Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, www.philipnute.com and it's companion website www.zsezse.com, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
George Orwell
Beginning of Actual Blog
Mar 28, 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
The Mishnah (twerking?)
Maimonides Reader
Isadore Twersky
Isadore Twersky
'And Lenny Bruce is not afraid....'
It's The End Of The World As We Know It
It's The End Of The World As We Know It
The following is a transcript of a comedy bit by Lenny Bruce titled "Interview With Dr Sholem Stein". There are 2 characters: an interviewer (not identified) and Dr Sholem Stein (Lenny Bruce).
INTERVIEWER: This is Henry Jacobs with another program of music and folk tales. Today in our general series of programs dealing with the origins of music we're gonna discuss the origins of Calypso with a rather well known Hebrew scholar Dr Sholem Stein from the City College of New York. Dr Stein has just returned from a trip throughout the Caribbean where he's been collecting the examples of Calypso you'll be hearing in the background. Well Dr Stein I understand that you feel that there at one time seems to be a very significant Hebraic influence in the Calypso music of the West Indies, is that so?
DR SHOLEM STEIN: That's very true Mr Jacobs as you know the story of The Wandering Jew and we find the Hebraic characters scattered throughout history and even as far as Nassau in the Bahama's
INTERVIEWER: Well now you pointed out, in the lyrics of this tune we're hearing right now regarding tomatoes
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Tomatoes yes
INTERVIEWER: We might listen to the words for a moment then you could comment on some of the content as you were doing earlier.
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Yes I would be glad to do that Mr Jacobs. Let me find the ...I have it here ahh the tomatoes,...Ah now I will read it for you....don't mind if I read,...Way down south were banana's grow,..Ants are stepping on elephants toes.....Elephant jump with tears in his eyes,.. He said why don't you mash someone your own size,..Now Mr Jacobs,..this seems like an innocent rather innocent verse but comparing it with the Mishnah are you familiar with the Mishnah? One of the 7 books of Moses yes It's the third book. Theres a similar thing there,...it doesn't refer to banana's of course banana's were unknown in Jerusalem in Old Testament times,..ya know banana's. Plantains.
INTERVIEWER: A symbol here.
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Well banana's you see and plantains similar football like, ah the cosmos ...you see the cosmos you know what I mean?
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Scientific authorities today who have shown us with unerring accuracy that the world is,, ...the earth that is as we know it is not so much shaped like ah it's more like a football. And ahhh it seems to be maintaining it's balance that way,...Going on and on through the ages ,,,
INTERVIEWER: Dr Stein I understand that one of your areas of secondary interest is the field of political science
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Yes yes political science..
INTERVIEWER: The picture in Palestine has been of particular interest...
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Did you see that picture?
INTERVIEWER: No Dr I meant the picture the general ...
DR SHOLEM STEIN: I see the general picture in Palestine.
INTERVIEWER: Well now you ..
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Very menacing yes,..It's frought with great danger for the entire world. Do you realize that Israel is the tipping point of the Near East and if that falls the British Empire, the Suez Canal consequently the Panama Canal in fact all canals, international trade will be affected and the British Pound Sterling will go down that will bring the value of gold up and the ratio will be thrown off and will create reflections even in the Ruble, the Yen yes it's a very profound subject. Economics, interesting.
INTERVIEWER: Well do you think there will be any interest in Palestine in your findings?
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Well, I'm trying to interest Yasha Haifits. Ya know Yasha Haifits has a fine voice I wonder if you know that. He commenced his career on the lower east Side as a Kantor and we're trying to get him to sing in the town hall some Calypso melodies, accompanying himself on the guitar. He's a wonderful guitarist.
INTERVIEWER: Well this relationship, can you musicalogically state the Calypso we're hearing one of the Hebrew Folk songs.
DR SHOLEM STEIN: As I say they all have there base in the Mishnah of course. You could trace that back um hum
INTERVIEWER: You have traced it back.
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Oh yes yes Of course it's a very deep profound subject to go into now I would suggest that you ah recommend to your audience that they read my forthcoming book titled "Bahama Mama". Of course it ah ...Bahama Mama it refers to the mother myth of the Bahamian Indians you see and how thier matriarchal society you see the connections with the subject at hand. And it goes very deep. Very profound and has international complications on the financial world as well, as well just any place.
INTERVIEWER: Well I understand you've been giving a series before this trip to the West Indies a series of lectures at the new school.
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Yes I've been giving the lectures at the new school for some time now and they've met with varied comment from the audience when the people came at all.
INTERVIEWER: Well I understand you had some theories on the psychoanalytical affect of music.
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Yes of course we all know that music is related to the psyche. For example what does the word psyche mean? It means the soul soul. and ah ... What was the question?
INTERVIEWER: The psychoanalytic?
DR SHOLEM STEIN: The Bahama Music.
INTERVIEWER: Or music in general.
DR SHOLEM STEIN: The Bahama Mama,...My forthcoming book goes into that subject.
INTERVIEWER:Well I suggest we listen to some....
DR SHOLEM STEIN: That's very true Mr Jacobs as you know the story of The Wandering Jew and we find the Hebraic characters scattered throughout history and even as far as Nassau in the Bahama's
INTERVIEWER: Well now you pointed out, in the lyrics of this tune we're hearing right now regarding tomatoes
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Tomatoes yes
INTERVIEWER: We might listen to the words for a moment then you could comment on some of the content as you were doing earlier.
