Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, www.philipnute.com and it's companion website www.zsezse.com, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
George Orwell
Beginning of Actual Blog
Nov 30, 2017
Philip Nute
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
This post is some thoughts on the alternative communication system. Today I watched a couple videos about people designing alternative DNS systems. I don’t think this is totally necessary. At least not in small towns. DNS stands for Domain Name Service, or Server ??,. It is a way to route a communication. It’s like an operator in the early days of telephone. Operators sat at a board and physically made the connection to route a call form one place to another. Today it’s done automatically with computers. DNS is the internet equivalent. Lets say you had a small town of about 50,000 people. Everyone’s communications wireless and handled on one frequency in the microwave range. Everything else was jammed with noise. If someone’s call bounced around the entire town looking for the right end point it wouldn’t take much time and you wouldn’t really notice anything. The frequency is so fast. This is a roundabout example. Anything above 10 hz is not visible by the naked eye. If you pulsed an LED you would see it like it is on all the time once you get it above 10 hz. Any LED monitor or TV has 1000’s of LED that are pulsed many times per second. But it appears to be on all the time. The same effect could be used with voice communications and maybe the internet. Eventually someone might come up with a method to avoid this and save bandwidth and still have no central facility.
Nov 29, 2017
Philip Nute
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
I have been thinking about this a little more. The tiny pieces of aluminum used against RADAR is called ‘chaff’ not ‘flak’. Flak is an airborne fragmentation grenade. The idea would be to combine the two weapons to bring down airplanes. I have seen news reports of airliners crashing because the jet engines sucked in birds while taking off or landing. WWII planes had propellers driven by internal combustion engines not jets. This idea wouldn’t work on plane’s with internal combustion engines. I think, I don’t know, that many helicopters also have jets not internal combustion. I watched a video of the US Navy launching chaff on youtube. It looked like a cardboard tube stuffed with little pieces of metal. A fragmenattion grenade breaks into thousnads of pieces when it explodes. Each piece can kill someone. If you cut up soda cans and stacked them together in a tube and launched it into the path of a plane taking off or landing you might destroy it.
Nov 27, 2017
Philip Nute
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
RADAR as a technology was in it’s infancy during WWII. I’m pretty sure both sides had it. One of the early defenses against RADAR was flak (flac ??? spelling). More than one bomber would go on a mission. They would fly in formation. Some would drop flak, millions of tiny pieces in aluminum. The idea was it would reflect the RADAR and disguise the actual plane. I don’t know if they still do this. During WWII bombers were powered by propellers not jet engines. I think (I’m not sure) that if a jet engine sucked in a lot of aluminum it wouldn’t last long. Why don’t people come up with a rocket that disperses millions of pieces of aluminum as a way to knock down large airplanes?
Nov 25, 2017
Philip Nute
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
Yesterday I watched the movie “The Sound And The Fury” starring Yul Brenner and Joane Woodward. Then I read the Wikipedia page for the book. I would say the movie is very loosely based on the book. The book was written by William Faulkner and first published in 1929. It’s about the decline of an aristocratic white southern family. (WASP ?) Other writers have covered the subject including Tennessee Williams. “The Glass Menagerie” and “A Streetcar Named Desire”. Maybe Harper Lee’s “To Kill A Mockingbird”? It centers on the Compson family in Jefferson Mississippi at the turn of the 20th century. They’re ecentrics with problems. The one character that could resemble me is Ben. Ben is really wierd. He sleeps with a yound black child. ??? I wonder once someone has had anathema announced against them if they are accused of all kinds of crimes by the church. Especially pedophilia. They paint a picture of lies like “The Picture Of Dorian Grey”. Ben is a real freak. The black child takes Ben for a ride with a “Freak” sign on him to earn a dollar. There’s a carnival in town. He gets sent to a nuthouse. I think all these people are suffering from The Invisible Chickenshit Psychopath Slug Army. “I don’t like the drugs,…but the drugs like me….” Marilyn Manson. At the end Ben’s sister is the only one with any respectability. Jason helped her. ??? I have been recently watching videos by William Cooper who cites the JASON society as part of the problem. ??? Whatever.
