Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, www.philipnute.com and it's companion website www.zsezse.com, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
George Orwell
Beginning of Actual Blog
April 2, 2018
Philip Nute
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
I have been reading “Frankenstein, Or The Modern Prometheus” by Mary Shelley. Prometheus was a Titan who was chained by Zeus for giving humans fire. Titans were a race of giants who inhabited earth with humans. Zeus was the king of Greek gods. In this case I think the ‘fire’ is science. Frankenstein is tormented by his creation so this is Zeus’s chains. I am reminded of Bertrand Russells paper “The Impact Of Science On Society”. I don’t think science is the problem. I think the problems with society can be traced to a two tiered system of justice. Religious people, and their supporters, can do pretty much anything. They’re above the law. Since one plus one equals two, widespread corruption and injustice are caused by people who enforce religion with no mercy and no exception. Eventually there is no justice. The society breaks down and the people who support the religious make money on the result.
I have also been researching Ethiopia and the Kebra Nagast. I am looking for tactics or strategy’s for maintaining the social order. Ethiopia claims that their kings are descended from Solomon. How did they maintain the line of kings for so long? It reminds me of another ancient text “The Art Of War” by Sun Tzu. The only thing I remember from this is “You Cannot Win A War Against Guerrilla Tactics”. “The Art Of War” was supposedly first discovered by a Jesuit priest. No Jesuit priest needs to learn anything about guerrilla tactics or conspiracy. One idea I had was the banking system. Many people hate the system and think it’s part of the problem but why not use it as a way to fight back. Charter a small bank in a small town. Have everybody put their money in the bank. Presto chango you have 100 times that to fight back with. Buy all the land surrounding the town. Refuse to pay the taxes so the town will seize the land. Bankrupt the bank. Do it again. Govern the town by town meeting and make it impossible to get anything done.
I am always thinking about energy. I wonder if it’s possible to use the natural magnetism of an ordinary bar magnet in some way other than mechanical motion. If you wrapped a coil around a magnet and oscillated the coil at the resonant frequency of the magnet I wonder if the magnetism would transfer to a secondary coil. Below is a schematic. The secondary coil is wrapped around a piece of glass and put next to the magnet. The whole assembly is contained in an iron box to hold in the magnetism.
March 29, 2018
Philip Nute
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
Anarchy And The New England Town Meeting
I have been reading about Haile Selassie and the history of Ethiopia. Ethiopia claims a dynastic history unbroken back to the days of Solomon. This was proved in the 14 th century book Kebra Negast. Solomon lived about 1000 BC so that's 3000 years. How did they do that? Ethiopia has a history of feudal anarchy. Anarchy is defined as lack of government. Whenever their culture or history is threatened they change the society to combat the threat. Until recent times they moved the capital with every king or whenever it was needed. The culture is nomadic as a strategy, but never really goes anywhere. In 1600 AD a Jesuit priest named Pablo ??, or Pedro, Paez arrived to convert the Ethiopians to Catholicism. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church is one of the oldest in the world. About that time the 'Age Of The Princes' began. It was 150 years of feudal anarchy. It ended around 1850 AD when someone was declared king who was not descended from Solomon. He was deposed quickly by Menilik II about 1900 AD. After Menilik came a daughter who married Ras Tafari (Haile Selassie). The lesson is: If you want to combat people who rule in the shadows then don't create positions of power. If putting power in the hands of small numbers of people is such a problem, then don't do that. In New England the people who originally settled here governed themselves by town meeting. The town meeting form of government spreads the power so thin it's virtually impossible to get anything done. I think this can be improved if all the land surrounding the towns were deeded to the towns. This would also put the resources in the hands of the people at the bottom. Keep people in the downtown area and throw beaurocracy ??? at anyone who wants to control everything.
On a sidenote. In the 1920's 2 men, Sacco and Vanzetti, robbed a shoe factory and killed a man in Braintree Massachusetts. They were considered anarchists and were eventually executed for the crime. They were exonerated in the 1980's.
I recently watched the movie “Marathon Man” starring Dustin Hoffman. They keep showing a picture of an African marathoner. I think ??? he was Ethiopian. The marathon the Ethiopians ran was the Age Of Princes. ????
Somalia was in a state of anarchy in the 1980's. Somalia is right next to Ethiopia.
Who won the fight for Ethiopia?
Monday March 26 2018 – 7 PM – Room mate not home all day. I stayed home all day. No rent agreement. I haven't paid the rent. I don't have a key to the mailbox. I haven't had any mail since February. Called about someone to take me shopping and got run around. The phone number I have for Vinfen main office in Weymouth (??) says 'Mobile” on my cell phone. 781-331-9824. USB tethering doesn't work anymore.
Tuesday March 27 2018 – ND – Went to Turner Library early. Left about 8 AM. Posted on wordpress. Took 2 movies out. Marathon Man with Dustin Hoffman and The Last Picture Show with Cybil Shepard. Needed to go food shopping. Room mate not home all day. Someone was in the apartment when I was out. AGAIN. Can't get my mail. I ordered something and they say it was delivered but I don't have key to mailbox. Called my Vinfen worker to light a fire under him for key. Played phone tag. Came by later but didn't resolve anything. Said he would call tomorrow. Haven't paid rent, don't know what it will be. Haven't heard anything about marijuana I found in cellar. Don't care. Thursday is trash day so I think I'll dispose of it along with the beer bottles. Want to stay home tomorrow and clean, wait for Vinfen to call.
Wednesday March 28 2018 – 9 PM – Nobody called. Stayed home all day. Cleaned, slept. Need to go to the store. Work on changing address. Room mate not home all day. First really nice day of the year. No progress on anything.
Tuesday March 27 2018 – ND – Went to Turner Library early. Left about 8 AM. Posted on wordpress. Took 2 movies out. Marathon Man with Dustin Hoffman and The Last Picture Show with Cybil Shepard. Needed to go food shopping. Room mate not home all day. Someone was in the apartment when I was out. AGAIN. Can't get my mail. I ordered something and they say it was delivered but I don't have key to mailbox. Called my Vinfen worker to light a fire under him for key. Played phone tag. Came by later but didn't resolve anything. Said he would call tomorrow. Haven't paid rent, don't know what it will be. Haven't heard anything about marijuana I found in cellar. Don't care. Thursday is trash day so I think I'll dispose of it along with the beer bottles. Want to stay home tomorrow and clean, wait for Vinfen to call.
Wednesday March 28 2018 – 9 PM – Nobody called. Stayed home all day. Cleaned, slept. Need to go to the store. Work on changing address. Room mate not home all day. First really nice day of the year. No progress on anything.
March 27, 2018
Philip Nute
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
Great Prognosticators
Samuel F B Morse was born in Boston about 1790 AD. He traveled to Europe when he was young to study art. In the 1830’s he published 2 books. “Foreign Conspiracies Against All The Liberties Of The United States: The Numbers Of Brutus” and “Imminent Dangers To The United States Through Naturalization”. Both of these books accuse Jesuits of conspiring to undermine the United States Federal government. He later was credited with inventing the telegraph. Was he right?
Alexis de Tocqueville was born in France about the same time as Morse. Tocqueville was the child of French aristocrats who survived the French Revolution. His parents came to fear the people at the bottom because of the revolution. Tocqueville got involved in politics early in his life. He probably knew that the French Revolution didn’t really accomplish anything and that the French government was still controlled by the same people. Thomas Paine wrote the pamphlet “Common Sense”. In it he points out that the English government has only the appearance of freedom. All they need is the House of Lords and the King or Queen to control the government. The House of Commons is powerless and only gives the illusion of freedom. The American government was set up in a similar way. All anyone needs is the president and a handful of senators to control things. Tocqueville may have understood this. He traveled through America with a friend named Beaumont, in the early 1830’s and then wrote a book “Democracy In America”. I think he knew the government was a joke and looked for ways it could be destroyed. (accidentally on purpose) He published his findings in the book. Was he right?
Pixie Dust Purveyors
Haile Selassie was born (___ ??__) Tafari in 1891. (I don’t know what his first name was) He was related to Ethiopian royalty. He took the throne in the early 1930’s and named himself Haile Selassie. The English translation is “Might of the Trinity”. He tried to modernize Ethiopia by concentrating power in his own hands like the royalty of old. In the 1970’s he was deposed by a Marxist military. The Ras Tafari movement in Jamaica takes it’s name from his original name. (Tafari) They believe he is the second coming of christ and will lead black people out of bondage. Bob Marley is a famous Rastafarian. I think Selassie was “Willed To Power”, as Frederick Neitzche would say, by the Occultists such as Aleister Crowley. They were trying to prove how it was done in Europe for centuries. Why did Mussolini invade Ethiopia? ???
Aleister Crowley was born about 1875 somewhere in England. His father left him quite a bit of money. Crowley joined the Order Of The Golden Dawn, an occultist organization about 1900. He quickly ran it then abandoned it because of a power struggle within. He was labeled “the Wickedest Man In The World” by the media. I believe what he did was try to use the media for his own purposes without them really knowing. He staged stunts that the media reported on that had hidden meanings. He was given his religion while honeymooning in Egypt.???
Thursday March 1 2018 – Arrived approximatly 12 noon. Staff from 451 Quincy Ave came back around 3 PM with the second load of my stuff and then left. My room mate was not here. Cephas left around 4 PM. I was alone the rest of the day.
Friday March 2 2018 – My room mate did not come home Thursday. We had a really bad storm all day. My room mate came back took a shower then left. She did not return until Sunday. (I think) We lost power because of the storm about 6 PM. We also had no heat. It’s natural gas but the thermostat wasn’t working. I was alone all day except when my room mate took a shower.
Saturday March 3 2018 – Some one named Brian came by around noon and said we couldn’t stay here because there was still no heat or power. He said he was from Vinfen. He took all 3 of us. I and someone from the other side went to 693 North Main St Randolph and the other person from the other side went to ??? Grove St Randolph. I stayed at 693 until Sunday around 9 AM. I did not sleep all night. I managed to call my mother and explain the situation. Around noon I went to Crawford Square Randolph and got something to eat. Dunkin Donuts and D’Angelos Sub. I also went to Shaws Supermarket and got some chickenshitted Polar Root Beer and Country Kitchen Donuts I had to throw away. To Shaws credit the orange juice and Starbucks iced coffee was edible. ???? (can you see my middle finger?)
Sunday March 4 2018 – I got back about 9 AM. My room mate was home most of the day. I spent the rest of the day unpacking.
Monday March 5 2018 – I have not seen Cephas since Thursday. He has not called and I can’t call him. I haven’t paid the rent or signed an agreement and I don’t have a key to the front door.I can get in by going to 26. I waited until about noon for Cephas to show up and then left to get something to eat and try to solve the phone problem. I went to the Turner Free Public Library in Crawford Square to vent on the internet. Then I went to the Citizens Bank down the street and then got the 238 bus to South Shore Plaza. I ate at the Food Court then went to Target and Sears. (FU for breaking my screw driver) Target did not have a phone I could use. I bought a couple things and got a really nasty chickneshitted cup of Starbuck coffee. They didn’t charge me for it because they said it had been sitting for over an hour. It was really nasty so I threw it away. I caught the 238 back to Randolph and was home about 5 PM. My room mate is in her room.
Tuesday March 6 2018 – 6 PM – I have not seen or heard from my Vinfen worker since Thursday March 1 2018. I have not signed a rent agreement, I have not paid the rent and I do not have a key to the apartment. There is no land line phone, TV or internet. I no longer have a cell phone so I can’t call anyone and no one can get in touch with me. My room mate was here last night but left this morning and is not back as of 6 PM. Today I went to Crawford Square around noon to go to the library. I ate at Papa Ginos next to Shaws Supermarket. I went to Dunkin Donuts down the street and then the new supermarket behind D’Angelos. I was back around 4 PM. They let me in next door. We are expecting another Nor’Easter tomorrow. My mother knows I am here. She lives at 180 Grove St Braintree Apt 1R.
Wednesday March 7 2018 – My Vinfen worker came by about 1 PM and gave me a key. I gave him my Social Security Award letter so he could figure the rent. My room mate has not been home since yesterday. I spent most of the day doing laundry and unpacking. I went out about 2 PM to find something to eat. I went to the Ocean State Job Lot on Rt 139 and the Mobil across the street. I am still trying to fix the phone problem. We are expecting another storm.
Thursday March 8 2018 – It snowed all day. My room mate has not been home.
Friday March 9 2018 – A Vinfen worker took me shopping. My room mate has not been home all day.
Saturday March 10 2018 – My mother stopped by unannounced to see if I was alright. She took me to BJ’s to try to fix the phone problem. We didn’t like anything they had so we went to WalMart in Avon. I bought a Tracfone SIM activation kit. When I got home I discovered I needed the internet to get it going. I gave up for the day. My room mate has not been home all day.
Sunday March 11 2018 – I decided to go to Quincy Center to bring some things to Goodwill and go to the Crane Library to get the phone working. It was an all day mission. I took the 240 bus to Crawford Square then the 238 to Quincy Adams T stop then the red line to Quincy Center. I got the phone working, got something to eat and came back. My room mate has not been home all day.