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Yes I would be glad to do that Mr Jacobs. Let me find the ...I have it here ahh the tomatoes,...Ah now I will read it for you....don't mind if I read,...Way down south were banana's grow,..Ants are stepping on elephants toes.....Elephant jump with tears in his eyes,.. He said why don't you mash someone your own size,..Now Mr Jacobs,..this seems like an innocent rather innocent verse but comparing it with the Mishnah are you familiar with the Mishnah? One of the 7 books of Moses yes It's the third book. Theres a similar thing there,...it doesn't refer to banana's of course banana's were unknown in Jerusalem in Old Testament times,..ya know banana's. Plantains.
INTERVIEWER: A symbol here.
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Well banana's you see and plantains similar football like, ah the cosmos ...you see the cosmos you know what I mean?
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Scientific authorities today who have shown us with unerring accuracy that the world is,, ...the earth that is as we know it is not so much shaped like ah it's more like a football. And ahhh it seems to be maintaining it's balance that way,...Going on and on through the ages ,,,
INTERVIEWER: Dr Stein I understand that one of your areas of secondary interest is the field of political science
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Yes yes political science..
INTERVIEWER: The picture in Palestine has been of particular interest...
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Did you see that picture?
INTERVIEWER: No Dr I meant the picture the general ...
DR SHOLEM STEIN: I see the general picture in Palestine.
INTERVIEWER: Well now you ..
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Very menacing yes,..It's frought with great danger for the entire world. Do you realize that Israel is the tipping point of the Near East and if that falls the British Empire, the Suez Canal consequently the Panama Canal in fact all canals, international trade will be affected and the British Pound Sterling will go down that will bring the value of gold up and the ratio will be thrown off and will create reflections even in the Ruble, the Yen yes it's a very profound subject. Economics, interesting.
INTERVIEWER: Well do you think there will be any interest in Palestine in your findings?
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Well, I'm trying to interest Yasha Haifits. Ya know Yasha Haifits has a fine voice I wonder if you know that. He commenced his career on the lower east Side as a Kantor and we're trying to get him to sing in the town hall some Calypso melodies, accompanying himself on the guitar. He's a wonderful guitarist.
INTERVIEWER: Well this relationship, can you musicalogically state the Calypso we're hearing one of the Hebrew Folk songs.
DR SHOLEM STEIN: As I say they all have there base in the Mishnah of course. You could trace that back um hum
INTERVIEWER: You have traced it back.
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Oh yes yes Of course it's a very deep profound subject to go into now I would suggest that you ah recommend to your audience that they read my forthcoming book titled "Bahama Mama". Of course it ah ...Bahama Mama it refers to the mother myth of the Bahamian Indians you see and how thier matriarchal society you see the connections with the subject at hand. And it goes very deep. Very profound and has international complications on the financial world as well, as well just any place.
INTERVIEWER: Well I understand you've been giving a series before this trip to the West Indies a series of lectures at the new school.
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Yes I've been giving the lectures at the new school for some time now and they've met with varied comment from the audience when the people came at all.
INTERVIEWER: Well I understand you had some theories on the psychoanalytical affect of music.
DR SHOLEM STEIN: Yes of course we all know that music is related to the psyche. For example what does the word psyche mean? It means the soul soul. and ah ... What was the question?
INTERVIEWER: The psychoanalytic?
DR SHOLEM STEIN: The Bahama Music.
INTERVIEWER: Or music in general.
DR SHOLEM STEIN: The Bahama Mama,...My forthcoming book goes into that subject.
INTERVIEWER:Well I suggest we listen to some....
The first things this brings up are The Mishnah and The Wandering Jew. The Mishnah is supposed to be from the Old Testament, one of the 7 books of Moses. But there are no books of Moses in the Old Testament or the New. I believe he's referring to Moses Maimonides. Maimonides was born in Spain in the 12th or 13th century. He left at a young age because of religious persecution. He traveled to Morocco then Egypt and Palestine. He is considered a great Jewish writer. Some of the information I've managed to collect on the Mishnah says that it's a Jewish law book. I know the word 'mish' is Yiddish or Hebrew. I know 2 other words that are related: mishuganah (spelling?) and mishegas (spelling?). The first means 'crazy' or 'lunatic'. The second was used by the DJ's on WBCN in Boston for many years as the name of a game they played. I don't know what it means but everything BCN did was nuts.
He then goes into the problem of Israel and Palestine and how if it falls the pound sterling and global economics will be affected. ????? Why? Once you're confronted with the reality of "1984" you can begin to question the problem in Israel. I believe Israel is a concentration camp. The Allies (including Hitler) of WWII did not liberate the Nazi concentration camps but instead moved them to Israel. They were confident enough in the surveillance and cover stories created by the media as not to worry about getting away with it right under people noses. What are the camps for? Poor houses? Work houses? Arbeit Mach Frei. "Oranges and lemons say the Bells of St Clemons...."
He goes into Calypso music and the Bahama Mama. If the Blues was a precurser to Rock N Roll, Calpypso was a precurser to the Blues. The Bahama Mama is Queen Elizabeth II or Victoria or Mary. He says she's a 'myth', that is she's no different from anyone else at the top. They're all the same. Some may believe she and the English are the good guys but they're all the same. It's very possible Henry VIII was aware why the English Reformation was as bad as it was. It's a divide and conquer. A permanant split in the church designed to keep the people at the bottom killing the people at the bottom. Why England? It's an island. It was easier to contain the lies.
Something happened in the Bahama's with tomatoes. Something really bad. Calypso dancers put fruit on thier heads. A lot of the songs are about fruit. Day-O. When I first tried bringing this up someone must have said something to my mother and she slipped into to a conversation at some time '...those were some expensive tomatoes...." This was a couple years ago.
