Solution Suggestions
Sources of Surveillance
1. ECHELON - A United States federal government program run by the National Security Agency (NSA) based at Ft Meade Maryland. It has bases around the world but for some reason they are only in the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom. Canada, South Africa and New Zealand. These are all predominately English speaking Protestant countries. Evidence the Pope is involved. Every installation has massive computers and antennas that sort through billions of cell phone and Wi-Fi transmissions and who knows what else.
2. Satellites - There are hundreds of satellite systems that are owned and operated by both the federal government of this country and others and also by private corporations. Three private networks I am aware of are: Iridium, Inmarsat and GlobalStar. They are capable of picking up minute amounts of all kinds of phenomena such as electrical, heat, light, etc using what is referred to as remote sensing. There are literally books of bibliographies on remote sensing.
3. Cell Phone Towers - Cell phones became a reality in the 1980's. There is no reason to believe they don't employ the same remote sensing technology used by satellites. Every square inch of this country is covered by more than one network.
4. The Entire Electric Grid - The North American electric grid is the largest machine ever built. It could be acting as an antenna. This includes antennas operated by ordinary radio and TV stations. They could hook up a computer to it anywhere and begin sifting through EMI it picks up. Broadband Over Powerlines (BPL) is a technology that has existed for years. It uses the electric grid to deliver cable TV short distances. They say it's very susceptable to noise but who knows, maybe they've overcome the problem. If revolution occurs all large computer installations shoud be destroyed or permanantly turned off. There is no telling what they're doing. This would also destroy electronic money, another control device.
5. Stand-Alone Techniques (microphones, cameras, vibration sensors etc) Similar technology such as cell phone and satellite remote sensing could be applied to small portable devices. Someone next door could be listening to everything you say or even think by aiming something at your house.
6. People with Neural Implants - Someone could be communicating with these people from a control room somewhere or maybe they're aware of your thoughts without any go between. Either way they're a problem.
Disabling Satelittes
1. Satelittes run on solar voltaic arrays. It might be possible to destroy the solar cells with a high power LASER based on the ground.
2. Satelittes are useless if you can't communicate with them. Establish a connection then turn up the power and try to destroy the circuitry associated with the antenna.
3. Find a satelitte dish destroy a satelitte dish.
Defeating Surveillance
1. A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving. The NSA building is copper, but aluminum has the best reflective property's of any metal. Aluminum flashing can be bought at any construction supply (Home Depot, Lowes). Attach it to one side of some plywood panels and place the panels on the floor of the attic. There are companies that sell and install metal roofs. This might defeat satelitte surveillance but not cell phone towers. If a satelitte can pick up EMI at 10,000 miles cell phone towers can do the same. Cell phone systems are on the ground and would be capable of snooping through the walls not the roof. To defeat this, the whole house would have to covered with aluminum. They used to sell aluminum siding, I don't know if they still do.
2. It might be possible to eavesdrop on a dwelling through the grounding rod. Which is to say any dwelling. This, in fact, could neutralize the Faraday Cage. This is only a guess. In the event it is true, this idea might help. Introduce noise onto the grounding rod or cage intentionally. This idea is mechanical. Attach a small metal rod to a motor. Rig the assembly to continuesly tap on the grounding rod.
3. Neural implants probably operate on microwaves given the small size. Getting an implant out of someone is tricky. You would have to stop the implant from communicating, get them to a facility that is fully protected from surveillance and they might have to stay there a while. EMI shielding could help cut off communication. They make EMI absorbant material that looks something like a SCUBA diving wet suit. A person could be covered from head to toe with this and brought to a facility that is a faraday cage. A faraday cage is an entire building encased in copper or aluminum and grounded to earth. This would be a faraday cage walking into a faraday cage. Or maybe some sort of aluminum helmet could be made.
4. Any wire entering or leaving a building and connected to a utility (electric, cable, phone) is a highway for someone to snoop. Any house has thousands of feet of wire. A large building has miles and it can all be used for transfering data. Broadband Over Powerlines (BPL) is a technology that uses the AC wiring in a building for delivering the same data as the coax cable. It only works for a couple of miles because of it's susceptibility to noise. Telephone wiring could also be used without a person's knowledge. A Westek Z 100 filter removes all frequencies above audio (30khz). It would slow down any high speed snooping. Anything plugged into a wall outlet in your house could be snooping. This includes Wi-Fi and Bluetooth devices. The wiring itself could be a problem. As a rule the bigger the antenna, the more sensitive it is. So the wiring in your house could be a very sensitive antenna capable of picking up your personal emissions. There are at least 2 ways to defeat some of these problems. Filtering and injecting noise onto the wires. Filtering can be accomplished with basic componants such as capacitors, inductors and resistors. All must be high power. Injecting noise onto the wires can be accomplished with X10 technology. This was developed in the 1970's and is used to turn on or turn off devices using the AC wiring as control wiring. It consists of a small AC transformer that steps down the voltage creates a DC voltage for the signal then puts the signal back on the AC coming in. They make shielded AC wire. It works like coax cable. It has all the conductors surrounded by aluminum foil that is grounded. It operates on the same principle as a Faraday Cage. It keeps out all signals and keeps all signals in.
