Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, www.philipnute.com and it's companion website www.zsezse.com, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
George Orwell
Beginning of Actual Blog
March 31, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
On Feb 20 I proposed my idea for EMI absorbant material. I have come up with a couple other ideas for it. I have re-posted the Feb 20 below then presented the new ideas. EMI absorbant material could be used in an apartment that you don't own. You might not have access to the earth ground or someone could mess with it.
I have been thinking about electro-magnetic absorbant material. (EMI) I watched “The Graduate” over the weekend. It has the Simon and Garfunkel song “The Sound Of Silence”. They play it when he’s in the SCUBA gear. (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus) Supposedly the HAARP facility in Alaska is for communicating with submarines. All this makes me think. A tin foil hat won’t work because it isn’t connected to earth ground. Without that connection only the reflectance properties of the metal would apply. Reflectance is only a fraction of what it encounters. Some sort of EMI absorbant material would be better. They do make it. I don’t know how it works. This is my version. (see picture below) Come up with some way to spin millions of micro sized bare silver wire into a resistive material. Each piece of wire would act as the schematic below. A current (I) would be induced and then burnt as heat by the resistor. If necessary 2 (or more) layers could be made for different frequency ranges. The top layer for microwave communication and the bottom layer for the frequencies produced by the human brain.
The top 2 pictures involve the first idea. It's a sort of home brew EMI absorbant. Get some 1/4 watt resistors and wrap the ends around the body of the resistor (top picture). This creates the equivilent circuit shown. Current is induced in the coil and burned as heat in the resistor. Another method would be to wrap some 30 gauge or 32 gauge wire, if they make it, around the resistor instead of the 2 ends. Then glue them to a substrate to cover the entire surface. (second picture) Paste the substrate to the ceilings and walls.
This idea is more complicated and would require building some kind of manufacturing equipment. I think you could look up patents on how screen for windows and doors is made and copy that. The idea is to make screen that is half nylon and half alumimun. All the nylon would go one way, either horizontal or vertical, and the aluminum the other way. Every 6 inches or so connect a resistor across 2 of the aluminum strands. Keep each pair of aluminum strands seperate from each other. The patent office could be used for all kinds of ways to fight back.
This idea expands the necklace that jams your personal emissions. Come up with a circuit that produces an artificial audio/voice signal. ?? Combine amplitude and frequency modulation in combination with some oscillators ???, then use a voice scrambler circuit to make noise. Put that signal on the necklace.
March 28, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
This is a list of events that happen to me every day or have happened in the past. Most of this I can't prove and writing this down could get me locked up and medicated. I'm convinced we live in a total surveillance world. The world of George Orwell's Big Brother and Big Brother is the Pope. It's possible that this is all automated. I'm being followed by an Artificial Intelligence (AI) computer. It's also possible there is a control room somewhere with a person watching a screen and making decisions. NASA or Scientology in Houston, Clearwater Florida or Riverside County California are possibilities.
During the summer of 2008 I was committed in a mental hospital in Brockton Mass. The Weymouth Mass police came to where I was living and made me get into an ambulance with no arrest or search warrant or crime having been committed. I spent 3 months in McClean Southeast on the grounds of the Brockton VA hospital. I was becoming aware of the problem at the time but this stay absolutely convinced me. I was subjected to synthetic telepathy for the entire time I was there. Synthetic telepathy is the ability to read a persons mind with electronics. As a living creature on planet earth almost every part of your body produces electrical impulses and these impulses can be sensed electronically and reconstructed by a computer. This includes your brain. Whatever was going on in my brain at any given time was playing out in the hallway in the person of Keith Bradshaw. Mr Bradshaw was either under mind control or getting instructions via the microwave hearing effect. I had never met him prior to the stay and haven't seen him since. The whole thing followed the song 'Brain Damage/Eclipse' by Pink Floyd from the album "Dark Side Of The Moon". Questions. What happened to Keith Bradshaw? Was that his real name? Did he end up in Area 51? Is Area 51 a death camp? Did he die on a JANET flight? Is it like what happened to golfer Payne Stewart? Was the Payne Stewart incident an 'Aleister Crowley'?
One day my mother and brother visited me at McClean. While sitting in the common area I asked them to call the Weymouth police and tell them I was there. I didn't even finish the sentence when my brothers cell phone rang. I don't know who was calling but they left soon after. Cell phones are wireless. Duh. When you're not using it, it could be listening and you don't know it. It says it's off, but is it?
During the committment hearing I sat at a table with my lawyer. Directly to my left were 2 of the male attendants. I guess they were for security in case I blew up. A few days later I was getting ready for breakfast and the day shift was arriving. I was in my room seated. I began having a long train of thoughts about the hearing that were making me very angry. Just then one of the attendants stuck his head in and said "Hi Phil!!". Breaking the train of thought and startling me. I think the thoughts were being inserted remotely. There are known patents on technology that does this.
In the 6 years spanning 2008 to 2014 I made a daily trip to the Starbucks in Weymouth. Right next to the Starbucks was a Jonny's Foodmaster grocery store. I went in every so often for various things. From 2008 to the present much of what I eat and drink has something in it that makes me sick in some way. A lot of the food in the house was bad in that way. When my mother went on vacation I would try to replace what I knew to be bad. Once I went into the Jonny's Foodmaster and looked around at random for things to replace. I had about $20 to spend. When I got to the checkout I was pretty sure I has spent the whole $20. I had a package of Sweet Italian Sausage. The checkout girl ran it through but it didn't come up on the reciept and the bill was only about $15. I don't remember exactly how I proved it but it did prove that I was followed remotely from the meat freezer to the checkout and somehow they messed with the computer so the sausage didn't show on the reciept. This sort of thing has happened numerous times since.
One day on my walk to Starbucks I wanted to prove that it was something electronic I was carrying that allowed people to follow me and know what I was thinking. When I left the house I had no electronic devices at all. I left my credit cards, MP3 players, keys to my mothers car, everything. I went to a convenience store and bought a couple items and walked to a cemetary to eat them. I bought a bottle of chocolate milk. When I opened it, it was sealed in a certain way. The plastic label extended over the top and the top was attached at the bottom. There was no seal inside the top. I then went to different convenience store and bought the same thing. When I got home I discovered it was sealed on the inside. Someone had to have known I was headed to that store and known what I was going to buy. These things have happened since.