Mar 27, 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Convert or Die
Edmond Paris
Edmond Paris
Genocide in Satelite Croatia
Edmond Paris
Edmond Paris
No Friend of Democracy
by Edith Moore
by Edith Moore
Wall St and the Rise of Hitler
Antony C Sutton
Antony C Sutton
Wall St and the Bolshevik Revolution
Antony C Sutton
Antony C Sutton
Adolph and the MCA
Lenny Bruce
Lenny Bruce
Vatican Ratlines
From George Orwell's novel 1984,
‘.....In accordance with principles it does not matter if the war is real or whether victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous. The essential act of modern warfare is the destruction of human production and labor. A hierarchial society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. In principle the war is planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against it’s own subjects and it’s object is not victory but to keep the very structure of society intact.....’
Hitler's Pope
John Cornwall
John Cornwall
La Popessa
Paul I Murphy
Paul I Murphy
Mar 25, 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
If you have a neural implant or have access to the microwave hearing effect, can you cheat on civil service exams? Was this the real reason for Affirmative Action?
Can a person blow up thier neural implant by touching a Tesla Coil? Could an electrified fly swatter do the same?
Mar 24, 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
An English Rock band, The Rolling Stones, wrote a song titled 'Sympathy for the Devil' where one line of the song goes "..my name is Lucifer, and I'm in need of some restraint....." Why do they have 'sympathy' for the devil?
The Skunk Works at Area 51. Francis Gary Powers flew a U2 (as in you too) over Russia and was shot down. U2 (as in you too) are an Irish Rock band that is still around. Bob Dylan wrote a song where a line goes "....everybody must get stoned...." (as in everybody must be a spy?)
The pictures above are some thoughts on Faraday cages and neural implants. Turning an attic into an earth grounded Faraday cage has a drawback. It presents itself as a lightning rod, an attraction for lightning. You should install a lightning rod very near the house to draw lightning away. A lightning rod can double as an antenna. You could hook up a small noise generator that ran on some photo voltaic cells. Alexander Calder was an artist who experimented with mobiles. Mobiles installed in an attic could act like chaff dropped from airplanes to confuse radar. Using multiple types of metal , and varying the shape could also help. I say this in case you don't want to ground your attic and present it as a lightning rod.
Mar 20, 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
MK-Ultra The Controllers
by Martin Cannon
by Martin Cannon
Advanced Neural Implants and Control
by Daryl R Kipke DARPA
by Daryl R Kipke DARPA
Is your life becoming an endless stream of seemingly timed events? Are the people involved lying or avoiding the issue? Do they want you to accept an implant? DON'T ACCEPT AN IMPLANT!!! You are dealing with Scientology, a killing machine. Some people are being controlled and some are doing the controlling. You can't tell the players without a scorecard and there is no scorecard because most people don't know there's a game. If too many did, it wouldn't exist. It's purpose is to prolong the value of the dollar by limiting the number of people who can get a loan at a bank. Believe it!!!! It makes more for the rich and less for the poor. If you are an electronics or computer engineer, or you know one, see the 'SURVEILLANCE' page for suggestions.
Note. The microwave hearing effect and neural implants can look very similar. But it MIGHT be that the people being controlled have a neural implant and the people doing the controlling are only using the microwave hearing effect.
I know there are people who think that a lot of the illegal surveillance is space based. That is, contained in satelites, and is unaccessible. This includes synthetic telepathy. The picture above is a satelite dish used to communicate with satelites. Satelites are useless if you can't retreive the information. I don't know much about satelite communications. I do know it's difficult to jam the entire radio spectrum. If these operate on a narrow frequency band you would only need to jam that. If civil unrest ever occurs, destroying these should be a priority.
The top picture is a LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device) used by Police during the G20 riots in Pittsburgh in 2009. The picture below it is a microwave tower. It might be possible to replace the acoustic transducer with the microwave and blow up any device with a microwave antenna.The reason for bringing this up is an idea for disconnecting a lot of people very quickly and not have it be their fault. It might be possible to pulse a large enough spike of energy with one of these as to blow the antenna on a neural implant. The antenna has to be very small and capable of only small amounts of current. A way to test the idea would be to blow up some ordinary cell phone antenna's. I don't have a circuit of any kind. The device could be run from a van. A truck altenator could be rigged up to the drive train to provide power. You could just ride around blowing it off leaving disconnected people behind.
Microwave Oven Noise/Energy Gun
A Makeshift Short Range Noise/Energy Device
Any ordinary household microwave oven comes with most of the parts necessary to make a device that will produce a high power pulse of electromagnetic energy capable of destroying an integrated circuit in a cell phone or neural implant. The two pictures below are an old microwave oven. The second picture is the magnetron. This particular oven was 1000 Watts. A short burst of energy from the magnetron at close range could destroy a neural implant. IT COULD ALSO KILL THE PERSON. So be careful.
The next 4 pictures are a setup I have started. The magnetron mounts on the side of the chamber and is connected to a very high voltage transformer. The magnetron is what actually produces the electromagnetic waves. The waves are directed into the chamber by the waveguide. I have cut the waveguide from the chamber with a pair of tinsnips and I am trying to mount it on a pedestal made from an old microphone boom.
The idea is to fashion a horn antenna and hook it up to the waveguide and use it like a gun. I will have a small amount of adjustment up and down and side to side.
To build a makeshift (LRAD) you could cut a hole in the side of an ordinary van and mount the oven inside. Cover the hole with some paper or cardboard to hide it. The oven could be run with a power inverter and a 12 volt car battery. The power inverter must be a higher wattage than the oven. The bigger the capacity of the battery the longer it will last.
A shortcut method if you're really desperate.
