Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, www.philipnute.com and it's companion website www.zsezse.com, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
George Orwell
Beginning of Actual Blog
Oct 29, 2018
Philip Nute
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Clericalism is a word often used in the late 19 th century and early 20 th century. Clericalism is defined in the English dictionary as: a policy of increasing or maintaining the power of a religious hierarchy. How is the policy implemented? Since the Romans put down the sword and picked up the cross about 1500 years ago it must be some type of subterfuge, spying or economic control. Hocus pocus is the name of the game.
Syncretism was used by the Romans in pre christian times to assimilate conquered peoples. It could also be used for spy networks. Someone said once “You can conquer a country militarilly but the hearts and minds of the people are another thing entirely”. Syncretism can give anyone a head start before invading. In America the Catholic Church owns more property than any other institution except the federal government. Hospitals, schools, universities , nursing homes etc all provide services that keep favor with those they serve. This despite the fact the Vatican is a soveriegn country. They can undermine any freely elected government any where this is true. And they do.
Economic warfare is as old as warfare itself. For whatever reason, in America it means prosperity. (Construction seems to follow me wherever I go ?? ) The DOW and NASDAQ are at all time highs. No one is going to blow things up when times are good. The shadow government must have an army. If America falls apart it all falls apart.
Mercantilism was the economic counterpart to absolutism. As populations increased and their education level, it had to be abandoned.
Before WWII the value of Germany’s currency fluctuated daily. Someone was printing too much money. In America the opposite occured. The money supply was kept tight. If there isn’t enough currency in circulation people can’t pay employees and meet other basic needs. It caused economic depression.
In 1973 Chile elected a socialist government. The powers that be didn’t like it and created economic chaos. Though it was blamed on the new government. The military took over and sent many people to camps where they were ececuted.
It’s amazing what worthless wood pulp can do when it really wants to. If they can make money out of thin air why has Detroit been an economic basket case since the 1960’s?
I think it was Stalin who said “Religion is the opium of the people”. Myth magic and now science is used to dope people into doing things they ordinarily wouldn’t. In an attempt to prove that clericalism was responsible for both WWI and WWII I ask this question. Is ‘The Ride Of The Valkyries’ the German version of ‘Alice In Wonderland’?
Another idea to prove the responsibility of clericalism is a study of the life of Theodor Seuss Geisel, commonly known as Dr Seuss. He made Acadamy Award winning documentaries “Hitler Lives” (1946) and “Design For Death” (1947). As part of the occupying force in Japan he may have been responsible for “Our Job In Japan”. A film that (I think ??) documents the role of Shinto in pre war Japan.
Thursday Oct 25 2018 – ND – Stayed home most of the day. Went to lunch at Boston Pizza. Watched “Red Dawn”. Wasn’t much. I think the next world war will be caused by the same people who caused the first two. Clericalism – a policy of increasing or maintaining the power of a religious hierarchy. Who knows what it will be fought over. The first casualty in war is the truth. Or maybe the cause of war is the truth, I don’t know. The truth being the church causes it when it’s power is threatened.
Friday Oct 26 2018 – 8 PM – Went to Brockton about noon. Just to get out of the house. Watched “Looker” just before I left. Last night watched “Children Of The Corn”. It’s based on a Steven King short story. ‘He Who Walks Among The Rows’ is never seen but is the cause of everything. HMMM. I wonder who that could be. I don’t always like Steven King. I don’t get it. This one was easy. I might get a couple more. ‘Carrie’ and ‘Cujo’.
Saturday Oct 27 2018 – ND – Stayed home all day. Watched a couple John Carpenter movies. “They Live” and “Village Of The Damned”. “They Live” is very revealing. The main character puts on glasses that expose the robot elite. He can see the truth in all the advertising signs. He tries to fight but loses. “Village Of The Damned” is a re-make of a 1960’s movie (I think ?) Everyone in a small town passes out for a couple days. After they wake up all the women are pregnant. They give birth to children that all look alike and are capable of reading peoples thoughts. They want to take over the town and the entire world.
Sunday Oct 28 2018 – ND – Went to lunch with mom. Kentucky Fried Chicken in Weymouth. The table was at a slant?? Food was chickenshitted. There is an old Friendlys Restaurant down the street that has been converted into a Mexican restaurant. The people serving us at KFC were clearly Hispanic. Was I supposed to ‘go off’? Why do they get in my face sometimes and sometimes leave clues that I’m winning? “Contradiction Is Balance” ??? But I don’t know what that means. I took the bus from Weymouth to Quincy Center to go to the library. Tried to download a documentary from archive.org that criticized Steven Speilberg’s movie about the holocaust but the connection was too slow. It said Speilberg won an Oscar for the movie. They seemed to think it was all a lie. I forget the title of the documentary but I think I can find it again. I searched for “Academy Award Winning Documentary”. Watched “Westworld” when I came back. Another movie about robots gone crazy.