This has happened so many times it's impossible to count. I approach an intersection while walking. The intersection has a traffic light. When I cross with the light but not having pushed the pedestrian button the second I am in front of the first car in line, the light turns green. Traffic lights like everything else today are computerized and wireless. Emergency vehicles can stop all traffic when they approach wirelessly. A light on the top of the pole will begin to flash. If you hear an ambulance, fire truck or police near you can look up at the over head pole and see it. Busy intersections are also monitored with camera's. I don't know if they're wireless or not. If they are, they can be located and comprimised remotely by anyone. In fact any wireless camera anywhere can be located and used remotely. If you're NASA or Scientology you can watch someone wherever they go all day with satellites. Big Brother Is Watching You. War Is Peace. Ignorance Is Strength. Freedom Is Slavery.
You can't trust your own senses. The 5 human senses are: taste, sight, hearing, touch and smell. All have electrical impulses. I have seen articles about research into reading the impulses from someones eyes then reconstructing them with a computer. So, it's entirely possible your eyes are cameras that can be used against you. You other senses can be used to create hallucinations to drive you crazy.
I have some general knowledge of electronics. I have a test setup in my room and hack around with stuff. Not long ago I spent a Sunday working on a noise circuit. When I got to the end of the day I was expecting an amplified noise signal but instead got a perfect sine wave. When I checked it again it had turned to a digital pulse. Again I checked and it went back to a sine wave. I was convinced someone was messing with my oscilloscope remotely. I have most of my equipment plugged into an Uninteruptable Power Supply. (UPS) Occasionally it clicks for no reason but seems to be timed to certain things I'm thinking. ????? It has happened so many times that's the conclusion I came to. Someone is watching me all the time. This kind of thing happens in other ways. Automobile horns for example. I have this thing where one beep means yes and multiple means no. (at least 2) I can't believe there is someone sitting in a car waiting for me to think something they can respond to at all times. It can happen in the middle of the night. It's either the microwave hearing effect or someone is accessing a nearby car horn remotely. I had a similar problem with falling trees after my father had died. It's not possible that many trees could fall in the same area without a chain saw.
My father had a heart bypass just after Thanksgiving 2007. I was left to blow the driveway when it snowed. My father always did this. He liked that sort of thing. The first time I did it I had trouble getting the snow blower started. The new neighbor across the street came over and in one pull got it started. They moved in during the summer of 2007 and I had suspected something was wrong from the beginning. Her father visited a couple of times. He was the one who helped. I now wonder if he was a priest or something and I wonder if someone was stopping the engine from starting remotely so he could help. Not long after that he followed me half way to Starbucks like he wanted to talk. I ignored him because I didn't like him.
My conclusion is this. If it's wireless it can be accessed remotely and used for surveillance or harassment. It can be done with satellites anywhere in the world from anywhere in the world. If it's in an enclosure that is not metal and grounded to earth it can be messed with but not necessarily used for it's intended purpose. This means any electronics in a plastic enclosure which is pretty much everything. I am a conspiracy theorist. This is logical considering the surveillance. I believe the global elite, the people Orwell called the Oligarch Collective, are building a New World Order. I also believe the capital of the New World Order is Dubai, Abu Dabi. During the 1990's a company called Global Crossing strung fiber optic cable to every continent despite the fact we were only using 3% of the fiber optic capacity that had already been built. The company went bankrupt when the dot com bubble burst and the directors walked away millionaires. That network is extremely powerful. It is probably capable of putting a single show on a single TV anywhere in the world. I wonder if it terminates in Dubai. The truth about the New World Order is that the people who are building it don't know that the Pope will end up in charge.
If you have cable TV you can order a movie with On Demand. So they can put a single movie on a single TV and nobody else will see it. I'm convinced they can read my thoughts. I'm also convinced they can send a TV show to whatever TV I'm watching that is tailored specifically to whatever I'm thinking at that moment. In real time. This is why the Global Crossing network is important.
I think a lot of people have been harassed with this technology and many people run. Like they're going to get away from it or something. After they run they realize the phones don't work and there is no way to get back. I have a documentary made by PBS titled "Frontline May 2007 Spying On The Home Front". They claim the NSA has a spitter that siphons off everything that goes through the cable in San Francisco. A lawsuit was filed by The Electronic Frontier Foundation.
I say satellites but construction seems to follow or precede me wherever I go. I wonder if someone is placing some device in the building but it doesn't explain everything. My father died March 31 2008 just before I was put in McClean. By the time I got out in August my mother had already hired someone to renovate the upstairs bathroom. It seemed odd to me that she did it that quickly. The electrician spent a full week doing the wiring. I have always wondered if he hid something in the wall. When I arrived at Lemuel Shattuck Hospital in Jan 2015 I learned there was free WiFi. It didn't work that well. They came in Oct to fix it but what they didn't. They put 3 white rectangular boxes about 8 inches by 10 inches in the halls. A similar device was installed at Atlantic House in Quincy in 2016. The group home I am in at Cross St in Randolph could have had something installed before I arrived.
