Faraday Cage and Neural Implant Removal
'There's a room where the light won't find you,...
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,..
when they do I'll be right behind you...
Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Tears for Fears
A faraday cage is an enclosure, room or entire building (like the NSA building at Ft Meade), encased in metal and then grounded to earth. It prevents electromagnetic waves from entering or leaving.
I am not a journalist. I am a victim of illegal surveillence in the United States of America. It has been going on for at least 7 years. I don't know who is responsible, but I have come to believe I am not alone and this has been happening to others since the mid 1950's. The goal of this site is to shock people into asking questions. I insinuate, you investigate. No one person could possibly convince another the scope of the problem facing the United States and other countries. Everyone needs to be concerned enough to ask questions and convince themselves. There is a lot of wrong and conflicting information on this website. But when Winston, of George Orwell's 1984 is at work in your life, it's unavoidable.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink"
I, Philip Nute, hereby give permission for anyone anywhere to reproduce this website, www.philipnute.com and it's companion website www.zsezse.com, in it's entirety while I am alive or after I'm dead. I also give permission for anyone anywhere to do whatever they want with my life story be it good or bad. I declare this all public domain.
'In an age of universal deciet, telling the truth is an act of revolution'
George Orwell
George Orwell
Beginning of Actual Blog
Sept 23, 2019
Philip Nute
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
28 Christopher Rd
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
Did you know, the Catholic church maintained an Index Of Forbidden Books for centuries? In the not to distant future "Mommy whats a book?" A heirarchal society is only possible on the basis of poverty and IGNORANCE" George Orwell
"There is no political solution..."
"To our troubled evolution..."
"Have no faith in constitution....."
"There is no bloody revolution..."
Spirits In The Material World
The Police
(det dit dot dot det... but if you knew Morse code you'd already know that...)
"To our troubled evolution..."
"Have no faith in constitution....."
"There is no bloody revolution..."
Spirits In The Material World
The Police
(det dit dot dot det... but if you knew Morse code you'd already know that...)
The political process in this country is controlled by the 2 party's, the demacans and the republicrats. You can't get your name on the ballot for dog catcher in East Bumshoe North Dakota without being on the team. The crazies at the top are hell bent on apolcalypse and they're gonna get what they want. They're not gonna use my name for anything.
Calling you puke is an insult to any bacteria or viruses that may be in it
See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil....but can you think no evil...
'Verdy Interesting..." .."We have ways of making you think..."
If the police can't get away with it why would you? Everything must be hocus pocus.
"Everywhere I go...."
"I get fucked ya know..."
"Cause people know what I'm thinking...."
Just A Gigalo
David Lee Roth
"I get fucked ya know..."
"Cause people know what I'm thinking...."
Just A Gigalo
David Lee Roth
When the check clears you can commence fucking off!! (billions for defense, not a penny for tribute)
MBTA - Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (every train a mission)
Hopelessly entrenched power is hopelessly insane (power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely and makes for arrogance personified and eventually psychosis)
A question I would like to ask Satan. What do you do in your spare time? (I turn perfectly normal crazy people into transvestites to teach them respect....insanity is a perfectly normal reaction to a completely insane world....insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result....insanity is contagious)
Some general innuendo on the Hindu Caste system. If you want to know what's going on in any given community, make friends with a cop. George Orwell was a policeman for the British Empire for the first seven or eight years of his working life. He was stationed in Burma and rose to the rank of Non Com Poop. One day he saw someone being executed and had a revelation so he quit. Viktor Novak documented how Catholic priests worked with the Croatioan Ustashe during WWII. This is the Hindu Caste system.
Ever see a version of MacBeth where the witch's are at a boiling cauldron "Boil Boil Toil and trouble..." They put some 'eye of Newt' in and some henbane or something. I actually think it's the church. Anyway I have identified a couple ingredients. The magic sweat ingredient makes you sweat profusely. If you're walking you become de-hydrated and might pass out. The magic hunger ingredient makes your stomach growl a little and you feel like eating. Which plays right into their hands. (Wiily Wonka And The Chocolate Factory)
Quite some time ago I tried to add up the acts of chickenshit I've been subjected to. If I had 10 per day for 15 years it's about 50,000. I bet half of that involved a girl. Thats a lot women. I was about 45 when I became aware of the problem. I had not left home at that time, I had no job, or any prospect for one and no savings. The idea 25,000 women would want to be with me is ludicrous. This is 'Alice In Wonderland'. ('Alice In Wonderland' was first published in 1865) Ted Bundy killed a lot of young women. He was guilty because he admitted it before he was executed. But what if those girls were sent in his direction? Would the people who did that be just as responsible? "Started telling her friends she gonna be a star..." Black Dog Led Zeppelin 1973 "She's waiting...for another love..." Shes Waiting Eric Clapton 1988 "Thats when she said she was pretending..." Eric Clapton 1990 "That bowling ball.....it's my wife..." No Anchovies J Giels 1985 "If you'll be my Dixie Chicken.....I'll be your Tennessee lamb...." Dixie Chicken Little Feat In the movie "The Man Who Would Be King" Sean Connery picks a girl for his queen. She hates him because she knows that she will die with him. This is why I say you could prove the existence of this by asking a hundred women this question "Have you ever been approached by a policeman or someone in authority to seduce a complete stranger to get them out of town?" and a significant percentage would say 'yes'. The moral of the story is 'Just Say No'.
