thats both completely wireless and has no phones. It's sometimes called 'electronic brain link'. Microwaves are radiated from cell phone towers and the towers are everywhere all across the country. They sell people phones, but they're not really needed anymore. The development of neural implants can be traced to the CIA's MK-Ultra mind control program that began in the 1950's. The CIA's Dr Jose Manual DelGado designed the 'Stimoceiver' and demonstrated it in a bull ring in Spain. There are videos of this on
A possible way to defeat the sensors that pick up the emissions of the human brain would be to generate a lot of garbage electro-magnetic waves around the people and make it difficult for the sensors to pick up the EMI given off by the people. The people would have to always remain near the generator. The generator would need to generate a higher power level than a human which is not difficult given the tiny voltages of the brain.
Specific Ideas
1. Spark Generators
Spark generators were one of the first Morse Code machines. They were invented by Nikola Tesla before the end of the 19th century. The Titanic carried a spark radio. As radio progressed they were outlawed because they interfered with the entire radio spectrum. A Jacobs Ladder is a type of spark generator. At high voltages they can interupt everything. I mounted a standard spark plug from an internal combustion engine in a piece of metal to simulate an engine. To create the spark I used a standard ignition coil with a Velleman kit. The Velleman kit (K2543) comes with everything needed, but it has to be assembled.
2. Mechanical Generators
Electric motors are notorious for generating noise that interfere with sensitive electronics. All motors have a rotor that must move and be energized at the same time. This is accomplished with a conducting brush that keeps contact with the rotor. The idea is to rotate a metal brush on metal and conduct electricity through it to create noise. Then amplify the noise and put it on an antenna.
3. Electronic Generator
I began experimenting with Texas Instruments MSP430 line of microcontrollers. The Launchpad comes preprogrammed with a software routine that pulses an LED. I theorize you could simply take that pulse, amplify it and put it on an antenna and it might create enough disturbance for one person. It could be made small enough to hang around a person's neck. The MSP could also be programmed to generate random digital signals out of almost any output. You could generate many random signals mix them together and create digital noise. The outputs could be programmed for different frequencies. Another electronic idea is to build a white noise generator, chop up the signal somehow and amplify that. Different metals have different conducting properties. It might be possible to make your own componant to chop up signals by passing the current through different metals. You could pass the signal through a piece of pig iron and see if it makes a lot of noise.
4. It might be possible to record the noise made by a spark transmitter, make a computer file out of it, then rebroadcast (transmit) it through a cell phone or iPod. It's effectiveness might be limited to the microwave spectrum because of the size of the antenna.
The picture above is a spark generator I built. It consists of a standard spark plug and an ignition coil. I mounted the plug in a piece of metal. I have a Velleman Kit (K2543) to create the spark.
The above picture is a representation of a homemade componant for creating noise. It could be inserted into a PCB. The idea is to pass a signal through different metals to chop up the signal. Some metals might not take solder so a mechanical connection would be made.
Noise generators prevent signals from being picked up. They could also prevent transmitting. But it might be useful to use the radio spectrum so jamming is more appropriate. Jamming is the act of disabling only selected frequencies. The radio spectrum goes from 0 HZ to 300 GHZ. It's divided up into hundreds of channels for different uses. There are dozens of ways to modulate (carry data) so jamming is a science in itself. Jamming is a topic beyond my abilities.
The microwave spectrum is from 300MHZ to 300GHZ. Anything above 300GHZ is light. Microwaves can be transmitted with very small antennas. An entire radio, including the antenna, can fit on a single integrated circuit the size of a fingernail. Bluetooth is a technology that allows Personal Area Networks using microwaves. You can transmit and recieve signals up to 150 ft away.
Neural implants probably operate on microwaves given the small size. Getting an implant out of someone is tricky. You would have to stop the implant from communicating, get them to a facility that is fully protected from surveillance and they might have to stay there a while. EMI shielding could help cut off communication. They make EMI absorbant material that looks something like a SCUBA diving wet suit. A person could be covered from head to toe with this and brought to a facility that is a faraday cage. A faraday cage is an entire building encased in copper and grounded to earth. This would be a faraday cage walking into a faraday cage.