March 20, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Anarchy - The world would run itself if it weren't for people trying to run it - Civil Disobediance by Henry David Thoreau - Non violence is necessary because there isn't enough tyranny right out in the open - "The government that governs best governs least" or "The government that governs best is the least amount of government" - More of a movement than a goverment - People who do not accept responsibility or authority because it's a highway for manipulation - Not chaos - Spreading the power so thin so as to prevent rich people from controlling everything - True democracy - Rule by the many for the many - When the living is easy, so are the people - "No country was ever drunk when wine was cheap" Thomas Jefferson - (this definition) (not clearly defined) People who stick together don't go off to war together - If you have to square off and act like a traditional army do it in short bursts and disappear back into the jungles of Viet New England - "You can not win a war against guerilla tactics" Sun Tzu The Art Of War - All things in moderation - "Balance between the clearly necessary and the comfortably desirable" - Question authority - Do what you have to do (for more information see the 20 years before the Spanish Civil War of the 1930's) The other Jasenovac. "This just in ,......Generalisimo Francisco Franco is still dead,....." And buried in a mausoleum built by the losers and maybe ?? owned by the Catholic Church and maybe ?? paid for by the Catholic Church - "Jane you ignorant slut..." In an effort to set up the jungles of Viet New England I thing you should blow up the Interstate Highway system and all the railroads. This has a number of advantages. It prevents large modern mechanized armies from getting in very quickly. These things are detrimental to ones health. It also helps to reverse the concentration of wealth caused by capitalism. If Budweiser can't get it's products in every store quickly and cheaply someone might build a brewery in Montpeiler lets say. This creates jobs and opportunity for others. Capitalism: see a need fill it. We're not here to provide jobs, we're here to provide opportunity. If you want something done right, do it yourself. One million people with a million dollars is less of a threat to the public in general that 100 people with 100 billion dollars. It also helps to isolate the various towns scattered across the countryside. This helps to secure the towns and begins to deal with all this out of control surveillance. It helps the relay communication system. All the land surrounding the small towns should be appropriated and handed over to the towns. All buildings and construction on this land should be destroyed and not allowed to return. All towns will be governed by town meeting. This throws bureaucracy at people. If you control the land you control the resources. If you control the resources you control the society. Everyone has to live downtown. It helps to control the comings and goings or strangers. It is difficult to conspire against your neighbors if you have to do it right under thier noses.
Anarchy - The world would run itself if it weren't for people trying to run it - Civil Disobediance by Henry David Thoreau - Non violence is necessary because there isn't enough tyranny right out in the open - "The government that governs best governs least" or "The government that governs best is the least amount of government" - More of a movement than a goverment - People who do not accept responsibility or authority because it's a highway for manipulation - Not chaos - Spreading the power so thin so as to prevent rich people from controlling everything - True democracy - Rule by the many for the many - When the living is easy, so are the people - "No country was ever drunk when wine was cheap" Thomas Jefferson - (this definition) (not clearly defined) People who stick together don't go off to war together - If you have to square off and act like a traditional army do it in short bursts and disappear back into the jungles of Viet New England - "You can not win a war against guerilla tactics" Sun Tzu The Art Of War - All things in moderation - "Balance between the clearly necessary and the comfortably desirable" - Question authority - Do what you have to do (for more information see the 20 years before the Spanish Civil War of the 1930's) The other Jasenovac. "This just in ,......Generalisimo Francisco Franco is still dead,....." And buried in a mausoleum built by the losers and maybe ?? owned by the Catholic Church and maybe ?? paid for by the Catholic Church - "Jane you ignorant slut..." In an effort to set up the jungles of Viet New England I thing you should blow up the Interstate Highway system and all the railroads. This has a number of advantages. It prevents large modern mechanized armies from getting in very quickly. These things are detrimental to ones health. It also helps to reverse the concentration of wealth caused by capitalism. If Budweiser can't get it's products in every store quickly and cheaply someone might build a brewery in Montpeiler lets say. This creates jobs and opportunity for others. Capitalism: see a need fill it. We're not here to provide jobs, we're here to provide opportunity. If you want something done right, do it yourself. One million people with a million dollars is less of a threat to the public in general that 100 people with 100 billion dollars. It also helps to isolate the various towns scattered across the countryside. This helps to secure the towns and begins to deal with all this out of control surveillance. It helps the relay communication system. All the land surrounding the small towns should be appropriated and handed over to the towns. All buildings and construction on this land should be destroyed and not allowed to return. All towns will be governed by town meeting. This throws bureaucracy at people. If you control the land you control the resources. If you control the resources you control the society. Everyone has to live downtown. It helps to control the comings and goings or strangers. It is difficult to conspire against your neighbors if you have to do it right under thier noses.
Western Civilization - Did you ever see those old Hollywood movies about Ancient Greece, where the Gods are sitting around in the clouds and there's an opening in the clouds and they're looking down at the mortals and they're just playing with them? Thats Western Civiilzation in a nutshell. (know your enemy)
Western Civilization - Did you ever see those old Hollywood movies about Ancient Greece, where the Gods are sitting around in the clouds and there's an opening in the clouds and they're looking down at the mortals and they're just playing with them? Thats Western Civiilzation in a nutshell. (know your enemy)
You take away my peace of mind and I'll take away yours. When I'm home in Randolph I spend most of my time in my room. OK all my time. Well my housemates seem to think it's a good idea to force me to spend more time with them. I know out of sight out of mind doesn't really work anymore but you should have left well enough alone.
"He's not afraid of your judgement..."
"He knows of horrors worst than your hell,..."(Ironman/St Augustines Limbo)
"He's a little bit afraid of dying...."
"He's alot more afraid of your lying..."
The Weapon
(3 guys from Canada are coming to the Gahden and they don't play hockey)(Did you know that recently the pope made a decision regarding unbaptized babies? St Augustines Limbo/Tommy -The Who)
"He knows of horrors worst than your hell,..."(Ironman/St Augustines Limbo)
"He's a little bit afraid of dying...."
"He's alot more afraid of your lying..."
The Weapon
(3 guys from Canada are coming to the Gahden and they don't play hockey)(Did you know that recently the pope made a decision regarding unbaptized babies? St Augustines Limbo/Tommy -The Who)
A funny thing happened on the way to the forum. They hauled my keester to the salt mines because they didn't like anything I had to say.
On the back of every one dollar bill there is a design put there by Franklin D Roosevelt. The design was first produced in the 1700's. Maybe around the time of Luigi Galvani?
March 17, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
But what would I do for a telephone?