Mar 16, 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
A Rolling Stone is a Wandering Jew
Wobble Wobble Wobble The Earth is Shaped Like a Football
Wobble Wobble Wobble The Earth is Shaped Like a Football
'And Lenny Bruce is not afraid....'
It's The End Of The World As We Know It
It's The End Of The World As We Know It
Essays on the Calendar
Moses Maimonides
(3rd book of Moses)
Moses Maimonides
(3rd book of Moses)
Mar 14, 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Just returned from my morning coffee. Parked in front of the Starbucks was a car with a front plate that read "Tax-A-Chusetts". I wonder if that was an accident. So, here is a little logic and common sense. The people who complain about taxes and welfare are falling into the trap. The same people run everything. They're responsible for too many taxes, they're responsible for welfare and they're responsible for getting some angry about the situation. You have to get the Proletariat to kill the Proletariat. Any reason is a good reason. The only good Proletariat is a dead Proletariat or one in jail. It's divide and conquer. There are currently so many people on welfare or unemployed that corporate America couldn't possibly provide enough jobs in a million years.
"What you say about his company...."
"Is what you say about society..."
Tom Sawyer
"Is what you say about society..."
Tom Sawyer
The Spanish Civil War and World War II, and all European wars, were fought to keep things just as they are. With the church and the rich in control. The Spanish Civil War was mostly a rebellion against the church, when it was over the losers were taken to concentration camps and executed. Some were forced to build a basilica somewhere in Spain. Does Scientology operate in Spain? Is the Pope responsible for Scientology? If so, then nothing changed.
Why is Capt Hook afraid of Father Time? Why do the lies just keep getting deeper?
Mar 12, 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
My youtube 'Feature' playlist consists of the following:
1) IMF Sabotages Jamaicas Economy -
2) Life and Debt - Intro To The IMF - The IMF destroyed the economy of Jamaica just after the Oil Embargo in the early 1970's. The cost of oil drove Jamaica to borrow money from the IMF at terms they could never repay. Jamaica is still one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere.
3) 60 Minutes The Rastafarians - A piece done by 60 Minutes in 1980 about Bob Marley and the Rastafarian movement in Jamaica. Rastafarians believe the Pope is satan and is head of babylon.
1) IMF Sabotages Jamaicas Economy -
2) Life and Debt - Intro To The IMF - The IMF destroyed the economy of Jamaica just after the Oil Embargo in the early 1970's. The cost of oil drove Jamaica to borrow money from the IMF at terms they could never repay. Jamaica is still one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere.
3) 60 Minutes The Rastafarians - A piece done by 60 Minutes in 1980 about Bob Marley and the Rastafarian movement in Jamaica. Rastafarians believe the Pope is satan and is head of babylon.
On a sidenote. My breathing is a middle finger in the face of the pig vomit race. Phil's stinkin' thinkin' will be appearing all summer at the Pleasant Shops Mall in South Weymouth Mass. Admission is free, but it'll cost ya.
"It is better to die on your feet, than to live on your knees"
Art Garfunkels character to the creepy old guy in the movie "Catch-22"
Art Garfunkels character to the creepy old guy in the movie "Catch-22"
Mar 9, 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Yesterday I talked about the Fabian Society and the tools they're using to conquer the world. The strategy is not just slow and steady progress, it involves making everyone interdependant as nations. An example every American can understand is oil. America is hopelessly dependant on Middle East oil. Without it America is doomed. A possible future example is food. Today most of the vegetables we eat are grown in California, but lets say they come from Argentina. Argentina's clothing comes from China, and China's steel comes from Africa etc etc. No one country can stand without these things.
Now I'd like to implicate the media in it's own cover-up. What do the terms 'Psychedelic 60's' and 'Psychedelic Music' have in common? The term 'psych'. psych - 1. mind and mental process's 2. brain 3. of or pertaining to the mind
Mar 8, 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Easter Island is a very small very remote island in the Pacific. It is famous for it's large statues of heads that were carved and moved very long distances by a stone age society. It is not known who carved them or how they moved them. The island has been deserted for centuries. "I'm sorry Mr Thorn,....he breathed for a short time,....then no more......" The stones were abortions and they moved themselves????? No? They had guardian angels??? No??? Stay Tuned!!! Same Bats-In-The-Belfrey Time,.... Same Toys-In-The-Attic Station!!!!
Hindu culture in India is a rigid class society. It is called the caste system. There are at least 5 class's. The top class are the priests, second the police and military, third are craftsman, fourth are people who do menial work and the lowest are the untouchables or outcasts. Mahatma Ghandi called the untouchables "The Children of God". What did he mean by this? Are they the 'jewed' of Hindu society? Are the priests responsible? Is this how Western Civilization is structured also? When I think about this I sometimes give the police a pass. Anyone with a tenth of a brain wouldn't want a life like mine. Priests are scary people. Where did this start? Eastern culture or Western? Is this what Helena Blavatsky and Henry Steel Olcott knew?
"Just as every cop is a criminal...."
"And all the sinners saints,...."
"As heads is tails call me Lucifer,..."
"I'm in need of some restraint,...."
"So if you meet me have some courtesy,..."
"Some sympathy and some taste,...."
"Use all your well learned politesse,.."
Sympathy for the Devil
the Rolling Stones
"And all the sinners saints,...."
"As heads is tails call me Lucifer,..."
"I'm in need of some restraint,...."
"So if you meet me have some courtesy,..."
"Some sympathy and some taste,...."
"Use all your well learned politesse,.."