5. This may sound crazy but "Where does an 800 lb gorilla sit"? If you have 500,000 heavily armed soldiers in a small area all the surveillance in the world is useless. Take control of the countryside. Establish some lines. This is where the enemy is, this is where the enemy isn't. Control the country from the countryside. Stop people from moving around. Don't try to rule the urban areas. If someone is identified as the enemy restrict them to an urban area. Try to get everyone on the same page. Overcoming the fact that "Everything You Know Is Wrong" (and that means everyone) is the biggest problem. One way to do this might be to take over a couple hospitals with as big a force as necessary to neutralize local police along with the surrounding area, then force everyone in the area to have an X-ray and have everyone watch as people are dis-connected. This could also be a recruiting tool. Leave behind literature that gets people asking questions. Feel free to use anything on my websites. Reward people with property taken during the revolution instead of relying on banks.
Noise Generators
1. Spark Generators - Spark generators were one of the first Morse Code machines. They were invented by Nikola Tesla before the end of the 19th century. The Titanic carried a spark transmitter (generator). As radio progressed they were outlawed because they interfered with the entire radio spectrum. A Jacobs Ladder is a type of spark generator. At high voltages they can interupt everything. I mounted a standard spark plug from an internal combustion engine in a piece of metal to simulate an engine. To create the spark I used a standard ignition coil with a Velleman kit. The Velleman kit (K2543) comes with everything needed, but it has to be assembled.
2. Mechanical Generators - Electric motors are notorious for generating noise that interfere with sensitive electronics. All motors have a rotor that must move and be energized at the same time. This is accomplished with a conducting brush that keeps contact with the rotor. The idea is to rotate a metal brush on metal and conduct electricity through it to create noise. Then amplify the noise and put it on an antenna.
3. Electronic Generator - I began experimenting with Texas Instruments MSP430 line of microcontrollers. The Launchpad comes preprogrammed with a software routine that pulses an LED. I theorize you could simply take that pulse, amplify it and put it on an antenna and it might create enough disturbance for one person. It could be made small enough to hang around a person's neck. The MSP could also be programmed to generate random digital signals out of almost any output. You could generate many random signals mix them together and create digital noise. The outputs could be programmed for different frequencies. Another electronic idea is to build a white noise generator, chop up the signal somehow and amplify that. Different metals have different conducting properties. It might be possible to make your own componant to chop up signals by passing the current through different metals. You could pass the signal through a piece of pig iron and see if it makes a lot of noise. To overcome the limitations of microwave antennas you pass the final signal through a long conductor on the PCB. This is the opposite of what designers do. They must meet standards set by the Federal Communication Commission for EMI.
4. It might be possible to record the noise made by a spark transmitter, make a computer file out of it, then rebroadcast (transmit) it through a cell phone or iPod. It's effectiveness might be limited to the microwave spectrum because of the size of the antenna.
5. Bluetooth is a technology that allows Personal Area Networks using microwaves. You can transmit and recieve signals up to 150 ft away. Anyone can develop applications for Bluetooth. Development kits can be bought online at supply houses such as Mouser or Digi-Key.
6. Android is an open source platform for cell phones and MP3 players. Anyone can develop applications for an Android based device. The software is free. Google "Android Software Development Kit". Many Android devices have an antenna that can be programed. It could be used to broadcast noise or some other jamming signal.
1. Jamming is a technology as old as radio. Jamming is aimed at the reciever not the transmitter. The idea is to prevent the reciever from picking up the signal. A couple of methods can be used. Over power the transmitted signal with a higher wattage signal similar to the one trying to be recieved or just broadcast noise of many frequencies and of very high wattage. A satelitte can be considered a reciever if it is trying to pick up your brain transmissions. Carrying around a device that transmits noise at frequencies the same as your brain at higher power levels could stop synthetic telepathy. The power levels of your brain can be easily overcome by a device with a 9 volt battery. It might be possible to program an Android device to do this.
Neural Implants
1. Reading the book "Physical Control Of The Mind" (a free pdf can be found on the DOCUMENTS page) by Jose Manuel DelGado there are at least 2 methods for controlling the mind. A small chip (RFID) can be placed under the scalp without drilling a hole in the bone and an actual implant can be inserted into the pituitary through the nose with a procedure called Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery. The RFID chip can be powered by the AC wires all around us by by picking up the EMI like a transformer. The chip itself acts like the secondary of a transformer. The RFID can communicate with the person by the microwave hearing effect. The RFID can communicate with the outside world with a small antenna probably on some microwave frequency coming out of a satelitte or cell phone system. It might work like any phone system. Each chip has a specific phone number or address. To disable it, all one has to do is locate it under the scalp and break it with a hammer. "Instant Karma"
2. Disabling a neural implant is a little more complicated. In the movie "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest" the main character, R P McMurphy, has to under go ECT (electro-convulsive therapy) as punishment. ECT is used by some doctors to treat depression. Electrodes are placed on the temples and voltage is applied to the head. Since a neural implant is so small this would be like hitting a TV with lightning. It would "fry it". Another way would be to expose the head to a massive high power pulse of EMI and try to destroy small componants on the chip. A general idea for a pulse generator can be found on the DOCUMENTS page.
