Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, www.philipnute.com and it's companion website www.zsezse.com, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
George Orwell
Beginning of Actual Blog
Nov 30, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Yesterday I tried to research ELF waves but the little children slugs (American Nazi's) got there before me as usual. I thought I would say something anyway. ELF stands for extremely low frequency radio waves. ELF is any wave between 0HZ and 30HZ. Electromagnetic waves up to 3000HZ aren't used all the time for conventional radio. I know that when you go through a tunnel in a car either AM or FM won't play on the radio. I don't know which. Yesterday I tried to find out which. The information I got was that it was AM and the reason was the rebar in the tunnel walls acts as a Faraday Cage. I'm not sure thats right. I do know that the Navy has used ELF to communicate with submarines because very low frequencies penetrate anything, including water and metal Faraday Cages. The Navy had a facility at Clam Lake Wisconson that operated at 30HZ. I think the idea is the high speed (microwave) data rides on top of the 30HZ. There is also a facility in Alaska know as H.A.A.R.P. Nikola Tesla patented a wireless energy transmission system in the early part of the 20th century. He planned to deliver power and data wirelessly through the earth. He built a tower on Long Island in New York called Wardenclyffe. The idea was never used. Marconi's radio became the preferred method of communication. I do know that RFID chips operate on the principles Tesla used at Wardenclyffe as well as other modern technologies. WiTricity for example. I included some pictures below. The top picture is Wardenclyffe. Then an engineering drawing of a wireless tower, then an ELF tower. ELF towers can be found all across the country. They look like cell phone towers but many people think otherwise. Conspiracy theorists. ??? There is an ELF tower in Randolph next to Lombardo's at RT 128 and another next to Bob's Store in Randolph center. Jose Manuel DelGado described the use of RFID chips in his book "Physical Control Of The Mind: Toward A More Psycho-Social Society" in 1970. A copy can be downloaded for free on the DOCUMENTS page. There are references to RFID chips in Aaron Russo's "Freedom To Fascism' movie and the Zeitgiest movies. Russo says the global elite want everyone 'hooked up' with a chip. DelGado says they are inserted beneath the skin on the top of someones head. He calls it 'Sub Cutaneous' (???) surgery. It does not require a long hospital stay. RFID chips use Dr Alan Frey's work on the Microwave Hearing Effect to communicate with the person who has the surgery. It is powered by the Tesla patent ELF tower. The tower may also transmit the data. I think an RFID chip can be broken fairly easily with a hammer if you're careful. I think this is what John Lennon called 'Instant Karma'. He says 'Instant Karma gonna get you,....Gonna knock you on the head..... Better get yourself together,....Pretty soon you're gonna be dead...' It's possible removing one of these is a death sentence. There was a rock band named Tesla. Thier album 'Mechanical Resonance' came out in the 1980's. I think you could just bomb the base of a tower and destroy equipment used to run it. You don't have to bring the tower down. You could shoot the 'things' ??? at the top with a high power rifle and maybe do enough damage.
"Mr Crowley,...."
"What went on in your head,..."
"Mr Crowley,...."
"Did you talk to the dead?,...."
"Uncovering things that are sacred,...."
"Manifest on this earth,..."
"Concieved in the eye of a secret,..."
"And they scattered the afterbirth,..."
Mr Crowley
Ozzy Osbourne
(I think with synthetic telepathy the church has invented it's own undoing. Aleister Crowley died 1947)
"What went on in your head,..."
"Mr Crowley,...."
"Did you talk to the dead?,...."
"Uncovering things that are sacred,...."
"Manifest on this earth,..."
"Concieved in the eye of a secret,..."
"And they scattered the afterbirth,..."