Oct 25, 2018
Philip Nute
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
decadence – any society that treats its literal dogs better than its figurative aka achilles heel
“I don’t mind stealing bread…”
“From the mouths of decadence……”
Hunger Strike
Temple Of The Dog
(I’m gonna start a music ensemble and call it Temple Of The Dog and see if anyone gets it. Apparently no one does)
“From the mouths of decadence……”
Hunger Strike
Temple Of The Dog
(I’m gonna start a music ensemble and call it Temple Of The Dog and see if anyone gets it. Apparently no one does)
“And the river rolls on and on…..”
“And the sea that divides us..”
“Is a temporary one……”
“And the bridge will bring us back together,..”
A Temporary One
Fleetwood Mac
“And the sea that divides us..”
“Is a temporary one……”
“And the bridge will bring us back together,..”
A Temporary One
Fleetwood Mac
“Love that dirty water……..”
“Oh Oh Boston you’re my home…”
Dirty Water
The Troggs
“Oh Oh Boston you’re my home…”
Dirty Water
The Troggs
(Kumbh Mela)
I’ve come up with a new concept for an Agatha Christie novel. I’m gonna call it “Virtual Murder In Cyber Space”. So lets gather the suspects together. I think the movie “Barbarians At The Gate” really bothered the culprit. In the 1980’s someone invented junk bonds and the leveraged buy out (LBO). Who ever did this was trying to bring down capitalism. They failed. Whoever stopped them is the murderer. I think it was Jesus H Fuckin Christ with the chickenshit in the pizza joint. Get a clue.
I say “Don’t stop firing until you see the whites of their eyes”.
Somewhere in the 3 rd Zeitgeist movie they say (I’m paraphrasing) “At the end of the summer I learned one more thing. It all goes back into the box.” (go fish)
Friday Oct 19 2018 – ND – Went to Turner Free Library around noon, then on to Wal-Mart Avon. Watched “Cabaret” starring Liza Minnelli. It’s set in Germany between the two wars in a risque night club. Every so often they show Nazi’s beating someone up. At the end they pan the audience of the night club as Minnelli sings “Come To The Cabaret”. There are Nazi’s in the audience. The song reminds me of another song by The Who, “Eminence Front”. It’s a ruse. Get the ‘target’ in a compromising situation just to kill them. The movie alludes to the fact the Nazi’s were being tolerated by some just to get rid of the communists. Another scene reminded of something I read about Frederich Neitzsche. He had an affair with both a man and a woman at the same time. Neitzsche had something to do with the Nazi’z but I don’t know what. “That bowling ball………..it’s my wife…………” No Anchovies Please – J Geils #menever Shindeleria Praemataurus
Saturday Oct 20 2018 – 6 PM – Stayed home all day. Worked on electronics and watched movies. “Rear Window” by Alfred Hitchcock. I think he was trying to say something about a society with too much surveillance. At least one person knows too much about everyone else. “The Cabinet Of Dr Caligari” was a really weird movie. I think someone planted this in the library for me. “Paranoia paranoia everybody’s out to get me………”
Sunday Oct 21 2018 – ND – Stayed home all day. Re-watched the Alternative Views interview of George Seldes. Seldes was a muckracker. He focused on the press. He wrote over 20 books. He started out as a foreign correspondent for The Chicago Tribune during WWI. He stayed until the end of WWII. (I think) He confirms the reports that Franco executed thousands after the Spanish Civil War and he was supported by the Catholic Church. At the end they were supposed to talk about concentration camps in the US but didn’t. ??? Alternative Views was a public access program produced in Austin Texas. I’m not sure if they’re still on the air. You can download hundreds of shows at archive.org. They talk to CIA whistle blowers, Emile de Antonio and others.
Monday Oct 22 2018 – 8 PM – Went to Crane Library in Quincy Center early. Also Turner Free Library. Re-watched “What I’ve Learned About US Foreign Policy: The War Against The Third World”. It’s a collection of documentary’s on US atrocities in the third world. A couple were narrated by Elizabeth Montgomery who played Samantha in the TV series “Bewitched”. They also interviewed John Stockwell and Philip Agee, two CIA agents who quit and wrote books. Ramsey Clark, a former Attorney General was also interviewed. A couple segments were “The Panama Deception”, “The School Of The Americas” and “Genocide By Sanction”.