Mission Of Burma. I have been watching videos about Myanmar (formerly Burma). Myanmar is a country in Southeast Asia. It’s on the opposite side of the peninsula from Vietnam. It is a failed state. It has a crazy military junta in charge. People in the videos talk openly about George Orwells ‘1984’ and ‘Animal Farm’. I’ve been hacking away at this computer for 10 years trying to say something and this is the first time that has happened. I wonder if the opponents of ‘1984’ purposely invaded Burma to inform everyone and what they got was a military junta. Maybe some of the American MIA/KIA are responsible. Maybe they survived Pol Pot and ended up in Burma. The junta has built a massive new capital called Naypyidaw. It is completely empty accept for some of the military. They have also built underground bases. I don’t blame the populace for not going there. If you wanted to kill millions of people very quickly you would get them all in one place and drop a few A-Bombs. If this is done sparingly the perpetrators wouldn’t kill themselves in the process. For some reason the Chinese are also building massive new cities to move hundreds of millions of people. ???? De-population Chinese style????
I have come up with some tactics to fight back that go along the line of Lysander Spooners “The Constitution Of No Authority”. Everyone is a private and a general. If you identify the enemy you apply the tactics with the weapons. No one has to wait for orders. KISS it. Keep It Simple Stupid is the order of the day. Both the tactics and the weapons. The layout of the land must be organized to meet the needs of the tactics and weapons. I see no reason why the ‘chickenshit’ system can’t be used by everyone. Whats good for the gander is good for the goose. Turnabouts fair play. I think the use of electronics should be limited to taking its use away from the enemy only. Communication should be some type of relay runner system and rely as little as possible on wires or wireless. If you are the majority in any given area and no one has to wait for orders no communication will have to go very far. The weapns should be limited to small arms. Automatic rifles, small mortars, large mortars ans small artillery. I think all this could be manufactured and supplied in any area by raw materials or recycle. Keep infrastructure to an absolute minimum. If a convoy is going down a road don’t hesitate to blow the entire thing up for miles in both directions to trap them then attack with small arms. Roads can easily be replaced. Helicopters could be a problem. Instead of manned anti-aircraft I think it’s possible to design a gun that will produce a wall of bullets by simply motioning up and down a tiny amount. No need to go left and right. Trigger the gun as helicopters approach and wait for them to fly through the wall. These could be hidden on hillsides between trees and triggered automatically and would cut through whatever leaves and twigs are in the way in seconds. Someone would have to be nearby but doesnt have to actually man and aim it.
Nov 24, 2017
Philip Nute
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
Nikola Tesla is credited with inventing most of the technology behind the power grid. He favored the AC (alternating current) system over Thomas Edisons DC (direct current) system. There are stories on the internet that Tesla had invented an automobile that ran without gas. When you create current in a conductor you also create Eddy waves around the wire. You can measure these with an AC clamp meter. The meter is basically a transformer that measures the strength of the Eddy waves. Eddy waves have 2 components. An electric component and a magnetic component. You can’t induce a current into a coil without both components. The earth has a natural magnetic field around it. A compass operates by employing it. Light is basically electricity at very high frequencies but has both components. Did Tesla come up with a way to harness the earths natural magnetic field and some natural electric field and produce mechanical motion?
I was just watching a documentary on Myanmars empty capital city of Naypyidaw. The ruling military junta has built this massive city in the middle of nowhere to serve as it's new capital and it's completely empty. Myanmar (formerly Burma) has gone paranoid. They are also building underground military bases. This video led me to more videos about new and completely empty city's, mostly in China. Then I said to myself "Oh I get it!!". Put millions and millions of people in new city's and it's easier to kill them all at the same time. Too many A-bombs all at once would probably kill whoever is the perpetrator of the New World Order. How else would you handle China's population 'problem'.