Your anger is my telephone,
and or
my cable TV station,
In a world of cell phones and the internet,
Six degrees of seperation doesn't last six minutes,
Ten years later not much has changed,
I got mine screw you,
The rallying cry of Fascists
Fascism is necessary because,
There isn't too much for everyone
To be damned is to be Toby Dammitt
(Toby Dammitt is the subject,
of a short story by Edgar Allen Poe)
"Never Bet The Devil With Your Head"
signed Pavlov's Dog
To make matters worse
It's not good for someone
Who doesn't exist to
Inform people of problems
That effect everyone
The chances my name will appear
In any bullshit history book
a. zip
b. nada
c. zero
d. zilch
e. the big donut
f. all of the above
I have nothing to lose
Isn't commerce wonderful
Buy buy buy buy
Your anger is my telephone,
and or
my cable TV station,
In a world of cell phones and the internet,
Six degrees of seperation doesn't last six minutes,
Ten years later not much has changed,
I got mine screw you,
The rallying cry of Fascists
Fascism is necessary because,
There isn't too much for everyone
To be damned is to be Toby Dammitt
(Toby Dammitt is the subject,
of a short story by Edgar Allen Poe)
"Never Bet The Devil With Your Head"
signed Pavlov's Dog
To make matters worse
It's not good for someone
Who doesn't exist to
Inform people of problems
That effect everyone
The chances my name will appear
In any bullshit history book
a. zip
b. nada
c. zero
d. zilch
e. the big donut
f. all of the above
I have nothing to lose
Isn't commerce wonderful
Buy buy buy buy
I have been watching some documentary's on The Spanish Civil War of the 1930's. The Spanish Civil War had been building for 20 or 30 years. The second Spanish Republic was formed in 1932. At that point the peasants began changing things. One thing they tried was anarchism. Anarchism is not chaos or people doing whatever they want with no regard for others or the consequences to society. This is what Americans think of Anarchy. Anarchy was a movement where people at the bottom stuck together kind of like a labor union but without an actual organization. The idea was to educate the illiterate and change cultural ideas. They also taught people to question authority and say no to corporate bosses who expected too much. It was liberalism. 'Liberalism' is any attempt by the people at the bottom to depose the people at the top. The people at the top apply all sorts of labels. 'Liberalism' is a label. The ultimate goal was to take authority away from the bourgeosie and redistribute wealth. By 1936 many people were living in communal situations where the land was collectively owned and managed. The war was waged to turn this around. In the end they lost and the Fascists took control. Many of the peasants were rounded up and sent to camps where they were executed. One reason I think it failed was they lost sight of or didn't understand the enemy. One thing they didn't understand was this. In every city and town on this planet there is a police station. In that police station sits a Captain Clitface. Every so often he gets a phone call from someone who requests that a certain person gets harassed or chased out of town for no reason at all. One of the sources of that call is the father fuck agains from a assbitch u. (OK I'll be fair they also come from reverend rearend) (the problem ya see is that I think that the Pope invented and today, runs the Oligarch Collective) (he is the all seeing eye at the top of the pyramid) (but the leaders of the protestant reformation sold out in 1550) If you want to change the world you have to stop those phone calls. If you're a PIG in this country and you're worried about a war YOU HAVE YOURSELF TO BLAME. Not me. I haven't read the job description for police officer for any city or town in the country but I can make a generality that applies to all of them. Unless a crime has been committed you're not supposed to do anything. You have yes sir'd no sir'd and can I have another sir'd everyone on this planet right into hell. One Two Three Four I love the Moron Corp!!! I think this is one of the reasons Students for a Democratic Society failed.
March 13, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
My housemates were particularly nasty this weekend.
"And if the band you're in,...."
"Starts playing different tunes,..."
"I'll see you on the dark side of the moon,,"
Brain Damage/Eclipse
Pink Floyd
"And if the band you're in,...."
"Starts playing different tunes,..."
"I'll see you on the dark side of the moon,,"
Brain Damage/Eclipse
Pink Floyd
Do you feel unwelcome? Well, Yeah, but I don't want to be welcome so NA NA NA NA NA!!!!!
Let's see,.. 1957 to 1972 - Tommy - The Who, 1972 to 2002 - Ironman - Black Sabbath, 2002 to present - Dark Side Of The Moon - Pink Floyd. St Augustines Limbo is part of the Pelagian Heresy. "What would you do with a brain if you had one?" "I been run down,...I been lied too,.. I don't know why I let that damn woman make me a fool,....took all my money,....wrecked my new car,....now she's with one of my good time buddies drinking in some crosstown bar......some times I feel like......" Whipping Post - Allman Bros - It's a drug evasion arrest, THX 1138 - Even if I go back to my pills this won't stop. I took them for 30 years and it was going on anyway. It's the hunger games. You will produce 2 bales of cotton per day or you will go hungry.." I'm just waiting for it to be over. Who wouldn't want out of the dungeon? But I'm gonna make as much trouble as HUMANLY possible on the way out the door. FU FU FU signed Sabrina (whats her name) from day treatment 2002 Capitalism is a very sophisticated form of slavery.
"Isn't it wonderful we have commerce, buy buy buy buy...." THX 1138
Jesus H Fuckin Christ is a psycho-killer power and money slut. "It's the way to succeed and the way to suck eggs,...." - Ministry
Jesus H Fuckin Christ is a psycho-killer power and money slut. "It's the way to succeed and the way to suck eggs,...." - Ministry
This is completely self serving so don't misinterpret. You are better off putting up with some short term discomfort to attain some long term security. But you don't contribute anything. Those that would trade liberty for security deserve neither - (one of the founding father's I don't know which)
My new favorite band - White Zombie
"Devil man,...."
"Devil man......"
"It is not heresy,....."
"And I will not recant,....."
Super-Charger Heaven
White Zombie
"Devil man......"
"It is not heresy,....."
"And I will not recant,....."
Super-Charger Heaven
White Zombie
You take away my peace of mind I take away yours!!!! Deal? Deal! I know, I know out of sight out of mind doesn't really work anymore.
I don't give fuck one whats brewin from the Bruins!!! Same shit different day!!! If you're not thinkin my middle finger this is here to remind you.
My 3 wishs for the genie:
My health
My freedom
The first 60 years of my life
It's a myth anyway!!!
My health
My freedom
The first 60 years of my life
It's a myth anyway!!!
Whats a Pookah? Harvey - Jimmy Stewart
You have 2 choices with me, middle of the road or middle finger. Either way I hate you and don't want to speak to you.