Sympathy for the Devil
the Rolling Stones
A quick and easy way to convince any un-believer that there is a conspiracy in this world and it affects them and their future. Fabian was a Rock N Roll singer in the late 1950's. He was proof positive that you don't need any talent to make it in the music business. The Fabian Society is a British organization founded in the later half of the 19th century. They promote a policy of slow and steady change instead of quick armed conflict. They are socialists who claim to support the working class. One of the original members was H G Wells a famous science fiction writer who also wrote books on socialism. You can visit any online book seller and search for "The New World Order" by H G Wells and you will find it. Capitalism is the conspiracy. World Trade is a 9-1-1 EMERGENCY. Once you have established there is a problem explain the tools being used to slowly conquer the world. The Money as Debt banking system and Adam Smiths knowledge of economics. "The Wealth of Nations" is the manual for economic hitmen. The central banking system is a blank check to buy whatever it takes. The IMF (International Monetary (misery) Fund) combined with the Federal Reserve and the BIS (Bank for International Settlements) use debt to steal national wealth.
Mar 3, 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
The Torch Has Been Passed
I have been re-watching the Indiana Jones trilogy of movies. The first movie is titled "Raiders of the Lost Ark". It centers around an archeologist named Indiana Jones and his search for the 'Ark of the Covenant' in 1930's Egypt. The 'Ark of the Covenant' is supposed to contain the remnants of the 10 Commandments that were given to Moses by God. Before being lost they were in Solomons Temple in Jerusalem. Solomons Temple was destroyed by Nebuchanezzar, King of Babylon, around 1000BC. This happened around the same time that the Queen of Sheba had a child by Solomon and returned to Ethiopia. The subject of the next movie. The word 'ark' is a vessel or ship for carrying something. A 'covenant' is an agreement or contract. So the 'Ark of the Covenant' is a moving contract with God. Toward the end of the movie the Nazi's gain control of the Ark and put it in a crate marked with a swastika. Jones then regains control and puts it and himself on a cargo ship bound for England. Along the way something inside the crate burns the swastika off. To me this symbolizes erasing the past. The Germans board the ship and take everyone to a deserted island where they open the ark and it kills everyone who looked. Jones and his friends survive. The last scene has the Ark being 'lost' again in an American warehouse. To me this symbolizes the 'passing of the torch'. The 'passing of the agreement with God'. America becomes the Roman fascist power instead of Germany. The 'Ark' has been passed to many countries over the centuries.
Alice, an Adultery
The second movie is titled "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom". The story begins in China. Jones is trying to get a very large diamond. While escaping he ends up in Tibet or India in a small village that has lost it's 'magic' stone. Without the 'stone' they cannot grow food or provide for themselves. Jones agrees to get it back. He travels to a Kings castle in India to spend the night. While there he discovers a secret passage. On the wall is written 'Follow The Foot Prints of Sheba'. I think this means 2 things. One, is 'Alice, An Adultery'. There are probably hundreds of young women in South Weymouth that could tell stories of being asked to 'lure' Phil away, and give up thier vows. If anyone cares find out who convinved them and you will discover the source of every problem on earth. You will also find the source of all the drugs. Two, is the Queen of Sheba. The story of the Queen of Sheba is still very alive in Ethiopia and other parts of the world. Jamaica for example. Haile Selassie, who died in 1974, is believed by many in the Rastifari movement to be The Second Coming of the messiah. The word 'rastifari' is made up from Selassies name somehow. I believe the significance of Haile Selassie is a little different. I believe the occultists of the late 19th century early 20th century manipulated Ethiopia in the same way as most of Europe was manipulated for 1500 years by the church. I believe they did this to leave a record in the 20th century as to how it was done and evidence it was done. I believe if you trace the origin of 'Alice' you will find the church also. Why is it so important? I believe the church, as they probably did, is re-inventing itself as Scientology. A process they have done before about the time of Martin Luther. The Reformation. They believed, and a lot of other people believe, the bible is based on 'The Egyptian Book of the Dead' and was completely made up. The official end of the Roman Empire was with the Fall of Constantinople about 1461AD. It never died in the minds of many people who knew how it worked and began building it again. The first book published was 'The Guttenburg Bible' about this exact time. The church in the Vatican, St Peters, was begun on April 18, 1506 and completed on Nov 18, 1626, 120 years. So the original church is gone and they have had 500 years to create a phoney paper trail going back another 1000 years. The occultists may have uncovered a lot of it. The Queen of Sheba could lead you there.
The third movie involves the 'Holy Grail'. It introduces Jones father who is also an archeologist. It has elements of Ethiopia. The ending is in a church carved right out of the rock. There are similar churchs in Ethiopia.
Mar 1, 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
"Pilgrims Progress" by John Bunyun is a novel first published in England in 1678. It is the story of a man named Christian who is weighed down by the knowledge of his sin. He leaves his wife and children to be delivered from this world to the next. He is helped along the way by many people.
"The Wandering Jew" is a legend that has appeared in Europe for centuries. He is someone who taunted Jesus during his crucifixion and so was condemned to wander the earth until The Second Coming.
Feb 26, 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
The Doors
"It came in through the Virginia swamp......."
"Cool and slow with plenty of precision..."
"With a backbeat narrow and hard to follow..."
The WASP: Texas Radio and the Big Beat
The Doors
(what came in through the Virginia swamp?)
(Jefferson Airplane of course!!!)
(as in JANET flights? to Area 51??)
(or is Freemasonry another layer of Scapegoat? in endless layers of scapegoats)
What goes on at Area 51? Is it a Roman Coliseum thing? Killing for entertainment? Where does the buck stop?
"Cool and slow with plenty of precision..."
"With a backbeat narrow and hard to follow..."
The WASP: Texas Radio and the Big Beat
The Doors
(what came in through the Virginia swamp?)
(Jefferson Airplane of course!!!)