Tuesday Oct 23 2018 – ND – Went to Brockton Public Library. Took out a couple videos. “Chicago”, “Patton” and “The Scarlet And The Black”. Pouring buckets by the time I got back. Watched “J Edgar” starring Leo Decaparrio. At the end J Edgar tries on one of his mother’s dress’s. He lived with Clyde Tolson his entire life.
Wednesday Oct 24 2018 – ND – Went back to Brockton to return videos. Got back about 1 PM. Watched “Chicago” starring Rene Zelwiger and Catherine Zeta Jones. An ‘amercanized’ Caberet. Instead of Sally Bowles as Alice in Wonderland it’s Roxie Hart (“I got a Rock N Roll heart….” – Eric Clapton) “No Anchovies please……….that bowling ball……….. it’s my wife……” J Geils
Oct 19, 2018
Philip Nute
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Monday Oct 15 2018 – ND – Went out early. Wal-Mart in Avon. Have to be back every Monday because my SSMH worker either calls or drops by. This time I complained about someone sleeping on the couch downstairs. I don’t know who it is. He drives a black Ford Crown Vic. ?? Recently watched “Death On The Nile” by Agatha Christie. There is one 5 second piece of dialogue I thought was interesting. Someone starts to say something like “…..it was put up by the British in 1788…..”. And then stops. They were talking about The Temple Of Karnak. It made me wonder if it’s an Aleister Crowley. Aleisters Crowleys father wasn’t even a glimmer in his grandfathers eye. (Murphy’s Laws weren’t invented by Murphy but by someone else with the same name) But I digress. The Temple Of Karnak is supposedly the oldest existing ancient structure. It was built by Akenhaten in about 1500 BC. Akenhaten’s original name was Amenhotep IV (or V) . He invented a couple new deities one of which was Aken and named himself after the God. After Akenhaten died the Egyptians abandoned the new religion and most of the Temple. Believe it or not Tutankamen was Akenhatens son. King Tut’s tomb is the only tomb found intact. What a coincidence!!! What was Aleister trying to say? Did he foresee Scientology? “…………They reckon in centuries and plan for eternity. ….” I also watched a documentary on the Spanish Civil War of the 1930’s. I might have got this from the Crane Library in Quincy. They interviewed some of the survivors of the International Brigades. They attribute Franco’s victory to air support provided by the Germans and Italians. The Republic had no air force at all. After it ended in 1939 ?? Franco executed over 200,000 before WWII ended. Many others were forced to build a church where Franco was eventually buried. I think ??? the church is owned by the Catholic church. They say the one thing the Nationalists had in common was religion. Catholicism. I think the whole thing was a set up. They had the Republic’s leaders in the back pocket before it even started. The Spanish Civil War and Jasenovac are 2 events that prove the Vatican’s guilt.
Tuesday Oct 17 2018 – ND – Stayed home all day. Re-watched “Barbarians At The Gate” starring James Garner. For some reason I think this movie touched a nerve with the psychos that be. It’s about the takeover of RJR Nabisco in the 1980’s. It was the 19 th largest company in the US at that time. Garner plays Ross Johnson the CEO. He wants to buy the company along with the other executives. Henry Kravis (or Kravitz) also wants to buy it. Kravis invented the leveraged buy out. (LBO) A LBO uses junk bonds to borrow money then buys the company. I don’t totally understand it. A lot of people went to jail for selling junk bonds, Michael Milken for one. I think it was basically stealing. By the end of the 1980’s most American were heavily in debt because of LBO’s. Someone invented a way to fend off LBO’s and it had a name but I can’t remember it. It was some type of hidden debt and when the person finally took over the company they had additional debt and it drove them into bankruptcy. At the end Garner tells Kravis that Robinson (played by Fred Thompson) just “canceled your American Express card”. Fred Thompson later ran for the Senate from Tennessee or president. ???? “Let’s see action,……..let’s see people…….let’s see freedom….. let’s see who cares.”