Nov 21, 2017
Philip Nute
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
Historians will tell you there was no official end to the Spanish Inquisition. I think this is because it never ended, it went underground. The Inquisition was handled out of an office that was still around in 1966 when it was renamed by Pope Paul VI. I don't remember the name. The church has had to hide it's activities since the beginning of the 19th century. Finding evidence of it's true nature is difficult. This is 2 instances I have. The Jasenovac Prison Camp and the Magdalene Laundries. Jasenovac was a death camp in the former Yugoslavia run by The Ustashe. The Ustashe were put in power by Hitler. Even some SS people were shocked with their cruelty. There is ample evidence of the complicity of the Catholic Church in the matter. Many people were forced to convert to catholicism before they wer executed. Two books on the subject are: Genocide In Satellite Croatia by Edmond Paris and books by Avro Mahattan. The other instance is the Magdalene Laundries. They were operated in Ireland until the 1990's. Young women were forced to work 10 hour days 6 days a week as pennance for sexual promiscuity. Many, however, were raped by people in power and sent there to silence them.
This post is some thoughts on the alternative communication system. Today I watched a couple videos about people designing alternative DNS systems. I don't think this is totally necessary. At least not in small towns. DNS stands for Domain Name Service, or Server ??,. It is a way to route a communication. It's like an operator in the early days of telephone. Operators sat at a board and physically made the connection to route a call form one place to another. Today it's done automatically with computers. DNS is the internet equivalent. Lets say you had a small town of about 50,000 people. Everyone's communications wireless and handled on one frequency in the microwave range. Everything else was jammed with noise. If someone's call bounced around the entire town looking for the right end point it wouldn't take much time and you wouldn't really notice anything. The frequency is so fast. This is a roundabout example. Anything above 10 hz is not visible by the naked eye. If you pulsed an LED you would see it like it is on all the time once you get it above 10 hz. Any LED monitor or TV has 1000's of LED that are pulsed many times per second. But it appears to be on all the time. The same effect could be used with voice communications and maybe the internet. Eventually someone might come up with a method to avoid this and save bandwidth and still have no central facility.
Nov 19, 2017
Philip Nute
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
I thought I would try to define what I think Aryanism is. Aryanism is a system. A system for making money and holding power. It has been honed to a knife’s edge over 6000 years. It began in Ancient Egypt and has now spread across the globe. The system is a very rigid class structure. In Hindu culture it is called the ‘caste’ system. Almost nobody leaves the class in which they were born. All cultures that use the system are the same. The two most important class’s are at the top. The very top are the priests. They prop up a landowner royal class which is second in line. In Hindu culture the priests class is called Brahmin. The other class’s have names I can’t pronouce. The problem with the system is that very often the people at the top go nuts. Priviledge and too much time on their hands. I have heard story’s (I don’t know how true) that anyone in the top 2 class’s in Tibet will go up to a peasant and chop off an arm just because they can. They never go to jail because they are the ‘US’ in the JustUS system. If the Queen of England has committed crimes against humanity she will never answer for them because she owns the courts. If very serious problems arise ‘they’ will throw one of their own under the bus to save the system. (Saddam Hussein ???) If things really get out of control ‘they’ will throw the whole landowner class under the bus to save the system. Presto Chango Nothing O Changos. People turn to religion. (stupid people) (Catch – 22 “their family is rich………….”…”then they’ll understand……”) Western Civilization has turned into a vacuum cleaner sucking up knowledge on how to perpetuate itself and cling to power. It’s hopeless trying to change things. Maybe? If things do change for the better I think a book titled “The Constitution Of No Authority” by Lysander Spooner might help. If putting power in the hands of small numbers of people is such a problem, don’t do that. Some people might call this anarchy. Anarchy is not necessarily the presence of chaos but the lack of central authority. Instead of government by consent it’s goverment by mutual co-operation or mutual understanding. People in this country used to do business with a handshake. Your word was your reputation and your reputation was everything. If you said you would purchase 14 widgits from someone every month and pay on the 23rd you did.
