Here are some of my ideas that could be added to the Anarchist Cookbook
Here is an idea to shut off power to a large number of telephone poles before cutting up the wires. Locate a substation. A substation is where the very high voltage of the high tension wires is stepped down for use locally. Substations can usually be found very near high tension wires. Cut down the nearest telephone pole in a direction away from the substation itself pulling the wire with it. This disconnects the wire without touching anything. Do this to enough substations close together and the wires might be dead. It takes time for the transformers on the poles to discharge. Cutting up the wires is important because they can be used as antenna's. If enough wire gets cut up it will be difficult to replace.
The trucks used by electric company's (cherry pickers, etc) are very expensive. When they are using them they leave the engines running because it powers the equipment attached to it. A pellet gun could be used from a somewhat safe distance to puncture the radiator. Five or ten minutes after the radiator is empty, the engine will overheat and sieze making the truck useless. This could also be done to police and fire trucks.
There is a transformer on every few poles all across the country. They can be quite expensive. Shooting a couple holes in them would destroy it. This could also be used on microwave/cell phone towers.
Almost every telephone pole has a grounding rod next to it. I know that coax cable must be continuosly grounded as it goes. There must be a wire extending from the top of the pole to the rod at the base. Cutting this wire may disrupt service.
Create traffic jams in inner city areas by stopping some vehicles and destoying them. Or get some cheap cars get on a highway at rush hour, get next to each other to block the highway, stop and light them on fire. Doing this in areas like downtown Manhattan would create a nightmare traffic jam.
Spray utensils (knives, forks spoons) cups and plates with swamp water or any stagnant water. It can be teeming with bacteria.
Pour acid on the bolts that hold down the towers that hold high tension wires. Or come up with some way to weaken the structure. The next big wind will blow it over.
Destroying the roof of a building is one idea. The roofs of most buildings are weaker than the surrounding walls, and it will do more damage. It would be even better if was raining or snowing. If you can't make a bomb and get it on the roof of a building, get a high powered rifle or pistol and shoot holes in the roof.
Have you ever been to a sporting event and seen them shooting t-shirts into the crowd? Those can be powerful and easily made. Instead of shooting t-shirts rig a piece of non-insulated wire with a couple weights attached. The weights could be hard wooden balls or something. Make the wire long enough to span a couple of high tension lines. Use it to short out high tension lines. The closer you are to a power plant, the more likely you would do damage to the plant itself.
Most places where railroad tracks cross a paved street the rails are at the same height as the pavement. This is done for the cars to cross the rails. The idea is to destroy a small section of the rail where it is the same level as the pavement. It could be easier to hide the damage from people who inspect the tracks. Fill it in with sand or something. The crossings are accessible to anyone and wouldn't attract too much attention. Whatever they use to bring down buildings might eat away enough to work. (World Trade Center) Thermite might work. There are recipes for Thermite in the Anarchist Cookbook 2000 that can be found on this page.
This is an idea to blow a hole in an underground pipeline without digging a hole and not spending too much time at the site. Build a large enough bomb to reach to pipeline with it’s explosion. Bring an extra vehicle (disposible) with you to the site. Preferably a truck. Load the truck with sandbags. At the site, remove some sandbags and place on top of the bomb but not enough prevent the truck from driving over it. Drive the truck over the bomb and leave it. Let the air out of the tires. The idea is that the weight placed on top of the bomb helps to direct the blast downward ensuring it destroys the target. It is the same principle used by construction crews when using dynamite. They have massive steel mats they place over the explosives. Finding the location of pipelines is relatively easy. Here in Massachusetts you simple call 1-800-dig-safe
My Story
Psychiatry is Genocide
Ways to Defeat Synthetic Telepathy
and Neural Implants
Faraday Cage
Faraday Cage. A Faraday cage is any structure that is encased in metal and grounded to earth. The idea is that it shorts any voltage to ground. It is the same idea as coax cable. Coax cable is used for all broadband. The ground is the braided mesh that surrounds the signal carrier inside. It keeps noise off the signal and improves performance. The National Security Agency (which may be the problem in all of this) has it's headquarters at Ft Meade Maryland encased in copper mesh. This is why. Search for NSA and there is a Discovery Channel documentary on it.
Most buildings can be retrofitted to act as a Faraday cage. It may not be as secure as the NSA but good enough. There are a lot of corrugated metal buildings in the country that are used for industrial purposes. If they were sufficiently grounded and a metal roof were added they would make a good Faraday cage. Set up a MASH unit (Mobile Army Surgical Hospital) inside to remove neural implants. A residential house can be made somewhat secure. Aluminum flashing can be put on the floor of the attic, or aluminum screen can be hung in the attic. Metallic paint can be put on the walls.
Noise Generator
Electricity is part of the science of life. All life forms on this planet generate very small electro-magnetic waves that can be picked up by electronic sensors. A Faraday cage can prevent surveillance from the outside but not inside if there are wires that are connected to a utility of some kind. (telephone company, cable or power company) Any wire leaving a building is a highway for surveillance. I have a number of MP3 players that are also an FM radio. The earbuds are the antenna. While the wire is delivering the audio signal to the speakers in the earbuds, it is also sending the recieved signal to the computer (radio). Any unshielded wires in your house, including AC power, could be acting the same. The AC wiring in a house can act like an antenna and pick up and send data to an outside party. The entire electric grid including the telephone poles and all the wires connected could be acting the same. The entire planet could be hooked up to computers acting like HAARP. A huge antenna operating at low frequency and high power. A person's brain gives off about 30 HZ while awake. Steps must be taken to secure the inside if you can't eliminate all utilities. A possible way to defeat the sensors would be to generate a lot of garbage electro-magnetic waves around the people and make it difficult for the sensors to pick up the EMI given off by the people. The people would have to always remain near the generator.
Specific Ideas
1. Spark Generators
Spark transmitters were one of the first Morse Code machines. As radio progressed they were outlawed because they interfered with radio signals. A Jacobs Ladder is a type of spark generator. At high voltages they can interupt everything. The Titanic had a Spark transmitter.
2. Mechanical Generators
Electric motors are notorious for generating noise that interferes with sensitive electronics. All motors have a rotor that must move and be energized at the same time. This is accomplished with a conducting brush that keeps contact with the rotor. It's possible to imitate the noise made by electric motors and then amplify it and broadcast it on an antenna.
3. Electronic Generator
I began experimenting with Texas Instruments MSP430 line of microcontrollers. The Launchpad comes preprogrammed with a software routine that pulses an LED. I theorize you could simply take that pulse, amplify it and put it on an antenna and it might create enough disturbance for one person. It could be made small enough to hang around a person's neck. Another electronic idea is to build a white noise generator, chop up the signal somehow and amplify that.
4. It might be possible to record the noise made by a spark transmitter, make a computer file out of it, then rebroadcast (transmit) it through a cell phone or iPod.
5. Take a spark plug from an internal combustion engine, mount it in a piece of metal to simulate an engine and run it as it would normally be used. It would generate something similar to a Jacob's Ladder or an old fashioned Spark Transmitter.
6. Smarthome sells X10 technology. X10 technology was developed in the 1970's by a company in Scotland. It uses the AC wiring in a house to send control signals to devices connected throughout the house. With a central control panel any light or device can be turned on or off. So it's possible to inject noise onto AC wires.
7. Another method of disabling AC wiring would be to 'tap' the wires like a Morse code key.
8. Filtering is a use of passive componants to eliminate noise. Passive componants consist of capacitors, inductors and resistors. All of these come in voltage ratings high enough for 120 AC. A lowpass filter could be setup near the panel where the wire leaves the building and suppress any frequencies above 60 HZ.