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving. The earth is an electrically neutral body. Any voltage, whether plus or minus, will discharge a current if given a path to earth. You cannot develop a voltage across neutral. Neutral is neutral. So if an entire building is a piece of metal and connected to earth all radiated electromagnetic waves will discharge to ground. Turning every building in the country into a faraday cage isn't practical but some steps can be taken. It is possible to purchase enough aluminum flashing to cover the floor of the attic for about $600. You could lay down the aluminum and then put some 1/4 inch plywood on top. It wouldn't add too much weight and the attic is still usable. There are thousands of corragated metal industrial buildings in this country that could be easily converted into a faraday cage.
A faraday cage can protect from radiated intrusion, both transmitted and recieved, but it doesn't help with conducted surviellance. Any wire entering or leaving a building and connected to a utility (electric, cable, phone) is a highway for someone to snoop. Any house has thousands of feet of wire. A large building has miles and it can all be used for transfering data. Broadband Over Powerlines (BPL) is a technology that uses the AC wiring in a building for delivering the same data as the coax cable. Telephone wiring could also be used without a person's knowledge. It used to be that when a device was off it was off. But now almost everything plugged in is drawing current even when not in use. I used to think this was done just to pad the electric bill but it may also have a more sinister purpose. Anything plugged into a wall outlet in your house could be snooping. The wiring itself could be a problem. As a rule the bigger the antenna, the more sensitive it is. So the wiring in your house could be a very sensitive antenna capable of picking up your personal emissions. There are at least 2 ways to defeat some of these problems. Filtering and injecting noise onto the wires.
Electronic manufacturers make filters for all kinds of applications. They can be used to defeat some of the problems. An understanding of what they are originally designed for is necessary to use them and I will try to boil it down to a few sentences. Most of them are designed to remove unwanted noise from lines and equipment so that it runs properly and meets FCC standards. Noise is catagorized as common-mode or differential-mode. Common-mode is defined as any signal that can be measured from hot to earth ground or neutral to earth ground. You cannot develop a voltage at earth ground since it is zero at all times. But both the hot lead and the neutral lead can vary above or below. The longer the run of wire the more likely it will pick up some type of unwanted signal (noise). Common-mode could also be described as any voltage picked up as radiation from an outside source. Differential-mode is noise from an actual device. Filtering for both is necessary but differential is more important since we are trying to stop the devices from communicating. Common-mode 'data' would be a problem if there were two long runs of wire and one had data but was filtered and was very close to a wire that is not filtered and that wire was 'picking' it up as radiated. This is less likely but possible. Filtering for differential-mode is in fact 'in-circuit' and is what we are actually trying to do.
There are two basic types of filters, active and passive. Active filters use componants like op-amps and transistors and some require a power source for those componants. Passive filters use only resistors, capacitors and inductors. These componants don't need a separate power supply but act upon the voltage itself as if it were part of the circuit. Other distinctions are they can be designed for AC or DC applications or high voltage or low voltage. I spent a lot of time reading a TE Connectivity (Corcom) catalog trying to understand the various types. One thing I discovered is that any filter used for medical applications only is usually only for differential-mode. In-circuit. There must be something in building codes or the National Electric code or in the way they build medical facilities that eliminates the need for common-mode filters. Some medical filters have common-mode componants but very few. If a manufacturer doesn't specifically say a device is for differential-mode you can tell by looking at the schematic. If the componants connect from hot to neutral it is for differential-mode. If they connect from hot or neutral to earth ground it is for common-mode.
Advanced electronics like DVD players, radios etc are a bigger problem because they have advanced IC's. There are two types of these that could have two solutions. Some of these devices have a plug that goes right into the wall and others have a small DC power supply or AC step down transformer that can be separated from the actual device. The former requires the filtering of the AC at the plug and the latter can be filtered between the device and separate power supply. With the separate power supply lower voltage AC or DC filters can be inserted before the device. Manufacturers make pre-assembled low voltage DC filters that can go between.
A spectrum analyser is a device that is useful for both detecting the problem and troubleshooting your solution. It displays a 2 dimensional graph of all frequencies in a domain. A domain is where the measurement is taken, wireless or conducted, radiated or additive. Spectrum analysers use to be very expensive and a separate piece of equipment. Since the advance of digital electronics even the cheapest oscilloscope comes with some sort of spectrum capability. They can analyse both radiated (wireless) energy and conducted (in-circuit). Placing oscilloscope probes into live AC circuits is dangerous for both the operator and the equipment and I don't recommend it. I recently purchased an Extech AC line separator that goes between an AC outlet and a piece of equipment so measurements can be taken with a clamp meter and no live wires are involved. There is also a clamp scope probe by Hantek. Hantek CC650 AC/DC current clamp. I recommend this instead of inserting anything into live AC circuits. Wi-Spy is a stand alone wireless spectrum analyser.