I think the Gregorian Reform is evidence the catholic church operates by the Aryanism system. The Gregorian Reform was a period of time in Europe from about 1000 AD to about 1100 AD. It spanned numerous popes was ultimately named after Gregory VII. The church was in crisis. Many of the kings and queens were appointing bishops and other church officials and the people they appointed were not priests. This cheapens the church in the eyes of the peasants. Ultimately it would have destroyed the church. The popes during this time re-asserted their authority. I’m not exactly sure how. One pope invaded England with William the Conqueror despite the fact England was already Catholic. William the Conqueror took the throne at the Battle of Hastings. Some kings and queens wanted to cut out the pope all together but failed. Most of Europe was ruled by the Holy Roman Empire ever since. The Holy Roman Emperor was elected. But by who?? The last Emperor was Francis I around 1800 AD.
I have been wondering about syncretic religion and what it could be used for. Both Vietnam and Korea had syncretic religions introduced into their countries in the hundred years prior to the wars of the 20th century. Both had elements of Roman Catholicism. I figure one use could be spying. Roman Catholics have confession. They tell a priest about sins they have committed and the priest gives them pennence. While what is said in the confessional is not admissible in a court of law the bishop can do whatever he wants with it. And probably does.
I am always trying to understand the significance of Buddhism. The things that make me wonder are; the documentary “Geheimnis Tibet”, the poem “Kubla Khan” by Samuel Taylor Coolridge and the Theosophical Society to name a few. This is what I’ve come up with. I try to use facts that cannot be disputed by anyone. Buddhism began in north eastern India about 500BC. By 500AD it had spread to Tibet and was well established. It had died out in India by 1000AD. The tradition of the Dalai Lama is unique to Tibet but was not begun until the time of Marco Polo around 1200AD. Several of the early Dalai Lama’s were very closely related to Kubla Khan. I think a good case could be made for the idea that the Pope created the Dalai Lama in his image and both religions practice Aryanism which is derived from the religion of Ancient Egypt.
Nov 16, 2017
Philip Nute
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
I have no proof for what I am about to say but I'll say it anyway. I have sat at my computer many times and had the videos streaming from youtube play on my thoughts in real time. That is within 15 minutes of investigating something false information begins to flow. In that 15 minutes I have had hour long videos appear. ??? How do you produce hour long fake videos in 15 minutes? My only answer is it is generated by an Artificial Intelligence Computer. (AI) The only people with computers like that would be the NSA. ??? Right now my radio and stupidvision are spewing a controversy about someone named Roy Moore who is running for a vacant senate seat in Alabama. (I'll go over what I think is wrong with this in a moment) All kinds of women are coming out of the closet accusing him of sexual harassment. Where do they find these people? Some of the accusations are 40 years old and just an inappropriate pass or something. Someone is digging up dirt some where. Maybe the NSA's data collection center in Utah? If you wanted to cling to power, you need to control people who hold power. So keep a file on everyone from birth to death without their knowledge. Yes. No. Judge Moore, (as in the US Senate will not let the Pope judge MORE people illegally) He won the Republican primary in Alabama by beating Luther Strange (as in the people who follow Martin LUTHER are STRANGE) "People are strange when you're a stranger.........." -----The Doors---- "Moon over Alabama........." ----The Doors
Nov 13, 2017
Philip Nute
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
This post is for anyone who took a loved one to a doctor or hospital to find out if they have neural implants. Almost everything today runs on software. This includes X-Ray machines. The larger the piece of equipment the more sophisticated the software. My point is software can be designed to remove implants from the X-Ray. And probably not damage the implant with the X-Ray. MRI machines use magnetic fields not X-Rays but also run on software.
Over the weekend I downloaded something titled “The Term Catalogue”. I think ?? it’s supposed to be a listing of books published between 1678 and 1690. But I’m not sure. I haven’t actually looked at it yet. Edmond Paris stated in his book “The Secret History Of The Jesuits” that 9,000 books had been published on the Jesuits and I have always wondered where he got that number.