(as in JANET flights? to Area 51??)
(or is Freemasonry another layer of Scapegoat? in endless layers of scapegoats)
What goes on at Area 51? Is it a Roman Coliseum thing? Killing for entertainment? Where does the buck stop?
My new youtube playlist, “Obama is a Mac Daddy”. I list them here in the event they don’t reach other peoples computers as I intend.
1) Manning Speaks Out About The Mack Daddy President
2) Obama’s Bra 54 D
3) Rev Michael Pfleger at Trinity UCC “Hillary Thinks I’m White I’m Entitled”
4) Fr Michael Pfleger Address’s Justice For Trayvon
5) Father Michael Pfleger and Fox News
6) Jeremiah Wright “God Damm America”
7) Fox Lies The Real Sermon Given By Jeremiah Wright
1) Manning Speaks Out About The Mack Daddy President
2) Obama’s Bra 54 D
3) Rev Michael Pfleger at Trinity UCC “Hillary Thinks I’m White I’m Entitled”
4) Fr Michael Pfleger Address’s Justice For Trayvon
5) Father Michael Pfleger and Fox News
6) Jeremiah Wright “God Damm America”
7) Fox Lies The Real Sermon Given By Jeremiah Wright
Feb 24, 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Neural Implant Idea. This is a continuation of this mornings post involving the police LRAD vehicle. The picture above is part of my ham radio setup. It’s a surge suppressor. It’s function is to sink to ground a surge of current that the input of the radio can’t handle. When a house is struck by lightning, sometimes the electric devices are destroyed by a surge of current. This is the same thing only for an antenna. Some people spend thousands of dollars on radio equipment and it can be destroyed in an instant without one of these. A neural implant has to be very small given where it goes. It can’t be capable of a lot of current. They do make silicon based devices that open then reset. I think they call them thermisitors or varistors but still can’t handle too much. The idea could be tested by blowing old cell phones.
Anthropology and Comparative Religion
I started a new playlist on Youtube titled "Anthropology and Comparative Religion". I list them here in the event they don't reach other peoples computers as I intend. I got the idea from the L Ron Bumquist scene in "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas". L Ron says something about Margaret Mead so I typed her name into Wikipedia and discovered she was a famous anthropologist. Anthropololgy is defined as - the science of human beings esp the study of human beings in relation to distribution, origin, classification and relationship to race, physical characteristics environmental and social relations and culture. Comparative religion would fit into the catagory of anthropology. It would be the study and comparison of different religions.
1) the L Ron Bumquist scene from "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"
2) Tales From The Jungle pt 1 Margaret Mead
3) Tales From The Jungle pt 2 Margaret Mead
4) Coming of Age - Margaret Mead
5) Joseph Campbell and The Power Of Myth With Bill Moyers
6) The Golden Bough - The book being read by Col Kurtz in "Apolcalypse Now". It is a study of comparative religion by Sir James George Frazer. The full title is "The Golden Bough - A Study In Magic And Religion". Sir James George Frazer (1854-1941) is rightly regarded as one of the founders of modern anthropology. The Golden Bough, his masterpiece, appeared in twelve volumes between 1890 and 1915. This volume is the author's own abridgement of his great work, and was first published in 1922. Remarkable for its vast assembly of facts and its charm of presentation, it offers the thesis that man progresses from magic through religious belief to scientific thought. It discusses fertility rites, human sacrifice, the dying god, the scapegoat and many other symbols and practices which have influenced a whole generation of 20th century writers, including D.H. Lawrence, Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot.
7) The Golden Bough: The Killing Of The Divine King by Rene Girard 1/5
8) Audiobook Bulfinchs Mythology Thomas Bulfinch
9) Bulfinchs Mythology The Age Of Fable Pt 1
10) The Content In The Bible Came From The Egyptians - Dr John G Jackson professor of history Rutgers Univ talking about the origin of the bible.
11) The Egyptian Book Of The Dead pt 1
2) Tales From The Jungle pt 1 Margaret Mead
3) Tales From The Jungle pt 2 Margaret Mead
4) Coming of Age - Margaret Mead
5) Joseph Campbell and The Power Of Myth With Bill Moyers
6) The Golden Bough - The book being read by Col Kurtz in "Apolcalypse Now". It is a study of comparative religion by Sir James George Frazer. The full title is "The Golden Bough - A Study In Magic And Religion". Sir James George Frazer (1854-1941) is rightly regarded as one of the founders of modern anthropology. The Golden Bough, his masterpiece, appeared in twelve volumes between 1890 and 1915. This volume is the author's own abridgement of his great work, and was first published in 1922. Remarkable for its vast assembly of facts and its charm of presentation, it offers the thesis that man progresses from magic through religious belief to scientific thought. It discusses fertility rites, human sacrifice, the dying god, the scapegoat and many other symbols and practices which have influenced a whole generation of 20th century writers, including D.H. Lawrence, Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot.
7) The Golden Bough: The Killing Of The Divine King by Rene Girard 1/5
8) Audiobook Bulfinchs Mythology Thomas Bulfinch
9) Bulfinchs Mythology The Age Of Fable Pt 1
10) The Content In The Bible Came From The Egyptians - Dr John G Jackson professor of history Rutgers Univ talking about the origin of the bible.
11) The Egyptian Book Of The Dead pt 1
I know there are people who think that a lot of the illegal surveillance is space based. That is, contained in satelites, and is unaccessible. This includes synthetic telepathy. The picture above is a satelite dish used to communicate with satelites. Satelites are useless if you can't retreive the information. I don't know much about satelite communications. I do know it's difficult to jam the entire radio spectrum. If these operate on a narrow frequency band you would only need to jam that. If civil unrest ever occurs, destroying these should be a priority.