I have been working on my Arduino Brain Simulater Hat. I want to reproduce electronically the Eddy waves coming from my brain that produce my voice. Eddy waves occur when electrons drift from one nucleus to another. The brain and most of the human body produces these by an electro-chemical process. There is no one voltage source. There may not be one at all. The Eddy waves are produced in a sort of free space environment. Voltage in electronics is also called electro motive force. It's a build up of electrons in one place that forces electrons down the line to move. To reproduce Eddy waves without voltage you could use ground in the electronic circuit. Technically there is no voltage but there is current. You could put a resistor at the end of the necklace/hat and ground would be on one side. So the returning wire would reproduce the brain.
I have come up with a way to connect the necklace/hat to the MP3 player. The earbuds are speakers like any other. The documentation rates the earbuds in Ohms, but they are not resistors. They consist of a coil and a magnet. (see top picture) The 3.5 mm audio connceor has only three wires (connections). Left ear, right ear and GBUF (ground buffer). This is not ground but a common connection for the speakers. The idea is to use 2 small audio isolation transformers. They are almost the same resistance and size. Connect the primary of both to the GBUF and one end to each channel. The secondary will then be separate. Put a resistance is series with the hat and necklace.
Sept 17, 2019
Philip Nute
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
I have been working on a hat that will jam my personal signals by mimicing them. I am building a MP3 player to play my own voice. I sewed wire to the inside of a hat and made a necklace from wire that will carry my voice signal. The hat will be one channel and the necklace the other. I also covered a piece of paper with 3M EMI absorbent I bought from mouser(dot)com. EMI absorbent is used in electronics to help suppress EMI in different parts of the same assembly. I think (??) it is what is used to make the Stealth F-115 fighter jet invisible to RADAR. It looks like tin foil but has a sticky backing so it adheres to the paper. I am also wearing one of my old MP3 players around my neck to do the same thing. I am playing my own voice so current is running through the earbuds. I just wrap it around my neck and turn it on. I could also listen to my own voice. I'm not sure if any of this helps.
I recorded my own voice on my PC using the open source program Audacity along with the Audacity plug-in Lame. I can convert to almost any type of file with the open source program fre ac. The home made MP3 player I bought from sparkfun(dot)com. It runs a SD card that is 32 GB. I can have hours and hours of my own voice. After I record it I transfer it to the SD card with the card reader. I'm not exactly sure how the rest of the circuit will look. I could put a resistor and whatever else is needed at the end of the wire (hat and necklace) to simulate the earbuds or I could put something on the PCB.
I have been trying for quite some time to generate electronic noise that would simulate a 10 to 45 HZ brain wave. The two circuits above use avalanche noise from either a Zener diode or a PN junction. I have never been able to get these to work and they require a power supply of 12 or 9 volts. I have found it very difficult to find a circuit that would work at 5 or 3.3 volts so it could operate on a battery and be carried around in my pocket. I would like to propose a different approach. Try to bias a regular diode or Zener diode well below it's normal forward bias point preferably at the point where it begins to conduct. For a regular diode thats around 0.7 volts and a Zener just before it's rated voltage. The diode is relatively unstable at that point. (see drawings). Feed that through a cap then a very precise amplifier with automatic gain. Feedback anything that amp is trying to adjust back to the diode. The circuit will be unstable. Control the frequency with C 1. (see below)
Sept 16, 2019
Philip Nute
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
In case anyone's interested, when I left the house this morning I was wearing a hat lined with EMI absorbent. I was also listening to my own voice on a MP3 player. I recorded about 1 hour on my PC and downloaded it to the player. So if anything's changed that's why.
I bought the EMI absorbent from mouser(dot)com. It is manufactured by 3M. It is used in electronics to control stray EMI between components in the same assembly. It comes as a sheet about the size of a piece of paper. It is shiny like tin foil. Some have a sticky backing so it can be permanently fixed. I spent about $25 for a sheet.