Monday March 12 2018 – We are expecting another Nor’Easter tomorrow. My Vinfen worker stopped by and returned my social security award letter but we did not sign a rent agreement. I still have not paid the rent for March. I don’t know the amount. He said I would get a key to the mailbox on Friday. My room mate was not home all day.
Tuesday March 13 2018 – It snowed all day. We did not lose the power or heat. I stayed home. I slept most of the day and listened to the radio. It stopped about 9 PM. We got over a foot. My room mate was not home all day.
Wednesday March 14 2018 – 7 PM – This morning I went to the Turner Free Library in Crawford Square to update the diary and other things. I couldn’t find the right file on my computer before I left. Sunday or Monday I had updated it to include the last couple days of last week. I beleive someone was into my computer while I was out. AGAIN. I am being violated not just every day but minute by minute. Must be nice to have bread, water and breathing rights on the pig vomit planet. I wouldn’t know I’ve never had them. AND I DON’T WANT THEM. I went out about 11 AM. When I came back my room mate was here but left about 6 PM. I am trying to change my address with the post office. I tried to do it at the library but the website wouldn’t allow it. They said my last address, 451 Quincy Ave Braintree Mass 02184, is a business not a residence so I can’t change it. ???? I did recieve my mail there. ??? I assume it is still going there. I also went to Dunkin Donuts and Shaws. I got back about 4 PM. This morning someone from Forced Air Inc. came to look at the furnace. I think they changed the filter. Now there is a beeping sound like a battery in a smoke detector. As I was leaving someone from Vinfen was sitting in a truck in the driveway. I didn’t say anything and they didn’t say anything.
Thursday March 15 2018 – 7:30 PM – My room mate was home last night. Came and went during the day. Left sometime after 1 PM and isn’t back. Late last night the carbon monoxide detector went off for about 1 minute. I ignored it because it stopped. This is after someone came yesterday to work on the furnace. ???? I left about 1 PM and walked to Target in Stoughton. Got back about 5 PM. Ate a frozen pizza. Have not solved the post office problem. I figure maybe I can just ignore it. If I change the address associated with every thing the mail will arrive anyway. I just can’t get anything forwarded. I will have to make a few trips to Braintree to pick it up. Radio says we’re expecting another storm next week.
Friday March 16 2018 – 7 PM – Room mate was here last night. Came and went all day. Not here now. Haven’t seen my Vinfen worker. Haven’t signed a rent agreement and haven’t paid the rent for March. Someone was supposed to stop by and drop off a key to the mailbox but didn’t. I left about 9 AM for Dunkin Donuts and the library. Left the library about 12 PM and went to Post Office to fill out a change of address. Then went to Ocean State Job Lot and then home. Was back around 2 PM. Took a nap then listened to the radio. I think someone was in my room again.
Saturday March 17 2018 – Room mate stayed the night. Left about 2 PM and came home about 2 AM Sunday. Haven’t seen my Vinfen worker. Stayed home all day. Did laundry slept. Expecting my mother tomorrow.
Sunday March 18 2018 – Room mate stayed last night. Left about 11 AM and didn’t come home. I went to Kentucky Fried Chicken in Stoighton with my mother about 12 PM. Then we went to Target in Stoughton where I got a whole lot of chickenshitted food. Ice cream Coke muffins the whole nine yards. Good thing my mother paid for it. I was back home about 2:30 PM and went to bed about 6 PM. I am typing this on a freshly chickenshitted computer so I think someone was in in my room again. Can you say coward. Well of course you can. Technically you have to be a life form to be a coward but we’ll let that go.
Monday March 19 2018 – (next day) ND – Room mate was not home all day. I left about 11 PM to go to Dunkin Donuts and the library. I stayed about 3 hours at the library on the internet. Ate at Papa Ginos went to Shaws and came home.
Tuesday March 20 2018 – 11 AM – Room mate not home. I have been here about 3 weeks. I have been completely alone most of that time except for the people next door. This is a two story duplex. Vinfen has both sides of the duplex. There is a cellar, a first floor and a second floor. You can pass from one side to the other on both the first and second floors but not the cellar. There are doors but no locks. This morning I got up to do laundry. When I went to the cellar there was an appliance technician fixing the washer. Someone next door must have let him in. My room is very small so I had to put some of my stuff in the cellar. It’s no secret I mess around with electronics. All my stuff is upstairs. In the cellar there is a table in one corner stacked with cabinets full of electronics parts. None of this is mine and I don’t know where it came from. I noticed it about a week ago. While poking around it I found an empty wine bottle. I threw it out. I’m not sure, but if you get caught drinking or drugging here you can get thrown out. Maybe they give you one warning then throw you out. Today I was poking around again and I found 2 empty bottles of beer and a small glass container with some ‘green tobacco’. (see pictures) I smoked pot in high school and I know what it looks like. This is not mine. We are expecting another Nor’Easter tomorrow. I may not get back to the library until the end of the week. When I first moved here there was no lock on my door. I put my own lock on. I think it has already been comprimised despite the fact I didn’t give a key to anyone. -7 PM – My Vinfen worker came by. I complained about the appliance technician and the fact the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors have been beeping since the furnace repairman left last week. My room mate is still not home. I still do not have a rent agreement. I have not paid the rent.
Wednesday March 21 2018 – 6 PM – Room mate came home very late last night. Was with at least one other person. Left today about 1 or 2 PM. I stayed home all day. Worked at my computer, slept. Expecting snow but it hasn’t started. Very cold for March. Not expecting to go anywhere tomorrow, but I’m running out of food. Discovered I can connect my PC to the internet through the cell phone using USB tethering but it’s so slow it’s not worth anything but the email. My cell phone is at least 6 years old. Need to get a new one with a big display and all kinds of whistles and bells.
Thursday Macrh 22 2018 – ND – Room mate not home. Didn’t come home last night. Began to snow about 6 AM. I went to Dunkin Donuts and library about 12 PM. Posted pictures of marijuana and beer. Tried to change address associated with section 8 housing list but couldn’t. (total surveillance ???) USB tethering has stopped working at home. (total surveillance ???) Went to Shaws then D’Angelos. D’Angelos screwed up the order. (accidentally on purpose ???) Got home about 4 PM. Still haven’t signed a rent agreement or paid rent. I am not getting my mail because I still don’t have a key to the box. I’m not sure if they’re forwarding it or not. I couldn’t fill out the online form because they say the old address is a business not a residence. I filled one out at the Randolph P.O. I’m going to Braintree in person tomorrow to try to pick it up. I’m sure they’re way ahead of me but I’ll do it anyway. Went to bed about 8 PM. Room mate not home.
Friday March 23 2018 – 9 PM – Room mate not home all day. Not home now. Left this morning to try to pick up my mail, if any, at 451 Quincy Ave Braintree (Patten Ave). Got there about 12 PM. There was no staff there. All I could manage was 2 pieces. After 3 weeks!!! Went to the Dunkin Donuts next door to waste a half hour and see if any staff showed up after lunch. Went back about 12:30 and still no staff. Waited outside until 1:15 PM and spoke to someone driving the van. Called number on the door and left message. Stiil don’t have a key to the mailbox here in Randolph. Not sure if P.O. Is forwarding my mail. Went to library after. Got there about 2 PM. Manages to change address associated with section 8 housing. Got number for DTA and Social Security. Got back to Randolph about 5 PM. When I returned someone had delivered furniture with nobody home. People next door must have let them in. Got a TV stand, sofa, 2 chairs and a full dining room set. Ate and spent the rest of the day on computer.
Saturday March 24 2018 – ND – Room mate not home all day. Got up early to go to Boston and the March for Gun Control. Left about 8 AM. Got to Boston about 9:30 AM. I went to distribute my literature, website info, inventions etc. Drank too much coffee. Ate at a food court at Downtown Crossing. Left about 3 PM and got home around 5 PM. Couldn’t sleep despite being really tired. Haven’t heard from Vinfen worker. Haven’t signed rent agreement. Haven’t paid rent for March. Don’t have key to mailbox. No point complaining, same shit different day.
Sunday March 25 2018 – 8 PM – Stayed home all day. Did laundry, worked at the computer. Room mate not home all day. Wasn’t here last night.
Monday March 26 2018 – 7 PM – Room mate not home all day. I stayed home all day. No rent agreement. I haven’t paid the rent. I don’t have a key to the mailbox. I haven’t had any mail since February. Called about someone to take me shopping and got run around. The phone number I have for Vinfen main office in Weymouth (??) says ‘Mobile” on my cell phone. 781-331-9824. USB tethering doesn’t work anymore.
Friday March 2 2018 – My room mate did not come home Thursday. We had a really bad storm all day. My room mate came back took a shower then left. She did not return until Sunday. (I think) We lost power because of the storm about 6 PM. We also had no heat. It’s natural gas but the thermostat wasn’t working. I was alone all day except when my room mate took a shower.
Saturday March 3 2018 – Some one named Brian came by around noon and said we couldn’t stay here because there was still no heat or power. He said he was from Vinfen. He took all 3 of us. I and someone from the other side went to 693 North Main St Randolph and the other person from the other side went to ??? Grove St Randolph. I stayed at 693 until Sunday around 9 AM. I did not sleep all night. I managed to call my mother and explain the situation. Around noon I went to Crawford Square Randolph and got something to eat. Dunkin Donuts and D’Angelos Sub. I also went to Shaws Supermarket and got some chickenshitted Polar Root Beer and Country Kitchen Donuts I had to throw away. To Shaws credit the orange juice and Starbucks iced coffee was edible. ???? (can you see my middle finger?)
Sunday March 4 2018 – I got back about 9 AM. My room mate was home most of the day. I spent the rest of the day unpacking.
Monday March 5 2018 – I have not seen Cephas since Thursday. He has not called and I can’t call him. I haven’t paid the rent or signed an agreement and I don’t have a key to the front door.I can get in by going to 26. I waited until about noon for Cephas to show up and then left to get something to eat and try to solve the phone problem. I went to the Turner Free Public Library in Crawford Square to vent on the internet. Then I went to the Citizens Bank down the street and then got the 238 bus to South Shore Plaza. I ate at the Food Court then went to Target and Sears. (FU for breaking my screw driver) Target did not have a phone I could use. I bought a couple things and got a really nasty chickneshitted cup of Starbuck coffee. They didn’t charge me for it because they said it had been sitting for over an hour. It was really nasty so I threw it away. I caught the 238 back to Randolph and was home about 5 PM. My room mate is in her room.
Tuesday March 6 2018 – 6 PM – I have not seen or heard from my Vinfen worker since Thursday March 1 2018. I have not signed a rent agreement, I have not paid the rent and I do not have a key to the apartment. There is no land line phone, TV or internet. I no longer have a cell phone so I can’t call anyone and no one can get in touch with me. My room mate was here last night but left this morning and is not back as of 6 PM. Today I went to Crawford Square around noon to go to the library. I ate at Papa Ginos next to Shaws Supermarket. I went to Dunkin Donuts down the street and then the new supermarket behind D’Angelos. I was back around 4 PM. They let me in next door. We are expecting another Nor’Easter tomorrow. My mother knows I am here. She lives at 180 Grove St Braintree Apt 1R.
Wednesday March 7 2018 – My Vinfen worker came by about 1 PM and gave me a key. I gave him my Social Security Award letter so he could figure the rent. My room mate has not been home since yesterday. I spent most of the day doing laundry and unpacking. I went out about 2 PM to find something to eat. I went to the Ocean State Job Lot on Rt 139 and the Mobil across the street. I am still trying to fix the phone problem. We are expecting another storm.
Thursday March 8 2018 – It snowed all day. My room mate has not been home.
Friday March 9 2018 – A Vinfen worker took me shopping. My room mate has not been home all day.
Saturday March 10 2018 – My mother stopped by unannounced to see if I was alright. She took me to BJ’s to try to fix the phone problem. We didn’t like anything they had so we went to WalMart in Avon. I bought a Tracfone SIM activation kit. When I got home I discovered I needed the internet to get it going. I gave up for the day. My room mate has not been home all day.
Sunday March 11 2018 – I decided to go to Quincy Center to bring some things to Goodwill and go to the Crane Library to get the phone working. It was an all day mission. I took the 240 bus to Crawford Square then the 238 to Quincy Adams T stop then the red line to Quincy Center. I got the phone working, got something to eat and came back. My room mate has not been home all day.
Monday March 12 2018 – We are expecting another Nor’Easter tomorrow. My Vinfen worker stopped by and returned my social security award letter but we did not sign a rent agreement. I still have not paid the rent for March. I don’t know the amount. He said I would get a key to the mailbox on Friday. My room mate was not home all day.
Tuesday March 13 2018 – It snowed all day. We did not lose the power or heat. I stayed home. I slept most of the day and listened to the radio. It stopped about 9 PM. We got over a foot. My room mate was not home all day.