Mr Crowley
Ozzy Osbourne
(I think with synthetic telepathy the church has invented it's own undoing. Aleister Crowley died 1947)
I was reading some of my collection of information on brain computer interfaces and neural implants over the weekend. The discovery of electricity as it pertained to human life was first documented by Luigi Galvani in the 1700's. He experimented with frogs. Scientists first began serious study of the electrical activity of the brain the 1890's. Hans Berger developed the EEG (electroencephalagram) in the 1920's. Even then they could pick up a voltage as low as one ten thousandth of a volt. It's possible that every part of the human body that moves makes a different electric signal so I tried to compile a list and come up with a total number. A list of the various systems making up the human body include: human blood; cardiovascular system; digestive system, endocrine system, renal system, muscle, nervous system, reproductive system, respiration, sensory reception, skeletal system. Each system consists of numerous parts each having a different signal. There are at least a hundred muscles in the human body. The brain is part of the nervous system. It produces hundreds of signals. I ran across the title of a book "Origins of Neuroscience" by Stanley Finger. Walter Rudolph Hess won a Nobel Prize for brain computer interfaces in the 1950's. Other pioneers in BCI's are: James Olds, Robert Galbraith Heath and Jose Manuel DelGado. Someone named Niels Birbaumer developed a 'Thought Translation Device' in the 1990's. Scientists invented 'Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation' in the 1980's. I think this was used on me in the summer of 2008 while I was in McClean Southeast on the grounds of the Brockton Veterans Administration hospital. (see MY STORY page) I found a pdf of a story in a British Newspaper called 'Mail Online' about synthetic telepathy, the ability to read a persons thoughts with electronics. I included it in the zip file that follows. If you have a copy of my 'All Files' DVD it should be there. Somewhere, I think, I found an article about an app for a cell phone that can tap into whatever they use to read peoples minds but I can't find it. Anyone could download it and use it.
This is a collection of 'evidence' of a conspiracy. I watched the movie version of "The DaVinci Code" last week. The main character wrote some book about symbolism. At the end, one of the main characters ends up in Scotland. There is a secret written on a paper in a container with a combination designed by Leonardo DaVinci. It turns out the combination is the word "Apple". As in Apple Computer? The Scottish Enlightenment seems to come up a lot. (not in the movie) The Enlightenment took place from about the year 1700 to the year 1800. Two prominent contributors were Adam Smith and Robert Burns. During the presidential election of 2008 the candidates were asked what book they would bring to the White House. John McCain replyed "The Wealth Of Nations" by Adam Smith. At the end of every chorus in the song 'Synchronicity II" by The Police he says something relating to Scotland and the Loch Ness Monster. (New World Order ??) Aleister Crowley rented Boleskine House near Loch Ness in the early 20th century to perform a complicated magic ceremony. ???? Boleskine House is now owned by Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin. Freemasonry got it's start around the same time in Scotland as the Enlightenment. ????? What were 'they' trying to shed light on??? I think Freemasonry is the Protestant wing of the Catholic Church. This was exposed in the book "The Scarlet Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Freemasonry is a secret society where the people at the bottom don't really know what the people at the top are up to. This is the only way anyone could them to co-operate with a conspiracy. It's another way to get the people at the bottom to kill each other for the benefit of the people at the top. People have forgotten the history of the Catholic Church and now think it is a righteous organization. But it is structured like Freemasonry to get the people at the bottom to kill each other. Nothing has changed at the top of the Catholic Church. Killing is what they want, evidenced by the Jasenovac Prison Camp during World War II. A line from Robert Burn's poem "To A Mouse" goes 'But mousie you are not alone in proving foresight in vain,... For the best laid schemes of mice and men go often awry.." I think Mark Twain's (who was a 33rd degree Freemason and good friend of Nikola Tesla) book 'Tom Sawyer' is based on the poem 'Tam O'Shanter' by Robert Burns. I think both Tam and Tom (and me) are 'lemons' being 'taken care of' by the church. "Oranges and Lemons say the Bells of St Clemons..." The church is the Romanist people disposal service. They don't just kill you because murder is a crime and they need gladiators and lions. You can't get the Proletariat to kill the Proletariat without the co-operation of some of the Proletariat. They don't care about Jesus or the bible. The church replaced the Roman coliseums. Scientology is heresy. GOD Gold Oil Drugs Michael Jacksons 'Thriller' is about Tam O'Shanter. "They Only Come Out At Night'
"If you act as you think...."
"The missing link....."
Synchronicity I
The Police
"The missing link....."
Synchronicity I
The Police
I am watching Roman Polanski's version of Shakespeare's "MacBeth". Applying what I know about my life it's easy to think that MacBeth is being manipulated by the church. At the very beginning 3 witch's know everything that is going to happen before it does. Lady MacBeth is an 'Alice' with stars and money in her eyes. She drugs people and seduces MacBeth into doing things he normally would not. MacBeth becomes king and goes on a murdering spree before he dies and the witch's prophesy comes true.
