Here are some of my ideas that could be added to the Anarchist Cookbook
Here is an idea to shut off power to a large number of telephone poles before cutting up the wires. Locate a substation. A substation is where the very high voltage of the high tension wires is stepped down for use locally. Substations can usually be found very near high tension wires. Cut down the nearest telephone pole in a direction away from the substation itself pulling the wire with it. This disconnects the wire without touching anything. Do this to enough substations close together and the wires might be dead. It takes time for the transformers on the poles to discharge. Cutting up the wires is important because they can be used as antenna's. If enough wire gets cut up it will be difficult to replace.
The trucks used by electric company's (cherry pickers, etc) are very expensive. When they are using them they leave the engines running because it powers the equipment attached to it. A pellet gun could be used from a somewhat safe distance to puncture the radiator. Five or ten minutes after the radiator is empty, the engine will overheat and sieze making the truck useless. This could also be done to police and fire trucks.
There is a transformer on every few poles all across the country. They can be quite expensive. Shooting a couple holes in them would destroy it. This could also be used on microwave/cell phone towers.
Almost every telephone pole has a grounding rod next to it. I know that coax cable must be continuosly grounded as it goes. There must be a wire extending from the top of the pole to the rod at the base. Cutting this wire may disrupt service.
Create traffic jams in inner city areas by stopping some vehicles and destoying them. Or get some cheap cars get on a highway at rush hour, get next to each other to block the highway, stop and light them on fire. Doing this in areas like downtown Manhattan would create a nightmare traffic jam.
Spray utensils (knives, forks spoons) cups and plates with swamp water or any stagnant water. It can be teeming with bacteria.
Pour acid on the bolts that hold down the towers that hold high tension wires. Or come up with some way to weaken the structure. The next big wind will blow it over.
Destroying the roof of a building is one idea. The roofs of most buildings are weaker than the surrounding walls, and it will do more damage. It would be even better if was raining or snowing. If you can't make a bomb and get it on the roof of a building, get a high powered rifle or pistol and shoot holes in the roof.
Have you ever been to a sporting event and seen them shooting t-shirts into the crowd? Those can be powerful and easily made. Instead of shooting t-shirts rig a piece of non-insulated wire with a couple weights attached. The weights could be hard wooden balls or something. Make the wire long enough to span a couple of high tension lines. Use it to short out high tension lines. The closer you are to a power plant, the more likely you would do damage to the plant itself.
Most places where railroad tracks cross a paved street the rails are at the same height as the pavement. This is done for the cars to cross the rails. The idea is to destroy a small section of the rail where it is the same level as the pavement. It could be easier to hide the damage from people who inspect the tracks. Fill it in with sand or something. The crossings are accessible to anyone and wouldn't attract too much attention. Whatever they use to bring down buildings might eat away enough to work. (World Trade Center) Thermite might work. There are recipes for Thermite in the Anarchist Cookbook 2000 that can be found on this page.
This is an idea to blow a hole in an underground pipeline without digging a hole and not spending too much time at the site. Build a large enough bomb to reach to pipeline with it’s explosion. Bring an extra vehicle (disposible) with you to the site. Preferably a truck. Load the truck with sandbags. At the site, remove some sandbags and place on top of the bomb but not enough prevent the truck from driving over it. Drive the truck over the bomb and leave it. Let the air out of the tires. The idea is that the weight placed on top of the bomb helps to direct the blast downward ensuring it destroys the target. It is the same principle used by construction crews when using dynamite. They have massive steel mats they place over the explosives. Finding the location of pipelines is relatively easy. Here in Massachusetts you simple call 1-800-dig-safe
My Story
Psychiatry is Genocide
Ways to Defeat Synthetic Telepathy
and Neural Implants
Faraday Cage
Faraday Cage. A Faraday cage is any structure that is encased in metal and grounded to earth. The idea is that it shorts any voltage to ground. It is the same idea as coax cable. Coax cable is used for all broadband. The ground is the braided mesh that surrounds the signal carrier inside. It keeps noise off the signal and improves performance. The National Security Agency (which may be the problem in all of this) has it's headquarters at Ft Meade Maryland encased in copper mesh. This is why. Search for NSA and there is a Discovery Channel documentary on it.
Most buildings can be retrofitted to act as a Faraday cage. It may not be as secure as the NSA but good enough. There are a lot of corrugated metal buildings in the country that are used for industrial purposes. If they were sufficiently grounded and a metal roof were added they would make a good Faraday cage. Set up a MASH unit (Mobile Army Surgical Hospital) inside to remove neural implants. A residential house can be made somewhat secure. Aluminum flashing can be put on the floor of the attic, or aluminum screen can be hung in the attic. Metallic paint can be put on the walls.
Noise Generator
Electricity is part of the science of life. All life forms on this planet generate very small electro-magnetic waves that can be picked up by electronic sensors. A Faraday cage can prevent surveillance from the outside but not inside if there are wires that are connected to a utility of some kind. (telephone company, cable or power company) Any wire leaving a building is a highway for surveillance. I have a number of MP3 players that are also an FM radio. The earbuds are the antenna. While the wire is delivering the audio signal to the speakers in the earbuds, it is also sending the recieved signal to the computer (radio). Any unshielded wires in your house, including AC power, could be acting the same. The AC wiring in a house can act like an antenna and pick up and send data to an outside party. The entire electric grid including the telephone poles and all the wires connected could be acting the same. The entire planet could be hooked up to computers acting like HAARP. A huge antenna operating at low frequency and high power. A person's brain gives off about 30 HZ while awake. Steps must be taken to secure the inside if you can't eliminate all utilities. A possible way to defeat the sensors would be to generate a lot of garbage electro-magnetic waves around the people and make it difficult for the sensors to pick up the EMI given off by the people. The people would have to always remain near the generator.
Specific Ideas
1. Spark Generators
Spark transmitters were one of the first Morse Code machines. As radio progressed they were outlawed because they interfered with radio signals. A Jacobs Ladder is a type of spark generator. At high voltages they can interupt everything. The Titanic had a Spark transmitter.
2. Mechanical Generators
Electric motors are notorious for generating noise that interferes with sensitive electronics. All motors have a rotor that must move and be energized at the same time. This is accomplished with a conducting brush that keeps contact with the rotor. It's possible to imitate the noise made by electric motors and then amplify it and broadcast it on an antenna.
3. Electronic Generator
I began experimenting with Texas Instruments MSP430 line of microcontrollers. The Launchpad comes preprogrammed with a software routine that pulses an LED. I theorize you could simply take that pulse, amplify it and put it on an antenna and it might create enough disturbance for one person. It could be made small enough to hang around a person's neck. Another electronic idea is to build a white noise generator, chop up the signal somehow and amplify that.
4. It might be possible to record the noise made by a spark transmitter, make a computer file out of it, then rebroadcast (transmit) it through a cell phone or iPod.
5. Take a spark plug from an internal combustion engine, mount it in a piece of metal to simulate an engine and run it as it would normally be used. It would generate something similar to a Jacob's Ladder or an old fashioned Spark Transmitter.
6. Smarthome sells X10 technology. X10 technology was developed in the 1970's by a company in Scotland. It uses the AC wiring in a house to send control signals to devices connected throughout the house. With a central control panel any light or device can be turned on or off. So it's possible to inject noise onto AC wires.
7. Another method of disabling AC wiring would be to 'tap' the wires like a Morse code key.
8. Filtering is a use of passive componants to eliminate noise. Passive componants consist of capacitors, inductors and resistors. All of these come in voltage ratings high enough for 120 AC. A lowpass filter could be setup near the panel where the wire leaves the building and suppress any frequencies above 60 HZ.
Radio Jamming Equipment
Noise generators prevent signals from being picked up. They could also prevent transmitting. But it might be useful to use the radio spectrum so jamming is more appropriate. In the early days of radar during WWII they discovered the 'microwave hearing effect. It was a clicking noise in the ears of people near the equipment. This technology may be very advanced by now. A possible name is 'electronic brain link'. Jamming is the science of disabling only selected frequencies.
Modern communications are necessary to fight back. Data can be carried along with the normal signal. The human voice creates signals between 200HZ and about 30KHZ. Data could be superimposed on top of the voice. Filtering could prevent this. A low pass filter on a phone line could eliminate everything above 30KHZ. This does not totally solve the problem but it might help. Old style phone modems operate around 28KBPS which might get by, but it would slow the problem down.
General Information
Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...

Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
Is an abortion clinic a place where you can get an implant removed? Is abortion a cover story?
DON'T JOIN THE MILITARY! It's a sure way to wind up with an implant.
It is not enough to just shut off the power, the wires themselves can act as antenna's without power. It is possible for anyone to access them and have a very sensitive radio capable of picking up your electrical impulses. It is possible the entire electric grid is one big HAARP. Here is an idea to shut off power to a large number of telephone poles before cutting up the wires. Locate a substation. A substation is where the very high voltage of the high tension wires is stepped down for use locally. Substations can usually be found very near high tension wires. Cut down the nearest telephone pole in a direction away from the substation itself pulling the wire with it. This disconnects the wire without touching anything. Do this to enough substations close together and the wires might be dead. It takes time for the transformers on the poles to discharge. You could shoot a couple holes in the transformers before cutting down the pole.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, and it's companion website, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
At the very bottom of this page, on the left side, there are some examples of what I email to direct traffic to this site. I declare this public domain.
May 31, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
A Road to Awakening
Most people in the United States, and much of the rest of the world, live in a dream where life is a bowl of cherries. They accept without question the endless fairy tale served up by the main stream media. But for many life is a bowl of pits, and it's getting worse. Those living the dream will discover one day and they too will be living the nightmare.
If you're living the nightmare you would want to convince the other half this is so, and in the process save both. Your first and main obstacle is the main stream media. A voice so loud it drowns out all others. Television, and to a lesser extent movies and radio are the greatest weapon ever invented by man. To get past it, you must get the hypnotised to question their reality and do their own investigation. The internet could save the masses.
To do that you must provide some evidence that their lives or security are in danger. To do it right you should have several things. Fortunately much has been done in the last 50 years or so by people who were living the nightmare. Here, I try to provide some starting blocks with what I know. One of the first things to know is "Everything you know is wrong". This is not a free world and you can't say that. The truth wears a veil in western civilization. Proving things is difficult and dangerous.
One of the first problems discovered was the banking system. The central banking system is a scam. It is mathematically impossible for the United States federal government to get out of debt. In the central banking system, money is debt and debt is money. If there was no debt, there would be no money. If there is too much debt, there is too much money. The people who collect the debt are the only people with the real game. Everyone else is just spinning their wheels. And an even more absurd fact is they don't deserve a penny of what they collect because they didn't put up any collateral. The system creates money out of thin air and they collect both the principle and interest. The documentary 'The Zeitgeist Movie' cites a Minnesota case where a man stopped the bank from taking his house by proving the bank voided the contract because it didn't put up any collateral. It created the money out of thin air. Bankruptcy and inflation are unavoidable. When someone, or a country, goes bankrupt they take property in exchange and don't deserve it. The banking system will either conquer the world by bankruptcy or crash from a mountain of debt. One of the first people to document this was Thomas Paine in his book "The Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance". He also wrote "Common Sense" a pamphlet used to start the American Revolution.
With the truth about the banking system you could convince a lot of people their world is in danger. Everyone needs money. Despite what people say, they always vote their wallet before any idea or principle. Unfortunately the elections are a joke too. Freedoms an illusion, film at eleven. A second place to look is history. Napolean said once "History is a lie agreed upon". One of the first places to start is the history of the banking system. Why didn't I know this? The Bank of England was the first central bank. It was founded in 1694 by William of Orange, the king of England. It was a response to two revolutions that took place in England in the 17th century, one of which succeeded in toppling the king. He was executed. The second didn't. It is a bottomless bank account used to buy whatever is needed to hold power. They can manipulate the currency and wage war against it's own citizens. In the decades following the turn of the 18th century they developed a political system called 'Oligarchical Collectivism'. They will share power and access to the banking system with anyone who will be as ruthless and greedy as they are. Below is a paragraph taken from George Orwell's book '1984':
'In accordance with principles it does not matter if the war is real or whether victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous. The essential act of modern warfare is the destruction of human production and labor. A hierarchial society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. In principle the war is planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against it's own subjects and it's object is not victory but to keep the very structure of society intact.'
A second place to look is the English Reformation. Religion is an important part of how oligarchical collectivism works. Stalin once said 'Religion is the opium of the mass's'. Like everything else in western civilization it is run for and by the rich. I do not have a problem with religions or religious people. My problem is with their organization. I do not endorse Islam, but in Islam every mosque stands alone. It is not part of a massive organization. After a muslim cleric learns his theology he goes to a mosque and has no boss outside of that. The people who go to church on Sunday are not the problem, it's the people who run the church's. And the bigger they are the bigger the problem. When looking at the English Reformation the idea is to prove that the church divided itself to form two groups that the kings could pit against each other to satisfy Orwell's 'Theory of Oligarchical Collectivism'.
Significant questions are:
Why was Henry VIII obsessed with having a son? Two of his daughters, Mary I and Elizabeth I, held the throne anyway. Did England abandon Salic Law 100 years earlier? Why was James VI of Scotland (also James I of England) brought up a protestant if his mother, Mary Queen of Scots, was born and died a catholic? Why did James I produce the King James Bible? Why did he leave out the Apocraphyl Books? Why was Elizabeth I called 'The Virgin Queen'? Was this intentional so the throne could go to James I? Thomas More is both a saint in the catholic church and a sir for the British Empire. He was executed in the Henry VIII affair. He wrote a book about utopia. In fact I think he coined the phrase utopia. The United States is an invention of the Catholic Church and the monarchs of Europe. Does the concept of a utopia have anything to do with the Trojan War thing?
Another place is the controversy surrounding Joan of Arc and Gilles de Rais. Joan of Arc was considered a whore up to the 20th century. Then she was made a saint. Why? Gilles de Rais fought alongside her but is still demonized as a monster. Why? Gilles is considered the first 'bluebeard'. What is a bluebeard?
A fourth place is the Spanish Civil War of the 1930's. George Orwell fought for a time on the side of the republicans against the fascists. He wrote about his experience in the book "Homage to Catalonia". When he got to the front he recieved little or no training. All the people he fought with had the same amount of training. He had no uniform. His rifle was 30 years old, his unit had one machine gun for every 50 men. Most of the injuries suffered by his unit were caused by their own equipment. After several months of fighting he got 3 days in Barcelona. While there fighting broke out. After it ended government troops arrived. The same government he was fighting for. They had new uniforms, were trained and had one machine gun for every 10 men. When he discovered this he was forced to flee the country.
World War I was a slaughter on both sides. In about 4 years of fighting no real progress was made by anyone, yet millions of men died. No one really knows why it was fought. George Seldes was a reporter at the time. He was considered a muchracker, someone who didn't go along with the pack. He covered the end of the war and called it a complete sham. A hero of that war, Smedley Butler, later wrote a book "War is a Racket".
There are a lot of questions surrounding Benjamin Disraeli and the current state of Israel. Disraeli was an Englishman who lived in the 1800's. He was British Prime Minister twice. Many believe he is responsible for the situation in Israel.
My take on Israel. The Allies (also known as everyone involved) during WWII didn't liberate the Nazi concentration camps but instead relocated them to Palestine and called it Israel. The Zeitgeist Movie points out that 100 million people in the United States are convinced the end times are here. They are all waiting to be raptured into heaven. The movie "Ring of Power" says the same thing. They add that the battle of Armageddon will take place in Isreal. Why did they leave the Apocraphyl Books out of the King James Version of the bible? I ask only because the word 'apocraphyl' and 'apolcalypse' may be derived from the same word.
Thomas Paine, who wrote the pamphlet 'Common Sense', came to America just before the revolution. Common Sense was read in pubs and churches before the war and was instrumental in getting the war started. In it he criticizes the English form of government. He points out that any government with 3 houses (not to be confused with 3 branches) can be easily controlled if anyone controls two. The English government can always be controlled with the House of Lords and the Monarchy. The House of Commons is powerless and only gives the illusion of freedom. The people who fought the revolution fully expected to go back to their lives and governments as they were when the war was over. The Federal government was an afterthought. The justification for it was made years later by the Federalist Papers. How quickly people forget. All anyone needs is a handful of senators and the president and they control the government. We only have the illusion of freedom.
Aside from the obvious wars reported in newspapers the powers that be manage to get us to fight mythical wars. The Trojan War was supposedly fought between Greece and Troy. It was fought over a woman. Helen of Troy. The war was fought for ten years outside the walls of Troy before the Greeks won. Homer's 'The Iliad and the Odyssey' chronicles the war. Aleister Crowley, a writer and cultist, wrote a book "Alice (in Wonderland) is an Adultery". 'Alice in Wonderland' is a parallel story to 'The Iliad and the Odyssey'. It is roughly the same thing. One side or the other in the mythical war sends one of it's young girls on an mission of adultery to lure a male away from home to destroy his life and possibly hers. She is sometimes convinced 'all that glitters is gold'. The adultery causes division among the sides, like Greece and Troy, and makes for further hostilities. It's all a setup. The people in charge of it all just want to make trouble for the people at the bottom.
As I said before "the truth wears a veil in western civilization'. Fiction is non-fiction and non-fiction is fiction. Aside from 'Alice in Wonderland' some revealing novels are: Gulivers Travels- Written in 1730 it is a glimpse into how the oligarchy collective works. Others are 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame', The Grapes of Wrath' and "Tom Sawyer'. Anything by Shakespear.
The central banking system is an economic tool for holding power. But it is just a piece of a larger body of knowledge on economics that is used. This knowledge was outlined in The Scottish Enlightenment of the 1700's. The main work was Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations". It is the manual for economic domination used today all over the world. It is mathematically impossible for the United Sates Federal government to ever get out of debt. Or any other country with a central bank, which is every country on earth. The really absurd thing is the people collecting the debt don't deserve anything. They didn't put up a penny of collateral. 'The Zeitgeist Movie' cites a Minnesota case where a man stopped the bank from foreclosing on his house by proving the bank created the money out of thin air.
Ultimitely, it's a question of slavery. The modern world is the wage slave system. In the wage slave system the slave himself is responsible for his own housing and food. All system's of slavery are designed to overproduce. The excess is sold by the owner so he/she can live in luxury. All system's of slavery benefit only a few. Poverty and/or primitive culture is the natural state of the world. The wage slave system has driven mankind and the entire planet to the edge and it is not sustainable. Slave system's naturally overproduce all life sustaining products so populations run out of control. They eat up land and resources. At some point those two dynamics collide and everyone suffers, including the slave owners. The global elite require drastic measures to remain in power, and they are working towards this. DON'T ACCEPT AN IMPLANT!
Who's winning the battle to implement communism, the proletariat or the bourgeois? I believe communism is the end result of capitalism. It is being implemented through fabianism. Fabianism is a strategy of slow and steady progress. There is a Fabian Society dedicated to socialism. H G Wells was a member. He wrote a book titled "New World Order". I believe that communism and socialism don't exist. They are political ideology's designed to keep the mass's busy while the banking system takes over the world. The true end result is 'Times New Roman'. We will be back to a Ceasar. Karl Marx outlined 10 things needed to implement communism. I list them below and try to point out the ones I think are already in place.
1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents to land for public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all right to inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6.Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of waste lands: and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal obligation of all to work.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries: gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.
10. Free education for all children. Abolition of child factory labor in it's present form. Combination of education with industrial production.
At the end of the 19th century we went through 'The Gilded Age'. The rich enjoyed life as never before. Everyone wanted a monopoly on something. Someone would corner the market on something then charge whatever they wanted. Flour, sugar, coffee etc. They called them trusts. The mansions in Newport RI were built with this money. Teddy Roosevelt passed the Sherman Anti-Trust Act to break up the trusts and lower prices for everyone. They later passed an income tax law that was also supposed to help. Maybe it did maybe it didn't. It now funds endless wars and it's wasteful industry's. As Orwell pointed out, war is meant to keep the poor on it's knees. It also funds the welfare state. The welfare state does not help the poor. It gives them just enough to get by and not pick up a gun. It stops them from building something for themselves. It gives corporate welfare to take away opportunity for them. Give a man a fish, feed him for a day, teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime. The income tax now works for the rich.
Inheritance is overtaxed now, but it is hurting small corporations more than large.
This one I don't understand.
We have centralization of the credit, but it is in private hands. The Federal Reserve is a privately owned bank. The word 'Federal' is decieving. It is owned by private individuals who we can never get out of debt to. And they don't deserve a penny.
The Interstate Highway system surreptitiously centralizes the transport system. People don't realize it doesn't have to be built that way. It gives too much power to the government. In the old west people would vie for a railroad stop in thier town. It would bring people and commerce. If the trains stopped the town would die. I often call the interstate highway system 'Automobile Railroads'. They should be built as surface roads. Anyone with land that abutts the road should have access. This would provide infinite economic opportunity for people.
I don't know what this is for. Leave waste land waste land. Stop building suburbs. Each city should be as self supporting as possible. Global trade slowly makes us interdependant as nations. (World Trade is a 9-1-1) If they ever come out of the closet we will all discover that our basic needs come from a foreign country. No one here will know how to raise cattle etc. People will surrender very quickly.
I have no problem requiring anyone who can work to work. But it is better they employ themselves and build and acquire wealth. This would lead to satisfying Marx's first condition for communism to end up in the hands of the poor. But at that point why bother?
I think the suburbinization of America should be reversed. It wastes land. It makes the population even more dependant on the controlled transport and communication structure.
Free education through High School is OK. But a High School education should be enough. It is entirely too complicated, expensive and difficult to make a living in this country. No child labor.
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865.
May 28, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Matter can neither be created or destroyed. All the matter there is or ever will be has already been created. Matter can be transformed. Energy or work is performed when it is. For example, gasoline is burned in a truck. Work is performed when goods are moved from one place to another. The nuclear power industry uses enriched uranium to turn water into steam and uses the steam to turn a generator. It is enriched uranium. They can't just dig it up, form it into a cylinder and use it. It requires a lot of electricity to enrich uranium. So if the natural laws of physics are being adhered to the nuclear electric industry is losing money. Is this why they created the Tennessee Valley Authority? Does cheap government electricity keep the nuclear industry afloat? '..feeding the public with yellowcake...' Yellowcake - Ministry Capitalism is not sustainable. Anyone, who thinks the right way, can walk into a bank with an idea to make a couple hundred million can get a loan. Say penicillin for example. Anyone who walks in with an idea that will kill 40 million people can also get a loan. The people who own and run this system don't care about the people at the bottom. They have been partying like it's 1999 since 1699. But they know it is not sustainable. (devils advocate) The things they are doing aren't enough to keep the party going. They are losing the numbers battle.
May 27, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I'm Back!!! George Orwell. Rm 101. Winston and the rats. Phil and crystal meth. OOOOOOH. I'm scared. I don't like the drugs, but the drugs like me. Did Howard Shultz approve this. Starbucks has a reputation to uphold.
'Go ahead and hate your neighbor,..'
Go ahead and cheat a friend..
Do it in the name of heaven,..
You can justify it in the end..
You won't hear any trumpets blowin come the judgement day..
On the bloody morning after..
One tin soldier rides away...

The Legend of Billy Jack
Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...

Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
Is an abortion clinic a place where you can get an implant removed? Is abortion a cover story?
DON'T JOIN THE MILITARY! It's a sure way to wind up with an implant.
Do What Thou Whilst Will Be The Whole Of The Law Or Anything Goes
May 26, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
This is how I know 'Hotel California' is everywhere. In the song song he says '..waiter please bring me my wine, we haven't had that spirit here since 1969...'. Whenever I go to the liquor store they either don't have what I want or whatever I buy is no good. I get the desired effect if I drink it, but it also makes me sick in some way. I always know when I get the bad stuff because the bottles or cans don't charge a deposit. The machine rejects them when I take them back.
'You can knock at any door,...
but wherever you go you,..
know they've been there before....

Dogs of War
Pink Floyd
Psychiatry is Genocide
In early 1996 I was given a new doctor. Her name was Deborah Silen. She was fortyish, white blonde hair. I was still at South Shore Mental Health at 460 Quincy Ave in Quincy. She immediately switched me to a new medication. Risperdal. This is not normal. They don't usually switch someone unless they are having problems. My problems started afterwards. There is a short video on youtube of a fictional interview with George Orwell entitled – A Final Warning. In it Orwell warns:
In the future there will be no emotion,.......the sex instinct will be erradicated, we shall abolish the orgasm.....
Well the future is here. My sex instinct was somewhat intact when I was still on Prolixin. Just after I was put on Risperdal I began having problems that persist today despite no medication for going on 5 years. Shortly after being put on Risperdal I began having problems ejaculating. Nothing came out. I complained to Dr Reiner at South Shore Mental Health but it was in one ear and out the other. I went to a urologist associated with South Shore Hospital but he did nothing. After I went off Risperdal the something came out again but I could really care less about sex. This continues to this day. I may have become 'comfortably numb' with Prolixin now it's completely hopeless. All I got left is dying and I am going to make as much trouble as humanly possible on the way out the door. It is also the one thing I could use a little help with. That old saying 'justice delayed is justice denied' applys here. My only justice is making you pig diarhea take responsibility.
Between 2004 and 2007 I had a series of hospitalizations. I was in Pembroke Hospital twice. The second time there was a very young girl named Stephanie. She looked 10 or 11 years old. She had these really crazy eyes. Despite being in the mental health system for 30 years I had never seen someone like this. I thought it was odd she was on an adult psychotic ward when there was a childrens ward in the building.
Songs with crazy eyes
With or Without You - U2
Man in the Box - Alice in Chains
Shine on you Crazy Diamond - Pink Floyd
Sadly, International St Paddy Whack Day has passed, but I believe people should celebrate it year round by making zombies all the time.
'No man born with a livin' soul,..
workin for the Clampdown.....

The Clash
Does mercury do more damage when inhaled or injected not ingested?
Would it be possible to hijack a cell phone tower or TV/radio tower and get it to spit out a lot of electrical noise to cover any military operation in the area?
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865.
Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...

Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
Is an abortion clinic a place where you can get an implant removed? Is abortion a cover story?
DON'T JOIN THE MILITARY! It's a sure way to wind up with an implant.
May 25, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
At the beginning of the third Zeitgeist movie, Zeitgeist: Moving Forward, the narrator tells the story of how he spent a summer learning to play monopoly with his grandmother. He was determined to be the best monopoly player there is and beat his grandmother. At the end of the summer he learned it all goes back in the box. This is what Armageddon is all about.
The health care system in the United States is half savior and half Auschwitz. And everyone is paying through the nose for the priviledge. By the year 2008 the total debt of the United States federal government was about 4 trillion dollars. At the same time we annually spent about 3.5 trillion on health care. When Bill Clinton first took office the lame stream media made Hillary look like a genius on health care. They made a big deal of the fact a First Lady was taking the lead on a major issue. She later won (was handed) a senate seat. Some in Washington favor universal health care paid for by the federal government but it would bankrupt the country the second it is signed. I think Hillary was supposed to get elected, pass health care, bankrupt the government and everyone skips town. They plan that far ahead. They're crazy you know. I mentioned this on my blog back in 2008. When Obama got elected he passed a stimulus bill that did the same thing. I wonder if the stimulus is a crock of you know what. I get a lot of misinformation. South Shore Hospital is the local hospital here in Weymouth. It used to be a non-profit community hospital. I believe now it is a for profit hospital. Another local hospital, Quincy Medical, was losing money in the 1970's and 80's. (Oh the horror) The local noisepaper (rag) The Putrid Loser, The Patriot Ledger, made a big deal of the fact there were empty beds. Does this problem worry the Catholic church in it's hospitals? Just askin. Not I think Quincy Medical is for profit. How long do people last in assited living centers? Not long I bet. And the pay every cent they ever earned.
Is Dubai the capital of The New World Order (Times New Roman)? Or a bunker for the end of the modern world? Certainly plenty of oil on hand or to shutoff. Dick Cheney's old company Halliburton moved it's international headquarters there a few years ago. The NYSE was purchased by a company there.
Whoever has synthetic telepathy runs everything. Who is it? How long have they had it?
The FBI and The Catholic Church
a book by
Steve Rosswurm
A Road to Awakening
Most people in the United States, and much of the rest of the world, live in a dream where life is a bowl of cherries. They accept without question the endless fairy tale served up by the main stream media. But for many life is a bowl of pits, and it's getting worse. Those living the dream will discover one day and they too will be living the nightmare.
If you're living the nightmare you would want to convince the other half this is so, and in the process save both. Your first and main obstacle is the main stream media. A voice so loud it drowns out all others. Television, and to a lesser extent movies and radio are the greatest weapon ever invented by man. To get past it, you must get the hypnotised to question their reality and do their own investigation. The internet could save the masses.
To do that you must provide some evidence that their lives or security are in danger. To do it right you should have several things. Fortunately much has been done in the last 50 years or so by people who were living the nightmare. Here, I try to provide some starting blocks with what I know. One of the first things to know is "Everything you know is wrong". This is not a free world and you can't say that. The truth wears a veil in western civilization. Proving things is difficult and dangerous.
One of the first problems discovered was the banking system. The central banking system is a scam. It is mathematically impossible for the United States federal government to get out of debt. In the central banking system, money is debt and debt is money. If there was no debt, there would be no money. If there is too much debt, there is too much money. The people who collect the debt are the only people with the real game. Everyone else is just spinning their wheels. And an even more absurd fact is they don't deserve a penny of what they collect because they didn't put up any collateral. The system creates money out of thin air and they collect both the principle and interest. The documentary 'The Zeitgeist Movie' cites a Minnesota case where a man stopped the bank from taking his house by proving the bank voided the contract because it didn't put up any collateral. It created the money out of thin air. Bankruptcy and inflation are unavoidable. When someone, or a country, goes bankrupt they take property in exchange and don't deserve it. The banking system will either conquer the world by bankruptcy or crash from a mountain of debt. One of the first people to document this was Thomas Paine in his book "The Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance". He also wrote "Common Sense" a pamphlet used to start the American Revolution.
With the truth about the banking system you could convince a lot of people their world is in danger. Everyone needs money. Despite what people say, they always vote their wallet before any idea or principle. Unfortunately the elections are a joke too. Freedoms an illusion, film at eleven. A second place to look is history. Napolean said once "History is a lie agreed upon". One of the first places to start is the history of the banking system. Why didn't I know this? The Bank of England was the first central bank. It was founded in 1694 by William of Orange, the king of England. It was a response to two revolutions that took place in England in the 17th century, one of which succeeded in toppling the king. He was executed. The second didn't. It is a bottomless bank account used to buy whatever is needed to hold power. They can manipulate the currency and wage war against it's own citizens. In the decades following the turn of the 18th century they developed a political system called 'Oligarchical Collectivism'. They will share power and access to the banking system with anyone who will be as ruthless and greedy as they are. Below is a paragraph taken from George Orwell's book '1984':
'In accordance with principles it does not matter if the war is real or whether victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous. The essential act of modern warfare is the destruction of human production and labor. A hierarchial society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. In principle the war is planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against it's own subjects and it's object is not victory but to keep the very structure of society intact.'
A second place to look is the English Reformation. Religion is an important part of how oligarchical collectivism works. Stalin once said 'Religion is the opium of the mass's'. Like everything else in western civilization it is run for and by the rich. I do not have a problem with religions or religious people. My problem is with their organization. I do not endorse Islam, but in Islam every mosque stands alone. It is not part of a massive organization. After a muslim cleric learns his theology he goes to a mosque and has no boss outside of that. The people who go to church on Sunday are not the problem, it's the people who run the church's. And the bigger they are the bigger the problem. When looking at the English Reformation the idea is to prove that the church divided itself to form two groups that the kings could pit against each other to satisfy Orwell's 'Theory of Oligarchical Collectivism'.
Significant questions are:
Why was Henry VIII obsessed with having a son? Two of his daughters, Mary I and Elizabeth I, held the throne anyway. Did England abandon Salic Law 100 years earlier? Why was James VI of Scotland (also James I of England) brought up a protestant if his mother, Mary Queen of Scots, was born and died a catholic? Why did James I produce the King James Bible? Why did he leave out the Apocraphyl Books? Why was Elizabeth I called 'The Virgin Queen'? Was this intentional so the throne could go to James I? Thomas More is both a saint in the catholic church and a sir for the British Empire. He was executed in the Henry VIII affair. He wrote a book about utopia. In fact I think he coined the phrase utopia. Does the concept of a utopia have anything to do with the Trojan War thing?
Another place is the controversy surrounding Joan of Arc and Gilles de Rais. Joan of Arc was considered a whore up to the 20th century. Then she was made a saint. Why? Gilles de Rais fought alongside her but is still demonized as a monster. Why? Gilles is considered the first 'bluebeard'. What is a bluebeard?
A fourth place is the Spanish Civil War of the 1930's. George Orwell fought for a time on the side of the republicans against the fascists. He wrote about his experience in the book "Homage to Catalonia". When he got to the front he recieved little or no training. All the people he fought with had the same amount of training. He had no uniform. His rifle was 30 years old, his unit had one machine gun for every 50 men. Most of the injuries suffered by his unit were caused by their own equipment. After several months of fighting he got 3 days in Barcelona. While there fighting broke out. After it ended government troops arrived. The same government he was fighting for. They had new uniforms, were trained and had one machine gun for every 10 men. When he discovered this he was forced to flee the country.
World War I was a slaughter on both sides. In about 4 years of fighting no real progress was made by anyone, yet millions of men died. No one really knows why it was fought. George Seldes was a reporter at the time. He was considered a muchracker, someone who didn't go along with the pack. He covered the end of the war and called it a complete sham. A hero of that war, Smedley Butler, later wrote a book "War is a Racket".
There are a lot of questions surrounding Benjamin Disraeli and the current state of Israel. Disraeli was an Englishman who lived in the 1800's. He was British Prime Minister twice. Many believe he is responsible for the situation in Israel.
My take on Israel. The Allies (also known as everyone involved) during WWII didn't liberate the Nazi concentration camps but instead relocated them to Palestine and called it Israel. The Zeitgeist Movie points out that 100 million people in the United States are convinced the end times are here. They are all waiting to be raptured into heaven. The movie "Ring of Power" says the same thing. They add that the battle of Armageddon will take place in Isreal. Why did they leave the Apocraphyl Books out of the King James Version of the bible? I ask only because the word 'apocraphyl' and 'apolcalypse' may be derived from the same word.
Aside from the obvious wars reported in newspapers the powers that be manage to get us to fight mythical wars. The Trojan War was supposedly fought between Greece and Troy. It was fought over a woman. Helen of Troy. The war was fought for ten years outside the walls of Troy before the Greeks won. Homer's 'The Iliad and the Odyssey' chronicles the war. Aleister Crowley, a writer and cultist, wrote a book "Alice (in Wonderland) is an Adultery". 'Alice in Wonderland' is a parallel story to 'The Iliad and the Odyssey'. It is roughly the same thing. One side or the other in the mythical war sends one of it's young girls on an mission of adultery to lure a male away from home to destroy his life and possibly hers. She is sometimes convinced 'all that glitters is gold'. The adultery causes division among the sides, like Greece and Troy, and makes for further hostilities. It's all a setup. The people in charge of it all just want to make trouble for the people at the bottom.
As I said before "the truth wears a veil in western civilization'. Fiction is non-fiction and non-fiction is fiction. Aside from 'Alice in Wonderland' some revealing novels are: Gulivers Travels- Written in 1730 it is a glimpse into how the oligarchy collective works. Others are 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame', The Grapes of Wrath' and "Tom Sawyer'. Anything by Shakespear.
The central banking system is an economic tool for holding power. But it is just a piece of a larger body of knowledge on economics that is used. This knowledge was outlined in The Scottish Enlightenment of the 1700's. The main work was Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations". It is the manual for economic domination used today all over the world.
Ultimitely, it's a question of slavery. The modern world is the wage slave system. In the wage slave system the slave himself is responsible for his own housing and food. All system's of slavery are designed to overproduce. The excess is sold by the owner so he/she can live in luxury. All system's of slavery benefit only a few. Poverty and/or primitive culture is the natural state of the world. The wage slave system has driven mankind and the entire planet to the edge and it is not sustainable. Slave system's naturally overproduce all life sustaining products so populations run out of control. They eat up land and resources. At some point those two dynamics collide and everyone suffers, including the slave owners. The global elite require drastic measures to remain in power, and they are working towards this. DON'T ACCEPT AN IMPLANT!
May 24, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Thomas More is both a saint in the catholic church and a sir for the British Empire. He was executed in the Henry VIII affair. He wrote a book about utopia. In fact I think he coined the phrase utopia. Does the concept of a utopia have anything to do with the Trojan War thing?
The Chickenshit Cookbook
Why doesn't someone get hold of a disgruntled member of the chickenshit outfit and get all the recipes for making people 'jews' and publish it so everyone can get in on the fun.
Polly Klaus was a young girl murdered a few decades ago. The state of California convicted and executed someone by the name of Davis. At his sentencing he was allowed to say something. During his statement he said something like '..her (Polly) last words were "just don't do me like Daady"..'. This is how I have come to feel about the whole goddam planet.
This is something I know about synthetic telepathy that you may not. Anytime they can get my money they are happy to oblige. All I have to do is think about a trip to Wal-Mart and my mother makes the suggestion without any other action on my part. This is how I know it has nothing to do with Jesus. But I wonder how they get the people in the neighborhood to co-operate.
'Go ahead and hate your neighbor,..'
Go ahead and cheat a friend..
Do it in the name of heaven,..
You can justify it in the end..
You won't hear any trumpets blowin come the judgement day..
On the bloody morning after..
One tin soldier rides away...