You have 2 choices with me, middle of the road or middle finger. Either way I hate you and don't want to speak to you.
L.T.L.E.L eats a lot of his relatives. I.C.P.S.A. Can you say coward, well of course you can. $887.25 a month doesn't get me squat!!! But then what would I do for a telephone.
This is an idea for hobbyists who fool around with electronics or hackers who fool around with the government. You know what a pain it is to work with surface mount componants. It's difficult to get them on and off boards. Any ordinary soldering iron will have replaceable tips. Tips come in different sizes and shapes. The shaft that holds the tip can get as hot as the tip itself so the idea is to fashion a piece of metal to slip over the shaft. You can make the end of the metal any shape you want. The top picture is one I made that I never did anything with. I could cut a square hole in it the exact shape of an IC and heat up every pin at the same time. (second picture) By holding the board upside-down I could get the chip off without too much effort. Sometimes it's good to heat up both ends of a resistor at the same time. (see bottom picture) Small pieces of sheet metal can be bought from any hardware store. I think ?? (I'm not sure) stainless will not accept solder. The lighter the gauge the better, because it will be easier to heat up.
March 10, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
My favorite weapons are your lies and harassment.
Special Note. When I burn a CD or DVD on my main computer I use Cyberlink PowerToGo8. Before I even put a CD or DVD in the drive the software says "Space Used: 19MB" at the bottom. This seems excessive. I wonder if there is some sort of surveillance virus or something.
A couple weeks ago I referenced 'The Great Gatsby' by F. Scott Fitzgerald. There is no word in the English language 'occul' or 'occulist'. I think he meant occult. I thought I would write a very short history of the Occult in chronilogical order. The word 'thule' refers to the northern most reachs of the known world. The Arctic. It also refers to Eskimo and Inuit culture. It was used a number of times by poets Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and others. Eskimos are 'frozen' people. ???? Albert Pike was born in Newburyport Mass in the early 1800's. He started to attend Harvard but never finished. He went out west when America was expanding. He became a General in the Confederate Army. After the war he led the Freemasons in the South. He wrote a book titled 'Morals and Dogma' which I think is about the ideology of the Freemasons. He also wrote a book titled "Indo-Aryan Dieties As Mentioned in The Rig Veda'. The Rig Veda is a sacred Hindu or Buddhist text. The first real organization that was occultist (or pre-occultist) was the Theosophical Society founded by Helena Blavatsky and Henry Steel Olcutt. Blavatsky was a Russian who spent most of her life in India studying religion. Henry Steel Olcutt was a Colonel ??? in the Union Army during the American Civil War. He spent the end of his life in India. He may have converted to Buddhism. ??? The first completely Occultist organization was the Golden Dawn founded in England around 1880. Aleister Crowley was an early member. The Society for the Propagation of Religious Truth was an offshoot. I think???? Crowley later formed his own group. He staged stunts to leave clues in the historical record. The first was, he spent his honeymoon night in the Great Pyramid in Egypt where he was 'given' his religion. (I forget the name) He performed a ritual in Boleskine House in Scotland near Loch Ness. The Loch Ness Monster is the New World Order. He was supposed to give a speech at Oxford in 1933 but was prevented because of what he was going to say. (copies can be bought on Amazon) He basically says what Orwell tried to say "He who controls the past, controls the future. He who controls the present, controls the past'. He goes into Gilles de Rais and Joan of Arc among other things. The Thule Society was formed in the 20 th century. It had connections to Hitler and Naziism. Antony C Sutton very briefly mentioned it in "Wall St And The Rise Of Hitler". He cites a book titled 'The Occult And The Third Reich" by Jean Michel Angebert. Angebert says the Nazis had an SS officer named Otto Rahn look for the Holy Grail and supposedly he found it. (Outta Ran I mean really who comes up with this shit) The Holy Grail in my opinion is freedom from the Ancient Egyptian Priesthood System but the official line is that it is the cup Jesus used at the last supper. The first Indiana Jones movie is about this. Monty Python did a spoof. I think the real Holy Grail is information that would destroy the church. (see this paragraph) Possible clues the Nazis left behind. Was the word 'Aryan' used to refer to Nordic people before Adolph Hitler. Aryans were a people in northern India and central Asia 1000 years ago. Historians refer to the Indo-Aryan invasion. Study the history of the Swastika. The Swastika is an old symbol in Hinduism. It was not invented by the Nazis. Why did the Nazis make the movie 'Geheimnis Tibet'? signed Fire Breathing Dragon
March 7, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
This is another 'out of left field'/Radar O'Rielly/Pinball Wizard/Machinehead guess. Maybe everyone who has entered the military since the Korean War has been discharged hearing voices and/or under mind control. I mean all branches, Navy, Army, Marines and Air Force. Maybe the Coast Guard too. I know that they do all kinds of things to new recruits. They all get vaccines and innoculations that most civilians don't. Anthrax, plague and many others. I think they have to put on a gas mask and go into a closed building filled with tear gas and take the mask off and stay as long as possible. Maybe they do something similar and they all wake up in a hospital bed hearing voices. I'll bet 90% of cops in this country have been through the military. Same for firefighters. My evidence for this is extremely circumstantial. The movie's 'The Manchurian Candidate' and 'THX 1138' (Rodney King), a number of songs and other things. The songs are 'Knights In White Satin' by The Moody Blues, 'Saved By Zero' by The Fixx (see video), 'WMA' by Pearl Jam. Michael Aquino is a general who was very high up in the National Security Agency (NSA). He served in Vietnam. He wrote something titled "The Mind War Paper'. Pictures of him can be found on the internet. He looks very strange. He was interviewed by Oprah Winfrey once. He lived for a time in San Francisco when the hippie thing was going on. He was a founding member of the Temple of Set which was an offshoot of the Church of Satan founded by Anton Levay. (spelling??) Set was an Egyptian god. Maybe he's trying to say something he can't actually say. Maybe he knew what the hippie thing was really about. Genocide. And maybe he disagrees. Biker gangs began after the Korean War. I think, (I'm not sure) they started in Oakland California which is across the bay from San Francisco. Most bikers (I think) are veterans. Hunter S Thompson was a writer who coined the phrase 'gonzo journalism'. 'Gonzo', as in 'juded person', Zombie', 'Walking Dead'. One of the first things he wrote about was biker gangs out west. Videos can be found on the internet of him and members of the Hell's Angels. He later wrote 'Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas'. The movie is a classic. One of the main characters is named 'Gonzo'. One scene has Gonzo and Johnny Depp's character at a convention of District Attorneys where L Ron Bumquist (L Ron Hubbard ??, Scientology??) is giving a speech. He talks about Margaret Mead and marijuana. Mead was an anthropologist who studied the sexual habits of young women in the South Pacific. (Alice ??) Another scene has Depp being stopped by the police out in the desert and the cop asks for a kiss because he's lonely.