Nov 16, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
This is my interpretation of ‘The Wizard of Oz’. Dorothy represents the same thing as ‘Alice’ in ‘Alice in Wonderland’. The purpose of the entire thing is not clear to me. Both Alice and Dorothy go on an adventure unwillingly. Alice is helped along by ‘drugs’ given to her by the Hooka Smoking Caterpillar. Dorothy gets swept up by a tornado. Todays ‘Alices’ may be controlled by transistor. ????? The Cowardly Lion, Scarecrow,Tinman and Toto all represent the same person. Possibly the reason for the adventure. In ‘Alice in Wonderland’ this is the ‘Knave of Hearts’. The Yellow Brick Road represents money and ‘goldbricks’. A ‘goldbrick’ is a word for someone who doesn’t do a good job, is kind of lazy and stupid. “Oranges and Lemons say the Bells of St Clemons…..”. Yellow is a lemon. The ‘Emerald City’ is Ireland. The Emerald Isle. The ‘wizard’ is Irish. The wizard has a task for Dorothy before he helps her to go home, she must get the broom of the WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST. I’m not exactly sure what the WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST represents,if anything. The truth is I think both stories are about a real phenomena. It’s about the disposal of a ‘lemon’. The ‘Knave of Hearts, the Scarecrow etc. Ignorance is strength. The people who run this world like poor uneducated masses because they are easier to control. They want people who don’t understand their rights and can be manipulated with myths and legends and superstitions. The police use intermediarys to do the harassing because technically it’s against the law. The police can’t just pick someone up and beat the crap out of them and neither can the intermediarys. There is no reason the wizard can’t steal the WICKED WITCH OF THE WESTS broom himself. He’s trying to get the Knave of Hearts into jail. Dorothy can go home whenever she wants. Alice goes home after the trial.
Ignorance is strength, war is peace, freedom is slavery. I have a question. What are you going to do when you run out of people to lie to and cheat and steal from? My answer is ‘get a job’. Sha Na Na Na Na Get a Job….. Arbeit Mach Frei I know thats the last thing you want so what I know is ‘There will never be peace in a world run by the Pope’. There is no Utopia. You need slaves and victims to sit on your ass and do nothing. War is part of the system. It’s profitable and wasteful.
I am being forced to answer for a situation I am not creating. Your primary concern should be the situation not me. Your goal should not be getting rid of me or relieving your discomfort but investigating the situation and taking appropiate action directed at the source of the problem. I have no reason to do anything to better this world. I have nothing but reasons to not give a fuck. It makes no sense for me to try to get people to like me as a way to stop the harassment. This is what the source of the problem wants. I refuse to be manipulated or defined or have decisions made for me by ‘it’. I do not want and will not accept status as a public figure. It makes no sense for anyone to make themselves available to people whose God is CONSPIRACY, money, murder, power and glory. Trust NO ONE. Everybody is guilty until proven innocent. And thats hopeless. In an age of universal deceit everyone is guilty until proven innocent. I am stuck here waiting for ‘it’ to make a decision. You don’t have the right to kill me and you don’t have the right to judge me but I know you will do both because you’re the PIG VOMIT RACE!!! “Because it’s judgement that defeats us” Col Kurtz Apolcalypse Now I show no respect because I get no respect. And please don’t start, it’s very unbecoming and I don’t want you to. I used to treat people the way I wanted to be treated but it never worked so now I treat people the way I get treated.
In the movie about Woodstock they show a dog, sitting, with his back to the camera and in the background Carlos Santana says “We got one more tune for ya,….it’s called Soul Sacrifice” “I was in the kitchen ….. (shame us) thats the dog was outside....." Seamus – Pink Floyd – 1971 At the very end of 'Apolcalypse Now' they show a sacrificial cow as Col Kurtz is being murdered by Martin Sheen. "He was turned to steel in the great magnetic field when he traveled time for the future of mankind" Ironman – Black Sabbath – 1969 "The machine…that we built…could never save us that’s what they say...." 1983 A Merman I Should Turn To Be Jimi Hendrix – 1969
I’m just doing my job. Didn’t Apple computer get started in the San Francisco area? There’s a clue in that. Did you ever see the first TV commercial for the Apple Mac? It was Jan 1984. It shows a marathon runner with a large hammer going into a auditorium where Big Brother is talking. Then she throws the hammer at the screen and destroys it. This is what the internet was invented for. Oh ain’t I lucky!!! (sarcasm inserted here) I think fame is a curse. The commercial can be seen on youtube.