The Legend of Billy Jack
'I am so All-American...'
sell you suicide,...
I am totalitarian,..
I got abortions in my eyes..

Irresponsible Hate Anthem
Marilyn Manson
Sadly, International St Paddy Whack Day has passed, but I believe people should celebrate it year round by making zombies all the time.
'No man born with a livin' soul,..
workin for the Clampdown.....

The Clash
Does mercury do more damage when inhaled or injected not ingested?
Would it be possible to hijack a cell phone tower or TV/radio tower and get it to spit out a lot of electrical noise to cover any military operation in the area?
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865.
Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...

Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
Is an abortion clinic a place where you can get an implant removed? Is abortion a cover story?
DON'T JOIN THE MILITARY! It's a sure way to wind up with an implant.
May 23, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
There is a video on youtube that is a biography of the life of Alexis de Tocqueville. It is a course being taught by some English professor at Oxford or Cambridge or somewhere. It's an hour long. Alexis de Tocqueville was a french writer born in the early 1800's. He came from the french aristocracy. His parents were uprooted by the french revolution. He traveled to America in about 1825 and wrote a book 'Democracy in America'. I am not exactly sure what the significance of the book is, I haven't read it. I have trouble reading and comprehending. In the video, at about 9:30 the professor states 'de Tocqueville was born and raised catholic, he was in a library one day and read a book and realized that the church was a crock of s^^%#'. He never went to church again. The professor was reading from de Tocqueville's diaries. Does anyone know the name of that book? Some people might ask 'Why do you go after the church so much'? I believe the church is responsible for much of the tyrrany of western civilization. The people at the bottom victimize themselves and the people at the top are laughing all the way to the bank. Adultery, gambling war are and still are standard operating procedure for the rich and monarchs of Europe. They do everything in excess they tell us not to do. Having said that, is there anyone out there who might think they are working on the wrong end of the snake? The church is responsible for St Augustine's Limbo, ensuring anathema and general oppression. There is a quote from one of the Zeitgeist movies that goes 'They must find it difficult, those who have accepted authority as the truth and not truth as the authority'. I'm not quite sure who they mean. The police or people who work for the church.
General Observation. I bought something recently on ebay. I thought it was nice and it was cheap. It shipped out of NY city. Soon after I was standing in line at Starbucks and the person in front of me had a T-shirt that said "Sorry Thanks From New York City". I keep thinking about this and connecting the two which is a problem of course. I bought a similar item again and when it arrived this guy went by the house on a small motor scooter. I have seen this person in the neighborhood and keep associating him with the resistance. (I don't actually know if there is a resistance or not, if there is they should stay away from me) But I keep thinking this, which is a problem of course. Truth is he is probably under mind control and being sent into harms way by the Pig Diarhea (chickenshit outfit). Here is how I know. No one who is truly part of any resistance would be part of the daily play that goes on in my life.
My thoughts on unions. The laws and regulations that govern unions were made by the same people who are responsible for everything else. Unions are about as democratic as everything else. Which is to say not at all. They are as easily controlled as every other institution in America. They are run by pinkie ring thugs. You have to be an insider before you knock on the door. Thier pension funds are now tied up in the stock market one way or another, like everybody elses money. This is a conflict of interest.
A message to the Chinese. If you want your country back you should let freedom of speech reign. What happens afterward is a case of "What happens in China stays in China". The Chinese, like everyone else, are entitled to self-determination.
Sadly, International St Paddy Whack Day has passed, but I believe people should celebrate it year round by making zombies all the time.
'No man born with a livin' soul,..
workin for the Clampdown.....

The Clash
Does mercury do more damage when inhaled or injected not ingested?
Would it be possible to hijack a cell phone tower or TV/radio tower and get it to spit out a lot of electrical noise to cover any military operation in the area?
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865.
Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...

Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
Is an abortion clinic a place where you can get an implant removed? Is abortion a cover story?
DON'T JOIN THE MILITARY! It's a sure way to wind up with an implant.
Ironmen I Have Known
Francis Diotti
Beth Grojean
Chris Grojean
Larry Patenaude
Sabrina ??????
I think it's a BS excuse to make a scarecrow and get rid of a useless eater. Consider the source. Would Confucius come up with the concept of original sin? In the year 70BC a slave named Spartacus led a slave revolt. When it was all over the Romans cruxified 10,000 people on the roads surrounding Rome. In almost every country where there was an Inquisition there is a museum dedicated to the devices they used to torture people. Anyone who wants to give these people carte blanche needs to have thier head examined. HA HA (after it's cut off)
Capitalism is not sustainable. How do you kill 6.5 billion people and not yourselves in the process? This problem would require 100 years of preparation.
My mouth is my rampage, if you don't like it you should have FO'd off a long time ago!!!!
May 22, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
'One heart, one love...
let's get together and feel alright....

Bob Marley and The Whalers
'Let my love open the door...
Pete Townshend
I suffered for 25 years
Is that worth going to church?
I know others who suffered just as bad
Is that worth going to church?
My father is gone
Is that worth going to church?
I now suspect his life was destroyed behind his back
Is that worth going to church?
My mothers life was destroyed in the process
Is that worth going to church?
People in the neighborhood have been uprooted
Is that worth going to church?
'Nothing changes New Years Day....
New Years Day
'Meet the new boss...
Same as the old boss....

Won't get fooled again
The Who
'The day the music died...
American Pie
Don McClean
'Say that you'll never never need it
One headline why believe it....

Everybody Wants to Ruke the World
Tears for Fears
'Attention all planets of the solar federation...
'Attention all planets of the solar federation...
'Attention all planets of the solar federation...
'We have assumed control
'We have assumed control
'We have assumed control...'

Temples of Syrinx
Sadly, International St Paddy Whack Day has passed, but I believe people should celebrate it year round by making zombies all the time.
'No man born with a livin' soul,..
workin for the Clampdown.....

The Clash
Does mercury do more damage when inhaled or injected not ingested?
Would it be possible to hijack a cell phone tower or TV/radio tower and get it to spit out a lot of electrical noise to cover any military operation in the area?
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Alice in Wonderland was first published in 1865.
Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...

Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
Is an abortion clinic a place where you can get an implant removed? Is abortion a cover story?
DON'T JOIN THE MILITARY! It's a sure way to wind up with an implant.
May 21, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Just as I was uploading the 5:30PM post to the server it rained outside my window for about 10 minutes. This morning as I left for coffee there was a red pickup truck across the street with the guy from Connecticut. Just before I made the 4:30 post he returned. Did he bring the newspaper? He also left a lawn sign that says he is a painter. This is a typical day in my life.
A few minutes before 4:00PM today I made the post below. I marked it 4:30PM. About 15 minutes later the local paper arrived. This was the headline. Is this a coincidence? I was thinking about the post for an hour or so beforehand.
'The almighty god is a living man....'
Get Up Stand Up
Bob Marley and The Whalers
'Go ahead and hate your neighbor,..'
Go ahead and cheat a friend..
Do it in the name of heaven,..
You can justify it in the end..
You won't hear any trumpets blowin come the judgement day..
On the bloody morning after..
One tin soldier rides away...

The Legend of Billy Jack
Are you a hero in prison if you kill a cop?
Sadly, International St Paddy Whack Day has passed, but I believe people should celebrate it year round by making zombies all the time.
'No man born with a livin' soul,..
workin for the Clampdown.....

The Clash
Does mercury do more damage when inhaled or injected not ingested?
Would it be possible to hijack a cell phone tower or TV/radio tower and get it to spit out a lot of electrical noise to cover any military operation in the area?
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...

Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
Is an abortion clinic a place where you can get an implant removed? Is abortion a cover story?
DON'T JOIN THE MILITARY! It's a sure way to wind up with an implant.
May 20, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
What's the significance of Pittsburgh and endoscopic surgery?
My mother was on a cruise of the Caribean this past week.
Or was she?
Do neural implants wear out?
How long do they last?
Did she need a tune-up?
I didn't pick this fight. Francis Conolly lived across the street since the early 1970's. She was catholic, I think. In very early 2006 she suddenly got sick and died. At least this is what I was told. The Salvucci's lived next door and had been there since the late 1950's. A couple years ago they left. They went to an assisted living environment. (assisted living HA) They have since died. At least that is what I was told. The new people in Francis's old house have this old guy from Connecticut visit a lot. He seem's kinda weird. The new guy in the Salvucci's house is called Vinnie. Or at least that's what he says. I asked my mother where he was from and what he did for work. He told her he was from Somerville and he was recently unemployed. At the time I was thinking a lot about WBCN and this old bit they did called "The Somerville National Anthem". Then Vinnie got a job as a HVAC mechanic. The truck has the word 'GLOBAL' all over it. (HA HA) At first there was no girl with him. So I asked my mother again. She said he had a live-in. I only see her once in a while. The way I see it. I can stay here and not co-operate and people get uprooted, suffer get hurt or I can co-operate and the same happens. There are no good choices. I call it the Auto-Fasci-Mat. Scientology. I don't actualy know what it is. I did take medication for 25 years and became very weak. Maybe it's the Auto-Fasci-Mat. Eisenhowers Farewell Address-'We face a hostile ideology, global in scope, atheistic in character........' '...that the weak be allowed at the table guarded by the same......' I believe I was targeted from a very early age. I believe because I am English, white anglo saxon with a long history of wanting to be free of the old European culture of tyrrany and oppresion. I was also not baptised or I wouldn't have been in the right church.
This country has a long history of intellectualizing revolution. Beginning with Henry David Thoreau and transendentalism. If the hippies of the 60's had picked up a gun instead of flowers this might have ended a long time ago. Now it's a real mess. I still think cutting down and cutting up the telephone poles and wires is a good place to start. Don't try it in the city. Try taking a large part of the countryside. Surround the cities. Let the cities have thier electricity. It would cut off too many people and make a mess. Sort things out in the country. The American Revolution (BS though it was) was almost over before Washington crossed the Delaware. A victory gave it new life. People started signing up. Need to take a chance here people.
I continued going to the place paid for by the Dept of Mental Health into the 1990's. In the early 1990's a local paper, The Patriot Ledger, reported that a former staff member's son had been arrested in Egypt. He was charged with prothletizing. He was trying to convert Muslims to Christianity.
Symptoms of Affluenza and Managititis
Golf, cruise ships, Disneyland, Disneyworld, F1, a Six Flags in every state, baseball, basketball, football, a bar on every corner, etc.
'We got trouble, right here in River City....
'If Jesus saves,...
well he'd better save himself..
from the gory, glory seekers,
who use his name in death...

Hymm 43
Jethro Tull
Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...

Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
Is an abortion clinic a place where you can get an implant removed? Is abortion a cover story?
DON'T JOIN THE MILITARY! It's a sure way to wind up with an implant.
Area 51
A secret government base outside Las Vegas
The Little Ale-I-Inn
Austin Power's Man of Mystery
Dr Evil's Lair
Outside Las Vegas
Seven Day's in May
A secret base in the desert
I attended Wentworth Institute of Technology in the mid 1980's. I also attended a place paid for by the Dept of Mental Health. At one point they had a staff named Giovana. She was from Italy and very proud of it. She talked about it a lot. She was very attractive. At one point she let it slip through someone else she had a friend I could have sex with! ???? I didn't pursue it. Later, they had a part time staff that was a retired nun. She also worked part time in the offices of Wentworth. ?????
May 18, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Sadly, International St Paddy Whack Day has passed, but I believe people should celebrate it year round by making zombies all the time.
'No man born with a livin' soul,..
workin for the Clampdown.....

The Clash
Does mercury do more damage when inhaled or injected not ingested?
Would it be possible to hijack a cell phone tower or TV/radio tower and get it to spit out a lot of electrical noise to cover any military operation in the area?
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
May 17, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
A Road to Awakening
Most people in the United States, and much of the rest of the world, live in a dream where life is a bowl of cherries. They accept without question the endless fairy tale served up by the main stream media. But for many life is a bowl of pits, and it's getting worse. Those living the dream will discover one day and they too will be living the nightmare.
If you're living the nightmare you would want to convince the other half this is so, and in the process save both. Your first and main obstacle is the main stream media. A voice so loud it drowns out all others. Television, and to a lesser extent movies and radio are the greatest weapon ever invented by man. To get past it, you must get the hypnotised to question their reality and do their own investigation. The internet could save the masses.
To do that you must provide some evidence that their lives or security are in danger. To do it right you should have several things. Fortunately much has been done in the last 50 years or so by people who were living the nightmare. Here, I try to provide some starting blocks with what I know. One of the first things to know is "Everything you know is wrong". This is not a free world and you can't say that. The truth wears a veil in western civilization. Proving things is difficult and dangerous.
One of the first problems discovered was the banking system. The central banking system is a scam. It is mathematically impossible for the United States federal government to get out of debt. In the central banking system, money is debt and debt is money. If there was no debt, there would be no money. If there is too much debt, there is too much money. The people who collect the debt are the only people with the real game. Everyone else is just spinning their wheels. And an even more absurd fact is they don't deserve a penny of what they collect because they didn't put up any collateral. The system creates money out of thin air and they collect both the principle and interest. The documentary 'The Zeitgeist Movie' cites a Minnesota case where a man stopped the bank from taking his house by proving the bank voided the contract because it didn't put up any collateral. It created the money out of thin air. Bankruptcy and inflation are unavoidable. When someone, or a country, goes bankrupt they take property in exchange and don't deserve it. The banking system will either conquer the world by bankruptcy or crash from a mountain of debt. One of the first people to document this was Thomas Paine in his book "The Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance". He also wrote "Common Sense" a pamphlet used to start the American Revolution.
With the truth about the banking system you could convince a lot of people their world is in danger. Everyone needs money. Despite what people say, they always vote their wallet before any idea or principle. Unfortunately the elections are a joke too. Freedoms an illusion, film at eleven. A second place to look is history. Napolean said once "History is a lie agreed upon". One of the first places to start is the history of the banking system. Why didn't I know this? The Bank of England was the first central bank. It was founded in 1694 by William of Orange, the king of England. It was a response to two revolutions that took place in England in the 17th century, one of which succeeded in toppling the king. He was executed. The second didn't. It is a bottomless bank account used to buy whatever is needed to hold power. They can manipulate the currency and wage war against it's own citizens. In the decades following the turn of the 18th century they developed a political system called 'Oligarchical Collectivism'. They will share power and access to the banking system with anyone who will be as ruthless and greedy as they are. Below is a paragraph taken from George Orwell's book '1984':
'In accordance with principles it does not matter if the war is real or whether victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous. The essential act of modern warfare is the destruction of human production and labor. A hierarchial society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. In principle the war is planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against it's own subjects and it's object is not victory but to keep the very structure of society intact.'
A second place to look is the English Reformation. Religion is an important part of how oligarchical collectivism works. Stalin once said 'Religion is the opium of the mass's'. Like everything else in western civilization it is run for and by the rich. I do not have a problem with religions or religious people. My problem is with their organization. I do not endorse Islam, but in Islam every mosque stands alone. It is not part of a massive organization. After a muslim cleric learns his theology he goes to a mosque and has no boss outside of that. The people who go to church on Sunday are not the problem, it's the people who run the church's. And the bigger they are the bigger the problem. When looking at the English Reformation the idea is to prove that the church divided itself to form two groups that the kings could pit against each other to satisfy Orwell's 'Theory of Oligarchical Collectivism'.
Significant questions are:
Why was Henry VIII obsessed with having a son? Two of his daughters, Mary I and Elizabeth I, held the throne anyway. Did England abandon Salic Law 100 years earlier? Why was James VI of Scotland (also James I of England) brought up a protestant if his mother, Mary Queen of Scots, was born and died a catholic? Why did James I produce the King James Bible? Why did he leave out the Apocraphyl Books? Why was Elizabeth I called 'The Virgin Queen'? Was this intentional so the throne could go to James I?
Another place is the controversy surrounding Joan of Arc and Gilles de Rais. Joan of Arc was considered a whore up to the 20th century. Then she was made a saint. Why? Gilles de Rais fought alongside her but is still demonized as a monster. Why? Gilles is considered the first 'bluebeard'. What is a bluebeard?
A fourth place is the Spanish Civil War of the 1930's. George Orwell fought for a time on the side of the republicans against the fascists. He wrote about his experience in the book "Homage to Catalonia". When he got to the front he recieved little or no training. All the people he fought with had the same amount of training. He had no uniform. His rifle was 30 years old, his unit had one machine gun for every 50 men. Most of the injuries suffered by his unit were caused by their own equipment. After several months of fighting he got 3 days in Barcelona. While there fighting broke out. After it ended government troops arrived. The same government he was fighting for. They had new uniforms, were trained and had one machine gun for every 10 men. When he discovered this he was forced to flee the country.
World War I was a slaughter on both sides. In about 4 years of fighting no real progress was made by anyone, yet millions of men died. No one really knows why it was fought. George Seldes was a reporter at the time. He was considered a muchracker, someone who didn't go along with the pack. He covered the end of the war and called it a complete sham. A hero of that war, Smedley Butler, later wrote a book "War is a Racket".
Aside from the obvious wars reported in newspapers the powers that be manage to get us to fight mythical wars. The Trojan War was supposedly fought between Greece and Troy. It was fought over a woman. Helen of Troy. The war was fought for ten years outside the walls of Troy before the Greeks won. Homer's 'The Iliad and the Odyssey' chronicles the war. Aleister Crowley, a writer and cultist, wrote a book "Alice (in Wonderland) is an Adultery". 'Alice in Wonderland' is a parallel story to 'The Iliad and the Odyssey'. It is roughly the same thing. One side or the other in the mythical war sends one of it's young girls on an mission of adultery to lure a male away from home to destroy his life and possibly hers. She is sometimes convinced 'all that glitters is gold'. The adultery causes division among the sides, like Greece and Troy, and makes for further hostilities. It's all a setup. The people in charge of it all just want to make trouble for the people at the bottom.
As I said before "the truth wears a veil in western civilization'. Fiction is non-fiction and non-fiction is fiction. Aside from 'Alice in Wonderland' some revealing novels are: Gulivers Travels- Written in 1730 it is a glimpse into how the oligarchy collective works. Others are 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame', The Grapes of Wrath' and "Tom Sawyer'. Anything by Shakespear.
The central banking system is an economic tool for holding power. But it is just a piece of a larger body of knowledge on economics that is used. This knowledge was outlined in The Scottish Enlightenment of the 1700's. The main work was Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations". It is the manual for economic domination used today all over the world.
Ultimitely, it's a question of slavery. The modern world is the wage slave system. In the wage slave system the slave himself is responsible for his own housing and food. All system's of slavery are designed to overproduce. The excess is sold by the owner so he/she can live in luxury. All system's of slavery benefit only a few. Poverty and/or primitive culture is the natural state of the world. The wage slave system has driven mankind and the entire planet to the edge and it is not sustainable. Slave system's naturally overproduce all life sustaining products so populations run out of control. They eat up land and resources. At some point those two dynamics collide and everyone suffers, including the slave owners. The global elite require drastic measures to remain in power, and they are working towards this. DON'T ACCEPT AN IMPLANT!
Most of this post is a re-wording of what is on the Home Page.
May 16, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
This is something I know about 'The Bravery of Being Out of Range'. A leopard never changes it's spots. Once a chickenshit outfit, always a chickenshit outfit. There's enough chicken's on Malta to provide eggs for the entire base.
Back in 2008 I was looking through the Library of Congress website for information on 'The Pentagon Papers'. I didn't find anything. This is how I discovered Hannah Arendt. While looking I came across the title page of an old book. It read 'A Communication to Show the Dangers of a War of Commerce on the People of the United States'. I have since figured out there is no book. Someone was trying to tell me something. Today's guess. Some people accept implants to join the crazies. They use them to intimidate and frighten others. They can also be used to cheat on civil service exams and a lot of other perks. Someone (the opposition I guess) figured this out and began tapping into their frequency to make them nuts with people like me.
Sadly, International St Paddy Whack Day has passed, but I believe people should celebrate it year round by making zombies all the time.
'No man born with a livin' soul,..
workin for the Clampdown.....

The Clash
Does mercury do more damage when inhaled or injected not ingested?
Would it be possible to hijack a cell phone tower or TV/radio tower and get it to spit out a lot of electrical noise to cover any military operation in the area?
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
The Banality of Evil
The Bravery of Being Out of Range
is the strategy of dog vomit
May 15, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
People who get 'jewed', or brain damage, have difficulty functioning socially. But their sex drive is still intact. This is the reason behind skit's like Lenny Bruce's 'Psychopathia Sexualis'. Most of the beginning of the documentary 'Titicut Follies' is devoted to sex.
Loonie Tunes
Bugs Bunny
Bugs is an old slang word for crazy
Bugsy Seigel
That's All Folks!
May 14, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Sadly, International St Paddy Whack Day has passed, but I believe people should celebrate it year round by making zombies all the time.
'No man born with a livin' soul,..
workin for the Clampdown.....