Radio Jamming Equipment
Noise generators prevent signals from being picked up. They could also prevent transmitting. But it might be useful to use the radio spectrum so jamming is more appropriate. In the early days of radar during WWII they discovered the 'microwave hearing effect. It was a clicking noise in the ears of people near the equipment. This technology may be very advanced by now. A possible name is 'electronic brain link'. Jamming is the science of disabling only selected frequencies.
Modern communications are necessary to fight back. Data can be carried along with the normal signal. The human voice creates signals between 200HZ and about 30KHZ. Data could be superimposed on top of the voice. Filtering could prevent this. A low pass filter on a phone line could eliminate everything above 30KHZ. This does not totally solve the problem but it might help. Old style phone modems operate around 28KBPS which might get by, but it would slow the problem down.
General Information
Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...

Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, and it's companion website, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
Beginning of Actual Blog
Oct 31, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I am watching 'Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat' with Donny Osmond. I have two possibilities for the meaning of this film. It is either a metaphor for the history of The United States (Pilgrims) or of a single person. A dog like me. I will work along the lines of the latter first. First you have to get me to give a s*&&. See, I used to be about treating others like I want to be treated but I'm pushing 56 years and it hasn't worked yet, so now I'm about treating others like they treat me. Like crap. I have never been recognized as a life form on this planet so I no longer recognize the germ race. You can say this blog is helping hurting or just my last FU at this world. I don't give a f8&*. As for winding up in Auschwitz, Israel, Gaza or whatever it's called, it was never going to end any differently. As soon as America goes down the poopy will take out his bible (if he's got one) flip to some random page and say 'Gee lets do this one for 200 years'.
The French Revolution
Thomas Carlyle
Journal of the Temple
M Clery
The Memoirs of MLLE. des Echerelles
The Memoirs of M Nicholas
Alexis de Tocqueville
Alexis de Tocqueville was a french writer of the early 19th century. He was descended from the French aristocracy. He was the first generation after the French Revolution. He traveled to many countries in Europe and wrote about the people and times. He also traveled to America and wrote 'Democracy in America' around 1825.
The French revolution happened just after the American revolution. Napolean Bonaparte rose to power soon after the French revolution. From about 1800 to 1815 he waged war on all of Europe. He was finally defeated by Wellington at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. He was exiled to an island named Elba where he lived for about ten more years. He had time to write his memoirs and diaries.
The Diaries of Napolean Bonaparte
Napolean Bonaparte
'History is a lie agreed upon'
Hitler died before the end of the war. Or so we are told. He left no memoirs or diaries.
Geheimnis Tibet - I'm getting screwed by an out of control theocracy
The Creepin' Crud
My father had a name he used for the dirt that built up in the house over time. The Creepin' Crud. If he sat down in a chair at the end of a day and put his hand on some bit of food left there he'd say 'The creepin crud'. Back in the 1970's and 80's the gays in Boston fought a long legal battle against the organizers of the annual St Patricks Day parade in South Boston. I think they won but sentiment was so against them they didn't march.
'I saw a cop kneel and kiss...
the feet of a priest...
and the queer..
threw up at the sight of that...'

Five Years
David Bowie
Ziggy Stardust
"Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely"
Lord Acton
(and makes for arrogance personified more accurately defined as psychosis which is the inability to know right from wrong - see Stanford Prison Experiment)
I don't think Lord Acton was predicting the future but instead was describing a condition that already existed.
'Just as every cop is a criminal...
and all the sinners saints...

Sympathy for the Devil
The Rolling Stones
The Silent Takeover: Global Capitalism and the Death of Democracy
Noreena Hertz
The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism
Naomi Klein
None Dare Call It Conspiracy
Gary Allen
'Imagine a boot stamped on a human face, forever'
George Orwell
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
(Phil's been at the email again)
'Alice in Wonderland' may be a case of a runaway. A young girl chased out of her home who is eventually sexually assaulted by an older man. Thus sending him to prison. A typical scenario for the people who manipulate and murder. She may have been secretly drugged to make her leave. 'Alice' was written well before LSD. LSD is a synthetic drug that causes hallucinations. There are naturally occuring substances that have the same effect. Psylicibin is one. (I think) We used to call it 'Magic Mushrooms' I believe it comes from the Peyote plant which is a mushroom. So 'Alice' could have been written in 1865. In the book she stash's away mushrooms for her journey. She gets them from the Hooka Smoking Caterpillar. "Go ask Alice, when she's ten feet tall...."
Go Ask Alice
Baker and Taylor
(Some books have been proven as frauds)
'Go Ask Alice.....
I think she'll know....'

White Rabbit
Jefferson Airplane
"Alice in Wonderland" and it's sequel "Alice Through the Looking Glass" are a series of cryptic messages about how our world works. Something like 'Gullivers Travels' by Jonathan Swift. They describe how the ruling elite deal with the problem of the proletariat. It's made into a fantasy because 'the truth wears a veil in Western Civilization'. If it didn't western civilization wouldn't exist. The proletariat is the constantly expanding unskilled labor force created by the greed and avarice of the rich and powerful. "Alice in Wonderland" is an adultery and eventually a murder. A young girl is paired with a man and sent off together. Much of what happens to them is orchestrated. Both were probably 'jewed' (chickenshitted) before leaving and were unable to make it in this society. One or both end up dead. There are many references to 'Alice' in movies and music. Jefferson Airplane's 'White Rabbit' and The Beatles 'I Am The Walrus' are two. 'I Am The Walrus' is about the skit performed by Tweedledum and Tweedledee. That skit is about the ever expanding proletariat and the 'killing' of oysters (jews). "It would take seven maids seven years to wash away this sand" The 'walrus' could be the catholic church and the 'carpenter' the protestant. Books on the same subject include 'Lady L' by Romain Gary, 'Alice is an Adultery' by Aleister Crowley and a movie 'Alice or the Last Escapade' by Claude Chabrol.
Oct 30, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Who does all the Puss N Boot'n? Wouldn't it be better if rich people actually earned it? Let things ebb and flow naturally? Que Sera Sera
Your mission should you decide to accept it, take back America one coffee shop at a time.
I recently purchased the cd "The Who By Numbers" by The Who. I had this cd once before and didn't like it. This time I really like it. One song 'Success Story' stands out. It starts out with someone going from Rock N Roll to religion. At the end he goes from religion to Rock N Roll. The very last thing said is 'He amended his decision for the new religion'. The 1950's movie version of H G Wells 'The Time Machine' has the Sunshine/Eloi people at the very end. They are literally cattle for the More Locks who gather them with some sort of siren and eat them. I sometimes think the Sunshine/Eloi people bowed and smiled and pleased and thank you'd themselves into hell. Now they're down in hell looking up and saying 'GET ME OUT OF HERE'. Scientology - A religion invented by L Ron Bumquist (Hubbard) (the plugged in)
I'm a political agitator. Not a professional political agitator. An agitated agitator. An agitated agitator who agitates because he's agitated.
'My love is vengeance...'
I heard somewhere that 8 million people are without power after Hurricane Sandy.
OMG like here's a plan.
It's a secret plan,
so get out your secret decoder rings
(kcab ti tup t'nod)
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
(Phil's been at the email again)
Slaves. Oranges and Lemons say the Bells of St Clemons..... Life is cheap, and getting cheaper. As a member of the wage slave system you are a slave. There are two designations: asset and liability. If you are an asset you earn your holder more than you cost them. If you are a liability you cost your holder more than you earn them and thus are a candidate for a plane ride to nowhere. Since the wage slave system is also the capitalist system there are further complications. The capitalist system over produces all life sustaining goods and produces many life saving goods thus running populations out of control. Those populations are mostly poor and indigent. (proletariat) In an effort to control the problem many of aforementioned proletariat are pre-f^%$ed up and are designated as corporate fodder for psychiatry and other secret medi-fascist disiplines. Many join Knucklehead U (ie Army, Marines etc) and kill at randon and get to be favored fodder. This pre-f8&6ing up is also good for bankers. In any money as debt, debt as money country anyone who walks into a bank and gets a loan expands the money supply. So in an effort to regulate the value of that countries currency it becomes necessary to control the number of people who can walk into a bank and get a loan. At some point the system breaks down. It can be any number of reasons. When the perverbial poop hits the perverbial artificial wind generating device it is best for the rich to skip town and get the proletariat to kill each other so the cycle can be repeated.