Eisenhowers Farewell Address
Jan 17, 1961
On Jan 17, 1961 Eisenhower gave his farewell address where he warns of "a hostile idealogy, global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose and insidious in method". He continues by saying "a prolonged and complex struggle, with liberty the stake". I do not believe he is talking about communism because he points out 2 things he thinks are wrong with America:
  1. The Military Industrial Complex
  2. The consequences of too much government funded research
Toward the end he warns of a "community of dreadful fear and hate". The entire speech can be found on youtube.
Selected Quotes from this Speech
'We face a hostile ideology, global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose, and insidious in method. Unfortunately, the danger it poses promises to be of indefinite duration,....'
'...the burden of a prolonged and complex struggle, with liberty the stake.'
'..a recurring temptatiom to feel that some spectacular and costly action is the miraculous solution to all our current difficulties...'
'In the councils of government we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence whether sought or unsought from the military industrial complex, the potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist....'
'In this revolution research has become central, it has also become more formalized costly and complex, a steadily increasing share is done for by or at the direction of the federal government...'
'We must also guard against the possibility that public policy itself could become the captive of a scientific technological elite....'
Neuro Nexus Tech
Daryl R Kipke
MK-Ultra The Controllers
by Martin Cannon
Physical Control Of The Mind
Jose Delgado
We are inventing, designing, building,
paying, fighting and dying towards our own demise.
Don't accept an implant,
if you do you're a slave
The RFID chip
is a cover story
It's a neural implant.
John F Kennedy
April 27, 1961
Waldorf Astoria New York, New York
Roughly 3 months after Eisenhowers Farewell Address and 10 days to 2 weeks after the Bay of Pigs incident Pres Kennedy gave a speech at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City. In it he implies we are at war "technically" but not "officially". This speech may have been one thing that led to his assasination. On August 21, 1959 then Pres Eisenhower issued Executive Order 10834 which allowed yellow fringe around flags in American courtrooms. The meaning of this is debated. I believe it allows for military law. The defendant is at the mercy of the judge. I believe this indicates Eisenhower knew we were at war "technically". This state of war has existed ever since. The vast majority of Americans don't know this. An even larger number, including me, don't know who we are at war with.
Two Quotes from this Speech
'...for we are opposed, around the world, by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covet means to increase it's sphere of influence...'
(about half way in)
..'so man can be what he was born to be, free and independent'
(the very end)
Ways to Defeat Synthetic Telepathy
Neural Implants and
The Microwave Hearing Effect
A personal area network jamming/masking device. A portable device about the size of a pocket radio that produces signals similar to that of a human but at a higher power output and with noise riding on the signals. The human brain produces signals about 30HZ while awake. They currently have sophisticated software that removes unwanted events like heartbeats and voice vibrations from EEG readings so any noise produced should be random unpredictable events that are difficult to filter out. This device could also jam incoming microwave frequencies to stop the microwave hearing effect while outside. Bluetooth technology allows communication between enabled devices over the microwave spectrum at about 100 to 200 ft. The whole technology is on a single chip. It can be programed to do anything you want.
EMI shielding material can be used to make Faraday cages. A faraday cage is an enclosure, like a room or entire building, encased in this material and is then connected to earth ground. The NSA building on the grounds of Ft Meade MD is fully encased in copper. Copper is too expensive for most people but there are lower cost alternatives. The earth is a naturally conducting body that is always at electrical neutral. Any attempt to develop a voltage on a conductor that is connected to it will simply discharge to earth ground. It is not necessary to redo the roof. You could put a layer of material on the attic floor then cover it with another layer of plywood. Quarter inch plywood would not add too much weight. It is also possible to paint the underside of the roof with a metallic paint or attach metal screen. Metallic paint could be applied to all walls.
The power level of a neural implant must be quite small given the size of the implant and the available voltage. Maybe a fraction of a watt. The brain produces very small voltages. Making a mask of EMI material that covers the entire head (eyes, nose, mouth etc) and even the upper part of the body would probably be enough to block all incoming and outgoing signals. The person could then be taken to a Faraday cage facility to have it removed.
A lot of electronic equipment is very expensive. Personal computers etc. It is always a good idea to have it plugged into a surge suppressor. Surge suppressors prevent large spikes from destroying the equipment. A lightning strike for example can destroy everything in a home. Ham radio equipment is also vunerable through the antenna. Ham radio manufacturers make surge suppressors that connect between the antenna and the reciever. It might be possible to blow out an implant by standing near where someone produces a large spike. This could disconnect a lot of people very quickly and make it hard for them to chase everyone around. Another possibility is to just surgically snip off the end instead of trying to remove the whole thing to disconnect a lot of people.
It is possible to use the wiring inside your house as an antenna for a radio thus picking up your signals and carrying them to the outside world. Broadband Over Powerlines is an example of using these wires to carry a lot of data. You should get off the grid completely. If wiring a new house all wires should go through a chase that connects all floors. This makes them accessible and more easily managed. Keep the amount of wiring to a minimum. Solar panels can separate the oxygen and hydrogen in water by electrolysis then recombine it in a fuel cell to produce electricity. Solar panels can also help to heat a house.
Having a stand alone noise generator in the house could also help. Along with Bluetooth technology SDR (Software Defined Radio) is becoming quite sophisticated. A company in California called Ettus Research has a radio that can cover from 0HZ to GHZ for about $600. It operates on a opensource program called the GNU Radio project. It might be possible to program it to produce all the noise you need. Older technology include spark transmitters and white noise generators.