Wednesday March 14 2018 – 7 PM – This morning I went to the Turner Free Library in Crawford Square to update the diary and other things. I couldn’t find the right file on my computer before I left. Sunday or Monday I had updated it to include the last couple days of last week. I beleive someone was into my computer while I was out. AGAIN. I am being violated not just every day but minute by minute. Must be nice to have bread, water and breathing rights on the pig vomit planet. I wouldn’t know I’ve never had them. AND I DON’T WANT THEM. I went out about 11 AM. When I came back my room mate was here but left about 6 PM. I am trying to change my address with the post office. I tried to do it at the library but the website wouldn’t allow it. They said my last address, 451 Quincy Ave Braintree Mass 02184, is a business not a residence so I can’t change it. ???? I did recieve my mail there. ??? I assume it is still going there. I also went to Dunkin Donuts and Shaws. I got back about 4 PM. This morning someone from Forced Air Inc. came to look at the furnace. I think they changed the filter. Now there is a beeping sound like a battery in a smoke detector. As I was leaving someone from Vinfen was sitting in a truck in the driveway. I didn’t say anything and they didn’t say anything.
Thursday March 15 2018 – 7:30 PM – My room mate was home last night. Came and went during the day. Left sometime after 1 PM and isn’t back. Late last night the carbon monoxide detector went off for about 1 minute. I ignored it because it stopped. This is after someone came yesterday to work on the furnace. ???? I left about 1 PM and walked to Target in Stoughton. Got back about 5 PM. Ate a frozen pizza. Have not solved the post office problem. I figure maybe I can just ignore it. If I change the address associated with every thing the mail will arrive anyway. I just can’t get anything forwarded. I will have to make a few trips to Braintree to pick it up. Radio says we’re expecting another storm next week.
Friday March 16 2018 – 7 PM – Room mate was here last night. Came and went all day. Not here now. Haven’t seen my Vinfen worker. Haven’t signed a rent agreement and haven’t paid the rent for March. Someone was supposed to stop by and drop off a key to the mailbox but didn’t. I left about 9 AM for Dunkin Donuts and the library. Left the library about 12 PM and went to Post Office to fill out a change of address. Then went to Ocean State Job Lot and then home. Was back around 2 PM. Took a nap then listened to the radio. I think someone was in my room again.
Saturday March 17 2018 – Room mate stayed the night. Left about 2 PM and came home about 2 AM Sunday. Haven’t seen my Vinfen worker. Stayed home all day. Did laundry slept. Expecting my mother tomorrow.
Sunday March 18 2018 – Room mate stayed last night. Left about 11 AM and didn’t come home. I went to Kentucky Fried Chicken in Stoighton with my mother about 12 PM. Then we went to Target in Stoughton where I got a whole lot of chickenshitted food. Ice cream Coke muffins the whole nine yards. Good thing my mother paid for it. I was back home about 2:30 PM and went to bed about 6 PM. I am typing this on a freshly chickenshitted computer so I think someone was in in my room again. Can you say coward. Well of course you can. Technically you have to be a life form to be a coward but we’ll let that go.
Monday March 19 2018 – (next day) ND – Room mate was not home all day. I left about 11 PM to go to Dunkin Donuts and the library. I stayed about 3 hours at the library on the internet. Ate at Papa Ginos went to Shaws and came home.
Tuesday March 20 2018 – 11 AM – Room mate not home. I have been here about 3 weeks. I have been completely alone most of that time except for the people next door. This is a two story duplex. Vinfen has both sides of the duplex. There is a cellar, a first floor and a second floor. You can pass from one side to the other on both the first and second floors but not the cellar. There are doors but no locks. This morning I got up to do laundry. When I went to the cellar there was an appliance technician fixing the washer. Someone next door must have let him in. My room is very small so I had to put some of my stuff in the cellar. It’s no secret I mess around with electronics. All my stuff is upstairs. In the cellar there is a table in one corner stacked with cabinets full of electronics parts. None of this is mine and I don’t know where it came from. I noticed it about a week ago. While poking around it I found an empty wine bottle. I threw it out. I’m not sure, but if you get caught drinking or drugging here you can get thrown out. Maybe they give you one warning then throw you out. Today I was poking around again and I found 2 empty bottles of beer and a small glass container with some ‘green tobacco’. (see pictures) I smoked pot in high school and I know what it looks like. This is not mine. We are expecting another Nor’Easter tomorrow. I may not get back to the library until the end of the week. When I first moved here there was no lock on my door. I put my own lock on. I think it has already been comprimised despite the fact I didn’t give a key to anyone. -7 PM – My Vinfen worker came by. I complained about the appliance technician and the fact the smoke and carbon monoxide detectors have been beeping since the furnace repairman left last week. My room mate is still not home. I still do not have a rent agreement. I have not paid the rent.
Wednesday March 21 2018 – 6 PM – Room mate came home very late last night. Was with at least one other person. Left today about 1 or 2 PM. I stayed home all day. Worked at my computer, slept. Expecting snow but it hasn’t started. Very cold for March. Not expecting to go anywhere tomorrow, but I’m running out of food. Discovered I can connect my PC to the internet through the cell phone using USB tethering but it’s so slow it’s not worth anything but the email. My cell phone is at least 6 years old. Need to get a new one with a big display and all kinds of whistles and bells.
Thursday Macrh 22 2018 – ND – Room mate not home. Didn’t come home last night. Began to snow about 6 AM. I went to Dunkin Donuts and library about 12 PM. Posted pictures of marijuana and beer. Tried to change address associated with section 8 housing list but couldn’t. (total surveillance ???) USB tethering has stopped working at home. (total surveillance ???) Went to Shaws then D’Angelos. D’Angelos screwed up the order. (accidentally on purpose ???) Got home about 4 PM. Still haven’t signed a rent agreement or paid rent. I am not getting my mail because I still don’t have a key to the box. I’m not sure if they’re forwarding it or not. I couldn’t fill out the online form because they say the old address is a business not a residence. I filled one out at the Randolph P.O. I’m going to Braintree in person tomorrow to try to pick it up. I’m sure they’re way ahead of me but I’ll do it anyway. Went to bed about 8 PM. Room mate not home.
Friday March 23 2018 – 9 PM – Room mate not home all day. Not home now. Left this morning to try to pick up my mail, if any, at 451 Quincy Ave Braintree (Patten Ave). Got there about 12 PM. There was no staff there. All I could manage was 2 pieces. After 3 weeks!!! Went to the Dunkin Donuts next door to waste a half hour and see if any staff showed up after lunch. Went back about 12:30 and still no staff. Waited outside until 1:15 PM and spoke to someone driving the van. Called number on the door and left message. Stiil don’t have a key to the mailbox here in Randolph. Not sure if P.O. Is forwarding my mail. Went to library after. Got there about 2 PM. Manages to change address associated with section 8 housing. Got number for DTA and Social Security. Got back to Randolph about 5 PM. When I returned someone had delivered furniture with nobody home. People next door must have let them in. Got a TV stand, sofa, 2 chairs and a full dining room set. Ate and spent the rest of the day on computer.
Saturday March 24 2018 – ND – Room mate not home all day. Got up early to go to Boston and the March for Gun Control. Left about 8 AM. Got to Boston about 9:30 AM. I went to distribute my literature, website info, inventions etc. Drank too much coffee. Ate at a food court at Downtown Crossing. Left about 3 PM and got home around 5 PM. Couldn’t sleep despite being really tired. Haven’t heard from Vinfen worker. Haven’t signed rent agreement. Haven’t paid rent for March. Don’t have key to mailbox. No point complaining, same shit different day.
Sunday March 25 2018 – 8 PM – Stayed home all day. Did laundry, worked at the computer. Room mate not home all day. Wasn’t here last night.
Monday March 26 2018 – 7 PM – Room mate not home all day. I stayed home all day. No rent agreement. I haven’t paid the rent. I don’t have a key to the mailbox. I haven’t had any mail since February. Called about someone to take me shopping and got run around. The phone number I have for Vinfen main office in Weymouth (??) says ‘Mobile” on my cell phone. 781-331-9824. USB tethering doesn’t work anymore.
Below is an extensive list of references about the microwave hearing effect I took from 2 short papers I have. One name that keeps popping up is James C Lin Wayne State University. He published a book in the 1970’s titled “The Microwave Hearing Effect And It’s Applications”. I looked this up on Amazon but they wanted $300 so I didn’t buy it.
- Becker RO, Selden G. The body electric: Electromagnetism and the foundation of life. New York: Quill William Morrow; 1985, p 319-320.
- Ritsher JB, Lucksted A, Otilingam PG, Gonzales M. Hearing voices: explanations and implications. Psychiatr Rehabil J 2004;27(3):219-227.
- Thomas P, Mathur P, Gottesman II, Nagpal R, Nimgaonkar VL, Deshpande SN. Correlates of hallucination in schizophrenia: A cross-cultural evaluation. Schiz Res 2007;92:41-9.
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- Adams RD, Victor M. Derangements of intellect, mood, and behavior, including schizophrenia and manic depressive states. In: Isselbacher KJ, Adams RD, Brunwald E, Petersdorf RG, Wilson JD, editors. Harrison’s principles of internal medicine, 9th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1980, p 150.
- Franklin RD, Allison DB, Gorman RS (editors). Design and analysis of single-case research. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum, Associates, Publishers; 1996.
- Weiguo D, Qunli W. Audio sound reproduction based on nonlinear interaction of acoustic waves. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 1999;47(7/8):602-6.
- Bellin JLS, Beyer RT. Experimental investigation of an end-fire array. J Acoust Soc Am 1962;34(8):1051-4.
- Shealy WP, Eller AJ. Design and preliminary results of an acoustic parametric source in air. J Acoust Soc Am 1973;54:297A.
- Bennett MB, Blackstock DT. Experimental verification of the parametric array in air. J Acoust Soc Am 1973;54:297A.
- Widener MW, Muir TG. Experiments in parametric arrays in air. J Acoust Soc Am 1974;55(2):428-429A.
- Bennett MB, Blackstock DT. Parametric array in air. J Acoust Soc Am 1975;57(3):562-8.
- Yoneyama M, Fujimoto J-I, Kawamo Y, Sasabe S. The audio spotlight: An application of non-linear interaction of sound waves to a new type of loudspeaker design. J Acoust Soc Am 1983;73(5):1532-6.
- Aoki K, Kamakura T, Kumamoto Y. Parametric loudspeakers—Characteristics of acoustic field and suitable modulation of carrier ultrasound. Electronics and Communications in Japan 1991;74(Part 3, #9):76-81.
- Kamakura T, Aoki K, Kumamoto Y. Suitable modulation of the carrier ultrasound for a parametric loudspeaker. Acustica 1991;73:215-17.
- Pompei FJ. The use of airborne ultrasonics for generating audible sound beams. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 1999;47(9):726-31.
- Yang J, Sha K, Gan W-S, Tian J. Nonlinear wave propagation for a parametric loudspeaker. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals 2004;E87-A(9):2395-2400.
- Kamakura T, Tani M, Kumamoto Y. Parametric sound radiation from a rectangular aperture source. Acustica 1994;80:332-8.
- Satoh K. Sound reproduction devices and systems: Parametric speaker. In: Benson BK, editor. Audio engineering handbook. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1988, p 7.61-7.66.
- Moon B-C, Kim M-J, Ha K-L, Kim C-D. Radiation characteristics improvement of flexural type vibrator for parametric sound source in air. Japan Journal of Applied Physics 2002;41:3458-9.
- Tan KS, Gan WS, Yang J, Er MH. Constant beamwidth beamformer for difference frequency in parametric array. Proceedings of the ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 2003;5:361-4.
- Havelock DI, Brammer AJ. Directional loudspeakers using sound beams. J Audio Engineering Society 2000;48(10): 908-16.
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- Webb W. Directional beams refocus sound science. EDN 2003 May 15; p 30-4. Available also from: URL:http://www.edn.com/contents/images/296500.pdf
- Sparrow D. Best of what’s new grand award winner: Hypersonic sound. Popular Science Dec 2002;61(6):94.
- Lowrey A. Apparatus and method of broadcasting audible sound using ultrasonic sound as a carrier. US patent # 6052336, 2000 Apr 18.
- Norris EG. Acoustic heterodyne device and method. US patent # 5889870, 1999 Mar 20.
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- Norris EG. The creation of audible sound from ultrasonic energy – A fundamental paradigm shift. J Acoust Soc Am 1997;101:3072.
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- Holosonics announces Audio Spotlight exhibit at Boston’s Museum of Science. Holosonics Research Labs. Press release of 2003 Oct 6. [Online] [cited 2008 Jan 3] Available from: URL:http://www.holosonics.com/PR_MOS.html
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- Wild N. Hand-held ultrasonic through-the-wall monitoring of stationary and moving people. Government Technical Report # A857814, Nov 2003. Abstract available at http://www.stormingmedia.us/85/8579/A857914.html
- Wild N, Doft F, Wondra J, Niederhaus S, Lam H. Ultrasonic through-the-wall surveillance system. Proceedings of SPIE 2002;4708:106-13.