We Saw, We Came, We F8&^5erd It Up, We Left, We Blamed It On Someone Else
The Night And Jesuits Always Return
A Tale Of Two Planets
We Saw, We Came. We Fu&6$D It Up, We Left, We Blamed Someone Else (A Tale of Two Planets)
Las Vegas was started in it's present form by a man named Bugsy Seigal. (Bugsy Bugs Bunny???) He was removed ? then it was owned by the mob. aka Mafia. The mafia is mostly associated with Italy which is probably the most catholic country on earth. In the 60's and 70's (so the story goes) Howard Hughes bought the entire town and ran it from a penthouse on one of the casinos. No one ever saw Howard and there were rumors he was crazy. Howard died, supposedly, a recluse sometime in the 70's. Today Las Vegas is a corporate gambling mecca. There's no telling who owns it. See them dams Americans gets along too well. Everybody will just get along if they are left along. So enter the poopy and L Ron Bumquist (I mean Hubbard). See one day in the future the poopy gets to throw a switch and all the cops (robocops) in Americas draws thier weapons like an old western shootout. And guess what (Don't look at me) thats what you get for gambling. (a reference to the gambler in 'The House Of The Rising Sun)
'And the wind cries Mary....
The Wind Cries Mary
Jimi Hendrix
(Mary Queen of Scots, Bloody Mary, The Virgin Mary the more the mary(er) Mary Christmas
Oct 29, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I am watching a movie version of 'A Tale of Two Cities' by Charles Dickens. It was made in 1935 and stars Ronald Colman. At the very beginning it lists a bibliography of 4 books. I found 3 of them on the internet the other I have listed.
The French Revolution
Thomas Carlyle
Journal of the Temple
M Clery
The Memoirs of MLLE. des Echerelles
The Memoirs of M Nicholas
Is the name 'Stewart' (Payne Stewart) Scottish? As in Scottish Enlightenment?
3 Books
The Silent Takeover: Global Capitalism and the Death of Democracy
Noreena Hertz
The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism
Naomi Klein
None Dare Call It Conspiracy
Gary Allen
Oct 28, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Payne Stewart a professional golfer died in an unusual airplane accident in 1999. What if 'Janet Flights' that go in and out of Area 51 were completely automated. The 'Zombies' are loaded, die after becoming airborne and then are disposed of by machinery at Area 51. This would all help to keep it a secret.
Does the Mayan Calender, Dec 21 2012, have anything to do with the indian thing?
Lance (LBJ) from 'Apolcalypse Now'
Pilgrim from 'Slaughterhouse 5'
'And the unsung Western hero,..
killed an Indian or three....
and made his name in Hollywood..
to set the white man free..

Hymm 43
Jethro Tull
Puss N Boots - A person who is manipulated into wealth and/or power by someone else. Usually a person who is corruptable and controllable.
'Ass clown, you're goin down...'
Ass Clown
'A handful of Senators,..
won't pass legislation....
Ball of confusion...
Thats what the world is today...'

Ball of Confusion
The Temptations
Oct 27, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
3 Books
The Silent Takeover: Global Capitalism and the Death of Democracy
Noreena Hertz
The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism
Naomi Klein
None Dare Call It Conspiracy
Gary Allen
Oct 26, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Does the Mayan calender, Dec 21, 2012, have anything to do with the indian thing?
Boycott Defense Industry Jobs
'It's my own design,...
it's my own remorse...
help me to decide...'

Everybody Wants To Rule The World
Tears For Fears
Invention. Get a project box, wire a standard AC linefilter (see below) to a standard wall outlet and use it to plug in anything that has an antenna. ie telephone, modem etc. I found one ready made, TDK ANF 106U, but it's expensive and has only one receptacle.
Oct 25, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I have made a number of posts concerning filtering noise. (yesterday) I don't know if any of those solutions solve anything. If the device (load) itself is generating the signals, it's not noise. I bring it up only to get other people to think about it. The picture below is a 'linefilter' that can be found in most computers. My guess is any solution to reject/suppress high frequencies would have to be in-circuit like this. It's possible they make wall receptacles like the linefilter.
Oct 24, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Area 51, A Death Camp?
Two movies that have one of the main characters board a plane in the Nevada desert at the end and are never heard from again.
Hair: The Musical
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Oct 23, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
The pictures below are of a carbon monoxide detector. This one just plugs into the wall. Given what I know now about BPL (Broadband Over Powerlines) I suspect even this of doing something it shouldn't. This morning I took it apart and put some tin foil inside. I also located the breaker in the electric panel and determined that the cellar stair light was on the same circuit and placed a ferrite bead on it. I don't know if things fix anything.
Oct 20, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
There are times I believe the IQ champion in the movie 'Bedtime for Bonzo' was not Ronald Reagan. I think he was the most clueless, manipulated president we ever had. So much so that he wasn't afraid of them, he didn't even know they were there. This is why 'The Republican Noise Machine' loves him so much. The last time I was in the hospital I was court ordered to take medication. I was managing to dump it behind my teeth (shhh, no one is supposed to know about synthetic telepathy). So my friendly local human radio walked by my door one day and said 'Just say no to drugs'. This, of course is a reference to Nancy Reagans 'Just Say No' campaign. I'm thinkin this is some kind of inside Scientology joke. Anyway the (noise) media reported during his presidency that Nancy was going to a psychic. ????? (psychiatrist) All psychiatrists are internal flunkies ya know. Anyway. Ole Dutch eventually died of Alzheimers, which can look very similar to long term exposure to anti-psychotics. I am an equal opportunity kind of guy, I hate everyone!!!!
This country was born a fascist romanist country. It will not change by itself. There is no peaceful or political solution. If you think about it, it makes sense. If people actually knew what it is, it would have died a long time ago. This is why the once feared Roman army has become a pathetic parade of dress wearing cross bearing girlie men whose only weapons are lies and manipulation. The Spanish Inquisition ended around 1820. Because they knew it couldn't continue. The American Inquisition is the Spanish Inquisition with the rule of law. Everything is hidden. Do they ever come out of the closet? Do they ever have a headline? I don't know. I don't care. My life is ruined.
No dog will ever come back from the abyss
'Might as well be walking on the sun.....
This country was born a fascist romanist country. Everyone we've elected since July 4, 1776 has been nothing more than an elevator operator on our descent into hell.
Oct 19, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Really Dumb Question Of The Day
Did the Confederate States of America have a central bank?
(Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain)
It was Lincoln who said "You can fool some of the people all of the time, you can fool all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time". I like to substitute the word 'please' for 'fool'. I figure I can't please anyone so I don't try. Aside from the fact I don't care. People in Holywood have whole PR firms to keep everyone happy. I don't give a s&^6. My motto is "leave em miserable". If I ever wind up running anything (I know that's REALLY dreaming) I will run it from some place like East Bumf^%4 North Dakota and no one will ever see or hear from me again. I'll be the good big brother to someone's bad big brother.
There is somebody somewhere who is always working toward some end but never gets there. They are forever stirring things up and causing trouble as a means to that end. There are a lot of people who follow these people. To the people who follow "does it ever occur to you that you never get there?". There is no Utopia. After winning the Trojan War the Greeks spent 20 years fighting all manner of demons losing as many men as they did in Troy. They don't care about you. And when all was said and done, nothing changed. You murdered and tortured and tormented and maimed for nothing. You lost precious years of your own lives and that of your wives and children. And someone else benefitted.