There are two types of noise that get into electrical devices. Common mode and differential noise. A simple explanation is common mode comes from an outside source and differential comes from wire to wire. Crosstalk inside a data communication cable is differential. Noise that got on the cable from an outside source would be common mode. Ferrite cores can help eliminate noise by just clipping it onto the wire. Most houses have all thier power lines located at the panel. It could be possible to put a noise generator at the point and introduce noise into the lines.
Centrally locate all communication wiring in a panel inside the house. This makes it easier to manage. They make filters for telephone lines that will eliminate all frequencies above the audio level which is around 30KHZ. While it is still possible to send data at that speed it slows it down considerably. A shut off switch could be placed on the coax cable to shut it off if necessary. Make a list of all devices with antennas and decide if they are really needed. Make a Faraday cage for each one and put it inside when you don't need it.
Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...

Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, and it's companion website, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
Beginning of Actual Blog
Sept 26, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Some Fascist ideologies include sterilization and genocide toward people they believe to be inferior. Mental patients, retarded people, certain racial or ethnic groups. While inhuman, another problem with this is the existence of people who half-poison others behind thier back with metal or some chemical. The victim appears to be defective and unable to function but the problem is not genetic. Some Fascists point to Darwin and say ‘It’s the survival of the fittest’, but in fact it’s survival of the sneakiest sycophant. Proving that millions of peoples lives are being destroyed like this is next to impossible. If you could cure them all it might prove it but metal can take years to work it’s way out of the body. Medicine can help with what it calls chelation but even this takes a long time and won’t completely rid the body of metal. In my opinion the best way to prove it is with art, literature and music. If you know what to look for any art thats worth a damn produced by Western Civilization is about this. A good place to start is T S Eliot, an American poet. ‘The Hollow Men’ by T S Eliot T S Eliot was an associate of Ezra Pound. Both were involved in the Modernist movement in the 20th century. They were ex-patriots called the lost generation.
Phil’s short history of money. When global population was very very small, man lived in small villages scattered across the countryside. The barter system was sufficient to meet everyone’s needs. People traded as whole villages and the villages were mostly self supporting. As cities began to develop the tasks within each village became specialized. They needed weavers, bakers, masons etc. The barter system started to fail and the need arose for a means of exchange. A baker makes bread all day and needs a way to acquire the other necessaties. Money, or currency, was invented. Metal was popular to make coins. Precious metals were used because they prevented counterfeiting for the simple reason it is hard to come by. As populations continued to grow gold and silver were replaced by paper and other materials because there wasn’t enough gold and silver to go around. Money can be whatever the people in power say is money. Today we accept paper because the goverment OK’s it. There were cultures in the south Pacific that used large rocks that were flattened on 2 sides, made round and a hole put in the middle. If the rock was very large it was difficult to counterfeit. Some societies used sea shells. The rarer the sea shell the more it was worth because it can’t be counterfeited. The English once used what was called Tally sticks. It was a long piece of wood with notches and then split lengthwise to prevent counterfeits. Rich people learned early on that if you hoard the means of exchange you can control whole countries. The general population can’t buy and sell the things they need for survival. By hoarding the means of exchange you can cause bankruptcy’s and depressions and buy up valuable property for pennies and force the former owners into selling thier labor. The central banking, fractional reserve, money as debt debt as money system we use today is a mechanism for the rich to control the money supply and thus control whole countries. The only real solution anyone has ever come up with is Abraham Lincoln’s greenback. It was debt free money issued by the government. To combat the problem of hoarding the goverment could just issue some more. If the rich then flooded the market, the government could take some out of circulation. The American people of the 19th century understood the workings of money in ways the people today do not. This is by design. Ezra Pound, a famous writer poet of the 20th century saw this happening and wrote a number of articles on it. ‘ABC’s Of Economics’ by Ezra Pound, ‘Social Credit’ by Ezra Pound, ‘What Is Money For?’ by Ezra Pound He belonged to an organization called ‘Social Credit’ founded by Clifford Douglas. It was an economic theory stating that maldistribution of wealth due to insufficient purchasing power is the cause of economic depressions. There is an article in the Encyclopedia Britannica about it. Just type in ‘Social Credit’. Another place to start to understand how money works would be a biography of William Jennings Bryan. Bryan ran for president 3 times and lost all three. He was a proponant of silver over gold. He wanted silver coins issued in a ratio 16 to 1 over gold to help the average person. The gold standard allows the government to restrict the means of exchange because gold is more rare than silver. It’s a way for the government to hoard money, so to speak.
Both of these paragraphs would be a good email to send at random to drive people to my websites or yours. Or use as a chain letter using snail mail.
The Idaho thing?? ???
Ezra Pound was born in Idaho.
"I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK,.... I sleep all night and I work all day....!" Monty Python...." The Social Credit Party existed in Western Canada until the 1970's.
"It's a pool full of strangers...."