Some of my evidence comes from the book "Physical Control Of The Mind: Toward A More Psycho-Social Society" by Jose Manuel Del Gado. This book can be downloaded for free or bought. He describes 2 forms of surgery: Sub-Cutaneous and Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery. Sub-Cutaneous (I think) is when they slip a RFID chip under the skin at the very top of the head. They don't drill into the skull and it doesn't require a lengthy hospital stay. The RFID then communicates with the ear by the Microwave Hearing Effect as described by Dr Alan Frey, causing the voices. The RFID communicates with the outside world by microwaves such as those from satellites or cell phone towers. Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery is more invasive. The Pituitary is located at the base of the brain. It can be accessed through the nose without too much effort. The word 'endoscopic' refers to a camera on the probe that helps the doctor locate the Pituitary. The Pituitary is responsible for hormone regulation. A person can be made very aggressive if the Pituitary is stimulated. If the voices don't make the person crazy enough. A song is "I Don't Like Mondays" by The Boomtown Rats. The person that song is about is still in prison in California.
I have also proposed a number of solutions, some of which are in my PDF titled 'Counter Surveillance Counter Mind Control". A link can be found above and below. In the event it doesn't download properly I will try to summerize. 1. It might be possible to break the RFID chip with a hammer if you are careful. Locate it by feeling around at the top of the head. Place something hard on top of it and hit that with a hammer. Lightly. I'm not doing this to anybody so don't ask. Get your wife or husband. 2. TASER someone in the head. A personal TASER can be bought from the companies website for about $400. I don't know if either of these work. 3. Expose the entire head to a very high power pulse of Electro-Magnetic Energy. The PDF has a circuit that is a suggestion. Get a step-up transformer that takes ordinary household 120 AC to say 10,000 volts. (BE VERY CAREFUL) Any household microwave oven has a transformer that goes that high. Set up a large bank of Super Capacitors. Charge them to say 5,000 volts DC and then disconnect the AC. Discharge the Capacitors very quickly, very close to the head. You could use a horn antenna which is very directional. Again I don't know if this works. If a person can't tell you they need help they probably can't say anything at all so a person not under mind control has to take charge. I proposed setting up some restaurants with the Pulse device hidden in the wall or something. Invite the person to dinner and ask for that table. Have an ambulance ready. If you want to stop the voices you could cover the entire head with EMI absorbant material or jam all EMI with a necklace or Personal Area Jamming device. Or keep the person in a Faraday Cage until something can be done. Tin foil hats won't work because they're not grounded to earth ground. Only the reflectance properties of the metal used will apply. Reflectance is only a fraction of the EMI it encounters.
I wonder how many telegrams from the Civil War still exist. And I wonder if studying them could prove if someone, or someones, was intercepting them and re-wording or not passing them on at all. The specialty of the wizard is manipulating and going undetected. A book that is interesting from that era is "Fifty Years In The Church Of Rome" by Charles Chiniquiy. Chiniquiy was a Jesuit priest who either was sued, or sued, the Catholic church and was represented by Abraham Lincoln. Another is "Washington In The Lap Of Rome" by E Dewey Fulton (name ???) Fulton points out that the land that comprises Washington DC was once owned by Roman Catholic Bishop John Carrol. He donated the land to George Washington after the revolution for the purpose of building the city. Washington was a Freemason. I think, I don't know, that one of the original objectives of Freemasonry was the destruction of the Catholic Church. This would prove the church has run Freemasonry from the beginning. In my endless search for information to do damage I ran across something about someone named Nicholas Bonneville. He was an associate of Thomas Paine who wrote the pamphlet "Common Sense" among other things. Bonneville supposedly wrote a book accusing Jesuits of trying to put Templar symbols into Freemasonry. I couldn't find a copy but it would prove the same. Templars are sworn enemies of the church. Did you know the Freemasonry hall in Quincy Mass burned down a few years ago? It is still sitting in ruins across the street from city hall. Maryland was a mostly Catholic colony. MARY land. "Mother Mary come to me speaking words of wisdom Let It Be....." I don't think so Scooter. "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free" Johann Wolfgang von Goethe I have a book titled "The Secret History Of The Jesuits" by Edmond Paris. He states there are over 6000 books about the Jesuits. If the police won't stop enforcing the "Chickenshit 2 sets of rules for different groups of people" system because, according to them, if they do they will suffer the chickenshit I say people should apply the Rock and a Hard Place strategy. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. Turnabout's fair play. (see 'myblogfeb2017(dot)html' Feb 24) Whats left of the Freemasonry building in Quincy Mass.