- Lin JC. Auditory perception of pulsed microwave radiation, chapter 12. In: Gandhi OP, editor. Biological effects and medical applications of electromagnetic energy. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall; 1990, p 278-318.
- Chou C-K, Guy AW, Galambos R. Auditory perception of radio-frequency electromagnetic fields. J Acoust Soc Am 1982;71(6):1321-34.
- Postow E, Swicord ML. Modulated fields and “window” effects. In: Polk C, Postow E, editors. CRC handbook of biological effects of electromagnetic fields. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1986, p 425-60.
- Frey AH. Auditory system response to radio frequency energy. Aerosp Med 1961;32:1140-2.
- Frey AH, Messenger R. Human perception of illumination with pulsed ultra-high-frequency electromagnetic energy. Science 1973;181:356-8.
- Frey AH. Human auditory system response to modulated electromagnetic energy. J Applied Physiol 1962;17(4):689-92. Available at http://www.raven1.net/frey.htm
- Presman AS. Electromagnetic fields and life. New York: Plenum Press; 1970, p 266. Presman refers to Cazzimalli’s radiofrequency hallucination observations citing: Cazzamalli F. Di novo appararto radio-electro rivelatore del fenomeni electromagnetici radianto del cervello umano. L’Energio Electrica 1941;18: 28. Another English reference to this Italian work accessed 3/8/05 is at https://www.angelfire.com/or/mctrl/radiowaves.html
- Roschmann P. Human auditory system response to pulsed radiofrequency energy in RF coils for magnetic resonance at 2.4 to 170 MHz. Magn Reson Med 1991;21:197-215.
- Puranen L, Jokela K. Radiation hazards assessment of pulsed microwave radars. J Microwave Power Electromagn Energy 1996;31(3):165-77.
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- Lai H. Neurological effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation. In: Lin JC, editor. Advances in electromagnetic fields in living systems, vol 1. New York: Plenum Press; 1994, p 27-80.
- Elder JA, Chou CK. Auditory responses to pulsed radiofrequency energy. Bioelectromagnetics 2003;Suppl 8:S162-S173.
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- Justesen DR. Microwaves and behavior. Am Psychologist 1975;392(Mar):391-401. Available also from: URL:https://www.angelfire.com/or/mctrl/justesen.htm
- Sharp JC, Grove HM, Gandhi OP. Generation of acoustic signals by pulsed microwave energy. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Technique 1974;May:583-4.
- Oskar KJ. Effects of low power microwaves on the local cerebral blood flow of conscious rats. Army Mobility Equipment Command Report # AD-A090426, 1980. Available from NASA Technical Reports. Abstract available from: URL:http://www.raven1.net/v2s-nasa.htm
- Final report on biotechnology research requirements for aeronautical systems through the year 2000: Proceedings of biotechnology research requirements study session, 4-8 January 1982, vol. II. Prepared by Southwest Research Institute for the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. San Antonio: Southwest Research Institute July 30, 1982; p 182-3.
- Frey AH. Some effects on human subjects of ultra-high-frequency radiation. Am J Med Electronics 1963;2:28-31.
- Guy AW, Chou C-K. Effects of high-intensity microwave pulse exposure of rat brain. Radio Science 1982;17(5S): 169S-178S.
- Lin JC. Microwave auditory effects and applications. Springfield Ill: Thomas; 1978, p 176, p 49-50.
- United States Senate: Surveillance technology, 1976: policy and implications, an analysis and compendium of materials: a staff report of the Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights of the Committee of the Judiciary. Ninety-fourth Congress, second session 1976, p 1280.
- Brunkan WB. Hearing system. US patent # 4877027, 1989 Oct 31.
- Frey AH. Behavioral biophysics. Psychol Bull 1965;63(5):322-37.
- Leyser R. [Microwave hearing device uses modulated microwave pulses for providing induced sound warning directly within head of deaf person.] Federal Republic of Germany patent # DE10222439, 2003 Dec 11. Abstract available from: URL:http://v3.espacenet.com/textdoc? DB=EPODOC&IDX=DE10222439&F=0 Original German Document available from: URL:http://v3.espacenet.com/pdfdocnav? DB=EPODOC&IDX=DE10222439&F=128&QPN=DE10222439 English translation available from: URL: http://www.wmamw.com/GermanV2K.doc English translation is also available from the author, and Walter Madlinger at wmadliger@yahoo.de
- Thijs VMJ, Thijs-Jamin A, Thijis AV. Hearing aid based on microwaves. World Intellectual Property Organization Patent # WO 93/10730, 1993 June 10. Summary available at [http://v3.espacenet.com/textdoc? DB=EPODOC&IDX=WO9310730&F=0]
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- Olsen RG, Lin JC. Microwave pulse-induced acoustic resonances in spherical head models. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Technique 1981;MTT-29(10):1114-7.
- Lin JC. The microwave auditory phenomenon. Proceedings of the IEEE 1980;68(1):67-73.
- Tyazhelov VV, Tigranian RE, Khizhniak EO, Akoev IO. Some peculiarities of auditory sensations evoked by pulsed microwave fields. Radio Science 1979;14 Supp:259-63.
- Lebovitz RM, Seaman RL. Microwave hearing: The response of single auditory neurons in the cat to pulsed microwave radiation. Radio Science 1977;12(Suppl.):229-36.
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- Bilsen FA, Ritsma RJ. Some parameters influencing the perception of pitch. J Acoust Soc Am 1970;47(2):469-75.
- Schafer CR. Cortical hearing aid. US patent # 4711243, 1987 Dec 18.
- Bennett WR. Radio frequency hearing: Electrostrictive detection and bone conduction. J Acoust Soc Am 1998;103(4): 2111-16.
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- New world vistas: air and space power for the 21st century: USAF Scientific Advisory Board: United States: (Ancillary Volume) 1996; p 89-90. Quoted section available from: URL: http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/usafbiol.htm
- O’Loughlin JP, Loree DL. Method and device for implementing the radio frequency hearing effect. US patent # 6470214, 2002 Oct 22.
- Directed energy engineers win Air Force awards. Office of Public Affairs, Air Force Research Laboratory. Kirtland AFB, NM. News release 2004 Sept 27, DE Release #2004-44.
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Microwave Hearing – abstracts, references
In no special order:
In no special order:
- Auditory system response to RF energy. A.H. Frey, Aerospace Medecine, vol. 32, pp. 1140-1142, 1961.
- Human Auditory System Response to Modulated Electromagnetic Frey, Allan. J. Appl. Physiol. 17(4): 689-692. 1962. http://www.raven1.net/frey.htm
- Hearing Sensations in Electric Fields. Sommer, H.C. & von Gierke, H.E. Aerospace Medicine, pp 834-839, Sept. 1964.
- Microwave hearing: Evidence for thermacoustic auditory stimulation by pulsed microwaves. K.R. Foster and E.D. Finch. Science, vol. 185, pp. 256-258, 1974.
- Detection of weak electromagnetic radiation by the mammalian vestibulocochlear apparatus. Lebovitz R.M. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 247:182-193; 1975.
- Microwave Auditory Effects and Applications. James C. Lin; Charles C. Thomas, Publisher, Springfield, IL, 1978; 221 pp. Auditory perception of radio-frequency electromagnetic fields. Chou, C.K.; Guy, A.W.; Galambos, R. J Acoust Soc Am vol. 71(6), pp. 1321-1334, 1982.
The following 14 abstracts are from the NASA Center for AeroSpace Information (CASI) Technical Report Server — Search page: http://www.sti.nasa.gov/RECONselect.html
TITLE: The microwave auditory phenomenon
Authors: Lin, J. C. (Wayne State University)
Journal Title: IEEE, Proceedings, vol. 68, Jan. 1980, p. 67-73.
Navy-NSF-supported research. http://www.eeisnet.com
Published: Jan 01, 1980
Abstract: The paper examines electrophysiological activity produced by exposing the brains of laboratory animals to rectangular pulses of microwave energy. These results suggest that a microwave auditory phenomenon is evoked by a mechanism similar to conventional sound reception, and that the primary interaction site is peripheral to the cochlea. It is shown that the peak pressure due to thermal expansion is greater than the radiation pressure or electrostriction, and that the induced sound frequency is only a function of the size and acoustic property of the brain. Several suggestions were made for future research in microwave auditory effect and its health implications. -
TITLE: Sensation and perception of microwave energy
Authors: Michaelson, S. M. (Rochester Univ.)
Presented at the 7th Intern. Conf. on Environ. Toxicity: Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Nonionizing Radiation, Rochester, N. Y., 5 Jun. 1974
Sponsored by AEC and Dept. of Navy
Abstract: Sensing or perception of microwave/radiofrequency energy is accomplished through various mechanisms. In mammals, the main phenomena of sensation or perception are those of thermal sensations and, in selected cases, audition. Thermal sensation is accomplished by stimulation of thermosensitive nerve endings in the skin. Although some investigators believe that hearing or audition is evidence of direct nerve stimulation, the most recent data show this phenomena to be due to electromechanically induced vibrations in tissue and normal reception in the cochlea of the ear. -
TITLE: On microwave-induced hearing sensation
Authors: Lin, J. C. (Wayne State University)
Journal Title: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. MTT-25, July 1977, p. 605-613. p. 605-613
Abstract: When a human subject is exposed to pulsed microwave radiation, an audible sound occurs which appears to originate from within or immediately behind the head. Laboratory studies have also indicated that evoked auditory activities may be recorded from cats, chinchillas, and guinea pigs. Using a spherical model of the head, this paper analyzes a process by which microwave energy may cause the observed effect. The problem is formulated in terms of thermoelasticity theory in which the absorbed microwave energy represents the volume heat source which depends on both space and time. The inhomogeneous thermoelastic motion equation is solved for the acoustic wave parameters under stress-free surface conditions using boundary value technique and Duhamel’s theorem. Numerical results show that the predicted frequencies of vibration and threshold pressure amplitude agree reasonably well with experimental findings. -
TITLE: Absorption of millimeter waves by human beings and its biological implications
Authors: Gandhi, O. P. – Riazi, A. (Utah, University)
Journal Title: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (ISSN 0018-9480), vol. MTT-34, Feb. 1986, p. 228-235.
USAF-supported research. http://www.eeisnet.com
Abstract: Aspects of the biological implications of millimeter wave radiation for human beings are discussed. The power densities likely to be encountered close to radiators in the 30-300 GHz frequency band are examined. The millimeter wave absorption efficiency of the human body with and without clothing is described, and the possibility of 90-95 percent coupling efficiency with clothing acting as an impedance matching transformer is addressed. The possibility of very high rates of energy deposition in the skin due to submillimeter depths of penetration is considered. The potential effect of millimeter wave absorption on human eyes, with particular emphasis on the cornea, in which high rates of energy deposition are encountered, are discussed. Hearing sensations produced by millimeter waves and thermal sensations by millimeter wave irradiation are addressed. -
TITLE: Electrophysiological effects of electromagnetic fields on animals
Authors: Guy, A. W. (Washington Univ.) – Lin, J. C. (Washington Univ.) – Chou, C. K. (Washington Univ.)
Presented at the 7th Rochester Intern. Conf. on Environ. Toxicity, Rochester, NY Jun. 1974
Abstract: The report shows that the conduction and transmission latencies and amplitudes of evoked potentials in both the CNS of anesthetized cats, isolated nerves of cats, and ganglia of rabbits are affected by CW microwaves in a manner very similar to that of localized conduction heat. Temperature rises are always associated with any observable changes of the measured characteristics in the nervous tissues exposed to CW irradiation. Electrophysiological studies on cats indicate that pulsed microwaves interact with mammalian auditory systems in a manner similar to that of conventional acoustic perception. A possible mechanism of microwave interaction is the acoustic energy release from rapid thermal expansion due to power absorption in the gross structure of the head. -
TITLE: Investigation of the characteristics of auditory effects stimulated by microwaves using a spherical model
Authors: Shorokhov, V. V. – Tigranian, R. E. – Mashkin, P. V. (AN SSSR)
Journal Title: Biofizika (ISSN 0006-3029), vol. 31, July-Aug. 1986, p. 695-700. In Russian.
Abstract: The features of sound waves excited by microwave impulses (at 915 and 2375 MHz) were studied, using spherical flasks filled with ethanol or 0.1 M NaCl in water as models of the human head. A piezoceramic transducer was used to register mechanical oscillations of the flask’s surface. The results suggest that the auditory effects of microwaves are caused by stimulation of mechanical oscillations in the liquid (or the head tissues) by electromagnetic energy, followed by the bone-effected transfer of the absorbed energy to the auditory organs. -
TITLE: Auditory perception of radio-frequency electromagnetic fields
Authors: Chou, C.-K. – Guy, A. W. (Washington, University) – Galambos, R. (California, University)
Journal Title: Acoustical Society of America, Journal, vol. 71, June 1982, p. 1321-1334. U.S. Department of Education
Abstract: Absorption of pulsed microwave energy can produce an auditory sensation in human beings with normal hearing. The phenomenon manifests itself as a clicking, buzzing, or hissing sound depending on the modulatory characteristics of the microwaves. While the energy absorbed and the resulting increment of temperature per pulse at the threshold of perception are small, most investigators of the phenomenon believe that it is caused by thermoelastic expansion. In this paper, literature that describes psychological, behavioral, and physiological observations as well as physical measurements pertinent to the microwave-hearing phenomenon is reviewed. -
TITLE: Microwave induced acoustic effects in mammalian auditory systems
Authors: Guy, A. W. (Washington Univ.) – Chou, C. K. (Washington Univ.)