I have been building a new computer since I moved to Braintree in July. I am having a terrible time installing an operating system. I bought a copy of Windows 10 Pro from a company called Hype Computer through Amazon and it won't activate. When I go to install it the option reads "English British". There is no "United States" option. I am not getting anywhere complaining to Hype or Amazon. The picture below is part of the problem. (I think?) I'm no mathmetician but the two displays (top and bottom) don't match. I bought a Western Digital Red 3TB SATA 6G. Neither the top or bottom total 3TB. The top totals less and the bottom more. The program is Seagate SeaTools but all it did was start Microsofts Disk Management.
Nov 11, 2017
Philip Nute
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
I have been watching videos about 9/11 and the Israeli Artists who occupied the world trade center for 4 years before 2001. There is a banned FOX report by Brit Hume and Carl Cameron thats about 20 minutes long that claims the Israeli MOSSAD was responsible. There is a report by congress titled “Joint Report On Intelligence Activities Before The September 11 Terrorist Attacks” on Amazon.
I have been building a new computer for the last 4 or 5 months. I am having a terrible time installing Windows 10 Pro. Someone may have done something to the UEFI. I can’t shut it off. All I have plugged in is a hard drive and a BluRay DVD writer. If someone altered the BIOS UEFI they’ve destroyed the motherboard. !!!! Coward Cunts!!!!
Nov 8, 2017
Philip Nute
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
This is some of the theory behind the mechanical electro-magnetic pulse generator. Electric current is the actual movement of electrons in a conductive substance. Usually metal. The electrons move from one nucleus to another in a random fashion. A term for these electrons is valence electrons. The more valence electrons a substance has the more conductive it is. Electrons are negatively charged. A nucleus of an atom has both protons and neutrons, which are positively charged and electrically neutral respectively. As the electrons move they create electro-magnetic waves around the conductor. If the waves are varying in nature they can be picked up by a AC clamp meter. A clamp meter is basically a transformer that surrounds the conductor to measure its strength. It only works with AC waves, not DC. I don’t know why. In electricity similar polarities repel each other and opposite polarities attract. The idea behind a battery is there is a buildup of electrons on one side and a depletion on the other. If you attach a circuit between the two sides current will flow. The battery dies when the electrons on one side have all drifted to the positive. In our universe gasses can be ionized. That is they can have too many electrons or too few. Or they can be neutral. The PH of water is a measurement of it’s ionization. The idea is to find a gas that can be heavily laden with electrons to make it negatively charged. That gas would be pulsed into a glass chamber where the copper plate is. When the copper plate is exposed to the highly charged gas it moves the electrons in the copper because similar polarities repel. If the gas is pulsed you will create a varying wave.
If you wanted to make some serious trouble with this idea you could mount it inside a truck and attach it to an aluminum frame. The frame would act as the antenna. Drive by a building (NSA) and blow it off and you might destroy whats inside.
Nov 6, 2017
Philip Nute
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
Secret Societies And The Infallibility Of The Pope
Let’s say you’re a king and you’re concerned about losing your kingdom. You need to take some steps to cling to power. The peasants are grumbling about conditions and your top lieutenants are unhappy with their compensation and are also worried about the peasants. The masses are in love with this thing they call god. They turn to him whenever things get rough. Faith gets them through hard times. Well the first thing to do is declare yourself a god and get the peasants to do things on faith. Things that they wouldn’t ordinarily do and are probably against their own interest. Now lets say you have a very large segment of the population that has gone really astray. (Protestants) They see things a little more clearly. They are capable of critical thinking and are very skeptical of people who hold power. How do you get them to do things they would not ordinarily do and not in their own best interest? Secret societies. Tell them they are fighting this evil ‘god’ and that secrecy is necessary.