March 5, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
On Mothers Day 2014 I had an altercation with a neighbor while living in Weymouth. I was arrested by the Weymouth police. I was charged with 6 crimes, one of which was a felony. If I had been convicted of all 6 counts I could have served 10 years in prison. The felony accounted for most of the potential time. Quincy District Court sent me to Bridgewater State Hospital for a psychiatric evaluation. They determined I was not competant to stand trial and commited me for 6 months in June 2014. They can keep commiting someone for what is called the 'half - max', or half of what the total time you could serve. In my case the 'half - max' was 5 years. I could have been held for 5 years with no trial. At the time I still had websites I was paying for. One day I took one of the white T-shirts they give you and wrote the web address on it and walked around hoping someone would ask about it. A couple of the guards did. Then they told me not to do that again. It was defacing public property. In Jan 2015 I was commited again for a year. The next day I was sent to Lemuel Shattuck Hospital in Jamaica Plain. It was still jail but it's much easier time. I was not allowed to leave the ward until my court case was cleared up. I think the only reason I got out of Bridgewater was the fact I had directed people to my websites. My next court appearance was scheduled for August 20 2015. This is the anniversary of my sisters death. She died in 1983. I waited 8 months. When I finally went all I did was sit in the holding cell in Quincy District court all day. No one spoke to me. Not a lawyer, a judge nobody. This is one reason why I think there were no charges and the whole thing was illegal. During the day 7 dollars was lost from my wallet. ???? Whatever. Around the same time I had discovered that there was free WiFi on the ward so I asked my family to bring my laptop. I didn't get it working until mid September. I won't explain that. In mid September the lawyer I had been assigned finally showed up at Shattuck and informed me the felony had been dropped so my half - max had been reduced to 15 months. I had already served the 15 months so the whole thing was over. He didn't really explain anything. I think this happened because I was about to start flipping my middle finger at the planet and pig vomit race. Because my court case was solved I was allowed to leave the ward and attend what they called the TREE program. I discovered they had computers. OH WHAT JOY!!!! The WiFi on the ward wasn't the greatest. In Oct (I think???) they installed some devices they said would improve it. It didn't work. They put 3 small rectangular devices in the halls. Several months ago a very similar device showed up in the social hall at Atlantic House. (see below)
A funny thing happened in Bridgewater. I was walking by a couple guards one day and they said something like "The sounds of communism...". ???? Or something to the effect. Just then a couple fighter jets went overhead VERY LOW. I grew up a mile from South Weymouth Naval Air Station and I know what fighter jets sound like. ????
March 4, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
“Contradiction Is Balance” flash’s across the screen during the song “The Fly” on U2’s ZooTV DVD. This is what I think it means. Sometimes the harassment is nice. They do something nice for you then go back to bad harassment. When I say ‘they’ I mean the not-so-infamous ‘they’, ‘them’ of folklore and folk song. “Some of them want to use you, some of them want to be used by you, some of them want to abuse you, some of them want to be abused by you,,” Eurythmics “When their logic ties you up and rapes you,….DA DO DO DO DA DA DA DA” The Police. The people with radioheads and murder in their hearts. This is where I think the concept came from. It’s a complete ‘out of left field’, Radar O’Reilly, pinball wizard, Machinehead guess. It can be found somewhere in the writings of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. He was a Catholic Jesuit priest who died in 1955. I worked for a time for a smoke detector company. I was a somewhat involved with the test equipment. You couldn’t always just put a piece of equipment on the manufacturing floor and expect the people there to know how to use it. This is where Teilhard de Chardin comes in. His writings were the strategy and methods that are used by the people who actually implement the techno-genocide. One of the priests in the movie “The Exorcist” was modeled after him. He was a sort of ‘plumber’ for the pope, like Nixon’s plumbers. He stopped leaks and took care of “Missing Links”/Col Kurtz’s/ Me/ Linda Blair. He showed up whenever there was a controversy surrounding a million year old skeleton. Piltdown Man and Peking Man. The Missing Link is a cover story for a situation similar to mine. Some of his concepts were the Singularity, The Omega Point and The Noosphere. The Singularity has something to do with modern communications or the radio in peoples heads. The Omega Point is the target of the Radioheads. The Omega Man “The Omega man,….always talking to myself…” The Police Omega is the last letter in the Greek alphabet. The Noosphere (hangman’s noose) is about both. My Contradiction is that everything I say is a middle finger at the pig vomit race and then I put up art pictures. It’s contradictory. But it’s all a middle finger.
Feb 27, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
"Spring has sprung"
"The grass is growin"
"Phil has his nasty back"
"All is right with the world"
"The grass is growin"
"Phil has his nasty back"
"All is right with the world"
Hey I waited about 15 minutes for the wood chipper and nobody showed. Whats up with that? signed Francis McDormand
Over the weekend I downloaded a free copy of Charlie Chaplins movie "The Great Dictator". I watched it before but I wanted to again. You can download all kinds of free stuff from archive.org or vimeo.com. "The Great Dictator" was made in 1940 and is a major slap in the face of Adolph Hitler. It is not, however, your average Hollywood WWII propaganda. It might have been one reason Chaplin was suspected of being a communist. At the beginning Chaplin is assigned to an artillery crew. They're trying to hit Notre Dame. Instead they destroy an outhouse. Then he's told to "..join Sgt Blue..." Then Paulette Goddard says "We're both absent minded..". They were 'jews' (juded) living in a Ghetto. They want to go to Osterlich to be free (an ostrich buries it's head in the sand) The Dictator is from Tomania. (Too many people) The Dictator commands the Order of the Double Cross (stabbed in the back) Everything You Know Is Wrong, Art Reflects Life, If You Know What To Look For It's All The Same Thing. To any absent minded assholes who think they are building a better world by killing other people at the bottom I say you're a MORON. You are perpetuating the very system you think you are fighting. After you kill off all us English Pigdogs you will have an eternity of aliens from outer space to deal with. There is no utopia. War is part of the system. Why does the Pope tolerate Voodoo? Because they're all the same thing at the top. Why does the Pope tolerate Evangelical Lutheranism in Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Iceland? Because they're all the same thing at the top. Why does the Pope not tolerate English Anglican? My guess is it's similar to Leo Strauss Neo Con ideology. They give you an enemy to unite and occupy you. Slight of hand. Divide and conquer. You have to get the Proletariat to kill the Proletariat for the benefit of the Bourgousie. You need the co-operation of some of the Proletariat. You need gladiators and lions.
"Jesus tell me a story..."
"The one about eternity..."
"And how it's all gonna be..."
Wake Up Dead Man
"The one about eternity..."
"And how it's all gonna be..."