Sept 10, 2019
Philip Nute
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
The TV likes to pound the drum for any corporation. I know a lot of people fight Wal-Mart when it comes to town. Wal-Mart has a strategy of building a store just outside a small town and siphoning off business from the downtown area. This destroyed a lot of small towns. I think any chain store is a problem. The headquarters for the store are a long ways off. Most of the money spent there will end up in a bank account no where near the town. The town will have to make up the loss usually from welfare. If a store is owned and operated by a person in the town he or she will keep the money in a local bank. That money multiplies by fractiona reserve and will do more good in the town.
I have been studying the French Revolution. I am looking for ways to prove my theory that most of the history written in the last 300 years or so is a result of clericalism. The church manipulates people and whole societies to cling to power. Clericalism as defined in the dictionary is: a policy of increasing or maintaining the power of a religious hierarchy. My sources today are a book tilted "Proofs Of A Conspiracy" by John Robison, "Occurances At The Temple" by M Clery and the Encyclopedia Britannica. All 3 of these agree on the causes of the revolution. 1. France was heavily in debt from wars waged by the nobility 2. the royal absolutist nobility did not have the expertise to manage the crisis. 3. taxes were very high because of the debt 4. the nobility were all crazy from power and wealth and were excessively tyranical 5. the American Revolution promised the average person a better life
"Proofs Of A Conspiracy" was written around 1800 by a Scot who was also a Free Mason. He asserts that the French Revolution was not caused by Free Masonry but many events during the crisis were caused by Free Masons. Two people in particular were involved. The Duke Of Orleans and someone named Mirabeau. The Duke Of Orleans was Grand Master of virtually all lodges in France. Mirabeau was involved in Free Masonry in Germany well before the revolution and was an advisor to King Louis XVI. Robison believes Orleans wanted to become king. He was using Free Masonry to attain this goal. Mirabeau was on his side. The debt that had piled up, was after the founding of the Bank Of England in 1694 but I'm not sure if France had one also.
"Occurances At The Temple" was written by someone who attended the royal family just before they were guillotined. I got the title from the 1930's version of Dickens "A Tale Of Two Cities". It is cited as a reference at the very beginning. I'm not sure the copy I have is real. France was the only monarchy that completely dissentegrated. Most of them were executed. Supposedly. The dauphin of France Louis XVII died in prison at the age of ten. But people believed he survived and many claimed to be him for decades to come. Many think other nobles escaped. I think thats what Dickens was trying to say. I'm not sure why other than it makes a good story. Or maybe it proves a conspiracy.
The encyclopedia does not mention Free Masonry at all. I think some parallels can be drawn between France at the time and America today. The people who run America are all drunk with power and money. The number of rich people keeps getting smaller and smaller. We have racked up debt fighting stupid wars. Our government seems powerless to do anything. We are all taxed to pay for it all. The banking system allows the whole thing to go on and is a complete joke. People are getting to the breaking point. America has become the political equivilent of Royal Absolutism.
Scientology is a mind controlled cult. For some reason I think these 2 things are related. In the movie "Life Of Brian" by Monty Python, Brian is being chased by the Romans. He goes up a very high structure then falls out a window. Before he hits the ground he is caught by aliens in a space ship and flown into outer space. They return him to earth unharmed. The aliens were not part of the story before or after and this was never explained. A few years ago I lost my ATM card. For reasons I can't explain (RADAR O'Rielly says) I think my mother knew it was missing before I did. I had met my mother for lunch on a Sunday and used the card a couple days before. I did not notice it was missing for a couple more days. No money had been taken. Further, anyone in "The Universal Mind" has all my passwords and user names and can take whatever they want whenever they want but don't. ????
Do you believe leopards can change their spots? Do you beleive past performance is an indication of future expectations? The Malleus Malificarum was authorized by Pope Innocent VIII in 1486 in his Papel Bull Summis Desiderantes. It was written by 2 Dominicans at the University Of Cologne. It was the legal foundation used to prosecute and execute thousands of people accused of witchcraft. Many people have satirized it's absudity. Including Monty Python. It's proof of the education level of European peasants at the time. (non-existant) I think it was a tool for genocide no different than Hitlers camps. Or ghettos or pales or rolling stones. Today in America we've turned to science and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. The more things change, the more they stay the same. It's a nation without borders, or a conscience.
The following are notes I made as I read "Proofs Of A Conspiracy" by John Robison Secretary to the Royal Society of Edinburgh The entire book is about the fracturing of Freemasonry and the influence of Jesuits in Freemasonry. He bases most of his information on a book "Religious Occurrances" (??) has a German title-cites hundreds of various publications throughout the book. Apparantly every one in Germany had a printing press in those days and this caused religious and civil disorder-Freemasonry was not tightly controlled. once you started a lodge you could do whatever you liked with it.-Freemasonry began as a way for men to get together as brothers in England and Scotland. When it was introduced on the continent it was a place for politics and religion. It caused chaos and civil disorder. Was infiltrated and used by noblemen.