Private Idaho
Randy Weaver stood his ground at Ruby Ridge. ??? The only FBI agent that was killed was from Quincy Mass. (I don’t know what that means) Ciara Durkin was from Quincy. ??? (if she was real)
"I am not gay, I have never been gay"
Sen Larry Craig
I am reading “Crossing The Rubicon” by Michael Ruppert (Hubbard Hubbert ????). It’s an encyclopedia of evidence of the corruption of the global political structure and multi-national corporations. 500 pages. Ruppert tries to make the case that drug money is keeping the stock market afloat. Next I’m going to read “The Federal Reserve Conspiracy” by Antony C Sutton and “Twilight in the Desert” by Matt Simmons
Sept 23, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
"Old mother Hubbard went to the cupboard,..."
"To fetch her poor dog a bone...."
L. Ron Hubbard was a science fiction writer who started Scientology.
M. King Hubbert was a scientist who proposed the theory of Peak Oil.
Temple of the Dog was a Seattle Grunge band. They were a tribute to Andrew Wood of the band Mother Love Bone.
Why are 'dogs' so important? Well, dog is God spelled backwards. HA HA ..... HA HA,..... The 'dog' is a crime that goes unpunished. The global conspiracy is a crime that goes unpunished and unnoticed. How do you get the entire planet to investigate a crime without a body? Well, the dog is the body. You say you still don’t understand? Suppose you couldn't say anything (mind control) or didn’t have a TV station or both? The answer is to beat the dog. Or maybe I'm "just another brick in the wall...."
"Radio is moanin...."
"Callin to the dogs...."

The Soft Parade
The Doors
Sept 20, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
A List Of Seattle Grunge Rock N Roll Bands
Mother Love Bone – Featuring Andrew Wood they released 1 album just before Wood died.
Temple of the Dog – Featuring future Soundgarden frontman Chris Connell they released 1 album as a tribute to Andrew Wood of Mother Love Bone.
Faith No More – Had several successful albums in the 1990's
Soundgarden – Featuring Chris Connell their best work was "Superunknown" with the single "Black Hole Sun".
Pearl Jam – The most commercially successful Grunge band with millions of records sold.
Nirvana – Featuring Kurt Cobain who died young. Their best album was "Nevermind" with the single "Smells Like Teen Spirit"
Alice In Chains – My favorite Grunge band. I believe the most important. Are still releasing albums.
Remember Phil Hartman of SNL. His wife Brin killed him then killed herself. Creepy. Maybe an Aliester Crowley? Now thats serious!!!
I am researching the moral decline of Western Civilization. I think it's no accident. I got the idea from the quote at the beginning of the 3rd Zeitgeist movie. They quote someone named Ernst Fischer. I don't know who he is. I went back the movie to see if there was a bibliography at the end but there wasn't. There is a bibliography at the end of the 1st movie. I list a couple here: "The Federal Reserve Conspiracy" by Antony C Sutton – "On The Federal Reserve" by L McFadden – "Rule by Secrecy" by Jim Marrs – "The Inner World Of The Occult" by J Maxwell – The Naked Truth – IRES ??? "Who Financed Hitler" by James Pool
Sept 18, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Who’s running the government? Who’s running the country? A couple weeks ago I spent the weekend watching “The Money Master’s” with Bill Still. I watched it 4 or 5 times. (I think my copy is missing the last half hour???) One person they quote numerous times is Louis T McFadden a Republican congressman from Pennsylvania. He was the chairman of the house banking committee from 1920 to 1932. He hated the federal reserve. On Monday when I got to Atlantic House I typed his name into Google Books. I had thought about it for a couple days but I did it anyway. He was mentioned in a bibliography for a book titled “Phoenix Rising The Rise And Fall Of The American Republic” by Donald Lett Jr. When I looked that book up on Amazon it was $800 so I didn’t buy it. If it’s real I wouldn’t have got a actual copy anyway. Another book I found was “The Collective Speech’s Of Louis T McFadden”. It was $200 on Amazon so I didn’t but it either. I say these things so other people can do the investigation. I would never get anywhere. The idea would be to find out who was the chairman of the senate banking committee during the same period and determine if the majority opinion of both the house and senate were opposed to the federal reserve. If the president was also opposed why was nothing ever done? Would this constitute evidence the government has been held hostage since the days of Woodrow Wilson? The movie also points out that Pres Harding was opposed but died early in his term. ????? The movie cites a book tilted “My Exploited Father-In Law” by a relative of F D R. A phoenix is a mythical bird that lives about 500 years, then destroys itself in a fire then a new one rises from the ashes. The myth began in ancient Egypt. The concept of a phoenix has come up a number of times during my time as a dog. ??? Recently, I watched “H G Wells Things To Come” from 1936. Part of the story involves an organization called “Wings Over The World”. A futuristic government that wants to conquer outer space. ????
A couple weeks ago I proposed a circuit for a transient noise wave. It involved putting 3 transistors in series and driving each one with a different frequency sine wave. I don’t know if it works. Another idea I have is to take a noise signal and phase shift and invert it to make 3 generally different signals out of one. Then add all 3 to a mixer circuit and get a higher decibel noise signal. You could also put it through a frequency doubler and add that to the mix. You could keep doubling it until you shut down a significant portion of the radio spectrum. (see top picture)
I spent last weekend building a working model of a noise generator. (see bottom picture) I put a connector for a battery input on one side with a 5 volt regulator. The whole circuit will run on 5 volts DC. On the other side I put a DC power plug for an antenna. I figure I could sew an antenna inside the collar of a shirt and disconnect it when needed. Or wear the antenna as a necklace. I can just add circuits as I come up with them and see if they work. If I know it doesn’t work I can remove it.