Wake Up Dead Man
I bought the book "Twilight In The Desert" by Matt Simmons. It's one of the more popular books about Peak Oil. I haven't got very far reading it. I have a number of problems with Peak Oil. The first is that despite the fact that many people believe we haved peaked the price of gas here in the United States has not risen very much. The fact that many nations around the world are trying to build a society modeled after ours adds to my suspicion. Demand would be climbing as supply decreases. Why wouldn't the price go up? Second is the official story of how oil came to be. Oil is a finite resource but it was created from organic material that built up over millions of years. Organic material is everywhere even in the oceans so why is there not oil pretty much everywhere? Power is the real prize. Resources keep people in power. The use of oil has run the population of the planet out of control. This fact is a threat to the powerful. Why not lie about how much oil there is and where it can be found to keep power? This leads me to number three. Why is most of the oil in the middle east? This seems to be very convenient for the people who like to make war and pit people against one another based on religion. It's even more suspicious that most of that oil has to pass through a very narrow strait (Strait of Hormuz). The global economy could be shut down very easily by anyone controlling that waterway. I think that the capitol of the New World Order is Dubai Abu Dhabi which is right next that the waterway. Since global food production has become heavily dependant on oil massive de-population could be accomplished by shutting it down and thus preserving the elites power. There's plenty oil left so they will be around for another millenia. Matt Simmons was murdered during the BP oil spill in 2010. HMMM Or was he? Slight of hand? Misdirection? Four. Alternatives to oil do exist. They're far from perfect but why not do more to develop them? The PC industry wasn't seemless for 30 years, any alternatives to oil would be the same. Why aren't the people in power doing something? Five. Whoever has all this surveillance is running everything. Period, end of story. There's your culprit. I only have suspicions. Oil is secondary to the surveillance. So I'll quote George Orwell "Who controls the past controls the future, WHO CONTROLS THE PRESENT controls the past"
Feb 23, 2017
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
"And Lenny Bruce is not afraid...."
It's The End Of The World As We Know It
It's The End Of The World As We Know It
REM was the name of a Rock N Roll band that was active for 30 years. It also stands for Rapid Eye Movement. (REM) REM is a state of sleep that is characterized by certain criteria. I don't know what they are. There are different states of sleep. Some light some deep. Point being, if you are under constant surveillance they know when you are in deep sleep and are less likely to wake up. Despite my best efforts to secure my MP3 players my ear buds continue to make me sick. (the past fews days,---really nasty) I keep my players with me AT ALL TIMES. I also keep my wallet and keys and USB thumb drives with me. The only time they could possibly get at them is while I'm asleep. This is a collection of things I have tried. The top picture is the door to my room. I came up with this over the weekend. I tied 4 cans together with metal wire. I taped them to a piece of wood using Duck tape. It's kind of sticky on the outside and helps to keep it balanced. I taped the cans toward the end of the piece of wood so the other end would touch the door. This stops the wire from getting caught on the door knob. When the knob is turned the wood forces it off the knob and onto the floor. I also bought a automobile mat to jam the door shut. I also have a book end. The second picture is something I bought at Wal-Mart. I decided not to go with this for a couple reasons. I don't own the door and can't make alterations. It has to be screwed into the wood. If you had a car Slim Jim or just a thin stiff piece of metal you could push the device up from the other side if there is enough space between the door and the floor. The third picture is a metal box left by the last person who had the room. He kept his medications in it. I put all my stuff in and put it under my mattress when I sleep. When ever I have my computers on I start to get sick. I figure they put something on a fan or something. The last picture is a HEPA filter. It cost about $100. The filters are replaceable. I put it next to the computer when it's on.
"I'm flying,...I'm flying..."
Who Was In My Room Last Night?
Butthole Surfers
Who Was In My Room Last Night?
Butthole Surfers
Lenny Bruce comedy bits can be bought on CD. Some of the ones I have are:
Interview With Dr Sholem Stein - Calypso music, Israel, fiat currency etc.
Adolph and The MCA - Mien K(C)ampf Arises Hitler and Shickelgruber
The March Of High Fidelity - HFN High Fi Nuts
Psychopathia Sexualis - "I'm in love with a horse from Dallas"
Religions Inc - ????
Interview With Dr Sholem Stein - Calypso music, Israel, fiat currency etc.
Adolph and The MCA - Mien K(C)ampf Arises Hitler and Shickelgruber
The March Of High Fidelity - HFN High Fi Nuts
Psychopathia Sexualis - "I'm in love with a horse from Dallas"
Religions Inc - ????
I wonder how many telegrams from the Civil War still exist. And I wonder if studying them could prove if someone, or someones, was intercepting them and re-wording or not passing them on at all. The specialty of the wizard is manipulating and going undetected. A book that is interesting from that era is "Fifty Years In The Church Of Rome" by Charles Chiniquiy. Chiniquiy was a Jesuit priest who either was sued, or sued, the Catholic church and was represented by Abraham Lincoln. Another is "Washington In The Lap Of Rome" by E Dewey Fulton (name ???) Fulton points out that the land that comprises Washington DC was once owned by Roman Catholic Bishop John Carrol. He donated the land to George Washington after the revolution for the purpose of building the city. Washington was a Freemason. I think, I don't know, that one of the original objectives of Freemasonry was the destruction of the Catholic Church. This would prove the church has run Freemasonry from the beginning. In my endless search for information to do damage I ran across something about someone named Nicholas Bonneville. He was an associate of Thomas Paine who wrote the pamphlet "Common Sense" among other things. Bonneville supposedly wrote a book accusing Jesuits of trying to put Templar symbols into Freemasonry. I couldn't find a copy but it would prove the same. Templars are sworn enemies of the church. Did you know the Freemasonry hall in Quincy Mass burned down a few years ago? It is still sitting in ruins across the street from city hall. Maryland was a mostly Catholic colony. MARY land. "Mother Mary come to me speaking words of wisdom Let It Be....." I don't think so Scooter. "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free" Johann Wolfgang von Goethe I have a book titled "The Secret History Of The Jesuits" by Edmond Paris. He states there are over 6000 books about the Jesuits. If the police won't stop enforcing the "Chickenshit 2 sets of rules for different groups of people" system because, according to them, if they do they will suffer the chickenshit I say people should apply the Rock and a Hard Place strategy. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander. Turnabout's fair play.