The top picture is a LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device) used by Police during the G20 riots in Pittsburgh in 2009. The picture below is a microwave tower. It might be possible to replace the acoustic transducer with the microwave and blow up any device with a microwave antenna.The reason for bringing this up is an idea for disconnecting a lot of people very quickly and not have it be their fault. It might be possible to pulse a large enough spike of energy with one of these as to blow the antenna on a neural implant. The antenna has to be very small and capable of only small amounts of current. A way to test the idea would be to blow up some ordinary cell phone antenna's. I don't have a circuit of any kind. The device could be run from a van. A truck altenator could be rigged up to the drive train to provide power. You could just ride around blowing it off leaving disconnected people behind.
Feb 21, 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I have been thinking a lot about ways to connect a wood stove into a forced hot water heating system and make it safe so it won't explode. The picture above is an old style radiator. When I was young these could be found everywhere. They weigh a ton, literally. I have often wondered why that was necessary. Today I might have figured it out. The chances one of these will explode is zero. It is made of cast iron and is so thick and heavy, the furnace will go before one of these. These also came with a relief valve. It was always whistling when the furnace was on relieving pressure.
The 2 pictures above are a couple ideas. They can be combined with the idea from below that uses a bladder inside a tank to remove the water from the piping when the thermostat isn't calling for heat. The heat exchanger is housed in a cavity under the stove and is completely disconnected. The iron plate under the stove remains hot all the time. The heat exchanger hangs loosely from the bottom of the plate minimizing the area that makes contact with the plate thus helping the exchanger to remain cool. The water feeds the exchanger with flexible hoses so it can move freely. The exchanger is empty most of the time. When the thermostat calls for heat the exchanger is raised by energizing coils and the transfer plates make contact with the iron plate. The bladder is emptied and the water goes through the exchanger picking up heat. A further safety factor could be keeping the system completely isolated from the heating water by another heat exchanger in the cellar.
I have been thinking some about the purpose for the New World Order. Some may believe it was designed to be exposed purposely and then take advantage of the chaos to take control. Some people lose power others gain it. Some of the planning for the New World Order has moving large numbers of people into stack em and pack em buildings along transportation corridors and setting aside large areas that would be off limits to most people. They want to reduce the population and control people. Overpopulation is a problem for capitalism. Capitalism produced the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution created the Proletariat. The Proletariat is the constantly expanding unskilled labor force at the bottom displaced by massive factories that have taken thier livelihood. Massive factories would not be possible if it weren't for fossil fuels. As man runs out of fossil fuels the process of creating a Proletariat by the industrial revolution will reverse itself. Massive factories will no longer be possible and this will provide work and opportunities for the people at the bottom. So the people at the top are thinking ahead to the day they can no longer control people with oil and centrally generated electricity. Somebody got one group to do all the planning and building and planned to take control when the time was right.
Feb 17, 2014
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I laugh sometimes when I hear people say "Take The Power" or "Power To The People" then try some political demonstration or peaceful method. This hasn't worked for anyone anywhere for decades if not centuries. Someone, it might have been JFK, said "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable". I think the time has come. When I see someone from the John Birch Society saying "all we have to do is vote them out" I know it's a joke. A really bad joke. Even if mind control wasn't a reality. What is power? Well it's anything someone else can hang over your head to force you to comply. The 3 most obvious are: food clothing and shelter. I think the only way to take the power is to provide these for yourself as best you can. Neither a borrower or a lender be, don't live beyond your means and always have enough cash to get by. Own a piece of land somewhere so if necessary you can subsistance farm. Real estate. Land is the only thing there is a finite amount of and isn't going anywhere.
This page is some of my inventions. Some might be original some not. I begin with some of my ideas on solar energy. Peak Oil is something even oil industry experts agree is a problem. Peak Oil is the concept where we have reached the maximun rate at which oil can be found, brought to the surface and delivered to market. We currently consume approx. 80 million barrels a day worldwide. They agree it can't go any higher. It took man about one hundred years to reach that. It might take one hundred years to run out at current population levels. They say the 80 million barrel number will begin to decline and never recover. Man's food supply, like everything else, is now heavily dependent on oil. Too much of our food production is in the hands of too few people as a result of capitalism. I have heard figures that state we use 10 joules of energy (fossil fuels) for every one calorie of food we produce. Prior to the industrial revolution that figure was 0. The average person needs 2000 calories per day. Our food supply can be used as a weapon. Solar energy can be an alternative. It has an advantage that to many may seem a drawback. It can't fuel large factories or buildings. To me this is a plus. It would help keep business's small and help stop the concentration of wealth.
Solar panels convert sunlight to DC electric current with semiconductor technology. They use the same PN junction used in every transistor. Silicon transistors can make light. It's called an LED. (Light Emitting Diode) So it can both make electricity from light and make light from electricity. Thats about as much as I know.
There are 3 types of solar panels. Amorphous, poly-crystalline and mono-crystalline. Amorphous are the least sensitive and cheapest. Poly-crystalline are in the middle and mono-crystalline are the most sensitive and costly. Amorphous are best used near the equator where there is abundant direct sunlight. They don't work very well near the poles. (north and south) It is best to use the most sensitive where the sunlight is not as direct.
The picture below shows 6 panels. This might be 1000 watts on a very sunny day. To help you understand, a desktop personal computer would be a constant 600 watts. A laptop or notebook less. A microwave oven is typically 1200 watts. You can't use them at night unless you store the energy somehow. There are at least two ways to produce the electricity at a later time. One is batteries and the other is with a fuel cell. (see second picture below) A fuel cell combines hydrogen and oxygen to make electricity and you get water as a by-product. Since solar panels make DC current it can be used to seperate hydrogen and oxygen with a process known as electrolysis. The 2 componants can be generated during the day and stored in 2 seperate containers and then recombined at night. The third picture below is a small desktop seperator.