Why was New Orleans picked as the symbol of American freedom? Is it because it is the site of one of Andrew Jackson's greatest victories? Andrew Jackson 'killed the bank'.
Jonny Horton - The Battle of New Orleans
Oct 18, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Why I Will Not Stop On My Own
I accept some of the responsibility for my role in this. I interceded of my own free will going on 5 years ago. Since then I have come to believe some of the responsibilty was thrust upon me very early in my life. As 'The Who' stated '....thought you were chasing a destiny calling...'. It's possible millions were chosen and maybe I'm the lone survivor. I don't know who fired the first shot. I sometimes think my life was destroyed for some 2 cent reason, it was spotted by someone and down the road I went. Anyone who is aware of synthetic telepathy understands the gravity of the situation. They don't allow suicide. At least that's what I have come to believe. No one will help. Like 'Alice in Chains' said '.....he who tries, will be wasted....'. So I'm stuck. I will never join the chickenshit army fag parade and impart this misery on others. Period. I feel it is nobler in the heart to take the crap. This is Prison Planet. There's no disappearing. I don't know who has an implant and who doesn't. I don't know who's a bad guy and who's a good guy. There is no point in asking anyone to find out. People with implants don't always act in thier own best interest. Bad guys never act in my best interest. So you do whatever you feel is best and not worry about anyone else's opinion. There is nothing for me beyond Weymouth. Or in Weymouth. All I have left is dying. Why should I leave the relative comfort of home and make misery for myself. I have never felt a part of anything. Not even my family, not this planet. I have never had anyone to confide in and no one has ever confided in me. I have never had a close friend. So I'm not going to try to get other's opinions because I don't know how. And I don't care anymore. I am alone and have no problem with it. Continuing is in the best interest of the people I have already thrown under the bus. ' love is vengeance....' I am doing the only thing I'm going to do. If no one wants me to continue make a decision.
There's a med return kiosk in the lobby of the Weymouth Pig-Lice station.
HA HA That's a joke son, I made a funny and you're not laughin'
'Got to keep the loonies on the path.....'
You missed by 3 houses
(the Sacred Heart Church is in Weymouth Landing)
The word GODzilla has become synonymous with the word GODzilla
It's symbolism, don't you get it
'There is a house in New Orleans.....
It's people trying to be free
Mark Parenteau was my favorite DJ at BCN. He wound up in jail in Washington DC for a sex crime. I think. Sex crimes are a favorite of these people. Did I tell you the story of my encounter with the Hanover Police at the Hanover Mall? They can take things out of your head they can put them in. This includes small children. There was probably a BCN in every major market in this country. That's a lot of Japs.
It used to be that police were not allowed to take anonymous tips. If some one gave them information they had to have your name address and whatever. They did this to prevent people getting framed. Given the possibilities of synthetic telepathy they should go back to that practice. The prison industrial complex. If you can't make it in this society this society gets to make it on you.
Oct 17, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Observation. A Puss N Boots character. I have been watching 'Mr Smith Goes To Washington' with Jimmy Stewart. The person who is trying to get a dam built illegaly is called a Puss N Boots at one point. What would be the purpose of a Puss N Boots? My guess is it corrupts the political process and the people at the top in general and seperates the truely guilty at the same time. ????? Why would someone want to do that? It's like the auto repair guy in 'The Great Gatsby' murders Gatsby and the people who really deserve to be caught get away. ????(Donald Trump MEOW) '...this town's full of money grabbers, go ahead bite the big apple, don't mind the maggots.... When the power of love overcomes the love of power we will know peace - James Marshall Hendrix Why did the Nazi's go to Tibet looking for the roots of the Aryan race? The Jumping Frogs of Calaveras County - Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun
Automobile Railroads
The book 'Utopia', by Sir Thomas More, talks about how the rich and powerful walled off thousands of acres to over produce something that had become very popular. (I don't remember what) It displaced thousands of people that had to be disposed of by the pig-lice. (the proletariat disposal service of the secret fascist pig diarhea united kingdom) In the old West here in the United States towns would vie for a railroad stop in thier towns. It brought people and commerce. The Interstate Highway system is very similar. A person can get from Boston to N Maine with only a couple stops to go skiing. Stops at Burger King or McDonalds then spend all thier money in a monopolized resort and then go back. Before the highway system there were hundreds of small businesses along routes that would get people to the resorts. Once the highway system was built these people lost thier livlihood. After that thier land values went down and they probably lost that. This is one example of how the rich have concentrated the wealth. While it's not illegal it's immoral. Where are those people now?
'Sometimes you can't make it on your own......

(I destroy other peoples lives to make other people rich and myself miserable because I can't do anything else)
Piss Jesus
Jesus is a psycho killer power and money slut
To Be Or Not To Be
Whether tis nobler in the heart
to be the victim or the victimizer
Oct 16, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
This is a guess. I don't actually know. If you have an implant and you want out of this crazy world all you have to do is drive to a secluded spot at 3:30 in the morning and someone will come and pick you up. They don't need any verification you have had enough. What don't they know?
Hunter S Thomson is the 1960's version of the internet troll (me me me)
The internet troll is the 21st century gonzo journalist
If you think about it, it makes sense
We've gone from The Beatles to Ministry and Marilyn Manson
It's the moral decline of Western Civilization
Nothing to see here folks
Move along
Everything's going according to plan
At the end of the tour you will get a 'meet and greet' with Fabian
The Catholic Church did not officially take sides in the American Civil War but they were leaning towards the south
The Klueless Klucks Klan was started in Pulaski Tenn in 1865
Helen Reddy - There goes Ruby Red Dress
It came out of the Virginia Swamps....The Doors - The WASP Texas Radio and the Big Beat
Wasp and Whale - Alice in Chains
(these songs are homework, I can't type them all)
Nevada's state motto is 'Battle Born'
Nevada has gambling (a very Romanist activity)
Nevada has desert
Lake Meade was formed by Hoover Dam in 1933
It provides water for Las Vegas
The NSA headquarters are located on the grounds of Ft Meade MD ?????
Mark Twain got his literary career started in Nevada
(the Jumping Frogs of Calaveras County)
Mark Twain was a Freemason
Save your Confederate money the south will rise again (from Nevada)
California Uber Alles - The Dead Kennedy's (above all else California)
Jerry Brown is a zen fascist
The Nazi's went to Tibet in the 1930's to look for the perfect Aryan
(Geheimnis Tibet)
They're looking for blonde haired blue eyed Aryans????
What were they trying to say?
I think it's "I'm getting screwed by an out of control theocracy"
Which begs for the questions:
Who's running China?
How many domino's are left?
Bill Clinton D-Arkansas gave MFN (most favored nation) status to China every year of his presidency
Thus giving them all our manufacturing
It's the counter revolution at the counter of a store... - Rush Heresy
Is Bill Clinton a Klueless Kluck?
Too tall to be a despot, but watch him closely.... U2 Zoo TV Live from Sydney DVD
And now a look at the progression of Rock Roll
Live Aid was a concert staged in 1985
Just after Roger Waters released Radio K.A.O.S
The last song was 'The Tide is Turning' (after Live Aid)
A lot of people who 'knew too much' called themselves Japanese ?????