Wednesday Oct 17 2018 – ND – Went to Crawford Square to go to store. Got back about 1 PM. Got a robo call from the IRS. 1-432-355-3033 Said a civil lawsuit had been filed against me. ???? Can’t get blood from a stone. Isn’t there a Beatles song “Taxman”? A couple days ago I watched “Freedom To Fascism” by Aaron Russo. He spends a lot of time complaining about the IRS. “The power to tax is the power to destroy” Aaron Russo made the movie “Trading Places” with Eddie Murphy. Among others. At the end he talks to some named Katherine Albrecht who wrote a book “Spychips”. He calls her an expert on RFID and other electronic surveillance. FYI
Thursday Oct 18 2018 – 9 PM – Stayed home all day. Got another call from the IRS (1-432-355-3033 Texas???) they said an arrest warrant has been issued for me. My radio is reporting that some journalist from The Washington ComPost named Jamal Kashogi was abducted, murdered and dismembered in the Saudi Embassy in Istanbul. Everyone is appalled. Sec State Pompeo went to Saudi Arabia to talk about it. (is this a sign from god??) Watched “Citizen Kane” and “The Battle For Citizen Kane”. The latter is a PBS documentary with David McCulloch. It’s basically a biography of both William Randolph Hearst and Orson Wells. It was pretty good.
Oct 15, 2018
Philip Nute
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I’ve boiled my personality down to one of two things. Walking talking hate filled psychotic controlled rage or malignant metasticised anti-social behavior. Oh …….. Well ……….Nevermind.
DA DA DA DA DA “Come as you are..as you were as I want you to be…………..”
Confucius say “You confuse me with someone who gives a fuck”
I am waiting for it to be over
“Billions for defense, not a penny for tribute”
“We never kill the heretic Winston. Not as long as he resisits us. First we make his brain perfect, we make him one of us. Then we kill him. We will wipe him clean out of history. We will turn him into gas and pour him into the stratosphere”
“And when your soul tells you to hide,………..your very right to die is denied”
“We know all the suicides are fake………..”
If the world was a casino, there’s no beating the house when the house has the worthless wood pulp banking system and completely out of control surveillance.
I think heaven and hell were invented by and are managed by the same people. This is why the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
This is how I think a person acquires dog status. A catholic priest orders a doctor to administer a drug to a pregnant woman. It could be any number of drugs. If the doctor refuses they will deal with the police who will ‘convince’ the doctor to comply. This is the Hindu caste system at work. Once the drug is administered both the woman and the unborn baby are ‘juded’ people. There could be a number of reasons for it. The father was a protestant and the mother a catholic. It could be how the church fills the priest ranks. It creates scarecrows to make sure everyone else shows up on Sunday and works hard all week. With out of control population they need as many people as possible incapacitated and not willing to fight back. Keeping millions sick creates millions of jobs. It keeps the same people owning and running everything.
Religion is a self full filling philosophy. Hocus pocus is the name of the game
Wednesday Oct 10 2018 – ND – Went to Crane Library in Quincy Center to return videos. Was not planning to get more but I did. Got home late. Got a nasty sub at Angelina’s in Quincy. Got a really crappy nights sleep because of it.
Thursday Oct 11 2018 – 9 PM – Stayed home all day and worked on electronics. Watched videos. “The Blue Max” starring George Peppard. “Cocoon” by Ron Howard. “Cold Turkey” starring Dick Van Dyke and “Chariots Of Fire” with John Geilgood. I did spend some time on electronics. ‘Chariots Of Fire” was released sometime during the 1980’s. It’s about a couple British track and field athletes who competed in the 1924 Olympics. One is Jewish the other Christian. The Jewish guy has an ax to grind. He’s always angry. The Christian is devout and doesn’t run on Sunday. They are always competing against each other. “Cocoon” is about space aliens. “Cold Turkey” is about what might happen if society collapses. (well sort of) Everyone who smokes would go cold turkey. “The Blue Max” is about a hot shot WWI flying ace who doesn’t really care about anyone else.
Friday Oct 12 2018 – 8 PM – Went to Crane Library in Quincy Center to return videos. Came right back. Got back to Crawford Square about 11 AM. Got some really loaded 3 Musketeers Halloween candy at CVS in Crawford Square. Trick or Treat!!! “I don’t like the drugs but the drugs like me……” Marilyn Manson The kiddies are gonna love it.