Journal Title: AGARD Radiation Hazards – Page: 17 p, Aug 01, 1975
Abstract: Pulsed microwave fields with incident energy densities of 20 to 40 micro Joule per sq cm per pulse will produce responses in the auditory system of man and animals similar to those produced by auditory stimuli. Recent studies indicate that the responses may be originated from high frequency vibrations induced in the head of the exposed subject by a transient thermal expansion of tissue due to the rapid absorption of the pulsed microwave energy. -
TITLE: Effects of electromagnetic fields on the nervous system
Authors: Chou, C. K. (Washington Univ.) – Guy, A. W. (Washington Univ.)
Published: Aug 01, 1975
Abstract: Contents: Electromagnetic Field-Biomaterial Interaction and Methods of Measurement; Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Isolated Nerves and Superior Cervical Ganglia: Design of Waveguide Apparatus, and Calculation of Specific Absorption Rate; Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Muscle Contraction; Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Auditory System: Effect of Noise Masking on Threshold of Evoked Auditory Responses, Microwave-induced Cochlear Microphonics in Guinea Pigs. -
TITLE: Theoretical calculation of frequencies and thresholds of microwave-induced auditory signals
Authors: Lin, J. C. (Wayne State University)
(International Union of Radio Science, Annual Meeting, Amherst, Mass., Oct. 11-15, 1976.) Radio Science, vol. 12, Nov.-Dec. 1977, Supplement, p. 237-242.
Abstract: Previously developed thermoelastic models of microwave-induced auditory sensations are applied to calculate the frequency and amplitude of the acoustic signals that are generated in human beings and laboratory animals. Graphs of computed displacement and pressure as a function of time are presented for several species. -
TITLE: Quantitation of microwave biological effects
Authors: Chou, C. K. (Washington Univ.) – Guy, A. W. (Washington Univ.)
Journal Title: Bur. of Radiol. Health Symp. on Biol. Effects and Meas. of Radio Freq./Microwaves – Page: p 81-103
Abstract: While emphasizing dosimetry and instrumentation, we have been able to demonstrate that the effects of acute exposure to CW microwaves on some of the electrophysiological properties of the nervous system are thermal in nature. Studies on the microwave auditory effect have provided strong evidence that the mechanism of microwave hearing is electromechanical in nature. Development of a chronic exposure system and carbon EEG electrodes will provide a means for other researchers in pursuing the studies of biological effects of low level chronic exposure of microwaves. In this reported research, the quantitation of microwave biological effects is stressed so that extrapolation to humans is possible. -
TITLE: Vestibulo-cochlear single unit responses to microwave radiation
Authors: Lebovitz, R. M. (Texas Univ. Health Science Center) – Seaman, R. L. (Texas Univ. Health Science Center)
Journal Title: Bur. Radiol. Health Symp. on Biol. Effects and Meas. of Radio Freq./Microwaves – Page 314-333
Abstract: The influence of microwave radiation (MWR) on functional neuronal properties was examined, and the effects of continuous wave MWR on units of the vestibular system were studied. The threshold for this effect appeared to be above the current standards for safe exposure; above a level for significant intracranial thermogenesis. The response of single auditory units to pulse modulated MWR were studied. Pulse parameters rather than average power density appeared to be the independent variable for this effect and responses were observed at pulse energy densities of 4 mvon J/g and lower. Overall, the response of a given single auditory unit to pulsed MWR was similar to its response to traditional acoustic click stimuli. -
TITLE: Auditory unit responses to single-pulse and twin-pulse microwave stimuli.
Authors: Seaman RL; Lebovitz RM
Source: Hear Res; VOL 26, ISS 1, 1987, P105-16
Abstract: Responses of units in the cat cochlear nucleus to single microwave pulses with different durations and to twin microwave pulses with different interpulse delays are used to study microwave hearing. Inferred threshold specific absorption rate is less than 6 mW/g; inferred threshold specific absorption, less than 0.5 microJ/g. The existence of responses from units with characteristic frequencies (CFs) from 931 Hz to 25.5 kHz is not consistent with a primary role for head resonance in microwave hearing. Patterns of response amplitude have a periodicity of 1/CF and are fully explained by frequency content of the pulse stimulus and signal processing of the auditory system. For pulses shorter than about 0.24/CF, it is shown that response amplitude is predictably proportional to pulse energy. -
TITLE: Effects of low power microwaves on the local cerebral blood flow of conscious rats
Authors: Oscar, K. J. (Army Mobility Equipment Command)
Published: Jun 01, 1980 Corporate Source: Army Mobility Equipment Command (Fort Belvoir, VA, United States)
Abstract: A decoy and deception concept presently being considered is to remotely create the perception of noise in the heads of personnel by exposing them to low power, pulsed microwaves. When people are illuminated with properly modulated low power microwaves the sensation is reported as a buzzing, clicking, or hissing which seems to originate (regardless of the person’s position in the field) within or just behind the head. The phenomena occurs at average power densities as low as microwatts per square centimeter with carrier frequencies from 0.4 to 3.0 GHz. By proper choice of pulse characteristics, intelligible speech may be created. Before this technique may be extended and used for military applications, an understanding of the basic principles must be developed. Such an understanding is not only required to optimize the use of the concept for camouflage, decoy and deception operations but is required to properly assess safety factors of such microwave exposure.
TITLE: Radiation hazard assessment of pulsed microwave radars.
Authors: Puranen L; Jokela K; Finnish Centre for Radiation and Nuclear Safety, Helsinki, Finland.
Source: J Microw Power Electromagn Energy, 31(3):165-77 1996
Abstract: Observed biological effects of pulsed microwave radiation are reviewed and the exposure standards for microwave radiation are summarized. The review indicates that the microwave auditory effect is the only well-established specific effect in realistic exposure situations. The threshold for the effect depends on the energy density per pulse and may be as low as 20 mJ/m2 for people with low hearing threshold. Energy densitylimits have been included in the most recent exposure for measurements of pulse power densities around scanning radar antennas is described, and a simple new model for the calculation of power density in the main beam of radar antennas is presented. In the near field measured values differed from the calculated values by 2-3 dB. -
Communicating Via the Microwave Auditory Effect
An innovative and revolutionary technology is described that offers a means of low-probability-of-intercept Radio frequency (RF) communications. The feasibility of the concept has been established using both a low intensity laboratory system and a high power RF transmitter. Numerous military applications exist in areas of search and rescue, security and special operations.
Awarding Agency: Department of Defense
SBIR Contract Number: F41624-95-C-9007
Title: Communicating Via the Microwave Auditory Effect
Principal Investigator: Mr. Brian Kohn
Company Name:
Science & Engineering Assoc, Inc.
6100 Uptown Blvd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Telephone Number: 505-884-2300
Business Representative:
Project Period:
Project Amount: $739,995
Research Category: Monitoring/Analytical -
United States Patent: 4,858,612 ; Aug. 22, 1989
Inventors: Stocklin; Philip L.
ABSTRACT: A method and apparatus for simulation of hearing in mammals by introduction of a plurality of microwaves into the region of the auditory cortex is shown and described. A microphone is used to transform sound signals into electrical signals which are in turn analyzed and processed to provide controls for generating a plurality of microwave signals at different frequencies. The multifrequency microwaves are then applied to the brain in the region of the auditory cortex. By this method sounds are perceived by the mammal which are representative of the original sound received by the microphone. -
The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave.
by Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier
On Aug. 22, 1989, Phillip L. Stocklin, P.O. Box 2111, Satellite Beach, FL took out a patent — which is Patent Number 4,858,612 which is a device that can be placed in the auditory cortex of the brain. This device allows the following process: someone speaks into a microphone, the microphone then has its sounds coded into microwave, which are sent to the receiver in the brain and the receiver device will transform the microwaves back so that the person’s mind hears the original sounds. In other words, a person with this device in their head will hear whatever the programmers send via microwave signals. -
1. Field at the Invention
This invention relates to devices for aiding at hearing in mammals. The invention is based upon the perception at sounds which is experienced in the brain when the brain is subjected to certain microwave radiation signals.
2. Description ot the Prior Art
In prior art hearing devices for human beings, it is well known to amplify sounds to be heard and to apply the amplified sound signal to the ear at the person wearing the hearing aid. Hearing devices of this type are however limited to hearing disfunctions where there is no damage to the auditory nerve or to the auditory cortex. In the prior art, if there is damage to the auditory cortex or the auditory nerve, it cannot be corrected by the use ot a hearing aid. During World War II, individuals in the radiation path of certain radar installations observed clicks and buzzing sounds in response to the microwave radiation. It was through this early observation that it became known to the art that microwaves could cause a direct perception at sound within a human brain.
These buzzing or clicking sounds however were not meaningful and were not perception of sounds which could otherwise be heard by the receiver. This type of microwave radiation was not representative of any intelligible sound to be perceived. In such radar installations, there was never a sound which was generated which resulted in subsequent generation of microwave signals representative of that sound. Since the early perception of buzzing and clicking. further research has been conducted into the micro-wave reaction of the brain. In an article entitled Possible Microwave Mechanisms of the Mammalian Nervous System” by Philip L Stocklin and Brain F. Stocklin, published in the TIT Journal of Life Sciences. Tower International Technomedical Institute. Inc. P.O. Box 4594, Philadelphia. Pa. (1979) there is disclosed a hypothesis that the mammalian brain generates and uses electro magnetic waves in the lower microwave frequency region as an integral part of the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous systems. This analysis is based primarily upon the potential energy of a protein integral in the neural membrane. In an article by W. Bise entitled “Low Power Radio-Frequency and Microwave Effects On Human Electro- encephalogram and Behavior,” Physiol. Chemistry Phys. 10. 387 (1978), it is reported that there are significant effects upon the alert human EEG during radiation by low intensity cw microwave electromagnetic energy. Bise observed significant repeatable EEG effects tar a subject during radiation at specific microwave frequencies.
Results at theoretical analysis of the physics ot brain tissue and the brain/skull cavity, combined with experimentally-determined electromagnetic properties at mammalian brain tissue, indicate the physical necessity for the existence of electromagnetic standing waves. called modes in the living mammalian brain. The made characteristics rnay be determined by two geometric properties at the brain: these are the cephalic index at the brain (its shape in prolate spheroidal coordinates) and the semifocal distance of the brain (a measure of its size). It was concluded that estimation ot brain cephalic index and semifocal distance using external skull measurements on subjects permits estimation of the subjects characteristic mode frequencies, which in turn will permit a mode by mode treatment at the data to simulate hearing.
This invention provides for sound perception by individuals who have impaired hearing resulting tram ear damage, auditory nerve damage, and damage to the auditory cortex. This invention provides for simulation of microwave radiation which is normally produced by the auditory cortex. The simulated brain waves are introduced into the region at the auditory cortex and provide for perceived sounds on the part at the subject. -
Final Report USAFSAM-TR-87-3 (June 1987)
Contents: http://www.brooks.af.mil/AFRL/HED/hedr/reports/bioeffects/87-3con.htm AUDITORY EFFECTS (Large – 84 KB)
Humans near some types of pulsed radar systems have perceived individual pulses of RFR as audible clicks (without use of electronic receptors). This phenomenon, first investigated by Frey (1961), attracted much interest because it has been cited often as evidence that nonthermal effects can occur and because an initial hypothesis was that a possible mechanism for perception is direct stimulation of the central nervous system by RFR.
Cain, C.A. and W.J. Rissman
MAMMALIAN AUDITORY RESPONSES TO 3.0 GHz MICROWAVE PULSES IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 288-293 (1978)
Chou, C.-K., R. Galambos, A.W. Guy, and R.H. Lovely
J. Microwave Power, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 361-367 (1975)
Chou, C.-K., A.W. Guy, and R. Galambos
Radio Sci., Vol. 12, No. 6S, pp. 221-227 (1977)
Chou, C.-K. and R. Galambos
J. Microwave Power, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 321-326 (1979)
Chou, C.-K. and A.W. Guy
J. Microwave Power, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 399-404 (1979a)
Chou, C.-K., and A.W. Guy
Radio Sci., Vol. 14, No. 6S, pp. 193-197 (1979b)
Chou, C.-K., A.W. Guy, K.R. Foster, R. Galambos, and D.R. Justesen
Science, Vol. 209, pp. 1143-1144 (5 Sept 1980a)
Chou, C.-K., K.-C. Yee, and A.W. Guy
Bioelectromagnetics, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 323-326 (1985a)
Foster, K.R. and E.D. Finch
Science, Vol. 185, pp. 256-258 (19 July 1974)
Frey, A.H.