"La voile retirre, ou le Secret de la Revolution explique par la Franc Maconnerie" by Mr Lefranc, President of the Seminary of the Eudists at Caen Lefranc sent a copy of this to the Archbishop of Paris who did nothing. The author was butchered at the massacre of September.
Footnote 220-Had the good man been spared but a few months, his surprise at this neglect would have ceased. For, on the 19 th of November 1793, the Archbishop of Paris came to the Bar of Assembly, accompanied by his Vicar and eleven other clergymen, who there renounced their Christianity and their clerical vows: acknowledging that they had played the villain for many years against their consciences, teaching what they knew to be a lie, and were now resolved to be honest men. The Vicar indeed had behaved like a true Illuminatus some time before by running off with another mans wife and his strong box. None of them seem to have attained the higher mysteries, for they were all guillotined not long after.
The above footnote is on the 5 th to the last page and refers to Mr Lefranc who sent a copy of his writing to the archbishop of Paris and expected him to take action. but nothing happened. The paragraph regarding Mr Lefranc is on p. 119
Mr Latocnaye
(Count) comte de Honore-Gabriel Riqueti Mirabeau
"The Uncovered Treason of the comte de Mirabeau" book
When Mirabeau died he was a hero. He was buried in a new cemetary for revolutionaries the Pantheon. Later when his treason was discovered he was removed.
Jacques Necker-banker
Jean-Baptiste Colbert-secretary of state Louis XVI
Mr Despresmenil
Mr Lally Tollendahl
Nicholai ??? mentioned throughout the book but I can't find his full name (revised) the first instance of his name is on p. 21. He is called "an eminent and learned bookseller in Berlin. He has been for many years the publisher of a periodical work called The General German Library (Algemein deutsche Bibliothek) consisting of original dissertations and reviews of the writings of others." Also published "a sort of romance called 'Sebaldus Nothanker'." (note: I left this book unattended while I looked for his name Espresso Book Machine)
Minister Charles-Alexandre de Calonne-finance
Adam Weishaupt-Illuminati-professor of Canon law at the university of Ingolstadt-started the Illuminati in 1776. Was suppressed in Bavaria in 1786 and the rest of Germany. It continued in secrecy. Much of the book concerns correspondnce between Weishaupt (who refers to himself as Spartacus in all letters) and other people at the top. Everyone who is corresponding has taken a fake name. Weishaupt may have been a Jesuit. supposedly left the church. Is there a record of his ex-communication? Was he buried in a Catholic cemetary? If the answers are No and Yes respectively then he was a Jesuit.
Your ancestors didn't suffer any more or less than anybody elses under the authority of the Pope and royalty of Europe
Sept 3, 2019
Philip Nute
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
82 Union St
Randolph, Massachusetts
USA 02368
definition-enlightenment-a philosophic movement of the 18 th century marked by a rejection of traditional social, religious and political ideas with an emphasis on rationalism The Scottish Enlightenment seemed to focus on economics, human nature and psychology. For some people when they name something it means the opposite. The American Patriot Act is anything but patriotic. A philosophic movement that stresses rationalism and a rejection of old relious ideas is an obvious threat to the powers that be in Europe at the time. Maybe they decided to fight back? If you wanted to start a secret society where the majority of the members did things against their own best interest wouldn't you need a thorough knowledge of human nature? Was economics part of Voltaires plan? "I may disagree with what you say but I'll defend with my life your right to say it"
"Many miles away..."
"There's a shadow on the door..."
"On a cottage on the shore.."
"Of a dark Scottish Lake.."
Synchronicity II
The Police
"There's a shadow on the door..."
"On a cottage on the shore.."
"Of a dark Scottish Lake.."
Synchronicity II
The Police
This is some thoughts on my solar voltaic panel. A battery is a chemical or atomic reaction between dissimilar metals where current flows from one metal to the other. The electrons that move are embedded in the metals. A capacitor is a static electricity storage device. The electrons build up on one surface of the 2 plates. The larger the plates the higher the voltage. Both batteries and capacitors are DC. (Direct Current) To use a capacitor in place of a battery you would need a way to convert DC to AC and keep the voltage as constant as possible. This is my idea. It's theory only I don't know if this works. You could insert a circuit in the high voltage side of the storage capacitor and get it to oscillate at around 1000 AC and then place a blocking capacitor after it. As the capacitor discharges the DC will decline. The AC will remain constant until the DC reaches 1000 DC. (appox) To do this you need to create a separate ground (ground B). If you place resistors in series with the load you will do 2 things. One, limit the current at the load and create places where a different voltage can exist. This is where you create AC. Ground B is simply a place for current to flow for the oscillator circuit. The resistors in parallel would limit the current in the circuit and create a place for oscillation.