Nov 11, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
The Story of Paul Mus
Oct 28 2016 – I am watching a documentary titled ‘In The Year Of The Pig’ by Emile de Antonio. I got a copy very cheap on Amazon. Antonio was an award winning film maker. If you are aware of the surveillance before you watch this it is very easy to arrive at the conclusion that ‘these people are not running anything’. There is no narration and no interviewer. The movie is 2 hours of news clips and clips of other people doing the interviews, not Antonio. When I say ‘these people’ I mean the various US government officials that are shown. At 1:26:00 he shows a State Dept official who says that they had opened a line of communication to North Vietnam and they were trying to contact Ho Chi Minh. They had drafted a letter to Ho Chi Minh that was very conciliatory in nature. The letter had the approval of very high State Dept officials. They then had a face to face meeting with Ho Chi Minh. Several days after the meeting they discovered a different letter had been delivered. It had been written 2 days before they wrote thiers. Assuming the film is in chronological order why was the State Dept trying to get around the Paris Peace talks? I may be crazy and this may be crazy but if it’s real the information is possibly dangerous. This is my logic. Everyone is involved in The Psychic War. One hundred percent of the human race. You are either part of the problem or involved in the problem, so everyone is expendable. Everyone can be drafted for permanant front line duty without notice. I said a while ago I thought 5 Jesuits were tapping the line when Alexander Gramah Bell said “Watson come here I need you!”. There are people who think the Jesuits were responsible for the American Civil War. (Charles Chiniquy???) The Civil War took place before the telephone but the telegraph was already in use. The telegraph was invented about the year 1840. I wonder. "What Hath God Wrought?"
Oct 31 2016 – I am still watching “In The Year Of The Pig” by Emile de Antonio. On Friday I said the movie claims the government opened up a line of communication with Ho Chi Minh outside of the Paris Peace Talks. My copy is restored with commentary and interviews. I watched the commentary over the weekend. Antonio says his friend Paul Mus, a professor of Buddhism at Cornell, had parachuted into N Vietnam to set up the meeting ???? (I think). The dvd doesn’t have a lot of details.
Nov 11 2016 – According to Wikipedia Paul Mus died in 1969 at the age of 67 so it is unlikely he parachuted into Vietnam for the Americans. It was Henry Kissinger who negotiated the end to the war outside of the Paris Peace talks. I believe ???? Kissinger was Secretary of State. I found a short biography of Paul Mus at http://www.jstor.org through wikipedia. Paul Mus played a significant role in the French part of the war which ended in 1954 with the battle of Dien Bien Phu. He was a professor of Buddhism. Mus had parachuted into Vietnam on behalf of DeGaulle to negotiate. I know there is some significant connection between Buddhist preists and Catholic preists. Maybe Mus wrote something about it. Mus may have had something to do with the discovery of Ankhor Wat (spelling ???) an archeological site in Cambodia. My guess is the connection between Buddhist preists and Catholic preists is that they both operate on the Hindu Caste system and they use the same techniques to stay in power. The Hindu Caste system has at least 5 levels the first 2 being preists then police, military. They both use war as a way to cling to power. They both ‘chikenshit’ people behind thier backs as a warning or scare tactic to remain in power. India’s untouchable class are the ‘chickenshitted’. Mahatma Ghandi called them god’s ‘children’. Sound familar? Both make ‘rolling stones, wandering jews, as a scare tactic. Rolling stones are ‘chickenshitted’ people harassed into ‘hitting the road’ and living life out of a suitcase. Orwell tried to expose the use of war in ‘1984’ in Goldsteins book: “The war is waged by the ruling class on it’s own citizens to keep the structure of society intact”. I know Catholic preists use music but I’m not sure about Buddhists. Something happened in 1969 that sealed the deal, I don’t know what it was. A short list of people who died: Dwight D Eisenhower, Ho Chi Minh, Paul Mus, DeGaulle (1970). Maybe it was the moon landing in July. ????? A lot of people think it never happened. “Houston, Tranquility Base here (the old USA) the Eagle has landed (the new fascist USA)” Synthetic Telepathy had arrived. A new tool for preists. Another tool is wiretapping and surveillance. Used to manipulate people and whole societies.
Signed Ass Bitch O’Smelly Agent of the Lard
Nov 9, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
The human rights advocate (HRA) as opposed to the human rights officer (HRO) who just left – yes please
"The kid in the corner..."