Nov 3, 2017
Philip Nute
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
This is something I think about from time to time. When did the human race lose the ability to read hieroglyphics? Hieroglyphics was the written language of Ancient Egypt. I learned in school that the ability to read them was gained after the discovery of the Rosetta Stone. The Rosetta Stone was discovered about the year 1800 AD. It was an ordinary decree by some King or Pharaoh but was in 3 different languages. Two of the languages were known and the third was hieroglyphics. It was deciphered about the year 1830 AD. Ancient Egypt existed unbroken for at least 3000 years. The last Pharaoh was Cleopatra who died about the time of Christ. She was descended from Alexander The Greats general, Ptolemy. After the time of Christ Egypt was ruled by Rome. Is this when hieroglyphics was lost? If so why? After Constantine The Great a concerted effort was made to convert Egyptians to Christianity. Coptic Christians exist to this day. The Vatican was built between 1520 AD and 1650 AD. There is an obelisk in the center. It was either brought from Egypt or recreated from an Egyptian obelisk. (I don’t know which) I think, I don’t know, it has hieroglyphics on it. If it was recreated wouldn’t the person doing it have to read hieroglyphics? My point is, has the Vatican always had the ability to read hieroglyphics? Why would they hide this?
I have been building a new computer ever since I moved to Braintree in July 2017. The little children slug coward american nazi cunt holes have done nothing but get in the way. I initially bought a copy of Windows 10 Pro from CDW com and it was never delivered. The excuse had something to do with my new address being a business not a residence. A week ago Wednesday I bought another from a company called Hype Computer on Amazon. I have had nothing but trouble trying to activate it. I tried to email Hype through Amazon a couple days ago but the seller came up as Ruben Motors. (My new address is surrounded by Quirk auto dealerships and I have a lot of bad thoughts about them like everybody else) I never heard from Ruben Motors so I tried again and miraculously Hype Computer reappeared. They sent a new product key but it still doesn’t work. Today I gave up. I guess I’ll eat the $100. Ain’t my money. I spent quite a bit of time trying to get a TPM (trusted platform module) I ordered it it came, I guess, as Amazon said it was delivered, but it was a couple weeks before I actually received it. Someone should get it explained to them that tampering with the US Mail is a felony. I have tried a couple flavors of Ubuntu and had nothing but headaches. My computers are on a network and I’m pretty sure there is someone watching every keystroke waiting for an opportunity to fuck with me. (little children slug coward american nazi cunt holes) My command prompt disappeared while I was trying to learn how to install software. (ya know in 10 I have never, not once seen one of these things (little children slug coward american nazi cunt holes)) At this point it’s probably just as well. I did however get my blu ray dvd to work. AFTER MORE THAN A YEAR!!! I am in fact waiting for this to get worse. BECAUSE I DON’T GIVE FUCK ONE!!!
Nov 1, 2017
Philip Nute
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
I have been watching videos on Youtube titled “9/11 – Rabbit Holes – E-TEAM / Gelitin / B-THING / LMCC (Extended)” and “E-Team, B-Thing, and 9/11”. The latter is about 30 minutes long and asks a lot of questions about Israeli art students that occupied the World Trade Center for almost 4 years just prior to Sept 11 2001. The former title is almost 2 hours long and goes into depth about Israels role in Sept 11. It includes a segment where someone talks about a book titled “The B-Thing” published by an art group calling themselves Gelitin. The book is about $800 on Amazon. There is a link in the description. When I went to Amazon to look I found a report published by the Committee On Intelligence U S. Senate (Author), Committee On Intelligence U S. House (see ISBN below). Several of the comments on Amazon say it’s proof Isael was responsible for Sept 11. The book was about $20.
"Joint Inquiry Into Intelligence Community Activities Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001 (Volume One)"
Committee On Intelligence U S. Senate (Author), Committee On Intelligence U S. House
ISBN-10: 1410207412
ISBN-13: 978-1410207418
Committee On Intelligence U S. Senate (Author), Committee On Intelligence U S. House
ISBN-10: 1410207412
ISBN-13: 978-1410207418
Oct 27, 2017
Philip Nute
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
I moved to my new address, 451 Quincy Ave Braintree, in July 2017. I have 3 room mates instead of the 7 I had in Randolph. My new room mates are entirely too comfortable with the ‘situation’. By ‘situation’ I mean advanced wireless communications, surveillance (including synthetic telepathy) and mind control, to be new at it. But what does that mean? "Misunderstanding all you see……..Strawberry Fields forever..." The Beatles "Surrender,..Surrender…but don’t give yourself away..." Surrender Cheap Trick "Head like a hole,….black as a soul,…..I’d rather die than give you control..." Head Like A Hole Nine Inch Nails Did they both surrender and give themselves away? Or just surrender? "A world with no man ruled by fear..." While You Sleep West Bruce and Laing I think you can use the advanced wireless communications without being under mind control. I figure there’s no point in talking to anyone. I’m waiting for ‘it’ to make a decision.