The Clash
Does mercury do more damage when inhaled or injected not ingested?
Would it be possible to hijack a cell phone tower or TV/radio tower and get it to spit out a lot of electrical noise to cover any military operation in the area?
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Some time ago I watched a video on how despotism develops. One of the first signs is when people in positions of authority begin to shut out their underlings. Hannah Arendt had this to say:
In order to fight totalitarianism one need understand only one thing, totalitarianism is the most radical breakdown of the whole structure of morality. The commands and prohibitions that translate the fundamental idea of freedom and justice into social relationships and institutions. Thus the common ground upon which lawlessness can be erected and from which fear springs is the impotence that men feel who are already radically isolated.
It is mathematically impossible for the United States federal government to get out of debt. The central banking system is a scam. In the central banking system, money is debt and debt is money. If there was no debt, there would be no money. If there is too much debt, there is too much money, when that happens the currency is worthless. The people who collect the debt are the only people with the real game. Everyone else is just spinning their wheels. And an even more absurd fact is they don't deserve a penny of what they collect because they didn't put up any collateral. 'The Zeitgeist Movie' cites a Minnesota case where a man stopped the bank from taking his house because he proved they did not put up any collateral. They created the money out of thin air and voided the contract. The system creates money out of thin air and they collect both the principle and interest. Bankruptcy and inflation are unavoidable. When someone, or a country, goes bankrupt they take property in exchange and don't deserve it. The banking system will either conquer the world by bankruptcy or crash from a mountain of debt. One of the first people to document this was Thomas Paine in his book "The Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance". He also wrote "Common Sense" a pamphlet used to start the American Revolution.
May 13, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Why are so many polls taken for political contests 50-50? My guess is the process is a joke. There are so many guilty people it's absolutely essential.
Benjamin Disreali was born in 1804 and died in 1881. He was British Prime Minister twice. Some people beleive he is responsible for the situation now in Israel.
What is Salic Law? Does it have anything to do with Henry VIII?
Sadly, International St Paddy Whack Day has passed, but I believe people should celebrate it year round by making zombies all the time.
'No man born with a livin' soul,..
workin for the Clampdown.....

The Clash
Does mercury do more damage when inhaled or injected not ingested?
Would it be possible to hijack a cell phone tower or TV/radio tower and get it to spit out a lot of electrical noise to cover any military operation in the area?
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
Billions for Defense, Not a Penny for Tribute
Tyranny will always prevail, unless the victims are willing to kill and maim their victimizers. The pen is mightier than the sword, but only to a point. It seems hypocritical that the people who wish to live and love each other, and treat others with respect and dignity must be willing to kill to have it that way. Those who practice totalitarianism will masturbate their hate, conceat, arrogance and false sense of superiority just for the sake of doing so. Hahhah Arendt was right.
May 11, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Waterboarding? Why? Synthetic Telepathy! Total Surveillence!
In the Lenny Bruce skit below (see 5:30PM) Psychopathia Sexualis he mentions volunteering for a satelite rocket. This was done in the 1960's. He died in 1966. This UFO, Alien theme is repeated over and over in movies, music and other entertainment. Area 51 in the Nevada desert is famous for alien conspiracy theory's. I think it is a death/concentration camp. A couple years ago I wanted to get out of the house and get something to eat. I walked to the Stop & Shop on Grove St in Braintree. It started to rain so I walked up and down the mall while waiting for it to stop. At one point a man dressed from head to foot in bright green spandex ran by me. He was totally covered, face and all. But he was no little green man, he was more like 6ft tall. I suspect he was a Braintree PigLice (I mean Police officer). Officer, officer I want to report a crime! You're a f^%@#in Pig. Anyway. During the 1970's and 80's South American countries began being taken over by totalitarian regimes. Chile, Argentina. It was known that the military would pick up whoever they wanted in a helicopter, fly as far out to sea as possible and drop the person and fly back. The Mothers of the Disappeared. Of course this could never happen in the United States.
Below are some excerpt's from a video titled : Hannah Arendt "The Dangers of Obedience"
..the world found nothing sacred in the abstract nakedness of being human. Every event had the finality of a last judgement passed neither by god nor the devil but by some unredeemably stupid fatality. The real horror began when the SS took over the administration of the camps. The old spontaneous beastiality gave way to an absolute systematic destruction of human bodies calculated to destroy human dignity. Hell in the most literal sense was embodied in the camps perfected by the Nazi's in which the whole of life was systematically organized for the greatest possible torment. The triumph of the SS demands that the tortured victim allow himself to be led to the noose without protesting. That he abandon himself to the point where he ceases to affirm his identity. It is not gratuitasly out of sheer sadism that the SS men desire this defeat. They know that the system that succeeds in destroying it's victim before he mounts the scaffold is the best for keeping a whole people in slavery. ......
In order to fight totalitarianism one need understand only one thing, totalitarianism is the most radical breakdown of the whole structure of morality. The commands and prohibitions that translate the fundamental idea of freedom and justice into social relationships and institutions. Thus the common ground upon which lawlessness can be erected and from which fear springs is the impotence that men feel who are already radically isolated.
These laws have nothing to do with reason or permanance. Rather they are laws of movement. Nature and history are transformed by the soil that supports human life into gigantic forces whose movements race through humanity dragging every individual willy nilly with them, either riding a top the triumphant car or crushed under it's wheel. From the elimination of harmful or supperflous individuals the result of historical movements rises like the phoenix from it's own ashes. Humans being's thrown into the process of nature or history can only be the executioners or victims of it's inherant law. In a state of terror they must be prepared equally well for the role of victim or executioner.

It is kill or be killed. Maim or be maimed. Phoney Beatlemania has bitten the dust.
Sadly, International St Paddy Whack Day has passed, but I believe people should celebrate it year round by making zombies all the time.
'No man born with a livin' soul,..
workin for the Clampdown.....

The Clash
Does mercury do more damage when inhaled or injected not ingested?
Would it be possible to hijack a cell phone tower or TV/radio tower and get it to spit out a lot of electrical noise to cover any military operation in the area?
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
The School of the Americas
The Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC)- formerly named School of the Americas, is a United States Department of Defense Institute located at Fort Benning near Columbus, Georgia in the United States. Authorized by US Congress through 10 USC 2166 in 2001, WHINSEC "Provides professional education and training to eligible personnel of nations of the Western Hemisphere within the context of the democratic principles set forth in the Charter of the Organization of American States (such charter being a treaty to which the United States is a party), while fostering mutual knowledge, transparency, confidence, and cooperation among the participating nations and promoting democratic values, respect for human rights, and knowledge and understanding of United States customs and traditions. Throughout the decade since its establishment, WHINSEC has provided training for more than 13,000 US and International students. Its educational format incorporates guest lecturers and subject matter experts from sectors of US and International government, non-government, human rights, law enforcement, academic institutions and interagency departments to share best practices in pursuit of improved security cooperation between all nations of the Western Hemisphere.
The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) is the world's largest security-oriented intergovernmental organization. Its mandate includes issues such as arms control and the promotion of human rights, freedom of the press and fair elections. It has 550 headquarters staff and about 2300 field staff. The OSCE is an ad hoc organization under the United Nations Charter (Chap. VIII), and is concerned with early warning, conflict prevention, crisis management and post-conflict rehabilitation. Its 56 participating states are located in Europe, the former Soviet Union and North America and cover most of the northern hemisphere. It was created during the Cold War era as an East-West forum.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Dubai City has emerged as a global city and a business hub. Although Dubai's economy was built on the oil industry, the emirate's model of business drives its economy, with the effect that its main revenues are now from tourism, real estate, and financial services, similar to that of Western countries. Dubai has recently attracted world attention through many innovative large construction projects and sports events. This increased attention has highlighted labour rights and human rights issues concerning its largely South Asian workforce. Almost half the population of Dubai comprises Indians. Dubai's property market experienced a major deterioration in 2008 and 2009 as a result of the worldwide economic downturn following the financial crisis of 2007–2010. The capital of The New World Order (Times New Roman)? Or a bunker for the end of the modern world? Certainly plenty of oil on hand or to shutoff.
A Definition
Romanism - A culture of hedonism, megolomania, greed and murder associated with ancient Rome. A complete lack of restraint. A complete lack of ethics and morals. As described by Aleister Crowley "Do what thou whilst will be the whole of the law". If there is a Romanist part of North America it would be the south.
May 10, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Let's say you're a king. A very rich and powerful king. You like being king. You want to make sure you and your offspring remain king. You want to make sure the little people don't rise up and screw things up for you. After all, you're probably crazy, power corrupts and idle hands are the devils workshop. The idle rich are absolute proof. So what would be a very good way to assure the little people stay in their place. Well, if they were all missing a hand or a foot that would be a big help. Physically handicapped people will have a much harder time fighting back than healthy people. But going around and cutting off a foot or hand could be a problem in itself. They would also have difficulty growing your food, and cleaning your house, etc. So it has to be something really sneaky and clever. Something they wouldn't suspect and in fact could be convinced is something else entirely. Brain Damage!!! Genius Holmes. You can convince them it's mental illness and sell them suicide pills and make money. To convince them they use the media. 'The media sells it, and you live the roll...' - Crazy Train - Ozzy Osbourne Brain damage and the management of it's after affects are the foundation of Western Civilization
Sadly, International St Paddy Whack Day has passed, but I believe people should celebrate it year round by making zombies all the time.
'No man born with a livin' soul,..
workin for the Clampdown.....

The Clash
Does mercury do more damage when inhaled or injected not ingested?
Would it be possible to hijack a cell phone tower or TV/radio tower and get it to spit out a lot of electrical noise to cover any military operation in the area?
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
A passage from 'The Theory And Practice Of Oligarchical Collectivism by Emmanuel Goldstein', a fictional book in George Orwell's novel '1984':
'In accordance with principles it does not matter if the war is real or whether victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous. The essential act of modern warfare is the destruction of human production and labor. A hierarchial society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. In principle the war is planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against it's own subjects and it's object is not victory but to keep the very structure of society intact.'
'Oranges and lemons, say the bells of St Clemons..
You owe me five farthings, say the bells of St Martin,..
Here comes a candle to light you to bed..
Here comes a chopper to chop off your head..
Chip Chop Chip Chop, the last man is dead.'

(a poem briefly mentioned in George Orwell's novel '1984' recited by the children of London in the 18th century as people were being led to their execution)
May 9, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
This is some suggestions for handling and cutting up live wires. Lift wire with an insulated tool. Place cut up pieces of telephone poles on both sides to hold wire down and elevate it. If necessary add weight to cut up pole. Cut wire using one hand. Wire may snap if under tension. The longer the cutting tool the better. Wear heavy rubber boots and gloves. Cutting tool should be made of insulating material.
It is possible to handle live wires and live. But it is dangerous. Handling the live wire is OK as long as you don't ground yourself. Handling both wires will electrocute you. You should wear heavy rubber boots, and gloves, to isolate yourself from the earth. The earth is an electrically neutral body. Any voltage plus or minus will sink to earth. This is the concept behind the third plug in all household receptacles. It is for safety. Should a live wire inside a device plugged into the receptacle touch metal it shorts it out and blows the breaker/fuse. When working with live electricity it is always best to use only one hand. The tool used should be operable with one hand and have rubber grips. You don't want to make a circuit with your body. Rain or snow can compound the danger. Water by itself will not conduct electricity. It's the impurities in the water that conduct.
May 8, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Sadly, International St Paddy Whack Day has passed, but I believe people should celebrate it year round by making zombies all the time.
'No man born with a livin' soul,..
workin for the Clampdown.....