"Looked at the priest..."
"And fingered his.."
"Pale blue Japanese guitar.."
"The priest said..."
"God wants goodness, god wants light..."
"God wants mayhem, god wants a clean fight.."
What God Wants Pt 1
Amused To Death
Roger Waters
"Looked at the priest..."
"And fingered his.."
"Pale blue Japanese guitar.."
"The priest said..."
"God wants goodness, god wants light..."
"God wants mayhem, god wants a clean fight.."
What God Wants Pt 1
Amused To Death
Roger Waters
How many Chucks could a woodchuck Chuck If a woodchuck could Chuck wood (HRA)
"Oh...Oh...Oh...Jamies Cryin..." (HRO)
"Doll Dagga Buzz Buzz Ziggity Zag.."
"Got my grotesque burlesque drag..."
Doll Dagga Buzz Buzz
Marilyn Manson
(and NUN to soon I might add)
"Got my grotesque burlesque drag..."
Doll Dagga Buzz Buzz
Marilyn Manson
(and NUN to soon I might add)
"Sweet Caroline...."(name ???) at the house
"Nuns and Priests and Bishops OH MY Nuns and Priests and Bishops OH MY"
I’m surrounded, it’s the invisible chickenshit psychopath slug army not reporting for duty ASSHOLE ATHEIST. Conspiracy is the lowest form of human behavior. No American Nazi is good enough to clean the jock strap of the lowliest German Nazi. It’s the people disposal service of the Capitalist Fascist Pig States Of America. "We take care of Communists before they take care of you"
"All my pieces set me free.."
"Human devices set me free..."
Pearl Jam
('pieces' could be pieces of evidence, such as this song... "human devices" could be Faraday Cages Personal Area Network Jamming Devices TASERing someone in the head etc...)
"Human devices set me free..."
Pearl Jam
('pieces' could be pieces of evidence, such as this song... "human devices" could be Faraday Cages Personal Area Network Jamming Devices TASERing someone in the head etc...)
Nov 8, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
This is a lot of historical facts and evidence that I believe are connected somehow and have significance but I don't know how or what. In England Nov 5 is a holiday, Guy Fawkes Day. Guy Fawkes was a conspirator in the Gunpowder Plot of 1605. It was a plot to blow up the House of Lords along with James I by Roman Catholics to take England back for Catholicism. Fawkes and a number of others were executed. The online hackers group 'Anonymous' wears 'Guy Fawkes' masks. James I of England succeeded Elizabeth I of England in 1603. Elizabeth was the last of the Tudors. She was known as 'The Virgin Queen' because she never married and had no children. She was the daughter of Henry VIII who started the violent crackdown on the Catholic Church. James I was James VI of Scotland before inheriting the England throne. He was a Royal Absolutist like the French kings. He believed the in the divine right of kings. James mother was Mary Queen of Scots. Not to be confused with Bloody Mary Queen of England. Bloody Mary was also a daughter of Henry VIII. She tried to return England to Catholicism. Mary Queen of Scots was born a catholic and died catholic. Lord Darnley, James I father, was also catholic. James I. I believe, was protestant. He was taken away from Mary Queen of Scots when he was 1 year old and never saw her again. So someone brought him up Protestant??? Depends on where he is buried, a catholic cemetary or protestant. James I commishoned the King James Bible which is used to this day in every protestant church. James married Anne of Denmark. Shakespeare lived at the same time as Elizabeth and James. In his play 'Hamlet' there is a line "There's something rotten in Denmark". They plot of Hamlet is similar to the life of Henry VIII. Henry VIII was the second son of Henry VII. When his older brother Aurther died he assumed the throne. Aurther had already married Catherine of Aragon. After Aurther died Henry married Catherine. This would later become the reason Henry used for wanting a divorce. He claimed the bible forbid a brother to marry a brothers wife. In the play 'Hamlet', Hamlets father is the king of Denmark. His uncle, the kings brother, kills the king and then marries the Queen to become king. A similar situation as Henry VIII. ?????