I recently watched a couple videos based on books by Oscar Wilde and plays by Gilbert and Sullivan. "The Picture Of Dorian Grey", "The Importance Of Being Earnest" and "The Pirates Of Pennzance". “The Picture of Dorian Grey” is about someone by that name who has his portrait painted by a local artist. He is very young at the time of the painting. As time goes on the portrait gets uglier and uglier but Grey remains the same. Almost never aging at all. I think Oscar Wilde understood a situation such as mine. Someone is following me telling lies. Could be the police or the church. This is my guess. The lies keep getting worse and as time goes on really pile up. Grey himself thinks less and less of himself. Eventually Grey destroys the portrait because it got so ugly he couldn’t look at it anymore. When he does he kills himself. ??? The other 2 I didn’t really understand. Opera is difficult to follow, so I read the Wikipedia page before watching it but still don’t totally get it. I mean I can’t relate it to my situation. The same with the other Oscar Wilde.
Last post I mentioned the Lower Manhattan Community Center and their possible involvement in Sept 11. I think this is significant. I think this was exposed as early as 2010 but the mainstream media covered it up. And that’s what makes it significant. If they feel the need to cover something up it must be true. I think the cover story they used was the story about someone wanting to build a mosque at ground zero. This is all conjecture. It’s up to you to find out.
I think artists use the ‘moon’ to represent the world under mind control. So here are some examples. "There’s no dark side of the moon,…..as a matter of fact,…..it’s all dark...." Pink Floyd "I’m being followed by a moon shadow..." Cat Stevens "Prick your finger it is done,…the moon has now eclipsed the sun..." Anti Christ Superstar Marilyn Manson "Moon over Alabama....." The Alabama Song The Doors
There is a long 3 hour video on youtube titled “Monarch: The New Phoenix Program” by Gregory Marshall Thomas. Not that far in they show someone being controlled with a joystick. I think? There is a graphic at the top "NIT Communications Science Laboratories". I can’t find anything about this place.
I recently subscribed to American Free Press (dot) net and got a free pdf of 114 uncut and uncensored stories. You can download it at www.philipnute.wordpress.com
They have a lot of books and articles by alternative writers and don’t seem to be too mired in conspiracy and religion. I also found the Mike Piper Report (dot) com through them.
Oct 26, 2017
Philip Nute
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
451 Quincy Ave
Braintree, Massachusetts
USA 02184
Yesterday I made a new playlist on my YouTube account tilted “Confraternity Of Christian Doctrine”. You might be able to find it if you search youtube for “Philip Nute”, but I’m under total surveillance and ‘people’ have my user names and passwords and do whatever they want with my online accounts. I’ll try to summarize what’s in the list. A couple videos about C.C.D., the Confraternity Of Christian Doctrine, a Catholic organization that teaches young people about the Catholic church. Videos about ‘Colony Collapse Disorder’ (C.C.D.) a strange malady afflicting honey bees in North America (WASP white anglo saxon protestant) Videos featuring former members of congress Cynthia McKinney and Jim Trafficant who claim that AIPAC (American Israeli Political Action Committee) runs the U.S Congress. Videos about ‘The B-Thing 9/11’, (the bee thing WASP) where people talk about a group of Israeli art students who occupied part of the World Trade Center for months prior to Sept 11. They were loosely affiliated with the LMCC (Lower Manhattan Community Center) ???. Videos by people who claim that most of the people who were reported killed on Sept 11 don’t appear in the Social Security Death Index. Videos about the fact that most of the money in the Sept 11 Victims Fund has gone unclaimed.