Aerospace Med., Vol. 32, pp. 1140-1142 (1961)
Frey, A.H.
J. Appl. Physiol., Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 689-692 (1962)
Frey, A.H.
J. Appl. Physiol., Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 984-988 (1967)
Frey, A.H. and R. Messenger, Jr.
Science, Vol. 181, pp. 356-358 (27 July 1973)
Frey, A.H. and E. Coren
Science, Vol. 206, pp. 232-234 (12 Oct 1979)
Frey, A.H. and E. Coren
Science, Vol. 209, pp. 1144-1145 (5 Sept 1980)
Guy, A.W.
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 205-214
(1971) http://www.eeisnet.com
Guy, A.W., C.-K. Chou, J.C. Lin, and D. Christensen
Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., Vol 247, pp. 194-218 (1975b)
Guy, A.W., J. Wallace, and J. McDougall
Radio Sci., Vol. 14, No. 6S, pp. 63-74 (1979)
Johnson, C.C. and A.W. Guy
Proc. IEEE, Vol. 60, No. 6, pp. 692-718 (1972)
Lebovitz, R.M. and R.L. Seaman
Radio Sci., Vol. 12, No. 6S, pp. 229-236 (1977)
Lin, J.C.
J. Microwave Power, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 77-81 (1976a)
Lin, J.C.
J. Microwave Power, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 295-298 (1976b)
Lin, J.C.
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. 25, No. 7, pp. 605-613 (1977a) http://www.eeisnet.com
Lin, J.C.
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. 25, No. 7, pp. 938-943 (1977b) http://www.eeisnet.com
Lin, J.C.
Radio Sci., Vol. 12, No. 6S, pp. 237-242 (1977c)
Lin, J.C.
Charles C. Thomas, Springfield, IL, p. 108 (1978)
Lin, J.C., R.J. Meltzer, and F.K. Redding
J. Microwave Power, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 291-296 (1979b)
Olsen, R.G. and W.C. Hammer
Bioelectromagnetics, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 45-54 (1980)
Olsen, R.G. and W.C. Hammer
J. Microwave Power, Vol. 16, Nos. 3 & 4, pp. 263-269 (1981)
Olsen, R.G. and J.C. Lin
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. 29, No. 10, pp. 1114-1117
(1981) http://www.eeisnet.com
Olsen, R.G. and J.C. Lin
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 289-294 (1983)
Sharp, J.C., H.M. Grove, and O.P. Gandhi
IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 583-584
(1974) http://www.eeisnet.com
Taylor, E.M. and B.T. Ashleman
Brain Res., Vol. 74, pp. 201-208 (1974)
Tyazhelov, V.V., R.E. Tigranian, E.O. Khizhniak, and I.G. Akoev
Radio Sci., Vol. 14, No. 6S, pp. 259-263 (1979)
White, R.M.
J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 34, No. 12, pp. 3559-3567 (1963)
Wilson, B.S., J.M. Zook, W.T. Joines, and J.H. Casseday
Brain Res., Vol. 187, pp. 291-306 (1980)
Air Force Research Laboratory, AL/OE-TR-1996-0035, 30 June 1994
http://www.brooks.af.mil/AFRL/HED/hedr/reports/human_exposure/htmlfil e13.html#3.1
From a variety of studies of the RFR-auditory effect in humans, [Frey (1961, 1962), White (1963), Frey and Messenger (1973), Foster and Finch (1974), Sharp et al. (1974), Guy et al. (1975b), Lin (1977c), Cain and Rissman (1978)], considerable understanding has been achieved about the interaction mechanisms that give rise to the effect. The book by Lin (1978) presents detailed discussions of the various mechanisms that had been proposed for the effect, and the experimental evidence that supports the theory that the effect is due to induction thermoelastic waves by RFR pulses at a boundary between tissues of dissimilar dielectric properties within the head, with propagation of the waves to the auditory system. Noteworthy are the findings of several studies that persons with specific hearing impairments are unable to perceive RFR pulses; the finding of Foster and Finch (1974) that the effect does not occur in water at 4_C, where its thermal expansion coefficient is zero; and the peak-energy-density and peak-power-density thresholds for perception determined by Guy et al. (1975b) and Cain and Rissman (1978). [A peak power density of 300 mW/cm_ is taken as the nominal perception threshold for humans of RFR pulses 10 ¦s or longer.] However, the subsequent unusual findings of Tyazhelov et al. (1979) may indicate that specific aspects of the phenomenon are worth further study. On the other hand, it is noteworthy that Cain and Rissman (1978) had exposed human volunteers to pulses of 3.0-GHz RFR at peak power densities as high as 2,500 mW/cm_ with no apparent ill effects. Thus, it is unlikely that persons perceiving RFR pulses would be affected adversely.
http://www.brooks.af.mil/AFRL/HED/hedr/reports/human_exposure/humref.html -
Mind Control
By Harry V. Martin and David Caul
From the Napa Sentinel, Napa, CA, USA
Thirty years ago, Allen Frey discovered that microwaves of 300 to 3000 megahertz could be “heard” by people, even if they were deaf, if pulsed at a certain rate. Appearing to be originating just in back of the head, the sound boomed, clicked, hissed or buzzed, depending upon the frequency. Later research has shown that the perception of the waves take place just in front of the ears. The microwaves causes pressure waves in the brain tissue, and this phenomenon vibrates the sound receptors in the inner ear through the bone structure. Some microwaves are capable of directly stimulating the nerve cells of the auditory pathways. This has been confirmed with experiments with rats, in which the sound registers 120 decibels, which is equal to the volume of a nearby jet during takeoff. -
David G. Guyatt Freelance Writer/Researcher
Synopsis prepared for the ICRC Symposium
February 1996
Drs Joseph Sharp and Allen Frey experimented with microwaves seeking to transmit spoken words directly into the audio cortex via a pulsed-microwave analog of the speaker’s sound vibration. Indeed, Frey’s work in this field, dating back to 1960 gave rise to the so called “Frey effect” which is now more commonly referred to as “microwave hearing.”19 Within the Pentagon this ability is now known as “Artificial Telepathy”.20 Adey and others have compiled an entire library of frequencies and pulsation rates which can effect the mind and nervous system.
In this connection the work of Dr. James Lin of Wayne State University should be noted. Lin has written a book entitled “Microwave Auditory Effects & Applications” in which he states “The capability of communicating directly with humans by pulsed microwaves is obviously not limited to the field of therapeutic medicine.”
Refer to Dr. Robert Becker who has stated “Such a device has obvious applications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with “voices” or deliver undetected instructions to a programmed assassin.” In 1974 Dr J F Scapitz filed a plan to explore the interaction of radio signals and hypnosis. He stated that “In this investigation it will be shown that the spoken word of the hypnotists may be conveyed by modulate electromagnetic energy directly into the subconscious parts of the human brain — i.e. without employing any technical devices for receiving or transcoding the messages and without the person exposed to such influence having a chance to control the information input consciously.” Schapitz’ work was funded by the DoD. Despite FOIA filings his work has never been made available. Also it is interesting to note the date of 1974, which almost exactly mirror’s the period when the USSR commenced its own programme that resulted in “Acoustic Psycho-correction technology.”
Microwaves and Behavior
Dr. Don R. Justesen
American Psychologist, Journal of the American Psychological Association, Volume 30, March 1975, Number 3
Page 396:
The demonstration of sonic transduction of microwave energy by materials lacking in water LESSENS the likelihood that a thermohydraulic principle is operating in human perception of the energy. Nonetheless, some form of thermoacoustic transduction probably underlies perception. If so, it is clear that simple heating is NOT a sufficient basis for the Frey effect; the requirement for pulsing of radiations appears to implicate a thermodynamic principle. Frey and Messenger (1973) and Guy, Chou, Lin, and Christensen (1975) confirmed that a microwave pulse with a slow rise time is INeffective in producing an auditory response; only if the rise time is SHORT, resulting in effect in a square wave with respect to the leading edge of the envelope of radiated radio-frequency energy, does the auditory response occur.
March 22, 2018
Philip Nute
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
High Wattage Pulse Generator
Mind control, surveillance and advanced wireless communications can be accomplished with neural implants and RFID chips. A person under mind control can be used for surveillance by whoever controls them. Research into controlling the human mind began in the early 20th century. As electronics became more and more sophisticated mind control became more possible. In the mid 1960's a neuro-scientist named Jose Manuel Del Gado inserted a neural implant in the brain of a bull and got into a bull fighting ring with the bull and stopped it with a push button. Video of this can be found on 'Youtube' by searching for 'Jose Del Gado and His Bull Story'.
Del Gado then wrote a book “Physical Control Of The Mind: Toward A Psycho Social Society”. It was published in 1970 and can now be downloaded for free on the internet. Del Gado describes 2 methods of mind control: sub-cutaneous surgery and endoscopic pituitary surgery. With sub-cutaneous an integrated circuit (RFID) is slipped under the scalp. An RFID can be used to communicate with a person by way of the microwave hearing effect. 'Voices in the head' can drive a person crazy. Endoscopic pituitary surgery inserts a neural implant into the pituitary gland through the nose. The pituitary controls hormones and can be stimulated to make a person very aggressive.
These techniques do not require long hospital stays. There are some simple methods that can disable them. If you can locate the RFID under the scalp it's possible to break the 'chip' with a hammer if you're careful. The pituitary implant could be 'zapped' by 'TASER'ing someone in the head. Personal TASER's can be bought for about $400. You could use an ECT machine if you could get one. ECT (electro convulsive therapy) is used by psychiatrists. It is sometimes called shock treatment.
A third option would be a high wattage pulse generator based on Michael Faraday's Law of Induction. This could disable both RFID and implants at the same time and could be done without the person's knowledge in the event they can't do anything because they're under mind control. The basic theory behind Faraday's law is that the natural magnetism of an ordinary bar magnet can be used to move electrons in a piece of metal. This constitutes electric current. Electric current in turn then creates a magnetic component that can be used to destroy small electronic circuits. All electric generators, AC and DC, are based on this theory. Components in both RFID and neural implants are microscopic. A massive surge of current would destroy many. While they are made of silicon not metal, if the pulse was powerful enough it could still move enough electrons to destroy it.
The schematic below is very basic. The device comprises a step up transformer with a couple high watt components and a horn antenna. The horn antenna is placed very near the head of the person with the implant or RFID chip. When switch 1 is thrown point-A immediately goes to maximum DC since capacitor is a dead short to DC voltage. Capacitor then charges to maximum DC voltage and point-A goes to zero voltage. The time for point-A to go from zero voltage to maximum voltage and back is determined by the equation T=RC. Since a high surge of current is desired, using a small value resistor makes for a very quick and powerful pulse of energy. If maximum DC voltage were 1000 volts a surge of 3000 Watts could be made with a resistor of 333 Ohms. A time of 1/2 a second could be made with a 1.5mF capacitor. High wattage components for this application might be hard to find, but they do make capacitors for AC motors that are commercially available. They could be bought at grainger.com. This design is over simplified but would work.
An improved version could have a bank of super capacitors after the diode bridge. Super-capacitors are designed to hold a large amount of energy at high ratings such a 3500 volts. The definition of a capacitor is that it stores energy in an electric field. It can act something like a battery except that it can deliver a large amount of energy very quickly. It can be charged then discharged. The idea is to replace the AC supply and regulator with a an array of super capacitors. The capacitors are charged through a resistor. When the capacitors are fully charged an indicator circuit lights. The resistor and AC supply circuit can then be removed by throwing a switch. When ready, another switch is thrown to discharge the capacitors into the antenna circuit. After discharge the antenna circuit is switched out and the capacitors charged again.
Horn antennas are directional. This will help to focus and concentrate the EMI and not waste it. Horn antennas work like satellite dishes and wave guides. Satellite dishes reflect both the transmitted and received signal and focus it on a small area. The small area is on the arm that extends out. Satellite communications require major amplification. Wave guides are used in microwave applications to move the EMI around without broadcasting it. It is literally a 'box' that holds it in by reflecting it off the walls. The amount that gets reflected depends on the angle and the angle can be adjusted by the frequency.
This is an idea for a mechanical/chemical high wattage pulse generator. (see drawings) Technically this would act like an AC battery and there is no such thing. To produce electro-magnetic waves you must move the electrons in the piece of copper. The entire assembly would comprise 2 main parts. The first would be a large copper plate with a large piece of copper extending from the plate to act as an antenna and the second, an aluminum or glass container with multiple compartments. The compartments would hold the containers with the chemicals and valves. The chemicals would be discharged by a detonator into a mixing compartment. The mixing compartment would have a valve that pulses the mixture into the top compartment to stimulate the copper. The third compartment would initially be in a vacuum to pull the mixed chemicals from the top compartment as they are pulsed in. A separate valve between the top compartment and the vacuum would keep the pulses separate. The power and frequency could be controlled with the pressure of the chemicals and the rotation of the valves. A pulsing valve could be accomplished by using a fan in a cage with only a couple holes for air to pass and only one fan in the cage. Every time the holes line up, a pulse of chemicals enters the top compartment.