Another problem with solar panels is snow. Snow would cover the panel and prevent light from getting through. There are ways to solve this. A car rear window de-fogger uses small amounts of electricity to melt ice on your car. It's something like an electric stove. It has small lines of a resistive substance that heat up when current is passed through. If solar panels are kept very thin they could be put on the bottom so as not to stop sunlight. Panels could be made as small as possible. Instead of 6 panels 3 feet by 6 feet you could make 18 panels 1 foot by 1 foot. Raise the panels up off the roof and seperate them by a couple inches to allow water to fall off. Making them smaller can also help if one goes bad. Replacing a 6 by 3 would be more expensive than a 1 by 1.
Solar voltaic panels can be used to heat a home as well. The top picture below is an electric stove top. It glows red when electricity flows through it. The bottom picture is a possible application. The idea is to wrap the element around a piece of pipe and send water through the pipe so it picks up the heat. Two things could be done. One is to preheat an existing fossil fuel heating system (oil, natural gas etc) by placing the pipe in-line with the zones of the house. The furnace would not stay on as long or maybe not come on at all. This would cut down on the amount of fossil fuel used and it could also be an incentive for people to purchase photo voltaic panels while the technology is improved. Another use would be putting a unit right where hot water is needed like the kitchen or bathroom. This would cut down on the amount of piping needed and eliminate the need for a hot water tank. They already make these. They call it a "point of use' water heater and they can be found at any builders supply.
The idea of wrapping an electric heating element around a pipe could be called a heat exchanger. It is not a new idea. Both pictures below are heat exchangers. One is 'water to water' and the other is 'water to air'. The 'water to air' could be used with a wood stove when electric heat is not available.
When central heating began in the late 19th century early 20th century it often involved keeping a fire going in the furnace all the time. Coal was delivered and the homeowner had to shovel it into the furnace. Modern furnaces turn on and turn off when needed. Keeping the fire going all the time led to overheating and it sometimes blew up. I beleive, I'm not sure, this is why you can't connect a wood burning stove to your heating system if it is forced hot water. My idea is to have a wood burning stove on the first floor of the house and have a tank in the cellar that holds water. The water would be held in a rubber bladder inside the tank. The tank is connected to a piping system that goes to the wood stove on the first floor. The piping system includes a heat exchanger that also carries the water from the furnace. When needed, a small air compressor turns on, pressurizes the tank forcing the water out of the bladder by squezzing it against the side of the tank and into the piping system. It goes through the pipe, picks up heat from the first floor stove and exchanges it in the cellar with the heating system by the exchanger thus adding BTU's to the heat and cutting down someone's heating bill. When the system is not calling the water drops out of the piping system into the bladder thus avoiding a possible explosion. Another safety factor could include some type of heat sink on the bottom of the stove that disconnects the piping system when the furnace is not calling. Both the water in the piping system and the heat sink would work on gravity.
Yard waste is plant material. Plant material can be burned if it is seperated and processed. They say money doesn't grow on trees but here in New England we get rid of tons and tons of leaves and general yard waste every year. This could all be ground up, put in a methane silo then blended and pelletized for burning in wood stoves. The picture below is a small pelletizer.
This is 2 ideas to help very small business's in strip malls. For the most part strip malls are built the same across the country. Inner city and otherwise. The stores inside them are often built with a minimum of building materials to keep costs down and allow the mall owner to easily rip it out if the business fails. The roofs are well above the actual ceiling of the store and it is usually a hanging ceiling. It's just some aluminum track with light fiber panels laying on them. Often there is no insulation between the ceiling and roof so most of the heat goes out the roof and is a big waste of money. It's like having no insulation in your attic floor. (picture below) Most strip malls are heated with natural gas which is more expensive then other fuels. The first idea is to build the inside with more substantial materials so insulation can be put between the ceiling and roof.
The second is radiant lights. Flourescent lights give off a tremendous amount of heat. If they were constructed with different materials the heat could be directed into the room. Instead of the entire housing being metal, most of it should be a heavy heat resistant plastic, painted white. Thin metal strips could be placed inside the housing and connected to large heat sinks on the sides. All heat would be radiated into the room by the heat sinks. Or fans could be used to distribute it.
Methane Silo
Every check that goes out the door at the end of the month is another link in the ball and chain of our system. Reducing energy costs for small businesses and small business owners would do more to help the economy than one tax cut for ExxonMobil. It would help to break up these big companies. Waiting for the government to break them up is hopeless. Putting them out of business with alternative technology is more practical. It used to be that people understood that being your own boss was much better than working for a big company. There is no crime in owning a small business.
Methane Silo. Methane is a naturally occuring gas produced by the decay of organic material such as animal waste or plants. It is a fossil fuel like oil propane or butane. It can be used to produce mechanical or electrical power. It's chemical formula is CH4. One atom of carbon and 4 atoms of hydrogen. Like any gas it is best transported by pipeline or used where it is produced. Some attempts to harness methane involve laying out plant material in large sealed buildings and collecting it as the material decays. (see picture below) One problem with this is the material must be turned over every so often to help the material decay. As the material decays it gives off less and less methane. A methane silo eliminates the need to do this. A methane silo works as any silo by gravity. The material is fed into the top and comes out the bottom. The difference is a methane silo would have long tubes of screen inside the silo to help expose the material to the air to help it decay and give off methane. This eliminates the need to turn it.