Saturday Oct 13 2018 – 7 PM – Stayed home all day. Watched “Endgame” a documentary by Alex Jones. At the end he goes over eugenics. Eugenics was a policy of sterilizing poor people at the beginning of the 20 th century. They trace it’s roots to Thomas Malthus who predicted that mans population would always exceed their ability to produce food. He didn’t foresee the mechanization of agriculture. A Malthusian theory is one where a disaster kills millions of people. They insist Darwin based his theories on Malthus. If there were a great disaster only the fittest would survive. Eugenics became very popular in the United States just before WWI. Eugenics laws were passed in many states giving authorities the power to sterilize people. Hitler used eugenics in his ideology. Hitlers crimes, among other things, drove eugenics underground. Thomas Huxley was referred to as Darwin’s Bulldog. He sold the idea to people and made Darwin famous. Aldous Huxley, a direct relative, wrote the book “Brave New World”. It’s a futuristic novel that predicted a technological dictatorship. “Brave New World” came out just before George Orwell’s “1984”. In 1964 Huxley gave a speech at Berkley California saying he believed his vision was closer to the future than Orwell’s. He said that the dictators would rely on pharmaceuticals to subdue and eliminate the lower classes. No wonder congress loves the pharmaceutical industry. “Got to keep the loonies on the path…………………” This speech can be found online. Huxley also appeared on Mike Wallace’s TV show in 1958. It’s a half hour. It can be found on youtube. Huxley and Wallace blame the Catholic church for driving the world toward communism. The world ended up being both Orwell’s “1984” and Huxley’s “Brave New World”. Orwell exposed the surveillance and Huxley exposed the subtler aspects of tyranny.
Sunday Oct 14 2018 – ND – Stayed home all day. Worked on electronics. I’m back to building the Arduino Brain Simulator. Different metals have different reflective properties. Chaff for example is sized to reflect a certain frequency. After chaff is deployed it twists and turns. This helps to reflect the EMI. I want to carry the simulator around so I need some defense against microwaves. I am going to cut up as many metals as I can find into small pieces and stick them onto a mat of electrical tape. I will crumple up the metal to give it many angles. This simulates it floating in the air. I will place the mat inside my enclosure on the top and bottom. To protect the necklace I am going to wrap different metals around the ribbon cable without actually cutting off the EMI I want to transmit. This is another type of EMI absorbent.
Oct 10, 2018
Philip Nute
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
‘Auschwitz – Arbeit Mach Frei – german roughly translates as ‘Work Liberates or Work Is Freedom’ – written above the entrance to Auschwitz. Taken down around 2009. ??? I wonder why. Sha Na Na “Get A Job”, a song performed at Woodstock by the retro 50’s group Sha Na Na. In fact that’s how they took their name. The song ‘Get A Job’ is from the 1950’s Do Wop genre. A ‘wop’ is an ethnic slur for an Italian. The Do Wop genre featured people with slicked back hair who harmonized acapella. Sometimes called ‘greasers’. A ‘wop’ was sometimes a greasy Italian. Or pig latin. The lead singer of Sha Na Na called himself Bowser a popular name for a dog. Sha Na Na stayed active well into the 1980’s. Bowser was a frequent guest on TV. In 2007 I had managed to get off my medications. I was expecting to lose my social security and need a job. For whatever reason ‘the thing’ continued to try to force me back on the medications and stay in the mental health system. They succeeded in the summer of 2008 when I ended up in McClean Southeast on the grounds of the Brockton VA and again in 2014 when I wound up in Bridgewater. Now they want me to ‘get a job’. ???? Well how does it feel to want? At this point all want is what’s mine. I’m not sure what that is. I suspect my mother took an implant after my father died in 2008 and signed away everything he saved. I was expecting an apartment and a small payment to supplement my social security after they were gone. They sat down and discussed this with me before this happened.
On dying. It would have been mercy 50 years ago. I am waiting for ‘the thing’ to make a decision. The longer ‘it’ puts it off the more damage I do. Not like I’m missing anything.
“I was in the kitchen…..”
“Seamus (shame on us)…..”
“That’s the dog………….”
“Was outside…………..”
Pink Floyd
“Seamus (shame on us)…..”
“That’s the dog………….”
“Was outside…………..”
Pink Floyd
“Got to keep the loonies….”
“On the path…………..”
Brain Damage/Eclipse
Pink Floyd
“On the path…………..”
Brain Damage/Eclipse
Pink Floyd
In my last post I brought up the town of Cohasset. I wonder if the State of Massachusetts ever had laws that set aside land for ‘ghettos’. Pope Paul III or IV allowed the creation of ghettos with the Papal Bull “Because It Is Absurd” in 1554 or 5. Massachusetss was founded in 1620. Shakespeares “The Merchant Of Venice” is about life in a ghetto. Jerusalem Rd, Cohasett is a very famous spot in Massachusetts.