Any ionized gas would work. Since like polarities repel, when the gas is released into the mixing compartment it would pulse the electrons in the copper creating magnetic waves. This could be used as a weapon. Someone could sneak one into a computer room with a mainframe and blow it off and destroy the entire computer.
Automobile companies won’t build electric cars because battery technology is too expensive and doesn’t hold enough energy to run a car very long. The Mechanical/Chemical High Wattage Pulse Generator could be used. Instead of discharging the device once it could be recharged by stopping at a gas (re-charging) station run by solar voltaic panels. The contents of the vacuum side would be transferred back to the holding tank by a re-charging pump. The copper conductor would be surrounded by an iron toroid with a winding that acts like the secondary of a transformer. The AC would power AC motors that run the auto. The assembly would fit into the engine compartment.
One method of re-charging the device is a piston controlled by a coil, or gear. As it goes back and forth the 2 valves open and close. The other method is placing an electronically controlled bellows in the discharge and charging chambers. You could build a bellows that expands with a coil like. It could be wireless or wired. Place the bellows in each container (discharge and charging). Put the valves and pulse container on top.
Special Note: Everything today runs on software. Even X-ray and MRI machines. If you took someone to a hospital or doctors office and had an X-ray or MRI it’s very possible that the software removed the implant from the result. I would do it again somewhere you know this won’t happen.
Noise Generator
I believe we live in a totalitarian society much like George Orwell's '1984'. As a totalitarian society everything is controlled and everyone is being spied upon. I am not alone in my belief but proving it to people is difficult. The purpose of this document is not to prove anything but help those who already know.
In the last 40 years or so electronics has become very sophisticated. Basic components have become smaller and operate at higher frequencies. Integrated circuits can have tens of thousands of components packed on a chip the size of a dime. Cell phones have chips that are basically small computers and are capable of incredible things. This would not be possible without microwaves.
The spying can be broken into 3 categories: advanced wireless communications, surveillance (including synthetic telepathy) and mind control. There are surveillance cameras everywhere. Many are wireless and operate on microwaves. Anyone can pick up what is transmitted by the camera. If you have a very powerful receiver you could monitor thousands of cameras in a small area without anyone knowing. If you're the government you could have a facility like the NSA. (National Security Agency) Anything wireless can be broken into. A short list is: traffic lights, WiFi, cell phones, cameras and mind control devices.
Life forms on planet earth have, as part of their makeup, electro chemical processes that produce EMI. When you flex a muscle you are creating small electrical signals that can be picked up by modern electronics. This was discovered in the 1790's by Italians Luigi Galvani and Alessandro Volta. Your brain also produces EMI. It is known that the brain has different states that can be measured with an Electro Encephalogram. (EEG) The frequencies of these states are between 5 hz and about 40 hz. When you are asleep you are at about 5 hz and when awake around 40. The only answer is to jam the entire frequency spectrum.
The frequency spectrum is considered from DC (0hz) to about 3thz (terra hz 3,000,000,000,000 hz). Anything above that is considered light. Electro-magnetic interference (EMI) happens when one electrical device interferes with another. Engineers are required by law to limit a devices EMI. You can't sell a TV that interferes with a DVD player and vice versa. When you jam a device, you interfere on purpose. EMI could also be described as electro-magnetic noise. Generating noise on purpose can be useful. A separate noise device can be used to test a devices immunity to it. Ham radio noise generators can be bought on the internet. Noise can be used to jam radio's if it is at the operating frequency of the receiver and of a higher wattage. When used as a jamming device it is always aimed at the receiver. A satellite could be considered a receiver as it is 'picking up' electro-magnetic waves on the earth. There are numerous ways to generate noise. It can be difficult to generate it over the entire frequency spectrum.
One of the first radios produced was the spark transmitter. A spark transmitter was used on the Titanic. It was invented by Nikola Tesla who also invented most the AC generating and distribution system we use today. A spark transmitter generates a very high wattage spark like lightning and radiates that on an antenna. A 'spark', or lightning, is plasma, the fourth state of matter. The other 3 are gas, liquid and solid. Spark transmitters were outlawed specifically because they interfered with everything. Spark transmitters produce ozone. Ozone can be harmful so spark transmitters must be used outdoors. The picture below is a simplified example.
I think it's possible to record the output of a spark transmitter and make a computer file out of it. Transfer the file to a small ROM chip and use it in a carry around device. Instead of analog to digital it would go digital to analog. A small Micro Controller Unit (MCU) such as the Arduino could be used.
Vacuum tubes were one on the first devices invented that could amplify a signal. They appeared about the turn of the 20th century. They used one power supply to produce a stream of electrons and another for associated circuitry. A stream of electrons is possible in a vacuum. The same concept was used in Cathode Ray Tubes. (CRT) CRT's were the first displays for TV. Once the stream is produced you can then put a smaller signal into the stream and it is amplified. A triode is a vacuum tube with 3 electrodes. A cathode, anode and one input. Later tubes with 4 and 5 electrodes were developed. A stream of electrons can be very noisy. An idea for a noise generator is to use the input of a triode as an output. The input is between the anode and cathode. If the input were connected to an input of an op amp, like an antenna, it would be very noisy. The op amp then amplifies the signal and puts it on an antenna.
Solid state noise generators can be made in a couple ways. Avalanche, or shot, noise and circuits that produce pink, flicker, white and other types. Shot noise is produced by semiconductor PN junctions naturally. It can be drawn from the cathode of a Zener diode or a BJT transistor. Wikipedia describes shot noise in terms of probability. This is how I understand it. Current is the actual movement of electrons in a conductor. Electron movement is random whether it's AC or DC. The electrons drift from one nucleus to another randomly producing electro-magnetic waves as they go. Small currents are more random than large ones simply because there are fewer electrons. It's my experience that small wattage components create better noise. Ham radio manufacturers make noise generators based on Shot noise. Elecraft for one.
Circuits exist that produce noise without the shot phenomena. Sometimes referred to as 'pink' or 'white' or 'flicker'. These circuits are used by manufacturers in the acoustic range to disguise voices. This noise is more uniform and probably easy to filter. To be more effective it should be like a spark. You would have to come up with a way to break it up. As a technician I know that different metals conduct electricity better than others. A bad conductor can create noise out of a good signal. If you attached an antenna made of a bad conductor to one of these circuits you might have something. I haven't tried this because I'm under constant surveillance and can't get anywhere with it. All I can do is think about, and write about it. “In the face of the thought police, the followers of Goldstein cannot collectively organize a resistance...”
An MCU could be easily programmed to output multiple frequency sine waves. Put all outputs into a mixer circuit, amplify that and put that on a bad antenna. Mixer circuits are used regularly in audio applications to put more than one voice on a single speaker. So I know it can be done.
A bad conducting metal could also be used to make a component. Connect 3 pieces of copper to a small piece of bad metal. Connect one end to some type of excitation circuit, the other to ground and use the middle connection as an output. Amplify the output and put that on an antenna.
Bluetooth is a word used by electronics manufacturers to describe a device that both transmits and recieves and has a very short range. Anything that transmits must not interfere with other devices. Anything that's sold as Bluetooth must meet a specification laid out by the Federal Communications Commission. I believe, I'm not sure, a Bluetooth device will not work beyond 10 feet. It is very low power. It is possible that someone is already manufacturing a device that will jam all microwaves within 10 feet of the device. If a person carried this around with them the voices might stop.
Cell phones also operate on microwaves. Phones that use Android can be programmed by anyone who wants to create a video game. Google provides a software development kit (SDK) for free. Anyone can download and use it. I think it's possible to program an old, or new, cell phone to operate as a Bluetooth jamming device. If it meets the Bluetooth specification it's probably legal. Cell phones have an 3.5 mm ear bud connector. It might be possible to use this for an antenna. This would allow for lower frequency transmissions.
Personal Area Jamming devices could work at the same power level as your personal emissions to jam them. Any noise circuit could be attached to a necklace used for an antenna and then carried around in your pocket. Below is a picture of a piece of sterling silver Viking Weave with an electrical connector on one end. Viking Weave is one continuous piece of silver and would work well as an a antenna. Or use a metal that's a bad conductor.
Anti-Aircraft Ideas
Air power has become a way for small numbers of people to control large numbers spread over large areas. Helicopters in particular are capable of doing a lot of damage without risking many lives. They can be based in a small area and control a very large area. Drones have become very sophisticated and effective. They can control even larger areas with even less personnel. No one can hold a piece of territory without controlling the air space above it. This is a collection of ideas to defeat air power.
When airplanes were first developed they all used propellers. Propellers spin very fast around a point in the center. Like automobile tires they're susceptible to centrifugal force. The propellers must be perfectly balanced or it will vibrate violently and damage other parts of the plane.
Turbines were developed during WWII. Turbines (aka jets) create thrust by compressing air and adding fuel. Air is pulled in the front and squeezed through a small chamber to compress it. Fuel is added and then ignited. Turbines can be used with propellers. Turboprops are used for small planes. Helicopters are turboprops with the turbine vertical not horizontal.
Chaff is used to confuse RADAR. (RAdio Detecting And Ranging) It was first used during WWII. Millions of pieces of metal, usually aluminum, were dropped before bombers came to confuse RADAR. RADAR sends out a high wattage pulse of microwave energy and 'listens' for anything it 'hits'. It then displays the results on a screen. Chaff looks like fog or rain and makes it difficult to tell planes from anything else. It is a defensive weapon not offensive.
Many commercial airliners have been brought down when birds got sucked into the turbine. Producing chaff in larger pieces and throwing it into the path of a turbine could destroy the engine much like a bird. If some small pieces of steel were included, enough damage could be done to the props to throw it off balance.
Chaff can be packed into small rockets. When the rocket reaches a certain altitude it explodes dispersing the chaff. With low flying planes the rocket could be propelled with compressed air thus eliminating the need for fuel. The amount of explosive needed would also be small. Most helicopters are at a low altitude while attacking. Larger planes could be brought down while taking off or landing.
Aluminum can be easily obtained from soda cans. Cans could be cut up and packed into cardboard tubes. Larger pieces can be bought at home improvement stores. It's used for flashing on roofs. It comes as a long roll about 24 inches wide by 100 feet long for about $100. If pieces were cut like an “X” they would act like a helicopter and hang in the air for a long time.
When flying a plane the pilot must remain oriented to the land. They have to always be parallel to the land. If they are flying in dense fog or rain or even at night they must fly by thier instruments to stay parallel or they could fly into the ground without knowing it. Smoke bombs could be used to disorient a pilot. They make flare guns that fire a flare with a small parachute. The parachute keeps the flare aloft as long as the flare burns. This same technology could be used with smoke bombs. Helicopters fly low to the ground when attacking. Many times there are numerous helicopters at the same time. Smoke could force the pilots on to thier instruments and they could fly into each other. If the turbine sucked in enough smoke, it would deprive the turbine of oxygen and it would stall.
When the Allies bombed Germany during WWII they had hundreds of planes take off from bases in England and fly in formation all the way to the target. To defend against this Germany developed flak. Flak is an airborne fragmentation grenade. When it explodes it breaks into thousands of small piece each acting like a bullet capable of destroying equipment of injuring someone. Since airplanes must be as light as possible they are not armored. The fuselage is usually aluminum and very thin. Flak easily penetrates this.
I don't know how the Germans detonated the flak. Todays electronics offer a wide array of possibilities. The grenade could be an electro-magnet and go off when it gets close. It could be altitude or heat etc.
RADAR was developed in the 1930’s to pick up aircraft from the ground. RADAR sends a very high power microwave signal into the air and then picks up anything that bounces off an airplane. RADAR can be picked up by the aircraft and steps can be taken to neutralize the RADAR equipment. Great strides have been made in electronics since the 1930’s. There are now transducers for almost any type of phenomena. Light, vibration, heat, etc etc. Many of these are used in satellites. If they can be used to sense something on the ground from that far away why not from the ground to the air. If an anti-aircraft installation was based on sensing technology instead of RADAR it would be harder for the enemy to pick up and destroy. The installation could be small and portable. The anti-aircraft personnel on the ground would have the element of surprise. Two transducers that could be used are infrared C.C.D. (charge coupled device) and vibration. Airplanes, including helicopters and drones, produce heat and vibration. A C.C.D. is used in almost every digital camera. An infrared C.C.D. could be attached to a high power wide angle lens and monitored with a computer screen. A separate vibration sensor could be used to guide any missile used to take down the airplane. A directed beam of microwaves might be used to scramble the avionics of the plane. You can Google “NASA Remote Sensing Tutorial” for more information.
signed The Count of Catatonia (see end of Frederich Neitzsche life or Al Pacinos character in the movie 'Scarecrow')
March 19, 2018
Philip Nute
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
I think the Occultists, including Aleister Crowley, were responsible for the events in Ethiopia prior to WWII. And probably the fact Italy invaded Ethiopia during WWII. They were trying to prove it is possible to manipulate entire countries into war. This is what the church has been doing for millennia. This is the churches’ main function.