The House of the Rising Sun
(it's symbolism)
Japan was referred to as the House of the Rising Sun in WWII
The flag was a rising sun
The Cure released Bloodflowers in the year 2000
(one of the better songs 'Watching Me Fall')
People might criticize me for throwing people under the bus
I say 'what differnce does it make'
Everyone is involved anyway (you're either guilty or in the dark)
I mention people from WBCN a lot
They might have been some of the Japanese
They knew too much
Mark Parenteau wound up in jail
They might have already spent their lives on the recieving end of these assholes
Dan Rea WBZ radio The Voice of REAson
Being reasonable is part of the problem
Americans intellectualize revolution
Do you love your gun god government.... The Love Song Marilyn Manson
Oct 15, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
To Serve And Protect The Us In The Just-Us System
Before the American Revolution there were no Police in this country. If someone commited a crime against you, you were responsible for solving the matter. If you want something done right, or at all, do it yourself. Calvin Coolidge was a hero to the American public when he fired the entire Boston police dept. So much so that he was elected president. If you or someone you know has been wronged by this I wouldn't wait around for anyone who's anyone to help. I would investigate it and publish everything. Don't worry about throwing people under the bus. I call this 'Orwells Revenge'.
My mother has gone away a couple times in the last month. The first time I re-hooked up the alarm and used it to see if anyone enters the house when it is empty. I don't actually know I only suspect. I wanted to leave a record with the alarm company. Atlas Alarm in Weymouth. They (and I don't know who because they have never presented themselves) responded by beeping the alarm one night all night and forced my mother to buy a battery for a backup. It cost $35 at Radio Shack in Quincy. I used it again this morning anyway in case there are still humans out there.
Oct 12, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I have two suggestions for laws. 1. Foreign Powers Act. This would limit the amount of property a sovereign nation could own inside the United States. It is specifically aimed at the Vatican. 2. Nepotism and Ancestry Laws. Synthetic telepathy, neural implants and the microwave hearing effect can all be used to cheat on civil service exams. Most states already have laws regarding nepotism but not ancestry. It should be illegal for anyone to work in the government, elected or otherwise, who had a parent or grandparent work for the government. This would help prevent families from feeling like they own the government.
Oct 11, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
A Real Con Job
I believe the church and Henry VIII purposely made the English Reformation worse to make a permanent enemy of the White Anglo Saxon Protestant. They've now spent 500 years trying to eracicate them. It satifies the divide and conquer theory of making money and holding power. They have to get the proletariat to get rid of the proletariat. Maybe they'll have it done in another 500 years. H G Wells was an English science fiction writer in the last half of the 19th century and first half of the 20th. He was also a member of the Fabian Society. The Fabian Society is a socialist organization that believes in implementing socialism gradually over time. The name Fabian comes from a Roman general who believed in the same principle as applied to war. Wells wrote a book titled 'War of the Worlds'. It's about a Martian invasion of Earth. Hollywood made a movie in the 1950's. Orson Wells (no relation ???) caused a panic in 1939 with his radio broadcast of the book. George Hegel was an associate of Karl Marx. I believe the oligarchy collective has adopted much of his philosophy. One principle is 'problem, reaction, solution'. As the collective has run out of room on this planet they need to look to other worlds to keep the proletariat busy. I believe aliens are the next enemy. Area 51
ECOMCON A mythical base in the movie 'Seven Days in May' (E ?? COMunist CON job)
VIRTUCON The base for Dr Evil in one of the Austin Powers movies. (outside Las Vegas)
Area 51
'Movin In' - The first song on Chicago's second album (Pied Piper) after the 'SUMMER OF LOVE' the memory was danced from the minds of Americans DISCO
Oct 10, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Money as Debt, Debt as Money
In the fractional reserve, central banking, system everyone that goes into a bank and gets a loan, and the government, expands the money supply. Since every loan comes with interest it takes more money than is loaned (created) to pay it back. That being the case, the money to pay the interest doesn’t exist and never will. It is mathematically impossible for any country with the central banking system to get out of debt. This is the basic reason for inflation. Over time the value of the currency decreases because an ever increasing amount is needed to pay the interest. Two things can be done to help control inflation: 1. Control the number of people who get loans. In many countries this is accomplished through genocide. 2. Try to expand the level of affluence of the society. As inflation raises the cost of living raise the education and skill level of each member of the society. Sooner or later the solution is to collapse the whole society and start over. Often the genocide is carried out along some arbitrary ethnic or racial line to facilitate a war. It conceals the banking system as the reason.
Pink Floyd
Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Naked self interest will render the human race a non-functioning species sooner or later
Ayn Rand
The Russian Radical
Search internet for:
Vatican Ratlines
Evita Peron
Oct 8, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Chickenshit Heroes
I know people come in this house when no one is home. And they shouldn’t. My mother has never informed me of anyone who is authorized. It has been this way for as long as we have been here. Fifty some odd years. The last time my mother was gone I tried to prove this by using the alarm. It’s hooked into Atlas Alarm here in Weymouth. This is one thing that leads me to believe my mother signed over the house after she accepted an implant. I don’t know why she did. She was conned. My father had saved 6 or 7 hundred thousand dollars by the time he retired in the early 1990?s. He had that, plus this house and a house where he had his office. 270-272 Pleasant St in Weymouth. He sold the office soon after he retired. In the late 1970?s they ran into a financial adviser named Ken (something) ,I don’t remember, who convinced them to invest in mutual funds. They really liked this guy and took his advice. Ken ________ moved to Minnesota soon after but they kept investing. My mother stills gets mail from Fidelity but I wonder if it is all gone like the house. I have told the story of how channel 7 here in Boston changed hands in the 1970?s. I think it’s the same thing. There’s them’s with and there’s them’s without. Whoever has synchronicity is running amuck. Edie Sedgwick anyone? Can you use that thing to cheat on civil service exams? I got mine screw you. The rallying cry of fascists.
Glen Beck on FEMA Camps - youtube
Civilian Inmate Labor Program
National Emergency Centers Camp
HR Bill 645
Oct 7, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Let them eat "Yellowcake". Do the global elite, the rich and famous, think of everyone else as 'dirty apes'?
Oct 6, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Vatileaks, The Butler Did It HA HA
Some facts are irrefutable. As a sufferer of 'Winston' I don't know what's what. Is the story 'The Mutiny on the Bounty' real? I mean c'mon. Fletcher Christian? The Bounty? Tahiti? It supposedly happened around 1790. Is it like setting me up on 'Easy St'? Samual Finley Breeze Morse is credited with inventing the telegraph, though he never made a dime. Tesla anyone? The very first thing transmitted over a wire was 'What hath God wrought?'. Seems like a funny thing to say from the person who invented the thing. Morse published a book a few years earlier titled 'Foreign Conspiracies Against The Liberties Of The United States: The Numbers Of Brutus'. It is a scathing indictment of the Jesuits. As a kid I believed the name 'Philip' meant 'lover of horses'. As in 'Trojan Horse'. King Philipe of France, along with the Pope, turned on The Knights Templar. I believe there was a 'dog' incident in Seattle in the late 1980's. What was his/her name? Nicholas Bonneville was an associate of Thomas Paine. He wrote a book accusing the Jesuits of trying to put Templar symbols into Freemasonry. (sarcasm alert) Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone 30 or 40 years after Morse invented the telegraph. A Jesuit bought the first phone and used it as a bug in Bell's lab. The problem has worsened exponentially ever since. The Fifteenth United States Army took posession of The Crown of St Stephen in May 1945. ????? Who visited George Bush in May 2007? Queen Elizabeth II. Who visited George Bush in April 2008? Pope Benedict XVI. Teddy Roosevelt signed 'The Sherman Anti-Trust Act' giving the government the power to break up corporations that become too large and act like monopolies. Two successful uses are Rockefeller's Standard Oil and AT&T. Two companies formed with the breakup of Standard Oil were ESSO and Mobil. ESSO later changed it's name to EXXON. We now have EXXONMobil. ?????? AT&T was broken up in 1984. The telecommunication industry has changed a lot since then and most of that breakup has been reversed. The church is not fighting capitalism or helping the poor.