Sunday Oct 7 2018 – 7PM – Went to lunch with mom. South Shore Plaza. Watched a couple documentaries. Including “Invisible Empire” by Jason Bermas. I have been suffering from synthetic telepathy for at least 10 years. Synthetic telepathy is the ability to sense the electric impulses of the human brain electronically and reproduce them on a computer as understandable language. No main stream media or alternative media has spent any time on this or neural implants. Some alternative media spend time on mind control but never attribute it to neural implants. To prove controlling someone with an implant is possible I point to Jose Manual DelGado who stopped a bull from charging at him with a push button in 1965. You can find video on this on youtube. Video is also available from NTT Communications Science Laboratories of a girl being moved around with a joystick.
Monday Oct 8 2018 – ND – Went to Crawford Square early. I was hungry. Went to Dunkin Donuts. Then I went shopping and to McDonalds for another coffee. Got back about noon. Met with SSMH worker about 5:30. Watched “Chariots Of The Gods” and “The Franklin Conspiracy”. “The Franklin Conspiracy” is a one hour Discovery Channel documentary on the Franklin child abuse case in Nebraska. It never aired because some very powerful people in Washington were involved and they put pressure on Discovery to shelve it. It can be downloaded from archive.org by searching for The Franklin Conspiracy. It was difficult to follow but I think the whole thing was an Aleister Crowley. “Chariots Of The Gods” is an award winning film released in the early 1970’s. It’s about the possibility that aliens from outer space have visited this planet in the past. I think the UFO, space alien thing is a set up for a never ending war with aliens. War is part of the system. It’s also a cover story for the neural implant problem. In the movie “Close Encounters Of the Third Kind” people who were abducted by aliens are returned when they land on Devils Tower in Wyoming. I think this is like saying if the neural implant snowball goes the other way all the people are returned.
Tuesday Oct 9 2018 – – Stayed home all day. Worked on electronics and watched movies. “The Mephisto Waltz” starring Alan Alda and Jacquelyn Bisset. I went to High school from 1972 to 1975. We watched this movie twice a year each year. Alda and Bisset are married. Alda meets a famous concert pianist who is dying. His wife was murdered by a dog many years before. I did not know you could be murdered by a dog. As it turns out he and his daughter are involved with devil worship. They steal the bodies of others to reincarnate themselves and continue living. (Invasion Of The Body Snatchers??? snowball going down hill???) They want Alda for the pianist. To keep her husband she steals the body of his daughter Roxanne. I bought this movie 8 or 9 years ago from Amazon. It came with another movie “The House On Skull Mountain”. The ad didn’t mention this. It’s a B-movie but a pretty good one. The “Mephisto Waltz” has rich white people involved with devil worship and “Skull Mountain” has rich black people who are apparently catholic and involved with Voodoo. The church puts up with it. Isn’t that heresy?
Oct 8, 2018
Philip Nute
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I like to make trouble. It’s kinda what I do. This is something I’ve thought about a lot. Did you know that the town of Cohasset Mass is in Norfolk county but is completely surrounded by Plymouth county? It does not touch Norfolk county at all. The only towns it borders are Hingham and Scituate. I have always wondered why. A lot of rich people live there. The Kennedy’s all have homes there. I wonder if it has special tax status or something. A little perk rich people got for themselves. FYI
The problem with this country is that organized crime is legal.
“In any case I long ago realized that it is almost impossible for a layman and a non-Catholic, and indeed for most Catholics and ecclesiastics outside the Vatican, to form a valid judgment or express an authoritative opinion on Papal policy. The Pope’s decision may, or must be influenced by so many imponderable or invisible elements. Moreover, not only is the atmosphere of the Vatican supranational and universal……but it is also fourth dimensional and so to speak, outside of time……..for example, they can regard the Savoy Dynasty as an interlude, and the Fascist era as an incident, in the history of Rome and Italy. They reckon in centuries and plan for eternity and this inevitably renders their policy inscrutable, confusing and on occasion, reprehensible to practical and time conditioned minds.”
Sir D’Arcy Osborne, British Ambassador to the Vatican – March 1947
Taken from the book “Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, The Nazi’s, And The Swiss Banks” by Mark Aarons and John Loftus
“I gather that…..some arrangement has been worked out with Vatican and Argentina…….protecting not only Quislings but also (those)……..guilty of terrible crimes committed in Yugoslavia. I presume we must protect our agents even though it disgusts me…..we are conniving with Vatican and Argentina to get guilty people to haven in latter country.”