See Dick
See Jane
See Dick dick Jane
See Spot
See spot Dick’s dick left on Jane
Bad dog
REALLY bad dog
Death Is A Career Move
You harass me until I commit a crime so I annoy you for the same reason. Turnabout’s fair play. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. You don’t have to hear voices to wanna get off this planet.
I Hate therefore I am
I believe in equality I hate everybody
Sept 16, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I have been reading “Confronting Collapse The Crisis of Energy and Money in a Post Peak Oil World” by Michael C Ruppert. He also wrote “Crossing the Rubicon”. It’s about the problems facing the human race because of the banking and oil industries. He points out the banking industry is owned by and run for a very small number of private individuals. It is not run by the federal government. The government is run by them. The borrower is subservient to the lender. A famous Rothschild banker is quoted “Give me control of a nations currency, and I care not who makes it laws”. Money operates on basically the same market principles as everything else. Too much money in circulation and it’s value goes down. Too little and it’s value goes up. However with money when there’s too much everybody thrives. People start business’s and life is good. Too little and people go bankrupt. This is what the international bankers do to manipulate the economy of the entire world. The news media covers up the truth by calling it a natural “Boom and Bust” business cycle. Most experts agree the Great Depression of the 1930’s was caused by bankers. It was not an accident. American corporations were becoming very wealthy and powerful outside of the banking industry so the bankers decreased the money supply causing bankruptcy and bought it all up for pennies on the dollar. International bankers start and fund wars to put whole nations into debt. The income tax was authorized just after the federal reserve to pay for future wars. Money is a medium or a means of exchange. Money can be whatever the people in power say is money. There were cultures in the South Pacific that used rocks that were flattened on both sides and with a hole in the middle. You are already accepting paper. It does not have to be gold or silver. In fact precious metals can be hoarded by the rich to control the supply. Lincoln’s Greenback was an answer. A barter system is not adequate for modern society. It may have worked for primitive societies but not now. Someone who produces a large quantity of something can’t barter for his daily needs. Sugar, clothes etc. He can’t pay employees with what he produces to have them barter. There must be a medium. At the end he says his office was broken into and computers were stolen because he was about to publish an expose on Pat Tillman. Tillman was a football player who walked away from a million dollar contract to fight in Afghanistan. He was killed during a fire fight. He had become disillusioned with the war and was very vocal. A number of officers were disciplined because of his death.
I am also re-watching “The Money Masters” and the third Zeitgeist movie, “Zeitgeist Moving Forward” Both can be watched for free on youtube. Both of these movies are about how capitalism is no longer working. At the very beginning of “The Money Masters” he cites a book titled “The New Economic Disorder” by Larry Bates. Capitalism requires planned obsolescence, waste and unemployment to make a profit. I listed a lot of websites mentioned. I also posted them on the ‘LINKS’ page.
dieoff com
Oil Depletion Protocol
Sept 11, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Roma are a traditionally wandering people whose ancestors lived in India. They are sometimes called Gypsies, Romanies, or Travellers (also spelled Travelers). The Roma live in almost every part of the world, but most live in central and eastern Europe. The Roma have faced mistrust and discrimination for centuries.
The name Roma refers to the people as a whole and to the largest group of them. Most groups prefer the name Roma for the people in general rather than Gypsy, because Gypsy has sometimes been used as an insult. In addition to the specific group called the Roma, whose members live throughout the world, other groups include the Cale of Spain, the Manouches of France, and the Sinti (or Sinte) of Germany.
No one knows how many Roma there are because many live in small groups on the outskirts of society. Estimates suggest about 12 million Roma live throughout the world. The largest numbers of Roma live in central and eastern Europe. More live in Romania than any other country, but Bulgaria, Slovakia, and Spain also have large Romani populations.
Many Roma speak their own language, called Romani. Romani belongs to the Indo-Iranian group of languages, and it varies from place to place. Most Roma also speak the language of the people among whom they live. However, many Roma cannot read or write any language.
Roma have long been noted as musicians and dancers. They have borrowed from and added to the music and dance of many other cultures. Some Roma follow traditional Romani occupations, such as fortunetelling, metalworking, horse trading, and animal training and doctoring. Because their traditional crafts are not often needed in modern society, many Roma are unemployed. They frequently live in extremely poor conditions. Many Roma have settled down, but some are still nomads. Many of the cultures they live among mistrust the Roma because of their poverty and different way of life.
The Roma left India about A.D. 1000 and began to move westward through the Middle East. They arrived in Europe by the 1300's. Some Roma claimed to have come from a country called Little Egypt. The word Gypsy is probably a shortened form of Egyptian.
Romani leaders have formed organizations to try to improve their situation and to pressure political leaders to address their problems. The first World Romani Conference was held in London in 1971, and others have been held since. In 2001, the International Romani Union Parliament held its founding meeting in Bratislava, Slovakia.
(I stole this from the World Book Encyclopedia)
"There's something rotten in Denmark"
List of European countries whose official sanctioned church is the Evangelical Lutheran or has a large protestant population that the Pope has no problem with: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Latvia, Estonia and Iceland (it's not technically Europe.