The Clash
Does mercury do more damage when inhaled or injected not ingested?
Would it be possible to hijack a cell phone tower or TV/radio tower and get it to spit out a lot of electrical noise to cover any military operation in the area?
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
James Joyce
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
May 7, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Hollande Wins France
Francois Hollande wins the French elections. He replaces Nicholas Sarcozy a conservative. The French didn't go along with our invasion of Iraq. When they refused to support it, our congress re-named the French Fries in the Capital building's cafeteria 'Freedom Fries'. In 2007 this Sarcozy, a conservative got elected. ?????? His wife left him just a couple weeks later. Would you leave someone who just got elected president of France? A few months later he was having a wild affair with some European model. He later married her. When he made his first visit to America he made a speech on the floor of the House. It was a regular love fest. Five years later he's gone. We are having a controlled political awakening.
Everything you know is wrong
The elections are a joke
Freedoms an illusion
Film at eleven
Here is an idea to shut off power to a large number of telephone poles before cutting up the wires. Locate a substation. A substation is where the very high voltage of the high tension wires is stepped down for use locally. They can usually be found very near high tension wires. Cut down the nearest telephone pole in a direction away from the substation itself pulling the wire with it. This disconnects the wire without touching anything. Do this to enough substations close together and the wires might be dead. It takes time for the transformers on the poles to discharge.
May 6, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Psychiatry is Genocide
Brain Damage
Pink Floyd
The lunatic is on the grass
The lunatic is on the grass
Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs
Got to keep the loonies on the path.
The lunatic is in the hall
The lunatics are in my hall
The paper holds their folded faces to the floor
And every day the paper boy brings more.
And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
And if there is no room upon the hill
And if your head explodes with dark forbodings too
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.
The lunatic is in my head
The lunatic is in my head
You raise the blade, you make the change
You re-arrange me 'till I'm sane.
You lock the door
And throw away the key
There's someone in my head but it's not me
And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear
And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon
Psychiatry is genocide. Note that this was written in 1973. "Keeping the loonies on the path". This is the job of the jonny clampowns. "No man born with a living soul working for the clampdown". "The paper holds their folded faces to the floor". The legal documents committing someone to the hospital and forcing them to take medication. Six months of taking medication can weaken someone and eventually convince them to do it voluntarily. And then they are very hard to get off of. They eventually succumb. "And if the dam breaks open many years too soon". If too many people find out too soon about the genocide and whats to come and there isn't enough space to let them live they were going to blow up the planet. My sending emails in 2007 may have been one of these. It was apparently a bluff. Such a nice planet. If you can find someone who knows someone who might know someone who goes deer hunting (don't bother anyone who actually does) ask them if they know something about "buck fever". There was a movie called "The Deer Hunter" in the 70's but I'm not totally sure it was about this. Alright I'll explain what I know. Many deer hunters spend year after year trying to get a buck. Trudging through snow, camping in the woods. Finally they get the chance. A 10 pointer 100 ft away. Hes dead still. He doesn't see a thing. They aim aim aim. And for some reason can't pull the trigger. Such a nice buck. Probably has kids. If your life and or the lives of your family depend on killing the deer you will do it every time. But if it's just for sport it's not always a sure thing. "The lunatic is in my head, you raise the blade". This is a reference to synchronicity and neural implants. When 'you're out of the blue and into the black', 'and once you're gone you can't come back'. When you get an implant you have gone from the blue into the black. You're a 'star with the dope show'. You're into Scientology. This is how mental hospitals work. Hunger boredom sleep deprivation psychology pills discharge plans. They try to get you to go off and wind up in the courts. Some may be offered an implant. BIG MISTAKE. "And if the cloud bursts thunder in your ear". Shock treatment. A death sentence every time. "And if the band your in starts playing different tunes". They turn the other clients or your friends against you to get you to co-operate.
Sadly, International St Paddy Whack Day has passed, but I believe people should celebrate it year round by making zombies all the time.
'No man born with a livin' soul,..
workin for the Clampdown.....

The Clash
Does mercury do more damage when inhaled or injected not ingested?
Would it be possible to hijack a cell phone tower or TV/radio tower and get it to spit out a lot of electrical noise to cover any military operation in the area?
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
Did Nikola Tesla know, like George Orwell, what was coming? Is this why he was so interested in wireless energy transfer?
If at some point you have made a large area with no wires and no electricity and the problem of synthetic telepathy persists, it is possible there are people among you with implants. Implants could be powered by the tiny voltages produced by the brain and communicating with satelites. If you then secure all the people around you and keep the area free of wires and electricity and it still persists then it could be just the satelites. It is unlikely there is enough capacity in the satelites to cover the entire country.
May 5, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
'I am the eye in the sky,...
I can read your mind...

Eye in the Sky
The Alan Parson's Project
(the Alan Parson's Project, a very minor [completely unheard of] Rock band is mentioned several times in the second Austin Powers movie)
'If you act as you think,...
Synchronicity I
The Police
(a similar thing as The Sex Pistols 'God Save the Queen' she made you a moron')
'It came out of the Virginia Swamp.....
The WASP Texas Radio and the Big Beat
The Doors
(the WASP [white anglo saxon protestant] also mentioned in 'Alice Through The Looking Glass' Texas Radio and the Big Beat is NASA based in Houston)
This is one of my MP3 players. It also has an FM radio in it. The earbuds are the antenna. While the wire is delivering the audio signal to the speakers in the earbuds, it is also sending the recieved signal to the computer (radio). The entire electric grid including the telephone poles and all the wires connected could be acting the same. The entire planet could be hooked up to computers. It is not enough to shut off the power. You have to shut off the power cut down the telephone poles (and cut them up if possible) and cut up the wires. It will solve the problem and it will take years to replace.
The Trojan War
An ancient war believed to be mythical, described by Homer in "The Iliad and The Odyssey"
A passage from 'The Theory And Practice Of Oligarchical Collectivism by Emmanuel Goldstein':
'In accordance with principles it does not matter if the war is real or whether victory is not possible. The war is not meant to be won. It is meant to be continuous. The essential act of modern warfare is the destruction of human production and labor. A hierarchial society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance. In principle the war is planned to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against it's own subjects and it's object is not victory but to keep the very structure of society intact.'
If you get rid of the queen, but not the church and phoney freedom, you haven't solved the problem.
If you get rid of the church, but not the queen and phoney freedom, you haven't solved the problem.
If you get rid of the queen and phoney freedom, but not the church, you haven't solved the problem.
etc, etc, etc
May 4, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I believe the reason that English Anglo Saxon's are targeted is because the powers that be consider us responsible for the fact they had to create the phoney freedom we have today. The phoney freedom led to the mythical Trojan War because they are addicted to murder and mayhem. They are all power mad. What happened here in New England in the 1600's and first half of the 1700's was in fact an answer to thier grip on power. They have now spent 200 years trying to turn it around. 'When the power of love overcomes the love of power, there will be peace'-Jimi Hendrix I don't believe the church is solely responsible. They are like any institution in Western Civilization, they are run for and by the rich. They may not have given the order to ruin my life but they carried it out. I believe the sex scandal in the Catholic church here in Boston is a cover story for what is happening to me and others. They destroy people then 'save' them with Jesus. Jesus Saves - Or Else - He outta know hes the one making the trouble
At the time of Gilles de Rais and Joan of Arc France's central goverment (the king) was very weak or non existant. It was a collection of small kingdoms ruled by the rich and landlords. It was one of the most decadent times in France. They were constantly at war with England. The 'jew' problem was out of control. When this happens a stubborn jew comes along and creates real havoc. Joan of Arc tried fighting the British. She palled up with Gilles apparantly. They were both executed eventually. The Puss N Boots thing might have been a cover story for the rise of Gilles. Both were demonized until the 20th century when Joan was made a saint. Gilles remains a satanic figure.
Sadly, International St Paddy Whack Day has passed, but I believe people should celebrate it year round by making zombies all the time.
'No man born with a livin' soul,..
workin for the Clampdown.....

The Clash
Does mercury do more damage when inhaled or injected not ingested?
Would it be possible to hijack a cell phone tower or TV/radio tower and get it to spit out a lot of electrical noise to cover any military operation in the area?
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
Did Nikola Tesla know, like George Orwell, what was coming? Is this why he was so interested in wireless energy transfer?
James Joyce
Great Expectations
Charles Dickens
The 1967 'Summer of Love'
Anton Levay, Michael Aquino
The Temple of Set
The Dust Bowl of the 1930's
John Steinbecks 'The Grapes of Wrath'
'Go west young man...
It's crazy....

Go West
The Cult
'Now when I die don't think I'm a nut
don't want no fancy funeral
just one like ol King Tut...

King Tut
Steve Martin
'It's the suede denin secret police,..
they've come for your uncool niece.....

California Uber Alles
The Dead Kennedys
'Welcome to the Hotel California...
Hotel California
The Eagles
May 3, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Who's buried in Grants tomb?
Ulysses S Grant
Daaawg, daawg, daaawg
Sen Robert Byrd on the floor of the US Senate referencing the Michael Vick controversy
'Yellow muted custard
dripping from a dead dogs eye....

I Am The Walrus
The Beatles
'Have you heard the news,.
the dogs are dead....

Pink Floyd
'Go ahead and hate your neighbor,..
go ahead and cheat a friend,.
do it in the name of heaven..
you can justify it in the end,...
you won't hear any trumpets blowin..
on the judgement day..
on the bloody morning after..
One tin soldier rides away..

The Legend of Billy Jack
'Sitting in an English garden..
waiting for the song....

I Am The Walrus
The Beatles
(at the very end of Alice in Wonderland Alice sings a song)
The Attack of the Blue Meanies
This is some guess's about Bluebeards (meanies). Gilles de Rais is considered the original Bluebeard. He lived from about 1400 to 1444. He fought alongside Joan of Arc and was the Marshall of France for a brief period. The history books say he grew up in a priviledged family and was extremely wealthy. My guess is he was a Puss N Boots character. His life was manipulated so as to become wealthy. He was blue, like me, but he was poor. A Puss N Boots character is similar to Pip in Charles Dickens novel 'Great Expectations' How people become blue is anyones guess but once they are they are manipulated by all sides. A Blue person is a 'jew' in todays world.
Sadly, International St Paddy Whack Day has passed, but I believe people should celebrate it year round by making zombies all the time.
'No man born with a livin' soul,..
workin for the Clampdown.....

The Clash
Does mercury do more damage when inhaled or injected not ingested?
Would it be possible to hijack a cell phone tower or TV/radio tower and get it to spit out a lot of electrical noise to cover any military operation in the area?
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
Did Nikola Tesla know, like George Orwell, what was coming? Is this why he was so interested in wireless energy transfer?
James Joyce
Great Expectations
Charles Dickens
I may disagree with your torturing, tormenting, maiming and killing, but I will defend with my life your right to do it.
(on being civil)
Why did Helen Thomas lose her White House job?
My take on Israel. The Allies (also known as everyone involved) during WWII didn't liberate the Nazi concentration camps but instead relocated them to Palestine and called it Israel. They didn't worry so much because they knew thier ass was covered by synthetic telepathy (or whatever it's called) and Big Brother. The Zeitgeist Movie points out that 100 million people in the United States are convinced the end times are here. They are all waiting to be raptured into heaven. The movie "Ring of Power" says the same thing. They add that the battle of Armageddon will take place in Isreal. Why did they leave the Apocraphyl Books out of the King James Version of the bible? I ask only because the word 'apocraphyl' and 'apolcalypse' may be derived from the same word. I don't know. The people who invented the 'money as debt, debt as money' system knew it would stop working someday. Is this what is happening? Thomas Paine wrote a book titled "The Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance". In it he details how each successive war racked up debt and left each nation bankrupt. The last book he wrote was "The Age of Reason", a scathing critique of religion. He died friendless in 1809. What is the significance of the third book of Moses "The Mishnah"?
'..and Lenny Bruce is not afraid...
It's The End Of The World As We Know It
'Oranges and lemons, say the bells of St Clemons..
You owe me five farthings, say the bells of St Martin,..
Here comes a candle to light you to bed..
Here comes a chopper to chop off your head..
Chip Chop Chip Chop, the last man is dead.'