To inject noise onto the wiring you could use X10 technology. X10 technology was developed in the 1980's. It uses the AC wiring inside your home as a way to send data. X10 can be purchased from a website called I purchased a controller and took it apart to see how it works. See picture above. The controller sends data over the AC wiring to individual plug-in units that turn on or turn off a device when they recieve the signal from the controller. Each plug-in device has a code that is programmed by two rotary switch's. Each plug-in device can go into any outlet and turn on or off whatever is pluged into it. The controller itself is a feedback loop. It plugs into any outlet. The AC goes through a small in-house device, then to a transformer to step down the 120 volts. The stepped down voltage goes to the PCB that has the control circuitry. The control circuitry then outputs back into the in-house device and back onto the AC wiring. I think you could replace the control circuitry with some sort of noise generator and render useless all the AC wiring in your home.
The telephone wiring could also be a problem whether your phone service is provided by a telephone company or the cable company. Our phones go through the coax cable. The best that can be hoped for is to stop high speed data. The human voice goes between 200 HZ and about 30 KHZ, so you can filter out everything above that. It doesn't stop all snooping but it could slow it down. The above picture is of a Westek Z 100 telephone filter. It is placed in series in one telephone extension line. If you have 5 extensions, you would need five filters. It will not handle the wattage of all 5 at once. This filter is advertised as removing everything up to 200 MHZ.
The coax cable is also a potential problem but it makes no sense to try to filter high speed data since thats what its designed for. You could shut it off completely when not in use but disconnecting the BNC everytime will take its toll on the connector. The picture above is an High Isolation A B Switch. You could connect the input to it, then the output to either A or B then leave the other unused. When you want it disconnected you throw the switch. My house uses the coax cable for the TV telephone and internet. If I put one in the main feed I could shut off everything with one switch. To better manage all the wires it is advisable to organize and locate everything in one place. I have spent nearly a year doing this to my house. See picture below.
This is an idea for helping a lot of people with implants all at once. The picture below is a device I made to help protect my Software Designed Radio from being destroyed with too much signal applied to the antenna. The device mounted on the right is a surge suppressor that can be bought from a number of manufacturers. This one is from MFJ. It is designed to short all current to earth ground if it exceeds the rating on the suppressor thus preventing damage to the radio. The idea is to make some sort of portable device that outputs a massive spike that would be large enough to blow a microwave (Bluetooth) antenna. You could just ride around in a car in a heavily populated area blowing it off leaving disconnected people behind.
Winston Advisory !!! Winston Advisory !!!! Alert !! Alert !! Alert !! The books in my house have a tendency to change from day to day. But you never know. I have been trying to understand the meaning of the Mock Turtle in 'Alice in Wonderland'. This morning I looked up the meaning of the word 'mock' in the dictionary.
1. To treat with contempt, ridicule.
2. To disappoint the hopes of.
3. An act of ridicule or derision.
4. Of, relating to or having the character of imitation
So it didn't really tell me anything. But a funny thing happened on the way to the dictionary. The word 'Mocha' is right next to the word 'mock'. This is gonna come as a shock but I've been thinking about this very subject lately. I was in Day Treatment from 2002 to 2004. While there I ran into a girl named Lisa. I didn't know her last name. She wanted people to call her Mocha. She often wore a long cape and carried this stick like she was a witch but she was very vocal about being Christian. When I began investigating Scientology 4 or 5 years ago I discovered the Tampa/St Petersburg area of Florida has a lot of Scientology. There was a controversy there about the death of a Scientologist named Lisa McPherson. Her relatives have been trying to get justice for years.
Yesterday I posted some observations on radio. This is another one. In HAM radio a Yagi antenna is a popular type. I don't totally understand it. It has a lot of Branch's ???? (for lack of a better word) If you think about it, it is very similar to the way the AC wiring goes through your house. All the wiring comes out of a central panel and extends into the house and comes to dead ends.
Is this Phil News???
Pope Benedict XVI to retire Feb 28.
(never let um see you sweat)