"The winds of Thor..."
"Are blowin cold...."

No Quarter
Led Zeppelin
(Thor was a Viking God, Vikings were the Popes army for centuries)
Sept 10, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Did you mean bring a narrative to a pixie dust and eye of Newt fight? HA HA.............................HA HA HA HA HA..................
I am currently listening to 'Temple of the Dog'. A Seattle Grunge band. Then I'm going to listen to 'Faith No More' also Grunge. Then maybe 'The Butthole Surfers, The Revolting Cocks and Rage Against The Machine. (I'm researching the moral decline of western civilization at the same time) signed Pictures At An Exhibition Modest Mussorsky
This is why I think the civil war in Syria has lasted so long. They're using it to get rid of everyone in Israel, and maybe the entire Middle East, that knows too much. It's the same thing as the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia after the Vietnam War and the Bombing of Dresden during WWII.
"When the great economic collapse happens, it'll be right across the board. I mean I don't think Rock N Roll will go first. Right now the market for Rock N Roll is expanding at a phenomenal rate"
Roger Waters
Pink Floyd
Live At Pompeii
Sept 9, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Take away fossil fuels and radio technology from modern warfare and the jungles of Viet New England are not that difficult to conceptualize. "You cannot win a war against guerrilla tactics" Sun Tzu - The Art of War
Sept 7, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I think the moral decline of western civilization is no accident. It was planned as far back as the 19th century. It all fits into the apolcalypse. At the very beginning of the 3rd Zeitgeist movie they quote someone named Ernst Fischer "In a decaying society, art, if it is truthful, must also reflect decay and unless it wants to break faith with it's social function art must show the world as changable and help to change it". I don't know who Fischer is. It makes no sense for me to try to be an artist. I want to kill my customer. The rich. The oligarch collective. I put my photographs on my websites to annoy people. Contradiction is balance. It's all harassment.
No one will ever be famous for being an actual rolling stone. At this point my mug won't even make a wanted poster. They could build a copper lined rubber room on a crazy farm on a leper colony on a deserted island on another planet and I wouldn't be welcome. AND I DON'T CARE. However I am going to make as much trouble as HUMANLY possible on the way out the door. It's your move MOE. Moe Larry cheese......Moe Larry cheese...........!
I think people should come up with a new greeting. Instead of Hello how are you or shaking hands it should Fuck You. Had a new baby Fuck You. Fuck You Christmas Fuck You New Year.
I am going to get some T-shirts with a middle finger on the front that says "I'm with stupid (this includes you)"
Sept 6, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
There is a song by Ministry titled 'The Game Show'. The lyrics imply it is an 'Alice' situation. He says "Our life was just a joke...". It makes me wonder if someone is using the situation as entertainment. A sort of reality TV show. I have found evidence they can pick up the electrical impulses of someones eyes then reconstruct what the person is seeing. A persons eyes are being used as a camera. Add the persons thinking and maybe the voice and sell it to cable TV. Arnold Swarzenneggar made a movie tilted "The Running Man" that might be a close approximation. He is forced to run for his life while TV cameras follow all the action. The movie also had Richard Dawson who was the host of Family Fued for many years and Paul Michael Glaser. Both of those people had some serious problems after the movie was made. I wonder if the problems were a result of the movie. If you think about how completely insane my life is it's not hard to imagine a TV show based on a human kill. In the 1970's the FBI investigated "Snuff" films. They never found anything. The investigation was probably conducted by Internal Affairs. There was a Roman coliseum in almost every city Rome occupied. There were always people willing to pay for that kind of entertainment. I know I've asked this question in the past but has anyone researched the status of women in the Roman Empire. Oh nevermind I have a couple Playboy magazines. signed Leah Pistorius (pissed off at us ???) What happened to Leah she just disappeared? The men are cannon fodder and the women are rolling stone fodder. The Boston Tea Party was the Riestag Fire of its day. "None are more hopelessly enslaved then those who falsely believe they are free"
"They were all in love with dyin'..."
"They were doin' it in Texas...."

The Butthole Surfers
"I don't give a fuck about the FBI...."
"I don't give a fuck about the CIA..."

Chewin' George Lucas Chocolate/Goofys Concern
The Butthole Surfers
"Like a rolling stone...."
"Like the FBI......"
"Like the CIA......."

Dig It/Let It Be
The Beatles
Death Is A Career Move
Sept 5, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
OK I'm gonna get really weird today. Knute Rockne (Nute Rock Me) was a famous coach and player for Notre Dame. He helped develop the forward pass and make Notre Dame a dominant team in college football. One of his best teams had "The Four Horseman" (as in the 4 horseman of the apolcalypse) as the frontline. Notre Dame is a catholic university. Doug Flutie (dig that flute) won the Heisman Trophy while playing for Boston College. In his last game he threw a "Hail Mary" to Gerard Phalen to beat the Miami Hurricanes in the last seconds of the game. Miami was a perennial powerhouse. The play occurred on Thanksgiving Day 1984. Boston College is a catholic Jesuit School. (see the logo for the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority for more information) If this was all orchestrated it's proof positive you are a sickness. I'm sick from the sickness. I'm sick of the sickness. You play 'God' then make war to maintain your self appointed right to play God. If I ever figure out what is expected of me (if anything) you can count on me to not do it. Anything I can do to fuck with you I am going to do (regardless).