Nov 7, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
There has to be at least one building in every town that is dedicated to communication equipment. In most towns more than one in cities there are many. The local land line telephone system and cable TV all go into that building. There, they go through switching equipment and go to the next building in the next town. If you wanted to interrupt someones calls you would need access to the switching equipment either by direct connection (a wire) or by wireless. Turning these buildings into Faraday Cages would solve the wireless problem. You could also jam all microwave frequencies inside the building. The direct connection is a little more complicated. Jamming your own emissions with a Personal Area Network Jamming Device would help. There has to be a control room somewhere. Like NASA’s Mission Control in Houston. If it’s not local (ie the local police station) It could be somewhere Scientology has a large presence. Clearwater FL and Riverside County California are 2 possibilities. If it’s totally automated it could be any large computer room with a mainframe computer running Artificial Intelligence software. This is an idea to get around the whole communication system. Design an app that turns any cell phone into a walkie-talkie. Make it so one phone can relay a message from another phone if it’s out of range. Like a Ham radio repeater.
"We don’t just kill someone Winston, they’ll be no martyr’s here. You will be convinced. It is not good enough to obey Big Brother you must love Big Brother. Once that is done you will be vaporized and poured into the stratosphere." (Because power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely (and makes for arrogance personified))
Nov 2, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Eating Fossil Fuels
Dale Allen Pfeiffer
(Capitalism by its very nature displaces people with machines for profit. Agriculture is no different. In the last 100 years agribusiness has replaced the family farm. It has also replaced natural methods of fertilization with fossil fuels. When the oil runs out this will be a problem. Very few people today know how to grow food and take care of animals. Man will have to go back to the old way. The knowledge is missing. Overpopulation makes this problem worse. Eli Whitneys cotton gin is an early example of this. Capitalism would have eventually ended slavery.)
Dale Allen Pfeiffer
(Capitalism by its very nature displaces people with machines for profit. Agriculture is no different. In the last 100 years agribusiness has replaced the family farm. It has also replaced natural methods of fertilization with fossil fuels. When the oil runs out this will be a problem. Very few people today know how to grow food and take care of animals. Man will have to go back to the old way. The knowledge is missing. Overpopulation makes this problem worse. Eli Whitneys cotton gin is an early example of this. Capitalism would have eventually ended slavery.)
Twilight in the Desert
Matt Simmons
Matt Simmons
The Federal Reserve Conspiracy
Antony C Sutton
Antony C Sutton
The Christ Conspiracy
D M Murdock
D M Murdock
Convert or Die
Edmond Paris
Edmond Paris
Genocide in Satellite Croatia
Edmond Paris
Edmond Paris
Nov 1, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Some general thoughts on economics. Why planned obcelesence and waste is bad for a country. If any given family unit has to purchase something over and over it adds to thier cost of living. It's one of the factors that require families to have 2 or 3 jobs between the husband and wife. If most families had only one job, as in the early part of the 20th century, more family units would be among the working because jobs would be available. Utilities are another problem. Families today have a cable, telephone, gas, electric and other bills that didn't exist 60 or 70 years ago. Utilites don't operate on market principles because the consumer doesn't have a choice. There is no competition. When a corporation comes up with a product and first puts it on the market the price can be high. Over time competition drives the price down. The average consumers utility bills have skyrocketed over the last 30 years adding to the cost of living. The health care system is a Ponzi scheme. Everyone wants to pay $100 a month in premiums and get $500 a month in benefits. Corporate America adds to the problem by having no regard for the cost of whatever they put on the health care market because they know the consumer doesn't pay for it out-of-pocket. Someone once said "If you think the cost of healthcare is high now, wait until it's free". We have arrived. This adds to the cost of living. As the cost of living rises so does everything else. Housing for example. Home builders no longer build houses for under $150,000 because they can't support thier own family. While inflation may be under control the cost of living is not. The system is broken and it's not going to fix itself. This is another reason they must 'come out of the closet' and announce the New World Order so they can 'fix' the problems that can't be 'fixed' any other way. The 3rd Zietgeist movie is mostly about how capitalism is broken. One statistic they give is 30 percent of the American economy is healthcare. A Ponzi scheme is akin to a house of cards, which is to