Oct 5, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
This post is some thoughts on removing or disabling implants. I have been re-watching the movie 'Catch-22'. One character named 'Orr' is always crashing his plane on purpose and working on some type of gadget. In one scene he is sitting with Capt Taplan in the commander's office. He is soaking wet from being at sea 3 days after he crashed again. He tells Capt Taplan 'it's good practice'. At the end of the movie the other's find out that Orr made it to Sweden and was greeted by a trio of Swedish girl scouts and will sit out the rest of the war. In the movie 'The Graduate' the main character, Benjamin, is under water scuba diving when they play the song 'The Sound of Silence' by Simon and Garfunkel. Some people beleive the HAARP facility in Alaska has something to do with communicating with submarines. The question is 'Do neural implants work under water?'. Halloween is approaching. Is it possible to make a mask of some type of EMI absorbing material and cover the entire head and maybe part of the upper body and get someone to a faraday cage facility and get the implant removed? An implant has to be of very, very low power. It either runs on the tiny voltages produced by the brain or some sort of wireless transfered energy. The size of it has to be very small. The power rating must be a fraction of a watt. The picture below is of a surge suppressor for a Ham radio. The antenna goes in one side and comes out the other. There is a small gas cylinder at the top and a connection to earth ground at the bottom. If the antenna recieves a jolt of electricty that the reciever can't handle the gas discharges and directs the current to ground thus protecting the equipment. Even a hundred watt reciever can be worth $500 or $600 dollars so it's worth the money. The idea is this, and don't try this at home, or even at all if you think it's too dangerous, get a hundred people with implants in a circle and produce a nasty spike in the middle of the group. I have no idea if this would work.
Oct 4, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
I have watched Eisenhower's Farewell Speech hundreds of times. He seems like a very nice person. Toward the end he warns of a 'community of dreadful fear and hate' and 'that the weak be allowed at the table...'. This is the America I thought I lived in until a few years ago. Makes me wonder when he figured it out. He was the supreme allied commander for the European theatre in WWII. He was president for 8 years. There was a movie made about Gen George Patton in the 60's or 70's. Patton was a no nonsense git r done military man like U S Grant. The movie says his men called him 'Blood and Guts Patton'. Thier blood and his guts. According to the movie Patton was given a 'paper army' just before the war ended. He made some statement about going all the way to Moscow. The 'paper army' was gathering documents or something like that. He died in an automobile accident shortly thereafter. Makes me wonder if he figured it out and was murdered.
The Oddfellows Hall Jackson Square East Weymouth Mass The former home of The Atlantic House a social club for disabled adults
Oct 3, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Philip Pirrup (Pip) of 'Great Expectations'. A 'dog' is a person who was destroyed in infancy and then set up to be abused their entire life as a way to publicize the poor's dislike of the capitalist system. ????? It would not have been that difficult, or expensive, to approach a builder named Brown in 1957 Weymouth and say 'could you name one of your street's "Easy" and sell a house to Mr Nute'. It's not the exact circumstances of Philip Pirrup but it's close. If this activity is carried on by the Freemason's (Oddfellows ????) one should remember Freemasonry is a pyramid scheme. The people at the bottom don't know everything the people at the top know. The people at the bottom may believe it has a noble purpose but the people at the top know otherwise. This is probably why it never worked. Another observation. Why do people think digging up inconsistencies in history will help? In the novel '1984' Winston screens another persons information. If there is nothing to hide why have a Winston? Two problems I suspect are wrong with history. If the Pope controls Israel, and Israel is a concentration camp, and Benjamin Disraeli is mostly responsible for it's existence then they are all the same thing. There is no Pope vs Queen. Why did Queen Elizabeth I leave her kingdom to the King of Scotland (James VI), if England and Scotland weren't formally united for another 100 years. While the Catholic church may have had nothing to do with the beginning of the Protestant Reformation, it may have purposely exasterbated the situation in England to satisfy the divide and conquer theory. They purpusely made the English and subsequently the Americans an enemy to keep future generations fighting among themselves. You have to keep the proletariat distracted and fighting each other to hold power.
Oct 1, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Summer Movie and Book Review
(this is a collection of posts I made over the summer about books and movies
Alice in Wonderland
Go Ask Alice
Some books have been proven as frauds
"Alice in Wonderland" and it's sequel "Alice Through the Looking Glass" are a series of cryptic messages about how our world works. They describe how the ruling elite deal with the problem of the proletariat. It's made into a fantasy because "the truth wears a veil in Western Civilization'. If it didn't it wouldn't exist. You can't say that, if you did you could be in a lot of trouble. The proletariat is the constantly expanding unskilled labor force created by the greed and avarice of the rich and powerful. "Alice in Wonderland" is an adultery and eventually a murder. A young girl is paired with a man and sent off together. Much of what happens to them is orchestrated. Both were probably 'jewed' (chickenshitted) before leaving and were unable to make it in this society. One or both end up dead.
'Alice in Wonderland' is a series of fictional vignettes used to describe subversive activities of certain elements of western civilization. It often involves a girl who is 'jewed' and unable to make it in the world. The only one I'm sure I've been through recently is 'The Hooka Smoking Caterpiller'. I was going to a day treatment facility in Quincy center in 2002. I was sitting at a table with two other guys when they deciced to do a little dope deal. They did it right in front of me but ignored me at the same time. Later I informed staff. This of course is a pigeon. One of them I never saw again, the other continued to attend. The idea here is to make me feel guilty about what happpened to the one that didn't return. It must have been after that I had a small car accident on the way home. I had to call AAA. When they came I had a little problem paying for it. Another attempt to make me feel guilty. I'm sure whatever I tried to do to make up for the guilt I was only going to get in deeper. This is how Alice works. The Just-Us system.
I have been re-watching 'Alice in Wonderland'. At the beginning Alice (aka Esmerelda, Helen, Juliet) is expected to sing to a group of people in an English garden. The significance might be she is being sent on a mission to learn something about life. She is reluctant to go. When she goes down the rabbit hole the first thing she sees is a really big garden. The door to enter the garden is very small so she drinks a potion to make herself small. Like the beginning of Led Zeppelin's 'Stairway to Heaven' "There's a lady who thinks all that glitters is gold". Alice wants to enter the garden to be rich. She takes drugs and does things that are not good for her to get there. She gets 'small' like the song "our shadows grow taller than our souls". Long term use of illegal drugs will cause brain damage. Brain damage is almost always irreversible. Once the grey cells are gone they don't come back. "I don't like the drugs, but the drugs like me" Thanks a lot assholes. Why don't I do more to avoid it? Like what? "You Can Knock At Any Door, But Wherever You Go You Know They've Been There Before" "I have become Comfortably Numb" It's a sickness and you're all germs. Right Now Oysters Are Being Robbed Of Thier Sole Possession. In the end Alice is a victim like everyone else. The Montagues and the Capulets fued for another 300 years.
Toward the end of either 'Alice in Wonderland' or 'Through the Looking Glass' there is a scene with a walrus and a carpenter eating oysters. Is the walrus the catholic church? Is the carpenter the protestant church? Koo Koo Ka Choo
The 'white rabbit' in Alice in Wonderland is the same thing as Jay Gatsby in 'The Great Gatsby'. He is a white anglo-saxon protestant who was 'jewed' (chickenshitted) as ethnic cleansing. At least that is what the peole at the bottom think. The truth is it is economic, and could happen to them someday.
Alice Through the Looking Glass
'Alice Through the Looking Glass' is a sequel to Alice in Wonderland. It expands on explaining how western civilization (the oligarchy collective) works by using cryptic messages. Tweedledee and Tweedledum are two inept men who have a mock battle over something stupid. This could be a metaphor for a lot of things. Just before they do they tell a story of the walrus and the carpenter. It is a glimpse into the future where the proletariat is very large and how it needs to be swept away. Then they have a mock battle. "All the worlds a stage" Hitler was either a phoney or a fool. She later runs into a nutty inventor on a horse. Jay Gatsby is an inventor.