John Moors Cabot, American Ambassador to Belgrade – June 1947
Taken from the book “Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, The Nazi’s, And The Swiss Banks” by Mark Aarons and John Loftus
Friday Oct 5 2018 – ND – Went to Quincy Center. Got some videos. “Citizen Four”, “Kurt Cobain: Montage Of Heck”, “Citizen Koch”, “The Assange Agenda”, “The Thin Blue Line” and “The Witches Of Eastwick”. “The Witches Of Eastwick” was filmed in Massachusetts in the 1980’s. Parts of it were filmed right down the street from where I was working at the time. None of it was used in the movie. I was in the Old Hingham Shipyard on Rt 3A. It’s about 3 women who want a new man in their life. Jack Nicholson shows up but he’s the devil. I guess. “Citizen Four” is about Edward Snowden. I think special Ed is a snow job. (there’s a character named Snowden in “Catch-22” ???) The surveillance he talks about is real but exactly who’s responsible………I don’t know. He doesn’t go into synthetic telepathy. In fact in the ten or so years I’ve been suffering from it nobody has. He doesn’t go into neural implants. Everybody goes around these things. “Kurt Cobain” was OK. Too bad he’s dead. In another world in another life that’s what I would have done for a living. There are people who think Julian Assange is a CIA operative. Wikileaks is a CIA operation intercepting CIA leaks. ???? “The Thin Blue Line” is about the murder of a Dallas police officer in 1976. The person who was convicted is probably innocent but he is still in jail. ‘Citizen Koch” is about the Koch brothers and their support for the Tea Party movement. Proof positive idle hands are the devils workshop. Rich people that is.
Saturday Oct 6 2018 – 8PM – Stayed home all day. Worked on electronics. Not really getting anywhere. What I want to do is mimic the electrical signals recorded by an EEG. Split it into 8 or 9 different signals and put them all on a ribbon cable that goes around my neck. This might confuse the computer. It’s jamming. If they are all very close to the actual signals the computer might have difficulty telling them apart. I think there are several possible approaches to this. Design a voltage controlled oscillator that operates between 8 HZ and about 45 HZ. Control it with an Arduino that is monitoring my heart rate. The gain could be altered some way to make the signal transient. Maybe some DC could be added to further confuse. Another way is to mix two oscillators operating at 8 HZ and 45 HZ then filter the signal with a bandpass that could be controlled by the Arduino. Gain and DC could be used to further confuse. The third way is to use avalanche noise filtered for 8 HZ to 45 HZ by a bandpass filter. This would probably be transient enough not to need gain and DC manipulation. Good Luck and God Speed cause I’m not getting anywhere.
Sunday Oct 7 2018 – 7PM – Went to lunch with mom. South Shore Plaza. Watched a couple documentaries. Including “Invisible Empire” by Jason Bermas. Several of the videos I’ve watched mention something called the Franklin Case. Something by Michael Tsarion and the Marshall Gregory Thomas I think. The Franklin case was a child molestation case. I think there is a book “The Franklin Cover Up”. I think these child molestation cases were an Aleister Crowley trying to bring attention to cases like mine. They have been replaced by the Catholic sexual abuse scandals. One is an Aleister Crowley the other is a cover story. I have been suffering from synthetic telepathy for at least 10 years. Synthetic telepathy is the ability to sense the electric impulses of the human brain electronically and reproduce them on a computer as understandable language. No main stream media or alternative media has spent any time on this or neural implants. Some alternative media spend time on mind control but never attribute it to neural implants. To prove controlling someone with an implant is possible I point to Jose Manual DelGado who stopped a bull from charging at him with a push button in 1965. You can find video on this on youtube. Video is also available from NTT Communications Science Laboratories of a girl being moved around with a joystick.
Oct 5, 2018
Philip Nute
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I’m a conspiracy theorist. Anyone who lives by the axiom “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer” is always up to something.
Might makes right. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. “Lunatic fringe…I know you’re out there…..”
I’ve been learning about feudalism. I thought about buying a book or downloading one for free from Google Books but instead I looked at the FURTHER READING section at the bottom of the Encyclopedia Britainnica page on ‘feudalism’ before I did. I copy and paste it here.