I have been re-watching "A Midsummers Night Dream" by Shakespeare. It has 3 crazy love stories all in one then ends with a performance of a play titled "Pyramus and Thisbe". The Encyclopedia Britannica says the play is about transformation and Shakespeare got his inspiration for the play from Ovid's poem "Metamorphoses". I think all 3 love stories and the play are about the "Alice" phenomena. Proof that this bullshit predates Jesus.
Sept 4, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Can I get me a get me out of here in here!!! I am waiting for 'it' to make a decision.
Over the weekend I watched a documentary titled "A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash". They pointed out 3 places where the oil has run dry. McGamey Tx, Maracaibo Venezuela and Baku Ajzerbajian. They said the standard of living for the average Saudi has dropped dramatically in the last 15 years. They have gone from $25.000 a year to $6,000 a year and the Saudi government is very unstable. The main stream media reports problems in Venezuela but doesn't really elaborate. I wonder if it's what happens when an overpopulated country runs out of oil and the media is avoiding the issue. I wonder how bad the problem is.
Spider References
Boris The Spider by The Who
Johnny Blade by Black Sabbath
James Dean by The Eagles
Cannibal References
Quequig in the novel 'Moby Dick'
Baby (played by Meatloaf ????) gets eaten in the movie "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"
The Soft Parade by The Doors ('Sailors to the underfed...')
The Cannibal Song by Ministry
'Survive' a movie from 1977
Sept 3, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I have been reading about Russian history. Yesterday I downloaded a free copy of Sergey Eisenstein's movie "Potemkin" made in 1925. I tried to get a copy of his movie "Alexander Nevsky" but I didn't want to pay for it. At one point in "Potemkin" someone says "Kill the Jews" when they weren't involved in anything before that. Then they're never mentioned again??? Eisenstein made propaganda films for the Soviet government then went to Hollywood and signed a contract to make movies in a time when travel between the 2 countries was restricted. I thought that was funny. The movie "Potemkin" is considered one of the greatest movies ever made. This morning I got up and started reading Antony C Sutton's book "Wall St And The Bolshevik Revolution". He makes the case that American capitalists were behind the Bolshevik's. His evidence is difficult to follow. He mentions something called The US State Department Decimal Files number 861.00 and the Sisson Documents. He does prove that Woodrow Wilson issued Leon Trotsky and other revolutionaries American passports to return to Russia at a time when their presence was likely to cause unrest. He also presents evidence that German bankers funded the Bolsheviks. Both of these were done during World War I and might have been to remove Russia from the war. It set up the East-West Capitalist-Communist cold war that resulted in the arms build-up, which was a go;s mine for capitalists. It may have also led to the surveillance society we currently live in.
I have also been thinking about what happens when the oil runs out. I figure a number of things will occur but depend on the human race overcoming the surveillance. The world will get bigger. Cheap quick transportation will be a thing of the past. Modern communications will become very expensive. A lot of the motivation of the rich to meddle in political affairs will be gone. It will become more difficult to be rich on a global scale. People will be forced to think and act on a local basis. Investing your money in the local community is a good idea. Real Estate. If you own a couple buildings downtown you and your family are all set. All of the things that are produced by and made from oil will have to be replaced by agriculture or renewable resources. The human race is going back in time. It's not a decision anyone is making it's a reality based on facts. "Lets do the time warp again..."It makes no sense for the people at the bottom to start killing each other at a time when their shear numbers will overwhelm a system that has managed to cling to power into the 21st century. Small town life will become paradise.
Sept 1, 2016
Philip Nute
45 Cross St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Pip. When I was in high school I had an English teacher who insisted I read the book 'Great Expectations' by Charles Dickens. She didn't make anyone else do it, just me. The main character is named Philip Pirrup. Everyone calls him Pip because that's the way it comes out when you try to say his name. I bought a movie version a few years ago. If you know what to look for it's all the same thing. My father did business with people in England. When I was very young we had some people from England staying with us. He brought his daughter who was my age. One night after dinner she asked me to follow her into the dining room. She picked up a pair of sneakers and said "In England we call these 'Pipper's". I was like OK. It always stuck in my mind. A couple nights ago I was watching "H G Wells Things To Come". A movie from 1936. At the very beginning war is on the horizon. One person is convinced it will never happen, he tries to be happy and look on the bright side. Someone else says "Well I guess we should call you 'Pippa". You can download a lot for free on Vimeo. In the 1970's there was a singer named Gladys Knight. She called the band Gladys Knight and the Pips. Thier biggest hit was "Midnight Train To Georgia". (glad dark or black person?) The sister of Kate Middleton, who married Prince William?? is named Pippa. I'm not sure if that's related. A 'juded' person is often unaware of the problem. They go about thier lives interfacing with people not knowing other people find them annoying. (a glad night???) They put up with a lot of rejection. Sometimes they try too hard to fit in. They can't see they're not really connecting with people. signed Pippy Longstocking
"If you want to control the dissent, lead the dissent' anonymous (Public Pretenders ??? "Julius Caesar" ??)