say it is doomed to fail. Donald Trump once said "China is eating our lunch on manufacturing". Well thats not exactly true. We gave China our lunch. Bill Clinton granted China Most Favored Nation (MFN) status every year of his presidency. Our manufacturing left because of MFN. A country that doesn't make anything is vunerable to takeover. You can't make guns, bullets etc. Machine tools are very important. You can't make anything that makes anything without machine tools. Sewing machines, other machine tools etc. We have become globally interdependant as nations. America is the worlds office and shopping mall. China manufactures everything. All our energy comes from the middle east. Much of our food comes from South America. "People storm the marketplace and buy up fantasy,....it's the counter-revolution at the counter of a store,.....people buy the things they need and borrow for a little more...." Heresy - Rush - 1991 I recently discovered something called the Non-Accelerating Inflationary Rate of Unemployment. It's the amount of unemployment deemed necessary by economists to keep inflation and the economy in balance. I don't know what the percentage is but I do know that about 100 million people in America are not working. They are retired, on disability or welfare. Thats 30 percent of the total population of 300 million. They could never build enough Wal-Marts or McDonalds to pay everyone not enough to afford to live here. So they're not trying. If all 300 million people in this country were allowed to go into a bank and get a loan for a home or car the dollar would be worthless very quickly. This is why they need the Non Accelerating Inflationary Rate of Unemployment. We have built a global prison for ourselves and the cell door is about to slam shut. Can you say FEMA Camps? Can you say Ustasha? "Convert or Die' a book by Edmond Paris. If the global economy collapsed why would they build it again? Some of the greatest economists of the 20th century, including Milton Friedman, agree that the cause of the Great Depression was the intentional shrinking of the money supply. Instead of instantly increasing it they allowed the depression to drag on for 6 or 7 years. If you apply a little logic it makes sense. Nothing had changed. The resources were still there, all the infrastructure was still there, the factories were all intact, all the men who knew how to run the factories were alive etc. There wasn't enough means of exchange. Money in circulation. So history says they won't.
Because some people control the money supply and purposely keep it tight to cut some people out of opportunity and life. Then 'they' divide the have and have-not's down some religious, ethnic or racial line to cause a war. Then supply and fund both sides to make money then rebuild everything to do it again. And they called him God. Why? Well, the question to your answer is "I don't know".
Microwave hearing effect, satellite surveillance, and synthetic telepathy. Isn't the modern world wonderful? What will they think of next? And Why? dot-dot-dot-dash-dash-dash-dot-dot-dot But if you knew Morse code you'd already know that!
Extrapolation - in engineering it's when you have data and plot a curve in one direction and it's uniform and predictable you can assume it's the same in the other direction. 2002 to present is my data in one direction. Point being my life has been and continues to be destroyed by the invisible chickenshit psychopath slug army. I ---- HAVE ----- NO ------ REASON ------ TO ----- CONTINUE. I am waiting for it to be over.
I'm gonna start a music ensemble and call it 'Rage Against The Machine' and see if anyone gets it. "At least I'm fuckin tryin...."
The world is ass backwards. If you're a god slut, you say the right thing and do the wrong thing. If you're an athiest asshole, you say the wrong thing and do the right thing. "Because it's judgement that defeats us"
Oct 31, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Tamburlaine the Great, Neocons, the Sun King and the Sun King Society. Christopher Marlowe was an important predecessor of William Shakespeare. His first work was 'Tamburlaine the Great'. The play is based on the life and achievements of Timur (Timurlenk), the bloody 14th century conqueror of India and Central Asia.Tamburlaine is a man who lusts for power, money, luxury and glory. Can you say Neocons? On July 14 1789 the residents of Paris stormed the Bastille and toppled the French monarchy. It was the result of at least a century of tyranny by the aristocracy. Any French noble could imprison anyone for life without a crime or trial. The insanity of the French aristocrats could be traced to thier complete power gained under a policy of Royal Absolutism where the king was the final word on everything. This policy was strongly encouraged by and mirrored the church. Louis XIV was called the Sun King. He lived in absolute slendor in the palace of Versailles. The French Revolution was eventually turned around with the Napoleonic Wars. It could be argued that capitalism is the political equivilent of Royal Absolutism. The Sun King Society. The moral of the story is: this is the way the wizard wants it.
"And it all down to the Sun King...."
Sun King (live from Pinkpop 92)
The Cult
Sun King (live from Pinkpop 92)
The Cult
"Thats the way uh-huh uh-huh I like it....."