Elizabeth A.R. Brown, “The Tyranny of a Construct: Feudalism and Historians of Medieval Europe, The American Historical Review, 79(4): 1063–88 (October 1974), is a foundational work. F.L. Ganshof, Feudalism, 3rd ed. (1964, reissued 1996; originally published in French, 2nd ed., 1947), is a traditional treatment. Marc Bloch, Feudal Society, 2 vol. (1961, reprinted 1989; originally published in French, 2 vol., 1939–40), is a classic study that defines feudalism as encompassing all aspects of society. Susan Reynolds, Fiefs and Vassals: The Medieval Evidence (1994), provides the most complete critique of the concept. Thomas N. Bisson (ed.), Cultures of Power: Lordship, Status, and Process in Twelfth-Century Europe (1995); Otto Brunner, Land and Lordship: Structures of Governance in Medieval Austria (1992; originally published in German, 4th rev. ed., 1959); and Guy Fourquin, Lordship and Feudalism in the Middle Ages (1976; originally published in French, 1970), are important studies of lordship and the relations between lords and their subjects that employ the traditional constructs. Useful studies of “bastard feudalism” are P.R. Cross, “Bastard Feudalism Revised,” Past and Present, 125: 27–64 (November 1989); and Michael Hicks, Bastard Feudalism (1995)
I then went to the government article and found this:
Jerome Blum, Lord and Peasant in Russia: From the Ninth to the Nineteenth Century (1961, reissued 1971);
Sunday Sept 30 2018 – 7 PM – Stayed home all day. Watched half of “Dr Zhivago”. Why are Russian novels so long? Watched parts of “Kung Fu”. Already lost interest.
Monday Oct 1 2018 – ND – Went to Quincy Center to return movies. Came right back. Went to Turner Library and surfed net a little. Went to Shaws came home. Was supposed to meet with SSMH worker but just called. Working on electronics again. Trying to get an oscillator to work.
Tuesday Oct 2 2018 – 8 PM – Stayed home all day. Worked at electronics. Watched “World According To Garp” starring Robin Williams. Didn’t understand it at all. I wonder if I got a personalized copy. Rained most of the day. Hope it’s nice tomorrow.
Wednesday Oct 3 2018 – ND – Went to Central Square Cambridge to distribute literature. Ate at Galleria. Got home late. 6 PM. Having trouble with my oscilloscope. I think it’s the little children slugs. For anyone who wants to try to fight back by messing with electronics a message. You must work within a Faraday Cage or this might happen to you. Among other things. “Lunatic fringe,……………..I know you’re out there………..”
Thursday Oct 4 2018 – 7 PM – Stayed home all day. Watched videos all day. ‘The French Connection” starring Gene Hackman. It’s about 2 narcotics agents in New York City. All the junkies are in need of a fix and they’re talking about a big shipment coming in. Some French dock workers are trying to smuggle heroin into America by hiding it in the rocker panels of a Lincoln Town Car owned by a well known French TV celebrity. Hackman and his partner get a lead but most of the dealers get away. There are 2 sets of rules in this country. One for the haves and the other for the have-nots. The haves can get away with pretty much anything. Rock stars (rocker panels?) usually travel on chartered flights along with other celebrities. Many times they go unchecked by customs. In the 1980’s people came to believe they were smuggling drugs in the body bags of dead soldiers. If mind control has improved all anyone has to do is erase the soldiers after they get here. No one is going to check an Army base and everyone who comes and goes. After we invaded Afghanistan in 2002 their opium production skyrocketed. Our troops are told to guard the fields. ??? Afghanistan now produces 80% or global heroin. Before it was only a fraction. G.O.D. Gold Oil Drugs Then I watched “Oiligarchy” by The Corbett Report. The Corbett Report is an alternative media mostly on youtube. This documentary was on the history of the oil industry. The oil industry began in 1859 with the first well in Western Pennsylvania. By the turn of the century the Rockefellers owned all of it. In the early days of the automobile industry alcohol burning engines were popular. Henry Ford predicted alcohol would dominate oil by the 1920’s. The Rockefellers and others pushed for Prohibition and this all but killed the alcohol car. In the 1950’s GM and the oil industry dismantled inner city electric trolley cars and replaced them with buses running on diesel. They paid a $5000 fine. But it was too late. Then they partnered with the government to build the Interstate Highway system. In the early part of the 20th century Rockefeller started Chicago University to reshape American education to benefit oil. The ‘Dumbing Down Of America” was the goal and it was achieved. Later they took over the medical schools to promote pharmaceuticals. This was accomplished literally overnight. They took the banking industry when Nixon went off the gold standard by abandoning Bretton Woods. This created the petro-dollar. Oh Well whats a poor boy to do but sing for a Rock N Roll band. Next I watched a BBC series on “Operation Gladio”. Gladio was the CIA program in Europe after WWII that was supposed to root out communists. Most of the governments in Europe were unaware of it’s existence. Too late to do anything now. Then I watched “Monarch The New Phoenix Program” by Marshall Gregory Thomas. This isn’t the greatest documentary but I like it. It documents the CIA’s MK Ultra program that was trying to come up with ways to control the human mind. They go into the PRU’s (Provincial Reconnaissance Units) in Vietnam. They killed about 40,000 people covertly. Thomas says they are doing this today in America. This is whats happening to me.