The Great Gatsby
In the movie ‘The Great Gatsby’ Gatsby is murdered by someone who thinks his wife was killed by him. This is standard operating procedure for this scum. Manipulating others and situations to achieve an objective and look like you had nothing to do with it. They're always two or three layers removed the the crime. Fighting an information war could combat this. If the term ‘Civil War’ is an oxy moron the term ‘Civil Revolution’ is even more so. Try to discover these crimes, investigate and publish a book, pamphlet whatever and name names. Throw people under the bus willy nilly. They’re either guilty or involved anyway and don’t know it.
I have finished watching the movie 'The Great Gatsby' with Robert Redford. It is based on the book of the same name by F Scott Fitzgerald. The book was written in the 1920's, the movie was made in the 1970's. It is set in the 1920's 8 years after WWI. The main character is Jay Gatsby played by Redford. He is a mysterious wealthy man living in New York. A 'Puss N Boots' character maybe. No one knows where he got his money or what he does for a living. He tells people he attended Oxford University after the war. Oxford is a famous university in England. Late in the movie he wears a pink suit. Gettin the picture. He's been destroyed. He throws crazy party's all the time and doesn't seem to care who show's up. In fact he doesn't even attend them. He is in love with Daisy a woman who lives across the water from his house. She is married to a very rich man who advocates Aryan supremacy. I think he throws the party's in the hope she shows up and he can get back into her life. Someone who is destroyed would do something like this instead of coming up with a better way or just moving on and not obsessing over one woman. He knows in his own mind something is wrong. He doesn't function socially so he clings to a woman who accepted him at one point. Being physically ill, which is his problem, he is insecure about being around people. It's kinda like having a low grade cold that never goes away. You don't feel like sociallizing and are forced to. No one will ever tell him what's wrong so he stumbles through life. He eventually meets Daisy again who is having trouble with her marraige so she starts a relationship again. She only humors him or is a little afraid of him. She probably gets it. Gatsby is murdered at the end by someone who thinks he is responsible for the death of his wife. (manipulation) This is similar to the end of 'The Trial' by Franz Kafka. And other movies about 'rolling stones'. Hair (hare) today, gone tomorrow.
The Great Dictator
Charlie Chaplin
Charlie Chaplin was born in England. He made his name in Hollywood. He left America after this picture and never returned. He said a little too much. Hitler was either a phoney or a fool.
Movies of Interest:
The Running Man
Logans Run
Apolcalypse Now
The Deer Hunter
A Brave New World
Midnight Cowboy
Catch 22
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
The Mephisto Waltz
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Alice in Wonderland
Wizard of Oz
The Matrix
2001: A Space Odyssey
The Trial
The Manchurian Candidate
Seven Days in May
The Omen
The Exorcist
Gullivers Travels
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthers Court
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Moby Dick
Alice Through the Looking Glass
The Wall by Pink Floyd
The Producers
The Godfather
The Godfather Pt II
Rosemary's Baby
The Great Gatsby
Dr Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
The Da Vinci Code
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Thelma and Louise
The Grapes of Wrath
A Clockwork Orange
THX 1138
Cool Hand Luke
Mutiny on the Bounty
The Illustrated Man
West Side Story
Lady L
The Great Dictator starring Charlie Chaplin
Animal Farm
Men in Black
Easy Rider
The Time Machine
Yellow Submarine by The Beatles
Lady L
a novel by
Romain Gary
and a movie
Paul Newman
Over the weekend I downloaded a copy of 'Utopia' by Thomas More. It's an audiobook so I can listen instead of read. I got it at a website called It's a Librivox recording. I also got 'Ulysses' by James Joyce and 'The Antichrist' by Frederich Nietzsche. In 'Utopia' by Thomas More, is he describing England before the invasion of William the Conqueror? In 'Alice in Wonderland' the nutty english at the beginning say William the Conqueror was sent with the blessing of the Pope. Some credit the Battle of Hastings as the beginning of the end of England. William was a Norman, an Aryan. "The winds of Thor are blowing cold... No Quarter - Led Zeppelin "Alvin Tostig had a son today..." Levon - Elton John. At another point he says something to the effect 'send the Scots to England to keep them inline..' Are the Scots Catholic? Is this why James VI was made James I of England? But why was he raised a protestant? Did this book get Thomas More into trouble?
I have also been watching a movie called 'The Mephisto Waltz'. It came bundled with another movie called 'The House on Skull Mountain'. This movie makes Mephisto look like an Oscar winner. But it begs for the asking of some questions. Is there anything peculiar about the history of Haiti? Where did the practice of Voodoo begin? Is Voodoo approved by other religions?
Yesterday, I downloaded a pdf copy of 'The Malleus Maleficarum'. The Malleus Malifacarum is a book about witch's mentioned in 'The Da Vinci Code' 725 pages. How did they compile that much information so quickly about a culture no one believed existed. I have said in the past I thought that both sides of all the wars were supplied and funded by the rich and powerful. There is evidence to suggest WWII was at least. Is there any reason to believe the witch's and church aren't the same? Two books-Wall St and the Rise of Hitler by Antony C Sutton and Wall St and the Bolshevik Revolution by Antony C Sutton
I have also been watching a movie called 'The Mephisto Waltz'. It came bundled with another movie called 'The House on Skull Mountain'. This movie makes Mephisto look like an Oscar winner. But it begs for the asking of some questions. Is there anything peculiar about the history of Haiti? Where did the practice of Voodoo begin? Is Voodoo approved by other religions?
I just finnished watching a version of 'Great Expectations' by Charles Dickens. The main character is Philip Pirrip. As a child when someone asked him his name all he could say was 'Pip', so people kept calling him Pip. To me it is about any Philip who was pre-destined to play a role in the struggle for freedom from the old European powers. Some people, I think, are picked very early in life without thier knowledge. I live on Easy St in Weymouth Massachusetts which is off of King Philip St and Mason St. The Philippine Islands are specifically mentioned in The Federal Reserve Act of 1913. I don't know why. Estella is just another Alice. So, we can add her name to the list. Alice, Dorothy, Esmerelda, Estella, Helen and Juliet. (I did that alphabetically I haven't lost enough grey cells yet) Miss Haversham (have-a-sham relationship) dies a similar death as the Wicked Witch of the West in 'The Wizard of Oz'. Follow the yellow brick road, All that glitters is gold. Dorothy is on a rolling stone adventure she doesn't want to be on. She is as damaged as Pip in many cases and sometimes doesn't return. The convict ship at the beginning is a symbol that the convicts are his friends. This is where he would be if he wasn't a Pip. Someone who was chosen for something else, but similar. After the convict shows up again in England Pip is at the lawyers office and they hang a group of people outside the window. Dawg Dawg Dawg. Romanism in a nutshell. It's a sickness and they're all germs. This is all designed to solve the problem of the proletariat for the rich and fit in with the rule of law. If some of them die along the way, this is not a problem. The only good pleb is a dead pleb.
I just finnished watching a version of 'Great Expectations' by Charles Dickens. Estella is just another Alice. So, we can add her name to the list. Alice, Dorothy, Esmerelda, Estella, Helen and Juliet. (I did that alphabetically I haven't lost enough grey cells yet) Miss Haversham dies a similar death as the Wicked Witch of the West in 'The Wizard of Oz'. Follow the yellow brick road, All that glitters is gold. After the convict shows up again in England Pip is at the lawyers office and they hang a group of people outside the window. Dawg Dawg Dawg. Romanism in a nutshell. It's a sickness and they're all germs. This is all designed to solve the problem of the proletariat for the rich and fit in with the rule of law. If some of them die along the way, this is not a problem. The only good pleb is a dead pleb.