(a poem briefly mentioned in George Orwell's novel '1984')
Benedict XVI
are German in origin
May 2, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
'Go ahead and hate your neighbor,..
go ahead and cheat a friend,.
do it in the name of heaven..
you can justify it in the end,...
you won't hear any trumpets blowin..
on the judgement day..
on the bloody morning after..
One tin soldier rides away..

The Legend of Billy Jack
James Joyce
'Goodbye all you neo-nazis,
I hope they give you Auschwitz'
Finnigans Wake
James Joyce
Another reason why if I come up with something I post it. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. You make nothing but enemies.
Sadly, International St Paddy Whack Day has passed, but I believe people should celebrate it year round by making zombies all the time.
'No man born with a livin' soul,..
workin for the Clampdown.....

The Clash
Does mercury do more damage when inhaled or injected not ingested?
Would it be possible to hijack a cell phone tower or TV/radio tower and get it to spit out a lot of electrical noise to cover any military operation in the area?
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
Did Nikola Tesla know, like George Orwell, what was coming? Is this why he was so interested in wireless energy transfer?
Despite 'Flowers For Algernon' (Charly) I thought I would say something about the level of surviellence. I listen to music a lot. I have an MP3 player. Lately I have been listening to Led Zeppelin. A few days ago I posted the song 'Moby Dick' from Led Zeppelin II on my youtube account. Yesterday I went for my walk. I got to Columbian St and decided to shuffle inside Led Zeppelin. The shuffle mode randomly selects the songs. I got the first song because I pushed the button. The second song was chosen by shuffle. It was 'Moby Dick'. This has happened numerous times. I went to the store once while my mother was away for a week. I wanted to replace some of the food I know to be tainted. I had about $20. I picked out some sweet Italian sausage that was about $5. I thought I had spent the $20 when I got to the checkout. The sausage didn't come up on the reciept. But it went through and they put it in the bag. My bill was only $15. This has happened at least once at a Stop & Shop. I went there thinking I wasn't going to spend more than $60. I was going to use cash. It came to more than $60 so I tried the credit card. The card wouldn't work. So I reduced the amount. But I still tried the card and it went. I have sat at my computer and had the thoughts in my head play out in real time in the videos. The Google ads are always about something relevant in my life at the time. Nikola Tesla is a recurring theme in the things I investigate on the internet. Despite inventing most of what we know today as the electric grid, he died broke and alone. He designed a wireless power technology. Did he know something?
May 1, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I have been getting a lot of bad food at a local CVS
Occupy Boston
"Cops and queers....."
"We're Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band...."
"The silicon chip inside her head got switched to overload...."
It's encouraging to see so few
The world is my oyster
My world is an oyster
Blue Oyster Cult
"I like to think oysters transend national boundaries..."
"I am the walrus koo koo ka khoo..."
"First they ignore you,
then they laugh at you,
then they fight you,
then they win".
Mahatma Ghandi
Mahatma's gonedi but not forgotondi
(this is my best stuff)
Ghandi wanted India to get out of the British Commonwealth of Nations. It's supposed to be voluntary. After he was gone they went back. Voluntary like death and taxes.
I have two moods. Bugs Bunny and Foghorn Leghorn. My business cards say:
Wiley E Coyote
I have no idea if the first part of this paragraph has anything to do with the second. But I'll say it anyway. My grandmother on my fathers side was born in England. She came here at the turn of the 20th century at the age of 6 or 7 with her parents. Her maiden name was Maud Tatersall. She told the story once or twice that we were somehow related to a Richard Warren who came here on the Mayflower. I have no idea if it is true. My last name Nute goes back to a James Nute who came to Dover NH from Tiverton England in 1630. I am a 12th generation American. Or at least that's what I thought. I posted this story once before. I don't know when. Elizabeth Warren is running for the senate seat vacated by Ted Kennedy and now held by Scott Brown. She is from Oklahoma. I tend to believe the people who originally got land in Oklahoma through the Oklahoma land rush, were driven off in the 1930's by whoever is the problem. ('The Grapes of Wrath' by John Steinbeck) They have pulled the 'Go West' thing a couple times. The 1967 'Summer of Love' being another. Go west is a theme in Rock N Roll. I do not endorse political candidates. I think they are all crooks.
In the sequel to 'Alice in Wonderland', Alice Through the Looking Glass', Alice runs into a white Anglo Saxon rabbit who is just a shadow.
'And as we wind on down the road...
our shadows taller than our souls...

Stairway to Heaven
Led Zeppelin
'a hundred years....
A Hundred Years
The Cure
It is a very sick twisted mind that can find something noble or useful in anathema
When we were kids and we were working on something and precision didn't count for anything, or it just wasn't coming out very well, we would say "close enough for government work". Pretty much anything I do is "close enough for Phil work". I am a joker of all trades, jack of none. Back in the 1980's I got through 2 years of Electronic Engineering at Wentworth Institute of Technology. I have a two year degree in Electronics. Like everything else I wasn't very good at it. Suffering is a full time job. I'm sorry am I complaining. No. I'm not sorry, go f%%* yourself and your little god too. (this stuff is free ya know I can't sue anyone, I'm 0 for 3 life liberty and the pursuit of happiness) I'm one of those damnable white anglo saxon babies that are such a threat to this world (I mean pope). Anyway, as I have learned about radios I have discovered that the lower the frequency you want to pick up or transmit the bigger the antenna you need. (I think) At least the bigger the antenna the more sensitive it is. Today's question is: would there be a portable device (radio) that can plug into any 110 AC outlet, and there are hundreds of billions in this country, and tap into the local power grid and use it as an antenna and a power source?
If I were ever in charge of anything I would kill twice as many of you chickenshit cowards in 5 minutes right out in the open as you have in 200 years behind everyone's back.
I am watching the U2 Popmart Live from Mexico DVD. One of the first songs is 'Mofo'. I think it about people like me who never made it in this world. I also think my inability is the result of a physical condition that is not an accident or an act of nature. The word 'mofo' is short for mothefu^^$. People like me appear insecure but the truth is it is weakness due to a physical ailment. People who are physically ill are weak, vunerable and defenseless. People like me appear as insecure. For the first 40 years of my life I was convinced it was mental illness but because of the last 15 or so I no longer believe that. People like me are forced by society to lie about whats wrong because someone is guilty of the problem. "My life is a lie till the day I die or you will get a call from Alice at the South Boston Savings and Loan" "He's a little bit afraid of dying, but he's a lot more afraid of your lying" Walking the tightrope of lies sucks. You people are a sickness. You are all germs. And that's an insult to germs because it's a form of life.
Sadly, International St Paddy Whack Day has passed, but I believe people should celebrate it year round by making zombies all the time.
'No man born with a livin' soul,..
workin for the Clampdown.....

The Clash
Does mercury do more damage when inhaled or injected not ingested?
Would it be possible to hijack a cell phone tower or TV/radio tower and get it to spit out a lot of electrical noise to cover any military operation in the area?
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
Did Nikola Tesla know, like George Orwell, what was coming? Is this why he was so interested in wireless energy transfer?
This is one of my MP3 players. It also has an FM radio in it. The earbuds are the antenna. While the wire is delivering the audio signal to the speakers in the earbuds, it is also sending the recieved signal to the computer (radio). The entire electric grid including the telephone poles and all the wires connected could be acting the same. The entire planet could be hooked up to computers.
April 30, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Move it or lose it??
It's already gone!
In fact it never was,
you destroyed it, behind my back, before I ever got to do anything with it. Now you think I'm gonna make it easy. Up and down hand motion about the waist area. I was born here in Weymouth, I gonna die here in Weymouth f^%^# pig diarhea!
Who visited George Bush at the White House in May 2007?
Queen Elizabeth II
Who visited George Bush at the White House in April 2008?
The Pope
What two people did Obama visit very early in his presidency?
The Pope and the Queen.
'Everything you know is wrong'
'Religion is a club'
'Rebellion is packaged'
'Celebrity is a job'
'Rock N Roll is entertainment'
'Service not included'
'Guilt is not of God'
'Nobody move and nobody gets hurt'
I stole this, sue me, you're only immortal for a limited time
'Go ahead and hate your neighbor,..
go ahead and cheat a friend,.
do it in the name of heaven..
you can justify it in the end,...
you won't hear any trumpets blowin..
on the judgement day..
on the bloody morning after..
One tin soldier rides away..

The Legend of Billy Jack
(the morelocks will get more locks and you will be closer to the same) The Morelocks are in the 1960 movie version of H G Wells "The Time Machine"
'She made you a moron...
a potential H-Bomb..

God Save The Queen
The Sex Pistols
'I saw satan laughing with delight
the day the music died...

American Pie
Don McClean
'..cause I'm in need of some restraint...
Sympathy For The Devil
The Rolling Stones
Sadly, International St Paddy Whack Day has passed, but I believe people should celebrate it year round by making zombies all the time.
'No man born with a livin' soul,..
workin for the Clampdown.....

The Clash
Does mercury do more damage when inhaled or injected not ingested?
Would it be possible to hijack a cell phone tower or TV/radio tower and get it to spit out a lot of electrical noise to cover any military operation in the area?
Some books have been proven as frauds.
Are Helen of Troy, Alice (of Wonderland) and Dorothy (of Oz) the same thing?
This is one of my MP3 players. It also has an FM radio in it. The earbuds are the antenna. While the wire is delivering the audio signal to the speakers in the earbuds, it is also sending the recieved signal to the computer (radio). The entire electric grid including the telephone poles and all the wires connected could be acting the same. The entire planet could be hooked up to computers.
April 29, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Sadly, International St Paddy Whack Day has passed, but I believe people should celebrate it year round by making zombies all the time.
'No man born with a livin' soul,..
workin for the Clampdown.....

The Clash
Does mercury do more damage when inhaled or injected not ingested?
Would it be possible to hijack a cell phone tower or TV/radio tower and get it to spit out a lot of electrical noise to cover any military operation in the area?
Some books have been proven as frauds.
To divide this country and satisfy the divide and conquer theory of making money and holding power, did the powers that be at the time turn this country into a mythical Greek/Trojan War? The South being Sparta/Greece and the North Athens/Troy.
Did some of this insanity stop during the great blackouts of the northeast? 1965? 2003?
In yesterday's videos there are two coils inside one coil. The larger coil is the transmitter. If this technology uses the power lines it would probably work in the other direction. The power lines would be the reciever. Somewhere the power lines would have a band pass filter tuned to 30 HZ. They generate 60 HZ because it would require at least twice what they want to pickup to make a band pass. The two smaller coils inside the bigger one picks up the transmission and dissipates the energy as light. Would it be possible to make a similar device made from the same componants, tune it to 30 HZ and hang it around your neck and dissipate your own energy before it can be picked up by the power lines?
The four pictures below are associated with the idea picture above. The first picture is of typical household AC wire. It has 3 conductors. A black for hot, a white for neutral and a bare copper for ground. It is unshielded. The next three pictures are ways to retrofit unshielded wire. 1. Grounding strap could be stretched over it, 2. it could be placed inside conduit, and 3. it could be placed inside Romex (metal).
"Give me your tired, your hungry, your weak, (malcontents) your huddled masses yearning to be free...."
To get them out of our countries and teach them a lesson.
'There's a flagpole rag and the wind won't stop...'
King of Pain
The Police