KC and the Sunshine Band
KC and the Sunshine Band
I have wondered a lot over the years if there is any need for them to come out of the closet. Have thier little headline announcing the New World Order or if they just keep the party going. If when I'm gone they spend 20 years putting the genie back in the bottle. I have decided they have no choice but to announce it because of overpopulation and peak oil. Even the inventions I've posted on my websites aren't enough to offset the loss of fossil fuels. And they're not doing anything to replace them. The future as portrayed in the film 'Things To Come By H G Wells 1936' is very real. They will impoverish everyone and take away thier schools because poor uneducated people are easier to control. Thats the way Europe was for centuries. Orwell envisioned the same thing in '1984'. Ignorance is Strength - War is Peace - Freedom is Slavery
I have been working on my Personal Area Network Jamming Device. The top picture is a schematic of a test circuit I built. It's just a 20MHZ oscillator. (see middle picture) It gets amplified and buffered then put into a connector so I can try to break up the sine wave by inserting different types of metal between the wave and the load resistor. (3rd picture is test PCB) I placed a diode in the connector to further protect the circuit. The 4th picture is a working model. The antenna goes around my neck. I placed a piece of copper after the antenna in the circuit and in series with the load to act as a sort of 'in circuit' antenna. (the piece of copper plate) The idea is the opposite of what all engineers do. That is, to minimize the interference given off by the device. I want the device to give off as much EMI as possible. Antennas usually have to be tuned to whatever frequency they're designed for. Since I want to broadcast the entire frequency spectrum I think an 'in circuit' antenna is best. The human brain, and body in general, produces many different signals that need to be jammed. You also need to jam all microwave frequencies because of neural implants. It is very difficult to get one antenna to do that. The final signal is the output of a mixer of the many signals I come up with to jam whatever I need to. It also can include noise that spans the entire spectrum. This would be very difficult for one antenna. I read somewhere if you want to sink a spike of current to ground quickly give it surface area. So I used a piece of plate.
I am still watching “In The Year Of The Pig” by Emile de Antonio. On Friday I said the movie claims the government opened up a line of communication with Ho Chi Minh outside of the Paris Peace Talks. My copy is restored with commentary and interviews. I watched the commentary over the weekend. Antonio says his friend Paul Mus, a professor of Buddhism at Cornell, had parachuted into N Vietnam to set up the meeting ???? (I think). The dvd doesn’t have a lot of details.
Oct 28, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Everything on this blog should be taken with a grain of salt. I am watching a documentary titled ‘In The Year Of The Pig’ by Emile de Antonio. I got a copy very cheap on Amazon. Antonio was an award winning film maker. If you are aware of the surveillance before you watch this it is very easy to arrive at the conclusion that ‘these people are not running anything’. There is no narration and no interviewer. The movie is 2 hours of news clips and clips of other people doing the interviews, not Antonio. When I say ‘these people’ I mean the various US government officials that are shown. At 1:26:00 he shows a State Dept official who says that they had opened a line of communication to North Vietnam and they were trying to contact Ho Chi Minh. They had drafted a letter to Ho Chi Minh that was very conciliatory in nature. The letter had the approval of very high State Dept officials. They then had a face to face meeting with Ho Chi Minh. Several days after the meeting they discovered a different letter had been delivered. It had been written 2 days before they wrote thiers. Assuming the film is in chronological order why was the State Dept trying to get around the Paris Peace talks? I may be crazy and this may be crazy but if it’s real the information is possibly dangerous. This is my logic. Everyone is involved in The Psychic War. One hundred percent of the human race. You are either part of the problem or involved in the problem, so everyone is expendable. Everyone can be drafted for permanant front line duty without notice. I said a while ago I thought 5 Jesuits were tapping the line when Alexander Gramah Bell said “Watson come here I need you!”. There are people who think the Jesuits were responsible for the American Civil War. (Charles Chiniquy???) The Civil War took place before the telephone but the telegraph was already in use. The telegraph was invented about the year 1840. I wonder. “What Hath God Wrought?”
Inner Party Member - "If you want to know what the future of the world is Winston, imagine a boot stamped on a human face, forever."
Inner Party Member - "The truth is Winston,...even if we caught Goldstein himself, he could not give us a list of his followers. In the face of the thought police, the followers of Goldstein cannot collectively organize a resistance."
Don't try to talk to me about this, I say nothing..... If there's hope for the world it's in the countryside where someone might be able to gain the ability to conspire.
"Cause I’m a Voodoo Chile...."
"Lord knows I'm a Voodoo Chile...."
Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)
Jimi Hendrix
"Lord knows I'm a Voodoo Chile...."
Voodoo Chile (Slight Return)
Jimi Hendrix