I am still watching 'Great Expectations' by Charles Dickens. I have decided Pip was 'jewed' (mercury poisoned, chickenshit cookbook) very early in his life. His parents are gone. The convict ship (the blue meanies) are symbolism of how they are his people. Pip will always be Pip because brain damage is irreversible. Once a jew always a jew. Pip must join them or help them one day. Miss Haversham (have-a-sham relationship) gets wind of Pip's 'jewnish' and sets him up with an Alice. Miss Haversham trains future Alice's for rich people. The scene where Pip fights another boy in the courtyard is similar to Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee in 'Alice in Wonderland'. Two 'jewed' boys (knuckleheads) fighting over an Alice. This is the whole point. All this does is solve the problem of the proletariat for the rich. The only good plebian is a dead plebian. I say chickenshit soup for everyone. One person destroyed for the rich is worth destroying everyone. It's like the ending to 'Moby Dick'. Only Ismael lives.
I have been watching a version of 'Great Expectations' by Charles Dickens on youtube. The main character is named Philip Pirrip and calls himself Pip. He is alone, with no parents. He is being manipulated, or recruited, by people in trouble (convicts) He is brought to a crazy rich lady, could be queen, Miss Haversham. Could be have-a-sham, as in the relationship she wants Pip to have with a charge of hers named Estella (Alice) The relationship is designed to stop Pip from helping the convicts. Miss Haversham is nuts, obsessed with religion. DUH This could be symbolism of the fight between the catholic church and the queen of England. The church is responsible for the convicts.
I have been watching a version of 'Great Expectations' by Charles Dickens on youtube. The main character is named Philip Pirrip and calls himself Pip. He is alone, with no parents. He is being manipulated, or recruited, by people in trouble (convicts) He is brought to a crazy rich lady, could be queen, Miss Haversham. Could be have-a-sham, as in the relationship she wants Pip to have with a charge of hers named Estella (Alice) The relationship is designed to stop Pip from helping the convicts. Miss Haversham is nuts, obsessed with religion. DUH This could be symbolism of the fight between the catholic church and the queen of England. The church is responsible for the convicts.
It would not have been that difficult, or expensive, to approach a builder named Brown in 1957 Weymouth and say 'could you name one of your street's "Easy" and sell a house to Mr Nute'. It's not the exact circumstances of Philip Pirrup but it's close.
Three similar things. At the very beginning of my version of Shakespear's "MacBeth" three witches are walking along the beach. They stop, dig a hole and bury, an arm, a noose and a dagger. (tree-kill??) They say 'When the battles lost and the battles won'. In the book 'Alice in Wonderland' Alice sits down with the Mad Hatter for tea. The doormouse tells the story of three sisters who live in a well. Alice asks 'What do they live on?". The doormouse reply's 'Treekill'. (treekill?) At the very end of Jefferson Alirplanes 'White Rabbit' "...remember, what the doormouse said feed your head, feed your head...". In the 1990's (I think) there was a story here in Boston about someone from Weymouth who was tied to a tree in Florida somewhere and murdered. The entire thing was videotaped. The people responsible were convicted.
Some curious coincidences. In the movie 'The Trial' by Frank Kafka and starring Anthony Perkins, Perkins dies in a secluded area at the very end. He is killed by a complete stranger. At the end of the movie 'Easy Rider' both of the main characters die in a secluded area, killed by perfect strangers. At the end of the book 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame' Quasimodo dies on top of Esmerelda's grave in the middle of a secluded cemetery.
Sept 30, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
Was Aleister Crowley a way to cover-up what had already been uncovered? Is this why he was a media darling? Is the real deal H P Blavatsky?
How to 'chickenshit' thee, let me count the ways. 1. I bought some coax cable from a company in California called 'Deep Surplus'. Everytime I handle it I get sick. 2. I have a slab saw I use to cut rocks for jewelry. They got something into the oil and if I use it for 15 minutes I get sick. (to be continued)
Sept 29, 2012
Philip Nute
28 Easy St
Weymouth, Massachusetts
USA 02190-1104
The Society for the Propagation of Religious Truth
Sir Thomas More was born in 1478 and died in 1535. He was beatified by the catholic church in 1886. He was canonized in 1935. Joan of Arc was born in 1412 and died in 1431. She was beatified in 1909 and canonized in 1920. Why did they wait so long before doing this? Were the debates over these people driven by The Society for the Propagation of Religious Truth and the occultists. Aleister Crowley.
I believe Scientology = 1984 = Auto-Fasci-Mat = The Thought Police = Secret Fascism. The only way I know is because I have been putting up with the harassment as a targeted individual for at least 7 years. I have had a lot of time to think about it. You can find evidence in movies and music. Like ‘The Who’ said in ‘Quadrophenia’ ‘’re watching movies to find the feelers, but you see only what we show you….....’ Scientology is like a snowball someone started downhill. In the movie ’2001: A Space Odyssey’ the monkey’s are visited by a presence at the beginning. A large rectangular object. Soon after the monkeys start using bones to kill other monkey’s for food and territory. It implies the presence taught the monkeys to use tools. Millions of years later the presence returns. Only this time man is exploring space. The rectangle is found on another planet. As the story progress’s the computer ‘HAL 9000' begins to take over from man. HAL screens Daves information. HAL eventually kills Dave. The idea is that the presence returned and taught mans tools to kill, kill man. Eventually all man is killed and the world starts anew. George Orwell’s novel ’1984' is another glimpse into what is going on. Winston is a thought criminal who has been sent to a proletariat section and works screening information intercepted by the government. He is a victim who is also victimizing. Like a snowball going down hill. Winston has an illegal affair while he is in the proletariat section. This is a similar concept to ‘Alice in Wonderland’ (is an adultery). Winston eventually is confined permanently to the proletariat section and commits no more thought crimes. The part no one describes is that ‘The Thought Police’ have neural implants and like Neil Young said in ‘Hey Hey My My’ ‘…out of the blue and into the black, and once you’re gone you can’t come back....’. Dying is the only way out. Hotel California the Eagles ‘….you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave….’ DON’T ACCEPT AN IMPLANT I know most people can’t put up with the harassment very long but DON’T ACCEPT AN IMPLANT. The people doing the harassing have already done so and will lie because they are forced to. In the movie ‘Catch-22' the squadron ‘..drops the bombs in the harbor…’ every once in a while but not very often. The obvious questions would be ‘Who started the snowball and why?' If past behavior is any indication of present my guess is the catholic church is the guilty party. They began a bloody crackdown in about 1000AD with the Albagenses in southwest France and have never stopped despite what they say. They have been forced to lie like this because if they didn’t the mass’s would have put an end to it a long time ago. It would explain why they instigate wars and don't take credit.
The world stage can be like an improv acting gig. The person, or target, however doesn’t know what is going on. The ‘oligarchy collective’ holds power with lies, deciet, and manipulation. The ‘target’ does things he normally wouldn’t by being manipulated.
Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to decieve
One day he was Caesar, the next he was Pope
If you can't beat them, pretend to join them
This paragraph concerns Broadband Over Powerlines BPL. Like most houses my house has the electrical service coming off the street and into the basement. Then all the circuits distribute from a panel. So they are all in one place and accessible. If the power company, or someone else, is using the wires in your house as an antenna and listening or picking up signals they shouldn’t it might be useful to introduce some noise. This would make them apply a filter and possibly neutralize whatever they are looking for. I have seen information on the internet (all my info is screened by Winston) that a 30 – 40 KHz signal rides on the 30Hz signal produced by the brain. Adding a 30 – 40 KHz noise source would force them to apply a filter thus making it impossible to pick up any 30 – 40 KHz signal. In my house there is a small ledge on top of the foundation where I could place some kind of device and it would radiate to all circuits and the incoming service.