Redemption in Christianity is the same thing as nirvana in Buddhism. Since Buddhism predates Christianity by about 700 years it’s possible that Christianity was modeled after Buddhism. This might be what Nicholas Notovitch was trying to say in his book “The Unknown Life Of Jesus”. This might be why some people believe that Jesus spent time in Tibet before he began preaching.
And now I’d like to go into apples. I’m not sure why but I’ll do it in chronological order. The legend of William Tell dates back to about 1300 AD. Tell fought for justice in what is now Switzerland. He was forced to shoot an apple off his sons head. I’m not totally sure why. Jonny Appleseed was born John Chapman in Leominster Mass around the time of the American Revolution. He died in 1845 somewhere in Ohio. He became famous for planting apple trees and giving seedlings to people headed west. I think the reason the church hates the people who originally settles New England so much is because they exposed what the church really is. This information is a threat to the church and this is why they must be eliminated. The Beatles named their record label Apple Records. When it was first started the logo was an apple. After a couple years the apple was an eaten apple. ?? Apple Computer was started somewhere near San Francisco in the mid 1970’s. Apple Computer is mostly responsible for the personal computer and the internet. They could be blamed for the fact I am shooting my mouth off and acting like a troll. Apple Computer and Apple Records fought a legal battle over the name apple. ???
Friday March 16 2018 – 7 PM – Room mate was here last night. Came and went all day. Not here now. Haven’t seen my Vinfen worker. Haven’t signed a rent agreement and haven’t paid the rent for March. Someone was supposed to stop by and drop off a key to the mailbox but didn’t. I left about 9 AM for Dunkin Donuts and the library. Left the library about 12 PM and went to Post Office to fill out a change of address. Then went to Ocean State Job Lot and then home. Was back around 2 PM. Took a nap then listened to the radio. I think someone was in my room again.
Saturday March 17 2018 – Room mate stayed the night. Left about 2 PM and came home about 2 AM Sunday. Haven’t seen my Vinfen worker. Stayed home all day. Did laundry slept. Expecting my mother tomorrow.
Sunday March 18 2018 – Room mate stayed last night. Left about 11 AM and didn’t come home. I went to Kentucky Fried Chicken in Stoughton with my mother about 12 PM. Then we went to Target in Stoughton where I got a whole lot of chickenshitted food. Ice cream Coke muffins the whole nine yards. Good thing my mother paid for it. I was back home about 2:30 PM and went to bed about 6 PM. I am typing this on a freshly chickenshitted computer so I think someone was in in my room again. Can you say coward. Well of course you can. Technically you have to be a life form to be a coward but we’ll let that go.
March 13, 2018
Philip Nute
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
It’s Deja Vu All Over Again
I live just outside Boston. We have had 3 major storms in the last 10 days. On March 2 at 6 PM one of the clients next door called for an ambulance to go to the hospital. We lost the power soon after then the next day we had to go somewhere else until the power was restored. Today the same client did the same thing. I’m expecting the power to out and then be moved to another house. I’m typing this on my laptop. NA NA NA NA NA!!! I’ve come up with at 3 reasons for this. ‘They’ (it) wants me to say I believe they can control the weather so ‘they’ can label me a conspiracy theorist. ‘They’ (it) wanst to scare me with this awesome power. ??? Like 10 years of synthetic telepathy and chickenshit wasn’t enough. ‘They’ (it) want me to try to expose the fact ‘they’ (it) can control the weather. Maybe ‘they’ think I actually know? I don’t know how. I’m being a funny guy!!! Most of the time if I can figure out what ‘it’ wants I make sure to go the other way. This time I’ll be a good shindaleria preamaturus and bite. I think ‘they’ can control the weather.
When I was in grade school I was taught that the reason for the 4 distinct seasons was that the earth was further away from the sun during the winter than the summer. Later I learned a different and more probable reason. The earth is tilted at an angle as it revolves around the sun. When it is on one side of the sun the Northern Hemisphere gets more direct sun than the Southern Hemisphere and vice versa when it’s on the other side of the sun. When the given hemisphere is at an extreme angle the sunlight is distributed over a larger surface area. This creates winter. When the given hemisphere is not at an angle the sunlight is more direct and concentrated. This creates summer. Regardless of the explanation it is unlikely ‘they’ can make it snow 2 feet in Boston in July or make it 100 degrees in January. There are some things ‘they’ can’t control.
St Elmos fire is a phenomena that happens when ships are at sea or airplanes are aloft. There is no St Elmo and I don’t know why it’s named for him. ??? It was first noticed by ancient mariners as a glow that happened during a storm. The ships mast and other parts lit up like a light bulb. It can also happen to airplanes. Modern science explains it as a buildup of electrons like a capacitor. Almost all weather is a result of water and heat. Water is H2O. Two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. Like every other chemical compound or element it can become ionized. Ionization is a lack or excess or electrons. The substance is either positively or negatively charged or electrically neutral. The PH of water is a measure of it’s ionization. Lightning is caused when a positively charged cloud hits a negatively charged cloud. (I think?)
Another term for voltage is electro motive force. Voltage is the pressure that moves electrons. Creates current. Voltage can also be described as a difference in potential. One side is more positive than the other. When you have a high positive voltage you will attract negatively charged electrons. Think of the entire electric grid as a positive voltage that can be varied on a national or global basis. The high tension wires that criss cross the country are at millions of volts. Not much current but millions of volts.
OK. Lets say you had 2 cities in Tennessee. One on the far eastern side and one on the far western side and you wanted to dump a lot of rain on the eastern city. A few days before you are going to dump the rain you turn up the voltage on every high tension line that runs along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. You do this in the USA and Mexico as the sun goes down. As the night goes on all negatively charged water is brought over the land. When the sun comes up the gulf will have direct sunlight all day. This will evaporate a lot of water. By the end of the day you have a mass of water in the atmosphere. This time you turn down the voltage on the wires along the Mexican coast and turn up the voltage along the USA coast. You pull the water over land. To concentrate it on Eastern Tennessee you simply turn up the voltage on all the wires in it’s path and turn down the wires on both sides.
This is an over simplification. I am not a weather man. I don’t know how water becomes positively charged or otherwise. It’s a theory. When you’ve dealt with the surveillance problem as long as I have these things become possible.
signed No One Goes To That Restaurant Anymore It’s Too Crowded
Further thoughts on anti-aircraft. When flying a plane the pilot must remain oriented to the land. They have to always be parallel to the land. If they are flying in dense fog or rain or even at night they must fly by their instruments to stay parallel or they could fly into the ground without knowing it. Smoke bombs could be used to disorient a pilot. They make flare guns that fire a flare with a small parachute. The parachute keeps the flare aloft as long as the flare burns. This same technology could be used with smoke bombs. Helicopters fly low to the ground when attacking. Many times there are numerous helicopters at the same time. Smoke could force the pilots on to their instruments and they could fly into each other. If the turbine sucked in enough smoke, it would deprive the turbine of oxygen and it would stall. Maybe some chemical can be added to starve the engine of oxygen. Gas stations use HALON to suppress fires. Next time you pass a station that has a roof over the pumps look up and you might see red bottles on top. This is HALON. It suppresses fire by stealing all the oxygen.
War is always by deception. The truth will never get anything started. The truth is a lonely warrior. AND I DON’T GIVE A FUCK.
March 8, 2018
Philip Nute
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
"She lived like a murder...."
"But she died....."
"Just like suicide..."
Just Like Suicide
(point of order: if the police can’t get away with it, why would she?) Not My Bad Not Gonna Be My Bad
"But she died....."
"Just like suicide..."
Just Like Suicide
(point of order: if the police can’t get away with it, why would she?) Not My Bad Not Gonna Be My Bad
War is always by deception. The truth will never get anything started. The truth is a lonely warrior. AND I DON’T GIVE A FUCK. GET IT OVER WITH YOU PUDDLES OF PIG VOMIT!!!
March 6, 2018
Philip Nute
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
On Thursday March 1 2018 I moved from 451 Quincy Ave Braintree Mass to 28 Christopher Rd Randolph Mass. I arrived approximately 12 noon. I was brought here by the staff at 451 Quincy Ave with a van load of my stuff. It took about an hour to get my things inside. All staff from 451 Quincy Ave then left to get the rest of my things. They came back a couple hours later. They left again around 3 PM. I was told my worker from Vinfen at 28 Christopher Rd would be Cephas ______ ??? (pronounced Ke’ fus — he’s African and I don’t know his last name.) He spent an hour or so with me. He told me he didn’t have a key to the front door and he would be back on Monday or so. The rent was going to be different because there’s no full time staff here and I would have to sign a new agreement. I didn’t have my Social Security award letter so he couldn’t determine what the rent would be. They base it on 35% on what I get every month. It is now Tuesday March 6 2018 and I don’t have a key or a rent agreement. I haven’t seen Cephas since. When I lived at 45 Cross St Randolph we picked up someone at 26 Christopher Rd every day on the way to Atlantic House in Quincy. This house is a duplex. There are 2 sides 26 and 28. It’s an olive drab colored two story house. I’m not sure if Vinfen leased both sides when we came while I was going to Atlantic House. Clients are allowed to have cars. There are 2 small grey sedans parked all the time. One on one side and one on the other. One is a Nissan and the other is a Chevy. (see pictures) This makes me very suspicious. The side I am on has no land line phone or internet. They took away my free cell phone so right now I can’t really contact anyone. There is no furniture to speak of so maybe Vinfen has recently rented this side. The next 4 pictures are of the bench I set up in my room. The second picture is the outlet I plugged everything into. I have an uninterupted power supply on both sides of the bench. Both of them are displaying a fault light that says “Building Wiring Fault”. I have decided to keep a diary of all my time at Cristopher Rd.
"And I, sleepy eyed...."
"This hurricane of fuckin lies..."
"And I walked this line...."
"A million and one fuckin times...."
"But not this time...."
Jesus Of Suburbia
Green Day
"This hurricane of fuckin lies..."
"And I walked this line...."
"A million and one fuckin times...."
"But not this time...."
Jesus Of Suburbia
Green Day
"And she’s buying a stairway to Heaven...."
Stairway To Heaven
Led Zeppelin
(not my bad not gonna be my bad)
Stairway To Heaven
Led Zeppelin
(not my bad not gonna be my bad)
"Down by the river..."
Down By The River
Neil Young
(not my bad not gonna be my bad)
Down By The River
Neil Young
(not my bad not gonna be my bad)
signed “The Truth Is A Lonely Warrior” what are you afraid of? war or something? I’ve been at this 10 years and nothing has happened yet. take your filthy cunts and fuck off assholes!!!!
March 5, 2018
Philip Nute
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
Bluetooth Jamming Device
I have only one issue that concerns me. Global slavery. I believe global slavery is being implemented with advanced wireless communications, surveillance (including synthetic telepathy) and mind control. The advanced wireless communications and mind control must operate on microwaves. Mind control requires either a RFID chip slipped under the scalp or a neural implant inserted through the nose. They are both so small the only way they could communicate with the outside world is by microwaves. The size of the antenna used to transmit must be very small. Communication with a person is possible without any inserted electronics by way of the microwave hearing effect. This effect was discovered during WWII and investigated afterward by Dr Ross Adey and Alen Frey. All 3 operate on microwaves. Two can both transmit and receive and one, the hearing effect, can receive.
Bluetooth is a word used by electronics manufacturers to describe a device that both transmits and receives and has a very short range. Anything that transmits must not interfere with other devices. Anything that’s sold as Bluetooth must meet a specification laid out by the Federal Communications Commission. I believe, I’m not sure, a Bluetooth device will not work beyond 10 feet. It is very low power. It is possible that someone is already manufacturing a device that will jam all microwaves within 10 feet of the device. If a person carried this around with them the voices might stop.
Cell phones also operate on microwaves. Phones that use Android can be programmed by anyone who wants to create a video game. Google provides a software development kit (SDK) for free. Anyone can download and use it. I think it’s possible to program an old, or new, cell phone to operate as a Bluetooth jamming device. If it meets the Bluetooth specification it’s probably legal.
Alice in Wonderland and Dead Beat Dads
The novel “Alice in Wonderland” was first published in the 1860’s. I believe the novel is about a phenomena that actually happens. It is perpetrated by the same people responsible for global slavery. The global elite. When they target someone they convince a woman to seduce the person then lead them out of town. The girl is not always willing and is convinced by harassing her just like the target. I think you could ask any 100 women at random this question. Have you ever been approached by a police officer or person in authority to seduce and get someone out of town? I bet a significant percentage will say ‘yes’. I think the ‘Me Too Movement’ is a cover story right now for this. When this is successful, sometimes a unwanted child comes into the world. To take care of these children many innocent men are forced to pay child support for children that aren’t theirs. In the past 25 to 30 years talk radio has complained constantly about this.